HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-09 67 B TOWN BOARD MEETING June 9 , 1987 S upv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 30PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm E vans , Clm Webb , Clm Garlock , Clm Schlecht , Atty Perkins and Z . O . S later APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion was made by Clm Evans and seconded by Clm Garlock that the minutes of the board meeting held May 12th and the special meeting h eld May 26th and the site plan review meeting held May 12th be approved as submitted . COUNTY BRIEFING Co Rep Tillapaugh read the resolution that the County passed ✓ egarding the study of traffic problems in the county . COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Webb - reported that he had been approached concerning a crossing guard near the McLean school . There was some discussion and Co Rep Tillapaugh stated there could be a flashing light installed but the town would have to maintain it and pay for the e lectrical cost for the operation . The County would have to apply and the State would have to approve of the light . Clm Garlock - reported that Wm Bailey would like to come before the Town Board to explain the insurance policy . Clm Evans - reported on Snyder Hill Water Dist . The problem is that t here has to be a pump at the end of the district for sufficient w ater pressure . The engineer has since made a suggestion to reduce the cost , which would be to install the pump in someone ' s basement f or financial consideration that would be within the limits of the bonding agreement . The residents involved would like to have the e ngineer design the system with a pump house to see if it would come under bid , if not they would have to look at other alternatives . TOWN CLERK Town Clerk Lloyd - upon the recommendation of Chairperson Barbara Caldwell she would like to appoint Cheryl L ' Amoreaux as planning board secretary . RESOLUTION # 96 APPOINT PLANNING BOARD SECRETARY Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board upon the recommendation of Chairperson Barbara Caldwell appoint Cheryl L ' Amoreaux as planning board secretary . 2nd Cim Webb Roll call vote - all voting Yes es' ® ZONING OFFICER Z . O . Slater gave Board members a copy of his report and is entered in the minute book . S upv Cotterill - wanted to know if the Board wanted to do anything t o increase the Z . O . Officer help . Do you want to forego any e nforcement while construction is on ? Where do we stand on multiple residence inspections ? Do you want to give him more help so that he can do these things . Do you want him to do what he can d o the way he is currently doing it or if you want more done he w ill need some help . This Board will have to make that decision . He h as put together a report with some comments . Clm Garlock wanted to know if this was something that has to be d one fairly quickly ? S upv Cotterill - it all depends on whether or not you want him to d o these things during the summer or not . Clm Evans - would like to think about this for awhile , because he h as some reservations . S upv Cotterill - you have to remember if there is an accident or a d isaster in a multiple dwelling that hasn ' t been properly inspected t he taxpayers of this town could be in for a bad lawsuit , because . we are not doing what the state says that we have to . He thought t hat probably we haven ' t been doing what was supposed to be done . Z . O . Slater - that is what the research indicates that neither program got off the ground . Clm Evans - if things are as bad a described , he is not sure that a secretary is what is needed . This whole program needs to be looked at to determine what kind of staff is needed . S upv Cotterill - he was not saying that a secretary would be the 100 % answer , but it is the only reasonable amount that we can get o ut of the budget this year . Maybe next year you would want to t riple the budget . There is no way you could hire an engineer or people that could do the state code on the current budget . We will h ave to dig to find some money for clerical help . Z . O . Slater - does agree with Clm Evans that this isn ' t the total answer but he is taking it one step at a time . As growth continues , e specially some of the things that he was looking at . He tried to look down the road , and talking to people in the Town of Ithaca , and Town of Ulysses which is also the Village of Trumansburg , they o perate together , they have 2 people to do the job . They are not t he size we are , since we are 10 square miles . If you have business in Ellis Hollow area and West Dryden area you can easily end up with a SO mile day , making those inspections . You have to be where you are needed and not where you want to be . S upv Cotterill - you do not know what the economy will be next year and the work load may change , and may level off . 69 Clm Evans - with regard to the inspection of multiple dwellings , i' this could be done during the slow period of the year when there is a minimum of building . This is one of the things that will have to be looked at . Z . O . Slater - we are carrying 237 active open building files today . S ome of them date back to 1985 which should have been long closed o ut . You get involved with people renovating their own homes , which t hey do in their spare time which takes a long period of time . It t akes 4 to 5 inspections to complete a new structure . S upv Cotterill - wanted to know about public buildings for safety inspections ? Z . O . Slater - a yearly inspection is required . The multiple d wellings part of existing buildings of 3 or more residence states as local conditions demand . You could make a determination as to w hat local conditions are . Since 1984 that determination has never been made , or maybe the determination has been made that our multiple dwellings are in good enough condition so that they don ' t n eed it . They did get a file , listing the multiple dwellings and a listing of the C5 structures which are places of assembly . That is as far as the program got . The next step is to get it organized and some kind of time frame scheduled . Maybe there is a slower time of year to do that , but he doesn ' t see that having been here since J an . The first time through for the public buildings will be the hardest . S upv Cotterill - wanted to know about how many public buildings w ould come under that heading ? Z . O . Slater - there are about 30 buildings , and 50 or so multiple ✓ esidences T . C . Lloyd - had one concern that such a person could prepare Z . B . A . decisions , act as recording secretary for special meetings and hearings , assist in Town Court and fill in during vacations and o ther absence of town personnel . ZBA secretary is taken care of and L inda can ' t type up the decisions until she receives them from the Chairman . I can only speak for my department , only myself and my d eputy can do any town clerk duties . . Clm Evans - wanted to know if the Zoning Officer had an answering machine that could be used in the case you are holding a meeting you were not interrupted by the phone at that time ? Z . O . Slater - last week he had attended code school , and Wednesday w hen he came back he had 23 messages . Clm Evans - understood that , but you could at least reduce your interruptions . Z . O . Slater - unless we strictly interpret the fact that the office is open . Did not know how it should be interrupted . He now receives a lot of calls from Realtors on zoning as far a sales of property and subdivisions . The course that he took last week was administration and one of the most important things that they said • TOWN OF DRYDEN A DRYDEN, NEW YORK • P. O. BOX 516 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 ti • ,. L 607-844-9120 In the Heart of the Finger Lakes Region ' ZONING OFFICE Date : June 9th , 1987 To : The Members of The Dryden Town Board From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer 65 E . Plain Street Dryden , New York 13053 Sub . : Zoning & Building Report for May 87 . Building Permits Issued There were 28 building permits issued for the month of May 1987 and are discribed as follows : • 9 - Single family ( A - 1 ) structures 8 - Extentions of existing single family structures 6 - Private garages ( C - 4 ) structures 3 - Pole Barn ( C - 4 ) structures • 411 2 - Swimming pool permits • Zoning Board of Appeals Hearings : There were ( 5 ) Zoning Board of Appeals Hearings plus ( 1 ) completed that - was tabled in April . For details see attached review . . In response to your request of May 12th , 1987 concerning the need for clerical help in this office , I would suggest that the board consider approving that a person be retained for the hours of 9 : 00 A . M . till 1 : 00 P . M . Monday - Friday . There may be other areas in the Town of Dryden offices where other such help might prove helpful , which could provide • for a full - time position . { Such a person could prepare Z . B . A . decisions act as recording sec . for special meetings and hearings , assist in the • Town Court and fill in during vacations and other absents of Town per - sonnel . I need more quality work time in order to effectivly provide the necessary building code service both in the field and in the office . It is very difficult to do plan reviews when r find my self answering the phone every couple of mins . or so . I still need to put together a public assembly inspection program and a multiple residence inspection program as well . I also need to .get a zoning violation program into effect which will get results . I ' m not to keen on starting this until I have the time to dedicate to it that will he necessary to obtain the results that we ' re looking for . If you also look at the proposed Mobile Home admendment , you ' ll notice that there will be a tremendius anmount of new work load added by that . Finally , just to give you an idea of what building code . review and inspection process involves , I would point out that I ' m tarring over 200 active permit files . After the permit has been issued there are at least 4 to 5 on - site inspections required of each structure . Then you need to issues a certificate of - occupancy and close out the file , Page 2 I have recently received a resume from a 1987 TC - 3 Graduate who is • interested in just such a position as what would fit our needs . I ' m including a copy of her resume to Mr . Clinton Cotterill for his and your review . I ' m including a copy of a document that I received from the Town of Newfield for building permit and other such fees . You may find this to be of interest . By adopting such a schedule or something like it , we could pay the cost of more help here in the Town . Office . Dryden is a rapidly growing community and as this growth continues we shall find it necessary to expand our services . To do this we shall find that we need more help to effectivily achieve our duty to the residents that we serve . If Cornell University grows the way ' it is proposing to , there should be much opportunity for Dryden to grow . There should be much spin - off business from the " Super Computer " program and certainly much opportunity for much in the way of new housing starts . This would certainly aid in the school budget issue if we can attract new business and housing in the coming years . I think that now is the time to prepare for this coming expansion . By doing so should allow Dryden to claim a large share of the spin - off growth . If one looks at Dryden in terms of location and size , it has much to offer . A key to business is M . A . Zones and for housing the area of West Dryden . Certainly location to Cornell has to make it an idea spot if we can keep the land - fill out and clean up current appearance . Other areas of interest should be Ellis Hollow and the Hunt Hill area . The zoning remaping effort should take some thought as to what we want to see develope here in the Town of Dryden over the next 5 to 10 years . I certainly am gearing my efforts in in a growth direction and urge everyone else to do so and offer all help that I can to assist in doing so . CC : Mahlon R . Perkins , Dryden Town Attorney Susan Lloyd , Dryden Town Clerk t. .. . .. '1'O OWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 1 P. O. BOX 516 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 inThwarr It 607-844- 9120 lit the Heart of the Finger Lakes Region ZONING OFFICE • ' Date : May 5th , 1987 To : Members of the Dryden Town Zoning Board of Appeals Whom it May Concern From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning & Building . Cdde Enforecement Officer Sub . : Agenda for May 5th , 1987 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeeting 7 : 30 P . M . Donald & Helen . Feint , Garage Permit to locate closer than 70 ' from the center of road with an existing foundation . ( Approved 5 to 0 ) 7 : 45 P . M . Joseph Rankin , Permit to Build a Home . Request for less than 125 ' of road frontage on a 2 + acre site . Approved with stipulation , see below . ( 4 to 0 ) 8 : 00 P . M . Mark Stevens , Permit to erect a sign . which would be about 70 ' high . The board approved a sign for 25 ' high subject to site plan board approval , ( 5 - 0 ) . 8 : 15 P . M . Charles Stevens , Permit to reduce parking area ,. from the required 200 spaces to 5 . Board approved a reduction to 10 spaces ( 5 . to 0 ) . at 8 : 30 P . M . David Osovski , Permit to build dewelling units In conflict with Sub - division regulations . Board defeated request by ( 5 to 0 ) and refered to Plan . Bd . Old Business , Resolve John Dedrick Hearing , Tabled 4 / 87 . The board approved Dedricks request as submitted ( 5 to 0 ) . Dedrick has since desided to abandon the project . CC : Linda Woodin Recording Secretary • Rankin stipulation : _Mr . Rankin must have at 30 ' of road frontage to assure that there will always be a legal means of access to this home that he is boiling . • • • • • • • r \ \ tv* ) TOWN OF NEWFIELD BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE / � rG�rt1 , Aik � I . BUILDING PERMITS Value of Improvement * Fee $ 1 - 5 , 000 • $ 10 . 00 5 , 001 - 10 , 000 15 . 00 • 10 , 001 - 20 , 000 20 . 00 20 , 001 - 30 , 000 30 . 00 30 , 001 - 40 , 000 40 . 00 40 , 001 - 50 , 000 50 . 00 • • 501001 - 60 , 000 60 . 00 60 , 001 - 70 , 000 70 . 00 70 , 001 - 80 , 000 80 . 00 80 , 001 - 90 , .000 ' ' 90 . 00 90 , 001 - 100 , 000 100 . 00 100 , 001 or greater 100 . 00 plus $ 1 . 00 per 1 , 000 over $ 100 , 000 * Additional fee shall be required subsequent to issuance of Certificate of Compliance if • final improvement costs exceed application estimate category . • • II . SOLID FUEL APPLIANCE INSPECTION $ 25 . 00 III . INSPECTION OF EXISTING DWELLINGS / BUILDINGS ' • under code or for Certificate of Compliance where no Building Permit was required $ 25 . 00 • Y IV . SCHOOL INSPECTION FOR STATE MANDATED FIRE INSPECTION $ 15 . 00 per hour V . PLAN REVIEW . • $ 20 . 00 VI . APPEAL FEE $ 10 . 00 • • EFFECTIVE DATE : September 15 , 1986 • Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield on August 13 , 1986 . you should have would be a secretary to screen calls , so they do n ot take up the time of the people that are making decisions or can someone in the clerical position could provide information on a g eneral basis . He will do it anyway the Board wants him to , but he is only trying to make the position , accomplish the goals that are n eeded and you want to be done . He will continue to bring suggestions and thoughts to the Board , since he is there to see w hat happens and occurs . T . J . Lloyd - as far as the court is concerned they do not need any h elp , at this time . There is no way that a part time person could step in and be productive at all in any part of the court system . CORRESPONDENCE L etter from a resident in the Ellis Hollow area RE : Genung property Ambulance report D og report ✓ illage of Dryden meeting RE : proposed selling water to Cortland Rd area , scheduled June 11th at 7 : 00PM L etter from Tompkins County Bd of Reps RE : landfill and recycling proposals . L etter from American Community Cablevision RE : information meeting o n Wednesday June 24th - 7 : 00PM at 1150 Danby Rd . RESOLUTION # 97 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF A QUALIFIED & DESIGNATED •. BAN FOR SEWER DISTRICT # 2 ( VARNA ) Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the issuance of a q ualified and designated BAN for Sewer District # 2 ( Varna ) in the amount of $ 25 , 000 . 00 which is due and payable on May 29th 1988 . Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 98 PROCESS PAYROLL FOR SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM AND THE DRYDEN YOUTH PRIDE PROGRAM Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to process a payroll every town weeks for the summer recreation program and for t he Dryden Youth Pride program . Vouchers will be audited by the Town Board the month following the end of the program . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 99 DESIGNATED POLLING PLACES Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board designate the following polling • places in the Town of Dryden : District # 1 - Etna Fire Station ; D istrict # 2 - Freeville Fire Station ; District # 3 - Dryden Village H all ; District # 4 - Varna Community Center ; District $ 5 - Etna Fire S tation ; District # 6 - Dryden Fire Station ; District # 7 - Dryden Town Hall ; District # 8 - Bethel Grove Community Center ; District # 9 - Ellis Hollow Community Center ; District # 10 - Dryden Town Hall . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting Yes !// 7/ RESOLUTION # 100 PAY POLLING PLACES • Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to pay the f ollowing polling places $ 100 . 00 for the use of their facilities in 1987 : Varna Community Center , Bethel Grove Community Center , Ellis H ollow Community Center , Dryden Fire Station and Etna Fire Station f or Dist # 1 and Dist # 5 . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting Yes ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - reported on Snyder Hill Water District - there was d iscussion with Clm Evans and Hunt Engineers concerning the n ecessity of a pump to be installed to provide sufficient pressure n ear the end of the service area . The plans and specifications are progressing . Clm Evans - the residents would like the engineers to continue with t he design for a pump house , or a pit . - - Monkey Run Sewer Dist - the application has gone to the Deputy Comptroller with the recommendation of the Office of the State Comptroller ' s general council to approve the district . The Deputy Comptroller should sign the order establishing the district • sometime next week . - - Monkey Run Water Dist - the same is true for the water district o nly the order cannot be signed before June 11 because of the w aiting period . He hopes to know more by next week as to whether the orders have been signed and forwarded to the Town . RESOLUTION # 101 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Cim Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Cim Webb Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 102 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway bills be paid as audited . 2nd Cim Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting Yes J ustice reports - $ 4262 . 00 for the month of May Financial report - given to Board members . NEW BUSINESS • Special informational meeting at Dryden High School on June 23rd at 7 : 00PM regarding mobile homes RESOLUTION # 103 UPGRADE ROUTE 13 Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : W HEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Dryden has on various o ccasions adopted resolutions regarding Route 13 traffic safety including resolutions improving relocation of Route 13 , resolutions ✓ equesting needed improvements , including marking , widening , and signage and WHEREAS , the need for improvements and relocation of Route 13 are w ell documented locally and have been under study for a number of years , and W HEREAS , the continuing accidents along Route 13 , especially between the Village of Dryden and New York State Electric and Gas h ave resulted in needless loss of life and property damage , and W HEREAS , traffic congestion on Route 13 in that area continues to g row resulting in additional delays and additional accidents , and W HEREAS , the Town Board has received a petition from certain ✓ esidents in the Town of Dryden including local businesses ✓ egarding the need from improvements and safety along Route 13 , • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , by this Town Board as follows : 1 - the Town Board requests that New York State Department of Transportation make Route 13 improvements its priority including widening , marking , signage and if necessary reduced speed limits . 73 • 2 - that the New York State Department of Transportation and local planning groups reexamine the need for relocation of Route 13 north of the Village of Dryden from the area of New York State Electric and Gas . 3 - that immediate improvements should include the construction o r widening of turnoff lanes at intersections along Route 13 and the relocation of obstacles in or near the road right of w ay . 4 - that copies of this resolution be sent to New York State D epartment of Transportation including offices in Ithaca , New York and Syracuse , New York ; the County of Tompkins ; the ✓ illage of Dryden ; State Assemblyman H . Sam MacNeil , and State S enator James Seward ; Governor Mario Cuomo ; Congressman S herwood Boehlert ; U . S . Senators Alfonse D ' Amato and Daniel P atrick Moynihan ; 5 - that henceforth copies of said resolution be sent to all ✓ ictims injured or next of kin of victims killed in accidents along Route 13 in that area . 2nd Cim Evans Roll call vote Supervisor Cotterill Yes Councilman Evans Yes Councilman Webb Yes Councilman Garlock Yes Councilman Schlecht Yes Adjourned : 8 : 40PM • S"(4427cen'e---- Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk