HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-03 • 1 • JANUARY 3 ; 1946:: The Town Board met at the office of the Town Clerk for the Regular meeting . Present were Supervisor Downey , Hwy . Sup ' t . Stacey Beach , Welfare Officer EdnaNicely and. allJustices. K • The minutes of the last Regular meeting and the Special meeting held on Dec . 28 , I945 were read. . A Delegation from the Neptune Hose Co . were present . Dr . R . A . McKinney reported that ,, the Firemen agreed to sign the Contract as compiled . Both contracts were duly signed by Members of the Town Board and Firemen. . Mr . Donald Price , repreeentative of the N . Y . State Electric and Gas Corp . was present and explained the new lighting rates and also presented the renewal Contact- for the Etna , N . Y . . Lighting Dist . .. A motion was made • by Spaulding and seconded by Hoagland that the Renewal Contract with the addition of one ( I ) 10000 Street light for Etna: Lane be accepted , the motion was carried and the Contract duly signed and sealed`. • The Welfare Statement was read as follows : * * Cost - $ 84 . 82 State AidP- 33 . 93 • # 50 . 89 A motion was made by Hoagland and seconded by Spaulding that this State - -vent be accepted as read . Carried by a Roll CallVote - - -A11 Justices- -YES:. ; The Welfare Officer reported the floors at the Olmstead House were in poor cond. ition . After a discussion , the Members of the Board instructed the Welfare Officer to contact Russel Guier and have necessary ' repairs made . After a discussion in regards to State Reinbursethent - - - whether or not it j was to the Towns benefit A motion was made by Hoagland and seconded by Johnson to discontinue State Welfare Aid . . Carried by Roll Call Vote AliJustices Yes : . o A letter from The Association of Towns was read regarding the dates of the Annual Meeting to be held on Feb . . 20 - 2I - 22 1946 . Amotion was made by Spaulding and seconded: by Cornelius that it be undrestood that any member orthe Town Board , ; Welfare. Officer , and Hwy . Supt that can attend may do so at the Towns Expense . Carried. , A motion was made by Spaulding and seconded. by Baker that the Town Clerk be designated as a delegate to the Annual meeting and that Supervisor Downey be designated as Alternate . Carried . Present was Lewis Gridley , he reported. that the exterior of FOUR of the SIX Voting Machines owned by the Town were rusting . After a discussion the Town Clerk was instructed to write the Automatic Voting Co . for information on the storage of these machines . The General bills were read . IA motion was made by Baker and seconded by Spaulding . that these bills be paid as read . Carried by Roll Call Vote All Justices YES:. ° The Highway Bills were read.. totaling $ 813 . 69 . A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Hoagland that these bills be paid as read . Carried by Roll Call Vote All Justices - -• - - - Voting ' Yes . A letter from C . H . Newman was read explaining the Certificates of Indebtedness to pay for the new F . W . D .. truck . ° gornelius and Baker recinded a motion which was made by Cornelius and seconded by Baker at the Dec . 28th . I945 meeting . Motion recorded in the minutes of that meeting . A motion was made by Hoagland and seconded by Johnson that an amount not to exceed $ 7000Cin the form of TWO ( 2 ) Certificates at . 2% be borrowed to pay for the F . W . D . truck . Carried by Roll Call Vote - - - All Justices Yes . Bonds for the following Officers were presented- Charles Downey - -Lois Beck - - Stacey Beach:- - C . Harry Spaulding - - Orrie Cornelius Alvord Baker - - Millard Hoagland - - AraJohnson Constables - - Ira .: Reed. B . Randall Smith - - Edward Weiser . Collector - - Joseph Huntington and Deputy Collector Leafie Vandermark . A motion was made by Spaulding and seconded by Cornelius ' that these BONDS be approved . Carried_ • A motion was made by Baker and seconded by Spaulding that William B . Strong be designated as CHAIRMAN of the Assessors . OVER • • 156 January 3 , 1946 continued The Town Clerk submitted the names of Velma Blackman , Freeville , N . Y . and William L . Beck , Freeville , N . Y . to act as Deputies Town Clerk . A motion was -Fade by Spaulding and seconded by Johnson that these persons be approved . Carried . A motion was made . by Hoagland and seconded by Cornelius that the Rural NewsEbe designated as the Offical Paper . Carried . By agreement it was decided to designate the 3rd . of . each Month . as Meeting niche unless that date fell on a Sunday - - - the meeting then to be held on the 2nd . For the approval of the Board the amounts of the Salaries for the Year 1946:: were read from the Budget as follows .. Supervisor $ 800 . 00 plus $ 100 . 00 $ 900 . 00 • Justices Spaulding 0600 . 00 Cornelius 200 . 00 H oagland 150 . 00 Baker ' I25 . 00 J ohnson ' 125 . 00 TowneClerk 31600 . 00 plus 450 . 00_ $ 1650 . 00 Assessors Strong - - Chairman 475 . 00 Clough 425 . 00 Dellow : 425 . 00 Collector ; 600 . 00 plus p40 .. 00 rf - 640 . 00 Attendance Officer 185 . 00 10 . 00 W elfare Officer 4 800 . 00 " 30 • 00 & $ 75 . 00 0 . of CO . Hwy . Supt . - 2400 . 00 " 75 . 00 Historian 50 . 00 After a discussion it was decided that a clarif & cation of the Clerks Salary be placed in the minutes said Salary to include Rent , heat -, . light and travel expenses . .. 1 A motion was made by Spaulding , and seconded by Cornelius that the Budget be accepted as read . Carried . The time of payments to remain the same as I945 . The Clerk was instructed to order 4pne ( I ) Glv11 and one ( I ) Criminal Docket for Johnson ; also I00 School Tax Roll Sheets . A motion was made by . Cornelius and seconded by Johnson that $ 400 . 00 be transfered from the Unexpended Fund to the General Fund to pay the Neptune Hose Co . . for Fire . Protection from Mayl , to Dec . 31 , 1945 . The minutes were read and. approved . A moion was made by. ( Hoaglaridc. and seconded by Johnson to Adjourn . Justices C . Harry Spaulding Orrie Cornelius Alvord Baker Millard Hoagland Lois H . Beck Clerk Ara Johnson Charles Downey Supervisor • L. .