HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-28Dryden Recreation Commission • (DRC) Monthly Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 28,2010,7:00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Members of Commission: Don Scutt (secretary), exp 10, Dan Schmohe, exp 10, Vicki Wilkins, exp 11, Wendy Martin, exp 11, Eric Nicks, exp 12, Elsie Gutchess, exp 12 Town Board Representative: Steve Ste lick, Jr., Community Association Member: Monica Knight, exp 10 Town Rec. Director: Melissa Bianconi Dryden CSD Liaison: Billie Downs, exp 6111 Excused: Sharon Todd (chair), exp 10 Business Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. B Downs chairing for S Todd 1. Reading of the Commission's Meeting Minutes: a. Minutes had not been reviewed — June and July minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting, 2. Adoption of agenda a. No changes were made 3. Recognition of guests and community communications a. DRC contact list — passed around for updates 4. Recreation Department's quarterly report — M. Bianconi a. Handout was given with updates —Melissa went over the report and answered questions 5. Town Board monthly update — S. Stelick a. Nothing to report 6. Dryden Central School District Liaison monthly update — B. Downs a. SEARCH Institute Summit (Youth Dev.)- set for Sat.. October 2, 2010 — HS Cafo. b. Dryden Athletics —Homecoming Week tentatively set for October 44", 2010 c. DYOF - September 11'h - fair at the school and they asked if we would like a booth at that. 7. Community Centers monthly update — M. Knight a. DC3 meeting Saturday to have a pre construction meeting for handicapped access — really need volunteers b. Ellis Hollow — Music in the Hollow has been really great. A big thank you to the Town for supporting that. In the next 30 days they are reprioritizing spending of the grant funds. The pool project has been completed. The annual fair is set for September 11 °h. c, Varna — Using their infrastructure money for a new roof. Using newsletter money for their newsletter. Working with Planning Department on the new zoning ordinance in respect to Varna. They had a successful yard sale. d_ Etna — Starting next phase of the playground structure. Will be having Park- it -Techs install this one. 8. Old Business: a. Community Fireworks recap (E. Hicks, B. Downs, M, Bianconi) i. From the school's perspective, it went very well. Eric spoke to TC3 and said The Community Fireworks group either broke even or made a small profit, so they will have money for next year where ever they choose to go. All reports were that the fireworks were very well attended and a good evening. b. Dryden Lake Festival countdown (M. Knight & D. Schmohe) L Things are going very well. Vendors are starting to sign up. Activities and music are being confirmed. Fire Permit process is moving along. The banners have come in. Insurance has been purchased. Sponsorships are good. Working on getting the word out now. The website has a schedule of events. Will put up directions and the nearest address for those that use GPS. www.Drydenlakefestival.com The biggest need at the moment is for volunteers. The date is set for Saturday, August 14 _ 9. Sub - committee Reports a. Areas & Facilities (W. Martin) i. Montgomery Park update — the banner is up advertising the park project. Next item on the "to do" list is the ice skating rink, ® b. Programs (E. Hicks, B. Downs, E. Gutchess) i. We discussed some possible programs this evening that we will be looking in to more prior to proposing them to the group. Things like: horseshoes, square dancing, and pickle ball. c. Policies & Procedures (M. Bianconi, S. Todd) i. Pricing - This is moving forward. With budget season upon us, it is foremost on Melissa's plate right now. Sharon has given her some information. Not only are they talking about increasing prices, but also at cutting costs. ii. Volunteer coaches - The Recreation Dept will be picking the head coaches, but the head coaches will be able to pick their own assistant coaches from a list of eligible assistant coaches they will be given by the Recreation Department. iii. Policy - There is a new set of policies being put in place as well to handle complaints and disputes. 10. New Business a. E Gutchess made a motion to not have a meeting in July, August and December. D Schmohe seconded the motion. D Scutt made a motion to amend the motion to include August & December only this year, since it is now July, E Gutchess seconded the amended motion. Motion passed with one Nay (E Hicks) and one Abstention (V Wilkins). 11. On a motion made by V Wilkins and seconded by E Gutchess, the meeting was adjourned at 8 pm. Next ORC Meeting: Wednesday 9/22/10; 7 p.m.; Location to be determined Next Town Meeting: Wednesday,8 /18/10,2010; 7:00 PM; Dryden Town Hall Next Town Meeting: Wednesday, 9115110, 2010; 7:00 PM; Dryden Town Hall