HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-28TOWN HOARD MEETING ® PUBLIC HEARING - WITTY MAY 28, 1991 Supv Schl.:g called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk: Present: Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Walbridge, Clm Hatfield, Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z.O. Slater Supv Schug - read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application of Charleo Witty to establish a retail tack shop. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Deborah Witty - they plan on opening a tack shop to sell clothing and supplies for horse owners. Z.O. Slater - did receive a letter from a neighbor who was in support of the tack shop. Clm Walbridge - wanted to know about the lighting and signage? Deborah Witty - the lighting will only a a 100 watt bulb on the front of the building. The sign is about 6 feet by 3 I /?_ feet and will sit off the road about 43 feet. It ie the existing sign that is already in use. Supv Schug - wanted her to check, with Henry before she put the sign up. Clm Roberts - wanted to know the hours that they would be open. Deborah Witty - right now they are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:OOPM to (J::)OPM; Tuesday Arid Thursday 5:30PM to 6:OOPM and Saturday 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Clm Walbridge - wanted to knew how ranch traffic does the business net now. Deborah Witty - it is a very small business and would be about 2 cars and 6 at the most. Closed public hearing RESOLUTION #119 SHORT ERF EQM Clm Roberts offered the following resolL.rtion and asked for its adoption: RrSOLVED, that this Town Board make a determination that there is no significant impact on the environment and a negative declaration shall be prepared. 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yas �57 TBS -28 -91 page 2 ® RESOLUTION #120 APPROVE APPLICATION OF CHARLES A DEDQRAH WITTY FQR R TACK SHOP Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the application of Charles and Deborah Witty to have a retail tack shop since all of the questions in Section 1303 subdivision 2 have been met and shall include the regular "boiler plate conditions adopted 7 -10 -99 be mint. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes PUBLIC HEARING - continuation Yellow Freight Avery Park - questioned the number of trucks per week Donald Westcott - there_ would be 1 truck Mon. morning at about 5:OOAM, 1 each week night about 9:CrOPM, 1 on Sat. during daylight hours and I on Sun. as it is dispatched from other terminals. This would be about 8 trucks a week, for a normal work load, but ® during the Christmas season it would be more. Gerald Sherman - wondered if there were any plans to make the road wider at the inter5ectiori of Rt 13 and Dutcher Rd. He has been trying to get the state to paint double solid lines there for over G years. Also wanted to know if there was going to be an exit on Dutcher Rd or Rte 13, Supv Schug - they have not decided yet. The decision as to whether or not the enLrakrice goes on Dutcher Rd or Rt 13 has been discussed that the residents on Dutcher Rd do not want it there. So the entrance will be considered for Rte 13. Avery Park - if the board can guarantee that Rte 13 is the only access can the business at a later date ask for a special variance to, use Dutcher Rd and an exit and if so what can the town board do about it. Supv Schug - if the board members decide in their resolution they can stipulate that trucks will not be able to use Dutcher Rd. At the first meeting Mr. Westcott was asked about the rest of the property as to whether or not it would be a preliminary unit by unit subdivision. Mr. Westcott said that this terminal was to be done right now so that he could get the trucking business going and any further expansion wo5uld be done with a full plan • subdividing the 33 acres when he is ready. TB5 -28 -91 page 3 © Avery Park - he heard there was a possibility of Dutcher Rd being raised in elevation and was wondering if this was correct. Supv Schog - the town does plan to resurface Dutcher Ad but there has been no mention of raising the elevation. This was also planned even before this application was received. Mark. Goldfarb - if this application is allowed he would like the board to consider having the entrance an Rte 13 instead of Dutcher Rd. Clm Walbridge - quoutioned the type of products that were being brought in. She sees listed fertilizer, pesticides, and his concern for run batteries and acids and anything you would find under your sink. She wants to know the way of containing this if something falls off and breaks open. Don Westcott - the trucks are all van body trucks and the drivers are all experienced and trained in the handling of any spillage. Yellow Freight does not carry anything that is riot packaged properly and is hazardous. Don Westcott - they only plan or, taking off the top soil and putting in a subbase and flatten it out. Their terminal would be 700 feet from Avery Parks house and there would rot be any run off to create a problem. Avery park - wanted to know if the town board could issue this permit before health department approval. Supv Schug - the permit would be subject to health department approval. Avery park. - wanted to know if this lease is with Yellow Freight does it state that the tenant must comply with local zoning regulations. If there is a problem would you go after Yellow Freight or Westcott. Atty Perkins - you would go after the offender and depends on what the offense is. This board is not bound by whatever the lease is. • 5-V Avery Park - wondered if they were going to change the elevation and his concern for run off. ® Z.O. Slater - all of those issues have been addressed. Don Westcott - they only plan or, taking off the top soil and putting in a subbase and flatten it out. Their terminal would be 700 feet from Avery Parks house and there would rot be any run off to create a problem. Avery park - wanted to know if the town board could issue this permit before health department approval. Supv Schug - the permit would be subject to health department approval. Avery park. - wanted to know if this lease is with Yellow Freight does it state that the tenant must comply with local zoning regulations. If there is a problem would you go after Yellow Freight or Westcott. Atty Perkins - you would go after the offender and depends on what the offense is. This board is not bound by whatever the lease is. • 5-V TB5 -28-91 page 4 ® Board members went over EAF f,�trm and made two corrections. B. project Description - Question #4 How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed frorn site? Answer should be 2 1/4 acres. Question #23 Approvals required answer should be no for City, Town, Village Planning Board and no for City, Town Zoning Board. RESOLLITIDN #121 NEGATIVE DECLARATION EAF FORM Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, thot this Town Board accept the negative declaration for the EAF with the two changes that were made on the form for Yellow Freight Terminal. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - oll voting Yes Closed public hearing RESOLUTMU #122 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT, FOR YELLOW FREIGHT TERMINAL ® Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (copy in minute book) End Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION 411$3 F�DST WEIGHT LIMIT - DUTCHER ROAD Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board post a 5 ton weight limit on Dutcher Road. 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - when Hwy Supt Gilbert is ready to repave Dutcher Rd and if there is any change in the grade near Rte 13 other than the thickness of the reinurfacing he will Contact the residents on that road. RESOLUTION Iihc_4 TURKEY HILL WRYER DISTRICT Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and esked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town B{,ar^d accept the engineers reap, plan and report and file it with the Town Clerk.. 2nd Clrn Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes E 'J n RLSULUTIGN #122 O RESOLUTION GRANTING SPECIAL PER14IT ON APPLICATION OF WESTCOTT DEVELOPMENT /YELLOW FREIGHT & / /o/ Councilperson Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Town of Dryden Zoning ordinance Section 1303(2) the Town Board determines the following: (a) The requirements of Section 1303.1 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance have been met. (b) The location, use and nature and intensity of the operation will not be in conflict with the allowed uses of the zone or neighborhood provided proper conditions are attached to the issuance of a special permit. (c) The proposed use will not be more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent and nearby property by reason of traffic, noise, vibration, dust, fumes, smoke, odor, fire hazard, glare, flashing lights or disposal of waste or sewage than the allowed uses of the zone because of Tompkins County Health Department requirements, New York State Department of Transportation requirements and since mitigating measures will be taken to protect adjoining residential properties from any such potentially objectionable or depreciating factors. (d) The proposed use will not discourage or hinder, the appropriate development and use of adjacent properties or the neighborhood since the use which is proposed is allowed by a Special Permit, (e) The proposed non - residential use adjacent to an existing residential use shall be screened by a landscape buffer strip as provided in the conditions for the issuance of a Special Permit. (f) The health, safety and general welfare of the community will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and the project. (g) The application of Westcott Development /Yellow Freight for a Special Permit pursuant to Article 13 and Section 9023 of the Town of Dryden Zoning ordinance is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (1) The Environmental Assessment Form prepared in connection with the project is approved and accepted based upon the fact that the project will ® have no adverse environmental impact. A Negative Declaration is to be filed. O (2) The access to the project site shall be from Route 13 only and pursuant to a Permit from the New York State Department of Transportation. The project developer and owner shall participate with the New York State Department of Transportation in plans for a turning lane or whatever other improvements New York State Department of Transportation suggests within a reasonable monetary limit given the size, scope and cost of the project. (3) The project shall be constructed according to the plans submitted by the applicant and approved and filed with the Town of Dryden. The surfaces of the project for parking, maneuvering and the access road and yard surface shall consist of 8" of bank run gravel which shall be topped with 2" of crushed stone and shall be constructed in a good and workman like manner according to standard construction practices for such surfaces. (4) That the project during and following construction shall comply with all applicable Town, County, State and Federal laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, approvals and rules and regulations. (5) That the project during construction and upon A completion shall not constitute a public or private nuisance. (6) That when municipal water or municipal sewer, is available to the site the applicant shall connect to the same upon notice to do so from the Town. (7) That should the Town require easements for municipal. water lines or sewer lines and necessary appurtenances in connection with the construction of a municipal water system or sewer system that the applicant, its successors and assigns, grant the same to the Town without the necessity for compensation. (8) That the rate of discharge of surface water from the site not be increased during or following construction and that measures be taken by the applicant to insure such control, of the discharge of water. Any drainage improvements constructed by the applicant to comply with this condition shall be maintained by the applicant. (9) The project shall be landscaped and a buffer Planted according to the Site Plan last revised 4- 23 -91 and presented to the Town Board on June 11, 1991 and the Site Development Plan last revised June 5, 1991 and presented to the Town Board on e June 11, 1991. The buffer shown on the Site Development Plan shall consist of two rows of 6' to a' tall (at time of planting) Austrian Pine Trees which shall be planted so that they are centered along the house of Avery Park on the north. The closest row of pine trees to the Park property line shall be planted at least 151'from the common property line between the project and Avery Park. The balance of the tax map parcel owned by the developer shall be mowed or brushhogged on a regular basis. (10) That the buffer to be planted shall be maintained by the applicant. (11) All lighting for the project shall be hooded so to direct light to the site only and avoid casting light outside of the loading dock areas. (12) There shall be no on site fuel storage, except for heating fuel for the building. (13) No maintenance or repairs may be performed on any motor vehicles or trailers on the site. (14) There shall be no outside storage of any debris, O materials, freight, vehicles (other than currently licensed operable vehicles and trailers used in connection with the business) and the property shall otherwise be kept free and clear of all junk, rubbish, debris, building materials, etc. (15) The hours of operation shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Up to three (3) truck trips per night after 9:00 p.m, are permitted. A truck trip shall consist of a truck arriving or leaving the premises. From Sunday at 10:00 p.m. until Monday at 6:00 a.m. warehouse activities are permitted. No truck movements other than dropping off of a trailer is permitted. (16) Noise from the project site and the proposed use shall be limited so as not to be disturbing or bothersome to the neighbors and in this connection no vehicles shall be left•idling for more than fifteen (15) minutes after 9:00 p.m. in the evening. (17) No change in the use or expansion of use shall be permitted without further special permit approval from the Town Board in accordance with the ® provisions of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. O(18) Any further development of the parcel shall require examination by the Planning Hoard to avoid piecemeal development or uses not compatible with the existing neighborhood. Seconded - Councilperson Corrigan Roll call voCc - al.l. voting Yys DI 11 6a TB5 -28-91 page 5 RESOLUTION 0125 TURKEY HILL SEWER DISTRICT Clm Roberts offered the fallowing resolution Lind asked for- its adoption: RESOLVED, that this 'Town Board accept the engineers map, plan and report and file it with the Town Clerk, 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (copy in miroute book.) 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION 11127 PERTAINING TO REDUIRF, ENVIRONMF,NTRL REVIEW UNDER SEAR FOR TURKEY HILL SEWER _DISTRICT Clm Carrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (copy ire minute book) 2nd CIm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yeo CIwn Walbridge - reported that the SJS is not or, the mailing list for receiving the SEUR review for the previous Turkey Hill sewer district and they would like to be on that list since they are Ohaving problems with the Pine Woods sewer. They felt that they should and it was the Town of Dryden's fault that they were not receiving any information. Supt/ Schug - we have already given that information grid SEO.R has nothing to dog with SJS. Atty Perkins - an a courtesy we Can send them a copy of the engineeririg report. He is not sure if they are an involved agency because there already is an agreement in place. Supv Schug - will Fend there copies of whatever they want as a courtesy. RESOLUTION #{126 ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING TURKEY HTLL. WRTER DISTRICT Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (c_ py in minute book) 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote all voting Yee RESOLUTION #129 ORI)ER._,. ALLING PUBLIC HEARING TURKEY HILL SEWER DISTRIreZ Clm Corrigan offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its udoptioru (acapy in roirrvute book) and Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO REQUIRED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER SEQR FOR TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT O' RESOLUTION NO. 126 (1991) Councilperson Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: 1. The proposed original capital improvements comprising the Turkey Hill Water District constituted an action which was subject to SEQR. The original project (1990) was subject to environmenta.i review and a Negative Declaration was filed in connection therewith. The proposed revised capital improvements (1997.) are very similar to the proposed original capital improvements but have been scaled down to make the project more economical and less environmental impact will. result. 2. The action does not involve a federal agency. 3. The action may involve other agencies including but not necessarily limited to the Tompkins County Health Department, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Health Department. Coordinated environmental. review is not desirable. 4. The action is an unlisted action. Q 5. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden shall be the lead agency for this action. 6. The Environmental Assessment Form consisting of Part I and Part II dated January 9, 1990 is hereby accepted as being complete and suitable for purposes of review and determination of significance of the proposed revised (1991) action. /. Based on the Environmental Assessment Form the project will not result in any large and important impacts and will not have a significant impact on the environment since the project has been down scaled from the original project (1990). 8. A Negative Declaration shall be prepared and filed according to applicable requirements. Seconded Councilperson WalbridF,: Roll call vol ;e - all voting, Yoa 11 Ul E sTATE OF NEW VORK j COUNTY OF TOMPKINS j TOWN OF DRYDEN I, SM9ALNHE LLOYD, duly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins COUntyr New York, DO HEREBY CER'TIF'Y: That I have compared the foregoing copy cif :resolution with the original resolution adapted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden at a opeci.al, iiaeting of said Town held on the 28th day of may, 1951, and that the foregoing a true and exact copy of said prig,�nal and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand and veal of the Town of Dryden this 3n�U day of May, 1991. Susanne Lloyd,'Town q er ❑I H r 20127 -349? At a special meetirng of the Tpwn Hoard of the Town o° Dryden, Tompkins Ccu ty, Now York, held at the Town Hall, 55 East main Street, in Dryden, wefir York. in said TCWr on the 28th day of May, 1341, at 7 :00 o'clock p .M., PCevailing Time. — PRESENt: JdOCE T. SQhvs� Supervisor Charles Hatfield Lour- cilaersaes Flyaab&rh C rriaan Cauntdlperaon Rr. Rr err.g {;a�ncilperson >.ar�rarFr. ka.l.hridQe C.n��nci.lpa -son In rye Mai *_Er ' of ' the Z5tab2ish�r:en pF a pfoposew Water district _n tie Tcwn of Dryden, T=Dk -L :s Cc;anty. New York, ORDER Ct+LLING to be knywn as the T'ar;{uy Hall Water District of SaiC Sawn 4i}{?L�y35, a jO:ap, plan an -J report including an estimate c¢ Ccet have bQen prepared i s such manner a *,d in suc: detail as `es herevc£ ore been deg ermined by the Town Hoard of :.he ia.rTi c`_ -2- ODryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment of a proposed water district in said Town, such water district to be know as Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Hunt Engineers and 'architects of Corning, New York, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subiect matter thereof; and WF:EREAS, the improvements proposed for said water District shall consist of the construction of a water distribution system incluading approximately 11,400 linear feet of eight -inch water Umain, approximately 1,250 linear feet of six -inch water main, approximately 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, 19 hydrants, 16 Cate valves and land and rights -in -land, oricinal furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $606,475; and W`HZREAS, the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvements is by the issuance of $606,475 serial bo*ds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within -3- said Water District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and 'interest on said bonds as t: %e same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Frill water District of the Tow-in of Drvden and the improvements proposed therefor have bee ® determined to be an urOisczd Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the :raestion of the establishment of said Turkey Hill water District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, NOW, THE_2FFO.E, BE nT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, T.oripkins County, New York, as follows; ❑� 4 Section I. A meetinc of the Town Board of the Town u€ Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, shall be meld at the Varna COMMUnity Center; in Farm New Yaek, in said Town, on the 2�rCh day of ;;Line, 14910 at _7.:40 o'elotk A M. Pre•railing Tine, for the purpose of holding a gubli.c hearing zo Consider the establishment of the Turkey :Jill water District of the Town of 7_vden, the h =Cl ar -es of SuCh District being as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and rude a part hereof and to consider the map, Plan and report including estinate of cASm� filed in Bela *_ion: thereoo, and to dear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof "nCgrn rig the same, sod for such Ot.^er aC ion on t-Ire Vart of Said Ti3wn Board as may be req::ired by law or shall. be proper in the pre7ni.se5 . Section 2, The Town Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to cause a copy of this order to be Published once in the Ithaca Jcurnal, the of.__°_cisl -newspaper of Said Town, the firs, publiCatica thereof to be not lags t ;aan ten nor more Lhan twenty days before .he day set herein for the henrin5 as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also Cause d copy thereof to be pasted on the sign -beard of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 cf Section 34 of the Town Lars not less tha,. te.n nor more tinan twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. Section 3. This order stall take effect immediately, I� 's TURKEY OI'LL WATER DIS7RICT ALL TEAT TRACT CR PARCEL OF LAM flitnate in the Teun of Drydms , County of Tumpkin a and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows BEGIMUNG at a point in the centerline of 1lonnt Pleasant Road , said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said eenterLina with the narthweat line of the abandoned Lehigh valley Railroad property; proceeding thence from said point of Beginning soptheasterly an8 along the cen terli ne Of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of thence south E n nc al.Oria t;�e west line ❑f parcel 56 -5 -20, beirn2 a 14.9 acre +/- pAroel owned by Cornell University {said west line being approximately 950' +/- west of the Centerline of Turkey Rill Pbta) a -rzl alsr,, aj.rr.c the west lines tf Parcels 56 -5 -2D; 28 a n:l 29 a nc also alanq the ,rest li ne of Parcei 57-1_? f said west line b+-ing appra imately 90 U' west of the center is r.e of Tl�rkej I]i1.1 Roa,} 7 to a goirit in th° centerline of Stevenson Road; proceeding thence East and along said oe:tterline for a distance of apprcmimately 900' to a 'point in the centerline of Turkey Bill ;toad; proceeding thence narthe:ly and clang said centerline of Turk,�y hill Roa�? to its intersectian with the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road; proceeding thence easterly along the centerline Qf Mount Pl.easmnt Road for a distance of Appendix A i approximately 2.35' to the eflatheast corner of Parcel 57- 1 -2a;. proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' 0 and along the east parcel lines of parcels %7 -1 -28; 271 ara7 26 to a point in the south lfae of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approxivately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; procaeding thence north [and along the ea6t line of Parcels 57 -1-25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a I distance of approximately 1.353' to a pcfnt in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21 ; proceeding theence east for a d is to nce of e.pproxI mately 509 to a paint iA the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -39.9; proceeding ther.c= north along said west line for a distance of approximately 47,7' to a point marking the Pa -.._ ar,d a) ❑ ='g the so�Ith line _c_' Farrel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 428.30' to a paint; proceeding thence north and along the Wes` parcel, liMe of Parcel 57 -1 -98 for a distance of a a..0 xir18te1y 1550' =c a paint ;this point being the .s0uthWe =t corner of karce1 5A- 1 -16); proceeding thence naT :heaaterly a:r. along the South parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -15; sS Of Parcel 54 -1 -26p the south parcel 8 point IT-j the *e thence southerly 57 -1 -93; proceed appraxima�ely 60 of Parcel �1 -2$; 23 and 25 to the snutheas : carne= continuing thence northeasterly and alono line„ of Parcels $7- 1-41.2; 41.11 and 42 to st line e` Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding to the southwest corner of said Farrel ing tj :enre east for a distance ai 0' to a point marking the southeast carne_r proceeding thence northerly and along the �4 3s F- ]. r,e of the Monkey R7n WL -.nr bistrict and #?onkG5y Rnr_ Sewer District}; proceeding #hence northwesterly and along the east line of parcel 52 -1 -15 to a Poi n t i r, this fien to ? i ne of New Yo rx Stat.e Route 36�; proceea.ir,9 chance southwesterly along said Centerline for a distariciF of appraxi rrately 2,11.0' to a point marring the Sou`Keast cc):ner of Parce_ 53 -1 -19; proceeding trienC¢ north and along ch(- east ]ice$ of said Parcel f.o: a distance D' approxisr:atel.y 775 to a point; itfl a point in the south line of the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroaa property}; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along the soutl. line of the abandoned Lehigti Valley Railroad property to a pti nt apprcacimataly 275, east of the centerline Of Monkey Run Roan (aGandoaed); proceeding thence north for a distance Of approximately 100' to a point I : AD east line of Raid Parcel for a distance of approximately 4 00 ' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -75,3; prnCeeding thence generally north- easterly aid along the south line of said Parcel to at point in the centerline of Baker Rill Road; Proceeding thence northwesterly add along said centerline for a distance of approximately 41Dd' to a po f t,t r proceed i n$ thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' ' to the southeast coritier of said Partelr proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance apprrarimately .60, to a, point in :he so-sth line of Parcel 52- 1. -13r proceeding thence nor t:ieasterly h,nd along the so,3th line of Parcels 52 -1 -13; 19 ; 17; 16 and 15 tD the southeast ccrnar of Parcel 52 -1 -15; ]. r,e of the Monkey R7n WL -.nr bistrict and #?onkG5y Rnr_ Sewer District}; proceeding #hence northwesterly and along the east line of parcel 52 -1 -15 to a Poi n t i r, this fien to ? i ne of New Yo rx Stat.e Route 36�; proceea.ir,9 chance southwesterly along said Centerline for a distariciF of appraxi rrately 2,11.0' to a point marring the Sou`Keast cc):ner of Parce_ 53 -1 -19; proceeding trienC¢ north and along ch(- east ]ice$ of said Parcel f.o: a distance D' approxisr:atel.y 775 to a point; itfl a point in the south line of the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroaa property}; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along the soutl. line of the abandoned Lehigti Valley Railroad property to a pti nt apprcacimataly 275, east of the centerline Of Monkey Run Roan (aGandoaed); proceeding thence north for a distance Of approximately 100' to a point I : AD �I x,ar�eing the northeast Corner of Parael 53 -- -171 proceeding thence west for a distance of approximately 74DI to n point in the centerline of Monkey Ran Road, pxoceediog thence south to a Point in the Centerline of korkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water Uistrict and Monkey Ron Serer District., .proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District houndaries to' a point in the north line of mew york State Route 356; pfoceediag thence south*aSt.erly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water Uietrict No. 1 and Torn Df Dryden Sewer District 12 (the parcel lines of FerCels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 arO Parcels 55 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the Point er place of hegirnirg, w:7ar.a.e- rcfe;ence is mace to a Farrel, said reference is to Town cf Dryden Tar_ Mop Farce3s and such parcel riumbers were taxe. :roe the Tar. M =?s Sae: revised Ma=ch 1. 1990 a-.d n. vrr:at ion per :a i ^cil ng to the rap +uted Wirers of parcels was taken €rte the 1950 Final Assessment Roll for the Town of A~}den. Y trt ik•. w. _ v a q- .sesticn of the adop.ian of the foreceing order was duly put to a vate on roll, whlCh resulted as fallows! Jameg F. Scbug, Supervisor VOTING Aye (:h<Arlee 7Jetfi.eld, Councilpergon VOTI a Aye Elizabeth Carr I. gall,- Councilperson S'0T.ING Aye Rea Roberts, Counrfl,pe-rSO6 VOTING Aye Margaret kalbr.j.dge, Cquntilperson VOTING Age 11 #i F� STATy OF NEW YpRZ 1 ) ss,- COUNTY OF TiDnPKINS a T. tpre undersigned Clerk cf the 'Fawn of Dryden, Tompkins Coun.y, New York. DO HERESY CERTIFY: That i have colrpared the annexed extract of the minates of the meeting of tha -qwn 3oard of said Town, including she Eesaiut.ion contained therein, veld on May 280 1391, wit:a the ar'g =na1 t %er00E an fila in Mg Office, and that the same is a true and coerect = ra- scr;,pt :herefrom and of the waple Of said oricinal so far as the same relates t❑� -the subject marters *_cerain referred to. I :� THEn CERTIFY =hat all mer�bers of said 9oard had due mrctice of Sa.d "le°%J&mq. I ?MTHER =RTIFY that, pursuant• to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (men Meet =ng5 Law), said meeting was open to the qen eral public, 1 I nTHER CERTIFY ghat, PRIQR to the time of Said rneetina, s duly caused a pUblic notice of the time and 1place of said naer -ing to be given to tine following newspapers andlor ocher news media as follows; NewspaDEr and/or other news mpe.na Date Q1ven '11ic lt:naca Jnllr7 ,il. Mny 167 1991 E 11 L FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to t :e time eF said vnee ing, duly caused pvbl c natice of the tima and place at said meeting to be ccn5ljiouously posted In the fol�owlnq desigaated publio lccat.ion {s} on the foilauin❑ dates; Designa -_ed LOCation(s) of g05te3 natiCe Fawn $3gnboard Vestibule, Takn Hall 65 Last bfaJn acteut Dryden, New Fork 13053 Date of FCutina `tay ]b, 1991 'aN 4 IL=2 4,S8 W-[E E=m , I nave ereunto set - my hand and affixed , the seal. Of said Town, an May ��V # 1991. (SEAL) Town: E COST: FORMULA: T'YPICAD (far 1 unit) TOTAL ASSE55MENT: TOTAL PARCELS: TOTAL UNITS: ENEFIT sE!E5$MENT FOR TYPICAL (Based on 20 years) K. original $990e0a❑ 30% raised 50k xNised 15$ raised 5$ raised no fa❑ TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT roposal on units on ss4essment on footage on acreage kage) i unit, (78 parcels wf 1 unit) $430000 assessment 217.34 feet $5,474 +500 129 194 7.5$ $742 Revised Proposal $506,475 25% raised on units 50# raised on assessment 25t raised on acraag�, 1 unit (73 parcels wJ ], unit) $95,465 assessment 2.74 acres $12o086P040 118 x85 478.76 7.0$ 487447 715% 505.23 RSSOLUTIDN PERTAINING TO REQUIR1SP E€dVITZOM4ENTAL REVIEW UNDF.R SEAR FOR TURKEY HILL SEWER ETSTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 1''7 (1991) Councilpars ❑n 00T.Y1 „P,511 Negative Declaration shall Offered the fo.1lowing resolution and asked for its adoption: 1. The proposed original capital improvements comprising the Turkey hill Sewer »i.strict constituted an action which was subject to SEAR, The original project (1g9U) was subject to environmental review and a Negative DeO.aration was filed in connection therewith, The proposed revised capital improvements (1991) Bra very sim;i,lar to the proposed original capital improvements but have been scaled down to make the project L7ore economical and less environmental impact will result. a, The action does not .involve a federal, agency. 31 The action may involve othwr agenc;ie!3 including but not necessarily limited to the 'Tompkins Count} Health Department, the New York State DepartnEnt of Environrnentil. Conservation and the Ncw 'Fork State Health Departnent. Coordinated environmental review .is not desirable. 9. The action is an unlisted action. 5. Tfte Town Board of the 'Town of Dryden shall be the lead agency for 'this action. G, The Environmental Assessment Form consisting of Part I and Part Il dated January 9, 1990 is hereby accepted as being complete aF0 suitable for purposes of review and detera,ination of significance of the proposed rev,i,sed (1991) action. 7. Based on the }.rv.ironnental assessment i''ar,m the project will, not result in any large and important impacts and will not have a significant ;i.mpact on the environment since the project has been down scaled from the original, project X1.994}, 8. A Negative Declaration shall be prepared and filed accord:ing to applicable rencimr,enents, Seconded Councilperson llat£ield Ro3,1 cn11 vote - all Lifting Ten 11 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKTNS j TOWN OF DR12DEN j SS: I, SUSANNE LLO213r duly alemted Town Clerk of the `Town of ❑.ryden, Tompkins county, New York, DO HERFRY CE:211Y: That T have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the briginal resolution adopted by the Town $Olr{1 of the Town b£ Dryden at a spemial meeting of said Town held on the 28th day of May, 1991, and that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of said Dr.iginal and of the whale thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREDY, i have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Town of Dryden this .�,7 i%z day of May, 1991. Susanne Llcyd,. Town�Clerk 11 0 n L 'ie 20127 -308P At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall, 65 East Main. Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Town, on the 28th day of May, 1991, at 7•nn o'clock P ,M., Prevailing Time. PRESLNT : .lames F. Schug Supervl sor Charles Hatfield councilperson Elizabeth Corriean Councilperson Ron Roberts Councilpersori 1;,trgarct Walbridge Counci.lperson En the Matter the Establ is:hmert of a proposed sewer district in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins Co°snty, New York, ORDER CALe1NG A _o be known as the Turkey }1:11 PUBLIC HE:.AING Sewer District of said To »T, W.ifZREAS, a map, plan and report including an estimate of cost have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of r7 L J 11 Dryden, TcrnpkinS County, bier York, relat3.nq to the establishment of a ntoposed sewer district in Said Town, such' Sewer district to be known as TUrkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden; and K4ERERS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Hunt Engineers and A :c.hltects of Carnim•.g, New Yark, dl)17 licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of Che Town Clark of said Town, where the same are available during regular office acurs EOC examninaticn by any gersons ntareszed- in the subject :matter thereof; and n- iEREAS, the improvements pr,oposad for said $ewe_ District shall Consist of the construction of a sanitary saner system _ncludinq aiproximately 15,515 li °sat feet Of eight -inch cravity suer ?main, a pump svatian a d forcemains, 49 narlxoies, purchase of an interest in the =used capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Teeatment plantr and land and rights -in -land. anginal. fur-ni chinas, equipment, naehinery and apparatus and _r.Cideatal ianprava;nents and expenses in connection t^erew;th: and W14E1;EAS, the estimared cost of said improvements is 5414,422; and 'nrEREMr t_Re pCopesec method of financing such cost of Sai.d improvements is by the issuance of 5914,422 serial bonds cf the said Tow* having a maximum. R..a u.ity of not exceeding fcriy years, and the cost of Said imap mvement shall be annually aDpoetioned and assessed upan the several lots and narcals of land witl%in .3- • said Sewer District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bends as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to t`:e levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or am=t suufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been ?erformed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements prcpcsed t:: ^erefor have been • determined to be an unlisred Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and 4iHE. -TEAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment cf said Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT ORDERED, by the Toler. Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: 0 I 4 ._ Section 1. A maeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, shall big Held at the var:ta Community Center, in barns , New York, in Sad Town, on the. 20th day of June, 1941, at 7:00 o'clock F ,M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of the T'.rkey Hill Selene Dis riot of the Toarn of Dryden, the boUndaries of such District being as set forth in Appe_:dix A attached hereto and made a..par: hereof and to consider the map, plan and report . including estimate of cost filed in relatiod thereto, and -p hear a!1' persons interested in the subject [ta4ter thereof Concerning the same. and EoX such othar actiar. oil the part of said Town 3aatd as may be reruirwd by law or shall oe pzooer Section 2. The T: dl.rected to cause a copy t_ne �thaca Journal, the first publication thereof in :wn of or t4 the premises_ Clark is her-el this order to be ficial newspaper be not less than sy authorized and Dublished once of said Town, the ten nor mere than twenty days ae-f0re the day set. herei far the hear ng as a_`(oresa =d, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to he posted or the sign -board of Che Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. s2CClon 3. This order shall take effect immediately. TURKEY HILL SWER DISTRICT ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Ttmpkins and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said centerline with the northwest line of the abandoned Lehigh valley Railroad property; proceeding thence from said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of dL ^.•'G: ?1.T.?t•?l.: 4!�;.'� Ln a po:n1 :; proceeding thence South (and • a1Ync the ties_ line of Parcel 56 -5 -20, being a 14.8 acre +/- parcel owned by Cornell University (said rest line being approximately 950' ±/- west of the centerline of Turkey Hill Rcad) and alsn along r e west lines of Parcels 56 -5 -20; 25.1; 26 and 25 and also along the west line of Parcel 57 -1-7 (said west 1-1r,( b_•ing approximately 900' west of the cant:: "sir.? e' Turkey rill Road) to a point in the centerline of Stevenson Road; proceeding thence east and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 900' to a point in the centerline of Turkey Hill Road; proceeding thence northerly and along said centerline of Turkey Hill Road to its intersection with the centerline of mount . Pleasant Rcad; proceeding thence easterly along the centerline of kount Pleasant Road for a distance of Appendix A E r U I approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approttimately 635' to the southeast 'corner of said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 end. a. portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509 to a point in the-west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the nor - es *_ =crr_• o: saic: - arce�, ^rcceedinq thence easterly and alcn� the so *-h line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of approximately 1650' to a point (this point being the soutl rwcst corner of Parcel 54- 1 -16); proceeding thence northea5terl}• arrr, along the south parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -16; 17; 12 1.9; 21; 23 aid 26 to the southeast corner of Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner of said Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the i' i \_J east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north - easterly and along the South line of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Bill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly ard along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceed ing thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeas northwesterly for the south lin northeasterly and t corner of said Parcels proceeding thence a distance approximately 60' to a point in e of Parcel 52 -1 -19; Pproceeding thence along the south line of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 18 ; 17 ; 1.6 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; r+e4 •17 = �CUr� da C.' l i nF Cf t)i P. Mo n)x c }' L?Un Kd` er Distr ict and Monkey P.cr. Seer District); proceeding thence northwesterly and along the east line of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a point in the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly along said centerline for a distance of approximately 2,110' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding thence north an9 alcnc the eas; line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 775' to a point; (to a point in the south line of the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad property); proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along the south line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property to a point approximately 275' east of the centerline of Monkey Rin Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point - ei :al= Uy s `s•. ?r,.yt -wt.. '•<���tii�= �..�A. ^c s' T^P U 0 mark ing the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1-17; proceeding thence vest for a distance of approximately 240' to a point i n the cen terli ne of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in .the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; .proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to. a point in the north line of New Ybrk State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries the reputed o::ners of of Town of i No. 1 and . U 0 mark ing the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1-17; proceeding thence vest for a distance of approximately 240' to a point i n the cen terli ne of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in .the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; .proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to. a point in the north line of New Ybrk State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries the reputed o::ners of of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town of Dryden Dry den . Sewer District 42 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the point or place of begin ni nq . Wherever reverence is made :o a Parcei, said reference is to °•own of Dryden Tax N,ap Parcels and such parcel numbers were taiven f -c!r, the ':ax Nap= last revised March 1, 199G and i of o :cagy icn ;per to ni .n; to the reputed o::ners of parcels was taken frcitt the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for the Town cf Dry den . 0 The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly puc to a vote on rcll, which resulted as follows: Jamce F. Schug, Supervisor VOTING Aye Charles Hatfield, Councilperson VOTING Aye Elizabeth Corrigan, Councilperson VOTING Aye Ron Roberts, Councilperson VOTING Aye Margaret Walbridge, Councilperson VOTING Aye 0 is Ell STATE Or NFN YORK ) Ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County. New York, Do HEaEBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town, including the resolution contained therein, held on May. 28, 1991, with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to..the subject matters therein referred to. 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had d-,.:e notice of said meeting. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 1Q3 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the follcwing newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or other news media The ft�hara Journal Date given May 16, 1991 • i = JRTHE'R CERTIFY that PRIOR to the c_me of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public locations) on the following dates: Designated Locations of 2osted notice Date of Posting Town Signboard May 16, 1991 Vestibule, Town Hall 65 East Main Street' Dryden, New York 13053 IN WITNESS WFEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, on Nayc : 1991. Town Clerk ' • (SEAL) L I'� 'J COST: FORMULA TYPICAL (for 1 unit): TOTAL ASSESSMENT: TOTAL PARCELS: TOTAL UNITS: "P UEFIT ISSESSMENT FAR TYPICAL (Based on 20 years) 0 TURKEY HILL SERER DISTRICT Original Prop $990,000 30% raised on 50% raised on 15% raised on 5$ raised on no footag osal units assessment footage acreage (if e) 1 unit (78 parcels w/ 1 unit) $43,000 assessment 217.34 feet $5,474,500 129 194 7.5$ $742 Revised Proposal $914,422 25% raised on units 50% raised on assessment 254 raised on acreage 3. unit (73 parcels w/ 1 unit) $95,465 assessment 2.74 acres $12,086,040 118 E[Z9 6.81 701.65 7.0$ 714.77 7.5% 760.71 6( TB3 -28 -91 page 6 ORESOLUTION #130 DRYDEN LAKE MULTI ?l_E _ PASSIVE RECREATION_RREA El Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that Jaynes F. Schug, the Supervisor, is authorized and directed to file an application or, forms prescribed by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for financial assistance in accordance with the provision of the Land and Water Conservation Fund in an amount not to exceed $47,125.00 acrd upon approval of said request to aritcr into and execute a project agreement with the State for such financial assistance to the Town of Dryden for the Dryden Lake Multiple Passive Recreation Area, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Susanne Lloyd, the Town Clerk, ir, authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution in connection with the application of the Town for such financial assistance. 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - regional and local economic outlook impact on housing and households at TCa on June 18th. Supv Sclrug, Clrn Corrigan and Clrn Roberts will nttend. Adjourned - 9:30PM S�l�c�rl�- r�arA� J���A `mil