HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-11 1 Town Budget Hearing November 11 , 1991 TOWN OF DANBY PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET Special Meeting 7 : 00 P . M . November 11 , 1991 PRESENT : Supervisor Dietrich Councilpersons : Eckstrom , Oltz , Schwartz ABSENT : Councilperson Marisa ( Excused ) Others Present : Town Clerk : Carol Sczepanski Members of the Public : William Farrell , Nancy Weitzel , Herb Engman , Joel Gagnon , Susan Beeners , Judy Tagliavento , Gail Miller Supervisor Dietrich called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 15 P . M . and the following notice of publication was read : TOWN OF DANBY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Preliminary Budget for the Fiscal Year 1992 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at 1830 Danby Road , Town of Danby , Ithaca New York where it is available for inspection during office hours . FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Danby will meet and review the said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon at the Town Hall on the 7th day of November at 5 : 00 P . M . Citizens attending the hearing have the right to provide written and / or oral comments concerning the entire budget . Pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law , the proposed salaries of elected officials are as follows : Supervisor $ 9 , 518 Town Clerk / Tax Collector $ 11 , 440 Town Councilpersons ( 4 ) $ 1 , 600 ( per councilperson ) Highway Superintendent $ 25 , 000 Town Justices ( 2 ) $ 4 , 000 ( per justice ) By order of the Town Board of the Town of Danby . Carol W . Sczepanski Town Clerk Date : October 30 , 1991 Publish : November 1 , 1991 Councilperson Eckstrom presented the Town of Danby Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1992 to the Town Board and public . The increase of 4 . 87 represents approximately $ 26 , 000 . 00 . Items contributing to an increase in the budget are : 1 ) New Highway Barns Debt Service ; 2 ) a reduction of $ 32 , 000 . 00 in State per capita aid ; 3 ) salary increases approximately 3 . 3 % - includes increased hours ; 4 ) purchase of a computer and software for financial record keeping and payroll ; 5 ) employee benefits must be increased due to a sharp increase in Workman ' s Compensation Insurance ; 2 Town Budget Hearing November 11 , 1991 6 ) Highway Debt Service - purchase of a new road grader ; 7 ) Town Barns operating costs have increased ; 8 ) funding for Jennings Pond request ; Contributing to decreased taxes : 1 ) a portion of CHIPS funds were applied to general repairs ; 2 ) unexpended funds of $ 20 , 000 . 00 ; 3 ) Town Hall improvements have been reduced ; 4 ) reduction in attorney fees ; 5 ) expanded summer recreation and motor development programs are funded primarily through Community Council and tuition contributions . Comments and Questions from the Public : E dw . M . Roberts of Bald Hill Road asked for clarification on the 3 . 3 % salary increases and said that due to the economy at this time all salaries should be frozen . G ail Miller - Steam Mill Road asked if the Town used salary ranges for the Highway Department employees . H erb Engman - South Danby Road said he thinks salaries should be frozen . J oel Gagnon of 2353 Spencer Road asked what the Town pays for attorneys fees . Supervisor Dietrich explained that the Attorney line was increased t o cover the expense incurred for the proposed zoning ordinance . A portion of this expense will carry over into 1992 . S usan Beeners asked what other legal costs the town incurred for developments in 1991 . D iscussion followed and Supervisor Dietrich explained a few of the major costs for development projects . Councilperson Schwartz said $ 15 , 000 . 00 for the attorney line figure was a compromise and he thinks it is a fair figure . Supervisor Dietrich explained that if adjustments to the Preliminary Budget are necessary it can only be decreased after the Public Hearing . MOTION TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING : A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Oltz to close the Public Hearing at 8 : 02 P . M . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye S chwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously eitrodJ Carol W . Scze • = f- ski , Town Clerk v 13 1 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 TOWN OF DANBY TOWN BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 8 : 00 P . M . November 11 , 1991 P RESENT : Supervisor Dietrich Councilpersons : Eckstrom , Oltz , Schwartz ABSENT : Councilperson Marisa ( Excused ) O thers Present : P lanning Board Chair : Nancy Weitzel Town Clerk : Carol Sczepanski Councilperson Elect : Gail Miller P lanner : Susan Beeners Members of the Public : B ill Farrell , Herb Engman , Joel Gagnon , Edw . M . Roberts The meeting was called to order at 8 : 20 P . M . by Supervisor D ietrich . P LEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Supervisor Dietrich led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag . APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 6 , 7 , 8 , AND 14 , 1991 TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES : A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by Councilperson Oltz to approve the Town Board Meeting Minutes of the December 6 , 7 , 8 and 14 , 1991 as published . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Eckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 9 , 1991 TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES : A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the October 9 , 1991 Town Board Meeting Minutes as published A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 29 , 1991 TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES : A motion was made by Supervisor Dietrich and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the October 29 , 1991 Town Board Meeting Minutes as published . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye S chwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously 1 - 2 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 O ctober 2 , 1991 Town Board Meeting Minutes Tabled : S upervisor Dietrich requested that the Town Board Meeting Minutes be tabled until the December 9 , 1991 Town Board Meeting . N o Board Member objected . ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA : Supervisor Dietrich requested the addition of the following items to be placed on the Agenda under New Business : 1 ) Highway Department Contract Negotiations - Discussion 2 ) Town Constable - Discussion 3 ) Sales and State Tax - Discussion N o Board Member objected . P RIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Councilperson Schwartz reported that the Environmental Management Council is asking Tompkins County to reconsider their road salt policy . Town Clerk Carol Sczepanski reported that the Danby Dog Enumeration is going well many dogs are not registered . Letters will be sent to unregistered dog owners reminding them that New York State requires all dogs to be registered . Tompkins County Representative ' s Report : County Representative Proto was unable to attend the Town Board Meeting and asked Supervisor Dietrich to make the following report : 1 ) Hiliview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee : Vacancy exists on the Hiliview Road Landfill Citizens Advisory Committee . The Town is looking for volunteers to serve on this committee . 2 ) Tompkins County Budget : Tompkins County Budget is expected to be increased by approximately fifteen ( 15 ) per cent . Public Hearings will be held on the budget Wednesday , November 20 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P . M . COMMUNICATIONS : 1 ) Tompkins County Resolution No . 403 - Establishing County Equalization Rates ; 2 ) Summary of the Town of Danby proposed zoning map and subdivision regulations ; 3 ) Human Service Coalition Planning and Coordination Program Information Materials for 1992 ; 4 ) Community Council November 1991 Report . 5 ) Hand Delivered from Michael Hovanec of Bailey Homes - - Information Packet regarding Manufactured Homes in Danby - New Zoning . Members of the Public : William Farrell of East Miller Road asked the Town Board to look into the issue of the Town of Danby requirement of eighteen ( 18 ) foot width for driveways . Supervisor Dietrich said that many residents have requested the Town not to enforce an eighteen ( 18 ) foot road requirement for individual residential driveways . Edward M . Roberts of Bald Hill Road said that there is a problem with the roadway requirement of eighteen ( 18 ) feet for driveways . Mr . Roberts also said that he received a call from a resident regarding the restoration of the Town Veteran ' s Monument . - 15 3 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 J oel Gagnon of Spencer Road asked if the Town Board had finished their review of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance . D iscussion followed in regard to the Proposed Zoning Ordinance . Supervisor Dietrich reported the following : 1 That the Town Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday , November 21 , 1991 to hear all public in regard to the proposed zoning ordinance ; 2 ) Planner Susan Beeners and Attorney Barney will be available on Tuesday , November 19 , 1991 at 7 : 30 P . M . to review the subdivision regulations and other related items . Town Councilpersons and Councilpersons elect are encouraged to attend this meeting and to review the new proposals . 3 ) A working session of the Planning Board will be held on Wednesday , November 20 , 1991 for final review of the new proposed zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations . EMC Report : Herb Engman reported that the Environmental Management Council has been in existence for twenty ( 20 ) years . In celebration they will are planning a conference on Managing Wetlands in 1990 . Registrations to attend the conference are due by November 15 , 1991 . The EMC has completed a State of the Environment report for Tompkins County . S enior Citizen Report : E dward M . Roberts reported that the Senior Citizen ' s have resumed monthly meetings with dish - to - pass luncheons . Code Enforcement Officer ' s October 1991 Report : Councilperson Eckstrom reported that building permits were issued for one ( 1 ) new home , three ( 3 ) Double - wide mobile homes ( in Bailey Park ) , one ( 1 ) porch , one ( 1 ) closed pavilion , one ( 1 ) wood stove installation , and two ( 2 ) permit renewals and four ( 4 ) Certificate of Occupancy were issued . Fees of $ 1 , 043 . 00 were collected for a total construction value . of $ 440 , 000 . 00 . Discussion followed in regard to the value of construction reported for mobile homes . Councilperson Eckstrom said that the construction value does not reflect assessed value after completion . Supervisor Dietrich said he will be looking at new information regarding double - wides and how they are addressed in our new proposed zoning ordinance . The Town may consider a provision to allow double -wides in medium and low density areas by special permit . Dog Control Officer Report : The October 1991 Dog Control Officer Report has not been received . Planning Board Report : Nancy Weitzel reported that the Planning Board will meet on Tuesday , November 12 , 1991 at 7 : 30 P . M . , Wednesday , November 20 , 1991 . The Planning Board held Public Information Hearing was held on October 29 , 1991 on the proposed zoning ordinance and other related information . Chairperson Weitzel reported that the meeting went very well . County Youth : Supervisor Dietrich reported that Deborah. Fitzpatrick will be sending reports on youth services to the Town . Community Council Report : Supervisor Dietrich reported that Community Council are reviewing i6 4 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 1992 budgets to make sure the programs they have implemented will remain in place for the coming year . If they do not receive the match monies in the budget they will not be able to give the pond any money . Their commitment to the youth programming comes first and the budget reflects no request for increases and a promise to offset any deficit that may arise . A grant application has been submitted it to the Chemung Valley Arts Council . A Halloween party was held at the fire station and was well attended . Supervisor Dietrich also said that the $ 1 , 300 , 000 . 00 Grant Proposal for a youth center was not forthcoming . N EW BUSINESS : Sales and State Tax Monies S upervisor Dietrich reported that the Town is seeking to bring S ales Tax and State Tax Revenues directly to the Town . This would increase revenues to the Town . Town Constable - Discussion Supervisor Dietrich reported that he has received calls from residents in regard to speeding traffic on many Town roads . He is looking into the cost of providing a patrol car for a approximately four ( 4 ) hours per week . He said he is working with Tompkins County to try to obtain extra service . Discussion followed in regard to the service we receive from Tompkins County Sheriff and New York State Patrols . Highway Department and Town of Danby Employees CSEA Contract : Supervisor Dietrich reported that the Highway Department Employees and the Town have tentatively agreed to a salary raise of 3 % for 1992 , 4 % for 1993 and 5 % for 1994 .. They have discussed a possible long term agreement . Discussion followed in regard to a long term contract . Supervisor Dietrich said he would negotiate a one - year contract with a 3 % salary raise . RESOLUTION NO . 65 OF 1991 APPROVAL TO ADD UNPIAD WATER BILLS FROM OCTOBER 31 , 1990 THROUGH O CTOBER 31 , 1991 TO THE 1992 TAX BILLS FOR COLLECTION B y Supervisor Dietrich : Seconded by Councilperson Oltz WHEREAS , Mary Casterline , Collector for the West Danby Water D istrict has submitted the following list of user fees for the West D anby Water District that remain unpaid for the period of October 31 , 1990 through October 30 , 1991 : Parcel Number Name Amount 26 . _ 1 - 6 . 1 Decker , Gerald M . Katherine A . $ 220 . 88 18 . - 1 - 21 Smith , Carey 157 . 96 26 . - 1 - 9 . 2 Benjamin , James R . & Catherine 110 . 83 18 . - 1 - 20 Allport , Hamilton 86 . 91 18 . - 1 - 16 Barnato , Peter 85 . 80 16 . - 1 - 15 Sinn , Louis R . 55 . 09 26 . - 1 - 2 . 7 Rider , Steven 146 . 85 17 . - 1 - 1 Wilde , Philip 6 . 30 17 . - 1 - 30 Brewer , Donald & Charlotte 122 . 28 17 . - 1 - 34 Campbell , Thomas G . 85 . 80 17 . - 1 - 3 . 1 Lockwood , Rancy J . & Clara 21 . 73 17 . - 1 - 6 Sundquist , Richard 117 . 13 18 . _ 1 - 2 Sills , John 5 . 07 17 . - 1 - 57 . 1 Lockwood , Larry 180 . 34 17 . - 1 - 19 Wright , Donald 236 . 72 17 . - 1 - 17 Schilling , Vera 155 . 71 17 . - 1 - 21 Sayet , Peter 117 . 16 17 . - 1 - 9 Haskins , Frank 3 . 22 J 17 5 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 16 . - 1 - 16 . 2 Siebert , William A . 85 . 80 TOTAL WATER BILLS FOR COLLECTION $ 2 , 001 . 58 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the uncollected Water Bills for the West Danby Water District in the amount of $ 2 , 001 . 58 to be turned over to Tompkins County to be added to the 1992 Tax Roll for collection . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously TOWN OF DANBY FISCAL YEAR 1992 BUDGET Councilperson Eckstrom said he would like to approve the Town Budget for Fiscal Year 1992 as revised and set the tax rate . Discussion followed in regard to adjustments to the preliminary budget could be reduced further . Councilperson Schwartz said that he would like to review the preliminary budget further and a special meeting scheduled to adopt the budget . RESOLUTION NO . 66 OF 1991 CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF DANBY TOWN BOARD - FISCAL YEAR 1992 TOWN OF DANBY BUDGET By Councilperson Schwartz : Seconded by Supervisor Dietrich RESOLVED , that the Town of Danby Town Board hold a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday , November 20 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P . M . , Town Hall , 1830 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York to adopt the Town of Danby Budget for Fiscal Year 1992 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Eckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Approval of General Fund Warrant # 11 of 1991 A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the General Fund Warrant # 11 of 1991 in the amount of $ 10 , 438 . 13 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of Highway Fund Warrant # 11 of 1991 A motion was made by Councilperson Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the Highway Fund Warrant # 11 in the amount of $ 13 , 013 . 14 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously 18 6 Town Board Minutes November 11 , 1991 Approval of West Danby Water District Warrant # 10 of 1991 A motion was made by Councilperson Schwartz and seconded by Councilperson Eckstrom to approve the West Danby Water District Warrant # 10 of 1991 in the amount of $ 169 . 28 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye • Dietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of CHIPS Fund Warrant # 3 of 1991 A motion was made by Councilperson Eckstrom and seconded by Councilperson Schwartz to approve the CHIPS Warrant # 2 of 1991 in the amount of $ 21 , 127 . 93 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of the Town Clerk ' s and Supervisor ' s October 1991 Reports A motion was made by Councilperson Oltz and seconded by Councilperson Eckstrom to approve the October 1991 Town Clerk ' s Report and the October 1991 Supervisor ' s Report as submitted . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : E ckstrom Aye O ltz Aye Schwartz Aye D ietrich Aye Carried Unanimously ADJOURNMENT : On a motion the meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 P . M . Carol W . Sczep .Mski , Town Clerk