Tuesday, April 4 2017
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Planning Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox, Linda Collins, John Beach,Yvonne Fogarty,
Jon Bosak, Melissa Hill
Town Staff Present: Chris Balestra, Planner; Mike Smith, Planner; Dan Thaete, Town Engineer;
Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement; Lorraine Moynihan Schmitt,Attorney for the Town;
Debra DeAu0stine, Deputy Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr_Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
SEQR Determination: Cornell University Wilson Lab Modular Offices, 142 and 150 Synchrotron
Mr_Wilcox disclosed that his mother shares a home with Mr. Beyers' father-in-law_
Mr_ Beyers said that Cornell is requesting that the prior site plan approval, which is set to expire in
2018,be made permanent.This action does not involve any new development or modification of the
use.The two modular offices, located adjacent to the Wilson Laboratory, house scientific researchers
involved in high-energy physics work_
Mr_Wilcox commented while the buildings are ugly, they can't be seen from the road_
PB Resolution No. 2017.029: SEAR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval& Special Permit,
Cornell University Wilson Laboratory Modular Offices, 142& 150 Synchrotron Drive, Tax Parcel
No. 63.4-8.1
Moved by Linda Collins; seconded by John Beach
1_ This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for
the Wilson Lab Modular Offices located on the Cornell University campus at 142 and 150 Syn-
chrotron Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63.-1-8.1, Low Density Residential Zone_ These
modular offices were originally approved in 2000 as temporary modular office facilities, with time
extensions approved in 2008 and 2010, which shall expire in December 2018_ Cornell University
is requesting to make these permanent buildings_ There are no exterior changes planned_ Cor-
nell University, Owner/Applicant; Steve Beyers, P_E_, Cornell Facilities Engineering,Agent, and
2_ This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is the lead agency in the
environmental review, with respect to site plan approval and special permit, and
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3_ The Planning Board, on April 4, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environ-
mental Assessment Form (SERF) Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3 prepared by
Town Planning staff, a narrative, a location map titled "Cornell Wilson Laboratory(on county tax
map no. 63), Modular Laboratory Office Locations," date-stamped January 26, 2017, pictures of
the existing Wilson Laboratory Modular Offices, and other application materials, and
4_ The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental signifi-
cance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval and Special Permit;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part
617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as proposed,
based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3,
and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required_
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Hill
Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for
the Wilson Lab Modular Offices located on the Cornell University campus at 142 and 150 Synchro-
tron Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63.-1-8.1, Low Density Residential Zone_ The modular
offices were originally approved in 2000 and extensions were granted in 2008 and 2010_ Approval
for the modular offices is scheduled to expire in December 2018_ Cornell University is requesting
approval to make these modular offices permanent There are no exterior changes planned_ Cornell
University, Owner/Applicant; Steve Beyers, P_E_, Cornell Facilities Engineering,Agent
Mr_Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m.; hearing no one, he closed the public hearing at
7:09 p.m.
PB Resolution No. 2017.030: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval&Special Permit, Cornell
University Wilson Laboratory Modular Offices, 142& 150 Synchrotron Drive, Tax Parcel No. 63.-
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Linda Collins
1_ This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for
the Wilson Lab Modular Offices located on the Cornell University campus at 142 and 150 Syn-
chrotron Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63.-1-8.1, Low Density Residential Zone_ These
modular offices were originally approved in 2000 as temporary modular office facilities, with
time extensions approved in 2008 and 2010, which shall expire in December 2018_ Cornell
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University is requesting to make these permanent buildings_ There are no exterior changes
planned_ Cornell University, Owner/Applicant; Steve Beyers, P_E_, Cornell Facilities Engineer-
ing,Agent, and
2_ This is a Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, as the lead agency in the
environmental review with respect to site plan approval and special permit has, on April 4, 2017,
made a negative determination of environmental significance, after reviewing and accepting as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts
2 and 3 prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3_ The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on April 4, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a narrative, a location map titled "Cornell Wilson Laboratory(on county tax map no.
63), Modular Laboratory Office Locations," date-stamped January 26, 2017, pictures of the exist-
ing Wilson Laboratory Modular Offices, and other application materials;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby finds that the Special Permit standards of Article
XXIV Section 270.200, Subsections A- I, of the Town of Ithaca Code, have been met, specifically
a_ the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community in harmony with the general
purpose of Town Code Chapter 270, Zoning are being promoted, because for all public buildings
and educational buildings wherein the principal use is research, administration, or instruction,
the same is presumed to exist, and
b_ the premises are reasonably adapted to the proposed use, and such use will fill a neighborhood or
community need, because all publicly owned or educational buildings are deemed to be adapted
to the proposed use and are deemed to fill a neighborhood or community need, and
c. the proposed use and the location and design of the existing buildings are consistent with the
character of the district in which they are located, as the proposed use, location and design of the
existing buildings are not changing, and
d_ the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general amenity or neighborhood character in
amounts sufficient to devalue the neighborhood property or seriously inconvenience the neigh-
boring inhabitants, since the existing buildings are located on campus and are not visible from
any public road or adjacent landowner, and
e_ the presumed benefit of such a use is not outweighed by the objectionable impacts of such use on
nearby properties, for the reasons noted above, and
£ community infrastructure and services, including but not limited to protective services, roadways,
garbage collection, schools and water and sewer facilities are currently, or will be, of adequate
capacity to accommodate the proposed use, and
g_ the proposed use, design and site layout comply with all provisions of Chapter 270, Zoning, and,
to the extent considered by the Planning Board, with other regulations and ordinances of the
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Town, with the Building Code and all other state and federal Laws, rules and regulations, and with
the Town Comprehensive Plan, and
It. the proposed access and egress for all structures and uses are safely designed and the site layout
provides adequate access for emergency vehicles, and
i_ the presumed benefit of such use is not outweighed by the detrimental effect of the proposed use
upon the health, safety, and general welfare of the community, for reasons noted above, and
j_ the lot area, access, parking, and loading facilities are sufficient for the proposed use and access,
parking, and loading facilities are adequately buffered to minimize their visual impact, and
k_ natural surface water drainage is adequately managed in accordance with good engineering
practices and in accordance with any applicable Town local law or ordinance, and existing drain-
ageways are not altered in a manner that adversely affects other properties, and
L the proposed use and structures comply with all the criteria applicable to site plan review set forth
in Town Code Chapter 270, Zoning;
1_ That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having
determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration of
neither the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2_ That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed permanent approval of the Wilson Laboratory Modular Offices located on the
Cornell University campus at 142 and 150 Synchrotron Drive, as described in Whereas#3 above,
3_ The Planning Board rescinds the condition in its September 2, 2008 resolution (PB Resolution
No. 2008.078) and its September 21, 2010 resolution (PB Resolution No. 2010.075 requiring the
removal of the building by December 31, 2018_
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Hill
Public Hearing: Consideration of Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed 15-lot subdivision
located off King Road East between 132 and 134 King Road East, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s
43.1.322, and, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and
Conservation Zones_ The proposal involves creating 11 residential lots on two new roads plus a 1.6
+/- acre lot reserved for a Town park, with the remaining lands reserved for potential future develop-
ment The project will also include new storm water facilities, a walkway along one of the newly
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proposed roads Leading to the park, and a Landscaped area adjacent to the entrance road at King Road
East Evan N. Monkemeyer, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni,Agent
Mr_Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:11 p.m.
Mr_Wilcox said the planning board's obligation is to ensure that the conditions imposed when
preliminary was granted have been sufficiently fulfilled for the applicant to be granted final subdivi-
sion approval. He noted that the board and staff received a Letter from Mr. Monkemeyer's attorney
that afternoon regarding continuation of the public hearing because they couldn't attend the meeting
due to scheduling issues_Mr_Wilcox thought a reasonable way to proceed would be to discuss the
project, open the public hearing, and make some headway even if there would be no decision yet
Mr_ Fabbroni agreed_
Ms_Moynihan Schmitt said council was only recently retained by Mr_Monkemeyer_The applicant
wanted the public hearing Left open to be continued when counsel could be present There was no
objection to Mr_ Fabbroni speaking to some of the issues_
Mr_ Fabbroni said the attorney who represented Mr_Monkemeyer at the preliminary site plan
approval recently retired and threw all his materials out instead of sending the materials to the client_
Mr_Monkemeyer just recently found another attorney_The previous Lawyer had drawn up a restrictive
covenant the planning board had requested for Lots 8 and 9 and for the stream behind Lots 5 through
8; the two attorneys will probably want to have a conversation before any decision is made_ It was a
fairly straightforward subdivision in 2010_The planning board sent him away with items he needed
to correct to satisfy the conditions; he made application to come back to the board in 2011 with the
items corrected, at which time the town board got involved and the project came to a grinding halt
Mr_Monkemeyer has maintained for the Last six years that this was not just_The subdivision has 11
building Lots, even though the plat says there are 15 Lots_ He explained that there's a Little strip of Land
beyond the lots that they're supposed to sell to either of the adjacent Landowners before they can get a
permit for lot 8. There's another little piece involved in the right-of-way to the park_Mr_Thaete
recently reviewed the plan and wants a few more things done, such as cutting into the water Lines and
adding valves_Because they maintained the permit for the stormwater, it's still valid based on the
original design_The planning board was most concerned about access to the south hill swamp, which
is up the hill about 250 feet from Lots 8 and 9, so there's a restrictive covenant for Lots 8 and 9 to
make sure a substantial fence is installed and maintained_ Because the project didn't go forward, Ms_
Brock didn't review all the easements_
Ms_Balestra said all the conditions for final approval need to be met before the planning board chair
can sign the plat
Mr_Thaete said he talked with the highway superintendant, and they agree that the town is interested
in taking over only a 60-foot swath where Rock Cress Road meets East King_ He asked Mr_ Fabbroni
why the town would be taking over more right-of-way in that area.
Mr_ Fabbroni responded that it seemed of interest to the planning board at the time. There was
extensive conversation about Landscaping that 40 extra feet east of the travel way to make it into an
attractive entrance to the development. If the town doesn't want it, he will split it off to a 40-foot strip
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of land that Mr_Monkemeyer can maintain during his lifetime; then it can possibly be sold off to the
next-door neighbor_
Ms_Balestra said that in the minutes for the preliminary subdivision approval, there was an extensive
discussion about landscaping around the sign and one of the conditions of approval of the final
resolution is submission of a "draft license agreement for applicant's installation and maintenance of
landscaping and neighborhood entrance sign, prior to dedication of Rock Crest Road to the Town."
It's not something we generally do,but it was something that was agreed upon by the applicant and
the board_
Mr. Thaete said the town's perspective these days is that our manpower is already taxed with main-
taining what we already have and that we're not interested in taking on additional property just for
landscaping and to beautify a development_He'd like to keep it simple. Why not have Mr_
Monkemeyer just keep the property?
Mr. Wilcox pointed out that the road hasn't been formally accepted by the town board; only the
concept has been accepted_The town board agreed some number of years ago to accept this addition-
al width; they might not do it today_
Ms_ Fogarty asked if the stormwater meets today's standards.
Mr_Thaete said it doesn't; it was designed to the 2010 standards_Mr_Monkemeyer obtained the
permit in 2010 under those regulations and has paid his fees ever since, so he's grandfathered in.
There's nothing we can hold the applicant to at this time.
Ms_ Fogarty said she thinks the applicant should step up and follow the regulations in place today
because we know that the weather patterns have changed and that the previous regulations are no
longer applicable_
Mr. Fabbroni said there's a substantial pond. He's sure he could work with Mr_Thaete to increase the
capacity the pond can hold, but doing a new plan is out of the question_
Mr. Thaete said he doesn't think the basin size would change much; it's more the green infrastructure
and infiltration practices that would have to be installed to meet current regulations. We've always
designed for the 100-year storm_ Granted, the precipitation averages have changed over time and we
use more up-to-date averages,but if you run those numbers on a stormwater basin like the pond, it's
not going to change very much in size_ His professional opinion is that the amount of runoff is not
going to change much; if it had to meet current regulations, what would change are the filtering
practices to help filter the stormwater_
Mr. Fabbroni said he didn't think Mr_Monkemeyer would object to informally having things like rain
gardens at the low point of a lot,but the new requirements are pretty onerous per lot
Ms_Moynihan Schmitt added that this board cannot impose a new condition that would change the
substantial compliance between the preliminary and final plat The SEQR was done in 2010, and
there wouldn't be sufficient data to reopen that neg dec.
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Mr_ Bosak pointed out that this is a 15-lot subdivision and only II Lots are shown on the plat
Numbers 1 through 4, which are assigned to various fragments, aren't shown.
Ms_Balestra pointed out where they are on the plat
Mr. Wilcox added that when we have subdivisions where parcels are dedicated to the town for things
like roads, those are not necessarily numbered because they're not residential lots. The plat shows the
I I residential lots that will be created, numbered 5 through 15_
Mr_ Bosak thought it important that the other four lots be labeled as such on the plat so that
someone looking at the record 50 years from now will understand what happened_
Mr. Fabbroni agreed to add the labels to the final subdivision plat
A gentleman from the audience wondered if they were taking the woods down_ He said the woods are
a habitat for four different amphibians_
Mr. Fabbroni said it depends on where the houses would be located_
The gentleman asked about drainage issues_
Mr_Wilcox responded that the stormwater management system as designed conforms with the
regulations in effect 12 years ago_The regulations have changed, but the requirement is that the
stormwater management system meet the regulations in place at the time this was given preliminary
approval_Mr_Thaete made the comment that if the new regulations were used, it wouldn't change a
The gentleman thought the system should be designed for the future_
Mr_Thaete said that, unfortunately, we can only adhere to the state standards; we can't make the
applicant do anything over and above that The DEC has updated their rainfall amounts from the
1950s; now they use current averages_ In his professional opinion, if Mr. Fabbroni used the current
regulations and redesigned the basin for current rainfall intensities and amounts, it probably
wouldn't change that much. It might mean a minor tweak in the outfall structure_
Mr_Wilcox continued the public hearing to the meeting of May 2nd_
Ms_ Fogarty asked whether Mr. Monkemeyer would build the houses or have the buyers build them_
Mr. Fabbroni said one of the builders of Southwoods is interested in at least four lots_Mr_
Monkemeyer will be looking for builders to build either spec or custom homes_The big lots at the
end will be for his son and daughter.
Public Hearing: Consideration of a Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for sign
variances for the proposed Maplewood Redevelopment Project temporary construction signs located
along Mitchell Street and Maple Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63.-2-10.2, Planned
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Development Zone No. 15_ The proposal involves the installation of two temporary construction
signs, each 32 -/- square feet in area, to be located along Mitchell Street and Maple Avenue at project
site entrances_ Cornell University, Owner/Applicant; EdR Trust, Applicant; Scott Whitham,
Whitham Planning& Design, LLC,Agent
My Wilcox opened the public hearing at 8 p.m.
Mr_ Bates said what they're proposing are not signs, but banners, and the section listed in the memo
is the wrong code section. It's still a sign, but the subset is banner.
Ms_ Chesebrough said the signs will be installed on the fences facing Mitchell Street and Maple
Avenue during the construction period of the Maplewood site.
Ms_ Collins said that from the way they're referred to in Mr. Whitham's memo, it seems that they're
both construction signs and a form of marketing_She noted that the project name is not on the
facsimile for the signs in the packet She also pointed out that the tagline says "the next level in
student housing..." She thought it should say"graduate" student housing.
Ms_Balestra interjected that the board has no authority to determine the content of signs_
Ms_ Collins said that she is making it as a suggestion_She also wondered why Cornell is not men-
tioned on the signs_
Ms_ Chesebrough said that it's because it's a private development
Mr. Beach agreed that the sign should say that it's graduate student housing_Neighbors who did not
follow these proceedings might worry about student housing as opposed to graduate student housing_
My Bates pointed out that our law doesn't specify how many banners you can have; they need
exemptions for the size and because they'll be fewer than 500 feet off the road_
Mr. Wilcox wondered why a 3 x 6 sign wouldn't be reasonable, cutting the square footage down from
32 to 18 square feet for each sign_ He noted, however, that at least they're nicer signs than the
wooden ones put up at construction sites_
My Bosak said that ordinarily he would be concerned about the size, but given the importance of the
project and the fact that the sign will be on a fence at right angles to drivers, he imagines people will
pass it a few times without even registering it
Ms_ Fogarty pointed out that the fence will be completely covered with some black material, so the
signs will be an improvement
My Harlan said he hopes the project is a success_
My Wilcox closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m.
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PB Resolution No. 2017.031: Recommendation to Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals, Sign
Variance - Maplewood Redevelopment Project, Mitchell Street&Maple Avenue, Tax Parcel No.
Moved by John Beach; seconded by Yvonne Fogarty
1_ This action is consideration of a Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for sign
variances for the proposed Maplewood Redevelopment Project temporary construction signs
located along Mitchell Street and Maple Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63.-2-10.2,
Planned Development Zone No. 15_ The proposal involves the installation of two temporary
construction signs (banners), each 32 +/- square feet in area, to be located along Mitchell Street
and Maple Avenue at project site entrances_ Cornell University, Owner/Applicant; EdR Trust,
Applicant; Scott Whitham, Whitham Planning & Design, LLC,Agent; and
2_ The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on April 4, 2017, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a letter from the applicant(dated March 3, 2017), location maps, designs of the two
signs (banners), and other application materials;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as the Town of Ithaca Sign Review Board, hereby
recommends that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve the request for the sign variances for two
temporary construction signs, each 32 +/- square feet in area, to be located along Mitchell Street and
Maple Avenue at the project site entrances, subject to the following conditions:
a_ The signs (banners) shall be removed within 18 months of the date of any Zoning Board of
Appeals approval, or within 15 days after the last certificate of occupancy is issued, whichever is
sooner, and
b_ The applicant must obtain sign permits from the Town of Ithaca prior to installing the signs
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Hill
Persons to be heard- No one came forward to address the board_
PB Resolution No. 2017.032: Minutes of March 21, 2017
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Yvonne Fogarty
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RESOLVED, the Planning Board approves the minutes of March 21, 2017, as amended_
Ayes: Wilcox, Beach, Fogarty, Hill
Abstentions: Collins, Bosak
Upon a motion by Melissa Hill, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk