HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-27Dryden Recreation Commission Minutes of the August 27, 2009, Meeting Present: Melissa Sianconl, Eric Hicks, Larry Hinkle, Jason Leifer, Don Scutt, Steve Stelick, Jr., Sharon Todd, Vicki Wilkins, Monica Knight (guest), Lisa Stelick (guest) Excused: Elsie Gutchess, Tammy Sherwood Absent. Dan Schmohe 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. 2. Minutes. A motion was made by E. Hicks, seconded by L. Hinkle, to accept the minutes from the 7123/2009 meeting as corrected. The motion carried (unanimous). 3. Recognition of Guests. Monica Knight and Lisa Stelick were welcomed as guests to the meeting 4. Membership Application. Monica Knight, Dryden Community Cafe, submitted an application for DRC membership to represent the community centers in the Town of Dryden. After a brief question and answer session, the commission voted unanimously to recommend to the Town Board that they approve our nomination of M. Knight as the Community. Center Representative to the DRC. Due to personal circumstances, T. Sherwood submitted a letter of resignation to DRC. A motion was made by E, Hides, seconded by S. Stelick, to accept her resignation with regret_ The motion carried (unanimous). L. Hinkle recommended that the DRC present T. Sherwood with a plaque at the September 9" Town Board meeting to recognize and share our appreciation for her service, dedication, and hours of hard work as our secretary for the past two years. The commission heartily agreed. S. Todd and M. Bianconi reminded folks to recruit and encourage interested community members to apply for the newly created opening, 5. Recreation Department's Monthly Update. M. Bianconi presented the following updates: • New Youth Program M. Bianconi highlighted a program shared by four recreation departments in the county: a series of cross country races for youth. Although the program 'star<ed last year, this is the first year Dryden could be involved and is hosting the first race on October 3 at Dryden Lake. D. Schmohe has joined volunteers Evan Kurtz of the Finger Lakes Running Club and runner Travis Crocker on the planning committee. Volunteers are needed for course marshals. M. Bianconi's goal is to increase last years registration (approximately 30). • Other Youth Programs: Tackle football practice starts this week at the elementary school, cheerleading will begin when school starts, and flag football will commence 9/15. Registration numbers are good. • New Older Adult Prooram: M. Bianconi highlighted a new program for seniors: Fall Foliage bus trips (e.g., traveling to Watkins Glen/Sendca Falls and stopping to eat at Glenwood Pines). She is hoping for full registration (45 persons) at $25 /person in order to break approximately even. • 01herAdull Prooram: There were no advance registrations for the adult outdoor education program; thus, the program was cancelled. M. Bianconi is investigating whether this was due to lack of interest, cost, and /or timing of the program.' • Recreation,Partnership: As requested at the last meeting, M_ Bianconi supplied numbers of registrants per Rec Partnership program. The spreadsheets also included three possible scenarios for the 2010 budget year. 6. Town Board Monthly Update, J. Leifer and S. Stelick presented the following update: Capital Reserve Fund: The Town Board discussed a version of the resolution to establish a Recreation Capital Reserve Fund that would set, aside more than originally suggested by the DRC ($250,000 vs. $100,000). Ways to sustain continued funding was not part of the resolution, but would be discussed in the upcoming budget process, It was recognized that infrastructure is needed now to Increase program offerings at the community centers, but in the future this money could perhaps be re- designated toward the fund. A vote on the resolution to establish the fund was expected at the September 9'" Town Board meeting. 7. Old Business. a. Recreation Inventory, M. Bianconi shared maps and site plans of proposed future facilities for five sites spread throughout the Town of Dryden: "Dryden Fair" park, 'Yellow Bam° park, 'Varna Community" park, 'Ellis Hollow' park, and "Etna' park. Other properties under consideration included the site of the former West Dryden Community Center, which is presently up for sale; a park in Mclean; and improvements to Hammond Hill park. A map of Dryden Lake Park (which is leased from the DEC) was also provided, noting i that the pavilion gets lots of use but that the area is too wet for fields. A final map displayed the location of proposed and current parks in relation to the vicinity of mobile homeltrailer parks in the Town. It was noted that the goal of the plan is to expand and improve parks in the Town of Dryden (e,g., restrooms at all parks). The following questions were raised and suggestions provided: • Who currently owns the Etna Park property? • Has the Ithaca Historical Society considered donating the West Dryden Community Center to the Town? (The answer they have looked at that option, but as a private non -profit organization, there is no tax benefit to donating it.) Could it be turned into a museum? • What is the future of Cassavant Elementary School in McLean? (It currently serves as sufficient park area.) • Please provide maps of other existing parks: Groton Avenue Park in Freeville (which was noted as being exceptionally well maintained), Mill Dam Park in Freeville, and Montgomery Park in Dryden. M. Bianooni requested that Commission members examine the proposed plans and prioritize possible implementation over a 20 -year period, In what order should the steps (Le_, parks and park improvements) be implemented? b. Dryden Old Home Days 2009. As an advisory board, the Commission felt that, although its role in Dryden Old Home Days is to provide advice and constructive criticism of the event to the committee that planned it, the committee should hold an exit/wrap -up meeting of its own and present its findings via a report to the Commission. That reportJpresentation could then be a basis for the Commission's feedback. Brief discussion ensued. The DRC lauded the efforts of the organizers in their inaugural event, particularly highlighting and thanking the services of Elsie Gutchess, Melissa Bianconi, and Jack Bush. Instead of an exhaustive list or discussion of the event, the following observations and suggestions were offered as a springboard for the committee to consider. • What vent well: music, excitement from all areas of the community to help, kid events on Friday, beautiful weather and walk from the parking area on Saturday. - • Starting small and building over the years was suggested. Instead of a 3-day event, a 1-day (Saturday) • or 2-day at the most (Saturday and Sunday) event might work better, since parents who work cannot attend any Friday events_ • How can we differentiate this event from others (e.g., Dairy Day, other Old Home Days throughout the region)? The lake seems to be key, and perhaps the name of the festival could be reconsidered. • Can* more events be held in the middle of the day? Could the event start later in the day (e.g., noon)? Offering both kid and adult programs throughout the day would help it become a true family event. • Could other alternatives for parking be explored (i.e., closer, especially for persons needing handicapped access)? • The horrible bathroom smell was a strong deterrent to attending, eating, etc. Is an admission ( "donation') necessary? It might prohibit some families from being able to attend. • Could it have been advertised more/betteri' • What would be the most efficient and effective way to organize the planning committee? Can a call for volunteers be issued? Could a festival organizer be hired? Can members of the community be more involved so that not as much of the Recreation Director's time is needed in the final weeks? 8. New Business. a. L. Hinkle asked for feedback to share with the superintendant regarding the maintenance of the school district's athletic fields. Mowing of fields is still a primary concern; members noted that only a 10 -15% improvement has occurred. b. Advice on a coaching situation was tabled until the next meeting. c. Proposed meeting times for fall were the 4 °' Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (NOTE: Due to other conflicts, this was changed to the V Wednesday of the month: Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, with no meeting in December.] 9. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. (E. Hicks motion, L. Hinkle second, unanimously carried.) The next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 7:00 p.m. in the Dryden Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Todd DRC Chair •