HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-13 X2J _ • .,, r BOARD MEETING JULY 13 , 1976 Minutes of the Board Meeting held by the Town Board at the Town Hall commencing at 7 : 30 PM on the 13th day of July 1976 . Called to order by Deputy Supv . Cotterill Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was by the Town Clerk . Present : Councilman Graham Councilman Cotterill Councilman Webb • Councilman Tarr Attorney Amdur Absent : Supervisor McCord 41O Motion was made by Clm Tarr and 2nd by Clm Webb that the minutes of the June 8 Public Hearings and minutes of the June 8 Board Meeting he anoroved after the chance in the wording under Citizen Privilege of the Floor . Supv . McCord requested a change in the wording to - Eleanor Church , from Varna wondered if there were any additional funds available from the Revenue Sharing Program . Sunv McCord told her not at the present because the Town had earmarked it for the Town Highway . They needed new insulation and a cement floor in the garage . COUNTY BRIEFING County Rep . Watros reported that there was a meeting scheduled for Thurs . night to review all the aspects of the Route 13 corridor . Another corridor route or variance of the existing corrfrdor is being considered . The property involved is the Sweetland Rd . and Gulf Hill Rd . area . These Property owners have been requested to attend . The disaster aid for the current problem of flooding in the township has been requested . If Gov . Carey appeals to the Fed . Gov ' t . there w ill be funds coming to the town . As of this afternoon the Town of Dryden hadn ' t reported their estimate . Clm Cotterill said he had the e stimate from the Highway Supt . Humphrey which was about $ 50 , 000 . 00 The county is negotiating with Abco . for paid parking at the airport , as to the services rendered and the share of the fees that the county w ill receive . Clm Tarr wondered what type of income was expected from the airport parking , and if this was the only reason . County Rep . Watros said they were still negotiating because there were some services that w ere not in the original proposed contract by Abco . The contract guaranteed the county $ 8 , 000 . 00 minimum . The revenues would be about $ 35 , 000 . 00 . The reasons for the paid parking would be for security because it would be enclosed wiht a fence , also it would help to control the parking spaces of where the people were to park . The people that use this parking facility would contribute towards the maintenance instead of the taxpayers . There would be an attendant there but haven ' t made arrangements yet on the hours . The Board of Rep . voted on keeping Boardman House . We have a reliable proposal that Sill substain itself without the use of the taxpayers money . The Board of Rep . has scheduled a meeting Mon . night to work o ut the details of the lease with Research Group Inc . If there are not any problems they will start renovation in August . The rental would be $ 300 . 00 a month for 20 years which would be a return to the county of $ 72 , 000 . 00 for that period . P The The County has approved the expenditures of $ 15 , 000 . 00 to add additional shelving and move the counter that would facilitate the 2 collections . The lesser used books are now on the 2nd floor that is not accessible to the public . CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR - nothing 121 COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Cotterill reported on his trip to Albany about the sales tax that w as due the Town of Dryden from the City of Ithaca . Rep . Dates and County Administrator John Murphy were among the 5 that went . Clm Cotterill said that they talked with some tax people of the state . They were very nice and told us that as Towns & Villages we had no part in talking to the state because the state strictly does business with the cities and counties . They listened to what we had to say and made it clear that w hen Mayor Conley was in Albany the state never made any deals with him o nly listened to his suggestions . Mayor Conley came back and released the information as if it was already settled . The state said that they told anyone that had ever contacted them that there had been no settlement or no agreements made . They listened to our information and feelings of the Towns & Villages , that we were entitled to this money and that in yaars was unreasonable and unsatisfactory for payback . The state said 41, that they would take this into consideration and who we talked to would be making a recommendation to the State Tax Commissioner . At this point he could tell us nothing as to what would happen or what the final state imposed settlement would be . We felt that if we did not go as a group it would be nothing but a 10 yr . payback . We have confidence that our considerations will be used and the payback will be less than 10 yrs . , but have no information until the report is made to the tax commissioner and the controller . They make the decisions as to what is an equitable payback from the city to the towns . Clm Cotterill felt that the towns should hear within 30 to 90 days an official statement from the State Tax Commission as to what the agreement will be . Clm Tarr - nothing Clm Webb - nothing Clm Graham reported that within her course of conversation with Freeville Village Mayor Clayton Dans he suggested that the Village of Freeville w ould like to meet with the Town Board and Village Board of Dryden once o r twice a year to air and talk over some matters that regard the area that we live in . Also there is a committee in Dryden that is actively working toward a Senior Citizen Housing Project . Some discussion was had on the water meters for the Souther Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission . RESOLUTION # 93 DEED OF CORRECTION ON CRYSTAL DR . Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . T RESOLVED , that this own Board authorize the acceptance of Deed of Correction in accordance with revision of the map and to nullify the previous deed of correction on Crystal Drive in the Town of Dryden . 2nd Clm Tarr Carried RESOLUTION # 94 ACCEPT CATFIERINE DRIVE EXT . AS A TOWN ROAD Clm Tarr offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept Catherine Drive Ext . in Forest Heights Sub - division # 4 as a Town Road . 2nd Clm Webb Carried 41, Atty Amdur also reported that the bill for the Town of Dryden contract for ambulance services was passed by the Senate , but never got out of committee in the Assembly . It is not very likely that it will be coming out this year or possibly ever . Atty Amdur said she received a call from the State Controller that our part of the McLean Fire District is approved by the State . • TOWN CLERK Reported that she had received the Deed to Sundown in the Long Boat Key Subdivision which is note on file in her office. Reported that there would be a reunion picnic at the Eight - Square School House on Sun . July 25th at 2 PM . 1 122 . ZONING OFFICER 18 permits for the month of June . Fees for permits $ 60 . 00 , Received $ 75 . 00 from the Zoning Board of Appeals . Total permits for Jan . ' 76 to June ' 76 were 92 compared to 71 last year . Zoning Board of Appeals granted 2 variances . One to Mr . Freelove for a garage and the other was to Mr . Buhl to build a 1 family dwelling on Whitted Rd . , which is a private road . He did not have any road frontage o n a public road . They reserved decision for Bernard Corneilus who wanted to rent space from Mr . Conger in Etna to operate and store his septic service equip . Zoning Officer Stewart would like to take thf Vast week in July and last w eek in August for vacation time with the Town Boards permission . Clm Cotterill wanted to know if the situation of junk cars were being III checked up on before the Town Board heard any complaints . Z . O . Stewart said yes , that he has issued 36 violation letters this year which most are on junk cars and are being cleaned up . Clm Cotterill felt that this w as the Z . O . job that when he sees them to issue a violation letter . After ` beirg a resonable time certainly within a few months they should be e nforced . He did not feel that it is fair after you get complaints to force one and let the next one do as he pleases . Clm Cotterill felt that w e are at a point where people are going to complain if we don ' t enforce zoning equally and evenly all over the Town . HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Highway Supt . Humphrey was absent because he was busy working on the ✓ oads that were damaged during the flood this past weekend . Clm Cotterill reported for him . He had reported $ 50 , 000 . 00 damage of Town ✓ oads due to the storm to Jack Miller . RESOLUTION # 95 ACCEPT BIDS FOR A CATERPILLAR TRACTOR Clm Tarr offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Highway Supt . be authorized to advertise for bids for one Caterpillar D5 Tractor SIN 9632788 , ROME BOPS Cannny , # 153 Hydraulic Control S / N 39G1082 , 5s Bulldozer S / N 92H2334 , Rack up Alarm not to exceed $ 35 , 000 . 00 2nd Clm Cotterill Carried CORRESPONDENCE Received Federal Revenue Sharing Check - $ 13 , 606 . 00 Payment from the State of New York for property on Signal Town Rd . $ 11 , 000 . 00 Letters regarding Z . B . O . A . variance Zelma Nielsen on Dryden Rd . expressing her disapproval of allowing a variance permit . Rhoda Curtiss , Pres . of the Etna Community Assoc . expressing \their disapproval of any business in the Etna area . Notice of a hearing in Albany to change the rates on West_er_n Union Teleg - raph . ® Letter from the Fed . Ins . Admin . on the maps for flood control Letter from Jack Miller , the Fire Disaster Copordinator requesting a fire protection study . RESOLUTION # 96 AUTHORIZATION TO CORRECT THE RINGWOOD • COURT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1976 Clm Tarr offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to correct the Ringwood Court Special Assessment Roll for 1976 as follows : Parcel # 65 - 3 - 4 . 2 Leland & Belva Cornelius front footage Amount 1631 Grandview Dr 215 $ 172 . 00 Tarpon Springs , Fla . Parcel # 65 - 3 - 4 . 3 Malcolm & Martha Simons 466 $ 372 . 80 850 13th Ave . S . W . Largo , Fla . 123 The roll incorrectly shows no listing for Parcel # 65 - 3 - 4 . 3 and shows Parcel # 65 - 3 - 4 . 2 with the total front footage of 681 feet @ 544 . 80 . There was a certificate of apportionment for 1975 which was omitted from the . 1976 tax roll . 2nd Clm Webb Carried RESOLUTION 97 FIRE PROTECTION STUDY Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this board authorize a fire protection study at no cost to the Town of Dryden . 2nd Clm Tarr Carried RESOLUTION # 98 AUTHORIZE : PAYMENT TO THE TOWN OF ITHACA FOR WATER DIST . # 1 Clm Graham offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption . • RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to send a check from Water Dist . # 1 to the Town of Ithaca in the amount of $ 6 , 489 . 58 for its share of the benefit levy for the Southern Cayuga Inter - Municipal Water Comm . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES • RESOLUTION 99 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited . . 2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 100 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Graham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES JUSTICE REPORTS Judge Sweetland $ 1640 . 00 Judge Newhart $ 2375 . 00 FINANCIAL REPORT REVENUES EXPENSES general Fund A $ 2282 . 20 $ 26938 . 23 General Fund B 457 . 98 2598 . 02 Fire Protection District 37 . 52 5303 . 89 Federal Revenue Sharing - 0 - 1035 . 83 Highway Fund 1316 . 35 48987 . 31 RESOLUTION # 101 APPOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Clm Tarr offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board anpoint Richard Kibel and James Lyon to the Planning Board for a 7 year term . Adjourned : 9 : 00 2M 51.1e e /I k ; • Town Clerk •