HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-101.42 HIGHWAY NEGOTIATIONS - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 AT 4:00 P.M. Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Car], E. Haynes, Councilman Absent: Ellard L. Sovocool, councilman Absent: Donald E. Cummings, Councilman Absent: Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman r Also present: Leland Cornelius, Richard Neville, Dennis Marks, Danny Rowe, Jerry Holl, Kenneth Marks, Marvin Smith, Lester Coit R. Neville - Spokesman for highway employees. Item 1 - Would like Town to raise retirement to 75C Plan Item 2 - Would like Town to increase Health Insurance Plan to 75% or to pick up perscription part of Plan which is available. Item 3 - Increase hourly rate by 500 per hour J. Holl - This is comparable with Dryden and. Lansing. C. Haynes - They are making more? They are making that much more than we are? J. Holl - We only got a 3 or 4% raise in the last 3 or 4 years. R. Neville - We should have an incentive like 50 per hour more for those that have been here five years, 100 for 10 years, etc.. New guys make as much as those that have 18 or 20 years in. T. Robinson - Since entire board is not present, we can't make any decisions. We will present your request to the board and see what we come up with. R. Neville - Marv, Danny and I are paying an additional $5.00 each for uniforms in order to have a clean set each day. 'Town should provide these. L. Cornelius - It's always been that way -- Town.provides three sets per week at a cost of $26.25/wk or $105,00/mo. J. Holl - Village of Groton went with the 75C Retirement Plan. C. Haynes - Teresa will have to look into the 75C Retirement Plan and Health Insurance Plan including perscription part of plan to arrive at a cost to the 'Town. T. Robinson - We will talk it over and get back to you by Monday or Tuesday of the first week in October. IsUUTES OF TO494 :BOARD MEEITNG HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1988 AT 7:30 P.M. Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Donald E. Cummings, Councilman Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Jack Fitzgerald, Attorney Arrived Late: Carl E. Haynes, Councilman Also present: Leland Cornelius, Gary Wood Moved by 1 @1.r. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Cummings to approve minutes of September 12th as mailed. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson (Haynes - Absent). Claim Nos. 266 to 287 of the Highway Fluid in the amount of $73,103-34 and Claim Nos. 450 to 475 of the General Fund in the amount of $9,262.39 were presented for audit. Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, that the bills be approved for payment. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson (Haynes - Absent. Monthly reports from the Town Clerk and Town Justice Heffron were reviewed • • II 1 El I RESOLUTION N0. 4 - REIMBURSE COLLEEN D. PIERSON, TOWN CLERK, FOR 1987 TAX SHORTAGE Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Haynes Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson WHEREAS an audit of the collection of real property taxes on the 1987 warrant revealed a shortage of $1470.14, and WHEREAS said audit established to the satisfaction of the Town Board the said shortage arose when the Deputy Town Clerk issued receipts for payment of three separate taxes that corresponding deposits were not made to the Town account, and WHEREAS the Town Clerk, Colleen D. Pierson, is charged by law to make up said shortage of $1470.14 from her personal funds, and WHEREAS the Town of Groton did on December 10, 1985, adopt Resolution No. 32 - INDagiIFICATION OF TOWN OF'F'ICIALS AND EMPLOYEES and that said resolution thereafter constituted a pre - existing condition of employment which, in the opinion of Paul Morgan on the legal staff of the New York State Comptroller, allows the 'Down to make restitution to the said Colleen D. Pierson, THEREFORE, BE IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS, RESOLUTION N0. 34 that the Town of Groton reimburse Colleen D. Pierson in the amount of $1833.62 for personal funds she expended to make up a shortage in the collection of 'taxes on the 1987 warrant. Board scheduledhighway negotiations for Tuesday, September 20th at 3:30PM, Budget work session was scheduled tentatively for Monday, September 19th. Supervisor will notify board. Discussed hazardous waste written program. Supervisor is overall coordinator. Written program will be typed and filed with other regulations. Gary Wood, Code Enforcement Officer, reported he has issued 64 building permits to date totaling 1.961 million dollars. Mr. Wood submitted a new fee schedule for building permit applications. There being no further business, Mr. Haynes moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 12:10 A.M. Unanimous, Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk Gary Wood, Code Enforcement Officer, advised board that he has moved his Engineering office to Whitney Point. He needs office space locally for a drafting table and personnel -- problems with energy code. George Totman who works for Gary Wood is roving between three communities for zoning. Jim Jensen and Ed Miller -- Gary doesn't know where they stand with Judge. Memorial Services for Burr Phelp's wife will be held at 7 :30 Rol on Friday at :Perkins Funeral Home, Air. Wood presented proposed fee schedule for building permits, subdivisions, etc. for the Boards consideration. Board will forward to Planning Board for there review and recommendations. Fee schedule has to be changed by amending Local Law. Moved by Mr. Cummings, seconded by fir. Haynes, that the Town continue to receive the New York State Register as in the past. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. ® RESOLUTION NO. �5 - 1989 YOUTH RECREATION AND YOUTH SERVICES PROJECTS Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Sovocool, Cummings, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton will participate jointly with the Village of Groton in the Youth Recreation and Youth Services Projects for 1989 with 'the Torn share being $5000.00 and $3200.00, respectively. Supervisor and Highway Superintendent travelled to Ulysses to look at steel grooved warning devises embedded in blacktop before stop signs. County has offered to install steel plates at intersection of Old Stage Road and Lick Street at stop signs if the Town pays for materials. Leland will find out the cost to Town. Teresa will notify board of cost. Concensus of Board was to put plates in road at a reasonable cost. County will not install four -way stop signs at intersection. Received a letter from AlcFarland/Johnson advising that anytime you build or add on any asbestos has to be taken care of. Since they do not do the work themselves, they gave the names of four companies that remove asbestos. McFarland/Johnson also made the following changes to building project at the request of the Town Board: 1. Deleted basement of 2,400 square feet. 2. Added secure storage of 138 square feet. 3. Added warehouse storage of 360 square feet. 4. Replaced 27 y year,,old boiler. Submitted floor plan reflecting these changes. The impact of these comments is to revise the range of probable cost estimate to $395,000 to $410,000. The construction schedule should be reduced by two to three weeks as a result of these changes. The impact to fees is an increase of $7,500 for incorporating these changes at this point in the project. This is due to the need to revise five (5) drawings and void one drawing. They are proceeding with changes and anticipate providing construction documents in mid October. RESOLUTION N0. 36 - AUTHORIZATICN FOR MC FARLAIN D/JOHN SON TO PROCEED Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Cummings. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize McFarland/Johnson to proceed with alterations and fee adjustment according to letter dated September 20, 1988, as stated above. Board members discussed Highway Negotiations. Employees asked for 1. 500 per hour increase 2. Perscription cards 3. Town to cover 75% of health insurance 4. Increase Retirement Plan to 75c 5. Incentive plan 6. Additional uniforms Discussed the following: 1. Increasing Retirement Plan to 75C which would affect only six employees -- Teresa Robinson, Leland Cornelius, Robert Walpole, Arland Heffron, Kenneth Marks and Judson Holl. i 144 2. Increasing Health Insurance Plan -- Town just gave highway employees 50% of plan this ,year. 3. Perscription cards - Current plan already offers employees 80% reimbursement of all perscripLions. 4. Incentive plan - Those employed more than 10 years would be paid and additional 15¢ per hoax; more than 15 years an additional 150 per hour; and more than 20 years an additional 150 per hour (Ken Marks and Jerry Holl fall in this category.) Also discussed possible additional compensation for Deputy Highway Superintendent who has extra responsibilities. 5. Hourly rate increase - Average increases in surrounding areas have been five percent. After further discussion, the Board decided to offer the highway employees the following; 1 Retirement Plan 75C 2 Incentive Plan 3 5% increase across the board Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, to schedule a Special Town Board Meeting for Monday, October 17, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. to work on budget and any other business to come before the meeting. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. DEC has informed the Town that they have received an application for a Mining Permit from Cortland Paving Company to mine gravel on Clark Street Extension (Goodale :Property). They have indicated it would be Type I action undex SEQR. They would issue a Negative Declaration (no impact) if they were lead agency. A lead agency needs to be designated within 30 days. RES0Li17I0ts1 N0. 37 - TOWN BOARD TO BE LEAD AGENCY FOR CORTLAND PAVING COMPANY MINDIG PERMIT Moved by Air. Cummings, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that 'the Town Board of the Town of Groton will be lead agency pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for Cortland Paving Companies Mining Permit Application. Leland Cornelius would like authorization to advertize for bids to sell the Towns 1970 Austin- Western Grader Super 300. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to advertize for bids on the 1970 Austin - Western Grader with bids to be opened on November 7, 1988, at 7:45 P.M. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Cummings, to schedule November Town Board Meeting for Monday, November 7, 1988, at 7;30 P.M. - Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Cummings, to schedule Budget Hearing for Monday, November 7, 1988, at 8:00 P.M. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson. RESOLUTION NO. 38 - AUTHORIZATION TO PAY MCFARLAND/JOHNSON FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool; Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson RESOLVED, that bill number 88- 4148.0 -2 from McFarland/Johnson in the amount of $1,562.50 for professional services rendered in connection with renovation and addition to Town Hall.be approved for payment. There being no further business, Mr. Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr; Cummings, at 10:10 P.M. Unanimous Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk is