HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-13 1 I t I 11 I(. i 11 1 1 I 1 II h � �.k I _ ��n� � �- � J �.) 1.91 IL G ..., _ A ; 2 August 13 , 1969 The tegutan Monthly Board Meeting was called to olden at 7 P . M . by Councilman Todd . Present were Councilmen Todd , Ogden , Gnidtey 6 Cottenite and Attorney Amdut . Absent Supervisan Lee and Assessor Welts . The Meeting was opened with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . Mt . Hawand Btodgett was present to ask the Town Baand dot a Junk Yard License . He had previously applied box one to the Town Clerk and was given a copy ob the Junk yard Ordinance which states what he had to comply with in ander to obtain this License . He was asked i £ he had to also obtain a Used Cat License as he stated that he sometimes does sett used cans i £ he gets a good one in . He repotted that he had talked with Mn . Bush ab t he Motok Vehicle Bateau in Ithaca and Mt . Bush had ' otd him at that time t hat this was not necessary as he is primarily in the paxts business . The Board binatty decided to wait to okay a License until Assessox (Felts had t he oppoxtunity to go out to Mt . Blodgett ' s Junk yard and see ib he . needed to build any Fences to screen his yard bnam the toad and to took aver the gene /tat set up . Mn . Blodgett was in £ anmed that Mt . Welts would be doting t his within a couple ob days and he would then be natibied as to what should be done and whether an not a License would be issued . STANDING COMMITTEES : . Sanitation 8 Rebuse - Nothing new to report at this time . Planning - Nothing new to tepant at this time . COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Councilman Gridley asked the Town Board where we now stand on a new building £ ot the Town Highway Department . He xepoxted that some time ago he had given quote bigures to the Board on two steel buildings and he has heard nothing on this so ban . He also asked where we stand on purchasing t he Land adjacent to the Town Garage . Councilman Todd repotted that it is stilt in the dickering ptoces4 and ptesentty they wanted to much money OA the Land and i £ we did acquire it we would have to spend money on bill as it is tow and wet . Cauncitrnan Gridley repotted that he had tatked with Highway Superintendent Case and been inbotmed that he would settle 4ot an enctoaute bot his trucks , just enough to get them out o £ the weather . Councilman Todd requested that Highway Superintendent Case attend a Board Meeting in the neat Fatale to go over some ob these things . Councilman Cotterilt asked the Board i £ the bills he was auditing bot Recreation were a usual thing . Councilman Todd repotted that each year a summer program £4 set up and that Mt . Thorpe who £ 4 head a £ the Recreation Committee makes up a budget and dispenses the money and at the end ob the year a tepott is bited with the Youth Bateau and we get money back 4ot this . Ib we spend $ 2 , 000 . 00 we get back $ 1 , 000 . 00 . Attorney Amdut asked £ on a nesotutian £ ot a Public Heating on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance . RESOLUTION # 84 PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING Couneitman Ogden obbered the 4oZZowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board hold a Pubtie Hearing on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance on September 3 , 1969 at 7 P . M . in the High School Auditorium . 2nd Councilman Cottetilt Carried Attorney Amdut brought to the Board4 . attention the fact that the Town had t he option to take there shone ob the Sates Tax money in cash , and i £ they wanted to do this they would have to notiby the County be £ are September e) 1 , 1969 . The Baand decided that since the reason bot the sates tax was t o reduce property taxes they would Leave it at the County . Attorney Amdut reported that nothing had been settled yet with the Carey Insurance Company on the Compensation payment due . She bunthen repotted4 t hat she had a Letter £ ram their Attorney , Mr . Thater who ignoxed every point he had promised to review bot us . She stated that there was not a Copy ab the Conttact with Carey Insurance on bile in Town Hatt , and the Town had never received a 40 /mat notice ob the mistake in population of the increase premium due . She £ eels the Town is camptetety innocent as t hey were unaware o £ all o £ the problems , and the act that so much time had Lapsed between the order Carey received and the bill they detivexed t o the Town . SEWER DISTRICT # 2 Attorney Amdut reported that T . G . Mitten , Engineer had sent to the State Health Department £ on partiat payment o £ Aid on July 31 , 1969 as the pro - ject was 50o complete . She £ anther repotted that Compagni Construction i I . . . I • Ir k l , :\. i t... . _. 263 Company was pnov .id.i. ng the Town with Munic.Lpte Bonds in e.ieu os the 5 % neta.Lnen , and this to eegae . She .then asked the Boand San a nebolution t o bete the Bonds Son Sewers Disttict # 2 . RESOLUTION # 85 SELL BONDS - SEWER DISTRICT # 2 Councilman Gnd. deey o , Sened the Soeeow.ing neboeutton and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Boand au. hon-Lze the bate oS $ 244 , 000 Sekiae Bonds t o pay pant oS the cost os the Cons .tnuct.ion oS a San -itany Sewers System in Dnyden Sewers D .L4tktc.t # 2 in the Town oS Dnyden . 2nd Councilman Ogden Rott call vote - alt voting YES A .ttonney Amdun Sunthen nepon ' ed that .th-L4 would be at 6 % Son twenty - nine yeanb . She stated that she still has a Sew easements to obtain in this D ,is ;n.i c.t . Councilman Todd neponted that Highway Supen.inuendent Case would like to punckase a new 4 - Wheel Dk-Lve Tnuctz and a C .i. nden Spneaden . He w.itl pay Son the C ,Lnden Spneaden out os this yeans budget and the flack out os t he 1970 budget . RESOLUTION # 86 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ONE FOUR - WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK 8 ONE CINDER SPREADER Councilman G1 .idtey ossened the Sollow.Lng xesotut -ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Boand au -tzotize Highway Supen.intendent Case to advent.ise San bids Son one Fours - Wheel Dttve Tnucfz and one C .inden Spneaden . 2nd Councilman Ogden Cann.ied Ctenh. Lass asked the Town Boand to designate Potting Places Son the coming yeah . RESOLUTION # 87 POLLING PLACES Councilman Gk .Ldtey oSSened the Soeeow.ing nesotut.ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Boand designate the Potting Places as Soltowb : D .L4tn.ict # 1 Vanna Community Cen .ten , Vanna , New Yonfz • D .ibtn-ict # 2 Houtz Hatt , Etna , New Vonk. • D .i4Jt /.ic .t # 3 V .ittage Hatt , Dnyden , New Vonfz D .istn .ic - # 4 West Dnyden Chunch , West Dnyden , Fneev ,itte , N . y . D .is ; n.ict # 5 Town Hatt , Dnyden , New Voila D .is .n.ict # 6 V ,ittage Hatt , Fneev .ieee , New Yonfz D . btx .tc- # 7 Be -thet Gnove Community Centers , Ithaca , New Vonfz 2nd Councilman Cotten.itt Cann.ied CtekFa Lubb £ nsonmed the Boand that Mn . Chances Downey was painting the .x.im on the Town Hatt and he would tike to know what coton they wanted the entrance way painted . As .ten much dettbexa .t.ion it was decided to have Mn . Downey paint it Green . FISCAL REPORT Balance 8 / 1 / 69 Genenat Fund $ 4 , 952 . 37 Highway Fund $ 123 , 837 . 39 Social Secunity Fund 578 . 96 Heae-th Inbunance Fund 1 , 752 . 80 Waite % Disttice # 1 4 , 153 . 45 Sewex DLstn.ict # 1 11 , 505 . 41 Sewers D st t.ic . # 2 963 . 82 RESOLUTION # 88 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Cot -ten- lt ossened the Soetow-ing nesoeut.ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Genenae Bins be paid as audited . 2nd Counc .Uman Ogden Rote call vote - alt voting YES RESOLUTION # 89 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden oSSened the Sotlow.ing nesoeutLon and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway B.iets be paid as audited . 2nd Counc.itman G /.idtey Rote catt vote - ate voting YES Councilman Todd neponted that Justice Hoagtand had asked him to ask the Boand Son expenses to a Sem -inan at Synacube Un.Lven4Lty and Son m .iteage to the State Magistxaues Meeting . 264 • • RESOLUTION # 90 EXPENSES £ MILEAGE - HOAGLAND Councilman Ogden oj6ened the 4ollow,Lng xesolut.Lon and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Boaxd authon.ize paying expenses 4on Justice Hoagland to a Sem .LnaA at Syracuse UnLvexs .ity on September 15 , 1969 , and mileage to the State Migistxates Meeting September 7 , 8 , 9 , 6 10th , 2nd Councilman Gk.Ldley Cat/Lied Councilman Todd xepoxted to the Town Board that a resolution was needed 4o4 advance payment Son Sewer Distxict # 2 and a designation o {i a Fiscal O46icen to xece.Lve and distribute such Lunds . This 6und i4 {y ax an advance payment o4 up to Give . : pencen -t os the estimated reasonable cost a4 the project to depnay expenses incurred prior to project construction and amounts to $ 6 , 525 . 00 . RESOLUTION # 91 ADVANCE PAYMENT - SEWER # 2 • Councilman Gridley o {( gexed the 4ollow.Lng resolution and asked its adoption RESOLVED that the Town o ( Dryden , County o5 Tompkins designate Gary A . • Lee as Fiscal O4 ,ficen to maize application 404 , to Receive and Distribute Funds ( Section 1263 - b of the Public Health Law ) WHEREAS , Section 1263 - b o , the Public Health Law o4 the State o , New Yo & fz provides 4inancial aid {got the construction o4 sewage treatment woAlzs with an advance payment 4oA the purpose o4 assisting the municipality in defixaying expenses o4 an eligible project incurred in advance os construction ; and WHEREAS , the Town ofi Dryden , 65 East Main Street , Dxyden , New York hexe.Lna ,f .teA called the APPLICANT , has made Application 4ot STATE AID 604. cons -txuc -t .Lon o4 Sewage Treatment Works , State Water Pollution Control Project Number WPC - NY - 412 ; and WHEREAS , the municipality has 6o4mally accepted the O64er o4 Federal Pollution Abatement Assistance pursuant to the pxavisions a4 the Federal WAtex Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that an application be made flox such State Aid an behal6 o4 the Town of Dryden , now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the Town Boaxd o4 the Town od Dxyden thee governing body a6 said APPLICANT , that Gang A . Lee be designated as the Fiscal () Week of said Applicant to make application 4a4 advance grant and to receive and distribute such 6unds as , the authaxized Fiscal O44icex o , the Applicant in connection with said project ; and that 4ive Cexti , ied Copies o4 this Resolution be prepared and sent to the New Yoxlz State Department o4 Health , Albany , New Yokfa together with the signed voucher , and that this REsolution shall take e6 ect immediately . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES Being no Gunther business , the meeting was adjourned - 8 : 20 P . M . Thomas Todd - Deputy Supexv ,Lsax Marlene W . Lass - Town Cletk