HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2024-08-20
Town of Ithaca
Public Works Committee
August 20, 2024, 9:00 a.m.
Present: Rod Howe, Joe Slater, Judy Drake, Mike Beach, Dave O’Shea, Marty Moseley, Hilary
Swartwood, Joe Talbut, Nick Quilty-Koval, Mike Smith, CJ Randall, Rich DePaolo, Rob Rosen, Becky
Guests: Tom Zawadzki, Applicant - 602 Elmira Road, Michael Lasell, MBL Engineering, PLLC
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of June 18, 2024 minutes was motioned by Rich DePaolo, seconded by Rob Rosen.
Member Comments/Concerns
2. Consider Modifications to Agenda Member Comments/Concerns
a. Consider Modifications to Agenda – None
3. 602 Elmira Rd – O’Shea
Mr. O’Shea reported that the developer proposing storage units has gone through preliminary site
plan approval through the planning board and are now coming before the public works committee
and subsequently the town board to dedicate utilities to the town. They are looking to dedicate
approximately 350’ of water main within the DOT right of way.
Plans were shared (attachment 1)
Mr. Lasell shared that there will be heated and unheated storage. The facility does have sprinkler
requirements so that’s the need for a 350’ extension to the water line which currently stops at the
corner of Brewery Lane. Per town code there will be a hydrant in front of the property and a tie into
fire service and sewer service. There will be a small office and public bathroom during office hours.
Mr. O’Shea stated the state standard for hydrants is every 250-500ft. Fire code requires a hydrant as
well. The developer pays to install hydrant to town specs and standards before construction
documents can be approved.
Mr. DePaolo inquired about the status of water & sewer in this area considering future development
beyond this project.
Mr. O’Shea replied that water is ok while sewer is at capacity so adding additional loading greater
than a single-family residence is unlikely at this time. The inlet valley project coming to the town
board next month or two will address this. The town has two pump stations which are primarily the
controlling factor and four pipe segments that, based on our modeling, are at capacity. I’m
comfortable with this project because it is one bathroom.
a. Sewer Exemption Request
Mr. O’Shea shared that there is sewer on two sides, but they are private residences and if they
hooked up to the west they would have to pump. The closest sewer is approximately 150’ from the
parcel boundary which would be Ithaca Beer Drive. The other connection would be 230’. Based on
the plans they are only planning for one bathroom.
Mr. Lasell stated to the north would be challenging with the creek. The intersection at Brewery Ln
would require pumping to the manhole. Plans are for one single bathroom only in the main building.
Anticipate a demand total of 65 gallons per day. The soil has been tested in the area and supports a
small septic system with leech field.
Mr. O’Shea stated the only concern with the exemption is setting a condition for this use with single
bathroom. If there becomes a use change another exemption would be required.
Mr. Howe suggested a recommendation to the town board.
b. Request for Concept and Location Approval for Proposed Dedicated Water Main
4. Proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Revised- O’Shea
Mr. O’Shea stated there were minor revisions due to staffing changes. Two water projects were
moved from 2025 to 2026. We would like to take time to evaluate and fine tune the scope of the Pine
Tree Road project which we won’t get to, with current projects, before the budget is finalized.
Wildflower replacement design construction was slated for 2026 but was bumped up due to the road
and main being in bad shape. We need to stay ahead of paving and do the utilities beforehand.
Mr. Slater reiterated the need for the Pine tree PRV and water main and stated the capacity of the
proposed Maplewood II project would take allocation from the Ellis Hollow tank.
Mr. O’Shea stated there are fire flow constraints on Slaterville Rd in commonland. Part of that
project would alleviate those constraints and increase fire flow in those areas. We are still evaluating
whether to rehab or replace the Pine Tree Rd tank. It was slated for removal about 8 years ago. We
started plans to tear that tank down and put up a new tank. We keep getting mixed reviews from
Mr. DePoalo inquired about cost estimate changes by pushing projects off.
Mr. O’Shea replied that cost amounts haven’t changed since originally going to the town board.
3. Gang of Six Meeting Follow Up/Sewer Related Agreements
Mr. Howe explained that the gang of six are the six stakeholders in the two wastewater plants (Ithaca
and Village of Cayuga Heights). Meet quarterly. Always of concern is I&I for which funds are
continually put aside. Folks are concerned about capacity as development continues and therefore
three scenarios were brought forth. Remington Rd bypass is one concern as well as Town of Ithaca
bypass (Warren Rd) and Village of Cayuga Heights potentially expanding with purchase of
neighboring land next to their plant.
Mr. O’Shea explained that Remington Rd must currently flow down and under RT13 and they will
install a flow diverter to bring it all the way down Remington Road and into the Town of Ithaca
plant. Looking at the cost difference, Cayuga Heights being a couple dollars more per thousand
gallons than Town of Ithaca. We don’t charge the northeast different rates, so town residents absorb
the difference in rate. We’re looking at a 9-10 year payback with eliminating Cayuga Heights. Trying
to get out of Kline Rd because they charge their rate. Budgeted for feasibility study next year. Our
intention for Warren Rd is to bring from Warren Rd E down through Cornell campus to the Thurston
Ave interceptor. This would bring about 60% of our northeast flows back to the Ithaca plant.
Mr. Howe commented that the mayor of Cayuga Heights is just as concerned about capacity with
future development in Lansing. We have been looking at all the agreements related to sewer, when
they term, and which municipalities are involved and trying to take a lead on this.
Mr. O’Shea confirmed there was a study done on Remington that was supposed to be shared but he
hadn’t seen anything.
4. Discuss Town Board Tour
Mr. Howe commented that we typically do an agriculture related tour every fall. It is suggested that
we do one tour that combines infrastructure and agriculture. Typically get a bus and choose a Friday.
Mr. Slater replied we have a handful of projects the town board can look at. Ridgecrest Rd pump
station, a couple roads, water pump stations, water generators at Troy/Coddington pump station,
proposed development such the Maplewood site, chain works site, ag sites, king Rd, proposed box
culvert on King Rd.
Mr. O’Shea added Saunders Park and the East Shore pedestrian walkway.
Mr. Smith stated that last year there were four or five farms that couldn’t schedule for the tour but
were interested in participating. What we would do, with a half-day timeframe in mind, is identify
the most likely farms and see what part of town the bulk are. Three or four options fall within the
Seven Mile Drive & Bostwick Rd area.
5. Project Updates -
a. CIP Update – discussed above
b. OpenGov – Asset Management
Mr. Slater reported that we are in advanced training mode with a trainer going through all the
different venues of the program. Projecting a go live date at the end of September. Ready for another
data dump of assets from Pubworks.
c. King Rd West Culvert
Mr. O’Shea kicked this off about a month ago. Getting possibly 2-3 construction scenarios and cost
estimates next couple months. Then we’ll be looking to get this project designed to start construction
this winter/early spring and stay ahead of DPW’s paving schedule.
d. PWF MEP Updates
Mr. O’Shea reported that they are through the design phase and ready to bid. An overview of the
project is putting automation in the energy recovery ventilators (ERV’s) for noxious gases in the
garage from the O2 renovation that were never automated. One will be on at all times, the other four
will turn on as needed. Plumbing improvements, new permanent pressure washers, upgrading
ventilation with gas sensors, and fixing trench drain.
e. TH Clerks/Mezz Update
Mr. O’Shea reported that they are working through final design documents. Looking to bid early
January for spring construction.
f. Town Hall Weatherization
Mr. O’Shea reported working through design. Looking for submissions by mid-September. Setting
up for spring grant applications.
g. Ridgecrest Water Main Project
Trying to get contractor to fix odds and ends and start up equipment so we turn everything online.
h. Site Design Manual
Mr. O’Shea stated there is a kickoff meeting Friday with planning and B&L. Talking cost with B&L
to include chapter 214 sewer law revision. This has been on Engineering’s list to revise for ten years
or so to match current code. With B&L doing the specs that line up with the law it’s a great
opportunity to integrate that.
i. Forest Home Pump Station
Mr. O’Shea reported that parts should be here in the next two weeks and then this project can wrap
up quickly.
j. Southhill Generators
Mr. O’Shea reported that after two and a half to three years this is finally done. Trying to get the
permit flows out and make sure codes is happy with everything. We will release retainage, and this
project will be done.
6. Other News
Mr. Slater just received word from Seneca Stone that they will be mobilizing the week of September
9th to do paving on our CIP roads on Southhill. Larissa Lane, Schickel Road, Ridgecrest Road, Kings
Way, Holly Creek. King Rd W will be a different contractor.
Mr. Slater had a surprise meeting with NYPA last Friday related to streetlights and communication
issues we were having. Quintila communications is no longer supplying products. Proposing another
software and another vendor. Reviewing information sent but decisions will need to be made.
Mr. Smith Babcock ridge project consultants EDR walked the site again about 2 weeks ago putting a
couple concepts together to look at. Public meeting sometime in September. Public open house at
preserve to be planned.
Mr. Talbut reported that the basketball courts have all been resurfaced.
Mr. Howe shared that it is the town’s goal not to take on anymore cemeteries. We may take a fresh
look at the lakeview cemetery agreement. We had some requests for a cemetery we do own on
Bostwick Road, some of which are unrealistic. We may look into a grant to repair some headstones.
Adjourn 9:47 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
Submitted by,
Becky Jordan
Attachment 1
This memo is a summary of the existing capacity and availability of Town water for the proposed construction of the 24,700 -SF storage facility and the newly installed hydrant. The memo and attachments are organized as follows:
Water Supply Calculations
» Attachment 1 – Fire Flow Test Results
WATER SUPPLY CALCULATIONS Rudra Management plans to construct a 24,700-SF storage center that includes walk-up traditional storage and heated indoor storage. The project includes extended the existing Town water system to service the site, with this extension a new Town owned hydrant will be installed. The hydrant proposed is approximately 23-feet higher than the test hydrant flow test located in front of 142 Ithaca Beer Drive. The test hydrant flow test is attached in Attachment 1 which includes the design calculations. The proposed building demand is 1,250-GPM for domestic and fire flow. The Town requirements for new hydrants is 1,500-GPM at minimum 20-PSI. Based on the provided flow test for R0430 with the 23-feet in elevation change and 7.3 PSI in friction/pipe losses for the length of line, the proposed hydrant would have a static pressure of 116-PSI and a residual pressure of 60.7-PSI at 1,500-GPM.
CONCLUSION Based on the flow test, the proposed hydrant will exceed the minimum requirement for the Town owned hydrant of 1,500-GPM at minimum 20-PSI.
Ithaca Self Storage – 602 Elmira Road – Ithaca, NY MBL Engineering, PLLC Existing Town Water Supply August 5, 2024
Test Hydrant R0430 Date 11/14/17 Time 10:30 AM gpm psi
0 125
Location 1250 102
3119 0
Tester J.Colbert , J. Betts
Q1 1250
Remarks K1 5.437
K2 12.34
Gauge Static Pressure 125 Residual Pressur 102 K3 12.97
K4 13.56
Flow Hydrant Gauge Pitot Pressure Flow Q2-20 2839
R0440 80 psi 1250 gpm Q3-10 2982
psi 0 gpm Q4-0 3119
psi 0 gpm
psi 0 gpm
TOTAL 1250
@20psi 2839
@10psi 2982
142 Ithaca Beer Drive
Stone Quary C.V. in manual off, Coy Glen Pumps off, Bostwick Tank at 34'.3", W
0 1250 3119
Flow (gpm)
Finger Lakes State Parks31.-2-12BUTTERMILK FALLS RD W
New York State People of31.-2-14ELMIRA RD
Connelly, Abram
31.-2-15855 FIVE MILE DR
Ferrara Realty, Inc
Sosebee, Cary R & Demarest, Miranda31.-3-3.2850 FIVE MILE DR
Cedar Rock, Inc31.-3-4
Yunis Realty Inc33.-3-2.1
Tompkins County IDA33.-3-2.10
Mitchell Ventures LLC33.-3-2.2
Greentree Ithaca, LLC33.-3-2.3
Ithaca Realty, LLC
Greentree Ithaca, LLC
Grigorov Family LLC33.-3-2.6
Ithaca Realty, LLC
Elmira Rd LLC
Ferrara Realty, Inc
33.-3-2.92134 ITHACA BEER DR
Finger Lakes State Parks
Swansbrough, Robert & Swansbrough, Mary L35.-1-24605 ELMIRA RD
Becker, Allen S
35.-1-25.2601 ELMIRA RD
Norfolk Southern
525.-6-1LVRR Elmi
It h a c a B e e r D r
EagleView, New York State, Maxar, Microsoft
MAP CREATED: 8/12/2024 6:54 AM
Town of Ithaca Utility Map
602 Elmira Rd
0 100 200 300 40050US Feet
(p) 315.486.0501 | (f)315.295.2569 | 16510 Balch Place Mannsville, NY 13661 | Mike.Lasell@MBLEngineering.com
July 1, 2024 Town of Ithaca Engineering Department Attn: Christine Balestra 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca, NY 14850
Re: Rudra Management – 602 Elmira Road Sketch Plan Approval – Town of Ithaca Mr. Daniel Thaete, We are requesting a sewer exemption for the Property located at 602 Elmira Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 owned by Rundra Management (shown on the attached Survey Map of Lands Owned by Cedar Rock Inc., Tax. Map Parcel No. 31-3-4). Currently the Town of Ithaca sewer system does not service this property. The Municipal sewer system stops approximately 480 linear feet from 602 Elmira Road. It is planned to construct a self-storage facility on the property which will only have one bathroom for an office employee and for customers during limited business hours. The cost of constructing the 480-feet of new Municipal sewer line to service the small use with no plans for any future development on the site as the entire site is being used for storage is not practical. The lateral would also need to open cut the existing Mancina Way paved road to tie into the existing sewer main. A septic system has been engineered for the property and the DOH will be approving. There is plenty of room for a replacement system if needed. The contours of the property work very well for a gravity fed septic system from the office location. . Please let me know if I need to provide you with anything else or if you have any questions, please give me a call at 315.486.0501. Sincerely,
Michael B. Lasell, P.E., LEED AP MBL Engineering, PLLC CC: Jay Patel – Owner Josh Best - Architect
Infrastructure Year: ACCOUNT #
2025 Cost 2026 Cost 2027 Cost 2028 Cost 2029 Cost
Water Tanks Hungerford Tank-Feasibility/Land Acquisition $ 50,000.00 Hungerford Hill Tank $ 1,500,000.00
Water Tanks TOTAL: $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00
F8340-5XX Stone Quarry/Commanland/Winners Circle/ replacement-Design/Construction $ 1,122,400.00 Pine Tree PRV & Pine Tree Watermain Upgrade & Design/Construction $ 1,200,000.00 Valleyview Booster Station $ 500,000.00 Bostwick Tank Redundancy Upgrades $ 100,000.00
F8340-5XX Wildflower replacement-Design/Construction $ 500,000.00 West Hill Hospital Redundancy/Valve Project $ 50,000.00 West Hill Tank Redundancy/Oakwood $ 200,000.00
Backup Generator-Christopher Circle/Northeast $ 150,000.00 Pine Tree PRV & Pine Tree Watermain Upgrade & Design/Construction 2026 Budget Pine Tree Tank Demo/Pump Station to Hungerford Tank
Water Mains TOTAL: $ 1,122,400.00 $ 1,850,000.00 $ 550,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ -
G8120-5XX Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab-Mitchell St. $ 300,000.00 Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab $ 300,000.00 Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab $ 300,000.00 Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab $ 300,000.00 Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab $ 300,000.00
G8120-5XX Inlet Valley PS Rehab/rebuild/Gravity Sewer upgrades Budgeted 2024 NE Bypass-Town Coordination/Contribution/Grant TBD Mitchell Street Sewer Upgrades-Engineering Report for Grant $ 30,000.00 Mitchell Street Sewer Upgrades $ 1,080,000.00
Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study (City to Contribute) $ 200,000.00 Linderman Creek Main Crossing $ 50,000.00
Jointly Owned Interceptors Stewart/Cass Park Pump Station-Misc. Pump Station Improvements (Joint Budget: $127,148) $ 52,856.00 IAWTP-CIP Project(s) $ ??
Cherry Street Misc. Improvements-Study and misc. HVAC. Lighting, & Safety upgrades (Joint Budget: $450,000) $ 187,065.00
Phase 1 WWTP CIP (Joint Budget: $300,000) $ 124,710.00
Sanitary Sewers TOTAL: $ 864,631.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 330,000.00 $ 1,380,000.00 $ 300,000.00
Storm Drainage A8540.5XX King Road West Box Culvert-Construction Budgeted 2024
Storm Drainage TOTAL: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
DB5112.500 Forest Home Drive $ 54,000.00 Winners Circle $ 28,000.00 Seven Mile Drive $ 180,000.00 Maple Avenue (Design and Bid) $ 600,000.00
DB5112.500 Judd Falls Road $ 52,000.00 Penny Lane $ 228,000.00 Wildflower Drive TBD
Drew Road $ 82,000.00 Lois Lane $ 104,000.00
Longview Drive $ 39,000.00 Stone Quarry Road (253-south) $ 300,000.00
Max's Drive $ 62,000.00
Vera Circle $ 208,000.00
Woodgate Lane $ 136,000.00
King Road West-Phase 2 Buttermilk to 96B $ 363,000.00
King Road West Guiderail $ 95,000.00
Lower Stone Quarry Construction TBD
Roads TOTAL: $ 1,291,000.00 $ 660,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 600,000.00 $ -
A5132.5XX PWF MEP/Site Improvements (additional funds) $ 672,000.00 PWF Security Fence Installation (Grant) $ 150,000.00 PWF Electric Service Upgrades $ 150,000.00
Town Facilities TOTAL: $ 672,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ - $ 150,000.00 $ -
Mezzanine/Court Clerk Office Renovations $ 1,200,000.00 Town Hall HVAC Evaluation $ 125,000.00 Misc. Green Upgrades-Town Hall $ 125,000.00
$ 125,000.00
PWF HVAC Upgrades-ANNEX $ 686,000.00
PWF LED Design & Upgrades $ 200,000.00
Green Energy Upgrades TOTAL: $ 3,750,000.00 $ 886,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ -
A7110.521 Townline Road Bridge-Phase 2 Construction (Grant) $ 2,054,840.00
Townline Road Bridge-Local Share-Paid by Tompkins County $ 122,840.00
Bridges TOTAL: $ 2,177,680.00 $ - $ - $ - $ -
Infrastructure/Buildings/Maintenance Total Cost: $ 9,877,711.00 $ 3,896,000.00 $ 1,310,000.00 $ 2,730,000.00 $ 1,800,000.00
Grant(s) Total: $ 4,727,680.00 $ 150,000.00
$ 5,150,031.00
Townline Road Bridge Complete Streets Road ManualComplete Streets Road Manual RT 96 sidewalk-consultant services for grant $ 20,000.00 Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study PWF HVAC Upgrades-ANNEX
Lower Stone Quarry Road-Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-North) PWF LED Design & Upgrades
Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open space
East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-($286,600 Local Share) $ 286,600.00 East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-Timing TBD 2025 Budget Forest Home S-Curve Sidewalk TBD
East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-($1,146,400 TAP) $ 1,146,400.00 SS4A Design Implementation-TBD Winthrop Drive Walkway TBD
RT 96 sidewalk-Grant Submission Trumansburg Rd / Rt 96 Sidewalk (City line to Cayuga Prof. Bldg.) $ 3,500,000.00
Sidewalks TOTAL: $ 1,433,000.00 $ - $ 3,500,000.00 $ - $ -
Iacovelli Playground Replacement - grant? $ 100,000.00 South Hill preserve improvements?
Coddington Road - SHRW Parking & Access (design) $ 15,000.00 Coddington Road - SHRW Parking & Access (construction)
South Hill Rec Way Ext (Burns to Banks Rd) - Design (covered by grant) $ - Iacovelli Playground Replacement - design/construction
Trail Overlay $ 50,000.00
Babcock Trail Construction Grant 80/20
Parks TOTAL: $ 165,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ -
Future Parks - Trails Saponi Meadows Park TBD West Hill Park TBD Compton Park TBD
Tutelo Park to Saponi Park Trail TBD Poyer Trail to Woolf Park TBD Woolf Lane Park TBD
Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open Space Total Cost: $ 1,598,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ -
Grant(s) Total: $ 1,246,400.00
$ 351,600.00
Red text indicates potential grant opportunity $ 5,501,631.00
RFP (Contractual Services)
Water Mains
Sanitary Sewers
Roads-Paving Projects -Funded utilizing CHIPS/ Fund Balance/Taxes Levied
Lower Stone Quarry Road- Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-north) $ 200,000.00
Lower Stone Quarry Road- Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design Continue
& Construction (253-north) TBD
Town Facilities
PWF Security Fence Installation-Construction
Misc. Green Upgrades-Public Works Facility
Sidewalks / Walkways
Parks - Trails - Open Space
Budgeted 2026
Green Energy Upgrades
Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades-Construction (Grant) Budgeted 2025
Misc. Green Upgrades-Public Works Facility $ 125,000.00 $ 2,550,000.00 Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades(Grant Application)-Construction, C&A Services, & Testing (Pursueing $675,000 grant)
Infrastructure Year: ACCOUNT #
2025 Cost
Water Tanks
Water Tanks TOTAL: $ -
F8340-5XX Stone Quarry/Commanland/Winners Circle/ replacement-Design/Construction $ 1,122,400.00
Water Mains TOTAL: $ 1,122,400.00
G8120-5XX Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab-Mitchell St. $ 300,000.00
G8120-5XX Inlet Valley PS Rehab/rebuild/Gravity Sewer upgrades Budgeted 2024
Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study (City to Contribute) $ 200,000.00
Jointly Owned Interceptors
Stewart/Cass Park Pump Station-Misc. Pump Station Improvements (Joint
Budget: $127,148) $ 52,856.00
Cherry Street Misc. Improvements-Study and misc. HVAC. Lighting, & Safety
upgrades (Joint Budget: $450,000) $ 187,065.00
Phase 1 WWTP CIP (Joint Budget: $300,000) $ 124,710.00
Sanitary Sewers TOTAL: $ 864,631.00
Storm Drainage A8540.5XX King Road West Box Culvert-Construction Budgeted 2024
Storm Drainage TOTAL: $ -
DB5112.500 Forest Home Drive $ 54,000.00
DB5112.500 Judd Falls Road $ 52,000.00
Drew Road $ 82,000.00
Longview Drive $ 39,000.00
Max's Drive $ 62,000.00
Vera Circle $ 208,000.00
Woodgate Lane $ 136,000.00
King Road West-Phase 2 Buttermilk to 96B $ 363,000.00
King Road West Guiderail $ 95,000.00
Roads TOTAL: $ 1,291,000.00
A5132.5XX PWF MEP/Site Improvements (additional funds) $ 672,000.00
Town Facilities TOTAL: $ 672,000.00
Mezzanine/Court Clerk Office Renovations $ 1,200,000.00
Green Energy Upgrades TOTAL: $ 3,750,000.00
A7110.521 Townline Road Bridge-Phase 2 Construction (Grant) $ 2,054,840.00
Townline Road Bridge-Local Share-Paid by Tompkins County $ 122,840.00
Bridges TOTAL: $ 2,177,680.00
Infrastructure/Buildings/Maintenance Total Cost: $ 9,877,711.00
Grant(s) Total: $ 4,727,680.00
$ 5,150,031.00
Townline Road Bridge
Complete Streets Road Manual
Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study
Lower Stone Quarry Road-Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-North)
Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open space
East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-($286,600 Local Share) $ 286,600.00
East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-($1,146,400 TAP) $ 1,146,400.00
Sidewalks TOTAL: $ 1,433,000.00
Iacovelli Playground Replacement - grant? $ 100,000.00
Coddington Road - SHRW Parking & Access (design) $ 15,000.00
South Hill Rec Way Ext (Burns to Banks Rd) - Design (covered by grant) $ -
Trail Overlay $ 50,000.00
Babcock Trail Construction Grant 80/20
Parks TOTAL: $ 165,000.00
Future Parks - Trails Saponi Meadows Park TBD
Tutelo Park to Saponi Park Trail TBD
Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open Space Total Cost: $ 1,598,000.00
Grant(s) Total: $ 1,246,400.00
$ 351,600.00
Red text indicates potential grant opportunity $ 5,501,631.00
RFP (Contractual Services)
Water Mains
Sanitary Sewers
Roads-Paving Projects
-Funded utilizing CHIPS/ Fund Balance/Taxes Levied
Lower Stone Quarry Road- Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-north) $ 200,000.00
Town Facilities
Sidewalks / Walkways
Parks - Trails - Open Space
Green Energy Upgrades $ 2,550,000.00 Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades(Grant Application)-Construction, C&A
Services, & Testing (Pursueing $675,000 grant)