HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2017-04-24 Study Session of the Ithaca Town Board
April 24, 2017
1. Review May 8`b Agenda
2. Discuss and consider setting apublic hearing regarding aproposed local law regulating
Signs and Murals
3. Discuss and consider setting apublic hearing regarding aproposed local law: "Amending
Restaurant Drive-Through Provisions in the Community Commercial Zoning Provisions of
Ithaca Town Code Chapter 270"
4. Discuss and consider authorization for the Town Supervisor to sign an agreement with
Cornell for the payment of an additional Code Officer
5. Discuss the Worth Street issue regarding building code enforcement and oversight and
authorization for Supervisor to sign the agreement
6. Discuss and consider authorization for Town Supervisor to sign a contract with GHD for
the South Hill and West Hill Water Study
7. Committee Reports
a. Planning
Discuss Short Term Rentals such as Air B&B's
Discuss progress on Rental Registry and two-family dwellings
b. Public Works
c. Codes and Ordinances
d. Budget
e. P&O and Employee Relations
8. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Town of Ithaca Abstract
Study Session of the Ithaca Town Board
April 24, 2017
Board Members Present: Bill Goodman, Supervisor; Rod Howe, Deputy Town Supervisor;
Pat Leary, Tee-Ann Hunter, Eric Levine, Rich DePaolo, and Pamela Bleiwas
Staff Present: Susan Ritter, Director of Planning, Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement;
Mike Solvig, Director of Finance, Judy Drake, Director of Human Resources;Paulette Rosa,
Town Clerk; Jim Weber, Highway Superintendent and Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town
1. Review May 8th Agenda
Mr. Goodman wanted to talk about the City's committee structure reorganization after the Board
of Fire Commissioner's quarterly report.
Mr. Goodman reviewed the May agenda. Ms. Hunter asked about the mural law and Mr.
Goodman reiterated that he would like to meet with those who have concerns about murals and
then discuss the draft at the regular meeting instead of this study session.
2. Pulled Discuss and consider setting apublic hearing regarding aproposed local law
regulating Signs and Murals
3. Discuss and consider setting a public hearing regarding a proposed local law: "Amending
Restaurant Drive-Through Provisions in the Community Commercial Zoning Provisions of
Ithaca Town Code Chapter 270"
TB Resolution 2017 - 054: Setting a public hearing regarding a proposed local law:
"Amending Restaurant Drive-Through Provisions in the Communitv Commercial Zoninu
Provisions of Ithaca Town Code Chapter 270"
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the Town
Hall, 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on the 8h day of May, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. for the
purpose of considering a proposed local law "Amending Restaurant Drive-Through Provisions in the
Community Commercial Zoning Provisions of Ithaca Town Code Chapter 270", and be it further
Resolved, that at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed local law may
be heard concerning the same; and it is further
Resolved, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to
publish a notice of such public hearing in the Ithaca Journal and to post a copy of same on the
signboard of the Town of Ithaca.
Moved: Rod Howe Seconded: Rich DePaolo
Vote: Ayes—Howe, DePaolo, Hunter, Levine, Leary, Goodman and Bleiwas
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4. Pulled Discuss and consider authorization for the Town Supervisor to sign an agreement
with Cornell for the payment of an additional Code Officer
5. Pulled Discuss the Worth Street issue regarding building code enforcement and oversight
and authorization for Supervisor to sign the agreement
6. Discuss and consider authorization for Town Supervisor to sign a contract with GHD
for the South Hill and West Hill Water Study
TB Resolution 2017- 055: Authorization to Award Contract for a Studv of Potential South
Hill and West Hill Water Svstem Improvements
Whereas, on November 7, 2016 the Town Board approved the 2017 Town Budget
(Resolution No 2016-158)that included $80,000 to fund a study of potential South and West Hill
Water System Improvements, and
Whereas, for consistency in the analysis of the water distribution system, it was
determined to contract with the same company that performed the Town of Ithaca Northeast and
Bast Hill Water System Improvements studies, GHD Consulting Services Inc., and
Whereas, GHD Consulting services has prepared and submitted a proposal to complete
the Town of Ithaca South and West Hill Water System Improvements; and
Whereas, members of Town Staff have reviewed the proposal and presented the proposal
to the Public Works Committee, which has recommended that the proposal of$69,800.00 for the
study made by the firm of GHD Consulting Inc. is a qualified proposal, and be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the award of the contract
for the study of potential South and West Hill Water System Improvements to GHD Consulting
Services Inc., Cazenovia New York, subject to final approval of the contract documents by the
Town Engineer and Attorney for the Town, and be it further
Resolved, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute said contract upon such
Moved: Tee-Ann Hunter Seconded: Pat Leary
Vote: Ayes—Hunter, Leary, Levine, DePaolo, Goodman, Bleiwas and Howe
7. Committee Reports
Planning—Mr. DePaolo reported that they continue to discuss rental property oversight and they
are moving ahead on the assumption that we are interested in regulating the rental property in the
town and devising a means by which to do so that does not require totally reinventing the
regulatory structures that we already have. To that end, we have been able to adapt our needs to
our existing operating permit application process and he met with Bruce Bates to discuss some
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application parameters that incorporated the types of things the committee thought would be
useful and we should have a rough draft for the next meeting.
Some of the things discussed were occupancy limits and the scenario was what would we do
where somebody who owns an owner-occupied 2-family house and they want to go on
sabbatical? How do we allow people to rent both sides of their property for up to a year, say
every five years? This would apply to everyone whether associated with a university or not.
There is some overlap with the short-term rental issue but that will probably have to be addressed
separately. There is still discussion on whether a short term rental is less than 30 days or how to
define that.
Ms. Hunter had questions about the rental registry and if the existing rentals would be
grandfathered in with the owner-occupancy requirement and Mr. DePaolo responded that these
would apply to newly-created two-family residences and Mr. Goodman added that the rental
registry would apply to everyone though, new and existing.
Mr. Goodman added that the Cornell representative talked about their listing of apartment issues
and health and safety concerns would be available on their website and that information would
be gleaned from the City's registry with information from their inspections for parents and
students. Mr. DePaolo said that because the city has many more multiple dwelling units, some
of the things they inspect are not the same as what is required for single and two-family homes
more common in the town. We are keeping an open dialogue with Cornell, but it will not be the
same information as the City.
Ms. Brock stated that she had sent the board a memo regarding the letter submitted by Mr. Smith
who was representing Mr. Ronsvalle about this topic and Mr. DePaolo moved to enter closed
session to seek the advice of counsel at 4:55 p.m., seconded by Mr. Goodman, unanimous.
Mr. Goodman moved to reenter open session at 5:20 p.m., seconded by Mr. DePaolo,
Discuss Short Term Rentals such as Air B&B's
Mr. Goodman asked the board what direction the board would like to go in as far as drafting
legislation, looking at other communities and what they have done, specific changes and
opinions from the board.
Mr. DePaolo started the conversation by summarizing what the Planning Committee has been
discussing saying that in general they are discussing future short term rentals within the construct
of owner-occupancy and with a limitation on the number of days per year that someone can rent
and some have attended webinars looking at what other municipalities are doing. Some seem to
be more interested in monetizing or getting their piece of the pie while others seem more
interested in regulating the practice. He said that it is hard to balance, but they are trying to
acknowledge that the sharing economy is a real thing and we live in an environment where there
is a need for accommodations so the question becomes how do you balance that need and how
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do we also enable homeowners to make their homes more affordable as this is a supplemental
income stream that if managed properly could potentially alleviate the cost of owning a house
while still providing for the level of oversight needed to avoid a lot of the nuisance related issues
from non-owner occupied rentals.
Mr. DePaolo stated that it would be helpful to get input from those not on or attending the
Planning Committee meetings.
Ms. Bleiwas talked about the committee looking at other municipalities to get a lot of ideas and
then pick out what they believe would work best for the town and talk about those with the
whole board. It would be good to know what more of the options are.
Ms. Hunter stated that she would like to see what kind of complaints we have gotten so we can
draft regulations that really do address those concerns rather than simply developing regulations
with a broader brush than needed. She also would like to look at the costs of regulating this and
how we could defray those costs. It seems that one of the broad concerns is that this practice of
short-term rentals can take properties off the market because it can be more affordable to own the
house but are we going to have a permitting process and if so, there should be a fee. If we are
not going to require owner-occupancy, then we should require a response time for complaints to
be responded to; things that might make it not such an easy income stream with more
Mr. Goodman stated that he had asked Mr. Bates to researched the complaints and Mr. Bates
stated that from 2014 -2017, roughly, 7% of the complaints per year are associated with short-
term rentals so 7 a year. He found that the complaints were very localized, nothing from West
Hill but Pineview/Hickory Place, Renwick Heights, and Forest Home with a couple on Bast
Shore Drive. The system does not differentiate short-term rental but as a noise, or parking, or
over occupancy, so it is hard to pull them out and this was just a quick look this afternoon.
Ms. Leary added that the Committee talked about how to allow some limited rentals such as
graduation weekends without it being a business as well as having the owner-occupancy or
primary residence requirement which led to property managers as an option but the examples
used in the webinars are not like the town with low mid-income houses so the search continues.
Some discussion followed.
Ms. Hunter stated that we should be mindful of ourselves as a tourist area and understand that
people do want to come here and vacation and we need to think if we want seasonal vacation
housing built, which is a huge thing that happens in places and then you get a lot of vacant
housing owned by wealthy people that is lived in for 3 months out of the year and that really
boosts property values. She thought this is a very complex issue and we have to balance it with
the concerns about the impacts on our residents but this is a problem a lot of communities are
facing but as a vacation spot and our wish to density, do we want the entire Lansing lakefront
filled with condos because we don't want to allow short term rentals here? Mr. Goodman added
that historically we have had lakefront rentals before AirBandB and now that issue is coming up
down there too he thought we could have regulations in different areas or zones of the town.
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Graduation and parents weekends are also a popular short term rental for many homeowners so
he would like to look at a certain number of days being allowed.
Mr. Goodman asked about the Northeast area where there were complaints last year and Mr.
Bates and Mr. DePaolo responded that the main person there, Ms. Lawson, was in favor of
owner-occupancy regulations and want the rentals to come out of the shadows and she works
with her neighbors on any issues. They would like to stop arbitrary enforcement and she would
be interested in hearing what other communities do and answering any questions the board may
Public Works—Mr. Howe stated that they reviewed adjustments to the long term capital
projects and some fleet replacement plans. Ms. Salon was present and there was a lengthy
discussion regarding Culver Rd and Rich Schoch will be asked to go to the Conservation Board
meeting and explain the town's philosophy regarding trimming or trees. Mr. Goodman added
that he continues to field her calls and meet with her and we continue to assure her that we are
not widening the road.
There was some further discussion on the 940 B Shore Drive wall issue and the Forest
Home area with Mr. Goodman stating that he will be talking to the full board at a future
date about limiting money spent on road work so we are not bonding for it.
Codes and Ordinances—No meeting
Budget No meeting
P&O and Employee Relations—Ms. Bleiwas reported that they continue to work on updating
the personnel manual. The revised employee wellness policy was referred to the full board with
an increase in the annual amount. The BRC continues to review the engagement survey.
Other—Ms. Ritter reported that the Town has received the grant for the 96B Ithaca College
sidewalk for $1.5 M with a 20% match and she will begin reaching out to Ithaca College. She
added that the City also received a grant for the Route 79 sidewalk to join up to the Town's to
8. Consent Agenda
TB Resolution 2017-056: Adopt Consent Auenda
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the
following Consent Agenda items:
a. Approval of Town Board Minutes
b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract
Moved: Tee-Ann Hunter Seconded: Rod Howe
Vote: Ayes —Hunter, Levine, Bleiwas, DePaolo, Goodman, Leary and Howe
TB 2017-04-24 Pg. 5
TB Resolution 2017- 056a: Approval of Minutes of the April 10, 2017
Whereas, the draft minutes of the April 10, 2017 meeting of the Town Board have been
submitted for review and approval, now therefore be it
Resolved, that the Town Board hereby approves the submitted minutes, with any
corrections, as the final minutes of the meeting on April 10, 2017 of the Town Board of the
Town of Ithaca.
TB Resolution 2017 - 056 : Town of Ithaca Abstract
Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town
Board for approval of payment; and
Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now
therefore be it
Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said
vouchers in total for the amounts indicated.
VOUCHER NOS. 455 - 522
General Fund Townwide 78,345.90
General Fund Part-Town 11,084.54
Highway Fund Part-Town 141,490.37
Water Fund 22,812.50
Sewer Fund 15,283.09
Forest Home Lighting District 44.45
Glenside Lighting District 13.29
Renwick Heights Lighting District 22.98
Eastwood Commons Lighting District 31.07
Clover Lane Lighting District 4.15
Winner's Circle Lighting District 6.22
Burleigh Drive Lighting District 14.49_
West Haven Road Lighting District 57.41
Coddington Road Lighting District 33.42
Debt Service 332.00
TOTAL 269,575.88
Meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m.
Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk
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