HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-02\` 1 ..S I ORGAN I Z A'I" TONAL MEETING January c, 1991 The Organizational meeting was called to i.irder at 6a00 1 }11 on :!itnuary 29 19910 Members and c ue?sts participated in the Fledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk Present : Supv ScFILLI�, Clm Roberts, Clm Walbridge, Clrn Hatfield acid Calm Corr i gran P Clm Corri13��.r� offer ed the followsarig reso lution arld asked for its adr_Ipt ion° 1 RESOLVED; that this Town Doard use Town Law Section #63 ?nd 0.1ra Hatfield Roll call vote -- all vciting Yes REaGILUI'_1:OR that the Hatfield #2 SALARY SCMEDUL;E: ior,: i is :nr will that all elective be paid bi^-VJeek.ly and appointive officials with the excleption of the the year 1991 easy fc11 lows c Clrn that the Hatfield offered the following adopt asked ft:)r its ior,: i is :nr will rescs 1 ut i on and asked for its RESOLVED, that the salaries of the elected asked ft:)r its adapt RESOLVED, Dryden i is :nr will that all elective be paid bi^-VJeek.ly and appointive officials with the excleption of the the year 1991 easy fc11 lows c RE_;;OL.VED, that call v��te the SUperv:iscir credit $89 RoOM 00 be renewed Counci 1man (4) t?, (D0 the Town Highway Si!.per i nt erident 349 200. 00 Chairperson, Town Clerk icesa 11, 350a 00 1_1f "r own Justice Sweet l and 81 82904 OCR Tr,wn F.{�-�� T VJn Justice Lloyd as 82on 00 Fnd C Irn Walbridge Roll cull vote - all Town Officials be set for voting Yes: RESOLUTION 4 #3 _SALAIRYPAYMENT Clrn Walbridge offered the fo11i::iwirig reso I tit i1.r] arid asked ft:)r its adapt RESOLVED, Dryden i is :nr will that all elective be paid bi^-VJeek.ly and appointive officials with the excleption of the of the Town of Supervi<.•"cpr, [ 0urkci.1 rnarr, and Dc,g C o n t r .11 Warden, who sqi, l l be paid monthly. End C'Irn R_lbertsw Roll call vote ° all voting Yes RESOLUTION #p4 TEL•E'PHONE CREDIT CARDS C I m Roberts -Ad 1:1 pt ior,: aUe wi offercDd be the fID11owirig ors at oft resolution rate of P6 cents per mile when for and asked fir its business. RE_;;OL.VED, that call v��te the telephone credit cards to be renewed for they year for Officer, the Town Planning Supervisor, F_tard Town Chairperson, Just icesa (2) Zoning , TC1141ri Clerk, Hoard 1_1f Zoning AppeaIS Chair and 2nd pet, scin, CiC-? C'r[ ?tclry-- C1rn Carrigan Tr,wn F.{�-�� Attorney, °,kkeeper ° Roll Highway cull v_te Superintendent, -- all vl_tir,g C_jurt Yes Clerks (2) , RESOLUTION #`, MILEAGE Calm Car ^rigGarr offered the �td rZi pt j. con RESOLVED, that the inc.Iuding election using their own car crid Clm Hatfield frllowiriq rescl ution and asked ff.-,r its mil.e aUe wi 1.1 be paid to the 'Fawn Off is j.a1.s, inspect ors at a rate of P6 cents per mile when for official town business. 1R Il 1 call v��te All all voting Yes !I t RESOLUTION ^#6 DESIGNATE OFF I C I AL ,BANKS C;111i Hatfield ciffered the fall adi:ipt i on : RESOLVED, that the Town Board Dryden and the loompkins Criurit for the Town cif Dryden for the ye grid Clm Walbridge Roll call owin�i resolutic-m and as designate the First NaL°io y Trust Company as the off ar 19910 vc_ite - all voting Yes ked for its nal Dank of icial banl <.< RESOLUTION #8 ADVANGIT RESOLUTION OF UTILITIES # "T_ OFFICIAL ADVERTISING tut C1.m Walbridge adopt ion: RESOLVED, advertising grid Clm that for Robert s> _iffercd the this Board the year 1991. Roll adc pt i on fo11owing designate call in the the vote - resolution Ithaca all voting and asked f1_ir its Journal for official Yes RESOLUTION #8 ADVANGIT PAYMENT OF UTILITIES lowing _ Warden tut Calm Roberts Differed the f o I lowing rest_ Warden tut ion and asked for itse alternate adc pt i on in the O Clm Corrigan offered the f0llowirig resolUtion and asked adopt i on : adept i Can RESOLVED, advance payment. that of the All this audited claims Tiawn claims, to Pciard authi venders be presented -mize the SUpervisor offering a discount at the next to for regular pay in prompt board meet i rig . RESOLVED, that administration this Town Board authorize Roll the Supervisor to pay in advance of the audited functions. claims to the utility behalf bills, all claims to be presented at the next regular beard meeting. :end Clm Corrigan .2nd C Im Roberts Ro11 call call vote - all Yes voting Yes RESOLUTION #10 FIRE WARDEN Clm Hatfield offered the fi�llowing resoIuti:on and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Beard appoint for -the year 1991. Deputy Supervisor absence of the Supervisor. the Supervisor RESOLUTION #9 VENDOR DISCOUNTS following resoli.ttion Warden t1_1 be the alternate adc pt i on in the O Clm Corrigan offered the f0llowirig resolUtion and asked for its adept i Can RESOLVED, advance payment. that of the All this audited claims Tiawn claims, to Pciard authi venders be presented -mize the SUpervisor offering a discount at the next to for regular pay in prompt board meet i rig . of administration and !supervision grad C I m Hatfield Roll call vote -- all vciting Yes Assessment Fund RESOLUTION #10 FIRE WARDEN Clm Hatfield offered the fi�llowing resoIuti:on and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Beard appoint for -the year 1991. Deputy Supervisor absence of the Supervisor. the Supervisor offered the as Fire following resoli.ttion Warden t1_1 be the alternate adc pt i on in the *2nd C:lm Walbridge Roll cell vote -- all vc1ting Yes RESOLUTION #11 Si= EC I AL_ FUND ASSESSMENT ADM I Pv I ST RAT I ON Clm Walbridge offered the following resoli.ttion and asked for its adc pt i on RESOLVED, that the Town St.tpervim>cer has the power and duties of administration and !supervision i ::i f- they Town of Dryden on Special Assessment Fund functions. to be performed ors behalf of the Town Board for the year 1991. .2nd C Im Roberts Roll call vr_lte - all voting Yes RESOLUTION Supervisor #12_ be FIRE to CONT RACTS AND AMBULANCE CONTRACTS ract s f or the year 19191 as per the voting Yeas at a salary $15,660.00. _ C 1 rn Hatfield Roll. call vote - all vesting Yes 4 Clm Roberts offered the std _ipt ioin: RESOLVED, that and Amb1..t 1 ance the contracts. E nd Clm Corrigan r� fo11owing resalLit ion and asked for its the) Supervisor LICENSOR _ FOR GAMES OF CHA14CEr be authorized to resoIUti01r, and a=_cked f ir.i r it=i pay the Board appoint Corit ract s f or the year 19191 as per the voting Roil 1 call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION e #13 SUBDIVISION_ CONTROL^ OI_ F I ClE"R AND . MULTIPLE _ RESIDENCE I NSPEETOR Fire Contracts budget and in Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Henry Slater as Subdivision Control Officer and Multiple Res:sidericy lnsspec °tor for the year 1991. ;�nd Clm Ha.tfield Roll dill vote -- all vOting YE'?s RESOLUTION #14 LICENSOR _ FOR GAMES OF CHA14CEr CIm Hatfield offeread the foII Cow irig resoIUti01r, and a=_cked f ir.i r it=i ad• ,pt ion RE=SOL_VE D, t heat this Town Board appoint Sl SE Sane Lloyd as licensor for Games of Chance for the year 1991. crud C1m WcAlbridcle Roll gall vote all voting Yes RF SOL_UT I,OU X181 `.i PETTY CASH CIm Walbridge offered the fo11owinq resolutilryn and asked for its adept ion: RE SOL.VIED, that this Tc-�wri Board authorize a petty cii.sh fUrICI for the Town Clerk no_,t tI:D exceed $100.00, and Tax Collector n::it to exceed gi100a 00, Petty rash as needed for postage meter, and Justice petty cash fund rio.-it to exceed $50. 0C.). - �.nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #16 COURT CL.EeRK C1rn Roberts adoption RESOLVED, i:.iffered t hat this the f_11owing Town Board resc."lutian appa i rat Jean and asked for its Ryan as Senior Court Clerk f_ir the year 1991 at a salary rzif $22117,550600 P "ond CIm Carr i gan Roll call vote all voting Yeas RESOLUTION 4# 17 COURT CLERK CIm Corr iclan offered tl•lea foI low inq resolution and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Debra Srri i l ey cis Court Clerk for the year 1991 at a salary $15,660.00. and C 1 rn Hatfield Roll. call vote - all vesting Yes 6 El 3 C) C) 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote Yes RESOLUTION_ #19 RECEIVER _ OF TAXES.,, Clm Walbridge RESOL�U'rimi #18 _SECRETARY- BOOKKEEPER SUPERVISOR Clm Hatfield offered adept ion; the follizmir,g resoI Lit i_nn and asked for its ado pt lcon: RESOLVED, that this that Town Board appoint Dianne McFall as the Supervisor's Sec _rotary °woB 11:1kkeepr.-:r for the year 1991 at a salary �P C) C) 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote Yes RESOLUTION_ #19 RECEIVER _ OF TAXES.,, Clm Walbridge i ,-,fferL;d this offered the foil -.1wirig reso1utirin and asked for its adept ion; Clerk. appoint Linda Woodin as Deputy RFfiCtLVED, that this Town Board appoint Susanne Lloyd as Receiver of Taxes- at a salary of $4,85o.00 for the year 1991m 1:nd C 1 rn Roberts Rco 1 l call vote - a l l voting Yes RESOLUTION #20 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN _ C�LIERK Clm Roberts adopt ion: HESOE_VED, that i ,-,fferL;d this the Town following Es_nard upon resali.cticon and the rectunmendati.or, asked fcw its of the Town Clerk. appoint Linda Woodin as Deputy `I' +.awn Clerk to be paid $6.25 per htAir for the year 1991. 2nd elm Cozir%rigan Roll call veite - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #21 APPOINT DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR Clrii Corrim an offered the .adopt ion: RESOLVED, that thiso Cleri {. apps -Dint Linda per hour for the year 2nd C1.rn NatfieId following resolution and asked for its Town Board Upor the recommendation , ,f the Town Waodir, as DepkAty Tax Collector to be paid $6.25 1791. Rc_o 1 1 call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #22 ASSISTANT BUDGET OFFICER Cl.m Hat fieId riffered the f(.11owing reaizilLitilzon #.A nd asked for its ad 17,1 p•t ilzin: RE SOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Dianne McF -4111 as the assistant Budget Officer for the yearn 1991 at a salary of $1, 100. 00 per year. c_r,d Clm Walbridge Ro-zo1 l call vote - all vc.1t ing Yes RE=SOLUTION 423 CONTRACT TOWN ATTORNEY (:lm Walbridge iffe:red the f�,ll cow ing rescoIution hour. and asked for its adept i on RESOLVED, that this Town Board contract with Mahlon Perkins as the *N':)wn At t i= n^rley :it the rate of $1, 5C ►i ), c_;c i per month f, lr the year 1991 to el_r regular agreed upor, Town business. All ether but>iness will be billed at a rate i::if $100.00 per hour as per contract. 2nd C 1 m Roberts R zi 1 1 call vote -- all voting Yes ® RESOLUTION _0.24 ASSISI-ANT BOOKKEEPER Cl.m Roberts _iffered the fci11owirig resoIuticin and asked for its adopt is in: RE SOLVED, that this Town Board appo i rot Wan i t a assistant Bookkeeper for the year 1991 at a salary o.m if t:r,d Clm Cerricla.r, Roll call vote -- all voting Yes Baldwin as the $7.:�r� per hour. V 4 n RESOLUTION # �!5 CONTRACT TOWN ENGINEER Clr�r Carrigan offered adopt ion: RESOLVED, that other engineering rnd Clm Hatfield the falli::iwing resolution and asl <.ed for its this Tcowrt Board contract with Oe! or gee Sr-h l echt or any service for the year 1991 as appropriate. Roll call. vr_1te -- al l vi i irig Yes C1rm Hat fie Id offered adoption: kE'SOLVED, that inspectors whi5 registration and L'nd Clm Walbridge RESOLUT I_O-N- # 26 IJ4SIDEC;TORS the following re:o1.Utiarl arld asked for its this Town B lard authorize payment to the election work. as fol lows s $50.00 fr.ir primary day9 $45r 0O for $80.00 for election day. Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 27_ PUBLIC_, WORMS SUPERINTEta17ENT CIrn WaIbr1drge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOL..VED9 that this Town Board appoint Donald Gilbert as the Public Works Superintendent fear^ the year 1991 at a salary of $2,520.00 per year. 2ncl Clm Roberts Roll call vote -- all, voting Yes> RrFSOLUT i ON_ ^ #28 t.LEAN I NG _ CONTRACT CIrn Roberts. offere_ #d they fo11oko :i.rig resolution Linda and asked for its a.dopt iim.ri: RESOLVED, that Wood th:i.s Town Board appoint the Debbie 1991 Foote as the cleaniriy pers.-on fs:1r When asked extra the T_wn cleaning Hell to to be be paid paid at at the the rate same to oof $45.00 per week. rate. 2 nd Clm Corrigan Roll Call vote - all vc)t i ng Yes RESOLUTION #29 APPOINT Fs I NGU INSPECTOR C1rii Corrigan offered the adapt i on RESOLVED., that Inspector for annua 1 1 y. 2nd Clm Hatfield following reso1.aation and asked fi,xr its this, Tl -.,wn Board #30 DOG appoint Linda WARDEN Wood in as Bingo the year 1991 ire the ami::iur,t of $150.00 to be paid Roll call vote _ all voting Yes RESOLUTION #30 DOG CONTROL. WARDEN C1 Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adapt i on : Rc:S0L..VL U, t h at t h i s Town Beard appoint Lorraine Bard as Dog Control Warden at <•a salary of $4, 8c7c7, OO for the year 1991. The Town of Dryden wi 11. pay her $5, Boo. 00 per year to lease her facilities and for dog related expenses. This wi11 be paid monthly. The Town will receive �t11, dog impoundment fees and a rnr.tnt••hly written report cizzincerning dogs ® in the Ti_iwri of l?ryden. -.nd Clm Walbridge R01:1 call Vote - all voting Yes RE SOL tjwr I Ofd_ #31 appoi. nt Dianne McFall as DEPUTY HIGHWAY the Highway Department SUPERINTENDENT salary 2nd C lm of $1 U, C►GC►. C►r i Carrigan Roll call. vote - all. voting Yes appoint tine _ resolution and C1.rn Walbridge offered r ac1IDpt 1:Ir1: RESOLVED, that this Towr Si..rperintenderit, appoirlt year 1991 at a salary of *'rid C1m R- lber•tio Ro1.1. C i the f1D111_wing res Board upr.iri the rec ,lack Bark. as Depot $2771 000s 00 call vote - all VOt 11_lt ir.:1n and asked f1::ir its o mnendat il-.1rl of the Highway y :31.tpt of Highways for the ing Yea RESOLUTION 032 S=CIRETARY- DOOKKE�E`PER HIGHWAY DEPART) EENT C I m Robersts imn ffered the f.j11owinn resOlI,kt iorl arid asked for its adopt :i on RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoi. nt Dianne McFall as Secretary- Sooltkeeper to the Highway Department for the year 1391 at a salary 2nd C lm of $1 U, C►GC►. C►r i Carrigan Roll call. vote - all. voting Yes RESOLUTION 4133 GADABOUT RES[�I,_UT I ON 0 34 RECREATION AND 1'�UT,TH aE RV I CE=eiADM I:N I ST RO T I ON, asked for its adopt RE aUL.VED, Clm Corrigan _ of•Fe•red appoint tine frtll.owirlq resolution and asked for its adopt ion: for the Yes year 19910 RESOLVED, that this T,_,wri Board authori e payment to Gadabout at a rate of $4,000.00 for the year 1991 as per the budget when the fl..rnds are available. grid C;lm Hatfield Roll call vote -° all voting Yes; RES[�I,_UT I ON 0 34 RECREATION AND 1'�UT,TH aE RV I CE=eiADM I:N I ST RO T I ON, asked for its adopt RE aUL.VED, ion: that _ Dryden appoint D i anne McFall as the Adm ?rid i n i st rat � �r for C I m We\1bridge recreation arid Roll call C Im Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt RE aUL.VED, ion: that the Town of Dryden appoint D i anne McFall as the Adm ?rid i n i st rat � �r for C I m We\1bridge recreation arid Roll call youth vote - services all voting for the Yes year 19910 PRESOLU61 96ION 1135 :OUTHWORTH LIBRARY C:lm Walbridge :offered the fol. low inq resoIuti.cin arid asked for its adlpti�_m: RESOLVED, that the SIAPervisor be C :1n•t rant i rl the amus.•,unt of $3,000.00 are available. authorized to pay the Library for the year 1991 when the funds °_nd Calm Rr._Iberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #36 AIDPOINT TOWN HIOTORIAN 9 C;lrn R-lberts 1::1ffered the f:11 1 1_1wirig resol l!t iim. 1rl and asked for its adapt ion: RE•::.1SOL.VED, t hat this Town Board appoint Ruth Sweet 1 and as Town Historian in the omrz,unt of $2o(D. rite for the year 1991 to be paid rr�n�IG711y. 2nd Cl.rn Corrigan Roll call v1 :1te all voting Yes • LAW 0 :® I TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 -644 -8619 In the Reart of the Finger Laker Region OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR To Henry Slater Susanne Lloyd Jean Ryan r From : Jim Re: State Audit Report January 3, 1991 At our Organizational. meeting last night the Board discussed a comment in the subject report of the need of the Board to review and audit department's accounts and records. Based on this need to comply, the Board agreed to audit and question, if necessary, on a split assignment basis. It will be split as f.ol.lows: Charlie and Peggy for January through June and July through December reviewed and audited by Betty and Ron. A copy of the audit comment is attached. cc: Town Board Justices �'�K'A�IViiCi�Y.' ..aI.MA./�MaMKaM�•�.ar Iras �:._ .wr aa.. ♦�..� -�..�• —rte. Lack of Annual Accounting and Audit of Records L� There was no Indication In the minutes or elsewhere at the town that the town board audited, or caused to be audited, the books and records of its officers and employees who received or disbursed moneys In their official capacities. in addition, certain of the aforementioned officers and employees did not make an annual accounting to the town board. All town officers and employees who receive or disburse moneys should account to the town board by January 20th of the following, year, and the town board should audit or cause to be audited all related hooks and records. In addition, the town board should audit all town justice dockets. Indication of such audits, together with a written statement of all receipts and disbursements by town officers and employees, except town justices, should be entered in the minutes of the town board (Town LAW, §123, Uniform Justice Court Act, §2019-a)' An annual accounting and audit gives the town board the opportunity to monitor the fiscal procedures of town related activities. This matter was commented on in our previous Report of L'xamination. Town of Dryden Page 7 b RESOLUTION #37 DFRYDE7N HIST RI AL. SOCIETY INSPECTOR I NT SECRETARY ASSISTANT Cirn Carrigan offered the fo11 ow irng res-41 Lit iOr, and asked for its adopt iori: RESOLVED, It h at this 'ft,arn Board a u t hoc i z e payment It o the Dryden Historical Sor.:iety at a rate of $7C)0.00 for tiny) year 1991 as per the budget when the funds are available:. End Clm Hatfield R_i11 call votc-:? -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #38 BUILDING CODE„ Af='I' INSPECTOR I NT SECRETARY ASSISTANT RESOLVED, that BUILDING Town Board C 1 m HatfJ.eId offered the fo11inwirig res��l ,it it_in and asl {.ed fl r• it i ad 1:o pt ion: RESOLVED, thaat- this Town Board appoint Henry Slater as Building Code Inspector for the year 1 39:1 at a salary of $159500.00 _-,•,cl Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all vr_it ing Yes RESOLUTION 4#40 APPOINT CLERICAL #39 Af='I' O I NT SECRETARY ASSISTANT RESOLVED, that BUILDING Town Board appcoirit CODE L WSPI:�CTCIR at It-he rata department at the rate of $6.50 per^ hr.lur •l or the year" 1991. 2,rid C1m Corrigan Roll , vote -- all voting Yes all. voting Yes LIrri Walbridge offered the fc,11owirig resc�Iution and asked for its adapt i or, RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint C1 irito_in C otteri l l as the assistant Bu 1 irig Code ImSper_tor at the rate of $7. 90 pet, hoe.on for the year, 1991. � ncl Calm Roberts Roll call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION 4#40 APPOINT CLERICAL ASSISTANT -I"0 Z0NING /E:UII..DING �iidopt i < -rrr: adr_ r,: SECRETARY RESOLVED, that this ® CIm Roberts offevned the fc,I lowing resce1.ut ion arid asked for its �iidopt i < -rrr: adr_ r,: SECRETARY RESOLVED, that this Town Board appcoirit Wan ita F.caIdwiri as the secretary to zoning /building at It-he rata department at the rate of $6.50 per^ hr.lur •l or the year" 1991. 2,rid C1m Corrigan Roll call. vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION ##41 «ZONING OFFICER CIm Corr iElccn offered the fo11owirig resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Henry Slater as Zcming Officer for the yearn 1991 at a salary of $15,500.00 ..rid Clm Hatfield Roll cell vote _ all voting Yes RESOLUTION ##42 APPOINT ASSISTANT ZONING OFFICER RESOLUTION C:lrn Hatfield #43 APPOINT_ offered the foIIinwir, reso I ut i izir, and asked for its adr_ r,: SECRETARY RESOLVED, that this Town Bc:iard appoi rot C1 intern Cotteri l l as the assistant Zoriiriia Officer at It-he rata 1cof $7.90 per hr-i,tr for the* year 1,991's grid Clm Wal.briclrq.e Roll call vote all. voting Yes RESOLUTION #43 APPOINT_ SITE PLAN REVIEW SECRETARY ® C1,m Walbridge < adapt iorr: RESC1LVi.D, that the Site P1. an hr..tur. c:nd Clm Rober "t s offerecl the fo11 owinEl resol Lit ion and asked for its this Town board appini.nt Susanne Lloyd as secretary to Review Board for the year 1991 at a rate of $6.25 25 pnr Roll call vote _ all voting Yea i 7 RESOLUTION A44 PLANNING . BOARD CHA I RPE RuiON C1nl Roberts offered the <eZ cf co o n RESOLVED, that Planning Board be Fiend annually. 2nd C l m Corrigan f1111I:Iwing resi:.i1 .it ion and asked for its this ##45 API_!OCNT TcIwri Board SECRI_�'ARY appoiTit secretary for the. Barbara Caldwel l as the per hoL11^. Chairperson C: l rn Hatfield for the year 1991 at a rate of $40Qm 00 •L-.,:) Roll call vote - all vI_1tir19 Yes FZ...BQLUTION ##45 API_!OCNT red the PLANNING LaOARD SECRI_�'ARY Town Board appc.,int Jean Ryan as secretary for the. Planning Board for the year 1991 at a rate of $7.91D per hoL11^. 2nd C: l rn Cl.fir Corrigan c-�ffered the fr.,IIowirig resoI .it irn and asked for its adoption: iw offered the frJ1lowing red the RE:S0LVED, that this Town Board appc.,int Jean Ryan as secretary for the. Planning Board for the year 1991 at a rate of $7.91D per hoL11^. 2nd C: l rn Hatfield 'rid Calm Roberts Rr:: +11 Roll gall vote _ all voting Yes RESOLUTION iw offered the frJ1lowing red the >#.46WzONINUi >oIution and asked for its adept i�n: KKSULVED, that Ze_1niriI B_�card this 'rown $oarcl �:�f Appeai <.� f��r appoint the OARDOF_APPEALs_CHWIRMAN Ryan as secsretary for the 1f 91 at a rate of $7. 90 per flour. 'rid Calm Roberts Rr:: +11 call vote _ all eating Yes empli_,yees will be paid ire a rarlige not to exr-eea d $10. GCS per hCO..1r9 (stye attached list) Clrn Hatfield offered the that this Town C'hairp* rsor I ly. Ibridge adopt ion : RIEJ[.il.. VED, of Appeal paid arinl.1a r. ?nd Clm Wa follawirig resolution and asked for its Board appoint .John Baker as the Zoning Board for the year 1991 %Zt a rate of $400. o i to be Roll call vote - a 1 1 voting - Yes RESOI„ UT I ON #47 SECRETARY TO Z ON I hJ(a ,L�OFaR1D OF APPEALS C1rn Walbridge iw offered the frJ1lowing red the re4i >oIution and asked for its adept i�n: KKSULVED, that Ze_1niriI B_�card this 'rown $oarcl �:�f Appeai <.� f��r appoint the Team year Ryan as secsretary for the 1f 91 at a rate of $7. 90 per flour. 'rid Calm Roberts Rr:: +11 call vote _ all eating Yes RESOLUTION 4-48 SPECIAL DISTRICT ADNINI(STRAI'ION C I Roberts offered the adept ion: IRESOL.VED, that the Town ad m i ri i ti-n- t rat i _,n and upery i Impr(:,vement District furict Board. That Dianne McFall b and receiver of assessments 2r'id C l m Corrigan - Rol l follawi.riC1 resolution and asked far its S u p e r v i s o r has the power and duties of lion of the Town of Dryden on Special i.i :ir,s to be per °formed on behalf i::if the Town e appointed special district billing clerk for the year 1991. call vote - all v1:1t i ng Yes RESOLUTION #N49 HIGHWAY SALARIES C Ire Corrii3an 1affc� red the fo11owin9 resolution and asked for its ad C1 pt ir-,r., RE- SOLVED , that all highway empli_,yees will be paid ire a rarlige not to exr-eea d $10. GCS per hCO..1r9 (stye attached list) as recommended by the Highway Superintendent for. the year 1991. ®and Clrii Hatfield Rol 1 call v• lte - all voting Yes [i LJ !RES01.AJT 1 ON e #tjrO GLO�rt-t .NG AID I_ OWANCE Clr11 Hatf ield cif ferect the fco1 1c1wing resi::il ut iorn and asked fc.or its a.dr,pt icons RESOLVED, that the Highway Super ^iritendent be authorized to have the f u 11 t i me permanent h i ghway employees purchases work clothing i n yen c? me i..lnt ri cot to exceed $1,25. 0(1) per pers)ori for 1991. 'and Clm Walbridge R��11 call verve -- all vi_+t• ing Yes RESOLUTION #51 PURCHASE OF SMALL C1fti Wal.bridye offered the f col 1owirig resr_,1ut Gadcipt ion: RESOLVED, that they Highway Super i riterident be small tools not tia exceed $5,000.00 ft.-jr the year 2nd Clm Roberts Roll cAl l vote -- all vat i TOOLS icon and asked for its authorized to purchase 19919 rig Yes RESOLUTION #52 GASOLINE fc:1l.lowing AND DIESEL resoIutICori and asked firer its PURCHASE that the "icrwr, of Dryden Clio accept State pricirick Clm Rciberts offered the for the fc:1l.lowing purchase of resoIutICori and asked firer its adraht i _on: RESOLVED, that the "icrwr, of Dryden Clio accept State pricirick Courrty or 1 coca 1 bid equipment 2'rld C l m Corr ficir for gasoline the year 1` i 13<an zind 91. Roll diesel. call - all tic1 vote be pion chased °- all voting for Yes -the use of town RESOL Fr 1 m _ #53, -�TIRE PURCHASE C1rn Corrigan offered the fc,11owing resoI Lit iOn arid asked for its Graopt i. c.n RESOLVED, that the Town of Icica1. bid for -the purchase of the year 1'jj1. Dryden accept State pr' i c ing, C .coat y or tires for the Lese _tin tclwn egi..4 ipment for nd C,lm Hatfield Roll cell vote - all vicitinn Yes RESOLUTION #54 PIPE AND _CULVERI C I m Hatfield offered adapt ion: RESOLVED, that the ID i pe and cn u l vent 1991.. °.rid C I m WaIbrnidge the fc.41lowing resoluticon and asked for its Town cif Dryden accept COUrity clr 10ca1 pricir111 for purchcised for towr, highway purchases for the year Roll call vote - all vc nt ing Yes RESOLUTION #55 OIL AND STONE PURCHASE 01.111 Walbridge ciffered the fi_,11 cow ing res_ out ion and asked for its a.dinpt i lb.I n a RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden accept State, Cc,Unty car le.ncal pricing for the purchase of road ails and !stone for the year 1991. 2nd Clio Roberts Rico 1 1 call vote - all vr:it i rnr} Yes RE .50LUTION 4#56 SALT AND SAND PURCHASE C I m Roberts offered the fco11ciwirig re so I.utic,n and 4R5ked fcor its cndopt icirl RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden accept State, County cor local b i d for the purchase cof salt and sand f� �r use by the town highway department for the yestr 1991. Grid C 1 m Corrigan Roll call vr_it c a - a 1. 1 vot i ri g Yes w 9 4�a • RESOLUTION #57 GUIDE ERA IL._PURLI_I(4SG Clm Corrigan offered the adept ion;, RESOLVED, that the for the purchase of for the year 1991. rid Clm Hatfield ads Fiat icon: following reso].u.tion anti asked for its IIown of Dryden accept State, County :ir lciccil bid guide rail fC'Vm Use by the town highway department Roll call. vote -- all voting Yes R1f%OIU;T I QN It APPOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBER Ft offered the fo11:swirig resoI t �c asked f: r its RESOLVED, that this of = 91.1ard wlio".)se rceir +t will to the Dryden expire 1-71rl Dec 31st 1995. c.r►d . Walbridge Roll 10- 11 arinin - that this se ter ^m la 11 expire voting 1n ec Hatfield to the Dryden Industrial �� nd Ulm Rt :)berts R1_111 whose Roll call VI-Ite - all. Voting on voting Dec 31st Yea 19950 RESOLUTION 0G8_APPOINT ZONING BOARD OF APIPEALS MEMBER C1.ni Hatfield offered the f1:411ow:iria resolution and asked for its adopt iOrl RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Fran DiTortrmaso to the Dryden Zoning offered of Appeals 91.1ard wlio".)se term will and asked for its expire 1-71rl Dec 31st 1995. c.r►d Clra Walbridge Roll call that this vote -•° all voting Yes RESOLUTION #59 APPOINT IDA MEMBER [;lm Walbridge offered the f IIowirig resoIutian and asked for its Lid c,pt i vin ® RESOLVED, that this 'rowr., Board appoint Tom Hatfield to the Dryden Industrial �� nd Ulm Rt :)berts Agency whose Roll term call shall vote expire -- all on voting Dec 31st Yea 19950 10 REcSOLUUTION #,6C1) INVk_STMF`NT POLICIES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE TOWN OF DRYDE N ® Clm Roberts offered the fal lowing resceI ut i _r� and asked ��r its adopt i on o RESOLVED, that the object ive s of the Investment pcil icy of the Town of Dryden are tia minimize risk; to insure that investments matlrre when the cash i s re q u i red to f i rlclrice ciperat i r.mss; and to i nsl_rre a competitive rate Q return. In accordarlc-ra with this r)olir_y9 thc, Supervisor i.s hereby authorized t invest all funds including proceeds of obl igat ie:)ns and reserve funds irl: Certificates of Deposit ii issued by a bGarlk or trust company authorized to do bl..rsiness in New York State; Time Deposit Ace turlt s in a bank or trust company authorized to do bimsirles is in New York State Obl i gait ions of Nei: York Stalte, Obligations of the United States Grivernment; Only reserve funds may be invested in Obligations .;of the Tt� cif Dryden. All other L_c:Aca1 Government _iff•'icials recei.virig money in their official capacity must dept osit such funds in negizzit itable order of withdrawal accounts. All. irlvest merit s made p!!rs!karlt to this investment policy shall comply with the fcil lowin_q coed it irons: 1. COLLATERAL a. C:erti•ficates of. Deposits shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit I rl<.s!rrarlce Ci_ rporat i ions or by obligations of New York State or ocibligations of the United States or obligati *1rls of federal agencies the principal and interest of which are quaranteed by the United States, nr obligations of New York. State IocaI ig overnment so Collateral shall be delivered to the Town of Dryden or a c %ustcldia1 bank.. The market valurP Of collateral shall at all times E-?q uaI or exceed the principal arsiount of the certificate lc,f dep lsit, Collateral shall be monitizired no less frequently than quarterly. be Collateral shall not be required with r'esipect to the direct laurchase of obligations of New York State, obl igat i.. -!nci 'cf the United States, and obligations or of federal agencies the principal and interest of which are guararnteed irorls by the United States Governments. 9:. DELIVERY OF SECURITIES R Flaymerit sha.7.1 he made by or can behalf of the Ti�iwr•I cif 1)rycierl for, obli gat irorls of New York State, obliilationa the principal and interest i:lf which are guaranteed by the Uri ited States. United States ObIigzationss, certificatess #Df deposits, and other purchased secr_rrities upork deIivery therer_,f to the custodial. bank. All t r.arlsact i onsa shall be coin f i rmed in writing, ?. WRITTEN CONTRACTS ZAo Wr i t t en cant r a c t G . i may be recl u i red for the p! I.rc.hase of a l l mertific_ates of deposits. t4.. DESIGNATION OF CU£i -f oD I AL_ BANK al. The First National Funk cnf Dryden and Tompkins County Trust CoMparly both chartered by the State of New York are designated to tact aei cu. todial ba.rlks of thP. Town of Dryden' s irlVs:?`'itrflentci. 11 _J ICJ 11 5. FINANCIAL annually, GlA de / STRENGTH OF INSTITUTIONS and certificates of depos; its are to be made with hanks a. All trading partners must be credit to determine satisfacti_Jry worthy. Their statemer•its must be reviewed arinucally by the Supervisor to sati.sfactiwory firianr..ial strength or the Supervisor may rating agencies to determine credit worthiness. financial deterrine use credit b. Investments annually, GlA de in time deposits and certificates of depos; its are to be made with hanks ::ir trust c"::impanies. "their annual reports may be reviewed by the Supeervissor to determine satisfacti_Jry financial strength. So C11 ='!•^ RATIONS, AUDIT AND REPORTING a. The Supervisor onr Deputy S1.cperviSQr shall authorize the purchase and sale and execute coat ract s f or cent i, f i cat es C,f deposits lrin behalf of the Town of Dryden. b. At the time independent auditors) conduct the annual audit of the accounts sand financial affairs f the Tiywn rif= Dryden, the independent audi.ti-n^s shall audit the investments of the Town of Dryden far corkipIiance with the provisions of this investment po 1 icy. Within sixty (SCE) days of the end of each of the fir it three p uart e r s of the 'f= i sr_•a.l year, t he Supery i yor shall prepare and submit tC'4 the Town Board a quarterly investment report, which indicates the new investments, the inventory :1f existing investments acid such other matters as the Supervisor° deems appropriate. d. Within IRO days of the end of the fiscal year, the 1.1pervisor ssha].1 prepare and <_submi't to the Town Board im annual investment report; recommendatitm.ins for change in these investment gUideliriesy t he rc."s,u1.ts _,f the annlua.l independent aal.rdit, the investment income re.%ciz1rdy and s!lch other matters ail thE? Super "Visor deems appr(.ipriate. At least annually, GlA de at the Organi zat il_inal meeting of the Dryden Town Dcard, the board s•>halI review and amend, if necessary therse irivestrnent policies. The prov i s i ons of these I nvest ntent GlA de 1 i nes and any amendments hereto ssha.11 takie pl- %ior selection of :'nd C;lrn Corrigan effect prospectively arty C .stud ial. Rr ."111 call Bank vote and or prier all voting shall not investment. Yes invalidate 'tlie Ads �pteid orl January c:, 1991 by .in ariim_1us'> vote of the Dryden Town Huard. 1 SUPERVISOR APPOINTMENTS Deputy Supervisor General F urid Bills Cinrnrn i t t ee - - -- -__ Hit hway Fund Bills Committee ---° -- Special F and Bills Committee - -- -- -- - BlAi lding and Grounds Committee _ -- °.- Assessment Review Committee Insurance Committee Representative to Dalton Point --- - ° - Represent at i ve to F' 1 ann i nR Board Representative to 1v °aning Board Representative to TAWTF Representatives to Fire Departments Public Relatii =lns Village of Dryder, Village c: