HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-10 . SPECIAL MEETING November 1 , 1977 RESOLUTION 4134 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS MODEL 140 CATERPILLAR MOTOR GRADER ( Snow - wing ) Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Town Board authorize the Highway Supt . to advertise for bids for one new snow - wing for Model 140 Caterpillar Motor Grader not to exceed $ 7 , 000 . 00 . 2nd Clm Tarr Carried y W Town Clerk U P UBLIC HEARING P RELIMINARY BUDGET NOVEMBER 10 , 1977 Minutes of the Public Hearing of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden h eld at the Town Hall on Thursday the 10th day of November 1977 commencing at 7 : 30PM . Present : Supv McCord , CIw Graham , Clm Cotterill , Clm Tarr , Clm Webb Atty Amdur and Z . D . Stewart S upv McCord read the public hearing notice that was published in the newspaper for the purpose of the 1978 Town Budget . S upv McCord stated that this year for , the first time in about 5 years the Town is faced with a relatively significant increase in the tax rate . There is an increase in amount of appropriations within the budget f rom a total of last years budget ; 1977 - $ 868 , 000 . 00 and 1978 $ 918 , 000 . 00 which is a round figure . General Fund A appropriations this year $ 240 , 700 . 00 compared to last year of $ 220 , 826 . 00 - - General Fund B which is than portion of the town outside the villages a budget of $ 66 , 500 . 00 this year compared to last year of $ 66 , 275 . 00 - - Highway repairs and improvements ( under 4 different funds ) a budget of $ 203 , 850 . 00 this year compared to last year of $ 192 , 852 . 00 - Item 2 $ 4 , 500 . 00 compared to last year of $ 4 , 500 . 00 - Item 3 $ 100 , 000 . 00 compared to last year of $ 90 , 000 . 00 - Item 4 $ 129 , 580 . 00 compared to last year of $ 127 , 800 . 00 Improvement program again is $ 36 , 000 . 00 . The primary difference in the tax rate is the amount, of unexpended balance that the town has had to apply towards these funds . Last year for example General Fund A the town - had $ 73 , 000 that was applied toward keeping the tax rate at the same level as the year before . This year there is about $ 30 , 000 . 00 . Consequently the proposed tax for 1978 for the whole town is $ 4 . 91 as opposed to $ 3 . 90 last year . For the town outside the villages the proposed rate is $ 4 . 17 as oppcfed to $ 3 . 88 last year . The Town Board has gone over this budget several times and believed that we are not being e xtravagant and are trying to provide the services that we have maintained in the past , but as you all know those things that we do not - have much control over do increase and that is basically what we are Et seeing in this years budget . The Town Board has tried to avoid using General Revenue Sharing Funds for the purpose of trying to keep the tax rate down . The board feels that we should budget exactly what is n eeded for the services to be provided , set a tax rate based on that and use our general revenue sharing funds basically for one time events o r events that do not get built into a budget . Capital improvement programs ; an item of machinery , recreation facilities . Those are the things that the town has expended revenue sharing funds on as opposed to building it into a sense of on going programs and when and if those funds should not be allocated back to the town from the state and federal government that all of a sudden you are faced with a deficit in the budget . 1 2. 9 Mrs Barbara Barry wanted to know if the Dryden KIDDS Inc request for Federal Revenue Sharing money would be a seperate item from the budget . S upv McCord stated that the Town Board did not include any allocations of revenue sharing funds in this budget at the present time . The Town B oard deferred any statement of expenditures , so in order to spend money from revenue sharing funds the Town Board will have to hold a public h earing and hear the proposed uses for those funds and make allocation after the public hearing . S upv McCord wanted to know if there were any questions on the Special D istricts - Lighting , Water , Fire Protection , Sewer , the Town Board . would be glad to answer . QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS The fire contract amounts are as follows : • Neptune Hose Company # 1 Inc . $ 24 , 000 . 00 ✓ arna Fire Department 18 , 000 . 00 W . B . Strong Fire Company 12 , 600 . 00 , Etna Volunteer Fire Company Inc . 11 , 000 . 00 B rooktondale Fire District 2 , 500 . 00 The fire rate will be $ 1 . 656 per thousand Mr Ed Hill spoke on behalf of the Neptune Hose Co . # 1 and was concerned about the proposed contract for the coming year because it was going to be the same as last ' year . Mr Hill pointed out that the cost of inflation o n an average is up 6 . 7 % over the country . The fire companies costs are u p too , utilities , insurance , repairs , fuel , equipment replacement and if the budget stays the same in essence our purchasing power is reduced to about $ 1 , 500 . 00 . To stay on an even base with last year we have to have an increase and as near as we can determine the hard goods , the things that really hurt us come to somewhere around 8 % . To have the same purchasing power for 1978 the fire company has got to have at least a $ 1900 . 00 increase . To round it off the Neptune Hose Co . # 1 Inc would like to request an increase to be up to about $ 26 , 000 . 00 . If there are any questions w e will try and answer them . C1w Graham wanted to know if they heated by electric and using more e lectricity because their electric bill was up by 100 % , compared to last years budget . Mr . Hill stated that they heated by fuel , also last years e lectric budget was a guestimate which was unfortunately way short . They h ad no experience so they took 2 buildings that they figured was e quivalent to the garage and the other building was equivalent to the meeting room , which really was not a very accurate figure for last year . Supv McCord stated that the Town Board went over all the requests carefully and essentially asked Dryden and Varna to try and stay the same as last years budget . The Town Board essentially , took the increase in assessed ✓ aluation and same fire rate , figured what based on the increase in assessed valuation the Town Board could allocate to various fire d epartments for increases . It wasn ' t very much and the Town Board did n ot really satisfy the majority of the fire departments requests . Mr Hill pointed out that everything costs more money and that is a fact o f life and if we don ' t keep this on an even kee ' , we are only stealing . from oujselves . Mr Carpenter wanted to know the boards rationale for not wanting to increase the fire tax rate where the other proposed tax rate has been increased • without any question . S upv McCord stated that we have had a steady fire tax rate increase for t he past number of years where the town wide rate increase has been very stable for the last 5 years , also we had a reduction in the tax rate one year . The Town Board felt that trying to keep the total bill to the tax payers as stable as possible , warranted a hold on any increase in the fire, tax rate . Mr Carpenter wanted to know if the board felt justified in doing so . Supv McCord stated that the Town Board did feel jsutified , but would let • the members speak for themselves . It wasn ' t a unilateral decision . 4 . . , i I ; . , . 2 .0i CIw Graham wanted to know if the Dryden Fire Co . operated Bingo games o n Sat . night ; what were the proceeds for 1977 and do they use that for o perating expenses or is that for some other purpose . Mr Hill stated that the money is used specifically for equipment for the fire company . S upv McCord stated that the Town Board would consider the request increase for the fire company for $ 1 , 900 . 00 , but how do you balance t hat out with other fire companies that have asked for an increase , because of needs and operating expenses . The Town Board took a look at what fire equipment there is town wide , what is available , and what II protection , which was considered outstanding . Supv McCord wanted to know if the fire company bought some new equipment because the II d epreciation went from $ 18 , 000 . 00 to $ 20 , 000 . 00 . Mr Carpenter stated that they were in the process of buying a tank truck III Mr Hill stated that it wasn ' t that they couldn ' t pay their bills but the money that you save gets used and when something gets obsolete the money that should be there for replacement has been used . • The Town Board felt that a uniform budget for all fire companies be the same which would be very useful at budget time . Assessment rolls for the water and sewer districts fn the Town of Dryden . Rates as follows : Sapsuckerwoods Sewer Total of. $ 2000 . 00 to be for Dist # 1 38 units = $ 52 . 63 per unit Varna Sewer Dist # 2 Total of $ 21600 . 00 to be 293 units * $ 73 . 72 per unit Water Dist # 1 Varna Total of $ 20700 . 00 to be 4 . 095 assessment = 30 % . 09 front footage = 10 % 46 . 04 units = 60 % Ringwood Court Improvement 3096 front footage 780 per front foot , to be raised $ 2414 . 88 McLean Fire District - fire rate 3 . 501 = $ 4473 . 00 Closed Public Hearing 8 : 05 PM TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 10 , 1977 Minutes of the Board Meeting held by the Town Board at the Town Hall commenced at 8 : 05 PM on the 10th day of November 1977 . Called to order by Supv McCord Members and guests participated in the Pledge , of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk Present : Supv McCord , C1w Graham , C1m Cotterill , C1m Webb , C1m Tarr Atty Amdur and Z . O . Stewart Motion was made by C1w Graham and 2n4 by Cim Cotterill that the minutes of Public Hearing # 1 # 2 # 3 and Town Board Meeting held on October 12 , 1977 be approved as submitted . COUNTY BRIEFING - Absent 410 CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR - nothing COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR - nothing ATTORNEY CIw wanted to know if the sign at the Adult Book Store could be painted over because people have asked if it was still in business . Atty Amdur reported that it was not in business and there was a big padlock on the door . Atty Amdur had heard from an attorney in New York wantin to know if it would be possible to get in the building to turn the water off . Atty Amdur answered that only if they could get the Sheriff to go with them and then to lock up after they had left , which was agreed to . There still is a trial pending with the employee that worked there . r . 2 ‘ ) .'L; : r C1w Graham wanted to know the status on the proposed restaurant concerning`` Francois Boeres on the Old Dryden Rd . Atty Amdur reported that she has n ot received any information yet , but will notify the board as soon as she hears from the judge . Atty Amdur wrote to the LVRR regarding the bridge on George Rd , the ✓ eply was that it was now a DOT problem and also Conrail . Atty Amdur reminded them that school buses do use that bridge . Assemblyman Lee has written . a letter to Mr Rhodes of DOT in Albany . The letter Atty Amdur ✓ eceived from Mr Kaswinkel stating that the railroad was now leased to NYSDOT and LVRR is released of all maintenance under that lease . Assemblyman Lee stated that NYSDOT along with Conrail is responsible and to correct the hazard and urged prompt correction of the defective bridge prior to any damage to the traveling public . Atty .'Amdur was wondering if it was a defective bridge . Hwy Supt . . Humphrey stated that it was very much so especially for a school bus . Atty Amdur said that she would write another letter to Assemblyman Lee stating that the Town Board is very anxious in having this matter solved . Clm Cotterill was wondering if the school could also write a letter ✓ equesting prompt action to repair the bridge . C1m Webb thought that the letter should be sent to Syracuse because it is in their territory . Atty Amdur reported on the deed regarding Crystal Drive and the Town of Dryden . The William Wood property is now under going a change of ownership , and will have to wait until the transaction is finished before anything could be done . Atty Amdur has spoken to the attorney representing the n ew owners and there does not seem to be any problem . Atty Amdur reported that Resolution # 120 regarding the town sewer system by the Town of } Drtden on behalf of Dryden Sewer Dist . # 1 meets with her approval . Reported that Dryden Senior Housing requested the Dryden Town Board to e xecute an agreement . The Village of Dryden , the Town of Dryden and County of Tompkins all make appropriations to the Dryden Senior Housing Corp . : .The Town previously agreed to pay $ 10 , 000 . 00 . - $ 5 , 000 . 00 which is payable on 1st of Feb . RESOLUTION # 135 EXECUTE AGREEGMENT WITH DRYDEN SENIOR HOUSING CORP . CIm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . , RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to execute an agreement to provide $ 10 , 000 . 00 to the non - profit Dryden Senior Housing Corp . 2nd C1w Graham Roll call vote - all voting YES Received letter from Thomas Payne stating that the resolution passed Jan . 28th , 1975 by the Dryden Town Board has been in force and implemented since the 1975 assessment roll at $ 6500 . 00 Reported that Mnorx Realty has been dealing with the Planning Board concerning property off Rt 366 and Rt 13 where there are 5 houses and there is not adequate access . They are trying to get a road or public street w hich is acceptable to the Planning Board and Hwy . Supt . There is a • railroad crossing on a portion of the property . The railroad requests that there be liability insurance on this particular crossing , also - before Atty Amdur would find it acceptable to the Town so that there would be no expense to the town . LVRR will give the Town of Dryden perpetual r -'o - w easement across what was formally a private road grade crossing , which is a 20 foot strip . In order to effectuate this Mr Jansen , ' the representative for Mnorx Reality has to pay LVRR $ 1 , 000 . 00 , which will take care of everything forever . The Town Board has to sign the agreement and would 1Ske a resolution . 1 222 RESOLUTION # 136 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR EASEMENT R = 0 - w Cum Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supv . be authorized to execute this agreement which w ill enable the Town of Dryden permanent for the purpose of a sub - division . 2nd CIm Tarr Carried Atty Amdur stated that in order to go through the sub - division law the e asement has to be granted . There are 5 houses which are being rented . The town is not in any way in jeporday in signing this agreement . It A -- does not bin. ,a the Planning Board to accepting the sub - division and does not bind the 'Hey Supt for making demands that the road be built the . way the town wants it . After much discussion the folloriir. g ✓ esolution was made . RESOLUTION # 137 WITHDRAW RESOLUTION # 136 410 C1m Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board withdraw resolution # 136 until Atty Amdur can dheck on the r - o - w , whether it is 20 feet in width . The highway specifications are 50 ' - 60 ' width with 20 ' of pavement . 2nd CIm Tarr Carried TOWN CLERK - nothing ZONING OFFICER 17 permits issued for Oct . ZBOA held Z hearing and granted the variance . $ 160 . 00 for building permits $ 25 . 00 ZBOA hearing . Z . O . SteWatt wanted .. to know if the Town Board was going to take action o n the Lynn Schenck special permit . Also wanted to know about Frank Robinson , which has been turned over to the justice court for action . It was the feeling to the Town Board that Judge Newhart take care of the matter and clear the docket page before he even applies to the Town Board again with a special permit . This has been a problem for at least 3 years . HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Hwy Humphrey reported that he had received the new grader and that they were preparing for the winter months . Cum Cotterill reported on a LVRR Abandonment meeting & wild at the County Planning Office . The county committee was trying to decide whether to ✓ ecommend to the county board whether to purchase the r - o - w from Freeville to Cortland . The county attorney is looking into it . There are reversion rights in at least 5 deeds . Clm Cotterill asked if the ✓ eversion rights would hold up thn court , but did not receive an answer . If the county did decide to buy , they would keep the Town of Dryden and Town of Groton informed . CORRESPONDENCE Received letter from the Etna Fire Dept requesting that they have permission to hold Bingo on Sunday afternoon . Supv McCord turned the letter over to Atty Amdur to check on the ordinance . Cim Cotterill stated that there was a Town Ordinance drawn up in 1960 statthrig that there would be no Bingo held on Sunday , known as t he 1st day of the week . Supv McCord stated that the Fire Co . would f irst have to get a petition . Received a letter from the new manager for Ceracche TV Corp . • 22 RESOLUTION # 138 ACCEPT BID FOR LEVELING WING Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the bid from Charles J Blackwell , Inc . for one new Grader Mounted Leveling Wing in the amount of $ 6 , 750 . 00 and the Highway Supt . be authorized to make the necessary transaction . 2nd Clm Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 139 AUDIT HIGHWAY BILLS Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . ( 2nd C1w Graham Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 140 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS IIIClm Tarr offered the following resolutmo<n and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES J USTICE REPORTS Judge Sweetland - $ 2386 . 00 - Judge Newhart - $ 1647 . 00 FINANCIAL REPORTS REVENUES EXPENSES G eneral Fund A $ 1274 . 72 $ 11173 . 47 G eneral Fund B 429 . 81 875 . 52 Fire Protection District 24 . 58 - 0 - Federal Revenue Sharing 14644 . 00 473 . 04 H ighway Fund 4715 . 58 22364 . 20 O LD BUSINESS • RESOLUTION 141 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT LYNN SCHNECK ( Operate lawnmower repair shop ) S upv McCord offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Lynn Schneck since this is an area suitable for commercial development , therefore the permit is compatible for this area and commercial operations . There are no restrictions . 2nd Clm. Tarr Carried N EW BUSINESS . P ublic Hearing - December 13th Aged exemption . • RESOLUTION # 142 ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of the public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all _ persons desiring to be heard thereon , now therefore be it RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 0 1st day of January 1978 , and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the preceedings of the Town Board , and be it FURTHER . RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as / adopted by this Town Board together with the estimate if any , adopted pursuant to Section 202a of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Representatives of this county . 2nd Clm Tarr Roll call vote - Supv McCord YES Clm Cotterill YES Clm Tarr YES Clm Webb YES Ciw Graham NO • 4 ; 3 RESOLUTION # 143 ADOPT ASSESSMENT ROLLS C1m Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing in the preparation of the Assessment Rolls of parcels of land included in the Water District # 1 , Sewer District # 1 and Sewer District # 2 to base the cost chargeable to said districts in connection with the construction of the water and sewer systmes which benefits and improves said districts , and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon , now therefore , be it RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt said assessment rolls for this town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January 1978 . 2nd C1m Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 144 ADOPT FIRE CONTRACTS C1m Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the fire contracts as presented and authorize the Supervisor to execute the fire contracts in accordance to the amounts ' in the budget . 2nd C1m Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 145 APPROVE RECREATION APPLICATION C1m Tarr offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that this Town Beard approve the project application and budget for the Town of Dryden Recreation Program as presented . 2nd Cim Webb Carried Action for Division for Youth Services . S upv McCord stated that the Town Board needed to approve the budget . The town received a project application and annual report from the D ryden Youth Recreation and Dryden KIDDS Inc . . The Application is consistant with the town budget for the year . Supv McCord was pleased to say that the commission has done a fine job . They are setting up a new system to increase the participation and bringing some o rganization to the whole Dryden Recreation Program . The total budget is $ 9800 . 00 for thesrecreation and $ 4000 . 00 for youth services for a total of $ 13800 . 00 . To meet the $ 13 , 800 . 00 the town will get from the ✓ aise in taxes , $ 6921 . 00 , $ 2 , 000 . 00 from the Busy Bus and $ 4 , 879 . 00 ✓ eimbursement from the state . RESOLUTION # 146 APPOINT COMMISSIONER TO SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION S upv McCord offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Clint Cotterill to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission to replace Supv Charles McCord , for the year 1978 . 2nd Clm Tarr Carried • Adjourned : 9 : 15 PM 411 )7 - � Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk • •1 } : 4 �S I� 7 n .Fp �m - - C. .; •, fi ¢ 1.0 t xe 1 kir k ac, . I 141 n f '. ia • -1 ✓ ir "r ( ) t , F < ; ,; , - I I ,4 I i {.? J j . p di 4:1,- '+ f i , , . .. , . I ,, f . t !!Io . ! U ® GET J I 1 ../ 'i Y I. t ‘ For 197. 8 Town of DRYDEN • T, - in . County of TOMPKINS - Villages Within or Partly Within Town g1 ; , Village of DRYDEN • • c • T- FREEVILLE • 1Y Village of I •rt', .S .-- :h ; i Z. • f ' CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK 1. , l } % • t j 4 1 , Town Clerk, certify i' that the following is a true and correct copy of the 197 budget of the Town of • as adopted by the Town Board on the . day of , 19 • Signed . _, Town Clerk { 1 • oat.a' °J `? • ? , 1 it .. _ .• ti . , ilk i u rC 1258 ( Rev. . 19 77 . . . •, I SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET LESS LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BE IDE FUND APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAX -4. GENERAL $ 240, 700 . 00 $ 1 .16 , 300 . 00 $ 30 , 000 . 00 $ 93 , 900 . 00 B GENERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE 66 , 500 . 00 44 , 500 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 7 , 000 . 00 HIGH WAY D R REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS 203 , 850 . 00 59 , 000 . 00 - 0 - 144 , 850 . 00 DB BRIDGES 4 , 500 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - 4 , 500 . 00 DM ^ MACHINERY 100 , 000 . 00 131000 . 00 - 0 - 87 , 000 . 00 D S : : SNOW AND MISC . 129 , 580 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 - 0 - 79 , 580 . 00 D E IMPROVEMENT PP. OGRAM 36 , 000 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - 36 , 000 . 00 C D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING L PUBLIC SERVICE FUND V DEBT SERVICE FUND S SPECIAL DISTRICTS : ( LIST EACH SEPARATELY ) Varna Light District 1 , 700 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - 1 , 700 . 00 - -.... Etna Light Dist . 1 , 350 . 00 - 0 - _ - 0 - 1 , 350 . 00 Water District # 1 20 , 700 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - 20 , 700 . 00 , Dryden Fire Protection 75 , 300 . 00 _ 1 , 800 . 00 - 0 - 73 , 500 . 00 Sewer District # 1 3 , 670 . 00 - 0 - 1 , 670 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 Sewer District # 2 27 , 600 . 00 - - 0 - 6 , 000 . 00 _ 21 , 600 . 00 Improvement Ringwood Court 2 , 414 . 88 - 0 - - 0 - 2 , 414 . 88 McLean Fire District 4 , 472 . 89 - 0 - - 0 - 4 , 472 . 89 _ I TOTALS $ _9.1~8 , 337 - 77 $ 285 , 100 . 00 $ 52 , 670 . 013 $ 580 ,567 . 77 lilli ' If town contains a village check one of the following : lir /X / Village is not exempt from Machinery and Snow and Miscellaneous Ta .: CS . / / Village is exempt from Machinery and Snow and Miscellaneous Taxes . / / Village is exempt from Machinery Taxes but not Snow and Miscellaneous Taxes . / / Village is exempt from Snow and Miscellaneous Taxes but not Mach. nePy ;' axe ., z 1 I 1 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 'THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 197k 197 , 7 197 8 1978 197 _ j - - TOWN BOARD P ERSONAL SERVICES A1010 . 1 3 , 600 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1010 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A10 10 . 4 141 . 47 800 . 00 1111lialllianall TOTAL A10 10 . 0 31741 . 47 5 , 600 . 00 USTICES - P ERSONAL SERVICES A1110 . 1 13 , 199 . 98 15 , 400 . 00 16 , 800 . 9n 169300 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1110 . 2 350 . 00 300 . 00 litalialita 300 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1110 . 4 1 , 495 . 55 1 , 700 . 00 MWAIMI 1 , 700 . 00 TOTAL A1110 . 0 15 , 045 . 53 17 , 400 . 00 18 , 800 . 00 1R 300 . 00 RAF F I C VIOLAT I ONS BUREAU 1 PERSONAL SERVICES A1130 . 1 EQUIPMENT A1130 . 2 _ i CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1130 . 4 TOTAL A1130 . 0 -_ MINIM ii A SUPERVISOR PERSONAL SERVICES A1220 . 1 2 , 800 . 00 2 , 800 . 00 2' 1800 . 00 2 , 800 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1220 . 2 flu es . ss 200 . 00 i + CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1220 . 4 754 . 46 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 000 . 00 TOTAL A1220 . 0 3 , 754 . 46 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 4 000 . 00 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE P ERSONAL SERVICES 1A1310 . 1 EQUIPMENT 4. A1310 . 2 _ CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1310 . 4 TOTAL A1310 . 0 OMPTROLLER P ERSONAL SERVICES A1315 . 1 P QUIPMENT A1315 . 2 la. CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1315 . 4 _ TOTAL A1315 . 0 __ INDEPENDENT AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1320 . 4 AX COLLECTION P ERSONAL SERVICES A1330 . 1 2 , 505 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 2 , 800 . 00 2 , 800 . 00 1EQUIPMENT A1330 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1330 . 4 860 . 3 . es Is 1 100600 111 1 TOTAL A1330 . 0 3 , 365 . _ 3 900 . 00 UDGET PERSONAL SERVICES A1340 . 1 QUIPMENT A1340 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A1340 . 4 =II ! TOTAL A1340 . 0 - -- --- 2 _ y GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 1 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 _ 197 _ PURCHASING 1 PERSONAL SERVICES A1345 . 1 . I EQUIPMENT A1345 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1345 . 4 64 . 36 25 . 00 50 . 00 50 . 00 TOTAL A1345 . 0 64 . 36 25 . 00 50 . 00 50 . 00 ASSESSORS ' ERSONAL SERVICES A1355 . 1 QUIPMENT A1355 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A1355 . 4 TOTAL A1355 . 0 DISCOUNT ON TAXES CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1370 . 4 OWN CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES A1410 . 1 5 , 730 . 63 5 , 800 . 00 6 , 300 . 00 6 , 300 . 00 QUIPMENT A1410 . 2 300 . 00 1 , 450 . 00 1 , 450 . 00 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A1410 . 4 957 . 94 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL A1410 . 0 6 , 688 . 57 7•, 100 . 00 , 8 , 750 . 00 9 , 750 . 00 ATTORNEY PERSONAL SERVICES A1420 . 1 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1420 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1420 . 4 TOTAL A1420 . 0 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 PERSONNEL PERSONAL SERVICES A1430 . 1 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 300 . 00 6 , 300 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1430 . 2 200 . 00 300 . 00 , 300 . 00 300 . 00 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A1433 . 4 73 . 82 ' 200 . 00 250 . 00 250 . 00 TOTAL A1430 . 0 6 , 273 . 82 6 , 500 . 00 x6 , 850 . 00 6 , 850 . 00 NGINEER PERSONAL SERVICES A1440 . 1 EQUIPMENT A1440 . 2 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A1440 . 4 TOTAL . A1440 . 0 i ELECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES A1450 . 1 4 , 832 . 35 5 , 600 . 00 5 , 700 . 00 5 , 700 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1450 . 2 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 200 . 00 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A1450 . 4 1 , 151 . 15 1 , 100 . 00 1 , 600 . 00 1 , 600 . 00 TOTAL . A1450 . 0 5 , 983 . 50 7 , 700 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 _ I= OARD OF ETHICS ' Al ' PERSONAL SERVICES A1470 . 1 QUIPMENT A1470 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A1470 . 4 ' TOTAL A1470 . 0 I 3 . . - . - I a II GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS II GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT i BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - ` LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 $ 197 _ PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES A1490 . 1 , EQUIPMENT A1490 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1490 . 4 TOTAL A1490 . 0 BUILDINGS PERSONAL SERVICES A1620 . 1 2 , 217 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 EQUIPMENT A1620 . 2 400 . 00 500 . 00 500 • 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1620 . 4 7 , 394 . 66 7 , 500 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 8 , 500 . 00 TOTAL A1620 . 0 9 , 611 . 66 10 , 900 . 00 13 , 000 , 0013 . 000 . 00 CENTRAL GARAGE !PERSONAL SERVICES A1640 . 1 EQUIPMENT A1640 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1640 . 4 TOTAL . A1640 . 0 INTRAL COMMUNICATIONS YSTEM RSONAL SERVICES A1650 . 1 EQUIPMENT A1650 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1650 . 4 TOTAL A1650 . 0 CENTRAL STOREROOM PERSONAL SERVICES A1660 . 1 EQUIPMENT A1660 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1660 . 4 _ _ TOTAL A1660 . 0 - __' CENTRAL PRINTING AND MAILING . PERSONAL SERVICES A1670 . 1 , EQUIPMENT A1670 . 2 __ _ CONTRACTUAL EXP . A1670 . 4 TOTAL A1670 . 0 ' CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING - i PERSONAL S .ERVICES A1680 . 1 ' EQUIPMENT A1680 . 2 CONTRACTUAL . EXP . A1680 . 4 TOTAL A1680 . 0 1 'PECIAL ITEMS ALLOCATED INS . A1910 . 4 12 , 360 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 17 , 500 . 00 17 , 500 . 00 JNICIPALASSN . DUES A1920 . 4 386 . 00 400 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 rch / Land -Rts . of way A1940 . 3 500 . 00 ' CONTIGENT ACCOUNT A1990 . 4 5 , 051 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 TOTAL . 13 , 246 . 00 16 , 451 . 00 22 , 000 , 00 22 , 000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL 1 _ - " A GOVT . SUPPORT A1999 . 0175 ' 774 . 73 187 , 376 . 00 99 , 950 . 0099 , 950 . 001 a 4 ----- ---- --_ GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1 I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 i 197 . PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES A3010 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3010 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A3010 . 4 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL A3010 . 0 500 . 001 500 . 00 500 . 00 POLICE AND CONSTABLE PERSONAL SERVICES A3120 . 1 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 , 00 EQUIPMENT A3120 . 2 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A3120 . 4 TOTAL A3120 . 0 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 AIL PERSONAL SERVICES A3150 . 1 III EQUIPMENT A3150 . 2 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A3150 . 4 TOTAL A3150 . 0 • TRAFFIC CONTROL PERSONAL SERVICES A3310 . 1 _ EQUIPMENT A3310 . 2 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A3310 . 4 TOTAL A-3310 . 0 IN STREET PARKING - ' ERSONAL SERVICES A3320 . 1 _ QUIPMENT A3320 . 2 1 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A3320 . 4 i TOTAL A3320 . 0 IRE FIGHTING PERSONAL SERVICES A3410 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3410 . 2 O NTRACTUAL EXP . A3410 . 4 TOTAL A3410 . 0 CONTROL OF ANIMALS - O OG WARDEN PERSONAL SERVICES A3510 . 1 • EQUIPMENT A3510 . 2 • ONTRACTUAL EXP . A3510 . 4 TOTAL A3510 . 0 EXAMINING BOARDS PERSONAL SERVICES A3610 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3610 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A3610 . 4 1 TOTAL A3610 . 0 ! j I 5 J GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS . BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1971 197 _ PUBLIC SAFETY ( CONTD . ) * * SAFETY INSPECTION PERSONAL SERVICES A3620 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3620 . 2 . 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A3620 . 4 338 . 711 _ ___ TOTAL A3620 . 0 _ 318. , 71 _ .2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 01 CIVIL DEFENSE PERSONAL SERVICES A3640 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3640 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A3640 . 4 TOTAL A3640 . 0 DEMOLITION OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS PERSONAL SERVICES A3650 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3650 . 2 _ CONTRACTUAL EXP . A3650 . 4 100 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 0C 500 . 00 TOTAL A.3650 . 0 100 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 0C 500 . 00 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OFFICER PERSONAL SERVICES A3660 . 1 EQUIPMENT A3660 . 2 _ ' CONTRACTUAL EXP . A3660 . 4 i TOTAL • A3660 . 0 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY A3999 . 0 738 . 71 3 , 300 . 00 3 , 300 . 01 3 , 300 . 00 " • HEALTH * BOARD OF HEALTH PERSONAL SERVICES 44010 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4010 . 2 • CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4010 . 4 TOTAL . A4010 . 0 4 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS PERSONAL SERVICES A4020 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4020 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4020 . 4 _ TOTAL A4020 . 0 LABORATORY PERSONAL SERVICES A4025 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4025 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4025 . 4 TOTAL A4025 . 0 ' IR POLLUTION - , PERSONAL SERVICES A4060 . 1 • EQUIPMENT A4060 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4060 . 4 TOTAL A4060 . 0 1 * Town with Village - See explanation ( 1 ) on Zast page for charges to town - area outside of villages . * * Town with Village - . See explanation ( 2 ) on Zast page for charges to town - area outside of villages . 6 • GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 .. 197 _ HEALTH ( CONTD . ) INSECT CONTROL PERSONAL SERVICES A4068 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4068 . 2 _--� CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4068 . 4 TOTAL A4068 . 0 __- NARCOTIC GUIDANCE COUNCIL PERSON L SERVICES A4210 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4210 . 2 -� CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4210 . 4 TOTAL A4210 . 0 NARCOTICS CONTROL PERSONAL SERVICES A4220 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4220 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4220 . 4 TOTAL A4220 . 0 JOINT HOSPITAL CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4525 . 4 AMBULANCE PERSONAL SERVICES A4540 . 1 EQUIPMENT A4540 . 2 _- CONTRACTUAL EXP . A4540 . 4 9 , 555 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 15 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 $ TOTAL A4540 . 0 9 , 555 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 15 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 MEDICAL HEALTH CENTER AND /OR PHYSICIAN PERSONAL SERVICES A4560 . 1 EQUIPMENT . A4560 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . 4A4560 . 4 TOTAL A4560 . 0 PERSONAL SERVICES . 1 EQUIPMENT . 2 __ CONTRACTUAL EXP . . 4 TOTAL . 0 TOTAL HEALTH A4999 . 0 9 , 555 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 00 00 ! 11 1 . TRANSPORTATION SUPT , OF HIGHWAYS PERSONAL SERVICES A5010 . 1 12 , 500 . 00 15 , 500 . 00 16 , 000 . 00 16 , 000 . 00 EQUIPMENT A5010 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5010 . 4 218 . 24 1 , 000 . 00 • • 1 , I ' • TOTAL A5010 . 0 12 , 718 . 24 16 , 500 . 00 11 , 17 200 . 00 GARAGE -I PERSONAL SERVICES A5132 . 1 I EQUIPMENT A5132 . 2 • CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5132 . 4 9 , 610 . 90 9 , 600 . 00 10 , 500 00- 10 1 500 . 00 , 4 TOTAL A5132 . 0 9 , 610 . 90 9 , 600 . 00 10 500 . 00 10 , 500 . 00 7 S II GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS , ! [THIS BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY' YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 7 1978 1978 197 _ TRANSPORTATION ( CONTDI ) STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5182 . 4 1 , 555 . 43 1 800 . 00 2 000 . 00 2 000 . 00 AIRPORT ; PERSONAL SERVICES A5610 . 1 EQUIPMENT A5610 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5610 . 4 _ TOTAL A5610 . 0 Mani JOINT AIRPORT CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5615 . 4 OFF STREET PARKING PERSONAL SERVICES A5650 . 1 EQUIPMENT A5650 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A5650 . 4 -- TOTAL A5650 . 0 PERSONAL SERVICES . 1 EQUIPMENT . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . . 4 . TOTAL ' . 0 anomman TOTAL TRANS - PORTATION A5999 . 0 23 , 884 . 57 27 , 900 . 00 29 , 700 . 00 29 700 . 00 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES A6010 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6010 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6010 . 4 500 . 00 - 0 - TOTAL A6010 . 0 SOCIAL SERVICES - HOME RELIEF CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6140 . 4 SOCIAL SERVICES - BURIALS CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6148 . - 4f • 8 . • GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - . LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET . ADOPTED ACCOUNTS ' CODE 197k 1972 1973 197_8 197 _ ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY ( CONTD . ) CETA ( TITLE 1 ) PERSONAL SERVICES A6210 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6210 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6210 . 4 FRINGE BENEFITS A6210 . 8 _- TOTAL A6210 . 0 -- i CETA ( TITLE 2 ) PERSONAL SERVICES A6220 . 1 _ EQUIPMENT A6220 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6220 . 4 FRINGE BENEFITS A6220 . 8 TOTAL A6220 . 0 CETA ( TITLE 3 ) PERSONAL SERVICES A6230 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6230 . 2 . CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6230 . 4 FRINGE BENEFITS A6230 . 8 TOTAL A6230 . 0 CETA ( TITLE 6 ) PERSONAL SERVICES A6260 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6260 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . . A6260 . 4 , FRINGE BENEFITS A6260 . 8 TOTAL A6260 . 0 PUBLICITY PERSONAL SERVICES A6410 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6410 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6410 . 4 TOTAL A6410 . 0 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6460 . 4 VETERANS SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES A6510 . 1 EQUIPMENT A6510 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A6510 ; 4 TOTAL A6510 . 0 TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE • AND OPPORTUNITY IA6999 . 0 � 500 . 00 - n 9 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS I PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 7 1978 19 78_ 197_ CULTURE - RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES A7020 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7020 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7020 . 4 600 . 00 600 . 00 TOTAL A7020 . 0 600 . 00 600 . 00 PARKS PERSONAL SERVICES A7110 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7110 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7110 . 4 TOTAL A7110 . 0 CETA - SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM PERSONAL SERVICES A7130 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7130 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7130 . 4 TOTAL A7130 . 0 PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION CENTERS PERSONAL SERVICES A7140 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7140 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7140 . 4 TOTAL A7140 . 0 JOINT REC , PROJECT x7145 • 4 BEACH AND POOL PERSONAL SERVICES A7180 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7180 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7180 . 4 TOTAL A7180 . 0 MARINA AND DOCKS PERSONAL SERVICES A7230 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7230 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7230 . 4 TOTAL A7230 . 0 ] • " Town with Village - See explanation ( 2 ) on last page for charges to town - area outside of villages . 10 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS II/ BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 ,E 197_ 1 CULTURE - RE CREATION CCONTD , ) GOLF PERSONAL SERVICES A7250 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7250 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7250 . 4 TOTAL A7250 . 0 SKI FACILITY PERSONAL SERVICES A7260 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7260 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7260 . 4 TOTAL A7260 . 0 BAND CONCERTS CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7270 . 4 * YOUTH PROGRAM PERSONAL SERVICES A7310 : 1 3 , 960 . 00 4 , 600 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 EQUIPMENT A7310 . 2 r CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7310 . 4 2 , 625 . 42 4 , 400 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 TOTAL A7310 . 0 6 , 585 . 42 9 , 000 . 00 (1 . 800 . 00 9 800 . 00 DINT YOUTH PROJECT ' ONTRACTUAL EXP . A7320 . 4 'f LIBRARY CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7410 . 4 650 . 01 850 . 00 850 . 00 850 . 00 MUSEUM PERSONAL SERVICES A7450 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7450 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7450 . 4 TOTAL A7450 . 0 HISTORIAN PERSONAL SERVICES A7510 . 1 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 EQUIPMENT A7510 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7510 . 4 TOTAL A7510 . 0 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 1UU . UU HISTORICAL PROPERTY ' PERSONAL SERVICES A7520 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7520 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7520 . 4 . 1 TOTAL A7520 . 0 -° ' ELEBRAT I ONS ' ERSONAL SERVICES A7550 . 1 QUIPMENT A7550 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A7550 . 4 1 , 804 . 53 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL A7550 . 0 1 , 804 . 53 300 . 00 _ 300 . 00 300 . 00 ' Town with V'illage - See explanation ( 1 ) on Zast page for charges to town - area outside of villages . 11 . - I GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS j /THIS BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS • CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ CULTURE - RECREATION ( CONTD . ) PROGRAMS FOR AGING PERSONAL SERVICES A7610 . 1 EQUIPMENT A7610 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7610 . 4 TOTAL A7610 . 0 ADULT RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES A7620 . i EQUIPMENT A7620 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A7620 . 4 TOTAL A7620 . 0 TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION A7999 . 0 9 , 139 . 9f 10 , 250 . 00 11 , 650 . 00 11 , 650 . 00 * 'ZONING HOME AND - COMMUNITY SERVICES , PERSONAL SERVICES A8010 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8010 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8010 . 4 • TOTAL A8010 . 0 IIICANNING ERSONAL SERVICES A8020 . 1 QUIPMENT A8020 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8020 . 4 TOTAL A8020 . 0 UMAN RIGHTS PERSONAL SERVICES A8040 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8040 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8040 . 4 TOTAL A8040 . 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL PERSONAL SERVICES A8090 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8090 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8090 . 4 TOTAL ' A8090 . 0 * * REFUSE AND GARBAGE . PERSONAL SERVICES A8160 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8160 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A8160 . 4 TOTAL A8160 . 0 OMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION IERSONAL SERVICES A8510 . 1 . QUIPMENT ' • A8510 . 2 ONTRACTUAL EXP . A8510 . 4 TOTAL A8510 . 0 OISE . ABATEMENT . ERSONAL SERVICES A8520 . 1 QUIPMENT • . . A8520 . 2 PONTRACTUAL EXP . A8520 . 4 _ I TOTAL A8520 . 0 * Town with Village - See explanation ( 2 ) on last. page for charges to town - area outside of villages . * * Toion with Village - See explanation ( 2 ) on Zast page for charges to . town - area outside of villages . in . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS V BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 197 8 197 8 197 _ HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ( CONTD . ) DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES A8540 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8540 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8540 . 4 TOTAL A8540 . 0 SHADE TREES P ERSONAL SERVICES A8560 . 1 EQUIPMENT A8560 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8560 . 4 TOTAL A8560 . 0 CEMETERIES PERSONAL SERVICES A8810 . 1 EQUIPMENT • A8810 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8810 . 4 • TOTAL A8810 . 0 AGENCY - PREY , OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN CONTRACTUAL EXP . A8820 . 4 , TOTAL HOME AND . COMMUNITY SERVICES P8 9 9 9 . 0 t , UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT A9010 . 8 9 , 404 . 00 9 , 500 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 FIRE AND POLICE RETIREMENT A9015 . 8 SOCIAL SECURITY . A9030 . 8 3 , 491 . 74 4 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 t• ORKMENS COMP . A9040 . 8 95 . 00 1 , 100 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 0 ( LIFE INSURANCE A9045 . 8 U NEMPLOYMENT INS . A9050 . 8 ' D ISABILITY INS . A9055 . 8 HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL INSURANCE A9060 . 8 2 , 144 . 82 2 , 400 . 00 3 , 60 . 00 3 , 600 . 0C TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS . A9199 . 0 15 , 135 . 56 17 , 000 . 00 21 , 600 . 00 21 , 600 . 0C 13 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 197,6 1972_ 1978 197 8 197 _ UNDISTRIBUTED ( CONTD , ) INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : HIGHWAY FUNDS A9540 . 9 41 , 000 . 00 55 , 000 . 00 55 , 000 . 0r 55 , 000 . 0C CAPITAL PROJECT FUND A9550 . 9 26 , 747 . 00 - CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER FUNDS A9561 . 9 _ TOTAL A9699 . 0 67 , 747 . 00 55 , 000 . 00 55 , 000 , 0C 55 , 000 . 00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL S , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 CAPITAL NOTES . A9740 . 6 ' ' 5 , 000 00 TAX ANTICIPATION N OTES A9760 . 6 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES A9770 . 6 TOTAL A9899 . 6 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 . 000 . 00 INTEREST . BUDGET NOTES A9750 . 7 TAX ANTICIPATION N OTES A9760 . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES A9770 . 7 TOTAL A9899 . 7 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO P AGE 1 ) A9900 . 0201 , 975 . 52 220 , 826 . 00 241 , 700 . 00 240, 700 . 00 _ I 1 , 669 . 90 NON- BUDGET EXPENSES 203 , 645 . 42 • 14 f GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 197a 1978 197 _ OTHER TAX ITEMS LOCAL SOURCES REAL PROPERTY TAXES PRIOR YEARS A1020 _ FEDERAL PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES A1080 _ OTHER PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES A1081 INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON REAL PROPERTY TAXES A1090 2 , 116 . 65 1 , 500 . 00 1 ' 8 0 0 . 0 1 , 800 . 00 * NON - PROPERTY TAX D ISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY A1120 946 . 04 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME , TAX COLLECTION FEES ) ! ( NOT INTEREST ON TAXE$ A1232 CLERK FEES A1255 1 , 12 / . 15 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00- 1 , 000 . 00 * POLICE FEES A1520 PUBLIC POUND C HARGES- D OG WARDEN FEES A1550 • SAFETY INSP . FEES A1560 CHARGES FOR DEMO - LITION OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS A1570 * HEALTH FEES A1601 OSPITAL INCOME A1635 , AMBULANCE CHARGES A1640 PARKING LOTS AND GARAGES . A1720 lcN STREET PARKING FEES A 17 4 0 , AIRPORT FEES S RENTALS A1770 AIRPORT COMMISSIONS AND CONCESSIONS A1774 AIRPORT SALES OF SUPPLIES A1776 ' EPAYMENTS OF H OME RELIEF A1840 ' EPAYMENTS OF BURIALS A1848 ' ARK AND RECRE - ATION CHARGES A2001 RECREATION CONCESSIONS . A2012 _ BEACH OR POOL FEES A2025 AUDITORIUM CHARGES A2035 • ARINA AND DOCKS A2040 O LF FEES A2050 __ 1 . KI • FACILITY CHAFES A2060 ► KATING RINK FEES A2065 MUSEUM CHARGES A2090 ' ONING FEES A2110 * ' LANNING BOARD ± — � FEES A2115 * Torn with Villages - See explanation ( 3 ) on last page for crediting these revenues to town - area outside villages . 15 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 111 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 LOCAL SOURCES ( CONTD . ) DEPARTMENTAL INCO E GARBAGE REMOVAL AND D ISPOSAL CHARGES ' 2130 SALE OF CEMETERY LOTS A2190 CHARGES FOR CEMETARY SERVICES A2192 TAX AND ASSESSMEN SERVICES FOR O THER GOVERNMENTS ' 2210 NARCOTICS CONTROL SERVICES FOR O THER GOVERNMENTS ' 2290 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERT" • INTEREST AND EARNINGS A2401 6 , 707 . 63 5 , 000 . 00 5 , .500 . 00 _5 , 500 . 00] RENTAL OF REAL PROPERTY A2410 RENTAL OF REAL PROPERTY , OTHER G OVERNMENTS A2412 RENTAL OFEQUIPMENT, O THER GOVERNMENTSA2416 30 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - COMMISSIONS t A2450 T LICENSES AND PERMITS BJS . .r, OCCUP . LIC . A2501 GAMES OFCHANCE LIC . A2530 BINGO LICENSE A2540 414 . 31 DOG LICENSE FUND APPORTIONMENT A2544 2 , 972 . 40 2 , 400 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 PERMITS , OTHER A2590 50 . 00 - 0 - --- FINES AND FORFEITURES FINES AND FORFEITED BAIL A2610 18 , 993 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 FORFEITURE OF - D EPOSITS A2620 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS ' SALES OF SCRAP AND E XCESS MATERIALS A2650 20 . 00 - 0 - 0 = IINOR SALES , OTHER A2655 SALES OF REAL P ROPERTY A2660 11 , 000 . 00 - 0 - 0 - SALES OFEQUIPMENT A2665 [ NSURANCE RECOVERIES A2680 732 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - 16 . • . . t • GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES [THIS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 7 197 8 1978 197 _ I I LOCAL SOURCES ( CONTD , ) MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS OF PRIOR • YEARS EXPENSES 12701 GIFTS AND DONATIONS £ 2705 900 . 00 - 0 _ - 0 - ENDOWMENT AND TRUST FUND INCOME A 2755 CETA - GRANT FROM PRIME SPONSOR TITLE 1 12764 CETA - GRANT FROM PRIME SPONSOR TITLE 2 £ 2766 _ CETA - GRANT FROM PRIME SPONSOR TITLE 3 ' 2767 CETA -- GRANT FROM 4 PRIME SPONSOR TITLE 6 £ 2768 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED ' REVENUES (SPECIFY) 1A2770 _ A2770 _ INTERFUND REVENUES INTERFUND . • REVENUES 42801 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 42831 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES A2999 23 , 900 . 00 25 , 800 . 00 25 , 8OO . Ot1 17 r GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES , BUDGET BUDGET • ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1971 197_ STATE AID PER CAPITA A3001 67 , 053 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 60 , 000 00 60 , 000 . 00 MORTGAGE TAX A3005 49 , 845 . 43 22 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 LOSS OF RAILROAD TAX REVENUE A3007 TAX- _ABATEMENT_ A3015 ._ 177 . 89 NAVIGATION LAW . ENFORCEMENT A3315 SNOWMOBILE LAW :' ENFORCEMENT . A3317 INSECT CONTROL A3468 NARCOTICS GUIDANCE COUNCIL A3484 SOCIAL SERVICES A3660 PROGRAMS FOR AGING A3803 YOUTH PROGRAMS A3820 1 , 999 . 04 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM STATE AID A3999 117 , 275 . 36 79 , 000 . 00 91 , 0 '00 , 00 91 , 000 . 00 IFEDERAL AID CIVIL DEFENSE A4305 PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOY . ,, ANTIRECESSION A4750 EMERGENCY DISASTER ASSISTANCE A4960 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEDERAL AI D A49 ' 5 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND ( TRANSFER j TO PAGE 1 ) A5000 165 , 084 . 54 102 , 900 . 00 116 , 800 , 00 116 , 300 . 00 262 . 94 NON- REVENUE RECEIPTS 165 , 347 . 48 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED GENERAL FUND UNEXPENDED BALANCE (TRANSFER _ TOTAL " ADOPTED " ' TO PAGE 1 ) 73 , 700 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 001 • 18 . . . - _ - — . --c %/•+aTY3v .wr. Oe6- ,w <•w a- r , .....yj ' . .• - . .. . ..0 t%. e. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE ( SHOW HERE GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS TO BE PROVIDED FOR BY TAXES LEVIED ON THE AREA OTSIDE VILLAGE ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - _ LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT SPECIAL ITEMS U NALLOCATED INS . B1910 . 4 CONTINGENT ACCT . 81990 . 4 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1, 000 . 00, TOTAL 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 : 0011 nn PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE PERSONAL SERVICESB3120 . 1 EQUIPMENT B3120 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B3120 . 4 __ TOTAL B3120 . 0 SAFETY INSPECTION PERSONAL SERVICESB3620 . 1 EQUIPMENT B3620 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B3620 . 4 _ TOTAL B3620 . 0 HEALTH )I BOARD OF HEALTH ERSONAL SERVICESB4010 . 1 EQUIPMENT B4010 . 2 I CONTRACTUAL EXP . B4010 . 4 TOTAL B4010 . 0 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS PERSONAL SERVICES ' 40 20 . 1. EQJ I PMENT B4020 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B4020 . 4 _ __ - I___ TOTAL B4020 . 0 LABORATORY P ERSONAL SERVICESB4025 . 1 EQUIPMENT B4025 . 2 _ CONTRACTUAL EXP . B4025 . 4 TOTAL 84025 . 0 -' 1 CULTURE - RECREATION PARKS PERSONAL SERVICESB7110 . 1 . EQUIPMENT B7110 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . 47110 . 4 _ TOTAL 87110 . 0 PLAYGROUNDS AND ' !' RECREATION CENTS S P ERSONAL SERVICESJ7140 . 1 IEQUIPMENT 37140 . 2 ! CONTRACTUAL EXP . 87140 . 4 : _ TOTAL IB7140 . 0 I 19 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 8 197 _ CULTURE - RECREATION ( CONTD , ) YOUTH PROGRAMS PERSONAL. SERVICES B7310 . 1 EQUIPMENT B7310 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B7310 . 4 TOTAL B7310 . 0 L I BP. ARY CONTRACTUAL EXP . B7410 . 4 PROGRAMS FOR AGING PERSONAL SERVICES B7610 . 1 EQUIPMENT B7610 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP , B7610 . 4, TOTAL B 7 610 . 1 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONING PERSONAL SERVICES B8010 . 1 8 , 200 . 00 , 8 , 200 . 00 8 , 200 , 00 8 , 200 . 0 () EQUIPMENT B80 10 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B80 10 . 4 1 , 488 . 89 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 TOTAL B8010 . 0 9 , 688 . 89 9 , 700 . 00 9 , 700 , 00 9 , 700 . 00 PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES B8020 . 1 515 . 63 , 600 . 00 600 . 00 600_ . 00 EQUIPMENT 38020 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . B80 20 . 4 62 . 10 400 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 TOTAL B80 20 . 0 577 . 73 1 , 000 . 00 700 . 00 700 . 00 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PERSONAL SERVICES / B801 0 . 1 518 . 75 600 . 00 900 . 00 900 , 00 EQUIPMENT ZB801 0 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . 78801 0 • 4 259 . 13 300 . 00 100 . 00 ' 160 . 00 TOTAL 768010 . 0 777 . 88 900 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 001 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT B90 10 . 8 1 , 681 . 001 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 FIRE ANC POLICE RETIREMENT 39015 . 8 SOCIAL SECURITY B9030 . 8 471 . 50 500 . 00 700 . 06 700 , OO ' WORKMENS COMP . B9040 . 8 10 . 00 375 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 LIFE INSURANCE B9045 . 8 • UNEMPLOYMENT INS . B9050 . 8L DISABILITY INS . B9055 . 8 _ HOSPITAL AND - -" MEDICAL INSURANC : B9060 . 8 714 . 94 800 . 00 900 . 00 900 . 00 OTAL EMPLOYEE _ BENEFITS 89199 . 0 2 , 877 . 44 3 , 675 . 00 4 , 100 . 00 4 , 100 . 00 20 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197• 197 _ UNDISTRIBUTED ( CONTDI ) IIf ERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : HIGHWAY FUND B9540 . 9 35 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 00n . 00 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 39550 . 9 CONTRIBUTION TO OTHER FUNDS B9561 . 9 _ _ _ ' TOTAL 89799 . 0 DEBT . SERVICE PRINCIPAL BUDGET NOTES 9750 . 6 TAX ANTICIPATION J NOTES • : 9760 . 6 _ REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES B9770 . 6 TOTAL B9899 . 0 INTEREST BUDGET NOTES : 9750 . 7 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES : 9760 . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - . • PATION NOTES : 9770 . 7 • 1 TOTAL ". 9899 . 7 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - APPROPRIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 39900 . 0 48 , 921 . 94 66 , 275 . 00 66 , 500 . 00 66 , 500 . 00 • r 21 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE II/ BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ LOCAL SOURCES NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY B1120 POLICE FEES B1520 H EALTH FEES B1601 ZONING FEES B2110 2 , 250 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 P LANN ING BOARD FEES B2115 INTEREST AND EARNINGS B2401 1 , 939 . 37 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 O THER ( SPECIFY ) B2770 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES 4 , 189 . 37 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 STATE AID PER CAPITA B3001 53 , 006 . 00 34 , 000 . 00 40 , 000 . 00 40 , 000 . 00 YOUTH PROGRAMS B3820 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM 40 , 000 . 00 40 , 000 . 00 STATE AID 33999 53 , 006 . 00 34 , 000 . 00 FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT - ANTIRECFSSION B4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEDERAL AID 84 .999 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - GENERAL FUND TOWN . O UTSIDE VILLAGES ( TRANSFER TOTAL • " ADOPTED " TO 44 , 500 . 00 44 , 500 . 00 PAGE 1 ) B5000 57 , 195 . 17 38 , 500 . 00 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS 57 232 . 21 • ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ., - ESTIMATED UNEX - • - ' PENDED BALANCE - • 1 G ENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE ✓ ILLAGES ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 27 , 775 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 22 a •• • • HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ( ITEM 1 ) 11 r BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 197,, 197 / 197e, 197 8 197 _ GENERAL REPAIRS PERSONAL S ERV I CESDR51 10 . 1 75 , 556 . 44 92 . 000 . 00 101 , 000 . 00 101 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . DR5110 . 4 95 , 367 . 70 45 . 000 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 TOTAL DR 5110 • 0 170 , 924 . 14 137 . 000 . 00 146, 000 . 00 146 , 000 . 00 _ • IMPROVEMENTS PERSONAL SERVICESDR5112 . 1 CONTRACTUAL EXP . ) R5112 . 4 5 , 000 . 00 5 . 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 TOTAL DR5112 . 0 5 . 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 • UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT DR9010 . 8 18 . 577 . 00 20 . 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 SOCIAL SECURITY DR9030 . E 7 , 800 . 44 8 , 400 . 00 8 , 400 . 00 8 , 400 . 00 WORKMENS COMP . DR9040 . 8 4386 . 00 8 , 600 . 00 8 , 600 . 00 8 , 600 . 00 LIFE INSURANCE DR9045 . 8 UNEMPLOYMENT INS . DR9050 . 8 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 D ISABILITY INS . DR9055 . 8 638 . 60 750, 00 750 . 00 750 . 00 H OSPITAL AND l MEDICAL INS . DR90 60 . 8 9, 987 . 67 13 , 102 . 00 13 , 100 . 00 13 , 100 . 00 TOTAL. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS . ) R9199 . 0 41 , 789 . 71 50 , 852 . 00 52 , 850 . 00 52 , 850 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO O THER FUNDS DR9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND DR9550 . 9 CONTRIBUTION TO O THER FUNDS DR9561 . 9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS DR9799 . 0 4 • � 3 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD . ) REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ( ITEM 1 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 _1 1978 1973 197. UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL BUDGET NOTES DR9750 . 6 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DR9760 . 6 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DR9770 . 6 TOTAL DR9899 . 6 INTEREST • BUDGET NOTES DR9750 . 7 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DR976G . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES , DR9770 . 7 TOTAL DR9899 . 7 TOTAL APPRO - PRIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " FO PAGE 1 ) D129900 . 0212 , 713 . 85 192 , 852 . 00 203 , 850 . 00 203 , 850 . 00 1 24 I HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS BRIDGES ( ITEM 2 ) BUDGET BUDGET i I ACTUAL. THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - ! LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY . I YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ' ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 19 7. 1. 9 7 7 19 7 8 1. 9 7 . 8 19 7 _ ; BRIDGES PERSONAL SERVICES B5120 , 1 , 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 0 ( CONSTRUCTION B5120 . 2 ___ _ • CONTRACTUAL EXP , B5120 . 4 1 , 687 . 30 2 , 500 . 00 , 50O . 710- T, 500 . 00 TOTAL DB5120 . 0 1 , 687 . 30 41500_00~� 4 , 500 . 1D 4 , 500 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT DB9010 . 8 _ SOCIAL SECURITY DB9030 . 8 _ WORKMENS COMP . DB 9040 . 8__ '' LIFE INSURANCE DB9045 . 8 I _ UNEMPLOYMENT INS . iB9050 . 8 _ 4 DISABILITY INS . ' B9055 . 8 ~ j _ HOSPITAL AND -1-- MEDICAL INS . DB9060 . 8 TOTAL EMPLOYEE • BENEFITS $ 89199 . 0 _ f_ INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER T0 : OTHER FUNDS DB9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND DB9550 . 9 CONTRIBUTION TO OTHER FUNDS DB9561 . 9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS DB9799. 0 25 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD . ) • BRIDGES ( ITEM 2 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL BUDGET NOTES DB9750 . 6 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DB9760 . 6 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DB9770 . 6 TOTAL DB9899 . 6 INTEREST BUDGET NOTES DB9750 . 7 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DB9760 . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DB9770 , 7 TOTAL D39899 . 7 TOTAL APPRO - PRIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) D39900 . 0 1 , 687 . 30 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 26 1 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS MACHINERY ( ITEM 3 ) l BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ . 1 MACHINERY j O ERSONAL SERVICES DM5130 . 1 EQUIPMENT DM5130 . 2 41 , 496 . 36 40 , 000 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . DM5130 .4 65 , 363 . 23 50 , 000 . 00 55 , 000 . 00 55 , 000 . 00 TOTAL DM5130 .0106 , 859 . 59 90 , 000 . 00 100 , 000 . 00 100 , 000 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT DM9010 . 8I SOCIAL SECURITY DM90 30 . 8: O RKMENS COMP . DM90 40 . : I ; 'LIFE INSURANCE DM9045 . : ' NEMPLOYMENT INS . DM9050 . 8 ISABILITY INS . DM9055 . : O SPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . DM90 60 . : O TAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DM9199 . 1 INTERFUND TRANSFERS RANSFER TO : O THER FUNDS DM9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND DM9550 . 9 _ CONTRIBUTION TO OTHER FUNDS DM9561 . 9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS DM9799 . 0 • 27 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD , ) MACHINERY ( ITEM 3 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. ETH IS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1973 197 _ , UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL BUDGET NOTES DM9750 . 6 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DM9 76 0 . 6 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DM9770. 6 TOTAL DM9899. 6 INTEREST BUDGET NOTES DM9750. 7 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DM9760 . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DM9770 . 7 TOTAL DM9 899 . 7 I TOTAL APPRO - PRIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL ., " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) DM9900 . 0 106 , 859 . 59 90 , 000 . 00 100 , 000 . 00 100 , 000 . 00i 28 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS E SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ( ITEM 4 ) F _ BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1973 19 7 : 197. MISCELLANEOUS ( BRLSH AND WEEDS ) 22 , 000 . 00 22 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 22 000 . 00 PERSONAL SERVICES D55140 . 1 22 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . DS5140 . 4 TOTAL D55140 . 0 22 , 000 . 00 22 , 00-07070-6—TZTITOTCTO 2 2 9000 . 00 SNOW REMOVAL ( TOWN HIGHWAYS ) 63 , 000 . 00 63 , 000 . 00 PERSONAL SERVICES DS5142 . 78 , 986 . 22 63 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP • DS 5142 . 21 , 550 . 37 20 . 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 TOTAL DS 5142 . 1 100 , 536 . 59 83 . 000 . 00 83 , 000 . 00 83 , 000 . 00 SERVICES FOR OTHER GOVERNMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES DS5148 . 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . DS5148 . TOTAL DS5148 , S 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 4 , buu . ou III UNDISTRIBUTED , EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 11 , 000 , 00 11 , 000 . 00 'STATE RETIREMENT DS9010 . : 9 , 000 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 SOCIAL SECURITY D59030 . : 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 , 00 ! W ORKMENS COMP . DS9040 . : 2 , 016 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 LIFE INSURANCE DS9045 . : UNEMPLOYMENT INS • DS90 50 210 . 80 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 D ISABILITY INS . DS9055 . : HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . D59060 .8 3 , 795 . 73 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DS9199 . 1 17 , 522 . 53 18 , 300 . 00 20 , 080 . 00 20 , 080 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : O THER FUNDS DS 9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND DS9550 . 9 4 CONTRIBUTION TO O THER FUNDS D59561 . 9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS DS9699 . 0 . 29 1 1 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD . ) SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ( ITEM 4 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 197 8 1973 197 _ I UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL BUDGET NOTES DS9750 . 6 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES DS9760 . 6 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DS9770 . 6 TOTAL DS9899 . 6 INTEREST BUDGET NOTES DS9750 . 7 TAX ANTICIPATION I NOTES DS9760 . 7 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES DS9770 . 7 TOTAL DS9899. 0 TOTAL APPRO - PRIATIONS a ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) DS9900 . 0L144 , 559 . 12 127 , 800 . 00 J29 . 580 . 00 129 . 580 . 00 • 1 30 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET BUDGET 1 • ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1S76 1977 1978 1978 197 _ IMPROVEMENT- PROGRAM ( PROJECT NO . ) CONSTRUCTION EXP . DE5150. 2 PRINCIPAL ON NOTES DE5150 . 6 INTEREST ON NOTES DE5150 . 7 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUND DE9501 . 9 TOTAL PROJECT NO . t IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ( PROJECT NO . ) CONSTRUCTION EXP . DE5151 . 2 PRINCIPAL ON NOTES DE5151 . 6 INTEREST ON NOTES DE5151 . 7 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUND DE9501 , 9 TOTAL PROJECT NO . , IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ( PROJECT NO . ) ONSTRUCTION EXP . DE5152 . 2 PRINCIPAL ON NOTES DE5152 . 6 INTEREST ON NOTES DE5152 . 7 TRANSFER TO DR NON- BUDGETARY DISB . DE9940 . 5 '- 37 , 328 . 44 TOTAL PROJECT NO . TOTAL APPROPRIA - TIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 37 , 328 . 44 36 , 000 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 31 z. HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ( ITEM 1 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ LOCAL SOURCES • NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY i DR1120 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DR2401 3 , 915 . 56 INTERFUND REVENUES DR2801 I NTERFUND _TOWN OUTr TRANSFERSSSIBEFM . DR2812 35 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 09 TO HIGHWAY. FUND , DR2840 37 , 328 . 44 CAPITAL FUND DR2850 3 , 639 . 07 TATE AID MILEAGE AND ' VALUATION AID DR3507 9 , 240 . 75 9 , 000 . 00 9 , 000 . 00 9 , 000 . 00 FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ANTIRECESSION DR4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (TRANSFER. TOTAL " ADOPTED ' TO PAGE 1 ) 89 , 123 . 82 59 , 000 . 00 59 , 000 , 00 59 , 000 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED . BALANCE (TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) I 32 • HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE BRIDGES ( ITEM 2 ) _ I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS - CODE 1976 197 ,1 197_8 1978 197 _ LOCAL SOURCES NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY . DB1120 . INTEREST AND • EARNINGS DB2401 454 . 00 INTERFUND REVENUES DB2801 INTERFUN .D ' TRANSFERS DB2831 MISCELLANEOUS ( SPECIFY ) . • DB DB J FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ANTIRECESSION DB4750 • TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 454 . 00 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - TOTAL, ESTIMATED , • UNEXPENDED BALANCE (TRANSFE R TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) • 33 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE MACHINERY ( ITEM 3 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 8 197 . LOCAL SOURCES NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY DM1120 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DM2401 4 , 561 . 27 RENTAL OF EQUIP - MENT , OTHER GOVERNMENTS DM2416 14 , 985 . 14 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 I NTERFUND TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND DM2810 _ . 1 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS CAPITAL DM2850 '. 8 094 . 91 MISCELLANEOUS 1 ( SPECIFY ) SALE OF EQUIPTMENT DM 2665 2 , 002 . 00 • STATE AID HWY . IMP . PROGRAM DM3521 7 , 364 . 00 , FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ANTIRECESSION DM4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 38 , 007 . 32 . 13 , 000 . 00 13 , 000 . 00 13 , 000 . 00 NON- REVENUE RECEIPT . 543 . 62 (REF . OF APPROX . EX ' . ) 38 , 550 . 94 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) • C 34 • ' HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE • SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ( ITEM - 4 ) I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 197 8 197a 197 _ LOCAL SOURCES NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY DS1120 SERVICES FOR OTHER GOVTS . DS2300 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DS2401 2 , 319 . 51 INTERFUND REVENUES DS2801 • INTERFUND FNF� . TRANSFERS GFJ fl ,L DS2810 40 , 000 . 00 47 , 000 . 00 47 , 000 . 00 47 , 000 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS ( SPECIFY ) INSURANCE RECOVERIES DS2680 631 . 00 • STATE AID HIGHWAY IMP . -PROGRAM DS3521 7 , 000 . 00 FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ANTIRECESSION DS4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED i REVENUES ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) . 49 , 950 . 51 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 111 1 35 • • . • l i .l :..; • • HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ' HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 . LOCAL SOURCES NON - PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION DE1120 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DE2401 1 , 328 . 44 INTERFUND REVENUES DE2 80 1 INTERFUND TRANSFERS DE2831 MICELLANEOUS ( SPECIFY ) • • DE DE STATE AID HIGHWAY IMPROVE - MENT PROGRAM DE3521 FEDERAL AID PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ANTIRECESSION DE4750 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - HIGHWAY IMPROVE - MENT PROGRAM ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO - 0 - - 0 - PAGE 1 ) 1 , 328 . 44 . • J p . TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ( TRANSFER , TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 36 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATIONS I BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 _ 197 _ STIPFRVTSnR PERSONAL SERVICES CF . 1 EQUIPMENT CF . 2 • CONTRACTUAL EXP . C .F1220 . 4 50 . 70 TOTAL CF . 0 50 . 70 HIGHWAY REPAIRS ' PERSONAL SERVICES. CF . 1 EQUIPMENT CF . 2 _ CONTRACTUAL EXP . CF5110 . 4 15 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CF . 0 15 , 000 . 00 IHCREATION CENTERS . PERSONAL SERVICES CF . 1 EQUIPMENT CF . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . CF 71404 21 , 911 . 91 TOTAL CF . 0 21 , 911 . 91 PERSONAL SERVICES CF . 1 EQUIPMENT CF . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . CF . 4 TOTAL CF . 0 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS CF9501. 9 CAPITAL FUND •F9550 . 4 2 , 226 . 75 CF _ CF CF CF _ CF CF CF _ CF L CF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 39489 . 36 ;c ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE INTEREST AND - r EARNINGS CF2401 3 , 766 . 20 FEDERAL REVENUE J ' SHARING CF4001 55 , 353 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE _ ; 59 , 119 . 20 :: TRANSFER TO PAGE ' 37 / H VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - r LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY / ACCOUNTS CODE YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 1976 197 7 1978 197& 197 _ APPROPRIATIONS LIGHTING DISTRICT STREET LIGHTING SL - 1 - CONTRACTUAL EXP . 5182 . 4 1 , 387 . 50 1 , 626 . 00 1 , 700 . 00 1 , 700 . 00 TOTAL 1 , 387 . 50 1 , 626 . 00 1 , 700 . 00 1 , 700 . 00 Ix ESTIMATED REVENUES INTEREST SL- 1 - 62 . 40 _ 2401 TOTAL 62 . 40 .. TAXES 1 , 609 . 00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED LIGHTING DISTRICT 1 UNEXPENDED . BALANCE 1 1 F' ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS LIGHTING DISTRICT STREET . LIGHTING SL - 2 - CONTRACTUAL EXP . 5182 . 4 1 , 175 . 97 1 , 307 . 00 1 , 350 . 00 1 , 350 . 00 i TOTAL 1 , 175 . 97 1 , 307 . 00 1 , 350 . 00 1 , 350 . 00 INTEREST SL- 2 - ESTIMATED REVENUES 38 . 06 2401 _ TOTAL _ 3$ . 06 -� TAXES _ , �- UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED LIGHTING , , DISTRICT . UNEXPENDED . l BALANCE -- - I �„ ' TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED TO PAGE 1 42 I WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS DRYDEN # 1 WATER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICESSW8310 . 1 _ EQUIPMENT SW8310 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . SW8310 . 4 29 . 64 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 TOTAL SW8310 . 0 29 . 64 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY . , POWER AND PUMPING PERSONAL SERVICES W8320 . 1 _ EQUIPMENT W8320 . 2 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 200 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . W8320 . 4 700 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL W8320 . 0 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 900_. 00 3 . 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 PURIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES . W8330 . 1 EQUIPMENT • W8330 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . . W8330 . 4 TOTAL . W8330 . 0 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PERSONAL SERVICES . W8340 1 EQUIPMENT • W8340 . 2 ' CONTRACTUAL EXP . • W8340 . 4 2 , 156 . 36 6 , 100 . 00 6 , 500 . 00 5 , 5110 . 00 TOTAL • W8340 . 0 . 2 , 156 . 36 6 , 100 . 00 6 , 500 . 00 6 . 500 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - STATE RETIREMENT . W9010 . 8 _ SOCIAL SECURITY SW9030 . 8 COMPENSATION INS . SW9040 . 8 _ LIFE INSURANCE 349045 . 8 U NEMPLOYMENT INS . SW90 50 . 8 D ISABILITY INS . SW9055 . 8 H OSPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . 9490 60 . 8 _ TOTAL . W9199 . 0 f INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : OTHER FUNDS SW9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND SW9550 .- 9 . TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFER SW9699 . 0 43 [ BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 19 7 6 19 77 1978 1978 197 _ I _ - UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SERIAL BONDS SW9710 . 6- 3 , 512 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES SW9770 . 6 TOTAL SW9899 . 6 7 , 718 . 07 4 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 . 000 . 00 INTEREST SERIAL BONDS ;' :SW9710 . 7 4 , 206 . 07 5 , 800 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - P ATION NOTES SW9770 . 7 TOTAL. SW9899 , 7 5 , 800 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 TOTAL WATER D ISTRICT APPRO - P RIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) SW9900 , 011 , 104 . 07 18 , 000 . 00 20 , 700 . 00 20 , 700 . 00 MONEY- PAID TO SC1WC 10 , 581 . 73 ( NO ACCTING REC ' D YET ) 21 , 685 . 80 44 WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES • - DRYDEN # 1 WATER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR F 0 FICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY 4 P YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 _ 197 _ • METERED SALES SW2140 4 , 039 . 31 UNMETERED SALES SW2142 WATER CONNECTION CHARGES SW2144 INTEREST AND • PENALTIES ON WATER RENTS SW2148 12 . 79 INTEREST. AND EARNINGS . SW2401 531 . 47 SALES OF SCRAP - • • AND EXCESS . • MATERIALS SW2650 MINOR , .SALES , - • OTHER . SW2655 INSURANCE RECOV - ERIES SW2680 OTHER COMPEN - SATION FOR LOSS SW2690 OTHER ( SPECIFY ) SW � TOTAL WATER DISTRICT - • ESTIMATED REV - ENUES ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 4 . 583 . 5 I UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED WATER DISTRICT UNEX - PENDED BALANCE ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) t 45 w Ill DRYDEN FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL. THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY • ' YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 1978 197 _ APPROPRIATIONS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PAYMENTS ON FIRE CONTRACTS SF - 1 - CONTRACTUAL EXP . 3410 . 4 60 , 100 . 00 66 , 500 . 00 68 , 100 . 00 68 , 100 . 00 WORKMEN ' S COMP . SF9040 . 8 5 , 303 . 89 6 , 700 . 00 7 , 200 . 00 7 , 200 . 00 OVERPAYMENT of TAXES SF9987 . 5 594 . 81 75 , 300 . 00 75 , 300 . 00 , . REFUNDS SF9995 . 5 941 . 91 , TOTAL APP . 66 , 940 . 61 73 , 200 . 00 ' . ESTIMATED REVENUES INTEREST & PENALTIES SF1090 26 . 08 INSURANLE REFUNDS SF2680 747 . 70 INIERLSI . . & EARNINGS SF2401 240 . 32 REFUND CHECKS - GJR FI ' sF5095 341 . 91 1 , 800 . 00 1 ,$00 ._ 00 1 , 800 . 00_1` TOTAL TAX 1 , 956 . 01 1 , 800 . 00 -1 , 800 . 00 1 , 800 . 00 ESTIMATED FIRE • PROTECTION DIST . UNEXPENDED a BALANCE „ 1 4. - FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1 APPROPRIATIONS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PAYMENTS ON FIRE CONTRACTS SF - 2 - CONTRACTUAL EXP . 3410 . 4 ' TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES _ 1 TOTAL -- - I UNEXPENDED BALANCE . a_ •\ ESTIMATED FIRE r PROTECTION DIST . $ UNEXPENDED BALANCE I - I . ; : TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 46 [ , -...„. SEWE1- DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS ' , DRYDEN # 1 SEWFR DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - !� LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 7 1978 1978 197 _ SPECIAL ITEMS TAXES ON SEWER DISTRICT PROPERTY CONTRACTUAL EXP . SS1950 . 4 •- ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES SS8110 . 1 EQUIPMENT SS8110 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . SS 8110 . 4 11 . 75 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 r TOTAL • SS 81 10 . 0 11 . 75 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 SEWAGE COLLECTING SYSTEM PERSONAL SERVICES SS 81 20 . 1 EQUIPMENT * S8120 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . '1; 8120 . 4 570 . 00 570 . 00 TOTAL • S 8 1 20 . 0 570 . 00 570 . 00 I ' SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL ;J PERSONAL SERVICES . 58130 . 1 %2 E Q U I PMENT . S8130 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . • S 8130 . 4 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 ~ TOTAL • S 81 30 . 0 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT SS 90 10 . 8 SOCIAL SECURITY . 59030 . 8 COMPENSATION INS . . 59040 . 8 LIFE INSURANCE . 59045 . 8 UNEMPLOYMENT INS . . S 90 50 . 8 1 , I DISABILITY INS . . S9055 . 8 HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . •S 90 60 . 8 • 59199 . 0 F TOTAL - - INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : OTHER FUNDS 559501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND SS9550 . 9 ----cfr c ThTOTAL INTERFUND - 1 J TRANSFER S59699 . 0 4 I 47- A , . • „ , SEWED: DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS DRYDEN 112 SEWER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 1 ACCOUNTS CODE 197.1 197 . 7 1973 1978 197 __ SPECIAL ITEMS TAXES ON SEWER DISTRICT PROPERTY CONTRACTUAL EXP . SS1950 . 4 I ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES SS 81 10 . 1 EQUIPMENT SS8110 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . SS8110 . 4 33 . 41 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 II TOTAL SS 81 10 . 0 ___ 33 . 41 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 SEWAGE COLLECTING SYSTEM PERSONAL SERVICESSS8120 . 1 EQUIPMENT . 58120 . 2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . SS8120 . 4 TOTAL . 58120 . 0 SEWAGE TREATMENT ' AND DISPOSAL PERSONAL SERVICES . S8130 . 1 • EQUIPMENT . S8130 . 2 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXP . . S8130 . 4 2 511 . 15 3 , 500 . 00 _ 3 , 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 r TOTAL . S8130 . 0 2 , 511 . 15 3 , 500 . 00 5 , 500 . 00 5 , 500 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT SS9010 . 8 SOCIAL SECURITY . 59030 . 8 COMPENSATION INS . . S9040 . 8 LIFE INSURANCE . S9045 . 8 UNEMPLOYMENT INS . . S 90 50 . 8 DISABILITY INS . . 59055 . 8 HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . . 69060 . 8 TOTAL . 69199 . 0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO : OTHER FUNDS 559501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT _ FUND SS9550 . 9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFER SS9699 . 0 _ 47- 6 s - • SEWER FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD . ) $ . DRYDEN # 1 SEWER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ' ACTUAL. 1TH IS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 197,E 197j 1978 1978 197 _ UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SERIAL BOr S SS9710 . 6 988 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES SS9770 . 6 _ TOTAL SS9899 . 6 988 . 00 I 1 , 000 . 00 1 400 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 INTEREST SERIAL BONDS . SS9710 . 7 1 , 183 . 93 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES SS9770 . 7 TOTAL SS9899 . 7 1 , 183 . 93 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 (TOTAL SEWER DIST . APPROPRIATION - ; ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 2 , 183 . 68 2 , 700 . 00 3 , 670 . 00 3 , 670 . 00 N i 4 8 -A SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS ( ARTICLE 8 OF THE TOWN LAW ) OFFICER SALARY Supervisor $ 2 , 800 . 00 Councilman ( 4 ) 4 , 800 . 00 Town Clerk 5 , 800 . 00 Superintendent of Highways 14 , 000 . 00 Justices ( 2 ) 8 , 600 . 00 • • t r • 61 SEIJER FUND APPROPRIATIONS ( CONTD . ) DRYDEN # 2 S EWER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET I ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 197 .1 1978 1978 197 _ UNDISTRIBUTED DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SERIAL BONDS SS971a . 6 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES SS9770 . 6 TOTAL SS9899 . 61 000 . 00 8 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 INTEREST SERIAL BONDS Ss9710 . 7 13 , 668 . 00 14 , 500 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 REVENUE ANTICI - PATION NOTES SS9770 . 7 TOTAL S 59 899 . 7 13 , 668 . 00 14 , 500 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SEWER DIST . APPROPRIATION - ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO j PAGE 1 ) 24 , 212 . 56 26 , 100 . 00 27 , 600 . 00 27 , 600 . 001 { 48- 13 SEWER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES _DRYDEN SEWER DTSTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 1978 197 8 197 SEWER RENTS S52120 SEWER CHARGES SS2122 r • INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON SEWER RENTS SS2128 INTEREST AND EARNINGS 552401 171 . 40 SALES OF SCRAP AND EXCESS MATERIALS SS2650 • MINOR SALES , OTHER $ S2655 INSURANCE RECOV - ERIES - 552680 OTHER COMPEN - \ TION FOR LOSS SS2690 TE AID FOR ERATION AND INTENANCE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT SS3901 OTHER ( SPECIFY ) SS TOTAL SEWER DIST . ESTIMATED REVENUES (7RANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 171 . 40 1 � UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED SEWER DISTRICT UNEX - PENDED BALANCE ( TRANSFER TOTAL "ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 1 , 776 . 00 1 , 670 . 00 1 , 670 . 00 9. A . . . _ . . . . SEWER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES DRYDEN # 2 SEWER DISTRICT BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS COOL 1976 197 7 1973 197 _8 197 _ . _ SEWER RENTS SS2120 SEWER CHARGES SS2122 INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON SEWER RENTS SS2128 , INTEREST AND EARNINGS SS2401 1 , 716 . 68 SALES OF SCRAP AND EXCESS MATERIALS SS2650 MINOR SALES , OTHER 552655 _ INSURANCE RECOV - ERIES S52680 _ _ THER COMPEN - SATION FOR LOSS 552690 TATE AID FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT SS3901 OTHER ( SPECIFY ) SS TOTAL SEWER DIST . ESTIMATED REVENUESCIRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 1 , 716 . 68 UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED SEWER DISTRICT UNEX - PENDED BALANCE ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 4 , 000 : 00 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 49 - 6 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND RINGWOOD COURT IMPROVEMENTMWT APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL HIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - CAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS COOL 1976 1972. 1978 1978 197 _ PERSONAL SERVICES SM . 1 EQUIPMENT SM .2 CONTRACTUAL EXP . SM TOTAL SM .0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS STATE RETIREMENT SM9010. 8 SOCIAL SECURITY SM9030. 8 COMPENSATION INS . SM9040 . 8 LIFE INSURANCE SM9045 . 8 1 11=== U NEMPLOYMENT INS . SM9050 . 8 D ISABILITY INS . SM9055 . 8 -� H OSPITAL AND MEDICAL INS . SM9060 . 8 TOTAL SM9199 . 0 NTERFUND TRANSFERS RANSFER TO : ' OTHER FUNDS SM9501 . 9 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND SM9550 .9 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS SM9699 . 0 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SERIAL BONDS SM9710 . 6 • _ _ BOND ANTICIPATION- NOTES SM9730 . 6 : 1 , 570 . 00 1 , 570 . 00 1 , 570 . 00 1 , ) 70 . 0Q_ I TOTAL SM9899 . 6 1 , 570 . 00 1 , 570 . 00 1 . 570 . 00 1 , ] 0 . 00 INTEREST BUDGET NOTES SM9750 . 7 BOND ANTICI - PATION NOTES , SM973O . 7 881 . 2 844 . 88 844 . 88 844 . 88 TOTAL SM9899 . 7I 881 . 2 844 . 88 844 . 88 844 . 88 TOTAL APPRO - PRIATIONS ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 2 , 451 . 25 2 , 414 . 88 2 , 414 . 88 2 , 414 . 88 59 • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND RINGWOOD COURT IMPROVEMENT TKIX8CPWCXIC • ESTIMATED REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET 1 ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE 1976 1977 � 1971 197 _ I 197 _ - - - -+ -- INTEREST SM 117 . 16 S M TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 117 . 16 1 UNEXPENDED BALANCE - . ESTIMATED UNEX - PENDED BALANCE • ( TRANSFER TOTAL " ADOPTED " TO PAGE 1 ) 60 20 PUBLIC HEARING # 1 AGED EXEMPTION INCOME LIMITION Minutes of the public hearing held by the Town Board on the 13th day of December commenced at 7 : 40PM Present : Supv McCord , Clw Graham , Cim Cotterill , Clm Tarr , Clm Webb and Z . O . Stewart et Supv McCord read the notice that was published in the newspaper stating the purpose of said hearing was to consider the increase of income limitation for the 50 per cent tax exemption for real property owned by 4 ._ persons 65 years of age or older from $ 6500 to $ 7200 . 0 QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS Being that there were no questions or comments public hearing was closed at 7 : 42PM PUBLIC HEARING # 2 R . W . D . INSULATION INC . No representative was present at the time for hearing so the Town Board went on with . the Board Meeting . TOWN BOARD MEETING BEGEMBER 13 , 1977 Minutes of the Board Meeting held by the Town Board at the Town Hall commenced at 7 : 50PM on the 13th day of December 1977 Called to order by Supv McCord Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk Present : Supv McCord , Clw Graham , Cim Cotterill , Clm Webb , Clm Tarr I and Z . O . Stewart Absent : Attorney Amdur . Motion was made by Clm Cotterill and 2nd by Clm Tarr that the minutes o f the Public Hearing and Town Board Meeting held on November 10th be approved as submitted . COUNTY BRIEFING Co . Rep Watros reported that the Youth Bureau is now organized and have j hired a director . Co Rep Watros is the representative from the Town of Dryden , as well as a representative from the Villages of Freeville and Dryden . I Reported on the SPCA . There has been much discussion primarily because o f the proposal to extend the coverage . If the county enters into a contract with the SPCA for 24 hours coverage that would mean a considerable amount of money . There has been some concern expressed that many of the towns throughout the county do not have any dog control regulations at Amh the present time and therefore it would be of little value to those areas . imp At this point the county will go with the same coverage as last year with the SPCA . If the various tbwnships and villages in the county decide to develope some kind of dog control that can be enforced , the county would probably move forward with that type of coverage , but as it is now it is o nly on a partial basis throughout the county . If anything could be done on a per municipality basis and make some kind of remuneration for that service , it would be on a county wide basis . ' Reported on the abandonment of LVRR . There have been many proposals ; The most recent one is by the landowners - along the r - o - w . The farmers would like to see it revert back to them for agricultural use . The farmers are going to form an association that would represent them in making a proposal to Tomp . CO . for them to acquire the r - o - w . Clm Cotterill wanted `to know if the county can legally buy the property and than sell the property back to the landowners without putting it out for bid . Co . Rep Watros said that question was raised and if it did appear