7:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Kirk Sigel, Chairperson; Harry Ellsworth, Board Member; Jim Niefer,
Board Member; Dick Matthews, Board Member; Andy Frost, Director of
Building/Zoning; David Dubow, Attorney for the Town; Christine Balestra, Planner.
EXCUSED: Ronald Krantz, Board Member
OTHERS PRESENT: Todd Roswech and Melisa Anthony, 102 Drew Rd; Paula Solat,
103 Drew Rd; Mark Utter, 109 Drew Rd; Don Miller, 5830 Seneca Rd, Trumansburg;
David Mountin, 275 Gray Rd; 3 students.
Chairperson Sigel opens the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
ADJOURNED APPEAL FROM MARCH 21, 2005 of Todd Roswech and Melisa
Anthony,Appellants, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article VIII,
Section 270-60E and Article XXVII, Section 270-223 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to
be permitted to have an accessory building/greenhouse located in the front and/or
side yard, rather than the required rear yard and a fence over six feet in height(for
deer control) at 102 Drew Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-34.29, Low
Density Residential Zone.
Chairperson Sigel—Could you please come to the table?
Mr. Roswech - Good evening.
Chairperson Sigel—Hi. And we did receive your letter, and if you could just give us a
brief description of what you now want to do, that would be great.
Mr. Roswech - Thank you again for continuing our appeal. From last time, as you
remember, we were requesting a front and side yard setback for an eight foot fence for
deer control of our market garden. At the time we were also requesting a front and side
yard variance for a greenhouse, also located in the side yard, which we have withdrawn
for this meeting. So right now, we're only requesting the eight-foot fence for the market
garden. Since last time, we also were able to invite Andy Frost up to the site to take a
look to see what he could see and offer any comments or suggestions. And he was able
to take a look, and saw that it was quite a reasonable request, and gave us his support at
that time. There are some questions about what this site looks like from last time. I did
print out two larger photos that I'd like to share so that you can begin to see what the site
looks like.
APRIL 18, 2005
Chairperson Sigel—So you are requesting the fence to be 5 feet from the front lot line.
Mr. Roswech - From the front lot line, it's also about 10 or 15 feet from the paved road
section, of course the road right of way extends somewhat onto the property and across
there... There's a swale or a gully in the front there. Five feet in from that.
Chairperson Sigel—OK. And then how far from the side?
Mr. Roswech - The side I believe was 20 feet from the side yard property line.
Chairperson Sigel—OK.
Mr. Frost—I have a picture from last month as well that we took for the zoning board last
month if you want to see it. Quite a bit of snow on the ground.
Mr. Roswech - It's been a very kind April.
Mr. Niefer—What are the total dimensions of the area that you're asking to fence off or
planning to fence off?
Mr. Roswech - It's about 80 feet in the front, 80 feet of road frontage and about 100 feet
Mr. Niefer—How many feet back?
Mr. Roswech - 100.
Mr. Frost—If this fence is proposed, what is set back from the road with the 25-foot
setback, it could actually be 30 feet high according to our ordinance. It's when a fence
encroaches within a setback area that it's limited to 6 foot.
Chairperson Sigel—What's the side yard requirement?
Mr. Frost—Well, once you get to the backyard, a fence is considered a structure and can
be as close as 5 foot I believe.
Chairperson Sigel—OK. But in the sort of front or side, where this is?
Mr. Frost—Side I believe is 40 foot still. Although this is an Ag zone, correct?
Chairperson Sigel—No, this is an LDR.
Mr. Matthews —I'm a little slow on the uptake, tonight here, Andy, you said that it could
be 30 feet?
APRIL 18, 2005
Mr. Frost—The way the ordinance reads is if the fence is within the setback area, within
the setback, it has to be limited to 6 foot. Anything that's not within the setback, the
ordinance would allow anything that's an accessory structure to have a 30-foot height.
This is a concern that I've posed, I don't think we'll ever see anyone coming in with a
30-foot high fence.
Mr. Matthews —Does that translate to, if he comes closer than the setback, it has to be
less than 30 feet?
Mr. Frost—No, as long as, as in the front yard, where you have to have a minimum, I
think it's 25 foot, as long as he's set back from the road right of way line, where on a 50
foot wide road, it would be essentially 50 foot back from the center line of the road,
assuming the centerline was placed in the center, as it should be, and that's not always the
case when they put roads in. As long as it stays behind that setback, it can be up to 30
foot. I'm not sure if I'm following your question, or if I've answered your question.
Mr. Matthews —And I'm not sure I'm following your answer, I'm sorry. He wants it five
feet from the line.
Mr. Frost—Yeah, he's going to be encroaching in the setback area.
Mr. Matthews —So his restriction then is 6 feet maximum.
Mr. Frost—Six feet, right.
Mr. Ellsworth—Across the front,
Mr. Matthews —Yes, across the front.
Mr. Ellsworth - most of the side length is...
Mr. Matthews —I understand that.
Chairperson Sigel—The fence along the side also is too close to the side lot.
Mr. Matthews —Is that restricted?
Mr. Frost—Until the point that it reaches the backyard, which is that line behind the
principal building, and then it can go within three feet, I believe.
Mr. Matthews —Is the side yard height of the fence limited to...?
Mr. Frost—Six foot, as long as it's in that 15-foot setback, from the road right of way line
to the back line of the house.
APRIL 18, 2005
Mr. Matthews —So in other words, the highest he can go is six foot... because the deer
are going to know that they can go over the six foot jump.
Mr. Frost—We've issued similar variances, Dick, before you came on the board, for deer
fencing. I guess some of the powers to be at Cornell feel that eight foot is the minimum.
Mr. Roswech -Yeah, anything less than eight foot is sort of like a gate.
Mr. Matthews —So, it's probably not within my realm of consideration, but, if Cornell in
its esteemed educated outlook, say a deer, to prevent a deer from coming into crops, it
has to be eight foot tall...
Mr. Frost—I don't think that's a guarantee that all deer won't make it over eight foot.
Mr. Matthews —So these folks are going to build a fence that's six feet high.
Mr. Frost—No.
Chairperson Sigel—They're requesting eight foot.
Mr. Frost—Otherwise they wouldn't be here.
Mr. Matthews —Ah, OK, I'm finally clear. I'm a little slow tonight.
Mr. Roswech -Yes, after some consultation with Paul Curtis at Cornell, his
recommendation was that anything less than an eight foot fence is, you might as well not
even put up a fence. Eight feet will keep ninety percent or more of the deer out. Of
course, nothing is...
Mr. Frost—This board may be seeing Cornell for a ten-foot high fence...
Chairperson Sigel—According to your drawing, it's going to be wooden posts with wire
Ms. Anthony - Wire mesh, yes.
Chairperson Sigel—Any other questions, right now? OK, let's open the public hearing,
does anyone wish to speak.
Chairperson Sigel opens the public hearing at 7:08 p.m.
Chairperson Sigel—Yes, ma'am? If you could come to the end if you don't mind, and
please just begin with your name and address for the record.
APRIL 18, 2005
Mrs. Solat- OK, I'm Paula Solat, I live At 103 Drew Rd, which is right across from their
property. My husband couldn't make it, but because we were here a month ago, I felt it
was important to comeback, but we do not have any objections to their variance. I just
wanted to make that clear.
Mr. Ellsworth—Good, thanks.
Chairperson Sigel—Thank you very much. Sir,please?
Mr. Utter- My name is Mark Utter, I live at 109 Drew Rd, which is directly across from
Todd and Melissa. I have no objections. I would like to see the ... garden and everything
else continue that Katie Stearns had started over there. I just wanted to say that I have no
objections and I think it's a great thing.
Chairperson Sigel—Thank you very much. Anyone else? OK, if not, we'll close the
public hearing.
Chairperson Sigel closes the public hearing at 7:10 p.m.
Chairperson Sigel—And I do not think we need to do a SEQR for this one. So, if there
are no further questions or comments?
Mr. Niefer—So, we're voting on an eight-foot fence, that's going to be how many feet
back from the road right of way?
Chairperson Sigel—Five feet back from the road right of way.
Mr. Matthews —Which is 15 feet from the edge of the pavement approximately?
Ms. Anthony - Approximately.
Mr. Roswech - Approximately, yes.
Mr. Frost—If this was, again Jim, if this was a six-foot high fence, other than telling the
people that the Town could plow it down if they wanted to,people often put it right up to
the edge of the property, even though it's in the right of way. And the town actually tries
to exercise care when they plow.
Chairperson Sigel—OK. I will move to grant the appeal of Todd Roswech and Melisa
Anthony, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article XXVII, Section 270-223
of the Town of Ithaca Code, to be permitted to have a fence no greater than eight feet in
height at 102 Drew Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-34.29, Low Density
Residential Zone. With the finding that the requirements for an area variance have been
satisfied, and with the following conditions, that the fence be no closer than five feet
APRIL 18, 2005
from the front lot line, be no closer than 20 feet from the side lot line, that the fence run
no longer than 80 feet along the front lot line. Any others?
Mr. Niefer—The 100 feet depth?
Chairperson Sigel—I'm not really that concerned about the depth.
Mr. Niefer—OK, could we specify, as it's worded right now, it's a fence, no definition of
the nature of the fence.
Chairperson Sigel—OK, with the requirement that the fence be substantially as drawn be
the applicant with wooden posts and wire mesh.
Mr. Niefer—And that if the area not be use for growing of produce for over a year, that
the fence be removed.
Mr. Frost—What if they wanted to plant flowers not vegetables? I mean, we've had
applicants come in because they wanted to plant flowers not vegetables.
Mr. Niefer—OK.
Mr. Frost—It was just a suggestion.
Mr. Matthews —Deer like flowers, too.
Chairperson Sigel—I think it would be a little bit hard to... I agree with your sentiment,
Mr. Niefer—You go past some other fenced in areas that haven't been used, and there's
dilapidated fences fallen partially down, and I don't think it's necessarily conducive to
the interests of the neighborhood to have a poorly maintained fence around an area that's
no longer used for its intended purpose, but if there's no second to my amendment, why,
it'll die.
Chairperson Sigel—Yeah, I'm not... I don't see the need myself. OK. Second, to the
Mr. Matthews —Second.
Chairperson Sigel—All in favor?
ZB RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 018: Todd Roswech and Melisa Anthony, Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28.-1-34.29
MOTION made by Kirk Sigel, seconded by Dick Matthews.
APRIL 18, 2005
RESOLVED that this Board grants the appeal of Todd Roswech and Melisa
Anthony, Appellants, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article
XXVII, Section 270-223 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to be permitted to have a
fence no greater than eight feet in height at 102 Drew Road, Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 28-1-34.29, Low Density Residential Zone
FINDINGS: The requirements for an area variance have been satisfied.
1. The fence shall be no closer than five feet from the front lot line.
2. The fence shall be no closer than twenty feet from the side lot line.
3. The fence shall run no longer than eighty feet along the front lot line.
4. The fence shall be substantially as drawn by the applicant with wooden
posts and wire mesh.
The vote on the MOTION resulted as follows:
AYES: Sigel, Ellsworth, Niefer, Matthews
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Mr. Frost—I'll just read the section of the ordinance for the board for the future. This
used to be old section 65 under our old ordinance. This new section says "the provision
of the chapter,"which is the zoning ordinance chapter of the new Town Code, "shall not
apply to fences, walls, not over six feet high above natural grade, terraces, steps,porches,
patios et cetera." So, all the requirements of the ordinance, if it's no higher than six foot,
they can do what they want.
Chairperson Sigel—OK.
Mr. Roswech - Thank you.
Chairperson Sigel—You're all set.
APPEAL of Rocco Lucente, Appellant, requesting variances from the requirements
of Article XXV, Section 207-205 and Article XII, Section 270-106 of the Town of
Ithaca Code, to modify existing non-conforming multiple residences with the
construction of new front porch roofs located at Winston Court/Sprucewood
Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70-3-9, —14, 70-4-1, -6, 70-5-1 and -6,
APRIL 18, 2005
Multiple Residential Zone. Said properties were created in 1959 in Agricultural
zones, later to be rezoned Residential and then Multiple residential. Among other
items the building's front yard setbacks are less than the required 50 feet.
Mr. Frost—We kind of advertised this two ways just to be careful that we didn't omit
anything. So, it could be a variance for something non-conforming essentially.
Chairperson Sigel—Or an area variance for the setback? OK. Good evening, sir. Please
start with your name and address.
Mr. Miller- My name is Don Miller, I'm representing Rocco Lucente, I live at 5830
Seneca Road, Trumansburg, NY.
Chairperson Sigel—Could you give us a brief overview of what Mr. Lucente is proposing
to do?
Mr. Miller- These buildings have existing Concrete Front steps with a slab at the top
approximately five feet out from the building, and there are constant problems keeping
snow and ice off these slabs. You have to throw so much salt up there, we have a hard
time trying to keep them clear. The peaked porch roof would keep the ice and snow off
these front slabs, and sometimes the water splashes into the entry door if they leave the
door open. The will be designed to look like balconies, although they would not have
any access to them. There will be a railing on the top of the roof.
Mr. Frost—That has been before the planning board as well, and you have a copy of that
in your packet.
Chairperson Sigel—How far out will the roof project?
Mr. Miller- Five feet.
Chairperson Sigel—Five feet?
Mr. Matthews —Five feet from?
Mr. Miller- From the building.
Mr. Matthews —From the building?
Mr. Miller- Essentially, we're just putting a roof over top of the front slabs, not over the
steps, and then we can divert the water to the sides instead of... the roof above three
stories, we have to go around every week and knock down icicles, because the roof
slopes towards the slabs. So we have a problem keeping the icicles down. This roof
would go to the sides and take that water and ice to the sides away from the steps.
APRIL 18, 2005
Chairperson Sigel—It's not going to cover the steps, though, right,just the landing?
Mr. Miller- Just the landing at the top.
Mr. Matthews —And that will keep the ice off the landing, being just over the landing,
not taking into account the wind or the driving rain or snow?
Mr. Miller- Well, if we have a blowing snowstorm, we have to shovel the snow off,
basically the ice melting off the roof drips down and it builds up and you just can't keep
enough salt on there to keep it clear. We've really had problems with this.
Chairperson Sigel—Seems pretty straightforward.
Mr. Ellsworth—Yeah.
Chairperson Sigel—Looks like the planning board acted as lead agency so we shouldn't
have to do anything with that I believe. OK, open the public hearing at this point. Does
anyone wish to speak in this case?
Chairperson Sigel opens the public hearing at 7:20 p.m.
Chairperson Sigel—If not, we'll close the public hearing.
Chairperson Sigel closes the public hearing at 7:21 p.m.
Chairperson Sigel—And we need to decide how we're going to grant this.
Chairperson Sigel—Well, I imagine the setbacks are going to vary somewhat.
Mr. Miller- It's approximately 30 feet, for each building to the porch roof will be
approximately 30 feet.
Mr. Ellsworth—That's the closes one, they vary all over.
Ms. Balestra- They do vary.
Chairperson Sigel—We could just grant a variance under section 205, non-conforming
structures to do what they want to do now, and nothing else. Rather than just some kind
of blanket setback variance which would permit other modifications potentially.
Mr. Dubow- You could do it that way, or you could grant the setback variance but it
would be specific just to the structures.
APRIL 18, 2005
Chairperson Sigel—Just to allow the...
Mr. Dubow - Each one of these technically is a separate lot, so you would have to grant
whatever approvals you are going to grant individually with respect to all eighteen of
them. You can make your action collectively, but it would apply to each of the eighteen,
and you theoretically have the right to differ your approvals with respect to each one of
those if you felt that was appropriate. They are all separate tax parcels.
Chairperson Sigel—They're not all... it doesn't look like Andy listed them all.
Mr. Miller- I have all the building numbers right here if you need them.
Ms. Balestra- Thank you. They're also listed on the plans, too. Each tax parcel number.
Mr. Dubow - And actually on the SEQR, or on the Planning Board resolution, they are
sort of abbreviated, but they've made 70-3-9 to 14 and then 70-4-1 to 6. They total, I
think, the aggregate number.
Chairperson Sigel—OK. OK, I will move to grant the appeal of Rocco Lucente,
requesting variances from the requirements of article XXV, Section 207-205 and Article
XII, Section 270-106 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to modify existing non-conforming
multiple residences with the construction of new front porch roofs located at Winston
Court/Sprucewood Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70-3-9 through 14, 70-4-
1 through 6, 70-5-1 through 6, Multiple Residence Zone. With the finding that the
requirement for an area variance have been satisfied, with the condition that only the
porch roofs as drawn on the applicant's plans be permitted to be attached to each of these
eighteen buildings. Second?
Mr. Matthews —Second.
ZB RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 019: Rocco Lucente, Appellant, Winston
Court/Sprucewood Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70-3-9, —14,
70-4-1, -6, 70-5-1 and -6
MOTION made by Kirk Sigel, seconded by Dick Matthews.
RESOLVED that this Board grants the appeal of Rocco Lucente, Appellant,
requesting variances from the requirements of Article XXV, Section 207-205 and
Article XII, Section 270-106 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to modify existing non-
conforming multiple residences with the construction of new front porch roofs
located at Winston Court/Sprucewood Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No. 70-3-9, —14, 70-4-1, -6, 70-5-1 and -6, Multiple Residential Zone.
FINDINGS: The requirements for an area variance have been satisfied.
APRIL 18, 2005
1. Only the porch roofs as drawn on the applicant's plans shall be
permitted to be attached to these eighteen buildings.
The vote on the MOTION resulted as follows:
AYES: Sigel, Ellsworth, Niefer, Matthews
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Chairperson Sigel—OK.
Mr. Miller- Thank you very much.
Chairperson Sigel—Thanks.
APPEAL of David Mountin,Appellant, requesting an approval under Article IX,
Section 270-69 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to be permitted to build a detached
garage with a dwelling unit(in addition to the primary dwelling unit) at 738 Elm
Street Extension, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-28.222, Medium Density
Residential Zone. A variance from the requirements of Section 270-70 is also being
requested to construct said garage/apartment with a building height of 22 +feet(15
foot height limit).
Chairperson Sigel—Good evening.
Mr. Mountin - Good evening. Dave Mountin. Is this on?
Chairperson Sigel—Yeah, it's just mainly recording.
Mr. Mountin - 274 Gray Rd, Ithaca, NY. Tonight I'm seeking a special approval for a
detached garage and a variance for 21 feet. My wife and I are planning to build a home
here in the Town of Ithaca this summer. We are also hoping to build a detached 24 by 32
foot garage, single level garage with a 10/12 pitch which would have apartments upstairs
with an outside entrance, but it would be a single level garage, 8 foot ceiling with a 10/12
pitch and the top of the 10/12 pitch is 21 feet. The house is detached by 10 feet from the
house, excuse me the garage is 10 feet from the house.
APRIL 18, 2005
Mr. Dubow - I would point out that the application indicates that the variance being
sought is a use variance, and I believe the only variance in addition to the special
approval they are looking for, is for the height variation, which would make that an area
variance so the standards to be applied would be the area variance standards and not the
use variance standards. I think Andy agrees with that.
Mr. Frost—Yeah, when we were talking about this earlier, I was thinking of a different
case that's not here right now.
Chairperson Sigel—So you, what's the square footage of the apartment?
Mr. Mountin - 24 by 32. Same as the footing for the garage.
Chairperson Sigel—OK, so it will occupy pretty much that entire space.
Mr. Mountin -Peaked roof with slant walls.
Chairperson Sigel—What's the square footage of the main house?
Mr. Mountin - Two floors, it's a story and a half house, 2132.
Mr. Frost—For the board's information, under the new zoning ordinance. Past zoning
ordinances for people like Jim and Harry, I guess Ron isn't here, is our old ordinance
didn't allow a dwelling unit in a separate building. Our new ordinance does. But it
allows a separate dwelling unit by special approval or special permit.
Mr. Ellsworth—And there are some limitations.
Mr. Frost—So the apartment is a special approval because that's what the ordinance
requires for a detached apartment. And the variance for the height, because an accessory
structure is limited to 15 foot in height. They need a variance for that since he's
proposing 22-foot height.
Chairperson Sigel—There's still a requirement for the accessory building being 50%.
Mr. Frost—Yes, good point.
Chairperson Sigel—Which this appears to meet. So it appears to be well under 50% of
the main unit.
Mr. Ellsworth—There has to be adequate parking for both buildings.
Chairperson Sigel—I would presume. It's a pretty big lot.
APRIL 18, 2005
Mr. Mountin - It's a 2.7 acre lot, and we're doing a circle drive. We're planning on it
being a one-bedroom apartment, so there won't be more than one or two renters for sure.
Chairperson Sigel—OK, looks pretty straightforward. Any questions or comments?
Mr. Niefer—As I recall, the roads into this area are private roads, is that correct?
Mr. Mountin - Yes, sir.
Mr. Frost—This has gone through the planning and zoning boards in the past.
Chairperson Sigel—It's essentially a long shared driveway.
Mr. Dubow - I believe these are the conditions that apply under 270-69, that ahs a whole
set of conditions that are attached to the accessory structure, and then there are the
general conditions that you have that are also, I think you would have to agree with as
well with respect to general special approvals.
Chairperson Sigel—OK, we'll open the public hearing at this time. Anyone wish to
Chairperson Sigel opens the public hearing at 7:29 p.m.
Chairperson Sigel—If not, we'll close the public hearing. And we do have an
environmental assessment form for this. Christine, anything you'd like to add?
Ms. Balestra-Nope,planning staff had no concerns with this.
Mr. Matthews —Pretty simple.
Chairperson Sigel—I'll move to make a negative determination of environmental
significance in the appeal of David Mountin. Second?
Mr. Ellsworth—I'll second it.
Chairperson Sigel—All in favor?
Mountin, 738 Elm Street Extension, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-
28.222, Medium Density Residential Zone.
MOTION made by Kirk Sigel, seconded by Harry Ellsworth.
APRIL 18, 2005
RESOLVED that this Board makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in the appeal of David Mountin.
The vote on the MOTION resulted as follows:
AYES: Sigel, Ellsworth, Niefer, Matthews
NAYS: None
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Chairperson Sigel—OK. And, I will move to grant the appeal of David Mountin
requesting approval under Article IX, Section 270-69 of the Town of Ithaca Code, to be
permitted to build a detached garage with a dwelling unit (in addition to the primary
dwelling unit) at 738 Elm Street Extension, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-28.222,
Medium Density Residential Zone. And in addition, grant a variance from the
requirements of Section 270-70 to construct said garage/apartment with a building height
not to exceed 22 feet where there is a 15-foot height limit. With the finding that in the
case of the second dwelling unit, the requirements under 270-69C have been satisfied as
well as the general requirements for special approval and in the case of the height
variance, the requirements for an area variance have been satisfied by the applicant. And
with the condition that the garage and apartment unit be constructed as indicated on the
applicant's plans, and sited where the applicant has indicated on his property. Second?
Mr. Niefer—Second.
Chairperson Sigel—All in favor?
ZB RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 021: David Mountin, 738 Elm Street Extension,
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-28.222, Medium Density Residential
MOTION made by Kirk Sigel, seconded by Jim Niefer.
RESOLVED that this Board grants the appeal of David Mountin, Appellant,
requesting an approval under Article IX, Section 270-69 of the Town of Ithaca
Code, to be permitted to build a detached garage with a dwelling unit (in addition
to the primary dwelling unit) at 738 Elm Street Extension, Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 28-1-28.222, Medium Density Residential Zone. And in addition,
grant a variance from the requirements of Section 270-70 to construct said
garage/apartment with a building height not to exceed 22 feet where there is a
15-foot height limit.
APRIL 18, 2005
1. In the case of the second dwelling unit, the requirements under 270-69C
have been satisfied, as well as the requirements for special approval.
2. In the case of the height variance, the requirements for an area variance
have been satisfied by the applicant.
CONDITIONS: The garage and apartment unit shall be constructed as
indicated on the applicant's plans, and sited where the applicant has
indicated on his property.
The vote on the MOTION resulted as follows:
AYES: Sigel, Ellsworth, Niefer, Matthews
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Chairperson Sigel—OK.
Mr. Mountin - Thank you. Good night.
General comments ensue.
Chairperson Sigel adjourns the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Kirk Sigel, Chairperson
John Coakley, Deputy Town Clerk