HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-12 241 December 12 , 1972 Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden held December 12 , 1972 , at Town Hall , commencing at 7 : 30 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb ; Zoning Officer Stewart arrived 8 : 45 . Attorney Amdur absent . Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord and opened with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . Roll Call was by the Town Clerk . At this time Supervisor McCord asked the Board if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of November 14th Public Hearing and Regular Monthly Board Meeting . Being none , the following motion was made . "' Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill , that the Minutes of November 14th be approved as submitted . Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of November 28th Public Hearings . Being none , the following motion was made . Motion was made by Councilman Cotterill , seconded by Councilman Gridley , that the Minutes of November 28th be approved as submitted . HOSPITAL REPORT : Present was Mr . Eugene Arnold , Administrator , Tompkins County Hospital , to report on a proposed rural health care clinic . He passed out a project summary to members of the Board . The summary was in reference to the seven hearings held this past summer in the various towns throughout the county and was sponsored by the Tompkins County Comprehensive Health Planning Council . The major concern expressed by the citizens was the lack of primary medical care services available to all members of the family . A project is proposed to establish a clinic in the Etna area . There would be doctors and nurses , no beds , approximately 40 hour' work week and on- call night service . Funding application will be made to the Applachia grants for $ 200 , 000 to support the model project . He classified it as a " super doctor ' s office " . Independent of the Hospital . COUNTY BRIEFING : County Representative Lee reported . He reported that he introduced a resolution to the Board that would establish a scholarship fund for medical students of Tompkins County :. ;residency . He said a resolution of endorsement by the Town Board to the County would be appreciated in this regard . Reapportionment : Requested a resolution endorsing the County Reapportionment to the Board of Representatives . County Budget : Welfare costs in the aid to dependent children and medicad appear to be on a downward trend . County portion of the taxes for the Town will be down by about one - half . The county portion of the taxes for the Villages will be up considerably as the Villages elected to take their sales tax in cash rather than apply it against the town and county tax . REVENUE SHARING : County ' s first check in the total of $ 404 , 200 . Reported that he went to a seminar in Rpchester in regard as to how the money can be used . It is a five year program . TC3 : Seems to be on schedule . Still haven ' t been able to work out all the details with the Dormitory Authorities . LEHIGH VALLEY RIGHT- OF - WAY : Runs from Cornell power plant out through the Town of Dryden down through McLean is going to be abandoned . The County is exploring the possibility of purchasing that rigttof-way as a possible "' future site for water lines , sewer lines , electricity , bike paths , highway , etc . RECREATION : Direct feeler from the City of Ithaca whether or not the County may or may not be interested in taking over Cass Park . No commit - ment on this whatsoever . The County is helping with the funding . TAX BILLS : Should be delivered to the Clerk on the following Monday or Tuesday . LAND - FILL : Money has been put into the budget for the purchase of a compactor in the amount of $ 65 , 000 . HEALTH DEPT . Announced that Dr . Broad is re - tiring . He asked for recommendations and if the Board had any , to get in touch with Jim Cerona . AGRICULTURE DISTRICT : Resolution by the County Board adopting the agriculture district . JUNK CARS : Remarked that there is an increase in junk cars in the town . He reported one such vehicle abandoned at the Varna Sewer pump station and several more at the top of the hill on the right in a field . DISCUSSION : Councilman Webb questioned whether a compactor was the answer to our problems . Discussion was had . Supervisor McCord inquired about the status of the Airport . Mr . Lee replied that the control tower is under construction and had approval to move the WHCU tower. from Mt . Pleasant . The problem right now is the security problem . The FAA 248 is on every airport about security . What they are requiring is fencing and the cost of that will be fantastic . They are negotiating trying to get out of that requirement . Discussion was had on the 500 million d ollar Bell Station plant in Tompkins County . CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Richard Crosby representing a group from Etna who are interested in forming a volunteer fire company . They propose to cover the area be - tween Route 13 and Peruville Road and west of Kirk and Caswell Roads to the town line . All of this area is now covered by Varna , Freeville and South Lansing fire companies . They have had a couple of offers of land for the fire company . The first initial outlay would be about $ 80 , 000 . Manpower : about 8 to 10 people available during the day . They . h ave thusfar in fund raising activities raised $ 1 , 100 . He requested a letter from the Town Board approving the establishment of a fire protection district in - Etna . No action was taken at this time . H arold Case wanted to know what action had been taken in regard to the n umber of adults living in the Kimball house in Varna . He felt it is not in compliance with zoning . Supervisor McCord opinioned that it was in compliance with 'zoning , but if Mr . Case could prove otherwise , to give the facts to the zoning officer . COUNCILMEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Councilman Webb reported that he and Attorney Amdur are working on signs . Councilman Gridley inquired about the supervisors picture gallery . It is progressing according to Supervisor -McCord . TOWN CLERK Reported that a resolution is necessary to empower the Supervisor to purchase a voting machine for the Etna district . # 136 PURCHASE VOTING MACHINE Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked - its adoptio RESOLVED , that this Board empower the Supervisor to negotiate . a contract w ith the Automatic Voting Machine Company of Jamestown to purchase a voting machine in the amount of $ 1 , 960 . 00 . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all Voting YE The Town Clerk reported that she had been checking into prices for a new d esk for the secretary - bookkeeper . Heriold , desk would be transferred to the Clerk' s offices- to be used • byt the deputies . The price quoted by Race O ffice Equipment was $ 126 . 50 at state pricing . This was discussed and Councilman Gridley offered to donate a desk to the town . ZONING OFFICER : Reported that he issued six building permits . 1 YOUTH COURT : Kathy Slocum reported on their cases . CORRESPONDENCE : Supervisor McCord reported that the Federal Revenue check in the amount of $ 21 , 553 . had been received . RESOLUTION # 137 HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution & asked its adoption . 411 RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 138 GENERAL FUND BILLS . Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoptio RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Tarr . Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES JUSTICE REPORT Judge Hoagland - $ 1 , 735 . 00 Judge Newhart $ 725 . 00 •utat RESOLUTION # 147 - TRANSFER FUNDS - INSURANCE ,q Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution : RE $OLVED that 249 9 $ 262 . 00 from Acct . 1990 , 4 be transferred to Acct . 1910 . 4 . ' FINANCIAL REPORT 2nd Councilman Cotterill - Roll Call Vote - all voting YES Highway Fund : Receipts $ 322 . 85 ; • Disb . $ 38 , 163 . 17 ; + Redeem $ 25 , 281 . 25 ; Re - invest $ 25 , 000 . 00 = Bal . $ 38 , 444 . 42 General Fund : Receipts $ 27 , 203 . 64 ; - Disb . $ 8 , 675 . 21 ; + Redeem $ 65 , 732 . 35 ; Re - invest $ 50 , 000 . 00 - = = Bal . $ 54801 . 44 RESOLUTION # 139 APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING BOARD Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that Morris Peck be reappointed to the Planning Board for a term of 7 years , expiring December 31 , 1979 . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried RESOLUTION # 140 APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Edward Carpenter be reappointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a term of 5 years , expiring December 31 , 1977 . • 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried RESOLUTION # 141 SUPPORT LOCAL COURTS Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS , it has come to the attention of this Board that efforts at reorganization of the court system of the State of New 'York are now underway , and WHEREAS , the local courts of this state provide to the citizens of our community an accessability and availability not otherwise to be found in the court system , and WHEREAS , the local court system provides a tax savings to the citizens of our community , and WHEREAS , elimination or modification of the local court system can only be regarded as a deprivation of the opportunity of the citizens of our community to enjoy the availability and accessability of their local courts , NOW , THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , that this Board is unalterably opposed to any provision for restructuring the courts of the State of New York which would include the modification or elimination of the local court system , and be it further RESOLVED , that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to those Legislators representing this community to insure that they are fully aware of the position taken by this Board . 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried RESOLUTION # 142 TRANSFER FUNDS - ELECTIONS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer $ 150 . 00 from Elections - Equipment account # 1450 . 2 to Elections - Personal Services # 1450 . 1 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES RESOLUTION # 143 TRANSFER FUNDS - ELECTIONS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer $ 59 . 68 from Elections - Contractual Account $ 1450 . 4 to Elections - Personal Services # 1450 . 1 . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call Vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 144 TRANSFER FUNDS - ELECTIONS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer $ 44 . 60 from Contingency • Acc_ount # 1990 . 4_ to Elections - Pers . Serv . # 1450 . 1 • 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call Vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 145 TRANSFER FUNDS - SUPERVISOR Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution & asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer $ 204 . 50 from Contingency Account # 1990 . 4 to Supervisor Account # 1220 . 4 . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call Vote - all Voting YES RESOLUTION # 146 SUPPORT REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board go on record of supporting the County Re - apportionment Plan . 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried . Organizational Meeting scheduled for Tuesday , January 2nd at 8 : 00 P . M . Annual Audit scheduled for Tuesday , January 9th at Regular Monthly Meeting . Discussion re getting together with Planning Board to study subdivision proposal and mobile home park ordinance . Adjdourned 9 : 30 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Steliek - m,,...,, Clan ',