HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-23Dryden Recreation Commission (DRC) Monthly Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 23, 20099 7 :00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Members of Commission: Present: Sharon Todd (chair),I exp 10, Don Scutt, exp 10, Eric Hicks, exp 09, Elsie Gutchess, exp 09, Tammy Sherwood, exp 11, Dan Schmohe, exp 10, Community Association Member, exp 09 Excused: Vicki Wilkins, exp 11 Town Board Representative: Steve Stelick, Jr. & Jason Leifer Town Rec. Director. Melissa Bianconi Dryden CSD Liaison: Larry Hinkle (not present) Business Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Sharon Todd 1. Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from June 25, 2009 was made by Sharon Todd and seconded by Eric. The motion to approve minutes was approved unanimously. 2. Recognition of guests and community communications: Lisa Stelick welcomed as guest 3. Membership Applications: None to discuss at this time. 4. Monthly Report of the Recreation Director: Wednesday Music in the Park sign at Town Square was moved by beautification committee but will be put back. - Music in the Park is going better than ever. o Small Kings will be invited to Montgomery Park next year. Farmer's Market is small but will grow. Movies in the Park was discussed — further research needed due to screen costs and copyright fees. Recreation Partnership budget numbers were handed out. o We are in 3"d year of 5 year agreement o Can we pull out due to reduction in programs offered? o Pulling out would have an increased impact on all municipalities that participate. o Need to take a closer look at recreation partnership. o Those programs that are cut but offered through the Town should be contacted to offer on Town level as opposed to the Rec Partnership level. o Tot Spot — they make $ on — up to a point we are subsidizing. o Goal by 2012 is to offer more of the programs here to help break away from the Rec Partnership and perhaps pay for participation in programs not offered by us. o Go after county for funding as they contribute less than others. o Don requested breakdown per program cost next month. o Let's invite Rec Partnership to meeting to review budget as done in past. o Can speak to Melissa regarding cost breakdown per participant. Review of coach selection was discussed. o Deciding between 2 o Selection panel / process for every sport? o Criteria and guidelines for fair / honest way to resolve issues with decisions. 5. Old Business: DRC Goals o Short Term • Recreation Inventory was discussed - Melissa will get to us at July meeting • Capital Reserve Fund was discussed. - Is in the hands of the Dryden Town Board - Is currently being discussed at Town Board level with follow up shortly. Recreation Committee of Town Board. • - Finance Committee of Town Board. o Intermediate • Dryden Old Home Days was discussed (Elsie) Old Home Days in good hands thanks to Dan & Don. - Looking for donations for Peggy Haines auction. - Schedule of events in everyone's emails. o Long Term • Master Plan was discussed (Sharon) 6. New Business: - Will be main agenda of August meeting. Melissa can not attend Thursday meetings starting end of August. Next DRC Meeting: Thursday, August 27, 2009; 7:00 pm; Dryden Town Hall Next Town Meeting: Wednesday, August 5, 2009; 7;00 PM; Dryden Town Hall Next Rec Partnership meeting: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR'S: 2009 DRC Meeting Schedule (subject to change): 4th Thursday /month — 7:00 pm - Dryden Town Hall unless otherwise noted; 0&25109i OP23109; 08/27109; 09124109; 10122/09; Nov & Dec — To Be Determined Motion to Adjourn: by Sharon Second: by Don Approved ✓ Time: 7:52 p.m Respectfully Submitted by Tammy L. Sherwood, appointed Commission Secretary EC: Comm Members 07120109