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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2024-11-25 MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD AmendmentsBudget f. collection softwareTax e. Sallinger –Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Member d. Recommendation to Tompkins County re Environmental management Committee c. Abstract Approval of the Town of Ithaca b. MinutesApproval of a. Consent 11. Other i. Budget e. Personnel & Organization d. Codes & Ordinances c. Planning b. CIP Project Updates Memo –Public Works a. Committee Reports 10. Trumansburg Rd 1115 – easement waterpermanent of a Consider approval 9. (Permissive Referendum) Development RightsConsider setting a public hearing regarding Pokorney (282 Hayts Road) Purchase of 8. Provisions in Chapter 270 (Zoning) of the Town of Ithaca Codea proposed local law Amending Enforcement Consider setting a public hearing regarding 7. Acknowledge GTC Health Consortium Health Wage Scale and Employee Wages 6. year lookback-10 A –Town of Ithaca 2014 Comprehensive Plan 5. 113 enacting same.-$6.56 and reaffirming adoption of TB 2024$7.22 from -the proposed Increase to Sewer Rents and consider approval of Public Hearing 4. Lake View Cemetery Board -Report/Update 3. Chief Tamborelle – V –Report 2. Chief Rob Covert -City of Ithaca Fire Department –Report 1. AGENDA ZOOM Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga St. November 25, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Vote: Seconded: Moved: .15, 2024Increasing Sewer Rents in all of the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement Areas Effective November 113 -adoption of TB Resolution 2024the reaffirms restates and Resolved, that the Town Board on November 25, 2024, now, therefore, be it increase to the Sewer Rents in all Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement areas at their meeting held Whereas, the Town Board held a properly published and posted public hearing on the proposed Whereas, a fatal flaw was noted in the published legal ad for the action, and public hearing, and 113, Increasing Sewer Rents following a -Whereas, the Town Board adopted TB Resolution 2024 2024November 15, Effective sthe Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement Area all of Increasing Sewer Rents in113 -Reaffirm TB Resolution 2024 : - 2024 Resolution 2024November MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD 25 meeting due to flaw in public hearing notice. -11-Reaffirmed at the 2024 Vote: Seconded: Moved: service payroll certification.for payroll services and civil Officedetailed in the Human Resources wages as 52 Consortium’s the acknowledgethe governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby that Resolved, therefore, be it now, :increase% cost of living Job Classification and Wage Scale with a 4 5, the Executive Committee of the Consortium approved the 202November 20, 2024on Whereas and5based on step increases for 202 budget which included the wages for the staff 5, the Board of Directors of the Consortium approved the 2024, 20262Whereas, on September ; andTompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium (Consortium)established as the “Employer of Record” for the Greater wasWhereas, the Town of Ithaca 52Employee Wages for 20Wage Scale and nsortium oCHealth Insurance unicipal M Greater Tompkins Co Acknowledge : - 4202TB Resolution 4202 ,November MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Vote: Seconded: Moved: will be heard. posed legislation which time all persons wishing to speak regarding the pro, at Chapter 270 (Zoning) of the Town of Ithaca Codeamending Enforcement Provisions in ing a proposed local law which begins at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 215 N Tioga St., regard9, 2024, Decembereting on the Town Board will hold a public hearing at its me thatesolved R CodeIthaca own ofThapter 270 (Zoning) of the CEnforcement Provisions in proposed local law amendingSet a public hearing regarding a : -TB Resolution 2024 November 25, 2024 SUSAN H. BROCK 268. Each week's thereof shall be subject to a fine or to imprisonment as provided in §any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon conviction 268 of the Town Law any person, firm, corporation or other entity violating Pursuant to § A. 239 Violations and penalties.-270 § :in the Town Code states The current provision Supreme /ordersaction rather than having to seek fines in Town Court and injunctive reliefin one court /ordersis also needed, the Town can seek penalties and injunctive reliefor other That way, if injunctive relief COC decided “yes.” 2. Should civil penalties be added? imprisonment.staff’s recommendation not to increase the existing criminal fine levels or terms of COC agreed with time to get into compliance. additional Town Justices instead allow violators related Town Court cases with which he has been involved. The -imprisonment in the Town Codecriminal fines or Town Justices have not imposed decided “no.” Marty Moseley told COC that COC fines and imprisonment provisions be changed?criminal 1. Should the existing .ed the following questions and informationIn making its recommendation, the apply to all of Chapter 270. provisions COC recommends that theseThe .but do not apply to anything else in Chapter 270 sectionpersonal wireless service facilities in the . Currently such provisions are injunctive reliefremedy and orders to about provisions be amended to add (Violations and penalties) 239-270 §The COC also recommends that .violationsall other Chapter 270 civil penalties of up to $1,000/day for and adding violations those for retaining the penalty level of up to $5,000/day recommends COCThe ), where up to $5,000/day may Personal wireless service facilities219 (-violations, except in § 270currently does not provide for civil penalties for Ithaca Town Code Chapter 270 (Zoning) changes.’s recommended enforcement provisions in Chapter 270, Zoning. The draft law is based on COCAt its November 25 meeting, the Town Board will discuss a local law that amends the 2024 ,OCTOBER 15 DATE: ZONING CHAPTER ENFORCEMENT RE: FROM: ITHACA TOWN BOARD TO: 8042-277-Facsimile: 607 mail: brock@clarityconnect .com-E 3995-277-Telephone: 607 Ithaca, New York 14850 12 Pheasant Way Attorney at Law Memo to NY Town Law § 135, as well as by granted to towns authoritypursuant to the Town could do so239, but the -ies in § 270civil penaltcurrently does not provide for Town The . civil penaltieswhere a law authorizes the ability to assess civil penalties vealso hajudges NY Supreme Court Court. of relief, the Town would need to start an action in NY Supreme stypethose to compel. To get to issue injunctions/orders jurisdiction in the NY court system do not have sticesTown Court ju ….such premisesbuilding, structure, or land or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about division of land, to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion, maintenance, use or to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such made under authority conferred thereby, the proper local authorities of the town, in addition blocks, or sites in violation of this article or of any local law, ordinance or other regulation or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used, or any land is divided into lots, 2. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted :NY Town Law § 268 per order that compels the violator to correct a violationan and/or an injunction prohibiting a violation of the Zoning chapter The Town may also seek .changed not to recommend a For the reasons stated above, the .and imprisonment termsfines criminal Town may use its Municipal Home Rule Law supersession powers to change the The Town Court.Ithaca pursuant to these provisions in actions e sThe Town bring shall constitute a separate additional violation.relating to misdemeanors shall apply to such violations. Each week’s continued violation or regulation shall be deemed misdemeanors and for such purpose only all provisions of law courts and judicial officers generally, violations of this article or of such local law, ordinance to exceed six months, or both. However, for the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon seven hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment for a period not of which were committed within a period of five years, punishable by a fine not less than not to exceed six months, or both; and, upon conviction for a third or subsequent offense all three hundred fifty dollars nor more than seven hundred dollars or imprisonment for a period of which were committed within a period of five years, punishable by a fine not less than six months, or both for conviction of a first offense; for conviction of a second offense both a fine not exceeding three hundred fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period not to exceed of such local law, ordinance or regulation is hereby declared to be an offense, punishable by and of any local law, ordinance or regulation made thereunder. A violation of this article or 1. The town board may provide by local law or ordinance for the enforcement of this article referenced NY Town Law § 268 states:-Above continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. 2Page , 20246October 1 Ithaca Town Board Memo to violation which was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior : Civil penalty of $500 for a first violation and $1,000 for a second or subsequent 14 Noise-§184 violation. Each day that such violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate violation.violation that was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior $100 for a first violation and $200 for a second or subsequent : 17 Outdoor Lighting-§ 173 for each day or part thereof during which such violation continues.civil penalty of not more than $200 : A15 Building Construction and Fire Prevention-§ 125 :chapters Town CodeIthaca ere are examples of amounts in other As the Town Board considers civil penalty amounts, h .the maximum penalty would remain at $5,000/day, for which 219 (Personal wireless service facilities)-for all violations except violations of § 270 civil penalties of up to $1,000/day. COC recommended n Zoning chapter’s enforcement provisiorecommend the addition of civil penalties to the Town’s to d. in Supreme Court)of having to seek criminal fines in Town Court and an injunction/order Supreme Court (instead then the Town could seek money from the violator and an injunction/order in one action in civil penalties for Zoning chapter violations, to 239 -§ 270If the Town Board changes ….punishmentsor by two or more of such …, fine, forfeiture, community servicecivil penaltyby misdemeanors, offenses or infractions and to provide for the punishment of violations thereof or may be provided or authorized by law, to prescribe that violations thereof shall constitute (b) To provide for the enforcement of local laws by legal or equitable proceedings which are …. government shall have power:4. In the exercise of its powers to adopt and amend local laws, the legislative body of a local …. regulation.the extent that its legislative body has power to act by ordinance, resolution, rule or 2. Every local government also shall have power to adopt and amend local laws where and to NY Municipal Home Rule Law § 10: .\]NY Town Law ordinance, rule or regulation adopted by the town board pursuant toof any \[ is also empowered to provide civil penalties for such violation 1. …. \[A town board\] Town Law § 135: . and whether it wants the amounts to increase for second and subsequent violations amountsamounts the Town may list in its own law, so the Town has considerable discretion about the These two NY laws do not put parameters on permissible . the Municipal Home Rule Lawby 3Page , 20246October 1 Ithaca Town Board Memo to . as appropriate 239-Zoning chapter, the draft law inserts the wording above directly into § 270individual and not another type of entity. So instead of adding a definition of person to the However, after the meeting I saw that sometimes the Zoning chapter uses “person” to mean an recognized by law.Any individual, association, organization, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity “person” that is in the Town’s food truck law:“person” appears in the enforcement provisions. CC talked about using the same definition of , because the word word “person” in the Zoning chapter COC discussed defining the Finally, violations.239 and revised to make it apply to all zoning -draft law, the wording was moved to § 270219, but currently that wording applies only to personal wireless service facilities. In the -§ 270This wording is already in . section with the fines/imprisonment/civil penalties provisions chapterin the Zoning spelled out these actions are would be convenient for the public and Town staff if . The Town already has the authority to undertake/seek these actions, but it sand injunctions/orderthat wording be added regarding orders to remedy ’s recommendation staffCOC also agreed with separate and distinct for each violation. Each day on which a violation shall occur or continue shall be deemed a the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant\]: A civil judicial penalty not to exceed $5,000 per \[for discharges into Requirements for Contributors into Joint POTW : 43 Sewer Use-§ 216 violation exists shall constitute a separate violation.: Civil penalty of up to $500 for each such violation. Each day a 3 Property Maintenance-§ 205 which such violation continues.ivil penalty of not more than $200 for each day or part thereof during : C10 Food Trucks-§202 constitute a separate violation.violation. With respect to continuous emissions of sound, each day of such emission shall 4Page , 20246October 1 Ithaca Town Board ds, or if none, in the most recent tax roll available to the Town of Ithaca. The recorhe Town of Ithaca addressed to the last known address of the owner as set forth in tsubject of the order to remedy and mailing a copy, enclosed in a prepaid wrapper, or to the property address, or by posting a copy thereof on the premises that are the submitted to the Town or approvaladdress set forth in the application for any permit , by mailing by registered or certified mail sent to the owner, operator or occupanton the The order to remedy, or a copy thereof, may be served by personal service (3) compliance is not achieved within the specified period of time.compliance and/or seek penalties, fines and/or imprisonment may be instituted if or proceeding to compel specified period of time; and shall state that an action than 30 days after the date of the order; direct that compliance be achieved within the violation(s) immediately or within some other stated period of time that can be less er to begin to remedy the notice). The order may direct the person served with the ordprosecute such cure to completion in a period not to exceed 90 days after the Town’s violations within such 30 day period and thereafter diligently and with continuity must commence to cure such owner, operator, or occupantstatement that the clude a (or, if the violations are not reasonably capable of cure within 30 days, shall inthe violations must be corrected within 30 days after the date of the order to remedy which are violated by the specified condition or activity; and include a statement that chapter ; specify the provisions of this chapter condition or activity that violates thisat issue; specify the property An order to remedy shall be in writing; identify the (2) authorized to issue an order to remedy., the Code Enforcement Officer is chapter Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer finds that there has been a violation of this (1) Order to remedy. .A 239 Violations, fines and penalties, and other enforcement mechanisms-§ 270“ 239 and replacing it with the following:-270current Section ,” is amended by deleting Violations and penalties, titled “239-, Section 270Codeof the Town of Ithaca XXVIII (Administration) 270 (Zoning), Article Chapter 2Section deleting subsection Z, titled “Enforcement.”219, titled “Personal wireless service facilities,” is amended by -, Section 270Ithaca Codeof the Town of 270 (Zoning), Article XXVI (Special Regulations) Chapter 1Section Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows: TOWN OF ITHACA CODEOF THE )ZONING(CHAPTER 270 AMENDING ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS A LOCAL LAW 4202LOCAL LAW NO. ___ OF THE YEAR TOWN OF ITHACA 1 Remedies not exclusive. No remedy, fine or penalty specified in this section shall be the .New York Town Law)by (including by this chapter or law and other remedies otherwise prescribed by imprisonment, penalties, fines, be in addition to . Such remedy shallchapter Officer pursuant to any provision of thisissued by the Code Enforcement or notice order to remedy or other order condition of any any term or or tissued pursuant to this chap or approval ermitpcondition of any any term or ,chapter correct, or abate any violation of, or to enforce, any provision of thismay be commenced in any court of competent jurisdiction to prevent, restrain, enjoin, An action or proceeding in the name of the Town of Ithaca Injunctions and court orders. recoverable in an action instituted in the name of the Town of Ithaca.such violation continues. The civil penalties provided by this subsection shall be for a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each day or part thereof during which shall be liable ,chapter Code Enforcement Officer pursuant to any provision of thisissued by the related to a Personal Wireless Service Facility or notice other order order to remedy or or any term or condition of any Permit, Facility Wireless Service ersonal P, any term or condition of any 219 (Personal wireless service facility)-270 violates any provision ofthat firm, corporation or other entity recognized by lawindividual, association, organization, partnership, any Notwithstanding the foregoing, (2) Ithaca.this subsection shall be recoverable in an action instituted in the name of the Town of enalties provided by part thereof during which such violation continues. The civil p,000 for each day or 1shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $ ,chapterthis issued by the Code Enforcement Officer pursuant to any provision of or notice order order to remedy or other any term or condition of any or pursuant to this chapterissued or approval ermitpny term or condition of any chapter, a provision of thisviolates any other entity recognized by law that partnership, firm, corporation orassociation, organization, individual, ny a ,remediesany other In addition to (1) Civil penalties. offense.268. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate as provided in §both) (or and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment ,an offenseany provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of that violates recognized by lawindividual, association, organization, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity any ,Town LawNew York Pursuant to § 268 of the Fines and imprisonment. sentence shall not affect the efficacy of the order to remedy. precedingmentioned in th or entitymail; provided, however, that failure to serve any person personally or by registered mail or certified . Such service shall be made propertyat the affected structures or usesactions regarding taking part or assisting in entity or tenant, lessee, or any other person remedy, or a copy thereof, to be served on any Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted, but not required, to cause the order to 2 .State Secretary of Statefiling with the New York its upon immediately . This local law shall take effect 4Section declaration of invalidity.competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected by such . In the event that any portion of this law is declared invalid by a court of 3Section ”so convicted.that is association, organization, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity recognized by lawindividual, effect an immediate forfeiture of any permit hereunder held by the of a violation of this section shall constitute and determinationor judicial Conviction law. specified in this section, in any other section of this chapter, or in any other applicable remedy, fine or penalty prior to, simultaneously with, or after the pursuit of any other remedy, fine or penalty specified in this section may be pursued at any time, whether other applicable law. Any section of this chapter or other in this section, or in any and not in substitution for or limitation of, the other remedies, fines or penalties specified , and each remedy, fine or penalty specified in this section shall be in addition to, chapterexclusive remedy, fine or penalty available to address any violation described in this 3 Vote: Seconded: Moved: $127,000.The Town’s cost is estimated not to exceed New York. ,County TompkinsHayts Road at 282 , New York, located Ithaca34.2, in the Town of -1- Parcelparcel of property, Tax acre -1, with respect to approximately 7the Town of Ithacaeasement to be held by conservation n submitted for acquisition of aPokorney) -for purchase of development rights (Scottpplication A be heard. project shallof such provisions, for such Municipal Law, including the purchase of a contractual right necessary to achieve the purposes rsuant to Section 247 of the General interest or right in real property to preserve open space puacquisition of an persons wishing to address the Board in favor or opposed to the proposed At which time, all This action is subject to a permissive referendumPreservation Program. project as described below, pursuant to the Town of Ithaca Agricultural Land regarding the 9, 2024, which begins at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 215 N Tioga Street, and broadcast via Zoom, that the Town Board will hold a public hearing at their meeting on Monday, December Resolved, Purchase of Development Rights (Permissive Referendum)Hayts Road) Pokorney (282: Setting a public hearing regarding -TB Resolution 2024 , 2024 November MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Vote: Seconded: Moved: the approval of the Attorney for the Town.the easement, subject to execute Town Supervisor to , and authorizes the for installation of a fire hydrant at 1115 Trumansburg Rd of Way-and RightEasement Waterermanent P, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves the Resolved therefore be it ,DepartmentEngineering Town of Ithacathe prepared by ,/2024/date 0sheet V10 ,”EasementProposed ,1115 Trumansburg Road ,2024 Hillcrest Hydrant InstallationTown of Ithaca“titled on the drawing shown easement associated and proposed fire hydrant , theWhereas therefore an easement is required for the installation and maintenance of the hydrant, and the proposed hydrant will be located outside of the existing water main easement, Whereas andpurpose of enhancing fire protection services in the area, at 1115 Trumansburg Road for the fire hydrant ainstall to proposthe Town of Ithaca Whereas .1115 Trumansburg Road nstallation atIydrant Hire Ffor asementE aterPermanent Wxecute Euthorization to AApproval of and XXX-42 esolutionTB R , 2024 November MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD 21828-21778 Check Numbers: 476-426 Voucher Numbers: vouchers:Resolved that the governing Town Board authorizes the payment of the following audited Bolton Point Abstractc: -TB Resolution 2024 219,592.73 TOTAL 4,972.50 Trust and Agency 1,913.00 Risk Retention Fund 13,335.00 Capital Projects 9,920.58 Sewer Fund 22,012.16 Water Fund 58,366.75 Highway Fund Part Town DB 20,270.46 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 8,502.86 Town-General Fund Part 80,299.42 General Fund Town Wide 1116 -1048 VOUCHER NOS. amounts indicated.vouchers in total for the audited Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the payment of the 2024-FY: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 22 for c -TB Resolution 2024 with an non substantive changes made. Resolved that the town Board approves the draft minutes of the November 4, 2024 meeting as final a: Town Board Minutes -TB Resolution 2024 –Vote: ayes Seconded: Moved: Sallinger –Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Member e. Recommendation to Tompkins County re Environmental management Committee d. Bolton Point Abstract c. Approval of the Town of Ithaca Abstract b. Approval of Minutes a. Resolved that the Town Board adopts/approves the following consent agenda items: : Consent Agenda -TB Resolution 2024 42, 2025November MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD 20 Bank Fees A1316.411 1,700 Conferences & Mileage A1316.410 1,910 Telephone A1220.415 560 Conferences & Mileage A1110.410 50 Auditing Services A1110.401 200 Contractual A1110.400 810 Court Security Officer A1110.489 To From Description Account Budget Transfers wide Fund-General Town amendments or modifications summarized below:requiring transfers, Whereas, this review disclosed certain budgetary revenues and expenditures accounts for the period ending October 30, 2024, andWhereas, the Town Finance Officer has reviewed all budgetary revenue and appropriation October 30, 2024.period ending Modifications for xxx: Approval of Budget Transfers, Amendments and -TB Resolution 2024 through December 31, 2029.ary 1, 2025 2024 and then to a full Zoning Board of Appeals Member for the term of Januan Alternate Zoning Board Member for the term of November 25, 2024 through December 31, Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Lawrence Sallinger as December 31, 2029; now, therefore, be it -January 1, 2025Selection Committee recommends appointing Lawrence Sallinger to the full member term of year term position come January 1, 2025, the -Whereas, as there will be a vacancy in a full five Peachtree Lane, to the Alternate position for the remainder of 2024; andCommittee recommends appointing Lawrence Sallinger, 14 resignation, and the Selection Whereas there is a vacant Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate Member position due to a e: Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Member -TB Resolution 2024 Environmental Management Council.Tompkins County Representative on the Conservation Board Town of Ithaca theto serve as Ingrid Zabelappoint -reecommends and requests that the Tompkins County Legislature rthat the Town Board Resolved Ingrid Zabel –Appointment to the Environmental Management Council -Reecommendation to Tompkins County Legislature for : Rd - 42Resolution 20TB $ 90,590.82 TOTAL $ 88,762.92 Operating Fund $ 1,827.90 Capital Impr/Repl Project 3,000 Contractual F1380.400 700 Auditing Services F1320.401 700 Contractual F1380.400 To From Description Account Budget Transfers Water Fund 100 Copier Paper DB1670.405 100 Petroleum Products DB5112.450 2,000 Legal Services DB1420.402 2,000 Petroleum Products DB5112.450 433 Auditing Services DB1320.401 433 Petroleum Products DB5112.450 To From Description Account Budget Transfers Town Fund-Highway Part 69 Auditing Services DA1320.401 69 icing Supplies-Road De DA5142.452 To From Description Account Budget Transfers Highway Fund 53,800 H2 Babcock –Interfund Transfer A9950.900 53,800 Babcock Ridge Trail A7110.529 4,000 Electricity A5182.447 4,000 New Streetlights A5182.500 600 Drug Testing A5010.427 600 FurnishingsFurniture & A5010.449 390 Employee Education & Training A1680.421 390 Telephone A1680.415 9,470 Contractual A1680.400 9,470 Telephone A1680.415 4,500 Employment Ads A1430.423 4,500 Contingency Account A1990.499 20,000 Legal Services A1420.402 20,000 Contingency Account A1990.499 358 Postage A1330.408 358 Dues & Publications A1340.420 100 Postage A1330.408 100 Cell Phone Reimbursement A1340.416 1,095 Printing Tax Bills A1330.485 377 Conferences & Mileage A1330.410 1,472 Conferences & Mileage A1340.410 190 Dues & Publications A1316.420 appropriate and necessary.budget transfers, amendments, and modifications, including all other changes deemed Resolved, that this Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Finance Officer to record all 2,000 Electricity G8120.447 2,000 Petroleum Products G8120.450 1,000 Contractual G1680.400 1,000 Contingency Account G1990.499 800 Xerox Printers/Copiers G1670.437 800 Contingency Account G1990.499 525 Auditing Services G1320.401 525 Contingency Account G1990.499 Appropriation Revenue Description Account Budget Transfers Sewer Fund 1,000 Vehicle Maintenance F8340.451 1,000 Petroleum Products F8340.450 7,600 Water Tank Maintenance F8340.475 7,600 Contingency Account F1990.499 25,000 Electricity F8340.447 25,000 Contingency Account F1990.499 600 Xerox Printers F1670.437 600 Contractual F1380.400 3,000 Telephone System F1650.415