HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-22DRC 8 -22 -2012 TOWN OF DRYDEN Dryden Recreation Commission August 22, 2012 Members present: Jeff Humphrey (Chair), Sharon Todd (Secretary), Vicki Wilkins, Steve Meyer, Monica Armstrong. Community Association Member: Wendy Martin Town Board Representatives: Linda Levine and Steve Stelick, Jr. (Absent) Town Recreation Director: Melissa Bianconi Dryden CSD Liaison: Billie Downs Minutes recorder: Erin A. Bieber Meeting called to order at 7:18 PM Reading of the Commission's Meeting Minutes: July minutes were reviewed but not approved. J Humphrey made a motion to hold the minutes until next month. Motion was seconded by S. Meyer. Recognition of Guests and Community Communications: Bard Prentiss and Craig Anderson Mr. Prentiss —Jim Schug Trail sign presentation Mr. Prentiss reiterated the original intent of the trail which was to maintain a natural ecology while providing a recreational area for the Town. Based on his own research, approximately 9 people use the trail per hour. Mr. Prentiss suggested creating anodized aluminum signs (which are guaranteed for 20 years) along the trails rather than plastic or laminated paper (which tend to degenerate quickly). He brought an example of the material plus a mock up of a potential sign. Mr. Prentiss suggested general signage rather than site specific signage which will allow the passage of time and changes in the natural environment without having to change the signs. Other suggestions included: adding a website to the signs so users can look up more pertinent information, a trail map or brochure identifying specific areas of the trail and the potential use of the kiosk near Weber Street. Craig Anderson was at the meeting to support Mr. Prentiss's idea and to encourage the interaction of the various boards /commissions on this project. Billie Downs offered a list of DCS teachers who may be interested in helping. Melissa Bianconi inquired on a time frame which depends on funding and approval. Mr. Prentiss has agreed to attend the next Recreation Commission meeting to update the members on his progress. DCS liaison monthly update: Ms. Downs gave the Commission a list of the new administrators at DCS. 1. HS Principal - Brett Fingland 2. MS Principal - John Birmingham 3. MS AP /AD - Abby Adams 4. DES AP - TBD Ms. Downs stated her decision to resign from the liaison position; she is agreeable to continuing her role until a new person is appointed. Town Board monthly update: no members present Community Centers monthly update: Vicki Wilkins — Kid Zone was great; prizes were inexpensive but met with enthusiasm. Melissa Bianconi — Had copies of Community Grant questionnaires that were sent to all Grant recipients regarding the use of funds given to each group (including a progress report on their Town funded projects) Dryden Community Cafd — has used some of the money for supplies instead following the Grant Contract. Ellis Hollow — stated on their questionnaire that they had their signed contract but not the money. M. Bianconi stated that is impossible since the grant contract has not yet been sent. Questions for follow up: ® 1. How can the Recreation Commission force the grant recipients to use the funds allocated in the manner that they were intended? 2. Does /can the Town get the funds returned that were not used for the intended purpose? All members were pleased with the questionnaire and the information it generated. B. Downs suggested adding a line for the amount of grant funds for the Commission's information as they are reviewing the questionnaire. M. Bianconi will bring her proposed Recreation budget to next month's meeting. She has also found a great software program for the Rec. Department (RECPRO); it is on hold pending an upgrade to the Town's server. M. Bianconi is trying to get funding to send flyers to all residences in the Town. 1. Humphrey raised his concern about the level of training the volunteer coaches are receiving. He recommended several options including a printed manual, a meeting of the coaches prior to the season in which training was provided or media (DVDs) that could be viewed as part of a training session. He expressed some concern over children from Dryden going to other towns to play. M. Bianconi pointed out that the Recreation website has training material for the coaches and the Rec. department provides each coach with a packet of information and forms at the beginning of the "season ". She also mentioned that there are 14 towns with tackle football ® teams but Dryden is the only one with three teams. i Q i J. Humphrey asked about more interaction with the local high school teams, mentoring programs and coaching assistance. Might be a good time to start looking at the winter sports. DRC and DYC merger update: M. Bianconi reported that the merger is still facing concerns regarding youth development and how the groups can merge without anyone being cut from the two Boards. Etna Park is not owned by a municipality and initial contact has been made with the controlling board offering assistance and guidance to revamp the facility. W. Martin sees the potential of Etna Park becoming a "pilot" for the upkeep of other Town parks. Park Plans: M. Bianconi reported that the Park plans are not moving forward yet. Concerns were raised regarding the hazards and decrepit condition of the old Stuttle barn near the Town Barn. W. Martin asked what the biggest need is in Dryden regarding the park? All were in agreement that a multi -use field would be the most beneficial. DRC Member's with term expiration: Steve Meyer Monica Armstrong Billie Downs Due to the late hour, discussion regarding the term expirations was postponed until the next meeting and pending more information on the DRC and DYC merger. There being no further business, on motion made by B. Downs, seconded by J. Humphrey and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Erin A. Bieber Deputy Clerk Town of Dryden