HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-10Town of Dryden Conservation Board • July 10, 2007 Alembers Present: Stan Marcus, Craig Schutt, Bob Beck, Bard Prentiss Milo Richmond, Nancy Munkenhcck r1 s'40 Members Absent: Charles Smith, Steve Bissen, and Tim Woods Others Present: Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner and Conservation Board Coordinator; Mary Ann Sumner, Joy Foster, Recording Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm. :Dan & Joy, attendance Stan: Talks about the Tompkins Co. E1VC'.favors the proposals of development of John Rancie 2 -stage project on windmills. John is f ►•om Enjield Big PVindmills 2.5 or 2.6 jVants to put tip 10 at The First Stage, on land that he owns. 2 "d Stage an additional 5. Would like to do this within the next cottple of years. L;'IYfC had concerns that .John also wants to build a "Green Development " sort of like I co- village. Wondering how can he Dull both of these projects together cis they are big mt {jor projects. Group has infor►nal discussion about PVindmills, bats and birds and having a presenter come and speak? Mary Ann- asks about the training policy is there one for the Conservation Boars!? Dan4V6 training required. Mary Ann- wonders ij'CB would like to attend Voluntary sessions? CB- would be fine with attending presentations etc... CXdi.scusses what they would like to learn and hear about at these presentations. Ma►y Ann will set something tip. 8:10 Dan talks and hands out Riparian Booklets. Hers an easel with white board to draw details. Everything he talks about is in the handouts. All members received booklets and absent members were sent booklets in the mail. Dan -nest topic- Open Space Inventory. We have one property in Varna and will present other property ((:arnpbell) in Fall Creek to Town Board Time to update the Open Space Inventory tt.s it is changing. Passed out reports to all to see. Asked CB what their thoughts are on this subject, CB -needs to review their material. Dan - If we will be having people offer the Town property we need to come up with a guideline. Veed to go over the Open Space Plan and update and make some changes. Mary Ann- Question to CB - where the DOT wants to go behind the High School, does the CB want to have any input on this? will you have any conservation thoughts? CB- Will want to have some .say and be involved 0 Motion adjourned at 9:35 pm RespWRilly Submitted, Joy Foster, Recording; Secretary