HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-03-12 MARCH 10 , 1970 Minutes 6b the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden held March 10 , 1970 , at the Town Hall , commencing at 7 : 15 P . M . Present : Charles G . McCord , Supervisor G ary A . Lee , County Representative ' L ewis Gridley , Councilman Clinton Cotterill , Councilman Henry A . Tarr , Councilman Robert Wells , Zoning Officer Helen Amdur , Attorney ' Absent : Thomas Todd , Councilman Recording Secretary : Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk The Meeting was called to order by Charles G . McCord , Supervisor . Roll call - by Rosemary Stelick , Clerk . Supervisor McCord opened the Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . • Supervisor McCord asked the Town Board if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the February 12th Board Meeting . Supervisor McCord requested that Mrs . Stelick make the adjustments in headings and order of procedure on pages 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 . • RESOLUTION # 74 ADJUSTMENTS TO FEBRUARY MINUTES Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the February minutes be adopted as adjusted . 2nd Councilman Tarr Carried COUNTY BRIEFING County Representative Lee reported that the City of Ithaca sales tax of 12 % is in effect . The County and Towns will get more tax money returned if we buy out of the City of Ithaca . or have purchases delivered . Disbursement of tax monies will be on per capita basis . Water : Mr . Lee suggested that Harris Dates establish a water authority and a committee be appointed to work with the cities, towns and villages . Sewer : After a feasibility study , O ' Brien and Gere have recommended the purchase of the sewer plant from Cayuga Heights . Refuse : Mr . Ligouri indicated that they are on the brink of signing a contras w ith Landstrom for land purchase in the southwest part of the County and in process of land purchase in Groton for the northeast site . Hospital : The L icensed Practical Nursing School will not be closed and the Community College w ill assume responsibility for the courses . The Board of Representative passed a resolution that . the hospital can build down the road adjoining the present h ospital . Tompkins - Cortland Community College : The TC3 budget is ready to _ come out . It has been requested that the College submit a 5 - year projected . budget of capital needs . Airport Clearance - Burning : It appears that the re - quested state permit to burn will not be granted and the clearing project will , therefore , require burying at greater expense . Budget Committee Administrative - Assessing : The County Representatives are not happy with the progress of hiring o f personnel and the progress of assessing in the Towns . ' Special ; Districts : A letter from Tom Payne was received requesting that all Towns and Villages provide the special district formulas to the Assessment Department for the yearly extension of special district taxes . There will be a administrative charge to the districts . Mr . Payne will be reporting on policies and procedures at a later date . Building Permits : Mr . Payne has suggested a building permit be on County basis or at least standard type throughout the County . County Assessment Department : Mr . Page assigned to Dryden . There will be two men in • three weeks to assess the Town of Dryden . The County Assessment Department w ill be doing nothing to reappraise or upgrade old assessments this year . Officer Wells reported that the tenative rate is 83 ( Dryden dropped 1 poinp ) . other towns dropped 5 - 8 points . Lansing gained one point . Dryden ' s relative ? position for pro - rating of county tax is excellent for this year . Recommend n o objection be made at State Rate Hearings . Centralized Purchasing : Action is being taken at county level to establish County Purchasing Department to buy at state prices and in quartity to lower costs as opposed to individual departmental purchases . Resolution : The Board of Representatives passed a ✓ esolution whereby tax map numbers and addresses of new owners of property be listed on provided forms and filed at the Tompkins County Clerk ' s office when deed is recorded . The end result being more accurate and up to date information for mailing tax bills . County Narcotic Council : The Town of Ulysses is going to dissolve their narcotic council and have requested the formation of a County Narcotic Council . . b , 15 CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Mr . Woodrow Wood from Lewis Street in the Village of Dryden was present to d iscuss the flood that occured last June , causing him 4 - 5 , 000 dollars in damage . In his opinion there is no question that the bridge was responsible . The Village Board informed him that the Town is responsible for bridges over 5 feet . He has discussed the situation with Highway Supt . Case . Mr . Wood ' s concern is that the Lewis Street bridge is the major cause and asked the Town to either raise the bridge or lower the box to correct this situation . H e mentioned the double culvert on Spring House Roads that the Town put in and it isn ' t much of an ' improvement in the respect that it catches all the d ebris and causes a backup of water that creates the flooding . Supervisor McCord said he will have Supt . Case look into this matter . Former Town Supervisor , Charles Downey ; was present and presented the Town : . Board with a inscribed gavel from him in appreciation of the town ' s goodness 0 to him . He mentioned that he migrated from Pennsylvania many years ago to this area . He sAent many years in public life , 12 years as Town Super - visor of Dryden . He briefly mentioned a few of the accomplishments that took place during his tenure ; the erection of the Town Hall , regular office hours for the Town Clerk and the highway machinery on a pay - as - you - go basis . Mrs . Jeanne Vanderbilt from the West Dryden Rural Community Association was present and requested to be brought up to date on the progress of the transfer of the West Dryden Church to the West Dryden Rural Community Association . Attorney Amdur reported that to date we have been unable to find the deed . Mr . Downey said that it was conveyed sometime during 1947 or 1948 by the Methodist Church to the Town and it should be in the Minute Book . Attorney Amdur assured Mrs . Vanderbilt that as soon as the missing deed is located , conveyance will move right along . Mrs . Vanderbilt further noted that they are planning a recreation center and wanted to knowABIg WDRCA could get funds for equipment . Supervisor McCord suggested that she take a look at the Fall Creek Recreation Center and the Ellis Hollow ' Community Center and see their set up . The Association would have to submit a request for funds : to the Town Board . STANDING COMMITTEES Buildings & Grounds : No report from this committee for this month . Sanitation & Refuse : Supervisor McCord reported that he and Council - man Todd along with Walt S:chwannfrom hIthacaiiandiCharlier : Howell from Lansing will be getting together ' regarding the concept of resolving the dump problem . Public Relations : No report from this committee for this month . COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR None of the Councilmen had anything to report this month . SUPERVISOR Supervisor McCord reported that all the Supervisors got ! ia bgether:. . ito draft a statement regarding the sales tax issue explaining the financial implications of the City of Ithaca taking the 12 % . The Supervisors are concerned with the lack of communications between the towns and the county and they have organized into a group and will soon, be electing a chairman . They plan to • meet once a month or more often if the need arises . They have requested the agenda and minutes of every meeting of the Board of Representatives . IIIATTORNEY Attorney Amdur reported that a contract with the Southworth Library had been found . She has written letters to Miller and Compagni re letters of complaints . She has settled with Chestlyn Pipe Co . The organization meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was held . It was decided they would meet on the 1st Monday of each month . A hearing is scheduled for the 18th . TOWN CLERK Mrs . Stelick reported that to date she has collected $ 313 , 862 . 62 in taxes from a warrent of $ 539 , 891 . 22 . She has paid the Supervisor the monies due for the General and Highway Funds . In addition , she has forwarded $ 15 , 000 . to the Tompkins County Treasurer . Tax penalty for February was $ 251 . 38 which Mrs . Stelick has turned over to Supervisor McCord . 16 ZONING OFFICER Zoning Officer Wells has contacted the Monroes and Tom Payne . he Assessment D epartment is going to review the Monroes assessment . Hill Pet oleum has made application to conduct a gas station business on Rt . 13 ( f rmer Congdon Gas Station ) . Prior to zoning housed Cycle City . Officer Well requested a public hearing be set . RESOLUTION # 75 PUBLIC HEARING - APPLICATION OF IORRIS PECK d /b / a HILL ' S PETROLEUM Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board set a special meeting to conduct a Pub = ic Hearing at the Town Hall , March 25 at 7 : 00 P . M . , to review application for a special permit for Morris Peck to reactivate the gas station business on Rt . 13 of premises owned by Paul Congdon . 2nd Councilman Tarr Carried PETITIONS - ANNOUNCEMENTS - COMMUNICATIONS - FINANCIAL REPORT FINANCIAL REPORT Supervisor McCord distributed a " Projected Expense " report to each member of the Board for consideration . JUSTICE REPORT Supervisor McCord informed the Board that $ 988 had been collected by the . Justice Department for February . CORRESPONDENCE Supervisor McCord read a letter from Village Mayor Watros relating to a re - quest in 1969 from James Murray to have the Village furnish wat - r and sewer to his Simms Hill development . Attorney Amdur stated that the illage polity is not to extend their lines outside of the Village . Only two - xceptions h ave been made , the high school and soon to be errected Communi y College . A water and sewer district would have to be established in that area to fulfill his request . A request was received from the Ellis Hollow Recreation Center for funds in the amount of $ 430 . . Supervisor McCord . said that we must wait for all other requests before we can inform them what the distribution ill be . ' PLANNING BOARD O n March . 19 . there will . be . a Public . Hearing commencing at 8 : 00 . t the Town H all , re application of Periculum Corp . - Harrison Ambrose II _ a cJ}' lli m K eeton for approval of subdivision , Hickory Highlands , �fldEap 3 ' �. tt8n orfk . Rd . Alton Reed for approval of a subdivision , Deer Haven , located • n Mt . Pleasant Rd It was noted that Alton Reed was elected Chairman of the Planning Board . One ✓ acancy exists on the Planning Board . Councilman Tarr did not have any ✓ ecommendations at this time . Supervisor McCord reported that there exists a shortage of the Dryden General Plan books and he is going to r = quest that the members who have resigned from the Planning Board return their copies for ✓ edistribution to the new members . • RESOLUTION # 76 HIGHWAY BILLS . Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked ' ts adoption . • RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voling YES III RESOLUTION # 77 - GENERAL BILLS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call vote - all voring YES O LD BUSINESS Water District # 1 : Supervisor McCord reported that the Town c ,: n get fill from Cornell . He checked with Bob Relyea and the quote for mo ing the trailer w ould be $ 500 . Relyea suggested getting a small bucket loader in to dump the fill , therefore , eliminating the removal of the trailer . upervisor McCord has requested Supt . Case to check into this . . Superviso McCord requested Attorney Amdur to push on the Insurance Company . 17 Public Hearing, Proposed changes in Zoning -Ordinance : Supervisor McCord announced that there will be a Public Hearing March 17 at 7 : 30 in the Lecture Room ( C - 13 ) at the Dryden High School . Typewriter : Supervisor McCord read the following price quotes for a new typeriter , as follows : Remington Rand from Ithaca Office Equip . $ 322 . 50 less trade of $ 45 . Royal from Luttons. . $ 328 . 50 less trade of $ 40 . IBM $ 432 . 00 no trade RESOLUTION ' # 78 PURCHASE TYPEWRITER Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board authorize the purchase of the Remington Rand type - writer for $ 322 . 50 less the trade in allowance of $ 45 . 00 . 1 !d Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all YES Supervisor McCord announced the next regular board meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday of April ( April 14th ) . RESOLUTION # 79 - ADJOURNMENT Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board Meeting be adjourned - 8 : 45 P . M . 2nd. Councilman Tarr Carried Charles . G . McCord , Supervisor Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk , • ti t "I I•! L ; : • q .4431 i . ku� r �4L.• ll 18 MARCH 17 , 1970 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS - ZONING ORDINANCE Supervisor McCord opened the Public Hearing at 7 : 35 P . M . and thanked those present for coming out this evening . Supervisor McCord then introduced all members of the Town present ; Councilmen Cotterill , Gridley & Tarr , Zoning Officer Robert Wells , Attorney Helen Amdur , Town Clerk Rosemary Stelick , and himself , Supervisor Charles McCord . At this time Supervisor McCord read the proposed changes of the zoning ordinance , as follows : ' Section 1601 . Lots of Record , to read : Any parcel of land with an area or width less than prescribed for a lot in the district in which such lot is situated may be used as a lot for any purpose permitted in the district , if any such parcel was under o ne ownership of record or was a part of an approved subdivision on the effective date- of this ordinance , provided that there shall be compliance with all other regulations prescribed for the district by this ordinance . Section 1701 . Extension or Enlargement , to read : A nonconforming u se existing at the date of adoption of this ordinance may be extended or enlarged to adjacent lands owned of record on the effective date of this ordinance by Special Permit . A nonconforming building or use may not be extended or en- larged to other structures or land acquired subsequent to the d ate of adoption of this ordinance , except by means of a ✓ ariance granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals . N o Special Permit or variance allowing the construction or e nlargement of a nonconforming use or structure shall be granted by the Town Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals un - less the regulations of the ordinance , other than allowed used ( i . e . density , yards , parking , etc . ) for the district in which said nonconforming use is located , can be substantially com- plied with . Section 1801 . Building Permits , to read : No building in any d istrict shall be begun , enlarged , or extended without a Build - ing Permit issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer . No mobile h ome , replacement mobile home , or extension shall be placed on an individual lot without a Building Permit . Every application for a Building Permit shall state in writing on a form supplied by the Town Clerk the intended use of the building or mobile home and shall be accompanied by a sketch drawing showing the rt plot shape and dimensions . and indicating the size , shape and location of said building . Said Building permit shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance , unless there has been substantial progress in the work for which the Building Permit was issued . Section 1802 : Certificate of Occupancy , to read : Each property o wner shall be responsible for compliance with all terms of this Ordinance affecting his property . Upon application the Zoning Enforcement shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy when he is satisfied that the proposed use complies with this Ordinance and that buildings have been erected and the site developed in accordance with submitted plans . Definitions : Structure : Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location o n the ground or attached to something having a fixed location o n the ground . Structures include buildings , walls and fences over six feet in height , radio towers , swimming pools , bill - boards , poster panels and signs . Supervisor McCord opened the meeting to questions , comments and / or suggestions . r-I, , ' 1 ' r + v . i ■ II , • f • I • I I 6) • • ,. . . r j, - . : , . • . : . . . • . . f + ' •+4 '' i . . . . , . . _ . . . . . . Afrat . . : , . . . . , , . . • . a , . I - . , . it ' • • .. I a i . • • + ... . . V t ' • I . . I , �I r S. " • . 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I . . { ii STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss . : COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) ROSEMARY STELICK , being duly sworn , deposes and says , that she is over 21 years of age , that she resides at Dryden , New York , 4,, and that on the 20th day of March , 1970 , she posted printed . copies d of the Resolution which is hereto annexed conspicuously on the bulletin board of the Town Hall , Town of Dryden , County of Tompkins and State of New York . / • "fo ONING ORDINANCE • . t Resolution No. 80rf" ' ' ' • A Public Hearing2iVakhelpYtthe Town Beard of the gown• oftprydgh, ^at th eDryden, High School', Oche 17th CatD 'March, 1910, relating to . —�' the 'enactment ;ofpatne ments to -the Zoning AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Ordinance and Map incorporated therein of the Town of Dryden. ;i , , - • WHEREAS; no one•appeared objecting to said amendniepts, now therefore,be it.- RESOLVEI) •that'this ,Town Board adopt these • TJJE aSectinentst , the f Rg c rd, t to 7r �r ���7rr Section 1601 , . Lots ot: Record, to 'read : Any �Tlf.�l A CA J t uR y p parcel of lfor a l t nn area or width less such JJ Jj 1\\I 4\ prescribed for a lot m the district in which such V d 11 � lot is situated may beyused as soot for any • purpose ,permitted in the"district, if any such • parcel was under one ownership of record or was `a • a part of an approved subdivision on the effective ,\, date of this ordinance, provided that there shall i I „State of !iglu Moth, Tompkins be compliance: with,D alb; other ;. regulations �(yII ijjYjg �IIl2nttt� $$.� prescribed for•thedtstrlct yihtsordinance 7 5 Section 1701; Estensfort IOUs Enlargement, to n read : A nonconforming np'eSisting at the date of ' r cr r ° t n e adoption of this:ordinance iay be extended or ''D a p `' v r ' ' s ' i enlarged to adjacent lands awned of record on the being duly sworn, deposes effective date. of ithise ordinance by '.Special •• and says, that he resides in Ithaca, County and state aforesaid and A nonconforming heath r s use rtes, not be extended or enlarged to othhet str of adoption of this ordinance, except'by 'means of a variance•that he is O i • !^- �' P it r granted by the Zoning Hoard of Appeals:' ".- • " No Special Permit or variance allowing the construction or enlarggement of a nonconforming use or structure shall ,be granted by the Town of THE ITHACA JOURNAL a public newspaper printed and published regulations r of thZoning rd Board of otherathan aj owed uses ( i.e. density, yardg`,tparking, etc. /:for the district in which said ponconforming . use is in Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true . 1oSSeciona1801,SBuilding' 'Permits, towead : No building in any district shall be begun, enlarged; . copy, was - published in said paper ' ]. 0 or extended without'a Building Permit issued Dy ma In (% t1 c_ 6/ the Zoning Enforcement Officer. No mobile home, replacement mobile home, or extension shall be placed on an individual lot without•a Buildingyerm it. Every application for a Buddiendg • by the"�lTownl Clerk the4ntended use of the building or mobile home and 'shall be accompanied by a sketch drawing showing idle plot shape and dimensions and indicatindithe size, shape and location of said buildng. :Said Building Permit o • shall expire 12 monthi froth the date of issuance, and that the first publication of said notice was on the 2 (*A h y unless there has been substantial progress in the • work for which the Building Permit was issued. • Section 1802, Certificate of Occupancy, to read: Each property ovine!' 'shall be responsible for day of �`i -� r eh 19 70 compliance with all terms of this Ordinance affecting his property. `Upon application the Zoning Enforcement, Officer shall . issue a r Certificate of Occupancy when he is satisfied that VI Qt a�J the proposed use complies with this Ordinance ' and that buildings have been erected 'and the site • developed in accordance with submittedpiens. Subscribed and st:fore me, his 2 h , Definition. Structure: Anything constricted or day erected with a fixed liicatinnpntho ground or attached to something !laving atgied location on the ground. Structures• tnclude•buildings, walls • March r ch 7O and fences over six feet in height;:radio•towers, Of 19 �,. swimming pools, billboards, _ rE,� i / n signs. pdster panels and %{ ' ' - ( 1# % f'�R MAP :' Five Changes of boundate Hof districts ja,,; rr, huf,: �c, Suite of New YaA'. \. / J�'! —�� l� and district changes on the map incorporated in (( /I 11 said Zoning Ordinance said map is available for �i No. 55-951H304 / inspection at Town Clerk's Office, said changes l Que ifiui in 1 npkins County 9) Notary Public. being noted thereon ) . f n E» M 3°' 19__ 1 I, ROSEMARY STELICK, .Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution is a true and exact copy • of a resolution duly adopted by the Dryden,Town — Board at a Public Hearing on the '17th day of, -- - - -- - - _ .. March. 1970. - • • • • • Rosemary Stelick • Town Clerk \ il March 26 "` , — --- • • • ,, q 1 ' , A i� 41."Q Bob Keech from Etna referred to structure : anything attached to or ,ii' ° 3, ° A :� having a fixed location on the ground . Example : TV antenna . Attorney � '��„ E ' ' fir' l '` Amdur explained this is ° i t ? ' ` ' ` �' ` p just a general description and the building permit has been eliminated for fences under six feet in height . TV -- - antenna attached to a structure would not require a permit . Attorney' Amdur said we can not possibly put into words everything that wiLlK cover every conceivable item . We must rely on the judgment of---- Che Zoning Officer and the Zoning Board of Appeals . Mr . Keech inquired r , ,, , , , ,, .� about his subdivision that was approved before the zoning ordinance ' �''�' `F ' ' �. went in effect . His question was , " Does this mean lots that was i,` , h , 1rbz staked out before ? '" Attorney Amdur said he must have a survey , i� TM�' r F x.. r approval by the Planning Board and filed with the Tompkins County P, Clerk . of i ids: 11t„ i° 1p t 0 Zoning Officer Wells pointed out the map changes , as follows : ( la ) An error was made in drafting of the Map as proposed by the Planning Board . This change is in the area of Varna , corner of the town line ( Game Farm Road and Route 366 ) . Originally zoned CA when the map was drawn up , was inadvertently shown as RB . ( lb ) Another change in the same area as above bounded by Stevenson Road east , west of Turkey Hill Road to become a RC zone not RB . Most of this land is owned by Cornell University and will probably n ever be developed . ( 2 ) Manufacturing zone is shown as the new proposed boundaries w ent northward as far as the creek . Board is proposing that the line move 400 feet south and border on the railroad ( Rt . 13 . - Pickney Rd . ) ( 3 ) Ringwood Road up the hill in the Ellis Hollow Road section ; straightish curve line has been broken up to follow property boundary lines . 1 ( 4 ) Eastern line of the RB zone now runs straight north to ✓ irgil and follows property lines . B oth of the above changes ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) have been recommended by the County Planning Board . ( 5 ) Route 13 next to George Road along Route 366 . This is a RD zone . A westerly extension for approximately 1000 feet of the n orthern boundary of the RD zone west of George Road , north of Route 13 along with the north - south zone boundary line necessary to square off the corner approximately 2 , 000 feet west of George Road . ( 6 ) Routh 79 , entire area would remain as an RB zone with an ordinance change by recommendation under Section 1701 to take care of enlargements of existing nonconforming uses . Officer Wells stated that new Ordinances and Maps will be printed . Officer Wells asked if there were any questions , comments and / or suggestions . 0 It was emphasized by the Board that if anyone had any questions ✓ egarding the ordinance they should feel free to contact the III Zoning Officer , Town Board or Town Attorney . Supervisor McCord announced the next regular Board Meeting to be held at the Town Hall on April 14 , and they were welcome to come to the meeting . B eing no further business , the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8 : 00 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk O. 20 Ei 3 i L March 17 , 1970 SPECIAL MEETING - Supervisor McCord called a Special Meeting at the Lecture Room in the Dryden High School on March 17 , 1970 at 8 : 05 P . M . Present : Charles G . MeCord , Supervisor Lewis Gridley , Councilman Clinton Cotterill , Councilman Henry A . Tarr , Councilman Absent : Thomas Todd , Councilman Recording Secretary : 1 Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk II RESOLUTION # 80 A-PPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS - ZONING ORDINANCE Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask its adoption . RESOLVED That this Board pass the proposed amendments to the Zoning qrdinance as set forth in the Public Hearing of March 17 , 1970 . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all YES RESOLUTION # 81 APPOINT MORRIS PECK - PLANNING BOARD Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and ask its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board appoint Morris Peck to the vacant position on the Town Planning Board for a term of two years . 2nd Councilman Tarr . . Roll call vote - all YES Meeting adjourned 8 : 20 P . M . Charles G . McCord , Supervisor Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk II t , , 21 March 25 , 1970 PUBLIC HEARING Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at the Town Hall at 7 : 05 P . M . Present : Charles G . McCord , Supervisor Clinton Cotterill , Councilman Henry Tarr , Councilman Robert J . Wells , Zoning Officer Absent ' . . f •:. o Thomas Todd , Councilman Lewis Gridley , Councilman Recording Secretary : Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk 10 At this time Supervisor McCord asked to hear any suggestions or comments ✓ egarding the application of Paul Congdon for a Special Permit to re - activate the service station and garage at 312 Dryden Road . All that ✓ emains to put it back in operating shape is to put pumps back on the island and a sign . . .. -i ,:.: Zoning Officer Wells reported that he notified all adjoining neighbors 1i' `0ti 4r' and advertised a notice of the hearing in the newspapers . 1tiu,}�. R 11 ! F Morris Peck , who is leasing the station from Paul Congdon for a year , h requested additional information from the Board to the effect that if he wants to sell lawn and garden equipment , is he required to get a Special Permit . Supervisor McCord said a Special Permit would not be n ecessary for the sale of lawn and garden equipment at the station , but. w ould be required for a used car lot . RESOLUTION ; # 82jeREACTIVATE GAS STATION AT 312 DRYDEN ROAD Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board grant the Special Permit requested by Paul Congdon to reactivate a gas station at 312 Dryden Road . 2nd Councilman Tarr Carried I af Meeting adjourned 7 : 20 P . M . 'Y - Charles G . McCord . - Supervisor x` 31 Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk y , ' ;u. ',tam hi :, Yi :v - • ce t 0