HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-13 119 December 13 , 1966 . PUBLIC HEARING - VARNA FIRE CONTRACT The Public Hearing was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 : 30 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen. Lee , Benson , Jones & Ogden , Attorney Amdur and Assessor Wells . Supervisor Todd read the Contract to the five or six persons present . The Contract was for four years at $ 5 , 500 per dated December 13 , 1966 . As there were no objections from the floor Supervisor Todd closed the Hearing at 7 : 0 P . M . BOARD MEETING The regular monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 : 40 P . M . Supervisor Todd asked the Town Board if they were w eady to vote on the Fire Contract . RESOLUTION #155 VARNA FIRE CONTRACT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board accept the five year contract for $5 , 500 w ith the Varna Fire Company . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . DRYDEN WATER DISTRICT #1 Supervisor Todd reported there would be no individual tapping charge , however , the District would pay $ 500 . 00 to tap the district main into the City main . The next step would then be hooking up . He suggested that a letter be distributed to the people within the district so it w ould be spelled out what was expected by the City . He further stated that only existing rpoperty had to pick up on the line and run it into their property . Councilman Lee stated that Cornell was going to build a new garage on Route 366 and Game Farm Road and they had requested water . Supervisor Todd reported we would negotiate this at a latter date . Supervisor Todd reported that the Anticipation Note purchased by the Town would not cover us until January , so he was going to the Bank for another $ 50 , 000 and the Bond Sale would be sometime in Jan . WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Mr . John Morey introduced Mr . Gil Dedrick as their speaker . Mr . Dedrick reported that they the residents in the West Dryden District w ere organizing the Greater West Dryden Rural Community Association and w ere at present filing with the State so they could be a legally constituted Cooperative and be chartered . They were principly a group of people from that Area who were interested in having recreation for the children , and that 75% of the people were presently active or would be so in the future . This group is interested in taking over the West Dryden Church for a meeting place . Mr . Dedrick further reported that the State had funds that can be drawn upon for just this type of project . The Delegation of people were here primarily to see if they could rent or lease the church , and if so they would like to do some remodeling downstairs such as new furnace , wiring and plumbing so it would meet w ith their needs . They would not do anything to the Church as it was a historical land mark . The Town of Dryden has insurance on. lthe Church . Mr . Bud Thorpe , Recreation Chairman stated at this time that he needed tow people from District 4 on his committee as the two assigned had only attended two meetings . The names of Mr . Bill Sherwood and Mr . John Morey were submitted . RESOLUTION #156 WEST DRYDEN CHURCH 'v Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the representatives from the West Dryden Community Association meet with Councilman Lee , Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee and reach and agreement , and Mr . Lee will then bring the specifications back to the Town Board for consideration . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . P 9, J �' Decent- ? 66 PU " f .. .dG - VARNA FIRE CONTRACT Hearing was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 : 30 1 . i ire Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Jones & Ogden . Absent Benson . St , :. ,, r . Todd read the Contract to the five or six persons present . The Contract was for four years at $ 5 , 500 per year dated December 13 , 1966 . As there were no objections from the floor Supervisor Todd closed the Hearing at 7 : 4. 0 P . M . • BOARD MEETING The regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Ogden & Jones , Attorney Amdur and • 'assessor Wells . Absent Councilman Benson . Supervisor Todd asked the ' an Board if they were ready to vote on the Fire Contract . RESOLUTION #155 VARNA FIRE CONTRACT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board accept the five year contract for $ 5 , 500 Gh the Varna Fire Company . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . DRYDEN WATER DISTRICT #1 Supervisor Todd reported there would be no individual tarr2 however , the District would pay $ 500 . 00 to tap the districu main into the City main . The next step would then be hooking up . He suggested that a letter be distributed to the people within the District so it would spell out what is expected by the City . He further stated that only existing property had to pick up on the line and run it into their property . Councilman Lee stated that Cornell was going to build a new garage on route 366 & Game Farm Road and they had requested water . Supervisor Todd reported that the Anticipation Note purchased by the Town would not cover us until January , so he was going to the Bank for another $ 50 , 000 and the Bond Sale would be sometime in January • 4 • 12. 0. RESOLUTION #157 RECREATION COMMITTEE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Mr . Bill Sherwood and Mr . John Morey be named to the Recreation Committee for District #4 . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . Supervisor . Todd reported that he had received a letter from Cayuga Lumber informing him that they had taken an option on a piece of land on the East side of Sapsucker Woods Road , located within the new water and sewer district , and that they proposed to do some building of several dwellings to be used either as rental units or sold to individ - u als through ownership of shares in a co - operative Corporation . The B oard discussed this in respect to the Village of Cayuga Heights not w anting any varience in the district , and to whether or not these buildings two family dwelling per lot ( 8 duplex ) would fall within the Agreement . They decided that it would , and Supervisor Todd was to check it out . DRYDEN SEWER DISTRICT #1 Supervisor Todd reported that this District was coming along fine . The Town has made one payment to the Contractor . Lozier Engineers were satisfied with the progress and they already had three hook - ups . DRYDEN SEWER DISTRICT #2 . Supervisor Todd reported that T . G . Miller had applications for State and Federal Aid . We were eligible for the Pure Water Monies to be u sed for mains and Treatment Plants . RESOLUTION #158 STATE FUNDS . Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd apply to the State for Aid for Sewer D istrict #2 2nd . Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #159 FEDERAL FUNDS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd apply to the Federal Government for Aid for Sewer District #2 , 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . Supervisor Todd further reported that Dryden Sewer District #2 would be ready for bids by late March 1967. RESOLUTION # 160 PAYING AGENT Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor of this Town be and he hereby is authorized and directed to negotiate , execute and deliver in behalf of this Town a contract with the Manufacturer ' s Hanover Trust Company of 40 Wall Street , New York , New York , to act as paying agent of this Town . 2nd Councilman Jones . -lCarried . RESOLUTION #161 SERIAL BONDS $ 173 , 000 Couniclman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden authorize the consolidation and sale into one issue of Serial Bonds aggregating $ 173 , 000 . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . • PURE WATER S upervisor Todd reported that he had received Application Forms , Rules , Regulations etc , from the State of New York , Department of Health in regard to the Pure Waters construction grants . He stated that we could set up small water shed projects which would eliminate the littering to some extent to Fall Creek and Virgil Creek . The Village of Dryden has a problem and it would be helpful if some of the land owners would divert some of the water across Lake Street before it hits the Village . The expense of this would be justified . Supervisor Todd will talk with Mr . Kelsey and find out who the Gentlemen is in Cortland in the Law a Enforcement Conservation Office . 121 RESOLUTION #162 BONDING - TOWN OFFICIALS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Clerk , Supv . Supt . etc be bonded as necessary for the year 1967 . 2nd Councilman Benson . Carried . RESOLUTION #163 CIVIL OFFICERS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that - Civil Officers for the year 1967 be Raymond Sickmon , Harold Fitts and Edward Newhart . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #164 AUDIT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . • RESOLVED that the Annual Audit be held December 20 , 1967 at 1 P . M . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #165 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #166 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #167 DECEMBER PAYROLL Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Monthly Payroll for December be paid December 16 , 1966 . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YRS . The mi nutes of the last meeting were approved as sent out . CERACCHE Supervisor Todd reported that Ceracche Television Corporation had not paid their i % to the Town of Dryden for the year 1966 as yet , and the due date was to be January 1 , 1967 or sooner . Councilman Lee suggested that we go ahead and have Mr . Nash put the doorway through from the Clerk ' s Office to the Assessor ' s Office . RESOLUTION #168 DOOR ' Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Building and Grounds be authorized to proceed with the new doorway . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . Clerk Luss reported that Dryden Plumbing Heating had given her an estimate of $ 17 . 00 for hooking up the new water cooler in the Town Hall . She was given authorization to have it hooked up . iCouncilman Lee reported that he had had a complaint on the Intersection of Route 330 and 70 not having an approach sign . It was suggested that the Town. Board write a letter to the Superintendent of Highways , Town of Ithaca and bring this matter to his attention . Supervisor Todd reported that Pete Curtiss had reported that Mr . Denman is in the process of preparing the cards with the new house numbers . CLEMINSHAW Some discussion followed in regard to whether or not Cleminshaw had done the job for the Town of Dryden that we had paid them to do . Assessor Wells reported that the Company had gathered a quality of valuable material and one of their problems had been in not finding anyone at home , and that the Contract with the County specified that they would make two trips which they had done . Another problem was the fact that the Cleminshaw Company were to gather the data , and the County was to process it , and the County did not have sufficient people to do this . It was pointed out at this time that this was not a Contract with the Town , but a Contract with the County and 122 there was not much the Town could do at this time . Councilman Lee suggested that something be done to show the Board ' s disenchantment w ith the job done . It was decided to table this matter until the n ext Board Meeting . Meeting adjourned until December 20 , 1966 at 1 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk December 20 , 1966 Supervisor Todd called the meeting to order at 1 P . M . Present w ere Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Ogden and Jones , Attorney Amdur Assessor Wells , and Highway Superintendent Case . Absent Clm . Benson . 411 The Board Members audited the books of the Supervisor , Justice Hoagland and Justice Spaulding . RESOLUTION#169 TRANSFERS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to make transfers within his accounts from the General Fund . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried . RESOLUTION #170 TOWN HISTORIAN Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town pay the Historian $ 100 . 00 2nd . Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #171 ANNUAL AUDIT Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board find the book in order . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . Being no further business this meeting was adjourned . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk I f I 1 } i