HomeMy WebLinkAboutMN-SPCC-2023-09-20SPECIAL Common Council Voting Record Date: Wednesday, September 20th 2023 Location: City Hall, 108 E. Green Street 3rd Floor, Council Chambers Meeting Called to order: 6:02 P.M. Meeting Adjourned: 9:39 P.M. YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V2ewws0joI&list=PLfplo_VA57eoynrqxkGvi11vxHlwByjZw&index=2 Attendance Record of Voting Members Name Present (In Person) Remote Absent / Excused Mayor – Laura Lewis X 1st Ward – Cynthia Brock X 1st Ward – George McGonigal X 2nd Ward – Phoebe Brown X 2nd Ward - Ducson Nguyen X 3rd Ward- Donna Fleming X 3rd Ward – Rob Gearhart X 4th Ward – Jorge DeFendini X 4th Ward - Tiffany Kumar X 5th Ward – Robert Cantelmo X 5th Ward - Kris Haines-Sharp X Total voting members for this meeting 9 Item 1: Call To Order 1.1: Review of Agenda YouTube Timestamp: 0:45 Discussion Summary: Due to pre-existing commitments Alderperson Haines-Sharp will leave early, City Attorney Lavine will be attending the meeting late, and City Controller will not be in attendance; Agenda Item 3.2 Resolution will be moved by Alderperson Cantelmo and a motion to table the vote until the October 11th 2023 Special Meeting will take place after Council’s Discussion Item 2: Petitions and Hearings of Persons Before Council 2.1 Statement from Public YouTube Timestamp: 4:01 Discussion: The following members of the Public commented on the following Topics: Given the number of Speakers, speaking time has been reduced to 2 minutes. Cornell Mou and City of Ithaca Encampments: Theresa Alt, Olivia Vincent, James Smith, Katie Sims, Luke O’Brien, Murale, Emme Edmunds, Trevor Cross, Eric Nord, Nick Wilson, Evelyn Kennedy Jeffe, Pierre Saint-Perez, Margaret Foster, Amanda Kirchgessner, Siobhan Hull, Katie Rueff, Kiurn Adams, Kayla Mates, David Waingarten, Alyssa Trombitas, Fay Gougakis- Leo Ray, Kolya Vitek, John Monkoviz, David Yearsley, Emily Turner, Ewan Robinson, James Gregoire- TIDES, Caroine Feindel, Barbara Reganspan, Carolyn Headlam, Jason Houghton, Thomas Murphy, David Bulatek, Fred, Schoeps, Ian Sloan, Genevieve Rand, JT Lamkin, Annika Rowland, Veronica Pillar, Carolyn Chang, 2.2 Privilege of the Floor YouTube Timestamp: 1:18:15 Discussion Summary: Council responded to the public by thanking the Public for coming out to speak. Council pointed out this is Hispanic Heritage Month wanted to bring attention to the Latinx Community. Thanked City Staff and Negotiators for their work on negotiations with Cornell. Council continued with addressing the Public sharing their thoughts and concerns regarding the Cornell PILOT and Homeless Encampments. Council commended the public for coming out and working together. Mayor Lewis made it known that the names of the Members of the Cornell Negotiating team as well as the names of the Members of the City’s Negotiating team have been circulated and made available. Item 3: Special Meeting Business 3.1: Pilot Policy To Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property YouTube Timestamp: 1:35:55 Moved By: Alderperson DeFendini Seconded by: Alderperson Brock Discussion Summary: Director of Planning and Development Lisa Nicholas was present for questions and comments from Council. Mayor Lewis thanked the working group for their time spent on this complex topic and challenging issue. Alderperson Brock offered two suggested changes to the Policy. Alderperson Brock proposed an amendment to the Resolution and Policy; Alderperson Brock provided the language in an email to the City Clerk and to Council. Alderperson Gearhart added that it is the intent of PEDC to bring forward another Policy that will address a separate Policy that will look at how to develop an Enforcement Protocol for the remaining public lands that are not identified in this current policy. Alderperson Brown was absent from the vote. Friendly Amendment- change the words “annually” to “quarterly” in the Policy; add the word “and safety” in section 5A to read health and safety. Proposed Amendment to Resolution to add a second Resolve to read “Resolve that item 8 of the policy be amended as follows…” Alderperson Kumar- Call The Question Alderperson Cantelmo- Point of Order. Alderperson Kumar- Call The Question Withdrawn Vote Passed: 8-0 Member All In Favor Oppose Abstain Cynthia Brock X George McGonigal X Phoebe Brown ABSENT Ducson Nguyen X Donna Fleming X Rob Gearhart X Jorge DeFendini X Tiffany Kumar X Robert Cantelmo X Kris Haines-Sharp ABSENT/EXCUSED 3.1 Pilot Policy to Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property WHEREAS, on August 29, 2022, Mayor Lewis appointed the Working Group on Unsanctioned Encampments (WGUE) charged with developing a draft City policy regarding unsanctioned encampments on City –owned property, including a recommended methodology for policy enforcement given competing demands for limited City resources and a desire not to criminalized homelessness, and WHEREAS, camping is currently prohibited on all City property, and WHEREAS, the WGUE brought forward a draft pilot policy to the June 21, 2023 meeting of the Planning & Economic Development Committee (PEDC) featuring the following land classification approach to manage encampments on City property: • Green Zone – camping temporarily allowed with basic hygiene and sanitation services provided • Amber Zone – camping prohibited but lower priority for enforcement • Red Zone – camping prohibited and top priority for enforcement, and WHEREAS, the draft pilot policy further recommended a six-step, week-by-week, progressive enforcement protocol to respond to encampments located where prohibited, and WHEREAS, no PEDC consensus was achieved regarding an enforcement protocol, and WHEREAS, the PEDC discussion resulted in staff direction to bring back a revised policy containing the following elements: • Establish a sanctioned camping area with a buffer from any residential neighborhood • Provide basic living facilities and services in the sanctioned camping area • Retain the existing prohibition on camping outside the sanctioned area • Request Tompkins County convene a cross-agency multi-sector task force to address unsheltered homelessness. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Ithaca Common Council hereby modifies Items 5 and 8 of the Pilot Administrative Policy to Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property, dated September 15, 2023, as follows: 5. Intervention Framework Approaches to City intervention are as follows: A. The City will work with community partners and service providers to develop and implement a plan to promote public health and safety, and to support the needs of persons experiencing homelessness. B. At minimum, basic living facilities to be provided shall include toilets, a drinking water supply, sharps disposal container, garbage collection and clean-up of abandoned camps. Additional facilities such as hot water showers, storage, phone charging, security lighting, and facilities for meeting with outreach workers may be provided as resources and staffing are available. C. Existing policies and practices that prohibit camping on other City properties continue unchanged. City interventions to prevent establishment of encampments on other lands may include erection of fencing, vegetation clearing and mowing, and conversion to inclusive public spaces for use by all persons, including those experiencing homelessness. 8. Evaluation The City shall annually review this pilot policy quarterly for revision and improvement. Staff, in collaboration with service providers, will develop appropriate metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy, including, but not limited to the following: • whether availability of a sanctioned camping area significantly minimizes the number of scattered encampments in other areas of the City • whether the sanctioned camping area is providing a reasonably safe and sanitary location for persons experiencing unsheltered homelessness where they can meet daily living requirements and reliably connect with outreach workers • whether the mix of facilities, services, and maintenance is sufficient to induce campers to locate in a sanctioned camping area • whether the size and character of the sanctioned camping area is sufficient to accommodate persons lacking access to shelter • whether public health, safety, general welfare and protection of environmental resources are being effectively maintained • document the estimated public investment required to operate and maintain facilities and services at the sanctioned camping area for comparison against alternative uses of public resources to address homelessness. RESOLVED, that the City of Ithaca Common Council hereby adopts the Pilot Administrative Policy to Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property, dated September 15, 2023, as amended, and be it further RESOLVED, that City of Ithaca Common Council recognizes that a City land management policy regarding encampments does not address the root causes of unsheltered homelessness and therefore requests Tompkins County, as the primary administrator of the social-welfare services for needy persons throughout the County, convene stakeholders to establish a cross-agency, multi-sector working group charged with recommending solutions to reduce unsheltered homelessness, and be it further RESOLVED, that City staff is directed to work with community partners and service providers to develop and implement a plan for demarcating a sanctioned camping area and to provide supportive facilities and services in the area beginning no later than April 15, 2024, and be it further RESOLVED, the Mayor is hereby authorized to appoint City representatives to a County convened cross- agency, multi-sector task for to address unsheltered homelessness. Carried 8-0 (Haines-Sharp) Excused (Brown) Absent 3.2 Resolution to Authorize Amended MOU for Voluntary Contribution by Cornell YouTube Timestamp: 2:20:52 Moved By: Alderperson Cantelmo Seconded By: Alderperson Nguyen Discussion Summary: Alderperson skipped reading the Resolves; Discussion proceeded with Council Members and Members of the Cornell Negotiating Team. Concluding Council’s discussion Mayor Lewis invited a Motion to Table the Vote until the October 11th Special Council Meeting. Mayor Lewis highlighted the tenth “Whereas” to highlight the agreement in principle increases Cornell’s annual payment, an approximately $2.4 Million true-up payment to be made within 30 days of execution provides the City and its residents immediate and significant new financial resources. Motion To Table the Vote YouTube Timestamp: 3:35:58 Moved By: Alderperson Cantelmo Seconded By: Alderperson DeFendini Vote Passed: 8-1 Member All In Favor Oppose Abstain Cynthia Brock X George McGonigal X Phoebe Brown X Ducson Nguyen X Donna Fleming X Rob Gearhart X Jorge DeFendini X Tiffany Kumar X Robert Cantelmo X Kris Haines-Sharp ABSENT/EXCUSED 3.2 Resolution to Authorize Amended MOU for Voluntary Contribution by Cornell WHEREAS, for over 150 years, the City of Ithaca and Cornell have recognized the importance of each entity to the other; and WHEREAS, despite the tremendous overall economic impact that Cornell brings to the region and the city, it bears a moral obligation to support its host city with direct financial contributions of a scale commensurate with its leading role in the community; and WHEREAS, Cornell’s tax-exempt real estate holdings in the city represent nearly half of the city’s assessed property value (roughly 45% as last calculated); and WHEREAS, under its now-expiring agreement with the City, Cornell contributed $1.6 million to the City in 2023 and, due to expiration of that agreement, is not currently scheduled to make any payment to the City in 2024 or thereafter; and WHEREAS, the City and Cornell held a series of negotiating sessions since April, and the Common Council received multiple briefings on the progress of those negotiations; and WHEREAS, the City benchmarked its proposals across those negotiations against 25% of approximately $33 million in property taxes that Cornell would pay were its property taxable, or roughly $8 million, against which it provided Cornell with some credit for the many municipal- like services that Cornell provides in lieu of City expenditures on the same; and WHEREAS, as of August 11, Cornell stated that its final offer was approximately $3.15 million per year, to which the City responded by proposing approximately $5 million per year; and WHEREAS, beginning on September 7, an additional round of negotiations commenced in which Cornell and the City expressed a willingness to meet at the mid-point of their previous proposals; and WHEREAS, this round of negotiations resulted in an agreement in principle—subject to approval by the Common Council and the Cornell Board of Trustees—that has garnered the support of the administrations at both the City and Cornell; and WHEREAS, that agreement in principle, as reflected in the Term Sheet included herein, increases Cornell’s current annual payment of approximately $1.6 million to $4 million, including an approximately $2.4 million true-up payment to be made within 30 days of execution, thus providing the City and its residents immediate and significant new financial resources; and WHEREAS, across the next two decades, this agreement in principle is anticipated, with inflation adjustments, to result in total payments by Cornell to the City in excess of $100 million; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves and ratifies the Term Sheet included herein, specifying that Cornell shall commence annual payment to the City of $4 million, plus upward adjustments for inflation, each year for 21 years, beginning in 2023; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized, on the advice of the City Attorney, to execute an amended Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Ithaca and Cornell University, reflecting the foregoing Term Sheet, in a form substantially similar to the amended Memorandum of Understanding included herein. Tabled Until October 11th Special Meeting Carried 8-1 (McGonigal) Meeting Adjourned YouTube Timestamp: 3:37:05 Moved By: Alderperson Cantelmo Seconded By: Alderperson DeFendini Vote Passed: 9-0 Member All In Favor Oppose Abstain Cynthia Brock X George McGonigal X Phoebe Brown X Ducson Nguyen X Donna Fleming X Rob Gearhart X Jorge DeFendini X Tiffany Kumar X Robert Cantelmo X Kris Haines-Sharp ABSENT/EXCUSED Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Sun9/17/2023'l:31 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org >;Laura Lewis < Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org >;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Sarah Last Name Yengo - Street Address ti/unicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code 14850 State NY Topic of Discussion CORNELL UN IVERSITY CONTRIBUTION Your Comments As a lifetime resident of lthaca for 82 years and city taxpayer for nearly 60 years I would like to request that the subject of the Cornell contribution be tabled, The outgoing mayor nor city attorney should be able to speak for the taxpaying citizens of this city or make such a decision. Cornell is a mega rich university and yet reaps the benefits of our city's facilities, emergency and fire services, ICSD to name a few, yet they pay no taxes and now offer a palsy amount of contribution like they're doing us a favor. The mayor does not speak for me or most other taxpayers or to our benefit. l'd be interested to know that while the major and members of Common Council are obviously residents of lthaca, how many of them are property owners (taxpayers). How many of them pay school taxes? How about a vote to see how many taxpaying citizens feel about this when they realize that they are paying for all the facilities Cornell gets to use pretty much for free while we pay for it! Contact lnformation Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease nate: comments must be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Ru/es of Order. Until we can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ypglQlowge1. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Sun 9/17 /2023 1 1:38 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis <slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Karen Last Name Rodriguez Street Address Municipality "Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments 14850-3608 NY lt/lOU with Cornell University Dear Common Council Members, I would like you all to vote "NO" on the upcoming discussion regarding the new Memorandum of Understanding between Cornell University and the City of lthaca. The new agreement is unacceptable for the following reasons: 1) Cornell University should not be restricting the activity of the City Council in any way and they are forbidding specific actions by the city over the years of the agreement. This alone should give you pause. 2)The agreement goes on for WAY too long. 5 years MAXIMUM and then you can review it. 3) Cornell should not be dictating or restricting how the funds are being spent. As is, I believe that they restrict $3.2 million to the area of the City immediately surrounding Cornell. 4)The amount they have offered is too low. lf 1-3 weren't part of the agreement, then perhaps the amount would make sense. As is, the City of lthaca would be being paid off for an insultingly paltry sum. Please let me know how you intend to vote. My best, Karen Rodriguez Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com > Mon 9/18/2023 4:00 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Counci! Public Comment Form First Name Sara and William Last Name Benson Street Address Municipality *Note this may City of lthaca be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Cornell PILoT payments Your Comments We urge you to reject this low ball offer from Cornell. lt is far less than other Universities are doing for their communities. And many of those other Universities do it of their own free will rather than being scolded into doing it. For shame! We lthacans are also very sick of making up the gap with our ridiculously high property taxes. Do not let Cornell lock into this very long term cheap skate commitment to our city! I am shocked that the mayor and the city attorney were fooled into this proposal. Reject it because we deserve much better from Cornell Contact lnformation Field not completed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease nate: commenfs musf be 3 minutes (or shofter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Rules of Order. Until we can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. NY Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Mon 9/18/2023 7:33 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Robert Shepherd tEr Last Name Ivlunicipality "Note this may be different from your zip code City of lthaca State NY Topic of Discussion Cornell MOU Your Comments I urge you to vote yes on the new MOU between Cornell and the City of lthaca. While not privy to the fine details of the negotiation process, I find the IVIOU your negotiations team has returned with to be a significant win for our City. The context of this negotiation is important, Cornell is not required to provide any financial assistance. The fact your team obtained a substantial increase with an inflationary adjustment clause is impressive. Having sat across the table from your negotiators, I am glad to see the City is working to increase external contributions to the City instead of exclusively attempting to balance the budget on the backs of City workers. These funds are necessary to support the infrastructure and essential services that Cornellwould otherwise contribute towards via taxes. Use these funds to pave roads, provide competitive compensation packages, and properly staff our City. lf you are looking to make an impact regarding non-profits and their tax free status, look to partner with a state level labor union to lobby lawmakers in Albany instead of the risky rebuke of this MOU. The New York State Professional Fire Fighters Association annually supports a bill addressing this issue. Vote yes on this MOU, waiting only exposes us to Cornell backing out of the deal. Contact lnformation rshepherd22T@g mail.com Street Address Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease nate: comments must be 3 Online Form Submitta!: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > rue 9/19/2423 1 1:25 AM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name David Last Name Street Address Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Regenspan - Ithaca NY 14850 Dear Common Council members, I would like to urge you to reject Cornell's "generous" offer of $4 million dollars a year to the city in lieu of taxes. The offer is pitifully small and represents an insult to the lthaca community. I and my wife Barbara have recently become homeowners in Fall Creek, purchasing the house (207 Cascadillla Avenue) in which we had been renting the lower level for seven years. This also makes us landlords as well (the second floor is still a rental). I should add that both Barbara and I have been linked to Cornell in the past--l received a masters degree there some years ago, and Barbara has taught a Cornell summer course for four consecutive summers. We both therefore are aware of the high educational value of Cornell. Nevertheless, the shockingly high taxes we will be compelled to pay (and barely be able to afford) mean that we take Cornell's refusal to give more aid to the city that supports its very existence personally. We fear that we will have to raise our tenant's rent in the future, something we do not want to do. We also see other results of Cornell's negligence aside from our own situation: potholes, dangerous sidewalks, cuts in TCAT services, and (right outside our front door on Cascadilla Avenue, deteriorating conditions in the fencing and concrete walls around Cascadilla Creek at our high foot traffic location, an accident waiting to happen if the fence collapses or the creek eventually undermines the walls. We are also strong supporters of public schools and want to see them better funded and their teachers better supported. lf you have not already done so, I would also strongly urge you to read Charles Guttman's op-ed in the lthaca Voice on this issue. He says it all, with the facts and figures to prove it. I appreciate the hard work that you do, and realize that saying no to funds is not an easy thing. Nevertheless, Cornell needs to realize that the city is serious about fighting for its profound moral right to receive more support from the university. lf Cornell needs to be shamed into giving more, then so be it. Respectfully yours, David Regenspan Contact lnformation d il.com Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: comments must be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Ru/es of Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in yougplyggl Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Tue 9/19/2023 4:5'l PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.o rg > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Eli Last Name Marshall Street Address C Municipality *Note this may City be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Cornell MOU Your Comments I believe more comment from the public should be solicited before final decisions. I had not heard of this issue until a two days ago. Final decisions should involve the school district and county as well. The university has a huge "moral responsibility," as it has been referred to. This includes a (likely larger) sum of money, but also recognition of partnership and its effect on the quality of life - from transit to pedestrian safety to neighborhood design. l'd suggest a consultative group of public planning, far larger and different in spirit and mission than the $100,000 grant to a single faculty member for research. ln terms of a tax burden on homeowners, this is clearly an important issue, and one which should be viewed organically - we all deserve excellent public services and not have to swim against the tide for a good quality of life. Whether that means lower taxes or better services is a matter for further debate. Contact lnformation elimarshall@gmail.com Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: comments musf be 3 minutes (or shorter) in tength when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Rules of Order. lJntilwe can all be together again, we wish you good health! NY Email not displaying correctly? View it in ysglbpwsql Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Tue 9/19/2Q23 6:38 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Wendy Wallitt Street Address Last Name Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments 14850 NY Cornell contribution to the city Dear Council lvlembers I urge you to vote against accepting the unfair contribution to the city that Cornell is proposing to give. lt is way too small compared to donations other well/ endowed universities are providing to the communities they are in and also when one considers all the services and benefits the city provides to Cornell. Thank you. Wendy Wallitt 209 Valley Rd Ithaca Contact lnformation Field not completed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: comments musf be 3 minutes (or shofter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Rules of Order. lJntilwe can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ygglblewset Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Tue 9/19/2023 7:57 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis <slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Maureen Last Name Gilroy Street Address Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State NY Topic of Discussion voting yes for increase in cornell funding to city of lthaca Your Comments I urge the common council to vote yes to the increase that Cornell has proposed (4 million)to the city. Contact lnformation Field not completed. Thank you for sharing your thaughts with us. Please nate: cammenfs musf be 3 minutes (or shofter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Ru/es af Order. lJntil we can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ypulbrowse! Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Iue 9/19/2023 9:33 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityoflthaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Malvika Last Name Talwar Street Address Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Contact lnformation 14850 NY Cornell Contribution Hello, While I am glad Cornell is discussing increasing its contribution, I am very troubled by the 20 year lock. ls the possible to get Cornell to explain the rationale or reject this deal. From the outside (without knowing the inner workings of the agreement) it really seems very short sighted for the city to accept this lreeze. Surely, the over taxed citizens of the city can expect Cornellto do better! Thank yau for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: comments must be 3 minutes (or shofter) in tength when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Rules of Qrder. untilwe can all be together again, we wish yau good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in youtDrcwsgt Thank you for your advocacy on this issue. Field not completed. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > fue 9/19/2023 9:50 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name David Last Name Bulatek Street Address - Ivlunicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Ithaca NY proposed "PilotAdministrative Policy to Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property" daled 911512023 I believe that the proposed "Pilot Administrative Policy to Manage Homeless Encampments on City Property" dated 911512023 is an lNlTlAL step in the right direction. This proposal is a city land use policy, how to USE a parcel of land, and a place where facilities and services can be provided by April 15th, 2024.|t includes exploration of collaborative efforts with Tompkins County, adjaeent municipalities, and service providers to reduce unsheltered homelessness. But we must recognize that, "lf we build this, they will not ALL come".. Some people will continue to camp on other city parcels by personal choice or for other reasons. The methods to address that need to be defined in a near future proposal. This proposal does not corral the homeless, nor does it criminalize homelessness. For this future proposal, I would suggest that lt may be possible to model or incorporate something similar to the Tompkins County Crisis Alternative Response and Engagement (CARE) Team or some other programs in other cities to achieve this. However, here, in cases where campsites are unsafe, openly dangerous, create issues of public health, or damage to neighboring property, the city will close/remove the campsite. And, as stated in this policy, "Law enforcement shall respond and investigate alleged crimes committed at encampments consistent with laws and policies that govern other criminal investigations, irrespective of location or whether the victim or suspect is sheltered or unsheltered." Again, this proposal does not criminalize homelessness. Now... Calling people homeless, or even unsheltered, oversimplifies the problem. These are people that are clearly in need, but for many different reasons. I would guess that for most, homelessness, or lack of shelter, is the result of another issue, and not the direct problem that needs to be solved. By only providing shelter, we are not solving the problem. By providing the designated green area on the map, we are providing a place where the problems that cause homelessness can'be determined, individually, and addressed, over time. And then, the city and the county can provide the services and guidance that assist in placing the person in housing, and periodic follow-up to maintain the person in housing. Periodic follow-up is crucial. Thank you for your efforts in addressing this growing and complex problem. And I implore you to vote in favor of this proposal. lt is a first step in an essential direction that we must take. Contact lnformation dbulatek@gmail.com 607-793-848 1 Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: comments must be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Rules of order. until we can all be together again, we wish you goad heatth! Email not displaying conectly? View it in vour browser. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/2A/2023 8:05 AM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Counci! Public Comment Form First Name Peter Last Name Wissoker Street Address Municipality "Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Ithaca 14850 MOU with Cornell University From: Peter Wissoker, 705 N. Tioga St. lthaca, NY To: City of lthaca Common Council Date: Septe mber 20, 2023 Re: Memo of Understanding with Cornell University Please vote no on item 3.2 of your agenda, the Resolution to Authorize Amended It/OU for Voluntary Contribution by Cornell, and hold out for a better agreement. Permit me to enumerate some of my concerns and suggestions: 1. While $4 million is a compromise figure, it is insufficient. The initial negotiating strategy, aiming for 25% of the taxes the university would pay to the city and compromising from there, set the bar too low. The university's offer is not even $4 million, but rather $3.2 million, since we as a community are obligated to spend the remainin g 20% of the funds on proiects approved by Cornell and that are adjacent to Cornell. 2. You've likely seen the numbers regarding New Haven and Yale, but the idea that Yale is paying $1,533 per student to New Haven while Cornell is offering $160 is a pretty dramatic difference (appx. 10-1). At a minimum we should be seeking a figure that halves that differential, $20 million (still offering Cornell the $800,000 they request). ldeally, Cornell should meet the Yale challenge and agree to a $40 million payment, although I would be comfortable if they divided the $40 million between the city, the school district, and TCAT. 3. The term of the agreement is far too long. As Fred Schoeps noted in a letter to the Fall Creek list serve, a five-year agreement would seem more appropriate given the one-sided terms that were negotiated. I recognize that the previous agreement lasted 20 years, but the cily should be receiving a far better deal if it is to sign on to something for that long a period of time again. 4. ln its present form Clause 6 of the Undertakings section should be stricken from any document you approve. -First, the city should notAgree that it will "take no step to seek a change in lthe tax-exempt] status of the University, whether through ludicial, legislative, or other means." So many things happen in twenty years, it is not in our interest to be bound to this; and we shouldn't be held hostage on this issue for such a small part of the City's budget. 5. ln the present draft of the agreement the annual increase in the payment to the city is tied to the rale of inflation. Please consider linking it to the annual increase in the value of Cornell's endowment as well, with the increase in the payment being whichever is greater in any given year. Local governments and agencies here in lthaca have a history of being bullied and threatened by corporations that say they will take their money elsewhere if we do not accept their "Iinal" offer. Yet saying "no" has led to final offers magically turning into better offers. Please vote against this agreement and return to the bargaining table for a belter one. According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, l\4artha Pollack, president of Cornell, earned approximately $1.1 million plus benefits ,n 2022. ls Cornell really only willing to dedicate 3x the president's salary to the city? That is fundamentally wrong. Cornell is better lhan that, and we should make them -Moreover, lwould urge you to get Cornell to sign a PILOT. lt is a common courtesy, despite the language in the clause saying they would never do so- lf you look at what a PILOT is-not paying taxes but instead paying monies that are used to improve the area surrounding a property-it is hard not to consider the 2Oo/o share of what they are offering as doing precisely that. Given that the entire payment is used to maintain and improve Cornell's environs, for that in one sense is what lthaca is, even as it functions in many other roles as well, it really ought to be covered by a legal agreement that obligates both parties to its terms. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9i20/2A23 8:27 Attzl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Linda Last Name Holzbaur Street Address tttlunicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Ithaca NY Cornell payments to the City of lthaca I am urging you to reject the proposed agreenrent with Cornell regarding payments to the City, and to support returning to the negotiation process with the University. Four million a year FOR THE NEXT TWENTY YEARS is a slap in the face to the people and government of lthaca. As everyone who owns or rents in lthaca knows, property and school taxes increase every year. Why should Cornell's "contribution" be frozen decades in advance? Respectfully, Linda Holzbaur 111 liilonroe Street Ithaca 607-280-8496 Contact lnformation Lindaholzbaur@gmail.com Thank you for sharing your thaughts with us. Please nate: commenfs musl be 3 minutes (or sharter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Contmon Council Ru/es af Arder. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish you goad health! Ernail not displaying correctly? View it in ygglbewsgr. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9120/2023 12:30 Ptrl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name John Last Name Klepack Street Address tVlunicipality *Note thrs may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Ithaca New York City of lthaca - Cornell t\iOU I am writing to urge the council to be reasonable and consider Cornell's offer in the fulOU critically, fairly, and in good faith. I do not have the expertise to determine whether the offer is the best possible deal the city might obtain. However, it does seem to be an offer made in good faith and represents a substantial increase from the current agreemenl between Cornell and the City. Council must make sure to engage in similarly good faith. It must not bend to the loud voices that demand we reject the offer and instead hold out for an amount that seems completely unrealistic. There is value in fostering a collaborative. harmonious relationship between the city and Cornell. While I believe there is truth on both sides of the table in this matter, I reject the narrative that Cornell is solely a parasite on lthaca and that the only justice is for it to funnel fantastical sums into the City's pockets. This narrative weakens us, regardless of how much money it extracts. Finally, my main concern regarding the t\,{OU is its duration. Twenty years seems extremely long. Rather than look for more money I would look to reduce this by half so that we can revisit this conversation more frequently. Respectfully, John Klepack Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9120/2A23 12:53 PN/ To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Annika Last Name Rowland Street Address lVlunicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code r4850 State Topic of Discussion Ithaca and Cornell Ir;1OU NY Y*ur Comments I have not prepared my comments yet but will speak on the meeting tonight, 9/20 Contact lnformation Field not completed. Thank yau far sharing your thougttts with us. Please note: comrnenfs musl be 3 minutes (or shofter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Council Ru/es *f order. untilwe can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ysllffowsel Online Form Submittal: Common (ouncil Fublic Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/20/2023 2:53 Ptr.,l To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Regi Last Name Teasley Street Address lVlunicipality "Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Ithaca NY tMOU with Cornell I wish to speak virtually Contact lnformation Rltcayuga@gmail.com Thank you far sharing your thaughts with us. P/ease note: carnments must be 3 rninutes {or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Common Councit Ru/es of order. untilwe can all be together again, we wish you good heatth! Email not displayirrg correctly? View it in vour browser. Online Form Submittal: Cornmon Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Weti 9/2012023 3:36 Pltl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityof ithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name [/urali Last Name Sitaraman Street Address tvlunicipality "Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State NY Topic of Discussion Cornell MOU-please table! Your Comments Love Cornell! Love the city of lthaca! Don't like this family infighting. City's ask of $BM seems fair with about an B-year timeframe. Please table this deal and return with a better one Thanks. Contact lnformation murali.sitaraman@gmail.com Thank you for sharing yaur thoughts with us. Please nate: camments must be 3 minutes (ar shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Comman Cauncil Rules of Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish yau gaod health! Email not displaying correctly? Vrew it in your browser. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed9/20/2023 3:42 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityof ithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Narne Edward Last Name Boutros Street Address IVunicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comnrents NY 14850 Decline the proposed Cornell agreement, which would allocate only $4 million annually to lthaca in a new fVlemorandum of Understanding (IVOU I implore the council members to decline the proposed Cornell agreement, which would allocate only $4 million annually to Ithaca in a new lVlemorandum of Understanding (MOU). The absolute minimum acceptable allocation should be $25 million, to be shared between lthaca and the county. lt is high time for a shift in priorities, placing the welfare of individuals ahead of entities such as Cornell, lthaca College, or Cayuga Health. This reflects the "people before organizations" principle evident in unionization movements at Amazon and Starbucks, as well as strike warnings at UPS and work stoppages involving the three major automakers. We currently find ourselves in an era marked by significant financial and social inequality, with a clear divide between those who possess wealth and those who do not. ln lthaca, residents bear the burden of taxes to support services primarily utilized by privileged students attending Cornell University. I currently reside in a place where, during the fall season, private jets soar overhead as college students arrive for their classes. Previously, it was limousines, now, it's private jets. These individuals avail themselves of the services provided by lthaca and Tompkins County. Yet, it remains baffling why the hardworking locals struggle due to the exorbitant property taxes imposed to support a multibillion-dollar endowed university. lvy League institutions such as Cornell count billionaires like Bill Gates among their benefactors, who make substantial donations and arrive on private jets in lthaca. Corporate board members from massive corporations also fly in for meetings, and it is we, the localtaxpayers, who finance the infrastructure they use. This glaring financial inequality is a pervasive problem in our country, and we must end exploiting the poor and middle class in every aspect, including finances. Additionally, we should question how much property taxes the Cayuga Medical System pays, considering it's another organization requesting donations. Once, I received an invitation to a party through a friend, and individuals in the hedge fund industry hosted it. lt struck me that wealthy people don't use their own money; they use other people's mone-y-Thoi; party,waq sponsored by various contributors, illustrating how those with resources often rely on externalfunding. This pattern is mirrored by Cornell University, and I end up paying for things that others get for free. Cornell seems disconnected from our community and prevents us from forming meaningful connections. I regularly pass by their facilities while they tend to their interests. Tuition keeps rising, and one can't help but wonder where ali that nroney is going, ceftainly not toward benefiting the local community, regardless of whether it's indirect or direct. We must consider the long-term implications beyond the present moment, spanning the next two decades. The welfare we provide to Cornell needs to cease. Since lthaca likes to be at the forefront of things, this is another issue that is critically important and should draw the line. Other places like Pittsburgh grapple with similar issues regarding their universities and healthcare networks. These supposed nonprofit institutions don't operate like nonprofits; otherurise, tuition would be considerably lower. There's more to it than meets the eye, with grants, corporate agreements, and profit-oriented activities in play. Cornell lrolds patents and engages in profit-making ventures, offering little in return to the community except for expenses. Why should l, along with our neighbors, be responsible for Cornell University's taxes? lf there's ever a time to champion socialjustice for our community, it's now. We should stop being subservient to Cornell and cease providing services to them. Let Cornell take responsibility for its actions. lt's evident that this planet belongs to us all. and we must collaborate. Having an lvy League institution, in parlicular, fosters arrogance and division. This arrogance was evident when Cornell presented its plans for developing East Hill Plaza in previous years, where it assumed an authoritative stance on everything. lt's time to halt pernrits and service provisions to Cornell. Cornell's impact on our community is immense, contributing to the unaffordable housing situation in downtown high-rise apartments and exacerbating the property tax burden, making housing even less attainable for our residents. As a side note: Key board members of Cornell influence the market capitalization of over half a trillion dollars. Therefore, these companies and their executives on the Cornell board are comfortable extracting money from taxpayers. The total market cap of the following companies as of September 2023 are Anaplan: $9.59 billion DDJ Capital [\{anagement: $13.5 billion Farm Credit East: $8.3 billion Hilton Worldwide: $36.6 billion JLL Hotels & Hospitality: $7.9 billion JP fvlorgan Chase: $519.2 billion King & Spalding LLP: $1.4 billion KKR Prisma: $tt.+ billion Korea lnstitute of Fusion Energy: $1.2 billion IvlcKinsey & Company: $10.5 billion New York Private Bank & Trust: $6.3 billion Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman: $0.9 billion Seneca Foods Corp: $0.4 billion Versant Ventures: $3.2 billion The total market cap of these companies is $637.7 billion Contact lnformation edboturos@mac.com- 607-2 1 6-5589 Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: commenfs rnusf be 3 minutes (ar sharte$ in length when read, and must adhere to the Cammon Cauncil Ru/es of Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish you gaod health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ypg@qwser. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed9120/2A23 3:52 Plt/ To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <lrrlayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Fred Last Name Schoeps Street Address (- f\tlunicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Town of lthaca NY Proposed IVIOU between City and Cornell I had hoped to speak via zoom and sent in my request this morning, however, have not received an email to link. As a City of lthaca taxpayer I request that you return to the negotiating table and to strengthen your hand by declaring that lhe 2024 budget will be prepared without including any monetary benefits from Cornell. lf and when the City and Cornell reach an agreement, then budget line items may be increased based on a process the present Council, or the future Council and city manager establish. Cornell should not hold the Council and city taxpayers hostage by dangling money that would go into the budget. implying if you sign it's yours if you don't it's your loss. Recently I became aware that during the period the MOU was in effect, average home sale price increased 145o/o and the corresponding City tax bill increased 150Yo. By contrast, the Consumer Price lndex to be used for Cornell's future payments increased 60%. I am willing to support tightening the belt by another notch even if it hurts near-term. CORNELL STUDENTS have already shown their support for the City and are a force to be reckoned with. What is happening in lthaca is beginning to be noticed by CORNELL ALUIVINI and will be by the broader public as it draws media attention. Reputation such as Cornell's is long to achieve and is on the line. Historically just before budget time in 1995 and 2003 the City and Cornell signed. The Cornell Board of Trustees is meeting in October as previously. lf I were negotiating for Carnell. wouldn't I play the 'take it or leave it card expecting the City to take it? It's time for a 21st Century Town and Gown Partnership that could and should align with what supposedly are mutual commitments - City and Cornell - to Social Justice and Social Equity - and work in partnership to demonstrate it LOCALLY. After all, as the old IVOU stated in the preamble: Cornell was among the first universities in the nation to make voluntary payments to itslocal municipality in support of purblic services, and it remains committed to doing so within the availability of its financial resources. Contact lnformation kmtalk@earthlink.net Thank yau for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: commenls musl be 3 minutes {or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Comntan Cauncil Ru/es of Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wislt you goad health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in vour browser. Online Form Submittal: Cornmon Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/20/2A23 3:57 PN/ To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Richard Last Name John Street Address lVlunicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State New York Topic of Discussion Encampment Policy Your Comments I understand that the policy has evolved to avoid the issue of enforcement and any clear statement about where encampments are aliowed and not allowed. Actually, I find it hard to comment as there is almost no policy here at all. These are people in crisis where an urgent response seems to be in order. Continuing the status quo and hoping individuals will move to a central location on their own seems like weak tea. Further, as the City and County need to work together on this issue if we wish to have any success, I suggest that at least receiving County input before adopting this position would be a more prudent course. IVIy view is that we can do far better than what is currently on the table. Contact lnformation Field not completed Thank yau for sharing yaur thaughts with us. Please nate: commenfs must be 3 minutes (ar shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Cauncil Rules of Arder. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish you goCId health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ygUtbtqyggr. Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/2A/2023 4:35 Pl"ri To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Jon Last Name Raimon Street Address Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State NY Topic of Discussion 14850 Your Comments Dear Common Council [\Iembers, Please vote against the current plan for the the contribution that Cornell plans to give. lt is not enough and we must push for more. I think of allthe human service and similar agencies that are constantly underfunded. The turnover rate of youth workers, teaching assistants, and many other helping jobs nrakes it hard to hold up our community. Cornell is able to give nrore to help sustain these programs and agencies that support our fellow lthacans. I would appreciate a response and rational for how you decide to vote. Sincerely, Jon C. Raimon Contact lnformation jcraimon@gmail.com Thank you far sharing your thaughts with us. Please nate: commenfs ,xusl be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Common Cauncil Rules of Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish yau gaad heatth! Email not displaying correctly? View it in yputbtowsSt Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/20/2A23 5:04 Plt4 To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Hannah Last Name Lewis Street Address tt/unicipality *Note this may Tompkins County be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion lMake Cornell Pay Your Comments Hi everyone, I am a student at Cornell University and a member of Climate Justice Cornell. I would love to see this school give back to the community it resides in. Not only does this institution have more than enough money to improve lthaca, but it is not even paying taxes because it is a so-called "non-profit". On top of building better roads, Cornell can help revamp the TCAT public transit and electrify buildings, all of which would be parl of achieving the lthaca Green New Dealgoals. There is so much good Cornell has the potential to do, and they have the financial power to make it happen. I urge lthaca Common Councilto reject Cornell's PILOT contribution that they are offering. They want to give a fraction of what they can actually do, and lthaca deserves way more. I hope this proposal is rejected, so open negotiations begin to allow lthaca to get the money they deservel Thank you for your time, Hannah Lewis Contact lnformation Field not completed. NY Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease note: cammenls musl be 3 Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/2A/2A23 5:18 Plvl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name David Last Name Waingafien Street Address fi/unicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments NY Ithaca 2023 Proposed Cornell tt/OU The proposed MOU is a bad dealfor lthacans. We need to renegotiate and get Cornell to pay their fair share. I am a homeowner in Fall Creek. ti/y property taxes have gone up 200% in just two years. This level of taxation is due to Cornell owning so much property and being tax exempt. The proposed t\4OU doesn't even come close to covering the gap created, and continues our community on an unsustainable course of being a town no one can afford to live. We - the citizens and taxpayers - cannot subsidize the gap in funding on behalf of Cornell who is making hundreds of millions of untaxed dollars via profit centers such as student housing, their hotel, and bookstores. Ithaca is already unafforadable for many today. This is not a tax issue - it is a LIVABILITY issue. Our son's public school teachers cannot afford to live in our community because landlords are passing on higher property taxes in their rents. We cannot afford to retire here. Our son won't be able to afford pay rent here. One of the Alderpeople I spoke with this week told me they won't be able to afford to live in the Ward they represent if their landlords' taxes get rasied and they choose to pass those costs on via rent hikes" This is not a future or abstract issue, it is the CURRENT REALITY. Accepting Cornell's offer and locking us into a 21- year period will reinforce and deepen this problem for generations to come. Contact lnformation Other Colleges are choosing to voluntarily pay more. Yale, Dartmouth, and Harvard are contributing tens of millions of dollars annually to their communities via PILOT programs. This is what we need. We are a small city with rents as high as major metros like Boston and crties in Silicon Valley. We cannot accept another 21 years of this inequity, while Cornell continues to make millions in profits, from non- educational assets and their multi-billion dollar endowment. Cornell - paying more is also in your best interest! You can't recruit the best talent to teach in your institution if those people can't afford to live and raise their families here! Best true to your mission to do the greatest good. Right now, you're perpetuating inequity and harm. Do better. '- i.' . .' "i.l ' david.waingarten@gmail.com Thank yau far sharing your thoughts with us. Flease note: commenfs musl be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Common Council Rules af Order. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish yau gaod heatth! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ysllblowsel Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/?0/2A23 5:i8 PIV To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name lVarian Last Name lvlumford Street Address tvlunicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca 14850 State NY Topic of Discussion Cornell proposed t\tlOA is inadequate Your Comments I think 4 million from Cornell is grossly inadequate. By comparison, Daftmouth College, the smallest lvy League school with a student population of fewer than 7000, is required to pay property taxes to the small town of Hanover. which had a population of 1'1 ,000 in 2A21. Dartmouth annually pays approximately 8 million in property taxes to Hanover. lt's shameful what Cornell gets away with. Please do not approve this new proposal. lt will not nteet our needs. Contact lnformation Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Please nate: cammenfs niusf be 3 minutes (or shorter) in lenEth when read, and must adhere to the Camman Council R{.r/es af Order. Untilwe can all be tagether again, we wish you gaod health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in ygg1.browsel 607-351 1 -0459 Online Form Submittal: Cornmon Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 91?*/2A23 5:45 Plt/ To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Patricia Last Name Dutt Street Address tVunicipality "Note this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comnrents 14850 New York MOU Cornell September 20,2A23 Dear Common Council, I am writing to express my outrage at the paltry sum Cornell is 'willing'to pay The City of lthaca and other municipalities for the services Cornell uses. According to an lthaca Voice arlicle (February 16,2An) "Tompkins County 2022 assessment data shows Cornell's city property exempted from taxes totals more than $2.7 billion. Cornell pays city taxes on appox $8 million worth of property. Cornell's reporled operating budget is currently $5.5 billion and its endowment is $10.5 billion. Currently a savings account (CD) returns five percent interest. On an endowment of 10.5 billion it's approximately 500 million. 1l2}lh of one percent of that is about $4 million, the current offer. Even if Cornell contributed $10 million (which seems reasonable) that would only amount to 1/10 of a percent of the interest on its endowment. Even that amount is a miniscule part of their overall budget. Cornell is a wonderfultop-notch educational institution. No one can disagree there. And Cornell uses the area's roads, schools, services,etc. Given its population during the school sessions it represents a sizable percentage of the community and everyone needs the basic utilities ( sewer and water ) and its infrastructure improvements. ls there any computation of the appox 7500 students that live campus's equivalent propefty/school tax contribution? A corporation would have to pay taxes. Cornell may not be a legal corporation, but when an institution's interest on its endowment is in the hundreds of millions of dollars, you have to wonder what that word 'corporation' really means. A fair tax payment from Cornell could help homeowners in the City and Town of lthaca who are struggling to pay real estate and school taxes. The City and the Town of lthaca have become so expensive that it's nearly impossible for an average person to buy a home here. Sincereiy, It/ike Drury, 135 West Haven Road, lthaca, NY Patricia Dutt, 135 West Haven Road, Ithaca NY Contact information pduttster@gmail.com Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. F/ease note: comments must be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Cauncit Ruies of order. untilwe can all be together again, we wish you goad heatthl Email not displaying correctly? View it in you&lqwset Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed9/20/2A23 5:51 PNI To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name sally Last Name schwaftzbach Street Address - lvlunicipality nNote this may be different from your zip code State Topic of Discussion Your Comments 14850 NY Contribution Agreement between Cornell U and the City of ithaca To [Vayor Lewis and all members of Common Council: I am very disturbed by the proposed CU-lthaca agreement that will be put up for vote at Council. lt is very shortsighted on the City's part. The current agreement does not end until June 2024.\a have a lame duck [Mayor and many lame duck council members voting on such a long term proposal is just not acceptable. Yes, CU brings lots to our community. Yes, CU takes a lot from our community. The benefits and responsibilities should go both ways-equitably. The current proposal is a woefully inadequate levelof contribution. l'd like to see the figures that each side brings to the table. Transparency is a must. The City has time to negotiate, to study, to hear from its constituents. This is not something that should be rushed into as it seems to be right now. Table this vote and go back to the drawing board internally and return to the negotiating table with a much better proposal. Sally Schwartzbach Contact lnformation sschwafizbach@gmai l.com Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9120/2A23 5:58 PI/ To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Neil Last Name Schwartzbach Street Address Municipality *Note this may be different from your zip code 14850 NY Table It/OU Proposalw Cornell As a resident who has lived in the city for almost 50 years, I am urging you to table the vote on [t/ayor Lewis's agreement with Cornell regarding CU's contribution to our community. Chuck Guttman said it well in his op-ed piece in the lthaca Voice- I cannot say it better. The proposed contribution is woefully inadequate. The make- up of the Council and the ltlayor will soon be almost totally different. The very structure of the government will also change with the new City manager. lt is the responsibility of the incoming City representatives and new City manager to work together and make such a far-reaching decision. To approve this agreement, especially under these circumstances, would be worse than irresponsible-it would be a grave abuse of your power and residents' trust. I urge you to table consideration of this proposal until well inla 2024. Neil Schwartzbach 107 Park Place State Topic of Discussion Your Comments Contact lnformation nei l@g ra ntsontarget. com Online Form Submittal: Cornmon Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9i2A/202i 6:04 Phl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Regi Last Name Teasley Street Address Itttunicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State Topic of Discussion [tlOU with Cornell Your Comments Whatever the mayor's motivation in rushing through a "sweetheaft" back-room dealwith Cornell, I urge Councilto stop this. This agreement has significant impacts on the city both financially and culturally. We are not a "company town" to be ruled by a major employer. lf you wish to have the continued support of the city residents, you must not be complicit in silencing city residents and acquiescing to the mayor's shameful proposed deal^ Contact lnformatinn Rltcayuga@gmail.com Thank yau for sharing your thoughts witlt us. Please nate: cammenfs musf be 3 minutes (or sharter) in length when raad, and must adhere to the Camman Cauncil Ru/es of Order. Until we can all be tagether again, we wish you goad heatth! Eniail not displaying correctly? View it in yeglblowset NY online Form submittal: comrnon council Public comment Forrn noreply@civicplus.com<noreply@civicplus'com> Wed 9/20/2023 6:07 Plr4 To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Alex Last Name Rakow Street Address G State NY Topic of Discussion CornellPlLOT Your Comments I love our public schools in lthaca, and I want them to have all the resources they need to provide an enriching environment for our children, and to pay our teachers and staff in a way that reflects their value. It breaks my heart to see wonderful teachers leaving our community due to low pay. Cornell's proposed pILOT is ridiculous given how much the University benefits from public services. We cannot lock this deal in for decades or it will do lasting damage to our community. Thank you for your consideration, and public service! Contact lnformation Field not completed Thank you far sharing your thoughts with us. P/ease nate: cammenls musf be 3 minutes (ar shorter) in length when read, and must adhere ta the Common Council Ru/es of order. until we can all be together again, we wish you good health! Email not displaying correctly? View it in yeglUlowset Itlunicipality.Note this may 14850 be different from your zip code Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Comment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed 9/20/2A23 7:10 PM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <Mayorlewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Ruth Last Name Yarrow Street Address l\tlunicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code 14850 State Topic of Discussion Your Comments NY Cornell's Fair Share To the lthaca Common Council I am a three-time, total 30-year resident of lthaca. Here are reasons to vote no on the proposed MOU: 1. lnsufficient funding of the City of lthaca adversely affects the City of lthaca, Cornell University and the whole surrounding area. 2. Cornell University has not paid its fair share for many decades. 3. While Cornell and the City make valuable contributions to each other, these contributions could be far more cooperative and effective if Cornell pays their fair share. 4. The land for which Cornell has been granted tax-exemption was violently taken from the Gayogocono Nation and reparations would be appropriate. 5. Cornell University has enormous investments (more than 10 billion dollars) and could easily afford to pay its fair share. 6. On this planet threatened by nuclear annihilation and climate catastrophe, signing an t\tloU for 21 years is an inadequate rigid agreement in an unstable fragile environment. 7. ln the coming decades, new issues will emerge, such as development at Cornell increasing runoff to downtcwn lthaca's flood zones. B. Returning to negotiations for a reasonable donation of $25 million from Cornellto the City would be a sound reason to vote no on this IMOU and would be a yes vote for the future. Thank you for reading this far. online Form Submittal: cornmon council Public cornment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Thu 9/21/2023 1:01 Pl'"4 To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name John Last Name Witkiewicz Street Address L It/unicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State 14850 Topic of Discussion City of lthaca/Cornell lV0U Your Comments The proposed $4 million annual contribution from Cornell University is unreasonable. given the resources the university possesses and the resources that lthaca needs. $2S-30 nrillion annual contribution would be fair compensation annually. Please hold a firm line for the future of this community. Contact lnformation jdwitkiewicz@gmail.com Thank you for sharing yaur thaughts with us. Please nate: commenfs must be J minutes (or shortefl in length when read, and must adhere to the Comman Cauncil Ru/es of arder. untilwe can all be together again, we wish you gaod heatthl Email not displaying correctly? View it in ysglblely5g! Online Form Submittal: Common Council Public Cornment Form noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Fn 9i22/2023 1:09 Plvl To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org >;Laura Lewis < MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org >;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Council Public Comment Form First Name Denise Last Name Street Address tutunicipality .Note this may be different from your zip code - Katzman Ithaca State NY Topic of Discurssion Cornell's IVIOU Your Comrrents I couldn't attend the last meeting on this topic. I may not be able to attend the 10.11 .23 meeting. l\tloUs are weak and archaic. A contract with no wiggle room is required; otherwise lthaca will continue to refuse to deal with reality. 4 million is totally unacceptable. Stop abusing your strength. Use your strength and be in control^ Contact lnformation denisekatzman@gmail.com Thank you for sharing your thaughts with us. P/ease note: commenfs musf be 3 minutes (or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Councit Rules of order" untilwe can all be together again, we wish you good heatth! Email not displaying correctly? View it in vour browser. online Form submittal: common council Public comrnent Forrn noreply@civicplus.com < noreply@civicplus.com > Wed9/2-//2A23 11:05 AM To:Common Council <council@cityofithaca.org>;Laura Lewis <MayorLewis@cityofithaca.org>;Deb Mohlenhoff <dmohlenhoff@cityofithaca.org>;Clerk <clerk@cityofithaca.org>;Alan Karasin <AKarasin@cityofithaca.org>;Shaniqua Lewis < slewis@cityofithaca.org > Common Cauncil Public Comment Form First Name Deirdre Last Name Weaver Street Address l\4unicipality *Note this may be different from your zip code Ithaca State New York Topic of Discussion No 20-year deal and gag order. ftIake Cornell pay their fair sharelThe people shouldn't be subsidizing CornelM Your Comnrents Please demand a short-term deal, short-term as in 2 years. Tell Cornellwe will not agree to having our hands tied. We must not be bullied. No 20-year deal and gag order. Make Cornell pay their fair share! Shame on them! Contact lnformation Field nat completed Thank yau far sharing your thaughts with us. Please note: comments musf be J minutes {or shorter) in length when read, and must adhere to the Common Councit Ru/es af Arder. Untilwe can all be together again, we wish yau goad heatth! Email not displaying conectly? View it in ysULbIOWSeL