HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-06-12 192 June 12 , 1968 The tegutat Meeting o4 the Town Boan. d was called to order. by Supetv .is ok Lee at 1 P . M . in the Town Hall . Present wene Supetv .isor Lee , Councilmen Todd , Jones 8 Ogden , Attorney Amdun. and Assessor. Welts . Supenv .isok Lee opened the Meeting with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . Supetv .L4ok Lee requested that alt persons stOnd £ ok a moment in silence in kespeet to the recent death o5 Senator Robert Kennedy . SupenvLsox Lee asked the Town Board £ b there wene any additions 04 eokneetLons to the May Board Minutes as sent out . Being none the minutes wene accepted . .. Supekv .ison Lee asked the s -Lx persons present Lb they had anything they = , would like to discuss . He was .inbokmed they had nothing to bnt. ng beboke the Board . STANDING COMMITTEES : SANITATIONS - Councilman Todd repotted evekth .ing was Sine with with Mt . Collins . Supenv .is on Lee kepokted that Acme Pest Control was still doping the old Town Dump . Supen. v .isok Lee £ utthek nepokted that the County was pees ently wanking on some s okt o £ County - wade nebuse disposal . BUILDING a GROUNDS - Councilman Ogden repotted that Justice Hoagland had again requested that a glass be put in the door into the Ctekk ' s Obb .Lce . The Board belt this was to expensive to under take at this time that they would buy lettering and letter the bkont door . The situation ob the gag pole in the pine tree was again brought up and it was decided that instead ob tty.ing to move the pole to another spot they would buy a £ lag and bracket and attach it to the building just outside the bnont door . PLANNING - Councilman Ogden reported that a meeting with Mr . Miller would be held in MA . L ,Lguo1.i Obb .iee on June 18th at 4 : 30 P . M . He bunthek neponted that he had not talked with Planning Board Cha.ikman Peter Cukt.iss since the Special Zoning Meeting and did not know what had tnansp.ined since that time . YOUTH - Supenv .ison Lee reported that the b .inat report £ nom Mk . Thorpe bon the keckeatton pkognam bon 1967 was on bile in the Clerk ' s Obb .iee . SEWER DISTRICT # 1 Attorney Amdun neponted that a meeting had been held with Attorney Wiggins , Attptney Sovocool , Mt . Kapp , Members ob the Board ob the Village ob Cayuga Heights and heksel £ negakdLng the Kapp apartment house on the Sapsucker Woods Wood . Mks . Amdun stated that the Village o £ Cayuga Heights would goalong with Mr. . Kapp on two bam.il.Les and two occupants XXXXXXXXXXXX , this would be one bam.ily and and one occupant on each side . The Town Board belt they could go along with the Village o £ Cayuga Heights on two bamities and two occupants . Mks . Amdun pointed out at this time that the de £ .in .Lt.ion deck.ib .i, ng a £ am .ilg dwelling in t he the Cayuga Heights Qnd.Lnance was misleading . Councilman Todd stated t hat the Agreement between the Town an the Village ob Cayuga Heights should be amended as £ an as two £ am .ily dwellings wene concekned 40 t his would not be misintekpketed again and suggested that Mns . Amduk communicate with the Village ob Cayuga Heights and ask Sok this beboke mote building took place . At this point the discussion turned to the £ act that L £ this was an apartment house with bout s e16 contained apartments with mote than one bam ty and one occupant it would then become a multiple kes .Ldence and Mts . Amdun was .instructed to wx.ite Mt . Kapp to abide by the agreement and point out the Oct about three ok moke sets contained units being a multiple ke4Ldence . Supetv .iso1 Lee repotted he had calls £ AOm three nes .. dents 1.iv .ing on t he Sapsuckeks Woods Road in kegakd to the .increase o £ tkabb .ic due t o the new connection ob Sapsucker Woods Roads , Route 13 and the A .ik - pokt . It was stated there was nothing the Town could do about it as it was not a Town Road . It was bukthen stated that .ib a toad is closed one day a weak it .isnot a Town Road . &. penv .is ok Lee repotted that Highway Supek.intendent Case asked the Board to accept Lyle Road as he has the abstkaet and deed , howeven. he does not have the survey as yet . 193 RESOLUTION # 74 LYLE ROAD ACCEPTANCE Councilman Ogden o ,44ered the following Aesolution and asked Lts adoption . RESOLVED that Lyle Road be accepted subject to £ urthen check os title , deed and sutvey by Attorney Amduk . 2nd Councilman Todd Car &.ied Councilman Ogden nepon.ted that Eagles Head Road and Woodland Road were heady 4or acceptance , the temporary tuttn - around had been made and met - w.ith he. approval o4 Highway Supenin .tenden-t Case . He 4u &thek reported that % hese two roads had also been approved by the Health Department and the Planning Board . Attorney Amdur reported that she had the Deed but did not have the release o4 mok. gage 41torthe bank . RESOLUTION # 75 EAGLES HEAD ROAD 6 WOODLAND ROAD Councilman Ogden o44ered the 4ollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board accept Eagles Head Road 8 Woodland Road 0 upon release o4 the Mortgage fi & om the bank to Attorney Amdux . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried g : tfrg/gP//y44; k4/: ' g �W AtrA0119/0 Supery isor Lee reported that Grievance Day would be held June 18th at the Town Halt £ nom 9 : 30 A . M . - 3 : 30 P . M . Superv .i. sok Lee reported he had Aece.Lved a letter 4Aom Mayor Mancham regaxd.ing the expansion o 4 the.i. & sewer system in the Village ofi Cayuga Heights and the proposed housing development near Route 13 and the Cayuga Press Building . Mayon Mancham stated that they were taking it to their engineers to see £< expansion would be , eas .ible to include this development . Superv . o & Lee read a letter brom the Leonard T . Spaulding Post o4 Dryden asking 4oA a budgetary .increase o4 $ 50 . 00 4ok next yea& as the present $ 200 . 00 did not coven the.ix Memorial Day Services . Supervisor Lee was .instructed to answer the letter and tell them this would be considered at budget time . Supervisor Lee read a tette & £ & om Mn. . S .ienko regarding the .increase in his taxes , and th.L4 was Ae4erred to Assesso & Wells . Supervisor Lee reported that the S .inat report on the census had been Aece.ived and was as 4OIIOW4 : Village o4 Dryden 1412 Village o4 Fneev .ilte 506 Town Outside 7240 TOTAL 9158 ELECTION INSPECTORS Supervisor Lee reported that Democratic Chairman Frank Thorpe , Jr . and Republican Chairman Charle4 Baker had submitted the.ix list of( election .inspectors (( ok 1968 . DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN D.isttLct # 1 MA4 . Daniel Seewald Agnes Snow Lillian Chun. ch Max.ion W . Meadows Fred Gn-i44 .in Ruth Munch 4 . , . . . 4 . 421914= D.istk.ict # 2 Zelda We.ibly Mildred Sweet Marilyn Cze & enda Ralph Vant.ine Mona Spaulding District # 3 Edythe Humphrey a - * . (' t C , 6 , , 4 ?_, Kathryn._ R:y.on `T ; Nita Ma &.ion D.istx.ict # 4 Verna Ketola Florence Payson Beatrice West4all MaA.ie . Petersen D.ist&.ict # 5 Verna M yet4 Gladys Stewart Walter Westball Frances Terry D.istk.. ct #. 6 Josephine Talbot Velma Blackman Nettie Fulkenson Nettie Williams D.istr.ict # 7 Rosalie Va & osh Rena Kirk Barbara Ensign 4, Joyce Juhl 194 RESOLUTION # 76 ELECTION INSPECTORS Councilman Todd ossened the Sollow.i, ng Aesolut.ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that these people be appointed Election Inspectors sok the Town o Dk den o 1968 . 2nd Coanct man Ogden Can /Lied RESOLUTION # 77 ELECTION CUSTODIANS Councilman Todd osseted the sottow.ing Aesolut.ion and rifted .its adoption . RESOLVED that Charles Downey : ; and John Money be appointed Election Custodians Son the Town os Dnyden Son 1968 .. °- 2nd Councilman Ogden Cat uLed FISCAL REPORT Balance General Fund Cheeks $ 5 , 179 . 03 Deposits $ 17 , 650 . 04 $ 19 , 678 . 33 Highway Fund Checks $ 16 , 690 . 17 Deposits $ 28 , 710 . 38 $ 72 , 540 . 70 Health Insurance Checks 335 . 49 $ 1 , 886 . 41 • Social Secun .ty Checks 256 . 30 Deposits 914 . 29 $ 1 , 110 . 44 Sewers # 2 Deposits $ 25 , 000 . 00 $ 15 , 133 . 14 Sewers # 1 - 0 - WateA # 1 2 , 203 . 95 Taxes Calfeeted _ $ 228 , 235 . 79 - Paid Town $ 200 , 065 . 71 Paid County • TAeasuner $ 28 , 170 . 08 . Penalty money to Town $ 647 . 87 . Superv .isot Lee repotted that MA . Time had called him and stated that the Town os Dnyden may owe bacfz money on the.it compensation .insurance as they may have used the wrong population count . Some discussion sottowed this as to whether oft not the Town could pay as .it was not in this years budget and then the question was /wised as to the sact that the Town was under the impnessLon that compensation £ nsunanee notes was based on t otal payroll and not on the population . Supetv .isok Lee said he would check this out and Surthet .insotmed the Baand that he had contacted Bill Bailey os Bailey Insurance in Dnyden to see .is that Company could canny oul compensation .insurance and then all os the .insurance sot the Town would be under one cann.ien . Mr . Bailey £ 4 to check back with SupervA.sax Lee . OLD BUSINESS Superv .ison Lee reported that he has called Mt . M ,ille4 weekly and then sent him a memo asking that things get started in that d,isttict ( Sewer # 2 ) so it can be Let out San bid . He stated that Mr . Millen had let out t t he Contract Son test battings and that Empire Soils was now in the pro - cess as doing that , and that Highway Supen.intendent Case had gone into Ithaca that day and pnocuned the State penm.it Son using the State 's tight - away . He surther stated that Mrs . Anduf had received the survey Son t he Ashton Property . He reported that a copy os a letter had been nece.ived Aegand.ing the Oct that Thomas Todd had been designated as t he autho 'utzed tepnes entat.ive os Sewers # 2 and aster an adm .in.istnatLve review they had noted that Gany A . Lee was now signing in that capacity , and a resotutton would be needed to maize this change . RESOLUTION # 78 GARY A . LEE Councilman Todd ossened the sollawing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Gang A . Lee as the Aepnesenta - tive to sign sok Dryden Sewers District # 2 . 2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES Supervisor Lee Aepanted that a sleeve would have to be put into the Ashton and Euvand PAopenty and he suggested that this be done besone t he new sutsaee was put on the toad . RESOLUTION # 79 SLEEVE ASHTON PROPERTY Councilman Todd asserted the Sollowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Supervisor Lee to investigate puttirig a sleeve into the Ashton Ptopenty . 2nd Councilman Ogden Caioied Supetv .isor Lee Aeponted that he had neeeived a communication Snom the Federal water Pollution Contkot Administration , Division os Puke G/ atens t hat the Sollow.ing had been received San Dnyden Sewers District # 2 . Application son Federal Aid , PAiotity Cent .is .icate , Plans , Specisications , Engineering Report , Review Notes and Estimates as Construction Costs and cettisied copies os nesalution authorizing the signing and siting os the application . r t e.AI'.( +I . 1Nr V i • I . nrrnfl , r: . Jtovb. r: ft r I: I , Irna; I I . wll . l . l .� n�sr;ry Chit OF I' 1THIACA I ', t4, n'1 / r. .:n ri I ';r! I:r , ., ,l, rnurluIl+ k /I t /, it /q„n , rb ; trnurry l FIRST WARD t .” . . , RD. I . ;\Il!"ner, N . Y . IA .n{ii6R , liV.ACE4 ri1414. StateSt .I JRYI >I..1J ,: ' ��� SI':COND \tirAKD. pv h. I . r. r , 'II l I ITOrn U.d . . ItlCa:. , Ns i' !"',,b' ,,: • • , 'r• A'Lr ,tort. 1 . httnxr . . . . , 31. 5 N. Altrany Sl . ,1uN 'IL•rrrpo-- , i? Ir. I "1'uuuaAbote . N . Y . ��� �� {(7 .yj Y/q`,j, 'Cli1RI) Wr1RD( ; Rt 111 1N Lne. U Awe E y R ( Ilr . .\f .1 rY (JHIPFIN { 15 s. j�eadow St.r 'i..+ rn r: II„ i .ur v . . . . R. I ). I , lit neon . N . l' . !� 77�Y�Yf�f� ,.��..II 0 ICC �/ . t ; 7 I'I'HIACA ;r ” FOURTH WARD WILLIAM 8 ArpK . _ 51 Carly, huts. Rd ., f L [:owner, P. ABBOTT 905 N. Cayuga St. Itlr:r,'a, N.Y. vr�t lkifti • � ooty�,q 1 ,;\ N,SINi: Y FIFTH WARD I I tnarn It- I1.. rr n, R 11 1 , LndluwviIIc, N . V . �' Jrrnn MAaC11AM 414 L. Buffalo St . NIM' t11 . 1 ,11 c •` '� .;.• r ,, SiXT1t WARD IYmor Anr Ai . UKrannnr' x 77 Main Sr . `4,„ .. , Nrwlielt, N . Y . Court House, Ithaca, N . Y. 14850 Ih,nnLU J . (;vLLtcnx 627 Hudson St. ULYSSES t l. rnrvpn t': . Iinwrp R 1) I Phone: Area Code 607 AR 3 -2080 SEVENTH WARD T iumansI nng, N . Y. JLmwE TRUE 28 Cornell St. March 14 , 1969 �� E . n. I� Mr . Ronald Space , Chairman � 1 Board of Tro ?, tees _ I l 1 1 Tompkins - Cortland Community College /��� f� �`�� % RI) # 3 , Freeville , N . Y . 13068 l% j Dear Ron : First of all , my apologies for the delay in getting this letter out to you following the action of the Board on Monday , March 10 . T am enclosing for your perusal a rough - draft copy of that portion } ' o1 the minutes as prepared for the printer that covers , in summarized form , the discussion and comments pertaining to the Trustees ' recommendation of Dryden Site # 1 as the permanent site for our community college . Also , enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution as presented to the Board for their consideration and was defeated by a roll call vote of 12 to 3 . These • two enclosures will aid you , I am sure , in refreshing your recollection of the major points discussed and the reasons for the action taken on your recommendation . From the information I now have , and after a personal inspection of all proposed sites , the most favorable aspect to either of the Dryden sites i s , in my opinion , their. accessibility . However , throughout the discussion on Monday , I had the distinct feeling there were many relevant questions :: t i 1 l unanswered even ti-tough a great deal of effort and care had been given the evaluation and the preparation of , the proposed recommendation for Site # 1 . The answers to these unanswered questions should more fully equip the Supervisors with the necessary additional facts to aid them in arriving at this Important decision . 'ye . T cannot speak for the whole Board , but I personally ask that a care- fulanalys :is he made of the following issues that are most disturbing to me and that detailed factual answers be given prior to your resubmitted recom- 10111 mendat :i. on . The majority of these have already been touched on in your 1,5 - presentet :i_ on and in the discussions , but they must be examined in greater depth and detail . • • Y ' ? Ronald Space - March 14 , 1969 Pg . 2 1 . Legally the county cannot invest taxpayers monies in real estate unless it is to be used for a specific purpose . The comment was made during the discussion that even though we found the 500 acres was excessive , it was an investment and could later be sold . To do this , would be speculating with taxpayers money if the acreage is not actually needed for community college purposes . WHY , other than for protection , DO WE NEED TO PURCHASE 500 ACRES ? ( My understanding is that Ithaca College has approximately 250A , and from the survey conducted by the Education Committee , the proposed Site # 1 as recommended has about twice the amount of acreage as any community college in the state , with the average enrollment projected for 1974 of 3600 students . ) 2 . Assuming your re - evaluation determines that 500 acres is actually the acreage your Board feels is necessary to recommend , and assuming the watershed project never becomes a reality - - or even if it does , there will still be a huge excess acreage in my opinion - - WHAT COURSE WOULD BE RECOMMENDED FOR THE PREPARATION , UPKEEP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE REMAINING ACREAGE NOT NEEDED FOR BUILDING SITE AND ACTUAL DAILY ACTIVITIES CLOSELY RELATED TO THE COLLEGE ? WHAT WOULD BE THE AVERAGE ESTIMATED YEARLY EXPENDITURE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THIS REMAINING UNUSED ACREAGE ? 3 . I have some reservations about the feasibility of any part of the community college property being opened to the public ' as a park facility . I QUiSTION IF IT IS LEGALLY ALLOWABLE '; I QUESTION THE TIME ELEMENT INVOLVED IN OBTAINING FEDERAL AND STATE MONIES FOR SAID PROJECT , if at all obtainable in the future for such projects ; I QUESTION IF THE PROJECT SHOULD BECOME A REALITY , FUTURE MAINTENANCE COSTS TO THE TAXPAYERS FOR SUCH A PROJECT . 4 . I object strongly to the existing TRAILER PARK situation . DO YOU PROPOSE BUILDING AREA ,I V THIS OR IS THIS PROPERTY BEING PURCHASED MAINLY FOR EASE- OF ACCESS TO WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES ? 5 . As stated above , I do not object to the Dryden area , or to the price per useable acre proposed , but I do have strong feelings as to the number of acres proposed . 6 . WHERE ARE THE LOCATIONS OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING SITES FOR : a ) Dryden Site # 1 b ) Dryden Site #i2 3 ) Groton Site WHAT ARE THE PROJECTED COSTS , ESTIMATED AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE , FOR SITE PREPARATION ; EXTENSION OF SEWER ; EXTENSION OF WATER ; TO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SITE LOCATIONS ON : a ) Dryden Site # 1 b ) Dryden Site # 2 c ) Groton Site . 1 1 t. ROHR 1 it Space e ._ March 1. 4 , 1969 Pg . 3 7 . "l' lie comment was made the college would use the present site , located in Groton r. egardle + s of our approval of any of the three proposed sites , valued by the state at $ 165 , 000 , for college purposes " as long as it was economically feasible to operate it . " Taking into consideration the distance factor if Dryden, area is selected and the inconvenience posed by this factor , WHAT IS THE APPROXIMATED PROJECTED USEFUL LIFE OF THE PRESENT FACILITY ? WHAT WOULD THIS FACILITY BE USED FOR ? I fully realize I am asking for a great deal of additional information . I. am at the present time pondering the suggestion and your recommendation that 1 appoint a special site committee to work with the Trustees . This I have not yet decided . However , I suggest in the meantime you work closely with our Planning Director Frank Liguori . I feel certain he will be glad to give you a portion of his time and you would find him very valuable in . assisting with cost projections , etc . 11/ I know you must have been greatly disappointed Monday after the months o f hard work . Your sincere presentation certainly demonstrated to the Supervisors the efforts and time consuming evaluation and study each member has put into this important issue prior to their recommendation to the Supervisors . We are aware and do sincerely appreciate the fact that you ✓ ecommended to us the particular site that you believed best fit the long- ✓ ange interests of the community and the college . Hopefully , a careful ✓ eassessment of your recommendation , taking into consideration the Supervisors concern for the already tax burdened residents of the sponsorship counties , wtl. .1 produce a meaningful meeting - of - the - minds that will be beneficial to all concerned in bringing this to a successful conclusion . Very truly yours , S. t ? (I Pe'? L -{. CLIFFORD E . BOWER , CEB / b Chairman Encl . ( 2 ) cc : All members of. the Board of Trustees President Bahar Frank Liguori , Planning Director 1 • 195 Supetv .isor Lee repotted that Attorney Amdut had drawn up a Bond nesolutLon to amend the existing one and to change the amount osmoney Srom $ 200 , 000 to $ 250 , 000 and extend the time £ tom 30 years to 40 years . RESOLUTION $ 80 ACCEPT BOND RESOLUTION Councilman Todd ossered the Sollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board accept the amendment to the Bond REsolut.ion . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried RESOLUTION $ 81 EXECUTE BOND RESOLUTION Councilman Todd osseted the Sollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authon .ize Supenvisot Lee to execute the Bond Resolution and Sonwand it on to the State Comptroller so this District may be .increased Stom $ 200 , 00 to $ 250 , 000 and the time extended Srom 30 yeansto 40 years . 2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES Supetv .i.son Lee keported that he had contacted County Highway Supet.intendent Stevenson in regard to resut4ac.Lng the West Dryden Road and was told that rather than put on a new sursace it should be dug out and have a new base . The Town Boakd recommended that Supetv .ison Lee write a letters to Mt . Stevenson and again state we have a petition on Site Son S .ix .ing this toad and ask what the County Highway Department plans ake .i " any Son this toad . Supetv .isot Lee tepotted that he had checked with Supet.intendent Stevenson about having signs made Sot the Town os Dryden and was told that unless the County has mote money it is impossible Sot them to put out any mote signs . NEW BUSINESS Supetv .isot Lee repotted that he had a call and that new curtains and rods were needed in Etna Sot the election booths . • Supetv .isot Lee reported that a special meeting was held by the Town Board on June 3 , 1968 to read the Zoning Ordinance and at this time the Boand had many questions and as Sat as he could see there were two alternatives . 1 . Allow proposed document to go through Planning Boakd whereby they will have the.Ln. Public Hearings and they would report to the Town Boakd besone the Town held th-e.in hearings . 2 . Rather than a Public Heating . would it be best to bring together the Planning Boakd , Mr . Ne.idetkonn , the Town Boand and .interested panties and go through the whole thing and Sind the.it joint dislikes . These alternatives were discussed and it was pointed out that aster one session the Town Board Sett some changes were needed and they agreed it would be best to all get together and hash this out . Mt . Lee will set up a date with the Planning Board . Supervisor Lee reported that he had some curiosity as to what the MacArthur Fund was , so he had hunted around and Sound a Witt , whereby Ebenezer MaEArthur had .test thismoney to the Town os Dryden . The . original amount was $ 2922 . 90 and the interest Stom this was to be paid and distributed annually by the Dryden Town Supervisor and his successors to the public shoots os said Town . The Will states that said money should benesit such school districts os said Town as shall contain within their boundaries at least twenty - Sive ch.ildten os school age , and shall employ a qualisied teacher Sot at least 36 weeks in each year . The question was then raised as to whether or not this meant the Dryden Schools only or did it .include the schools such as Ithaca , Lansing etc where the children live in Dryden but attend another school . Supervisor Lee and Attorney Amdur to please discuss this with Judge Kenneth Johnson . Supervisor Lee reported that he had a Con.ttact Son the Economic Opportunity Act . He Surther stated that is the Town was .interested they should notisy the Agency within thirty days , ig a . esponce was not Sotthcoming it would be treated as an acceptance . He repotted that this could be run two ways . The County 84and os Supenvisons can take it oven and hire pnosess .ionat people to run it or they can have a Board os thirty members - ten poet - ten Srom the Community and ten Srom the County . 196 It was decided by. the Board not to do anything and then they would automatically be tin . COUNTY BUSINESS Supenv ,ison Lee & eponted that the budget bon Community College had been submitted to the Boa& d ob Supenv .ison.d , and they bound it 't-'He bu & the& stated that at the present time two out ob there applicants we/Le being accepted b & om Co &tland County in compa&.icon to one out ob t h& ee b & om Tompkins County and Tompkins County was paying 2 / 3 ob the 4uppont . Supenv .iso & Lee reported that the proposed County Chanter. was & eady to be put on the ballot 4o & the Novembers election . He bu &then & eponted t hat the 4 .i&4t yeah there would be a sixteen members board each with a Out yea& tenor . Supenv .iaon Lee & eporsted that the bill bon dog summons had been a,ubm .itted� i t o the County n the amount ob $ 448 . 00 . Supe& v .L4o & Lee neponted that they were .intenv .iew.ing People bon the D .inecton ob the Planning and Public Relations Committee and we& e hopebul they would have someone bebo & e Fall . RESOLUTION # 82 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Todd obbe& ed the bollow.ing neaolutton and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Gene/tat Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman ` Jones Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 83 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden 040/Led the bollowLng nesotutton and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway B .ilts be paid ae audited . 2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES Being no bursthen business the meeting was . adjounrsed at 9 : 45 P . M . Ga& y A . Lee - Supenv .i4on Ma& lene Lu44 - Town Clenfz SPECIAL MEETING - June 25 , 1968 Supe4vi4o & Lee called the meeting to onden at 7 : 05 P . M . Pn esent were Supenv .i4o & Lee and Councilmen Todd 6 Ogden 6 A44esso4 Wells . RESOLUTION # 8313 - APPOINTMENT GRIDLEY Councilman Ogden obbened the bollow.ing & esolution and asked - its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board appoint Lewis Gridley as Councilman to ball the vacancy cheated by the & e4Lgnat.ion ob Edward Newha & t until De.eemben 31 , 1968 . 2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES The meeting was then to& red civet to A44esso & Welts to go oven the va &.tes grs .ievances . The meeting was adjou& ned at 8 : 10 P . M . • Gary A . Lee - Supenv .is on e f 5