HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2024-05-13M.EETING' OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD May 13, 2024 (d), 5:30 p.m. Town Hall Boardroom, 215 N Tlioga St https://zoom.us/i/98910,95 824 1 YouTube Link Cullom 1. Call. to order andPledge of Allegiance 2., Per to be 1-1'eard and Board comments 3. Pubfic h,.eutngs regarding: a. An. application toEmpire State Development for funding under Restore NY Communities, T-1 I Initiative, — 919, himira Rd i. �Consider authorization for the Restore NY Grant applicatlon — 919 Elmira Rd b. 'Public hearing regar�ing a, noise pe'rMit applIcation —1thaca'Beer — Sea sonal'Weekly Thursday Music i. Consider approval/denial 4., Consider award, of contract for: a. Development of a &1te Design and, Development, Crfter'ia Manual 6 b. Design of Babcock. Ridge Trail at Culver'R.oad Preserve project 5. Consider amendment of service contract — Taitern Engineering — Stretch to Zero 6. Con&lder adoptwn of a Sn.ow and Ice Poilcy 7. Consider authorization. for the Sage Preserve grant application 8. Update on potential acquisition of Agricultural Easements 9. Con.&l? P Ider a, � roval of and auth.or�jzation i to &gn: a. A water access, casement for 212 Forest Homcl)r b. A water access, easement for 526 Elm St Ext c,., A sewer access easement for 5126 Elm St Est 1, 0. Con.&Ider Consent Agenda a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c., Approval, of Bolton Point Abstract d,. Refer draft reviswns to the Official""", Town Map to the Planning Board e. Approval. of NYSLRS Standard Workday Report f National Public Works Week Proclamation g., App,roval of provisional, appointment offnce Officer — Herbert h* Approval of Wader 'Recon cltiaion wl'th Town of Ulysess i. Ratify permanent ap.pointmen t - Water Treatment 'Plant Operator Trainee - SCLIWC - Colbert j •Ratify permanent appointment - Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee - SCLIWC - McKane k. Rat, ify re-appwntment - EIII,ectri,cal Mechanical, Technician - SCE WC - Fellows 11. Report of Town Officials 12. Review of Correspondence MEETING OF THE ITHACA AWN OAR May 13,2024 MINUTES SupeE rvisor; Members ric Levine, Rich DePaolo, Pamela Present: Board Members Rod Howel, Bletwas, Susie Gut enberger, Rob Rosen and, Margaret Johnson,. Susan Brock, Attorney.; Ashley Colbert, Dep. Town Clerk; Judy'Drake., fir* 'Human Resources; Marty Moseley, Dir. Code Enforcement,- CJ Randall, Din Planning-, Donna Shaw, Dir. Finance; Joe Slater, Highway Superintendent & Dir. Public Works; and Dan Thaete, Dir. Engineering; 1. all to order and Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Howe called the meeting to order at 51.30, P.M. 2. Persons to be heard and Board Comments — None Mr. we th a l f ana, Magnuson. who represented the Town thiis year at the PERMA Conference and noted, that the Town of Ithaca, received an award for 25 years of continuous loyal support of thePerya a, Workers Compensation Program. Mrs,. Drake added that PERMS is the Public Employers Risk Management Association and have been our workman's competisation company 25 yea:rs. City of Ithaca Common Council "Updatt - Mr* Saint Perez The City has enacted a, short-term rental, ordinance, ins' Rired, by the Town' , in, hopes of creating more housing,within the City for permanent residents and to rnore effectively collect the hote'l tax,, and We passed our Justice 50 Plan, a continuation of our New Green Deal commitments to spend 50% of our Capital, Projects, Budget on communities that are especial1y vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The part icipatory"budget ing part will be implemented in the 20,26bud eting cycle, and We continue to work on swapping out water meters across the City to help us more accurately detern,iine water usage, and some of that infrastructure is shared with the Town, and We have developed, and implemented a ful.1 strategy on how, the City will deal with the active encampments on City Property,, and, The City has sworn in 11 new police officers. Questions — Mr. DePa,ol,o asked if those positions were to, new positions, or vacancies. TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1 Mr. Saint Perez responded that the new officers, are filling vacancies and no new pos.1tions have been, made. I Public Heari*ngs regard,i*ng: a,. An appficati*on to Empire State Developmenfor fundi*ng under Restore NY Communities Initiative — 919 Elmira Rd Ms, Randall gave some history,, saying that, 919 Elmira Rd. had bee on the market, for a long ftme and, the Town had constdered buying it and applying for funding through the Restore N.Ygrant. The grant is for economic development, and this year, focused on rural communities, his made this project attractive and complementary to the significant investment made by the Town in the T" contracting �for the recently completed Inlet Valley tconornic Developtnent Plan,. Mr. Hiller bought the property and he introduced himself as an entrepreneur, all developer and western New York native born and raised in Buffalo. His plan is to, restore 919 Elmira Road and make it a community space, and he has retained ahistorical architect to prepare estimates for the project, which should be ready by next week. The request will be for a little over $1.2 million, with a local match of 1.0% of the total project costs,, which Mr. Hiller has committed to half of., Mr. Howe opened the public l.i,eartng, there was no one wishing to speak, and the hearing was closed,. .Mr. Rosen asked if the grant is received, who would control what it is spent on; for example, if someone wanted to modernize the building, whose call would that be. Ms. Randall rep'lled, that t I he grant is targeted towards rehabi, I litation. and specifically lists what is eligible for use of the funds,. Mr. Hiller added that he would be letting the architect run the show, but his intent is to restore the building and preserve the architecture and apply to have it put on the state and national, historical regi,sters. 1 11 131 Resolutlion 2024 - 043, Authorization to Appl for Fundmi! throu2h the Restore NY Round 8, Grant Program for 949 Elmira Road Whereas, the Town of Ithaca desires to continue supporting projects identified in, the,201,8 In Valley Ithaca Plan.- Economic Development Fea&fib itity Study and, Strategic Plan, and, Whereas, the vacant multi -floor commercial building and property at 919 Elmira Road was identified as a tran s form a,tive project in the Inlet Valley Ithaca Plan: Economic Development Feas"ibitity Study and Strategic Plan, and has the potential to attract residents and new conimercial, ,enterprises to the Inlet, Valley,-, and Whereas, Empire State Development (ES'D) has released a Request for'Prsals under Round 8 of the Restore NY Communities initiative Grant Program for which this project meets the criteria for project feasibility and readiness and the Town of Ithaca is eligible to apply; and TB 2,024-05,-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg- 2 Where as',the propos'en project at 919 Elmira Road �i,s con&istentwit h goals outlined in the Town's 201.4 Comprehensive Plan, the proposed financ�ing i.s appropriate ior the project, the *1 facilitate effect*ve a d efficient use of existing and, future public resources so as to proi ect wi 1 1 n promote both economic development and preservation. of a unique community resource and the project develops and enhances, infrastructure and/or other facilities 'in a manner that will attract, create and sustain employment opportunities in the Town of Ithaca, and 0 Whereas, the Town of Ithaca is requesting $1,202,423.3.1 in funding assistance from the Restore NY'Communities Initiatives program. towards the rehab i I itati.on of the mixed -use buflding at 919, Elmira Road which has, a total anticipated project cost of $1,300,000; and Where as,the owner ofthe property at 919 Elmira Rua d.,'will make avallablebalf ofthe matching funds commitment as well as any fees associated with the Grant Disbursement Agreement, and now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Supervisor of the Town, of Ithaca, or designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to submit an, application, including a non-refundable application fee, for fFunding under Round, 8 of the Restore NY Communities Initiative for the rehab i lit ati.on project at, 919 Elmira Road with. a total estimated project cost of $11,300,000, and upon approval of said, request to enter into and execute any agreements required by ESDC for grant funding that results from the application. Resolved, that, the Town.,wil.l. provide a, written com.Mili-ant of -half of t I he matching funds (in,,, a combination of cash and, In -kind, services) and will administer the grant in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations estabtished by ESDC M - Susie Gutenberger Seconded- Rich, Depaolo oved. Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bletwas, Levi ne, Jo, I hnson., Gutenberg & Rosen b. Public hearing regarding a noise permit applicanon — Ithaca, Beer — Seasonal Weekly Thursday Music Mr. owe opened the public hearing,,, noting that the Town, received one e�inail in, favor of the pen -nit. There was, no one wishing to speak., and, the hearing was closed. TB, Resolution 2024 — 44: Nois mit for Ithaca Beer Co. for the 2024 Weekly Thursday jr,1114 * Summer Music ,,,�er�ies Whereas, the Town Board, held, a public hearing on May 13�, 2024, regarding a noise permit application. for a 'Weekly Thursday Summer Mu,sic Series received by Ithaca Beer Co., and, discussed the request, and Whereas, as stated in the application speakers will, be facing Rte. 1, 3 to, prevent amplified of 'bouncing off'the brewery and hayb'al es will beu.sed as a backdrop, now therefore 'be it Resolved, that the Town Board grants a noise permit to Ithaca Beer Co. for the purpose of their Summer Music Series, entertaining Guests at their location of 122 Ithaca, Beer, Dr., on Thursdays from 6O pm — 8:00 pm June 13 th through October 1110`1�'. with the following TB 2,024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg- 3 Conditions: 1'r" i 1. The placement of the hay bales describedin the application should, meet NYS Building/.rre Code and be as tall as the tallest speaker to mitigate the speakers used by the band(s), and with the following a=$ 1. The waiver from the requirements, of To�wn Code Chapter 184 for the above music event is necessary for a valid purpose, because music Might not be able to conform at all times to the requirements of Chapter 184, and Ithaca Beer's Planned Development Zone specifically allows for music events, subject to or upon the issuance of'an,y permits required (Town Code §271-15. D (3), and, 2. The waiver is the minimal. intrusion needed, because the amplification is needed to provide dinner music to the ea, and music i,s limited to 6 Pm. to 8 p.m., which hours are within, "daytinie hours" as defined by Town, Code § 1844"the entertwnmentis intendedto'be and has proven tobe background, in. nature and, not overly intrusive-, the amplification speakers must be l.ted, on the taproom lawn. and face Route 13 and have hay bales stacked, to provide some mitigation where the band is playing,, and 3. On balancel, the need for anerne Mats of the waiver outweigh the needs. and rights of the surroundin quiet environment, because the mu,si 1 ,g neighbors to a peaceable and, c * s for a limited. amount, of time during the early evenings, on the specified, dates, with the above listed limitations in place to minimize the intrusion on. the neighbors., M - Rich, edDePaolo Seconded— Rod Howe ov. iwI G& R Vote: ayes — Howe, DePaolol Bleas Lev*ne,'Johnson, utenberger osen Consider award of'consac for: a. Development of a Site Design, and Development Criteria manual Ms. Randall and, Mr. Thaete explained, that this is a joint effort, to gather, all, the criteria and standards we currently have in multiple places and codifying them into one useful manual for both developers and staff to refer to and eliminate confusion or discrepancies. Mr. DePaolo asked what the exact service is that isbeing provided if we have the information in house., Mr. Thaete responded that the information is in multiple formats, about 200 details at last count, in. PDF, micro -fiche, and AutoCAD, and some that are just simple drawings. The consultants will. take all that information, review them and add their expertise and field experience and look fiar nuances and details that may need c I larification and unanimity and codffy there. into a bound manual. and we will add to it in the future, subsequent chapters dealing with stlormwater and water and, sewer, and cross sections, of roads and more. Our in-house staff does not have the time to dedicate to this, and when it is one, it will save a lot of time. TB 2024-05,-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 4 Mr. Thaete not edthat the Scope of Services is very detailed in the contract itself, and Mr. DePao10 suggested adding the word "Initial," ire front, of "developrn.ent of Site Design, and Developt'nent Criteria manual in. the 5 th Whereas and, title the resol.u,tion to be ctearer. TB, Resolutikjn 2024 — 045-ol Aization to Award erract for the initial develonment f g Site Deswu and Develooment CrIteri'a Manual Whereas the proliferation of reference speci, fications,, codes,, and standards relative to public works projects, on both pubfic and private lands, has .led to, challenges coordinating development review alongside technical review, and Whereas this Joint project of the Town's Engineering and, Planning Departments —,to develop a Town of Ithaca Site Design and Development Criteria, Manual — Intends to clar�lfy the Town's expectations for design,, construction,, operation, and maintenance of mu,�n'l'cipal'l'nfrastru,ctre, and Whereas the Site Design and Development Criteria Manual Request for Qualifications for Professional, Services, was advertised in the New York State Contract Reporter, BidNet, and the Town web it on Febnary ,27, 20,24, and three (3) responses were received by the March, 20, 2024, deadline, 'and, Whereas on March 20, 2024, the Director of Planning received a Statement of Qualifications from Barton and Loguidice, D.P.C. wherein that Firm. adequately outlined related work experwnce, program , objectives, and scope of services that meet and/or exceed our expectations for Professional Services, and Whereas the Director of Plannmg and Director of Engineering, respectively, have reviewed the March 20, 2024, proposal and qualifications of B&L and recommend approval bythe Town Board for the initial development of Site Design and Development Criteria, Manual, not to exceed $8,7',0431, and Whereas in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section 617.5(c)(24), State Envi.ronmental Quality Review, the Study is, classified as, Type 11 Action. and not subject to environmental review, now, therefore be it Rlved that the Town Board approves the proposal for the Town of Ithaca 'Site Design and, Development Criteria Manual as submitted, and, authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute said contract., subject to review by the Atwrney for the Town., Moved: Margaret Johnson Seconded.- Pamela B'1eiw,a,,s Vote: ayes -Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwas,'Levine, Johnson!, Gutenberger & Rosen b. D,esign of Babcock Ridge Yrail at Culver Road Preserve pmiect Mr. Howe noted that this project has been in, the works �for .it a while, and we did receive the g h tgn wor'k done for landscape arc4itecture and other rant so thts ts the first step fo�r getting t e desi enhancements to the Preserve, with the 'intent to have bid, documents ready the end, of the year for a 2025 start. TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 5 TB Resolution 2024 - 046: Authorization to Award Contract for the, Detafled Construction D lid Documents for the Babcock Rid raw�in tortnwate�r Pollution, Prevention Plan,, and Bi Traid at CuIver.Road Preserve P Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, has received financial assistance from the New York State Office of 1-1 Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPREP) under the environmental Protection rund Grant Program for Parks,, Preservation and Heritage for the purpose of funding the design, and development, of the Babcock Ridge Trail at Culver Road, Preserve prqJect, and Whereas, on Novemer 27, 2023, the Town received, proposals for the Detailed Construction Drawings, S,tormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and. Bid Documents for the Babcock Ridge Trail at Culver Roadpreserve project, and Whereas,, r�.embers of Town. staffhave reviewed, the proposals and qualifications of the firms, and discussed the proposed recommendation with the Public'Works Committee on January 16, 2024, and Whereasl,'EDP , has provided a "Prq osal forEngineerinm g and Landscape Aritecture Services for .P the Babcock Ridge Trail at Culver Road Preserve Project", datedMarch. 5, 2024, and Whereas, it is recommended the award, of a fixed, fee contract of $66,675.00 (Sixty -Six Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy -Five Dollars and Zero Cents,) be made to Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture, Eu ineering & Environmental Services, D.P.C. (EDR), now, therefore,, be it Resolved, that the total contract, amount shall not, exceed, $66,675.00 (Sixty -Sig. Thousand Six Hundred Seventy -Five Dollars and Zero Cents), and therefore, it be Resolved, that the Tows Boar authorizes the award and execution by the Supervisor of a contract for design, servi.ces with. Environmental Design. & Researc I Ih, LandscapeArc I hitecture, Engineering & Environmental Services D.P.C.11 217 Montgomery Street,, Suite I 100, Syracuse,, New 'York 13202, subject to, review by the Attorney of the Town. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Susie, Gut enberger Vote: ayes- I'lowel, DePao'lo, Ble:iwas, Levine,, Johnson, Gutenberger & Rosen 5�. Conslider amendment of service contract _ rraitem Engineering — Stretch to Zero, Ms. Ranfall gave an. overview,. saying, that "aitem has been researching different parts of the Code as part of the updatesbeing worked through bythe City/Town working group for the Itliaca Energy Code. The group felt it would be best to, have Taitem"s expertise in helping with, those updates as they are prepared for the respective legislative boards' consideration of ad,option.. Mr. Rosen recused himself from voting,, saying, that although he was not aware of this, contract and is not "involved in, it, he does, work for Taite"M Eng,ineen,ng and felt it, best, to recuse himself TB, Resolution 202- 47-. Authorization to update the Agreement with 'Faitem. Enatneer.in" in support of the NYSERDA Stretch to Zero Pilot Prouam TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 6 Whereas, the NYSERDA Stretch to Zero pilot program was awarded to the Town, of Ithaca and o hermunicipalities that already took a local legislat,we action, to t adopt a, zero on- site greenhouse gas missioh re interested, in. sharing information with NYSERDA and leaming ens code, and, w o a from the other participating municipalities, and Whereas, an agreement for services notto exceed $3,000, was executed with Taitem Engineering on November 41, 2022, with financial, assistance from the NYSERDA Stretch to Zero.pillot program, and Whereas TI Ea*tem ngineerug g, P.C. staff participates in in -person a.d/or virtual meetings with the Town and other stakeholders to discuss development and implementation of the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement and provides guidance relative to 'the Stretch to, Zero pilot program, now, therefore be it Resolved., that the Town hoard approves, authorizes and directs this Town Supervisor to execute a revised service agreement with Taitem Engineering, P.C. to include an. increase in the fee not to exceed $1.2,004, with financial, assi,stance from. the NYSERDA Stretch'to Zero pilot program. Moved: Rich..DePaolo Seconded,-. RodHowe Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolio, Bleiwas,'Levine, Johnson & Gutenberger Recused: Rob Rosen 6. Consider adoption of a Snow, and Ice Policy 0 Mr. Slater explained, that this po�licy puts innon- nation for both staff and residents regarding when, how and why or snow operations are done, making sure that everyone is on the same page and has a single place to refer to when we get questions from residents, and explains why there may be gaps,in operations and, that "hare roads"' arenot always a realisty goal. Right now, there is a mailbox replacement policy on our Public Wo�rks landing page; this incorporates and explains where they should be and how they can be damaged if they aren't placed correctly or maintained. it also adds some documentation processes for noting those that have issues and/or when something happens to them. He gave the example of a new development that went in onWest Haven. Rd, and, in hi' s ride -along, staff pointed out that the mailboxes had been placed incorrectly and, they would, surely be damaged, in a snow event. He contacted the person in charge and explained the situation and they were fixed, and the management thanked him for letting them knowprior to any damage. There are no real changes to the intent of the existing operations,, but, now they are in one policy. ion of the Town of Ithaca's Snow and Ice Pol' TB, Resolution 20,24 — 048: Adopt' 1co Whereas the need for a policy regarding the Town. of Ithaca's Department of Public Works, snow and ice removal operations was identified by the Town Supervisor and the Town. of Ithaca's Highway Superintendent, and TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 7 Whereas the topic was subsequently discussed several, times at 'the Town of Ithaca's monthly Public Works Committee meetings, and Whereas a, draft policy defining the quantity of the roads and, pedestrian facilities, 'goals, level of service, snow and ice monitoring methods, how eq ' uipment is, utilized, materials, methods of removal, and how the public can help was discussed in detail at the February and March Public Works Committee meetings,, and Whereas the goal. of the policy is to inform. the Town Board, Town Residents,.Motor Motoring Public,, Public Transportation, Emergency Services ,'and Department of''Public Works Staff with general information on how the Public Works Department operates during snow and ice events, now therefor, be it,, Resolved that the Town Board approves and adopts the Town of Ithaca' s Snow and Ice Policy., Moved: Margaret Johnson Seconded.- Rob Rosen Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Blei was,Levee, Johnson, Gutenberger & Rosen 7. Consider authori4ation for the Sage Preserve grant application. Mr. Howe refer�red to Mr. Smith's memo which lains that this is a 135 acre parcel that is undeveloped with un-mowed trails that are used by area, residents and the couple would like to keep It fiorever available and natural, and the Townhas been working with them and the Land Trust to make it happen and this application. is one part of getting the funds to made! it happen. .Mr. DePaolo asked if there was a timing issue for using the grant funds we have from the Park Foundation and Mr. Smith responded that we would be able to use those funds independent of this grant decision, and we have time to keep piecing together -funding sources. TB, Resolution 20,24 - 49;- Authorization to Appl for Fundiin.y, throe 2h the Tompkins COU Natural Infrastructure Capital Plro2ram to Purchase Approximately 135 Acres of Land on South Hi.11 Whereas', Tompkins County ts currently, accepting funding request proposals through the Natural Infrastructure Capital Program for projects that protect natural systems that can l 1p mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change, and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, is seeking to puricha,se approximately 1315 acres on South Hill (located oiff King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and chid el Road),,. to, be included as a Town preserve, , an d Whereas', the Town estimates the total cost to be approximately $674,0010 for the acquisition of the property, and Whereas, thie landowner has offer, to sell the approximately 135 acres, to the Town, at 80% of the appraised, value, which reduces t I he overall, cost, to, $543,000, and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca has received, $50,000 from the Park Foundation toward this acquisition project, and TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 8 Whereas, Tompkins County is currently accepting applications, with a maximum request of $200,000; now, therefiore,,be it Resolved., that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca, or designated, representative, is hereby authorized and directed to, file an application for the acquisition of the approximately 135-acre property on So�uth Hill through the Tompkins County Natural Infrastructure Capital Prog,ram for $200,,0001, andupon approval, of said requeStto enter into and eXecute a project agreementwit h Tompkins County for suchfinancial. assistance to t I he Town. of It I haca, gIFAW on 1 0ICI Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwas, Levine, Johnson, Gutenberger & Rosen 8. Update on potential acqtuis�ItJion ofAgricultural Easements Mr. Howe noted that thi.s is an, update to the Board and to get consensus on whether to move forward with the next steps. Mr. Smith ga,ve a, summary, saying that we have three parcels now, and 'there are two more available and, the appraisals took longer than eXpected, but, we have them now and the owners are interested in donating a portion of the appraised amount. The amounts listed are the ii-taximum we would be looking to, pay, and the next step would be to draw up easement language and move forward with subdivision surveys. The Board was In. favor of moving forward with. the next, steps. 0 9., Consider approval of and atithorlization to, si*.gn,, ,a. A, water access easement for 212 Forest 11dome Dr Mr. Howe noted, that this came through the Planning Board subdivision processes and, we found that easements were never executed. TB Resoluti"on 2024 — 050: AV12roval of and authorization to execute, water easement, assocmted. with the 212 Forest Home Drive Whereas, Linda Copman Revocable Trust ("Applicat s")l are proposing to install a new water service for the purposes of servicing an existing single-family residential. home at 212.Forest Home Drive, formerly a portion. of TMP# 66.-2-13 and Whereas Oj ,'u,�pon.�re,v,.iewol'."thi,spr *ectit was determined that no easement of record exists over the Town of Ithaca, owned water utility at this location, and, Whereas, the town has requested the appficant provide a water easement, over the town owned utilities, prior to issuance of an, External Plumbing Permit for a new water service connection at this locatioon. so as to protect, and provide the necessary level. of service, ana. Whereas, the, water utility and associated easement is shown on. the drawing titled "'Town of Ithaca 212 Forest Home Dr Proposed Water Easement il sheet V 101. dated 5/6/2024, prepared by Town of Ithaca, and TB 2,024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg- 9 erethe Engineering Department has reviewed the plans for the above i,mprovement and have Whas', found, the generally acceptable, and, request the easement be sent to the Town .Board, for further discussion and, consideration., now thercf6re be it Resolved, thattie Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves the Permanent Water Easement and Right -of Way from Linda Cop ',t-nan, Revocable Trust, and authorizes the Town Super visorto execute the easement', su�ject to the following conditions: 1. The approval of the easement and authorization for execution. by the Town Supervisor is subject to review by the Attorney for the Town. 2. The specific surveyed and/or mapped location, deed, and abstract showing good and marketable title for the easement is submitted. in a fori'n, acceptable to the Attorney fur the Town of Ithaca and, Town of Ithaca Director of Engi*neering., and prior to Town Supervisor execution of the easement. Moved: Susie Gust enberger Secondtecl: Rod Howe Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwas, Levine, Johnson, Gutenberg er & Do an b. A water access easement for 526 Elm St Ext TB 0 Resolution 2024 — 051 Approval of and authorizatl'on, to execute water easement ,associated with the 526 Elm Street Extension 4, Whereas, the Owners, of TMP#29.-6-13,.4 are proposing to install a new water service for the purposes of servicing a new single-family residentia,l home on a parcel to the rear (north) of 526, Elm Street Extension, and Whereas, upon review of this project, it was determi.ned that" no easement of record exists over the Town of Ithaca owned water utility at 526 Elm Street Extension, Baldwin, Mary M & hies, Sa,rah L, TMP#29.-6-1.2., and, Whereas, the town has requested the owners of 526 Elm Street Extension (TMP#29.-6-12) provide a, water ease�inent, over thetown, owned utitittesl,to allow access for a, new water service connection at, this location so as to protect and, provide the necessary level of serums, and, Whereas',the water utility and associated easement is shown on the drawing titled ''Town of Ithaca, 526 Elm. St Extension Proposed Water Easement" sheet V102, at 5/7/2024, preparby Town of Ithaca, and Wh the En * r' I ereas', ginee inguepartment has reviewed, the plans for the above improvement., and, have found them generally acceptable,, andrequest the easement be sent to the Town.Bo�a,rd for further discussion and consideration, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town of Ithaca Town. Board hereby approves the Permanent Water Easement, and Right -of Way from al :wire, Mary M & Henniies, Sarah. L (TMP#29,.-6-l2), and, authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the easement., subject to the following and ftions: TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1, 0 I The approval of the easement and authorization for execution by the Town Supervisor subject to review bI It eAttorney for Ton y h he w. 2. The specl'fic surveyed and/or mapped location, deed, and, abstract showing good and, marketabIle title for the easement is submitted in a form acceptable to the Atwrncy for the Town of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca Director of Engineering, and prior to Town �upervisor execution of the easement. Moved: Margaret,Johns orn Seconded,: Errs Levtne I , Gutenber er & Rosen, 'Vote: ayes -Howe, DePaolo,Bleiwas, Levine,,, Johnson.,, 9 111111111 IN iq��� �i iirliir�i Till I!! 1 1111! T11 I, T C01- 113 U M_ TB I Resolution 2024- 52. Ammoval of and authorization to executle sewer easement associated with the 5126 Elm Strut Extension Whereas, the Owners of T,MP#29.-6-13.4 are proposing to install a new sanitary sewer service for the purposes of servicing a new single-family re&i,dential. h'ne on a, parce,i to the rear (north) of 526 Elm Street fExtension, 'and, Whereas,, upon review of this project, it was determined that no easement of record exists over the Town, of Ithaca owned sanitary sewer utility at 526 Elm Street Extension,Baldw�inl, Mary M & Hennies, Sarah. L, TMP#29.-6-12, and Whereas,, the town has requested, the owners of526 Elm Street Extension (T'MP#29.,-6-12) provide a sanitary sewer easement, over the town owned utilities, to allow access for a new sewer service connection at this location so as to protect and provide the necessary level of service, and Whereas, th,e sanitary sewer utility and associated easement is, shown on the drawing titled "Town of Ithaca, 526 Elm. St Extension Proposed Sewer Easement" sheet V 10, 1 , dated 5/7/2024, prepared by Town of Ithaca., and Whereas, the Engineering Department has reviewed the plans, for the above improvement, and 'have found them generally, acceptable, and request the easement be sent to the Town, Board for further d,iscu,ssion and, consideratton,, now therefore be It Resolved, that the Town, of Ithaca Town Board, hereby approves thePermanent Sewer Easement and Right-of'Way from Baldwin, Mary M & Hennies, Sarah L (TMP#29.-6-l2'), and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the easement, subject to the following conditions*.' 1., The approval of the ease meat and authorization for execution by the Town Supervisor is subject to review by the Attorney for the Town. 2. The specific surveyed and/or mapped location,, deed, and abstract showing good and marketable title for the easement is submitted in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca Director of Engineering, and prior to Town, Supervisor execution of the easement., Moved: Rich. DeP,a,olo Seco�nded: Susie Gutenberger Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwas, Levine, Johnson, Gutenberger & Rosen TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1, 1 10. ConsentAgenda * Adopt Consent TB, Resolution 20,20 ® 530 Aaends a. Approval of Town Board Minutes, b. Approval, of Town of IthaCc,-t,Abs,trac,t c. Approva I I of Bolton PointAbstract d. Refer draft revisions to the Official Town Map to the Planning Board, e. Approval, of'N'YSLRS Standard 'Workday Report f. National. Public Works Week Proclamation g. Approval of provisional, appointment of Finance Officer, — Herbert h. Approval of Wtiter Reconc�ilnation with Town of Ulysess . *f - BP Water Treatment Plant 0 er,ator Tra*nee - Colbert i Rati y pern-lan.ent appointment P I j .6 *f - BP Water Treatment Plant OpenL - McKa e Rati y permanent appointment itor Trainee n k. Ratify re -appointment - BP Electrical Mechanical Technician - Fellows Moved: Pamela Bleiwas Seconded: Rob Rosen Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwals, Levine, Johnson", Gutenberger & Rosen TB, Resolution 20,24 - 53a: Approval of Town Board Minutes Resolved that the draft minutes of April 22, 2024, are adopted as final with any, non -substantive changes made. T13, Resolution 20,24 - 53b: Approval f'Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 9, for FY-2024 Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Payment of the following audited vouchers for the amounts 'indicated .- VOUCHER, NOS. 349-420 General. Fund Town Wide 162,,356-75 General. Fund. Part -Town. 6038.08 H ay Fund Town Wide DA 3M7.38 Highway Fund Part Town DB 10990.84 Water Fund 87 4. l 9 183 Sewer Fund 412 252-56 C,�pita P�Ko I jects 1, '430.00 Risk Retention Fund 2,292.00 it Protection Fund 68 1. �798.78 TOTAL 1,36819110-58 TB, Resol.ufion.20,241- 53c;,, Approval. of BP Abstract Resolved that the governing Town :hoard authorizes 'Payment of the audited vouchers as, listed-. Voucher Numbers: Check Numbers,-. Capital Impr/Repl. Prect 11 49-193 21.452-2i 1496 W933.75 TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1, 2 Operating Fund $ 9'7620-37 TOTAL $ 1661554.12 TB Resolution 20,24 ® 53d: Referral of revised, Official Town Map to the Planmin.g Board Resolved thatthe Town Board refers the draft Official Town Map to the Planning Board for review and comment. TB, Resolution 20,24 ® 53e: Approval. of N'YSLRS Standard'Workday Report Resolved that the Town Board approves the NYS IRS Standard Workday report as submitted. TB, Resolution,2024 - 53f: Approval of Natimal, Public Works Week proclamatim Whereas, public works, professionals focus on infrastructure, facHities, and services that are fittal importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life, and well-being of the peo le of the Town of Ithaca; and p I Whereas, these 'infrastructure,, facilities, and services could, not be p�rovid,ed, without the ded1cated 0 efforts of public works professionals, who are engineers., managers., and, employees at all. levels of government and the private sector, who are responsible for rebuilding, improving, and protecting our ntion's trap prtatton,water supply, water tratmt, pbficbuddngs,nother trutures and facilities essential for our citizens; and '0 0 Whereas., it, is in the public interest for the citizens', civic leaders, and, children in the Town of Ithaca to gain knowledge of and maintain an ongoi , ng i , nterest and understanding of the importance of public works and public works prograrns in, their respective communities; and Whereas, the year 2,024 marks the 64"" annua 1. Nationa I I Public Works Week sponsored by the be American Public Works Association./Canadian Public Works Assoc.1 ationi, now, therefore it Resolved, that I., Rod Howe,, on behalf of the Town Board, do hereby designate the week of May 19-251 2024, as National Public Works Week,. I urge al,l citizens to jotn with representatives ofthe American Public Works Association and government agencies in, activities, events, and ceremonies designed, to pay tr'bu,te to our public works professionals, engineers, managers,, and, employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health, safety, and advancing quality of life for all. TB, Resolution,2024 — 053g: Provl*s*loal, ,,A,ppo�inn,t of F�inance Office�r W Donna Shaw Finance Officer will be retiring effective 1 nJuly 20, 2024; ad hereas', 1 Whereas, the interview committee comprised of Supervisor Howe, Town Councilpersons Eric Levine and Pamela Ble'twas interviewed and then determined that Christopher Herbert possessthe necessaryknow ledge and skills to satisfactori,ly perfm-n the duties oft . rmance (.fic r and make the recommendation of appointment; now, therefore, be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve of the provisional appointment of Christopher Herbert as Finance Officer, effective June 3, 2024; and be it fut-ther TB 2,024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1,3 Resolved', that this will. be a full-time salaried position, based on, 40 hours per weekl at a,2024 annual. salary of $96,740, in Job C1as&1fication 11H", with full time benefits from account A 1340. 100; and, be it further Resolved, the said appointment is a provisional appointment pending the results from thenext civil, service eXam, for the posftion,; and be it further Resolved, Mr..Herbert will be required t►mplete the twenty-si.x (26) week probationary period associated with this title, with noffirther action by the Town Board if there is successful completion of the probationary period as determined by the Town Supervisor. TB, Resolution,2024 - 53h,. Approval, of a Refund of Water Charges to the Town of Ulysses Whereas, the Town of Ithaca and Town of Ulysses entered into a 'Water Service Agreement (Agreement), which was amended in 2011 to include a water loss calculation.; and Whereas!, priortothe December 13,1 2011 'water usage readiDgS from the Town of Ithacals Woolf Lane Water Pump Station deducted, the Town, of Ithaca's water customers from the nip � ustations P master meter and, the Town ofIthaca billed th.e Town of Ulysses for the difference for their water usage; and, I * I I Whereas,, 'the amended Agreement between the runic ipaitties, requires the Town of Ulysses to tnvwce the Town,, of Ithaca in January of each year for the previous four quarters-, and Whereas', after conducting a review and, reconcilUtiota of the Water Servwes, it has been determined that a, water loss payment based on the amended Agreement formula in the arnount of $2,350. for the four quarter of water usage in 2023 is dueto the Town of Ulysses, now, therefore, be it 0 Resolved, that the Town Board authorizes a refund to the Town of Ulysses in the aunt of $2,350.07 as detailed, above from account F83,50.475 titled water Services, Exchange. TB Resoluti"on 2024 - 531". RatiTy Permanent Appointment, of Water Treatment Plant Operator Traiinee at SC111,1WC. Whereas, the Southem Cayuga, Lake Intermunicipal. Water Commission on May 8, 2,024, appointed Jacob Colbert to the Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee position- Permanent Status, retro-active to April 8, 20�24; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town and of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify SCLIWC's, Permanent bert to the Water Treatment Plant 0 erator Trainee position, retro-active appointment of ."Jacob Col. p to April 8, 2024, with no change to pay or full-time benefits,. IN TB, Resolution 2024 - 53j: Ratify Permanent appointment of Water Treatment . Plant Operator T'ra'inee at SCI...][WC Whereas, the Southem Cayuga Lake biter municipal. 'Water Coemu ssion on May 8, 2024, appointed Christopher McKane to the Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee position - TB 2024-05,-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 1, 4 Permanent Status from the civil service eligible listing, effective May 13, 2024; now, ere re be 0 it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, does hereby ratify SCLIW'C's, Permanent appointment of Christpher McKane to the Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee posiffio n,, effective May 13, 2024,1 at the rate of $25.35,per hour with full time benefits. TB Resolution 2024 - 53k: Ratify re -appointment of Electrical Mechanical Technician at SCLIWC Whereas,, the Southern. Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Comm,ission on May 9,1 2024, re- appointed Kyle Fellows,, Water Treatment Plant Operator and past Electrical, Mechanical - now therefore be it Technician. (EMT), to the EMT position', retro-active to Apnil 28, 2024 Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratIfy SCLIWC's, re -appointment of Kyle Fellows, to the Electrical Mecham*cal Technician (EMT) position, retro-active to April 28, 2024, at the hourly wage of $3 0.72, in Job Class* fication 5b, with no change innis oenefits. Ar% 11. Report of Town ufficials Mr., Howe reported that Mr. Smith applied for and got a small grant for the ethnobotanictrafl at Tutelo Park., and d ur 4 4 0 � S - 4 ing o r ire Contract, and Em ==- lmlililli Em 3SMEM4 We will. be meeting with �Iignftaries from Ithaca, College t,o begin di*,scussions on various topics. Mr. Rosen reported on COC, activities since: mere will be no study session, saying that they discussed changesto the defim"hion, of a second dwelling unnit to allow two kitchens,if other aspect's of a second dwelling are not, present, and next mont,ft 'we will continue with, drafting the new subdivi,sion regulations. the data, Mr. DePaolo repoping out water meters and when that is done,, -Y is s may change our percentage of ownershipof the IAWWTF as the metering eparated out. It w,111, take a more than, a year, but just reporting as a heads, up. 12. Review of Correspondence — None The meetm*g was adjourned upon a motion b Mr. Howe, seconded by Mr. DePaolo, unanimous. y TB 2024-05-13 (Filed 6/6) Pg. 15