HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-12 Q ® July 12 , 1966 PUBLIC HEARING - DRYDEN SEWER DISTRICT #2 The Public Hearing was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 : 30 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee & Benson , Assessor Wells and Attorney Amdur . Supervisor Todd told the people present ( 5 ) that all interested parties would be allowed to speak if they so wished , and that the Petition for this district was signed and . approved . He further stated that the Town has ascertained whether or not it had been signed by 50% of the Real Property Owners before this approval . Mr . Thomas Miller of Ithaca who did the feasibility study for this district was present to answer questions . Supervisor Todd reported that Mr . Miller , Councilman Lee and himself had met with Mr . Burton of the University and that Mr . Todd had received an Agreement , which he felt was very fair . 110 Questions by the residents of Varna concerned type of pipe , which side of the road the pipe would be laid , capacity , hook up etc . There were no objections and the hearing was closed at 8 : 20 P . M . BOARD MEETING Councilman Jones & Ogden arrive at 8 : 20 P . M . _ . . WATER DISTRICT #1 Supervisor Todd reported that the Field Surveys and the Borings had been completed and that representatives from O ' Brien & Gere would be at a meeting at the Town Hall on July 19 , 1966 to discuss easements across properties of which he felt there would possibly;;' be five or six . He further reported that the City of Ithaca required anyone in their system to use a fire hydrant called a Darling , and to do this the Town Board would have to pass an ordinance tothis effect , and that he had checked and Darling hydrants were being used all over the . State . He said that the final designs would be completed sometime this month . The Town Board at this time felt ready to vote on Dryden Sewer District #2 . RESOLUTION #91 SEWER DISTRICT #2 Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board pass the attached resolution for Dryden Sewer District #2 . 2nd Councilman Jones . ROLL CALL VOTE e ALL VOTING YES . RESOLUTION #92 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that . the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Jones. ROLL CALL VOTE - ALL VOTING YES . The minutes of the last Board Meeting were corrected to read as follows : Page 95 - title last paragraph Varna Water District #1 . Minutes approved as corrected . RESOLUTION #93 TOWN HISTORIAN Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Miss Mabel Bartholomew be appointed Town Historian for the remainder of 1966 . i . 2nd Councilman Benson . Carried . Supervisor Todd reported to the Town Board that they would have to appoint a Dog Enumerator for the coming year , and that he had talked with Mr . Westfall and he was willing to take the job- on again for this year . RESOLUTION #94 DOG ENUMERATOR Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Walter Westfall be appointed Dog Enumerator for the coming year . 2nd Councilman - Ogden . Carried . , .. a y RESOLUTION WHEREAS , a petition for the creation of a sewer district to be known as the Dryden Sewer District #2 , in the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York , the said petition being dated June 21 , 1966 , was duly presented to this Town Board , together with the n ecessary map and plan attached thereto , and Whereas the said map and plan will be duly submitted to the State Department of Health for approval by it and filed in the office of the State Department o f Health and of the Town Clerk , and Whereas an order was duly adopted by the Town Board on June 28 , 1966 , reciting the filing o f said petition , the improvements proposed , - the boundaries of the proposed district , and the estimated expenses thereof and speci - fying July 12th , 1966 , at 7 : 30 o ' clock P . M . as the time and the Town Hall in said Town as the place where - the said Board would meet to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof , concerning the same , and Whereas such orde2 was duly posted , published and served as required by law , and Whereas a hearing in the matter was duly held by the Board on this 12th day of July , 1966 , commencing at 7 : 30 o ' clock P . M . , at the Town Hall in said Town , and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had , and all persons desiring to be heard , having been duly heard ; Now , upon the evidence given upon such hearing , and upon motion of and seconded by , it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED , that ( a ) the petition aforesaid is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law , it duly com - plies with the requirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the pro - posed district as herein approved and it is otherwise sufficient ; ( b ) all the property and property owners within the proposed dis - trict are benefited thereby ; ( c ) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district ; and ( d ) it is in the public interest to grant in whole f " '• • the relief sought ; and it is further RESOLVED AND DETERMINED , that the establishment of a sewer district as proposed in said petition be approved ; that the im - provement therein mentioned be constructed upon the required fund - being made available or provided for ; and that such district shal be designated and known as the Dryden Sewer District #2 of the Town of Dryden and shall be bounded and described as follows : i I AlAll� a t' o:� Erg ; r ct or r :;� iy .@ ,�C w o': Y � .,y ('� n 4 b' - 'j r ! lYri r,. �a a� .'1 Le �t F,.• :LL. :tiv. .a, :v K9 .;y i.•n L, .t�J �']++ rf' � '1C [!'Vbf dl iy dia � l.• RT, .� S .*'� ` ,,: kt `.` n3 , T6+- s.rjt:4-.. a OvIL: „ y ;, New Yoot'' •. .9 being; Plsso " iNed _G ?: 1. . " . .0$ • II ( 1 ) 'i'k gems lab nt a pc,.as' "'i 5,r•, t ' ie division Rio-.in:.f , : ti; e i i. : . , Town o�� g1y(�qp e� , ' East fE. [ a d > - � ' .. . : W � a�tf 1{. G�t;T�� b� v3F. J on i. : L� S%d� �r7 y ����.Lfr�f��l L'0. "Sr?A line la �tiid �:' OY„b��� .el 4G kY ' 1 � S , '. �:1 II division lino -(tweet i ' i 1 lands o r Cornell ell Univers d te ,: ! North ( Dryden Tax Maw J _ .- re L f 960 B1ook 5s Parcel - ) lands, of the i eo ile of the .:state of New York on the S t .. ( Dryden Tex Nap!, Section 57 , Block 10 Parcel ., tic a J • ) 0 , ( S ) hence runnirs Northerly along said I vi un i4 the Town of Ithaca on tho West and the Town of Dryden: zraJ r . a is .: - ' a distance of 2900 feats more or loan to tlt € ertsr or Fai u -r_ ( 3 ) Thence runnin Southeasterly , Easterly , and are, _liftett along the center of Fall Cask a distance of 4700 .reeta more or lens to the point or SLntex ntiQit of said center list of AG. s I Creek with the Nortrs.eriy boundary line of lands now or Thrmert,tc . owned by f:lvira Soswick ( Dryden Tex Map, Section 53 , wz ,ock 1 Parcel No . 3 ) . ( 4 ) Thence running generally Easterly , Southweate iyD and Southeasterly a total distance et 1250 feet , more or lotus, ieioAL:4 the division line between said Boswick (Dryden Thz Map , Stotion :, ,f Block 1 , Parcel No . 3 ) and lands of Cornell University ( Dryden Tax Map, Section 530 Block 1 , Parcel No . 9 ) to the point or nouns II section of said division line with the Northwesterly boundary line of New York State Highway Route 366 . ( 5 ) Thence running Northeasterly along the Vorthwrsttrly , boundary lint of said New York State Highway Route 366 e, da.stsvoe of 1100 foot , more or lens to the point of intsraeestLon of sold I; line atn Cho Norttmosteriyy boundary of Cho Sande of try Loni,gi I Valley Railroad . I ( 6 ) Thence Southwester1y alorg the various =mat kV441.41411434 J the Northwesterly ry line of 24 14 WIWI Wily Armin ei i t el dai.Wto r_ 4 a R' +� , s+.�t *Aar,- (�` ' a'�3 IOU t $4 o nt* 1 �j ��F �.}�: ✓f b � �tiT4�� •_I' 1�� 1✓•l���n11+1 aa' ; • 1; ,t 3 ■ s is . r 4 • , be • P • and it is further RESOLVED , that the proposed improvement , including cost of rights of way , construction costs , legal fees and all other ex - penses , shall be financed as follows : by the issuance of $ 200 , 000 . 00 serial bonds amortized over a thirty year period as authorized by Town Law and Local Finance Law , and it is further RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town shall within ten days after the adoption of this resolution file certified copies thereof in duplicate in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany , New York , together with an applicaticn by this Board in duplicate for permission to create such district as provided for by Town Law , Section 194 ; and that such applicati n shall be exeucted by and in behalf of the Town Board by the Supersivor of the Town . lot Mr . Dunlop of Lozier Engineers submitted plans and specifications for the Sapsucker Woods Sewer District known as . * ryden Sewer District #1 to Supervisor Todd . Mrs . Amdur submitted the necessary information to the Department of Audit & Control in Albany , New York . Supervisor Todd signed a copy of the certified plans and specifications and for - warded them on to the Tompkins County Health Department . Supervisor Todd reported that a meeting would be held with the George Junior Republic Citizens Committee on Friday July 22 , 1966 at 8 P . M . in the Town Hall , and that he planned to be present . RESOLUTION #95 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Benson offered. - the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED. that the HighwarBi.11s be. paid_. as audited . 2nd Councilman Ogden . ROLL CALL VOTE - ALL VOTING YES S . It was reported at- this time that a salary had not been set for the Election Inspectors or the Voting Machine Custodians . Supervisor Todd reported that the Inspectors had previously been paid at a rate of $ 1 . 25 hr . , however Inspectors in Ithaca were receiving $1 . 50 and he did not feel this was to much for the service they provided . RESOLUTION - #96 SALARY FOR INSPECTORS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the salary for Election Inspectors be increased to $ 1 . 50 for the service that they provide effective June ' 28 , 1966 . t 2nd Councilman Benson : Carried . . . It was noted at this time that only about one - quarter of these people had submitted their bills made out properly . RESOLUTION #97 PAYMENT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize payment when corrections have been made . 2nd Councilman Ogden: Carried . RESOLUTION #98 SALARY CUSTODIANS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the salary for the Voting Machine Custodians be set at $ 100 . 00 each . . 2nd Councilman Ogden : Carried . Supervisor Todd reported that since the County has been using paper ballot , the Town was having a problem as far as voting booths were concerned . He further reported that the Highway . Department had built booths for the Primary at the Town Hail , and at Houtz Hall in Etna , and that Varna and Bethel Grove still needed some built It was suggested that we have someone appointed Voting Booth Custodian and then the booths could be put up before each election , and taken down after each election and possibly be stored in the West Dryden Church-. It was suggested that Supervisor Todd look into the possibility of combining Voting Machine Custodian with Voting Booth Custodian . • Supervisor Todd reported that he had heard from Mr . . Ralph Denman who is doing the house numbering for the Town of Dryden , and Mr . Denman has requested a payment from the Town. He further pointed out that -he had Inot had verification for payment from the Planning . Board ; therefore it could not be made : Councilman Lee stated that the _ Fire Companies would like maps with - the new road name changes and the new numbers to . use in the Fire Halls : Councilman Benson stated that they could be provided with . a map with the new -road names and an alphabetical list of road and - house numbers . - RESOLUTION #99 APPOINT TOWN CLERK Councilman Benson offered the following resolution. and asked its adoption . WHEREAS the office of Town Clerk in this town is an elective office at this time , Now , therefore , pursuant to the authority conferred by the provisions of Section 20 , Subd . 6 , of the Town Law of the State of New York , be it RESOLVED that effective January 1 , 1968 , and thereafter the office of Town Clerk in this town shall be an appointive office . 2nd Councilman Lee . 02 Before a vote was taken , a period was open for discussion and it was decided this should be tabled for a month . RESOLUTION #100 TABLED MOTION - Clerk Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this motion be tabled for a month until the August Meeting . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . . RESOLUTION #101' APPOINT HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS the office of Highway Superintendent in this town is an elective office at this time , NOW , therefore , pursuant to the authority conferred by the provisions of Section 20 , Subd . 6 , of the Town Law of the State o f New York , be it RESOLVED that effective January 1 , 1968 and thereafter the office of H ighway Superintendent in this town shall be an appointive office . • 2nd Councilman Lee . RESOLUTION #102 TABLED—MOTION - SUPERINTENDENT Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this motion be tabled until the August Meeting . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . Mrs . Amdur reported that she had checked into the possibility of Civil Officers receiving a salary or receiving money for mileage while serving summons to delinquent dog owners . She stated that the State Comptroller rules that a Town of the First Class can pay a fee but cannot pay a salary , and the officers cannot collect for mileage , however the Town can appoint Policemen or Town Constables and pay them a small annual salary . S upervisor Todd reported that the Preliminary Budget must be ready no later than October 5 , 1966 . . . . S upervisor Todd reported that the Dryden Recreation Committee would hold its second meeting on July 18th andhthat their first meeting had been well attended . Councilman Lee reported that the Clerk -Mrs . Luss had requested a two o r three drawer legal - file for the Clerk ' s Office . —RESOLUTION#103 FILING CABINET . Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that a legal file be purchased for the Clerk ' s Office . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . Councilman Lee reported that he had received an estimate from Nash & Son for a doorway between the Clerk ' s Office and the Assessor ' s Office . Councilman Ogden felt the bid was high and would• like to talk with another Contractor . • RESOLUTION #104 TAX EXEMPTION Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Attorney draft a resolution concerning Tax Exemption for persons 65 or older for consideration by this Town Board . 2nd Councilman Benson . Carried . Councilman Lee reported that he had received some complaints in regard to the new lighting in the Hamlet of Varna . Several people felt the lights were not strong enough , and parts of the Hamlet were to dark due to this . It was suggested that Clm . Lee talk with Jim Lacey of the New York State Electric & Gas Corp in regard to replacing one of these lights . Assessor Wells reported that the County Assessing Office is • putti.ng out an alphabetical listing of all property owners in the Town with the new property values , and he suggested that we have 700 or 800 printed ( no cost ) and distribute them to each of the election districts to be picked up by any interested persons . Assessor Wells reported that an open book session for the Town would not be held until sometime after Labor Day , and prior to the session cards would be sent to each property owner . . a 1-' 03 • . , . ' RESOLUTION #105 BOARD 'MEETING ' Councilman Lee offered the following resolution :: and . , asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Regular Board Meeting . for , the month of August be held August 23 , 1966 . 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . The meeting was adjourned by Supervisor Todd at 10 : 30 F. M . Thomas Todd- - _Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk • • • • • • 4114 • • • • • , „ . r