HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-26DRC 01 -26 -201 1 Page I of 3 Dryden Recreation Commission Minutes of the Meeting January 26, 2011 Members of Commission. Present: Sharon Todd, exp 13; Larry Hinkle, exp 13; Jeff Humphrey, exp 13; Vicki Wilkins, exp 11; Wendy Martin, exp 11; Steve Meyer, exp 12; Elsie Gutchess, exp 12 Town Rec, Director: Melissa Bianconi Dryden CSD Liaison: Billie Downs, exp 6/11 Guests: Don Scutt Absent: Community Association Member: Monica Knight, exp 11, Town Board Representative: Steve Stelick, Jr., & Jason Leifer The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. A motion to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting of 1211110 was made by Wendy Martin and seconded by Steven Meyer. The motion was approved unanimously. Introductions and recognition of guests. Wendy Martin was nominated for Chair. Sharon Todd was nominated for Secretary. Nominations were accepted and unanimously approved. S Todd was asked to run tonight's meeting, however. Sent around a contact list for people to update their contact list. Reviewed the history of the Dryden Recreation Commission with the new members, how the Department itself was formed and how it has grown over the past few years. Sharon distributed a copy of the most recent local law that defines the DRC and its role in the Town. Reviewed the Mission and Goals that were adopted in 2007. Reviewed the Membership Guidelines / By -Laws that were adopted in 2007 and revised in 2009. Reviewed the Member Protocol that was adopted in 20101 When reviewing the members protocol, P Millard, Deputy Town Clerk, reminded everyone that email needs to be sent to members via the Town Clerk or Recreation office so that it is captured by the Town's email system. Reminded everyone that all email is subject to the FOIL law. Member Protocol - Adopted — S Todd, L Hinkle, unanimously. Subcommittee structure — should we change this structure, how can we improve it. There was a suggestion to give more guidance to the subcommittees and a better sense of what they need to accomplish. Set goals and deadlines for the subcommittees. The Commission could come up with some set goals that need to be addressed. We need to be aware of the rules governing committee meetings (Open Government) and make sure to let the Town Clerk's office know when committee meetings are going to be if not at 6:30 immediately before the Commission meeting so they can be publicized for the public to attend if they wish, Recreation Department's quarterly update — M Bianconi Went over surveys that were received in response to the fall sports programs. Received some very good feedback. Plan on sending out surveys after winter programs as well. May be doing coach evaluations after next season as well. Hinkle — 345 -0140, Ihinkle1(a'?drydenAl2.ny.us, 726 Sleepy Hollow, Cortland, NY 13045 J isL Humphrey — 347 -4041 ihumphrey(cDcavugamed.org 33 Wood Road, Freeville, NY 13068 S Meyer — 543 -0310 (c) 753 -5532 (w) Steven. MeverPcordand.edu 59 Crystal Drive, Dryden, NY 13053 Reviewed the history of the Dryden Recreation Commission with the new members, how the Department itself was formed and how it has grown over the past few years. Sharon distributed a copy of the most recent local law that defines the DRC and its role in the Town. Reviewed the Mission and Goals that were adopted in 2007. Reviewed the Membership Guidelines / By -Laws that were adopted in 2007 and revised in 2009. Reviewed the Member Protocol that was adopted in 20101 When reviewing the members protocol, P Millard, Deputy Town Clerk, reminded everyone that email needs to be sent to members via the Town Clerk or Recreation office so that it is captured by the Town's email system. Reminded everyone that all email is subject to the FOIL law. Member Protocol - Adopted — S Todd, L Hinkle, unanimously. Subcommittee structure — should we change this structure, how can we improve it. There was a suggestion to give more guidance to the subcommittees and a better sense of what they need to accomplish. Set goals and deadlines for the subcommittees. The Commission could come up with some set goals that need to be addressed. We need to be aware of the rules governing committee meetings (Open Government) and make sure to let the Town Clerk's office know when committee meetings are going to be if not at 6:30 immediately before the Commission meeting so they can be publicized for the public to attend if they wish, Recreation Department's quarterly update — M Bianconi Went over surveys that were received in response to the fall sports programs. Received some very good feedback. Plan on sending out surveys after winter programs as well. May be doing coach evaluations after next season as well. DR. 01 -26w 01 1 Page 2 o 1" s Winter programs are going well- This is the first year doing basketball cheerlesding, Wrestling tournament is scheduled for February 51 - This is Super Bowl Sunday but the tournament is usually wrapped up by 5 pm- Father - Daughter dance February 121h. Two new contract programs are starting; a winter wellness workshop for adults Feb 22`a 6 pm - 7 pm and Feb 250 12 pm - I Pm. 35 registration fee a type of dance called Zumba for young kids ages 4 -12 — starting Friday, Feb 1 S'h, starting at 6prn at Dryden Village Hall upstairs. $26 cost for 4 weeks- There are some other programs in the works as well. Coaching resources tab has information from our work with the SUNY Youth Sports Institute on our coaching, There is a list of all of the coaches that work with the Town of Dryden that have been certified by the S U N Y Youth Sports Institute- February 17Li' is the next date far Iraining for coaches who have riot been certified yet- Melissa gave an overview of what topics are covered in the certification classes. The Town pays for the first level of certification for roaches. Further levels of certification are a pay on your own. TC Human Services Coalition — creating healthy communities grant — the target is Southside Ithaca and Dryden for this state grant, 5 years, $225,001) per year, it has been awarded to the TC HSC- TC was rated one of the healthiest counties in the state recently- A Planner is included in this grant and that person has been hired. M Bianoani will be meeting with the coalition in the next few weeks and have more information at the next Recreation Conminission meeting. L Hinkle — this year at [lie wrestling tournament — track the number of kids that withdraw at the end of two matches and the number of kids #hat cry and don't want to wrestle any+nore, The sport is growing, What Pm seeing aver the last few years with youth wrestling you'll see 300 and 400 kids, but when you get to the school level, yuu don't even see JV kids- The forma! here at the Dryden wren #ling tournament with a round robin iand guaranteeing 5 rounds may be too much for kids. Maybe when the youth coaches meet at the end of the tournament to review how things went, they should review this format, The Recreation Department was thinking along these lines as well- After this year, the format of the tournament will probably change. S Meyer —what training do the coaches have in terms of first aid. CPR, what equipment do they have? At Ihis wrestling tournament and at YFL games, we have EMS there, Coaches can get their level 7 certification for coaching without first aid and CPR. Andrew is up to date on both and he is usually at every one of Phese sporting events. Melissa is also up to date on tooth, but is not at every event. J Humphrey— Family Fun Nights —why ended? Field House at T S is no longer available to us on Friday nights - They were very successful but a place to hold them has not been easy to find. A part-time seasonal person was just hired as well. That person will be asked to see if they can locale a suitable location. W Martin -- wanted to thank Melissa for having the sign created and installed today o Main Street. This was paid for by a grant that was received last year - The sign was ordered from Bole Timmerman at The Sunshine Sign Company. The prles holding the sign up are from when the banner was up earlier in the year and can still be used for bsnners, which was a goal. B Dawns � DCSD update 1) Youth Development Update i) Amanda Verba - TST BOCES — Will present to entire OCS faculty an February 4di about the 40 Developmental Assets set forth by the Search Institute (for superintendent's opnference day) di) March 4th 112 day will begin with a presentation to grades 8 -12 by Dr. Chris Xavier about taking ownership over your life. This presentation will be followed by small group break -out sessions to tie in the 40 Developmental Assets Ni) Amanda Verba will return on April 1 st to train a or}re group of upperclassman on the 40 Assets so that they can teach and lead similar discussions with MS and ES students 2) Dryden Wellness Committee Meeting i) Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Pram 2;30 -4,6.p al DHS in Room Gu26 ii) Goals of meeting will be to review existing districtwellness policy, identify areas out of rampliance, pertun SWOT analysis focusing on offering suggestions for improvement, and create an action plan for implementation, 3) Dryden Athlelics DR 'il1-26-2011 Page 3 of 3 i) Concussion Team Planning — new procedures are in place ii) WhReout Boys Basketball game — Friday, January 28 iii) Hall of Fame is Iccking for funding to coniinue induction ceremony iv) Boys Lacrosse program is still in need of two coaches — notify Ralph Boettger if you have any potential contacts v) Seeking opportunities to have our athletes involved in recreation program — referring, coaching. etc, Old Business Comrnunity tenter Grant Program Received final grant report from the community oenters, The final wrap up that needs to be done is to review the grant application, the grant award, and the work that was actually done with the money to make sure everything was done as laid out in the awards. Some changes will need to be done in terms of our process- Huw will we deal with allocations, paying bills, etc, There were Borne issues that came up this past year- One suggestion the Town Board has made is for community centers to apply For 501(c)3 status this next year. The Town has committed to paying the fee tar centers to apply for this status, Wendy, Sharon, Larry and Vickie are interested in helping with the year -end review of grants, 2010 Annual Report Draft will be put together by Wendy and Sharon for next month's meeting for feedback and presented to the Town Board in March, New Business 2011 meeting dates, times and locations L Flinkle made a motion to add a permanent agenda item for the purposes of a formal public forum so that any guests in attendance have an opportunity to speak. The chair will appoint a committee to establish the procedure that we will use- E Gutchess seconded the motion. All voted in favor. L Hinkle, B Downs, S Meyer will serve on this comm itlee. S Meyer made a motion to add tha ►august meeting back to the list for the year. S Todd seconded the motion. Discussion ensued in regards to meeting schedule for the year, With the attendance policy, and cancelling 3 meetings, a member could miss over half of the reg4rlariy scheduled meetings. It was noted wish Thanksgiving, the November meeting is late and sometimes held the first week in December, so this a n e meeting will serve as the November0ecember meeting. The motion was unanimously approved, B Downs requested that we add an action c'anclusion items list at end of our meetings. This would be a summary of action items agreed to ;�t the meeting- Action Conclusion Everyone come up with 1 goal for the Gomrnittee for 2011 for our next meeting. Next D R C Mooting February 23, 2011 at 7,00 pm at the Dryden Community Center Cats, On a inctian made by 5 Todd and seconded by V Wilkins, the meeting was adjourned at 8.45 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Fatty Millard Recording Secretary