HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-07TOWN HOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 79 1991 PROPOSED LOCAL LAW #1 - 1991 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL LAW SUpv Schug called the meeting to order at 7:00PM Supv Schug Perkins have commercial read the do anything designed possibility notice that have was published Road or hazardr.ous waste, in the for a dump newspaper concerning the cross Walbridge c_nrinection control call vote law (copy in minute brook) DUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Atty if they for Perkins have commercial - private household users do another source of water. It is and industry where YOU would riot have t1 :1 basically have the do anything designed possibility of siph_ining you have not back in of chemicals disconnected a well. Road or hazardr.ous waste, or where Supv Schug - if you are connected to the water supply and still want to use yc-lu well, it has to be connected separately. Closed public hearing SPECIAL TOWN HOARD MEETING MARCH 7, 1991 Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was Present: Perkins Absents by the Town Clerk: Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clrn Walbridge, and Atty Clm Corrigan and Clm Hatf=ield RE_SOLUT I ON #99 ADOPT LOCAL LAW 401 _T 1991 w LOCAL CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL LAW Clm Wal. bridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions (copy in minute book) 2nd Clro Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #100 ACCEPT BID FOR DUMP TRAILER Clm Robearts offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Bard accept the low bid Road Equipment of $33,516.00 for a dump trailer. 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all Ad,journeds 7s15PM Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk from Tracey voting Yes 3a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF THE YEAR 1991 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 7th day of March, 1991, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to hear all interested parties and citizens for or against the proposed Local Law which to be known as the Cross - Connection Control Law (or CCC Law). The purpose of the Local Law is to establish a local Cross - Connection Control Law implementing a more comprehensive and effective backf low prevention program for water systems than the existing New York State Sanitary Code requirements. The Local Law would apply to all water supplies that are furnished water from the "Bolton Point" Water Commission. • The requirements generally apply to those premises and water systems which have an auxiliary water supply and to water systems supplying premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or a danger to human health is kept, handled or present and to premises handling supplied water under pressure whereby process waters and waters originating from the public water supply may be subject to deterioration in sanitary or chemical quality. Copies of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York during regular business hours. Town Board of the Town of Dryden by Susanne Lloyd, Town Cl imp I ,0 • TE LE I' H 0 N E: 607-M4-W7 607.844.8208 Mr. Jack Rueckheim Distribution Manager Southern Cayuga Lake P.O. Box 178 : r r ! ' „ i GEORGE. SCHLECH7' SURVEYORS &. ENGINES S 129 NORTH ST. P.O. BOX 1108 DRYDEN, N.Y. 13053 JAN ) 4 1 f ,I fl FAX: 607 -944 -9609 January 9, 1991 Intermunicipal Water Commission Ithaca, New York 14851 Dear Jack: Thank you for you letter of December 28, 1990 regarding the potential shutoffs of unapproved plumbing or water services. Yo» should be aware that, while I am sometimes referred to as the "Town Engineer" for Dryden, that the Town of Dryden does not in fact have such an official position. My role is limited to an ad hoc basis largely on a project by project situation. I am forwarding a copy of your letter and a copy of my response to Jim Schug with the suggestion that he and I discuss with the Town Board this situation. Yours truly, A // George Schlecht, P.E.,L.S. GCS:jgh CC: James Schug • • SOUTHERN CAYUOA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION TOWNS OF DRYDEN • ITHACA • LANSING — VILLAGES OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS • LANSING P.O. BOX 178 ITHACA, NEW YORK 14651 SAN. 0 7 1991 December 28, 1990 TO: George Schlecht P.O. Box 1108 Dryden,N.Y. 13053 Re: Potential shutoffs due to unapproved plumbing or water services Dear Georges One of charged wit properties not create property or the many h is the to assure a hazard people o responsibilities that inspection of plumbing that the water is use for the people or equi r equipment at an unre we at Bolton Point am systems in individual d in a way that does pment occupying a giver lated property. As the above paragraph The main objective plumbing hazards suggests, our inspections fall into one of two categories. to confine property an which they occur. The applicable York Sanitary code, the local and the NYS Health Department codes are Cross Connection Cross Connection part 3 Control Control 1.) Inspections related to the NYS Building code. These involve mainly the internal plumbing of a building. The objective is to protect occupants of a giver property against plumbing hazards on that same property.* 2.) Inspections related to Health Department These involve mainly the water service to a property, under certain circumstances the internal plumbing requirements. although, of the e building may become involved. the consequences of potential The main objective plumbing hazards to is the to confine property an which they occur. The applicable York Sanitary code, the local and the NYS Health Department codes are Cross Connection Cross Connection part 3 Control Control of the New Ordinance, Manual. You, as a Code Enforcement Official.(CEO), or as a Municipal Enoineer, or both , are involved in at least one of these two aspects of our inspection activities. If you are a Code Enforcement Official, we report the findings of our plumbing inspections to you, and you are ultimately responsible for code enforcement. If you are a Town or Village Engineer, your water distribution system may be at risk if provisions of the Health Department are not being met. Commission Offices Plant Operations GEORGE J. CONNEMAN, Chairman Ithaca, East Shore Drive COMMISSIONERS SHMARGARET McELWEE, Vice Chairman IRLEY RAFF NSPERG R, Treasurer Ithaca, New York 14850 NOEL DESCH, Admin. Commissioner -(607) 277.0660 SHAILER PHILEIRICK, Consultant HAROLD CASE JEANNINE KIRBY LAWRENCE LEVER THOMAS OROURKE JAMES SCHUG GORDON WHEELER • n Occasionally, water service gets initiated to a property by unauthorized persons before- all applicable inspections have been performed, or before known deficiencies have been corrected. At other times, changes occur on a property that already has legitimately been getting water service, and these changes create deficiencies. We are particularly concerned About any deficiencies that pose a health or safety risk. When wp become aware of such a deficiency, a letter is sent to the owner, with a copy to the C.E.O., requesting that an appointment be made for a follow up inspection. Most people comply with this letter, For that handful of customers who do not comply, firmer steps must be taken. The logical reaction on our part should be to discontinue the water service to a property that polies a health or safety risk, if the owner of that property refuses to come into compliance. My proposal is that, should the initial communication faii to get results, we send a letter that dictates a deadline for compliance. The letter would also state that if this deadline is not met, we will immediately discontinue the water service. This letter would go out over two signatures. One would be that of a Bolton Point representative. The other signature would be that of the municipal C.E.O if the deficiency is in category #l; the municipal engineer would sign, if the deficiency is in category #2. This procedure would mare you aware of a imminent shut off before it happened, and communicate that there is shared responsibility and authority to-ensure that safety and health deficiencies are corrected. Linder category #l, Bolton Poirrt is the building code inspector for plumbing and the municipality is the enforcer; under category #27 Bolton Point is the water purveyor and the municipality owns the distribution system that may be put at risk by non - compliance. What I am specifically askinglyou far is to indicate to me as soon as possible if you would be willing to assist us in orir responsibilities by cosigning such a letter, so that we may know where we stand in your municipality should the need arise to discontinue a water service. Your timely response would be greatly appreciated. If you wish to discuss with me any implications of this procedure, t would be glad to do so. Sincerely, • ,Tack Rueckheim Distribution Manager (Cltrtooal low concerning Charter revision proposed by potition.) 1 hereby FYI hat the local Idw annexed hereto, designated cis local low No. .................... of 19.11:.... of the City ............. ............... ......... me ............. 1r►ving been submitted to referendum pursuant to the o provislona of ` 37 tl► 1luniclpal Ilotne Rule fraw,and having received the affirmative ' vote of am a I ority 9peC101 ��' • of the qualified electora of suc ► i voting thereon of the elect on field on 19........... general �! ' . became operative, 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charler.l / l hereby certify that 1110 local law annexed- hereto, desilatcd its Local Law No....... of 19....... of the County of ................ ........................�fil►rle of New Ynrk, having bee t�uhtniltcd to the Iilcclors at the General Election of November .�. �! 19 .........,, pursuant to subdivisions S and,7 of Section 33 of the Muni• eipal Horne Rule Lsw,a►►d trGTng received the affirmative vote of a majority of Ilia qualified electors of the cities of sold county. —a a unit and of a majority of the qualilied electors of the tint of said county considered as a nlivoling at said general election, became operative. �- (If an er authorlsed form of final adoption has been followed, please provide en opprop ► lute cell filiation.) ii•+ " I fufther certify that I have compared the preceding local low with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and wns Finally adopted in the manner Indicated in paragraph ............. /.............. above. (a Date' March 8. 1991 a 011►1► of tlu County I.std.ur. body: Oily. To m vwa�{, culk or oMou deatpnobd by IoW I�stuati body SUSANNE LLOYI), Town Clerk (Certlficallon to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel. Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorised Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ....xaneft 1 ivs .......................� I, the undersigned, hereby certify tl►s1 the foregoing local low contaios the correct text and that nil proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of tl►e local law annexed hereto. Dater may 8, 1991 Mahlon R. Perki,na Siy►itLu " " " '!own Attorney .............................. TWA Page 3 %Wtx I04T of.., ........ Dryden........... Town AWNW ) • LJ r (Please Use this Form for Mnll your LOCal Law.wlth the Secretary of State) Text of law should be given at amended. Do not Inchnle matter being sHminsted and do nut uca ItaUca of undetlining to Indlcale now Mutter, ftEm=y ju of..... Dryden ..............,... Town...................................... ............................... Local Law No. _.. 1 .. _ ...e......_ ...._..._ __. of the 19 91 rev ,A A local law .to establish a local CroRn" Connection Control Law. ............... ..............................i ......... ..... ....... ,......................... 80 It enacted by the ...... Town Board _ .............. .... ....................... _.._...._.._...... ...... ....... ..... of the UlTown oL...... 1) rydea....,....._ ................. .........._........._.......... a follows: Ul....._ ............................_. ..._........................... 5 additional space is needed, please attach shects of the same size-as this and number eac Page 1 up s • • E PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the State of New York has adopted the New York State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR (Hbalth), Volume A, Chapter 1, State Sanitary Code, Part 5) which contains Subpart 5 -1, entitled "Public Water Supplies," and which, in turn, contains Section 5 -1.31, entitled "Cross- Connection Control" (the NYS Cross- Connection Control Law "), and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health issued a, policy statement regarding public water supply cross- connections in the Department of Health's Bureau of Public Water Supply's publication entitled "Public Water Supply Guide: Cross - Connection Control," dated January, 1981, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden, the Town of Ithaca, the Town of Lansing, the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Village of Lansing are members of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (the "Commission ") , and the Commission is responsible to act on behalf of the member municipalities in enforcing State and local Cross - Connection Control Laws, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden desires to establish a local gross- Connection Control Law in order to provide additional safeguards to potable water supplies by implementing a more comprehensive and effective back -flow prevention program that conforms to the requirements of the New York State Cross- Connection Control Law and New York State Department of Health policy guidelines: NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Dryden enacts this Local Law to be ri 0 known as the Cross - Connection Control Law (or CCC Law). ARTICLE I. PURPOSE, INTERPRETATION AND SEVERABILITY 1. The purpose of these regulations is to safeguard potable water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems. 2. This Law is to be interpreted reasonably. In applying this Law, enforcement officials shall recognize that different circumstances result in varying degrees of hazard, and that the degree of protection or prevention required in each situation should be commensurate with the degree of hazard. In this Law, where a reference is made to a relationship between the Commission, or any authorized representative of the Commission, and a user of any approved water supply, it shall be understood that the • Commission, or its authorized representative, is acting on behalf of the Town. • 3. If any article, section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this Law shall be adjudicated invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of this Law as a whole, or any part thereof other than the part so adjudicated to be invalid or unconstitutional, shall not be affe9ted. ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS 1. Cross- Connections. The term "cross- connection" as used in these regulations means any unprotected connection between any part of 'a water system used or intended to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing water or substance 2 A • • • that is not or cannot be approved as equally safe, wholesome, and potable for human consumption. 2. Approved Water Supply. The term "approved water supply" means any water supply approved by the New York State Department of Health. 3. Auxiliary Supply. The term "auxiliary supply" means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the approved public water supply. 4. Vacuum Breaker - Nonpressure Type. A vacuum breaker which is designed so as not to be subjected to static line pressure. 5. Vacuum Breaker - Pressure Type. A vacuum breaker designed to operate under conditions of static line pressure. 6. Approved Check Valve. The term "approved check valve" means a check valve that seats readily and completely. It must be carefully machined to have free moving parts and assured watertightness. The face of the closure element and valve seat must be bronze, composition, or other non - corrodible material which will seat tightly under all prevailing conditions of field use. Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other non - corrodible, non - "sticking material, machined for easy, dependable operation. The closure element, e.g. clapper, shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure in all sizes where this feature is obtainable. 79 Approved Double Check Valve Assembly. The term "approved double check valve assembly" means an assembly of at least two independently acting check valves, 3 including- tightly closing • • shutoff valves on each side of the check valve assembly and suitable leak detector drains plus connections available for testing the watertightness of each check valve. This devise must be approved as a complete assembly. S. Approved Reduced Pressure Principle Backf low Prevention Device. The term "approved reduced pressure principle backf low prevention device" means a device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two checks, two shutoff valves, and equipped with necessary appurtenances for testing. The device shall operate to maintain the pressure in the zone between the two check valves, less than the pressure on the public water supply side of the device. At cessation of normal flow, the pressure between check valves shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve shall operate to maintain this reduced pressure by discharging to the atmosphere. When the inlet pressure is two pounds per square inch or less, the relief valve shall open to the atmosphere, thereby providing an air gap in the device. To be approved, these devises must be readily accessible for maintenance and testing and installed in a location where no part of the valve will be submerged. The enclosure must be self- draining, so that the large amount of water which the relief valve may vent will be disposed of reliably without submergence of the relief valve. as a complete assembly. n This device must also be approved CI 9. Air -Gap Separation. The term "air gap separation" means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air gap shall be at least double in the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch. 10. Water Supervisor. The term "water supervisor" means the consumer or a person on the premises charged with the responsibility of complete knowledge and understanding of the water supply piping within the premises and for maintaining the consumer's water system free from cross - connections and other sanitary defects, as required by regulations and laws. 11. Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester - is a person who is examined annually by the water purveyor and found competent for the testing of backflow prevention devices. He shall be • provided with an appropriate identification card which must be renewed annually. Failure to perform his duties competently and consciensciously will result in prompt withdrawal of his certification. A ARTICLE ICI. PROTECTION OF*PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM AT SERVICE CONNECTION A. Where Protection Is Required. 1. Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against backflow of water from the premises into the public water system, unless the auxiliary water supply is 5 . ® approved as an additional source by the water purveyor and is satisfactory to the public health agency having jurisdiction with regard to quality and safety, properly abandoned. or the auxiliary water supply is 2. Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises, on which any substance the then supplied water is handled under pressure in such fashion as to permit entry into the water system, shall. be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This shall include the handling of process waters and waters originating from the pubic water supply system which may have been subject to deterioration in sanitary or chemical quality. 3. Each service connection from a public water system • for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or a danger to human health is or may be handled in liquid form, or in. solid or gaseous form if such substance is intended to be used after conversion to liquid form, even if such substance is not under pressure, shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public water system. Examples of such premises include, but are not limited to, plating factories, premises on which cyanide is handled and hospitals. This paragraph is not intended to apply to normal residential installations. 4. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the service connection to any premises that have internal cross- connections, unless such cross - connections are abated to the 2 satisfaction of the water purveyor. It shall be the responsibility of the water purveyor to provide and maintain these protective devices and each one must be of a type acceptable to the State Health Department. B. Type of Protection. The protection device required shall depend on the degree of hazard as tabulated below: 1. At the service connection to any premises where there is an approved auxiliary water supply handled in a separate piping system with no known cross - connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double check valve assembly. 2. At the service connection on any premise on which there is an auxiliary water supply where cross - connections are rknown to exist which cannot be presently eliminated, or where the auxiliary water supply is not approved, the public water supply system shall be protected by an air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device. 3. At the service connection to any premise on which a substance that would be objectionable (but not necessarily #hazardous to health if introduced into the public water supply) is handled so as to constitute a cross- connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double check valve assembly. 4. At each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or a danger to human health is or may be handled, 7 . F. in liquid form, or in solid or gaseous form if such substance is is intended to be used after conversion to liquid form,.even if it is not under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air -gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle back -flow prevention device. 5. At each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or dangerous to human health is or may be handled under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air -gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principal back- flow prevention device. 6. At the service connection to any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station, the public water supply shall be ® protected by an air gap separation. The air gap.shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot be reasonably met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device. C. Frequency of Inspection of,Protective Devices. It shall be the duty of the water user on any premise on account of which backflow protective devices are installed, to have competent inspections made at least once a year, or more often in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. These devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the water user whenever they are found to be defective. These tests shall be performed by a qualified backflow ® prevention device tester, and all test results will be provided to the water purveyor within 72 hours after the test is made. Records of such tests, repairs and overhauls shall also be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the local Health Department upon request. ARTICLE IV PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER SYSTEM WITHIN PREMISES Section 1. Separate Drinking Water Systems Whenever the plumbing inspector determines that it is not practical to protect drinking water systems on premises against entry of water from a source or piping system or equipment that • cannot be approved as safe or potable for human use, an entirely separate drinking water system shall be installed to supply water 0 at points convenient for consumers. Section 2. Fire Systems Water systems for fighting fire, derived from a supply that cannot be approved as safe or potable for human u4se shall, wherever Qracticable, be kept wholly separate from drinking water pipelines and equipment. In cases where the domestic water system is used for both drinking and fire - fighting purposes, approved backflow prevention devices shall be installed to protect such individual drinking water lines as are not used for fire - fighting purposes. Any auxiliary fire - fighting water supply which is not approved for potable purposes, but which is so connected that it may be 9 . introduced into potable water piping during an emergency, shall be ® equipped with an approved automatic chlorination machine. It is hereby declared that it is the responsibility of the person or persons causing the introduction of said unapproved or unsafe water into the pipelines to see; (1) that a procedure be developed and carried out to notify and protect users of this piping system during the emergency (2) that special precautions be taken to disinfect thoroughly and flush out all pipelines which may become contaminated before they are again used to furnish drinking water. In the event the means of protection of *water consumers is by disinfection of the auxiliary fire- fighting supply, the installation and its use shall be thoroughly reliable. (3) The public water supply must be protected against backflow from such • dual domestic fire systems, as detailed in Article 3. Section 3. Process Waters Potable water pipelines connected to equipment for industrial processes or operations shall be' protected by a suitable backflow prevention device located beyond the last point from which drinking water may be taken, which device shall be provided on the feed line to process piping or equipment. ,In the event the narticular process liquid is especially corrosive or apt to prevent reliable action of the backflow prevention device, air gap separation shall be provided. These devices shall be tested by the water user at least once a year; or more often in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure.. The devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced whenever they are found • 10 0 C to be defective. These tests must be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester and records of tests, repairs, and replacement shall be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the health department upon request. Section 4. Sewagga .Treatment Plants and Pumping stations Sewage pumps shall not have priming connections directly off any drinking water systems. No' connections shall exist between the drinking water system and any other piping, equipment or tank in any sewage-treatment plant or sewage pumping station. Section 5. Plumbing Connections Where the circumstances are such that there is special danger to health by the backflow of sewage, as from sewers, toilets, hospital bedpans and the like, into a drinking water system, a dependable device or devices shall be installed to prevent such backflow. The purpose of these regulations is not to transcend local plumbing regulations, but only to deal with those extraordinary situations where sewage may be forced or drawn into the drinking water piping. These regulations do not attempt to eliminate at this time the hazards of back - siphonage through flushometer valves on all toilets, but deal with those situations where the likelihood of vacuum conditions in the drinking water system is definite and there is special danger to health. Devices suited to the purpose of avoiding back - siphonage from plumbing fixtures are roof tanks, barometric loops or separate pressure systems separatel.piped to supply such fixtures, recognized approved vacuum or siphon breaker ti 11 and other backf low protective devices which have been proved by appropriate tests to be dependable for destroying the vacuum. Inasmuch as many of serious hazards of this kind are due to water supply piping which is too small, thereby causing .vacuum conditions when fixtures are flushed or water is drawn from the system in other ways, it is recommended that water supply piping that is too small be enlarged whenever possible. Section 6. Pier and Dock Hydrants Backflow protection by a suitable backflow prevention device shall be provided on each drinking water pierhead outlet used for supplying vessels at piers or waterfronts. These assemblies must be located where they will prevent the return of any water from the vessel into the drinking water pipeline or into another adjacent 40 vessel. This will prevent such practices as connecting the ship fire- pumping or sanitary pumping system with a dock hydrant and thereby pumping contaminated water into the drinking water system, and thence to adjacent vessels or back into the public means. Section 7. Marking Safe and Unsafe Water Lines (a) Where the premises contain dual or multiple water tystems and piping, the exposed portions of pipelines shall be painted, banded or marked at sufficient intervals to distinguish clearly which water is safe and which is not safe. All outlets from secondary or other potentially contaminated systems shall be posted as being contaminated and unsafe for drinking purposes. All outlets intended for drinking purposes shall be plainly marked to indicate that fact. • 12 (b) Water Supervisor. The health department and the water purveyor shall be kept informed of the identity of the person responsible for the water piping on all premises concerned with these regulations. At each premise, where it is.necessary in the opinion of the water purveyor, a water supervisor shall be designated. This water supervisor shall be responsible for the installation and use of pipelines and equipment and for the avoidance of cross - connections. (c) In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross - connection on the premises, the local health officer and water purveyor shall be promptly advised by the person responsible for the water system so that appropriate measures may be taken to overcome the contamination. ARTICLE V RECOURSE FOR NON - COMPLIANCE Section 1. No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the water purveyor, unless the water supply is brotected as required by state regulations and this rule. Section 2. Service of water to any premises may be discontinued by the water purveyor, if a backflow preventive device required by this rule and regulation is not installed, tested, and maintained; if any defect is found in an installed backflow preventive device; if it is found that a backflow preventive device has been removed or • 13 z L b€passedr if unprotected cross- connections exist on the premises. Service will root be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected. ARTICLE VI Section 1. The Commission (a) The Commission shall at all times employ a minimum of one employee who is currently a certified backflow prevention device tester. (b) The Commission shall distribute copies,of the CCC Law to each person who applies to the commission to perform a certified backflow prevention device test and to each user identified by the Commission as a potentially hazardous user. {c} The Commission shall maintain membership in such professional organizations that contribute to an understanding of cross - connection control as the Commission deems appropriate. Section 2. Installation of and Servicin Water Distribution Systems (a) All persons involved in the installation, repair, modification or servicing of any part of a distribution system I connected to an approved water supply shall take all steps necessary or appropriate to minimize the occurrence of backflow and any subsequent damage; such steps shall includeF but shall not be limited to, control of fire hydrant flow, maintaining maximum pousible pressure during repairs, follow- -up flushing and bacterial testing and providing of j.nformation to the ultimate users of the distribution system regarding the potential problems resulting from 14 } backf low and the measures necessary or appropriate to prevent is backf low in accordance with the New York State Cross Connection Control Law and New,yor}C State Department of Health requirements. (b) in each case that an existing connection to the-approved public water supply is modified, remodeled, relocated or altered in any manner requiring a Plumbing Permit from the Commission, the user shall be required to cause such work to conform to all applicable requirements of the Cross - Connection Control Law and this Law regarding the installation of a backflow device. Section 3. Survev'ef Users (a) The Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive list, based on existing Commission records and files;.of all users of the public, water system who, under applicable New York State lair, may be considered to-be potentially hazardous users. (b) The Commission shall, at its expense, Utilizing either its awn personnel or independent contractors or a combination of both, perform surveys of all users of the public water supply identified by the Commission as potentially hazardous users. Any person who F s selected by the Commission to perform such surveys, whether an mployee of the Commission or an independent contractor, shall be required to have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that such person has received such training as is necessary or appropriate to perform the survey: manner. All surveys shall include site of the user and shall provide the user is a potentially hazardous 15 t -in a thol a physical information user, (i} -ough and accurate inspection at the (1) as to whether as to whether the n user etas installed appropriate backflow prevention devices that are on the current Wew York State Department of Health approved list and (iii) as to whether such devices appear to be properly installed. (c) on the basis of the aforementioned surveys, the Commission shall, at its expi€nse, develop a Ii5t of users identified as potentially hazardous users. (d) The.Commission shall prioritize the foregoing list so as to identify potentially hazardous users as being either highly. potentially hazardous, moderately potentially hazardoiaa or less potentially hazardous users. The notices described in Section 4 below shall be delivered first to the highly potentially hazardous users, second to the moderately potentially hazardous users .and third to the less potentially hazardous users. {e} The Commission shall eurvey users newly- connected to the public water system and periodical. y re- survey existing users to determine whether any of such users are potentially hazardous users and , if such user is identified as being potentially hazardous, to determine in which of the three categories such user shall be laced. Section 44 Certification of Potentially Hazardous Users (a) The Commissior: stall, at its awn expense, prepare and deliverea notice to each user that the Commission, as a result of the above - described surveys, has identified as a potentially hazardous user. The notice shall state the reason that such user has been identified as a potentially hazardous user and shall 16. briefly summarize the results of the Commission's survey of such ® user and the type of work such user would have to perform in order to bring .the user's site into compliance with applicable law. Immediately upon receipt of such notice, each user to whom such a notice has been delivered shall be obligated to obtain and deliver to the Commission written certification (i) certifying whether the hazard described in the Commission's notice does or does not exist, and (ii) if such hazard does exist, certifying that a New York State Health Department- approved backflow prevention device, (A) has been properly installed and (B) is fully operational. The written certification must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer who has adequate training, in the opinion of the Commission, in sanitary engineering, including in backflow ® prevention systems, water distribution and hydraulics, and who has received certification from the State of New York Department of E Health as a certified backflow prevention device tester (such person referred to in this Law as a "certified backflow prevention device tester "). The certification shall be dated, signed and sealed by the certified backflow prevention device tester not later than seventy -two (72) hours following the performance of any necessary tests'at the site, and, if no testing was performed, not later than forty -eight (48) hours following physical inspection of the site. (b) In the event that the Commission determines, in its discretion, that a certification (i) is materially deficient in regard to the scope, nature or detail of information provided, (ii) 17 contains any material errors or (ill) provides information F ndicating that the user's backflow prevention device or system is inadequate or unsatisfactory, then the commission shall notify the user its writing of such .defect. This subsequent notice to the user shall have the same effect as the initial notice to the user described in subsection (a) above, that is, immediately upon receipt of this subsequent notice, the user shall be-obligated to obtain and deliver to the Commission a certificatlori as described in (a) above, which certification, in addition to the regu2rements of (a) above, specifically states the manner in which the defect identified in the Commission's subsequent notice has been cured. (c) In the event that either the certification described irl subsection (a). above is not delivered to the CommiseIlon within thirty (30) days of the date of the Commission's initial notice . to the user, Or in the event that the certification described in subsection (b) above is not delivered to the Commission within fifteen (15) days of the CornmissionIs subsequent notice, the Commission and /or its agents, and /or its contractors andjor its employees shall be permitted entry to the subject premises during I egular business hours to perform ,the necessary inspection and testing, and, if necessary, to install the appropriate backflow prevention device or system. The user shall be liable for the total of all costs cr expenses ,incurred by the Commission -in performance of the foregoing activities plus a fee equal to twenty - five (25%) percent of such total, which fee shall be applicable to the administrative expenses of the Commission in connection with 0 X8 F performance of such work. Is (d) Th.e Commiss.ion shall establish, anti .each user shall pay, a filing fee for the filing of the above- described certifications. Such fees may vary depending upon the nature of the user's business, the volume of water used by the user, and the size, age and location of the user's facilities. (e) The Commission shall maintain files of (i) the surve�Fs described in Section 3 above of all users who have been surveyed in order to determine if such users might be potentially hazardous users as well as (ii) the certifications of all users identified as potentially hazardous users, both as required in subsection (a) above and in subsection (£) below. Such files shall be and remain the property of the Commission. (f) Each user who has been identified by the Commission as a potentially hazardous user and has been sent a notice by the Commission, in accordance with subsection (a) above shall be required to deliver to the Commission an updated certification as described in subsection (a) above not less than once'duri.ng every twelve (1 2) month period following the date of the Commission's Initia] notice. The Commission }nay deliver notices of such requirement for updated certifications to users periodically. In any case that the Commission has notified a user that a certification is defective as described in subsection (b) above, the user shall be required to deliver to the Commission additional written certifications, as described in subsection (a) above, once I n each four (4) month period during the twelve (12) months 1� F following delivery of the defective certification. Is (g) In the event that any potentially hazardous user intends D to install any backf low prevention device at its premises, prior to F nstallation of such device the user shall deliver to the Commission a written statement describing the device and a copy of the user's plans for -its installation. The user shall not install such' device until the user has received such approval of the Tompkins County Health Department as may be required and, thereafter, the Commission's written consent to such plans. if the installation of the device deviates substantially from such plans, the maser shall obtain such approval of the Tompkins County Health Department as may be required and, thereafter, the Commission's w itten Consent to such deviation. (h) In the event that a user has received a notice in accordance with subsection (a) above does not deliver the required certification to the Commission by the elate thirty (30) days following the date of the Commission's initial notice, in addition to the options described in subsection (c) above, the Commission may deliver an-additional notice to the user stating the terms of hubsection (c) above as well as the pena -lty provisions of Section 6 hereof. Section 5. Administration of Backflow Prevention Pro ram (a) The Commission shall (1) appoint an administrator for the backflow prevention program who shall be an employee of the Commission, or (ii) select arld engage an engineering or contracting or similar firm or person to act as administrator for the backf1ow Chi] E CIS ❑I prevention program, or (iii) administer the backflow prevention program itself or ( v) combine options (i), {ii) and (iii) in structuring and assigning the various tasks of the administration progran. If the Commission proceeds under option (11)-f (ii), (iii) or (iv) of the preceding sentence, the Commission may, at any time, at its discretion subject to the terms of any employment agreement or other contract then in effect, proceed under another of these options. (b) The program administrator- shall be responsible for the following= (i) Formulating and implementing an education program for the public regarding the New York State- requirements regarding cross »connection control, the provisions of the local law regarding the same and the backflow prevention progz•am. Such a program may include' conducting public meetings to discuss this Law, the procedures herein and the performance of the surveys. The administrator may inform the local press and radio and television media of such meetings,-and in such event shall request the local press and radio and television media to make arnnouncements of the dross - connection control program as ,a public service. fii) Providing information to persons who are interested in becoming certified backflow prevention testers as to haw to obtain the necessary training and certification. The fee for participation in the training program and obtaining the certification shall be established by the organization which pro tides the training. All of the expenses of training and 21 O application shall be paid by the applicant. (iii) Supervising and scheduling surveys of existing users of the water system and monitoring the connection of new users to the system, and obtain such information from such new users as is necessary, to identify and maintain an up -to -date record of potentially hazardous users. Also, developing the format and content of the reports to be delivered to the Commission for each survey performed. (iv) Developing standards for identification of potentially hazardous users. (v) Preparing and delivering the notices described elsewhere in this Law to users identified as potentially hazardous users and communicating with such users in regard to the ® certification requirements and providing to new users information regarding such requirements. (vi) Establishing and monitoring the annual certification program. (vii) Overseeing the inspection, testing and certification of potentially hazardous users that have failed to Comply with the certification requirements of this Law. (viii) Monitoring the installation of new back -flow prevention devices and the repair, overhaul or replacement of existing backflow devices. (ix) Preparing and submitting all required or appropriate documentation in regard to the cross- connection control programs to the New York State authority responsible for collecting such • 22 information. (x) Preparing and submitting to the Commission, with such F frequency as is determined by the Commission, detailed written reports of the status of the backflow prevention program and of tasks performed by the administrator in connection with the program during the period covered by the report. (xi) Performing, such other tasks as are necessary or appropriate in order to affect the requirements of New York State law regarding cross- connection control and of the New York State Cross - Connection Control Law and of this law, and performing such other functions as are requested by the Commission in connection with the backflow prevention program. (c) - The administrator shall maintain a file of certified Is backflow prevention device testers, and shall maintain a file of the results of all tests and inspections performed by, and certifications prepared ley, such persons. The administrator shall also verify that such certified backflow prevention device testers have obtained the necessary or appropriate certification from the State of New York and that such certification is current as of the Mate of such person's p( xrformance of any 'bask in accordance with this law. (d) The Commission shall have the authority to delegate to the program administrator any and all of the tasks described in Section 4 of this Article. {e) All records and files maintained by the program administrator are and shall remain the property of the Commission 23 and shall be maintained at the office of the Commission and be made available for review upon written request. Section C. Penalties. (a) In the event of noncompliance by any user with any term or provision of this Law, the administrator7 shall submit a written statement summarizing such noncompliance to the Commission not later than five (5) business days fallowing the administrator's learning of such noncompliance. The Commission shall determine whether such noncompliance shall require Imposition of pirnalties as provided in accordance with the Cross- Connection Control Law, or direct the program administrator to recommend, and if approved by the Commission., to +monitor, a modified program of compliance for such non - compliant user. If the Commission requires imposition of penalties, or if the Commission approves a modified program of compliance, the Commission shall notify the user of same in writing, The se may in response to such notice, deliver to the Commission a written statement explaining the reasons for the user's noncompliance and detailing the user's plans for compliance. the Commission may invite the user to its next scheduled meeting to discuss the terms of the userfs statement. Following its review of the userfs statement, and the discussion, if any; of same, the Commission may amend the penalties and /or the modified program of compliance described in the Commission's notice, The Commission shall inform the user of such amendment in writing. (b} In addition to any other penalties provided in the Cross 4 OConnection Control Law, a user's failure to provide to the Commission any certification required in accordance with Section 4 of this Law shall result in the imposition of a fine which shall equal twenty -five ($25.00) dollars for each day beyond the one hundred eightieth (180th) day following the date of the original notice to the user (as described in Section 4, subsection (a) hereof) multiplied by the number of inches of diameter of the largest pipe supplying public water to such user's premises. Section 7. Residential Users (a) Residential users shall be considered potentially hazardous users if a determination is made by the Commission that (i) an activity conducted at the residential property or (ii) a circumstance specific to .the residential property establishes an • equivalent degree of hazard as might be found in the situation of a non - residential user. Examples of such activities and circumstances include, but are not limited to, the presence of boiler feed inhibitors, antifreeze loops and single - walled heat exchangers. Residential swimming pools and double - walled heat exchanger systems shall not be considered potential hazards. (b) Residential users also shall be considered potentially hazardous users if: i. The residential user obtains its water supply from a private well in addition to the public water supply service. In this case, the residential user may either comply with all currently applicable requirements of the New York State Cross- Connection Control law and of the New -York State Department of • 25 Ell 1 F Health Cross - Connection Control Guide, or abandon use of the private well supply in a proper manner. ii. The residential user owns, operates, installs or relocates a .lawn sprinkler system which employs underground lawn sprinklers. Such a residential user shall be required to Install acceptable reduced pressure zone devices in accordance with the conditions of subpart 5- 1.31(x) New York State,Cross - Connection Control Law. Residential. users who own, operate, install or relocate a "pop -up" lawn sprinkler system, rather than a strictly underground sprinkler system, shalljikewioe be required to Install an acceptable reduced pressure zone device under subpart 5- 1.31(a ), unless such owners apply in writing to the Commission for a waiver of this requirement and receive written confirmation from the Commission of such waiver. The requirement described in this subsection {ii} shall not apply to lawn sprinkler systems that are six inches or more above grade. Section S. Private Hydrants Owners and operators of private hydrants which are not under the control of the public water supplier shall be required to install acceptable reduced pressure zone devices in accordance with subpart 5- 1.31(x) of the NYS Cross - Connection Control Law. The foregoing requirement shall apply whether the private hydrants are used to augment fire fighting systems, for lawn fertilization, for tree spraying or for any other purp68es. 2 C Seuti.on 9. Containment Devices All non- residential users of the public water supply shall be required to obtain written approval from the Tompkins County Health Department and the Commission of the enact location of any containment device to be installed or relocated on their property prior to such installation or relocation. Section 10. Multiple Customer Distribution Systems A "multiple customer distribution system " has.been defined by the New York State Department of Health as ,including all strip shopping centers, malls and similar water distribution networks. All multiple customer distribution systems shall be identified as potentially hazardous users, because there is generally no communication with the Commission regarding changes in individual customers using such systems. Owners and/or their agents of such systems shall be required to install acceptable reduced pressured zone protection in such systems within, the common service portions of such systems. Owners and /or their agents of multiple customer distribution systems may be granted a waiver of compliance with the foregoing requirement provided that they submit to the Commission detailed written description of (a) the system and its users and (b) . any change in any of the users of such system within thirty (30) days of such change. Failure- on the part of the owner and /or their agents to deliver the foregoing notification of change of users shall automatically make void the waiver from compliance with the requirement to install adequate reduced pressure zone is protection in the multiple customer distribution system. 27 w 0 {Co plere the eettlflC'Allon InIha parogrophwhich opp1 1.8 la the tiIilpg'd,( I h 1 I1 mil 1 141 a i i J r1riLo {411 iim motter therein which is not opplia■hte,) 1. (FIrtol odapllnit 16y Iomisl leg lip l ail " hndy only.) , I hereby flertif y tile) t4 v of Town �[. llry YARBe On• ,,,- IlarcIY 7 the toe 01 ttk w anrrbmcd Fin retn , fir, .gignnI tn. LIaL9IipI':II den ....... rr x1131 duCy pns9ed by t rLe .,,,•,x',a;rn..I]WT.d LN%iiir.al 1$,•x.1. in Ircardsave with the o17171k rrebtP. provis I�x i`if31 „- .,.- .1.- ...- ...rsf IfJ`�,1... .....- .....=pill ... ..... .... .. 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If r da Saj[hPF” VD 1-las lkss I:h i• 11;• r rot l+'i{ Jrr•i rr i r ucal In was vlllnui l tPi:d In Iill, 15._11111n by h•hrilpY rlir 41 of rk I1Y;i.jimily of CIII1 - 41kkullflL•Ii rrle'tliprs Yount, ....... 141....... , III alruoril.illrr titiiih 11he LLlipll* (Subject to perminekI raeff dum,eled ffeall oJapi.4" hucau9a 1 W perirluLk fiksd rLi,lu1,.;Ilnp refereadum.1 I hereby rectify Ihn�l /1�elocoL low anneited hereto, denignolydaS itIr;;31 11Yw No . ....... 9......... 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W WLIR ,II1I1nn�d daly o .I�L1 II [Ilk ,,, , „ , „,,,,, in arrrkrlinrice kills rllr a11� lif 11.149 I7r71 it; IIA elf Ian«, •F�relhe Chkf EnmrvwFre Often rnamm oa hmdudu whr thief rseeatlre flrfieet of ■ eouury rlrttsfl un r cnvLUy -wilt hlLim oo, 0 dmm be Isom, E6P dtiik ma of Ib# county k0de"Ve body, the meYor nr IN City ar rlllbyo ur l$e ruiMill” ter of r rn■oi wear mm* Alm IF nutted Sm power to on" ew "No bear [own Or terLNtlllaenl- Nage 2 e N PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the State of New York has adopted the New York State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR [Health), Volume A, Chapter 1, State Sanitary Code, Part 5) which contains Subpart 5 -1, entitled "Public Water Supplies," and which, in turn, contains Section 5 -1.31, entitled "Cross- Connection Control" (the NYS Cross- Connection Control Law "), and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health issued a policy statement regarding public water supply cross - connections in the Department of Health's Bureau of Public Water Supply's publication entitled "Public Water Supply Guide: Cross- Connection Control," dated January, 1981, and i� WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden, the Town of Ithaca, the Town of Lansing, the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Village of Lansing are members of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (the "Commission "), and the Commission is responsible to act on behalf of the member municipalities in enforcing State and local Cross- Connection Control Laws, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden desires to establish a local Cross - Connection Control Law in order to provide additional safeguards to potable water supplies by implementing a more comprehensive and effective back -flow prevention program that conforms to the requirements of the New York State Cross - Connection Control Law and New York State Department of Health policy guidelines: 0 1 L� NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Dryden enacts this Local Law to be known as the Cross- Connection Control Law (or CCC Law). ARTICLE I. PURPOSE, INTERPRETATION AND SEVERABILITY 1. The purpose of these regulations is to safeguard potable water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems. 29 This Law is to be interpreted reasonably. In applying this Law, enforcement officials shall recognize that different circumstances result in varying degrees of hazard, and that the degree of protection or prevention required in each situation should be commensurate with the degree of hazard. In this Law, where a reference is made to a relationship between the Commission, or any authorized representative of the Commission, and a user of any approved water supply, it shall be understood that the Commission, or its authorized representative, is acting on behalf of the Town. 3. If any article, section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this Law shall be adjudicated invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of this Law as a whole, or any part thereof other than the part so adjudicated to be invalid or unconstitutional, shall not be affected. ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS 1. Cross- Connections. The term "cross- connection" as used in these regulations means any unprotected connection between any part of a water system used or intended to supply water for drinking 2 0 0 purposes and any source or system containing water or substance that is not or cannot be approved as equally safe, wholesome, and potable for human consumption. 2. Approveed Water Supply. The term "approved water supply" means any water supply approved by the New York State Department of Health, 3. Auxiliary Supply. The term "auxiliary supply" means any water supply can or' available tc the premises other than the approved public water supply. 4. Vacuum Breaker - Nonpressure Type. A vacuum breaker which is designed so as not to be subjected to static lino pressure. 5. Vacuum Breaker - Pressure Type. A vacuum breaker designed to operate under conditions of static line pressure. 6. Approved Check Valve. The term "approved check valve", means a check valve that seats readily and completely. It must be carefully machined to have free moving parts and assured watertightness. The face of the closure element and valve seat must be bronze, composition, or other non - corrodible material which will seat tightly under all prevailing conditions of E ield use Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other ncn - corrodible, non- , stinking material, machined for easy, dependable operation. The closure element, e.g. clapper, shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure in all sizes where this feature ii�; obtainable. 7. Approved Double Check Valve Assembly. The term "approved double check valve assembly," means an assembly of at least two 3 { El to f L 1 independently acting check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves on each side of the check valve assembly and suitable leaf detector drains plus connections available for testing the watertightness of each chock valve. This devise must be approved as a complete assembly. 8. Approved Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device. The term "approved reduced pressure principle bac flow prevention device" means a device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two checks, two shutoff values, and equipped with necessary appurtenances for testing. The device shall, operate to maintain the pressure in the zone between the two check valves, less than the pressure on the public water supply side of the device. At cessation of normal flow, the pressure between check valves shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve shall operate to maintain this reduced pressure by discharging to the atmosphere. When the inlet pressure is two pounds per square inch or less, the relief valve shall open to the atmosphere, thereby providing an air gap in the device. To be approved, these devises must be readily r accessible for maintenance and testing and installed in a location where no part of the valve will be submerged. The enclosure must be self- drainling, so that the large amount of water which the relief valve may vent will he disposed of reliably without submergence of the relief valve. This device must also be approved as a complete assembly. S LJ 90 Air -Gap Separation. The term "air gap separation " means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air gag shall be at least double in the diameter of the supply pipe, neasured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch. 10. Water Supervisor. The term "water supervisor" moans the conExUmer or a person on the premises charged with the responsibility of cpmplete knowledge and understanding of the water supply Piping within the premises and for maintaining the consumer's water system free from crv$s- connections and other sanitary defects, as required by regulations and laws. 11. Certified Backflow Prevention Device Tester -- is a person who as examined annually by the water purveyor and found competent for the testing of backflow prevention devices. He shall be provided with an appropriate identification card which must be renewed annually. Failure to perform his duties competently and conaoiensciously will result in prompt withdrawal of his certification. ARTICLE III* PROTECTION OF PUBLIC WATER SYS'T'EM AT SERVICE CONFECTION A. Where Protection Is required. 1. Each sexvice connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary grater supply shall be protected against backflow of water from the promises into the public water system, unless the auxiliary water-supply is W E approved as an additional source by the water purveyor and is satisfactory to the public health agency having jurisdiction with regard to quality and safety, or the auvzxliar water supply is properly abandoned. 2. Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises, on which any substance the than supplied water i.s handled under pressure in such fashion as to permit entry into the water system, shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This shall include the handling of process waters and waters originating from the pubic mater supply system which may have been subject to deterioration in sanitary or chemical quality. 3. Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or a danger to human health is or may be handled in liquid form, or in solid or gaseous Form if such substance is I ntended to be used after converslon to liquid form, even if such substance is not under pressure, shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public water systems Examples,of such premises include, but are not limited to, plating factories, premises on which cyanide is handled and hospitals. This paragraph is not intended to apply to normal resident,lal installations. 4. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the service connection to any premises that have internal cross- connections, unless such cross - connections are abated to the N satisfaction of the water purveyorw it shall be the responsibility of the water purveyor to provide and maintain these protective devices and each one must be of a type acceptable to the State Health Department. B. Type of Protection. The protection device required shall depend on the degree of hazard as tabulated below: 1. At the service connection to any premises where there is an approved auxiliary water supply handled in a separate piping system with no known cross - connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double cheek valve assembly. . At the service connection ors any premise on which there is an auxiliary water supply where cross - connect Ion a are known to exist which cannot be presently eliminated, or where the auxiliary water supply is not approved, the public water, supply system shall be protected by an air gap separation or are approved reduced pressure principle backf.low prevention device. 3. At the service connection to any premise on which a substance that would be objectionable (but not necessarily hazardous to health if introduced into the public water E�upply) is r handled so as to constitute a cross - connection, the public water supply shall be protected by are approved double check valve assembly. 4. At each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or a danger to human health is or may be handled, 7 in liquid fora, or in solid, or gaseous form if such substance is intended to be used after conversion to liquid form, even if it is not under pressure, the public water suppler shall be protected by an air -gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle back-flaw prevention device. 5. At each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance that is unusually toxic or dangerous to human health is or may be handled under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air -gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principal back- flow prevention device. 66 At the service connection to any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station, the public water suppler shall be Is Protected by an air gap separation. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot be reasonably met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device. C. Frequency of Inspection of Protective Devices. I It shall be the duty of the water Laser on any premise on account of which backf low protective devices are installed, to have competent inspections made at least once a year, or more often in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. These devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the water user whenever they are found to be !01 C CC defective. These tests shall be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester, and all test results will be provided to the water purveyor within 72 hours after the test is made. Records of such tests, repairs and overhauls shall also be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the local Health Department upon request. ARTICLE ITT PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER SYSTEM WITHIN PREMISES Section 1. Separate Drinking water Sy_stem9 Whenever the plumbing inspector determines that it is not practical to protect drinking rater systems on premises against entry of water from a source or Piping system or equipment that cannot be approved as safe or potable for human use, are entirely separate drinking grater system shall be installed to supply water at points convenient for consumers. Section 2. Fare Systems Water systems for fighting fare, derived from a supply that cannot be approved as safe or potable for h=an use shall, wherever practicable, be kept wholly separate from drinking water pipelines and equipment. In cases where the domestic water system is used for both drinking and fire - fighting purposes, approved backfxow prevention devices shall be installed to protect such individual drinking water lines as are riot used far fire- fighting purposes. Any auxiliary fire - fighting water supply which is not approved for potable purposes, but which is so connected that it may be W introduced into potable water piping during an emergency, shall be it equipped with an approved automatic chlorination machine. It is CIU hereby declared that it is the responsibility of the person or persons causing the introduction of said unapproved or unsafe water into the pipelines to see; that a pTocedure he developed and carried out to notify and protect users of this piping system during the emergency (2) that special precautions be taken to disinfect thoroughly and flush out all pipelines which may become contaminated before they are again used to furnish drinking water. In the event the means of protection of'water consumers is by disinfection of the auxiliary f'ireWfighting supply, the installation and its use shall be thoroughly reliable. (3) The public water supply must be protected against backflow from such dual domestic fire systems, as detailed in Article 3. Section 3. Process Waters Potable water pipelines connected to equipment for industrial processes or operations shall be protected by a suitable backflow prevention device located beyond the last point from which drinking water may be taken, which device shall be provided on the feed line to process piping or equipment. In the event the particular F process liquid is especially corrosive or apt to prevent reliable action of the backflow prevention device, air gap separation shall be provided. These devices shall be tested by the water user at least once a year; or more often in these instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. The devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replacer whenever they are found El to be defective. These tests must be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester and records of tests, repairs, and replacement shall be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the health department upon request. Section 4. Sewage Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations Sewage pumps shall not have priming connections directly off any drinking water systems. No connections shall exist between the drinking water system and any other piping, equipment or tank in any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station. Section 5. Plumbing Connections Where the circumstances are such that there is special danger to health by the backflow of sewage, as from sewers, toilets, hospital bedpans and the like, into a drinking water system, a dependable device or devices shall be installed to prevent such backflow. The purpose of these regulations is not to transcend local plumbing regulations, but only to deal with those extraordinary situations where sewage may be forced or drawn into the drinking water piping. These regulations do not attempt to eliminate at this time the hazards of back�siphonage through flushometer valves on all toilets, but deal with those situations where the likelihood of vacuum conditions in the drinking water system is, definite and there is special danger to health. Devices suited to the purpose of avoiding back- siphohage from plumbing fixtures are roof tanks, barometric loops or separate pressure systems separately piped to supply such fixtures, recognized approved vacuum or siphon breaker 11 4 ❑I and other backf low protective devices which have been proved by appropriate tests to be dependable for destroying the vacuum. Inasmuch as marry of serious hazards of this kind are due to water supply piping which is too small, thereby causing vacuum conditions when fixtures are flushed or water is drawn from the system in other ways, it is recommended that water supply piping that is too small be enlarged whenever possible. Section 5. Pier and Dock Hydrants BackfloW protection by a suitable backflow pr8vention device shall be provided on each drinking water pierhead outlet used for supplying vessels at piers or waterfronts. These assemblies must be located where they will prevent the return of any water from the vessel into the drinking water pipeline or into another adjacent vessel. This will prevent such practices as connecting the sh'i'p fire- pumping or sanitary pumping system with a dock hydrant and thereby pumping contaminated water into the drinking water system, and thence to adjacent vessels or back into the public means. Section 7. Marking Safe and Unsafe Water Lines (a) Where the premises contain dual or multiple water systems and piping, the exposed portions of pipelines shall be painted, banded or marked at sufficient intervals to distinguish clearly which water is safe and which is not safe. All outlets from secondary or other potentially contaminated systems shall be posted as being contaminated and unsafe for drinking purposes. All outsets intended, for drinking purposes shall be plainly marked to indicate that fact. C7 .I] (b) Water Supervisor. The health department and the water purveyor shall be kept informed cf the identity of the person responsible for the water piping vn all premises concerned with these regulations. At each premise, where it is necessary in the opinion of the grater purveyor, a water supervisor shall be designated. This water supervisor shall be responsible for the P nstallation and use of pipelines and equipment and for the avoidance of cross - connections. {c) In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross - connection on the Premises, the local health officer and water purveyor shall be promptly advised by the person responsible for the water system so that appropriate measures may be taker, to overcome the contamination. ARTICLE V RECOURSE FOR NON - COMPLIANCE Section I No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the water purveyor, unless the water supply is protected as required by state regulations and this rule, r Section 2. Service of water to any premises may be discontinued by the water purveyor, if a backflow preventive device required by this rule and regulation is not installed, tested, and maintained; if any defect is found in an installed baQkflow preventive device; if it is Found that a backflow preventive device has been removed or 13 bypassed; if unprotected cross - connections exist on the premises. Service will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected. ARTICLE DTI Section 1. The Commission (a) The Commission shall at all times employ a minimum of one employee who is cQrrently a certified bac flow prevention device tester. (b) The Commission shall distribute copies of the CCC Law to each person who applies to the commission to perform a certified backflow prevention device test and to each user identified by the Commission as a potentially hazardous user. (c} The Commission shall maintain membership in such professional organizations that contribute to an understanding of cross - connection control as the Commission deems appropriate. Section 2. Installation of and Servicing Water Distribution systems (a) All persons involved in the installation, repair, modification or serviQing of any part of a distribution system connected to an; approved water supply shall take all steps necessary or appropriate to minimize the occurrence of bac flew and any subsequent damage; such steps shall include, but shall not be limited to, control of fire hydrant flow, maintaining maximum possible pressure during repairs, follow -up flushing and bacterial testing and providing of information to the ultimate users of the distribution system regarding the potential problems resulting from 14 C backf low and the measures necessary or appropriate to prevent backf low in accordance with the New York State Cross Connection Control Law and New York State Department of Health requirements. (b) In each case that an existing connection to the approved public water supply is modified, remodeled, relocated or altered in any manner requiring a plQmbing Permit from the commission, the user shall he required to cause such mark to conform to all applicable requirements of the Crass - Connection Control Law and this Law Tegarding the installation of a backflow device. Section 3_ Survey of Users (a) The Commission shall develop and maintain a oomprehensjve list, based on existing Commission records and files, of all users of the public water system who, under applicable New York State lair, may be considered to be potentially hazardous users. (b) The Commission shall, at its expense, utilizing either its own personnel or independent contractors or a combination of botho perform surveys of all users of the public water supply identified by the Commission as potentially hazardous users. Any person who is selected, by the Commission to perform such surveys, whether an employee of the Commission or an independent contractor, shall be required to have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that such person has received such training as i_S necessary or appropriate to perform the surveys in a thorough and accurate manner. All surveys shall include a physical inspection at the site of the user and shall provide information M as to whether the user is a potentially hazardous user, (ii) as to whether the 15 ❑I user has installed appropriate backf low prevention devices that are on the current New York State Department of Health approved list and (iii) as to whether such devices appear to be properly installed. (c) On the basis of the aforementioned surveys, the Commission shall, at its expense, develop a list of users identified as potentially hazardous users. (d) The Commission shall prioritize the foregoing list so as to identify potentially hazardous users as being either highly potentially hazardous, moderately potentially hazardous or less potentially hazardous users. The notices described in Section 4 below shall be delivered first to the highly potentially hazardous users, second to the moderately potentially hazardous users and third to the less potentially hazardous users. (e) The Commission shall survey users newly - connected to the public water system and periodically re- survey existing users to determine whether any of such users are potentially hazardous users and , if such user is identified as being potentially hazardous, to determine in which of the three categories such user shall be placed. Section 4. Certification of Potentially Hazardous Users (a) The Commission shall, at its own expense, prepare and deliver a notice to each user that the Comtgi_ssion, as a result of the above - described surveys, hay identified as a potentially hazardous user. The notice shall state the reason that such user has been identified as a potentially hazardous user and shall 16 briefly summarize the results of the Commission's survey of such user and the type of work such user would have to perform i,n order to bring the user's site into compliance with applicable law. Immediately upon receipt of such notice, each user to whom such a notice has been delivered shall be obligated to obtain and deliver to the ConmiBsion written certification (i) certifying whether the hazard described in the Commission's notice does or does not exist, and (ii) if such hazard does exist, certifying that a New York State Health Department approved backflow prevention device, (A) has been properly installed and (B) is fully operational. The written certification must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer who has adequate training, in the opinion of the Commission, in sanitary engineering, including in backflow prevention systems, water distr1lbution and hydraulics, and who has received certification from the State of New York Department of Health as a certified backflow prevention device tester (such person referred to in this Law as a "certified backflow prevention device tester "). The certification shall be dated, signed and sealed by the certified backflow prevention device tester not later than seventy -two. (72) hours following the performance of any necessary tests at the site, and, if no testing was performed, not later than forty- ea.ght (48) hours Following physical inspection of the site. (b) In the event that the Commission determines, in its discretion, that a certification (1) is materially deficient in regard to the scope, nature or detail of information provided, (ii) 17 contains any material errors car (zzi) provides information indicating that the user's backfl.ow prevention device or system is inadequate or unsatisfactory, then the Commission shall notify the user in writing of such defect. This subsequent notice to the user shall have the same effect as the initial notice to the user described in subsection (a) above, that is, immediately upon receipt of this subsequent notice, the user shall be obligated to obtain and deliver to the Commission a certification as described in (a) above, which certification, in addition to the requirements of (a) above, specifically states the manner in which the defect identified in the Commission's subsequent notice has been cured. (c) In the event that either the certification described in subsection (a) above is not delivered to the Commission within thirty (30) days of the date of the Commission's initial notice to the user, or in the event that the certification described iin subsection (b) above is not delivered to the Commission within fifteen (15) days of the Commission's subsequent notice, the Commission and/or its agents, and/or its contractors and/or its employees shall be permitted entry to the subject premises during regular business. hours to perform the necessary inspection and testing, and, if necessary, to install the appropriate backfiaw prevention device or system. The user shall be liable for the total of all costs or expenses incurred by the Commission in Performance of the foregoing activities plus a fee equal to twenty five (25%) percent of such total, which fee shall be applicable to the administrative expenses of the Commission in connection with 18 C7 A performance of such work. (d) The Commission shall establish, and each user shall pay, a filing fee for the filing of the above- described cerrtification ;. Such fees may vary depending upon the Mature of the user's business, the volume of water used by the user, and the size, age and location of the user's faciIities. (e) The Commission shall maintain files of (i} the surveys desca: ibed in Section 3 above of all users who have been surveyed in order to determine if such users might be potentially hazardous users as well as (W the certifications of all users identified as potentially hazardous users, both as required in 5ubsectian (a) above and in subsection (f) below. Such files shall be and remain the property of the Commission. (f) Each user who has been idsntified by the Commission as a potentially hazardous user and has been sent a notice by the Commission in accordance with subsection (a) above shall be required to deliver to the Commission an updated certification as described its subsection (a) above not Less than once during every twelve (12) month period following the date of the Commission's initial notice. The Commission may deliver notices of such requirement for updated certifications to users periodically, In any case that the Commission has notified a user that a certification is defective as described in subsection (b) above, the user shall be required to deliver to the Commission additional written certifications, as described in subsection (a) above, once I n each four (4) month period during the twelve (12) months 19 IC F J following delivery of the defective certification. (g) In the event that any potentially hazardous user intends to install any backflow prevention device at its premises, prior to installation of such device the user shall deliver to the Commission a written statement describing the device and a copy of the user's plans for its installation. The user shall not install such device until the user has received such approval of the Tompkins County Health Department as may be required and, thereafter, the Commission's written consent to such plans. If the installation of the device deviates substantially from such plans, the user shall obtain such approval of the Tompkins County Health Department as may be required and, thereafter, the Commission's written consent to such deviation. (h) In the event that a user has received a notice in accordance with subsection (a) above does not deliver the required certification to the Commission by the date thirty (30) days following the date of the Commission's initial notice, in addition to the options described in subsection (c) above, the Commission may deliver an additional notice to the user stating the terms of subsection (c) above as well as the penalty provisions of Section 6 hereof. Section 5. Administration of Backflow Prevention Program (a) The Commission shall (i) appoint an administrator for the backflow prevention program who shall be an employee of the Commission, or (ii) select and engage an engineering or contracting or similar firm or person to act as administrator for the backflow 20 C prevention program, or {iii) administer the backflow prevention program itelf or (iv) combine options (i), (ii) and (ii s i) in structuring and assigning the various tasks of the administration program. If the Commission proceeds under option (z), (ii), (iii) or (iv) of the preceding sentence, the Commission may, at any time, at its discretion subject to the terms of any employment agreement or other contract then in effect, proceed under another of these options. (b) The program administrator shall be responsible for the following. (i) Formulating and imPlementing an education program for the Public regarding the New York State requirements regarding cross - connection control, the Provisions of the local law regarding the same and the backflow prevention program. Such a program may include conducting public meetings to discuss this Law, the procedures herein and the performance of the surveys. The administrator may inform the local Press and radio and television media of such meetings, and in such event shall request the local press and radio and television media to make announcements of the cross - connection control program as a public service. {ii) Providing information to persons who are interested in becoming certified backflow prevention testers as to how to obtain the necessary training and certification. The fee for participation in the training program and obtaining the certification shall be established by the organization which provides the training. All of the expenses of training and 21 i application shall be paid by the applicant. (iii) Supervising and scheduling surveys of existing users of the water system and monitoring the connection of new users to the system, and obtain such information from such new users as is necessary, to identify and maintain an up -to -date record of potentially hazardous users. Also, developing the format and content of the reports to be delivered to the Commission for each survey performed. (iv) Developing standards for identification of potentially hazardous users. (v) Preparing and delivering the notices described elsewhere in this Law to users identified as potentially hazardous users and communicating with such users in regard to the certification requirements and providing to new users information regarding such requirements. program. (vi) Establishing and monitoring the annual certification (vii) Overseeing the inspection, testing and certification of potentially hazardous users that have failed to comply with the certification requirements of this Law. (viii) Monitoring the installation of new back -flow prevention devices and the repair, overhaul or replacement of existing backflow devices. (ix) Preparing and submitting all required or appropriate documentation in regard to the cross - connection control programs to the New York State authority responsible for collecting such 22 III C information. (x) Preparing and submitting to the Commission, with such frequency as is determined by the Commission, detailed written reports of the status of the backflow prevention program and of tasks performed by the administrator in connection with the program during the period covered by the report. (xi) Performing such other tasks as are necessary or appropriate in order to affect the requirements of New York State law regarding cross - connection control and of the New York State Cross- Connection Control Law and of this law, and performing such other functions as are requested by the Commission in connection with the backflow prevention program. (c) The administrator shall maintain a file of certified backflow prevention device testers, and shall maintain a file of the results of all tests and inspections performed by, and certifications prepared by, such persons. The administrator shall also verify that such certified backflow prevention device testers have obtained the necessary or appropriate certification from the State of New York and that such certification is current as of the date of such person's performance of any task in accordance with this law. (d) The Commission shall have the authority to delegate to the program administrator any and all of the tasks described in Section 4 of this Article. (e) All records and files maintained by the program administrator are and shall remain the property of the Commission 23 L E and shall be maintained at the office of the Commission and be made available for review upon written request. Section 6. Penalties. (a) In the event of noncompliance by any user with any term or provision of this Law, the administrator shall submit a written statement summarizing such noncompliance to the Commission not later than five (5) business days following the administrator's learning of such noncompliance. The Commission shall determine whether such noncompliance shall require imposition of penalties as provided in accordance with the Cross- Connection Control Law, or direct the program administrator to recommend, and if approved by the Commission, to monitor, a modified program of compliance for such non - compliant user. If the Commission requires imposition of penalties, or if the Commission approves a modified program of compliance, the Commission shall notify the user of same in writing. The user may in response to such notice, deliver to the Commission a written statement explaining the reasons for the user's noncompliance and detailing the user's plans for compliance. The Commission may invite the user to its next scheduled meeting to discuss the terms of the user's statement. Following its review of the user's statement, and the discussion, if any, of same, the Commission may amend the penalties and /or the modified program of compliance described in the Commission's notice. The Commission shall inform the user of such amendment in writing. (b) In addition to any other penalties provided in the Cross- 24 Connection Control Law, a user's failure to provide to the • Commission any certification required in accordance with Section 4 of this Law shall result in the imposition of a fine which shall equal twenty -five ($25.00) dollars for each day beyond the one hundred eightieth (180th) day following the date of the original notice to the user (as described in Section 4, subsection (a) hereof) multiplied by the number of inches of diameter of the largest pipe supplying public water to such user's premises. Section 7. Residential Users (a) Residential users shall be considered potentially hazardous users if a determination is made by the Commission that (i) an activity conducted at the residential property or (ii) a circumstance specific to the residential property establishes an Aequivalent degree of hazard as might be found in the situation of a non - residential user. Examples of such activities and circumstances include, but are not limited to, the presence of C� J boiler feed inhibitors, antifreeze loops and single- walled heat exchangers. Residential swimming pools and double - walled heat exchanger systems shall not be considered potential hazards. (b) Residential users also shall be considered potentially hazardous users if: i. The residential user obtains its water supply from a private well in addition to the public water supply service. In this case, the residential user may either comply with all currently applicable requirements of the New York State Cross- Connection Control law and of the New York State Department of 25 1 Health Cross- Connection Control Guide, or abandon use of the private well supply in a proper manner. ii. The residential user owns, operates, installs or relocates a lawn sprinkler system which employs underground lawn sprinklers. Such a residential user shall be required to install acceptable reduced pressure zone devices in accordance with the conditions of subpart 5- 1.31(a) New York State Cross - Connection Control Law. Residential users who own, operate, install or relocate a "pop -up" lawn sprinkler system, rather than a strictly underground sprinkler system, shall likewise be required to install an acceptable reduced pressure zone device under subpart 5- 1.31(a), unless such owners apply in writing to the Commission for a waiver of this requirement and receive written confirmation from the Commission of such waiver. The requirement described in this subsection (ii) shall not apply to lawn sprinkler systems that are six inches or more above grade. Section 8. Private Hydrants Owners and operators of private hydrants which are not under the control of the public water supplier shall be required to install acceptable reduced pressure zone devices in accordance with subpart 5- 1.31(a)� of the NYS Cross - Connection Control Law. The foregoing requirement shall apply whether the private hydrants are used to augment fire fighting systems, for lawn fertilization, for tree spraying or for any other purposes. 26 0 LJ Section 9. Containment Devices All non - residential users of the public water supply shall be required to obtain written approval from the Tompkins County Health Department and the Commission of the exact location of any containment device to be installed or relocated on their property prior to such installation or relocation. Section 10. Multiple Customer Distribution Systems A "multiple customer distribution system" has been defined by the New York State Department of Health as including all strip shopping centers, malls and similar water distribution networks. All multiple customer distribution systems shall be identified as potentially hazardous users, because there is generally no communication with the Commission regarding changes in individual customers using such systems. Owners and /or their agents of such systems shall be required to install acceptable reduced pressured zone protection in such systems within the common service portions of such systems. Owners and /or their agents of multiple customer distribution systems may be granted a waiver of compliance with the foregoing requirement provided that they submit to the Commission a detailed written description of (a) the system and its users and (b) any change in any of the users of such system within thirty (30) days of such change. Failure on the part of the owner and /or their agents to deliver the foregoing notification of change of users shall automatically make void the waiver from compliance with the requirement to install adequate reduced pressure zone protection in the multiple customer distribution system. 27