HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-09El U �r*210.'7 It was decided that the entire hoard should meet this coming Monday night at 700 P.M. to air problems. All present agreed, BOARD 'Gordon 'Donal d *El 1 ar• d *Carl H eel Colleen D. Pierson To,em Clerk 'f OWN OF GROTON TOWN BOARD MONDAY, APRIL. 9q 19900 7:30 Polls R obi n5( -.)n, JIAPerVi r=.or VanDenscho't•en CUmmi!'1Cf SovL7cool ayr►eS (*preset• ►t) PUBLIC _PRESEtVT Colleen Pierson, L.el and CiDrneI i ueo, SLlpervl Sor John Fitzgerald, Town Town Highway Town Attorney Tf=RE rA ROBINSON , Tinown Sul:;erviS0r, opene:-d the Town I:loar'el meeting a 70:;1,► pnms Minutes of _the March ?.2,._1990 sgeci al _meeting.. T. ROBINSON didn't feel it was nece!s4zary for personal comments tin be :i. nc l Uded in the official record o'f 'the Board rni nLCt &S. I:;:e'ferri n to pztge 206 (last paragraph 5th line from bottom) "Town Clerk said...." and page. 205 ".,f:i.nanc:ial report- - clerl:: not given a copy..." -feels not necesi!a>ary it be incIuded. C. PIERSON replied she waiS not. given a copy of the f i nanj.fmi al report and still doesn't have a copy. She haS nothing to send to the State Conip'tr'ol 1 e r. and nothing to advertise in tl °,cp paper. She is suppose to do it 10 days: after i t i s approved by the Board quad she haS been Unable to do i't . T. ROBINSON stated there were cop]. (refear ri nJ 'to the mi 1.1L1t.e!3i again? I Ander•sscnn Ease the Super °vi "sor comma not indicated i n 'the minutes,. Ref blame and cannot do any more than minLrteS in this ma'teter." es i r► It n refer anted sh erri ng t lei at, i. he offi enc47' to e was a further t does ce for the cl erl:. ithe comments on the It the hearing and that alas to page-., 206 "I took the not need to be in the G. VAN BENSCHOTEN asked i'f that :i•teln had been takr -.:in care of ,.arid T. ROBINSON replied "part of it has, yes". G. VAN BENSCHOTEN clLCer i ed had the money been !sent in. T. are received ROBINSON ans >wel ^eel, "Yes, It ome more to be sent a letter back :i in n . the I know;, It takes mail that I sent. t. i me had in some._ o'f the reports, there to go back several years. I been cU't on three si deesn and It.aped. if I' m Albany had not sure i f received ail it. 1 the I'm papery checl-e.ing w ere with still in them on the envelope it." en^ even CARL HAYNES made the mc•tion theeA Town Board go into executive session, second by GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEN, ALL WERE IN FAVOR, MOTION CARRIED. At 7035 p.m. the Board went i n'to a xecut.ive :session and r °eturned to open ate Ling at 13015 p.m. P1J1~lLl,C HEAR I'NG_gamend:inea_l;ocal _Law_No.__I _for_tha�_eyear_19'hb_ as ._C�ment~ed_b'�_. L.oca►.l No. amended Law No. I for, -the _L.,!aw_ year _,1,5'8.7.s__wlse.i owned bX_certairi..- or older -3' -for _:t:he_year _1984_Case _by._Lqc4a1 c._t_l_ rcav�i r�ed.._f or_�? _Rar't_:ii at _ t;ax _E✓x &fnpIt i on._aefreal _prunerty._ mu persons=.; with_Iimited inr-ome si> tXse_ f iv_e_(65)_yeaarars_c►f.eea3e_ as fa l :l ows0 (set, L_ee'al Notice dated rellarl_h 2.3, 1_990). CARL HAYNES made the MOTION the Town E{o�.-Areed accept Local Law No. 1 as presented i. ri the Legal Notice elated March 23, 1990, Second by DONALD CUMMINGS; VOTE: ALL III FAVOR MOTION CARRIED PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR ARLAND L. HEFFL O :C would l i Lee to brie' q to then attention on of the Board 208 SOME INEQUITIES THAT i'IAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR SOME TIDE WKCH I consider should be addressed. There has been no secret about the wage increases elected officials, other than Board members, have received over the last several yeEir•s and j u >t. i of i ablay sca. However, the COLU� that sys m di,been te been left out of t: pr c�c:edLC! P. After t:al l::ing with thi Judge WF-AIpole and myself wea were asscired thGtt in this yeGar , bt.idget t•je would I -)e trFj�,ted c�quctl l y the same as any increase chi ven to the Town CI &r-k:, Highway Super i nt`•nden•t or SLAPervi, sar . 'rhat did not hr- tppen. I want to remind the E +c,rard t1-1at thEl c.:our•••t does bring added rE_venue into the Town. �iLir'i ng tt-►E� fiscal neUJ °_s tO some 17'f �T� c'i• Year of 1989 fl t�7 a�J ll� the c:ommU171i•ty. That can beLCveriTiedm•thirfougF r- e�"8r8EO�iRh Ia clk�a�nto happened every year". I don't. think; it is, fair that you expect the kind responsibility from the court: that you and the law dem:.ands without treat i the court: officials: in elqua:l manner a5 you do the other elected official I yam hero to ask you tonight. oto correct that. in(-:jcaLtity. A $1 r 114) a year increase is not suf f i c i en•t with the added responsibilities t.i` is the court has to accept,, You don't ask -the court to accept it but the 10 does and many oaf you area ignorant of this aof'f,ai r not because of :ignorance on your part but it is not your duty to know this. 'There is no reason for you to know the system as the court. works. However-4 you are welcome to ask any questions •that you have and I will ranswrmr them the best I cart. Thc- •j udge!5 were promised a 5 ' -' 5 1/2 per cent increase in thi 5 year's budget and they did not receive it. Because: ycst.a are receiving money thr•UUgh the effor•t.s of the court I would like to ask -the Board to consider maFi.rig that i nc•r••ease equal. to the other el eccted officials and making it retroactive to the begi n••ii ng oaf the year. The court, is providing money to pay foi that increase. We were promised that raj. se and we didn't get :it and I think the Board shcx.ld give :it clLte consideration. If YOU want an efficient court, if you want a COUr•t that is going to keep law yLti tS off your• batch and this type oaf: thing, the people responsible to the court have to study, hi'vYle to go to school, they have to takes the responsibility and hopefully Judge Walpole and myself have been able -to do thekt-. But :• dorCt think: it i.s fair -that year after year, elected officials receive an increase but the COUrt c,ff:ic:ials do not. I ask for the increase retr-oac•ti ve to the first o'f •the year . If you have any quet�t. i ons at this time I will try nand answer., them. I don't want to talce anymore Of your time. C. HAYNESO Did you get the required :increase lasiit. yearo, A. I've HEFFRON: been can We the have bench never- had in 3.975. an increase oaf mare 'than $100 a year since E. SOVOCOOL: YOU didn't get any increase this year atm. all*? A. HEFFRON:1 ID () , where •the re>t:, of •t_he ealec:t:ed Officials were given 5 to 5 1/2 percent Oro more. C. HAYNES: ] thought everybody got 1%. A. HEFFRON: The judge's salary 'for 117139 cis reported on my W -M form was 4, Cc 5. The _i Lu�c�P' sal. iry for- this ye t4, 40 ; which shows a net ga:i n of $100. Had we rec:ei.ved the 5 1 /'2% 1 am told other" elected officials did we :should be receiving $4152041 TI-teNre may be a difference between Judge Walpole and myself because I have been irl off:ice a l.ittl.e longer° but the same percentage of :increase should apply to both persons. I asFc the Board to consider this and make it rooetroac:tivice and :t a� >l; also that in the future the j Udgc-c•s' of f i ccn be given ttlt.• same, coraiai der<at:i ccn as everybody else. I know all public official a have added re=ponsibili.t:ie5 but the court dcae;• allso•• :ff thcerve} 7r-ce no ot:t -jer gt!e��stions I •thank you for ht�aring me. McLesan_BE aut i f i ca t. i can_ Committee. T. ROBINSON repor-ted that while at a meeting held in Beauti f i c::ati on Committee: requested the use o•f the ch j of ntl y by the Town and Village. She wOUl d like -to sanction them having the Use of the chipper on a wee ask for it. VAN BENSCHOTEN: for that area' T. ROBINSON: Yes" Mc:.l_.ean the McLean i pper which is owned know if the Board can trend or whenever they Did they want it in the McLean area so they can use it L. CORNELIUS: We have to •f Ut"'ni sh -the men. C. HAYNES: Is there a problem with let-Ling them u!_7e Jot? L. CORNEL overtime. 1f urnJ. shed u-.e i t be IUS: No � b We did it one mean an, raUse of 1i ;. , ut :ii' they do it: on Saturday You have t.o pay the men in then Vi l l cage , or 4 week. S i coo. The Village d the Town furnished one. You cckn't l.e:t just anybody =tbiIit.y, C. HAYNES: Whet kind of work do they have over there, do they wiant it for• a whole day, a half o•f a dEly'? L. CORNELIUS: I don't fcnow. ® T. ROBINSON: They ;asfced i f it would be poss-:: >i bl ce -to halve it th4:�re and i t . °rh y would get the stuff there and keep they ch i pss for mLal ch . C. HAYNES: Does that need Board ac. tion or c:an VOTE: YOU .just do its"' L. CORNELIUS: I wanted your f eel i ngs bef or-c•:� letting somebody do it" C. HAYNES: It's all part of the Town. GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEN be allowed -to use the Hamlet of Mclean using made the MOTION Town/Village chipper Town employees„ the ilc lean in a. second by Beauti centralised CARL f i cat.i HAYNES; location on C' omm:i.ttee i n the VOTE: ALL. IN ELLARD SOVOCOOL made bills as presentee, FAVOR then Board r;econd approve the motion; VO'ToE the General ALL IN MOTION 11 OT, ION G:ARF:I ED BID _OPENING _for _l.990 10smoWh e:l_ Dump- _T1 "'U .kr_'Snc,w_Plow" One bid received from Burr 'T'rucking for- a ].991 Autocar- Tandem Asele Dump 1"rc.cczk for $101,964 less trade of 1981 Autocar Tandem Axle Dump Truck of $41,964 leaving a net of $60,000 meeting specifications cis indicated by the Town. GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEM made the NOTION the Town Board accept the bid for a 1991 Autocar Tandem Axle Dump Truck submitted by Burr Trucking, second by CARL HAYNES; VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED Review _and _Approy"Alo_f bills" Hi hwa.y : Highway trill used for new, inspection •f; patching. or � _;, =�c�u for spr-i nc� L. C orna.l i us laws. were tougher, act. i on on veh i c 1 e advi. sced Board thp nothing could be braver on the vehicles. ELLARD SOVOCOOL made bills as presentee, the MOTION CARL HAYNES. then Board r;econd approve the motion; VO'ToE the General ALL IN MOTION and Highway F=AVOR CARRIED Capital Reserve Fund. ELLARD SOVOCOOL made the MOTION the L+oar-d approve: the Capital Reserve F=und as presented, second by GORDON VAN BENSCHOT.EN; VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED ® month) Re ort of Officialo: Reports Submitted by the Town Clerk and Town Ju5t.icc I- le•f-fron PUiil....T.0 HE_ARINL?_on_ the Town;s inter- A.._'L°o_ submit _an_ application to the U.50 Department�of _Housi nc�_a_lci_Ur ban Develop for _f�, ncli nc1_uricicar _its _ri seal Yearn _1980 ComMUI-1 ity_ Dev _elopment_C_-rantProgram� - CARL HAYNES made ,the MOIT'ION the Town c%�ard ac_cthor:ize the Town Supervisor to approve the application and submit an application •to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development form F=iscal Year 19 39 CoMmun:ity Development Block Grant Program provided for ex pans -, i. on caf: E1 ect'r i (-': Service Corporation sub j ec-t to financing apprc C)val and other- details r-equired, second by GORDON VAN . BENSCHOTEN; VOT E ALL 114 FAVOR MOTION CARRIED It 210 Ciary_Ulacsci -• C1.a?rbc -- cif :° t :he Wor k :�a Rel,,)ort nd_"I_�Zr��.±�g...FteL�oi't G. WOOD: What did you learn on ycxAr. road t.c;Ur? Did you tiisit Torok Rd . ? Board replied they dicl. G. WOOD' What did you 't•.hi nl;? Concerning the •f i r'st house can than right where the trailer is attached to the house. Looks would be improved if the junbc was removed •Fr-orn -the tables :in +rant. G. VAN BENSCHOTEN^ Thais is still only suppose to be a ta?rnporar•-y deal" G. WOOD ;, Yes. I was al 5o interested t.'.o know whet you thought of La:- >e's operation ol.) plc_iasc=�n't Valley Rcl.v t1slat vac: h'iave received several (complaints on. The other bius i. ne�s�s for' t 0iml i ght. i <s„ as you 4 :r�r_atra 1 got, my hand =lapped t3y the ZBA +or usurping their" authority and it won=t happen again. '1' thought we had a channel c :a•f; communi cat.;i. on and was c1l..:i t st_rrpri (,;?d with their letter. •js...P.,*•P•1etter from L.y :l.e Raymond of the ZE'A** #* Co HAYNES: What about this 1 O'tt_er from the McLean Fi r-e Department in re f erer'ice to their pump hrac.. +se? G. WOOD: 1 am not. aware of any letter. They put in <,. e: oncr'ete slab much 'to my frustration., •ra•• ** *G. Wood given letter- from McLean Fire Dept. to read**** This letter is a surprisae. I talbced wi'l•.h Mibce 1a�s't weele sand he' didr�'t. indicate at that time there was a pr~•oblern. 1 da_e:m that to be somewhat of a pr-obI em . I admit t}•:ey are a public s�er'vi.c_e :, however-, we do have a zoning law that says you can't: build in a flood plane and we. are suppose to enforce the law. When they brought the +111 in over thereq at that:. 'time Gr?c;r ge `f'otman watt working for me and i toad him "George, you gl. +ys Can't do that" and hiq.s response was "Oh, we ar'E? imprcn vinc� 'the propr*r °t y. " T said "I I:now ya3 +� are improV.I.ng t:he pr'c� pert y bu't :-then you do t.hiat. yt °31.1 crowd those f 1 oad waters over onto somebody else. You are taking away that. f 1 ood strip that was there. " That is exactly what that law is there for. Now they ar-e building a pump 5tcat:.ion on the frill they put. in. There is a high probability when the high waters coarse, t.l�:.at fill i s a i.'ther going occt thr i s going to settle and the structure they have bui.l'l• may end l.lp agaain�� ' bridge. I explained thLjt to Fr-eci Mallard, Chairman of thce Board of Firm 1 t old hi. nowng the !Situation, there were a c)_p l e of Camn i scne~s. ptii!,sibi1.1.tieS we t :e�uld waor•k with even if they wer-'e not cc)R.Ipl.etely within the zoning rc_c'lea>. sl::y In refanrence tc MCL.earl' s letter 4and remark about. the hr�ca } :, my f irs't conversation with Mike was that a possibility to keep ab©ve than level of the bottom of the bridge. He said that. was quite high and 51.1bsepuentl y I agreed with him. 1.1y ne, %t c_onvGr.sati on with M:i b.e was about putting brecak:awa.y panels in the bc_cildi.na so that when the +loud waters came dean they would breakaway and eciL.aalize the pressure and not damage the St r-uctl.u•..e.. This i. 5 one of the things that :is i n the generally accepted s'tandar'ds tl`" flood pl pane. T. ROBINS( where th f:2 G. WOOD: p1. ane. for bu1,1.ciJ.n9 �.n �e )N: The flood pl .*ine is all houiFiFes have several apartme I can't say .for sc.cr °e i • f.he way up the. r..reebt up by sthe bridge• nts in them„ i sr►' t it? f the buildings are in the floc)d T. ROBXNSON: I wondered how far" up i .t gr7a�s ba�a� a►_rse mast. of 11c :1 ears is i n the flood p l acne, isn't it" G. WOOD: lt. g ©es up %'ct11 Cr,(n to the north edge of than Town. lot is E narrow ;trap along t.he full length of Fall Creek rt'3 defined ern than f'loorl map. What might ac�'kctally tiappen in real life is a .'fi +fer-Exnt story but a S f.cr- as the f 1.aod :nap j.s concerned its a narrow band. T, ROBINSON: So you can build in Mr!.e:an'? G. WOOD: Oh, yep=.. T_ ROBINSON: Bttt YOU can't build in a flood pl anen 2:x.1 G. WOOD: That.' s correct as J. t i s clef i ned i n the ordi nonce and YOU can''t f i l l it tither, for the reai5c7ns I mentioned before. If you do you ar•e pUShing the flood off canto somebody else bec:ausse that water has to go somewhere„ problem and T. ROBINSON: I have received sevcjral phone cal 1 coq a5 I told YOU, that they had a problem and they wanted something done w:i•th regards to it. We attended :a meeting over there and Dutch and I saw the equipment Set Up. is G. WOOD: I saw the equipment. too, T. ROBINSON: At that time nothing was re5ol wed and they were waiting for an answer, G. WOOD: 1'm sorry, but I don't think the Dire Chief f was waiting for an answer„ The Fire Chief had my answer. What; they have done is said "the heck with you we are going to build it anyway and any where we please" and that's how it stands, T. ROBINSON: I think-: this :let ter i. ,s just a statement; not a regt..test to the Board. G. WOOD: The concrete that's =set there is more than a :;t:atementq it. is a f aC:t. Ur►•for••tUnatel y, he has pt_tt Us in a posi t.i on where I can no longer do what I had intended to do. G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: From 'the size of the purr.}:► and motor it looks. like they are putting in something bigger than a 10 :: l�. Did they indicate hone big building they wanted to put in? G. WOOD: Na they di drC t . What they gave me was a 1f ree hand itketc:h that sl°rowed a plan view that was angled with the property line and indicated the pUmp and engine in one end of that. That was the extent of any plans or drawings that I got from there. Again, that way_) ai ca�-:e where I was willing to violate both the State law and the Town 1. aw and acre ?pt tjhat they gave rile and work up r: >oniethi ng -that I felt would be safe and reasonable but the application that l: got was totally inadequate to start with. Co HAYNES: What, is the next. step':' G. WOOD: I don't. know. It`'s sad when somebody pats that in writing. I see no alternative at this pcd n't but to reject their building permit. D. CUMMINGS: When did you first become Aware of this whole development" Because as I Understand they paid $2S,000 for the. property next to -the -fire station. Were you aware raf that? G. WOOD: Yes 0 D. CUMMINGS: Before they bought it' ' ® G. WOOD: Yes. D. CUMMINGS: I. WOUld be damn road if of _rntr I started once a project and l aid out $25,000 on something and sl:)ent another $3,000 to 'fill it and then find out it was wrong,, I'd be made, I'd be damn mad. Be WOOD: Ask me the question Et little differently, lion. I knew that they were negotiating to bt -ty that property beCEILI ,e Georgc: Tot.man wcarked -for m C _ � . I had no :idea what their intention was to do e,ai tl•i i t . Obviously the Property right nc:,�>: t door to their :strati ors . that house warn riot a very va.1 uabl e house, probably best Used for the fire department. The f i l 1 I never ;.,,new raP3oU•t until it was done. I drove by one day and saw it and thought, it was desr•trp bu't they =still brought in more. That is when I brought it up to George. I was never- hold 010. 91va2n any indication they might aaant: 'to put a strUCtcu•'•e there. 212 D. ClJMMINGS: When they started out with the project they had Parking in imi nd, didn't G. WOOD: I don't knc,lte, did -they? D. CUMMINGS: That's what. T heard, They bought it with the idea -they would have a place to park: their ca.rs. That's what I'm wandering, when did you f i rzd cJUt about the pump station? Was that something that came along cafater or did they have that in rn:ind from day cane'? G. WOOD: That came alonq, a:s far as I (trigw, in the last two weeks. , At no time did GE�orge Totman ever mention to rrte they were buying this Property to put par king in there. He dial say -to me they were negotiating to buy :it, trying to raise the money to b)uy itf those snr•t_s of things and .l' suppose 01-iF2 could e >ct.rapola•te they would want to park there. Does that • necessarily rey►..ci re f i 1 1. ? I think not. That could have been graded. The house had been there and it had a dr °i'veway without fi11. That Was never ever mentioned t•ca me in aiiy way, sh,.peo-a ear fr.►rrf► anti 1 it was underway to the point. where I thc7ught it WCEAS naCE ?SSalry. Des the members of the Board heave any reCOMmer•edi-iltiunr as to what I Should do with that? G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: If think we step on their toes question there about are and a lot leeas willing of other bend C:aSe5 rules OLdt: there with the that was same probl work. efi -i where building di the T don't Perfi rne. T him and gat -the 1 1-1 ad tS c0nverc5 ations Were i StiiL.►ed wi. th 1. acf; of f roritage;, where they put. i n <.srnal l €er mobi I e homes, but i t' s s -till not right,, E. SOVOCOOL: I think their intent: i<..=.> good. T bF.li.eve they CIO need the water. G. WOOD: I don't think that there is a question YOU about that and that is why 1. leeas willing to bend the rules and YOU know. somewhat that was and work. With them. ni=-�ver- di the G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: Why C:C!LAIdn't they put in 50 to 10C') feet of suction hioese? G. WOOD: The problem Reading in with that is they ar•e the afrsclUnt of suction YOU could !handle is SL.{c:ti.on„ somewhat. Jut;it how 1im:i.ted. practical Until You that only VIOLA Id lift 3ED feleet b• I dur•i't and YOU know. atar••t. losing Whether that was consi. deread permi t and I don' •t. called know it Fred and was explained ni=-�ver- di the T don't s- Cussed With problem to rne. T him and gat -the 1 1-1 ad building t.aau c0nverc5 ations with Mike Totman. alternatives C. HAYNES: Reading in between the lines of the letter T think they ar•e just making us aware of -the si tc.►ati on. 1 didn't know much about At Until you got here. If you were can a pathway to trying to figure things out then that might be the right pathway to follow. T don't know what the alternatives are. G. WOOD: The alter °native_ are not good, Car °1. ort: GARY WOOD reported in r efere'-ince to tl­ie money for the Town Hall the bonding C=ompany has to pay the State be+(:)I ^e any moncn!y :i<! released for payment to the contractors. The Town c:.an't pay until, the stop order is released, Town Clerk-'s oaf f i c:e lights are Shorting Out and the lights • Under the canopy are notowor6.i.ngo, The electrician- are aware of this sand will be :11-1 •tci fix the pr•obl eni. I'he# roofing problem over •t-he nia:i. r•► entrance -- the town has -to . hand.l e •• 'I`he Carpet •. in the c: our•truom tl ►c: tc►aart has -to him- d1 e.. Apklointg1e7t_to_Town Pl anning...Board DONALD CUMMINGS made the MOTION the Town Board appoint SHELDON CLARK of Groton City Rda to the Town Pl ann:i ng Doard, second by ELLARD SOVOCOOL9 VO"T"E : ALL 1111 FAVOR MOTION CARRIED i El J bras; 1 i sc1i::Y_Ltcl,.irct_o:f BENSCHOTEN made the payment 61sse scnaWr'st;�l ke ew �- the retirement fund per4Bonne.l _ilcly for the Townshipf second by DONALD T. ROBINSON read the letter from the Count% Division of As �e s rn�ent.. Hearing datfesa for the Town of. Grfa•ton are April 17 - 5 1990 reside:►ts should call 274- -547 to mak:e art appointment. Assessment Review is srhedul ed for Tue szda,y,, May 8, 1990 at- the •Prawn Hal 1 from : 00 p. m. to S; 00 P.m. Teresa Robin�eSon will serve on the review board from 3 - Ste Gordon VanPenschoten will serve on the review board from a - 5030 p.m. and Ellard S(: ?vCDCoOl will serve on -the review board from 3&30 - S p , rn. PROCLAMATION F r-st 14%.1ationa].• Dank Orotonvu Letter r °eceived from the First Nat::io.nal. Brim: of Cr-otan inviting the Town representatives to the May 19 1990 9: ;r? a,,m. special opening celebrating 1,25 years of service. #tiu #Rssr.�.l.t_�ticlr► and proclamation,**** CARL HAYNES made the marfON (refer to bank's letter),, second by DONALD CUMMINGS; VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED Payment to Retirement Fund T. ROBINSON reported the Town recei ved noti f i c ati. on of payment CIcie on retirement of $22, ?2.'wP :it was e:<plained this was e xtr,:i money due for the new retirement level. So as not, to ar_c: :umc_a1 atF: late payfrien•l• interest vie paid -the bill. and request of the Board e,t this time a motion to r•eflc t Permission to pay retroactive. GORDON VAN BENSCHOTEN made the payment to the retirement fund per4Bonne.l MOTION the Board approve the additional of $2222, second by DONALD CUMMINGSa VOTE" ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED CARL HAYNES made the comment he tl'iought:. the I:tr.►ard approved a 5 1/2 per cent increase for all elected officials and felt the rni notes Of the budget meetings should be c:he(::k.ed for verification of this„ COLLEEN PIERSON advised the Lc)ard the bUdg(:a•t. i tsc�l •f di do t get changed to reflect that fact before it wa5 published and once the budget is published it requires a Local r_aw to acl j ust an elected off i c i al s, sal ar-y. ***THE BOARD was in agreement that if the :i ncrecmsca was approved for the: jUdge!3 they would be entitled -to the 5 % increase for 1999 and the 5 1/2 Y increase -for 19900 ►�� JACK FITZGERALD agreed to research the I:)rearedUre on how to adjLtst -the jt_tdcJeo5' sailaries; and report, brick 4FAt -the May meeting. COUNTY�Lracal Solid Waste Law_, T. ROBINSON read the I ettc�r recce:i vend from the Coun•ty•W*.A - #•* At 9,;55 p „m. CARL HAYNES made the MOTION the Board adjUL.crn into eX L.tt:iVe session to CUSC'I. SS personnel matters, second by DONALD CUMMINGSP VOTE” ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED 100-_J� 1:10116 CARL HAYNES made the MOTION that in the curr(san t bookkeeper posy •t 1 f.0)n active with create a part-time boobcj:ee ?per' position CUMM •1• NGS p event the Town cloes> not nave a the C:UL111'ty per4Bonne.l we hereby for the Townshipf second by DONALD VOTE&o ALL IN FAVOR 11061-1014 CARRIED CARL HAYNES a<_ked if the Town i-tdver-tis•es for the position ore does the County provide a l i s.t. of Previ L7u sl y approved people. COLLEEN PIERSON responded the 'Town can appoint their oven by decl ar-i ng it an e>cemp•l', status. 214 CARL HAYNES made the MOTION 'he 'Town advertise in the Ithaca Journal, Cortland Standard and the Shopper for a part -ti.me bookkeeper for the Town of Groton with rate of pay depin.nding on experience, applications can be picked up at the Town Hall at 101 Conger Blvd., second by DONALD CUMMINGS* VOTE: AL1, IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED "J ;.r Rf::d " CARL HAYNES: The Town Supervisor and Carl Kimberly will review the applications and present the top 3 applicants to the Board for interviews before the next Board meeting so the appointment can be made at the May meeting. That should relieve the supervisor of the heavy workload and hopefully by the June meeting the Board will have a financial reportin f the Town's fiscal standing. Nobody on the Board knows where the Town stands financially, where the funds are. I am not suggesting any mishandling of money it is just that we have no idea where the money i r how the Town stands financially. We have heard we did something wrong by taking highway money and using it to build this building. I don't know the implications of that. • T% RMINS 00 We shouldn't have spent it. We can put it back from the General Funds; 6; PAIM ; How much money is in the General Fund? T. ROBINSON: You can't put it all back from the General Fund. You don't have to put it back. Co HAYNES: Let's get the books straightened out and get regular financial reports. APPROVAL of _ the _ March _19_ and _Marc h_221_1290_mi nutoo" G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: I the Board I am a bit concerned have mix, feelings. about the I don't wordings know about the rest of but it is a matter of record. I don't know how to go about it at this time. of personal C. HAYNES: I have the same dilemma but I understand what Jack said before. Some of the dialogue reflected there is not necessarily appropriate for minutes but on the other hand it's true. T. ROBINSON: You were there and saw, it was for your information. C. HAYNES: I remember back 2 or 3N months ago in the budget discussions too and there were a bunch of things I said that got recorded. I don't think this is a break with past practice. E. SOVOCOOL: Co HAYNES: our tongues. It was all there. It was all said. Maybe we should chalk it up as a lesson and keep control of T. ROBINSON: I'm not worried about what I said,, I'm not. I just don't think it is necessary for this kind of conversation to be in the minutes of a public interest record. C. HAYNES: What kind of minutes do we want? Verbatim like the Planning Boards or more summary? In fairness we should decide this for the future, T. ROBINSON: I think most of the time Colleen does a good job of doin the minutes. I just think there are a lot of personal things in this o� that I don't think are necessary. In reading them, personal things came out. C. HAYNES: There were a .lot of-personal things going on at the Boar meeting, Teresa. C. PIERSON*. I would be more concerned on those minutes that you didn't adjourn the special meeting you called on March 22, 19900 G. VAN BENSCHOTEN: I would like the Board's permission to go and pick out the furniture with Bob and Arland for the courtroom. We have $50,000 right? And it doesn't have to be bid, right? Ell Ell Te ROBINSUNA0 Yes, it does. Why do YDLL think they should do it"? G. VAN BENSCHOTENE. I don't thin; they should do it bot they could tell up what they want. I know we need a bunch of fur,nitr,4re. I asnume we noed a fancy bench and wh,itever- else. If it goes out -for- bid it is going to tike another 2 to 3 mantle, T. ROBINSON: You can buy parts of i t y it depends on which company you're going to go with. Gm VAN RENSCHUT£N: I can take that project on. CARL HAYNES made the prresrented, second b MOTION ELLARD the PciArd approve the March 19, 1990 minutes as SOVOCDOU VOTE: f 'I"ClWN UJF GkOTCIN TOWN 20ARn PUBLIC HEARING, MI7NDAY5 APRIL 91 1990a, Eu45 P.M. PURPOSE tc inform ggbliq 04 the Town's intent to submit aR lication_to the UMSM DE!RgrttnKnt_vf�Housing and_ UrbanTDevelonm eni_for_funding_itsyFiscal_ - -- Year 1989 Cammunity.D evelopment_ Block _Brant _Prugram_ BOARD PUMIC_F'RES£NT *Teresa Robi r�cFtYr , 5UPE?rVisor Col l eEn Pierson,, the Maif-i .-h Town k Clerk *Gordon V4BnBenscho'tean L.el and Cornel i of , Town Highway *Dunal.d ci,linminq:} SUP Lrvisor, begin preparing an application *El .l acrd *Carr Him;V SSovocool yes John r2't2 geral Thomas Pu Sifnn, d, Town General Attorney Manager, ESC (*p1mement) one Annelle C. Mar' ing M i.Lnq, ESC and that will Rern4n rd Toma be the Char-1s R {;trs ;in Qary Wood q Code Enforcement 0++i cer Teresa Robinson, Town Super'vis)r, opened 'the public hearin�l apt Bt 45 p . and Urban m., f n�� �t.hfi opment gr4an't aE�p L icati nr) to (Legal Not ic� dated the Maif-i .-h U m So 239 DE2�)Rr"tfllent calf Housing 1 1i9 attached) . Em TONA: 1+ y0tj remember, zt an earlier Bright meeting the Board E�iuthorired Lss to begin preparing an application for CominurFity basil Development. fUlm)d5r Once o -F the requirements that the Town most 4ul4il,l prior 'tra the ap�,li�at.icr� iu holding ,zi public ha {ring.. At that put�tlic: hearinga which we are now in the Town must makre to 'the PLLbl;iC i,r3for'rrt�xtion about the aapp; icati�se. T will, do 'that" Bright row. The application basil =_ally will have one and that will be the ec:on inic development project. and it will be a loan Of fUnds fro�n the Town to Elcl�ctro Srir'vice Cor poratior-F� ESC , who wi l l l ocatu into the Town. Thrr�'k ], Dail i Kii budgeted for X6135„ 00Q, The only uther' funds wenuId bps n1dmanIstrc�tive funds Of $1 21, (00M The tDta,l grant pactt�qe WOUl d be $147 r 4DOO. The total project, govt o+ the ESE is $475, 0Cr0_ They �tzll tSI e:ttir�g tl�cs addilnion,al funds froris seveGral �nLii�zLz y Page - 1. including some of tisieir e + +ort. APRIL 9 � 19YCI WriEn the company moves into the commurnity it will bie-109 with them disc jobs. 'Ttley ar'e already located in the l -own calf L.anG.�irFg. They project in -the next thin -ue e�ars they will try? creating 19 additionRl jubsi frnr- their F.omp }inn. In add] to the-s jmb4L crezvt -ed by ES09 they h[L�t e a permit froM a company call +,id Innovative Dynamic which is now in the research pis:wk near- the airport. They are a company that will. he bNginnir+g cmanuLfacture of a product and wIL 11 initially rent 2,000 :�goare feet. fir-mm EEC in their new up building. autside Thvy testing ar'e projecting I'll an employment them or 30 people t,hai over the o next three 1 . years. 1 o no So the total job commitment wi;I.;i he 55 jobs_ The% property in question is Tooted ran now ovined by the Kr-iner'sr. The company has an accepted purchsu;e of f or on the prop+.tirt . They pri:)po�,e to d ividO thLa par'[apeT't,y 5nd bUi ld 0� 6,000 5qUAr_e fOO-t btJi l df ng and set up sere autside testing ranges,, I'll let them 4? }:� as n t,hai n mor o det,3 1 . There 1 o no nvol unttr3' c�isl�Iace�atierYt caused by this project, 'khoogh the Kr-iner5 will, be moving at sFome. JD01nt as iNE is their desire to TE�5II. his fair, as the benc3fit to Tow-to .... Moderate iricam& per -��ons which is the emPhasis 04 the grant appl,icaticin, since over 31 per cL*nt of the Jobs created will be available to lowwtomw mode5r ate li ncome pe0pl e, we can cl as m 10 per gent benefit. I W 01-Al,d like to now i+ I inay, introduce Thonnas 1 =1 _ Sims and AnrjE ?lle I°rierson, principais o� this compAny and they can gave yrou ntior infvrrr�ation ;Ahout their project arld about the b�ickground o4 the companym Page - 2 'I'C1WN OF 5ROTIDN 70WN BOARD APRIL 94 1990 T. SIMS: OL_tr company" s naMn 1 x El esctro Service Cormpoii--ati Dn New YcLr k . Currently we are loc Ykted ofif 341B in thE! old Ca%/Ugrl Servjre twilding above the salt mines. WP ft)Und in the lai5t Lfc�w it ;ins necef-Dsary that we expand our oper atianB and over ,a year ago use started on the road to -Findinc l aciditi.onal property in the local zrra. We currently hEv& thref.:1 acres and we do 4a lot of testing o1jUE de. WC;3 bas3 cal l y test neW prod LJCts if Or raid 1 o frP,gUPi1C- y Mli ssi ores_ These requi rement5 arcs pl{lced on products by the gov&ii-nment and international 10. IQ a�tiore *. The necessity to teat these pr oduct m j5 to i r7 rxr the ertFr -g'/ emi ttt:}d bar i11 pr0c uct s W I l not cause i rater- -Ferance with other {as_rvi Ce } q 1101 i r£' +, if i re* i! Rmurgency {"0fff3L,rnlC-citi0nSa eta_ The re,a5on wfe are seeleinq to move is t heLt bLaCZ1L.ta_.e Of the !size of i:)ur out rioor's 'f Etc i l ii ty i ^egt_ti res the three acreTi� is rein longer- e�ufficient to rue, te��ting. ire 1 ooV:i e- g at new types crf testing which wi ], 1 reW.si re a larger en,p� n �ar a . We ,also need ,�n ar'en which hi!�a a ;Low rlr rlsi,t_y Of r,idir3 sign ;a'ias. That i, why this ar+na vii 11 fit u,telk into injAr_ PIan5n We al o do teeting -For- Lrtility cuompani e5 on rani ste crf pawssr liners, we do testing for R individi-ral. L.ofrypani,es on inter +eriRrnce inKp-i,de their company and ire do some pradUC.t siiiAFety tes=t:[i 1g. That 3s bnisicaiiy are rxver°vi ow Oil: what we do. T. ROBIEVSONm. Are their any wastion5? C. RANKING, Is the tc_rm of the loan and percentage 7.qt yet? B. TOMA: Nov b4-5�siaptll q 19ains the X135, �� b=ran t1jait we wf3i_rld SLLPPP0Sedjy he obtaining LoDuld gar sonic tatmjardrs the Page - 3 TDWN OR UROTON TOWN BOARD PPR L L 91 1 990 acquisition c�f the property itself,, sofnp fcsr° one thing that Tam didn't eyplain is part of the deal includes the management,. theca p=,)Ople, are buying out the company from the parent company and 5Q part of this money would go ttxwnrde3 the InLLY oU't and scirne caf this money would ba available for warF,ing capital. The tw_rm,5 that wu di5culzs�ed primep r1i.ght new it woulcl be abOLLt 5 per cent., adjumted �;Lrtinually Over e Ifive—ooY ar peri,odo This is very consistent with most a+ the mother c;ontiMU1011ty sN =)velopmemnt programs that are ongoing at thie tire„ The term of the wound be for #,ova.} yezr4.5r so that would generate YOU fapprox'4mately $2400 a month in payfne rnt to the TOWF111 if approvPd, the sometime ter °ant would hLe approved in early July and it would Ise our assumption aev that thy: loan would probably be made prior test he ist cf September n YOU could expert r'epiL;iyment_i to begin sometime in tl, +1111 of this y 8r As f�tr- aev ems— hnurity, part of their f i n4AL1r i aj;I, package would i nc l Udo a loan +rom the First Nat i cxna<1 Stan 10 of aPpror; i matel y $200;, 000 and that wilul d be =nti ngertit upC)r7 tl�c-r� 34!lts Development Authority o4 IUe;uq York State, guarantee. Where: thEnyf mrf? with the hartk, they have made their- appl iealtion and hope 4L.L1 ly sometiine in the next weelo ar• e>o the bank Ecoard will be revieleSITIg it and hopefully ie a EOMMi,tmPnit. lettt_r COntingent upon the JDA. The band: will then apPlY to the JDA and that will come about = games #_i m� i n Ila _ As f ar a5 security on the loan the Town wot.t d take sec€sr7ci pasiti.oiMi on tjolr pr operty it,el f. I Page , 4 TOWN OF GROTON TOM4 BOARD ApRli. 93 1990 wou'Ld taGr +: a !�,gfncmnd position ter, any equipment that is purchased and the Personal quar=%!Lntc5es of the Cor'perato L f i cerBe C. HAYNES: When ran it be expected that they will atart bkkiG lOi rig? S. TOMA: l think they are working on a little bit of a 'Might 5�hedS .rle. 1 thinle they woLLid lik=e to be able to begin ae neon as the Town knows that there funds aim& approved 8nd they could do that even though we r_awldn:'t loan them the money that quick but i#, they wanted to ggmt �'tarted they could with their own #L.rnds or borrow additional fL,nds from the bank C. HAYNES: That would he in September? $. TQMA: 'des, ber-LUSe Y think their° lei:3se is up September 1. The timing WOUl d be better if thi !} waz a little bit but I think it is worleabl a even i f it tUrris out the money I. sn' t cOnrirIg in until tae.' endn Once the money is iz;pprovad they could hor-r•ow inn that. C. HAYNES: The money that ronic_n ba cmk tin the Town hmi5 tm be sut L.Lp in a a�+ ar to fund and becomes 'Lille a re�vnl vi ng l cr�Fr)? B. TUMA: It I�as to be a�rccmgntf.ed for Beparatel y. k�Jhi'1 +� �llk' �r s�-1 i � under way and, in this raaze -the project will be under + -rally basi cally for the time that the ioI 3fmi i5 made tc� them unti l they h,z;ve) completed their expan5ionr bullding the building acrd buying all the equipment that they will be 6L.1 .1 while it i s act i VO YQU dnl_l" t gL%t, atnd this could he thca case where they stcart reHaying befolry they completed evf:r-ything, those �arld�a you could Only use Lfor this pr'o,jeL:t. In other wards Page � 5 i TOWN OF GROTON TOWN BOARD APRIL 9, 1990 if there was some kind of cost over run that is going to put the project in jeopardy additional money could go back to them. Once the project is completed and the grant is closed out, which would Probably be a couple of months after the Project is completed;, the Town then can use the money -For any community development eligible activity. One being some kind of a revolving loan fund providing loans to other b U s i nesses But you could do 'things such as certain street and road improvements, !3r�me dr ,7 nacre, etc. Basically, you Could not use it -to supplement normal Town operating budgets. That"s pretty much the only thing you couldn't use it for. HUD will encourage you to use it for the same thing that generated it. But that is not an absolute requirement. If you are awarded fund_i and the project is closed out, we could provide you with a list of eligible activities that you could follow. Another thing, YOU are not obligated to spend any of it. there is no pressure to Spend it under any time frame. T. ROBINSON". That could go for smaller businesses. Be TOMA: Sure. Co HAYNES: Tom, whet about the testing you are going -to be doing"' You indicated you are going to need a larger area. Is there anything about the testing that would be apparent to people living in the area? T. SIMS: The radio antenna Would be up for a period of time. C. HAYNES: noes it create noise? Page _ 6 TOWN QF GROTON TOWN BOARD Al- '� 1t. 9m 19170 T. SIMS: Igo. Dut the antenna MOVVS UP and down on a pole 1[mype e�Lrr�!xngvma)nt . C. HAYNES: So it i�, ,z; clean !sort of busimesn a� fatr a5 the environment g[325 7 7 T. SIFTS: Pight7 we are putting nothing :into the environment_ UJE± would be back off thc} road and you woitidri7t =gee arch a# whalt are doingu C. HAYNES: How Gig of a building are you planning on pvtting up7 T. SIMS: 6,000 square +e t. Co. HAYNES: And that will include about 2,000 scjuc�re feet for the rather company? T. SIMS_ Yell C. HAYNES: Are there any ;,orii ng problems wa th 'this., GarY7 G. WOOD: 'They will have to gQ bef core the Planning Pmidr d for a Site F11 an Devi etgw It ccn+(nr m5 with the land Use a tnd Devel opmpnt Code . T. R08INSON: There iE anothcer thing,, it is on a State highway no you have do something with the County, don't you? GR b, COD: Bernie probably knows the answer to that better than 1 Rio, +- ar�rcrnir�, the r�tificati��n f�f moar�,icip�,litiFrys the county m B. TUMA: Yes, there is somethingm G. WOOD: Eiut 'this in not a Zoning change 5o 1 think i it i5 not. T. ROBINSON: You have to report it to the clourity for review, ci;:)n't you? G. WOOD: Z d r�'t #�#iir� +t becl8umkse it ins e�c�t �, :t�niio)g FhJ@nge it ias }nly a Site Fla -,rr Rpgview E;cj i dcpn't 'think it rt_quire� notif:icatic)nr though F coL;ld be wrong. Page � 7 Is TOWN OF GROTON TOWN SGARD APRl;t. application 93 1990 will n. OLEI"!I''INGS: Would th;i.aq have any affect on the neighbors local of April. r6Ldio and televisinn rE�-Ic�eptnlon^ A. FRIERSON: Nop we Ju5st mec"Isuil-e: what is already anti the air,. there a,n�i no eml scion C. HAYNES: What i5 the ravt step, Bernie? Ow TOMA: What I need, on your part tcn:Lghl�, is a resolution to suboit the appli,ation. The application will be filed by the 23rd of April. There i Es still 50me p i rces out there aF* for R'7 ab j01 utEs -f i nai i zing their- pur cfia!,:,te� agreement on the busiriess, though it appears to be well On xt;3 wally aLrin i 'there is �15n the bank financing. But r�5 it �t�E�s1� Gric�r;t now it would be worth the Town 'the nppl i cation. What I'll do ii= prepare the application and have it si €fined by the Supervisor. That F�r��bab;l,y wi�n't ha peen �tnt x 1 rig ;t T. SIMS: I would like to provide yrju with written inf+armation about the corrp6riy. i t,r°,i,e�nd ts� keep it reasonable from a terhnical paint of view. Da TOMA: One final. thing, if everything il.5 a�mppr -ovadr at 5c.pme point in the stammer- you would still came bark to the Poard to got than final approval on 'thy inverall loan package a:o- acme of the things iTdght oharsgi3�?_ T. ROBINSON: if thE�r8� are no further cornments {Sr'- gLIS�tiOrJs or �Qfflment.Ej I'll close the public Dearing, 15 MARGARET A. PALMER, DES CERTIFY, that z�t the) pLLIDlio ioiear-ing held i,n and for t#ie 'rown c}f Uruton ;, County of TompPlns7 StLAta of New York on the propo5pd 4appjjra1ticn to the IBS D&pt. of HUD held at 101 Corkgfar Falvd. 4 Town of Groton, Monday., April 9, 1990 at 81.45 p.m. .1ti did tale the mif'iLl$'eS oJ: 5eid hearing and the 9for-egoing is a tare ,end Pka3f:,t cj3py of laid hear•ing,, ttD the best c-F my abilitym P,acie - S r TOW14 OF Gk;C 707 'TOWN SOAPI) PUBLIC HEART Nra M%lNDAY, APRfL 9 1990up 8 1�j P m M PURL IC_HEARING, amend ng.!_acai TLaw_ IUc?._1.._. for _the_ygar_1966_a5�amended_by_r_ Local Law No. 3_f r the�gear_1.984 ,► _afner,ded_b r�Lo at�La _No. 1_fcsr-� the _ gear ,1981_e�ktih.��riv_iE „far_a. �rtii�ax_xrnpitr��{_ real _�rortr_ Owned�L,y.gTntgin.2ersons with limited _income�sixty4 five (65) _ years _of_aige of 01 der: -- - BOARD *Teresa Rot i nr” cpn, Supervi scc " *UQrdon VanBenzchoten *I)On4 k 111 CLImmi rigs *E.11rard Sovoccsrwl *Cnr-1 Haynes (*Present) PUBLIC PRESENT Colleen Pierson, Leland Cornelius, Sup er v i 5or John P i tz rAe:ral ei, Tocvjn Clerk Town Highway Town Attorney T. ROBINSON"m is thEre �nyFbodyr wht&) would li.ite to be he4.rd7 Tf not, W& wi 11 c1 oi: cv the hearing. I, MARGARET A. PALMER, DL CERTIFY, that at the public hearing held :in and f :csr- thie Town of 5ratonf County o+ 7ompkin5, State Q.f New York on the prcxpoaed Local. Law No 1 -Far the yei�itr I. V9 0 held pit 101 C+�nv-ar 81ud., Town of Groton Monday, April 9;, 1910 at Br J5 p.rn,, I did tal;e the ml nutse}a of said hearing and the farogoi ng i5 a trLL& alnd exact copy cif aid hearir3g, to the Lest n-� ray abi.lityf. Pace - AN k/L 9• t A. F a t an9�-- - --.__ Teresa Robinson, Town SuPOa r- risor, opened the pLLbi i l� hearing -for the propc m :!e E Local Law No. 1 for th6�% year 1990 - lnerease Senior- Citizens Income i_irtsxt t icjiris #ter Fr(:)perty TA gL (Lngal Notice dated MzRrch 23, 1990 attach��d) . T. ROBINSON"m is thEre �nyFbodyr wht&) would li.ite to be he4.rd7 Tf not, W& wi 11 c1 oi: cv the hearing. I, MARGARET A. PALMER, DL CERTIFY, that at the public hearing held :in and f :csr- thie Town of 5ratonf County o+ 7ompkin5, State Q.f New York on the prcxpoaed Local. Law No 1 -Far the yei�itr I. V9 0 held pit 101 C+�nv-ar 81ud., Town of Groton Monday, April 9;, 1910 at Br J5 p.rn,, I did tal;e the ml nutse}a of said hearing and the farogoi ng i5 a trLL& alnd exact copy cif aid hearir3g, to the Lest n-� ray abi.lityf. Pace - AN k/L 9• t A. F a t an9�-- - --.__