HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-09 49 PUBLIC HEARING ( Van Epps - Rumsey - Ithaca ) July 9 , 1970 The Public Hearing was called to order at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Town Hall in Dryden , New York . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Tarr , Webb ; Attorney Amdur ; Zoning Officer Stewart ; present part of the meeting , Councilman Cotterill . Supervisor McCord reported that this meeting was being continued because of some questions raised at the last Public Hearing . Supervisor McCord read a letter written by Attorney Amdur to Truman K . Powers , attorney for Mr . Van Epps , to wit : Scheduling another hearing on July 9 , 1970 at 7 : 30 ; requesting that T . G . Miller , Engineer , be present ; and emphasis will 0 be on the following : ( 1 ) Pollution ( a ) Possible pollution of Fall Creek and other waters by the proposed park septic system ( b ) Provisions made or to be made to curb the use of detergents , etc . which contribute to pollution . ( 2 ) Water ( a ) The effect on the area water table by the installation of a well or wells servicing 200 families , ( b ) The effect on neighboring wells by the installation of such well or wells . Supervisor McCord also read a statement signed by 15 residents of the Town of Dryden opposing the issuance of a Special Permit to Rumsey - Ithaca Corp . The contents of the opposition is as follows : " By issuing this permit , it would jeopardize the intent and purposes of the R- C Zone , where residential areas should be compatible with farm use and where it would be necessary to keep density low in rural residential development due to the fact public sewer facilities are unlikely and where a high w ater table would interfere with the proper operations of domestic sewage facilities and to establish uses compatible w ith existing development . We also are concerned - about the inevitable noise , pollution , traffic and increased trespassing deleterious to our live - stock and plantings . All of the undersigned are in agreement that we reside in this area for the very environmental characteristics later d escribed for a R - C Zone . Some of us would feel impelled to move elsewhere if the trailer park permit should be granted . We therefore , feel the granting of such a permit would im - pose undue hardship on us . There are other locations in the R - C Zoning areas which are of lower density than the proposed N eimi and Sheldon Roads location , which would not exert undue h ardship on the surrounding properties . We wish to emphasize particularly the strong probability of a serious adverse effect on the wells of each of us in the ✓ icinity . We point out that some of us depend on a water supply which becomes marginal in the summer . We live in an area of shallow wells . The deep well which Mr . Van Epps will u se may have most serious effect on the water supply . So long as such a damaging effect on our water supply is possible , we • believe that the ! Town Board , which is under no duty to grant the application for the Special Permit , is under . a great duty to protect our water supply , which is a most essential con- d ition of our living . " At this time , Supervisor McCord requested that Mr . Van Epps bring us up to date regarding the questions asked at the last meeting . Mr . Van Epps said that T . G . Miller was unable to appear and that Robert Flumerfelt , associate o f T . G . Miller , has worked on the plans and would explain about the septic . system . Mr . Flumerfelt reported that the sewage disposal system is in complete compliance to the New York State Health Department and even exceeds the ✓ equirements . The 7500 gallon septic tank is sized and designed to take care -„- of , the whole park . He said there would be an odor for a few days in the spring when the ice is melting but would clear as soon as the sun shines . et He said that any development of any kind is going to affect the pollution ty ; , of the creek . The lagoon will be located 1000 feet from any resident . ',p;ry , y b ' a° ' 50 According to Mr . Flumerf" elt , there is no satisfactory process or getting rid of hard detergents . Mr . Van Epps suggested that a bio - degradable d etergent be used as this prevents Oudsng . Mr . Dilger said th ., t bio - d egradable detergents were the worst offenders . Mr . Dilger sai ' there is a process for removing phosphate but that it is So expensive • s to be im 1 practical . According to Mr . Van Epps , the lagoon , si_ ze is 250x1060 , 5 feet d eep with 21/2 million gallons of water . He further stated that . y using 150 gallons of water per day per 50 mobile homes , it will take 326 days to fill the lagoon . It will retain the effluent for over 300 day and there will be no run off for nearly 22 months ; and there is two milts of natural purification before it reaches Fall Creek . The present lagoon will be on 11/2 acres , when expanded to 200 units the lagoon will be on Si : acres . The present lagoon will accommodate 50 units . James Buyoucos , attorney representing the area residents opposing the trailer park , was present and wanted to know how close the lagoon will be to Mr . Snow and Mr . Kelly . Mr . Van Epps replied : 1500 feet f om Snow , 1300 feet from Kelly . 411 Mr . Flumerfelt reported that effect on the water table and effect on neigh - boring wells is not an easy thing to determine . He said that its a possibility that the neighboring wells could be affected but he could no say to what extent . Mr . Dilger said that he had talked with a geologist : rid reported that a very deep well is likely to effect neighboring wells . Mr . Buyyoucos , presented a copy of a recommendation from Donald C . Makie , onsulting G eologist , regarding the well , to wit : " a test that might p . . ove or dis - prove would be to pump the 150 ' well in the trailer park at its proposed rate and observe what happens to the level of water in the fells of Mr . D ilger and his neighbors . Additional information could be di: veloped by a field appraisal of the situation , library research , and air photo analysis " of the area involved , and an estimate of available ground water supplies . " Mr . Van Epps read a report from the drillers log , as follows : at 18 feet , blue clay at 68 feet , soft rock at 91 feet , hard rock , 4 gallons per hour at 106 feet , hard rock , 6 gallons per hour at 121 feet , hard rock , 12 gallons per minute at 129 feet , hard rock , 12 gallons per minute at 150 feet , hard rock , 25 gallons per minute • The water stood 143 feet within the hole . Mr . Van Epps does not think that the well will be injurious to the wells in the neighborhood . No one can prove that it would or would not affect any wells in . he area . Its a g amble according to Mr . Van Epps . 1500 gallons per hour w " 11 sufficiently service 200 units . An alternate water supply is recommended by the Health D epartment for future and / or emergency use . There will be 5 hours of pumping for 50 units . 0 The question of the laundr &mat was brought up . Mrs . Dilge said that the commercial laundramat can not be restricted to use by people outside the park . She was objecting to the commercial aspect . Superv ' sor McCord asked if the laundr & mat is essential to the park . Mr . Van Epps replied that it is a convenience to the people and there will be 7 machiles . Mr . Buyoucos asked the Board if this permit is going to • e granted on the basis of one well and one alternate well . Councilman Web • replied that the B oard can not say how many wells to be drilled . Mr . Dilger was object%n-gin that he feels that it will net increase the h ealth and general welfare of the neighborhood . He commtnted that people w anting a variance or special permit should show how a aevelopment benefits the area before it is allowed . He feels that z . ning is backwards . ' According to him , the RC zone is for low density develo . ment and he does n ot think a trailer park with 5 . 3 units per acre does n . t fit . Attorney Amdur said that other high density uses such as apartments are allowed in the RC zone without special permit . She reported th t the difference between a variance and a special permit is that hardsh ' p is not a factor w hen issuing a special permit . Joseph Horowitz from Caswell Road was present and figu ed that for 50 trailers there will be a use of water of. 7500 gallons . er day , for 200 trailers 30 , 000 gallons of water per day . In his opini . n , he does not thinl o ne well can handle 600 people . He questioned if there was sufficient water that area to supply all this water and what is going . o happen to the other w ells . 4 51 : Fred Lengemann of 82 Neimi Road voiced his opinion in form of a written • memorandum regarding the well and the impact of the water use of the park on the water table . Jeanne Vanderbilt expressed the opinion that Mr . Van Epps plan for a trailer park is settingatgood example . Her conclusion is that Mr . Van Epps has a elaborate sewage set up ; and as for odor , its very evident every spring in 4A farm country and one more odor could not make that much difference . Duane Wilcox felt that a stipulation ulation to the permit re phosphate sewage ^ � " treatment would be in order . In the event that such a treatment is feasible ." '� p h e asked if the Health Department will require Mr . Van Epps to use it . Mr . B orowitz replied that the Health Department will require this action . Mr . Buyoucos suggested that the Town Board has a responsibility and the Public Hearing should be postphoned until the opposition could have more • time to come uo with some concrete evidence . He said that an individual • home requires 125 feet of frontage on a 30 , 000 square foot lot when no public facilities are available . A trailer on a 50 foot lot does not meet these requirements . He favored the position that the Board should reserve d ecision until the mobile home ordinance is adopted . He also said that according to sub - paragraphs b , c , d , and f of the zoning ordinance that the proposed park does not meet the requirements of the special permit because of location ; , neither public water supply and sewer available ; the creation of objectionable odors , traffic and noise ; hinderance : mobile h ome parks do not enhance the value ; and the development is injurious to the health , safety . and welfare of the community . He also felt that the laundramat and grocery store should not be allowed as this is a commercial ✓ enture , not a necessary part of the park . He said that the only protection that the surrounding neighbors have is the Town Board and they have an o bligation to protect these people . - Mr . Van Epps replied regarding the 90 day delay that Mr . Buyoucos is ✓ equesting , that in August 1969 he presented his plan to the Town Board and there has been a lot of delay at this point . As for pollution , there has not been any statement that this would pollute any ones property . As f or building elsewhere in the town , this is the land they own and this is where they want to construct a trailer park . • At this point Supervisor McCord thanked everyone for coming and said they ci had been very helpful and educational and that the Board • would deliberate and make a decision in writing . The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9 : 25 . • • Charles G , . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk • • • • • • • • 52 PUBLIC HEARING Cycle City July 14 , 1970 Supervisor McCord opened the Public Hearing on the appeal by Cycl City to the Town Boa. rd .for the granting of a Special Permit for the purpose of erecting , a storage and service building on Dryden Road , Dryden , New York , comme1ing at 7 : 30 at the Varna Community Center in the Hamlet of Varna , New York . Supervisor McCord reported that Mr . Arnesen ' s applicati . n states that the storage area is necessary because of recent thiefs of ma hines , 2 motorcycles , 1 side car and miscellaneous parts . Insurance to cover such losses can. not be purchased and the present quarters are not large enough for their 'mechanics to work besides . The building will eliminate their problem of outside storage and give adequate room for the men to work . At this time Supervisor McCord asked Mr . Arnesen if he had anything to add to his request . Being none , Supervisor McCord asked the townspeo le if they h ad any questions . Mrs . DeGroff , a neighbor , wanted to know if hr was • going to have enough personnel to take care of the fences and hi . obli - g ations . She reported that cows have been crossing the street through his property and causing damage to her property . The cows are owned y Mr . Crowe but cross over through Cycle City ' s property . She felt that if they were going to enlarge their facilities , they should have person el there to take care of their obligations . The cows have made a large hole in her back yard and they have crossed over twice in the last two months . Mts . DeGroff said she received a phone call from Judge Hoagland and he advis •• d her not teCtake it to court because Cycle City was responsible and assu . . ed her that sh ,' ' would be paid by Cycle City . Mr . Arnesen replied that his a torney , Mr . Snow, is looking into the situation to find out whose responsibility this is and he does intend to put up a better fence to avoid this situation in the future . Mr . Arnesen then agreed to pay her for damages . Su ervisor McCord noted that the procedure to notify all adjoining neighb rs was carried through as well as a legal notice in the newspaper . Being no .f rther questions or comments the public hearing was declared closed a ' 7 : 40 P . M . by Supervisor McCord . No decision at this time . Q TOWN BOARD MEETING July 14 , 1970 •1 Supervisor McCord called the regular monthly Board Meeting to order. at 7 : 55 P . M . at the Varna Community Association Center , Varna , N w York . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Cotterill , Tarr an ' Webb ; Attorney Amdur , Zoining Officer Stewart , Planning Board Chairman , Alto ; Reed , Absent : Councilman Gridley5 ( arrived at 9 : 40 P . M . ) Supervisor McCord opened the meeting with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . At this time . Supervisor McCord called on William Bailey of t George B . B ailey Agency to report on the status of the town ' s insurance . Mr . Bailey passed out copies to the members of the Board regarding the _ nsurance break down . He proceeded to go over each item . ( Copy of the break- own attached. in the Minute Book ) . Mr . Bailey reported that the claim on tie water suit is pending and has not been paid . He called Syracuse on Mond : y to find out why it had not been paid . He was told that they were prepare . to pay it and h e would call Mr . Bailey back . Mr . Bailey said that he plan ed to go to Syracuse on Wednesday the 15th and hoped to pick up the the k then and d eliver it to the Town office . He said that he has one conc : rn , when he was in Varna with the fire department and someone was there fro the water d epartment in Ithaca and told him when they turned the hydr .; nt on , the 41' furtherst one up here , to turn it on very slowly , because i . they didn ' t they would rupture the main Where the town had the water pr blem , so he doesn ' t know if that problem is solved yet . Harold Case claimed that the problem will never be solved because its a dead end . He sai . that they ; t were all aware of this problem . Mr . Bailey also recommended that the town building be reappraised for insurance purposes . The 1 . st time it was appraised was in early 1969 . There will be no cost to the gown for this appraisal . Mr . Bailey felt this was in order due to the ingreasing building costs . RESOLUTION # 115 REAPPRAISE TOWN BUILDINGS Councilman Gotter. ill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Buildings be reappraised for insur . nce purposes . 2nd Councilman Tarr • ' Ca ried - ---- -- - - '' N Y . 4 \ oaoaaa O. 0AlLe 'I Aarwer - 1 b 6 ii a a w p a : . 1 11 • l I. II i „' Iih G r' 0 ° GE o O , 0 . 0 Ley AGENCY. c 1 I ki, Ll IM • : 1 , : : : 1 1; ! ,t EVERY INSURANCE SERVICE " PLEASE REPLY TO : WILLIAM G . BAILEY DRYDEN . NEW YORK 13053 AREA CODE ®07 � • 844- 4348 ( °a_, Kv July 14 ; 1970 Town of Dryden • Dryden , New York 13053 Gr 41emen : . F }g is a summary of your insurance program for the year 6/ 1 /70 to 6 /1/71 . At the present ti . .. , all of your insurance expires on 6/ 1 /71 with the exception of the bonds which must be written for the term of office , and the compensation which expires 1 /1 /71 . Expiration Date Coverage Premium 12/31 /70 Rosemary Stelick - Tax Collector $ 539 , 891 . 22 $ 405 . • . 12/31 /70 Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk 4 , 000 . 10 . • 12/31/70 Joan Wallenbeck - Sec ' y - Bkkpr - Supvr . 4 , 000 . 10 . 12/31 /70 ' Richard C . Case - Highway Supt . 4 , 000 . 10 . 12 /31 /70 Jean Ryan - Deputy Town Clerk 4 , 000 . 10 . 1/ 1 /71 R . D . Sickman - Civil Officer 4 , 000 . 10 . 1 / 1/71 E . J . Newhart - Police justice 4 , 000 . 10 . 12 /31 /70 F . P . Frost - Civil Officer 4 , 000 . 10 . 12/31/70 Byron Van Zile -Civil Officer 4 , 000 . 10 . 1 / 1 /71 M . J . Hoagland - Police Justice 4 , 000 . 10 .• 12/31 /70 Charles McCord - Supervisor • .. 4,,: 000 ' .. • 50 . . = = . ,. ,,5/ 1 /71 '- Automobile Liability - 100/300/50 - - 6 % Experience Debit on Liability i 36% Credit on Physical Damage . 0 Fire , theft and combined additional coverage $ 250 . 00 deductible collision on specified vehicles $ 3 , 482 . • � , r .. . • SINCE 9036 - POLICYHOLDERS HAVE BEEN OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION WWII L.lryuen . ti 6/1 /70 - Special Multi - Peril Policy Coverage Premium 100/300/50 - Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability Office Building $ 21 , 500 . 111 Contents -Office Building 5 , 000 . Town Barn 38 , 500 . Contents -Town Barn 10 , 000 , $ 1 , 073 . $ 2 , 000 . - Money & Securities Coverage ( 1 /1 to 3 /y - $ 20 , 000 . ) 6/ 1 /71 - Voting Machines - All - Risk Coverage . 8 machines covered $ 5 , 300 . $ 25 . 6/ 1 /71 - Construction Equipment Fire , Lightning & Transportation $ 112 , 400 . $ 528 . 6 / 1 /71 - ' 64 Caterpillar/Front End Loader All Risk Coverage with $ 1 , 000 . deductible $ 30 , 000 . $ 240 . 6 / 1 /71 - Owners & Contractors Protective Liability 100/500/ 100 $ 23 . Over -width permits & highway openings 1 /1 /71 - Compensation , Statutory Coverage $ 4 , 692 . 1 / 1 Compensation - (Volunteer Fireman) $ 3 , 213 . The loss experience which . resulted in the 6% experience debit on the Automobile Liability policy is as follows : 6/7/67 Auto Property Damage $ 30 . • 7 /21 /67 Auto Property Damage 134 . 7 /11/68 Auto Property Damage 128 . 8 /9 /68 Auto Property Damage 600 . 10/30/68 Auto Property Damage 600 . 2 /24/69 Auto Property Damage 415 . $ 1 , 907 . . During the year 6/ 1/69 to 6/ 1 /70 the following claims were reported : 8 /26 /69 . Bodily Injury & Property Damage 1 / .8 /70 Auto Property Damage $ 182 . 43 2 / 9 /70 Auto Property Damage 223 . 13 2 /20 /70 Auto Property Damage 106 . 89 The I aims are not included in the experience rate for the current policy . However , there is a suitd for $ 100 , 000 . for the accident of 8/26 /69 . I am including these claims in this report for ,. . information . 5W Supervisor McCord asked if there were any questions for lVIr . Bailey . Mr . DiGiacomo inquired about the insurance on the West Dryden Community Center and was told that it was now their expense . Mr . Bailey had not been notified that the insurance should be changed and the Town is still carrying the policy . Mr . DiGiacomo informed Mr . Bailey that the policy should be sent to the Treasurer of the Greater West Dryden Rural Community Cooperative , Inc . , Mrs . DiGiacomo , 479 Sheldon Road , Freeville . The premium has been paid by the Town and the Town should be reimbursed from the West Dryden Community group so Mr . Bailey suggested they pay him and he would reimburse the Town . Mr . Bailey said that in the future when the premium comes due , he will mail it direct to the association . Being no further questions , Supervisor McCord thank Mr . Bailey . COUNTY BRIEFING : County Representative Lee was present and commended the Board on continuing the policy established a few years ago to circulate through the town . He thinks its a very useful activity and expressed the hope that more towns in ' • the county would adopt this policy . Community College : Mr . Lee reported that they are in the process of selecting an architect . Licensed. Practical Nursing : Has been accepted by the State Education Department under the auspi of the Community College . Refuse : The Town of. Dryden had a very significant impact in the formulation of a " Bill of Rights " re refuse operation . This came about by the efforts of Wade Alexander and and Bill May and the follow- ing proposals are going to be adopted by the Board of Representatives : 1 . Any site selection shall take into account existing adjacent land uses and proposed future land uses . 2 . Adequate steps shall be taken to insure that the impact on the ecology of the area is minimized and insure freedom of ground and surface water pollution . And arrangements should be made by the County Health Department to periodically sample and test the waters that may be adjacent to such sites . 3 . By completion of preliminary plans informational meetings shall be held to inform people of the proposals . 4 . The County shall assume responsibility for or insure that the approach roads are of adequate size in construction to take ad - ditional traffic which may result in the proposal . Any visual sites of the approach roads shall be maintained and strengthened . 5 . Suitable steps shall be taken to provide or enhance visual barriers around the refuse to restrict direct view of the disposal area to the general public along these approach roads and the intrigity of the natural visual barriers of bumpers shall be maintained . 6 . The _ entrance to the site shall be designed , landscaped and constructed in such a way that it will not detract from the general character of the neighborhood . 7 . As a matter of policy , consideration should be given to limiting the operation of a particular site for a period of about 15 years . 8 . Regulations dealing with anti litter shall be enforced vigerously in the vicinity of the refuse site and the immediate approach road shall be controlled generally at daily intervals to 'remove accumulate litter . County - Representative Lee also reported that a resolution has been adopted by their Board which passes to the Health Department the responsibility to insure that the open face dumps are appropriately closed and the rodent control executed . Ball Park Budget : Mr . Lee reported that under the Charter they have some different responsibilities and different time schedules . As Chairman of Budget Administration for the County , he reported that they have Alhput together a budget exclusive of _ •any salary increases that are yet to come about . This was reported out on June 23rd to the executive committee of the Board of Representatives and the Budget Administration has to follow certain guidelines . Timetable : July 15 through September 1st they are going to shake - down further the actual departmental budgets . ' Also Mr . Lee ' s committee will hold an informational meeting in early September inviting the people of Tompkins County to review this budget . Assessing : Board of Assessors has convened and in most cases has upheld the rulings of the local review board that came up from the various municipalities . There were a total of. 138 case ; for Tompkins County which were reviewed and believe they have satisfactory resolved the situations to the best of their knowledge . The increased assessed value for the county is 9 . 8 million ; last year assessed value increase was 9 . 6 ; the year before around 13 million . Mr . Lee felt this was good in view of the tight money . Town of Dryden , 40 , 447 , 500 is the tentative roll . Dryden had a tentative increase of 2 . 2 million , versus P. 7 million last year , versus 2 million even the year before . County Water Agency : There O ' . 54 w as considerable discussion at the first meeting; that the time has arr ' ved to act on this particular topic and they are advocating more committee . , more studies , more surveys ; and the general consensus of the water age cy seems to be lets have some action , lets formulate a definite plan of action for this very serious problem for the county . County Sewer. Agency : They are getting closer to the purchase of the Cayuga Heights plant . T . is w ill be the cornerstone of a beginning of a County treatment facility for the northeast axis Town of Dryden , Town of Ithaca , and Town of Lansing . Mr . Lee tried to include the area of Turkey Hill and route 366 but the consensus of the engineers is that it would be such an expensive proposition per unit rate that it just is not feasible at this time . Labor Negotiations : J ohn Murphy , Commissioner of Budget & Administration is the chief negotiator . On the 15th of. July there will be labor negotiations for the county accord - ing to the Taylor law . Court House : Changes as follows : first floor vill be the County Clerk ' s Office , second floor will be the Judicial secti . n and the third floor will remain as is . The house that hold the Civil D efense and Board of Elections offices will be torn down . The adminis rative building purchased from Ithaca College will become the administrative 411 units . A study has just been concluded re the old Court House being established as a national historical site . The estimated cost for this" project is $ 200 , 000 . Data Processing : Another responsibility of John Murphy is data processing . The Board has contacted a representative of local g overnment about the feasibility of conducting a study of Tompkins Co my that could include the county and other municipalities in government . For example , as chief fiscal officer in the Town of Dryden , the supervisor has ✓ esponsibility for payroll . They are questioning if it is possible that a payroll system could be developed in conjuction with the whole area o ' Tompkins County . Mr . Lee said that concluded his report and asked if any o ne had any questions . Councilman Cotterill inquired about the new la d - fill site as to when it would be opened . Mr . Lee replied that the equ _ nment- h as been purchased and the personnel hired and it may be operating to his knowledge . Supervisor McCord asked if the Health Department had any ' rind o f time schedule for closing the open face dumps . Mr . Lee replied no , other than it is hoped that every open faced dump will be closed within a reasonable length of time . Supervisor McCord reported that if. the Town is going o close according to the Health Department specifications , it will cost the Town of Dryden $ 7 , 000 according to Superintendent Case . He said that le is quite concerned about this and would appreciate it if Mr . Lee would c . eck this out . Jeanne Vanderbilt called attention to the fact that at the and - fill Site they have run into shale 13 " below the ground and expressed concern over the type of testing that had been done to meet the requi e - ments required for this site . She questioned is this the most suitable location . She also questioned the suitability of the soil . Mr . Lee said that the test conducted by the State Health Department was the high w ter table and of the three sites that were looked at , this site on Caswell Road was recommended as the best . He expressed hope that this will be a first class operation . CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : H erb Snow claimed he has written two letters ( one in November and on - in D ecember , 1969 ) to the Town Board and he has not received any answer . He h as tried unsuccessfully to get the contractor to fix the lawn , drivoway , and retaining wall . He explained that a year ago they dug up the law to put the sewer line through Varna . Also the retaining wall has cracke • d ue to settling . Supervisor McCord reported that Attorney Amdur has calked to the contractor about this and other situations that have arisen d e to the installation of the sewer . Attorney Amdur has also sent copies of the letters from the damaged party to the contractor and Miller . Mr . Snol said the contractors have been back a couple of times and each time they oust scratch the surface up and say they will be back the following day a d • they never show up . He said the concrete retaining wall cracked thro gh the winter in two places and about a month ago it cracked in a third place . He was told to put it in the form of a letter and send it to Ihe B oard . Attorney Amdur reported that the Town still has a performance bond. on the contractor , of which he has not been released and will not be re - leased until the Board and the Engineer is satisfied that he has per ormed h is work . Mr . Snow suggested that the work can be hired done on orde by the Town Board and billed back to the contractor . Attorney Amdur replied. that we must have an engineer ' s opinion on it first . 'Supervisor McCo d said he would try to get some action . Harold Case reported that it cost him an extra $ 50 . 00 to hook up to he sewer because he had to hold a digger there trying to find the riser . He said the riser was off LI feet . Attorney Amdur said it sounded like a legitimate claim . Supervisor McCord , advised Mr . Case to put the clai in writing to see if he can be compensated for the extra expense . Harold Case wanted to know how many more times is the Town Board or Supervisor going to give Mr . Relyea permit to hook on the water main . Claims they are tieing up that main when they had a fire there that ;° el/ ening before the board meeting . Supervisor. McCord said that he gave him per - mission while he was hooking up to the septic system as it was draining h is water supply and that it was a question of supplying water to the resi - d ents of the park or having a serious water shortage just for the duration of that construction . Supervisor McCord said if that construction is over with , he should be unhooked . Mr . Case expressed doubt with Mr . Relyea ' s story . Supervisor McCord said he did not come out and inspect it , he took h im at his word . Mr . Case also wanted to know who is inspecting the sewer project because he claims Relyea is not legally hooked up and he could show it to anyone as to whats going on . He claims he could not cover his hookup until the city inspector checked it . Supervisor McCord said Mr . , Relyea would be subject to the same inspection as Mr . Case was . Supervisor McCord reported that Mr . Relyea is not hooked into the sewer yet and he is paying the same rate for water as the rest of the people in Varna . Mr . Case insisted that Relyea is hooked into the sewer and he could prove it . Mr . • Case said he may be just pouring water into it , he couldn ' t say , but that he was hooked up to the riser with a plastic hose coming out of the earth running right down in the riser . Supervisor McCord said that it should be brought to the attention to the City of Ithaca . Mr . Snow said that he had two land markers that were completely destroyed and never replaced . He wanted to know if the contractor was liable to re - place the markers . Attorney Amdur said if the contractor stayed in the right of way of digging , then the contractor would not be liable . He said the markers were between the highway and the excavation . Attorney Amdur said she would have to check the contract . He said both of his land markers are gone and this will involve considerable expense in the event that he must get a survey . Harold Case also wanted to know how the highway items are budgeted . He asked if the town give the highway superintendent a lump sum to operate w ith or does he present a plan of the roads he is going to work on . Super - ✓ isor McCord reported that his items are budgeted . Gary Lee said that it takes about three evenings at budget time going over each item with Superintendent Case . Supervisor McCord said there will be a public hearing o n these budgets and alltthe townspeople are invited to attend and raise q uestions that they have on it . This conversation carried on to the dis - cussion of road conditions in the Town of Dryden . There was mention of the condition of Zeaman Road ( now a part of Hanshaw Road ) , also the Wood Road . Jeanne Vanderbilt said that she called Dick Case the following day after the June board meeting because of the man that couldn ' t get his mail and utilities because the road was closed . The highway department sent a man to take the sign down " road closed " and she claims it actually took two hours for this man to take one sign down . The sign at the other end of the road is still Up . She said that this man put put up a road marker that said " North Wood Road " . She claimed that the highway department has not done a thing with this road , the condition of the road remains bad with large potholes . Supervisor McCord said that the other end. of. Wood Road was in good repair . Mr . Shapley was present to request that the highway department cut down the old grape vines bh -. Mt :. . Plea:sant Road that scratch the cars . Stephen Shulman was present and presented his engineers plans for the proposed . trailer park that he hopes to construct on Hanshaw Road . The set - back requirements have been met according to the Board ' s request . Plans showed the elevation and the drainage of the property . The miniture municipal sewer plant more than meets the health department standards . The system was made for 50 trailers minimum and it was set on a 400 gallon per day per trailer bais , which the county requires . New York State says it only takes 150 gallons per day and Mr . Shulman said they will be metering this system to see what it does take . The Health Department will be watching ' , this system very closely because they will re - evaluate trailers from this park because of this sewer system and metering that they are doing at their own expense . The trailers have been reduced from 48 to 46 . The water system will consist of two wells and a 21 , 500 gallon concrete surnerged storage tank and a pressure tank which will provide 2000 gallons per minute per peak period which for 46 trailers is impossible to reach according to Mr . Shulman . He claimed that it is impossible for this trailer park to run out of water . It will have a complete one day reservoir supply if everyone turned on their faucets and let it running all day . It will be geared for a maximum pumping of 50 gallons per minute pressure . The sand filter is 96x91 , it can handle 20 , 000 gallons per day . It will require an engineer to run the sewer plant . In the beginning they will have someone in once a week to run the sewer plant . Mr . Shulman expects to be licensed in about six weeks to be able to run the sewer plant . Water distribution services laid out is 45 pounds of water pressure per square inch at all times . There will be 3 / 4 inch service I I 56 . to each unit . He will have a list of rules . One will be that lawns shall be mowed by the trailer owner . The park and play area will be mowed by the park owner . He is going to have a manager . He is not sure of the use for the service building , one use will be an office and perha . s a coin operated laundry , candy and cigarette machines . He was inform : d by Super- ✓ isor McCord for that provision it too requires a special per it . Mr . Shulman said that if having the laundramat will cause problems , he could leave it out . He was just providing this service for the convenience of the park . He said that he had mentioned the service building aid laundra - mat at the publid hearing and no one objected to it . No ruling was made on the laundramat at this time . There will be 62 parking space , 25 foot paved roads . All off street parking . At this time Mr . Shulman equested approval of the plans subject to final approval from the Healt Department . The Health Department has already given preliminary approval ol the plant . The Health Department had just received the plans on the morni g of the 14th of July and he expects to have an answer in a couple of woeks . Super - ✓ isor McCord said that he was not in a position to grant the s ecial permit without the final health department approval . Councilman Webb said O that as soon as we have a copy of the health department approva , Super - ✓ isor McCord can call a special meeting and they will arrive at a decision . BUILDINGS & GROUNDS : No report for this month . SANITATION & REFUSE : It was reported that the town dump is stil being u sed . COUNCILMEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Councilman Webb made inquiry regarding the bypass on the Village of Dryden . Attorney Amdur said there was a resolution and a recommendation wo ' or three years ago regarding this and she would check the previous es.olution and write a letter to Connie Cook on the updating whats being doze 'on the time table . Councilman Gridley arrived late and asked to be recognized as Co nci _lman privilege of the floor . He reported that the ' . gr,ass grows tall on the two properties owned by the Town in the Varna area . He said that he lad done some shopping around and found that the Town could purchase a ve y good . mower for around $ 400 . 00 . This was discussed by the townspeople and the majority were of the opinion that it did not warrant the purchase of such an expensive lawn mower . It was mentioned that someone be hired t . mow the lots in Varna . ATTORNEY Attorney Amdur reported that Manufactures Hanover Trust is our pa. agent and was our cremation agent for bond issues of the town , and with the pollution problem we have been required to enter into a new contr ., ct to pulverize the bonds at the same cost . She said the cost is about $ 10 . 00 for each set of bonds per year and the town has three sets . She requested the board to pass a resolution to this effect . She also reported t at e very town is required ': to have a Code of Ethics and that had to be filed w ith the State Comptroller by December 31st . She has sent for the orms and suggested a committee of two people could work on it . Attorney Amdur ✓ eported on the decision from Judge Slone in the matter of Michael Pichel against the zoning officer of the town . One of Mr . Pichel ' s claims is that the ordinance violates almost all his constitutional rights . The court did make the finding that the preparatory work done by Mr . Pichel is not such work as took this property out of the jurisdiction of the zoning o dinance and that , therefore , Mr . Pichel was obliged to obtain a building permit . • Attorney Amdur has an order which she will send to Judge Slone and she w ill proceed further . She expects Mr . Pichel to appeal . As for the summons that Mr . Pichel claims he was not personally served is true . Attorn y Amdur explained that this is in the nature of a communication by th - justice court to anybody who has violated the zoning ordinance . It is not a start of any proceedings , it is a request to come in and discuss he situation and gives the person an opportunity to correct the violat _ on before there are any proceedings in the town court . The court pointtd out to Mr . Pichel the service of a warrant based on the information fro the zoning officer which results in the apprehension in being taken to ' he justice court is the way that the procedure is instituted . She has o wait for Judge Slone to sign the order and file it to make it complete . _ rom w hat she understands , the building complies with the setbacks . If tha use ✓ iolates the zoning ordinance we will have to proceed on that basis . He has to get a permit . • • \ -, RESOLUTION # 116 PULVERIZE BONDS • • RESOLVED that Supervisor McCord be . authorized • to enter into a contract with Manufactures Hanover Trust to pulverize the bonds . • STATE OF NEW YORK ) - . COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) ss . : TOWN OF DRYDEN ) This is to CERTIFY that I , Rosemary Stelick , Clerk of the Ton f of Dryden , Tompkins County , Dryden , New York , have compared the or- going copy of the resolution with the original on file in this office and that it is a true and exact copy of said resolution duly adopted . . ' • by said board at a regular meeting held on the 14th day of July , 1970 . Dated : September 8 , 1970 ,, / . Rosemary Std is -- Dryden Town Clerk ( SEAL ) • • • • i . • RESOLUTION # 116 PULVERIZE BONDS 57 , Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption. RESOLVED that Supervisor McCord be authorized to enter into a • contract with Manufactures Hanover Trust to pulverize the bonds . 2nd Councilman Tarr . Carried . Supervisor McCord appointed Councilman Webb and gave him the authority to appoint another member of the Board to work with him. to look through the requirements by the state for a Code of Ethics to be adopted by the Town Board . ZONING OFFICER ,._L . Zpning Officer Stewart reported to date that there has- been 77 permits ' issued . ` ' , - Supervisor McCord introduced Alton Reed , Chairman ' of. the Planning Board , and asked him to bring us up to date on their activities . Mr . Reed re - 1 ported that the mobile home park ordinance is about ready to bring to a public hearing , hopefully in August . They have met with trailer park owners twice and plan another session soon . They have approved five sub - divisions since March . FINANCIAL REPORT • Highway Fund : Beginning Balance 6 - 1 - 70 $ 131 , 599 . 39 Less : Disbursements 15 , 370 . 14 . Ending Balance 6 - 30 - 70 116 , 229 . 25 Reserve in Certificates of Deposits $ 60 , 750 . 00 General Fund : Beginning Balance 6 - 1 - 70 $ 5 , 425 . 11 Add : Receipts . 4 , 024 . 76 $ 9 , 449 . 87 .Less : Disbursements 5 , 670 . 33 Ending Balance 6 - 30 - 70 3 3 , 779 . 54 Reserve in Certificates of Deposit $ 20 , 000 . 00 RESOLUTION # 117 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . ", RESOLVED that . the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 118 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman * Webb Roll Call Vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 119 ELECTION INSPECTORS I Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked . its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board appoint the following Election Inspectors for the year 1970 at a rate of $ 1 . 60 per hour , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rate of pay will be $ 1 . 85 per hour effective September 1 , 1970 . Republican Democrat District # 1 Agnes Snow Mrs . Daniel Seewald I Beverly Schaufler Lillian Church Agik Ruth Munch Fred Griffin Ailene Brown rL District # 2 Mildred Sweet Zelda Weibly . Ralph Vantine Marilyn Czerenda r Mona Spaulding HDistrict # 3 • Leona Sherman Edythe Humphrey . • N ita Marion Suzanne Cardwell District # 4 Florence Payson Viena Ketola Marie Petersen Beatrice Westfall I District # 5 Gladys Stewart Verna Myers Frances Terry Walter Westfall District # 6 Velma Blackman . Josephine Talbot N ettie . Williams Nellie Fulkerson • > B arbara Frank . District # 7 Rena Kirk Rosalie Yarosh - Florence Seaman Barbara Ensign 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES . ww . . Discussion followed regarding extra compensation for the chairman of each election district . The Town Clerk said in the past $ 5 . 00 extra had been paid to the chairmen . She also reported that she had talked to Mr . Downey about this and he said years ago they paid the chairman of the election district $ 5 . 00 because they had to pick up their own supplies at the Board of Elections . Since the Town Clerk delivers the supplies , the extra compensation was discontinued . Mrs . Stelick reported that 5 of the 7 chairmen get the supplies delivered to their door and they must deliver the supplies to the polls and return them to their house to await pickup by the Town Clerk the following day and its a responsibility on their. part . Supervisor McCord suggested that Councilman Gridley investigate this situation and report back his findings and recommendations to the Board at the August 3oard Meeting . - - RESOLUTION # 120 RECREATION PAYROLL Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to process a payroll every two weeks for the Town of Dryden Youth Program . Vouchers will be audited at the following monthly Town Board Meeting . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all YES . Supervisor McCord reported that Superintendent Case had reported to him that the road ditcher was no longer in operating Condition . It was purchased several years ago as a used piece of equipment / ta beyond repair . He , therefore , asked the Board to authorize the highway superintendent to advertise for bids not to exceed $ 39 , 000 . Councilman Cotterill felt that the Board should have more reports from the highway superintendent regard - ing the condition of the equipment . He said that he saw the road ditcher the previous week and it is worn out and ` it was an effort to keep it running . He said he is very aware of the fact that the highway department needs this piece of equipment replaced . But in his opinion he said he found • it very difficult to say " yes " or " no " on this amount of money without previous knowledge . Councilman Webb expressed similar thoughts on this matter . Councilman Gridley said there is an inventory and its on file each year . Councilman Cotterill said that he was aware of that but it is not passed out to the board members and he has never seen it . He felt that at budget time that each of the board . members should have the individual report giving them more details on these items and relative situation of the equipment . RESOLUTION # 121 ROAD DITCHER BIDS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be authorized to advertise for bids for a road ditcher not to exceed $ 39 , 000 . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried. OLD BUSINESS Supervisor McCord announced that the Town Board will be taking some action on the Drug Council and asked if any members of the board had received any further : recommendations regarding the drug council . They replied they had not been approached about the subject . Leora Amdur reported that she and a few others tried to hold a meeting but it was scarcely attended . The people that she has contadted want Rev . Fried on the council as a person who can get throup; h to the kids and the kids would like to be represented by Jim Morano . She also recommended Dr . Mullholland and her father , Edgar Amdur , who has worked with youths . The purpose of the drug council was discussed at length and many were of the opinion that it is a very vital issue and the need for a drug council is evident . • August Board Meeting will be at the Town Hall on August 11 , 1970 . Councilman Gridley made the motion that this meeting; be recessed . Meeting recessed 10 : 55 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk 5 J JULY 14 , 1970 . The recessed meeting of July 14 ,. 1970 was called to order by Supervisor McCord . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb . Also present was Attorney Amdur . Minutes of the Van Epps - Rumsey - Ithaca Corp . decision as set forth by Attorney Amdur is as follows : " Town Board Public Hearings of the Town of Dryden , New York , held on June 18 , 1970 and July 9 , 1970 , at the Town Hall , on an application for a . Special Permit for a Mobile Home Park to be constructed on Sheldon and Neimi Roads , Town of Dryden , an RC District . • Each Public Hearing was duly advertised and in accordance with the policy established by the Town Board , individual notices of the hearing were mailed to adjacent property owners . REVIEW OF HEARING : - a !3U." At the June 18th hearing Mr . Van Epps appeared with his , attorney , Truman K . Powers , outlined in ' . n detail his proposed plan for z , i` o the park to be built in four stages , with fift y ( 50 ) mobile homes � . :. installed at each stage of development . He explained the water supply sewage disposal service , which have been approved by both the State Health Department and the City Health Department . He discussed the plans for roads , sidewalks , rules of the park , etc . , as is more fully set forth in the minutes of the hearing . The plans include provisions for a laundrmiat and small grocery to accommodate park residents . A document was received from the Board of Directors of the West Dryden Community Center , which document is included in the records of these proceedings . Said document made certain recommendations relative to the proposed as well as to other mobile home parks . The matters of density , overcrowding of schools , etc . at length , was discussed by area residents , who also raised questions as to : 1 . Pollution A . Possible pollution of Fall Creek and other D . waters by the proposed park septic system . B . Provisions made or to be made to curb the use of detergents , etc . , which contribute to pollution . 2 . Water A . The effect on the area water table by the installation of a well or wells servicing 200 families . B . The effect on neighboring wells by the installation of such . ' . well or wells . It was agreed that there would be a subsequent hearing , at which time Mr . Van Epps would produce his engineer ,, Thomas Miller , or a representative of the Engineer , to answer those questions . All parties having been heard , the Hearing was adjourned . At the July 9 , 1970 Hearing Mr . Van Epps appeared with his Attorney , Truman K . Powers , and Robert Flumerfelt , Engineer , an associate of Thomas Miller . James Buyoucos , Attorney , appeared on behalf of area residents in opposition to the application . A petition objecting to the park was submitted and made a part of the record . Mr . Flumerfelt ad - dressed himself to the discussion of the proposed sewage system , stress - ing compliances with all present regulations of the State and Local Health Departments . He stated that it is difficult to ascertain the effect of the well on either lowering water tables or interfering with neighboring wells . After hearing all of the parties and their repre - sentatives , the meeting was adjourned , the Town Board being satisfied that all questions had been fully discussed and that all parties had been allowed ample opportunity to develop their respective positions . FINDINGS OF FACT : Upon consideration of all the information supplied to the Town Board at both hearings , and all members of the Town Board being familiar with the site in question , and after hearing all parties in interest , the Board finds that 200 mobile homes situated on the site in question would create a density incompatible with , and deleterious to , the surrounding neighborhood and could adversely affect the water table and / or the water supply on neighboring parcels . The Board finds that the 60 proposed laundromat and store while proposed to be for the use and benefit of park residents only , cannot be limited to such Lse , as a practical matter , and would be an undesirable commercial use . The Board further finds that a park limited to 50 mobile homes would be a reasonable use of the site , and would not result in a detrimental affect on the adjacent properties , nor would it cause undue pollution or water problems , nor would it otherwise adversely affect the health , safety and general welfare of the community . RESOLUTION # 122 - DECISION Councilman ` . Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . . . RESOLVED that the Town Board direct that a Special Permit be ' issued to the applicant to construct a Mobile Home Park on Sheldon and Neimi Roads , upon the following terms and conditions : 1 . The Mobile Home Park shall contain no more than 50 mobile homes . 2 . There shall be no laundromat or grocery store or any other commercial structure erected within said park , except a stricture 411 used for mobile homes sales and service offices , and / or stores . 3 . The applicant shall construct at his own expense all necessary park roads which shall be oil penetration roads and 35 feet wide , and shall construct concrete sidewalks and shall have one street light for each mobile home . 4 ,. Each mobile home shall be on a concrete pad and each shall have a storage unit . 5 . The applicant shall maintain the park in a clean and orderly manner . 6 . The applicant shall provide reasonable and appropriate landscaping , and shall provide two trees on each property line and shrubbery be - tween the mobile homes . 7 . There shall be a distance of at least 12 feet between the fronts of each mobile home and thirty feet in the rear . 8 . Lot size shall be at least 50 ' x 100 ' . 9 . A recreation area shall be provided for , of suitable size for 50 families . 10 . All rules and regulations of the County Health Department and State Health Department shall be fully complied with . 11 . Failure to comply with any or all of the terms and conditions : above stated shall result in a revocation of the Special Permit . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried VOTE : For : Councilmen Cotterill , Gridley , Webb Against : Supervisor McCord , Councilman Tarr RESOLUTION # 123 - CYCLE CITY PERMIT Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . . . RESOLVED that this Board grant the Special Permit to John Arnesen for a storage and service building at Cycle City , Route 13 , in the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all YES Copy of the Review of Hearing , Findings and Decision is attached to minute book . Meeting adjourned Charles G . McCord - Supervisor 1 , it _ ._ i _y■....,.....,..:.._.. . . . -. _ _.._ ... _ _....... Jk of __ ... . _ .:w _ . ' •ii a • RE : Arneson ( Cycle City ) .. i II Town Board Public Hearing held on July 14 , 1970 at 7 : 30 P . M . i ' at Varna Community Center , Town . of Dryden , on the application for a Special Permit for a storage and service building at the m . Cycle City property , Route 13 , Town of Dryden , New York , under . . 111 Section 902 , Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance .ii I _ The Public Hearing was duly advertised and individual ' g notices of the hearing were mailed to adjacent property owners . III, REVIEW OF HEARING : I Mr . Arnesen appeared at the hearing and stated that the • • storage area was necessary to the existing business in view of recent number of thefts of machines and parts . The o _ the existing quarters are also not large enough for the mechanics ' . working quarters . The • new structures will be adequate for both storage and service facilities . FINDINGS : . . Upon consideration of all the information supplied and • , after hearing the applicant , no other parties being present • to express an opinion either in favor of or contrary to the proposed project , and the application indicating that all zoning requirements regarding setbacks of the structure have • , been complied with and also that Tompkins County Health Department approval was obtained on May 13 , 1970 , the Board • , finds that the structure is a reasonable and necessary adjunct to the business of the. applicant . . . . . • . . . DECISION : ' The issuance of a building permit is unanimous ) L y a pproved • by the Town Board , the Supervisor and all councilmen being present . Town Supervisor _ -_ 1 f . . I y • . t _ _ _ i