HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-05Dryden Recreation Commission (DRC) Meeting Minutes Thursday, 615/2003 -7:30 am— Recreation Dept. Office (at Dryden School District Office downstairs conf. Room) Members Present: Bill Finnerty- Chair, Jim Wood -Vice Chair; Matty Hamel; Ron Space lie, Vicki Wilkins Members Absent: Ralph Bocttgcr, Jeff Bushnell; Ann Grant; Marty Wilson own Board Rep. Absent: Steve Stelick 'own Rec. Coord: Jennifer Gisab Guests: Lisa Stelick (note taker); Dave Hicks Meeting began at approx. 7:404m. Lisa Stelick took notes for this meeting. I . May 22, 2003 Minutes Motion to approve 5/22103 minutes with correction to On -going Business & Updates -.Dairy Day Fundraiser(s) - Move 97 & #8 to new handing. Moved by Jim; Seconded by Ron. Matty Abstained; Bill, Jim, Ron, Vicki approval. 2. MissianlGoal Vicki handed out the "draft" mission & goals she and Matty worked on, Discussion ensued. Motion to accept Mission & Goals with today's revisions... moved by Matty; Seconded by Jim. Approved unanimous. NOTE: Vicki will update document with today's changes and forward to the DRC. Jcn will post it on the web. 3. Recreation Coordinator Report a. Radio air -time with Call Casey (WHCU 870am) —Casey had no station time, however he offered to do a 4 minute telephone segment with Jennifer around 6.35am. Jennifer will get in as much info. about Dairy Day, Rec. Dcpt., Music -In- Parks, Dryden Annual Festival, etc. that she can. b. Youth Conservation Corp. Jobs Jen & Stevc met with Jim DeAlterio (sp. ?) from the Youth Conservation Corp. The Corp. has very few projects lined -up for this summer's work program for students. Jobs Steve & Jen mentioned: 1) bleachers; 2) team benches; 3) cut -out the new bases at Nall St. Ballfirld. The projerum rums 717 - 8/8/2003; M -F; 8:30am -_ (either 12:30 or 2,). Our responsibility will be providing the supplies for the project. (i.e., frame for bleachers, wood, nuts(bolts) !rood: Bill will either speak with Bob Slocum about Bob contacting Carl Oches (Dryden Alumni & Owner of Best Way Lumber) regarding the wood needs for this project and ask for donation'discount, or Bill will contact Carl himself. FyL!&& Ideas: Kiwanis (Jeri will meet with them soon), Sponsors for the "home run fence"; proceeds from the Airplane Toss at Dairy Day; Bill will contact the Legion for possible donations; other.... Matty suggested finding a sponsor to donate all the costs and naming the field after that person. Bill thought • the name of the field might already be earmarked for "Kenny VanSickle" (long -time Dryden resident & Ithaca Journal sports writer & Dryden sports supporter). — need Steve's insight on this situation. C. Wall Street Cost Estin+ates: Dave handed out a sheet itemizing needs /costs for field construction. Basic level field costs carne in at $1,800. He stated that $800 of this cost could wait until the ball while the other $1,000 is needed by July /August. There was another $1,560 itemized on the sheet if we were to step up to the construction of an intermediate level field. Field Use: Dave's opinion is to use this field as a "B" league field with "A" league teams using it only if needed. Funding Ideas: Same as stated above in "3.b." d. Parade— Dairy Day, Sat., 6114103. Airplane Toss: Still recruiting helpers to: sell the planes up & down the parade line; walk around the car to insure safety & proper procedures are followed & pick up stray airplanes tossed and missing the vehicle). HELPERS please meet at 8:30am on the front lawn of the Soutlaworth Library — BRING something with you to wear to place the airplanes in (selling & pick -up) and another something to place the money in (i.e., backpack, fanny pack or money apron, ctc.). Krlspy Kreme Van — Folks interested in helping to walk in the parade with the van handing out information brochures about the Gym project and /or work at the booth selling the donuts and paw prints: contact Russ Kowalski (RK Pot ish cr aol.com) or Brian June (Barracudaman 1966@aol.com). C. Musfc-lnmThe -Park (free family entertainment — bring your own lawn chair or blanket) The summer schedule is set. l' one: MARK Rusr on Wed., 6/18/03, 7pm. Rain Location: DHS Auditorium f Assistant Position: Town Board did not entertain this proposal for the remainder of this budget year. Jcn will propose it for during next years budget planning process. 4. New Business Matty asked to place "Village Bike Trail" on a future agenda. This is in response to a letter her neighborhood received regarding a bike trail children built (Greystonc Dr. /train track area ??) 5. NEXT MEETING: June 19, 1003; 7:30am; Recreation Dept, Conf. Rm. (park /enter rear of DCS DO bldg.) electing adjourned: 8:58arn Respectfully Submitted, Lisa H. Stelick, notetaker v a •--r• = za • V� �'1 i '�z r • 3s'ii �'�= _1-- �,.'��.L�ir�•T e' too js y 1 _ GI t.• 1 i F • ; row� eSr 4i 'L E ,zfr~ Y r i . , �. ,. -6 •�{r .. �. � ^^vfrrw, r - � Ti t _.r .. -- '�, a 'q�r�i%' ✓�r9 �'yf'�`�^i h`N" f y Ta-i =r' + •. y i 1 j - t Y r l��i�,,{l�f�31 v�'. yt•.�j iS� r: �7 i� ! • aXi + - �r .i . t v • � :.r�s�`i';ij..a�.;.� ,>;Xj.ic � ; � �. � ! a -t tw• 1. a _ 4 y_ A .� • 1 ; ••�atS 1� V L J IMP', Jt Y� �y• s i t r• It`.,`, +da. s P \ y it >' T1 / -•�_ t / {/{� 1 ' y R -\�� � T �? s+ .' i i Q y� rii� v. - c_ it I�t� YS''JIti'. �$•/y r J'2 : -�- a t �.. A..Si. - TT ' � � � >I� +,` �•/ >' > _ 1s � oil t S 2� t ��f -R x ( •,U t .. � .� /� i�ti•�� u ��; "fr + .j� �i � �1Y•�kL 'IZ'y �L���� Jt �y• s i t r• It`.,`, +da. s P >' T1 / -•�_ t / {/{� 1 ' y R -\�� � T �? s+ .' i i Q y� rii� v. - c_ it I�t� YS''JIti'. �$•/y r J'2 : -�- a t �.. A..Si. - TT ' � � � >I� +,` �•/ >' > _ 1s � oil t S 2� t ��f -R x ( •,U t .. � .� /� i�ti•�� u ��; "fr + .j� �i � �1Y•�kL 'IZ'y �L���� tea. a , z z to y • fy� _ 4a .: r Jt �y• s i t r• It`.,`, +da. s P let ' At ,• ar a tea. a , z z to y • fy� _ 4a .: r 11 llt_RS' • \1•t:AIoiE Al • This corniwww% cilon llas heo: l; diI..cussed %viih and approved h} the Dryden School Unions .tnd Board of 116tic:mon. • The school insurnricc agent has given the. green light with an exception that volunteers ennnoi work flow ladders or scaffolding. • A local business has ngrced to donate some labor 2nd rmteri3ls. ( Labor is to take care of pnintin4 the upper half of the halls the volunieers cannot do) • A local business has asked io hlap Where needed in reg:vd to the banners. • A local coiilllikintiv inenlber has agieed to work on securinL and installing the. purple mat covering at a bai -gain price_ • Project Cost Estimates: S2,.S00 (including volunieer/business contributions)' EEDS Continue to recruit ideas for securing: • purple and whiie paint (donations if possible) • paint supplies fi materials (i.e.. brushes, rollers, extenders, tarps, tape, etc.) • volt:nteei laborers (i.e., painting: preparelscrvc food during painting: work fundraisers) • rnonfv to corer non - donated costs • Your help io plan, work & suppon this project }t NniiAISEKS • knspy Iaerae Donut Sale (visii the booth at Dais- Day. 6'Ioow''01) S6 /dozen • P,-,.v%- Prini Salc (visit the hooch at Dairy Day, 6 i» (1:) SIC•individual orSM- family/business • Chick-en SBQ (TBA) • tuner Ideas wclforn TO HELP/ CONTACT To sign-up to help. give input, or for more !tltttrili�1tt011 her: aiY Some contacts; • DIN&It A III It: 11•C l'It I;. I:KI'rli.h,`a. • lT;. «f r: Re c i011t • ttrllrl tune- i(i:- I,Ii.ala I I i.J 111'1(%I ,p:wi COW* • A 0II WNOTt : Funds than min• he lift over will go into tlrr hitildiu,• ftnrd j(tr the Memorial Complex's mirduor rooiression stand. WE NEED Yo v! BE A PART OFA DR YDEN COMMUNITY EFFORT THE SCHOOL SPIRIT PROJECT: MIDDLE /HIGH SCHOOL MAIN GYM Completion Target Date: .August, 2003 Co- Sponsored by Dryden Lions Athletic Club, Dryden Recreation Commission, and Community Volunteers ,. 1 Paw Arimt Ord or Fvrmt Fundraiser for No Drydam Mlddea/N1gA ScAooC Malty gyrh Spruca•up Comtthumity Projocf The paw prints will be pointed white on a purple painted row of blocks in the gym. Purchasers will be honored on o mounted plaque to be displayed in the gym, C) n Or :c :r $20 - Family or Business Individual ($10) 0 or Family /Business ($20) D Total Enclosed: $ Engraving (limit 25 spaces): ------------------- - - - - -- Sold To: Name: Address: Phone: Purchasers Receipt: or Email: Please accept this receipt as verification that contributed $ toward the Dryden Community Gym Spruce -Up /Outdoor Concession Stand projects. on behalf of these Projects. bate: E Wall Street Baseball Field Estimated Construction Costs 6 /30/03 Field Costs Home Plate Pitching rubber Sand for base of clay areas (10 tons) Clay for home plate, mound & bases Fill for low areas Seed, Fertilizer & weed control Bricks for home plate & mound areas ,Misc. items Total = 2 Player Benches 2 Pressure Treated Seat Board — 2" x 10" x 16' 4 Legs plus diagonal support — 2" x 10" x 2'ea Nails Total 1 -2 Spectator Bleachers I Frame (5 Row, 15" long) — seats 50 1 Frame Shipping Cost 3 Pressure Treated mud sills — 2 "x 8 "x 8 %Z' 5 Pressure Treated seat boards — 2" x 10" x 16' 4 Pressure Treated foot boards — 2" x 10" x 16* 60 carriage bolts & nuts — 3/8 x 2 ''/2" (box of 100) Total = $100.00 $ 80.00 $ 200.00 $ 800 - $1,600.00 $ 200.00 $ 200 - $ 600.00 $ 0- $ 360.00 $ 220.00 $ 1,1300.00 — $3,3611900 $48.00 approx. $24.00 approx. $2.00 $74.00 Funds needed. Lowest Estimated Total Cost = $ 2,596.71 Estimated Total Cost = $ 4,879.42 $375.00 $93.75 $9.29 x 3 = $27.87 $24.00 x 5 = $120.00 $24.00 x 4 = $96.00 10.09 $722.71. x 2 = $1,445.42 Town of Dryden Recreation Commission June 5, 2003 MISSION The Town of Dryden Recreation Commission (DR C), in conjunction with the Town of Dryden Recreation Department, will strive to improve the quality of life for all residents by facilitating the opportunity to participate in healthy and satisfying recreation and leisure activities. GOALS To foster a sense of community among all residents; To foster a partnership between the community and Town Board in an effort to ensure that offerings are developed to meet community needs; and to act in an advisory capacity to the Town Board on recreation matters; To set policy and guidelines for recreation programs and the use of recreation facilities and open spaces in conjunction with local, state, and federal laws and regulations, and the Recreation Coordinator; To research and secure, if applicable, additional recreation facilities and open spaces; To strive to provide safe, well- maintained, and attractive recreational facilities and open spaces; To provide guidance for the Recreation Coordinator; To deveJop and maintain criteria and qualifications for the Recreation Coordinator and other staff as necessary and to make hiring recommendations to the Town Board; To increase public awareness of leisure opportunities and their benefits through meetings, clinics and programs, brochures, websites, and other rnedia; To establish a foundation of information and to explore alternative funding sou roes, especially grant writing, To promote the preservation and protection of the nature environment. /Is 10=03