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PWC Minutes 2024-06-18
AGENDA PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE June 18th , 2024, 9:00 a.m. ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81695207215 1. Approval of Minutes a. April 16, 2024 2. Member Comments/Concerns a. Consider Modifications to Agenda 3. Proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)- Thaete 4. Proposed 2025 Fleet Replacement Plan - Slater 5. Cradit Farm Drive / Pleasant Grove Road Intersection - Howe 6. #102 Pinewood Place Stormwater Piping Request 7. Project Updates - a. DPW – Paving Projects b. OpenGov – Asset Management c. King Rd West Culvert d. PWF MEP Updates e. TH Clerks/Mezz Update f. Town Hall Weatherization g. Ridgecrest Water Main Project h. Site Design Manual i. Troy/Coddington Generators Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee June 18, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Minutes Present: Rod Howe, Joe Slater, Dan Thaete, Emily Rodgers, Donna Shaw, Chris Herbert, Judy Drake, Mike Beach, Travis Mills, Dave O’Shea, Justin McNeal, Marty Moseley, Hilary Swartwood, Joe Talbut, Steve Riddle, Mike Smith, CJ Randall, Nick Quilty-Kobal, Rich DePaolo, Rob Rosen, Bernie Morse, Becky Jordan. Guests: Herb Engman, Caroline Arms, Bruce Brittain, Doug Brittain, Matt Petti Approval of Minutes: Approval of the April 16, 2024 minutes was motioned by Rich DePaolo, seconded by Rod Howe. Carried. Member Comments/Concerns 2. Consider Modifications to Agenda Member Comments/Concerns a. Consider Modifications to Agenda – Mr. Howe moved agenda item #5, Cradit Farm Drive / Pleasant Grove Road to the forefront. 3. Cradit Farm Drive / Pleasant Grove Road Intersection The third and most recent traffic pattern study, by Barton & Loguidice, presented (attachment #1). Mr. Howe stated for context that last year around this time the County, Town of Ithaca and Cornell were ready to sign an MOU that there would be no reconfiguration of the intersection. As a result of concern from community members the Town initiated a new study to see what a new set of eyes would have to say about a reconfiguration of the intersection. The key goal is to redirect traffic onto Cornell campus from going through Forest Home. Following review of the most recent study and conversations the County and Town of Ithaca remain in agreement that the null alternative is the way to go as any reconfiguration would not achieve the desired result of redirecting traffic. This will go to the Town Board possibly in July for next step. Waiting for more information from the safer streets for all study to schedule a meeting with Forest Home residents sometime this fall to discuss what things can be done to make it safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. Mr. DePaolo acknowledged receipt of Ms. Caroline Arms’ letter regarding traffic counts. (attachment #2) Mr. Engman reiterated that the two basic studies suggested most traffic goes into Forest Home and the intersection should remain the same as it’s best for traffic. Concerned not with what is best for traffic but with the unnecessary amount of traffic and dangerous situations. Did not find the studies very helpful. The RFP stated no recommendations however, near the end of the study it reads a roundabout would be a great idea because it’s safer, provides a better entrance feature into town as well as into Cornell, and would prevent back up on the steep hill. Forest Home residents support a roundabout and Cornell has set aside money for it so we hope this committee will make a recommendation to the town board. Mr. Doug Brittain advised against putting too much credence looking just at the recommendations in the B&L report. Would like to see this follow according to the facts and not just assumptions. Mr. Bruce Brittain agreed, the roundabout is safer for pedestrians and cyclists as the report indicates. Ms. Arms finds the traffic measurements unhelpful because of their timing. She observes traffic in Forest Home every day, morning and evening. To turn off Cradit Farm Drive the visibility is bad with a clutter of signage and a utility pole and more often than not vehicles cross the center line into possible oncoming traffic. This is dangerous as motorists traveling uphill typically disobey the speed limit. Mr. Howe stated this will be discussed at the county level. There have been multiple conversations between the county and the town, and the null alternative is the decision the town will be moving forward on. There will be new increased signage alerting traffic to turn on to Cradit Farm Drive. To Mr. Arms’ point we can highlight the line of visibility issue. Mr. Rosen – In favor of roundabout while understanding it is a county road and the town has no jurisdiction. Mr. DePaolo commented about the allegation that the scope of the opinion rendered in the most recent study was limited to the Right of Way and therefore ruled out the Roundabout. Would like to see if there is any validity to this. Mr. Thaete commented there are statements supporting roundabout may be safer for motorists, however less confident cyclists may enter the circle and not keep up with traffic. There are conflict points between vehicles and cyclists and contact points between pedestrians that have to traverse the circle. In conclusion it is not safer from a multi-mode perspective. 4. Proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Mr. Thaete shared the 2025-26 capital improvements plan live document. (attachment #3). Projects moving out from 2025-26 are somewhat of a place holder or target and we expect as the years progress wants and needs will arise/shift. The Pine Tree water main tank is currently at its useful life end. Some water hot spots that we hope to bulk together in one contract include Stone Quarry, Commonland, and Winners Circle. Fixing these hot spots will alleviate overtime due to water breaks. We have our own sewer projects as well as joint sewer projects with the city whereas we own and contribute approximately 42%. We need to make sure we have capacity at the joint interceptors, especially regarding new development. We can take some of our northeast sectors and gravity flow them to the Ithaca area wastewater treatment plant versus going through the Cayuga Heights wastewater treatment plant which comes with an exorbitant fee. There is a long-term cost benefit to this bypass. Mr. DePaolo stated that the City of Ithaca, on behalf of the SJC, has entered into a contract with Barton & Loguidice to do a long-term capital improvement plan. Their timeline is to have a plan within the year. We’re looking at potentially many decades worth of projects and many millions of dollars. Mr. Howe mentioned that a couple of the major sewer agreements end in 2025 so we’re looking to see if any of those can be combined for clarity. Mr. Thaete stated that the town has entered into a contract with Barton & Loguidice to slip line or rehab the King Rd W box culvert that is failing. We plan to tackle the roadside drainage issues at the same time. Anticipate construction in 2025. Intention is to stay ahead of paving projects. Mr. Slater commented that figures for roads are done in a worst-case scenario. Some roads may need as much a 5” blacktop while others may only need surface overlay. Some roads are done in piecemeal such as in 2025 Forest Home will be rehabbed between the bridges. Mr. Thaete commented that with possible grant opportunities the town will spend roughly $1.2m less in 2025 than in 2024 on capital improvement projects. This proposed CIP schedule will swing back around to the budget committee for discussion. 5. Proposed 2025 Fleet Replacement Plan Mr. Slater discussed the proposed fleet replacement schedule for 2025. (attachment #4) Approximately 95 pieces of equipment were looked at for useful life to determine replacement and what can be pushed out a little longer. Delivery on truck orders is taking upwards of 24 months. During this waiting period depreciation continues and appraisals go down. Mr. DePaolo noted the annual repair costs on one of the 10 wheelers, for example, were $4,500. It is easily anticipated that figure will increase over time. Mr. Slater commented that useful life of snow and ice equipment should be around 8-10 years. Beyond that, with salt damage, value plummets. 6. #102 Pinewood Place Stormwater Piping Request Mr. Slater stated there are some drainage issues in this NE area without a stormwater detention facility. The request is for approximately 250’ of pipe install on the corner of Pinewood Place and Birchwood Drive. This may lead to catch basin install with junction points and MS4 maintenance compliance. Mr. Rosen stated that a similar request from the same area was denied recently. Without a stormwater system in place the open ditches are the stormwater retention system. Mr. DePaolo inquired about piping on Chase Lane. Mr. Slater explained that piping on Chase Lane was required due to areas of not much shoulder and shallow ditch causing stormwater to undermine the road. Mr. Thaete provided that the DEC promotes open grass lined ditches as they help with filtering storm water and evapotranspiration. Generally agreed this would be a cosmetic and usability improvement not a stormwater drainage improvement. 7. Project Updates – a. DPW – Paving Projects – First round of paving on west hill done. Crews laid shoulder material. Pavement markings soon to come. b. OpenGov – Asset Management – 70% built out. Train the Trainer event July 9-11 with staff. Looking forward to going live late summer, early fall. c. King Rd West Culvert – Currently under contract and will be under analysis soon. d. PWF MEP Updates – Progressing with 90% documents. e. TH Clerks/Mezz Update – Working with consultant. Sent back comments and markup on drawings. f. Town Hall Weatherization – Received schematic design and reviewing next couple weeks. Grant application in spring. g. Ridgecrest Water Main Project – Electrical contractor is the last trade on site and should be wrapped up in a couple weeks. h. Site Design Manual – In beginning stage. i. Troy/Coddington Generators – A second generator was delivered on site and should wrap up in next month or so. Adjourn 10:11 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Submitted by, Becky Jordan Barton & Loguidice Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Memo To: Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Date: May 3, 2024 From:Alexander S. Kerr, P.E., PTOE, RSP1 Managing Engineer Project No.: 560.033 Re:Traffic Pattern Study Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive Intersection Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York This study has been commissioned by the Tompkins County Highway Department (TCHD) and Town of Ithaca to determine whether some re-alignment of the intersection of Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road will meet the goal of directing traffic more readily to the Cornell University campus with consideration of the safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and vehicles. TCHD and Town of Ithaca have previously collected traffic data and developed conceptual reconfiguration designs for two alternatives consisting of a roundabout and a T-intersection. Included as a caveat,per section 5.9.1 of the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual, not only must roundabouts be considered, they should be used where feasible: “when analysis shows that a single lane roundabout is a reasonable alternative, it should be considered the departments preferred alternative due to proven substantial safety benefits and other operational benefits. “A reasonable alternative is a feasible solution that meets the objectives in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner.” Section 1: Existing Study Intersection Conditions The four-way study intersection of Pleasant Grove Road (CR 122) and Cradit Farm Drive is positioned just east of the Cornell Campus dormitories/community centers and just north of the Forest Home residential neighborhood (see project location map below). This area maintains numerous pedestrian/trip generators with the presence of the Cornell Campus to the west, the Hasbrouck apartment complex to the east, and multiple recreational and university destinations in proximity to the intersection. attachment 1 Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 2 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Figure 1 – Project Location Map Pleasant Grove Road serves the major intersection approaches (northbound and southbound) with an annual average daily traffic of 6,400 vehicles per day and is free flow through the intersection (i.e. no stop control). Cradit Farm Drive is the eastbound intersection minor approach, which is stop controlled and provides access to the Cornell campus. The westbound intersection approach is a driveway to Hasbrouck apartments and is stop controlled. All intersection approaches consist of two-lane highways. There are no dedicated turn lanes present. Pedestrian accommodations are provided by curb ramps and striped crosswalks at the southbound and eastbound intersection approaches. Sidewalks and recreational paths are present along either side of Pleasant Grove Road providing links to Cornell University and the Hasbrouck apartment complex to the west and east respectively. Advanced pedestrian crossing warning signage is installed along the north/southbound intersection approaches in accordance with National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices guidelines. A speed hump is also present along the northbound intersection approach which provides a measure of traffic calming. Per NYSDOT traffic data, the 85th percentile speed, or free flow speed, along Pleasant Grove Drive is 35 mph. There are currently no bicycle accommodations along either approach of Pleasant Grove Road or Cradit Farm Drive. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 3 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Both approaches maintain striped shoulders, which are not marked or signed for bicyclists. Transit accommodations are provided by a bus stop (stop# 1331) on the southwest intersection quadrant. There are several overhead utility poles immediately adjacent to the study intersection, particularly at the southwest intersection quadrant. Pedestrian-scale lighting is provided along the west side of the intersection; none is present on the east side. Existing Traffic Patterns: Tompkins County Highway Department has recently performed traffic volume counts along the approaches of Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive. These counts were collected during May and June of 2023. The May count period is representative of heavy load on the traffic network as this was during Cornell graduation and alumni weekend. The later counts in June are representative of an off-peak seasonal load on the network. The data collected by TCHD is summarized below. Figure 2 – 2023 Traffic Volume Counts (Source: Tompkins County Highway Department) As part of this count analysis, TCHD compared the proportion of traffic traveling on Pleasant Grove Road which entered the Cornell campus via Cradit Farm Drive. TCHD concluded that during the May count period (graduation weekend) users predominantly favored Pleasant Grove Road at a ratio of 3½ : 1 and during the June count period users favored Pleased Grove Road at a ratio of 5:1. A memorandum from TCHD summarizing this data collection/analysis is included as Attachment #3. Section 2: Study Background In April 2019, site plan approval for the Cornell University North Campus Residential Expansion (NCRE) Project was granted. A condition of this approval was that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) be established between Cornell University, the Town of Ithaca, and Tompkins County that “…affirms each entity’s desire to realign the intersection of Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road to direct traffic more readily to the Cornell campus…” Throughout 2019-2023, various preliminary design alternative have been proposed/evaluated which has resulted in two preferred alternatives being established; a modern roundabout alternative and a three- legged T-intersection alternative. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 4 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Both prior to and following the adoption of the NCRE, several evaluations of the study intersection were performed as components of planning/engineering studies. In total, four prior analyses which included the study intersection have been performed, all of which are relevant to this study. Listed below in chronological order are the specific studies performed and the relevant data included within them: 1.North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study a.Kimley-Horn of New York, P.C.; April 2018 i.Crash Analysis (2012-2017) 2.Traffic Impact Study for the proposed North Campus Residential Expansion a.SRF Associates; June 2018 i.Intersection Turning Movement Counts (2018) ii.Intersection Capacity Analysis, Existing (2018) & Proposed (2022) Conditions iii.Crash Analysis (2014-2017) 3.North Campus Transportation Improvements – Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road Intersection a.LaBella Associates; May 2020 i.Modern Roundabout Conceptual Design b.LaBella Associates; May 2022 i.T-Intersection Capacity Analysis 4.Memorandum – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Road Null Alternative a.Tompkins County Highway Department; July 2023 i.Traffic Volume Counts, Pleasant Grove Road & Cradit Farm Drive (2023) Where pertinent, the data collected and resulting analyses contained in these previous studies will be documented/presented in this study. Section 3: Existing Conditions Evaluation Evaluating alternative intersection reconfigurations is the objective of this study. However, the existing configuration warrants evaluation as the Null Alternative or unimproved existing condition to compare proposed alternatives against. The existing configuration is representative of a traditional two-way stop control intersection with free flow traffic control assigned to the Pleasant Grove Road approaches. Traffic is able to access Cornell University via turning movements onto Cradit Farm Drive. Pedestrian and transit accommodations are currently provided under existing conditions. No bicycle accommodations (e.g. bike lanes, shared-use travel lanes) are provided along any of the existing intersection approaches. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 5 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis: Under existing conditions, the study intersection provides vehicular accessibility to the Cornell University campus via a traditional two-way stop controlled intersection. While prioritizing accessibility to the campus, it should be reasoned that the preferred intersection alternative for this location continue to serve all users to the safest and most efficient means practical with regards to the larger transportation network. Past analyses of the study intersection provide insight on the operational performance metrics of the existing intersection. As part of the 2018 TIS prepared by SRF Associates, intersection turning movement counts and a capacity analysis were performed under pre-construction and anticipated post-construction traffic conditions related to the NCRE project. Peak hour analysis consisted of an AM peak period of 8 AM – 9 AM and a PM peak period of 4:30PM to 5:30 PM. These 2018 peak hour turning movement counts are summarized in the below diagram: LEGEND: AM (PM) Counts Figure 3 – 2018 AM/PM Peak Period Turning Movements Counts (Source: SRF Associates) As part of the TIS, existing traffic counts were forecasted for 2022 in addition to trips added to the study intersection resulting from the construction of the NCRE project. These forecasted volumes are depicted in the below figure: Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 6 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx LEGEND: AM (PM) Counts Figure 4 – 2022 Peak Hour Volumes, Full Development Conditions (Source: SRF Associates) The priority lane movements for the study intersection are the northbound/southbound lane movements of Pleasant Grove Road. SRF Associates’ analysis of the study also included a capacity analysis for the study intersection for the scenarios before and after construction of the NCRE project. A capacity analysis, or Level of Service (LOS) analysis, assesses the performance of a given intersection or corridor. Level of Service characterizes operational conditions within a traffic stream and their perception by motorists and passengers. The descriptions of individual levels of service characterize these operational conditions in terms of factors such as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, and comfort and convenience. The LOS for an intersection is defined in terms of delay (seconds). LOS criteria is stated in terms of average stopped delay per vehicle for a 15- minute analysis period and range from “A” to “F”. A LOS of “D” or better is generally considered acceptable. The following table illustrates the intersection ratings for an unsignalized intersection based on the time of delay per vehicle: Table 1: Level of Service (LOS) Criteria for Intersections LOS Description Delay in Seconds A Little or no delay <= 10.0 B Minor, Short delay > 10 to 15 C Average delay > 15 to 25 D Long, but acceptable delay > 25 to 35 E Long, Unacceptable delay > 35 to 50 F Long, Unacceptable delays > 50 Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 7 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Below are the results of the capacity analysis performed for both pre-construction and post-construction conditions of the NCRE project: Table 2: Capacity Analysis - Intersection Delay (seconds) & LOS Intersection Approach Pre-Construction 2018 Conditions Full Build 2022 Conditions AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Eastbound Approach (Cradit Farm Drive) 16.8 17.4 21.6 19.2 (LOS C)(LOS C)(LOS C)(LOS C) Westbound Approach (Hasbrouck Driveway) 16.8 17.2 21.2 18.8 (LOS C)(LOS C)(LOS C)(LOS C) Northbound Approach (Pleasant Grove Road) 8.2 7.9 8.2 7.9 (LOS A)(LOS A)(LOS A)(LOS A) Southbound Approach (Pleasant Grove Road) 7.7 8.0 8.0 8.0 (LOS A)(LOS A)(LOS A)(LOS A) The results of this pre/post-construction capacity analysis show that the each intersection approach is operating at above acceptable performance. The minor intersection approaches of Cradit Farm Drive and the Hasbrouck apartments experience higher delays compared to the major intersection approaches of Pleasant Grove Road. This is to be expected as the minor approaches are stop controlled and drivers must wait to select appropriate gaps within the free flowing mainline approaches. Existing Intersection Crash Analysis: Two previous crash/safety analyses have been performed on the study intersection. The first, performed by SRF Associates, obtained historic NYSDOT crash data from October 2014 through September 2017. During this three year period, zero crashes were recorded at the study intersection. The second, performed by Kimley-Horn of New York, P.C., supplemented the crash data from the first study with historic crash data from Cornell University from January 2012 to December 2016. Per the data provided by Cornell University, 4 crashes occurred during this five year period. Of note, no recorded crashes within these two analysis resulted in a fatality at the study intersection nor were there any recorded crashes involving a pedestrian/bicyclist. Based on the performance metrics and historic data provided by these prior analyses, the existing intersection configuration is operating at above acceptable Levels of Service and does not present a history of crashes warranting corrective measures. With regards to safety, the existing intersection approaches maintain appropriate pedestrian advanced warning signage for the uncontrolled pedestrian crossing on the southbound approach of Pleasant Grove Road in addition to a speed hump present on the northbound approach. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 8 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Section 4: Intersection Alternative Analysis The objective of this study is to determine whether some reconfiguration of the study intersection will direct traffic more readily to the Cornell University campus with consideration of the safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and vehicles. In addition, the preferred alternative that satisfies this objective shall also do so in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner. This study shall objectively evaluate alternative options which accomplish the study objective. Two previously established alternatives consist of a T-intersection reconfiguration and a roundabout. T-Intersection Alternative Analysis: This alternative would reconstruct the alignments of Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive such that the southbound approach of Pleasant Grove Road would flow directly into the eastbound approach of Cradit Farm drive, creating a straight connection to Cornell University. As a result, the existing northbound approach of Pleasant Grove Road would be reconfigured to intersect the proposed highway as a stop controlled westbound approach. The existing Hasbrouck apartment entranceway would remain as is at its current location and the 3- legged intersection would be constructed to the south. A previously developed schematic plan of this configuration is shown below to illustrate this alternative. Figure 5 – T-Intersection Alternative Schematic Plan This alternative would direct traffic traveling southbound on Pleasant Grove Road directly into the Cornell University campus via a direct connection unto Cradit Farm Drive. The consequence of doing so, however, is the Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 9 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx previously free flowing southbound/northbound traffic on Pleasant Grove Road would incur additional delay navigating this alternative intersection control scheme. A Level-of-Service capacity analysis was performed on this T-intersection alternative by LaBella Associates in May 2022 for the AM and PM peak hour periods. Detailed LOS analysis reports are included as Attachment #4. The notable lane movement LOS results are summarized in Table 3 below. Table 3: Capacity Analysis - Intersection Delay (seconds) & LOS Intersection Approach AM Peak PM Peak Northbound/Southbound Approach Through Movements 0.0 0.0 (LOS A)(LOS A) Southbound Approach (Pleasant Grove Rd: SB-Left ) 7.9 7.8 (LOS A)(LOS A) Westbound Approach (Pleasant Grove Road) 10.4 10.7 (LOS B)(LOS B) Capacity analysis confirms that under this alternative, the reconfigured intersection would continue to operate with acceptable Levels-of-Service for all intersection approaches. Vehicle queues along the southbound left turn lane and westbound right/left turn lane ranged from 1-2 vehicles. A review of existing traffic patterns provides insight on the desired usage of the commuting public at the study intersection. Based on the most recent traffic data collected by TCHD in 2023 (shown in Figure 2), the predominant traffic movements served by the study intersection are the northbound and southbound movements on Pleasant Grove Road. Reviewing the data collected during an off-peak period showed that 8% of trips were directed to/from Cradit Farm Drive. This percentage increased to 11.5% during Cornell graduation and alumni weekend. Based on empirical data, it is a minority of users that access Cornell University via Cradit Farm Drive. From this standpoint, realigning Pleasant Grove Road to direct traffic towards the campus would not serve the majority of vehicles traversing this intersection. Reconfiguring the alignments of Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive or constructing an alternative form of intersection control would not have the potentially desired result of mitigating traffic flows through the Forest Home community or alter latent traffic patterns. A map of Cornell University is provided as Attachment #5. An excerpt from this map is provided below which illustrates the roadway network in proximity to the study intersection. Of note, there is a high density of housing provisions and parking (See A Lot) in close proximity to the study intersection which are trip generator/destinations. To the west are the Cornell University residence halls, townhouse apartments to the north, and the Hasbrouck apartments to the east. These housing options are serviced by parking lots that do Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 10 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx not provide access to Cradit Farm Drive with access being provided by Jessup Road to the north. In addition, a significant portion of the campus is located to the south beyond Fall Creek and Beebe Lake. The most direct access to these portions of the campus is to utilize Pleasant Grove Road and Forest Home Drive. Drivers organically will select the shortest route to their destination and there currently is not an alternative route which provides similar travel time compared to utilizing Pleasant Grove Road/Forest Home Drive. Figure 6 –Cornell University Map Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 11 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Any form of T-intersection reconfiguration in service of realigning Pleasant Grove Road to transition into Cradit Farm Drive would introduce stop control for vehicles, which currently utilize the northbound approach of Pleasant Grove Road from Forest Home Drive. The previously performed capacity analysis documented that the delay for these drivers would be minimal (LOS B) and queues would be kept to 1-2 vehicles. While this delay/queueing is minimal, this configuration would not serve the overwhelming majority of traffic as on average 90% of trips are not destined for Cradit Farm Drive. Per historic traffic data, a small portion of users would benefit from Pleasant Grove Road being realigned to flow into Cradit Farm Drive, with the bulk of users needing to perform a southbound left turn movement or northbound right turn movement from a stop controlled approach. This reconfiguration would also have an impact on pedestrians which are currently serviced by a path along the east side of Cradit Farm Drive. Under this alternative, pedestrians would need to cross at the stop controlled approach which is not preferable compared to the pedestrian accommodations under existing conditions. Bicyclist accommodations/safety would be similar to the Null Alternative. The transit stop currently located at the southwest intersection quadrant would need to be relocated to an appropriate location. Final geometry of the 3-legged intersection would need to ensure that heavy vehicle turning movements are accommodated. The horizontal/vertical geometry of the northbound approach of Pleasant Grove Road has the potential to create difficulty for those larger vehicles. The existing vertical grade along the northbound approach is quite steep at 11%. Existing vegetation/trees between Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive would need to be removed to ensure adequate intersection sight distances are provided to drivers. Compared to the Null Alternative, this alternatives has inherent capital costs associated with design, permitting, construction, utility relocations, and right-of-way impacts. Roundabout Alternative Analysis: The modern roundabout alternative proposes to construct a 3-legged roundabout located approximately 250-ft south of the existing study intersection which would provide access to both Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road; the driveway to the Hasbrouck apartment complex would be maintained as is. Figure 7 below illustrates a conceptual rendering of this alternative. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 12 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Figure 7 – Roundabout Alternative Schematic Rendering As stated in LaBella Associate’s 2022 report prepared for Cornell University, the objective of this alternative was to reduce “thru” traffic traveling through the Forest Home neighborhood on Pleasant Grove Road as well as increase efficiency and reduce delay for dominant traffic movements between Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive. To date, a capacity analysis of a roundabout has not been performed but it is reasonably assumed that a roundabout would provide acceptable Levels-of-Service given the historic traffic volumes associated with the study intersection. Similar to the T-intersection alternative, a roundabout is an alternative form of intersection control, but it would not have the intended effect of altering latent traffic patterns. Vehicles would continue towards their origins/destinations similar to pre-construction conditions once they navigated the roundabout. A roundabout would provide the opportunity to create a gateway feature, highlighting the entrance to Cornell University. The applicability and safety benefits of roundabouts has been a developing field with continued research/evaluation by transportation professions. Recent (2023) research/findings by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has been published in Research Report 1043 – Guide for Roundabouts which was sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).There is not a documented history of safety concern at the study intersection, but the lack of quantifiable crashes does not mean the intersection cannot be made safer via this alternative. The provision of a roundabout has the potential to improve safety by reducing the number of Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 13 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx conflict points. A conflict point is a location where the paths of two vehicles, or a vehicle and a bicycle or pedestrian diverge, merge, or cross each other. Fewer conflict points results in fewer opportunities for collisions. The geometry of roundabouts inherently results in lower vehicle speeds which translates to less severe crashes (i.e. fewer injuries/fatalities). All at-grade intersections present conflicts between motor vehicles and pedestrians at crossing locations. Per NCHRP’s findings, research into pedestrian safety at roundabouts has been limited in its ability to establish pedestrian volumes and exposure alongside historical crash data at roundabouts. It has not yet been possible to draw conclusions about comparative or predictive pedestrian risk at roundabouts versus other intersection types. Pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at intersections can be categorized by their exposure, severity, and movement complexity for the pedestrian and the driver. The severity is a function of vehicle speed at the conflict points. Movement complexity can be characterized by traffic control, the number of lanes crossed, the speed of conflicting traffic, and any simultaneous tasks or cognitive demands (e.g. driver seeking gaps in traffic). The figure below depicts the conflict points present at TWSC intersections, signalized intersections, and roundabouts of two intersecting two-lane roadways. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 14 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx TWSC intersections result in half of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts attributable to uncontrolled movements including left turns from the major street to the minor street. Those conflicts require drivers to judge a gap and complete a left turn to clear the intersection, reaching the pedestrian conflict point as they accelerate out of a turn to leave the intersection. The controlled movements are nearly as complex, given that drivers are required to judge gaps in traffic and yield to pedestrians simultaneously. Roundabout designs offset the pedestrian crossings form the circulatory roadway so that drivers do not have simultaneous decisions to yield to pedestrians while they judge gaps in circulating traffic. Bicyclists, like pedestrians, are vulnerable road users whose safety needs to be considered. Because bicyclists typically ride to the right of motor vehicle traffic on segments between intersections, they face additional conflicts when they need to merge into the flow of motor vehicle traffic or where motor vehicles cross their path. All intersections present design challenges and safety concerns about vehicle-bicycle conflict points. As Figure 8 –Intersection Conflict Point Diagrams (Source: NCHRP 2023: Guide for Roundabouts) Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 15 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx with pedestrian safety, existing research into bicyclist safety at roundabouts has been limited in its ability to establish exposure alongside historical crash data. Bicyclist-involved crashes represent a small portion of historical roundabout crashes (less than 1% per NCHRP Research Report 888), so it has not yet been possible to draw conclusions about comparative or predictive bicyclist risk at roundabouts versus other intersection types. Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) available from the Highway Safety Manual, Part D, and the FHWA CMF Clearinghouse provide quantitative insights about anticipated roundabout safety performance compared with stop-controlled and signalized intersection(s). A CMF represents the expected change in crashes with implementation of treatment. For example, a CMF of 0.7 would indicate an expected reduction in crashes of 30 percent. Lower CMFs indicate a greater expected crash reduction. CMFs are empirical and estimated using statistical methods. Figure 9 below provides CMF related to conversion from stop-controlled intersection to roundabouts: Figure 9 – Crash Modification Factors for converting stop-controlled intersection to a roundabout (Source: NCHRP 2023: Guide for Roundabouts) FHWA has historically provided guidance on the implementation of roundabouts as a form of intersection control. In 2000, FHWA issued a document,Roundabouts: An Information Guide, to facilitate safe, optimal operation and designs that are both consistent at a national level and consequential for driver expectation and safety. This guide offers principles of good design as well as indicates the potential tradeoffs related to roundabout implementation. Noteworthy highlights from FHWA’s guidance are provided below: Roundabouts are generally safer than other forms of intersection in terms of aggregate crash statistics for low/medium traffic capacity conditions Injury crash rates for motor vehicle occupants are generally lower, although the proportion of single- vehicle crashes is typically higher o Attributable to lower speeds Bicyclists and pedestrians are involved in a relatively higher proportion of injury accidents than they are at other intersections. Roundabouts treat all movements at an intersection equally. Each approach is required to yield to circulating traffic, regardless whether the approach is a major or minor traffic volume. All movements are given equal priority. This may result in more delay to the major movements than might otherwise be desired. This problem is most acute at the intersection of high-volume major streets with low- to Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 16 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx medium-volume minor streets. This limitation should be specifically considered on emergency response routes in comparison with other intersection types and control. Roundabouts may provide environmental benefits if they reduce vehicle delay and the number and duration of stops compared with an alternative form of intersection control. This may reduce noise and air quality impacts and fuel consumption if the number of acceleration/deceleration vehicles is reduced. Spatial requirements o Roundabout alternatives require more space for the circular roadway and central island than the rectangular space required for a tradition intersection. o Roundabouts have significant right-of-way impact on the corner properties at the intersection, especially when compared with other forms of unsignalized intersections. Operational and Maintenance costs o Roundabout alternatives results in higher landscape maintenance costs depending on the degree of landscaping provided on the center island, splitter islands, and perimeter Multi-modal considerations o As with any intersection design, each transportation mode present requires careful consideration. o Roundabout design provide pedestrians with space to pause on the splitter island, allowing pedestrians to consider one direction of conflicting traffic at a time, which simplifies the task of crossing the street. o Comparing roundabouts to other alternatives, roundabout geometry physically slows and deflects vehicles, reducing the likelihood of high-speed collisions due to traffic control device violation. o Roundabouts may not provide safety benefits to bicyclists However, slower vehicle speeds are more compatible with bicycle speeds One of the difficulties in accommodating bicyclists are their wide range of skills and comfort levels in mixed traffic. On single lane roundabouts, bicyclists have the option of either mixing with traffic or using the roundabout like a pedestrian. o Bus stops should be located away from a roundabout and not impact queues ADA roundabout compliance o When crossing a roundabout, there are several areas of difficulty for the blind and or visually impaired. It is expected that a visually impaired pedestrian with good travel skills must be able to arrive at an unfamiliar intersection and cross it with pre-existing skills and without special, intersection-specific training. Roundabouts pose problems at several points of the crossing experiences, from the perspective of information access. Geometric considerations o Problems of grades or unfavorable topography that may limit visibility or complicate construction Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 17 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx Data Driven applicability o The decision to install a roundabout for traffic calming purposes should be supported by a demonstrated need for traffic calming along the interesting roadways Documented observations of speeding, high traffic volumes, or careless driving o The decision to install a roundabout as a safety improvement should be based on a demonstrated safety problem of the type susceptible to correction by a roundabout. A review of crash reports and the types of accidents occurring is essential. High rates of right angle, head-on, left/through, U-turns, etc. High crash severity that could be reduced by the slower speeds associated with roundabouts Sight distance issues Roundabout warrants o There are no warrants for roundabouts included in the MUTCD. Each roundabout installation needs to be justified by its own merits. Alternatives analysis vs. TWC o The majority of intersections in the U.S. operate under TWSC, and most of those intersections operate with minimal delay. The installation of roundabout at an existing TWSC intersection that is operating satisfactorily is difficult to justify on performance alone. o The most common problems with TWSC intersections are congestion on the minor street caused by a demand that exceeds capacity, and queues that form on the major street because of inadequate capacity for left turning vehicles yielding to opposing traffic Per the findings of NCHRP’s 2023 Guide for Roundabouts, considerations for implementing a roundabout alternative should be based on achieving the following goals: 1.Safety Performance a.Reduced vehicular speeds, reduced crash frequency, and reduced crash severity are chief benefits for agencies that select to install roundabouts 2.Operation Performance a.Reduced delay, stopping, and queueing compared with stop control alternatives are key factors in selecting roundabout alternatives. 3.Gateway Effect a.Agencies have installed roundabouts to reinforce a change of context (e.g. the interface between rural and urban areas) and promote speed reduction on a given roadway section. 4.Placemaking a.Placemaking refers to creating a connection between people and their communities with more pedestrian-friendly environments. Roundabouts can support placemaking at a single location or along corridors. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 18 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx The construction of a roundabout alternative is appealing for its ability to implement traffic calming and potential safety benefits for motorists and pedestrians/bicyclists alike. Of note, there is no existing data that indicates there is an inherent safety issue with the existing intersection configuration. Implementing a roundabout results in a form of intersection control in which all movements are given equal priority. This is not a preferred form of intersection control for scenarios in which there is a high volume major street and a low volume minor street, such is the case with Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive. There would also be substantial impacts and capital costs associated with a roundabout alternative associated with design, permitting, construction, utility relocations, right-of-way impacts as well as work zone traffic control delays during construction. Section 5: Analysis Results & Recommendations The study intersection of Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive has previously been evaluated a number of times with multiple data sets collected. As detailed in the previous sections, thus far three alternatives have been presented for consideration: 1.Null Alternative – Existing Conditions 2.T-Intersection Alternative 3.Roundabout Alternative In terms of evaluating other alternatives, many state DOTs have utilized an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) process for selecting the most appropriate intersection form and control for planning intersection projects. ICE provides an objective means to consider the appropriateness of intersection control or intersection types using a performance-based approach to compare alternatives. Each intersection project is an incremental opportunity to improve safety along a given transportation network. Using a performance-based approach, ICE is used to screen alternatives and identify optimal geometric and control solutions for an intersection. Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 19 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx FHWA provides resources and tools to assist agencies conduct ICE policies and activities. One of these tools is the Capacity Analysis for Planning of Junctions (CAP-X). This tool conducts critical movement analysis to gauge the potential performance of various intersection types. Utilizing the previously collected traffic data from SRF Associates TIS of the study intersection, a CAP-X analysis was performed for the existing conditions (2018) and full build conditions (2022). The analysis was developed to evaluate several alternative intersection configurations based on operational performance. The alternative configurations evaluated included two-way stop control (i.e. Null Alternative), all-way stop control, traffic signal installation, 50-ft mini-roundabout, 75-ft mini-roundabout, and a modern roundabout. The results of the CAP-X analysis are included as Attachment #6 and summarized in Figure 10 below. The CAP-X analysis utilizes the traffic volumes as input to calculate and assign a volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio for each of the considered intersection alternatives. Similar to a favorable Level-of-Service, a lower V/C ratio translates to the intersection operating more efficiently at facilitating traffic. Amongst the alternatives considered, all maintain a V/C ratio less than 1.0, with two-way stop control yielding the lowest V/C ratio. Figure 10 – FHWA CAP-X Intersection Alternatives Evaluation Results The performance metric in which any alternative is to be assessed is the ability to direct traffic more readily to the Cornell University’s campus. Equally of value, is the ability of the selected alternative to satisfy this objective while doing so in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner. As this study has been commissioned by TCHD and the Town of Ithaca, the selected alternative should serve the best interests of the public. As such, any geometric or intersection treatment which varies from the Null Alternative should have quantifiable benefits which outweigh maintaining the Null Alternative. Based on historic traffic patterns and safety analysis, there is not a symptomatic issue at the study intersection which engineering judgement would justify needs correcting. However, alternative intersection configurations may still be desirable from the standpoint of aesthetic Mr. Jeffrey Smith Tompkins County Highway Department Traffic Pattern Study – Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Drive Intersection May 3, 2024 Page 20 Pleasant Grove - Cradit Farm Intersection Evaluation (ID 3085196).docx improvements, placemaking, or proactive safety improvements. As previously mentioned, simply because there is not a pattern of crashes at the study intersection does not mean that potential safety benefits cannot be realized by implementing an alternative form of intersection. In this case, the roundabout alternative has the potential to provide enhanced safety measures at the study intersection. Yet, aside from the Null Alternative, any proposed alternative must be considerate of project costs, environmental impacts, and impacts to the community. From a cost-benefit standpoint, maintaining the existing intersection configuration best achieves the study objectives while minimizing costs/impacts to the public and project stakeholders. __________________________________________ ____ Alexander S. Kerr, P.E., PTOE, RSP1 Date Managing Engineer REFERENCES: 1.FHWA: “Roundabouts: An Informational Guide” (2000) 2.FHWA: “Primer on Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE).” FHWA-SA-18-076 3.National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP): Guide for Roundabouts; Research Report 1043, 2023 4.National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP): Development of Roundabout Crash Prediction Models and Methods; Research Report 888, 2019 5.AASHTO: Highway Safety Manual (HSM) 6.Transportation Research Board (TRB): Highway Capacity Manual Attachments: 1.North Campus Residential Expansion Traffic Impact Study, SRF Associates 2018 2.North Campus Transportation Improvements, Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road Intersection Design Development Report, Labella Associates 2020 3.Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Road Null Alternative, Memorandum, TCHD 2023 4.T-Intersection Alternative, Schematic Plan & Capacity Analysis 5.Cornell University Map 6.FHWA CAP-X Analysis Results ASK/jjb 5/3/2024 Attachment #1 North Campus Residential Expansion Traffic Impact Study 2018 SRF Associates for the proposed North Campus Residential Expansion City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Village of Cayuga Heights Tompkins County, New York June 2018 Project No. 38008 Prepared For: 1001 West Seneca Street, Suite 201 Ithaca, NY 14850 Attn: Ms. Kimberly Michaels Prepared By: 3495 Winton Place Building E, Suite 110 Rochester, New York 14623 Traffic Impact Study Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University i June 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................. ii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF APPENDICIES .................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... iii I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................1 II. LOCATION ............................................................................................................................................1 III. EXISTING PUBLIC ROADWAY SYSTEM ......................................................................................2 IV. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ................................................................................................4 A. Peak Intervals for Analysis ................................................................................................................4 B. Existing Traffic Volume Data ...........................................................................................................4 C. Field Observations .............................................................................................................................5 D. Vehicular Capacity Analysis ..............................................................................................................5 E. Crash Evaluation .................................................................................................................................8 V. FUTURE AREA DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL GROWTH .................................................. 10 VI. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................................... 10 A. Description ....................................................................................................................................... 10 B. Site Traffic and Parking Generation ............................................................................................ 11 C. Vehicular Traffic Distribution ....................................................................................................... 13 VII. FULL DEVELOPMENT VOLUMES ................................................................................................. 13 VIII. CAPACITY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 13 IX. CORNELL TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS ..................... 17 X. CONSTRUCTION PHASE TRAFFIC CONSIDERARTIONS ................................................. 18 XI. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................. 19 XII. FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University ii June 2018 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 EXISTING ROADWAY SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................2 TABLE 1I STUDY AREA INTERSECTIONS AND ACTUAL PEAK HOURS ..................................5 TABLE 1II 2018 EXISTING CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS .............................................................6 TABLE 1V SUMMARY OF ACCIDENTS AND COMPARISON OF RATES .....................................9 TABLE V NORTH CAMPUS PEAK HOUR VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION ........................ 12 TABLE VI 2022 BACKGROUND AND FULL DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................... 14 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 STUDY AREA FIGURE 2 LANE GEOMETRY & AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC FIGURE 3A PEAK HOUR VOLUMES – 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS FIGURE 3B LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 3C LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 4A PEAK HOUR VOLUMES – 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS FIGURE 4B LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 4C LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 5 PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN FIGURE 6 DIVERSIONS DUE TO CC LOT AND NORTHCROSS ROAD REMOVAL FIGURE 7 TRIP DISTRIBUTION FIGURE 8 SITE GENERATED TRIPS FIGURE 9A PEAK HOUR VOLUMES – FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS FIGURE 9B LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2022 FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 9C LEVEL OF SERVICE – 2022 FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University iii June 2018 LIST OF APPENDICES A1. COLLECTED TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA A2. MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC DATA AND CALCULATIONS A3. LOS CRITERIA/DEFINITIONS A4. LEVEL OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS – EXISTING CONDITIONS A5. LEVEL OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS – BACKGROUND CONDITIONS A6. LEVEL OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS – FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS LIST OF REFERENCES 1. HCM 2016 Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board. The National Academies, Washington, DC: 2016. 2. Trip Generation, Tenth Edition. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Washington D.C. 2017. 3. New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Traffic Data Viewer. 2018. Retrieved from https://www.dot.ny.gov/tdv. 4. 2014 Comprehensive Plan: Town of Ithaca, NY. Town of Ithaca Planning Department. 2014. 5. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study. Kimley-Horn. April 2018. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 1 June 2018 The primary purpose of this report is to identify and evaluate the potential transportation impacts associated with the proposed North Campus Residential Expansion in the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Village of Cayuga Heights, Tompkins County, New York. In an effort to define traffic impact, this report documents existing traffic conditions, future background traffic conditions including area growth, and determines the future traffic operations that result from the proposed development. Future traffic volumes and operating conditions as well as parking generation and demand associated with the proposed development are evaluated. In addition, pedestrian circulation, transit service, and bicycle infrastructure are discussed, as well as any safety concerns within the study area. II. LOCATION The proposed development sites are located between Jessup Road, Triphammer Road, Cradit Farm Drive, and Pleasant Grove Road on the existing CC Lot parking site and recreational fields site in the City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York. The study area intersections include: 1. Thurston Avenue/University Avenue-Forest Home Road 2. Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive 3. Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue 4. Triphammer Road/Wait Avenue 5. Triphammer Road/Jessup Road 6. Northcross Road/CC Lot Driveway 7. Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road-Hasbrouck Circle 8. Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive-Hasbrouck Circle 9. Pleasant Grove Road-Forest Home Drive/Judd Falls Road 10. Forest Home Drive/Warren Road 11. Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Drive 12. Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road 13./14. Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road/East Upland 15. Pleasant Grove Road/Hanshaw Road 16. Triphammer Road/East Upland Road The site location and study area are illustrated in Figure 1 - Site Location & Study Area (all figures are included at the end of this report). Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 2 June 2018 III. EXISTING PUBLIC ROADWAY SYSTEM The following outlines the description of the study roadway network in the vicinity of the proposed project. It is important to mention that the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) counts referenced were obtained based upon the most recent traffic counts collected by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), turning movement counts performed by SRF & Associates, and Tompkins County (ITCTC). The roadway network within the study area is comprised of State arterials, urban collectors, and local streets. Table I describes the existing roadway system. TABLE I EXISTING ROADWAY SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS ROADWAY ROUTE1 FUNC. CLASS2 JURIS.3 SPEED LIMIT4 # OF TRAVEL LANES5 TRAVEL PATTERN/ DIRECTION EST. AADT6 AADT SOURCE7 Thurston Avenue - Local City of Ithaca 30 2 Two-way/ North-South 3,525 NYSDOT (2010) Triphammer Road - Minor Arterial Village of Cayuga Heights 30 2 Two-way/ North-South, East-West 5,968 NYSDOT (2015) North Triphammer Road - Minor Arterial Village of Cayuga Heights 30 2 Two-way/ North-South 11,410 NYSDOT (2014) Hanshaw Road - Minor Arterial Village of Cayuga Heights 30 2 Two-way/ Northwest- Southeast 9,677 NYSDOT (2010) Pleasant Grove Road - Minor Arterial Tompkins County 30 2 Two-way/ North-South 6,552 NYSDOT (2014) Forest Home Drive - Major Collector Town of Ithaca 30 2 Two-way/ North-South, East-West 5,968 NYSDOT (2015) Notes: 1. State Functional Classification of the roadway. 2. Estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) based on most recently collected data in vehicles per day (vpd). 3. Jurisdiction of the roadway; City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Village of Cayuga Heights, or Tompkins County. 4. Number of travel lanes in the “highway proper” (i.e., the highway segment between intersections and/or interchanges, excluding turning/auxiliary lanes developed at the intersections). 5. General Cardinal Direction (i.e., north/south, east/west) of roadway within study area). 6. Miles per Hour (“MPH”); Limit – posted or statewide limit. 7. Source (Year of Data). A circulation study prepared by Kimley-Horn addressed pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities. These facilities are summarized below. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 3 June 2018 Pedestrian Facilities Kimley-Horn’s circulation study provided a summary of pedestrian accommodations throughout the North Campus. Generally, sidewalks are present within and around North Campus. The report described areas where sidewalks are lacking, such as portions of the following study roadways: Jessup Road, Triphammer Road, Cradit Farm Drive, Northcross Road and Sisson Place. Sidewalk conditions, type (e.g., concrete, asphalt), and width vary throughout. Crosswalks are generally marked with paint or textured materials; however, several crossing locations lack adequate curb ramps. In Cayuga Heights, sidewalks can be found along both sides of most study roadways, except for Pleasant Grove Road and East Upland. Bicycle Facilities Also contained in the Kimley-Horn report is an evaluation of existing bicycle facilities. There are marked bicycle lanes “along portions of Thurston Avenue, Jessup Road, and Cradit Farm Drive.” Where marked lanes are not present, such as along Pleasant Grove Road, there is a shoulder present. However, not all shoulders within the study area are suitable for bicycle riding, for example, as the widths vary from two feet to more than five feet. Other roadways, such as Wait Avenue and Triphammer Road south of Jessup Road lack either shoulder or marked lanes. Transit Facilities Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) has 33 bus routes, operates 22 hours a day, and services an area-wide population of over 100,000. Ridership as of 2017 was approximately four (4) million annual trips. Within the study area, bus stops can be found along routes, such as Thurston Avenue, Cradit Farm Drive, Jessup Road, Triphammer Road, and Pleasant Grove Road. All told, routes 30, 31, 32, 37, 41, 70, 72, 75, 81, 82, 90, 91, and 93 service the area. The following graphic from TCAT’s Winter-Spring 2018 Schedules and Service Guide illustrates the bus routes adjacent the project site. Primary Transit Routes Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 4 June 2018 Kimley-Horn has evaluated the conditions of the bus stops in the project study area. According to the circulation study, sheltered bus stop conditions are generally good. Other bus stops identified are those with pull-outs or along the roadside in grassy areas. The report identified the bus stop on the north side of Cradit Farm Drive nearby Helen Newman Hall as the most utilized. The primary routes likely to be most affected by the proposed project are 81, 82, and 83. Remaining routes travelling through the study area to the mall, airport, and medical offices on East Hill will likely experience some level of increased ridership as well. According to TCAT’s Schedules and Service Guide, route 81 offers service from A Lot to Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) primarily during the morning period from 4:40 AM to 6:54 AM; from 7:40 AM to 10:10 AM between A Lot and Dairy Bar. There are 10-minute headways. Route 82 offers 10-minute headways during weekdays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM between destinations such as, Hasbrouck Apartments, Appel Commons, Uris Hall, BTI, Vet School, and East Hill Plaza. Route 83 provides service from 8:14 AM to 10:14 AM between Stewart @ University, Uris Hall, Hasbrouck Apartments, and Goldwin Smith Hall. Headways are approximately 15 minutes. TCAT anticipates adding two new buses to the north campus routes as a result of this project. Emergency Services and Access Emergency services are provided by all three municipalities (City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Village of Cayuga Heights) as well as Cornell University. On site are Blue Light emergency call boxes that provide a direct connection to the Cornell University Police Department. IV. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS A. Peak Intervals for Analysis Given the functional characteristics of the roadways within the study area and the land use proposed for the site (student housing), the peak hours selected for analysis are the weekday AM and PM peaks. The combination of site generated traffic and adjacent through traffic produces the greatest demand during these peak periods. B. Existing Traffic Volume Data Peak hour traffic volumes for the study intersections identified in Table II were collected by SRF & Associates for the weekday AM and PM peak periods between 7:00-9:30 AM and 3:30- 6:00 PM. The count dates and actual peak hour factors for each study area intersection are depicted in the table. For the purposes of this analysis, the data are utilized with the actual peak hours at each individual intersection. Using the actual peaks at each intersection provides a worst-case scenario when adding project related traffic; however, it should be noted that the peak hours generally occurred between 8:00-9:00 AM and 4:30-5:30 PM. All counts were taken while local schools and universities/colleges were in session. During the AM peak period on February 6, there were snowy conditions, but accumulation on the study roadways did not occur. All other time periods experienced no adverse weather conditions. The traffic volumes were reviewed to confirm the accuracy and relative balance of the collective traffic counts. The actual differences in traffic volumes can be attributed to temporal variations in traffic volumes as well as activity related to driveways located in the segments between the study intersections. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 5 June 2018 TABLE II STUDY AREA INTERSECTIONS AND ACTUAL PEAK HOURS INT. NUMBER INTERSECTION COUNT DATE AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR 1 Thurston Avenue/University Avenue-Forest Home Drive 2/6/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 2 Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive 2/6/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 3 Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue 2/6/2018 7:45-8:45 AM 4:15-5:15 PM 4 Triphammer Road/Wait Avenue 2/6/2018 7:45-8:45 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 5 Triphammer Road/Jessup Road/Dearborn Place 2/6/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 6 Northcross Road/CC Lot Driveway 2/6/2018 7:00-8:00 AM 4:00-5:00 PM 7 Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road-Hasbrouck Circle 2/6/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 8 Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive-Hasbrouck Circle 2/6/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 9 Pleasant Grove Road-Forest Home Drive/Judd Falls Road 2/13/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 10 Forest Home Drive/Warren Road 2/13/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 11 Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Drive 2/13/2018 8:00-9:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 12 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road 2/13/2018 7:45-8:45 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 13/14 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road/East Upland Road 2/13/2018 7:45-8:45 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 15 Pleasant Grove Road/Hanshaw Road 2/13/2018 7:45-8:45 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 16 Triphammer Road/East Upland Road 2/15/2018 8:15-9:15 AM 4:45-5:45 PM The existing weekday AM and PM peak hour volumes are reflected in Figure 3. C. Field Observations The study intersections were observed during the peak intervals to assess current traffic operations. Signal timing information was collected to determine peak hour phasing plans and phase durations during each interval. D. Vehicular Capacity Analysis Capacity analysis is a technique used for determining a measure of effectiveness for a section of roadway and/or intersection based on the number of vehicles during a specific time period. The measure of effectiveness used for the capacity analysis is referred to as a Level of Service (LOS). Levels of Service are calculated to provide an indication of the amount of delay that a motorist experiences while traveling along a roadway or through an intersection. Since the most amount of delay to motorists usually occurs at intersections, the capacity analysis specifically focuses on intersections. Six Levels of Service are defined for analysis purposes. They are assigned letter designations, from "A" to "F", with LOS "A" representing the best conditions and LOS "F" the worst. Suggested ranges of service capacity and an explanation of Levels of Service are included in the Appendix. The standard procedure for capacity analysis of signalized and un-signalized intersections is outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2016) published by the Transportation Research Board. Traffic analysis software, Synchro 10, which is based on procedures and methodologies contained in the HCM, was used to analyze operating conditions at the study area intersections. The procedure yields a Level of Service (LOS) based on the HCM 2016 as an indicator of how well intersections operate. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 6 June 2018 Existing operating conditions during the peak study periods are evaluated to determine a basis for comparison with field observation. Table III summarizes the existing capacity analysis results. TABLE III 2018 EXISTING CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS INTERSECTION 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS AM PM Thurston Avenue/University Avenue-Forest Home Drive (S) Eastbound - University Avenue E 65.1 D 50.2 Westbound - Forest Home Drive C 28.3 C 30.0 Northbound - East Avenue C 29.4 C 33.2 Southbound - Thurston Avenue D 41.1 C 34.1 Overall LOS/Delay (sec/veh) D 45.8 D 37.4 Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive Westbound - Cradit Farm Drive C 15.7 C 16.8 Southbound - Thurston Avenue A 8.2 A 8.5 Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue Eastbound - Risley Hall A 9.6 B 11.0 Westbound - Wait Avenue B 14.8 C 17.2 Southbound - Thurston Avenue A 8.0 A 8.1 Triphammer Road/Wait Avenue Eastbound - Thurston Avenue A 7.9 A 8.0 Southbound - Triphammer Road B 13.5 B 13.7 Triphammer Road/Jessup Road/Dearborn Place Westbound - Jessup Road B 10.9 B 11.3 Northbound - Triphammer Road A 7.6 A 7.6 Southbound - Triphammer Road A 7.6 A 7.6 Northcross Road/CC Lot Driveway Eastbound - CC Lot Driveway A 8.9 A 9.1 Northbound - Northcross Road A 7.3 A 7.3 Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road-Hasbrouck Circle Eastbound - Jessup Road B 13.9 C 17.7 Westbound - Hasbrouck Circle B 13.9 B 13.8 Northbound - Pleasant Grove Road A 8.3 A 7.9 Southbound - Pleasant Grove Road A 7.7 A 8.2 Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive-Hasbrouck Circle Eastbound - Cradit Farm Drive C 16.8 C 17.4 Westbound - Hasbrouck Circle C 16.8 C 17.2 Northbound - Pleasant Grove Road A 8.2 A 7.9 Southbound - Pleasant Grove Road A 7.7 A 8.0 Pleasant Grove Road-Forest Home Drive/Judd Falls Road Eastbound left - Forest Home Drive-Judd Falls Road A 0.5 A 0.8 Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 7 June 2018 INTERSECTION 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS AM PM Eastbound right - Forest Home Drive-Judd Falls Road A 0.2 A 0.4 Northbound left - Forest Home Drive A 7.9 A 8.7 Northbound thru - Forest Home Drive A 8.8 A 9.4 Southbound thru - Pleasant Grove Road A 8.6 A 8.7 Southbound right - Pleasant Grove Road A 5.6 A 4.6 Forest Home Drive/Warren Road Westbound - Warren Road B 11.6 A 9.5 Northbound - Forest Home Drive A 9.5 A 9.4 Southbound - Forest Home Drive A 9.6 A 9.6 Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Drive Eastbound left – Mundy Wildflower Garden NA A 1.8 Eastbound thru – Mundy Wildflower Garden NA NA Eastbound right – Mundy Wildflower Garden A 3.3 A 2.2 Westbound left - Forest Home Drive A 5.7 A 5.5 Westbound thru - Forest Home Drive NA NA Westbound right - Forest Home Drive A 3.2 A 3.4 Northbound left - Caldwell Drive A 5.5 A 6.5 Northbound thru - Caldwell Drive A 6.5 A 7.5 Northbound right - Caldwell Drive A 3.1 A 4.6 Southbound left - Forest Home Drive A 0.1 A 0.1 Southbound thru - Forest Home Drive A 0.1 A 0.1 Southbound right - Forest Home Drive A 0.1 A 0.0 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road Eastbound left - Hanshaw Road A 9.3 C 20.8 Eastbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 8.9 A 9.5 Westbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.2 A 1.6 Westbound right - Hanshaw Road A 0.5 A 0.9 Southbound left - Triphammer Road B 11.3 B 10.6 Southbound right - Triphammer Road A 4.9 A 4.2 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road/East Upland Road Eastbound left - Triphammer Road C 21.9 F 129.8 Eastbound thru - Triphammer Road B 10.5 F 65.6 Eastbound right - Triphammer Road A 3.6 NA Westbound left - Hanshaw Road A 4.4 A 4.5 Westbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 2.0 A 2.8 Westbound right - Hanshaw Road A 1.0 A 1.1 Northbound left - East Upland Road B 12.0 A 0.0 Northbound thru - East Upland Road D 25.6 F 72.8 Northbound right - East Upland Road B 10.7 E 44.1 Southbound left - Hanshaw Road A 1.7 A 1.6 Southbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.7 A 1.3 Southbound right - Hanshaw Road A 1.3 A 1.2 Pleasant Grove Road/Hanshaw Road Eastbound left - Hanshaw Road A 3.3 A 2.6 Eastbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.9 A 1.3 Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 8 June 2018 INTERSECTION 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS AM PM Eastbound right - Hanshaw Road A 0.8 A 0.4 Westbound left - Hanshaw Road A 8.9 A 5.4 Westbound thru - Hanshaw Road A 4.3 A 2.7 Westbound right - Hanshaw Road A 1.9 A 0.5 Northbound left - Pleasant Grove Road C 23.7 F 57.3 Northbound thru - Pleasant Grove Road A 5.4 D 29.6 Northbound right - Pleasant Grove Road A 4.5 B 12.7 Southbound left - Express Mart A 9.3 B 11.3 Southbound thru - Express Mart B 14.7 C 23.4 Southbound right - Express Mart A 5.3 C 17.2 Triphammer Road/East Upland Road Eastbound - East Upland Road A 9.9 B 11.1 Westbound - East Upland Road B 10.6 B 12.1 Northbound - Triphammer Road A 7.5 A 7.5 Southbound - Triphammer Road NA A 7.6 Notes: 1. Green shaded cells indicate low delays, yellow shaded cells indicate moderate delays, red shaded cells indicate long delays. 2. A (2.6) = Level of Service (Delay in seconds per vehicle). 3. (S) = Signalized. All other intersections are unsignalized. 4. Intersections 9, 11, 12, 13-14, and 15 analyzed using SimTraffic, an extension of SYNCHRO, due to the unique geometry of the intersections. E. Crash Evaluation An accident investigation at the study area intersections was conducted to assess the safety history from October 2014 through September 2017. The data was provided by the NYSDOT through a Freedom of Information request. A total of 34 accidents were documented during the investigation period (3 years). The severity of the 34 documented accidents is broken down as follows: 8 – Reportable - Injury 12 – Reportable – Non-Injury 14 – Non-Reportable Reportable (non-injury, injury, and fatal injury) type accidents are defined as damage to one person’s property in the amount of $1,001 or more. The Non-Reportable type accidents result in property damage of $1,000 or less. The accident history was further investigated to identify high incident areas. Table IV summarizes accidents occurring at each intersection. Based on the number of accidents at each intersection, accident rates were calculated and compared to the statewide average for similar intersections. The calculated rates and comparison to statewide averages are also summarized in Table II. Accident rate calculations are included in the Appendix. Intersection rates are listed as accidents per million entering vehicles (ACC/MEV). It should be noted that NYSDOT average accident rates are based on reportable and non-reportable type accidents. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 9 June 2018 TABLE IV SUMMARY OF ACCIDENTS AND COMPARISON OF RATES INTERSECTION TOTAL NO. OF ACCIDENTS ACTUAL PROJECT RATE STATE WIDE AVERAGE RATE Thurston Avenue/University Avenue-Forest Home Drive 3 0.34 0.32 Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive 6 0.88 0.18 Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue 1 0.18 0.29 Triphammer Road/Wait Avenue 2 0.41 0.18 Triphammer Road/Jessup Road/Dearborn Place 1 0.22 0.29 Northcross Road/CC Lot Driveway 3 0.75 0.29 Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road-Hasbrouck Circle 3 0.23 0.29 Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive-Hasbrouck Circle 0 0 0.18 Pleasant Grove Road-Forest Home Drive/Judd Falls Road 1 0.09 0.18 Forest Home Drive/Warren Road 7 0.85 0.29 Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Drive 2 0.26 0.29 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road 2 0.23 0.18 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road/East Upland Road 0 0 0.18 Pleasant Grove Road/Hanshaw Road 0 0 0.18 Triphammer Road/East Upland Road 3 2.28 0.18 Many of the study intersections either had no accident occur over the past three years or have an accident rate matching the statewide average for similar intersections. The intersections of Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive, Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road & Hasbrouck Circle, and Northcross Road/CC Lot have significantly higher accident rates than the statewide averages, so they have been investigated further. Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive A total of 6 accidents were documented during the investigation period (3 years). The calculated accident rate is approximately five times higher than the statewide average for other similar 3-legged intersections. The accidents recorded were categorized as rear end (1), fixed-object (1), and pedestrian/bike collisions (3). All three pedestrian/bike collisions occurred in the northbound/southbound direction. These types of collisions could be prevented by providing crosswalk striping with signage, increasing sight distance for both drivers and pedestrians, or by installing traffic calming devices such as speed humps. Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road & Hasbrouck Circle A total of 7 accidents were documented at this intersection. The calculated accident rate is 3 times the statewide average for other similar 4-legged un-signalized intersections. The accidents that occurred were categorized as right-angle (2), side-swipe (1), fixed object (1), animal (1), bike/pedestrian (1), and other (1). There are no notable accident clusters. Northcross Road/CC Lot The calculated accident rate is 12 times higher than the statewide average for similar intersections. However, only 3 accidents were documented at this intersection. The accidents that occurred were categorized as left turn (1), right turn (1), and other (1). There are no accident clusters at this intersection. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 10 June 2018 Most accidents were caused by either driver inattention, following too closely, or slippery pavement. Human error contributing factors were the most prevalent causes of the accidents. V. FUTURE AREA DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL GROWTH The proposed North Campus Residential Expansion will be constructed and operational within four years (2022). The Town and City of Ithaca and Village of Cayuga Heights were contacted to discuss any other specific developments that are currently approved or under construction that would generate additional traffic in the study area. The identified projects were the Maplewood Graduate Student housing development, the potential East Hill Village project the Community Corners Medical Office. In addition, the Cornell University Tang Welcome Center opened in May 2018 within the study area. Traffic related to the Community Corners Medical Office development was added to the study intersections. To account for normal increases in background traffic growth, Maplewood Graduate Student Housing development, the Tang Welcome Center, the East Hill Village development, and any other unforeseen developments in the project study area, a growth rate of 1.5% per year has been applied to the existing traffic volumes, based upon historical traffic growth for the four-year build-out period. Future background traffic volumes are shown in Figure 4. VI. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT A. Description Cornell University is undertaking a project that will add approximately 2,000 student beds and a dining facility to North Campus by August 2022. For convenience this document will refer to “approximately 2,000 beds” in the narrative, however, all of the analysis was conducted for 2,079 beds. This project will address a deficit of on-campus housing for first- year, second-year, and transfer students, as well as accommodate a planned increase in undergraduate enrollment beginning in 2021. Cornell University is a residential (not commuter) campus, and the first two years of the experience are foundational to students’ academic success, personal development, and the ability to build a cohesive community on campus. The additional residence halls developed in the North Campus Residential Expansion will provide support during the most formative years of the student experience, enabling Cornell to house 100% of its first-year students and sophomores on campus. This project will be developed on two sites on Cornell University’s North Campus in the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga Heights, Tompkins County, New York. The sophomore site is bounded by Jessup Road to the north and Northcross Road to the east. The site includes the existing CC and CC South parking lots (386 parking spaces), Sigma Alpha Mu – a university-owned fraternity house, and parts of Sisson Place road. The first-year student housing site is bounded by Program House Drive and Mews Hall to the west, Jessup Road at the narrow northern neck, Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive to the east, and Appel Commons and its adjacent parking lot to the south. Presently, the site hosts three natural grass recreation fields, two basketball courts, and four tennis courts. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 11 June 2018 The project will result in removal of the recreation fields north of Appel Commons and CC Parking Lots as well as the segment of Northcross Road between Triphammer Road and the Robert Purcell Community Center (RPCC) loading dock access road. The project will be constructed in two phases as follows: 1. 823 student beds and a dining facility scheduled for completion August 2021. 2. Site 2 – 1,256 student beds scheduled for completion August 2022. Figure 5 illustrates the proposed concept site plan. B. Site Parking and Transportation Site Parking The North Campus will actually see a reduction in overall parking as a result of development of this new housing. The existing CC Lot (a 386-space parking lot on Jessup Road) will be replaced by the Site 1 housing development. These parking spaces will not be replaced. Parking will be enhanced at the RPCC to accommodate visitors and conference attendees. At both Sites 1 and 2, parking facilities sufficient to service ADA requirements, residence hall live-in staff, and maintenance/delivery access will be provided. Accessible parking and service needs will be redistributed into small lots throughout North Campus with A Lot continuing to be the primary satellite parking for staff as well as faculty and visitors. The CC parking lot utilization rates are very low, therefore it is expected that parking displacement at this site will not impact overall parking on North Campus. A September 2018 survey indicates that there are approximately 20 staff and maintenance vehicles and 90 students who utilize the CC Lot on a daily basis. Vehicles currently parking in CC Lot will be relocated to A Lot, Hasbrouck, Anna Comstock North Lot, and/or Hurlburt House Lot. Traffic currently entering and exiting CC Lot during the peak hours [10(10) entering and 4(42) exiting during the AM (PM) peak hours] were re-distributed to these four lots based upon the size of each lot and ability to accommodate additional parked vehicles. Figure 6 shows the re-distributed traffic volumes as each of the study intersections and detailed re- distribution calculations are included in the Appendix of this Report. Cornell University anticipates 823 new sophomores and 1,256 new first year students will live on North Campus. Historical data indicates that approximately 4% of first-year students and 12% of sophomores living on North Campus currently bring cars. Applying these percentages to the new residents results in 149 additional parked vehicles as a result of North Campus residents. New students living on North Campus are expected to park in the same four parking lots mentioned above. Vehicular Traffic Generation The effects of this project on the surrounding roadway network and internal circulation system of North Campus will be minimal. The analysis contained in this report focuses on morning and afternoon peak intervals that overlap with surrounding commuter traffic. These are peak intervals when students are going to or coming from class. As such, very little if any new student vehicles will be added to the surrounding system, during the critical peaks. However, it is recognized that there will be some vehicular activity related to both students and staff as a result of the proposed development. Therefore, traffic volumes entering and Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 12 June 2018 exiting CC Lot were used to calculate a ratio of parked vehicles to peak hour vehicular traffic entering and exiting the parking lots. Table V shows the total site generated trips for the weekday AM and PM peak hours for the proposed development. All trip generation calculations are included in the Appendix of this report. TABLE V NORTH CAMPUS PEAK HOUR VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT CC Lot Existing Vehicle Trips 10 4 10 42 Ratio of Vehicles/Occupied Parking Spaces (386 spaces @ 50% Occupancy = 193 occupied spaces) 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.22 North Campus New Student Trip Generation (149 new vehicles) 7 3 7 33 The North Campus Housing development is expected to generate approximately 7 entering/3 exiting vehicle trips during the weekday AM peak hour and 7 entering/33 exiting vehicle trips during the PM peak hour. Pedestrian Circulation During Peak Vehicular Hours Although student vehicular activity is not anticipated to increase significantly during the peak commuting intervals, the influx of 2,000 additional students on North Campus will have a significant effect on pedestrian activity. New trips with origins on North Campus and destinations on central campus will create additional pedestrian and bicycle flow back and forth throughout the day. Flow to classes on central campus will coincide with the morning commuting peak. The pedestrian flow back to North Campus is more staggered throughout the day. Consequently, there will be no significant increase in flow from central campus to North Campus in late afternoon during the PM commuting peak (4:30 to 5:30). Since pedestrian flow is concentrated in the morning and coincides with A.M. peak Cornell and non-Cornell commuter travel, it will have an impact during that time interval. The number of new pedestrian trips anticipated is based on the following: Existing and proposed population on North Campus Number of existing pedestrian trips on North Campus Based on an analysis of the above information, it is estimated that approximately 210 pedestrian trips will be added to the surrounding roadway network during the peak 15 minute time period during the A.M. commuter peak. Proposed Service Trips Additional service trips will be required to provide the needs of the new residence halls. Dependent on the goods delivered and/or services provided, delivery/service trips are Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 13 June 2018 scheduled throughout the day, but substantially decrease by late afternoon. This minimizes the impact to the internal circulation and surrounding network. Five additional service vehicles per day (Cornell trades/maintenance/Grounds vehicles) are anticipated during normal operations. In addition, five delivery vehicles are expected to access the site daily during normal operations (delivery to dining). It is unlikely that any of these vehicles would arrive or depart during the A.M. and P.M. peak traffic times. Service and emergency access is provided by spur roads off the perimeter streets, giving priority to pedestrians in the core area. They will arrive and depart in similar manner as the existing vehicles servicing the north campus area. Transit Transit will continue to serve the perimeter roads, providing connections to Central Campus, perimeter parking, and regional destinations. The quantity, location and condition of existing bus stops have been evaluated by Kimley-Horn in coordination with TCAT. C. Vehicular Traffic Distribution The cumulative effect of site traffic on the transportation network is dependent on the origins and destinations of that traffic and the location of the access drives serving the site. The proposed arrival/departure distribution of traffic to be generated is considered a function of several parameters, including the following: Proximity and access to Cornell University; Existing traffic counts at the study area intersections; Retail centers; Existing roadway network; and Existing traffic conditions and controls Figure 7 shows the anticipated trip distribution pattern percentages for the north campus traffic that will enter and exit the various parking lots during the commuter peak hours and Figure 8 illustrates the resulting peak hour trips based on those percentages for the weekday AM and PM peak hour periods. VII. FULL DEVELOPMENT VOLUMES Proposed design hour traffic volumes are developed for each peak by combining the background traffic conditions (Figure 4) and the newly created traffic generations (Figure 8). The resulting network design hour volumes are illustrated in Figure 9. VIII. VEHICULAR CAPACITY ANALYSIS The background conditions and future traffic conditions generated by the new residential uses on north campus were analyzed to assess the operations of the intersections in the study area. Capacity results for background and full development are listed in Table VI. The discussion following the table summarizes capacity conditions. All capacity analysis calculations are included in the Appendix. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 14 June 2018 TABLE VI 2022 BACKGROUND AND FULL DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS INTERSECTION 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS 2022 FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS AM PM AM PM Thurston Avenue/University Avenue-Forest Home Drive (S) EB - University Avenue E 76.5 D 54.9 E 77.3 E 55.3 WB - Forest Home Drive C 28.4 C 30.2 C 28.4 C 30.2 NB - East Avenue C 31.5 D 38.7 C 31.5 D 39.5 SB - Thurston Avenue D 46.7 D 37.7 D 46.9 D 38.5 Overall LOS/Delay (sec/veh) D 51.8 D 41.3 D 52.2 D 41.9 Thurston Avenue/Cradit Farm Drive WB - Cradit Farm Drive C 16.9 C 18.4 C 16.9 C 18.7 SB - Thurston Avenue A 8.0 A 8.3 A 8.3 A 8.3 Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue EB - Risley Hall A 9.7 B 11.5 A 9.7 B 12.2 WB - Wait Avenue C 15.6 C 22.8 C 15.6 C 23.3 SB - Thurston Avenue A 8.0 A 8.2 A 8.0 A 8.2 Triphammer Road/Wait Avenue EB - Wait Avenue A 7.8 A 7.8 A 8.0 A 7.9 SB - Triphammer Road B 13.6 B 13.8 B 13.7 B 13.8 Triphammer Road/Jessup Road/Dearborn Place WB - Jessup Road B 11.2 B 11.7 B 13.0 B 13.3 NB - Triphammer Road A 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.7 SB - Triphammer Road A 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.8 Pleasant Grove Road/Jessup Road-Hasbrouck Circle EB - Jessup Road B 14.7 C 19.9 B 14.7 C 19.7 WB - Hasbrouck Circle B 14.4 B 14.6 B 14.5 C 16.1 NB - Pleasant Grove Road A 8.3 A 8.1 A 8.4 A 8.1 SB - Pleasant Grove Road A 7.7 A 8.3 A 7.7 A 8.3 Pleasant Grove Road/Cradit Farm Drive-Hasbrouck Circle EB - Cradit Farm Drive C 18.1 C 18.7 C 21.6 C 19.2 WB - Hasbrouck Circle C 17.9 C 18.2 C 21.2 C 18.8 NB - Pleasant Grove Road A 8.2 A 7.9 A 8.2 A 7.9 SB - Pleasant Grove Road A 7.7 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 15 June 2018 Pleasant Grove Road-Forest Home Drive/Judd Falls Road EB left - Forest Home Drive- Judd Falls Road A 0.6 A 0.9 A 0.6 A 1.0 EB right - Forest Home Drive- Judd Falls Road A 0.3 A 0.5 A 0.3 A 0.5 NB left - Forest Home Drive A 8.7 A 9.9 A 8.4 A 8.7 NB thru - Forest Home Drive A 9.2 A 9.6 A 9.1 A 9.4 SB thru - Pleasant Grove Road B 10.2 B 10.6 A 9.3 A 9.9 SB right - Pleasant Grove Road A 6.4 A 5.8 A 6.2 A 5.4 Forest Home Drive/Warren Road WB - Warren Road B 12.3 A 9.7 B 12.4 A 9.7 NB - Forest Home Drive A 9.8 A 9.7 A 9.8 A 9.8 SB - Forest Home Drive A 9.8 A 9.9 A 9.8 A 10.0 Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Drive EB left – Mundy Wildflower Garden NA NA NA NA EB thru – Mundy Wildflower Garden NA NA NA NA EB right – Mundy Wildflower Garden A 2.7 A 3.5 A 1.8 A 2.5 WB left - Forest Home Drive A 5.0 A 4.3 A 6.4 A 5.6 WB thru - Forest Home Drive NA NA NA NA WB right - Forest Home Drive A 3.2 A 3.5 A 3.4 A 3.3 NB left - Caldwell Drive A 5.8 A 6.5 A 6.1 A 4.6 NB thru - Caldwell Drive A 6.6 A 7.7 A 6.8 A 7.7 NB right - Caldwell Drive A 3.6 A 4.6 A 3.2 A 4.4 SB left - Forest Home Drive A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 SB thru - Forest Home Drive A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.2 SB right - Forest Home Drive A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road EB left - Hanshaw Road B 10.5 C 23.4 B 12.4 C 21.1 EB thru - Hanshaw Road A 8.3 B 13.0 B 10.1 B 12.4 WB thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.2 A 2.0 A 1.1 A 1.6 WB right - Hanshaw Road A 0.5 A 0.8 A 0.5 A 0.9 SB left - Triphammer Road B 12.7 B 12.4 C 15.4 B 11.6 SB right - Triphammer Road A 4.8 A 4.8 A 5.8 A 4.7 Triphammer Road/Hanshaw Road/East Upland Road EB left - Triphammer Road E 39.7 F * D 29.3 F * EB thru - Triphammer Road B 12.8 F * B 11.3 F * EB right - Triphammer Road A 7.5 F * A 3.1 F 101.1 WB left - Hanshaw Road A 7.1 A 6.3 A 5.8 A 3.2 WB thru - Hanshaw Road A 2.1 A 3.5 A 2.0 A 3.3 WB right - Hanshaw Road A 1.4 A 1.5 A 1.0 A 1.1 NB left - East Upland Road B 10.9 F * B 14.7 F 91.6 NB thru - East Upland Road E 47.0 F * E 40.2 F * Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 16 June 2018 NB right - East Upland Road C 24.2 F * C 17.1 F 66.8 SB left - Hanshaw Road A 2.0 A 1.6 A 2.1 A 1.4 SB thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.8 A 1.7 A 1.9 A 1.6 SB right - Hanshaw Road A 1.5 A 1.0 A 1.3 A 1.2 Pleasant Grove Road/Hanshaw Road EB left - Hanshaw Road A 2.5 A 1.6 A 2.5 A 2.7 EB thru - Hanshaw Road A 1.5 A 1.4 A 1.7 A 1.4 EB right - Hanshaw Road A 0.8 A 0.4 A 0.8 A 0.4 WB left - Hanshaw Road A 8.7 A 5.5 A 8.9 A 5.6 WB thru - Hanshaw Road A 4.9 A 2.6 A 4.6 A 2.2 WB right - Hanshaw Road A 3.5 A 0.7 A 3.1 A 0.7 NB left - Pleasant Grove Road D 29.2 F 66.8 D 27.8 F 69.8 NB thru - Pleasant Grove Road A 6.3 D 33.5 A 7.2 D 33.7 NB right - Pleasant Grove Road A 3.9 B 14.2 A 3.7 B 15.0 SB left - Express Mart C 17.2 C 15.7 D 27.3 C 15.6 SB thru - Express Mart C 17.3 C 22.8 F 50.4 C 22.2 SB right - Express Mart A 4.0 C 18.6 A 4.7 B 13.8 Triphammer Road/East Upland Road EB - East Upland Road B 10.0 B 11.6 B 10.1 B 11.6 WB - East Upland Road B 10.9 B 12.9 B 10.9 B 13.0 NB - Triphammer Road A 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.5 SB - Triphammer Road NA A 7.7 NA A 7.7 Notes: 1. Green shaded cells indicate low delays, yellow shaded cells indicate moderate delays, red shaded cells indicate long delays. 2. A (2.6) = Level of Service (Delay in seconds per vehicle). 3. (S) = Signalized. All other intersections are unsignalized. 4. Intersections 9, 11, 12, 13-14, and 15 analyzed using SimTraffic, an extension of SYNCHRO, due to the unique geometry of the intersections. There are four (4) locations that experience decreases in levels of service (LOS) as a result of the traffic changes associated with the proposed development: 1. Eastbound on University Avenue at Thurston Avenue: The delay increases 0.4 seconds per vehicle resulting in a change in level of service from “D” to “E” during the PM peak hour. This a result of the background borderline condition as the threshold between LOS “D” and “E” is 55 seconds per vehicle. This change will imperceptible to users of this intersection. 2. Westbound on Hasbrouck Circle at Pleasant Grove Road: The delay is projected to increase 1.5 seconds resulting in a change from LOS “B” to “C” during the PM peak hour due to the borderline condition for this approach. The threshold between LOS “B” and “C” is 15 seconds per vehicle. Motorists will notice very little, if any, changes in operating conditions at this intersection as a result of the proposed housing development. 3. Southbound left turn movement on Triphammer Road at Hanshaw Road: The delay is projected to increase 2.7 seconds resulting in a change from LOS “B” to “C” during the Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 17 June 2018 AM peak hour due to the borderline condition for this approach. The threshold between LOS “B” and “C” is 15 seconds per vehicle. Motorists will notice very little, if any, changes in operating conditions at this intersection as a result of the proposed housing development. 4. Southbound left and through movements from the Express Mart driveway at Pleasant Grove and Hanshaw Roads: These movements are expected to operate at LOS “D” and “F” respectively with moderate to long delays (on the order of 27 to 50 seconds per vehicle) during the AM peak hour. It is noted that the volume of traffic executing these movements is extremely low (only 3 vph) and these operating conditions are reasonable for this driveway. IX. CORNELL TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Transportation Demand Management (TDM) or Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) initiatives, if implemented strategically, can have a noticeable impact on reducing trips from a project. TDM is the application of strategies and policies to reduce Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) travel demand, or to redistribute this demand in space or in time. By definition, TDM includes various strategies that produce a more efficient use of transportation resources and increase the efficiency of a transportation system. TDM programs have many potential benefits. They can reduce the total number of vehicle miles traveled by promoting alternatives to driving alone. Fewer vehicle miles traveled results in less ozone pollution. Employers can use TDM programs to reduce overhead costs, enhance productivity and reduce employee turnover. TDM programs can also improve the use of public transit services, bikeways, sidewalks and carpool lanes by educating users about their travel options and coordinating trips between users with similar trip patterns. Cornell provides funding to TCAT to subsidize the cost of Cornell’s OmniRide bus pass available to employees and students (first-year students receive a complimentary pass and all registered Cornell students can ride TCAT at no fare cost after 6 p.m. weekdays and anytime Saturdays and Sundays) as well as to enable Cornell staff and faculty to ride TCAT at no fare cost within designated routes on and near campus. Cornell currently offers two primary TDM programs: OmniRide and RideShare. OmniRide is a transit program where employees agree to forgo a parking pass and in doing so gain the following benefits: Unlimited access to TCAT buses anywhere in Tompkins County Reduced-cost bus pass for out-of-county transit Occasional-use, one-day parking permits Flexible short-term parking options Ithaca Carshare membership discount First-year students receive the transit benefits of the OmniRide program for free. Other students can join the program by purchasing an OmniRide pass for $200. The RideShare commuter program is designed for Cornell employees who do not live in campus housing and share their ride to the Ithaca campus at least three times a week. Benefits of the program include: Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 18 June 2018 Discounted parking fees Flexible parking options Occasional-use, one day permits Pre-tax payroll deduction for parking fees Ithaca Carshare membership discounts As of Fall 2017, the OmniRide program has approximately 5,700 undergraduate students, 4,600 graduate students, and 2,000 employees participating. The RideShare program has approximately 1,200 employee participants. In addition to the above, Cornell currently implements or participates in the following to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips: Zimride – this is a ride-sharing service that allows students to ride/travel to off-campus destinations (i.e. going home for the holidays) Permitted parking system on campus Marketing transit routes in coordination with TCAT Actively encourage students to use sustainable transportation options such as TCAT, biking, walking Provide bicycle storage and parking X. CONSTRUCTION PHASE TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS The effects that the proposed construction plan will have on the roadway network surrounding North Campus will be dependent on the activities planned for each phase of construction. Construction activities are expected to last approximately 1,155 days. Construction activities typically stretch beyond a typical eight-hour work shift. The daily work force required is anticipated to average approximately 140 workers. Workers will arrive to the site early morning and depart late afternoon. It is probable that a good majority of the work force traffic will arrive prior to the morning commuter peak and depart after the afternoon commuter peak. These are times when ambient traffic on the network is significantly less, hence the actual effect of work force added traffic is minimized. Construction activities will be supported by daily deliveries of materials, supplies and miscellaneous services. It is anticipated that this traffic will fluctuate between 10 to 20 trucks per day, dependent on phase and time of the year. The related trips, most of which are trucks, arrive and depart the site throughout the day. From a peak hour standpoint, this maximally adds approximately five arrivals and departures during the morning and afternoon commuter peaks, at the height of the construction activity. This level of increase is minimal when considering the magnitude of existing traffic volumes already on the network. However, it is recognized that truck traffic typically requires more time and space for maneuvering, and minor increases in delay can be expected. No construction truck traffic is anticipated in the Forest Home and/or Cornell Heights Neighborhoods. Main construction access gates will be located to minimize conflicts in high pedestrian areas. Construction vehicles will be directed to use Route 13 (a designated truck route), exit on Triphammer Road to Hanshaw Road and take Pleasant Grove Road to access the project site. Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 19 June 2018 The University will work with the contractors to coordinate these routes in order to minimize construction traffic impacts. Construction workforce parking will be provided and designated in a specific location to avoid having the workforce park at other locations within the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Village of Cayuga Heights, or on campus. Contractor parking will be provided at the University’s designated contractor parking location at Palm Road. Contractors will be shuttled to the site along a designated route through campus and will be prohibited from traveling through Forest Home. As a result of construction activities, the actual effects to vehicular flow surrounding the site will fluctuate dependent on tasks performed within each distinct phase. Although it is recognized that some construction impacts will have a negative effect on the network that surrounds the site, these effects are temporary, as they are limited to the actual duration of construction. A related positive impact is the creation of jobs during each phase of construction. XI. CONCLUSIONS Based on the projected site generated traffic volumes and projected levels of service, the proposed North Campus Residential Expansion will not have a significant adverse impact on existing traffic operations in the area, as documented in this report. The analyses contained in this report indicate that the existing road network can adequately accommodate the projected traffic volumes and resulting impacts to study area intersections. The following conclusions are based upon the results of the analyses: 1. The North Campus will see a reduction in overall parking as a result of development of this new housing. The existing CC Lot (a 386-space parking lot on Jessup Road) will be replaced by the sophomore housing. These parking spaces will not be replaced. Parking will be enhanced at the RPCC to accommodate visitors and conference attendees. At both sites, parking facilities sufficient to service ADA requirements, residence hall live-in staff, and maintenance/delivery access will be provided. Accessible parking and service needs will be redistributed into small lots throughout North Campus. A Lot will continue to operate as it currently does serving as the primary satellite parking for staff as well as faculty and visitors. 2. Vehicles currently parking in CC Lot were projected to be relocated to A Lot, Hasbrouck, Anna Comstock North Lot, and/or Hurlburt House Lot. Traffic currently entering and exiting CC Lot during the peak hours [10(10) entering and 4(42) exiting during the AM (PM) peak hours] were re-distributed to these four lots based upon the size of each lot and ability to accommodate additional parked vehicles. 3. The effects of this project on the surrounding transportation network and internal circulation system of North Campus will be minimal. The analysis contained in this report focuses on morning and afternoon peak intervals that overlap with surrounding commuter traffic. These are peak intervals when students are going to or coming from class. As such, very little if any new student vehicles will be added to the surrounding system, during the critical peaks. 4. It is recognized that there will be vehicular activity related to both students and staff as a result of the proposed development. The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 7 entering/3 exiting vehicle trips during the weekday AM peak hour and 7 Traffic Impact Study Proposed Student Housing Cornell University 20 June 2018 entering/33 exiting vehicle trips during the PM peak hour which will be spread throughout the transportation network. 5. Based on a review of existing pedestrian flows and student residential information, it is estimated that approximately 210 pedestrian trips will be added to the surrounding roadway network during the peak 15 minute time period during the A.M. commuter peak. 6. There are four (4) locations that experience decreases in levels of service (LOS) as a result of the traffic changes associated with the proposed development: a. Eastbound on University Avenue at Thurston Avenue: The delay increases 0.4 seconds per vehicle resulting in a change in level of service from “D” to “E” during the PM peak hour. This is a result of the background borderline condition as the threshold between LOS “D” and “E” is 55 seconds per vehicle. This change will be imperceptible to users of this intersection. b. Westbound on Hasbrouck Circle at Pleasant Grove Road: The delay is projected to increase 1.5 seconds resulting in a change from LOS “B” to “C” during the PM peak hour due to the borderline condition for this approach. The threshold between LOS “B” and “C” is 15 seconds per vehicle. Motorists will notice very little, if any, changes in operating conditions at this intersection as a result of the proposed housing development. c. Southbound left turn movement on Triphammer Road at Hanshaw Road: The delay is projected to increase 2.7 seconds resulting in a change from LOS “B” to “C” during the AM peak hour due to the borderline condition for this approach. The threshold between LOS “B” and “C” is 15 seconds per vehicle. Motorists will notice very little, if any, changes in operating conditions at this intersection as a result of the proposed housing development. d. Southbound left and through movements from the Express Mart driveway at Pleasant Grove and Hanshaw Roads: These movements are expected to operate at LOS “D” and “F” respectively with moderate to long delays (on the order of 27 to 50 seconds per vehicle) during the AM peak hour. It is noted that the volume of traffic executing these movements is extremely low (only 3 vph) and these operating conditions are reasonable for this driveway. 7. Continue to promote and implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) actions, all the while continuing to advance the goals and strategies outlined in the June 2008 Cornell University Transportation Impact Mitigation Strategies report and seek to develop new programs/policies as information and technology becomes available. 8. The proposed project will not result in any potentially significant adverse traffic impacts to the study area intersections. XII. FIGURES Figures 1 through 9C are included on the following pages. PROPOSED CORNELL UNIVERSITY NORTH CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION ·ITHACA, NY Legend FIGURE 1 - STUDY AREA 0 500 1000 Feet 2000 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 12 13 14 15 Study Intersection Study Area UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY E A ST EAS T CRADIT FARMCRADIT FARM THURSTONTHURSTON T R I P H A M ME R T R I P H A M M E R TRIPHAMMER TR I P H A M MER E UPLAND E U P LAND HANSHAW HANS H AW HANSHAW HANS H AW N T RIP H A M M E R N T R I P H A M M E R W AIT W A I T JESSUPJESSUP HASBROUCK CIRCLE HASBROUCK CIR C L E P LEASAN T G RO VE P L E A S A N T G R O V E HASBROUCK CIRCLE HASBROUCK CIR C L E F O R E S T H O M E FORES T H O M E F O R E S T H O M E FORE S T H O M E WARREN WA R R E N FIGURE 3B LEVEL OF SERVICE 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 FIGURE 3C LEVEL OF SERVICE 2018 EXISTING CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 FIGURE 4B LEVEL OF SERVICE 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 FIGURE 4C LEVEL OF SERVICE 2022 BACKGROUND CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 FIGURE 9B LEVEL OF SERVICE 2022 FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS AM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 FIGURE 9C LEVEL OF SERVICE 2022 FULL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS PM PEAK HOUR ABC D D EF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)* * SIGNALIZED, OVERALL LOS ABC DEF LEVEL OF SERVICE* * MOVEMENT LOS 10 = Intersection Number Key 1 2 13 3 4 5 9 10 14 6 7 8 11 12 Circulation Study North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study April 2018 Prepared for: Prepared by: North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 3 2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 3 3 FIELD OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................................ 4 3.1 Description of Study Area ................................................................................... 4 3.2 General Operations Observation ........................................................................ 5 3.3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations ........................................................... 5 3.4 Lighting ............................................................................................................... 6 3.5 ADA Assessment.................................................................................................. 7 3.6 Pavement Conditions .......................................................................................... 7 3.7 TCAT Bus Stops .................................................................................................... 7 3.8 Traffic Control ..................................................................................................... 7 3.9 Wayfinding .......................................................................................................... 8 4 ANALYSIS RESULTS ............................................................................................ 9 4.1 Pedestrian Capacity Analyses ............................................................................. 9 4.2 Intersection Capacity Analyses ......................................................................... 11 4.3 Crash History ..................................................................................................... 12 5 FIGURES ......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 3 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Cornell University (“Cornell”) engaged Kimley‐Horn of New York, P.C. (“Kimley‐Horn”) to prepare a circulation study of the existing North Campus transportation system (see Figure 1, attached). The purpose of the study was to evaluate current and future transportation constraints to develop solutions for mobility challenges facing vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) modes. This study focused on improving safety, wayfinding, and circulation for the North Campus area and three (3) priority areas identified by Cornell – Thurston Avenue between Wait Avenue and Cradit Farm Drive; Pleasant Grove Road between Jessup Road and Cradit Farm Drive; and Jessup Road between Triphammer Road and Pleasant Grove Road. The purpose of this existing conditions report is to document the visual observations made during the site visit to North Campus and to summarize the operating conditions of the existing transportation system elements (e.g., intersection and pedestrian levels of service). 2 BACKGROUND North Campus Residential Expansion Cornell’s recent Housing Master Plan proposed the addition of 2,000 beds on North Campus by fall 2022. This North Campus Residential Expansion (NCRE) will be constructed in two phases with the first phase — Sophomore — to be completed in fall 2021, and the second phase —First Year — to be completed in fall 2022. To accommodate this new growth, the university will utilize the existing CC parking lot for the Sophomore building site and the recreation fields above the Appel Commons for the First Year Student Housing. The North Campus Residential Expansion Architecture and Engineering Design Team is leading the design for the internal roadways, pedestrian pathways, and new parking lots between the existing housing and proposed housing units. A traffic engineering consulting firm, SRF Associates, was retained to prepare a transportation impact analysis (TIA) for the NCRE project. Data and analysis from this TIA were reviewed by Kimley‐Horn and the results are summarized in other sections of this report. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 4 3 FIELD OBSERVATIONS Kimley‐Horn conducted field observations throughout North Campus on March 19 and 20, 2018. These observations consisted of walking along the sidewalks and driving along the area roadways to make visual observations and perform spot manual pedestrian counts during peak periods. During the visual observation, a limited evaluation of ADA accessible paths of travel was also conducted. Below is a summary of the visual observations. 3.1 Description of Study Area Jessup Road (Cornell owned) Jessup Road is a two‐lane undivided roadway which generally runs east‐west between Triphammer Road and Pleasant Grove Road and is maintained by Cornell University. The shoulder width on the south side of the road appears to be wide enough for a bicycle lane, but is not marked or signed as such, and there is a separate pedestrian path. The shoulder width on the north side of the road appears to be wide enough for a bicycle lane, but is not marked or signed as such, and a parking lane, which is signed “Loading Zone 30‐minute Limit.” A separate sidewalk is not present on the north side of the road. There are curbside bus pull‐out stops in various locations along the north and south sides of the road. The posted speed limit is 30 mph and there are several mid‐block pedestrian crossings. Cradit Farm Drive (Cornell Owned) Cradit Farm Drive is a two‐lane undivided roadway which generally runs east‐west between Thurston Avenue and Pleasant Grove Road and is maintained by Cornell University. Except for the section of roadway adjacent to Helen Newman Hall, the shoulder width on the south and north sides of the road appear to be wide enough for a bicycle lane, but is marked and signed inconsistently. There are sidewalks on both sides of the road from Thurston Avenue to just east of Helen Newman Hall. There is a curbside bus pull‐out on the south and north sides of the road just east of Helen Newman Hall. The posted speed limit is 25 mph and there are several mid‐ block pedestrian crossings. Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue/Triphammer Road (City of Ithaca Owned) In general, Thurston Avenue/Wait Avenue/Triphammer Road are two‐lane undivided roadways which run north‐south between Cradit Farm Drive and Jessup Road and are maintained by the City of Ithaca. Thurston Avenue has bicycle lanes from Fall Creek to Wait Avenue, but these bicycle lanes do not extend further along Thurston Avenue or north along Wait Avenue or Triphammer Road. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of these streets, with the exception of the east side of Triphammer Road from Northcross Road/Sisson Place to Jessup Road. There is a curbside bus pull‐out on the east and west sides of Thurston Avenue, north of Cradit Farm Drive. Other bus stops are located along the side of the road and indicated by a sign. The posted speed limit is 30 mph along each of these roadways and there is one mid‐block crossing located along Thurston Avenue, just south of Cradit Farm Drive. Pleasant Grove Road (Tompkins County Owned) Pleasant Grove Road is a two‐lane undivided roadway which generally runs north‐south between Cradit Farm Drive and Jessup Road and is maintained by Tompkins County. The North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 5 shoulder widths on the east and west sides of the road do not appear wide enough for bicycle lanes and are not marked or striped as such. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of Pleasant Grove Road. There is one bus stop located along the side of the road at the intersection with Jessup Road. The posted speed limit is 30 mph and there are no mid‐block crossings. North Campus Pedestrian Paths North Campus is served by a network of paths which, in addition to the sidewalks adjacent to the above roadways, connect the Fall Creek crossings with the many and various buildings on North Campus. This network also serves to connect the various components of the North Campus themselves. The paths are mostly constructed of Asphalt and vary in width from 5 to 11 feet. They are generally moderately sloped, although some, especially on the east side of Wait Avenue have steep grades. 3.2 General Operations Observation Although Kimley‐Horn’s observations did not discover any current capacity constraints, a number of locations were identified where there was a considerable amount of conflict between pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic, as well as with bus traffic and bicycle traffic. These locations, which are shown on Figure 2 (attached), included: The mid‐block crossing of Thurston Avenue just south of Cradit Farm Drive The mid‐block crossing of Cradit Farm Drive just east of Thurston Avenue Pedestrians crossing Thurston Avenue on the north side of Cradit Farm Drive and on the south side of Wait Avenue (on either side of the bus stops on Thurston Avenue at that location) The mid‐block crossing of Cradit Farm Drive just west of Helen Newman Hall The intersection of Jessup Road with Triphammer Road It is noted that the 30‐mph speed limit to which Thurston Avenue, Wait Avenue and Triphammer Road (from Jessup Road south) are subject is not appropriate for the number and level of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle conflicts on these streets. The lowest permissible speed limit than can be posted is 25 mph (per New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law). This speed limit is posted for Cradit Farm Drive and Northcross Road (though some additional signage is required). 3.3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Below is a summary of the pedestrian accommodations throughout North Campus. Sidewalks exist throughout most of North Campus Missing sidewalks are most noticeable at the following locations: o along the north side of Jessup Road; o along the east side of Triphammer Road between Northcross Road/Sisson Place and Jessup Road; o along Cradit Farm Drive from east of Helen Newman Hall to the north side of the tennis courts at Appel Fields; North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 6 o various locations along Northcross Road and Sisson Place; o behind Kay Hall and Mary Donlon Hall; and o along Program House Drive. Several sidewalk locations show signs of cracking and upheaval, which creates tripping hazards and uncomfortable travel conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and people in wheelchairs The sidewalks are a mixture of concrete and asphalt materials The width of sidewalks generally varies from 5’ to 13’ Most crosswalks are marked with either paint or a textured material (e.g., brick or brick paver), although there are several crosswalks and crossings that are unmarked: o The condition of these marked crosswalks varies from missing or faded paint lines to uneven textured surfaces o A few mid‐block crossing locations are not clearly marked or defined o A few ‘major‐street’ crossing locations are not clearly marked or defined Several pedestrian crossing locations do not have curb ramps Many of the curb ramps are in poor shape or do not have detectable warning surfaces Pedestrian crossing signs (W11‐2) are provided at some crossing locations, but not all, and a few of the existing signs are not the most current version required by the MUTCD Below is a summary of the bicycle accommodations throughout North Campus. Bicycle lanes are marked along portions of Thurston Avenue, Jessup Road, and Cradit Farm Drive, however, the signs and markings are inconsistent with the MUTCD (in some cases, the shoulder widths are not sufficient to accommodate cyclists) No ‘sharrows’ were observed within the study area Several bicycle racks were observed throughout the study area at various campus buildings 3.4 Lighting Kimley‐Horn drove through the study area on the evening of March 19, 2018, to visually observe the lighting levels along the study area roadways. These observations were high‐level and did not include using a light meter to take light level measurements. Street lights were observed along each of the study area roadways, except for Pleasant Grove Road. Per Cornell, some of these light poles were installed within the past 12‐18 months. Some of the luminaires were observed not to be lighted and a number of roads and paths appeared to have sections which were not well lit. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 7 3.5 ADA Assessment As part of the review of current conditions, visual observations were made of all sidewalks, curb ramps, and bus stops within the study area. Based on these observations, many of these infrastructure elements do not comply with ADA Standards or PROWAG. The deficiencies include: Sidewalks with tripping hazards due to cracks and upheaval; Curb ramps missing detectable warning surfaces; Missing curb ramps at marked crosswalk locations; There are steps with no ramp to get around them on the sidewalk between Mews Hall and JAM and Ujamaa Halls which makes it impassable for disabled pedestrians, and Bus stops without appropriate loading areas (e.g., the bus stop located at the southeast corner of Jessup Road & Triphammer Road has no sidewalk leading to the bus stop area along Triphammer Road). It should be noted that this ADA assessment did not include the use of a smart level to measure the slopes of these elements. 3.6 Pavement Conditions As part of the review of current conditions, visual observations were made of the existing pavement conditions within the study area. Based on these observations, several roadways have significant cracking or rutting within the wheel paths (e.g., along Triphammer Road and Wait Avenue, at bus stop on the west side of Thurston Avenue north of Cradit Farm Drive). 3.7 TCAT Bus Stops As part of our review of current conditions, visual observations were made of the bus stops within the study area. Based on these observations, the conditions of the bus stops vary. The bus stops with shelters are generally in good condition, but the shelters are basic in nature. The bus stops which are not located within a curbside bus pull‐out are generally located along the side of the road within a grassy area. These bus stop locations do not have shelters, benches, or defined loading/unloading areas. The most heavily utilized bus stop was observed to be on the north side of Cradit Farm Drive, just east of Helen Newman Hall. However, the bus shelter is located at the beginning of the curbside bus pull‐out and is not generally occupied. During the peak periods, the number of TCAT riders trying to board at this location was observed to reach upwards of 25‐30 people. 3.8 Traffic Control The intersection of Northcross Road with the Sisson Place access to the loading docks has an unconventional control (southbound and westbound approaches are controlled by a STOP sign while the northbound approach is uncontrolled). North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 8 3.9 Wayfinding Certain wayfinding signs out on the northeast perimeter of North Campus do not have lettering sufficiently large to be read by motorists without stopping and the A‐lot is not signed for visitor parking on weekends. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 9 4 ANALYSIS RESULTS Kimley‐Horn conducted sidewalk capacity analyses for the sidewalks on either side of the Thurston Avenue Bridge, for the Triphammer footbridge, for the sidewalks on either side of Cradit Farm Drive between Thurston Avenue and the parking lot serving Helen Newman Hall, as well as for the sidewalks that extends from the Balch Hall courtyard to the intersection of Cradit Farm Drive with Thurston Avenue. Kimley‐Horn also reviewed the intersection capacity analyses performed by SRF Associates to ascertain current intersection performance at the following intersections: Thurston Avenue with Cradit Farm Road Thurston Avenue with Wait Avenue Wait Avenue with Triphammer Road Triphammer Road with Jessup Road Jessup Road with Pleasant Grove Road, and Pleasant Grove Road with Cradit Farm Road 4.1 Pedestrian Capacity Analyses Kimley‐Horn has performed an analysis of the existing‐conditions pedestrian operations for multiple facilities on Cornell University’s North Campus. The pedestrian operations analysis was performed using methodology published in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for calculating the level‐of‐service (LOS) of exclusive pedestrian facilities (HCM, 6th Edition, Chapter 24: Off‐ Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities). Sidewalk performance is assessed based on a letter scale, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions (when pedestrians can walk almost unimpeded) while LOS F represents the worst operating conditions (where pedestrians have difficulty negotiating past pedestrians passing in the opposite direction and without being slowed by pedestrians walking in the same direction). Table 1 presents the range of densities and flow rates that correspond with each LOS1. Table 1 Platoon Adjusted Level-of-Service Criteria for Walkways Level-of-Service Average Space (ft2/p) Flow Rate (p/min/ft) A >530 ≤0.5 1 Due to the intermittent nature of pedestrian activity caused by the class transition schedule, the conservative platoon‐adjusted LOS criteria were used for determining sidewalk operating conditions. Platoon‐adjusted LOS is measured as the average space per pedestrian and the average flow rate over a 5‐minute interval. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 10 B >90‐530 >0.5‐3 C >40‐90 >3‐6 D >23‐40 >6‐11 E >11‐23 >11‐18 F ≤11 >18 Pedestrian volume spot counts were performed along the Thurston Avenue bridge on March 20, 2018 from 9:50 AM – 10:05 AM, in 5‐minute intervals, during a transition interval between classes which is representative of the average peak demand on the pedestrian facilities (as well as at other times). Kimley‐Horn also reviewed the data provided by SRF Associates and additional data obtained to supplement the SRF data2. The estimated level of 15‐minute pedestrian traffic activity is presented graphically on Figure 3. As can be seen from the figure, between 300 and 400 pedestrians are estimated to cross Fall Creek on the Triphammer footbridge or the Thurston Avenue Bridge (a total of 665 pedestrians were recorded in the busiest 15 minutes surveyed). The sidewalks leading up to Balch Hall sees between 200 and 300 pedestrians in the peak 15 minutes, while the sidewalks leading up either side of Cradit Farm Drive see somewhere between 100 and 200 pedestrians per 15 minutes. Sidewalk/footbridge capacities, calculated using the Highway Capacity Manual developed by the Transportation Research Board put the capacity of the Triphammer footbridge at approximately 1,600 pedestrians every 15 minutes while either side of the Thurston Avenue bridge was calculated to be able to accommodate approximately 1,900 pedestrians every 15 minutes. Similarly, the sidewalks on either side of Cradit Farm Drive, just east of Balch Hall and of the sidewalk that comes out from the Balch Hall Courtyard were calculated to have a capacity of approximately 950 pedestrians every 15 minutes and 2,150 pedestrians per 15 minutes, respectively. Based on the estimated level of pedestrian activity (which is presented in Figure 3), it was calculated that the Triphammer Footbridge normally operates at approximately 20 percent of capacity, the sidewalk on the east side of the Thurston Avenue bridge normally operates at approximately 17 percent of capacity, while the sidewalk on the west side of the Thurston Avenue bridge normally operates at just 2.5 percent of capacity. Considering that on March 20, when approximately 620 pedestrians were observed to cross the east side of the Thurston Avenue Bridge (with the Triphammer Footbridge Closed), North Campus pedestrian traffic was easily able to be accommodated (almost exclusively) on the east side of the Thurston Avenue 2 It is noted that, at the time of the counts, the adjacent Triphammer Falls pedestrian bridge was closed. The Thurston Avenue and Triphammer Falls bridges are parallel walking routes with similar travel times (no more than 1minute difference); therefore, all or most of the typical Triphammer Falls pedestrian traffic likely diverted to the Thurston Avenue east sidewalk while the closure was in place. Using the SRF data (recorded when the Triphammer Footbridge was open), the observed pedestrian volumes were adjusted to reflect normal operating conditions. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 11 bridge, it is clear that, with the Triphammer footbridge restored to operation, the two crossings of Fall Creek are operating well within their carrying capacity. Based on the estimated level of pedestrian activity, it was calculated that the sidewalk on the south side of Cradit Farm Drive, just east of Balch Hall, operates at approximately 12 percent of capacity while the sidewalk on the opposite side of Cradit farm Road operates at 14 percent of capacity. The sidewalk that leads to Balch Hall was also calculated to operate at 12 percent of capacity, although that percentage would be higher in the passage up the steps to the entrance to Balch Hall’s courtyard. A summary of the estimated sidewalk Levels of Service is presented graphically in Figure 4. As can be seen from the figure, all of the sidewalks analyzed operate at Level‐of‐Service C or better, indicating that pedestrians have little difficulty in walking to, from or around North campus. 4.2 Intersection Capacity Analyses A summary of current peak‐15‐minute pedestrian and vehicular traffic activity at key intersections on North Campus is provided in Figure 3. As can be seen from the figure, only the intersections of Pleasant Grove Road experience peak15‐minute traffic volumes in excess of 200 vehicles, with between 150 and 200 vehicles encountered at the intersection of Thurston Avenue with Cradit Farm Drive and fewer than 150 vehicles encountered at the remaining intersections. Intersection performance is also assessed based on a letter scale, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions (when motorists can proceed almost unimpeded) while LOS F represents the worst operating conditions (where motorists have difficulty finding acceptable gaps in the passing traffic stream to enter or exit the roadway). Table 2 presents the range of vehicle delays that correspond with each LOS for unsignalized intersections. Table 2 Unsignalized Level-of-Service Criteria for Intersections A review of SRF’s intersection capacity analysis summary revealed that each of the six study intersections is currently operating well within capacity, as all are functioning at LOS C or better. The SRF LOS results are presented graphically in Figure 4. As can be seen from the figure, the North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 12 intersections of Thurston Avenue with Cradit Farm Drive and Wait Avenue, as well as the intersections of Pleasant Grove Road with Jessup Road and Cradit Farm Drive are all operating at LOS C, while the remaining intersections are operating at LOS B or better. 4.3 Crash History Historical crash data for the study area for the six‐year period from 2012 to 2017 were obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation3 (NYSDOT) and from the Cornell University Campus Planning Department4. The crash data were reviewed and tabulated according to location and are summarized in Table 3 below. During the six‐year period, a total of 55 crashes occurred in the study area, with one crash resulting in a fatality and injuries occurring in only 4 crashes. Pedestrians were involved in 4 of the crashes (including the fatal crash) and 1 crash involved a bicyclist. 3 The NYSDOT crash records covered the three‐year period from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2017. 4 The Cornell University crash records covered the five‐year period from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/2016. North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 13 Table 3 – Crash History Summary (2012‐2017) Intersection Total # of All Crashes # of Crashes involving Pedestrians # of Crashes involving Bicyclists Thurston Ave & Cradit Farm Dr 11 2 1 Thurston Ave & Wait Ave/Risley Dr 1 0 0 Wait Ave & Balch Dr 1 0 0 Triphammer Rd & Wait Ave 3 0 0 Triphammer Rd & Northcross Rd/Sisson Pl. 6 0 0 Triphammer Rd & Jessup Rd 6 0 0 Sisson Place (parking lot) 1 0 0 Jessup Rd & Northcross Rd 1 1 (fatality) 0 Jessup Rd & Program House Dr 4 0 0 Jessup Rd & Pleasant Grove Rd 13 0 0 Pleasant Grove Rd & Cradit Farm Dr 4 0 0 Sisson Pl & RPCC Loading Dock 2 0 0 Cradit Farm Dr midblock locations 2 1 0 Total 55 4 1 A more detailed analysis of the data was performed for six (6) of the locations highlighted above in which there were a notable number of crashes at key north campus gateways or crashes that involved pedestrians or bicyclists. The crash records were then further tabulated by collision type (rear‐end, right‐angle, fixed object, etc.) which is presented in Table 4 below. As shown in the table, there were a total of 39crashes at the six (6) key locations, with the most crashes (13) occurring at the intersection of Jessup Road with Pleasant Grove Road. At this location, 3 crashes involved collisions with fixed objects, 3 crashes were categorized as “other”, and rear end and right‐angle collisions were involved in 2 crashes each. Sideswipe, overtaking, and animal collisions were involved in 1 crash each. As shown in the Table 4, there were a total of 11 crashes at the intersection of Thurston Avenue with Cradit Farm Drive. Of these crashes, 2 involved pedestrians and one involved a bicyclist. Of the remaining crashes, 3 were listed as “other,” two were rear‐end crashes, and one each were right turn, overtaking, and fixed object crashes. The number of crashes at the remaining locations were all in the single digits, two of which involved pedestrians; one at an unspecified location on Cradit Farm Drive and the second, which resulted in a fatality, at the intersection of Northcross Road with Jessup Road. The fatal crash occurred on Monday January 26, 2015, at 7:21 a.m. NYSDOT records indicate that a bus traveling southbound from A Lot on Northcross Road turned to the east (left) onto Jessup Road and struck a pedestrian who was crossing Jessup Road. The road surface condition at the time was noted as “snow/ice” and the apparent factors contributing to the crash were listed as “view obstructed/limited” and “unknown” for the bus driver and “pedestrian’s error/confusion” and “not applicable” for the pedestrian. While the fatal crash at the intersection of Northcross Road with Jessup Road was clearly tragic, it was the only crash at this location and, based on the information available, there appears to be no discernable contributory factor that is a correctable condition. Of the remaining crashes, as indicated in Table 4, it appears that there is no discernible pattern of crash type that would North Campus Residential Expansion Circulation Study Existing Conditions April 2018 14 warrant modifications to any of the intersections analyzed except, perhaps, at the intersection of Thurston Avenue with Cradit Farm Drive, where there were three crashes involving pedestrians or bicyclists during the six‐year period. Table 4 – Detailed Accident Summary at Key Locations Note: * Crash with fatality occurred on Monday, January 26, 2015, at 7:21 a.m. NYSDOT records indicate that a bus travelling southbound from A‐Lot on Northcross Road turned to the east (left) onto Jessup Road and struck a pedestrian who was crossing Jessup Road. The road surface condition at the time was noted as “snow/ice” and the apparent factors contributing to the crash were listed as “view obstructed/limited” and “unknown” for the bus driver and “pedestrian’s error/confusion” and “not applicable” for the pedestrian. Intersection Total # of Crashes Collision Type Ped Bicycle Rear end Right-turn Right-angle Left-turn Side-swipe Over-taking Fixed object Animal Other Unknown Thurston Ave/East Ave & Cradit Farm Dr 11 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 Triphammer Rd & Northcross Rd/Sisson Pl. 6 1 1 2 2 Triphammer Rd & Jessup Rd 6 2 1 1 2 Jessup Rd & Northcross Rd 1 1* Jessup Rd & Program House Dr 4 1 1 1 1 Jessup Rd & Pleasant Grove Rd 13 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 Cradit Farm Dr midblock locations 2 1 1 Total 43 4 1 7 2 3 1 4 2 7 1 8 3 Figure 1 – Existing Vehicular and Pedestrian Conflict Points STUDY AREA Figure 2 – Existing Vehicular and Pedestrian Conflict Points Pedestrians Crossing to catch bus at undesignated locations Pedestrians Crossing at busy midblock locations Pedestrians Crossing at busy midblock locations Pedestrians Crossing at multiple locations simultaneously Existing Pedestrian Activity2 1. Based on raw data from SRF Associates Traffic Study 300-400 pedestrians per 15 minutes 200-299 pedestrians per 15 minutes 100-199 pedestrians per 15 minutes 50-99 pedestrians per 15 minutes 25-49 pedestrians per 15 minutes 0-24 pedestrians per 15 minutes Existing Vehicular Activity1 200-250 vehicles per 15 minutes 150-199 vehicles per 15 minutes 100-149 vehicles per 15 minutes 50-99 vehicles per 15 minutes 0-49 vehicles per 15 minutes 2. Based on spot observations conducted March 19 and 20, 2018, as well as video counts conducted in February and March Figure 3 – Existing Vehicular and Pedestrian Peak-15-minute Activity Existing Pedestrian Level of Service2 1. Based on raw data from SRF Associates Traffic Study Existing Vehicular Level of Service1 F E D C B A 2. Based Kimley-Horn Pedestrian Capacity Analysis Figure 4 – Existing Intersection and Sidewalk Operating Conditions F E D C B A Attachment #2 North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road Intersection Design Development Report 2020 LaBella Associates Prepared For: Cornell University 121 Humphreys Service Building Ithaca, New York 14853 Submitted By: LaBella Associates 300 State St, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 454-6110 North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road Intersection 1. Program Goals 1 2. Project Limits 1 3. Relationship to Other Projects 2 1. Design Standards 3 2. Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road Intersection 3 3. Subsurface Investigations 5 4. Pavement Design 5 5. Environmental Considerations 5 6. Landscape and Streetscape 6 7. Wayfinding and Gateway Signage 6 8. Zoning / Code Analysis / Property Rights 6 9. Constructability / Work Zone Traffic Control 6 10. Items of Potential Concern 7 8 1. Opinion of Probable Cost 8 2. Construction Budget 9 Schematic Design Plans Pavement Design and Geotechnical Information Cost Estimate Information Right-of-way Information Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 1 The Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements project (hereafter referred to as “the Project”) involves upgrades to transportation infrastructure within Cornell’s North Campus. The project site is located at the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection. Project elements include pavement reconstruction, new sidewalks and pedestrian paths, “Complete Streets” treatments such as enhanced pedestrian crossings, utility upgrades and relocations, and landscape / streetscape upgrades. The Project is being implemented, in part, to support Cornell University’s North Campus Residential Expansion Project which involves construction of approximately 2,000 new beds, as well as new dining and recreational spaces, within the North Campus. The North Campus Residential Expansion Transportation Feasibility Study was completed in June 2018 and identified several Priority Areas within the North Campus for recommended improvements to benefit safety and mobility for multi-modal and vehicular users. The Project proposes transportation improvements at one of the Priority Areas identified in the Feasibility Study (Priority Area #2 – Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection) and is generally consistent with the study’s recommendations. The proposed transportation improvements will address deficiencies in the existing infrastructure and improve safety and mobility for all users, particularly pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users. In addition, the project addresses an identified major gateway to the campus at Pleasant Grove Road & Cradit Farm Drive. This report has been prepared to accompany the Project’s DesignDevelopment plans, and addresses project elements including Project Goals, Design Considerations, Environmental Considerations, Schedule and Cost. Additional information, where noted, is included in Appendices. 1. Program Goals The following goals have been identified for the Project: Address transportation needs for the proposed North Campus Residential Expansion Project. Improve the condition and address deficiencies of existing transportation infrastructure including pavement, sidewalks and trails. Improve safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and vehicles. Provide traffic calming features to slow / reduce vehicular traffic and therefore benefit safety for non-motorized users. Reduce “thru” traffic traveling through the Forest Home neighborhood on Pleasant Grove Rd. 2. Project Limits Project limits for the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road work areas are depicted in Figures 1. A description of the project limits is as follows: Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road Improvements Cradit Farm Drive, approximately between Pleasant Grove Road and the Appel Field Parking Lot Pleasant Grove Road, approximately between Hasbrouck Circle and 400 ft down the hill toward the Forest Home neighborhood. Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 2 Figure 1: Project Limits – Cradit Farm Dr & Pleasant Grove Rd Intersection 3. Relationship to Other Projects Two Cornell University capital projects are planned in the project area and will require coordination with the North Campus Transportation Improvements project. North Campus Residential Expansion Project Cornell’s North Campus Residential Expansion Project (NCRE) will add 2,000 beds for 1st and 2nd year students, along with new dining and recreational spaces. 1st year housing is planned in the area of the existing Appel fields, north and west of Cradit Farm Drive. 2nd year housing is planned for the current CC Lot site near the intersection of Triphammer Road and Jessup Road. Substantial completion of the NCRE project is expected in late 2021. Coordination will be required between NCRE and the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection improvements to match grades, road & sidewalk alignments, as well as to avoid overlapping construction activities. It is anticipated that the intersection improvements would be constructed after the NCRE project is completed. Balch Hall Renovation Cornell plans to renovate Balch Hall and the surrounding grounds to improve accessibility, with completion estimated in 2021. The Balch Hall project limits extend to the sidewalks along Thurston Avenue and Cradit Farm Drive. Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 3 1. Design Standards The following design standards and guidelines will be used for the Project: Cornell University Design Standards New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Highway Design Manual, Standard Sheets and Standard Specifications Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (“Green Book”) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (“10 State Standards”) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity Cornell University Design Standards and Construction Details will be used unless otherwise noted. Cornell’s design criteria noted that the project should include provisions for internal circulation (pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular) that is complete, coherent, and connected to surrounding circulation systems. “Pedestrian circulation needs to take priority, and all pedestrian facilities should be sized correctly, well-lit, and well-constructed. Landscapes, public spaces and circulation should enhance the experience on North Campus.” 2. Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road Intersection Improvements The Cornell University Signage and Wayfinding Plan notes that a majority of traffic coming from the airport and other areas north of campus navigates to Cornell through the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection. The proposed gateway would reduce “through” traffic traveling through the Forest Home neighborhood by clearly indicating that all University traffic should continue on Cradit Farm Drive towards the Thurston Avenue intersection and Tang Welcome Center. The intersection improvements are designed to give pedestrian traffic priority while slowing vehicular traffic, and provide a gateway for Cornell University. The Forest Home gateway pillars are proposed to be relocated to the lower portion of Pleasant Grove Road past the new gateway intersection with Cradit Farm Drive. In addition to improved pedestrian crossings, the pedestrian network will be expanded to connect to the existing pedestrian network of North Campus. This includes connections to the new North Campus Residential Housing, the trail system at Bebe Lake, and Hasbrouck Apartments. Fire access from Pleasant Grove Road to the North Campus Residential Housing will be shifted to align with Hasbrouck Circle, in the former location of Cradit Farm Drive. This allows the fire access to be separated from the pedestrian crossing at Hasbrouck Circle, and the pedestrian connection can also be ADA compliant. Refer to Drawings in Appendix A for proposed work at the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection. Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 4 One intersection alternative has been developed for the Design Development phase. This alternative involves the realignment of Pleasant Grove Road and relocation of the Cradit Farm Drive intersection approximately 400 feet south of the existing intersection. The northern leg of Pleasant Grove Road would continue straight through to Cradit Farm Drive, so that the resulting roadway is the “through” street. The eastern leg of Pleasant Grove Road would terminate at the new intersection with Cradit Farm Drive, with a modern roundabout intersection control(Yield control for all approaches). The intersection realignment is proposed to address existing concerns, including: Increase efficiency and reduce delay for dominant traffic movements between Pleasant Grove Road north leg and Cradit Farm Drive Reduce “through” traffic traveling along Pleasant Grove Road east leg, to and from the Forest Home neighborhood Provide opportunities for gateway features for the Cornell campus and Forest Home neighborhood. The following project elements are proposed and apply to the intersection alternative: Pavement reconstruction: the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection will be reconstructed, as well as the adjacent road segments. New pavement and curbing will be installed. Sidewalks: New concrete sidewalks will be installed along Pleasant Grove Road north of the intersection. The existing asphalt trail along Cradit Farm Drive will be extended to the new intersection. Bicycle Lanes: Five foot wide bicycle lanes are proposed along Pleasant Grove Road (north segment) and Cradit Farm Drive within the project limits. Drainage Improvements: A new drainage system including catch basins and segments of trunk lines will be installed to serve the new intersection and road segments. The new system would connect to existing drainage systems. Utilities: Significant utility work, including horizontal and vertical relocation, is required to accommodate the new road and intersection alignments and changes in grade, as the proposed intersection would be approximately four feet lower than the existing grade. The following utilities require relocation within the project area: o Water o Sanitary Sewer o Gas o Electric (underground and overhead) o Cable / communication (overhead) Lighting: New light poles and fixtures will be installed to illuminate the intersection and approaches. The proposed lighting fixtures and design would be consistent with lighting systems planned for the NCRE project. Signs and Pavement Markings: New pavement markings and traffic control signs will be installed within the project limits. Landscape/Streetscape/Gateway Features: New landscaping and streetscape elements will be installed within the project limits. A small number of trees along Cradit Farm Drive would be impacted by the project. Existing decorative light poles and pedestals on Pleasant Grove Road, denoting the boundary of the Forest Home neighborhood, will be relocated. Additional gateway treatments will be considered during detailed design. Preliminary feedback from Cornell University, Tompkins County and Town of Ithaca stakeholders indicate a preference for the Roundabout intersection alternative, provided that jurisdiction and maintenance responsibilities can be agreed upon by all parties (see Section B.9: Items of Potential Concern). Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 5 3. Subsurface Investigations Subsurface investigations including pavement cores and soil borings were completed to assess existing pavement and soil conditions at the Thurston Avenue and Cradit Farm Drive / Pleasant Grove Road project areas. The investigations were performed to aid in pavement design as well as verify that groundwater and bedrock are not present within the areas of planned disturbance. Refer to Appendix B for the following documents summarizing the subsurface investigations: Geotechnical Engineering Design Memorandum prepared by LaBella, dated October 9, 2019 Pavement Evaluation Report prepared by LaBella, dated October 2019 4. Pavement Design Refer to Appendix B for the Pavement Evaluation Report, which documents existing pavement conditions and the proposed pavement design. A summary of the report is presented herein. Existing pavement conditions were verified through field visits and subsurface investigations (pavement cores). Pavement conditions are generally poor to fair, with alligator, transverse, longitudinal and edge cracking noted at various locations. Existing pavement sections are as follows: Cradit Farm Drive – 5.75” to 6” combined top course and binder course HMA; Pleasant Grove Road – 7” combined top course, binder course and base course HMA. Subgrade material is generally brown/gray coarse to fine sand with some gravel. Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) calculations were performed based on the expected vehicle loading to determine the recommended pavement section. The recommended pavement section was determined to be 6.5” HMA over 12” of stone subbase. Considering the existing pavement condition, generally inadequate existing pavement thickness, and desire to achieve an extended service life of 20+ years, reconstruction of pavement within the project area is recommended. Two alternatives for new pavement section were considered: NYSDOT Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual Methodology: 12” stone subbase, 3” asphalt base course, 2” asphalt binder course, 1.5” asphalt top course. Cornell Heavy Duty Pavement Section: Filter fabric Mirafi 500X or equivalent, 15” stone subbase, 4.5” asphalt binder course, 1.5” asphalt top course. The NYSDOT pavement section includes asphalt base course yet is slightly less expensive than the Cornell section. Therefore, the NYSDOT pavement section of 6.5” total asphalt courses and 12” stone subbase course is recommended for all pavement reconstruction areas in this project. 5. Environmental Considerations Stormwater Management: The Project will conform to standards and requirements of the NYSDEC State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit program. Specific requirements for Water Quality and Water Quantity treatment will be reviewed during Detailed Design phases. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required and will be prepared during Detailed Design phases. Erosion Control: An erosion and sediment control plan will be prepared during Detailed Design phases. Green Infrastructure: Green infrastructure practices (such as rain gardens, bioswales and permeable pavement surfaces) will be considered during Detailed Design phases. Hazardous Materials: It is assumed that hazardous materials such as asbestos and petroleum will not be encountered within the project area. Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 6 6. Landscape and Streetscape Landscape improvements are proposed at the project location and will include a plant palate to provide seasonal interest coinciding with points during the academic year. The locations of proposed improvements and plant masses have been chosen with consideration for maintenance, drought, and tolerance for salt and deer. Trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses will be selected from those currently used on campus with a track record for high performance, and will be installed per Cornell University Standard Details. Hardscape materials will consist of those widely used on campus that have a record of high performance given the harsh winter conditions. This also provides consistency as one moves across campus. Proposed materials will include but are not limited to concrete pavement, granite pavers, granite seating walls, granite setts and asphalt pavement. Site furnishings and site lighting will also be consistent with Cornell Design Standards and will be consistent with others within the North Campus. Installation of hardscape, site furnishings and lighting will be per Cornell Standard Details. Refer to Landscape Drawings in Appendix A for proposed landscape concept designs. 7. Wayfinding and Gateway Signage Signage will be designed and located based on recommendations of the Cornell University Signage and Wayfinding Plan 2016. Proposed signage includes gateway signage at the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection, wayfinding signage for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic, and banners. Refer to Landscape Drawings in Appendix A for sample wayfinding and gateway signage concepts. 8. Zoning / Code Analysis / Property Rights Conformance to Existing Plans: The Project is consistent with the Cornell University Master Plan, specifically Part II.3.IV.a – North Campus. The project is also consistent with Cornell’s North Campus Residential Expansion Transportation Feasibility Study and Signage and Wayfinding Plan 2016. Zoning and Municipal Approvals: The Project will conform to all required municipal coordination and approvals, which may include the Town of Ithaca (Site Plan Approval). Right-of-way: Modifications to existing right-of-way are expected to be required at the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection due to the new roadway and intersection alignment. The Project may result in transfers of land from Cornell to Tompkins County and vice- versa to establish new right-of-way for the re-aligned Pleasant Grove Road. Final right-of-way boundaries will be determined during Detailed Design phases. Existing right-of-way maps (tax maps) are included in Appendix D. 9. Constructability / Work Zone Traffic Control The proposed project will require coordination with other Cornell capital projects as well as consideration of the school schedule to minimize impacts to Cornell and other local traffic. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic would need to be maintained through the work areas to the extent practicable, Work zone traffic control design will be advanced during the Detailed Design phases. Construction of the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection in particular may require temporary closures during construction of the roundabout. If concrete pavement is used within the project areas, vehicular Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 7 traffic may be restricted during the curing process. Detour routes would require coordination with owners of the affected roadways including the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Tompkins County. Temporary pavement or sidewalks may be required to maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic through or around the work areas. 10. Items of Potential Concern The following items have been identified as requiring additional coordination or consideration as the project is progressed into detailed design: Maintenance Jurisdiction: Several entities have ownership and maintenance jurisdiction over the roadways within the project limits. Coordination will be required throughout the Detailed Design phases to ensure ownership and maintenance responsibilities are agreed upon by all parties. Table 1 summarizes the existing ownership & maintenance jurisdiction for roadways within the project limits. Table 1: Existing Ownership & Maintenance Jurisdiction Entity Ownership & Maintenance Jurisdiction Roadways Utilities Cornell University Cradit Farm Dr (ownership 250 ft east of Thurston Ave to Pleasant Grove Rd; maintenance of entire road) Cradit Farm Dr – water, sewer and lighting Thurston Ave - lighting Tompkins County Pleasant Grove Rd (ownership only) N/A Town of Ithaca Pleasant Grove Rd (maintenance only) Pleasant Grove Rd - sewer Bolton Point N/A Pleasant Grove Rd – water The proposed intersection of Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road is of particular concern with respect to ownership and maintenance jurisdiction. The Town of Ithaca and Tompkins County have indicated a preference against maintaining specialty features associated with a roundabout including islands, landscaping and gateway features. If the roundabout alternative is selected, Cornell would likely assume maintenance responsibility for the roundabout features, while the Town of Ithaca would continue to be responsible for snow removal and basic pavement maintenance. Ownership and maintenance jurisdiction for utilities within the project area are not expected to change as a result of the project. Utility Impacts: The proposed re-alignment of the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection is expected to result in the need for horizontal and vertical relocation of utilities within the project area. Coordination is required with the various utility owners through the Detailed Design phases. Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Intersection Design Development Report May 2020 8 Utility Drawings in Appendix A depict the proposed conceptual utility alignments at the Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road intersection, as well as existing utility lines that would require removal or abandonment. Table 2 summarizes the anticipated schedule of the North Campus Transportation Improvements project. Table 2: Project Schedule Activity Date Completed / Anticipated Project Initiation June 2019 Schematic Design October 2019 Design Development May 2020 Construction Documents December 2020 Bid & Award Late 2021 Construction (See Notes 1 and 2) 2022-2023 Notes: 1. Construction of transportation improvements is expected to follow NCRE and Balch Hall projects. Schedule changes for those projects may affect construction schedule of this project. 2. Cornell will determine which season the project is constructed in based on conditions at the time of bid and award and deconflict with other projects on campus. 1. Opinion of Probable Cost A conceptual opinion of probable construction cost has been prepared and is summarized in Table 3. Costs are provided for the roundabout intersection alternative at Cradit Farm Drive & Pleasant Grove Road. Additional data and calculations related to the opinion of probable construction cost are included in Appendix C. Estimates include construction items, Mobilization and a 20% contingency. The estimates do not include design or inspection costs. Design Development Plans DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ cvr_b.dgn C-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 5:55 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 1 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY C-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 GRID NORTH LOCATION MAP N.T.S. LABELLA ASSOCIATES, D.P.C. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14614 300 STATE STREET, SUITE 201 CORNELL UNIVERSITY CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK PLEASANT GROVE ROAD CRADIT FARM DRIVE AND NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS COVER SHEET E EMH G GP GSB GV HYD LP LPG PP SA SMH ST T TCB TELBOX TEL P TMH CTV W WSB WV AHEAD AZIMUTH BACK BASELINE BEARING CENTERLINE CURVE TO SPIRAL SUPERELEVATION RATE (CROSS SLOPE) EQUALITY EXTERNAL HORIZONTAL CONTROL LINE HEADLIGHT SIGHT DISTANCE LENGTH OF CIRCULAR CURVE LENGTH OF SPIRAL LENGTH OF VERTICAL CURVE CENTER CORRECTION OF VERTICAL CURVE MAIN LINE POINT OF CURVATURE POINT OF INTERSECTION POINT ON LINE PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE POINT OF TANGENT POINT OF VERTICAL CURVE POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION POINT OF VERTICAL TANGENT RADIUS SPIRAL TO CURVE STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE SPIRAL TO TANGENT STATION TANGENT LENGTH THEORETICAL GRADE LINE TANGENT TO SPIRAL VERTICAL CURVE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC MANHOLE GAS GUY POLE GAS SERVICE BOX (HOUSE LINE) GAS VALVE (MAIN LINE) HYDRANT LIGHT POLE LOW PRESSURE GAS POWER POLE SANITARY SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE STORM SEWER TELEPHONE TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX TELEPHONE BOX TELEPHONE POLE TELEPHONE MANHOLE CABLE TELEVISION WATER WATER SERVICE BOX (HOUSE LINE) WATER VALVE (MAIN LINE) ALIGNMENT SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION HAND AUGER CONE PENETROMETER DRILLING MUD HOLLOW FLIGHT AUGER POWER AUGER PROBE PERCOLATION TEST HOLE TO BE DEFINED AT THE TIME OF EXPLORATION SEISMIC POINT TEST PIT BRIDGE CUT DAM FILL CULVERT WALL AH CP DA DM DN FH PA PH PT RP SP TP B C D F K W X IS MADE BE DEFINED AT THE TIME THE EXPLORATION TO BE USED IF ONE OF THE ABOVE CANNOT ABUT AOBE ASPH BDY BLDG BM CC CONC CONST CR D DM DWY EP ES FP FD FL GAR GR HO HWY IP MB MON N&W OG O/H P PAV'T PE PED POLE p POR RR RTE ROW FEE WO/A ABUTMENT AS ORDERED BY ENGINEER ASPHALT BOUNDARY BUILDING BENCH MARK CENTER TO CENTER CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COUNTY ROAD DEED DISTANCE DIRECT MEASUREMENT DRIVEWAY EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDGE OF SHOULDER FENCE POST FOUNDATION FENCE LINE GARAGE GRAVEL HOUSE HIGHWAY IRON PIN OR IRON PIPE MAILBOX MONUMENT NAIL AND WASHER ORIGINAL GROUND OVERHEAD PARCEL PAVEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PEDESTRIAN POLE PROPERTY LINE PORCH RAILROAD ROUTE RIGHT OF WAY TOPOGRAPHY (MISCELLANEOUS) RW SH SHLDR RETAINING WALL STATE HIGHWAY SHOULDER BOTTOM OF BANK (STREAM) BOTTOM OF CURB BOTTOM OF OPENING CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE CATCH BASIN CAST IRON PIPE CENTERLINE OF STREAM CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CONCRETE PIPE BB BC BO CAP CB CIP c STRM CMP CP CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE CULVERT DIAMETER DRAINAGE MANHOLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE PIPE DITCH CROSSING EXTREME HIGH WATER ELEVATION ELEVATION EXTREME LOW WATER END SECTION HEADWALL INVERT MANHOLE MEAN HIGH WATER ORDINARY HIGH WATER ORDINARY LOW WATER REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE TOP OF BANK (STREAM) TOP OF CURB TOP OF GRATE VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE CSP CULV DIA DMH DS D'XING EHW EL ELEV ELW ES HW INV MH MHW OHW OLW RCP TB TC TG VCP SPK ST STK STY SW TE TO U/G WW SPIKE STREET STAKE STORY SIDEWALK TEMPORARY EASEMENT TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY UNDERGROUND WING WALL AH AZ BK b BRG c CS e EQ EXT HCL HSD L LS LVC E f PC PI POL PSD PT PVC PVI PVT R SC SSD ST STA T TGL TS VC FEE ACQUISITION WITHOUT ACCESS FEE FEE ACQUISITION ABBR.DESCRIPTION REPLACE ABBREVIATION "AB" WITH: ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION UTILITIES TOPOGRAPHY (DRAINAGE) ft GALLON ' mi lb LB MI (PLANS) SYMBOL STANDARD (SPECS/PROPOSAL) NOMENCLATURE: EQUIVALENT DA, DM, DN, AND FH WITH: ABBREVIATION "C" IN CATAGORIES: CUBIC YARDCY MILES ACRES LINEAR FEET TON TON TON GAL POUND GAL AC AC 4 INCHES CASED DRILL HOLE 1 INCH SAMPLER (RETRACTABLE PLUG) 2‚ INCHES CASED DRILL HOLE QUANTITIES SHEET ESTIMATE OF ITEM PAYMENT UNIT: SICPP SMOOTH INTERIOR CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE Yd2 Yd SY SQUARE YARD 3 DESCRIPTIONABBR. ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION ABBR.DESCRIPTION WV WSB W CTV TMH TEL P TELBOX TCB T ST SMH SA PP LPG LP HYD GV GSB GP G EMH E VERTICAL CURVE TANGENT TO SPIRAL THEORETICAL GRADE LINE TANGENT LENGTH STATION SPIRAL TO TANGENT STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE SPIRAL TO CURVE RADIUS POINT OF VERTICAL TANGENT POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION POINT OF VERTICAL CURVE POINT OF TANGENT PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE POINT ON LINE POINT OF INTERSECTION POINT OF CURVATURE MAIN LINE CENTER CORRECTION OF VERTICAL CURVE LENGTH OF VERTICAL CURVE LENGTH OF SPIRAL LENGTH OF CIRCULAR CURVE HEADLIGHT SIGHT DISTANCE HORIZONTAL CONTROL LINE EXTERNAL EQUALITY SUPERELEVATION RATE (CROSS SLOPE) CURVE TO SPIRAL CENTERLINE BEARING BASELINE BACK AZIMUTH AHEAD WATER VALVE (MAIN LINE) WATER SERVICE BOX (HOUSE LINE) WATER CABLE TELEVISION TELEPHONE MANHOLE TELEPHONE POLE TELEPHONE BOX TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX TELEPHONE STORM SEWER SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER POWER POLE LOW PRESSURE GAS LIGHT POLE HYDRANT GAS VALVE (MAIN LINE) GAS SERVICE BOX (HOUSE LINE) GUY POLE GAS ELECTRIC MANHOLE ELECTRIC ALIGNMENT UTILITIES ABUT AOBE ASPH BDY BLDG BM CC CONC CONST CR D DM DWY EP ES FP FD FL GAR GR HO HWY IP MB MON N&W OG O/H P PAV'T PE PED POLE p POR RR RTE ROW FEE WO/A ABUTMENT AS ORDERED BY ENGINEER ASPHALT BOUNDARY BUILDING BENCH MARK CENTER TO CENTER CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COUNTY ROAD DEED DISTANCE DIRECT MEASUREMENT DRIVEWAY EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDGE OF SHOULDER FENCE POST FOUNDATION FENCE LINE GARAGE GRAVEL HOUSE HIGHWAY IRON PIN OR IRON PIPE MAILBOX MONUMENT NAIL AND WASHER ORIGINAL GROUND OVERHEAD PARCEL PAVEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT PEDESTRIAN POLE PROPERTY LINE PORCH RAILROAD ROUTE RIGHT OF WAY TOPOGRAPHY (MISCELLANEOUS) RW SH SHLDR RETAINING WALL STATE HIGHWAY SHOULDER BOTTOM OF BANK (STREAM) BOTTOM OF CURB BOTTOM OF OPENING CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE CATCH BASIN CAST IRON PIPE CENTERLINE OF STREAM CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CONCRETE PIPE BB BC BO CAP CB CIP c STRM CMP CP TOPOGRAPHY (DRAINAGE) TOPOGRAPHY (DRAINAGE) CON'T CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE CULVERT DIAMETER DRAINAGE MANHOLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE PIPE DITCH CROSSING EXTREME HIGH WATER ELEVATION ELEVATION EXTREME LOW WATER END SECTION HEADWALL INVERT MANHOLE MEAN HIGH WATER ORDINARY HIGH WATER ORDINARY LOW WATER REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE TOP OF BANK (STREAM) TOP OF CURB TOP OF GRATE VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE SMOOTH INTERIOR CORRUGATED PE CSP CULV DIA DMH DS D'XING EHW EL ELEV ELW ES HW INV MH MHW OHW OLW RCP TB TC TG VCP SICPP SPK ST STK STY SW TE TO U/G WW SPIKE STREET STAKE STORY SIDEWALK TEMPORARY EASEMENT TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY UNDERGROUND WING WALL VC TS TGL T STA ST SSD SC R PVT PVI PVC PT PSD POL PI PC f E LVC LS L HSD HCL EXT EQ e CS c BRG b BK AZ AH FEE ACQUISITION WITHOUT ACCESS FEE FEE ACQUISITION ADBE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER EXIST EXISTING MAXIMUMMAX MIN MINIMUM TYP TYPICAL ABBREVIATIONS DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ leg_b.dgn LEG-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 6:06 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 2 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY LEG-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 ALIGNMENT CONTROL DRAINAGE ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPE ROW MAPPING STRIPING TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE AC AD_P AT_P CONTROL (CENTERLINE) DETOUR CB CBPR DCP DCP_P DDG_P DDP_P DDS_P DFL_P EBLHS ECT EDMC DAM, COFFER TYPE CURTAIN, TURBIDITY BALE, HAY/STRAW FLOW LINE DITCH, STONE LINED DITCH, PAVED INVERT DITCH, GRASS LINED CULVERT PIPE (DIR) CULVERT PIPE BASELINE BASELINE, PROJECTION SHEET PILING EFNS EFNV EWAA_P EWFS EWM EWS WETLAND, STATE WETLAND, MITIGATION AREA WETLAND, FEDERAL WETLAND, ADJACENT AREA FENCE, VEGETATION FENCE, SILT EDMEC_P EDMPC_P EDMSC_P DAM, EARTHEN, CHECK DAM, PREFAB, CHECK DAM, STONE, CHECK LABL LAHR LAPB LAWA LAWE LCUT_P LFILL_P LFNC LTRC AREA, BRUSH LINE AREA, HEDGE ROW AREA, PLANTING BED AREA, WATERS EDGE CUT LIMIT FILL LIMIT FENCE TREE ROW, CONIFEROUS MDL MEE HIGHWAY BOUNDARY EASEMENT, EXISTING DEED LINE RG RRPLS_P RRPSS RRSLS_P BROKEN LINE TCSW TMBCD_P TMBCDL_P TMBT_P TMBTL_P TMDB_P TMDBL_P DEVICE, BARRELS, LIGHTED DEVICE, BARRELS BARRICADES, LIGHTED BARRICADES SIGNAL, SPAN WIRE UC TRANSITION CONTROL SIGNS SM SSO SSOC MULTIPLE POST STRUCTURE, OVERHEAD RRS RUMBLE STRIP DSSD SLOTTED DRAIN STB* EWF STYLE NAME DESCRIPTION BRIDGE BR RAIL BSHT FENCE, SILT & VEGETATIONEFNSV WETLAND, FEDERAL AND STATE SBLB BILLBOARDS STRUCTURE, OVHD. CANTILEVER DESCRIPTIONNAMESTYLE AREA, WOODED AREA OUTLINE MEP_P EASEMENT, PERMANENT MEPA_P EASEMENT, PERMANENT, APPROX. MET_P EASEMENT, TEMPORARY META_P EASEMENT. TEMPORARY, APPROX. MF_P MFA_P FEE ACQUISITION, APPROXIMATE MFS_P FEE ACQUISITION, SHAPE MFWOA_P FEE ACQUISITION, W/O ACCESS MHB MHBA HIGHWAY BOUNDARY, APPROX. MHBW HWY BOUNDARY, FACE OF WALL MHBWOA HIGHWAY BOUNDARY, W/O ACCESS MJC JURISDICTION, CITY MJCY JURISDICTION, COUNTY MJHD JURISDICTION, HISTORIC DISTRICT MJLL JURIS., (GREAT, MILITARY) LOT LINE MJN JURISDICTION, NATION MJPB JURISDICTION, PUBLIC LANDS MJS JURISDICTION, STATE MJT JURISDICTION, TOWN MJV JURISDICTION, VILLAGE MPL PROPERTY LOT LINE PROPERTY LOT LINE, APPROXIMATEMPLA MSL SUB LOT LINE ROADWAY DESCRIPTIONNAMESTYLE GUIDE RAIL, MISCELLANEOUS RGB GUIDE RAIL, BOX BEAM RGBM GUIDE RAIL, BOX BEAM, MEDIAN RGC GUIDE RAIL, CABLE RGCB GUIDE RAIL, CONCRETE BARRIER GUIDE POST RGW GUIDE RAIL, W BEAM RGWM GUIDE RAIL, W BEAM, MEDIAN RPB PARKING BUMPER RRC RAIL ROAD, CATENARY RRER RAIL ROAD, 3RD RAIL RAIL, PHOTO, LARGE SCALE RAIL, PHOTO, SMALL SCALE RAIL, SURVEY, LARGE SCALE RRSSS RAIL, SURVEY, SMALL SCALE RGP_P DOUBLE BROKEN LINESTDB* STDL*DOTTED LINE LONG STDS*DOTTED LINE SHORT STFB*FULL BARRIER LINE STH*HATCH LINE BARRIER, TEMPORARY BARRIER, TEMPORARY, LIGHTED TMDC_P DEVICE, CONES CONDUIT, UNDERGROUND UCH CONDUIT, HANGING UCO CONDUIT, OVERHEAD UE ELECTRIC LINE, UNDERGROUND UEH ELECTRIC LINE, HANGING UEO ELECTRIC LINE, OVERHEAD UESS ELECTRIC, SUBSTATIONS UFO FIBER OPTIC, UNDERGROUND UFOH FIBER OPTIC, HANGING UFOO FIBER OPTIC, OVERHEAD UG GAS, UNDERGROUND UGH GAS, HANGING UGO GAS, OVERHEAD UIC INFORM CABLE, UNDERGROUND UICH INFORM CABLE, HANGING OIL LINE, UNDERGROUNDUO UOH OIL LINE, HANGING UPBP POLE, BRACE, PUSH BRACE UPBW POLE, GUY WIRE USA USAH SANITARY SEWER, HANGING SANITARY SEWER, UNDERGROUND UT TELEPHONE, UNDERGROUND UTH TELEPHONE, HANGING UTO TELEPHONE, OVERHEAD UUU UNKNOWN, UNDERGROUND UUH UNKNOWN, HANGING UUO UNKNOWN, OVERHEAD UW WATER LINE, UNDERGROUND UWH WATER LINE, HANGING UWO WATER LINE, OVERHEAD UTILITIES UETO ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION, OVERHEAD USAF SANITARY SEWER, FORCE MAIN, UGND USAFH SANITARY SEWER, FORCE MAIN, HANG UTV UTVH UTVO CABLE TV, UNDERGROUND CABLE TV, HANGING CABLE TV, OVERHEAD FEE ACQUISITION, W/ ACCESS LTRD LWR LWS WALL, RETAINING TREE ROW, DECIDUOUS WALL, STONE STXL* LWH WALL, H PILE STPB*PARTIAL BARRIER LINE STRCT ROUNDABOUT, CAT TRACKS STRYL ROUNDABOUT, YIELD LINE STSB STOP BAR STSE SOLID, EDGE X WALK, LADDER LINE * = W (WHITE) OR Y (YELLOW) 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. EXISTING FEATURES. FEATURES SHOWN AT THE HEAVIER WEIGHT ARE PROPOSED ONLY AND DO NOT HAVE CORRESPONDING THE PAVEMENT EDGE, PAVEMENT EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY) AND SHOULD BE LABELED ON THE PLANS. MAPPING FEATURES NOT INCLUDED ON THE LEGEND SHEET DO NOT HAVE A UNIQUE SYMBOLOGY (SUCH AS LINE WEIGHT FOR PROPOSED FEATURES IS THICKER (0.40 MM ON B SIZE DRAWINGS). PROPOSED FEATURE SYMBOLOGY IS IDENTICAL TO EXISTING FEATURE SYMBOLOGY EXCLUDING LINE WEIGHT. FEATURES SHOWN ON THE LEGEND AS EXISTING FEATURES ALSO HAVE CORRESPONDING PROPOSED FEATURES. OR POINT (SIGN, UTILITY POLE, ETC.). FEATURES ARE SHOWN AS EITHER LINEAR (ROADWAY GUIDERAIL, ROADWAY SIDEWALK, UTILITY LINES, ETC.) THE LEGEND ILLUSTRATES MAPPING FEATURES (EXISTING AND PROPOSED). LINE LEGEND DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ leg_b.dgn LEG-2 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 6:07 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 3 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY LEG-2 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. CBP CBPOL CBSP CBTP CPBM CPH CPSM CPSV BENCHMARK DRAINAGE DINV DS STRUCTURE, RECTANGULAR INVERT TRAP, SEDIMENT WETLAND FLAG DRILL HOLE ELEVATION, SPOT FLAG POLE MAILBOX PAPER BOX ROCK, BOULDER SHRUB, CONIFEROUS SHRUB, DECIDUOUS TREE, CONIFEROUS TREE, DECIDUOUS TREE, STUMP SINGLE POST DELINEATORS REFERENCE MARKERS SHLD, INTERSTATE SHLD, NATIONAL, 2 DIG. SHLD, NATIONAL, 3 DIG. SHLD, STATE, 2 DIG. SHLD, STATE, 3 DIG. SHLD, STATE, 4 DIG. SHLD, CTY, 123 DIG. SHLD, CTY, 4 DIG. SHLD, CTY TOUR, 1-2 DIG. SHLD, CTY TOUR, 3-4 DIG. GUIDE RAIL, ANCHOR GUIDE POST, SINGLE EWFG GDH LELS LFP LMB LPB LPST LRB LSHC LSHD LTC LTD LTS LUKP LANDSCAPE GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL ROADWAY SIGNS SDEL SRM RES P RGA RGP GB SF S GAS, METER GAS, MANHOLE GAS, LINE MARKER GAS/FUEL PUMP GAS, VALVE GAS, VENT LIGHTING, POLE LIGHTING, POLE, MEDIAN LIGHTING, POLE, PED. MISC. FILLER CAP OIL, LINE MARKER TELEPHONE, LINE MARKER TELEPHONE, MANHOLE CABLE TV, LINE MARKER CABLE TV, PULL BOX UNKNOWN, MANHOLE UNKNOWN, VALVE WATER, FIRE HYDRANT WATER, METER WATER, MANHOLE WATER, VALVE WATER, WELL UGM UGMH UGLM UGP UGV UGVT ULP ULPM ULPP UMFC UOLM UP UPD UPL USMH UTB UTLM UTMH UTVPB UUJB UUMH UUVL UWFH UWM UWMH UWV UWW G G O P T C C W W SPM PARKING METER STR., INLET PROT., GRAVEL BAG STR., INLET PROT., HAY/STRAW STR., INLET PROT., PREFAB. STR., INLET PROT., SILT FENCE STR., INLET, OUTLET PROT. UNKNOWN, JUNCTION BOX UTVLM POST, SINGLE FP S T W "XX" = 48, 60, 72, 96 UUB UNKNOWN, BOX UUPB UNKNOWN, PULL BOX UUVT UNKNOWN, VENT U UUW UNKNOWN, WELL PT., WALL LOCATION PT., TREE W/ WIRE PT., STAKE PT., RAILROAD SPIKE PT., SPIKE PT., NAIL PT., MONUMENT, MISC. PT., MONUMENT PT., IRON ROD PT., IRON PIPE PT., FENCE LOCATION PT., DRILL HOLE HISTORICAL, BLDG. CORNERS HIGHWAY BNDRY., APPROX. HIGHWAY BNDRY, PT. EASEMENT, PERM., SHAPE DEED LINE, TYPE 1 DEED LINE, TYPE 2 DEED LINE, TYPE 3 DEED LINE, TYPE 4 DEED LINE, TYPE 5 EASEMENT, EXISTING EASEMENT, PERM., APPROX. BOX, JUNCTION BOX, PULL BOX BOX, SPLICE MICROCOMPUTER CABINET PED POLE SIGNAL HEADS SIGNAL POLE ROW MAPPING MDL1P MDL2P MDL3P MDL4P MDL5P MEEP MHBCP MHBP MPCC MPDH MPF MPIP MPIR MPM MPMM MPN MPRS MPSP MPST MPTW MPWL TRAFFIC TCBJ TCBP TCMC TCPP TCSH TCSP C ELECTRIC, BOX ELECTRIC, METER ELECTRIC, MANHOLE ELECTRIC, POLE, TRANS. UEB UEM UEMH UEPT E E E MJCP PT., JURIS. CITY PT., CROSS CUT TCBS UTILITIES EASEMENT, PERM., BACK LINEEASEMENT, PERM., BACK LINE H/S DSMTXX_P 1 2 3 4 5 MEPAP_P MEPP_P MEPSP_P MFAP_P MFP_P MFSP_P EIOP_P EIPGB_P EIPHS_P EIPP_P EIPSF_P ETRS_P G CELL DESCRIPTION CELL DESCRIPTION BASELINE, POINT BASELINE, POINT ON LINE BASELINE, SPUR POINT BASELINE, TIE POINT POINT, HORIZ. PHOTOGRAMMETRY POINT, SURVEY MARKER, PERM. POINT, VERT., PHOTOGRAMMETRY RISER, CONCRETE BOXERCB LTW P TREE, WELL OR WALL ELEVATION, SPOT UNKNOWN POINT S P SINGLE POST, PROPOSED SB P BACK TO BACK, PROPOSED RFM NAME NAME SRSC3 SRSC4 SRSCT2 SRSCT4 SRSI SRSN2 SRSN3 SRSS2 SRSS3 SRSS4 A A FEE ACQUISITION, BACK LINE FEE ACQUISITION, APPROX. FEE ACQUISITION, SHAPE A MHBAP MPBC PT., BUILDING CORNER DESCRIPTIONNAMECELL POLE, WITH UTILITY POLE, DEAD (NO UTILITY) POLE, WITH LIGHT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TELEPHONE, BOOTH DSI STRUCTURE, INVERT DSM STRUCTURE, MANHOLE DSR STRUCTURE, ROUND DST"X"CB P TYPE "XX" STRUCTURE, MANHOLE, STRUCTURE, RECT., TYPE "X" TYPE "X" STRUCTURE, RECT., WITH CURB DST"X" P "X" = I, K, L, M, O, P, U "X" = F, G, N, O, P, R PRFB CULV ALIGNMENT CONTROL CELL NAME DESCRIPTION EXISTING FEATURES. FEATURES SHOWN AT THE HEAVIER WEIGHT ARE PROPOSED ONLY AND DO NOT HAVE CORRESPONDING THE PAVEMENT EDGE, PAVEMENT EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY) AND SHOULD BE LABELED ON THE PLANS. MAPPING FEATURES NOT INCLUDED ON THE LEGEND SHEET DO NOT HAVE A UNIQUE SYMBOLOGY (SUCH AS LINE WEIGHT FOR PROPOSED FEATURES IS THICKER (0.40 MM ON B SIZE DRAWINGS). PROPOSED FEATURE SYMBOLOGY IS IDENTICAL TO EXISTING FEATURE SYMBOLOGY EXCLUDING LINE WEIGHT. FEATURES SHOWN ON THE LEGEND AS EXISTING FEATURES ALSO HAVE CORRESPONDING PROPOSED FEATURES. OR POINT (SIGN, UTILITY POLE, ETC.). FEATURES ARE SHOWN AS EITHER LINEAR (ROADWAY GUIDERAIL, ROADWAY SIDEWALK, UTILITY LINES, ETC.) THE LEGEND ILLUSTRATES MAPPING FEATURES (EXISTING AND PROPOSED). POINT LEGEND DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ leg_b.dgn LEG-3 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 6:08 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 4 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY LEG-3 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 4"W H- 14 2 6"W4"W 6"W 4"W 4"W 4"W6"W 6"W BPW 4"W 6"W 4"W BPW 10"W 8" W H-143 12"W 12" W 12"W 12"W 6"W 10"W B.P.WATER 6"W 6"PUMPED SAN(FROM FOREST HOME) 12"X 12"X 6"X 4 "X 4" X 6"X 4 "X 6"X 4"X 4"X 6"X 6"X 6"X 4"X 4 "X 4"X 4"X ABAND 6"X ABAND 8"X APPROX LOC 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"G 1"G4"G 2"G1"G 4"MPG 1"G 2"G1"G1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G4"MPG 3/4"G 4"MPG 3/ 4"G 4"G 4"G 1" G4"G 4"MPG 2"G1"G 2"G 1"G1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G 3/4"G 4"MPG 1 1/4"G 1"G 2"G 1" G 2"G 4"G1"G 4"G4"MPG3/4"G 4"G ABAND E AB AND E 8" 18" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 18" 18" 30" 8" 8" 6" 36" 8" 6" 12" 36" 12" 4" 8" 8" 12 " 12 " 12" 36" OB PED 10" 10" 6" 7" 4" 80K NYSEG 360 16" S3 F41 NAIL 6" S3 F3 6" 6" 6" S3 B12 F F:916.3 8' NYSEG 37 HILL 5" 10" F F:917.39' 8" 8" F F:917.39' 20" F F:917.40' 3" 15 MPH S3 F4 10" 4" 3" S3 E39 5" ELECT POST INFO 8" 20" 10" 6" NYSEG 39 4 6" 10" 34A 12" Wl 5T 12" 10" HASBROUK 6" 3' CLF 16" 3" 10" S3 F5 PED-X 8" 20" S3 B9 6" 10" 10" ARROW 14" 36" F F:916.40' CONC PAD 18" 12" PED X 12" 6" 6" 20 MPH F F:917.40' 8" STOP 8" 8" 15" S3 B13 77 690 CORNELL F F:916.35' 6" 10" 14" 6" F F:916.35'CONC PAD 14" F F:917.40' S3 F2 6" F F:916.3 8'CONC PAD F F:916.36' CONC PAD 8" 20 MPH 3' CLF 6" 8" 8" 6" 8" 4" S3 F1 8" F F:9 16.35' CONC PAD 10" 6" 4" 14" F F:916.39' 6" 4" 6" 20" S3 F6 6" F F:917.38' STOP 6" F F:917.41' 6" S3 E41 F F:916.39' 4" 36" 8" F F:916.35' 6" 6" 8" 6" 14" 6" 12" 18" PED X 5" 8" S3 E40 S3 B14 6" F F:917.41' 6" 6" NYSEG L360 34 8" 8" 12" 6" 8" 8" S3 E13 S3 B11 S3 B10 2" 6" 8" 12" F F:916.3 5'CONC PAD 6" 6"10" S3 F38 8" 6" F F:916.36' NYSEG 35 8 F F:917.29' 4" 36" BUSH ROW 6" 8" 10" 20" 8" 6" 6" F F:9 17.38' 7" AHEADPED-X AHEADPED-X RIM: 913.09 8 RIM: 909.08 L360NYSEG C 601 RIM: 912.79 UNIVERSITYCORNELL ADOPT-A- HIGHWAY INFOSTOP RIM: 903.16 AHEADPED CRADIT FARM DRIVE INTERSEC PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD P LE ASANT GROVE ROAD NO PARKING S3 B7 S3 V17 RIM: 899.43 S3 B15 L360 RIM: 897.72 NCRE PROJ SITE L-1 PARK BY PERMIT L360 S 3 B18 S3 B15 RIM: 895.44 NO PARKING 8 " TREE 8 " TREE 6 " TREE 6" TRE E 6 " TREE 8 " TREE 8" T RE E 8" TREE "3" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 8" TREE "5" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 12" TREE 10" TREE 10" TREE 14 " TREE 12 " TREE 12 " TREE 12" TRE E 4" T R EE 4" TREE STOP S3 B8 PARKINGNO 4" TREE W: 893.24 TG: 896.04 TG: 906.39 TG: 895.81 TG: 899.85 TG: 899.85 T G: 895.95 T G: 896.09 S RIM: 910.79 SUMP: 899.59 RIM: 907.09 12" VERTICAL PVC W: 907.78S: 908.35N: 908.49TG: 911.35 W: 906.35S: 907.37E: 906.62RIM: 913.77 E: 911.6N: 911.69RIM: 915.69 SW: 904.87 E: 906.08 RIM: 911.13 S: 910.52E: 910.67RIM: 916.08 PERMIT R PARKING SITEPROJNCRE OB F UE RTES 2" T R E E 2" T REE S 890.36 N 890.56 RIM: 899.27 W: 896.32 S: 892.10 N: 895.30 RIM: 900.45W: 894.26 S: 894.60 E: 894.44 N:894.48 RIM: 900.15 NW: 894.87 NE: 895.20 RIM: 900.34 TOP OF BANK W: 892.56 E: 892.66 TG: 895.30 E S: 895.90 RIM: 898.61 S E W: 901.35E: 901.34N: 901.92TG: 904.14 W: 900.09S: 897.94N: 899.19TG: 907.24 E: 901.52N: 901.66TG: 904.22 SW: 898.87 E: 900.39 N: 900.37 RIM: 908.32 E W: 905.50E: 905.51N: 907.01TG: 909.23 E: 905.85N: 906.72TG: 909.33 TOP OF BANK W: 903.46S: 900.97N: 902.17RIM: 910.47 W: 905.79S: 905.94RIM: 910.79 S: 903.22E: 904.61N: 903.24RIM: 911.01 S: 906.16N: 906.26RIM: 911.06 S W: 909.71TG: 911.64 W: 909.91TG: 911.65 RIM: 912.59 W T W: 909.81E: 909.89N: 912.81RIM: 912.81 S: 908.77E: 908.81N: 912.87RIM: 912.87 T S: 907.16E: 907.45N: 907.14RIM: 913.22 S: 910.60E: 910.70N: 910.20RIM: 913.67 S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S: 910.12E: 910.00N: 909.95RIM: 913.79 E: 905.70N: 905.75TG: 914.49 S:910.96E: 910.92N: 910.87RIM: 915.49 E: 912.94N: 912.96RIM: 915.87 S: 913.18E: 913.20RIM: 916.25 E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ excon_b.dgn EC-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 6:39 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 5 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY EC-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 G R I D N O R T H 0 50 100 150 200'50 1" = 50' EXISTING CONDITIONS PLEASANT GROVE ROAD - H A S B R O U C K CI R C L E HAS BROUCK CIRCLE 4"W H- 14 2 6"W4"W 6"W 4"W 4"W 4"W6"W 6"W BPW 4"W 6"W 4"W BPW 10"W 8" W H-143 12" W 12" W 12"W 12"W 6"W 10"W B.P.WATER 6"W 6"PUMPED SAN(FROM FOREST HOME) 12"X 12"X 6"X 4 "X 4" X 6"X 4 "X 6"X 4"X 4"X 6"X 6"X 6"X 4"X 4 "X 4"X 4"X ABAND 6"X ABAND 8"X APPROX LOC 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"G 1"G4"G 2"G1"G 4"MPG 1"G 2"G1"G1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G4"MPG 3/4"G 4"MPG 3/ 4"G 4"G 4"G 1" G4"G 4"MPG 2"G1"G 2"G 1"G1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G 3/4"G 4"MPG 1 1/4"G 1"G 2"G 1" G 2"G 4"G1"G 4"G4"MPG3/4"G 4"G ABAND E AB AND E 8" 18" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 18" 18" 30" 8" 8" 6" 36" 8" 6" 12" 36" 12" 4" 8" 8" 12 " 12 " 12" 36" OB PED 10" 10" 6" 7" 4" 80K NYSEG 360 16" S3 F41 NAIL 6" S3 F3 6" 6" 6" S3 B12 F F:916.3 8' NYSEG 37 HILL 5" 10" F F:917.39' 8" 8" F F:917.39' 20" F F:917.40' 3" 15 MPH S3 F4 10" 4" 3" S3 E39 5" ELECT POST INFO 8" 20" 10" 6" NYSEG 39 4 6" 10" 34A 12" Wl 5T 12" 10" HASBROUK 6" 3' CLF 16" 3" 10" S3 F5 PED-X 8" 20" S3 B9 6" 10" 10" ARROW 14" 36" F F:916.40' CONC PAD 18" 12" PED X 12" 6" 6" 20 MPH F F:917.40' 8" STOP 8" 8" 15" S3 B13 77 690 CORNELL F F:916.35' 6" 10" 14" 6" F F:916.35'CONC PAD 14" F F:917.40' S3 F2 6" F F:916.3 8'CONC PAD F F:916.36' CONC PAD 8" 20 MPH 3' CLF 6" 8" 8" 6" 8" 4" S3 F1 8" F F:9 16.35' CONC PAD 10" 6" 4" 14" F F:916.39' 6" 4" 6" 20" S3 F6 6" F F:917.38' STOP 6" F F:917.41' 6" S3 E41 F F:916.39' 4" 36" 8" F F:916.35' 6" 6" 8" 6" 14" 6" 12" 18" PED X 5" 8" S3 E40 S3 B14 6" F F:917.41' 6" 6" NYSEG L360 34 8" 8" 12" 6" 8" 8" S3 E13 S3 B11 S3 B10 2" 6" 8" 12" F F:916.3 5'CONC PAD 6" 6"10" S3 F38 8" 6" F F:916.36' NYSEG 35 8 F F:917.29' 4" 36" BUSH ROW 6" 8" 10" 20" 8" 6" 6" F F:9 17.38' 7" AHEADPED-X AHEADPED-X 8 RIM: 909.08 L360NYSEG C 601 UNIVERSITYCORNELL ADOPT-A- HIGHWAY INFOSTOP RIM: 903.16 AHEADPED CRADIT FARM DRIVE INTERSEC PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD P LE ASANT GROVE ROAD NO PARKING S3 B7 S3 V17 S3 B15 L360 RIM: 897.72 NCRE PROJ SITE L-1 PARK BY PERMIT L360 S 3 B18 S3 B15 NO PARKING 8 " TREE 8 " TREE 6 " TREE 6" TRE E 6 " TREE 8 " TREE 8" T RE E 8" TREE "3" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 8" TREE "5" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 12" TREE 10" TREE 10" TREE 14 " TREE 12 " TREE 12 " TREE 12" TRE E 4" T R EE 4" TREE STOP S3 B8 PARKINGNO 4" TREE S PERMIT R PARKING SITEPROJNCRE OB F UE RTES 2" T R E E 2" T REE TOP OF BANK E S E E TOP OF BANK S W T T S S S S S S S S S S SS S S DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /1 5/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ dem _b.dgn DP-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 7:07 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 6 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY DP-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 STAIR O STAIR G STAIR F 3 B 3 B5 B 5 A 5 B 5 C 3 A 3 C 3 B G R I D N O R T H 0 50 100 150 200'50 1" = 50' ROUNDABOUT - DEMOLITION PLAN PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD CRADIT FARM DRIVE DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ typ_b.dgn TS-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 7:10 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 7 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY TS-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 UNITDESCRIPTIONITEM NO. TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE BIKE LANE SIDEWALKSIDEWALKCURB LAWN TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE BIKE LANE SHLDSHLD 12" - ITEM 304.15 3" - ITEM 402.377903 ITEM 407.0102 2" - ITEM 402.197903 1•" - ITEM 402.097203 OF IMP, STA HCL & TGLc 5'-0"3'-0"12'-0"12'-0"3'-0" 12" - ITEM 304.15 3" - ITEM 402.377903 ITEM 407.0102 2" - ITEM 402.197903 1•" - ITEM 402.097203 5'-0"12'-0"12'-0"5'-0" OF IMP, STA HCL & TGLc 5'-0"10'-0" 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0% 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0% 1.5%1.5%1.5% 3 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2'-0" 5'-0"8'-0"2'-3" SIDEWALK ITEM 609.0106 TURF ESTABLISHMENT - ROADSIDE TOPSOIL - ROADSIDE STONE CURB, (TYPE E-100) STONE CURB, (TYPE A) CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS OPTIONAL UNDERDRAIN PIPE - 4" DIA UNDERDRAIN FILTER TYPE 2 DILUTED TACK COAT 37.5 F9 BASE COURSE HMA, 70 SERIES COMPACTION 19 F9 BINDER COURSE HMA, 70 SERIES COMPACTION 9.5 F2 TOP COURSE HMA, 70 SERIES COMPACTION SUBBASE COURSE, OPTIONAL TYPE TRENCH AND CULVERT EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT IN PLACE UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL SY CY LF LF CY LF CY GAL TON TON TON CY CY CY CY 12" - ITEM 304.15, TYP. 3" - ITEM 402.377903, TYP. ITEM 407.0102, TYP. 2" - ITEM 402.197903, TYP. 1•" - ITEM 402.097203, TYP. TRUCK APRONCENTER ISLAND FOR ROADSIDE TREATMENT, SEE PLANS18'-0"17'-0"20'-0" OF ROUNDABOUT CENTER POINT EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND EXISTING GROUND R = 55'-0" ROUNDABOUT CIRCULATORY ROADWAY 2.0% 2.0% PLEASANT GROVE ROAD ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTIONS SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" 12" - ITEM 304.15, TYP. 3" - ITEM 402.377903, TYP. ITEM 407.0102, TYP. 2" - ITEM 402.197903, TYP. 1•" - ITEM 402.097203, TYP. 6" - ITEM 304.15, TYP. 5" - ITEM 608.0101, TYP. ITEM 610.1402, TYP. ITEM 610.1601, TYP. ITEM 610.1402, TYP. ITEM 610.1601, TYP. CRADIT FARM DRIVE CRADIT FARM DRIVE / PLEASANT GROVE ROAD ROUNDABOUT 4" - ITEM 605.1701, TYP. ITEM 605.1001, TYP. ITEM 609.0101, TYP. 4" - ITEM 605.1701, TYP. ITEM 605.1001, TYP. ITEM 609.0101, TYP. ITEM 203.03 4" - ITEM 605.1701, TYP. ITEM 605.1001, TYP. ITEM 609.0101, TYP. 610.1601 610.1402 609.0106 609.0101 608.0101 605.1701 605.1001 407.0102 402.377903 402.197903 402.097203 304.15 206.0201 203.03 203.02 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES W ORK IN PROGRESS DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ mst_b.dgn MT-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 7:11 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 8 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY MT-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ msd_b.dgn MD-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 7:12 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 9 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY MD-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILSMISCELLANEOUS DETAILSMISCELLANEOUS DETAILSMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ msd_b.dgn MD-2 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 7:46 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 10 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY MD-2 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191760_cph_ msd_b.dgn MD-3 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:22 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 11 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY MD-3 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 BPW 4"W 4"W BPW 10"W 8"W H-143 12"W 12" W 6"W 10"W B.P.WATER 6"PUMPED SAN(FROM FOREST HOME) 12"X 12"X 4"X 6"X 4" X 4 "X 4"X ABAND 8"X APPROX LOC 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"G 1"G 4"G 2"G 1"G 4"MPG 1"G 2"G 1"G 1 1/4"G 6" 12" 36" 4" 12 " 12 " 36" OB PED 7" 4" 6" S3 B12 NYSEG 37 HILL F F:9 17.3 9' 8" F F:9 17.3 9' F F:9 17.4 0' 3" 4" 3" 5" ELECT POST 20" 6" 10" 10"6" 16" 20" 10" 10" ARROW 36" 6" 20 MPH F F:9 17.4 0' 8" 8" 8" S3 B13 77 690 F F:9 17.4 0' 20 MPH 8" 6" 8" 8" 4" 6" 20" F F:9 17.3 8' 6" F F:9 17.4 1' 4" 8" 6" 12" 18" 8" S3 B14 F F:9 17.4 1' 8" 8" S3 B11 8" 12" 8"F F:9 17.2 9' 8" 10" 8" F F:9 17.3 8' UNIVERSITYCORNELL RIM: 903.16 AHEADPED CRADIT FARM DRIVE NO PARKING R IM : 899.43 S3 B15 L360 R IM : 8 97.72 NCRE PROJ SITE L -1 PARK BY PERMIT L360 S 3 B 15 RI M: 895.44 8" TREE "3 " TREE 6" TREE 6 " TREE 6 " TREE 8" TREE "5" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 12 " TREE 10" TREE 10 " TREE STOP S 3 B 8 PARKINGNO 4" TREE W: 893.24 TG: 896.04 TG: 895.81 TG: 899.85 TG: 899.85 SUMP: 899.59 RIM: 907.09 12" VERTICAL PVC SW: 904.87 E: 906.08 RIM: 911.13 PERM IT R PARK ING S 890.36 N 890.56 RIM: 899.27 W: 896.32 S: 892.10 N: 895.30 RIM: 900.45W: 894.26 S: 894.60 E: 894.44 N:894.48 RIM: 900.15 NW: 894.87 NE: 895.20 RIM: 900.34 TOP OF BANK E S: 895.90 RIM: 898.61 S E W: 901.35E: 901.34N: 901.92TG: 904.14 W: 900.09S: 897.94N: 899.19TG: 907.24 E: 901.52N: 901.66TG: 904.22 SW: 898.87 E: 900.39 N: 900.37 RIM: 908.32 W: 905.50E: 905.51N: 907.01TG: 909.23 E: 905.85N: 906.72TG: 909.33 TO P O F B A N K W: 903.46S: 900.97N: 902.17RIM: 910.47 S: 906.16N: 906.26RIM: 911.06 S S SS S E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 P 2 3 + 0 0 P 2 4 +0 0 P 2 4 + 9 9 STA P 22+39.59 PT STA P 24+99.11 POE C 30+00 C 3 1+ 0 0 C 32+00 C 33+00 C 34+00 C 35+00 C 36+00 STA C 30+52.2 7PT STA C 30 +61.08PC STA C 31+39.42PT STA C 31+75.88PC STA C 3 2 +8 3 .7 8 P T S T A C 3 4 + 3 2 .3 7PI S T A C 3 5 + 3 2 . 5 6 P C S S DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ gnp_b.dgn PL-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:54 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 12 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY PL-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 G R I D N O R T H M A T C H L I N E T O D WG. P L 1 - 2 0 20 40 60 80'20 1" = 20' CRADIT FARM DRIVE PLEASANT GROVE ROAD P LEAS ANT GROVE ROAD 15'15' 1 5' 1 5 ' HOME MARKERS RELOCATE FORREST CRADIT FARM DRIVE GENERAL PLEASANT GROVE ROAD / 17' 17' 20'STA C 30+50.00 LIMIT OF WORK MATCH EXISTING STA C 32+92.42 LIMIT OF SIDEWALK MATCH EXISTING STA P 24+08.06 LIMIT OF SIDEWALK MATCH EXISTING 9.5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8' CONCRETE SIDEWALK R=37' R=70' R=40' R=70' R=60' R=60' R=70' R=60' R=56.5' C 36+00 C 37+00 C 38+00 C 39+00 C 40+00 S TA C 3 6 + 7 7 .9 4 PT 4"W 4"W 6"W6"W 6"W 6"W 6"X 4"X 6"X 6"X6"X 6"X 4"X 4"X 4"X 4"X ABAND 6"X 3/ 4"G 4"MPG 3/4"G 4"MPG 3/ 4"G 4"G 4"G 1"G 4"G 4"MPG 2"G 1"G 2"G 1"G 1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"MPG 6"6" 6" 18" 18" 30" 8" 8" 6" 36" 8" 6" 80K NYSEG 360 16" S3 F3 6" 6" NYSEG 37 8" 20" 15 MPH S3 F4 10" S3 E39 ELECT POST 8" 6" 34A 12" 12"HASBROUK 3' CLF 16" 10" S3 F5 S3 B9 6" 14" F F :916.4 0' CONC PAD 18" PED X 6" F F :917.40' STOP 6" 10" S3 F2 6" F F :916.3 6' CONC PAD 8" 20 MPH 6" 8" S3 F1 6" F F :916.39' 6" S3 F6 6" F F :917.3 8' STOP 6" F F :916.3 9' 36" 8" F F :9 16.3 5' 6" 6" 6" 14" 6" 12" PED X S3 E40 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" S3 E13 S3 B10 2" 6" F F :916.35' CONC PAD 6" 6" S3 F38 6" F F :916.3 6' NYSEG 35 8 4" 36" BUSH ROW 20" 6" 6" 8 RIM: 909.08 L360 NYSEG C 601 RIM: 912.79 INFO STOP AHEAD PED INTERSEC PLEASANT GROVE ROAD TG: 906.39 RIM: 910.79 E: 911.6 N: 911.69 RIM: 915.69 S: 910.52 E: 910.67 RIM: 916.08 E W: 905.50 E: 905.51 N: 907.01 TG: 909.23 E: 905.85 N: 906.72 TG: 909.33 W: 903.46 S: 900.97 N: 902.17 RIM: 910.47 W: 905.79 S: 905.94 RIM: 910.79 S: 903.22 E: 904.61 N: 903.24 RIM: 911.01 W: 909.71 TG: 911.64 W: 909.91 TG: 911.65 RIM: 912.59 T W: 909.81 E: 909.89 N: 912.81 RIM: 912.81 S: 908.77 E: 908.81 N: 912.87 RIM: 912.87 S: 907.16 E: 907.45 N: 907.14 RIM: 913.22 S: 910.60 E: 910.70 N: 910.20 RIM: 913.67 S S S S S S S S S E: 905.70 N: 905.75 TG: 914.49 S:910.96 E: 910.92 N: 910.87 RIM: 915.49 E: 912.94 N: 912.96 RIM: 915.87 S: 913.18 E: 913.20 RIM: 916.25 DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /1 5/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ gnp_b.dgn PL-2 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:55 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 13 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY PL-2 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 GRID NOR T H MATCH LINE TO DWG. PL1-1 0 20 40 60 80'20 1" = 20' PLEASANT GROVE ROAD HASBROUCK CIRCLE F I R E A C C E S S D RI V E CRADIT FARM DRIVE GENERAL PLEASANT GROVE ROAD / 1 7' 17' STA C 38+50.00 LIMIT OF WORK MATCH EXISTING STA C 38+11.53 LIMIT OF SIDEWALK MATCH EXISTING 9.5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK STAIR G 3B 3B DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ pfl_ b.dgn PR-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:56 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 14 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY PR-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 ROADWAY PROFILES PLEASANT GROVE ROUNDABOUT P 2 4 + 9 9 .1 1 c C 3 3 + 7 8 . 1 8 = c THIS LINE REPRESENTS THE SURFACE OF THE ROUNDABOUT c O F R O U N DA B O UT S T A C 3 4 + 0 5 .7 6 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920920 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920920 C 30+00 C 31+00 C 32+00 C 33+00 C 34+00 C 35+00 E L E V A T I O N STATION Cradit Farm - Roundabout-1 - P VI S T A C 3 2 + 1 3 .9 8 E L E V 9 0 1 . 4 3 P V I S T A C 3 4 + 6 0 .7 6 E L E V 9 0 8 . 8 3 3.00% 3.00% ROUNDABOUT = 113'-0" 9 0 2 .5 1 9 0 4 .0 1 9 0 5 .5 1 9 0 7 .0 1 9 0 8 .5 0 9 1 0 .0 0 8 9 7 .4 8 9 8 .1 8 9 8 .9 9 0 0 .0 9 0 1.0 9 0 2 .0 9 0 3 .5 9 0 5 .5 9 0 9 .1 9 11.2 9 13 .8 DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ pfl_ b.dgn PR-2 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:57 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 15 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY PR-2 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 ROADWAY PROFILES PLEASANT GROVE ROUNDABOUT 895 900 905 910 915 920 925925 895 900 905 910 915 920 925925 C 35+00 C 36+00 C 37+00 C 38+00 C 39+00 C 40+00 E L E V A T I O N STATION Cradit Farm - Roundabout-1 - P VC S T A C 3 5 + 4 7 . 2 5 E L E V 9 1 1 . 4 2 P VI S T A C 3 6 + 1 7 . 2 5 E L E V 9 1 3 .5 2 H I G H S T A C 3 6 + 5 1 .1 8 E L E V 9 1 2 . 9 8 P VR C S T A C 3 6 + 8 7 .2 5 E L E V 9 1 2 . 7 9 P V I S T A C 3 7 + 5 7 . 2 5 E L E V 9 1 2 .0 6 L O W S T A C 3 7 + 7 0 . 4 7 E L E V 9 1 2 . 3 6 P VT S T A C 3 8 + 2 7 . 2 5 E L E V 9 1 2 . 5 6 P V I S T A C 3 9 + 5 2 . 6 0 E L E V 9 1 3 . 4 5 3.00% 0.71% L = 140' G1 = 3.00% G2 = -1.04% E= -0.71' SSD = 337' L = 140' G1 = -1.04% G2 = 0.71% E= 0.31' SSD = 367' 9 1 0 . 0 0 9 1 1 . 5 0 9 1 2 . 6 0 9 1 2 . 9 8 9 1 2 . 6 7 9 1 2 . 3 8 9 1 2 . 4 1 9 1 2 . 7 2 9 1 3 .0 7 9 1 3 .4 3 9 13 .8 9 16 .3 9 15 .2 9 14 .5 9 13 .7 9 13 .0 9 12 .6 9 12 .8 9 13 .1 9 13 .4 9 13 .6 DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ pfl_ b.dgn PR-3 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:57 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 16 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY PR-3 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 ROADWAY PROFILES PLEASANT GROVE ROUNDABOUT 855 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920920 855 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920920 P 20+00 P 21+00 P 22+00 P 23+00 P 24+00 P 25+00 E L E V A T I O N STATION Pleasant Grove - Roundabout - P VI S T A P 2 1 + 7 3 .9 9 E L E V 8 8 4 . 7 4 P VC S T A P 2 2 + 8 6 . 7 8 E L E V 8 9 7 . 9 6 P V I S T A P 2 3 + 4 6 .7 8 E L E V 9 0 4 .9 8 P V T S T A P 2 4 + 0 6 .7 8 E L E V 9 0 6 . 1 8 P V I S T A P 2 4 + 4 4 . 3 9 E L E V 9 0 6 .9 4 P V I S T A P 2 4 + 6 4 . 9 3 E L E V 9 0 7 . 2 6 11.71% 2.00% 1.57% L = 120' G1 = 11.71% G2 = 2.00% E= -1.46' SSD = 171' PARTIAL ROUNDABOUT 8 8 7 . 7 9 8 9 3 .6 5 8 9 9 . 4 3 9 0 3 .7 4 9 0 6 . 0 3 9 0 7 . 0 2 8 7 0 .9 8 7 6 .2 8 8 4 .7 8 8 7 .8 8 9 3 .5 8 9 9 .8 9 0 6 .1 9 10 .9 9 10 .3 BPW 4"W 4"W BPW 10"W 8"W H- 143 12"W 12"W 6"W 10"W B.P.WATER 6"PUMPED SAN(FROM FOREST HOME) 12"X 12"X 4"X 4 "X 6"X 4 "X 4"X 4 "X ABAND 8"X APPROX LOC 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"G 1"G 4"G 2"G 1"G 4"MPG 1"G 2"G 1"G 1 1/4"G 6" 12" 36" 4" 12 " 12 " 36" PED 7" 4" 6" S3 B12 NYSEG 37 HILL F F:9 17.3 9' 8" F F:9 17.3 9' F F:9 17.4 0' 3" 4" 3" 5" ELECT POST 20" 6" 10" 10"6" 20" 10" 10" ARROW 36" 6" 20 MPH 8" 8" 8" S3 B13 77 690 F F:9 17.4 0' 20 MPH 8" 6" 8" 8" 4" 6" 20" F F:9 17.3 8' 6" F F:9 17.4 1' 4" 8" 6" 12" 18" 8" S3 B14 F F:9 17.4 1' 8" 8" S3 B11 8" 12" 8"F F:9 17.2 9' 8" 10" 8" F F:9 17.3 8' UNIVERSITYCORNELL RIM: 903.16 AHEADPED NO PARKING S3 V17 R IM : 8 99.4 3 S3 B15 L3 6 0 R IM : 89 7.7 2 NCRE PROJ SITE L-1 PARK BY PERMIT L360 S3 B15 RI M: 895.448" T R E E 8" TREE "3 " TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 6 " TREE 8" TREE "5" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 12" TREE 10" TREE 10" TREE 4" T R E E 4" TREE STOP S 3 B 8 PARKINGNO 4" TREE TG: 895.81 TG: 899.85 TG: 899.85 T G: 895.95 T G: 896.09 SUMP: 899.59 RIM: 907.09 12" VERTICAL PVC SW: 904.87 E: 906.08 RIM: 911.13 PERM IT R PARKING SITE PROJNCRE O B F U E R T E S S 890.36 N 890.56 RIM: 899.27 W: 896.32 S: 892.10 N: 895.30 RIM: 900.45W: 894.26 S: 894.60 E: 894.44 N:894.48 RIM: 900.15 NW: 894.87 NE: 895.20 RIM: 900.34 E S: 895.90 RIM: 898.61 S E W: 901.35E: 901.34N: 901.92TG: 904.14 W: 900.09S: 897.94N: 899.19TG: 907.24 E: 901.52N: 901.66TG: 904.22 SW: 898.87 E: 900.39 N: 900.37 RIM: 908.32 W: 905.50E: 905.51N: 907.01TG: 909.23 E: 905.85N: 906.72TG: 909.33 T O P O F B A N K W: 903.46S: 900.97N: 902.17RIM: 910.47 S: 906.16N: 906.26RIM: 911.06 S S SS S E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 E: 912.0 N: 911.77 RIM: 916.66 DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ utl_b.dgn UP-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 8:59 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 17 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY UP-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 OB NYSEG 39 4 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY TOP OF BANK S: 895.90 RIM: 898.61 P 2 3 + 0 0 P 2 4 + 0 0 P 2 4 + 9 9 STA P 24+99.11 POE C 30+00 C 3 1 + 0 0 C 32+00 C 33+00 C 34+00 C 35+00 C 36+00 STA C 30+5 2.27PT STA C 30+61 .08PC STA C 31+39.42PT STA C 31+75.88PC S T A C 3 2 + 8 3 .7 8PT STA C 3 4 +3 2 .37PI S T A C 3 5 + 3 2 . 5 6 P C S S P 20+00 P 21+00 P 22+00 P 23+00 S T A P 2 0 + 8 2 . 6 3 P T S T A P 2 1 + 3 1 . 7 1 P C S TA P 2 2 + 3 9 .5 9 P T G R I D N O R T H M A T C H L I N E T O D WG. U P 3 - 2 MATCH LINE TO A-AMA T C H L I N E T O A - A GRID NORTH 0 20 40 60 80'20 1" = 20' RELOCATE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC RELOCATE WATER MAIN (TYP.) FORCE MAIN (TYP.) RELOCATE SANITARY POLES (TYP.) RELOCATE UTILITY STRUCTURES (TYP.) RELOCATE DRAINAGE POLES (TYP.) RELOCATE LIGHT CRADIT FARM DRIVE PLEASANT GROVE ROAD P LE AS ANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD ROUNDABOUT ROAD / CRADIT FARM DRIVE UTILITY PLAN PLEASANT GROVE 1-1 WN 1-2 WN 1-3 WN 1-4 WN 1-5 WN 1-6 WN 1-7 WN 1-8 WN 1-9 WN 1-10 WN 1-11 WN 1-12 WN 1-13 WN 1-14 WN 1-15 WN 1-16 WN 1-17 WN 1-18 WN 1-19 WN 1-20 WN 1-1 LP 1-2 LP 1-3 LP 1-4 LP 1-5 LP 1-6 LP 1-1 UP 1-2 UP 1-1 DR 1-2 DR 1-3 DR 1-4 DR 1-1 DN 1-2 DN 1-3 DN 1-4 DN 1-5 DN 1-6 DN 1-21 WN 1-1 SN 1-3 SN 1-4 SN 1-2 SN 1-7 LP 1-5 DR 1-6 DR 4"W 4"W 6"W6"W 6"W 6"W 6"X 4"X 6"X 6"X6"X 6"X 4"X 4"X 4"X 4"X ABAND 6"X 3/ 4"G 4"MPG 3/4"G 4"MPG 3/ 4"G 4"G 4"G 1"G 4"G 4"MPG 2"G 1"G 2"G 1"G 1 1/4"G 3/ 4"G 3/ 4"G 4"MPG 6"6" 6" 18" 18" 30" 8" 8" 6" 36" 8" 6" 80K NYSEG 360 16" S3 F3 6" 6" NYSEG 37 8" 20" 15 MPH S3 F4 10" S3 E39 ELECT POST 8" 6" 34A 12" 12"HASBROUK 3' CLF 16" 10" S3 F5 S3 B9 6" 14" F F :916.40' CONC PAD 18" PED X 6" F F :917.40' STOP 6" 10" S3 F2 6" F F:916.3 6' CONC PAD 8" 20 MPH 6" 8" S3 F1 6" F F :916.3 9' 6" 6" F F :917.3 8 ' STOP 6" F F :916.3 9' 36" 8" F F:916.3 5 ' 6" 6" 6" 14" 6" 12" PED X S3 E40 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" S3 E13 S3 B10 2" 6" F F :916.35' CONC PAD 6" 6" S3 F38 6" F F :9 16.3 6' NYSEG 35 8 4" 36" BUSH ROW 20" 6" 6" 8 RIM: 909.08 L360 NYSEG C 601 RIM: 912.79 INFO STOP AHEAD PED INTERSEC TG: 906.39 RIM: 910.79 E: 911.6 N: 911.69 RIM: 915.69 S: 910.52 E: 910.67 RIM: 916.08 E W: 905.50 E: 905.51 N: 907.01 TG: 909.23 E: 905.85 N: 906.72 TG: 909.33 W: 903.46 S: 900.97 N: 902.17 RIM: 910.47 W: 905.79 S: 905.94 RIM: 910.79 S: 903.22 E: 904.61 N: 903.24 RIM: 911.01 W: 909.71 TG: 911.64 W: 909.91 TG: 911.65 RIM: 912.59 T W: 909.81 E: 909.89 N: 912.81 RIM: 912.81 S: 908.77 E: 908.81 N: 912.87 RIM: 912.87 S: 907.16 E: 907.45 N: 907.14 RIM: 913.22 S: 910.60 E: 910.70 N: 910.20 RIM: 913.67 S S S S S S S S S E: 905.70 N: 905.75 TG: 914.49 S:910.96 E: 910.92 N: 910.87 RIM: 915.49 E: 912.94 N: 912.96 RIM: 915.87 S: 913.18 E: 913.20 RIM: 916.25 C 36+00 C 37+00 C 38+00 C 39+00 C 40+00 S TA C 3 6 + 7 7 .9 4 PT DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /1 5/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ utl_b.dgn UP-2 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 9:00 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 18 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY UP-2 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 GRID NOR T H MATCH LINE TO DWG. UP3-1 0 20 40 60 80'20 1" = 20' RELOCATE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC RELOCATE WATER MAIN ADJUST TO GRADE (TYP.) PLEASANT GROVE ROAD ROUNDABOUT ROAD / CRADIT FARM DRIVE UTILITY PLAN PLEASANT GROVE HAS BROUCK CIRCLE 2-1 WN 2-2 WN 2-3 WN 2-4 WN 2-5 WN 2-1 LP 2-2 LP 2-1 UP 2-1 DN 2-3 LP DATE: ENGINEER: DESIGNER: PROJ ECT MANAGER: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE DATE TIME FILE PATH MODEL PLOTDRVR 5 /15/2020 \\PROJECTS1 \ProjectsAM-4\Cornell Univers ity\2191760 - North Campus Transp. Im prove\Drawings \Trans portation\2191750_cph_ s pm _b.dgn SPM-1 pdf_ Color_Full.pltcfg 4:1 9:01 PM THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH 19 25 Powered by partnership. LaBella © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY SPM-1 RCB TCM SRM 2191760 IMPROVEMENTS NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION APRIL 2020 OB PED 6" 7" 4" 80K NYSEG 360 NAIL 6" 6" S3 B12 NYSEG 37 HILL F F:9 17.3 9' 8" 8" F F:917.3 9' F F:9 17.40' 3" 15 MPH 10" 4" 3" S3 E39 5" ELECT POST 20" 10" 6" NYS EG 3 9 4 6" 10" 12" 10" HASBROUK 6" 3' CLF 16" 10" 20" S3 B9 6" 10" 10" ARROW 36" 18" PED X 6" 20 MPH F F:9 17.40' 8" STOP 8" 8" S3 B13 77 690 10" 14" F F:9 17.40' S3 F2 6" 8" 20 MPH 8" 8" 6" 8" S3 F1 8" 10" 4" F F:9 16.3 9' 6" 20" F F:917.3 8' STOP 6" F F:9 17.4 1' 4" F F:9 16.3 5' 6" 8" 6" 12" 18" PED X 8" S3 B14 F F:917.4 1' 8" 8" 6" 8" 8" S3 E13 S3 B11 S3 B10 8" 12" 6" 8" 6" NYSEG 35 8 F F:917.2 9' 4" 36" 8" 10" 20" 8" F F:917.3 8' 8 RIM: 909.08 L360NYSEG C 601 RIM: 912.79 UNIVERSITYCORNELL ADOP T - A- HIGHWAY INFOSTOP RIM: 903.16 AHEADPED INTERSEC NO PARKING S3 B7 S3 V17 S3 B15 L360 RIM: 897.72 NCRE PROJ SITE L-1 PARK BY PERMIT L360 S 3 B 18 S3 B15 NO PARKING 8 " T R E E 8 " T RE E 8" T R E E 8" TREE "3" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 6" TREE 8" TREE "5" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 12" TREE 10" TREE 10" TREE 12 " TR E E 4" T R E E 4" TREE STOP S 3 B 8 PARKINGNO 4" TREE PERMIT R PARKING SITEPROJNCRE O B F UE R T E S 2" T R E E 2" T R E E TOP OF BANK E S E E TO P O F BA N K S T S S S S S SS S P 2 1 + 0 0 P 2 2 + 0 0 P 23 +0 0 P 24 +0 0 P 24 +9 9 C 2 9 + 0 0 C 30+00 C 3 1+ 00 C 32+00 C 33+00 C 34+00 C 35+00 C 36+00 C 37+00 C 38+00 C 39+00 S S G R I D N O R T H ROUNDABOUT - STRIPING PLAN CRADIT FARMS / PLEASANT GROVE P LE AS A N T GR OVE R OA D PLEASANT GROVE ROAD CRAD IT FARM DR IVE H A S B R O U C K CI R C L E 4" WHITE LANE STRIPE (TYP.) 4" YELLOW LANE STRIPE (TYP.) 12" WHITE CROSSWALK, TYPE LS (TYP.) WHITE YIELD LINE MARKINGS (TYP.) TREE PROTECTION FENCE, TYP. CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED, TYP. ASPHALT PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED, TYP. TREE TO BE REMOVED, TYP. 50' +/- OF FENCE TO BE REMOVED 20' +/- OF FENCE TO BE REMOVED FOREST HOME GATEWAY COLUMNS AND SIGNAGE TO BE REMOVED, LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE TO BE STOCKPILED FOR REINSTALLATION SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL ROADWAY, LIGHTING AND UTILITY REMOVALS SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL ROADWAY AND UTILITY REMOVALS SIGN TO BE REMOVED AND STOCKPILED FOR REINSTALLATION, TYP. HASBROUK SIGN TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED CURB RAMPS TO BE REMOVED SAW-CUT PAVEMENT, TYP. DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-102 CRADIT FARM & PLEASANT GROVE DEMOLITION PLAN DEMOLITION NOTES 1.CONSTRUCTION FENCING TO BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT PEDESTRIANS, CONTROL VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PROTECT ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. 2.CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND FOLLOW ANY APPLICABLE PROCEDURES WHEN WORK AT ANY BUILDING ENTRANCE/EXIT DOOR WILL TAKE PLACE AND IF TEMPORARY PARTIAL CLOSURE NEEDS TO OCCUR. 3.ENTRANCE/EXIT DOORS TO ALL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND UNOBSTRUCTED AS REQUIRED BY CODE TO INSURE THAT PROPER INGRESS AND EGRESS IS MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 4.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY WALKWAYS INCLUDING ADA ACCESS TO MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO ALL BUILDINGS AS NECESSARY. 5.WALL AND STAIR FOOTINGS TO BE REMOVED COMPLETELY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAN. 6.PROVIDE SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS AT ALL EXISTING CATCH BASINS AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND SPECS. 7.SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR UTILITY AND ELECTRICAL REMOVALS. 8.PLANTING BEDS TO BE EXCAVATED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 24". 9.BASE MATERIAL IN AREAS TO RECEIVE ASPHALT OR CONCRETE TO BE REMOVED TO SUB-GRADE ELEVATIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BASE COURSE. 10.PROTECT ALL SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE UTILITIES TO REMAIN DURING DEMOLITION WORK. 11.ALL REMOVED/DEMOLISHED MATERIAL INCLUDING FENCES SHALL BECOME CONTRACTOR'S PROPERTY AND REMOVED FROM SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. OWNER TO RESERVE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ON ALL DEMOLISHED MATERIAL. 12.ALL SITE BOULDERS, PLANTERS, AND FURNISHINGS WITHIN AREA OF WORK TO BE REMOVED AS NECESSARY AND TURNED OVER TO OWNER. 13.ALL TREE STUMPS ARE TO BE REMOVED COMPLETELY, ALONG WITH ALL ROOTS 6" AND LARGER. 14.PROTECT EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. DO NOT STORE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF TREES. 15.PROTECT BENCHMARKS. 16.PROVIDE PNEUMATIC EXCAVATION WHEREVER UTILITY EXCAVATION OCCURS WITHIN 10' OF TREE DRIP LINES. TO BE REVIEWED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. KEY MATERIAL DETAIL ASPHALT PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, PADS AND PAVERS TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION FENCE 5 / L-502 SAWCUT PAVEMENT LIGHT POLE, FLAG POLE, BOLLARD, SIGN, ETC. TO BE REMOVED TREE TO BE REMOVED CONTRACT LIMIT LINE 00 30'60' FENCE TO BE REMOVED RELOCATED FOREST HOME PILLARS 5 L-501CURB RAMP - TYPE A 7 L-501 COLLAPSIBLE BOLLARD (4) MATC H E X I S T I N G WIDT H + / - 8 . 1 5 ' M A T C H E X I S T I N G W I D T H + / - 8 . 0 0 ' 1 0 . 0 0 ' 8.00' 20.00' 8.00' MATCH E X I S T I N G WIDTH + / - 8 . 0 0 ' R 3 ' R10' MA T C H E X I S T I N G WID T H + / - 7 . 9 6 ' 5 L-501CURB RAMP - TYPE A 5 L-501 CURB RAMP - TYPE A 3 L-501CURB RAMP - TYPE C 5 L-501 CURB RAMP - TYPE A MA T C H E X I S T I N G W I D T H + / - 8 . 0 0 ' R8 5 ' M A T C H E X I S T I N G W I D T H + / - 7 . 2 5 ' 8.00' 8.00' X L-502 GATEWAY SIGNAGE A MA T C H E X I S T I N G WID T H + / - 2 0 . 0 0 ' R29' R37' R138' R16 ' R 2 5 ' R22' R25 ' R3 0 ' R3' 8.0 0 ' DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-202 CRADIT FARM & PLEASANT GROVE LAYOUT PLAN 00 30'60' LAYOUT NOTES 1.GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY OWNERS HAVING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ON SITE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UTILITY LOCATING COMPANY AND LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3.SEE CIVIL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR LAYOUT OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SITE LIGHTING. 4.INSTALL EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 30' MAX IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND IN AREAS WHERE CONCRETE ABUTS CURBS OR OTHER FIXED OBJECTS. 5.VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND ACCEPT CONDITIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. 6.DO NOT SCALE FROM MEASURING DRAWINGS. 7.WALKS, DRIVES, CURBS AND PARKING TO BE STAKED OUT IN THE FIELD BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. 8.LAYOUT DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO EDGE OF CONCRETE WALKS AND FACE OF CURB. 9.ALL PAVEMENT RADII ARE 5' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAN. 10.HORIZONTAL DATUM IS REFERENCED TO THE NEW YORK STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83 EAST ZONE, AS NOTED ON SURVEY. 11.VERTICAL DATUM IS REFERENCED TO NAD88, AS NOTED ON SURVEY. 12.MAPPING IS AS PROVIDED BY BRYANT ASSOCIATE, P.C. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 108 W. JEFFERSON ST. SUITE 400, SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 13202 13.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LP KEY MATERIAL DETAIL MEDIUM DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT GRANITE SETS MEDIUM DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT PEDESTRIAN LIGHT CONTRACT LIMIT LINE SAWCUT PAVEMENT NORTHING / EASTING POINT LIGHT POLE HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT 3B 3B 3B 3B 900.00 912.00 911.00 910.00 909.00 908.0 0 907. 0 0 906 . 0 0 905 . 0 0 904 . 0 0 903 . 0 0 908.0 0 906. 0 0 907 . 0 0 909.00 910.00 911.00 912.00 9 1 1 . 0 0 9 1 2 . 0 0 912.00 913. 0 0 912.00 913.0 0 913 . 0 0 91 4 . 0 0 915 . 0 0 908.00 909 . 0 0 91 0 . 0 0 TR 913.50 BR 913.00 TR 913.50 BR 913.00 TR 912.50 BR 912.00 TR 912.50 BR 912.00 TR 912.50 BR 912.00 TR 912.50 BR 912.75 TC 913.50 BC 913.00 TC 913.50 BC 913.00 906 . 0 0 907. 0 0 TR 900.25 BR 900.00 TR 900.00 BR 800.50 89 8 8 9 9 90 0 90 1 90 2 9 0 3 9 0 4 90 5 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 90 9 906 90 6 90 8 908 908 90 7 907 9 0 9 9 1 0 9 1 1 91 2 91 3 90 9 907 907 907.0 0 TR 907.70 BR 907.20 910 . 0 0 915.00 914.00 913.00 912.00 911.00 916.00 917.00 TR 907.65 BR 907.15 913.00 912.00 TR 907.80 BR 907.30 TC 913.98 BC 913.48 91 0 . 0 0 90 9 . 0 0 90 8 . 0 0 907 . 0 0 TC 907.80 BC 907.30 TR 907.65 BR 907.15 DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-302 CRADIT FARM & PLEASANT GROVE GRADING PLAN 00 30'60' GRADING NOTES 1.ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO REMAIN, FENCING, TREES, ETC., WITHIN CONSTRUCTION AREA SHALL BE REMOVED & DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. 2.GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES HAVING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ON SITE OR IN RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UTILITY LOCATING COMPANY AND LOCATE ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO GRADING START. 3.SITE GRADING SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 4.GRADING AROUND EXISTING TREES TO BE MINIMIZED. 5.PNEUMATIC EXCAVATION TO BE USED FOR UTILITY WORK WITHIN DRIP LINES OF TREES TO REMAIN. 6.MINIMIZE IMPACT TO EXISTING, REMAINING LANDSCAPE WHILE EXCAVATING. GREAT CARE IS TO BE TAKEN TO AVOID DISTURBING ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES. HAND EXCAVATION WILL BE REQUIRED WHERE EXISTING TREE ROOTS ARE PRESENT. 7.ALL EXISTING UTILITY COVERS AND GRATES WITHIN THE AREA OF DISTURBANCE ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO MEET PROPOSED GRADES. 8.MATCH EXISTING GRADE AT ALL EDGES WHERE PROJECT WORK MEETS EXISTING SITE. 9.SEE CIVIL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR PROPOSED UTILITIES. EXISTING CONTOUR SAWCUT PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION+846.00 BC = BOTTOM OF CURB TC = TOP OF CURB TB = TOP OF LIGHT POLE BASE =CATCH BASIN EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION BW = BOTTOM OF WALL TW = TOP OF WALL PROPOSED CONTOUR LEGEND =CATCH BASIN / MANHOLE EE = ENTRY ELEVATION SAWCUT 900.00 912.00 911.00 910.00 909.00 908.0 0 907. 0 0 906 . 0 0 905 . 0 0 904 . 0 0 90 3 . 0 0 908.0 0 906 . 0 0 907 . 0 0 909.00 910.00 911.00 912.00 9 1 1 . 0 0 9 1 2 . 0 0 912.00 913. 0 0 912.00 913.0 0 913. 0 0 91 4 . 0 0 915 . 0 0 908.00 909 . 0 0 91 0 . 0 0 906 . 0 0 907. 0 0 8 9 8 89 9 9 0 0 9 0 1 9 0 2 9 0 3 90 4 90 5 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 90 9 906 90 6 90 8 908 908 90 7 907 9 0 9 9 1 0 9 1 1 91 2 91 3 90 9 907 907 907.0 0 910 . 0 0 915.00 914.00 913.00 912.00 911.00 916.00 917.00 913.00 912.00 91 0 . 0 0 90 9 . 0 0 90 8 . 0 0 90 7 . 0 0 DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-402 CRADIT FARM & PLEASANT GROVE PLANTING PLAN PLANTING NOTES 1.ALL PLANTING BEDS TO BE PREPARED AS SPECIFIED: SHRUB BEDS TO BE PREPARED IN THEIR ENTIRETY WITH PLANTING SOIL MIX. TREE PITS TO BE DUG TO DEPTH OF ROOTBALL BY 3X THE DIAMETER. 2.AFTER BEDS ARE PREPARED, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS TO LOCATE TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES AS SHOWN ON PLANS. TREE, SHRUB AND PERENNIAL LOCATIONS ARE TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE THEY ARE PLANTED. 3.NO PLANTS ARE TO BE PLANTED UNDER ROOF OVERHANGS OR CANOPIES. 4.KEEP ALL SHRUBS PLANTED IN BEDS ADJACENT TO WALKS A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM EDGE OF WALK. 5.ANY AND ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION THAT ARE NOT SHOWN AS PAVED OR PLANTED BED ARE TO BE SEEDED AS LAWN, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. PREPARE AND SEED LAWN AS PER SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. 6.ALL TREES AND PLANTS TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI 260.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK". 7.MAINTAIN AND WARRANTY ALL LIVING PLANT MATERIAL AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 8.ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN WITHIN THE CONTRACT LIMIT LINE TO BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. SEE DEMOLITION PLANS. 9.ALL EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN WITHIN THE CONTRACT LIMIT LINE TO BE PRUNED BY A QUALIFIED ARBORIST. 10.ANY EXISTING TREES DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO BE PRUNED BY A QUALIFIED ARBORIST OR REPLACED IN KIND AT NO COST TO THE OWNER AS DETERMINED BY LEVEL OF DAMAGE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RECOMMENDATION 11.HAND DIG AND PLANT SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS WITHIN CANOPY OF EXISTING TREES. PROTECT ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES DURING INSTALLATION. 12.TURF IS TO BE ESTABLISHED EARLY ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE 80% COVERAGE BY THE END OF THE GROWING SEASON. 00 30'60' PLANTING SCHEDULE 6'-0" TYP 6'-0" PITCH 1:12 PI T C H 1 : 1 2 NOTES: 1.SEE LAYOUT PLAN FOR LOCATION AND DIMENSION OF CURB RAMPS 2.GRADE CHANGES TO BE SMOOTH AND EVENLY PITCHED. 3.LANDING AT TOP OF RAMP TO BE 5' DEEP AND MATCHING WIDTH OF RAMP WITH MAX. SLOPE OF 2% IN BOTH DIRECTIONS 6'- 0 " T Y P PITCH 1:12 6' TYP. 121 ISOMETRIC VIEW N.T.S. PLAN 6' TYP. 6' TYP. PIT C H 1 : 1 2 1 12 6' TYP. 6" T Y P 6'-0" MIN. SEE LAYOUT PLANS 2' - 0 " DETECTABLE WARNINGS, FULL WIDTH OF RAMP EXCLUSIVE OF SIDE FLARES - SEE SPECS. 4" 8" COMPACTED SUBGRADE GRANITE SETTS 1" SAND CEMENT SETTING BED POLYMERIC SAND FILLED JOINTS ADJACENT PAVING SAW CUT ASPHALT OR CONCRETE TO ACHIEVE CLEAN EDGE COMPACTED SUBBASE PROVIDE 1 2" WEEP HOLES AT 12'-0" O.C. IN GRID EDGE RESTRAINT WHEN NOT BOUND BY PAVEMENT FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE 4" 12"x12" FILTER FABRIC OVER EACH WEEP HOLE 8" 4" 4" NO. 2 ROUND STONE ADJACENT PLANTING OR PAVING COMPACTED SUBGRADE COMPACTED SUBBASE STEEL EDGING WHEN NOT BOUND BY EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR CURB FACE SLOPE BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION AWAY FROM BUILDING STEEL EDGING WHEN NOT BOUND BY CONCRETE PAVEMENT 3' - 0 " TY P . 7'- 0 " C L E A R MI N . , T Y P . HEAVY GAUGE U-CHANNEL POST ADJACENT PAVEMENT SIGN POST DRIVEN INTO GROUND STACK SIGNS AS INDICATED IN PLAN NOTES: 1.SEE SIGNAGE PLANS FOR LOCATION, LAYOUT, AND TYPE. BREAKAWAY BASE 6" 6" 3' - 0 " 6"6"6" 6" NOTES: 1.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR MANUFACTURER AND MODEL OF BOLLARD SLEEVE. 2.BOLLARD SLEEVE TO BE INSTALLED WITH SET SCREWS PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER. 3.BOLLARD FOUNDATION TO BE INDEPENDENT FROM BUILDING STRUCTURE AND FOUNDATIONS 4.ALL BOLLARDS TO BE 2'-0" FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT. 18" SQUARE 3' - 0 " ADJACENT PAVEMENT CONCRETE FOOTING SLOPE CONCRETE 4" Ø I.D. STEEL PIPE FILLED WITH CONCRETE 6" DIA. STAINLESS STEEL BOLLARD SLEEVE, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SEAL JOINT WITH RUBBERIZED ASPHALT CRACK FILLER OR POLYURETHANE CAULK, FLUSH WITH ADJACENT PAVEMENT ISOLATION JOINT NOTES: 1.REFER TO PLANS FOR LOCATIONS OF BOLLARDS 2.REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR MANUFACTURER AND MODEL OF BOLLARD 3.DRILL INTO PAVEMENT TO SET FIX QUICK RELEASE BASE 4'- 0 " ADJACENT PAVEMENT (4) SET SCREWS, PRE-DRILL HOLES 2" NON-MAGNETIC COLLAPSIBLE BOLLARD 8" SQ. QUICK RELEASE BASE WITH SPRING LOADED PIN CONCRETE FOOTING 2' - 0 " 8" 10 " 3' - 0 " 2'-6" NOTES: 1.BASIS OF DESIGN IS DERO "DOWNTOWN RACK" IN BLACK THERMOPLASTIC. 2.WALL SETBACK: FOR RACKS SET PARALLEL TO THE WALL, A MINIMUM OF 24" SHOULD BE LEFT BETWEEN THE WALL AND THE RACK. 36" IS THE RECOMMENDED SETBACK. 3.FOR RACKS INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WALL, A 34" SETBACK IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE. 42" IS RECOMMENDED. 4.DISTANCE BETWEEN RACKS: 24" IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN RACKS. 36" IS RECOMMENDED. 5.STREET SETBACK: 24" IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE STREET AND THE RACK. 36" IS RECOMMENDED. NOTES: 1.GRANITE RETAINING WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF VARYING LENGTHS OF GRANITE, SEE LAYOUT DETAIL. EASE AND TOOL ALL CORNERS TO 1/8" RADIUS TO ELIMINATE SHARP EDGES. 2.LEVEL STONE, TRUE AND PLUMB. 3.FINISHES ARE: SAWN AND THERMALLED ALL SIDES 4.CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE SHOP DRAWINGS BASED ON FIELD MEASUREMENTS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION.2'-0" VA R I E S S E E G R A D I N G P L A N 4" 1'- 0 " 2" SAWN AND THERMALLED 4" LEVELING BED COMPACTED SUB BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE TURF OR LANDSCAPE, SEE PLANS ADA DETECTABLE WARNING PLATE 4' - 0 " M I N . 6' - 0 " 1:12 M A X . 1:12 M A X . 1: 1 2 M A X . LANDING FLUSH CURB 6'-0" TYP 6'-0" MIN. SEE LAYOUT PLANS 6'-0" 5'- 0 " T Y P 1:12 (8.3%) 4' MIN. 121 ISOMETRIC VIEW N.T.S. PLAN 6' TYP. 6' TYP. 1 12 5' TYP. 2'- 0 " 2% M A X MAX SLOPE 1:12 (8.3%) MAX SLOPE 1 : 5 0 ( 2 % ) MA X S L O P E DETECTABLE WARNINGS, FULL WIDTH OF RAMP EXCLUSIVE OF SIDE FLARES - SEE SPECS. NOTES: 1.SEE LAYOUT PLAN FOR LOCATION AND DIMENSION OF CURB RAMPS 2.GRADE CHANGES TO BE SMOOTH AND EVENLY PITCHED. 3.LANDING AT TOP OF RAMP TO BE 5' DEEP AND MATCHING WIDTH OF RAMP WITH MAX. SLOPE OF 2% IN BOTH DIRECTIONS DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-501 SITE DETAILS 1/4" = 1'-0" ADA CURB RAMP - TYPE A51" = 1'-0" GRANITE SETS21" = 1'-0" GRAVEL MULCH1 1/4" = 1'-0" SIGNS10 1/2" = 1'-0" BOLLARD151/2" = 1'-0" COLLAPSIBLE BOLLARD141/2" = 1'-0" BICYCLE RACK13 1" = 1'-0" GRANITE BLOCK WALL SECTION9 1/4" = 1'-0" ADA CURB RAMP - TYPE C3 1/4" = 1'-0" ADA CURB RAMP - TYPE B4 VARIES SEE PLAN TREE DRIPLINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE: DIAMETER OF TRUNK IN INCHES* MULTIPLIED BY 1.5 FEET OR 5' OUTSIDE OF DRIPLINE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER *MEASURED 4.5' ABOVE GROUND 4"X4" STAKES 2"X6" (LENGTH VARIES) EXISTING TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE . 4. 0 0 ' 2"X6" USE 16 PENNY NAILS BOTTOM RAIL OPTION GRADE TREE GUARD 4"X4" STAKES MAILBOX POST ANCHOR (TYP.) POST SIGN, 8.5"X11", "VEGETATION AND SOIL PROTECTION ZONE, NO VEHICLES, NO STORAGE" TREE DRIPLINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE MULTIPLE TREES OR SHRUBS SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX. FILL HALF WAY, WATER AND TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS, COMPLETE FILL AND WATER, TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT. GRADE TO FORM SAUCER IN LAWN AREAS ONLY SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TREE PIT TO PREVENT GLAZING OF SUBGRADE. SET TREE DIRECTLY ON SUBGRADE TO PREVENT SETTLING.3X WIDTH OF ROOT BALL 6" M I N NOTES: 1.ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE INSECT AND DISEASE FREE PER DESIGN STANDARDS. 2.DO NOT PRUNE THE TREE UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 3.STAKE TREES ONLY UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 4.WRAP TREE TRUNKS WITH DEER PROTECTION MESH ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MARK NORTH SIDE OF TREE IN NURSERY, AND PLACE TREE TO FACE NORTH AT THE SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE UNTIE AND ROLL BACK BURLAP FROM MIN. 1/3 OF ROOT BALL. SYNTHETIC WRAP IS UNACCEPTABLE. CUT WIRE BASKETS AND REMOVE. PLANT SHALL BE SET AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE ESTABLISHED FINISH GRADE SUCH THAT ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE 3" SPECIFIED SHREDDED BARK MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. 3X WIDTH OF ROOT BALL SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TREE PIT TO PREVENT GLAZING OF SUBGRADE GRADE TO FORM 3" DEEP SAUCER COMPACT SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING PLANT SHALL BE SET AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE ESTABLISHED FINISH GRADE 3" SPECIFIED SHREDDED BARK MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. IF B&B TREE, UNTIE AND ROLL BACK BURLAP FROM 1/3 MIN. OF ROOT BALL. SYNTHETIC WRAP IS UNACCEPTABLE. CUT AND REMOVE EVERYTHING EXCEPT BURLAP. SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX COMPACTED IN 4" LIFTS TO PREVENT SETTLING COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES: 1.ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE INSECT AND DISEASE FREE PER DESIGN STANDARDS. 2.DO NOT PRUNE THE TREE UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 3.STAKE TREES ONLY UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 4.WRAP TREE TRUNKS WITH DEER PROTECTION MESH ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. NOTES: 1.PLANT AT SAME DEPTH AS PREVIOUSLY PLANTED IN NURSERY OR CONTAINER 2.PROVIDE COMPACTED BASE UNDER ROOT BALL ONLY TO PREVENT SETTLING 3.CUT ANY CIRCLING ROOTS AND TEASE APART ROOTS OF POT BOUND CONTAINERIZED PLANTS. 4.DO NOT USE TREATED BURLAP SHREDDED BARK MULCH, EXTENT OF BEDLINE: 3" (75mm) FOR SHRUBS, PERENNIALS AND BULBS UNTIE AND ROLL BACK BURLAP FROM MIN. 1/3 OF ROOT BALL. SYNTHETIC WRAP IS UNACCEPTABLE. CUT WIRE BASKETS AND REMOVE. IF CONTAINER OR POT GROWN, REMOVE ENTIRE COVERING. SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX SPADED BED EDGE COMPACTED BASE 2'- 0 " MI N . SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF PIT 4" TO PREVENT GLAZING OF SUBGRADE NO SHREDDED BARK OR WOOD CHIPS TO LAY AGAINST COLLAR OF SHRUB VARIES, SEE PLANS PLANT SO THAT ROOT FLARE IS AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE ADJACENT FINISHED LANDSCAPE GRADE LAWN SEED OR HYDROSEED STRAW MULCH - STALKS FROM OATS, WHEAT AND/OR RYE FREE FROM SEED AND WEED SEED. NO NON-BIODEGRADABLE (PLASTIC, NYLON, ETC.) EROSION CONTROL NETTING OR MATTING PERMITTED TURF SOIL MIX SCARIFY SUB-GRADE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING 4" M I N . UNDISTURBED AND/OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE PLACE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 1V:3H BACK FILL AS SPECIFIED - 2 3 EXISTING SOIL MIXED WITH 13 NEW ORGANIC MATERIAL EXISTING LAWN NOTES: 1.SEE PLANTING FOR EXTENTS 2.FERTILIZE AS SPECIFIED 4" M I N . 6" TURF SOIL MIX, ROLL TO COMPACT TO 85% PROCTOR DENSITY 1'-0" MIN. CLEAN FILL OR DEEP RIPPED SUBSOIL AMENDED WITH 9.25 CY OF COMPOST PER 1000 SF 1' - 0 " M I N . UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE 4" NOTES: 1.LAWN RESTORATION WORK TO COMPLY WITH REQUIRMENTS PER "NYS DEC - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DESIGN MANUAL - AUGUST 2010" AS WELL AS "NYS DEC DEEP RIPPING AND COMPACTION - APRIL 2008" 3" COMPOST TILL (DEEP RIP) INTO SUBSOIL 3" LAWN SEED OR HYDROMULCH PLACE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 1V:3H DATE: RECORD PLANS PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DATE 5 It is a violation of New York Education Law Article 145 Sec.7209, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in any way. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor is altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix to the item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature and date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. NO.REVISION 1 2 3 4 BY DATE PROJECT/CLIENT DRAWING TITLE I HEREBY CERTIFY BY MY SIGNATURE, THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS RECORD DRAWING WHICH IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE WORK AS CONSTRUCTED. © 2018 LaBella Associates CORNELL UNIVERSITY 19017NORTH CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS MAY 07, 2020 L-502 SITE DETAILS ############ TREE PROTECTION FENCE5############ TREE PLANTING4############ TREE PLANTING ON SLOPE3############ SHRUB PLANTING2 ########## LAWN RESTORATION & SEEDING9########## LAWN ESTABLISHMENT WITH DECOMPACTION8 Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvements Pleasant Grove & Cradit Farm Intersection May 7th, 2020 Cradit Fa r m D r . Pleasant Gro v e R d . Relocated Forest Home Pillars Cornell Gateway Signage and Planting Bed Planted Median, typ. Crosswalk, typ. North Campus Fire Access Road Ple a s a n t G r o v e R d . Pavement Design and Geotechnical Information PAVEMENT EVALUATION REPORT Thurston Avenue Cradit Farm Drive Pleasant Grove Road CORNELL UNIVERSITY TOMPKINS COUNTY PROJECT # 2191760 OCTOBER 2019 PREPARED FOR: CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK 14853 PREPARED BY: LABELLA ASSOCIATES, DPC 300 STATE STREET ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14614 1 BACKGROUND This report evaluates three roadways associated with the Cornell University North Campus Transportation Improvement Project. Thurston Avenue (Cradit Farm Drive to Wait Avenue) including a portion of Cradit Farm Drive, Pleasant Grove Road and Cradit Farm Drive at the intersection with Hasbrouck Circle. The subject roadways are considered an urban local road under the functional classification system. Project limits along Thurston Avenue extend from just south of Cradit Farm Drive to Just north of Wait Avenue, approximately 300 feet of roadway. Thurston Avenue, Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road all have horizontal alignments comprised of with gentle curvature and rolling vertical alignments. Within the subject limits, daily traffic volumes along the roadways are approximately 6,500 vehicles. Stormwater runoff is accommodated via closed drainage systems with the exception of Pleasant Grove Road which has a portion of roadway with sheet flow to roadside terrain and ditches. Information on the original pavement structure is not available. A series of pavement cores were obtained to determine the existing pavement structure. The pavement section for Thurston Avenue consists of a Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) layer varying in depth from 3” to 4” of combined top course and binder course materials. Cradit Farm Drive pavement section consists of 5.75” to 6” of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) of combined top course and binder course materials. Pleasant Grove Road is comprised of 7” of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) of combined top, binder and base courses. The native subgrade material is comprised of brown/gray coarse to fine sand with some gravel. It is assumed from the native material composition that the working Resilient Modulus (Mr) is 5,500 psi for Thurston Road and 6,000 psi for the Cradit Farm Drive/Pleasant Grove Road area. EXISTING CONDITION Pavement surface conditions were evaluated in June 2018 in accordance with NYSDOT’s Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual, (CPDM). The pavement condition can be described as being in poor to fair condition. Travel lane distresses noted include the following: Moderate alligator cracking along Thurston Avenue at Wait Avenue. Locations with mixed transverse and longitudinal cracking along Cradit Farm Drive. Edge cracking along the curbline on Cradit Farm Drive. Project Area Project Area 2 Equivalent single axle load (ESAL) calculations have been performed for the roads to determine if adequate pavement structure is provided. Documentation of the calculations is provided in Appendix B. Results of the calculations show that the recommended pavement structure to accommodate design loads is 6 ½” of hot mix asphalt over 12 inches of stone subbase. Based on the pavement cores, the existing pavement structure is inadequate for Thurston Road and marginally adequate for Cradit Farm Drive and Pleasant Grove Road. POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES Based on the type and severity of the distress in the pavement within the travel lanes, the depth and salvageability of the existing pavement section, and the desire to achieve an extended service life, and the need for operational reconfiguration of the roadway reconstruction options have been identified as possible treatments for providing useful life of the project area pavement. Option 1: Full Depth Reconstruction based on NYSDOT CPDM Design Methodology Included in this treatment are: Complete excavation of existing roadway pavement structure New Subbase Stone (12”) Asphalt base layer (3”) Asphalt binder course (2”) Asphalt top course (1 ½”) Anticipated life expectancy 20+ years. Option 2: Full Depth Reconstruction based on Cornell University Heavy Duty Pavement Detail Included in this treatment are: Complete excavation of existing roadway pavement structure Filter fabric Mirafi 500X or equivalent New Subbase Stone (15”) Asphalt binder course (4.5”) Asphalt top course (1 ½”) Anticipated life expectancy 20+ years. DISCUSSION / RECOMMENDATION To assist in determining the preferred option, order of magnitude costs have been developed for each option (refer to Appendix C). The estimates account only for pavement rehabilitation items (they do include costs associated with drainage, signs, striping, etc.). A summary of the pavement rehabilitation cost for each option: Option 1: Full Depth Reconstruction NYSDOT CPDM methodology $10.00/SF Option 2: Full Depth Reconstruction (Cornell University Heavy Duty Pavement) $11.00/SF 3 Options 1 is the recommended alternative to provide anticipated service life and structural adequacy for the expected traffic loading. APPENDIX A ESAL CALCULATIONS 80 kN ESAL Calculation Sheet Date: 11/29/2017 Version 3.2 Updated 11/1/2017 MPH Prepared by: (Author) This work sheet is used for the purpose of calculating the 80 kN ESAL using the "simple" method. These calculations were taken from Figure 4-1 of the NYS Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual (June 2000). Enter the parameters for items 0 through 8 below in the blue blocks. The 80 kN ESAL count is calculated based on a compound traffic growth rate ENTER DATA IN ALL SHEETS BEFORE PRINTING PIN #: Project:Pleasant Grove Road Location:City of Ithaca Date:1-Oct-19 INPUT PARAMETERS: 0. Construction Year 2022 1.Design Life (use 50 years for determining pavement thickness) 50 2. Projected Construction Year AADT 6500 3. Percent Heavy Trucks Class 4 or greater 7% 4. Percent Trucks in Design Direction 50% 5. Percent Trucks in Design Lane 100% 6. Truck Equivalency Factor (avg. ESAL per truck)1.35 7. Truck Volume Growth Rate 1.00% 8. Annual Truck Weight Growth Rate 0.00% 9. Modulus of Resilience Value 41 19 Enter the Functional Classification Code of the highway NO Does this road have full or partial access control? YES Is there a possibility of damaging homes, historic sites, etc., due to excessive vibration during compaction. YES Will there be less than 2000 MT of each course placed? NO Is the highway located in either Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Putnam, Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk, Sullivan County or the City of New York? NO Are there are more than 3 lanes on this road? RESULTS: AADT for Design Year 2072 10,584 •Use 'F' series high friction asphalt. Total 80 kN ESAL Count for the Design Life 7,155,531 •The 'Estimated Traffic' level should be < 10.0 million 80 Kn ESALs. •64V-22 • PAVEMENT THICKNESS TABLE 80 kN ESAL Calculation Sheet Date: 11/29/2017 Version 3.2 Updated 11/1/2017 MPH Prepared by: (Author) This work sheet is used for the purpose of calculating the 80 kN ESAL using the "simple" method. These calculations were taken from Figure 4-1 of the NYS Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual (June 2000). Enter the parameters for items 0 through 8 below in the blue blocks. The 80 kN ESAL count is calculated based on a compound traffic growth rate Enter data also in pavt. thickness sheet. Print this sheet + item numbers TOTAL ESAL VALUE 7,155,531 Total HMA Thickness 7 inches SELECT GRANULAR SUBGRADE GRAVEL BASE BINDER TOP inches inches inches inches inches 0 12 3.0 2 1.5 ACTUAL PAVEMENT THICKNESSES TO USE THICKNESS SELECT GRANULAR SUBGRADE 0 in. GRAVEL 12 in. BASE 3 in. BINDER 2 in. TOP 1.5 in. 80 kN ESAL calculation Work Sheet Version 3.2 Updated 11/1/2017 MPH Prepared by: (Author) Date: 11/29/2017 This work sheet is used for the purpose of calculating the 80 kN ESAL using the "simple" method. These calculations were taken from Figure 4-1 of the NYS Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual (June 2000). The 80 kN ESAL count is calculated based on a compound traffic growth rate and should be used for SUPERPAVE. Make Sure to Double Check All Data P.IN. #: Project: Date: INPUT PARAMETERS:Double Check 0. Construction Completion Year 2022 1. Design Life (Use 20 years for determining mix) 20 2. Initial AADT 6500 3. Percent Heavy Trucks Class 5 or greater 7% 4. Percent Trucks in Design Direction 50% 5. Percent Trucks in Design Lane 100% 6. Truck Equivalency Factor (avg. ESAL per truck) 1.35 7. Truck Volume Growth Rate 1.00% 8. Annual Truck Weight Growth Rate 0.00% Notes: 19 The Functional Classification of the highway is 19 - Urban Local. NO This road does not have full or partial access control. YES There is no possibility of damaging homes, historic sites, etc., due to excessive vibration during compaction. YES There will be less than 2000 MT of each course placed. ESALS are less than 0.3 million. NO The highway is not located in either Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Putnam, Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk, Sullivan County or the City of New York? NO There are less than 4 lanes on this road. RESULTS: AADT for Design Year 2042 7,853 •Use asphalt series for low volume roads. Total 80 kN ESAL Count for the Design Life 2,404,581 •The 'Estimated Traffic' level should be < 3.0 million 80 Kn ESALs. •A traffic level of <0.3 can be selected if the RME concurs Recommended SUPERPAVE Item number •TOP: 402.09 Or: 402.12 •BINDER: 402.12 •Confirm with the Regional Materials Engineer •Remember to add the appropriate Quality Payment Items •Remember to Print Out the Applicable Special Note Your Special Note Is for: 64V-22 0 Pleasant Grove Road 10/1/19 ST A T I O N : 36 8 3 0 6 N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Tr a f f i c C o u n t H o u r l y R e p o r t Pa g e 1 o f 2 RO A D # : CR C R 1 2 2 RO A D N A M E : PL E A S A N T G R O V E FR O M : FO R E S T H O M E D R TO : CA Y U G A H T S V / L CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s DI R E C T I O N : N o r t h b o u n d F A C T O R G R O U P : 3 0 R E C . S E R I A L # : A P 2 1 F U N C . C L A S S : 1 6 T O W N : ST A T E D I R C O D E : 6 W K O F Y R : 3 6 P L A C E M E N T : 2 1 1 ' N o f J e s s u p R d . N H S : n o L I O N # : DA T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 @ R E F M A R K E R : J U R I S : V i l l a g e B I N : NO T E S L A N E 1 : N B t r a v e l l a n e A D D L D A T A : C C S t n : R R C R O S S I N G : CO U N T T Y P E : V E H I C L E S B A T C H I D : D O T - D O T R 0 3 V 3 6 a T S T 5 1 9 5 HP M S S A M P L E : CO U N T T A K E N B Y : O R G C O D E : T S T I N I T I A L S : T B W P R O C E S S E D B Y : O R G C O D E : D O T I N I T I A L S : J A B 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 DA I L Y D A I L Y DA I L Y H I G H H I G H AM PM DA T E DA Y TO T A L CO U N T HO U R 29 M 30 T 31 W 1T 18 3 2 0 5 3 0 0 3 0 7 2 0 7 1 2 8 1 0 9 7 3 4 3 2 3 16 5 6 7 9 2 3 5 0 1 3 2 1 9 0 1 5 9 1 5 1 1 9 6 1 7 9 1 6 9 1 7 7 2 0 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4 1 4 3 1 1 2 5 6 6 6 2 4 29 1 3 3 4 3 1 6 12 7 6 1 0 1 1 2 5 5 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 1 8 1 1 8 0 2 1 5 2 1 7 1 8 5 1 8 2 2 1 4 2 8 7 3 5 3 1 9 5 1 4 6 8 5 7 6 5 7 2 6 30 6 8 3 5 3 1 7 28 9 2 6 9 2 2 5 9 1 2 6 2 2 5 1 5 5 1 3 7 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y H O U R S ( A x l e F a c t o r e d , M o n 6 A M t o F r i N o o n ) A D T 19 7 5 8 1 0 2 3 5 3 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 6 5 1 5 6 2 0 6 1 9 8 1 7 7 1 8 1 2 0 7 3 1 0 3 2 4 1 9 5 1 3 9 1 0 2 6 8 5 5 2 4 29 7 2 DA Y S Co u n t e d 4 HO U R S Co u n t e d 69 WE E K D A Y S Co u n t e d 4 WE E K D A Y Ho u r s 69 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y Hi g h H o u r 32 4 % o f d a y 11 % Ax l e A d j . Fa c t o r 1. 0 0 0 Se a s o n a l / W e e k d a y Ad j u s t m e n t F a c t o r 1. 0 8 8 ES T I M A T E D AA D T 27 3 2 RO A D # : CR 1 2 2 RO A D N A M E : PL E A S A N T G R O V E FR O M : FO R E S T H O M E D R TO : CA Y U G A H T S V / L CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s ST A T I O N : 36 8 3 0 6 ST A T E D I R C O D E : 6 PL A C E M E N T : 21 1 ' N o f J e s s u p R d . D A T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 ST A T I O N : 36 8 3 0 6 N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Tr a f f i c C o u n t H o u r l y R e p o r t Pa g e 2 o f 2 RO A D # : CR C R 1 2 2 RO A D N A M E : PL E A S A N T G R O V E FR O M : FO R E S T H O M E D R TO : CA Y U G A H T S V / L CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s DI R E C T I O N : S o u t h b o u n d F A C T O R G R O U P : 3 0 R E C . S E R I A L # : A P 2 1 F U N C . C L A S S : 1 6 T O W N : ST A T E D I R C O D E : 7 W K O F Y R : 3 6 P L A C E M E N T : 2 1 1 ' N o f J e s s u p R d . N H S : n o L I O N # : DA T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 @ R E F M A R K E R : J U R I S : V i l l a g e B I N : NO T E S L A N E 1 : S B t r a v e l l a n e A D D L D A T A : C C S t n : R R C R O S S I N G : CO U N T T Y P E : V E H I C L E S B A T C H I D : D O T - D O T R 0 3 V 3 6 a T S T 5 1 9 5 HP M S S A M P L E : CO U N T T A K E N B Y : O R G C O D E : T S T I N I T I A L S : T B W P R O C E S S E D B Y : O R G C O D E : D O T I N I T I A L S : J A B 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 DA I L Y D A I L Y DA I L Y H I G H H I G H AM PM DA T E DA Y TO T A L CO U N T HO U R 29 M 30 T 31 W 1T 13 8 1 6 0 2 2 2 2 6 3 1 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 6 9 4 2 1 8 54 6 4 1 3 4 7 8 1 2 4 4 2 9 9 2 2 2 1 7 6 1 7 0 1 7 0 1 6 4 1 6 1 1 5 4 2 3 8 2 6 8 1 6 9 1 3 3 9 4 8 1 3 7 2 0 29 6 0 2 9 9 8 42 4 8 1 4 4 6 8 3 2 1 6 3 2 4 2 5 5 1 7 2 1 6 5 2 1 4 2 2 8 1 7 0 1 7 9 2 1 4 2 6 7 1 8 3 1 5 2 1 0 6 8 4 3 6 1 7 31 4 3 3 2 4 8 97 4 5 1 4 4 5 7 1 2 2 5 3 0 7 2 6 5 1 6 7 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y H O U R S ( A x l e F a c t o r e d , M o n 6 A M t o F r i N o o n ) A D T 64 5 6 1 4 4 6 7 8 2 2 8 3 1 0 2 4 7 1 7 2 1 6 8 1 9 2 1 9 6 1 5 6 1 6 4 2 2 5 2 6 6 1 8 1 1 4 3 1 0 5 7 8 3 8 1 8 30 4 6 DA Y S Co u n t e d 4 HO U R S Co u n t e d 69 WE E K D A Y S Co u n t e d 4 WE E K D A Y Ho u r s 69 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y Hi g h H o u r 31 0 % o f d a y 10 % Ax l e A d j . Fa c t o r 1. 0 0 0 Se a s o n a l / W e e k d a y Ad j u s t m e n t F a c t o r 1. 0 8 8 ES T I M A T E D AA D T 28 0 0 RO A D # : CR 1 2 2 RO A D N A M E : PL E A S A N T G R O V E FR O M : FO R E S T H O M E D R TO : CA Y U G A H T S V / L CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s ST A T I O N : 36 8 3 0 6 ST A T E D I R C O D E : 7 PL A C E M E N T : 21 1 ' N o f J e s s u p R d . D A T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 ST A T I O N : 36 6 0 3 2 N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Tr a f f i c C o u n t H o u r l y R e p o r t Pa g e 1 o f 2 RO A D # : R O A D N A M E : TH U R S T O N A V E FR O M : BA R T O N P L TO : UN I V E R S I T Y A V E CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s DI R E C T I O N : N o r t h b o u n d F A C T O R G R O U P : 3 0 R E C . S E R I A L # : A P 8 0 F U N C . C L A S S : 1 9 C I T Y : ST A T E D I R C O D E : 6 W K O F Y R : 3 6 P L A C E M E N T : 2 5 0 ' S o f C r e d i t F a r m D r . N H S : n o L I O N # : DA T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 @ R E F M A R K E R : J U R I S : C o u n t y B I N : 2 2 1 0 6 3 0 NO T E S L A N E 1 : N B t r a v e l l a n e A D D L D A T A : C l a s s S p e e d C C S t n : R R C R O S S I N G : CO U N T T Y P E : V E H I C L E S B A T C H I D : D O T - R 0 3 C 3 6 a T S T 5 1 9 5 H P M S S A M P L E : CO U N T T A K E N B Y : O R G C O D E : T S T I N I T I A L S : T B W P R O C E S S E D B Y : O R G C O D E : D O T I N I T I A L S : S J W 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 DA I L Y D A I L Y DA I L Y H I G H H I G H AM PM DA T E DA Y TO T A L CO U N T HO U R 29 M 30 T 31 W 1T 18 4 1 7 7 2 3 9 2 6 6 3 2 2 2 1 7 2 0 1 1 6 8 1 6 5 1 4 0 8 8 57 2 7 9 1 4 1 3 2 7 6 3 1 2 2 1 4 5 1 3 5 1 5 8 1 7 8 1 7 0 1 6 4 1 8 4 1 7 6 2 5 5 2 4 2 2 7 1 2 2 2 2 0 6 1 9 1 1 3 0 1 1 6 32 7 5 2 7 1 1 8 57 2 7 1 8 1 3 1 5 3 4 6 4 1 3 1 1 7 8 1 7 0 1 5 4 1 5 9 1 6 8 1 3 3 1 7 6 2 0 8 2 6 4 3 3 2 3 0 1 2 1 9 1 8 7 1 8 5 1 3 8 9 4 34 2 5 3 3 2 1 7 78 3 7 1 5 1 2 1 6 3 4 6 5 1 3 7 1 3 3 1 4 7 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y H O U R S ( A x l e F a c t o r e d , M o n 6 A M t o F r i N o o n ) A D T 64 3 0 1 4 1 3 1 5 3 2 6 4 1 3 0 1 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 6 1 6 8 1 6 9 1 6 0 1 7 9 2 0 8 2 6 2 2 9 9 2 6 3 2 1 4 1 8 7 1 8 0 1 3 6 9 9 3 3 4 5 DA Y S Co u n t e d 3 HO U R S Co u n t e d 69 WE E K D A Y S Co u n t e d 3 WE E K D A Y Ho u r s 69 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y Hi g h H o u r 29 9 % o f d a y 9% Ax l e A d j . Fa c t o r 1. 0 0 0 Se a s o n a l / W e e k d a y Ad j u s t m e n t F a c t o r 1. 0 8 9 ES T I M A T E D AA D T 30 7 2 RO A D # : R O A D N A M E : TH U R S T O N A V E FR O M : BA R T O N P L TO : UN I V E R S I T Y A V E CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s ST A T I O N : 36 6 0 3 2 ST A T E D I R C O D E : 6 PL A C E M E N T : 25 0 ' S o f C r e d i t F a r m D r . D A T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 ST A T I O N : 36 6 0 3 2 N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Tr a f f i c C o u n t H o u r l y R e p o r t Pa g e 2 o f 2 RO A D # : R O A D N A M E : TH U R S T O N A V E FR O M : BA R T O N P L TO : UN I V E R S I T Y A V E CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s DI R E C T I O N : S o u t h b o u n d F A C T O R G R O U P : 3 0 R E C . S E R I A L # : A P 8 0 F U N C . C L A S S : 1 9 C I T Y : ST A T E D I R C O D E : 7 W K O F Y R : 3 6 P L A C E M E N T : 2 5 0 ' S o f C r e d i t F a r m D r . N H S : n o L I O N # : DA T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 @ R E F M A R K E R : J U R I S : C o u n t y B I N : 2 2 1 0 6 3 0 NO T E S L A N E 1 : S B t r a v e l l a n e A D D L D A T A : C l a s s S p e e d C C S t n : R R C R O S S I N G : CO U N T T Y P E : V E H I C L E S B A T C H I D : D O T - R 0 3 C 3 6 a T S T 5 1 9 5 H P M S S A M P L E : CO U N T T A K E N B Y : O R G C O D E : T S T I N I T I A L S : T B W P R O C E S S E D B Y : O R G C O D E : D O T I N I T I A L S : S J W 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 12TO 1 1TO 2 2TO 3 3TO 4 4TO 5 5TO 6 6TO 7 7TO 8 8TO 9 9TO 10 10TO 11 11TO 12 DA I L Y D A I L Y DA I L Y H I G H H I G H AM PM DA T E DA Y TO T A L CO U N T HO U R 29 M 30 T 31 W 1T 16 7 1 4 8 1 5 5 2 2 8 2 0 9 2 3 7 2 1 6 1 6 3 1 4 9 9 3 5 6 381 6 2 9 6 1 6 4 6 1 4 3 2 0 9 2 0 4 1 5 8 1 7 0 1 6 2 1 5 0 1 7 5 1 6 2 1 9 6 1 9 9 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 7 1 4 0 1 1 5 6 9 30 4 9 2 2 5 1 9 31 1 7 9 1 1 9 2 7 5 4 1 6 6 1 9 7 2 1 8 1 8 7 1 6 8 1 5 1 1 3 4 1 7 8 1 5 3 2 2 4 2 4 6 2 2 9 2 4 2 1 8 1 1 5 9 1 0 5 6 1 31 5 7 2 4 6 1 7 49 2 6 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 4 6 4 1 6 4 2 0 4 2 2 1 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y H O U R S ( A x l e F a c t o r e d , M o n 6 A M t o F r i N o o n ) A D T 39 2 0 7 1 1 8 2 2 5 5 1 5 8 2 0 3 2 1 4 1 7 2 1 6 9 1 5 6 1 5 0 1 6 7 1 5 7 2 1 6 2 1 8 2 2 9 2 2 8 1 8 7 1 4 9 1 0 4 6 2 3 1 0 1 DA Y S Co u n t e d 4 HO U R S Co u n t e d 69 WE E K D A Y S Co u n t e d 4 WE E K D A Y Ho u r s 69 AV E R A G E W E E K D A Y Hi g h H o u r 22 9 % o f d a y 7% Ax l e A d j . Fa c t o r 1. 0 0 0 Se a s o n a l / W e e k d a y Ad j u s t m e n t F a c t o r 1. 0 8 9 ES T I M A T E D AA D T 28 4 8 RO A D # : R O A D N A M E : TH U R S T O N A V E FR O M : BA R T O N P L TO : UN I V E R S I T Y A V E CO U N T Y : To m p k i n s ST A T I O N : 36 6 0 3 2 ST A T E D I R C O D E : 7 PL A C E M E N T : 25 0 ' S o f C r e d i t F a r m D r . D A T E O F C O U N T : 0 8 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 Right-of-Way Information Attachment #3 Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Road Null Alternative Memorandum 2023 Tompkins County Highway Department Memorandum To: Lisa Holmes, County Administrator From: Jeffrey Smith, Director Re:Pleasant Grove Road / Cradit Farm Road Null AlternaƟve Date: July 13, 2023 Background: In August of 2019, Cornell, Town of Ithaca and Tompkins County entered into a MOA to realign the intersecƟon of Cradit Farm Road and Pleasant Grove Road with the intenƟonal goal to direct traffic more readily onto Cornell Campus. This agreement was made without knowing specific details regarding traffic flow or public safety consideraƟons. Typical with all projects this type of informaƟon is collected so that informed decisions can be made. Process: 2019-2022, various preliminary designs were proposed with the preferred re-design determined to be a creaƟon of a T-intersecƟon. That alternaƟve being Pleasant Grove north would be realigned to flow into Cradit Farm and Pleasant Grove South would be made into a T-intersecƟon into that re-alignment. See example. This informaƟon on preferred design also included traffic counts. These traffic counts showed a raƟo of traffic greatly favoring the exisƟng alignment by 5.5:1. These traffic counts showed counts during peak flow one in a.m. and one in p.m. This informaƟon is what determines that a Null alternaƟve should be preferred.RelaƟve to schedule this informaƟon was shared late summer of 2022. Based on this the Town of Ithaca proposed and tabled a resoluƟon to accept the Null alternaƟve determinaƟon and ending the MOA between Cornell/Town of Ithaca/Tompkins County. Currently the county has conducted two separate traffic counts. These counts are bulk traffic counts capturing the total traffic through 3 different locaƟons. These counts were conducted during May and June of 2023.The first count is during Cornell GraduaƟon and Alumni weekend and the second when it would be considered counts of more local / non-Cornell created traffic volume. See example below. Data set 1 shows a raƟo of 3.5:1 favoring the exisƟng alignment. Data set 2 shows a raƟo of 5:1 favoring the exisƟng alignment. Summary: Basis for the Null alternaƟve being preferred is determined from the traffic flow. The goal of the redesign was to direct traffic more readily onto Cornell campus away from Forest Home. It is not believed that any redesign based on these findings will create the desired result. The exisƟng alignment works best for a large majority of the traveling public we serve. A re-design is likely to have a negaƟve impact on safety. Conclusion: Null alternaƟve remains preferred. MOA between Cornell/Town of Ithaca/Tompkins County is concluded. Attachment #4 T-Intersection Alternative Schematic Plan & Capacity Analysis C 32+ 00 C 33+00 C 34+00 C 35+00 C 36+00 C 37+00 STA C 33+34.67PT STA C 34+57.87PC STA C 3 6+9 8.26PT P 28+00 P 29+00 STA P 27+09.60 PC S TA P 2 8 + 9 1.9 2 PT S T A P 2 8 + 9 4.7 9 PC STA P 29+59.77 PT STA P 30+00.00 POE PED 6" 7" 4" 80K NYSEG 360 6" S3 B12 NYSEG 37 HILL F F:9 17.3 9' 8" 8" F F:9 17.3 9' F F:9 17.40' 3" 4" 3" 5" ELECT POST 20" 10" 6" 6" 10" 6" 3' CLF 16" 20" 6" 10" ARROW 36" 18" 6" 20 MPH F F:917.4 0' 8" 8" S3 B13 77 690 10" 14" F F: 917.4 0' 6" 8" 20 MPH 8" 6" 8" 8" 10" 4" 6" 20" F F:917.38' 6" FF:9 17.41' 4" 8" 6" 12" 18" 8" S3 B14 F F:9 17.4 1' 6" 6" 8" 8" 6" 8" S3 E13 S3 B11 8" 12" 6" 8" 6" FF:9 17.2 9' 8" 10" 20" 8" F F:9 17.3 8' RIM: 909.08 UNIVERSITYCORNELL AHEADPED CRADIT FARM DRIVE PLEASANT GROVE ROAD L360 8" TR EE 8" TRE E 8" TREE 6" TREE 10" TREE 4" TREE SUMP: 899.59RIM: 907.0912" VERTICAL PVC SW: 904.87 E: 906.08 RIM: 911.13 S 890.36 N 890.56 RIM: 898.08 W: 896.32 S: 892.10 N: 895.30 RIM: 900.45 ASPH E: 897.22 W: 897.22 N: 897.73 TG: 899.74 WALL RETAINING CONC WALL RETAINING CONC NEW TENNIS COURTS NEW TENNIS COURTS TOP 4" PVC CONDUIT SWING GATE SWING GATE SWING GATE S: 887.44 W: 887.44 N: 887.45 TG: 892.82 8 " S ICPP 12" SICPP E: 892.83 W: 892.56 E : 892.66 TG: 895.30 BASE ONLY B A S E O N L Y S: 895.90 RIM: 898.61 E: 897.53 N : 897.68 TG: 899.76 S3 B15 BASE ONLY E S: 889.98 N: 890.03 TG: 8 91.98 W: 901.35 E: 901.34 N: 901.92 TG: 904.14 W: 900.09 S: 897.94 N: 899.19 TG: 907.24 E: 901.52 N: 901.66 TG: 904.22 BA SE ON LY SW: 898.87 E: 900.39 N: 900.37 RIM: 908.32 E W: 905.50E: 905.51N: 907.01TG: 909.23 E: 905.85N: 906.72TG: 909.33 6" PVC W: 903.46S: 900.97N: 902.17RIM: 910.47 S: 906.16N: 906.26RIM: 911.06 S S3 B10 6" N: 911.01TG: 911.66 S: 909.77TG: 911.66 BUS PARKINGNO CONC D WP 29 BLDGG S5 B2 RIM: 912.63 8" STOP 10" 36L360 NYSEG C601 S3 B9 S: 907.16E: 907.45N: 907.14RIM: 913.22 WT LIMIT GRAN GR AN S: 910.60E: 910.70N: 910.20RIM: 913.67 S S S S S S 6" S:910.96E: 910.92N: 910.87RIM: 915.49 E: 912.0N: 911.77RIM: 916.66 E: 912.0N: 911.77RIM: 916.66 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OF ASPH Cornell North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Dr & Pleasant Grove Rd Intersection Realignment AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes May 26, 2022 HCM 6th TWSC 4: Pleasant Grove & Hasbrouck 05/26/2022 Proposed Config - AM Peak Cornell North Campus Improvements Synchro 11 Report LaBella Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.7 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 24 7 244 14 4 285 Future Vol, veh/h 24 7 244 14 4 285 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - - - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 90 90 90 90 90 90 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 27 8 271 16 4 317 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 604 279 0 0 287 0 Stage 1 279 - - - - - Stage 2 325 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.518 3.318 - - 2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 461 760 - - 1275 - Stage 1 768 - - - - - Stage 2 732 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 459 760 - - 1275 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 459 - - - - - Stage 1 768 - - - - - Stage 2 729 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 12.7 0 0.1 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 504 1275 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.068 0.003 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 12.7 7.8 0 HCM Lane LOS - - B A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.2 0 - HCM 6th TWSC 2: Cradit Farm & Pleasant Grove 05/26/2022 Proposed Config - AM Peak Cornell North Campus Improvements Synchro 11 Report LaBella Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 7.4 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 11 211 47 6 260 49 Future Vol, veh/h 11 211 47 6 260 49 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - - - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 90 90 90 90 90 90 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 12 234 52 7 289 54 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 688 56 0 0 59 0 Stage 1 56 - - - - - Stage 2 632 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.518 3.318 - - 2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 412 1011 - - 1545 - Stage 1 967 - - - - - Stage 2 530 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 332 1011 - - 1545 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 332 - - - - - Stage 1 967 - - - - - Stage 2 428 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 10.4 0 6.6 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 918 1545 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.269 0.187 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 10.4 7.9 0 HCM Lane LOS - - B A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 1.1 0.7 - Cornell North Campus Transportation Improvements Cradit Farm Dr & Pleasant Grove Rd Intersection Realignment PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes May 26, 2022 HCM 6th TWSC 4: Pleasant Grove & Hasbrouck 05/26/2022 Proposed Config - PM Peak Cornell North Campus Improvements Synchro 11 Report LaBella Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 16 3 342 23 3 261 Future Vol, veh/h 16 3 342 23 3 261 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - - - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 90 90 90 90 90 90 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 18 3 380 26 3 290 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 689 393 0 0 406 0 Stage 1 393 - - - - - Stage 2 296 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.518 3.318 - - 2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 412 656 - - 1153 - Stage 1 682 - - - - - Stage 2 755 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 411 656 - - 1153 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 411 - - - - - Stage 1 682 - - - - - Stage 2 753 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 13.7 0 0.1 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 437 1153 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.048 0.003 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 13.7 8.1 0 HCM Lane LOS - - B A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.2 0 - HCM 6th TWSC 2: Cradit Farm & Pleasant Grove 05/26/2022 Proposed Config - PM Peak Cornell North Campus Improvements Synchro 11 Report LaBella Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 8.2 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 4 320 44 11 241 36 Future Vol, veh/h 4 320 44 11 241 36 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - - - Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 90 90 90 90 90 90 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 4 356 49 12 268 40 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 631 55 0 0 61 0 Stage 1 55 - - - - - Stage 2 576 - - - - - Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.518 3.318 - - 2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 445 1012 - - 1542 - Stage 1 968 - - - - - Stage 2 562 - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 366 1012 - - 1542 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 366 - - - - - Stage 1 968 - - - - - Stage 2 462 - - - - - Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 10.7 0 6.8 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h) - - 990 1542 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.364 0.174 - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 10.7 7.8 0 HCM Lane LOS - - B A A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 1.7 0.6 - Attachment #5 Cornell University Map Copies of this map can be purchased at The Cornell Store (C5; 607-255-4111). ^ !. ¸ ¸ ¸ ) Æü ÆüÆü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü Æü SISSON PL FA I R M O U N T A V E B R O O K L A N E DRYDE N R O A D ( R O U T E 3 6 6 ) WA R R E N R O A D FORE S T H O M E D R I V E TOWER ROAD CAMPUS ROAD SA G E A V E N U E ST E W A R T A V E N U E KLINE ROAD UN I V E R S I T Y A V E N U E PL E A S A N T G R O V E R O A D JU D D F A L L S R O A D CO R N E L L S T R E E T EAST SENECA STREET BLUEGRASS LANE OAK AVENUE W Y C K O F F R O A D MAPLE AVENUE HOY ROAD JESSUP RO A D C A L D W E L L R O A D P A L M R O A D EA S T A V E N U E ED D Y S T R E E T CRADIT FARM DRIVE THURSTON CO L L E G E A V E LI N D E N A V E N U E CREEK D R I V E BR Y A N T A V E UNIVERSITY AVENUE TOWER ROAD DEWIT T P L A C E G O T H I C S W A Y PRO G R A M H O U S E D R CE N T R A L A V E N U E WAIT AVENUE K E L V I N P L A C E ST E W A R T A V E N U E WIN G R O A D WE S T A V E N U E QU A R R Y S T R E E T C A S C A D I L L A PRESIDENTS DR SC I E N C E S D R RIDGE W O O D R O A D FAIRWAY DRIVE CORNELL AVENUE SC H U Y L E R P L HI G H L A N D A V E N U E MANN DR L O D G E W A Y WILLIAMS STREET FO R E S T CA Y U G A H E I G H T S R O A D THURST O N A V E N U E H O Y R O A D CAMPUS ROAD CAM P U S CREST LANE OAK A V E N U E GL E N P L THE BYWAY HA L C Y O N WILL A R D W A Y OSMUN PL DRY D E N R O A D ( R O U T E 3 6 6 ) SU M M I T A V E N U E CO R S O N P L WIL L E T S P L S U N S E T PARK DRYDEN R O A D AVE KNOLL DR HI G H L A N D R O A D SP R I N G L A ON E I D A PL A C E PL EAST BUFFALO STREET ST E W A R T A V E N U E PINE T R E E R O A D ENER G Y D R PLANT ROADATIONS ED G E W O O D P L T R I P H A M M E R R O A D COMSTOCK ECOLOGY D R TRITICUM D R MAIZE DR CUCURB I T D R ME D I C A G O D R H O M E D R I V E DE W I T T P L JU D D F A L L S R O A D GA R D E N A V E N U E PLANT DEARBORN PLAC E SOUTH AVEN U E P A R K HEIGHTS COURT CATHERINE STREET EDGEMOOR LANE EA S T A V E N U E McINTYRE PLACE NE E D H A M P L T U B E R D R CR I S P A P P L E D R EDGECLIFF P L A C E BA R T O N P L A C E SA G E P L ST A T L E R D R I V E HARVARD FOR E S T H O M E D R I V E L A K E S T R E E T ROA D DRYDEN ROAD HI L L RO A D ATION S ROA D C A L D W E L L R O A D CO L L E G E A V E N U E HI G H L A N D DRIVE WE S T BO U R N E LANE HIGH L A N D A V E ROBERTS PLA C E AVE FALL TH U R S T O N A V E N U E W Y C K O F F A V E N U E O V E R L O O K R O A D NO R T H C R O S S R O A D SIS S O N P L COLLEGETOWN WESTCAMPUS LIBESLOPE HO PLAZA CORNELLPLANTATIONS PLANTATIONSWILDFLOWERGARDEN ARTSQUAD F.R. NEWMAN ARBORETUMCORNELL PLANTATIONS HASBROUCKAPARTMENTS NORTH CAMPUSRESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MAPLEWOODPARK Resource Ecology & Management Lab Complex DILMUN HILLSTUDENTORGANIC FARM CORNELL ORCHARDS RAWLINGSGREEN CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine AG QUAD BIOLOGYQUAD PEW ENGINEERINGQUAD CASCADILL A C R E E K CASCADILLA CREEK FALL CREEK BEEBE LAKE FAL L C R E E K HOYFIELD SCHOELLKOPFFIELD ROBISONALUMNI FIELDS ROBERT J. KANESPORTS COMPLEX JESSUP FIELD APPEL SOUTH FIELDS & TENNIS COURTS APPELNORTHPLAYFIELD APPELBASKETBALL COURTS ROBERT TRENT JONESGOLF COURSE ROBERT TRENT JONESGOLF COURSE MARSHA DODSONFIELD Barton Hall Bartels Hall ClarkHall Lynah RinkTeagleHall OlinLibrary Sage Hall Uris Hall Morrison Hall Olin Hall Riley-Robb Hall Ives HallDay Hall Stocking Hall UpsonHall Warren Hall Phillips Hall Eddy Gate Judith Eisner Pavillion Eddy Dam Foot Bridge SibleyHall Bailey Hall Snee Hall Lincoln Hall Plant Science Bldg MannLibrary BoyceThompsonInstitute Malott Hall HollisterHall Helen Newman Hall UrisLibrary Martha Van RensselaerHall Emerson Hall HughesHall IStimsonHall Foundry RandHall Rice Hall L Fernow Hall SavageHall Chi Phi Boldt Hall(Language House) Balch Hall SchoellkopfCrescent HoyParking Garage GutermanBioclimaticLab Mews Hall Baker Lab Statler Hotel Frank H.T.Rhodes Hall GoldwinSmithHall KennedyHall Clara Dickson Hall Rockefeller Hall RisleyHall Statler Hall & Auditorium CourtHall ComstockHall Wilson Synchrotron Lab BiotechnologyBuilding Humphreys Service Building Appel Commons Carol Tatkon Center MilsteinHall ChestertonHouse WillardStraightHall MyronTaylorHall 9 Cascadilla Hall 8 LR7 CarpenterHall Roberts Hall LR6 Mary DonlonHall 10 Ujamaa Hurlburt House(Ecology House) IvesHallEast BardHall S c h u r m a n H a l l BA Robert PurcellCommunityCenter McGraw Hall ThurstonHall DairyBar SchwartzCenter for the Performing Arts Schoellkopf Memorial Hall Basic Scie n c e B l d g A LivestockPavilion Bradfield Hall WhiteHall Morrill Hall SageChapel FiltrationPlant Physical Sciences Building LelandLab AnabelTaylor Hall Wing Hall VetEdCenter Seeley G.Mudd Hall Africana Studies and Research Center Kimball Hall M C F Central Heating Plant Vet Research Tower VetMedAnnex SheldonCourt BakerTower 301 CollegeAvenue 116, 118-126Maple Ave Dale R.Corson Hall Flora Rose House Phi Kappa Psi Yellow Greenhouse & Lab Complex H Barnes Hall PsiUpsilon Gannett Health Services AlphaPhi Love Lab Plant BreedingPole Barn Olive Tjaden Hall Caldwell Hall D WilliamKeetonHouse Human Ecology Building DeltaUpsilon SigmaNu K HR5 Sigma Phi Necropsy Wing KinzelbergHall FriedmanWrestlingCenter Poultry Virus Laboratory ZetaPsi Moakley House TellurideHouse PlantBreeding DeltaTauDelta J MyronTaylorJaneFosterAddition King Shaw Hall GrummanSquashCourts 1 Graphic Arts Services Bldg 2 MachineShop Bruckner Lab PomologyCold Storageand Sales AndrewDicksonWhiteHouse BakerHallNorth E CornellChild CareCenter KappaSigma G BakerHallSouth NoyesLodge C FoundersHall F NewmanLab Teachingand ResearchBarns PhiSigmaSigma Lyon Hall MooreLab BeebeHall Blair FarmBarn Dolgen Hall Vet Medical Center Martha Van Rensselaer West Computing and Communications Center GrummanHall Federal Nutrition Laboratory MuenscherLaboratory Large Animal Isolation Facility Olin ChemistryResearch Lab RuminantNutrition Lab SpaceSciences Building Warehouse SigmaPhiEpsilon Schuyler House B 13SouthAve JohnsonMuseumof Art Kenneth Post Lab GeorgeJameson Hall Environmental Health & Safety 312 College Avenue AlphaEpsilon Pi Weinhold Chilled Water Plant 1 Big RedBarn 409 CollegeAvenue N Mennen Hall StewartAvenueBridge Pedestrian Suspension Bridge Plantations Nevin WelcomeCenter Alpha Chi Omega WeillHall F EP Maplewood Community Center GreenGreenhouse & Lab Complex 3 28 SackettFoot Bridge 4 HasbrouckCommunityCenter 5 6 7 8 Martha VanRensselaerEast Phi Gamma Delta (The Oaks) James Law Auditorium Watermargin McFaddin Hall IvesHallWest Friedman Strength & Conditioning Center Prospect ofWhitby Acacia Thurston Ave Bridge D DuffieldHall Dwyer Bridge& Dam NYS VeterinaryDiagnosticLaboratory Greenhouses 910 11 Large Animal Research & Teaching Unit Agronomy Pole Barn VonCrammHall 12 27 14 15 410 Thurston Undergraduate Admissions I Akwe:kon F SchoellkopfHouse PlantationsServiceBuilding CH Chilled WaterPlant 2 16 17 18 19 20 Federal Nematode Lab A BKahinCenter E City ofIthacaParkingGarage 660 Stewart Avenue EquineMetabolismUnit TownhouseCommunity PiKappaAlpha TriphammerCooperative 21 22 2324 D 25 26 Maple AvePipe/WeldingShop ILR Research Building TobogganLodge 319 Wait Avenue EcotoxicologyLab Wait Terrace War Memorial Wait Ave Cooperative AnnaComstockHall(Latino Living Center) ThurstonCourt Apts. M CALS Surge Facility& CALS HR Bill & Melinda Gates Hall Arts & Sciences Alumni J East Campus Research Facility S Barn Academic SurgeFacility A B J Poultry Houses 29 GolfCart Storage Jerome H. HollandInternationalLivingCenter T Barn Fuertes Observatory WariCooperative Intercultural Center FacultyTennisClub Vet SurgeFacilityB 104 Maple AgriculturalEngineeringTest Lab JustAboutMusic(JAM) BauerHall Forest HomeGarage The Cornell Store SchoellkopfPressbox ThurstonGaragesKappa Kappa Gamma Hydroelectric Plant CRAR Annex FischellBandCenter E Japes Richard M. LewisEducation Center LittleRice Tobin Field House Ramin AdminCenter Kiln Shed Kay Hall Cornell Golf Center AquacultureBuilding BessBrownCenter Friends Hall 'A' Golf CourseTool Shed G WaterTreatmentPlant McClintockShed McGraw Tower K Vegetable Crops Buildings L,G Kite Hill Substation BlueGreenhouse& Lab Complex Fish Hatchery Bridge Nearing Summer House Kroch Library JuddFallsBridge 'B''C' A Pi BetaPhi Alpha Epsilon Phi KappaDeltaRho Sigma Delta Tau BetaThetaPi SigmaChi Pi KappaPhi AlphaGammaRho PhiDeltaTheta AlphaXiDelta ZetaBetaTau Alpha Sigma Phi (Rockledge) AlphaDelta Phi Chi Psi Theta Delta Chi Sigma Pi PhiSigmaKappa Cayuga Lodge DeltaPhi(Llenroc) AliceCook House KappaAlphaTheta Center forJewish Living Lambda Chi Alpha Trolley FootBridge NoyesCommunityandRec Center Hans BetheHouse Carl BeckerHouse 625UniversityAve TriphammerFoot Bridge Beebe Dam Pi Delta Psi Delta DeltaDelta Delta Gamma Kappa Delta 307 WaitAve 536 Thurston AveDeltaChi PhiKappaTau Sigma Alpha Mu Alpha Zeta 109 BartonPlace Seal& Serpent Klarman Hall Ward Center 122McGraw Pl 112Edgemoor CRESCENTLOT PETERSON LOT A LOT CC LOT KITE HILLLOT B LOT OXLEY LOT Police TransportationServices A B C D E H J 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D GE H JF Cornell Police, in G2 Barton Hall (see map, D5):open 24/7 Metered Parking: Pay Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5pm Short Term Parking available: Please stop at aninformation booth for details and any requiredpermit, or visit parking.cornell.edu Blue light telephones: Direct line to CornellPolice for emergencies or other assistance See other side for campus building guide. ÆüÆüPIN E T R E E R D MITCH E L L S T R E E T PIN E T R E E R O A D ELLIS HOLLO W R O A D S T R A W B E R R Y H I L L R O A D RobisonSoftballField Multi-PurposeFields East Hill Plaza Reis Tennis CenterBelkin InternationalSquash Courts John T OxleyEquestrianCenter Swine Barns Main Barn East HillOffice Building 391 PineTree Road CORNELL UNIVERSITY Copyright July 2015Cornell UniversityCampus Planning OfficeIthaca, New York µ 2 Ellis Hollow Creek RoadHungerford Hill RoadSnyder Hill RoadTurkey Hill Road ¸Parking and Information Booth Open weekdays 7:30am - 5pm Visitor Information / Day Hall East Hill EastHill !.) Parkmobile Parking AreasÆü 0 250 500 750 Feet GF Welcome to Cornell University Quick Tips to Navigate Our Campus • Visit a parking and information booth for parking permits and instructions. • Pay to park using your mobile device wherever you see a green Parkmobile sign. • On-campus dining options vary by day. Go to dining.cornell.edu or take a stroll into nearby Collegetown, which offers a variety of dining, coffee, and snack options. • Explore events and things to do at cornell.edu/visit Questions? Please call or visit: Campus Information and Visitor Relations Visitor Information Desk M–F, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Day Hall Lobby, 144 East Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 cornell.edu/visit Tours Walking campus tours depart from the Day Hall Lobby. Check the website below for confirmation or call 607-254-INFO (4636). cornell.edu/visit Admissions Information Sessions If you are attending a university or college information session, please stop at a parking and information booth Mon.–Fri. for parking and directions. admissions.cornell.edu Short Term Parking Please visit an information booth Mon.–Fri. to purchase a parking permit, get directions, or for general assistance. Payment or an appropriate permit is required at all times, including holidays and breaks, unless posted otherwise. Please be mindful of parking restriction signs. State, local, and university traffic and parking regulations are enforced at all times. parking.cornell.edu Parkmobile Pay-by-cell parking available at designated lots. Look for the green sign. Download the mobile app at parkmobile.com or call 1-877-727-5730. Discover Ithaca, N.Y. visitithaca.com For information about Cornell’s disability- access resources and accessibility map, please visit disability.cornell.edu or call 607-254-INFO (4636). Attachment #6 FHWA CAP-X Analysis Results Pleasant Grove Rd & Cradit Farm Dr 1 Becky Jordan From: Sent: To: Cc:Becky Jordan Subject:For PWC 6/18/2024 -- Item #5 attachment 2 caroline arms Monday, June 17, 2024 5:34 PM Rod Howe Chair and members of the Public Works Committee I would like to point out an area of concern I have with the report from B&L about the intersection of Cradit Farm Dr and Pleasant Grove Rd. I write from the perspective of seeing the traffic coming down Pleasant Grove Road every morning and up in the evening. The traffic survey data has two serious shortcomings. 1. Collecting data in mid-to-late May is very atypical and not necessarily greater than usual, as implied. Once classes are over (on May 7 in 2023 and 2024), traffic at rush hour is less, presumably because some people do not need to come in at that time. Also, traffic on Commencement and Reunion weekends is actively managed by Cornell. This year Cornell directed almost all Commencement visitors to park in B Lot, which meant that Cornell put up large signs at the intersection so that drivers approaching along Pleasant Grove Rd from the north were directed through Forest Home and up Caldwell Road. Those drivers were not making a choice; they were following directions. The management for Reunion Weekend was totally different, but again, drivers were not making a choice, but following instructions. Traffic measurements in the middle of semesters might be more useful for determining how to configure the intersection in question and the road down into Forest Home. 2. No data was collected to reflect the noticeable increase in traffic in all modes on the stretch of Pleasant Grove Rd between Cradit Farm Dr and the Downstream Bridge in Forest Home between 2018 and 2023-4. Because NCRE involved elimination of an important parking area, most staff and faculty coming from Lansing and further north now need to park in B Lot; Pleasant Grove Road is the obvious choice for them, given frequent holdups on Cradit Farm Dr and the Thurston Avenue Bridge. During that period the number of people commuting to Cornell via Pleasant Grove Road by foot or bicycle (including a growing number of e-bikes) has increased steadily. Pleasant Grove Rd is also used by runners, sometimes in large groups. Thank you for bearing this in mind as you consider next steps. Caroline Arms Forest Home Drive Infrastructure/Buildings/Maintenance Infrastructure Year:ACCOUNT #2025 Cost 2026 Cost 2027 Cost 2028 Cost 2029 Cost Water Tanks Hungerford Tank-Feasibility/Land Acquisition 50,000.00$ Hungerford Hill Tank 1,500,000.00$ Water Tanks TOTAL:-$ -$ -$ 50,000.00$ 1,500,000.00$ Water Mains F8340-5XX Pine Tree PRV & Pine Tree Watermain Upgrade & Upper Stone Quarry Design/Construction $ 1,200,000.00 Pine Tree PRV & Pine Tree Watermain Upgrade & Upper Stone Quarry Design/Construction Budgeted 2025 Valleyview Booster Station $ 500,000.00 Bostwick Tank Redundancy Upgrades $ 100,000.00 Stone Quarry/Commanland/Winners Circle/ replacement-Design/Construction $ 1,122,400.00 Wildflower replacement-Design/Construction $ 500,000.00 West Hill Hospital Redundancy/Valve Project $ 50,000.00 West Hill Tank Redundancy/Oakwood $ 200,000.00 Backup Generator-Christopher Circle/East Hill $ 150,000.00 Water Mains TOTAL: $ 2,322,400.00 $ 650,000.00 550,000.00$ 300,000.00$ -$ Sanitary Sewers G8120-5XX Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab-Mitchell St.300,000.00$ Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab 300,000.00$ Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab 300,000.00$ Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab 300,000.00$ Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehab 300,000.00$ G8120-5XX Inlet Valley PS Rehab/rebuild/Gravity Sewer upgrades Phase 2-Construction Budgeted 2024 NE Bypass-Town Coordination/Contribution/Grant TBD Mitchell Street Sewer Upgrades-Engineering Report for Grant 30,000.00$ Mitchell Street Sewer Upgrades $ 1,080,000.00 Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study 200,000.00$ Linderman Creek Lateral Crossing 50,000.00$ Jointly Owned Interceptors Stewart Park Pump Station Phase B-Misc. Pump Station Improvements (Joint Budget: $127,148)52,856.00$ Cherry St Sewer & Forcemain Pipe Bridge Phase B-Construct (Joint Budget: $32,000)13,302.40$ Cherry Street Misc. Improvements Phase A-Study and misc. HVAC. Lighting, & Safety upgrades (Joint Budget: $450,000)187,065.00$ Phase 1 WWTP CIP ? -$ $ - -$ -$ -$ Sanitary Sewers TOTAL:753,223.40$ 350,000.00$ 330,000.00$ 1,380,000.00$ 300,000.00$ Storm Drainage King Road West Box Culvert-Construction Budgeted 2024 Storm Drainage TOTAL:-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Roads-Paving Projects DB5112.500 Forest Home Drive 54,000.00$ Winners Circle 28,000.00$ Seven Mile Drive 180,000.00$ Maple Avenue (Design and Bid)600,000.00$ -Funded utilizing CHIPS/Fund Balance/DB5112.500 Judd Falls Road 52,000.00$ Penny Lane 228,000.00$ Wildflower Drive TBDDB5112.500 Drew Road 82,000.00$ Lois Lane 104,000.00$ Property Tax DB5112.500 Longview Drive 39,000.00$ Stone Quarry Road (253-south)300,000.00$ DB5112.500 Max's Drive 62,000.00$ DB5112.500 Vera Circle 208,000.00$ DB5112.500 Woodgate Lane 136,000.00$ King Road West-Phase 2 Buttermilk to 96B 363,000.00$ Lower Stone Quarry Road- Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-north)200,000.00$ Lower Stone Quarry Road- Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-north)TBD Lower Stone Quarry Construction TBDLower Stone Quarry Construction Roads TOTAL:1,196,000.00$ 660,000.00$ 180,000.00$ 600,000.00$ -$ Town Facilities A5132.5XX PWF Security Fence Installation (Grant)150,000.00$ PWF Security Fence Installation-Construction Budgeted 2025 PWF Electric Service Upgrades 150,000.00$ Town Facilities TOTAL:150,000.00$ -$ -$ 150,000.00$ -$ Green Energy Upgrades Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades-Construction (Grant)2,000,000.00$ Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades-Construction (Grant)Budgeted 2025 Misc. Green Upgrades-Town Hall 125,000.00$ Misc. Green Upgrades-Town Hall 125,000.00$ Town Hall Weatherization Upgrades Comptroller , C&A Services, & Testing 200,000.00$ PWF HVAC Upgrades-ANNEX 686,000.00$ Misc. Green Upgrades-Public Works Facility 125,000.00$ Misc. Green Upgrades-Public Works Facility 125,000.00$ PWF LED Design & Upgrades 200,000.00$ Green Energy Upgrades TOTAL:2,200,000.00$ 886,000.00$ 250,000.00$ 250,000.00$ -$ Bridge(s)A7110.521 Townline Road Bridge-Phase 2 Construction (Grant)2,054,840.00$ Townline Road Bridge-Local Share-Paid by Tompkins County 122,840.00$ Bridges TOTAL:2,177,680.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Infrastructure/Buildings/Maintenance Total Cost:8,799,303.40$ 2,546,000.00$ 1,310,000.00$ 2,730,000.00$ 1,800,000.00$ Grant(s) Total:4,527,680.00$ Townline Road Bridge Complete Streets Road ManualComplete Streets Road Manual RT 96 sidewalk-consultant services for grant 20,000.00$ Interceptor Study/NE Bypass-Feasibility Study PWF HVAC Upgrades-ANNEX Lower Stone Quarry Road-Feasibility/Property Acquisition/Design (253-North)PWF LED Design & Upgrades Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open space Sidewalks / Walkways East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-Timing TBD East Shore Dr Safety Improvements-Timing TBD Forest Home S-Curve Sidewalk TBD SS4A Design Implementation-TBD Winthrop Drive Walkway TBD RT 96 sidewalk-Grant Submission Trumansburg Rd / Rt 96 Sidewalk (City line to Cayuga Prof. Bldg.)3,500,000.00$ Sidewalks TOTAL:-$ -$ 3,500,000.00$ -$ -$ Parks - Trails - Open Space A7110.521 Iacovelli Playground Replacement - grant?100,000.00$ South Hill preserve improvements? Coddington Road - SHRW Parking & Access (design)15,000.00$ Coddington Road - SHRW Parking & Access (construction) South Hill Rec Way Ext (Burns to Banks Rd) - Design (covered by grant)-$ Iacovelli Playground Replacement - design/construction Trail Overlay 50,000.00$ Babcock Trail Construction Grant 80/20 Parks TOTAL:165,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Future Parks - Trails Saponi Meadows Park TBD West Hill Park TBD Compton Park TBD Tutelo Park to Saponi Park Trail TBD Poyer Trail to Woolf Park TBD Woolf Lane Park TBD Sidewalks/Parks/Trails/Open Space Total Cost:165,000.00$ -$ 3,500,000.00$ -$ -$ Grant(s) Total: Notes:Red text indicates potential grant opportunity TOWN OF ITHACA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 2025 RFP (Contractual Services) item 3 # Equipment to be Auctioned / Traded & Replaced Useful Life Original Purchase Price Year Purchased Replacement Cost (Budgeted) Age of Equipment Since Purchased New Annual Repair Costs (2023) Lifetime Total Repair Costs (Parts and Labor) Projected Auction Price / Trade Mileage / Hours Green Fleet Options 1 2015 Freightliner 10-wheel dump truck 8 231,033.00$ 2017 360,000.00$ 7 $4,465.32 $37,598.37 40,000.00$ 61,600 no 16 2015 Ford F450 One Ton (Mechanic's) 10 56,418.50$ 2014 85,000.00$ 10 257.94$ 10,832.24$ 25,000.00$ 66,382 no 56 2018 Ford F450 4X4 One Ton Dump 7 55,426.28$ 2018 90,000.00$ 6 1,164.09$ 14,829.33$ 25,000.00$ 31,747 no 64 2019 Ford F350 4x4 Super Cab w/plow 6 46,636.01$ 2019 75,000.00$ 5 1,831.88$ 10,028.11$ 15,000.00$ 107,234 no 38 2008 Power Screener 10 59,000.00$ 2012 85,000.00$ 12 1,421.03$ 7,377.23$ 15,000.00$ 1,349 no T7 2015 Locke Trailer (15 Ton (Bobcat/Mini Ex) 10 12,432.00$ 2015 40,000.00$ 9 1,403.33$ 4,045.44$ 10,000.00$ NA no Total Projected Auction Income 130,000.00$ New Equipment to be Added to the Fleet XX Codes Vehicle $50,000.00 785,000.00$ Total Auction Income 130,000.00$ Total New/Replaced Equipment 785,000.00$ Estimated Projected Auction Income 130,000.00$ Total Estimated Cost Including Items Sold 655,000.00$ Town of Ithaca - Proposed Fleet Replacement Schedule 2025 Total New Equipment item 4