HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-13 865 1 • TOWN OF DANDY TOWN BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting 8 : 00 F . M . August 13 , 1990 PRESENT : Deputy Supervisor : E.c k: s t. r- r:) rn Counr.- .i.. lpersot"ts : Marisa , Olt:: z , Schwartz ABSENT : S uper- visor- Dietrich ( Excused ) O THERS PRESENT : County Representative -- Frank Presto Town Clerk -- Carol Sc epansk .i. Highway Superintendent --. Fete Codcii. rirlt on Members __, of _ the Public "- 81. 11 Den ter , Edw . M . Roberts , Joel Gagnon , Pat Woodworth , Roy C: ast .. line , Bill Rappel. , Lamar Herrin , Elisabeth Owens Roe P LEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : D eputy Supervisor Eck: st. rom led all present in the f ' l. ecic .. of Allegiance to the American flag . l Corrections to the Town Board Minutes of July 9 , 1990 • • Page # 4 Thi .ird Paragraph under discussion -° insert C:; r..runc .i l person U1. t-. .:. stated . . . . Approval of July 9 , 1990 Town Board Minutes A motion was made by Deputy Supervisor Eckstr- om and sea C:; ot_tnc .i. l person Ol. is to approve the July 9 , 1990 seconded by as corrected . Town Board Minutes A roll call vote on the rncst .i. or► resulted as follows : Marisa Aye O 1. t ^ Aye S chwartz Aye E::: c:: k: strom Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of the August 8 , 1990 Town Board Minutes A motion was made by Cut..tnc .1. 1. persc:sr't Coc.tnc- .i. lper` sori Marisa to Schwartz and seconded by approve the August 8 , 1990 Town Board Minutes as published . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : Marisa Aye O lt Aye S chwartz Aye E ckstrom Abstained Carried PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Senior .Citizen Housing Counc .i. .lperson Schwartz reported that on August C3 Board met with William Frandsen in regard to a 1. pose the for citizen housing g proposed senior t l project for the Town of Denby . The information presented at the meeting has been sent_ to Attorney Nelson Roth for his review . Counc. ilper- son Marisa explained t- Fat. William Frandsen and Son is a re - development corporation and the Town has requested a management plan be submitted to the Town for review . of ' EJ :. .'. :. Town F:: oa:?. rd Mr. c t ) i ) '..1 August 13 . 19 (90 Community Council C; ounc .i. lpr-.. r- sor) Marisa reported that Community Council has been looking at the issue of a c. ommun .i. ty center . The Town has a grant t:. ha. t is designated for the evaluation of the Old Town Barns as a. potential site for a community center , Cc-) unc .i. lperrson Marisa requested the application proposral and budget for t. hii. s gran) t tie added to tonight ' s agerid <-a . • No Board member objected . Town Clerk Clerk ' s Of f i ceHours Town C.:: 1er° I.•. Carol. Sr: epan) ski. reported that the Town Clerk ' s regular office hours are 10 : 00 A . M . -- 5 : 00 P . M . Tuesday .-° Friday and 9 : 00 A . M . --• 1 : 00 P . M . on Saturday . Notary Public Service N otary Public service will be available at thie Town Clerk ' s O ffice soon . The Town Clerk and Deputy Town C ; l. erk, can now provide this service . Tompkins County ._ Representative County Representative Prato reported on the following i. t. ems t. h) at appear on the Tompkins County Board of Representatives Agenda : i ) Budget sessions for Tompkins ( ; :Jc.tr ) t:. y are in progress . 2 ) Recycling - Municipality Drop - off Centers Resolution for Tompkins County to reimburse municipalities for persor•) nel costs to operate c_ir- op off centers . ' ) Establishment of the 1991 Solid Waste Disposal fee „ . p nS 4 ) Nuclear w �at�G�-r stored at Seneca Fanny Depot . ( The County is concerned Cabout the nuclear warheads t:. i-) <-at:, may be stored there . ) b ) Tompkins County share of the Community College budget is approximately $ 1 , 600 , 000 r) 00 <iand is an increase of 4400 , 000 . 6 ) It is proposed that the Towns of I:) <:anby and Caroline will share one seat- on the Tompkins County Advisory Board . 7 ) Award of the Tom - Tram I:) r-anby .-.. Lansing Bus Cier° vi. r- e Contract . Bids will be opened at 5 : 00 P . M . August 14 , 1990 . g ) There will be three ( :". ) Public Hearings prior to the Board Meeting : • 1 ) The Tompkins County (:; ode and Charter Revision , ) The Collection of Town and County Taxes in Installments ' ) Proposed Capital and Operating F:+ r.. dget:. for Tompkins - Cortland Community College ' 9 ) Authorization for F::' eer- Review Resolution ..... to hire 1 r1I:) F:� a '7F, anel of individuals to review the enrl :r. ner r s work proposed landfill site ) . 10 ) Airport Development', Committee ..... To give the Ter.. r.. est:. r- i. r°a1. F.::: nvi. ronment. al. Specialists permission to explore the area north of Brown Road for , the proposed airport t. errn .i. nt:?. 1. building . COMMUNICATIONS : Old Town Road A Certified rt. i. f i. ed Let. t. er to the Danby Town Board d from Marge Hovanf.•c requesting a verification of the legitimate sec:_ t: .i. on • of Old Town Road . This request will be referred to our Code Enforcement `) 1•• c.rwn Board Meeting August 13 , 1990 Officer . Zoning.,,. . Board O f.......Appeals A letter to they Danby Town Board from m t. hh► e Zoning Board of Appeals requesting Elizabeth Owens Etna be appointed for another term on Board of Appeals . Planning Board A recommendation from the Planning Board to recommend the appointment of Joel Gagnon to t. • Tompkins County Planning Board to replace the seat vacate : by Frank i') <-ar° r.. c..rw . A letter to the Dan by Town Board from Paul V .i. c ct_rso expressing int: e:rrest in serving on the Town r.:af Denby Planning Board . A recommendation from e Planning� Board requesting the ° rcirtmnt offatl risca otc the Planning Board . Resignation of Frank Darrow A letter of resignation to the Town of Danby Planning Board from Frank Darrow . Frank: will be on sal: rl::aat°. .t. c,~ from Ithaca College far the 1990 91. academic year . Taxes in Installments C; c::► rnmuni. c: at. i. ons:, to Denby 'Town Hoard from i<r thy West. , 1 ) i. r_ ertor c:rf Tompkins County Budget and Finance naIIce .in regard to 1 own and County Taxes in installments -... Proposed Local Law # 8 . D iscussion followed in regard to the tax installment plan . COMMITTEE REPORTS : H ighway Report H ighway Superintendent Pete Codd .i. ngt. on reported on the fol. l. owi. nq ,1 B rown Road Laminated Bridge - is nearing completion and is expected to be open to traffic by Augt_r <_ t:. 1. 75 1990 ; CH"I"PS - funding for 1990 hias been used Road Maintenance - - Seasonal ditching and repairing of roads , is on - - going ; New Highway Barns -° Work on the new highway barns is progressing with the electric and telephone will he installed soon ; COMMUNITY COUNCIL : Cc::at_rr ► ci. l. pe± rson Marisa reported that Community C:; c:ar.ar► c: il is going ahead with the plans for the use of a grant for the consideration of the use of the old tc:awrt barns . Part of the grant will he used for a subcontract with the Human Services Coalition for data collection and analysis work . The Tompkins County Planning Department is willing to help with staff time to estimate feasibility information for comparison with data submitted by t. I"in Human Services Coalition . Senior Citizens Report Edw . Roberts reported the Senior Citizen trip to Auburn was enjoyed by all who attended . The Senior Citizens are planning an overnight trip to the Aci .1ronci c . s in the f <a. l l . Code Enforcement Officer ' s Report July 1990 Deputy Supervisor Ec::: k: str•• c.m reported therm wer° r;:., permits issued for one ( 1 ) new home , one ( 1. ) dor..tblew .ic:ie7 ( .in park ) , two ( 2 ) renovations , two ( ` ) additions , two ( ) r 2 c:. storage_ c.JY <:ag ... sheds/barns , two ( , ) garages, , one ( 1 ) porch , one ( 1 ) ingrc: -tnd pool and pool house ,, one ( 1 ) seasonal cabin and two ( 2 ) renewal 1. = nxts . Total foes far building permits collected was k1 , f .. '- „ a : with a t. ol: al construction value of $ 670 , 770 . 00 . One Occupancy was issued . ( 1 ) Certificate of 4 Town I'{ c::r r:?. r ra Meeting Al.iguC:. t. 13 , 1990 D og, , Warden Report The taul. y 1990 Doc Warden Report was postponed . Planning Board Report tic:oe l Gagnon reported t. h► at. the Planning Board is now waiting . for information t. o be returned so that designation r f Lead A cer - y can be established for t:: h► e Raptor Heights Proposal . D iscussion followed . Fire District Report II Dill Gent:. c' r.. reported d t:. htat. the Fire District will hold ,a. referendum .1 h u r s::s cat :a y , August .1. 6 , 1990 from 6 : 00 t o 9 : 00 P . M . at the t:) a n h.7 y Fire S t:. , .a i. co r ► sy . The Fire D :i. ss t:. r- i c:: 1 i5 asking f co r. . $ 48 , 640 for a brush truck to replace the 1960 pickup truck . O LD BUSINESS : Town Hall Repair Estimates Edw. Roberts reported the following information in regard to repairs for the Town of h:) ar► I:oy Town Hall Town Hall Front Doors H e has received estimates for the repair of the Town hl <ti. l front d oors . The estimates for repairing the front doors area 400 and Town Hall Sign E d . Roberts i. s making a new Town Hall Sign Board . Town Hall Roof Repair and Painting. Q uotes have been received d fcor the Town Hall roof . The quote from Sunnyhrcocok Builders is. sf; 3 , 000 for a 20 year roof , $ 3 , 500.. r ► c.r fcor° a 25 year roof and $ 4. , 000 for a 30 year roof . Mr . Roberts also reported that he has received quotes from h-ic:ovanec: Builders and from Perfect Painters for the painting of the Town } gall and the back stairs . D iscussion followed in regard to repairs t:. h► rat rni..cs , t he done to the Town Hall this year for preservation of the building . N EW BUSINESS : Resolution # 61 of 1990 Capital Improvement Fund for the Construction of a New Town H ighway Barn B y C ounci. l. Foe' rscon Oltz : Seconded by Deputy Supervisor Fck. sst. r° r:om WHEREAS , the Town has created a Capi. t:. <•:al. Imprrovemer•► t-. Fund for the construction uct. .i. on rof a new Town highway barn ( the " project " ) , and W HEREAS , the Town incurred certain expenses .i. r•► connection with the project for which invoices were presented and t. h7at required payment , and WHEREAS , the Town previously adopted a r° ms:, c:o1. r_rt. .i. cor► authorizing the transfer of funds from account No . A .1. 990 . 4 ( t:. hie Town ' s General Fund ) to ar- r_ r:st .tnt A230 ( the Town Highway D a r n Capital impirc:► vernent Fund ) to create <a contingency •1' tir•ici for the payment of expenses in connection with the project prior to the receipt of fi_inds to the Town Highway Barn Capital Improvement Fund , and W HEREAS , pursuant to Resolution No . 51 of 19"30 and Section 165 . 10 of the Local Finance Law , the Town ' s r. hi .i. ef fiscal cal office r advanced the sum of $ 4 , 000 . 00 from the General Fund of the Town to the Town Highway Darn Capital Improvement F ' r..ccid , and WHEREAS , revenues hiave now been received and deposited .i.. r•i the Town Highway Barn Capital Impr . cave' cneer► t:. Fund so hhat.. t.: hie $ 4 , 000 . 00 advance may be repaid to the Town General nerral. F... c.! I! _.. now , therefore , be it 3er 5 •1 (' wrt Board Meeting August_ .l .' , 1990 RESOLVED , BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF DANBY , that the Town B oard hereby d .i. rer_ ts the transfer of 4 , ctiii. 00 from the Town H ighway Barn Capital. Improvement Fund ( No . A 230 ) to the General Fund of the Town of Danby ( No . A1990 . 4 ) . A roll c: al. l vote on the resolution resulted as follows : O 1 t .:. Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye .,..: c:: k. strom Ayer Carried Unanimously Resolution # 62 of 1990 Appointment to Zoning. Board of Appeals B y Deputy Supervisor Eck: strorn : Seconded by Counc .ilperson S chwartz RESOLVED , That. the ' Ic:twrt of Dan by Town Board reappo .i. nt. Elizabeth O wens Roe to another term on the Zoning Board of Appeals . Term of appointment expire on 3une 30 , .1. 995 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : O .l tz Aye Marisa Aye . S chwartz Aye E=: c_ k. $) t. rom Aye Carried Unanimously Resolution # 63Pof 1990 Appointment to Planning Board B y Cot_tnc. i. 1. person Schwartz : Seconded by Cou ir..: .i. l l:: er sorc Ol. tz RESOLVED , .1liat. the Town Board of the "Town of Dan by appo .Irtt. Paul • V .i. sct.tso to the Planning Board to f .i. 1 .1 the unexpired term of F ' rank•. D arrow . Term of appointment expires on Thine 30 , 1995 . A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : O it. z Aye Marisa Ayr; S chwartz Aye E- ck: strom Aye Carried Unanimously Resolution #63of 1990 Recommendation to County Planning Board B y Counc .i l person Marisa : Seconded by (::; c.7t..utc° .i. l I:ar:yrson Schwartz RESOLVED , That the Town of Danby Town Board recommends to the the appointment of Joel Gagnon , 2353 Spencer Road , Box 106 , West Danby , NY to the Tompkins County Planning Board to fill the une *pired term of Frank Darrow . A roll call vote on the resc:, .c. t.tr_ .iort resulted as follows : Ii1. tz Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye • Er:; k. str' om Aye Carried Unanimously Resolution ,#64 of 1990 D esignation of Community . Council as Lead Agency for New York State Funding. B y Councilperson Marisa : Seconded by Deputy Supervisor Ec.- kstrom RESOLVED , That the Town Board of the Town of Dan by designate the Darby Community Ccaunci. l to act as its :agent in the preparation of grant proposal budgets for the execution of the community center feasibility project . • 3q22 6 Town Board Meeting August 13 , 1990 A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : O ltz Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye E rk. strnm Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of Building Maintenance A motion was made by Deputy Supervisor E:. c.° k: st.: r c.► m and seconded by C o t..0 s c .i. 1. p e r s c:► n O 1. t z that t: h e Town l=c c:► a n d of the Town of Danby authorize the Tc:► wr► Building Custodian to have the 'front access d oor of the Town Hall repaired 'fc:► r- an amount not to exceed $ 600 . 00 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : O 1. sz Aye Marisa Aye Schwartz Aye ...... .-> t: r r.► m Aye Carried Unanimously Authorize Town Custodian to Seek Bids for Town Hall Roof Repair Fl motion was made by Deputy Supervisor E:. r_. k: st. rom and Seconded by C; cat_tnr_ .il. pearson Schwartz that the Town hoard of the Tow . of Danby authorize t. ht e Town Building Custodian to seek bids and to execute contracts to repair the Town Hall roof for an amount rtc:► t to exceed $ 4 , 500 . 00 . A roll call vote o r► the motion r" e s t..t 1. t. e?? ri as follows : I:11. t. z Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye r: c:.. k: st:. rcom Ayer Carried Unanimously Certificate of Issuance of Revenue Anticipation Note for Danby Youth Projects Ccot. nci. l. person Marisa asked if a cont. r° <ract from the Ithaca City S chool District or verification of funding has been received to enable the Town to seek: funding for the Town of Danby After S chool Project . D iscussion followed and l.:; c.► ur► ci. l. h.► erssc.► n Marisa reported t. hat:. the Revenue Anticipation Note will not be executed d t. nt. .i.. l. d ocumentation of funding is received from Ithaca City School. D istrict . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS : Approval_...... of _. .CHIPS.... .Fund..,,,.Warrant.. # 4,, of 1990 A motion was made by C.; counc... i. 1. persc.n O l t. z <-ar► ci seconded by Coun - .1... rson Marisa t. o approve? CHIPS Warrant # 4 of 1990 in the amount of $ 42 , 124 . 70 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : O 1. t: z Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye E=. c.. . ..-st. r° om Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of General Fund Warrant # 8 of 1990 A motion was made by C.; r.. unc..: i. l peer on Marisa and seconded by l.:ounc.: i l pearson Ol. tz to approve the General Fund Warrant #8 of 1. 990 in the amount. of $> 4 , R6,Bfl . a7/ 7 Town Board Meeting August 13 ' 1990 A roll call vr.71' on the motion resulted as follows : O ltz Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye E ckstrom Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of New Highway Barns Warrant # 3 A motion was made by Deputy rat.. pr . vi or Fc : 1-, st. r.. c::icrt and seconded by . . .... . . .. . .. .. ... .... . ... .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . ! s; _ the Now Highway Mars Warr rnt# : i. n the amr..fnt. of !t8 , 9 . 60 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : O lt. : Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye F= ck; strom Ayr. Carried Unanimously A.pproval of West Dan,by„ Water District Warrant # 8 of 1990 A motion was made by Coa..tnc- i. 1. . ... on Schwartz z sand seconded by Council person rson Ol. tti to approver the West Darrl::cy Water District Warrant • , . t] of 1990, in the amount:. of $ 566 . 02 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : O ltz Ayr ! Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye E c:_ • st. rom Aye Carried Unanimously Approval of Highway Fund Warrant # 8 of 1990 A motion was made by Courac i 1 person Marisa and seconded By I:? mpc..ct. y Supervisor Fr_ k atrom to approve the Highway Fund Warraant. # 8 of 1990 in the amot..ant. of $ 6 . 000 . 00 . A roll call vote on the motion resulted as follows : O 1. ta Aye Marisa Aye S chwartz Aye Fck: strom Aye Carried Unanimously Approval„. „ of the Town Clerk ' s July 1990 Report and the Supervisor ' s June and July 1990 Reports A motion was made by Counc .i. l per sort (:ll. t:: z and Seconded by Deputy Supervisor Ec kstrom to approve the Town Clerk ' s July 1990 Report and the Supervisor ' s June and July 1990 Reports as presented . A roll call vote on the mot. .i. ori resulted as follows : Glitz Aye Marisa Ayr Schwartz.. Aye Fr k. csfrom Aye Carried Unanimously ADJOURNMENT : On a motion the meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 P . M . Carol. W . ',=; r.. e;± ,, .. ski, Town C:; l. erk,.