Monday December 19,2016
215 North Tioga Street,Ithaca
6:00 P.M.
Appeal 0022-2016,Cayuga Medical Center,Owner,Holt Architects,Agent
requesting a variance from Chapter 270-116 Height Limitations,of the Town of Ithaca
Code,to build an addition that is 47 4" high where 38'feet is allowed located at 101
Harris B.Dates Dr.,Tax Parcel 24.-3-2.1 Office Park Commercial Zone.
Appeal 0024-2016 Ira Kamp and Marne O'Shae,Owners,requesting a variance from
Chapter 270-223 8(3)Fences,and walls;retaining walls, to place a retaining wall
across a property line located at 4 &6 Sanctuary Dr.,Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10 and 9.1,
Medium Density Residential.
Bruce W.Bates
Director of Code Enforcement
Dated:December 12,2016
Published:December 13,2016
I, Lori Kofoid,being duly sworn,say that I am the Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca,
Tompkins County,New York that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of
the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official
newspaper,Ithaca Journal:
ZBA Public Hearings-Appeals
Cayuga Medical Center,Behavioral Sciences -
Height Variance - 101 Harris B. Dates Dr.
Ira Kamp and Mame O'Shae -
Retaining Wall Variance - 4 & 6 Sanctuary Drive
Location of Sign Board Used for Posting:
Town Clerk's Office
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca,NY 14850
Date of Posting:December 12,2016
Date of Publication:December 14,2016
Paulette Terwilliger
Town Clerk
Sworn to and subscribed before me this /
/CO ,2016.
otarv Public
Debra DeAugistine
Notary Public -State of NewYork
Oualified in Tompkins County p
My Commission Expires June19.20 /O
ay of
December 19,2016
215 North Tioga Street,
6:00 P.M.
Appeal 0022-2016,Cayuga
Medical Center,Owner,
Holt Architects,Agent re
questing a variance from
Chapter 270-116 Height
Limitations,of the Town of
Ithaca Code,to build an ad
dition that is 47'4"feet
high where 38'feet is al
lowed located at 101 Harris
B.Dates Dr.,Tax Parcel 24.-
3-2.1 Office Park
Commercial Zone.
Appeal 0O24-2016 Ira Kamp
and Marne O'Shae,Own
ers,requesting a variance
from Chapter 270-223 B(3)
Fences,and walls;retaining
walls,to place a retaining
wall across a property line
located at 4 & 6 Sanctuary
Dr.,Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10
and 9.1,Medium Density
Bruce W.Bates
Director of Code
Dated:December 12,2016
Streeter Associates,Inc.i_s
I,Paulctte Terwilliger, being duly sworn,deposes and says, that deponent is not a party to the actions, is over 21 years of age with a
professional address of 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York.
That on the 12'''day of December 2016,deponent served the within Notice upon the property owners listed on the attached document,of
the following Tax Parcel Numbers:
Cayuga Medical Center,Behavioral Sciences - Height Variance - 101 Harris B. Dates Dr.
Ira Kamp and Mame O'Shae -Retaining Wall Variance - 4 & 6 Sanctuary Drive
By depositina««ame enclosed in a postpaid addressed wrapper.In a post office under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office
DepartmenfAvimiii/^eState of New York.
Paulette 1erwiTlTgcrTown Clerk
Town of Ithaca
Sworn to before me this 3^Day ofMq/,2016.
Debra DeAugistine
Notarv Public -Stateof New YorkNO.01DE6148035
Ouallfied in Tompklns County ,
My Commission Expires June 19,20 (
Best,Ronald W
Best,Sharon A
55 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
Fire Rocket,LLC
110 Willow Creek Pi Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
Gamer,Matthew R
95 Brown Rd Suite 177
Ithaca NY 14850
24 RosinaDr
Ithaca NY 14850
Mack,Joshua Michael Trees
254 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
12 Sanctuary Dr #1
Ithaca NY 14850
Sapsucker Woods Prop Inc
1993 Route 38A
Moravia NY 13118
PO Box 322
Dryden NY 13053
5 Meadow Lark Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
09 L8/09 L9@^-i9AV 08ab aiqiiediuoo uilu xluuj S2 IBlujo^9p
09l8/09l9®'^9AVL|i!M aiqpBdLUOO „8/9 2 x „l azjs |8qe|
4 Players Club Dr
Charleston WV 25311
10 Meadowlark Dr
Ithaca NY 14850
Frostclapp,David R
Frostclapp,Kara L
26 Woodcresl Ave
Ithaca NY 14850
7 Sanctuary Dr #2
Ithaca NY 14850
Linville,Cynthia J
129 Muriel St
Ithaca NY 14850
Mundell,Helen M
59 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
65 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
6 Meadow Lark Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
Stoneman,Neil P
238 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
Ye, Hong
150 Lexington Dr
Ithaca NY 14850
Chen, Ngai
11 Sanctuary Dr
Ithaca NY 14850
PO Box 4644
Ithaca NY 14852
Garner,Matthew R
704 SW9th
Armadillo TX 79101
Kamp, Ira
6 Sanctuary Dr Apt 1
Ithaca NY 14850
Lucente Homes LLC
120 Briarwood Drive
Ithaca NY 14850
1 Meadow Lark Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
1772 Rose Villa St
Pasadena CA 91106
Skalwold,Eric H
363 E King Rd
Ithaca NY 14850
West,Robert D
West,Diane L
274 AsburyRd
Lansing NY 14882
label size 1"x2 5/8"compatible withAvery®5160/8160
Etiquette de format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery'®5160/8160
1290 Professional Building LLC
10 Graham Road West
Ithaca,NY 14850
Cornell University
Real Estate Department
Box DH,15 Thomwood Drive
Ithaca,NY 14853
John &Katherine Finn
132 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Sophia Gluck
152 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Gerald &Patricia Hall
1307 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
John &Anne Krupa
126 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Donald &Marianne Montague
126 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Paleontological Research Inst.
1259 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Eric Skalwold
363 King Road East
Ithaca,NY 14850
Paul A.Levesque H,AIA
Holt Architects
619 W.State Street
Ithaca,NY 14850
Joaquin Canay &Alexa Schmitz
1296-98 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
County of Tompkins
170 Bostwick Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Future PRI,LLC
250 S.Clinton Street,Suite 502
Syracuse,NY 13202
Jacqueline Gould
Richard Boyer
104 Happy Lane
Ithaca,NY 14850
Dorothy Hillyard Allen
Eleanor Gill
138 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Roy Luft &Nancy Emerson
1317 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
NYS Electric & Gas Corp.
70 Farm View Drive Freeport
New Gloucester,ME 04260
Jane Schantz
142 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
The People of New York State
Commissioner of Parks
Albany,NY 12238
Cayuga Professional Center LLC
323 N.Tioga Street
Ithaca,NY 14850
John Ecker
1250 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
Theresa Gangl
140 Indian Creek Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
John &Nancy Gould
102 Happy Lane
Ithaca,NY 14850
Holochuck Homes LLC
7 Brightside Avenue
EastNorthport,NY 11731
Carl Mann
Nancy Gould
102 Happy Lane
Ithaca,NY 14850
Overlook at West Hill
Housing Dev Fund Cor
11 Park Place,Suite 1705
New York,NY 10007
Joerg Schuhmann
402 Harris Dates Drive
Ithaca,NY 14850
John Rudd,President
Cayuga Medical Center
101 Harris B.Dates Drive
Ithaca,NY 14850
Monday,December 19,2016
Board Members present:Rob Rosen (Chair), Bill King, Chris Jung, and George Vignaux;
Alternates:Carin Rubin and William Highland
Staff present: Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement; Debra DeAugistine, Deputy Town
Clerk;Lorraine Moynihan-Schmitt,Attomey for the Town
Mr.Rosen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Appeal 0022-2016 of Cayuga Medical Center, Owner, Holt Architects, Agent requesting a
variance from Chapter 270-116,Height Limitation,of the Town of Ithaca code to be permitted to
construct an addition to the building that is 47 feet 4 inches high, where 38 feet is allowed,
located at 101 Harris B.Dates Dr.,Tax Parcel No.24.-3-2.1,Office Park Commercial.
Mr. Rosen disclosed that his girlfriend works for HOLT Architects,but that he will not benefit
financially in any way from the outcome of the appeal.
Paul Levesque,HOLT Architects, said that the intent of the addition is to expand the space
occupiedby the behavioralhealthunit.They're not increasingthe number of patients,but adding
squarefootagefor program space.The goalis to havefewer readmissionsandto releasepatients
Kelly Maher, HOLT Architects, said they propose adding 6000 square feet over the existing first
floor. The project will add 13 feetto the existing height at the addition area, but will still be two
stories (25 feet) below the rest of the wing and the adjacent wing.They're matching the floor
level with the existing behavioral unit and adding on immediately adjacent to it. Without
completely relocatingthe behavioralhealth unit, there isn't another way to increaseprogram
space while staying below the height exception.
Mr. Vignauxsaid it's straightforward.They're not takingup anymore spaceon the groundand
the vertical rise won't be higher than the existing building.
Ms. Jung said the addition is so seamless,it's hard to differentiatethe before and after. She
doesn't think there's much,if any,impact.
Mr. King said he's in complete agreement since it's not expanding the footprint and not
exceeding the height of the existing building.
Mr. Rosen stated that he agreed with Ms. Jung in that it's hard to detect a difference in the mass
of the building in the before-and-after renderings. It blends in seamlessly and doesn't appear to
have a negative impact.
Mr. Rosen opened public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 1
Nancy Emerson,1317 Trumansburg Road,stated that she's one of three neighbors who will be
directly impacted by the project and that she supports the approval.Everything they've done at
the hospital has beentastefully done, and this is a tremendously needed service.She's gladthat
this beautiful environment will be added for people who really need the service.
Roy Lufl,1317 Trumansburg Road, spoke in favor of the project. His property abuts hospital
property, and he considers CMC to be wonderful neighbors. He thinks this is a great
improvement, and that it will benefit the entire community.
Mr.Rosen closed the public hearing at 6:12 p.m.
ZBA Resolution 0022-2016:SEQR Height Variance
Cayuga Medical Center,Behavioral Health Addition
101 Harris B.Dates Dr.
Tax Parcel No.24.-3-2.1
December 19,2016
Motion made by Rob Rosen,seconded by Chris Jung
Resolved that this board makes a negative determination of environmental significance based on
the information given in Parts 1and 2 and for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the environmental
assessment form, with approved changes.
Ayes: Rosen, King, Jung, Vignaux,Rubin Unanimous
ZBA Resolution 0022-2016:Height Variance
Cayuga Medical Center,Behavioral Health Addition
101 Harris B.Dates Dr.
Tax Parcel No.24.-3-2.1
December 19,2016
Motion made by Rob Rosen,seconded by George Vignaux
Resolved,the board grants the appeal of Cayuga Medical Center requesting a variance from the
requirements of Chapter 270-116,Height Limitation,of the Town of Ithacacodeto bepermitted
to construct an addition to the building that is 47 feet 4 inches high, where 38 feet is allowed,
located at 101 Harris B. Dates Dr., Tax Parcel No. 24.-3-2.1, Office Park Commercial, with the
1.That the height not exceed 48 feet, as measured from the lowest interior level; and with
the following
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 2
That the benefit to the applicant outweighs any detriment to the health, safety, and welfare of the
community,specifically that
1.The benefit the applicant wishes to achieve cannot be met by any other means,given the
need for this specific design to accommodate the needs of the clients served and because
the design will allow the unit to remain on the second floor of the medical center; and
2. There will not be an undesirable change in the neighborhood character or to nearby
properties given that this is a relatively small addition to what is already a large hospital
building, it will fit seamlessly within the existing footprint of the building, and it appears
to be nicely designed and well-proportioned;and
3. The request is not substantial, given that the building actually appears to be
approximately 50 feet high already from the front, and it is only when measuring from
the lowest interior space from the rear of the building, which is downslope, that the
requested height variance becomes necessary; and
4. The request will not have adverse physical or environmental effects for the reasons stated
in the SEQR;and
5. While the alleged difficulty is self-created, the benefit to the applicant nevertheless does
outweigh any detriment to the health, safety, and welfare ofthe community.
Ayes: Rosen, King, Jung, Vignaux, Rubin Unanimous
Appeal 0024-2016ofIra Kampand Mame O'Shae,Owners,requestinga variancefromChapter
270-223 B(3) Fences, and walls; retaining walls, to place a retaining wall across a property line
located at 4 & 6 Sanctuary Dr., Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10 and 9.1, Medium Density Residential.
Mr. Rosen disclosed that he's a patient of Dr.Kamp's practice, but that it will not affect his
abilityto makea fairand impartialdecisionon this particularissue.
Dirk Galbraith,attorney for the applicants, stated that the reason this has become an issue is that
the wall was constructed without a variance,because Dr. Kamp didn't realize a variance would
berequiredsincetheyown both properties:6 Sanctuaryand4 SanctuaryDrive.Dr.O'Shea
maintains her medical practice at 4 Sanctuary Drive as a home office occupation. Mr. Bates
thoughtthatthe appropriate course of actionwasto makean applicationforan areavarianceto
permit the continued distances and use of the retaining wall and turnaround area.
Ms.O'Shae said they purchasedNo. 6 (which is a duplex) in April and it wastheir residence
until her mother and her mother's full-time aid came to live with them. The house got crowded,
sothey purchasedNo. 4 next doorand movedtheir residenceto that duplex.The buildingher
practice wasin downtown wentupfor sale,sotheymovedher practice to that location atthe end
of July. After a rain, they noticed that the handicapped vans were having difficultyturning
around, sothey were backing out of the driveway instead, which is not safe. At that time, they
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 3
hired a contractor to build the retaining wall. They didn't know a retaining wall would be needed
or that it would cross the property line; they just wanted to improve the driveway.The
handicapped lift is inside the garage.
Mr. Highland asked if there would be a title problem if they try to sell one of the parcels in the
Mr.Galbraith said that if one or the other property is sold, there will probably be a survey, which
would disclose the fact that the parking area is over the line.If that's an objection to the buyer of
6 Sanctuary Drive,that could be the end of the deal, or,more likely,a license agreement would
be entered into between the buyer and seller. The parking area would probably be permitted to
remain there or possibly moved over the line.
Mr.Highland asked how much it would cost to move the wall.
Mr. Galbraith said certainly more than leaving it in its present location. Also,it's necessary as a
turnaround for handicapped-access vehicles, which is how many of the doctor's patients arrive at
her office.
To a question from Mr. Rosen, Ms.O'Shae said the wall varies between 1 and 2 feet in height.
Mr.Vignaux shared a photo of the wall he had taken with his phone. He emailed it to Mr.Bates
to include in the record.
Ms.Moynihan-Schmitt said that she talked to Ms.Brock on the matter of the encroachment.Her
concern was that since the two parcels are held by the same owners, an easement addressing the
encroachmentnow would be subsumed by merger. This could become a problem in the fiiture if
one of the lots is conveyed. She recommended, as a condition of approval, that if one of the lots
is conveyed in the future, at the time of filing of the deed, an easement, approved by the town
attorney,would also be required to be filed.
Mr. Batessaid this way,they don't haveto come backbeforethe board if they wantto keepthe
wall;otherwise,they could just remove the wall.
Ms. Moynihan-Schmittsaid an easement would be required if the retaining wall wereto remain.
Ms.Jungsaidyou can't see it fromthe road,so it's notchangingthe characterbyanymeans.
You have to go on the property to see it.
Mr. Rosen agreed that a one-foot-highretaining wall located at the side of the garagetoward the
back of thelotwill nothavea noticeable visualimpactto peopleon the public right-of-way.
Mr. Highlandsaid he was troubled by the language that a retaining wall may not encroach on the
adjoiningproperty,nor interferewithadequatesite distance.Mr.Rosen's point is that it doesn't
interfere with adequate site distance.
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 4
Mr.Rosen said if you had a 6-foot-high wall at the end of your driveway,then people coming
out of the driveway wouldn't be able to see, but that's not the case here.Regarding encroaching
on the neighboring property,that's why they're applying for a variance. The choice being
suggested would be to get a variance and require either an easement or removal of the wall when
the property is resold.
Ms. Rubin thought it was a reasonable way to deal with it.
Mr. Highland said that if the cost of removing the wall were not prohibitive,that would make life
easier for purchases in the future because they wouldn't have a title problem, but that an
easement could cure the title problem.It's not a problem now because the applicants own both
Mr. Vignaux said if they sell the property, it won't be a problem to remove the retaining wall if
the new owners don't want it.It's just landscape timber.
Mr. Rosen said that if they're separate owners,the one owner probably won't want the
neighbor's driveway in their yard, but the tumeiround could be moved. What we have to decide
now is whether the benefit the applicant wishes to achieve outweighs any detriment to the
community. He thinks there's no detriment to the community by letting the wall stay. We see this
all the time,where someone wants to do something or has done something:theoretically,there
are lots of ways to do things, like with behavioral health unit, they could have built the addition
to the hospital somewhere else that wasn't two stories high. But the question is whether what
they want to do has a negative impact on the health, safety, or welfare of the neighborhood.
Mr.Vignaux added that it might not have an impact on the neighborhood, but it might on the sale
of the property, but that comes into the price of the sale.
Mr. Highland asked whether we should inflict that burden on buyers in the future.
Mr. Bates said you can grant a variance with conditions. Those conditions can be:if the property
is sold to separate owners, at that point the wall either has to be removed or an easement granted.
The possible future sale of the property is up to the new potential owner's desire. The board is
just saying these are the conditions that we're granting you to keep this wall, and the decision in
a possible future sale is up to the buyer and the seller. The choice of this board is 1)to not grant
the variance, in which case the applicants have to remove the wall; 2) to grant the variance with
conditions; or 3) to grant the variance without conditions.
Mr. Rosen said the last option would be irresponsible and contrary to the advice of the town
attorney. He proposed to move ahead and allow the wall to stay, but to follow the advice of the
attorney and put a condition on the variance that if eitherproperty is sold, then either the wall has
to be removed or an easement has to be granted. You can't buy a house with someone else's
driveway on your lot;he's bought and sold enough houses to know that you're not going to get
title insurance.The town attorney is right that we need to anticipate the need for an easement.
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 5
Ms. Moynihan-Schmitt said the variance with conditions runs vrith the land, not with the current
Mr. Rosen agreed, saying the town attorney has found a good way to solve this by putting a
condition on the variance.She did a lot of work on this.The county GML review stated that
there is no significant intermunicipal impact of this and the SEQR found no environmental
Ms.Rubin thought the condition for an easement or removing the wall is reasonable.
Mr.Rosen opened the public hearing at 6:42 p.m.
Mr.Luft said he's a patient of Mamie O'Shae and that he wants to see the variance approved
because he does not want to see her practice inconvenienced in any way since that could be an
inconvenience to him.
Mr.Rosen closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m.
ZBA Resolution 2016-0022 SEQR Area Variance
4 & 6 Sanctuary Dr.
Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10 &73.-1-9.1
December 19,2016
Motion made by Rob Rosen,seconded by Bill King
Resolved that this board makes a negative determination of environmental significance based on
the information given in Parts 1 and 2 and for the reasons stated in Part 3 of the environmental
assessment form.
Ayes:Rosen,King,Jung,Vignaux,Highland Unanimous
ZBA Resolution 0024-2016 Area Variance
4 & 6 Sanctuary Dr.
Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10 &73.-1-9.1
December 19,2016
Motion made by Rob Rosen,seconded by George Vignaux
Resolved that the board grants the appeal of Ira Kamp and Mamie O'Shae,requesting a variance
from Chapter 270-223 B(3) Fences, and walls;retaining walls, to place a retaining wall across a
property line located at 4 & 6 Sanctuary Dr., Tax Parcels 73.-1-9.10 and 9.1, Medium Density
Residential,with the following:
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 6
1.The retaining wall must be maintained as a retaining wall, as is, and in substantially the same
form,size,and location;and
2. If one of the lots is conveyed, either the retaining wall must be removed OR a required filing shall
be made in the Tompkins County Clerk's office, at the time of the recording of the deed for the
conveyed lot,of an easement that has been approved by the Attorney for the Town and that
allows the retaining wall to remain in its current location, and submission to the Code
Enforcement Office of proof of such filing, within 5 days of the filing, and such approval shall be
conditioned upon the filing of this Zoning Board of Appeals resolution in the Tompkins County
Clerk's office, indexed to the two lots, and submission to the Code Enforcement Office of proof
of such filing; and with the following:
That the benefit to the applicant outweighs any detriment to the health, safety, and welfare of the
community,specifically that:
1.The benefit the applicant wishes to achieve cannot be achieved by any other means
feasible given that a turnaround area is needed for vans that bring patients to the practice;
2. The location of the driveway and the location of the lift are already predetermined;and
3. There will not be an undesirable change to the neighborhood cheiracter or to nearby
properties given that the location is in the side yard at the rear of the building, not visible
from the street;and
4. The request is substantial given that retaining walls over the lot line are not permitted and
this one goes over by 10 feet; however, the benefit to the applicant outweighs any
detriment to the health,safety, and welfare to the community;and
5. The request will not have adverse physical or environmental impacts for the reasons
stated in the SEQR form;and
6.While the alleged difficulty is self-created in that the owner wishes to have a turnaround
area for vans, the benefit to the applicant does outweigh any detriment to the health,
safety, and welfare of the community for the reasons stated above.
Ayes: Rosen, King, Jung, Vignaux
Motion passed 4 to 1.
ZBA Resolution:Recommendation to Town Board and setting of meeting schedule
Moved by George Vignaux; seconded by Caren Rubin
Whereas,the Zoning Board of Appeals has unanimously recommended that Rob Rosen be
reappointed as a regular member of the Zoning Board of Appeals from January 2017 through
December 2021 and as Chair for the year ending December 31,2017;and
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 7
Whereas,Chairman Rosen, the Zoning Board of Appeals members,and the Director of Code
Enforcement have recommended that William Highland and Caren Rubin be reappointed as alternate
members of the Zoning Board of Appeals;now therefore be it
Resolved,the Zoning Board of Appeals sets their meeting schedule as the third Monday of the month
beginning at 6:00 p.m., with the following exceptions due to holiday observances:
January 23rd rather than January 16th due to the Martin Luther King Holiday
February 27th rather than February 20th due to Presidents Day
October 23rd rather than October 16th due to the Columbus Day Holiday
Be It Further Resolved,the Director of Code Enforcement will convey the Zoning Board of Appeals'
recommendations stated above to the Town Board for their consideration.
Ayes: Rosen, King, Jung,Vignaux,Rubin Unanimous
Approval of Minutes
On a motion by Rob Rosen the board voted to approve the minutes of November 21, 2016.
Ayes:Rosen,King,Jung,Vignaux,Highland Unanimous
The meeting was adjourned upon a motion and a second at 7:02 p.m.
Submitted by
DeAugistinerDeputy Town^erk
ZBA Meeting 12-19-2016 pg. 8