HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-11Town of Dryden Conservation board September 1.1.# 2007 Members Present: Stan Marcus, Bob Beck, Mile .Riclimond, Nancy Munkenbeck, Craig Schutt, Charles Sanity, Steve Bisscn, Bard Prentiss eMhersA&ent: Tirn Woods Members Exetoeet: Others Present* Dan Kwasnowske, Envirunmentnl Planncr and Cons ervation Board Coiirdinator; Mary Ann Sumncr, ,)toy Foster, Recording Secretary. resident Diinna ? I he rneeling irvas called to order at 7 :30 jim_ Dan & Joy, attendance Dan: Water Qua iity 1Vlon-1 toririg, Fa11 creek: group of volunteers, collect samples, map out their web site gets put into data thru the CSI. . The Town of Dryden pays about $5,000 a year but it would go up to 12,000 a year, if we were paying; for everything ourselves, Steve volunteers his lime and does most of it. Mary -Alin this was presented to the .Board. There is an actually proposal around. Dan- will get copy to Mary -Anti. "I'he value r to monitor the health of the water bodies thru to monitor the health of State water bodies of F PA and the State have set it up _ 1 i.' the Town numbers of permits we are issuing hour many are threaten that they wiI I start to fine us. 'We if this is that we are required thru teat :- stormwater program thcb to n especially Fall Creek. Why is the town required the to% especially Fal I Creek? But that's the way the and the State don't do this, �: need to show actually plans we are doing, water quality monitoring data, they are I uQky to have th i s program, C:B- is the Program fill I EPA Coinpliant? Dan- yes and the results are. The results are has IcaI[y always the same, which is goad_ CD -are e to make a recommendat1on, we think- It would be great to make a recomm end at]on make It a nicely worded document stating how important this projC.Qt is, CB- long discussion tin the cost 0 1`] ncrease and the accountability from EPA. Nced to sec document stating this, Would like to have Mil. Pennington here to talk about this he was asked before and didn'c show- Have lots o questioni, Big questions are What are we baying for 12k vs. for what we bought for 5k zind if they met iyPA; QE standards for 2 water sheets fbr 5k why does it now cost ilk to do the same thing, that's a lot more then inflation? We have asked (:or QL(C standards and have not seen anything yeV Dan- Move on to the Firehouse l3og- Bard and I weiit to the Rog. CR -asks what is the difference between a "fen & a Bog "? Dan, a Bog everything drains to the Rog, a Fen has a stream going through, so it has in going and out going, diffl`erent vegetation- Dan -'Chc firehouse Fen that we looked at, we 1' <)Ltnd slindaes and crznberries were, some quality stuff 13 CB W2047 Page 2 of 3 Henry alled Murk Goldfarb, and T wrote a latter anti slent a i -nap, l basicall wrote that this is what we Y p, Y are doing, and in the future we want to ptit iii a boardwalk trail. We are interested din and I you want to get rid of the land we are interested, or would you want to participate in it? CBS talks about this land, Bich Wesley suggested that there might be a W�jy tp drain it in order to cut the water down- .Discussion. on how to reduce the water- What Is the acreage of the Bog? Dan thinks about 50 acres? Could we involve the Land Trust? Everyone is just tossing out ideals and suggestions... Dan =J ust put out a proposal For the Cam pbeI I Vroperty- Tt's a 4 page letter, I have a hard copy if someone I s interested in the lctter,just let me kno.,.T.elter tells about the background, deed transfer, contract document, strategic management plan. Costs ...C;13 =disc usses the CarnpbeII property and the Townn Boards roI l ewl -, Nancy- recommends that we do recommend that the Town Board accept the proposal that this be acquired as Town land, The Campbell PrOperty. CB -Tat sure why fhe Town is doing that'? Don't understand how we have become a body that acquires land and do know why we have heoume that? Dan and CB tal k back and forth about this- A Iso talk about future pro.jcct ideals, Talk about recxea tic naI vs. educational for par ks'tields. Recrealional should include hiking, bird watching, photographing wild I'lo ers, and wild Ii Fe- All valid :forms of recreation notiust golf courses and ball -fields. Talk about if a boardwalk is needed and where and 1'r it would be used "? Or do we want something else, Dan asks B- Sorneone here rmentiorned that the tree ittrm might be interested in some seal farming? Dan called the tree Farm, and they were interested- Tilde us trees �:or seeds? CB chats about tilts and other trees found in the area.,.Dan wiII get someone to talk to us about this. Talk about the Ash trees and the problem with disease. Will have someone From Comell come and talk about the Ash problem... fancy makes a motion to we djourn All in favor, Meeting adjourned at 5�:55PM