HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-08 ligt6' May 8 , 1968 The Town Boand Meeting was called to orders by Supenv.i.son Lee at 7 : 15 P . M . at the west Dnyden Chuteh . Present wene Sup.env .cs. on • Lee , Councilmen Ogden 6 Todd , Attorney Amdun and Assessors Welts . Absent Councilman Jones Supenvisot Lee neporsted that appnovat was needed Son Matchl4th minutes and the Apn.i.l 12 minutes . RESOLUTION # 68 MARCH 14TH MINUTES Councilman Ogden o64e& ed the Soltowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Match 14th Boand Minutes be appnoved as sent out . 2nd Councilman Todd Catn.ied RESOLUTION # 69 APRIL 12TH MINUTES Councilman Todd ofsened the Soltow.ing tesolut .ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Apt1.t 12th Boand Minutes be appnoved as sent out . 2nd Councilman Ogden Cak4ced CORTLAND VIDEO Mt . Rabent Hatn.ison managers o6 Conttand Video was p & esent to tetl the Town Boand some os the changes that wene taking place within this Company . He stated that a Franchise had been taken with the Town os Dnyden in 1961 by Dnyden Community Antenna of its assignee Son a ten yeah pen.iod . He stated that Cortland Video would still be Conttand Video but that the Company had been putehased by Getatd Electtonics a subs .idany os General Indusbh.ies . Since the change Cortland Video cis planning some changes in the se& v .ice o £ Seted to the people in the Villages o £ Dnyden and F & eev .ille . Instead o4 the pies ent S .Lve channel cable they ate ptannLng to o64et a twelve channel cable at a cost os $ 5 . 50 pet month .instead os the present $ 4 . 50 . He bunthen stated that i4 it was 6eas ', bte they would be d& opp.Lng the cable into McLean . This would all be under the present Franchise as it does not expLte until 1971 but he did Seet the Town Boand should know o £ these changes . REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES SANITATION 6 REFUSE - It was neponted that one call had been received on the old Town Dump telling that the posts and chain had been removed and a small Load os trash dumped . Councilman Todd neponted that Skip had told him that the steel post and chain had been teptaeed and nothing mote had been dumped . He Sunthe& stated that Highway Supt . Case had t old him that itmigh.t be possibte that be £ one Long some dirst could be dumped down there Sot Sitt . Supetvison Lee nepo &ted t hat Mn . Cant Foote o6 Acme Pest Conttot had been contacted and he Sett service should be continued , - Son a while . Supv . Lee Aunt /ten neponted that in the County Chanters Dnast a Department o4 Public Glotks would come into being and they would have under t heirs jurisdiction a county wide operation Son dumping . BUILDING 6 GROUNDS - Councitman Ogden repotted that he had talked with Mn . Nash last Sunday on the cost o £ pnepaning an o pening Sot a glass door entering into the Clerk ' s ° Wee . He had . an estimate Sot labors bon the opening and trim os $ 200 . 00 . This along with the cost o £ the new door would tame the total t o atmast six hundred dollars . He said Mt . Nash had told him t hat the present doo4 could be ptepaned Son a 24 ' x 36 ' glass insert at a cost os $ 50 . 00 . This was disuessed as to whether O A not this would work out and since the glass would not be ' prate glass would it be wise as it might crack on be broken easily . The suggestion then was made that perhaps we could have some lettering done on the two Oats . The glass doors into the Boand Room stating Boand Room and the sotid white doo4 into the Clerk ' s () Wee having Justice Count , Count hours , Clerk ' s OS £ ice and Clerk ' s o64ice hours along with 65 printed painted on the main dock so people would know where the Town Halt £4 . It was suggested that Ctenk Lush contact Skip Hutstanden , Deputy Highway Superintendent and see i6 he would be witting to do the lettering . 16 Skip will do the lettering t he new don on glass .insert could wait until a late& date . PLANNING COMMITTEE - Councitman Ogden repotted that the Planning Boand had accepted the cut o £ £ date Sat new toads as O 6 May 1 , 1968 . He teponted that Chai& man Curtiss has the the n ew Town Maps but they ate not binal yet . This is due to the £ act that two toads still have not been accepted by Supt Case . 189 One toad is Gilmore Road and they ate ptanning to change the name and he could not temembet the name o6 the o .then toad . This as course in turn wilt hold up the Fine Maps . He neponted t hat the Planning Boand Meeting held on Apnit 18th had been devoted entirety to the New Zoning Ordinance but that tittle had been accomplished so a special meeting had been called 6or Apn.il. 25th where it was gone oven step by step and several small ' changes were made and then it was tanned oven to Attorney Amdun Son a Legal opinion . Superviso /L lee neponted that he had many calls in negatd to people wanting to see a copy o6 it and suggested t hat a copy marked WORKING COPY be put on Site in the Clenk ' s o66ice . It was suggested at this time since all the Boand Members had received a copy and alt had questions concerning it t hat a meeting be held by the Boand Members on May 21st at 7 : P . M . in the Town Halt to see how each Selt about it and get a general idea os what they agreed o /L disagreed on , then they would like t o have a meeting with Mt . Neidenkonn and the Planning Board to discuss the Ordinance . GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC COMMITTEE - Supervisor Lee repotted t hat he had talked with Mt . Kinchgnabet and the GJRCC :isl going t o have some sort o6 activity in June inviting the Town Boand , Town Attorney and some County People and they would alt be receiving some con/Lespondence be6ore that date . Councilman Todd at this time questioned the bill Snom Seneca Supply Son signs and inquired as to whether on not the County could make the signs Son the Town as theynow had their own sign shop . Mt . Harold Case was questioned on this and neptied that the shop was actually to small to accomadate all the work that needed to be done . The County did not actually have the man power on the equipment . Attorney Amdut neponted that she had the appraisal 64om Mt . Austin on the Ashton Pnopenty . She neponted that it had taken a tot os time as it had been di66icuZt to bind a starting point and the 6act that it had been hand to come up with an appropriate price due to 40 much Connell Pnopenty surrounding it . The 6igu4e bon the portion o6 the tot /Lequited by the Town was $ 8 , 500 . 00 . This Ze6t app/Loximatety 6aun acres and there was access to this land on the west side o66 route 366 . RESOLUTION # 70 ASHTON PROPERTY Councilman Todd o66eted the 6otlowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Boand make an o66en hot the Ashton Pnopenty at a price o6 $ 8 , 500 . 00 . 2nd Councilman Ogden Roll can vote - alt voting YES Attorney Amdun neponted that on the Bossack pnopenty it had been decided to move the tine 6unthen dd. wn the /Load and put in two additional hook - ups , and that this met with Savor with the Bossacks and it would not cost the Town any additional money bon the pnopenty . Supervisor Lee neponted that a Zetten had been received by the Press 6nom the Governors O66ice stating that the State Aid had been approved ban Dryden Sewer District # 2 and that the apptication had been Sonwanded to the Federal Government . M /Ls . Amdun neponted that the actuat cost o4 con - struction Got Sewer # 2 would be increased due to increased cost o6 & that , materials and interest on bonds , and that everything that had been done pneviousZy to 6onm this district would have to be done all oven agdin . However , we would not have actuat cost untit it is bidded . She suggested that the Town Boand ask Mt . Mitten to compute new maximum 6igutes and she would tike to see a start made on easements and pnepanation o6 bids . Supenvison Lee neponted to the Town Boand that a new apartment house had recently been 6inished on Sapsucker Woods Road by Otto Kapp . Mt . Kapp purchased one tot and divided it into three 78 ' tots and 40 On had built o ne apartment house . Mr . Kapp states this is a duplex with one Samity to e ach side . The duplex was inspected by both Assessor Welts and the Village O 6 Cayuga Heights Superintendent o6 Public Wanks M4 . Rogers and they bind the apartment house had two complete kitchens in the basement and is meant bon flout Samiliez , plus they bound Give hot waters heaters and 5 electric meters . Mn . Kapp in6ormed the Town these were not kitchens but snack bans . The Agreement between the Town o6 Dryden and the .Vitlage a6 Cayuga Heights Got sewage treatment in Dryden Sewer District # 1 states it can be one house with an apartment . The ViZtage 124 Cayuga Heights Attonney . would tike Mt . Kapp to sign an a66idavit stating he wilt not tent to mote than two 6amities and at this time Mt . Kapp has 4e6used to sign the a66idavit . The Town Board went along with the Vittage os Cayuga Heights in thought that i6 Mn . Kapp does not sign the a66idavit they wilt disconnect the apartment _ 9O house £ ram the sewers tines . Thexe was much cotte6 pondenee on this and the Town Board does not want the Village o £ Cayuga Heights to beet they ate trying to make a breach o £ this Contract in anyway . Mts . Atdun at this time stated that in Lieu o £ the change in the sewage plant she wondered i £ the Village ob Cayuga Heights would consider o xtension o £ this District . The question was brought up as to whether o n not the district could be extended to much due to 6o much Connect Pkoperty surrounding this part.iculat district . It was decided to check o n two things . 1 . . Allow Extension 2 . Bcundat.ies Supetvisox Lee Repotted that the Village DRyden Mayon had contacted him in regard to a .letters written to the Town Baand Regarding the bridge an Spiting House Road . The .letters was not in the Town Hatt and Wen much checking it was Found it had been written to the County Baand ob Supetv .isat ' s who had _ neberned it to Howard Stevenson , . County Highway Superintendent . MA . Stevenson told Supv . Lee that the bridge was wide enough and that the eneek above the bridge did not appear to have that much back up water . The Town will .let the County and the Vittage 6ettte the pxobtem between themselves . Supervisor Lee Repotted that the (Vest Dtyden Community Association had Requested that ib there was any bill available they would tike to have some dumped in the . yard back o £ the Church so they could make a play ground box activities this year . Clerk Luss Repotted that the new . typewnitex had .. a.A.ived and been set up by the IBM xepne. entative . She also Requested that someone zee about having the gag pole moved out o £ the middte o £ the pine thee . Supetvisox Lee Reported he had Received anatheA petition bon reduced speed on Hanshaw Road . This will be Age/J./Led to the County Highway Superintendent : Supexvisok Lee repotted he had tatked . with Bud Thorpe , Chairman o £ the Recreation Committee and Mt . Thorpe is going to submit to the Town Ctekk on Friday his Report ob last yeat6 activities during the Summen Pkogram and the budget sot the coming yeah . RESOLUTION # 71 RECREATION Councilman Todd ob £ eted the £ allowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board ob DAyden submit the xecteation application box 1968 . 2nd Cauncitman Ogden Carried FISCAL REPORT Genetal Fund Checks $ 6 , 120 . 28 Deposits $ 13 , 485 . 90 Bat . $ 7 , 172 . 32 Highway Fund Checks 12 , 141 . 75 Deposits 8 , 564 . 28 Bat 47 , 295 . 49 Health Insurance Fund 335 . 49 Bat 2 , 221 . 90 Social Security Quarterly Repot Made - 0 - WateA D.istt.ict # 1 2 , 203 . 95 Sewer District # 2 133 . 14 Councilman Ogden asked the Bound i £ there was any money available in the budget to do any amount ob wank at the Town Garage , as he had a request £ nom Highway Supt . Can to come oven some day and discuss the passibitity o 6 putting up some sort o £ shed to protect the equipment that has to set 0 o utside . . Councilman Ogden was .in £ onmed by Superviso . Lee that money i6 not available this yeak in the budget £ o ' this sort o £ thing . RESOLUTION # 72 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden o £ bered the £ oltowing Resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 73 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Todd o £ £ exed the borrowing Resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Genarat Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - art voting YES COUNTY Supexvi4o . Lee Repoxted that they had the Last working session on the County Chattet and that they now etce heady to go oven the whole thing 1 ' again bon a final nead.ing and that it would be heady to go to the polls in November bon vote . Copies will be c.Ln. culated bebone that time . SALES TAX - Supersv .L4o4 Lee neponted that there would be a poss .Lb .LLLty ob shaking the County sales tax and it would be ' bnofzen up as hollows : The total will be 2 . 6 million dollars . 1 . 6 County 1 / 2 City 1 / 2 Towns - Pen Capita Basis Supenv .L4o4 Lee neponted that the County Planning Boand is now in the process ob h .txLng a D.inector and so ban they have 10 - 12 apptLcat.ions . Supenv .ison Lee neponted that the Chanters Committee has approved County Assessing ?Sanction which will be under the Department ob Budget and Finance . There will be b -Lve assessors bon the whole county and under this system they beet they can re - appraise the enttke County once every b .ive yea/LA . Th .L4 would then do away with Town Assessors . The problem ob G 'Levance Day was brought up and the Boand was £ nbonmed that one ob the Assessors and not necessan.ity the one that did the Town would set in on G'.ievance Day . 16 pnopen.ty owners have a grievance and arse not sat A ,5Led they can take their complaint to the Boand o6 Appeals . RESOLUTION # 74 ADJOURNMENT Councilman Todd obbered the bollow.ing resolution and asked .its adoj .ion . RESOLVED that this Town Boand Meeting be adjourned - 9 : 10 P . M . 2nd Councilman Ogden Cann.ied •