HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-24 Public comments for CU Artificial Turf-Game Farm RoadFrom:SenecaLakeGuardian<senecalakeguardian@gmail.com>Sent:Friday,December13,20243:26PMTo:TownOfIthacaPlanningSubject:Letterre:SyntheticTurfProposalAttachments:SLGLettertoIthacaPlanningBoardresyntheticturf12.13.24.pdfFollowUpFlag:FollowupFlagStatus:Flagged**WARNING**ThisemaiLcomesfromanoutsidesource.PLeaseverifythefromaddress,anyURLLinks,and/orattachments.AnyquestionspLeasecontacttheITdepartmentDearMembersoftheTownBoard,PleasesharethisletterwithaltmembersoftheBoardandenteritintoyour12.17.24meetingminutes.Thankyou,YvonneTaylorVicePresident,SenecaLakeGuardian1
115kV Transmission Lines —These existing lines consist of a dou
ble row of transmission lines mounted on paired wood poles,and
extend from Pine Tree Road through the site to the southeast to a
point near the intersection of Game Farm Road and Ellis Hollow
Road.These transmission lines essentially bisect the site and limit
uses around and under them.Through a preliminary analysis and
many discussions,it was determined that the plan would recom
mend relocating the lines to the north along the Cascadilla Creek
corridor at a strategic point in the plan development.This will
provide flexibility in the development of the plan and will be a
long-term solution for the project.
Pine Tree Road Improvements —It is understood that the Town
of Ithaca,in cooperation with Cornell,will be implementing
improvements to Pine Tree Road,including replacement of the ex
isting bridge that currently serves the East Ithaca Recreation Way,
and a new multi-use path along the west side of Pine Tree Road
that will provide a direct and safe pedestrian/bike connection
from Route 366 to Mitchell Avenue and the Recreation Way trail:
These improvements are vital to providing a strong pedestrian and
bicycle connection from the Main Campus to the new Game Farm
Road Athletics Complex.
Campus Plait
From the existing conditions inventory,analysis,program de
velopment and goals developed in the initial phases of the plan
ning effort,alternative master plan concepts were developed
that addressed various layouts of athletic venues,circulation and
infrastructure improvements.These alternatives are included in
this report as Appendix 1.These alternatives were then vetted and
discussed in a charrette setting with the various campus stakehold
ers.From these discussions,a final concept plan emerged and was
subsequently refined and further developed.
The final ACFMP provides a complete and comprehensive plan for
a logical and organized arrangement of proposed athletics venues,
linked by important circulation and utility infrastructure improve
Improvements will be made in a way that embraces and strength
ens the existing features and character of the site,including the
natural areas and systems,and the dramatic views to both core
campus and the surrounding setting.The goal of the ACFMP is to
TO: Town of Ithaca Planning Board Members
Louise Mygatt's Oral Presentation 12/17 before the Ithaca Town Planning Board
Good evening, and thank you for this opportunity to speak with you.
Artificial turf --often viewed as an eco-alternative which allows a reduction of
water and fertilizers needed in traditional grass fields --has continued to grow in
popularity in schools, universities, public parks and even homes. But this turf is
usually made from nylon, polypropylene, and polyethylene designed to mimic
natural grass blades. With artificial turf, thanks to rain runoff and the breakdown
and pulverization by athletes running on the field, microplastics are constantly
being emitted from these fields into the air and water. Cornell's proposed
water -based "infill-free" field hockey turf uses lots of water. Estimates show these
fields use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water annually.
Some of the chemicals found & emitted in the plastic grass blades include: PAHs
and styrene (both reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen), lead and
VOCs (both neurotoxins), and highly fluorinated chemicals called PFAS. These
PFAS are also found in the backings which hold the blades. Plastic blades are a
significant source of microplastic emissions from synthetic turf.
Approximately 98% of Americans have PFAS in their bodies, and they don't break
down. Even if Cornell's proposed filtration system captures all of microplastics in
water run-off as they claim - which it will not - it is not enough. With artificial
turf, these chemicals can be ingested through touching the backing, inhaling it
through the air, or contact and absorption through the skin.
Furthermore, it's been shown that polyethylene — the type used for the grass
blades of artificial turf — emits greenhouse gasses, ethylene, propylene and
methane into the atmosphere as it breaks down. Methane --more powerful at
warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide --is currently driving 25% of
atmospheric warming. Today, artificial turf makes a distinctly large contribution to
climate change in comparison to other plastics.
In 2022, the city of Boston stated that no new artificial turf can be installed in city
parks. In 2023, the California Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic
Materials Committee approved a measure that would ban the manufacturing and
sale of artificial turf containing the toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS. An
assembly member was quoted as saying "Young athletes who play on artificial turf
are frequently exposed to harmful `forever chemicals'. As these fields age, they
give off dust containing these chemicals, which are inhaled, ingested and released
into our environment and groundwater." She added: "California must protect the
health of our young athletes and our community, and making sure the fields of the
future don't contain these dangerous chemicals is a major step toward doing just
85% of Ithacans oppose artificial turf. New York State has passed a new law
banning carpets containing PFAS. Natural grass can be managed organically, and
does not need pesticides.
PFAS: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
PAH: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
VOC: Volatile organic compounds
https://3littleplums. com/blog/chemical-exposure-in-artificial-turf-what-parents-need-to-know
https://viIlagegreennw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021 /07/Mount-Sinai-Letter-to-Maplewood-Townshi
p June-2021.pdf
https://www.epa.gov/chem ical-research/december-2016-status-report-federal-research -action-pIan
htWs: //mountsinaiexi2osomics. org/artificial-turf/
m source=GovDe1ivery#sec012
https://en.m.wikipedia.ora/wiki/Field hockey pitch