HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-29® Town of Dryden Conservation Board Meeting Minutes March 29, 2011 tMembers Present: Nancy 'Munkenbeck, Steven Bissen, Milo Richmond, Charles Smith, Bard Prentiss, Stanley Marcus, David Makar, Bob (last name), Peter Davies, Craig Schutt Additional Staff Present: Katie Stoner, Jane Nicholson Agenda: I. Agenda - Additions, deletions. adjustments. 2. EMC Update 3. Old Business — a. Sustainability Report'A community snapshot' -Katie Stoner b. Open Space Plan - report from Jane Nicholson 4, Town Board Update - This is an opportunity for the Town Board liaison and/or tile'1'own Supervisor or other Town Board members to address the Conservation Board. 5. New Business: a. Aquifer protection plan Nancy: Call to order at 7:30pm Any changes to the agenda- no changes EMC report- no changes Community Snapshot - what developed as a sustainable inventory Sustainability Report Katie: Sustainability Presentation ® -brief overview of what datasets are available and what we'd like to do in the future - looking forward feedback to set goals and create recommendations that will lead to an action plan - questions regarding comp plan (an update to it) Goals for implementation? Katie: meant to identify gaps in research; the data is not complete, more observational trends but used to facilitate action - overview of those general trends (demographics, economics) What's the difference between household and family income? Katie: There's a footnote in the report describing the difference Are these from the 2010 census? Katie: No, had to use existing in order to move forward Clarifies that this is existing data sets, not primary Is this an unusual percentage- that 44% of workforce employed in Tompkins County`? Katie: Clarity that this is a Dryden percentage ® This should be clarified; question of who the 44% Includes and where they are working C Katie: Concludes chat the rn ajority is working outside the Ccnnty- so this number may not work Comment about transportation on Route l 3 in the morning Questions regardirig the Geographic area that the school district represents Crime has to be over a certain time period- can't be over the lase century Katie: to look into it (the time period) What healthcare resources do we have specific to the Town of Dryden? fancy= Doctor Claypack- (sp? }- Dryden laamily Medicine might be ably to help Katie; I evie of environmental indicators need a measure oI' how much CO2 crnissions is corn i ng from hoLtsing (burning of woods, Fuel, etc_); can NYSCG tell you how many units they arc providing heat units for? Number of units being heated with natural gas- if' "you know how many arc left, you can figure out how many are using some other heat source Katie: Not sure it's worth it; have % of honrico ners heating with woods, fuel, et.c Comment: oil is small? Taney: Natural gas isn't avadabte to rnost Cutnment: is most the population in the villages where they wouldn't have acce55 to natural gas? Nancy. What % of pop is in the village? Coin men t: might be uwfuI to focus on the things we can manage- Iegislatien Katie; A Iot of questions have been asked that can be answered, but going txo foI Ic>%v -up on these other points Abi) ut whieh areas. has highest impacts: Roues 13 ur Caroline? Katie: Rev1Qwofhow she got the figures (using ICLE1) Comments; how are they getting these measures? Katie: comments that they are using some measure to get the numbers Comment: Appendix that elaborates on the model you are using; the assumptions- looks deterministic, and the world isn't_ I atie0 Can do that, written already For Town of Ithaca Mild; blot doubting the model, but needs to be cited Cornmcnt: Competing rnodels? Corn rnent: Speaking of energy- iwntion hydrofr I&Ing in the snapshot? Nancy /Petei - Can't be in the one we have now; only future Arc the ocher `l'awn's working on the same initiative"? Katie' Focused ]Hare on energy to the 'f own of Ithaca; City hfired a ] -year sustainabIIttty coordinator; Dryden Encrgy Coordinator- Ken Thompson Communication between them seems to be establishing a Iong -term Advisory Team {as mentioned on the last slide) itntiarly, about sharing resources between school districts; this might make sense to share with othermuni,I ]ities U C Major thing lacking is any analysis of the agriculture- there is quite a bit in the Township; there is a broad cover of it; eating healthy, but this isn't sustainability. I want to see some indication of how much of the Town is in pasture, ariable, woodland - and how these are changing for housing developments? Fallow? What is sustainability ?? Nancy: This sounds like something for the OSP ,Motto for Ag & Life Sciences is sustainability- the extent to which ag is sustainable- this is a major function of any Township where there is major ag; there is a reasonable proportion which is not in this plan; have to start off with what is the status of agriculture in this Township and what is being made to make sure this will remain for future generations, or make it better "Sustainable" used as a misunderstanding of "conservation "; NYS report on agriculture; if there are changes by economic demands, where will it take us Nancy: Active ag lands that are in ag district; and vice versa; might want to separate Forestry from ag Managed versus non- managed Nancy: there is an overlay for ag use, and ag assessment, ag district- three different databases that don't overlap (county level)- Josh can retrieve In defining sustainability - needs more information in there; sustainal landscape? Economics? (balanced input /output ?) Energy? What is it As you approach it of a snapshot, all these things come to mind how What is worth emphasizing'? Opportunities for school? What do you ® to achieve sustainability? • )ility of what? Existing that is significant to sustain'? are we going to measure? consider the most important Katie: It's not my role to say; about facilitating role so that everyone has a say. About figuring out what matters in sectors, achieving, etc. Going to come in 2 phase where individual level about what it means to "me% bring brainstorming together and concrete areas Comments regarding composting at the Town level and in the schools Understanding this is a baseline; insert in front of the goals and objectives "measurcable "; "sustainability" requires measurable goals and objectives and a timeline Katie: Question about defining this for the public sector Comment regarding; informational infrastructure- broadband- is missing Open Space Plan Review Jane: Brief overview of picking up the Plan from where we left off Goals for the Open Space Plan Define open space Revisit our purpose and vision Revisit goals and objectives l I] The inventniy- three systems and subcommittees? Develop a timeline Nancy: Agriculture- the way it Iooked towards preserving land structure in g( development rights- north end of the 1 -go beyond conserving ag - focus almost entirely on ag lands that north -end of County Mary Ann - Farmland Protection flan; to be going did not :neral; primarily in own; with sail and would be on Focus overlap with dell ni - preserving ag in genert�19 Dan saw it terms of land- purchase of contiguous lands oFdevelopnient rights'? Then just ng open space rwlancy: Open space is anything that does not have a built environment; but with recreation— overlapping recreation trail through cunservation area; interchangeable Not compelled to put them together; might hinge on the use of the area Deep plans scparate? Kook at I MP? Might be easier to move forward, avoid conflict CBI came to it that recreation; passive rec is appreciated, understand the active rcc, but see need to idelltlfy t}EOSC in separate categories that are na in confl1C# anywhere ]Nancy: Is this a DEC initiative? Think ing in terms of CEA- hMoric and bu ilt environment carne into; wasn't addressed in C EA Active and passive recreation- Fish and Wildlife reports (IBS Fish and Wi]dlil1c Service) C: mplctect in 2010 — maintain ecological services Jane: Separate active and passive? Refer to active In the RMP? Organizedltearn sports as opposed? Cross -re fore nce- 1. 0eflnition: m Recreation — excluding R.M11; looking ore into the traIIsmm�erhphasizing building on trails (look at iseportl); reeroatilon is not just Cor the youth, wheelchair and accessibility to more tkser groups (could be in nor purview) mm look at trails in NY (snowinobilc- local cornlnunity group that does it- Cayuga Club) 2_ Types of recreation: bird1ng, orienteering (open space re o) trapping, hunting. fish ing, dog walking, snowiliohiIinglsnowmshueinglxc, walk/jog, photography, bouldering? Kayaking/canoe, swimming Nancy Meeting adjourned+ 9:23PNI