HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-02 125 Republicans Democrats No5 . No5 Gladys Stewart Helen Little Millard Hoagland Verna Myers NO 6 No fi Ethel Marquis Florence Melberg Mario _ in Walden Helen Cross I/ she next monthly meeting will be held Thur. sd day July 2nd , 1953 at 7 : 30 r . w . On motion the meeting was adjourned ; Justice Spaulding Mildred Schutt Justice Faker Town Clerk Justice Whitford Charles . G . Downey Justice Shaw Supervisor JULY 1953 The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of . Dry en was held in the Town Office Build - ing On July 2 , 1953 ' at 7 : 30 p . m . The meeting was open for a public hearingon the purchase of Tractor and Mowerx as advertised . The minutes of the prevthous meeting was read for information . Moved by Justice Baker and seconded by Jus - tice Spaulding that "general bills amounting to 4166 . 91 with the youth project billsm of6 . 12 totaling 4173 . 03 be paid as audited . A Rollcall vote was taken . All board members • voting " YES " .11 . Moved by Justice Whitford and seconded by Justice Baker that all Highway bills amounting to 41425 . 36 be paid as audited . A Roll call vote was taken . All board mem- bers voting " YES " • Moved by Justice Shaw and Seconded by Jus - tice Whitford that $ 200 . 00 be transferred from the con - tin > enttf'und to heat lightand repairs to take careof the decoration cost of the Office Building. ., siotion Carrie d . Moved by Justice Baker and seconded by Justice Spaulding that the Town Clerk write to the Ferry Bus company that t he Town Board accept the petiti •onto run the Terry bus service thru the town ship . A roll calld vote was taken Justice Shaw - - abstained Justice Spaulding Yes . Justice Baker - - Yes - - - Justic e Whitford - - Yes - - Sup . Downey Yes At 8 : 30 as no one appeared at the public 126 • hearinu, , the sealed bids for the tractor and mower were opened . Moved by Justice Baker and Seconded by Jus - ice Spaulding tbatthe 1953 NAA Ford tractor wtth11XQ6 Rubber tires filled withxxxtaixx calcium be purchased , from the B& L Motors of Trumansbura• . 4' ThmxtrxEterxlimaiiixxigxxxlmaNtErlxidnwerxxithxxxftxx xfiiiNgxkxrx The tractor hasorear: 4whee & rweights 1 lights and heavy =; dutyt5footside Mounted Mower . The New %3NAA Ford Tractor with above Equip ment 1E82155 . 00 Allowance on L940 ' Allis Chalmers " B " with Mower 470 , 00 • The balance is 41E85 . 00 • A rollcall vote was taken . All board members Voting " YES " • Moved by Justice Whitford and seconded by Jus - tice 4=aker that the resolution onimproving the roads of the state be accepted . A rollcall vote was taken . All board members Voting: " Yes " The Varha Community was represented by Mr . Archie Cornelius and Mr . Carl James who discussed the establishing of a fire district in Varna . • The . Minutes of the meeting were read and Approved . The next regular meeting will be held onday August 3 , 1953 at 7 : 30 p . m . Onem.Qtton the meeting adjourned . Justice Spaulding Justice Baker " ildred Schutt Justice Whitford Town Clerk justice Shaw Charles G . Downey SuperviEor • • • • B . & L . MOTORS PARTS ACCESSORIES • • SERVICE • • FORD CARS AND TRUCKS TRUMANSBURG, N. Y. p T E L E P H O N E 1 2 9 WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH TO THE TOWN OF DR DEN t One New 1952 - 8N Ford Tractor with 10x28 Rubber Tires , filled with Calcium . Rear Wheel Weights , Lights , and heavy duty 6 ' Side attached. Hydrolic Iviowing machine . New 52 - 8TN Ford Tractor with the above Equipment 0. 995 . 00 Allowance on 1940 Allis Chalmers " B " with Mower - 630 . 00 Cash Difference 44365 . 00 4196A‘4!: ( 4%4) B . C.0- L . MOTORS • PARTS • • ACCESSORIES • • SERVICE • • FORD CARS AND TRUCKS TRUMANSBURG, N . Y. T E L E P H O N E 1 2 9 WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH TO THE TOWN OF MINDEN One New 19£ 2a8N Ford Tractor with 10x28 Rubber Tires , filled with Calcium .. Rear Wheel Weights ,- Lights , and Heavy Duty 6 ' Side attached hydroli c MowinC Machine * New 52-8/1 Ford Tractor with the above E uLp: exit 0..99b .• O0 Allowance on 1940 Allis Chalmers " B" with Vk,wer- 630600 Ca Cash Difference rib = " \"PAZ 4-- • • • F f 14 Y ) i 1 b. rig' t Y ' GENOA FARM SUPPLIES, INC. . P . O . Box 54 Telephone FEJ;RGUS` , N ° SYST_E�M Homer , New York Homer 421 J June 26 , 19F3 Mr . Stacey Beach , Superintendent Dryden Town Garage Dryden , Yew York S i .r ::e submit the following bid for a tractor and mower : TO - 30 Ferguson Tr -D.ctor ; with standard equipment , plus calcium in all four wheels * 1 , 750 , 00 Ferguson Heavy - Duty Side -Mounted Mower 384 . 09 4. 2 , 134 . 00 less tax 14 . 12 2 , 119 . 86 less 5% 105 . 99 ` 2 , 013 . 89 Trad.o - in allowance on Allis - Chalmers Tractor and Mower 200 . 00 1/ 4' 1 , 813 . 89 Very truly yours , F . Do ;lass Sweetland Vice -President B . & L . MOTORS PARTS • • ACCESSORIES • • SERVICE • • FORD CARS AND TRUCKS TRUMANSBURG, N. Y. T E L E P H O N E 1 2 9 WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH DISH TO THE TOWN OP DRYDEN One New 1953 - NAA Ford Tractorwith 11x28 Rubber Tires filled with Calcium . s Rear 'Wheel Weights - Lights and heavy Duty ,‘ Side Mounted Mower . New 53 - NAA Ford Tractor with above Equipment , 4215 .5 . 00 Allowance on 1940 Allis Chalmers , ! B " with Mower 470 . 00 ka6B5 . 00 tyy the (/);74&-_,) • B .6 L . .M O TO RS . PARTS • • ACCESSORIES • • SERVICE • • FORD CARS AND TRUCKS TRUMANSBURG, N. Y. TELEPHONE 129 WE PROPOSE TO $'UI: NC 5l . TO Ti E TOWN ' U1Y LRYEEN - - "One New 1953.414 , • Ford. Trac torwi th 11x28 Rubber z `:fires. filled With Calcium , Rear Whe 3 . Weights Lights and Heavy Diu, ty Side . _ . _ counted Iower "ew. 53a NAA Ford Tractor with above Equipment , $2155 , 00 Allowance on 1940 Allis Chalmers 13 " with Mower 470 : 00 • 1685 ."00 0414e1