HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-11 148 July 11 , 1967 The regular monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Jones , Ogden and N ewhart , Attorney Amdur and Assessor Wells . Councilman Ogden presented to the Board the final bill from Mr . R . H . D enman for the house numbering completed for the Town of Dryden . The total bill was $ 1219 . 90 of which he had been paid $ 800 . 00 leaving a balance of $419 . 90 . The Board members discussed some of the discrepancy still existing and decided before making final payment they would like to discuss this with Mr . Denman and Planning Board Chairman Peter Curtiss . One problem in particular was on the Slaterville Road where a house was missed and this in turn threw off the numbering on the complete road . The date was set for July 18 , 1967 at 7 P . M . in the Town Hall . Attorney Amdur was instructed to go over the Contract between the Town and Mr . Denman to see if everything was in order before July 18th . WATER DISTRICT #1 Ali Supervisor Todd reported that O ' Brien and Gere were waiting for final approval of this district , but before it could be given Highway Superintendent Case would have to approve Freese Road , that so far it had not been up to specifications . The Engineers would like to meet with Mr . Case at 8 : 30 A . M . Wednesday July 12 , 1967 . SEWER DISTRICT #2 Supervisor Todd reported that he had received the final plans from T . G . Miller . He reported that he had the Bid documents and the bids could be advertised when final approval was received from the Health Department , and they would be receiving their copy the next day . Attorney Amdur checked the Contract and suggested the following . RESOLUTION #99 CHANGES IN CONTRACT - Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Attorney Amdur to contact T . G . Miller and have him change the Bid Bonds to Certified Checks , and also ask him to make sure that the out of County Bidders are aware of the 3 % County Sales Tax . 2nd Councilman Lee Carried RESOLUTION #100 APPROVE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board approve the Plans and Specifications for Sewer District #2 , and authorize Supervisor Todd to advertise for Bids as soon as the Health Department approves it . 2nd Councilman Newhart Carried DUMP Supervisor Todd reported that very little dumping had been done at the Town Dump since it had been closed and posted June 30 , 1967 . He further reported that he had contacted Mr . Collins and everthing was satisfactory there . Mr . Car Foote of Acme Pest Control feels that everything is under control at the Town Dump and he will contact Highway Superintendent Case and see if he will take in a dozer and level it off . Supervisor Todd further reported that the State Police and Sheriff Office were very coop - e rative in keeping the dump site pati' oi1edi L OADER Supervisor Todd reported that Highway Superintendent Case had requested the purchase of a used loader . He would like authorization to advertise f or bids to be opened at the August 8th Board Meeting . Supervisor Todd ✓ eported that this would be purchased out of current funds in the Highway Equipment Budget for this year . He further reported that the Highway Department would like to purchase a Cinder Spreader in the fall which would also come out of the current budget , and there would be no bonding . RESOLUTION #101 BID FOR LOADER Councilman Newhart offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Highway Superintendent Case be authorized to advertise for bids for one used Loader , and for the bids to be opened August 8 , 1967 at 7 P . M . 2nd Councilman Ogden Carried ZONING MEETING Councilman Ogden and Councilman Newhart reported on the 701 Zoning Meeting they had attended . They fei that Mr . Neiderkorn had presented it very w ell and that he had maps present whereby it was easy for anyone to r, 149 understand just what was being done . They further reported that these meetings were very :important that six or seven would be held in different areas of the Town so people in that area could be present and go over the zoning and voice their likes and dislikes . Mr . Neiderkorn has already met in the Ellis Hollow Area with those residents and some changes have already been made . Councilman Ogden who will be attending the 701 Meeting on July 12th was instructed to ask Mr . Neiderkorn for some dates for meetings . Supervisor Todd stated that he flet that one Town- wide Public Meeting then could be held , and then the Public Hearing . The new Dryden High School was suggested for the Public Hearing . FLOOR POLISHER Clerk Luss reported that a gear was gone in the floor polisher , and a new Electrolux , 3 brushes , 2 year guarantee could be purchased for $ 119 . 75 . The Board felt this was to much to pay for a polisher so Councilman Ogden was instructed to check on polishers and report on July 18th . S RESOLUTION #102 MINUTES - DUMP Councilman Newhart offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the June 13 , 1967 Minutes be amended to read , Clerk Luss was directed to contact Carl Foote and as him to continue exterminating for at least six months . 2nd Councilman Ogden Carried The June minutes were then approved as read . • RESOLUTION #103 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption „ RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Newhart Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #104 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Jones Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #105 ELECTION CUSTODIANS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Charles Downey and John Morey be appointed Election Custodians for 1967 - 68 . 2nd Councilman Lee Carried Clerk Luss reported that Charles Collins , Jr had been in and asked for a renewal on his Junk Yard License which expired June 30 , 1967 . He was in prior to July 1st and was told that it would be tankers to the July 11 , 1967 Board Meeting . He left the $ 25 . 00 fee with the Clerk . RESOLUTION #106 RENEW COLLINS JUNK YARD LICENSE Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board renew the Junk Yard License for Charles Collins , Jr . 2nd Councilman Newhart Carried . Supervisor Todd reported that he had a call from the Election Office asking if the Town Board would reconsider and buy the new ballot boxes , as the Town of Dryden boxes varied in size and the Election Office had a storage problem . Supervisor Todd informed them he would bring it before the , Board . The Board members did not feel they wanted to spend the money for new boxes at this time . Supervisor Todd requested that one of the Board Members who voted YES on the Sales Tax motion would reconsider and recind that motion . No action . Councilman Ogden asked Supervisor Todd if he had contacted County Highway Superintendent Stevenson on the section of Ringwood Road which joins Ellis Hollow Road . The Curve is very bad .:/ and many accidents have occurred at this particular spot . Supervisor Todd reported that he had contacted Mr . Stevenson , but he had not heard anything back as yet . Councilman Newhart reported that he had many complaints from residents on Route 330 ( the new road off Slaterville Road ) in regard to the heavy 5O traffic and excessive speeding . Supervisor Todd reported that the ' Town could not do anything but he would take it to the Sheriff Dept . and see if they would set up radar and patrol the road . Councilman Lee reported that he had some old business at this time . H e asked the Clerk of the letter had been written to the Fire Underwriters in regard to lower fire rates in Varna . Clerk Luss. informed him that it had been done . H ad anyone been appointed to the Planning Board to fill the vacancy - No . Had anything more been done with the Yellow Barn Road Water District - No . Councilman Lee suggested that a letter be written to Mrs . Elizabeth Crissey who resently resigned from the George Junior Republic Citizens Committee and commend her a fine job done . . RESOLUTION #107 LETTER MRS . CRISSEY Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that a letter be written to Mrs . Elizabeth Crissey expressing 0 our graditude for her time and effort spent in serving on the George Junior Republic Citizens Committee in working toward the objective :; of improving relations between our community and the George Junior Republic . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried Councilman Jones at this time reported that he felt this Committee wad doing an excellent job , and problems that previously existed were almost completely . eliminated . Councilman Ogden reported that hopefully Mr . Neiderkorn with the 701 Zoning could do something in the direction of . Junk Cars that could be enforced . Councilman Jones felt that as long as the State Law says they must be a health hazard he did not see where anything coulc be done about the situation . It was decided to wait and see what Mr . Neiderkorn could come up with . Councilman Lee asked Supervisor Todd if anything had been done yet at the County in maintaining Assessments and keeping them up - dated . Supervisor Todd reported that no action had been taken as yet . It was f elt by the Town Board that this should be done and a follow -up should be made . It would cost less to keep this up from year to year then to let it slide and have to go through the whole process of re - appraisa again in a few years . Clerk Luss was instructed to write a letter to Mr . Thomas Payne , County Assessor asking him as a citizen of the Town of Dryden what recommendation he is going to make at budget time to the County for the up - dating of the Cleminshaw Re - Appraisal . Assessor W ells stated that Mr . Payne had a follow - up maped out and suggested that we ask him for this 1964 detailed report . Attorney Amdur reported that she had the Deed from Keech and Hurlbutt f or Pinckney Road but she does not have the Abstract as yet and she would like to see that before anything is done . Clerk Luss was instructed to take the letters , one for Report of New Construction and one for Subdivision Ordinance to Helen Fuller Secretarial Service and have 200 copies of each printed . RESOLUTION #108 ASSESSOR SCHOOL Councilman Lee offerd the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Bob Wells be sent to Assessor School at Cornell University July 17th - 21st and all fees to be paid by the General Fund . 2nd Councilman Newhart Carried Assessor Wells asked the Town Board if he could hire Mrs . Wallenbeck to do some work at home for him . This would consist mostly of total - ing the tax roll . The Board felt this was alright . Supervisor Todd asked Assessor Wells if he had heard anything from the Trailer Park Owners . Wells reported that Don Portzline and Walt Schwann had been in and had not voiced any objections . He has not as yet heard from Bob Relyea . . RESOLUTION#109 ADJOURNED Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be adjourned until July 18 , 1967 at 7 P . M . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk July 18 , 1967 151 The adjourned Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 : 20 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Jones , Lee , Ogden & Newhart and Assessor Wells . Peter Curtiss , Chairman of the Planning Board and Mr . R . H . Denman were present to discuss the house numbering recently completed for the Town with the Board Members . Councilman Newhart brought up the many problems in the house numbering on the Slaterville Road . Mr . Curtiss indicated that the Town of Ithaca is cooperating to resolve the numbering problems in that area . Mr . Denman drew a detailed d escription on the black board to illistrate the difficulties he e ncountered . The problem of new houses and appropriate numbers w as discussed and who will be assigned the responsibility of estab - lishing the new numbers . Councilman Ogden raised the question as to how much Mr . Denman would charge to do this . Mr . Denman indicated a minimum charge of $ 5 . 00 for any numbering and a $ 1 . 00 charge per house . Mr . Curtiss stated at this time that Mr . Denman had satisfac - torily completed the house numbering contract for the Town . It is agreed ,that Mr . Denman will be available to resolve any errors as a ✓ esult of his professional house numbering service . RESOLUTION # 110 PAYMENT Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town pay the remaining $419 . 90 to Mr . Denman for house numbering . 2nd Supervisor Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #111 SUNSET WEST Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board accept Sunset West as a Town Road . Hwy Superintendent Case says it meets specifications . 2nd Councilman Newhart Roll call vote - all voting YES Supervisor Todd reported that Mr . Frank Liguori of the Tompkins County Health ! Department can approve or disapprove the plans for Dryden Sewer D istrict #2 . Supervisor Todd read the letter sent to the New York Board of Fire Underwriters and the answer received this date . They requested that a pressure test be made on August 8 , 1967 and would like to have the Varna Fire Chief present . Councilman Lee will pass the information o n. to Fire Chief Fred Griffin . Supervisor Todd read a letter from the Village of Cayuga Heights ✓ equesting an infiltration Study . Supervisor Todd will contact Lozier Engineers , Inc . Supervisor Todd reported that the Town received a bill from Lynch Excavating Corp for test borings for Dryden Sewer District #2 . This bill is to be paid out of the General Fund and charged back to Dryden Sewer District #2 when it is funded . RESOLUTION #112 WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY ASSOC . 1 Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the West Dryden Community Association submit a written description and diagram of their proposed floor plan changes for the West Dryden Town Building . That such proposals be reviewed by Councilman O gden as to the soundness of such proposals . No official action will be taken until Councilman Ogden reports back to the Town Board . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried Councilman Ogden reported that he had lookedat some floor polishers at Leonards and Century . Two brush hoover sells for $ 29 . 95 at either place . Before a decision is reached Councilman Ogden will price a two speed machine . RESOLUTION #113 AUGUST BOARD MEETING Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that , the August Board Meeting be held August 22 , 1967 at 7 P . M . 2nd Councilman Newhart Roll call vote - all voting YES I i 1 152 Councilman Newhart read a letter to the Town Board from Professor Frank Kosikowki in regard to the heavy traffic and noice and excessive speed on the newly built Route 330 running from Cook ' s Corners to Brooktondale Center . This letter attached to minutes . Supervisor Todd has talked with the Sheriff and Troopers in regard to this and they are aware of the problem . RESOLUTION #114 XEXOR MACHINE Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town change to a Xexor Machine , hot to exceed $ 37 . 50 per month . That Lutton ' s Office Equipment Co . , Inc . be informed of this decision and to terminate rental on the Apeco . 2nd Councilman Newhart Carried The Meeting was adjounred at 10 : 42 P . M . b AUGUST 8 , 1967 Supervisor Todd called the Special Meeting to order at 12 : P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Jones and Newhart and Highway Superinten - dent Case . One bid had been received for one - Used Loader . This bid was opened . RESOLUTION #115 LOADER Councilman. Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board accept the bid for one Used Loader at a price of $ 13 , 729 . 25 . 2nd Councilman Newhart . Rollccall vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #116 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Newhart offered the following resolution and asked its adoptio RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Jones Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #117 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Newhart Roll call vote - all voting YES Special Meeting adjourned - 12 : 45 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk