HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-05 113 NOVEMBER 5 , 1952 The regular meeting of the town Board of the Town of Dryden was heldon November 5th , 1952 at7 : 30 P . m . in the Town " ffice =wilding . Present wereSupervisor Charles G . Downey , Hwy Supt Stacy Beach , '' ustices Spaulding , . Whitford ; Baker and Shaw . Supervisor Downey presided . The minutes of the previous meeting . were read for information . Moved by Justice Spaulding and sec - onded by `Justice Shaw that the general btllsx amount - ing, to 41256 . 69which included the election bills plus - the youth projectbtllsamoun ting tof160 . 04 , totaling 01446 . 63 be paid as Audited . Carried by a roll call vote . All Justices toting YES, v Moved ed ` by Justice Whitford and seconded by Justice -baker that all Highway billsa amounting to ( 1049 . 93 be paid as -audited . Carried by a roll call vote . All Justices votincg YES . - Moved by Justice Whitford. and Seconded by Justice Shaw that . the Town of Dryden purchase the road roller that theDryden Supply Co . madex a sealed bid of 48100 . Carried . by a roll. call vote All Justices Voting YES , • • Moved by `Justice Whitford and seconded byJustice Spaulding that Clyde Stevens be appointed as dog enumerator and constable for the Town of Dryden . His reinbursment will be as Specified by law . • He will be paid by the state25 cents per dog . He will receive the regular fees for serving ; the summons to all delinquent dog owners . The duties of the enumerator is to enum - erat e the dogs and follow upall cases - of delinquency and prosecute the same . . Motion carried . Moved by Justice Whitfford and seconded by Justice Spaulding that the supervisor be instructed tb distribute the income from the Mc Arthur fund to thexnnyExll several schools - districts qualified for the same as asprovided for in the Mc Arthur will . . - Justice Spaulding offered thefollowingres - olution and asked its adoption Resoived , that the Sown board of theTown of Drydendoes hereby sponserFOUR ( 4 ) Youth Recreational Projects as approved by the State of New York YOuth Commission as requested - by the Bethel Grove Community Home ; Inc . ; Etna Community , Varna Community A ; soc . and •III the Ellis Hollow Community . Motion Carried . Novea ' )yc 'Jus lbe-, -• °Bala' /and setorideuiej oustice *. dp .,uldingthat� 49 13 betra.nsf'erred to the insurance fund . -motion carried. • Mocked . by Justice Whitfordand Seconded by Justice Shaw , that Justice Baser be authorized to hire some one to finish the work on the false front of she West Dryden Church . Motion married . Mb . Ralph Dellow was present for the hear- ing on the Preliminary Judget . Justice Spaulding offered. the Following resolution and asked its adoption . . ih l! eas , this Town Board has metat the time and placespecified in the • notice of apublic hear- ing, on the preliminary Budgetand heard all_ persons desiring to be hennflhereon : now ; there fore , be it RESOLVED , THAT THIS Toan Board hnnEt x 114 does here byadopt such Preliminary Dudet as originnal - ly compiled , asth.e Annual Budget of this 'town for the fiscal yearbegin.ning on the 1st day of anuary 1953 , and that suchbudget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutesx of the prodeedings of this '` own Board . . and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town s shall prepare and certify , in duplicte , copies of said AnnualByudszet as adopted by this Town Board , together with estimates , if any , adoptedpursuant to Sec . 202 - a , _sub . 2 , _ of the Town - Law and deliver one ctpy there of to the Supervisor of this town Board to be presented. by him to the Board of Supervisors of the younty c Seconded by Justice Shaw . . carried by a " roll call vote . All Justice voting YES . xfxxmmiixxx thmxmmxiimgxxxxxA4xmxxxlx The minutes of this meeting were read admx and approved . On motion the meeting was Adjourned . . ' harles G Downey , supervisor Mildred Schutt , • Town flerk Justices Harry Spaulding Dewey Whitford Alvord raker Francis Shaw Y- % o 4 r OF PUT • • UNTY FADAVIT QF TOMPKINS BLICA ION ss : ' ATE OF NEW YORK , K. !FLETCHER, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the publisher, printer, and proprietor of the RURAL NEWS, a public newspaper, printed and published in the Village and Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., that he is over 21 years of age, that he resides in the Town of Dryden, County and State aforesaid, and that the • t annexed summons and notice subjoined thereto has 'been published in said newspaper once a week for 2 • • NOTICE • successive weeks and on the following days Oc tober j OF HEARING OF I'RELIMIN- ARY BUDGET • 17 th , 24th , 1952 being 2 publications; NOTICE is hereby given that the Preliminary Bridget of the Town=of " the first being the 1 '/ th day of ' October Dryden for the fiscal year begin- ping on the 1st day of January 1953 l• and on each Wednesday thereafter to and including has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at Dryden October 24th , 1952 where it Is available for inspection. j by_ any interested persons at alP rea - 1 - G sonable hours. •E itor and ublisher ' FURTHER NOTICE is hereby ';' given that the Town Board of the P Subsc'ed and sworn to b e 'me Town of Dryden will meet ' and re- ii / view said Preliminary Budget and ‘ v • this day of i/ 195 it v hold a Public hearing thereon at the Town Clerk 's Office, Dryden, N. Y. 1 r ' ; beween the hours of 7 :30 p.m . and ( r NOTARY PUBLIC 01 8 :30 p.m . on the 5th of November I . ; 1952 and that at such hearing any DORLA J. PARKER persons may be heard in favor or a- Notary (' S1ic State of New Melt gainst any items . ,or items therein. £ JJ-wioyJ•_) contanied . 1 Qaal. in Tomp:-ins Co. Pursuant to Sec. 113 of the Toevn, Comm. Expires March 30, 19.......---1 Law the proposed Salaries of the' {' following officers are here by speci- Pied as follows : 1 Supervisor . $ 1 ,500.00 1 Justice of Peace J ,800.00 t l justice of Peace ; 900,0. 0' 2 Justices of Peace each 300.00 Town Clerk 1 2,000.00' Supt. of HighWays 4,200:00 ri\ For Highway Purposes 48,679 .00 I By order of the Town Board of he Town of Dryden Ul • - •••••• MILDRED • SCHUTT Taw_ n Clerk Oct. 17; 24, 195 ,: . . , ,—.,4- . . .. .. • , • • • • • • • FADAVIT OF PUBLICATION OUNTY OF TOMPKINS ss : ATE OF NEW YORK . K. !FLETCHERR, being duly sworn, deposes and says c at he is the publisher, printer, and proprietor of the RURAL NEWS, a public newspaper, printed and published in the Village and Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., that he is over 21 years of age, that he resides in the Town of Dryden, County and State aforesaid, and. that the annexed summons and notice subjoined thereto has been published in said newspaper once a week for 2 successive weeks and on the • following days October 15 , 22 , 1 % 2.g 2 publications, the first being the 15th day of October ' and on each Wednesday thereafter to and including OCTOBER 22nd , 1952 .. Parcel N . 90 Grover, Fred & Editor and Publisher by Six Mile ' wife ; 1 acre, b'd N, y Subscriibed a d sworn to re me Creek ; E, by Creek; S. by Joh22 68 by Highway. this 4949 ,j day of 195 5 Parcel No. 91 Hoy; , Lee & Alma ; ;' t hwa E, by MILL/ I L acres, b'd Daynt g y ' Schik- Lesnick• S b Dann W, by 115 . 18 NOTARY PUBLIC ,� . el. • • Parcel No. ;- 92 Hulslander, Her- bert ; 55 acres, b'd N, by Crossgrove; • E, by Smith;, S, .;by Newlon; • W, by DORLA L PA.0 Crossgrove. • 71 . 11 iw.xiry ruuuc, Mate of f f :N Parcel No 93 Hoy, Lee & wife; 55-3016 '0 ) 176 acres, b'd N, by Crowe; E, by Qual. in Tomp,:i ; Co. ' Dann ; S . by Hoy ; W, by Highway. Comm . Expire; l✓larc.i 3p,. i ? �-' 207 .04 Parcel No. 94 Hoy, Lee & wife ; 92 acres, b'd N, by Highway; E, by ;Crowe;., St by Lands owned by the l United'aStates Government; W, by 1 n nn lL,indnw _ ,. _ _ r . - • • 115 The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden _was held at the - Town Office Building December 3rd ,. 1952 . at 7 : 30 p . m . Prs. r� were Supervisor Downey , HiRhw ay Super- intendent- zu,d. c intendent Stacy Beach , Justices Spaulding , Whitford and Baker . Supervisor . Downey presided . Moved by Justice Baker and seconded by Just - ice Spaulding . that the general Bills amounting, to 4172 .. 66 , plus the youth project. bills amounting to 4273 . 38 , - toataling 4446 . 04 be paid as audited . Carried by a rollcall tote . All Justices voting yes . . Moved . by Justice Baker and seconded by Just - 1 ice Whitford that all highway bills amounting 4575 . 40 be paid as audited . Carried by a roll call vote . All Justices Voting Yes . Moved by Justice Spaulding and seconded by Justice baker that the TebephnaeYo.uth Project and Hall rent . bills _ paid as they come in . Carried by a roll call vote . All justices voting; yes . • krs . Clark ..reporte --d on her work as his - torian . She presented a Tompkins county Atlas of 1865 , & olo papers to the Town . These will be placed in the vault . She is working - on a scrap bookwhich includes pictures of the old landmarks of the Town ship . Moved by Justice Baker p Adx and seconded by Justice . Spaulding that the Dryden tiatioonal Bank be designatedto take care of the Township ' s funds . Motion carrited . Moved By Justice Baker and seconded b :Justice Whitford that thEDecember 27th be designated as the Annual Audit Day for the Town . Meeting to open at • 9 : a . m . Carried by motion . • Moved by Justice Baker and seconded by Justice Spaulding that all bills and checks be issued by December 16th . - notion " arried . Moved by - ' ustice Spaulding and Seconded by Justice Whitford that Ira . W . Reed , Ithaca , N . Y . R ` 2 Edward g Welser , Etna , N . Y . : Freeman Carpenter , Freeville N . Y . ; and S'ru*c ` Stevens , Freeville , n . Y . Ril2 be appointed as CONSTABLES for the Town of Drydenfor the year 1953 -. . Motion Carried . • • roved by _ Justice Whitford and se - andedbP Justice Spaulding that Mrs . Clark be paid 4 50 . 00 for her services by the 16th of December . Roll call • of . Justiees All justices voting Yes . Moved by {justice Whitford and seconded by Just - tice maker that the board will have a meeting with the assessors . .Dec 10th at 8 o ' elock . Motion carried Coved by Justice ''wker and seconded by Justice Spauldingthat the following Budgettx items Heat , ktickr Lights & Telephone41 . 32 , Elections 4$42 . $ 6 . Insurance 29 . 13 be transferred from unestimated revenues . "oved By Justice Spaulding and seconded by Justice Whitfordthat Theft Insurance be carried for a periodof • 3 monthsA on the town clerk acting as . collecor of taxes for the town . Motion carried • 116 . • The next rxxgxn±r regular meeting willbe held on the January 2nd , 1953 . ThM minutes of the meeting read and approved . cn motion the meeting was adjourned . 1°- ildred Schutt Town `' lerk Charles ' owney Supervisor Justices - Harry Spaulding Alvord Baker Dewey Whitford . The Annual Audit for the Town was held in the sown Office Jiuildong from 10 : 00 A . . M . until 4x 4 : 00 P . m . wDenember 27 , 1952 . - f the Auditing committee recessed until Tues . Dec . 30 at . 7 : 00 P . M . when the audited was completed H A Theaudit of the Supervisors . bookscwere completed on the 27th of December . The committe recessed to audit the Town clerks books December 30 , 195 2 . Special meeting of the Town Board was }loaned to order at 4 ; 10 p . m . D?cenber 27 , 1952 by Supervise> r Downey . the approval of Mrs Louie Fortner to act as dd9 i@ y town el @rk as "rs Gertrude Armstrong had resigned . _.. . . Mrs Clark requested another scrap book for her . work as histotaan . Motitn made that this book be purchased by Mrs Clark . DiTbrisdlithowabou titbesadoantages of four or five man board . It was decided to talk wit % h the towns people and take up this matter at the next . meeting , There was a discussion of the lenaht h of the meeting . " o decision ws made . Discussion of wire recorder for the Town board meeting . No action taken . �,� A