HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-08 ln- TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 8 , . 1985 Minutes of the Town Board meeting held Oct 8th Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 00PM Members and - guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance • • Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : _ _ Supv Cotterill , Clm Webb , Clm Evans Clm Schlecht , Clm Garlock , Atty Perkins and tt` Z . O . Stewart {{ PUBLIC HEARING #1 Special Permit - Roy McCartney , 1729 Slaterville Rd October 8 , 1985 - Minutes of public hearing # 1 commencing at 7 : 05PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of Roy McCartney , 1729 Slaterville Rd to build a second four unit apartment building . QUESTIONS . AND/OR ' COMMENTS Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning stating that there will be . no significant deletri'ous impact and the Town -Board is free to act without prejudice . Roy McCartney - the application is- similar to the one that he has just completed . This will be an additional 4-unit efficiency apartment dwelling on the same 20 acre site , The original one was built as an addition to their house . Clm Schlecht - wanted to know if the access was going to be the same ? Roy McCartney - ' no , there will be a new additional driveway . Tfey have a 15 foot r-o- w in which they will be putting In a road between the Fitzpatrick property and the Utage Restrauant and this will be a private road . Actually , for long � '- range purposes- they hope to add another 4 . unit dwelling in that same area , off the new- driveway . M ! : Clm Schlecht - wanted to know- if this met the frontage requirements for the number of units? Roy McCartney - yes , it does . They still have in addition to . the r- o-w- over 300 feet front footage . It Is all one piece of property and they are ptilizing the r- o-w- because of the shortness and the proximity to the proposed units . Clm Schlecht - wanted to know why it was not feasbile to have access with the orgi'ninal driveway ? ' His- main concern is ' that the purpose. . for road frontage is for fire protection and to make sure emergency vehicles have access to the property , Roy McCartney - the reason that they would like to utilize this r- o- w is because of the lay: of the land . This' would make it a lot more accessible :than if they went in from the other driveway , which is wooded and gullies . This proposed driveway would be in favor as far: as access to the property for fire protection and emergency veh ci°es - Clm Schlecht - wanted to know the length of- the proposed driveway from Rt 79 ? Roy McCartney it is' goo feet and is level . That is why they want to use the r- o-w. It is more accessible , less- costly to develope and shorter . When he plans- the other proposed unit it will be adjoining the same property line and parallel to this unit so that both complexes can use the same driveway . This will be the total development in that area according to the Health Dept . The building will be 50 feet from the property line and is over 200 feet from the church property . There is a wooded gully between the church property and his proposed unit , 5 Supv Cotterill - wanted to know- if he had Health Dept approval ? :i ? Roy McCartney - It is in the process , and they have indicated that it will be approved . Closed public hearing #1 7 : 10PM APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion was made by Clm Schlecht and seconded by Clm Evans that the minutes of the Board meeting • Aug 13th and the special meeting Sept 9th be approved as submitted . � 113 PUBLIC HEARING # 2 ' • Special Permit - Pete ' s Tire Service - October 8 , 1985 Minutes of public hearing # 2 - 7 : 15PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of Pete ' s Tire Service to extend his tire service building at 432 Bone Plain Rd . . .. . • QUESTIONS 'AND/OR COMMENTS . Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning , stating ' that there will be no significant deletr-ious impact 'and the Town Board is free to act without prejudice . Supv Cotterill-wanted to know if this extension will be added on to one of the existing buildings and are the existing buildings together . Pete deBruyn - no , they are seperate buildings and this One will be added on to the front of a building . Clm Garlock = wanted to know .how many parking places there are and .is this an existing area where people park now ? _ Pete deBruyn- that area would park at Least 100 cars , . and is now the present parking area. . Clm Schlecht wanted to know what the existing buildings were used for now? • Pete deBruyn fox tire work and inventory . • Supv Cotter '11 . - people living -in the area had asked him if there would be less tires -left outside once this- building- was built . • Pete deBruyn -• yes , that is why they need the extra building . Supv Cotterill - wanted to know- if the tires outside were mostly rejects ? Pete deBruyn - no , the rejects go to thellandfill or they get picked up every week. . Supv Cotterill -. there was concern by the people in "the area , and anything that the Board could do to get more ti'res' inside , would be a great help . Pete deBruyn - in the summertime the tractor tires are stored outside and the used tires- are in the back . There are a large number of tires that can be vulcanized that they use for loaners . They don ' t 'like to look at the tires themselves. Mr• McDaiii'e2 $' wanted to know What percentage of the tires stored outside were read ] for the dump ? . • Pete deBruyn they take the tires to - the dump every week which is a service that • they provide to the customer . When the . landfill is . closed they : will have to charge . for ,this service or they will have • to take them away themselves , Closed public hearing # 2 7 : 45PM . • • PUBLIC HEARING # 3 Special Permit - Comerford Shippy a October 8 , 1985 • • Minutes of public hearing # 3 7 : 45PM . • Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of John Comerford and James• Shippy to . build a '30 unit mobile home park at 19.68 Dryden Rd . • • QUESTIONS AND/OR "COMMENTS' . Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning stating that there will be no significant deleterious impact and the Town Board is free to act without prejudice . _ . John Comer.•for.•d they have -reduced the scope of the project . . They would like to have 30 units . located within the drive-in area and will utilize the existing . loop road . The _ sales • will continue , to be in front where they are located now, and . will use the . existing entrance . as it is now- with no modification . There are two wells' on the property at the present time . The leach field will be in the area back of the drive-in -Screen . John Anderson , from the County Health Dept. has not completed his- review- of the plans. The sewer system will be an all gravity operation . Atty Perkins- - wanted to know if this was in an ag district ? John Comerford - yes it is . . •• . . . . . . . • C1m Garlock - wanted to know if there was ally plan or existing plan for the sign out front ? -. John Comerford - it is used now for the sales operation and anticipated that it would stay there . Clm Schlecht - wanted to know if these proposed plans are essentially the same as what •was presented last month? John Comerford.'- they have no future plans at this point iri time . In terms of lot size and layout it ; would be compatible to future expansion if it becomes. feasible . • - . Supv Cotteri'11 = It appears that the Health Dept would limit any - park , even with good drainage , to about 50 units without some type of public sewer or - package sewer plant approzred by. DEC . . _ . .• Jim Holman - wanted to know- if there was any need determined for this type • of low -housing in the area ? He is still opposed to this- application for a mobile home park because of the traffic problem , and the devaluation_ of . the , property i'n . that area . Atty Perkins - this application is a Type• I action and subject to SEQR •rules and regulations . In John Andersons letter of Sept 18th , it lists the agencies that need to be involved. and they are 1 - Tompkins County Health Dept ; 2 - NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Dryden . It should be made clear that this . review .±s:Hjust for ,phase. I' of the entire parcel . . This Board has- to make a decision asjto whether there ' is going to be a coordinated review and If there will be an environmental impact statement zequired • since it is a Type I ,action and - who •will be the. Lead agency . . • Job Comerford - the plan that is proposed . torii•ght •for the 30 ' unit Mobile home park is the ent 're •project , they are not talking about the 200 units . Closed public hearing # 3 I8c00PM - . • • • • t PUBLIC HEARING # 4 • . • Special. Permit. .- Thomas Morse (Tollgate) Minutes- of public hearings # 4 - 8 : OOPM . ' Sup, Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of Thomas Morse to have a mobile home park for - 21 'units and sales center at 1928 Dryden Rd (formerly Tweitmanns) ' ' . QUESTIONS"AND/OR ' COMMENTS J . Letter -from Frank Li'guori1 , _ Commissioner. . of Planning stating . that there is no significant deleterious impact and the Town Board • is free to act without prejudice . Letter from John Anderss In , County Health Dept . - • Mr Morse - this proposal is to reopen the former mobile home park . He- would like to revamp and rebuild it . Thersewer system • has been approved" by the Health. Dept . • The well on the property pumps 75 . . gallons •per minute . . There was an existing 21 unit park there . Thelreason the park was closed was because it had 60 amp electrical service . They will be putting in new electrical service , water lines , sewer lines , and install a fence along - Rt 13 so that you cannot see the park . The bar will be closed in about a year , as soon as they get the park established . There will only be 15 acres • of the . , property left to develope . If they did ' put in for future development - St would only be for a • maximum of 5..0 _units . complete on . the property . • • • - • Atty Perkins - wanted to know If this was in an ag district ? - • Mr Thomas - thought that lit was in an ag and commercial . di.stribt , . both. . There is 900 feet of road frontage and will have his sales on the east . side of the property. He will put in a ' new mobile home •for the -office . and have 7 Or 8 single wides for sale . When he gets finished it will all be fenced in and have shrubbery around the property . He has a trailer park In Moravia and one in Weedsport , ifs anyone is interested in looking at to see ' how they are landscaped : Larry Caskey - wanted toiknow what . the attraction was . for Rt 13 for these trailer parks , since it is the worst road . in .NewYork State to try to do anything on ? . He Is- not opposed to . any ' business coming . :into Dryden , • but just curious why Rt 13 ? Mr Morse - to be in business you need traffic. Closed public hearing # 4 ; • - • CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR • . Robert Bland reported on the Caswell Rd landfill closing . Resource engineering in Cortland had submitted a closer plan • to • the State DEC in Nov 1984 . There were deficiencies in the closer plan . There was no indication of what . was going to happen to the leachate , as to whether it was • going to be collected or treated and if so how . ' There was no hydrologic study , and that is a requirement . There were no plans for long term monitoring and that has to be included in the plan . There has been nothing done as far as • closer plans right now , other than locking the gate . " Robert Everett - wanted to know how the Town was enforcing the current , zoning • ordinance . . . . . Supv Cotterill _ some , of the violations have been taken care of • and there are some that are being worked on . . Z.:O . Stewart - has contacted most of the people that have been sent violations notices, some have been taken care of and there ' are some in the court system at this time . Supv Cotterill - wondered what percentage of the town has - been covered for violations other than where there have been complaints ? Stewart. . - has about one quarter of the town covered . .He has tried to cover the whole town , but has been very busy with office work . • Robert Everett wanted to know thetime• schedule for the violations ? Z . O , Stewart - most of them have 30 days - unless they volunteer to have it taken care of sooner . There was' some discussion and there have been administrative steps _ to work with the Zoning Officer t° . have the violations taken care of . Robert Everetb4a . Since zoning has been in effect , he still sees houses on lots with. minitiium road frontage , It seems that there should be some type of long range planning . COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Co Rep Tillapaugh - the ' County has been discussion the landfii2 situation and the alternatives . The first . alternative was to haul 411 the garbage to Landstrom . The other alternative was to setup a transfer station thinking that- it might save money' and the . other was ' to set up a landfill in Tompkins County . Supt/ Cotterill -- wanted to know: If it was true that ' the County was going to take money from the takpayers- to keep TomTram running before they raised the fares . Co Rep Tillapaugh not . to his- knowledge , the County has not discussed it , Also reported that the Dept of Social Services puts - on a slide presentation explaining the " ser' ice that is available . to the county :"residents . They are willing to present It to the Town Board if they are interested . • Tom Ciraffici - was ' opposed to the spe.cial : permit application for Pete deBruyn because of the increase of a commercial business in the area since it is residential' , There are a lot of ti'ies there and i' t 'does• not help the value of their -property . • %.-ZONING-..OFFICER • 14 building permits were issued for the month. of Sept . . 2 one-family dwellings ; 5 additions; 1 garage ; 3 storage• bui'ldi'ngs; °1- ' greenhouse ; multiple storage building and a permit for Paul ' s Food Market -. • ZBOA had no hearings . Site Plan review board met for two permits. Reported that the zoning .ordinance books should be ready by the end of November . CQUNCZLMAN PRIVILEGE OF •THE FLOOR C1m Evans had been asked -at the water commission meeting if Hwy Supt Humphrey would paint the fire hydrants in the Varna water district . Supv Cotterill - wanted •to know if all the paper work for the Snyder Hill Water Dist been filed with the State ? Atty Perkins - no , it has not , it is in the process of being put together and ghoul d be done within a month . a • • • • • ) qc CORRESPONDENCE . Ambulance report Tompkins County Health Dept regarding sanitary code requirements .. . . Letter from Etna CommunityiAssociation regarding changing of polling - place . • The Board felt that when the Association brings the building up to state specifications`. for the handicapped and meets all of the requirements from Board of Elections ' the Town will be more ' than willing to move Dist # 5 back to Houtz Hail . . . . . - - Copy of . a resolution from the - County - stating that they hold the Town harmless for anything that happens in the landfill . Atty Perkins - this empowers the Chairman of the - Board to enter into an • agreement with the Town hdlding the Town harmless and agreeing to defend • ° the municipalities with respect to damages b caused by or be caused by solid waste disposal operations in the county . . • • RESOLUTION #180 ENTER . INTO CONTRACT WITH COUNTY- LANDFILL C1m • Garlock offered • the following resolution. . and . asked for i .ts adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Town Attorney to draw up . a • contract and empower the Supv to negotiate and sign the contract. with the County , regarding solid waste disposal operations . : . :2nd Clm Evans ° I Roll call vote - all voting YES Letter from NYSDOT - * they ,have been -requested to do an investigation at then intersection of Rt 13 ° and Hanshaw Rd ' regarding safety . . • RESOLUTION #181 APPOINT PLANNING-BOARD MEMBER Cim Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its - adoption : - RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Pat Underwood to the Town Planning Board to fill the vacancyof John Hunt . The:' term to expire Dec 31 , 1986 . 2nd _ Clm Webb . Carried . • - RESOLUTION: #182 APPROVE PROJECT APPLICATION FOR RECREATION • PROGRAM°• Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that tj4 s Town Board approve the project application and - _ . budget of the Town of _ Dryden Recreationprogram for 1986 . . 2nd Clm Garlock • .i Roll call vote - all voting _ YES RESOLUTION #183 ADOPT - PRELIMINARY- BUDGET i Clm . Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : • RESOLVED ; that - the preliminary • budget be adopted by this . Town Board and placed in the C1erkts. Office for viewing by the public . . . 2nd ° Clm Schlecht - Roll call vote - all voting _ YES . ! RESOLUTION= # 184 APPROVE- CONTRACT WITH : 3 FIRES - COUNCIL • N OF CAMPFIRE . - - Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : ' RESOLVEDe . that . the Town Board approve the contract with the 3 ' Fires - Council of Campfi?z in an,- amountInot to exceed $1 ; 651 . 00 and that the . Supv and Bookkeeper be authorized to process the application with the NYS Division °for Youth . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES . _ • RESOLUTION #185 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BkLANCE ' TO B3120 ; 1 . . . • Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked - for its adoption - RESOLVED , that the Supv - be authorized tq transfer $1 , 200 ;00 from unappropriated fund balance to $312023 for safety inspector . • - 2nd " Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #1 86 . TRANSFER- FUNDS- FROM. • CONTINGENCY •. . . TOB3120 81 . . . . , . Clm Schllcht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , . that the. Supv b authorized •to -transfer $ 85 . 00 'from . contingency to B3120 . 81 for social security . • 2nd • Clm Evans ,Roll • call. vote - all voting . YES • RESOLUTION #18.7 . TRANSFER • FUNDS. • FROM. • CONTINGENCY. • " " . . TO 'B3120 ; 40 Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 250 . 00 from contingency to B3120 , 40 for contractual ._ . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call votes all voting YES' • lyl • RESOLUTION #188 ; TRANSFER FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCY TO 138020 . 11 . Cim Evans offered the following resolutionfand asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 50 . 00 from contingency to B8020 . 11 (planning secretary ) . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #189 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCY TO A1950 . 4 . . . . Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its ' adoption : RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $90 . 66 from contingency to A1950 . 4 for property taxes . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES • JUSTICE REPORTS Judge Sweetland - $ 4750 . 00 Judge Newhart - $697 . 00 FINANCIAL REPORTS - given to Board members ' " RESOLUTION # 190 _AUDITLENERAL FUND BILLS Clin Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : • RESOLVED , that. the . general fund bills be paid as audited., . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION : #191 `AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Evans- offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway: fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Webb ' Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION # 192 AUDIT SPECIAL ' DISTRICT BILLS Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked: 'for its adoption : RESOLVED , . that the ' speci'ai district bills be paid as audited . • 2nd Cim Schlecht _ Roll call vote • all voting YES RESOLTUION # 193 AUDIT CAPITAL FUND BILLS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the capital fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION '#194 GRANT ' SPECIAL PERMIT . T ' ROY 'MCCARTNEY Clm Webb offered the following resolution , and asked for its adoption : RESSOLVED , that this `Town Board grant a special permit to Roy McCartney of ' 1729 Slatervi'lie Rd to build a Second four unit apartment building at 1729 Slaterville Rd with the - following conditions : 1 - that the property will not be suJdiv$ded for the purposes of sale , lease or- land- contract without first obtaining permission from the Town Planning Board for subdivision rules ; 2- that access be provi'ded, .to carry fire equipment and emergency vehicles ; 3- that this permit application be completed within .one year from date ? granted , 10- 8- 85 . If not there will have to be another request for a special permit ; ` 4- also comply with all town regulations and zoning concerning parking areas and codes. 2nd Cim Evans . . _ . Roll_ call.. vote - all voting ' YES RESOLUTION # 195 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT - PETE deBRUYN Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Pete deBruyn to extend his- tire service building. at 432 Bone Plain Rd with the following conditions : 17 that all inventory new or used be stored indoors ; 2 - that this perinit .application be completed within one year from date granted , 10- 8 - 85 ; and 3 - . that tlieg comply wifl. all town regulations and zonning regulations . 2nd Cim Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES Atty Perkins - the Town Board can require from each developer a traffic engineering study , by an engineer with a report and recommendation for a safe entrance , that will be made from the park , where it is to be located and what requirements need to be done . Clm Schlecht - regarding the Tollgate application , there was not an engineering report , and their plans were not complete . He did not have documented;°.proof of some Of-the things that were stated and felt that was important . Supv Cotterill - questioned that the Health Dept had indicated that John Tweitmann was not applying for a permit , but that he wanted to reactivate his former park . • Supv Cotterill wanted it made clear that after it has been out of service for so long you cannot reactivate . It should be treated as though One had never been there . Supv Cotterill wanted Z . O . Stewart to notify the Health Dept that the Town Board • is treating this application as new trailer park . HIV Supv Cotterill - wanted to know if the Board members were in favor of granting the permits it . he� Ihighway . safety study questions can be answered . • The Board members were concerned about the traffic situation . Atty Perkins - wanted Co know if they wanted to designate a Lead Agency . You should consider water • and ; sewer and should the Town Board take the responsibility or should the Health Dept ' be the Lead Agency . RESOLUTION #196 DESIGNATE TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH - 'DEPT AS THE ' LEAD ' AGENCY . Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board designate Tompkins County Health Department as the Lead Agency for the special permit application of John Comerford and James Shippy for a 30 unit mobile " home park at 1968 Dryden Rd and for the special permit application of Thomas MOrse (Tollgate ) for a 21 unit mobile _home park and sales center at 1928 - Dryden Rd . 2nd CIm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES The Town Board tabled decsipn on the .. Comerford - Shippy application because .° they would like . a plan and opinion from an independant qualified engineer, someone that Is not apart or has an interest in . the application , as to ' a proposed plan showing a safe . entrance/from the state highway and aWtfa.ffi=csstudyi aridi' that::i .t= will i'n.teractL with thee'o3.lgater applica.filon' "fomobile home park . The Town Board tabled decson on the Morse ( Tollgate) application because they would like a plan and opinion from an independant qualified engineer , someone that is not a part or has ! an interest in • the application , as to a proposed plan showing a safe entrance from the state highway and a traffic study and that it will interact with the ! Comerford4Shippy application for a mobile home park . Also the Town Board would ' like - more documentation requirements in the town ordinance and back up statements that were made with respect to the operation of the park . Also notify the Tompkins: County. Health Dept that the Town Board is acting on this appicationlas if it were a new trailer park . The Board is requiring that both Comerford-Shippy and MOrse have these reports back by Oct 30th so that they have time to go over them before the Nov . Board meeting . "NEW BUSINESS' • Town Board will take action on the Comerford-Shippy and Morse ( Tollgate ) applications at the Nov 12th board meeting Schedule public hearing of the budget T. Oct 30th at 7 : 00PM •The Town hoard recessed and went into executive session . 10 : 00PM Opened Board meeting back up at 10 : 15PM and ' the following resolutions were adopted. i RESOLUTION. #197 AUTHORIZE TOWN ATTORNEY TO DEFEND ZBOA • • C1m Evans offered the following resolution : and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this_ Town Board . authorize the Town Attorney to_ .take whatever action necessary to defend and represent the Town of Dryden Zoning Board. of Appeals actions. . 4 . 2nd CIm Webb i Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #198- AUTHORIZE TOWN ATTORNEY TO REQUEST • AN INJUNCTION _ . Clm Garlock offered " the . following resolution and asked. for its adoption : . RESOLVED , that this Town !Board authorize the Town Attorney to take . whatever action . is necessary to request an injunction to restrain any violation use of property violation . _ 2nd CIm Webb " . _ . Roliccall vote - all voting YES Adjourned : 1020PM AR--•4211 Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk - . . . SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS OCTOBER 30 , 1985 Supv Cotterill called the special meeting and public hearings to order at 7 : 00PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance . - Roll call . was: by the Town Clerk : Present - Supv Cotterill , Clm Webb , C1m Schlecht , Clm Evans and Clm Garlock . • PUBLIC HEARING # 1 ° October ° 30 , 1985 Town of Dryden • . F±±e Contracts Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the fire contracts as- follows: . 1 - Varna Fire Department - . $43 , 500 . 00 2 - Neptune Hose Co # 1 Inc . - $58 , 000 . 00 3 - W B Strong Fire Co of Freevi'ile - $40 , 000 . 00 4 - Etna Volunteer Fire Co - _ $32 , 000 . 00 5 - Brooktondale Fire Dist . - $' 5 , 800 . 00 for a total of $179 , 300 . 00 • 'QUE§TIONS' `AND/OR 'COMMENTS ' Ernest Schaufler - Varna Fire Co . wanted to khow . the amount raised by . the fire tax ? Supv Cotterill - the amount raised this year is $199 , 300 . 00 for 1986 and this Includes $17 , 000 . 00 that is going to be used from the unexpended balance . The increase i'n the fire tax rate will - increase about 10 cents per thousand from last year . It° wou- d be going up 20 cents per thousand if we did not have the $ 17 , 000 . 00 . Ernest Schaufler wanted to know if there was a breakdown of the assessed value in the d°ifferent fire districts ? Supv Cotterill we Have only one fire • district in the Town of Dryden and there is approximately $172 million in assessed: tasie . This must be used to pay the compensation and the /±e tcontracts . The Village of Dryden and Village of Freeville or McLean Fire Dist /pay into . the district . . The Town Board is contracting with the different fire companies to fight fires in • the town as a whole. Brad Perkins: - felt that if it was not for Bingo and they rationed the amount of $27 , 000 .00 to the Town and Village it would represent approximately $18 , 000 . 00 deficit of what the Town gives Neptune Hose . ' The money that they have earned thru Bingo has• bought equipment , which they . have been able to provide mutual aid throughout the township . Neptune Hose feels that the • proposal of $ 3 , 000. 00 is a good gesture , but they would like the Board to consider another $ 3 or $ 4 , 000 . 00 so that they are not penalized so much . They are $ 7 , 500 . 00 in debt right now-. There was considerable discussion . Supv Cotterill = if the fire contracts are not changed the firetax . rate will be about $1 . 67 per thousand . He thanked the firemen for their comments and will let them know if there is any adjustment 'in the budget . PUBLIC HEARING # 2 Town of Dryden • • Ambulance Contracts • Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper ' to consider contracting with Neptune Hose Co #1 Inc for ambulance service in ' the Town of•- .-�% Dryden for an: rannual sum of $37 , 750 . 00 and contracting with 5laterville Fire Dept for an annual sum of $2 , 250 . 00 . QUESTIONS- AND/OR ' COMMENTS' UESTIONS AND/OR ' COMMENTS' none . - • • ° / 6 PUBLIC HEARING # 3 October 30 , 1985 Sewer Districts .#1 = # 2 and # 3 i Water District # 1 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning themassessment rolls for the • water and sewer districts in the - Town - of Dryden ; Rates as follows : Cortland - Road Sewer " Dist . - Total of $18 ; 000 : 00 to be for • 142 . 25 units = $ 50 . 26 per unit = 40 % $ 3 . 43 per thousand assessed ° value = 50 % . 21 cents front footage = 10 % Sapsuckerwoods Sewer Dist . ! #1 Total of $ 3 , 200 . 00 to be for 48 units $66 . 67 per unit Varna Water District #1 - Total of $22 , 000 . 00 to be for 315 . 50 units _ $41 . 84 per unit = 60 % $ . 955 per thousand assessed value = 30 % $ . 066 front footage = 10 % Varna Sewer District # 2 - Total of $ 39 , 000: 00 to "be for ' 322 ' units ° = $121 . 12 per unit • PUBLIC HEARING # 4 , • October 30 , 1985 Federal Revenue Sharing _ Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the. .purpose . of allocating $ 54 , 200 . 00 for repairs and• improvements _ .and $100 . 00 for Administration from Federal Revenue Sharing monies for a total of $ 54 , 300 . 00 _ Category Proposed ' Use ' of FRS Expenditure Entire ' Budget General Government: $ 100 . 00 - ' ' • . $. - -. 212 ; 850 . 00 - Public Safety 0 - 22, 750 . 00 _ Health - 0 . . - • 40 , 000 . 00 Transportation 54 , 200 . 00 . .1 , 041 , 625•. 00 Economic Development - 0 - ° 3 , 500 . 00 Culture/Recreation - 0 - . 16', 556 . 00 Home/Community Services . r 0 - 2 , 000 . 00 Employee Benefits 0 127 , 050 . 00 Debt Service 0 - - 0 - Other _ 0 _ _ . • 0 TOTAL : • '$ 54 , 300. 00 • x$1466331 . 00 :PUBLIC. HEARING # 5 • October 30 , 19'85 ' ■ Preliminary Budget • Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the preliminary budget with the proposed salaries for the following town officers : . Supervisor $ 5 , 250 . 00 • . . . Councilman • . $1 , 750 . 00 . each Town Clerk $ 8 , 050 . 00 . . Highway Superintendent $22 , 250 . 00 Justice $ 5 , 000 . 00 Justice Sweetland $6 , 500 . 00 . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS _ Mayor Lane- would like tl?e Town Board to consider in sharing one - third of the local cost based on the land and easement purchase for the flood control project . j a _ Supv Cotterill - felt that the Town could not 'afford not to support this flood project . • Mayor Lane - reported that Item # 4 , snow removal continues to be a sore spot with the Village Board . The Village taxpayers are assessed as part of their tax rate for this service , and yet there is no snow removal done with town equipment in the Village . They feel that this is a basic inequality that they should have to pay for that when state law provided by statue that they be exempted from that . They maintain the streets : . at their own expense within the Village . The Village feels that they do not get any service for the dollars that they spend on snow removal . /0 / Supv Cotterill - felt that the Town is contributing in other ways to the Village that has not been charged for . Such as use of town trucks , blacktopping , etc and felt that the Village gains in thousands of dollars for the use of town equipment when the Village needs it . The Village does have use of the payloader for snowremoval during the winter . He felt that the Town has been very cooperative with the Village when they have needed the use of some of the town equipment . • Mayor Lane - . wanted to go on record as -being opposed to Item # 4 as being a basic inequality and the Village is not being exempt . Kim Chase and Amy Trueman requested $1 ; 200 . 00 for Dryden Youth Employment service . Mr . Morse presented the Town Board. with a plot plan for their proposed mobile home park and sales office at 1928 Dryden Rd along with the engineers report for traffic conditions ' on Rt 13 which the Board had requested . Mr James Shippy - wanted ' a response from the Town Board to the letter that he had sent to Supv Cotterill and CIm Schlecht . They have made application for a permit to the State . They have sent the plans in , and they have the States permission back , They have a security bond ' and the - approval for the entrance . He gave the Board members a copy of the bond . The State has bad their engineers survey the area and have given . them the permit . There was some discussion and Mr Shippy wondered what else the Board wanted . All the Board was requiring was a report from a licensed engineer to state whether or not Rt 13 can handle that amount of traffic in this specific area . Mr Shippy — they are willing to give the Town Board the same kind of report . that Mr Morse has given the Board . . There was some discussion to put money in the budget for services of a Professional to help with zoning changes that might have to be done . There was some discussion regarding extensioneofiwater facilities outside the Village of Dryden . Mayor Lane - asked Supt Cotterill if the Town Board would send a letter to NYSE&G authorizing a street light to be installed on Springhouse Rd and Rt 38 . 1 RESOLUTION NO . 199 1985 • Councilman Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : ' • WHEREAS , this Town Board has previously adopted a resolution on August 5 , 1985 establishing the Snyder Hill • Water Disrict , and WHEREAS , said resolution was adopted . subject to a permissive referendum in the manner provided in the Town Law , and WHEREAS , no petition was filed requesting a referendum on the question of the formation of the Snyder Hill Water District , and • WHEREAS , an application has been prepared to the Department of Audit and Control in Albany , New York , for permission of the State Comptroller to establish said Snyder Hill Water District , ° a_vio+ sip` '- +4 ' ` .fir `.'`µms' ya -tm - ,; ,. . a _sF�_� ..;b•�...L. Y lr. Atil�x. .a . F.. . .. °--.. .. - ...•.. .�..e...... -.4 • -.�—.-- — - - L WHEREAS , This Board being fully advised as to the roceedings and contents of said application . NOW , THEREFORE , be it resolved by this Town Board as Follows ; i 1 . The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to verify and sign the application "to the. State Com.ptroller at the Department of Aud a ' and C . trol in Albany , New York , for permission to 'establish the Snyder Hill Water District . 2 . The Town Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this resolution ( in duplicate ) to the Department of _ audit and control ' -tolether with the application in . duplicate a ,td any other required supporting documentation . - r Seconded : Councilman Garlock pi • - Roll call vote - all , voting YES • RESOLUTION , NO . 200 , 1985 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR DEFENSE ; OF LANDFILL CLAIMS T . , p Councilman Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : o WHEREAS , the County of Tompkins has previously Conducted landfill . operations in the Town of Dryden at the Caswell Road landfill , and WHEREAS , the Town has experienced dramatic increases in liability insurance premiums because of the industry wide - experience with landfill operations and liability claims .nade against municipalities in connection with those landfill operations , . and . WHEREAS , the County has passed Resolution No . 260 a (Athorizing it to enter into an agreement with any Town requesting that the County defend and indemnify the Town for any County landfill operations in said Town , and WHEREAS , such an agreement has been prepared by the Cpunty and reviewed by the ' Town Attorney , NOW , THEREFORE , be iti resolved as follows : 1 . The Town . Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the Town of Dryden . 2 . The Town Clerk shall transmit a copy of this res-olution , together with the executed agreement - to the office of the Tompkins County Administrator . . 3 . A copy of said agreement shall be forwarded to the Town insurance . Seconded : Councilman Evans -A Roll call vote- -•- a-1-1 voting - YES -- - e_19tc(, Adjourned : 10 : 45PMca-v L Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk