HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-03 TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 3 , 1989 S upv Schug called the meeting to order at 12 noon Members and quests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : P resent : Supv Schug , Clrn Hatfield , Clrn Evans , Clrn Garlock , Clw W albridge and Atty Perkins Atty Perkins reported on the Senior Citizens exemption - in 1975 the State adopted amendments to the Real Property Tax Law which allowed the towns to pass local laws , local ordinances or ✓ esolutions that would exempt 50 percent of senior citizens property assessed value from taxation . The Town does have in effect at the present time an ordinance for aged exemption . The State does now allow a sliding scale for the exemption and the limits have been raised again . Atty Perkins recommended that the Town Board ✓ epeal everything that has been done before either by resolution or by ordinance , and now do it solely by resolution . Clm Garlock introduced a resolution repealing all prior ordinances regarding aged exemptions and 2nd by Clw Walbridge S upv Schug scheduled a public hearing for Feb 14th at 7 : 45PM re : repealing all previous resolutions and ordinances for aged e xemptions for real estate property tax . Clrn Garlock introduced a resolution to establish a new sliding scale for aged exemption in the Town of Dryden and End by Clm H atfield S upv Schug scheduled a public hearing for Feb 14th at 8 : 00PM re : a n ew sliding scale for aged exemption on real estate property tax . Atty Perkins - the Town Board needs to make a resolution to commence under Article 78 proceeding against the County Board of Representatives challenging the findings and determinations which w ere made Jan 4th in connection with the DR7 landfill operation . RESOLUTION #60 PROCEED UNDER ARTICLE 78 AGA .INSTTOMPKINS COUNTY RE : LANDFILL DR7 Cirn Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board proceed under Article 78 against the Tompkins County Board of Representatives challenging the findings and determinations which were made Jan 4th in connection with DR7 landfill site . 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes • Atty Perkins - the Town Board needs to have a e the Supervisor sign and ✓ erify the petition and any other documents necessary in connection w ith the prosecution under Article 78 . 1 .Z ! RESOLUTION # 61 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO SIGN AND VERIFY ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS UNDER ARTICLE 778 • Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Supervisor Schug to sign • and verify the petition and all necessary documents concerning Article 78 . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote °- all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 62 LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION COMMITTEE. Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : . RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Torn Pendall , 484 Caswell Rd , Freeville , NY and Nancy Morgan , 105 Wood Rd , Freeville , NY to be the Town of Dryden representatives for the landfill neighborhood protection committee . Also Henry Raupp , 362 West Dryden Rd . , Freeville , NY to be the alternate . 2nd C1w Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 63 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN CLERK AND DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion : 411 RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Jane Koelsch as Deputy Town . Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector for the year 1989 to be paid at the rate of $ 5 . 50 per hour . and Clm Evans Roll call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 64 APPOINT REPRESENTATIVE TO TOMPKINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Brad Perkins as the Town of D ryden Representative to Tompkins Community Hospital . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes S upv Schug and Atty Perkins will look into . bonding for fiscal advisors as to terms , timing and structure . J an Kubl is -- received a letter from Atty Mulvey , the County Attorney requesting disclosure as to the results of the geologist testing at the DR7 site . He recommended that the Town of Dryden tests results for DR7 be sent directly to him and not for release at the present time . There was discussion regarding Guthrie Clinic in that they do not w ant to hook up to public water and sewer that is currently being installed for the Monkey Run Water and Sewer . This was agreed upon at the time of their Site Plan Review hearing that was held on Sept 2 , 1988 , that they would hook up at their own expense when the w ater and sewer became available . • . — -. 1 • aR Atty Perkins -- Guthrie Clinic will have to make another application a Site Plan Review hearing , because they are changing the condition III of the special permit . • Atty Perkins - will contact Guthrie Clinic and let them know the B oard ' s opinion . There was some discussion regarding Wilcox Press . There was some confusion about the water and sewer agreement and the rates that would be charged . Wilcox Press states that they were promised at previous meetings by Board members , but not at a Town Board meeting , that they would get water and sewer at the same rate as e veryone else and not the one and one half rate . Clrn Garloock did not recall ever having made such a statement at any meeting with the IDA or any other meeting that he had attended . There was no rate agreed upon but there was discussion . There was some confusion and Clm Garlock said that he would check h is notes . Clm Evans - he thought the meeting was with the IDA and Town Supv . Cotterill . S upv Schug -- he would like Clm Garlock to research the matter and the Town is in the position that if this was done than this Town B oard should back the previous commitment . If this wasn ' t in effect and the Board so chooses to change to one and one half rate or two ✓ ate he will go along with the change . Atty Perkins - every meeting that he had attended regarding Wilcox P ress and there was discussion for the water and sewer charge it w as always one and one half rate . There was some discussion regarding the MA Zone near Hall Woods Rd . S upv Schug suggested that Atty Perkins meet Jim Willard ' s attorney to clear up once and for all the matter of the establishment of the MA Zone near Hall Wood ' s Rd . , with regard to notices and everything e lse was done right . Clm Evans - felt that before anything else is done with the Wilcox Press application this other matter of rate charge has to be ✓ esolved . Atty Perkins - his decision is not going to change , because there w as nothing that was done improper and was all done according to the statues . The entire proposed changes were printed along with the public notice . The Statute of limitations has run out on the proposed changes . After considerable discussion Atty Perkins said that he would be h appy to meet with their attorney . If their attorney has some IPspecific questions than he will respond the procedural preferences . Clm Evans felt this is something that should be done . Adjourned : 1 : 10PM Susanne Lloyd , Town C erk 44a*cLt _ C' \ I