HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Cornell Water Distribution System Computer Model CORNELL UNIVERSITY "'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE � WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM COMPUTER. MODELS :. r ct 1996 'rt�b �MM VM YIV � #b MNW �F:�9 qN4 NM 'AM c� q11 *u NM^ +Ib ?wl++ !MW � 9Mk40 # AID row sm Prepared, Engineers and;Surveyors Itham, New York f ORNELL_ UNIVERSITY WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM COMPUTER MODELS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS PAGE INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................I PURPOSE AND SCOPE.......................................................................... ..�„���1 SECTIONACKGR UND................................... .. ............ ............... A. Brl f,,Pv� of the System.,.............................................. .m,... .. ...,................. B. ;system Storage and 'Pumping Components.......................... ................................3 a) Storage Tanks........-....-... ........... ..................4 b) Pump Stations...—... ...-....... ........ ...---...--4 SECTION 2. HYDRAULIC MODEL.................................................................7 A. File Management..... ....... 7 E. Model Development....................... ......--.........-........ ....... 3 a) Cenerel......................................................................................................................... b) Interconnections. ...... ....... ......... ....... ...... 9 c) Layer Management....................................................................................................... 11 C. Hydraulic Elements........................................................................w......,....,...,........ 1 a) Pipes ........................................................................................................................... 1 'd) Junction Nodes...,............ 14 c) Storage Tanks... 1 d) Pumps........ ..---......... 17 e) Control Valves......,......... ........ 18 t) Pressure Switches....----...... ....... .......... ...... 19 D. Model Maintenance and Update................ ....... ........ ...... 19 %, q%� TABLES 'AGE TABLE 1.1 Tank Information ................................... .................... ...................,. ........",, TABLE 1.2 Finished Water Pump Operating Data. ............. ......... ..................... TABLE 1.3 State (Elevated) Pump Operating Data—....... .....,..... 6 TABLE 2.1 File Management......... ......—..... .....--......... . ........ ......... ........,.." TABLE 2.2 Hydraulic Element Numbering Scheme ....................................................g TABLE 2.3 Interconnections Between n The State And Endowed Systems........ ........... g TABLE 2.4 Interconnections Between The Cornell And SCLIWC Systems.,................ its TABLE 2.5 Interconnections Between The Cornell And City of Ithaca Systems ..,..,,.. 10 TABLE 2.6 Layer Management: State Model (CU-STATE.DWG)........... ......... ........... 11 TABLE 2.7 Layer Management: Endowed Model (CU-ENDOW.DWG)............. ........... 1 TABLE 2.5 Connectivity Modified........ ............w...... ........,..,...,... ......... ..,........,......... 13 TABLE. 2.9 Minor Loss Coefficients- ...... ........ ........ TABLE 2.10 Base Demand....... ......... ......... ......... .............................. ........ 15 TABLtt11 Unaccounted Water'..... ......... ........ � m»......,. .. ,,7,.. ,.......... 15 TABLE 2,12 Model bsignation For Tanks..... ........ .................... ........: ..................... 17" TABU 2A3 Control Valve Information ............................................................................ 18 TABLE 2.14 Telemetry Information................................................................................... 13 APPEN ICES APPENDIX A. CU-ENDOW.DWC INPUT DATA APPENDIX B. CU-STATE.DWG INPUT DATA APPENDIX C. CONSUMPTION DATA APPENDIX D. PUMP CURVES PLANS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PIPE SIZE DELINEATION n,�.,. �,. „� , �f„ 4%i INTRODUCTION At the request of the University, T.G. Miller, P.C. (TGM) was retained to upgrade the existing KY'PIPE hydraulic model to ft CYBERNET graphical environment. The KYPIPE model was developed for the University in 1992 by TGM and effectively utilized to perform various analyses, including that associated with achieving the required flow and pressure at the Heating and Chilled Water Facilities; quantifying the benefit obtained from incorporating a, 12 inch main in West Campus; and determining the impact on the Hasbrouck Apartment Complex if that area was re-grilled to be serviced from the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SC LIWC) Transmission System. Several factors have emerged which have prompted upgrading the existing model to the CYBERNET environment: the availability of state-of-the-art graphically based hydraulic modeling software (CYBERNET by El tad Methods); the availability of an electronic graphical planimetric base (through the joint New York State Electric and Gas (NYSE&G), County, Cornell etµ at. mapping project); and the City of Ithaca sponsored 'Regional Water System Evaluation' in which all available CYBERNET models associated with the three to water purveyors, mell, SCUWC, and City of Ithaca, will be combined to study the system from as regional perspective. The, 'regional model' will provide the tool through which analysis of the combined systems can be performed to effectively address the potential for the water purveyor's to share facilities to maximize efficiency, provide system redundancy without construction of new facilities, and provide better service to customers through the modification of service zones. PURPOSE AND SCOPE Cornell University Water Distribution System consists of two distribution grids, commonly referred to as the Endowed and the State Systems. In presenting, the hydraulic models of Cornets Endowed and State Sys I One, 4 is our goal to impart an understanding of the development elopment of the models and provide suggestions for maintaining and updating them, Section I provides' the background information on the distribution grids end 'how they currently operate. Section 2 discusses the graphical development of the models and the implementation of the operating data in order for the models to accurately simulate the existing System. The telemetry associated with the System has been programmed to enable the models to operate over time in extended period simulation (FPS) mode. The CYBERNET computer models presented herein (CU-ENDOW.DWG and CU-STATE.DWG), will serve several functions: 1. Hydraulic Analysis - The models provide a realistic representation of the Distribution System and therefore afford the University the opportunity to evaluate the capabilities of the existing System as well as review the hydraulic implications of proposed improvements prior to actual implementation. The dynamic capabilities of: the models provide the opportunity to investigate optimum operating procedures and several water quality parameters. 2. Water Utility Base Map - In general, the accuracy of the planimetric layout of the water system is to the accuracy of the Facility Department's 1"=40' utility drawings, which were scanne&vectorized to provide the electronic base for the modeling Project. Through the modeling process, several areas of the system were updated or augmented with more recent or more accurate information. The models provide the most accurate comprehensive planimetric base map of the System to date. 3. CIS Water System Data Base - The CYBERNET models provide the spatial (graphical) base which could be utilized in developing an extensive CIS program for the water system. The models themselves also provide a limited information data base which includes hydraulic information for various system components. J i' /� SECTION 1. BACKGROUND & BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM Cornell University's Water Distribution System spans nearly a century. The fundamental, purpose of the System was, and continues to be, to supply high quality treated water in adequate quantities to meet the needs of the University. Recent history has expanded the expectations of the System to include a second function, that of fire protection, Over Its extensive life span, the System has undergone numerous modification3. As the campus continues to meet the ever changing needs imposed by the academic community, as well as the increasingly stringent requirements imposed for fire protection, the system will continue to change. The source of the University's water is Fall Creek. The University has two intake chambers located along the creek. One is in ft proximity of the Universitys Water Fitter Plant and the second is approximately three quarters of a mile upstream. Under normal operating conditions, the raw water from the upstream intake flows by gravity through a 16 Inch diameter pipe to the treatment chambers at the Filter Plant, In the event that supplemental water is needed, or the gravity intake is for some reason off-line, raw water is pumped from the downstream intake to the Plant. At the Plant, the raw water is treated via a series of processes including rapid mix, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, and then flows by gravity to the adjacent 0.25 million gallon (mg) Clearwell. The Plant has a treatment capacity of 3,0 to 3.6 million gallons per day (MGD). The average day flow through the Plant in 1995 was 1,69± million gallons. During the 1995 academic year the average day demand is estimated as 1.62± million gallons and for the corresponding summer months, 1.86± million gallons., The treated water serves the majority of the Campus via the University"s Water Distribution System, The DistriWIon System is comprised of two separately pressurized distribution grids. Those grids are commonly referred to as the Endowed and State Systems. The pressure in the Endowed System is maintained by matched iWevation Ground Tanks, and in the State System by' 4n Elevated Tank. All three tanks are located on East Camput. From the Clearwell, water is pumped to the Endowed System via the Finished Water Pump Station (FWPS), The Finished Water Pump Station has six manually controlled high service pumps, ranging in capacity from 360 to 1050 gpm. Under normal operating conditions either pump number 5 or 6 always remains on-line supplementing and replenishing the Ground Tanks' water supply, The Endowed System is Comell's lower pressure distribution grid. The Ground Tanks, each with a capacity of 1.0 million gallons, provide service to most of the Endowed buildings and a few of the State buildings on campus. used on the 1995 consumption data utilized in the CYBERNET models, the Endowed System supplies approximately 58 percent of the total campus water demands. Through an agreement with the City of Ithaca, the Endowed System also services some City customers adjacent to West Campus, in an area commonly referred to as Cornell Heights. Due to the extreme changes in the topography on Campus, the Endowed system is itself comprised of two pressure zones. The primary zone is pressurized by the Ground Tanks water surface level, while the secondary zone is maintained via a pressure control valve (PRV) located near the Johnson Museum at the far western end of the campus. in addition to maintaining pressure for the Endowed System, the Ground Tanks also provide a stable source of water to be pumped into the State System. The State Pump Station (SPS) has three similar pumps, each with a rated capacity of 700 gpm. Telemetry between the Elevated Tank and the Pump Station automatically controls when the pumps come on and go off-line. The half million gallon Elevated Tank provides service to most of the State buildings and to Endowed buildings on the North and Main Campus. Based on the 1995 consumption data utilized in the CYBERNET models, the State System supplies roughly 42 percent of the total campus water demands. The State System also provides service to a small number of Town customers along Judd Falls Road. 2 r JI' 1 5 J The Comell System has thirteen interconnections between its two pressure grids, Through a special joint working arrangement between the University, SCLIWC, and the City of Ithaca, these three systems are strategically interconnected for the purpose of supplying water and services to each other in emergency situations. This is a highly commendable arrangement which strengthens the reliability of all three systems. There are three emergency interconnections to the Commission's Transmission System, five to Commission member municipal distribution systems, and nine to the City of Ithaca's System. These interconnections are normally valved closed, but can be (and in several cases have been), opened to supply water to adjacent purveyor's systems. B. SYSTEM STORAGE AND PUMPING COMPONENTS The storage and pumping components applicable to the modeling, consist of the Clearwell, Ground Tanks, Elevated Tank, Finished Water pumps, and the State (Elevated Tank) pumps, A brief description and a map showing the general location of these components follows, Nis CORNELL UNVER9TY . ..... CATER TREATMENT PLANT GROW RV STA" F"m"A" TMK #2 ELEVATED uyka --f W STAIN GROK TANK #1 41 > ENE EN (GRWND TANK) SYSTEM STATE (ELEVATED TANK)SYSTEM 3 a) Storage Tanks AN water for the entire System Initially comes through the Treatment Chambers at the University's Filtration Plant and then flows by gravity to the Clearwell. The base of the Clearwell is 8211± with an overflow of 831'±. The Finished Water pumps, pump the treated water from the Clearwell to the two matched elevation Ground Tanks. Ground Tank fl is located to the southeast of the Elevated Tank. It Is a 1,0± million gallon (mg) concrete ground tank. Ground Tank #2 is located to the northeast of the Elevated Tank. It is a 1.0± million gallon (mg) steel ground tank. The overflow elevation for these tanks is 984±, with a normal operating range of approximately 4.5± feet (983.5 - 979*). The ground tanks are freely Interconnected and due to their proximity fill and drain at roughly comparable rates. There exists valving between the tanks which allows for one tank to temporarily be taken off-line for maintenance or repairs, The Elevated Tank Is a steel tank with a maximum capacity of 0.5± million gallons (mg). The base of the bowl is 1023± with an overflow elevation of 1065'±- Due to maintenance problems encountered when utilbang the full water range, the normal operating range for the tank is currently between 1052.5 and 1049.5'± The maintenance problems encountered were related to the formation of an ice layer on the water surface of the tank which was destructive to the cathodic protection and internal stiffener. TABLE 1.1 TANK INFORMATION OWNER TANK YEAR OVERFLOW TANK BASE CAPACITY DIAMETER OR NORMAL, BUILT (MAXIMUM) (MINIMUM) EQ=AL,ENT OPERATING ELEVATION ELEVATION RANGE, (FT FT J (MG) JFT) HwL Endowed Clearwell 1927-28 831'± 821*± 0.25'± 67" x 67"± 82&5 - 823,5! Endowed Ground #1 1927-28 964'± 972± 1.01± 1191:t 983.5 - 979' Endowed Ground #2 1948 984'± 968'± 1,0'± 104'± 9815 - 979' State Elevated 1956 1065'± 1023'± 0.5,± 5a± (base of (during normal 10,52,5 - 1049,5' bowl) operation b) Pump Stations Finished W er P rn tqtiorl: The Finished Water Pump Station has six manually controlled pumps, four of which discharge toward the east and two to the west. These pumps are manually activated to increase operator control of the System. In an effort to equalize mechanical wear and tear, the designation of lead pump aftemates between pumps #5 and #6. Generally, one of these two pumps is always on-line supplementing and replenishing the Ground Tanks' water supply. The four pumps on the east side of the pump station are considered lag pumps. A lag pump is manually activated to prevent overflow in the Clearwell, or in the event of excessively heavy demand on the System. In general, K the water level in the Clearwell is at 7± feet from the base (828"±), one of the lag pumps (generally either pump #i or #4) is turned on to augment pumping from the Clearwell to the Endowed System, When the threat of the Clearwell overflowing is abated, staff at the Filter Plant will tum off the lag pump, Notw All elevations provided herein are on U.S.G.S. datum, 4 Awl' TABLE 1.2 _ FINISHED WATER PUMP OPERATING DATA OWNER PUMPELEVATION HORSE- IMPELLER' CAPACITY HEAD (H) FL (Q AT THE POWER SIZE CENTERLINE ERL IN OF DISCHARGE FT H (IN) (MG) "T (GPM) 2' Endowed East Side - 83(Y± 40 Hp � �/��� 199, 360 Pump #1 1 t15' 5 Cw C Endowed East Side - 830'± 50 Hp 14_3/,. 1.0± 17Z 700 Pump 02 144° 860 ° Endowed East Side - ± 50 Hp 111 1.C)� 168, 700 Pump 43 110, 850 d'"6W1p+{.W 0 Endowed East Side - BW± 50 Hp 14-1/16 1.0± 171' 700 Pump #4 14a 1000 W Ct Endowed West Side - 8W± 50 Hp 1 -112' 1.0± 184' 70 Pump #6 150, 950 19T 0 Endowed West Side - 75 Hp 12-/," 1.5± 17T 1000 Pump #6 Ice 1800 StatePump Station: The State Pump Station is located near the base of the Ground and Elevated Tanks. The pump station has three similar 20 Hp pumps. The purpose of this pump station is to lift water from the lower elevation of the Ground Tanks grid to the higher elevation Elevated Tank grid. When the Elevated Tank falls below its regulated low water surface elevation of 1049,5± feet, the lead purnp at the pump station is electronically signaled to dame on-line, This pump will remain on-line until the pre-designated high water level of 1052,5± feet has been attained. If after the lead pump is on, the water level in the Elevated Tank continues to drop, the lag pumps would be signaled to come on-line. The first lag pump is designated to come on when the water level falls below 104,.5± feet and go off when it rises to 1049.5± feet. The second lag pump is designated to come on when the water level falls below 1037.5± feet and go off when it rises to 1040. ± feet. 5 TABLE 1.3 - STATE (ELEVATED) PUMP OPERATING DATA OWNER PUMP ELF-VATION HORSE- IMPELLER CAPACITY HEAD (H) FLOW (0) AT THE POWER SIZE ENTEUM OF DISCHARGE FT H I GPI 121' 0 State Pump 07 966± 20 Hp 10-1f.' 1.0± 9a 700 sr 900 121' State Pump #8 96 `± 20 Hp 1.0± w 700 r, 121' I State Pump #9 966± 20 Hp 1.t± w 70 5r 900 SECTION 2- HYDRAULIC MODEL The computer models presented herein model the existing System based on records and Information provided by the University as of July 1996. The System is modeled utilizing Haestad Method's CYBEANET computer program. It is a graphically oriented modeling approach that functions in an AUTOCAD environment and uses the University of Kentucky's FORTRAN program for analyzing steady state flows and pressures in pipe distribution systems, The software is diverse in its capabilities. it can accommodate any piping configuration and various hydraulic components such as storage tanks, pumps, flow meters, pressure regulating valves, check valves, and pressure sustaining valves. The computer models produced under this Project (CCU-E�NDOW,DWG and CCU-STATE.DWG) should be considered the University's base models and should be maintained and updated as such, Data Input has been included which will allow the models to be utilized in both the static and extended period modes. Initial conditions, as well as firne-related conditions, will need to be recognized and modified accordingly when analyzing the system. No analysis, nor development of extended period simulation (EIS} case runs, was included under the scope of this Project, A. FILE MANAGEMENT As part of the Project, the following three electronic files have been developed and provided to the University for their use. The files have been developed in AUTOCAD Release 12 and are of *.dwq format. TABLE 2.1 - FILE MANAGEMENT' FILE NAME BRIEF DESORIPTION, This file contains all pertinent hydraulic model information for the Endowed System: pipes, junction nodes, static nodes, CU-ENDOW.DWG tanks, pumps, control valves, and pressure switches, (gornell Qnrversity - gaggWed system The hydraulic element data associated with this file is prawing) retrievable in the CYBERNET environment, The planimetric layout and existing annotation is accessible via AUTOCAD R12 or hi her, This file contains all pertinent hydraulic model information for the State System. pipes, junction nodes, tanks, pumps, and CU-STATE.DWG pressure switches, (gornell _Vniversity to System The hydraulic element data associated with this file is A DraWing) retrievable in the CYBERNET environment. The planimetric layout and existing annotation is accessible via AUTOCAD R12 or higher. CU-MP.DWG This file contains water system related, but non-essential model information: valves, hydrants, etc. &,ornoll gniversiry - Master Plan Qmwins) This file contains no CYBERNET data, It is a graphic file accessible via AUTOCAD R12 or higher, 7 The CU-MP.DWG file was developed to augment the hydraulic models, but is unnecessary for utilization of the actual models (CU-EtaDOWDWG and CU-STATE.DWG). The planimetric base files of the campus are on the same datum as the models and therefore can be used as a backdrop to the models. A section of the University's planimetric base files was electronically 'cut-out' and adapted for use as a backdrop for the Plans included in this Report, If relational information between files is desired, it is recommended that the non-active file(s) be externally referenced (x-refed) to the active AUITOCAD file. It is further recommended that prior to exiting AUTOCAD, any x-refed files be detached from the active file. Blocking or binding relational files to the model files is not advised. As a rule, the model files should only contain hydraulic element (model) information. B. MODEL DEVELOPMENT a) General The graphical aspect of this Project is, for the most, to the accuracy of the University Facility Department's 1"=40' Utility Drawings, The 1"=40' Utility Drawings were scanned and vectorized to provide the electronic base from which the hydraulic models were developed. The electronic image of the Utility Drawings was manipulated to be on the same datum as the digital aerial photogrammetric base map files (available through the joint NYSE&G, County, University, at al mapping Project). The manipulation was done to enable the planimetric maps of Campus, which delineate buildings, streets, etc., to be effectively utilized as a backdrop for the Utility Drawings, Hydraulic modeling in a graphical environment requires that each pipe be a single entity (one polyline) and that the end points of each pipe (polyline) be exactly adjoined to all connecting pipes. (In modeling terminology, a pipe Is a constant diameter section defined by a diameter, length, and roughness value). The vectorized water distribution file (200WAT.DWG) did not meet this criteria, As such, it could not be utilized directly. Instead, it was utilized as a backdrop on top of which the hydraulic models were created. The planimetric,'development of the model was accomplished by, x-referencing the vectorized drawing (200WATDWG) to the model file and then electronically tracing over the water mains whilst imposing the criteria of singular polyffnes for each pipe and exact connectivity between pipes. Improvements to the system which were not included on the 1"=40' scanned Utility Drawings were incorporated to the extent and general accuracy of available documentation. Through development of the models, the existing documentation was subject to a fairly extensive review process. All noted discrepancies in configuration, etc. were modified accordingly. Hence, the models should be considered the University's most accurate comprehensive Water Utility Base Map to date. Once the planimetric Layout was electronically completed, the drawing elements (polylines) were converted to hydraulic elements (pipes) via the CYBERNET software program. Additional hydraulic elements such as tanks and pumps were appropriately assigned. Data input for the pipes, storage tanks, pumps, and control valves was based on the 1992 KYPIPE data, except where updated by University staff, The model includes basic extended period simulation (EPS) data, The extended period simulation mode allows the Ground and Elevated Tank levels to vary over time, Appendix A and B contain the input data for the System which has been printed directly from the CYBERNET models, Where appropriate, descriptions for the various hydraulic elements has been included. The pipe and junction node descriptions are fairly extensive denoting all hydrants and services to buildings. A distinction between domestic services (DS) and fire services (FS) has been made. The annotation included in the models was sized for 1"=40' prints. The pipe and junction node numbering scheme for the models was assigned in a manner which will allow it to be readily combined with the SCLIWC Transmission model, Commission member municipal models, and the City of Ithaca model, The numerical btockz designated for pipe and junction node numbering within the University models, are shown in Table 2.2. 8 TABLE 2.2 HYDRAULIC ELEMENT NUMBERING G SCHEME BLOCK PIPE NUMBERS JUNCTION NODE E DESCRIPTIONS DESIGNATION UTILIZED IN MODEL NUMBERS UTILIZED IN MODEL Endowed System 6500 - 7399 6500 - 7267 65C - 7215 State System 7 7999 7400 - 7 . 7 86 1" *Note: Pipe number 1 is a temporary pipe connecting the suction side of the State Pump Station to Ground Tank wf1, This pipe (and the Ground Tank) have been included for the purpose of performing EPS analysis without connecting the two models. The numeric block designations for the three purveyors system"s, Cornell, SCCIW/C, and the City of Ithaca, are in the 1 - 9999 range, The numeric designation from 10,000 - 99,99 remains unassigned, Hence, iN at some point in the future the models are updated, a system reaching the limitations of the originally assigned numeric black can expand Into the 10,000 plus range without duplicating the numeric values In any of the other regional systems. Na) Interconnections mell°s System has thirteen interconnections between It's high and low pressure grids.. These interconnections are commonly referred to as CBP (closed between pressure) valves: The approximate location of these valves is denoted in Table 2.3. The University System is also interconnected with the SCLI C and City of Ithaca Systems, The purpose of these Interconnections is to supply water any services to each other in emergency situations. This Is a highly commendable arrangement which strengthens the reliability of all three Systems. As indicated in Tables 2.4 and 2.5, there exist eight interconnections with the SCI_Iy'WC System and nine interconnections with the City of Ithaca System. TABLES 2.3 . INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE STATE AND ENDOWED SYSTEMS CBP APPROXIMATE LOCATION NODE NUMBER DESIGNATION PIPE DIAMETER ENDOWED STATE inch: CBP 1 South of Veterinarian Research Tower J6560 J7492 14''" CBP #f2 Southeast of Riley Robb Nall J6561 J7575 12" CBP #3 Southwest of Riley Robb Nall J6594 J7578 6" CBP #4 North of Morrison Nall J6572 J751 8" CBP' #5 Intersection of Judd balls & Tower Rd J6576 J7541 10" CBP 46 Tower Rd . northwest of Stocking Nall J6576 J7543 8" CBP #7 Tower Rd - south of Bradfield Nall J6581 J7616 IV, CBP tN8 Tower Rd - south of Plant Science J6711 J7646 8" CBP #9 South of Computing, Comm Center J6696 J7676 8" CBP #10 West of Bailey Nall J6690 J 672 10" CBP #11 West of Martha Van Rensselaer VWin J6545 J7696 " CBP #12 East of Clara Dickson J7036 J7812 8" CBP #13 West of Clara Dickson J7052 J7817 8°" 9 TABLE 2.4 . INTERCONNECTIONS BE EE N THE: CORNELL AND SCLIWC: SYSTEMS CSF, MODEL APPROXIMATE LOCATION CO NELL SCLIWC SYSTEM M DESIGNATION ,JUNCTION SYSTEM NODE CBP A J7 Ei NYS Route 366 - near State Sapsucker Woods Tank McGowan House Grid CBP B J6507 NYS Route 366 - north of Endowed Sapsucker Woods Tank Farm Service Shoes Grid CBP C J6516 & Intersection of Tower and Endowed SCLIWC Transmission J a617 Caldwell Roads Lane . Tower Fleaad PR CBP I3 J6531 CU Filter Plant Endowred Christopher Circle Tank Grid CBP E J6532 CU Fitter Plant Endowed SCLIWC Transmission Line - Fitter P PRV CBP F J7716 Inteersection Pleasant Grove State Christopher Circle Tank Road and Forest Hearne Drive Grid CBP C3 J7732 Pleasant Grove Road . East State SCLIWC Transmission of Pleasant Grove Apartments Line - Pleasant Grove IToad PFI CBP H J6666 North of Maplewood Park rEndow—ed Pine Tree Road Tarik Apartments Grid TABLE 2.5 - INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE CO NELL AND CITY OF ITHACA SYSTEMS CBP MODEL APPROXIMATE LOCATION N CORNELL CITY SYSTEM DESIGNATION JUNCTION TIO SYSTEM NODE CBP I J6613 North of Humphreys Service Endowed East Ithaca System Building CBP J J6634 Northwest of Humphreys Endowed East Ithaca System Service Building CBP IC J6650 Maple Avenue - North of Endowed East Ithaca System Maplewood ood Park A eartments CBP L J6989 Intersection of Oak and Endowed East Ithaca System College Avenue CBP M J7154 West Avenue - near War Endowred Mitchell Street System Memorial CBP N J7172 University Avenue - northwest Endowaed Mitchell Street System of Boldt Hall CBP 0 J7140 University Aven - northwestEndowaeed Mitchell Street System of Boldt Hall BP P J7120 Intersection Stewart Avenue Endowed Mltchet 11 l Street System and Fall Creek Drive CBP C J7112 Intersection Stewart and Endowed Mitchell Street System Thurston Avenue 10 c) Layer Management To maintain an independent layer structure in the event the models are combined, the prefix for all layers (with the exception of the HMI—RESERVED_LAYER) in the State Model is ELEV (denoting service from the elevated tank) and in the Endowed Model is GRND (denoting service from the ground tanks). For visual presentation and potential GIS use, the pipe and junction node elements within each model have been further broken into several categories. For the State Model, the pipe and junction node elements have been separated into two categories: one representing water mains and appurtenances owned and maintained by Cornell and the other owned and maintained by the Town of Ithaca. For the Endowed Model, the pipe and junction node elements have been separated into three categories: one representing water mains and appurtenances owned and maintained by the City of Ithaca, and the other two owned and maintained by ComeH, but differentiating between mains up-gradient and those down- gradient of the Johnson Museum control valve. Plan I visually depicts the categories herein described. TABLE 2.6 LAYER MANAGEMENT: STATE MODEL (CU-STATE.DWG) r ....... ,LAYER'CONTENTS : .:"."-:::::-*:'.'- 0 an AUTOCAD created layer which should not be used ELEV CU JCT all junctions associated with pipes on the ELEV CU PIPE layer ELEV CU JGT ELEV elevation annotation for junction nodes on the ELEV_CU_JCT layer ELEV LCU__JCT_LEADS pointers between a junction node on the ELEV-CLLJCT layer and the annotation for said junction ELEV-CU-JCTNUMBEF3 junction number annotation for junction nodes on the ELEV-CV-JCT layer ELEV CU PIPE all Cornell maintained pipes on the State System ELEV CU PIPE DIAM pipe diameter annotation for pipes on the ELEV CU PIPE layer ELEV_CU_PlPE_LEADS pointers between a pipe on the ELEV-CU_PIPE layer and the annotation for said pipe ELEV CU PIPE LENGTH pipe length annotation for pipes on the ELEV CV_PIPE layer ELEV CU PIPE-NUMBER pipe number annotation for pipes on the ELEV-CU-PIPE layer ELEV_CU_PIPE_ROUGH pipe roughness coefficient annotation for pipes on the ELE%1LCU_PiPE layer ELEV JCT BLOCK all function blocks within the model are bound,to this layer ELEV PSWITCH all pressure switches and associated annotation ELEV PUMP all pump elements and associated annotation ELEV TANK all tanks and associated annotation t ELEV TOWN JCT all junctions associated with pipes on the ELEV TOWN PIPE layer ELEV TOWN JCT ELEV elevation annotation for junction nodes on the ELE\LTOWN-JCT layer ELEV_TOWN JCT_NUMBER junction number annotation for junction nodes on the ELE\LTOWNjCT layer ELEV TOWN PIPE all Town of Ithaca maIntalned pipes on the State System ELEV TOWN_PIPE_DIAM _ pipe diameter annotation for pipes on the ELEV-TOWN-PIPE layer ELEV_TOWN-PIPE-LEADS pointers between a pipe on the ELEV-TOWN-PIPE layer and the annotation for said pipe ELEV_TOWN_PIPE.LENGTH pipe length annotation for pipes on the ELEV-TOWN-PIPE layer ELEV-TOWN-PIPE NUMBER pipe number annotation for pipes on the ELEV TOWN-PIPE layer ELEV TOWN-PIPE ROUGH pipe roughness coefficient annotation for pipes on the ELEV_TOWN_PIPE layer HMI—RESERVED—LAYER this Is a CYBERNET generated layer which tracks the hydraulic elements and annotation - this layer should always remain OFF and FROZEN LAYER NAME BRIEF DESCRIPTI04 OF O ' r w E­ pointers between a .isrt on IN « • «m M w aw: • aw « a nu, « « s • « ♦ ««: « �b NiRNDIIIC I IJ1 TII LEADS potnters between a junctonnode on the GRND_CLLJOT � w the annotation for •OWN I R N u �Mm�yl a �IIII P .i imMp� ii all Cornelltw pipes on ra :;« System up-gradient of « « dui i i Mi �uu i Mau m w up�� i � iV muuio� " .IIII�« IIII w�_LEADS DS pointers between a pipe o annotation . said GRN • JOT BLOCK VA 1=903GRND-P . « .. « N�IIII��IMIN IM IwRelevation annotation for the PFIN PRV�� Mlpl C iMMlip�p cool iMm q u� V i� pointers between a junction node on the GFIND-PR\�-XT layer and the lannotation forsaid junction GRND_PRV,jCT .: • AIM II Iwlw IIII Ow0111 II II4NI Ip IIII -9�1 PIPE all Cornellz . pipes on .. Nx« System down-gradient of Johnson . �i ilia mN wMi i m����iyl�,« o iuM uuu ioi� DJAM pipe diameter annotation for pipes on the G V I PE layer N D � �I -' 111 —j,.E'S pointers between said pipe r . .; length annotation for G -PRV PiPE layer «. .. « . • rall pressure GFIND PUMP all pump elements and associated GRND STATIC all statIc nodos and associated annotation (in the model the Iwq I Mql WIC IWu� III« pl Clearwell has boon desligna as a static GRN w associatedannotation HMI-RESERVED-LAYER� �uwp,w�i ���� l�� �� iMaq elements « annotation - this layer should always remainOFF « FROZEN C. HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS a) Pipes A pipe is a constant diameter section defined by a diameter, length, and roughness value. Pioe Rouahness Coefficients The roughness coefficient ('C' value) represents the material and condition of the pipe. A fairly extensive calibration program was included as part of the 1992 KYPIPE Hydraulic Model Project. At the conclusion of that Pro*ct, the model was felt to, within an acceptable degree of accuracy, represent the existing system, AD CYBERNET modeled pipes, included in the KYPIPE model, have been, designated with the 'C' value calculated under the 1992 Project. All pipe improvements constructed after 1992, have been assigned a 'C' value of 120. All City of Ithaca maintained pipes have been designated with the, preliminary 'C' values calculated under the 1996 City Hydraulic Modeling Project. All other pipes (primarily being hydrant laterals and services) have been tentatively assigned a roughness coefficient of 100. The hydrant laterals and services could be theoretically refined through research and documentation of ft age and type of pipe used. Through the utilization of the KYPIPE roughness values and a design value of 120 for all recent improvements, the CYBERNET models should, to an acceptable degree of accuracy, reflect the existing System's performance capabilities. As a water distribution system is a dynamic system, it is however recommended that at some point in the near future the University field verify the models, and refine the 'C' values as necessary, PiDe Lenarth As indicated, the majority of the models' planimetric layout is to the accuracy of the University's 1"=401 Utility Drawings. As such the pipe lengths in the models utilize the graphic length defaults. The only pipes which have a user defined (UD) length are the pipes associated with the Finished Water and State Pump Stations, The piping within the Finished Water and State Pump Stations has been simplified and does not reflect the actual piping configuration. The pipes associated with the pumps have been given, user defined nominal lengths of 20 feet, If a specific analysis warrants additional piping detail wM* a pump station, the model (or preferably a copy of the model), can be revised accordingly for that analysis. Where there exist several toes close together (generally within 5± feet), the model took the liberty of introducing a single node and modifying the pipes to overlap for this short section. The affected pipes are listed in Table 2.8. In the models, for each of the pipes which have a small section of overlapping main, a description of CONNECTIVITY MODIFIED (CM) has been introduced. These minor modifications will have no recognizable impact on analyses. In the CU-MP,DWG file there is a layer which graphically denotes where these modifications have been made, TABLE 2.8 - CONNECTIVITY MODIFIED OWNER PIPE AFFECTED Endowed 6537, 6555, 6563, 6609, 6678, 6733, 6799, 6827, 6851, 6895, 6926, 6999, 7024, 7099, 7100, 7101, 7204, 7221, 7236, 7247 State 7415, 7427, 7441, 7477, 7483, 7485, 7504, 7551, 7554, 7609, 7631, 7637, 7642, 7803 13 MNn The type of development that takes place on Campus often encourages somewhat unique configurations of water mains. These configurations, prompted by skirting buildings, trees, or other obstacles, increase the number of fittings in the system. Even so, the pressure losses associated with these fittings should be relatively irmignificant. Losses due to fittings have been indirectly reflected in the pipe roughness coefficients. Losses assmiated with larger system components such as pressure reducing valves and flow meters, may have a slightly greater impact on the area immediately downstream of the component, and have therefore been included in the models. The minor loss coefficients introduced into the CYBERNET models were taken directly from the 1992 KYPIPE model. TABLE 2.9 MINOR LOSS COEFFICIENTS PIPE MINOR'LOSS OWNER LOCATION COMPONENT NUMBER COEFFICIENT,'�: Filter Plant - East Side 8" Venturi Meter N/A Endowed Filter Plant - West Side 8" Venturi Meter ...... N/A Johnson Museum 6" Compound Meter 7189 205 and 6" PRV Elevated Pump Station 6" Venturi Meter N/A State Intersection Judd Fab and Tower Rd 6" Turbo Meter 7710 7 Hasbrouck Apartments - South 4" Compound Meter 7753 60 Hasbrouck Apartments - forth 4" Compound Meter 7759 60 North Dorms - Low Rises 6" Compound Meter 7838 90 to be replaced 1996) .......... b) Junction Nodes A junction node is a point where two or more pipes meet, where a change in pipe diameter occurs, or where flow is input or withdrawn from the system. Input data for junction nodes includes elevations and demands. Y9-tC-AL-QAt4 Assigning an elevation to a junction node will allow the pressure at that node to be calculated. If there is not an elevation, the program does not compute the pressure for that node. In the University models, elevations for all junction nodes have been included. The vertical data in the models represents the approximate ground surface elevation, on U.S.G.S, datum. For the vast majority of the System, the node elevations were based on the electronic topographic maps produced for the University by Michael Baker Jr., Inc. The Baker 2-foot contour map files were externally referenced to the model files. At each junction node an elevation, estimated to the nearest foot, was entered into the modeling program, For areas outside of the Baker Project, the elevations were obtained either via Cornell Record or U,S.G.S. topographic maps, The Cornell Facility Department staff researched their documents and provided elevation data wherein available. For the remaining areas, the elevations were approximated from U.S,G.S. 10-foot contour topographic maps, 14 a u, wu :• w•::: • �� w ! s 'a w w.. s r � ,� • w. •w�. w ,:,w w w.. w, w...w w x .w w w. w'^ w w r w ..* ww,, w w• w� r w � w w w� ar w w w w w:. r -w m, wr �w z,r w..11b • . ""w¢w w� x, �; a "'w w s • wuwr^ w w �' •, w: i � s w w� _a w� w w. w •. aw w .w w, a, a w w w ar !� w wr w w� r-w ♦w� w + :x w .,a1 • ww: �w w •r � w au, w w w, � w. •w.w �.a�.... x � w �.• + w... w w w w. �..N..w aw...w twh w�. .w. . w: •: w w: rww w 'w �,a „w s w .x,w w x w ararw w. w aw w w w w • ° s r ai� ^• w w; w w w ww »w' xwz w w w. w r ww • ;w_ r. ww wa w w .w *` w w ww� w '* ' ww wrw w,w • * •• � w w, w wx w w r w • w w a w ,w w:. wr^ xw:. w. •: x r ,,w; xw^^ ae wi� • w; ar rr w auw: w w � :, �.• .z w w M � � w r w ,� � w� x W w w, w Mr^w� w w w w. � �,, •w aw pw' w ww� w��� w w+ r w ^ ww w IINII IMMI III I' M q, Ip�q A IVY i� wu no umi ... aim �,i�„��.�,���, � w w w � « w � r w rw�•-ii�°��MI"�; u�,il'�{�""�!°�'';w oil{u1uMM�l,i 19m'� M'���ui of�� W Iww In order to determine the necessity of implementing a global demand factor to represent system leakage, an attempt was made to compare the total 1995 filtered water with the total 1995 metered water. The meter reading dates for each of the three entities (Comell University, City of Ithaca, and Bolton Point for the Town of Ithaca) differs somewhat. For each of the entities, a total of the four quarters most closely approximating calendar year 1995 has been included in Table 2,11. During the months of July and August 1995, that potion of the State System north of Plantations Road was fed by Bolton Point via the Christopher Circle Tank Grid. An estimate of the consumption in that area for those two months has been subtracted from the annual metered total. Although some error has been Introduced due to the slightly skewed 12 month periods reported, etc., the data indicates that Comell's Distribution System has only a small percentage of unaccounted for water. Therefore, no global demand factor representing system leakage Is deemed warranted, TABLE 2.11 - UNACCOUNTED WATER — ANNUAL TOTAL ITEMIZED TOTAL (12:Months Approximating 1995) QUANTITY QUANTITY' f2allons)— (�allons), Total Treated Water 616,593,000 Total Metered Water Backwash 9,669,000 Metered for Endowed System 322,082,816 Metered for State System 253,631,092 Estimated July/August Consumption from SCLIWC 9,930,448 City of Ithaca (on Endowed) 35,281,873 Town of Ithaca (on State) 2,808,239 Estimated July/August Consumption from SCLIVVC 497,189 tat 3,045,,383 (99.42%) Total Unaccounted Water 3,547,,617 0.68%) c) Storage Tanks The Clearwell has been modeled as a static node. A static node is a model representation of a reservoir, outtall, etc. wherein the hydraulic grade at that point remains constant. In the model, the hydraulic grade (water surface elevation) for the Clearwell has been assigned as 828 feet. The hydraulic grade of the Clearwell will remain constant for both static and extended period (dynamic) simulations. If for a particular analysis a different grade is warranted, the input data for that particular analysis can be modified accordingly. For storage tanks to function dynamically (in the extended period simulation mode), the minimum, maximum, and starting elevation, and the diameter, need to be programmed, Providing this information allows the computer to calculate the rise and fall of the each tank's water surface level over a designated period of time based on system demand and inflow. The matched elevation Ground Tanks and the Elevated Tank have been programmed accordingly, The input data for these tanks is included in Table 1.1. The starting elevation of each tank has been assigned as 0.5 feet below the tank's high water level (HWL). For a static analysis, the starting elevation assigned to each tank represents a fixed hydraulic grade at that point. If for a particular analysis a different starting elevation is warranted, the input data for that particular analysis can be modified accordingly, 16 It should be noted that there exist two in/outflow pipes to each of the Ground Tanks. The model will not allow more than one pipe to be connected to a tank. Therefore in the Endowed model, one of the pipes from each of the tanks has been modeled with a junction node at the tank connection, In general this should have minimal impact on analyses, However, N for a particular analysis there is Interest in determining the potential flow through the combined tank pipes, the diameter for pipes 6soo and 6501 could be modified to represent the equivalent diameter of the parallel pipes. TABLE 2.12 ­ MODEL DESIGNATION FOR TANKS TANEK 0111.T-ANK NODE P,IPE Clearwell S6500* 6524 Ground Tank #1 T6501 6501 (also included in the State Model to enable EPS (TI) (1) analysis without connecting the two models togetheq Ground Tank #2 T6500 6500 Elevated Tank TM 0- 74=04 Note: The Clearwell is modeled as a static node which will remain constant during an extended period analysis. d) Pumps A pump is inserted on a pipe network element and can be described in two ways: useful power or using operathg points from a performance curve. All nine pumps included in the model have been described by both operating data and power, Three operating points (head-discharge) from the pump's performance curve have been input (refer, to Tables 1.2 and 1.3). The pump curves have been included as Appendix D, and N warranted for as particular analysis, additional operating data can be input. It should be noted that since both types of operating data have been included, when performing analysis, the programmer will need to make the appropriate set of pump data current, Activation of pump data must be done while in the AUTOCAD editor and can not be change while in the Model Control Center (MCC). Under normal operating conditions Finished Water pump number 5 or 6 always remains on-line supplementing and replenishing the Ground Tanks' water supply. In the model, the Initial status of the pipe containing pump number 5 (6534) is open, Hence, in the base program (CU-ENDOW.DWG), pump number 5 is on-fine pumping into the Endowed System. The Initial status for pipes containing all other pumps is closed. If for a particular analysis, different initial pump conditions are warranted, the input for said analysis could be modified accordingly, The piping wftn the Finished Water and State Pump Stations has been simplified and does not reflect the actual piping configuration. The pipes associated with the pumps have been given user defined nominal lengths of 20 feet, If a specific analysis warrants additional piping detail within a pump station, the model (or preferably a copy of the model), can be revised accordingly for that analysis. 17 e) Control Valves A control valve Is inserted on a junction node. One pressure regulating control valve, located in the vicinity of the Johnson Museum, has been Included in the Endowed model. Based on the elevation of the valve and the regulated outlet pressure, the discharge hydraulic grade was calculated and input in the model. If the hydraulic grade on the upstream side of the control valve (node) is greater or equal to that assigned as the discharge grade, then the discharge grade will govern. If however, the upstream grade is less than the discharge grade, then the model will re-assign the hydraulic grade on the discharge side to be equal that immediately upstream. Flow control valves have not been introduced as part of the base model. If analysis determines that flow through a pressure regulating control valve is in excess of field verified flows, the pressure regulating control valve can be modified or a flow control valve can be introduced in the model. TABLE 2.13 ­ CONTROL VALVE INFORMATION EaVATION CURRENT &ORRESPONDING iuNcT047 OWNER CONTROL SIZE AT 'THE OUTLET HYORAULIC NODE TO L VALVE CENTERUNE PRESSURE GRACE (FGN) WHICH PRV (IN) OF HAS BEEN DISCHARQE�,�: ASSIGNED I Pal FT Jo rEndowled M,us son 6" 773'± 62± 9 176'±= �J6�8 2 3 eum museurn f) Pressure Switches A pressure switch is an EPS related element. This feature allows the open and closed status of a pipe to be controlled by ft hydraulic grade at a specified Junction node. As Indicated in Table 2.14, the initial status of all pipes in the model, to which a pressure switch has been assigned, is closed. The junction nodes which control pressure switches are those closest to the storage tanks. When the hydraulic grade at a control node decreases to a pre-set value (known as the 'first switching grade'), the pipe it controls will open. Opening the pipe will allow a pump to come on-line. When the hydraulic grade at the node increases to another pre-set value (known as the 'second switching grade'), the pipe will return to Its initial status of closed, thereby shutting off the pump. As discussed in Section 1B, the Finished Water pumps are controlled manu�ally and therefore telemetry relays automating these pumps do not exist. For the purpose of the model however, a hypothetical pressure switch activating lag pump #1 has been tentatively programmed. If determined Inappropriate for a specific analysis, this pressure switch can be disabled. Telemetry between the Elevated Tank and the State Pump Station does exist and has been reproduced in the model. Table 2.14 lists the water surface elevations of the storage tanks which key the telemetry for system Pumps to be activated and de-activated. If warranted for a specific analysis, the first and second switching values can be modified, additional pressure switches can be introduced to allow other pumps to come on-line, etc. 18 TABLE 2.14 - TELEMETRY INFORMATION PIPE CONTROL CONTROL ACTIVATED CONTAINING I INITIAL TANK WATER TANK< NODE PUMP PUMP PIPE SURPAM :LE ATIOI STATUS (FEET) ETA PSI ' CLOSE, PIPE PIPS: Ground J6500 PWPS Lag 5526 CLOSE 976' 979' Pump #1 Elevated J7402 PPS Lead 7400 CLOSED 1 4g.5' 105Z5' Pump #7 PPS Lag 7401 CLOSED 1045,a' 1049.5' Pump #8 PPS Lag 7402 CLOSED 1037.5' 1040.5' Pump #9 Note: In the Endowed model, pump #5 at the Finished Water Pump Station has an initial pipe status of open, because during normal operating conditions either this pump or pump ##5 Is almost always on. C. MODEL MAINTENANCE AND UPDATE A rater system model should be treated as a dynamic tool, not a finished product. When field work is done, the opportunity to collect data to verify or improve the model should be undertaken. Changes in the physical system should be electronically recorded in an independent drawing file which planimetrically relates to the model drawing, The University should consider requesting as part of all future eater improvement projects, an electronic file containing the 'as-constructed' location of a system improvement relational to the university's planimetric digital files. When significant physical„ operational, or demand changes occur, the model(s) should be systematically updated. 19 APPENDIX A CU-ENDOW.D' G, INPUT DATA 5 U N M A R Y 0 R 0 R I G I N A L U A T rb rNet Version 2 . 18. Copyright ht 1991, 92 Haestad Methods Inc. Run Description: Basic Network Drawing: ,. MOM R E C3 U L A `I I N G V A L V E D A T A VALVE POSITION CONTROLLED VALVE TYPE; JUNCTION RIRR SETTING _ (fit or g3 P I P E L I N E D A T A STATUS CODE.* XX -CLOSED FIRE NN -BOUNDARY NODE RU -PUMP LINE CV -CHECK VALVE RV -REGULATING VALVE PIPE NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LC355 BNU RCIL NUMBER 11 #2 ( t) _ .._ (in) CCE °. COEF . C 500~BN 0 6500 91. 0 14 . 0 70. 00 .. ..�_ 0. 00 83.00 6501-NN 6501 0 22 .0 14 . 0 50. 00 0. 00 983.00 6502 6500 6501 45. 0 14 .0 70.00 0.,00 6503 6500 6502 131. 0 12.0 50.00 0.00 6504 6502 6503 20.0 12. 0 50. 00 0.00 6505 6503 6504 8. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 6506 6503 6505 96.0 12.0 60. 00 0.00 6507 6506 6502 427. 0 12.0 50. 00 0.00 6508 6507 6506 557. 0 12.0 50. 00 0.00 6509 6507 6508 374 .0 12.0 50.00 0. 00 6510 6506 6509 38.0 6.0 100. 00 0.CP0 6511 6508 6510 68.0 12.0 50.00 0. 00 6512 6510 6511 7.0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6513 6510 6512 240. 0 12 . 0 50. 00 .00 651.4 6512 6513 9.0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6515 6512 6514 549. 0 12. 0 50. 00 0.00 6516 6515 6514 211.4 14.0 120. 00 0.00 6517 6501 6516 1362 . 0 14 .0 70. 00 0. 00 6516 6516 6517 17.0 14 .0 70. 00 0.00 6519 6517 6515 361 .0 14 . 0 70.00 0. 00 6520 6515 6518 680. 0 14.0 70.00 0.00 6521 6519 6516 6.0 6.0 100.00 0.00 6522 6518 6520 838.0 14 ..0 70.00 0. 00 6523 6521 6520 6.0 14.0 70.00 0. 00 6524'-;BN CP 6522 5'. 0 16. 0 120.00 0. 00 828.00 6525 6522 6523 44 .0 14 .0 70.00 0.00 6526-XXPU 6523 6524 20.0 14.0 70. 00 0.00 6527 XXPU 6523 6524 20.0 14.0 70.00 0. 00 6528~XXPU 6523 6524 20. 0 14 .0 70. 00 0. 00 6529 XX:PU 6523 6524 20.0 6. 0 70. 00 0.00 6530 6'525 6524 12.0 14 .0 70. 00 0. 00 6531 6520 6525 55.0 10.0 70.00 0.00 6532 6521 6525 61.0 14.0 70. 00 0.00 6533 6526 6522 30. 0 16.0 120. 00 0. 00 6534-PU 6526 6527 20.0 14.0 120.00 0µ00 6535 XXPU 6526 6527 20.0 14 . 0 120.00 C.P.00 6536 6527 6528 53.0 12.0 120. 00 0. 00 6537 6529 6521 18.0 4.0 100.00 0. 00 6538 6529 6530 201.0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 6539 6529 6531 50.0 4.0 100. 00 0.00 6540 6521 6532 47.0 16.0 70. 00 0. 00 6541 6532 6528 103.0 16. 0 70. 00 0. 00 6542 6528 6533 324. 0 16. 01 1200. 001 0 . 000 6543 6533 6534 9. 00 6. 0 100. 000 0 .00 6544 6534 6535 10. 00 6. 0 10)00. 00 0 .010 6545 6534 6536 112 . 0 2. 0 10100. 00 01.00 6546 6533 6537 690. 0 16. 0 120}. 00) 00. 00 6547 6537 6538 1125. 0 16. 0 120. 0100 0. 00 6548 6538 6539 1379. 01 16. 0 120. 00 0 .00 6549 6539 6540 252. 00 8. 0 100. 000 0 .00 6550,E 6539 6541 356. 0 16. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6551 6541 6542 13 . 0 8. 0 120. 00 0 0. 00 01 6552 6542 6543 77. 0 8. 0 120 . 00 0 . 00 6553 643 6544 22. 0 6. 0 10 . 00 0. 00 6554 6543 6545 65. 0 8. 00 1201. 000 0 .00 6555 6542 6546 46.0 8. 0 1001. 000 0.00 6556 6546 6547 87 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0 0.00 6557 6546 6548 44 . 0 6. 0 100. 0 0 .00 6558 6548 6549 21 .0 0.8 100. 00 0 .00 6559 6548 6550 12. 0 6.01 100. 00 0 .00 65603 6546 6551 222. 00 8. 00 100. 00 0 .00 6561 6552 6551 149 . 0 4.00 100. 00 0.001 6562 6553 6552 22 . 0 6. 0 1000.000 0.00 6563 6551 6554 163 . 01 8.0 100.00 01.0101 6564 6541 6554 3600. 0.0 16.0 1201.0103 03.010 6565 6514 6555 58. 0 14 . 0 1.201.010 0.010 6566 6555 6556 41. 0 6. 0 1000. 001 01.00 6567 6555 6557 570. 0 14 .. 0 1200. 000 01. 000 6568 6557 6558 30. 0 6. 0 1000.00 0. 001 6569 6557 6559 82 . 0 14 . 0 120. 010 0.010 65701 6559 6560 16.0,E 14 . 0 120. 000 01.0)0) 6571 6560 6561 1478. 0 14 . 01 120. 000 0.0)07 6572 6561 6562 77. 0 1.4.0 120. 001 0 .000 6573 6562 6563 5000. 0 12.01 1201.010 0.007 6574 6563 6564 415. 0 6.01 10)00. 00 0 .000.E 6575 6565 6563 35. 0 6.0 500. 0100 0.000 6576 6566 6565 747'. 00 6.0 50. 00 0.010 6577 6567 6559 3501. 0 14. 00 1203.030,E 0.001 6578 6568 6567 447. 01 12. 00 1.200. 0000 03.0000 6579 6568 6569 51 . 03 6. 03 10003. 0303 03.0303 65803 6568 65703 277. 03 12 . 03 701. 0303 03.0303 6581 65700 6571 67. 00 6. 03 10000. 0303 03. 0303 6582 65700 6572 315. 03 12 . 01 703. 0303 01.0303 6583 6572 6573 155. 03 12 . 03 703. 0303 03.000 6584 6573 6574 11.03 6. 00 10300. 0003 00.0003 6585 6573 6575 32. 03 12. 03 70. 00 00.0300 6586 6575 6576 571. 03 12 . 03 703. 0003 03.0001 6587 6576 6566 1031. 00 1.2 .00 703.0303 00. 0003 6588 6566 6577 161. 01 12. 03 703. 0303 0. 010 6589 6577 6578 21. 03 6. 00 10)0. 0303 03.0303 65900 6577 6579 546.03 12 . 03 701. 0303 03. 0303 6591 6579 65803 32 . 0 6.01 10300. 0007 00.0303 6592 6579 6581 286. 0 12 . 0 70. 00 0. 00 6593 6581 6582 23 . 03 103.03 703. 0300 06.010 6594 6582 6583 21. 03 6 . 00 10303. 010 00.0300 6595 6582 6584 475. 00 100.0 700.003 03.0303 6596 6585 6584 488. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0. 00 657 6585 6586 28. 03 100.03 10303. 0000 00.001 6598 6586 6587 27.00 6.0 10000. 0300 03.0303 6599 6586 6588 31.00 4 .03 10300. 0000 00.0303 660103 6589 6585 200 . 0.0 10. 01 503. 000.3 03.0000 6601 6589 6590 8 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 66002 6591 6589 1.600. 03 103.03 500.0000 0. 0003 66033 6591 6592 100. 03 6.00 10301.0303 03. 0303 66034 693 6591 78.00 103. 03 50. 0000 03. 0300 66005 6594 6565 12. 07 6.01 503. 0300 03. 0303 6606 6595 6594 395. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0.0007 66037 6595 6596 43 .03 6. 00 10000. 0003 00. 0303 6608 6597 6595 45. 0 6.0 10000.030 0. 0000 66039 6598 6597 9. 03 6. 00 10000.. 0303 01.0100 66103 6563 6598 381. 03 12. 03 1203. 0003 01. 0303 6611 6598 6599 60307. 00 12 . 0 1203. 000 03. 0103 6 612 6599 6600 138. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 6613 6600 6601 12. 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6614 6600 6602 109. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6615 6602 6603 20. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6616 6602 6604 75. 0 12 .0 120. 00 0.00 6617 6604 6605 20. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6618 6604 6593 346.0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 6619 6593 6606 489. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 6620 6606 6607 21 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 0 6621 6606 6608 361. 0 10. 0 60.00 0. 0 6622 6608 6609 217 . 0 14. 0 120.00 0. 00 6623 6609 6610 70. 0 14 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 6624 6610 6611 57. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 6625 6610 6612 76.0 14. 0 120. 00 0.00 6626 661.3 6612 9.0 10. 0 100. 00 . 6627 6614 6612 101. 0 12.0 120. 00 0 0.00 6628 6614 6615 13 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.0 6629 6616 6614 196. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6630 6617 6616 12. 0 12 . 0 120.00 0.00 6631 6617 661.8 8. 0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 6632 6619 6617 62. 0 1.2. 0 120. 00 0.00 6633 6620 6619 12.0 8. 0 120.00 0.0 6634 6616 6621 151.0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6635 6622 6621 73. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.0 6636 6621 6623 9. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 6637 6613 6624 101. 0 10. 0 100. 00 0.0 6638 6624 6625 38. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6639 6625 6626 14 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6640 6625 6627 163 . 0 8 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6641 6627 6628 76 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6642 6627 6629 94 . 0 8. 100. 00 . 6643 6629 6630 7.0 6. 0 100. 00 .t 6644 6629 6623 48.0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6645 6623 6631 627.0 6. 0 60. 00 0.00 6646 6631 6632 13 .0 6. 0 100. 00 . 6647 6631 6633 167. 0 4. 0 100. 00 . 6648 6609 6634 6. 0 8.0 60. 00 . 0 6649 6634 6635 135. 0 8.0 60. 00 0. 00 6650 6635 6636 56.0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6651 6636 6637 73 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 6652 6636 6638 64 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6653 6635 6639 36. 0 8. 0 60. 00 . 0 6654 6639 6640 24. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6655 6639 6641 414 .0 8. 0 60. 00 0.00 6656 6641 6642 14. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6657 6641 6643 93 . 0 8. 0 60. 00 0. 00 6658 6643 6644 31. 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 6659 6643 6645 18. 0 8. 0 60. 00 0.00 6660 6645 6646 15.0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6661 6645 6647 13 . 0 8. 0 60. 00 0. 00 6662 6647 6648 160. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6663 6649 6647 248. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6664 6649 6650 17 . 0 8.0 100. 00 0.0 6665 6650 6651 56.0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6666 6651 6652 8.0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6667 6649 6653 298.0 8.0 60. 00 0. 0 6668 6653 6654 10. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6669 6653 6655 560. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6670 6554 6656 7. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 6671 6656 6657 113 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6672 6658 6657 9.0 6.0 100. 00 0. 0 6673 6657 6659 316.0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6674 6656 6659 409.0 12 . 0 120.00 0. 00 6675 6659 6660 20. 0 12 . 0 50. 00 0. 00 6676 6661 6660 50. 1 12 . 0 63 . 00 0. 00 6677 6662 6554 107 . 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6678 6663 6662 54 .0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6679 6664 6662 50. 0 8.0 100.00 0. 00 6680 6665 6662 31. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6681 6666 6662 104 . 0 12 .0 120. 00 0. 00 6682 6667 6666 19. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6683 6668 6666 49. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 6684 6669 6668 50. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 6685 6670 6668 82. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 6686 6671 6670 112 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6687 6672 6670 81. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 6688 6673 6672 198. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6689 6674 6672 48. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 6690 6675 6674 171.0 12 . 0 50.00 0. 00 6691 6675 6676 108. 0 8.0 50. 00 0.00 6692 6677 6676 15.0 8.0 35 .00 0. 00 6693 6678 6677 39. 0 8.0 100. 00 0.00 6694 6679 6678 111. 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6695 6678 6680 12 . 0 4. 0 100.00 0. 00 696 6676 6681 44 . 0 8. 0 35.00 0. 00 6697 6681 6682 97. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6698 6682 6683 12 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6699 6684 6682 87. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 67'00 6681 6685 127 . 0 8. 0 35.00 0.00 6701 666 665 10.0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 6702 6687 6677 106.0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6703 6688 6687 281. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 6704 6689 6687 208. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6705 6690 6674 131. 0 10. 0 50.00 0.00 6706 6691 6690 229. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6707 6691 6692 294 .0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6708 6693 6692 12 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 6709 6694 6692 18. 0 2. 0 100. 00 0.00 6710 6695 6691 74 .0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6711 6696 6695 140. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6712 6696 6697 149. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6713 6687 6698 47 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 67'14 6699 6697 54 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 671.5 6700 6695 305. 0 8.0 50. 00 0. 00 6716 6701 6700 18.0 8. 0 50.00 0. 00 6717 6701 6702 173 . 0 4.0 100. 00 0.00 6718 6703 6701 239. 0 8.0 50. 00 0.00 67'19 6704 6703 132. 0 10. 0 70. 00 0.00 6720 6704 6705 10.0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6721 6706 6704 268. 0 10. 0 70. 00 0.00 6722 6706 6707 80. 0 10.0 100.00 0.00 6723 6707 6708 26.0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 6724 6707 6709 28. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 6725 6710 6706 179. 0 10. 0 70. 00 0. 00 6726 6710 6711 19 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6727 6711 6712 17 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6728 6584 6710 20. 0 1.0. 0 70. 00 0.00 6729 6703 6713 91 . 0 1.0.0 50. 00 0. 00 670 6713 671.4 10. 0 2. 0 100. 00 0.00 6731 6713 6715 48.0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 6732 6716 6715 88. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6733 6717 6715 21. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6734 6718 6715 436.0 1.0.0 50. 00 0. 00 6735 6719 6718 221. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 6736 6719 6720 66. 0 4.0 100. 00 0.00 6737 6721 6719 116.0 6'. 0 100.00 0. 00 6738 622 6721 15. 0 8. 0 100.00 0. 00 6739 6723 6721 174 . 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 6740 6718 6724 40. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6741 6724 6725 64.0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6742 6724 6726 78.0 10.0 50. 00 0.00 6743 6726 721.2 86. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6744 6728 7212 21.7.0 12. 0 120.00 0. 00 6745 6729 6728 1.07.0 12. 0 1.20.00 0.00 6746 6729 6730 11. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6747 6729 6731 13 . 0 12. 0 1.20. 00 0.00 648 6731 6732 14 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6749 6731 6733 96. 0 12 .0 120. 00 0.00 6750 6593 6734 27. 0 1.2. 0 120.00 0.00 6751 6734 6735 240. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6752 6735 6736 43 . 0 3 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6753 6734 6737 121. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 6754 6737 6738 24. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 755 6737 639 63 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 6756 6739 6740 36. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6757 6740 6741 12.0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6758 6740 6742 15« 0 4.. 0 100. 00 0.00 6759 6739 6743 191. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6760 6743 6744 77. 0 4 .0 100.00 0.00 6761 6743 6745 41. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6762 6746 6745 60., 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 6763 6747 6746 29. 0 2. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6764 6748 6746 1.55. 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6765 6749 6748 5.0 6. 0 100.00 0..00 6766 6750 6748 28. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6767 6745 6751 38 . 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6768 6751 6752 48. 0 0. 8 100. 00 0.00 6769 6751 6753 82 . 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6770 6753 6754 105. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6771 6755 6754 24.0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6772 6754 6756 10.0 8.0 50. 00 0.00 6773 6757 6756 77 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6774 6756 6758 14.0 8.0 50.00 0.00 6775 6759 6758 48. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6776 6760 6759 13 . 0 4 „ 0 100. 00 0.00 6777 6761 6759 17 . 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6778 6758 6762 108. 0 8 .0 50. 00 0.00 6779 6763 6762 62 . 0 4. 0 1.00. 00 0.00 6780 6762 6764 160. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6781 6764 6765 15. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6782 6753 6766 120. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 6783 6766 6767 69. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6784 6766 6768 367. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 6785 6768 6733 16„ 0 12. 0 1.20. 00 0. 00 6786 6733 6769 70. 0 6.0 50.00 0. 00 6787 6769 6770 22 . 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 6788 6769 6771 203 .0 6.0 50. 00 0.00 6789 6608 6772 323 . 0 8.0 120. 00 0. 00 6790 6772 6773 39. 0 4.0 100. 00 0.00 6791 6773 6774 458 . 0 3 . 0 100.00 0. 00 6792 6772 6775 380. 0 8. 0 120.00 0. 00 6793 6776 6775 29. 0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 6794 6777 6776 7 .0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6795 6776 6778 28. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6796 6775 6779 556. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0.00 6797 6779 6780 23 . 0 8. 0 120.00 0.00 6798 6781 6780 30. 0 4 .0 100.00 0.00 6799 6782 6780 34 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6800 6780 6783 221. 0 8.0 120. 00 0. 00 6801 6784 6779 63 . 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6802 6785 6784 187 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6803 6786 6784 45. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6804 6786 6787 20. 0 6,. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6805 6788 6786 156. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6806 6768 6788 349. 0 8.0 120.. 00 0. 00 6807 6'788 6789 188. 0 12.0 120. 00 0. 00 6808 6790 6789 21. 0 6. 0 120. 00 0.00 6809 6789 6791 167. 0 1.2. 0 120. 00 0. 00 681.0 6661 6792 211. 0 12. 0 63 . 00 0. 00 6811 6793 6792 265. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 6812 6794 6793 93 . 0 12 . 0 100. 00 0.00 6813 6795 6793 1004 . 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 6814 6659 6796 282. 0 8..0 50. 00 0. 00 6815 6796 6797 132 . 0 8.0 50. 00 0. 00 6816 6798 6797 18 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 681.7 6797 6799 73. 0 8.0 50. 00 0. 00 6818 6800 6799 35. 0 4. 0 1.00. 00 0.00 6819 6799 6801 169. 0 8 . 0 50. 00 0.00 6820 6801 6802 227. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6821 6802 6803 42. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6822 6802 6804 114 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6823 6804 6805 37. 0 3 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6824 6804 6806 95. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6825 6806 6807 96..0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6826 608 6807 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6827 6809 6807 8 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 6828 6807 6810 79. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6829 6811 6810 74. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6830 6810 6812 41. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6831 6813 6812 56. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 6832 6812 6814 44. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.,00 6833 6815 6814 8. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 6834 6814 6816 88 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6835 6817 6816 93 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6836 6816 6818 92. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 6837 6806 681.9 124. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6838 6820 6819 79. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6839 6819 6821 53. 0 8. 0 50.00 0. 00 6840 6822 6821 5. 0 6.0 1.00.00 0.00 6841 6821 6823 375. 0 8 . 0 50. 00 0.00 6842 6806 6824 63 . 0 8 . 0 50. 00 0. 00 6843 684 6825 27. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6844 6824 6826 86. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6845 6826 6827 95. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6846 6826 6828 49. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6847 6829 6828 94 . 0 1. 3 100. 00 0.00 6848 6828 6830 67. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6849 6830 681 201. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.0 6850 6830 6832 75. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6851 6833 6832 38. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6852 6834 6833 16. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6853 6835 6833 78. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6854 6836 6832 219. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6855 6837 6836 103 . 0 8.0 35 . 00 0.00 6856 6838 6837 14. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 0 ' 6857 6839 6837 20. 0 8.0 3 . 00 0.00 6858 6840 6839 60. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6859 6839 6841 20. 0 8.0 35. 00 0.00 6860 6842 6841 59. 0 4.0 100. 00 0.00 6861 6685 6841 392. 0 8.0 35. 00 0. 00 6862 6843 6661 268. 0 12. 0 63 . 00 0.0 6863 6843 6844 34. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 6864 6845 6843 402. 0 12 . 0 63 . 00 0.00 6865 6846' 6845 13. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6866 6845 6847 473 . 0 12 .. 0 120.. 00 0.00 6867 6847 6848 48. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6868 6847 6849 231. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 6869 6850 6849 16. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6870 6849 6851 100. 0 12. 0 120.. 00 0.00 6871 6852 6851 10. 0 8. 0 100.. 00 0. 00 6872 6853 6852 10. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6873 6727 6851 215. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 6874 6854 6796 185. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6875 6855 6854 28.. 0 4. 0 100.. 00 0..00 6876 6856 6854 257 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6877 6856 6857 22 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6878 6689 6856 279. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0„ 00 6879 6858 6689 252 . 0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6880 6859 6858 111 . 0 8.0 100. 00 0. 00 6881 6858 6860 22. 0 8..0 35. 00 0. 00 6882 6861 6860 29. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6883 6860 6862 92. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6884 6863 6862 364 . 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 6885 6864 6'863 63. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6886 6865 6864 25. 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6887 6866 6864 210. 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6888 6867 6862 139. 0 8.0 35. 00 0. 00 6889 6867 6868 41. 0 4 .0 100. 00 0.00 6890 6867 6869 20. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6891 6870 6869 205. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6892 6871 6869 35. 0 8, 0 35. 00 0. 00 6893 6872 6871 32. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6894 6852 6871 269. 0 8 . 0 35. 00 0. 00 6895 6873 6727 101. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6896 6874 6873 20. 0 3 . 0 1.00. 00 0. 00 6897 6875 6873 26. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6898 6876 687'5 20. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6899 6877 6875 164 .0 8. 0 51. 00 0. 00 6900 6878 6877 26. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.0 6901 6879 6878 20. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6902 6880 6878 29.0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6903 6881 6877 51. 0 8. 0 50.00 0.00 6904 6882 6881 276. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6905 6883 6882 36. 0 1.2.0 120.00 0. 00 6906 6883 6884 9. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6907 6883 6885 38. 0 12. 0 120.00 0.00 6908 6885 6886 50.0 12.0 120.00 0. 00 6909 6886 6887 90.0 12. 0 120.00 0. 00 6910 6888 6887 67 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6911 6889 6887 24 .0 6. 0 50.00 0. 00 6912 6890 6889 19. 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 6913 6891 6890 26. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6914 6892 6890 29. 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 0 6915 6893 6889 188. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0.00 6916 6894 6893 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 691.7 6895 6893 20. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0.00 6918 6896 6895 322 . 0 6. 0 50. 00 0.00 6919 6836 6897 202. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0.00 6920 6897 6898 318. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0.0 6921 6898 6899 355. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0.00 6922 6899 6900 60. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6923 6900 6901 64 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 6924 6902 6900 18. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6925 6903 6902 15. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.. 0 6926 6904 6902 18. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6927' 6905 6902 78. 0 6.0 35. 00 0. 00 6928 6906 6905 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6929 6907 6905 62 . 0 6. 0 35. 00 0. 0 6930 6908 6907 135. 0 1.5 100. 00 0..00 6931 6907 6881 115. 0 6. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6932 6832 6909 66. 0 8.0 35. 000. 00 6933 6910 6909 83 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 6934 6909 6911 163 . 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6935 6911 6912 168. 0 6. 0 100.00. 00 6936 6911 6913 8. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6937 6897 6913 233 . 0 6. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6938 6913 6914 88. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6939 6915 6914 21. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6940 6914 6916 61. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0.00 6941 6917 6916 94. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 0 6942 6916 6918 39. 0 8 . 0 35. 00 0. 00 6943 6919 691.8 91 . 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 6944 6918 6920 19. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6945 6921 6920 136. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.100 6946 6922 6920 159. 0 8. 0 35. 00 0. 00 6947 6923 6922 109. 0 3. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6948 6924 6922 160. 0 8 .0 35. 00 0.00 6949 6925 6924 71. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6950 6926 6924 44. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 6951 6926 6927 64 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6952 6926 6885 185. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.0 6953 6928 6727 97. 0 12. 0 120. 00 . 0 6954 6928 6929 20. 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 0 6955 6930 6928 112 . 0 12. 0 120.00 0. 00 6956 6931 6930 63 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6957 6931 6932 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 0 6958 6933 6931 59.0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 6959 6933 6934 43 .0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6960 6935 6933 198. 0 8. 0 50.00 0. 00 6961 6936 6935 92 .0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 6962 6936 6937 18. 0 8.0 100- 00 0.00 6963 6938 6936 22 . 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 6964 6935 6939 10.0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 6965 6940 6939 85. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 0 6966 6941 6939 17 .0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6967 6941 6942 8.0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6968 693 6941 384 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 6969 6944 6943 6. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0 .00 69701 6943 6945 55. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 0 6971 6946 690 78. 00 12 . 0 1200. 001 0.00 6972 6946 6947 60. 0 6. 0 1001. 00 0.00 6973 6948 6946 1.22. 0 12 . 01 1201. 001 01. 001 6974 6949 6948 16. 0 6. 00 10101. 00 0.00 6975 6771 6948 201. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0 .001 6976 6950 6771. 69. 0 12. 0 120.00 0. 00 6977 6950 6951 24. 0 6. 0 1000.0101 0. 00 6978 6952 69501 1603. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0 .00 6979 6952 6953 73 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 6980 6791 6952 79. 0 12. 0 120. 001 0. 010 6981 6954 6791 26. 01 12. 03 1200. 0101 0 . 00 6982 6955 6954 14. 0 8. 0 50.001 0.010 6983 6956 6955 13. 01 6. 0 100. 00 0 0 0.0 6984 6957 6955 283. 0 8. 0 501. 000 01. 0101 6985 6958 6957 1.73 . 0 6. 0 1010). 0)01 01. 00 6986 6959 6957 35. 01 8. 0 50 . 010 01.0101 6987 69601 6959 86. 0 6. 00 100. 00 0. 0 6988 6961 6959 87 .00 8. 0 501. 001 0.00 6989 6961 696'2 27 . 03 6. 00 1001. 0101 01.010 6990O 6962 6963 63 . 0 4.0 1010. 0101 0.0101 6991 6962 6964 128. 01 6. 01 100.00 0 .0101 6992 6965 6961 98. 0 8. 01 50. 00 01. 00 6993 6966 6965 303 . 01 8. 01 50. 00 01.00 6994 6966 6967 255. 0 6.03 1001. 00 0.0101 6995 6967 6968 11. 01 6.01 10100. 010 01. 0101 6996 6967 6969 123 . 0 6. 01 1010). 010) 0.00 6997 69701 6969 19.0 3 . 01 10)0 .010 01. 00 6998 6969 6971 14. 0 6. 0 100. 010 00. 010 6999 6972 6966 7 . 01 6.0 501. 0101 01. 00 70100 6972 6973 246. 01 4.01 50. 00 01. 000 701011 6974 6972 278. 0 6.01 50. 000 0}. 0)01 7002 6974 6975 281. 0 6. 01 1.0101. 00 01. 0101 70003 6974 6976 115. 0 6. 01 50. 0101 03. 010 7004 6976 6977 10. 0 6.01 100. 00 0.00 70005 6954 6978 3001. 0 12.01 1.20. 030 0. 00 70106 6979 6978 26.. 0 6.00 100. 00 01.00 700 7' 6978 6980 202 . 0 12. 0 63 . 00 0.00 7008 6965 69800 15. 0 6. 00 50. 003 0. 00 701019 69801 6981 264. 0 12 . 0 63 . 0100 0. 0)01 7010 6982 6981 17 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 70011 6983 6981 55. 00 12 . 0 63 . 0101 0.001 7012 6983 6984 293. 0 6. 0 55. 000 00. 001 70113 6985 6983 195. 01 12.0 63 . 00) 0.010 70014 6986 6985 413 . 00 8. 0 10001. 00) 0.001 70015 6987 6986 18. 01 8. 0 1.0101. 00 01. 0103 70016 6988 6986 26. 01 6. 01 1001. 0001 0 .00 70017 6989 6985 123 . 01 12 . 0 63 . 000 0.0101 7018 6989 6990 99. 00 8. 03 1001. 000 0.0101 7019 6990 6991 89. 01 4.01 10000. 000 0. 00 7020 69901 6992 91. 0 6. 0 10100. 0)0 0.0.00 7021 6993 6886 258. 01 1.2 . 0 1201. 00 0).00 7022 6994 6993 138. 01 6. 0 501. 001 0 . 010 7023 6995 6994 16. 00 6. 01 10101. 001 0. 000 70124 6996 6994 19. 0 6.00 10)00. 070 01. 009 7025 6994 6997 1.30. 0 6.00 50). 00) 0 .000 70026 6997 6998 5. 01 6.01 10103. 00 01. 001 7027 6997 6999 49. 01 6.0 5'0. 000 0.0100 7028 6993 701001 144 .01 12. 0 1201. 0101 0. 0)0 70029 70)000) 70011 56. 01 4 . 0 1201. 0)0) 01.00 70301 701010 6945 58.00 12 .0 120. 00 01.00) 7031 6945 7002 221. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 70032 6966 70102 155. 01 8.01 50. 001 01. 0}0) 70133 6895 6999 253 . 0 8. 0 509. 070,E 0. 000 7034 6999 6976 566.01 8. 0 500. 000 0. 00 70135 70013 6659 3301. 0 8. 01 50). 00 0. 0)0) 70036 70004 701013 75. 00 0.8 10)00. 00 0 . 010.E 70037 70103 70015 448.0 6. 0 500. 000 04. 000 7038 7005 7006 22. 0 6. 0 10)0. 0)00 01. 00 e�/ M.,A' 039 / 0 /VV! 20• 0 6. 0 100M 0 0W.00 yy M 0401 7008 7006 23 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0 0. 00 7 041 7005 7008 45 . 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7042 70108 7009 62 . 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 070 7043 7010 7009 20. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7044 70109 7011 445. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7045 7012 7011 11 10. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7046 7011 11 7013 7. 07 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7047 7014 7013 12 . 0 6. 0 10 0. 0 0. 00 7048 7013 7015 62 . 0 6. 0 10>0.00 0 . 00 7049 7016 7003 141. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7050 70717 70116 167. 0 4. 0 100. 0 0. 00 7051 51 7018 7016 21. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7052 7019 7018 25. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7053 7020 7018 328. 0 8. 0 50. 00 03. 070 7054 70821 7020 166. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7055 7022 7021 208 . 0 1.0 100. 00 0. 00 7056 7023 7021 58 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 70757 7024 7023 8. 0 6. 0 1070 . 00 0 .00 7058 7025 7023 157 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 0 7059 7025 70926 52 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 70607 7027 7025 95. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7061 70127 7028 10. 0> 6.0 100. 00 0.00 70762 7029 7027 15. 07 8. 0 501. 070 0 .00 7063 707307 7029 231. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0 0.0 7064 7031 7030 63 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7065 7032 70 307 51. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7066 7033 7029 226. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 0 7067 7034 7033 10. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7068 70135 7033 55. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 70769 7035 7036 123 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 707707 7037 70735 184. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7071 7038 70920 93 . 0 8. 07 50. 00 0. 00 7072 70138 7039 40. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0a0 0. 00 0 70173 70 407 7038 155. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7074 7040 7041 363 . 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7075 7041 7042 112 . 0 2 .0 100. 00 0. 00 7076 70743 7041 83 . 0 2.0 100. 00 03. 0301 70777 701401 7044 12. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7078 7045 70744 9. 0 6. 0 1001. 00 0 . 007 7079 7046 7044 110. 0 8 . 0 50. 0 0. 070 70801 7046 70847 53 . 0 4„ 0 10)0). 00 0. 003 7081 70737 70746 2,26. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.070 70182 70748 7037 250. 0 8 . 0 50. 00 0 0.00 7083 7049 7048 10 . 0 6. 0 1007. 00 0. 00 70684 7050 7048 245. 0 8.07 507. 00 0. 00 7085 70751 701501 8. 01 6. 0 10007. 00 0. 00 70186 70750 7052 7. 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 70787 705'3 7052 153 . 0 1. 0 100. 00 0. 00 0 7088 70154 6660 309. 0 12.. 0 63 . 00 03.00 7089 70154 7055 582 . 0 12 . 0 63 . 00 0. 00 00 7090 7055 7056 50. 0 12 .0 63 . 00 0.00 7091 7056 7057 1160. 0 12 . 07 63. 00 0. 00 7092 7057 7058 41. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7093 7058 70159 6. 0 6. 0 10)0). 00 0. 00 70194 7058 70160 166. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7095 7061 7060 51.0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7096 7060 7062 337 .0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7097 7057 7063 80.0 12 . 0 63 . 00 0.00 70098 7054 70764 3007. 0 6. 0 55. 0701 0 . 010 70.799 7064 70755 304 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 07. 00 7100 70155 7056 64 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.007 7101 70056 70765 470. 0 6.07 55. 00 0.00 7102 70765 70166 43 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 0 .00 7103 7066 7067 688. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7104 7067 7068 21 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7105 7068 7063 52. 0 6. 0 55. 070 0. 0303 71076 7055 7069 748. 0 12. 0 63 . 007 0. 00 0 71007 7056 7070 213 . 0 6'. 0 55. 00 0. 00 71018 7070 7071 403 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7109 7071 7072 9.01 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7110 7071 7069 11. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7111 7069 7073 93 . 0 12. 0 63 . 00 0. 00 71.12 7073 7074 9. 0 12. 0 6 . 00 0.00 7113 7074 7075 251. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7114 7074 7076 31. 0 12.0 63. 00 0.00 7115 7076 7077 236. 0 10. 0 59. 00 0.00 7116 7077 7078 48. 0 4.0 55. 00 0. 00 7117 7078 7079 88 . 0 4. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7118 7077 7080 1 . 0 10. 0 59. 00 0. 00 7119 7080 7081 26., 0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7120 7081 7078 31. 0 4. 0 55. 00 0.00 7121 7080 7082 60. 0 10.0 59. 00 0. 00 7122 7083 7082 355. 0 10. 0 59. 00 0.00 7123 7065 7084 215. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.00 7124 7084 7085 189. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.00 7125 7085 7086 219. 0 6. 0 55.00 0. 00 7126 7086 7073 344 . 0 6.0 55.00 0. 00 7127 7086 7087 305. 0 6.0 55. 00 0.00 7128 7087 7082 188. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.00 7129 7068 7088 448. 0 4 . 0 55. 00 0.00 7130 7088 7089 199. 0 4. 0 55..00 0.00 7131 7084 7088 531. 0 4. 0 55.00 0.00 7132 7090 7088 31. 0 4.0 55.00 0.00 7133 7091 7090 356. 0 4. 0 55.00 0.00 7134 7092 7091 65. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.00 7135 7086 7092 193 . 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7136 7093 7092 418. 0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7137 7094 7093 246. 0 6.0 5 . 00 0. 00 7138 7087 7094 177. 0 6.0 55.00 0. 00 7139 7093 7095 177. 0 6« 0 55. 00 0. 00 7140 7091 7096 6. 0 6. 0 55.. 00 0. 00 7141 7096 7097 450. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0„ 00 7142 7098 7097 253 . 0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7143 7098 7099 13. 0 8»0 59. 00 0.00 7144 71.00 7098 200. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7145 7101 7100 12. 0 8.0 45. 00 0.00 7146 7101, 7102 530. 0 4 .0 55. 00 0.00 7147 7101 7103 280.. 0 8.0 45. 00 0.00 71.48 7103 7104 29. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0.00 7149 7095 7103 37.0 8. 0 59 . 00 0. 00 7150 7105 7095 458. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 71.51 7083 71.05 50. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 7152 7083 71.06 24 . 0 1.0. 0 59. 00 0.00 7153 7106 7107 338. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7154 7108 7107 161.0 6.0 55. 00 0.00 7155 7108 7109 27 . 0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7156 7110 7109 791. 0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7157 7109 7111 264. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7158 7111 7112 237.. 0 4. 0 55. 00 0.00 7159 7108 7113 34. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7160 7113 71.14 587. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7161 7115 7107 354» 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7162 7116 7115 281. 0 4 . 0 55. 00 0. 00 7163 7116 7117 208. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0.00 71.64 7118 7115 104. 0 4 . 0 55. 00 0. 00 7165 7118 7119 61. 0 4 . 0 55. 00 0. 00 7166 7120 7119 428. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0. 00 7167 71.21 71.20 21. 0 6. 0 5 . 00 0. 00 7168 7122 7121 257. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 7169 7123 7122 9. 0 6* 0 63. 00 0. 00 7170 7124 7123 399. 0 6. 0 63. 00 0. 00 7171 7125 7124 204. 0 6. 0 63 . 00 0. 00 7172 7126 7125 198. 0 6. 0 63. 00 0. 00 7173 6795 7126 199. 0 6. 0 63 . 00 0. 00 7174 7127 7125 222 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7175 7128 7127 162 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7176 7129 7127 121. 0 6.. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7177 7130 7129 242. 0 2. 0 100.. 00 0. 00 7178 6795 7131 17 . 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 7179 7131 7132 234. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0. 00 7180 7133 7132 56. 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0.00 7181 7132 7134 123 . 0 8. 0 59.00 0.00 0) 7182 7134 7135 12. 0 6. 0 10 0.0I 0.00 7183 7134 7130 51. 0 8. 0 59. 00 0.00 7184 7130 7136 40. 0 8. 0 59. 00 . 0 03 7185 7136 7137 76. 0 2. 0 1030. 030 03.003 7186 7136 7138 269. 0 4 . 0 55.00 0.00 0 7187 7139 7138 79. 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 7188 7138 7140 109. 0 4 . 0 55.00 0a 0. 00 7189V" 6823 7141 24. 0 8. 0 45.0303 205. 00 7190 7141 7142 34 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7191 7142 7143 12 . 0 6. 0 100. 00. 0 07. 0303 7192,-Xx 7131 7142 59. 0 6. 0 120. 00 0. 00 7193 7144 7141 523. 0 8.03 45. 00 0 03.030 7194 7144 7145 74. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0.00 7195 7145 7146 142.0 6. 0 45.00 0.00 7196 7147 7146 91. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 03 7197 7146 7148 101. 0 6.0 45.00 0.00 7198 7149 7148 41.0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7199 7148 7150 186. 0 6.03 45. 00 0.00 7200 7151 7150 70. 0 4 . 03 100. 00 0. 00 7201 7150 7152 46.0 6. 0 45. 00 0.00 7202 7152 7153 11. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7203 7152 7154 84 . 0 6. 03 45.00 0.00 72034 7155 7154 50. 0 4 . 0 1030. 00 03.000 7205 7154 7156 260. 0 6. 0 45. 00 0.00 7206 7157 7156 12 . 03 6. 03 100. 00 0. 00 7207 7156 7158 26. 0 6. 0 45. 00 0. 0 7208-X 6896 71.58 50. 0 6.0 50.00 0. 00 72039 7159 7145 185. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0. 003 7210 7160 7159 37. 0 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7 211 7161 7159 71. 0 8.03 45. 00 0. 00 7 212 7162 7161 109. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7 213 7163 7162 11. 0 6.03 100. 00 0. 00 7214 7162 7164 63 . 0 4.03 100. 00 0. 00 7 215 7164 7165 23 . 0 4 .0 100. 00 0.00 7 216 71,64 7166 50. 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 7 217 7166 7167 87. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7 218 7168 7166 365. 0 6. 0 10 0a. 0 0.00 7 219 7169 7161 72 . 0 8.10 45. 00 0.00 7220 7169 7170 42 . 0 6.03 100. 00 0. 00 7221 7171 7169 47. 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 03 7222 7172 7169 53 . 03 8 . 0 45. 00 0. 0)0 723 7173 7172 15. 0 8. 0 45. 030 0.00 7224 7174 7173 9. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7225 7173 7'168 185. 0 8. 0 45. 00 03.030 7226 7168 7175 96. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7227 7176 7175 16. 03 6..00 100. 00 03. 003 7228 7175 7177 196. 03 8. 0 45. 00 0 . 0,30 7229 7178 7177 15. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 030) 72303 7177 7179 8. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7231 71.79 71803 153 . 0 6. 0 1030. 0 0.0303 7232 7181 7180 8.0 6. 0 100. 00 03 0. 00 7233 7180 7182 49. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7234 7183 7179 173. 0 8. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7235 7183 7184 30. 0 6. 0 100 . 0303 0. 00 7236 7185 7183 29.03 4 . 07 10)0}. 001 03. 0303 7237 7186 7183 46.0 8 . 0 45.00 03. 00 7238 7186 7187 142. 0 8.03 10303.0)0) 03. 000 7239 71.87 7188 54. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7240 7187 7189 16. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7241 71901 7186 242. 03 6. 0 120. 003 03. 030 7242 7190 7191 47.0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7243 7192 7191 20. 0 4.0 100. 00 03.030 7244 7191 7193 283 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7245 7194 7193 134. 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7246 7193 7195 177. 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 7247 7196 7190 23 . 0 6. 03 100. 00 0. 00 7248 7197 7190 122 . 0 6. 0 45. 00 0 0. 00 7249 71.97 7198 143.0 6. 0 45. 00 0. 0303 7250 7198 7199 20. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7251 7200 71.98 5. 0 6. 0 100). 0,301 0. 00 7252 7198 7201 335. 0 6. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7253 7202 7201 15. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 754 7201 7203 8 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7255 7204 7197 58 „ 0 6. 0 45. 00 0. 00 7256 7204 7205 84 .0 6.0 55. 00 0. 00 7257 7206 7205 34 .. 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00 7258 7205 7207 60. 0 6. 0 55. 00 0..00 7259 7207 7208 26. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7260 7207 7209 26. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7261 7209 7210 2 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7262 7211 7209 52 . 0 6. 0 100.. 00 0. 00 7263 7158 7204 303 . 0 6, 0 45. 00 0. 00 7264 7213 6726 97 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7265 6727 7212 263 . 0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 7266 7214 6502 243. 0 12. 0 70. 00 0. 00 7267 6503 7215 48. 0 12 . 0 50. 00 0. 00 ' U M P D A T A THERE I5 A PUMP IN LINE 6526 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEADS FLOWRATE ( t) (gm 232. 00 0. 00 199. 00 360. 00 165. 00 500. 00 THERE I8 A PUMP IN LINE 6527 DESCRIBED ID EID BY THE FOLLOWING ;DATA. HEAD FLOW RATE t Ccid 200. 00 0. 00 172. 00 700.00 144 .00 850. 00 THERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 6528 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOWRATE ( ) (g ) 236.00 0. 00 168. 00 700. 00 1.10. 00 850. 00 THESE I8 A PUMP IN LINE 6529 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEADS FLOW RATE t Cm 200.00 0. 00 171.00 700.00 140. 00 1000. 00 THERE I;9 A PUMP IN LINE 6534 DESCRIBED 8Y THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOW RATE (art) f 206. 00 0. 00 184 .00 700. 00 150.00 950. 00 THERE I8 A PUMP IN LINE 6535 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING IN DATA: HEADS F"LO TE t 't 9 t' D 13 ,.00 0. 00 173 . 00 1000. 00 108.00 1800. 00 N C: T 1 0 N N 0 33 E D A T A JUNCTION JUNCTION EXTERNAL JUNCTION NUMBER TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES ( ) ( ) 6501~1 0. 00 970. 00 6501 6502 6517 6502 1 0. 00 968. 00 6503 6504 6507 7266 6503~1 0. 00 969. 00 6504 6505 6506 7'267 6504~1 HYDRANT L-76 0. 00 969. 00 6505 65 15 1 E S 5" CTION 0. 00 968. 00 6506 6506 1 0. 00 952 . 00 6507 650 6507-1 INTERCONNECT CONNECT 0. 00 953. 00 6508 6509 650 1 0.00 946, 0 6509 6510 6511 6509 1 FS~GUTERMAN 0. 00 00 949. 00 6510 6510 1 0. 00 948. 00 6511 6512 6513 6511 1 HYDRANT L-79 0. 00 948.00 6512 6512 1 0. 00 943. 00 6513 6514 6515 6513-1 HYDRANT L~10 0. 00 944 . 00 6514 6514 1 0.00 933 .00 6515 6516 6565 6515-1 0. 00 930.00 6516 6519 6520 6516~1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 944. 00 6517 651 6517-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 942 . 00 6518 651.9 6518 1 0. 00 926. 00 6521 6521 6522 65 0 1 0. C 839. 00 6522 6523 6531 6521-1 0. 00 839, 00 6523 6532 6537 6540 6522-1 FWPS 0. 00 630. 00 6524 6525 6533 6523 1 FWPS-SUCTION 0. 00 830. 00 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6524-1 FWPS- M15CHAR 0. 00 830. 00 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6525 1 'WPS 0. 00 830. 00 6530 6531 6532 6526-1 PS-SUCTION 0. 00 630.00 6533 6534 6535 6527 1 5 16"C.NAE 0.00 630. 00 6534 6535 6536 6529-1 0.00 831. 00 6536 6541 6542 6529~1 0.00 635. 0 6537 6536 6539 653 ~1 HYDRANT L-10 0. 00 844. 00 6536 6531-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 832 . 00 6539 6532-1 INTERCONNECT NNEC:" 0. 00 832 . 00 6540 6541 6533-1 0. 00 830. 00 6542 6543 6546 6534~1 0. 0 630. 00 6543 6544 6545 6535 1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 830. 00 6544 6536~1 L5 3 LANTA'1`IO 0. 00 830. 00 6545 6537~1 ADJACENT BLO 0. 00 834. 00 6546 6547 6535-1 0. 00 616. 00 6547 6545 653 ~1 0. 00 820. 00 6548 6549 6550 �a540~1 FS~MV REN55 « 0. 00 857. 00 654 6541~1 0. 00 819. 00 6553 6551 6564 6542-1 0. 00 820.00 6551 6552 6555 6543-1 0. 00 531» 00 6552 6553 6554 6544-1 HYDRANT L-61 0. 00 630. 00 6553 6545-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 644. 00 6554 6546-1 0.00 816. 00 6555 6556 6557 6560 6547-1 DS~CWP 1 (51 3 .61 610.00 6556 654 -1 0. 00 816.00 6557 6556 6559 654 -1 Cb»S-TOBAG AN 0.06 810.00 655 6550-1 HYDRANT L-59 0. 00 818. 00 6559 6551-1 0. 00 614. 00 6560 6561 6563 6552-1 0.00 764. 00 6561 6562 6553-1 HYDRANT L-24 0. 00 765. 00 6562 6554-1 0. 00 523 .00 6563 6564 6670 6677 6555-1 0.00 932 .00 6565 6566 6567 6556--1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 932. 00 6566 6557-1 0. 00 922 . 00 6567 6568 6569 6558 -1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 922. 00 6566 6559 1 0. 00 919.00 6569 6570 6577 6560~1 INTERCONNECT ERCONNECT 0. 00 921.00 6570 6571 6561 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 B7 . CCU 6571 6572 6562-1 0. 00 884 . 00 6572 6573 6563-1 0. 00 662 . 00 6573 6574 6575 6610 6564 1 HYDRANT L-45 0. 00 624. 00 6574 6565 1 0. 00 883 . 00 6575 6576 6605 6566-1 0. 00 887. 00 6576 6587 6588 6567-1 0. 00 914 .00 6577 6578 6568 1 0. 00 915. 00 6578 6579 6580 6569-1 HYDRANT L- 6 0.00 915. 00 6579 6570 1 0. 00 912 . 00 6580 6581 6582 6571-1 HYDRANT L-60 0. 00 912 . 00 6581 657 -1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 906. 00 6582 6583 6573-1 0.00 904 . 00 6583 6584 6585 6574-1 HYDRANT L-10 0. 00 904 . 00 6584 6575-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 902 . 00 6585 6586 6576 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 889. 00 6586 6587 6577-1 0. 00 885. 00 6588 6589 6590 6578 1 HYDRANT L-61 0. 00 885. 00 6589 6579 1 0. 00 884 . 00 6590 6591 6592 6580 1 HYDRANT E-62 0.00 886. 00 6591 6581 1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 883. 00 6592 6593 6582 1 0. 00 883 . 00 6593 6594 6595 6583 1 HYDRANT L-63 0. 00 884 . 00 6594 6584-1 0. 00 874.00 6595 6596 6728 6585 1 0. 00 870. 00 6596 6597 6600 6586-1 0. 00 875.00 6597 6598 6599 6587-1 "S--HIOTECHNO 0. 00 876. 00 6598 6588 1 IDS BIOTECHNO 31.40 876. 00 6599 6589 1 0. 00 859. 00 6600 6601 6602 6590 1 IDS-LYNAH RIN 7. 46 859. 00 6601 6591-1 0. 00 862 » 00 6602 6603 6604 6592-1 HYDRANT L-54 0. 00 861. 00 6603 6593 1 0. 00 867 . 00 6604 6618 6619 6750 6594 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 883. 00 6605 6606 6595-1 0. 00 880. 00 6606 6607 6608 6596-1 IDS SYNCHROTR 37.96 865. 00 6607 6597 1 HYDRANT L-46 0.00 880. 00 6608 6609 6598-1 0. 00 880. 00 6609 6610 6611 6599-1 0. 00 878 . 00 6611 6612 6600-1 0.00 878. 00 6612 6613 6614 6601-1 HYDRANT L -11 0. 00 879. 00 6613 6602 1 01. 00 879. 00 6614 6615 6616 6603-1 IDS-HERDING 4.23 879. 00 6615 6604-1 0. 00 879.00 6616 6617 6618 6605-1 `'S-ALBEH DING 0. 00 879.00 6617 6606 1 0. 00 885.00 6619 6620 6621 6607-1 HYDRANT 2 0. 00 886. 00 6620 6608 1 0. 00 825. 00 6621 6622 6789 6609-1 0. 00 825. 00 6622 6623 6648 6610-1 0. 00 826. 00 6623 6624 6625 6611-1 FS-H'UMPHREYS 0. 00 838.00 6624 6612 1 0. 00 828. 00 6625 6626 6627 6613-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 827. 00 6626 6637 6614 1 0. 00 828. 00 6627 6628 6629 6615-1 HYDRANT L-12 0. 00 828. 00 6628 661.6-1 NEAR CENT HE 82. 45 832. 00 6629 6630 6634 6617-1 0. 00 832. 00 6630 6631 663; 6618-1 HYDRANT L-12 0. 00 833 . 00 6631 6619 1 0. 00 834 .00 6632 6633 6620 1 FS- P (5510 0. 00 835. 00 6633 6621-1 0.00 841.00 6634 6635 6636 6622 °1 IDS--WTP (5510 0.00 849. 00 6635 6623 1 NEAR C" P ITT 47.85 840. 00 6636 6644 6645 6624-1 0. 00 828. 00 6637 6638 6625-1 0. 00 829.00 6638 6639 6640 6626-1 HYDRANT (CIT 0. 00 829. 00 6639 6627-1 0. 00 830. 00 6640 6641 6642 6628-1 IDS.. P (5510 0. 00 835. 00 6641 6629 1 0. 00 836. 00 6642 6643 6644 6630 1 HYDRANT .,--42 0. 00 837. 00 6643 6631 1 0. 00 851.00 6645 6646 6647 6632 1 HYDRANT L-8 0. 00 851. 00 6646 6633 1 DS-GRAPHIC A 0.25 848.00 6647 6634 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 825. 00 6648 6649 6635-1 0. 00 837. 00 6649 6650 6653 6636 1 0.00 839. 00 6650 6651 6652 6637 1 DS-HUMPHREYS 3 .02 840. 00 6651 6639-1 0. 00 836. 00 6653 6654 6655 6640 1 HYDRANT L_10 CD. 00 835. 00 6654 6641-1 NEAR FAINT S 0. 14 873 . 00 6655 6656 6657 6642 1 FS E. ITHACA 0. 00 873. 00 6656 6643--1 0. 00 874. 00 6657 6658 6659 6644 1 CDS E. ITHACA CD. 00 874. 00 6658 6645 1 0. 00 874.00 6659 6660 6661 6646-1 FS Eµ. ITHACA 0.00 874 . 00 6660 6647 1 0.00 874 .00 6661 6662 6663 66 8 1 HYDRANT L-12 0. 00 881.00 6662 6649 1 0.00 873 .00 6663 6664 6667 6650 1 INTERCONNECT CD.CDC) 872. 00 6664 6665 6651--1 0.00 869. 00 6665 6666 6652 1 CDS FLE (30 0.49 870. 00 6666 6653-1 0. 00 887. 00 6667 6668 6669 6654-1 HYDRANT' L-1.1 0. 00 888. 00 6668 6655-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 882 . 00 6669 6656-1 0.00 823 . 00 6670 6671 6674 6657--1 0..00 824.00 6671 6672 6673 6659 1 0. 00 813. 00 6673 6674 6675 6814 7035 6660 1 CD. 00 812. 00 6675 6676 7088 6661-1 0. 00 812. 00 6676 6810 6862 6662-1 0. 00 858. 00 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6663-1 FS--OLIN CHE C 0. 00 860. 00 6678 6664-1 1 S CDLIN CHEM 19. 14 860. 00 6679 6665_1 DS-NEWMAN AC 0. 00 860. 00 6680 6666-1 0. 00 863. 00 6681 6682 6683 6667-1 HYDRANT L-58 0. 00 866. 00 6682 6668-1 0. 00 864. 00 6683 6684 6685 6669--1 DS-NLVMAN LA 14 . 58 868. 00 6684 6670 1 CD. CDC► 866. 00 6685 6686 6687 6671-1 FS-NEWMAN LA 0. 00 876. 00 6686 6672-1 0.00 866. 00 6687 6688 6689 6673-1 FS S.A AGE HA 0.00 881. 00 6688 6674-1 0.00 865. 00 6689 6690 6705 6675-1 DS-CLARK HAL 6.77 857. 00 6690 6691. 6676-1 0. 00 854 . 00 6691 6692 6696 6677 1 0. 00 854. 00 6692 6693 6702 6678 1 NEAR SPACE S 0. 66 854 . 00 6693 6694 6695 6679 1 FS-CLARK HAL 0. 00 857. 00 6694 6681 1 0. 00 853 . 00 6696 6697 6700 6682-1 0. 00 854. 00 6697 6698 6699 6683-1 FS--BAKK;B LAB 0. 00 854. 00 6698 6684 1 DS-BAKER LAB 1.7.82 857. 00 6699 6685--1 0. 00 850. 00 6700 6701 6861 6686-1 HYDRANT 'L-23 0.00 850. 00 6701. 6687-1 CD.CDC) 850. 00 6702 6703 6704 6688-1 tDS-HCDCKEFE:LL 0. 00 851. 00 6703 6689°-1 0.00 832.00 6704 6878 6879 6690-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 869. 00 6705 6706 6692-1 0. 00 865. 00 6707 6708 6709 6693-1 FS-BIG READ B 0. 00 866.00 6708 6694-1 C'DS-BIG RED B 0. 14 866.00 6709 6695-1 CD. CDC) 872 . 00 6710 6711 6715 6696-1 INTERCONNECT CD.CDC) 874 . 00 6711 671.2 6697-1 CD. 00 876. 00 6712 6713 6714 6698-1 FS-CCC (1016 0. 00 877. 00 6713 6699-1 C'DS CCC 1016 1. 37 877. 00 6714 6700 1 0. 00 865. 00 6715 6716 6701-1 0. 00 864. 00 6716 6717 6718 6702-1 DS-MALOTT HA 2.54 865. 00 6717 6703--1 CD.. CDC) 858 . 00 6718 6719 6729 6704 1 0. 00 861. 00 6719 6720 6721 6705 1 HYDRANT L_82 0. 00 861. 00 6720 6706 1 0. 00 869. 00 6721 6722 6725 6707°-1 0.00 860. 00 6722 623 672 6708-1 FS C.CORS DN HA 0.00 864. 00 6723 6709-1 DS° C ORSON HA 5. 62 864. 00 6724 671.0 1 0.00 874 . 00 6725 6726 6728 6711 -1. INTERCONNECT 0. 00 874 . 00 6726 6727 6712-1 HYDRANT L-12 0.00 874. 00 6727 67131 0.. 00 846. 00 6729 6730 6731 6714-1 CDS ILR C ONFB 0.92 844 . 00 6730 67151 0. 00 841 . 00 6731 6732 6733 6734 6716-1 FS-ILR C ONFB" 0. 00 842. 00 6732 6717 1 HYDRANT L-44 0. 00 842. 00 6733 6718 1 0. 00 822. 00 6734 6735 6740 6719-1 0. 00 826.00 6735 6736 6737 6720-1 DS I "E«'S HALL 2. 41 824 .00 6736 6721-1 0. 00 828. 00 6737 6738 6739 6722--1 HYDRANT L 48 0. 00 830..00 6738 6723 1 EDS..BAR ON HA 1. 37 836. 00 6739 67241 NEAR URIS HA 2 .58 823. 00 6740 6741 6742 67261 0. 00 822. 00 6742 6743 7264 6727-1 0. 00 81.5.00 6873 6895 6953 7265 6728-1 0. 00 830. 00 6744 6745 6729-1 0. 00 832. 00 67'45 6746 6747 6730-1 HYDRANT L_11 0. 00 831. 00 6746 6731--1 0. 00 831. 00 6747 6748 6749 6732-1 HYDRANT L_11 0. 00 830. 00 6748 6731 0. 00 826. 00 6749 6785 6786 6734-1 0. 00 866. 00 6750 6751 675 6735-1 0. 00 884. 00 6751 6752 6736-1 33S BF' SKOPF 14 . 65 882 . 00 6752 6737-1 0. 00 861. 00 6753 6754 6755 6738-1 HYDRANT L-52 0. 00 862. 00 6754 67391 0. 00 863 . 00 6755 6756 659 6740-1 0. 00 862 . 00 6756 6757 6758 6741 1 FS SCHOELLKO 0.00 862. 00 6757 6742-1 33S SCHCIFLLF D 0. 50 862. 00 6758 6743 1 0.. 00 858 . 00 6759 6760 6761 6744-1 FS-SCHOELLKO 0.00 860. 00 6760 6745-1 0.. 00 856. 00 6761 6762 6767 646-1 0. 00 85.00 6762 6763 6764 6747-1 DS-GRUMMAN C1 0.. 36 855.00 6763 67481 0. 00 847.00 6764 6765 6766 6749-1 HYDRANT L-11 0.00 845. 00 6765 6750-1 FS-PARKING G 0. 00 847. 00 6766 6751-1 0.00 854. 00 6767 6768 6769 6752-1 DS-" ISITINCI 0. 00 855. 00 6768 67531 0. 00 849. 00 6769 6770 6782 6754-1 0. 00 847. 00 6770 6771 6772 6755 HYDRANT L-51 0. 00 847. 00 6771 6756-1 0. 00 847. 00 6772 6773 6774 6757-1 FS-BARTON HA 0. 00 847 . 00 6773 6758-1 0. 00 846.00 6774 6775 6778 6759-1 0. 00 847. 00 6775 6776 6777 6760-1 DS-BARTON HAS 0. 00 847 .00 6776 6761-1 DS-BARTON HA 0.00 847.00 6777 6762 1 0. 00 847. 00 6778 6779 6780 6763 1 DS-TEAGLE HA 11. 62 854. 00 6779 6764-1 0.00 849. 00 6780 6781 6765-1 HYDRANT L-50 0. 00 848. 00 6781. 6766-1 0. 00 841. 00 6782 6783 684 67671 0. 00 825 . 00 6783 6768-1 0. 00 825. 00 6784 6785 6806 6769-1 0. 00 822. 00 6786 6787 6788 6770-1 EDSSTATLBR H 22. 10 824. 00 6787 6771-1 0. 00 810. 00 6788 6975 6976 6772-1 0. 00 824 . 00 6789 6790 6792 6773-1 0.00 822. 00 6790 6791 6774-1 BS-TENNIS BL 0. 00 763 . 00 6791 6775-1 0. 00 817. 00 6792 6793 6796 6776-1 0.00 819. 00 6793 6794 6795 6777-1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 820.00 67'94 6778--1 FS-PARKING G 0. 00 821. 00 6795 677 -1 0. 00 812 . 00 6796 6797 6801 6780-1 0. 00 81.2 . 00 6797 6798 6799 6800 6782-1 R8 "1'HL DRY ClE 0.00 813 . 00 6799 6783--1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 AD 813 . 00 6800 6784-1. 0. 00 811. 00 6801 6802 6803 6785-1 FS-GRUMANN H 0. 00 805. 00 6802 6786-1 0. 00 810. 00 6803 6804 6805 6787-1 HYDRANT L-43 0. 00 811. 00 6804 6788-1 0. 00 810.00 6605 6806 6807 6789 1 0. 00 801.00 6807 6808 6809 6790 1 3D»9 R DN HAL 4 . 60 801. 00 6808 6793 1 0.. 00 811. 00 6811 6812 6813 6794--1 BLOW OFF 0. 00 808 .00 6812 6795-1 0. 00 766. 00 6813 7173 7178 6 96-1 0. 00 811. 00 6814 6815 6874 6797-1 0. 00 811. 00 6815 6816 6817 6798 1 HYDRANT' L-33 0. 00 811. 00 6816 6799 1 0. 00 811 . 00 6817 6818 6819 6801-1 0. 00 809. 00 6819 6820 6802-1 0. 00 805. 00 6820 6821 6822 6804-1 0. 00 808. 00 6822 6823 6824 6805--1 DB-T AID N HA 0. 62 807 . 00 6823 6806 1 0. 00 802 . 00 6824 6825 6837 6842 6807-1 0. 00 805.. 00 6825 6826 6827 6828 6810-1 0.00 806. 00 6828 6829 6830 6811-1 CD8*-SIBLRY HA 4 . 72 808. 00 6829 6812-1 0. 00 806. 00 6830 6831 6832 6813 1 DB B" BLRY HA 0. 00 808. 00 6831 6815 1 HYDRANT L-28 0.00 807.00 6833 681.6-1 0. 00 810. 00 6834 6835 6836 6817-1 RB B; BLY,Y HA 0. 00 809. 00 6835 6818 1 TDB-SIBLRY HA 0. 00 809. 00 6836 681.9° 1 0. 00 800. 00 6837 6838 6839 6820-1 FS-TJADEN HA 0. 00 807. 00 6838 6821-1 NEAR JOHNSON 4. 47 799. 00 6839 6840 6841 6822-1 HYDRANT L-98 0. 00 798. 00 6840 6823 1 P"RV..BW OF JO 0. 00 779. 00 6841 7189 6824-1 0. 00 798. 00 6842 6843 6844 6825 1 HYDRANT L-1 0. 00 797. 00 6843 68 6-1 0. 00 797. 00 6844 6845 6846 6827-1 "8 WH1°1"E HAL 0. 00 796. 00 6845 6828-1 0. 00 797. 00 6846 6847 6848 6829-1 CDS WHITE HAL 1.94 796. 00 6847 6830-1 0. 00 797 . 00 6848 6849 6850 6831-1 HYDRANT L-3 0.00 796. 00 6849 6832° 1 0. 00 798. 00 6850 6851 6854 6932 683 -1 0. 00 798. 00 6851 6852 6853 6834-1 HYDRANT L-4 0. 00 798.00 6852 6835-1 [D8-MCGRAW HA 0. 61 798. 00 6853 6836-1 0. 00 807. 00 6854 6855 6919 6837-1 0. 00 813 . 00 6855 6856 6857 6839 1 0. 00 813 . 00 6857 6858 6859 6841 1 0. 00 814 . 00 6859 6860 6861. 6842-1 [DB LILAC DLN H 0. 67 814 . 00 6860 6843-1 0. 00 826. (DAD 6862 6863 6864 6844 1 HYDRANT R-64 0. 00 826. 00 6863 6845-1 0. 00 831. 00 6864 6865 6866 6846-1 HYDRANT' 1E-63 0. 00 832. 00 6865 6847--1 0. 00 833 . 00 6866 6867 6868 6848 1 B-RROCH LIB 0. 00 829. 00 6867 6849-1 0. 00 831. 00 6868 6869 6870 6850 1 HYDRANT E-61 0. 00 831. 00 6869 6851-1 0. 00 827. 00 6870 6871 6873 6852-1 0. 00 827 . 00 6871 6872 6894 6853 1 HYDRANT L 12 0. 00 827. 00 6872 6854-1 0. 00 811. 00 6874 6875 6876 6855-1 DS-RAND HALL 1. 11 811. 00 6875 6856-1 0. 00 829. 00 6876 6877 6878 6857-1 HYDRANT L-26 0. 00 830.00 6877 6858-1 0. 00 832. 00 6879 6880 6881 6860-1 0.00 832.00 6881 6882 6883 6862-1 0. 00 832. 00 6883 6884 6888 6863-1 0.00 862 . 00 6884 6885 6864-1 0. 00 863 .00 6885 6886 6887 6865-1 DS A 'D WHITE 0. 56 862 .00 6886 6866-1 0. 00 866. 00 6887 6867 1 0.00 833 . 00 6888 6889 6890 6868 1 DS KROCHf LIB 5. 52 829. 00 6889 6869-1 0.00 833 . 00 6890 6891 6892 6871-1 0.00 833 . 00 6892 6893 6894 6872 1 HYDRANT L-20 0. 00 834 . 00 6893 6873°-1 0. 00 813 . 00 6895 6896 6897 6874-1 DS-DAY HALL 1. 67 816. 00 6896 6875-1 0. 00 811. 00 6897 6898 6899 6876-1 FS-DAY HALL 0. 00 814. 00 6898 6877-°1 0.00 815. 00 6899 6900 6903 6878-1 0.00 816. 00 6900 6901 6902 6879 1 S PUS ST 0. 38 818. 00 6901 6880-1 FS-CAMPUS ST 0. 00 818. 00 6902 6881--1 CD. CDC) 814. 00 6903 6904 6931 6882-1 0. 00 796. 00 6904 6905 6883-1 0. 00 790. 00 6905 6906 6907 6884 1 HYDRANT L-9 0. 00 790. 00 6906 6885-1 0. 00 787. 0 6907 6908 6952 6886--1 0..00 781. 00 6908 6909 7021 6887-1 0. 00 765. 00 6909 6910 6911 6888-1 DS-WILLARD S 15.57 758. 00 6910 6889-1 0. 00 761.00 6911 6912 6915 6890 1 0. 00 759. 00 6912 6913 6914 6891-1 DS-WILLARD S 0.00 758.00 6913 6892 1 FS-WILLARD S 0. 00 758. 00 6914 6893-1 0.00 736. 00 6915 6916 6917 6894-1 HYDRANT L-47 0. 00 736. 00 6916 6895 1 0. 00 734 . 00 6917 6918 7033 6896 1 0. 00 700. 00 6918 7208 6897-1 0. 00 807. 00 6919 6920 6937 6898-1 0. 00 809. 00 6920 6921 6899-1 DS-OLIN LIBR. 5. 07 814 . 00 6921 6922 6900-1 0. 00 814 . 00 6922 6923 6924 6902--1 0. 00 814 .. 00 6924 6925 6926 6927 6904-1 DS--STIMSON Hi 0. 00 814. 00 6926 6905-1 0. 00 816. 00 6927 6928 6929 6906-1 HYDRANT L--25 0. 00 816. 00 6928 6907-1 0. 00 814 . 00 6929 6930 6931 6908_1 DS SAGE CHAP 0. 31 803. 00 6930 6909-1 0. 00 798. 00 6932 6933 6934 6910-1 F"S MC G HA CD. 0 798. 00 6933 691.1-1 CD. CDC) 797 . 00 6934 6935 6936 6912-1 HYDRANT L-5 0. 00 796. 00 6935 6913-1 0. 00 797 . 00 6936 6937 6938 6914-1 CD. 00 796. 00 6938 6939 6940 6915--1 HYDRANT L-6 0. 00 797 .00 6939 6916-1 0. 00 796. 00 6940 6941 6942 6917-1 F'S MO ' ILL HI 0. 00 796. 00 6941 6918 1 0. 00 796.00 6942 6943 6944 6919-1 DS-MORRILL H 0. 65 796. 00 6943 6920-1 0. 00 796.00 6944 6945 6946 6921 1 HYDRANT L-7 0. 00 798. 00 6945 6922-1 0. 00 801. 00 6946 6947 6948 692 -1 DS-URIS L BR 2 .58 799. 00 6947 6924 1 0. 00 801. 00 6948 6949 6950 6925-µ1 FS--CDLIN LIBR CD.. CD0 802. 00 6949 6926 1 CD. CDCD 799. 00 6950 6951 6952 6927-1 FS IS LIBR CD.. CD0 800. 00 6951 6928 1 0. 00 813 . 00 6953 6954 6955 6929 1 HYDRANT E 60 0. 00 814 . 00 6954 6930 1 0. 00 812 . 00 6955 6956 6971 6931 1 0. 00 808. 00, 6956 6957 6958 6932 1 HYDRANT L--17 0.00 808.00 6957 6933-1 0. 00 807. 00 6958 6959 6960 6934 1 TDS SACIE TALL 7. 17 807. 00 6959 6935 1 CD. 00 799. 00 6960 6961 6964 6936 1 CD. 00 798. 00 6961 6962 6963 6937 1 FS-BARNES HA 0. 00 7'96. 00 6962 6938 1 DS-BARKES HA 0. 57 796. 00 696 6939 1 0. 00 799. 00 6964 6965 6966 6940-1 S-SAGE HALL 0. 00 806. 00 6965 6941-1 0. 00 798. 00 6966 6967 6968 6942-1 HYDRANT L-11 0. 00 798. 00 6967 6943--1 NEAR OLIN HA 15. 11 772 . 00 6968 6969 6970 6944 1 HYDRANT L--10 0. 00 772 . 00 6969 6945-1 CD. CDC) 770. 00 6970 7030 7031. 6946--1 0. 00 811. 00 6971 6972 6973 6947-1 T'DS STAaT'LER H 0. 00 81.8. 00 6972 6948-1 0. 00 811. 00 6973 6974 6975 6949_1 HYDRANT L-16 0. 00 811. 00 6974 6950-1 CD. CDC! 806. 00 6976 6977' 6978 6951-1 HYDRANT L 15 CD. 00 806. 00 6977 6952-1 0. 00 800. 00 6978 6979 6980 69 -1 DS-KNIGHT LA 2.72 802 . 00 6979 6954-1 CD. 00 796. CDC) 6981 6982 7005 6955-1 0. 00 796. 00 6982 6983 6984 6956-1 HYDRANT L-14 0. 00 796. 00 6983 6957-1 0. 00 783 . 00 6984 6985 6986 6958-1 C'DS T3 31/; IMB 41. 97 776. 00 6985 6959-1 CD. 00 781. 00 6986 6987 6988 6960--1 CDS-CARPENTER 0.80 782. 00 6987 6961 1 CD. 00 778. 00 6988 6989 6992 6962 1 0. 00 778. 00 6989 6990 6991 6963 1 C'DS HOLLISTER 4. 95 777. 00 6990 6964 1 CDS-HOLL/WARD 0. 30 774 . 00 6991 6965-1 0. 00 777 .00 6992 6993 7008 6966 1 CD. 00 768 . 00 6993 6994 6999 7032 6967 1 0. 00 766. 00 6994 6995 6996 6968 1 HYDRANT L-12 0. 00 765. 00 6995 6969 1 CD. 00 763 . 00 6996 6997 6998 6970--1 DS SNEE HALL 4.75 764 . 00 6997 6971-1 ES-HCDLL/SNEE 0.00 764. 00 6998 6972-1 0. 00 768. 00 6999 7000 7001 6973-1 DS° HYRON TAY 3. 87 748. 00 7000 6974-1 0. 00 748. 00 7001 7002 7003 6975-1 CDS-HUGHES HA 5.94 746. 00 7002 6976-1 CD.CDC 736. 00 7003 7004 7034 6977-1 HYDRANT L-13 CD. 00 736. 00 7004 6978 1 CD. 00 782. 00 7005 7006 7007 6979_1 HYDRANT E-58 CD. CDC? 782. 00 7006 6980-1 0. 00 777. 00 7007 7008 7009 6981 1 0. 00 770. 00 7009 7010 7011 6982-1 HYDRANT E--5 9 0.00 770. 00 7010 6983 1 0. 00 739.00 7011 7012 7013 6984 1 HYDRANT E-13 CD.CDC) 754 . 00 7012 6985-1 CITY DEMAND 1.88 736. 00 7013 7014 7017 6986-1 0.00 717. 00 7014 7015 7016 6987-1 CDS-C:ASC"'ATDILL 8. 12 716. 00 701.5 6988 1 "S CASC.ACD(30 8. 16 716. 00 7016 6989-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 739. 00 7017 7018 6990 1 0. 00 736. 00 7018 7'019 7020 6991-1 DS-CT THEATE 1. 93 723 . 00 7019 6992 1 ES-CT THEATE 0. 00 724 . 00 7020 6993-1. 0. 00 773 . 00 7021 7022 702 6994-1 0. 00 749. 00 7022 7023 7024 7025 6995 1 DES WILLARDI 5 0. 00 749. 00 7023 6996-1 DES WILLA.RD S 0. 00 749. 00 7024 6997 1 0. 00 741.... 00 7025 7026 7027 6998 1 HYDRANT L 10 0. 00 741. 00 7026 6999 1 0. 00 733 . 00 7027 7033 7034 7001 1 D15 NETT H 1.47 764. 00 7029 7002 1 0. 00 767 . 00 7031 7032 7003-1 0. 00 801. 00 7035 7036 7037 7049 7004-1. DS-ALUMNI HO 0.24 800. 00 7036 7005-1. 0.00 791 . 00 7037 7038 7041 7 6-1 0. 00 791. . 00 7038 7039 7040 7007 1 D35 RISLEY HA 9.00 791. 00 7039 7008 1 0. 00 791. 00 7040 7041 7042 7009 1 0. 00 791. 00 7042 7043 7044 7010 1 K5 RI5LEY HA CD. 00 791. 00 7043 7011-1 NEAR ANNA CO 0. 55 800. 00 7044 7045 7046 7012-1 D1H PPA KAP 0. 00 799. 00 7045 7013-1 0. 00 601. 00 7046 7047 7046 7014 1 HYDRANT L-32 0. 00 802 . 00 7047 7015-1 D1S- `514 THUR 0. 00 802 . 00 7048 7016-1 0,. 00 799. 00 7049 7050 7051. 7017 1 DS- NOYKS LOD 0. 16 800. 00 7050 7016-1 CITY DEMAND CD. 99 799. 00 7051 7052 7053 7019-1 HYDRANT L-34 0. 00 801 . 00 7052 7020-1 0. 00 815. 00 7053 7054 7071 7021-1 0. 00 816. 00 7054 7055 7056 7022-1. S-JAPES (26 0. 10 795. 00 7055 7023-1 0. 00 819. 00 7056 7057 7056 7024 1 HYDRANT L-29 0. 00 819. 00 7057 7025-1. 0. 00 830. 00 7058 7059 7060 7026-1 FS-BALCH HAL 0. 00 833 . 00 7059 7027 1 0. 00 834 . 00 00 7060 7061 7062 7028-1 HYDRANT L-30 0.00 934. 00 7061 7029-1 0.00 834 . 00 7062 7063 7066 7030 1 0. 00 850. 00 7063 7064 7065 7031-1 ES-HKLEN NEW 0. 00 652 . 00 7064 7032-1 D S HELEN NEW 2.22 852 . 00 7065 7033-1 0. 00 839. 00 7066 7067 7068 7 '34-1 HYDRANT L-10 0. 00 839. 00 7067 7035-1 0. 00 841. 00 7068 7069 7070 7036 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 645. 00 7069 7037-1 0. 00 644. 0 7070 7081 7082 7036-1 0. 00 612. 00 7071 7072 7073 7039-1 D16 BALCH HAL 17. 93 813. 00 7072 7040-1 0. 00 611. 00 7073 7074 7077 7041-1 0. 00 822 . 00 7074 7075 7076 7042--1 D1E_ 3C}6 WAIT 0.50 842 . 00 7075 7043 1 D95 3 2 WAIT 0. 01 832 . 00 7076 7044-1 0. 00 812. 00 7077 7078 7079 7045 '1 HYDRANT L 31 0. 00 812. 00 7078 7046-1 0. 00 824 . 00 7079 7080 7081 7047--1 KS-D ALCH HAL 0. 00 822. 00 7080 7048-1 0.00 842. 00 7082 7083 7084 7049-1 HYDRANT L-66 0.00 642. 00 7083 7050 -1 0. 00 644. 00 7084 7065 7086 7051-1 HYDRANT L-65 0.. 00 644 . 00 7065 7052-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 844 . 00 7086 7087 7053-1 D16' ,5I56ON 'L 1. 04 840. 00 7087 7054-1 0. 00 800. 00 7088 7069 7098 7055-1 0. 00 806. 00 7089 7090 7099 7100 7106 7056_1 CITY DEMAND 0.24 610. 00 7090 7091 7100 7101 7107 7057 1 CD.CDC) 639. 00 7091 7092 7097 7058 1 CD. 00 837 . 00 7092 7093 7094 7059-1 HYDRANT E-10 0. 00 837 . 00 7093 7060--1 CITY DEMAND 0.95 841. 00 7094 7095 7096 7061 1 D)5 ICAN 0. 00 849. 00 7095 7 62-1 HYDRANT E-10 0. 00 850. 00 7096 7063 1 0. 00 839. 00 7097 7105 7064 1 0. 00 797. 00 7098 7099 7065-1 CITY DEMAND 0.85 817. 00 7101 7102 7123 7066-1 NEAR HYD E-7 1. 96 819. 00 7102 7103 7 ?67 1 NEAR HYD E-8 3 .81 839. 00 7103 7104 7068-1 0. 00 839. 00 7104 7105 7129 7 9-1 CITY DEMAND 3 . 14 788. 00 7106 7110 7111 7070-1 NEAR HYD E 7 1. 11 795. 00 7107 7108 7 171 1 0. 00 793. 00 7108 7109 7110 7072 1 HYDRANT E-75 0. 00 792. 00 7109 7073 1 CITY DEMAND 0. 66 786. 00 7111 7112 7126 7074-1 0. 00 786.00 7112 7113 7114 7075-1 NEAR HYD E-1 0.00 775. 00 7113 7076 1 CITY DEMAND 1. 03 786. 00 7114 7115 7077 1 0. 00 780. 00 7115 7116 7118 7078-1 CITY DEMAND 0. 27 780. 00 7116 7117 7120 7079-1 CITY DEMAND 0.57 778.00 7117 7080 1 CITY DEMAND 0. 23 780.00 7118 711.9 7121 7081 1 NEAR HYD E-7 0. 00 780.00 7119 7120 7821 CITY DEMAND 5.39 779. 00 7121 7122 7128 7083 1 0.00 756. 00 7122 7151 7152 7084 1 CITY DEMAND 0.85 811. 00 7123 7124 7131 7085 1 NEAR HYD E-7 0. 24 806. 00 7124 7125 7086 -1 CITY DEMAND 0.43 797.00 7125 7126 7127 7135 7087-1 CITY DEMAND 0. 62 789. 00 7127 7128 7138 7088 1 0. 00 826. 00 7129 7130 7131 7132 7089-1 CITY DEMAND 1 .76 824 . 00 7130 7090 1 NEAR HYD E-8 1. 14 824 . 00 7132 7133 7091 1 0. 00 798. 00 7133 7134 7140 7092 1 CITY DEMAND 0.58 798.00 7134 7135 7'136 7093-1 CITY DEMAND 2 . 25 773 .00 7136 7137 7139 7094 1 NEAR HYD E 7 0. 45 783. 00 7137 7138 7095--1 0.00 765.00 7139 7149 7150 7 d9 -1 NEAR HYD E-8 0.92 798. 00 7140 7141 7097-1 0. 00 787 . 00 7141 7142 7098-1 0. 00 772. 00 7142 7143 7144 7099-1 0. 00 773.00 7143 7100-1 NEAR HYD E-8 2.44 771.00 7144 7145 7101 1 CITY DEMAND 1 . 19 771. 00 7145 7146 7147 7102 1 CITY DEMAND 4.44 755. 00 7146 7103-1 0.00 765. 00 7147 7148 7149 7104-1 NEAR HYD E-8 0. 11 764. 00 7148 7105 1 NEAR HYD E . 28 755. 00 7150 7151 7106 1 CITY DEMAND 2. 09 755.00 7152 7153 7107 1 CITY DEMAND 1.83 732. 00 7153 7154 7161 7108 1 0.00 715. 00 7154 7155 71.59 7109-1 CITY DEMAND 1.40 690. 00 7155 7156 7'157 71.10--1 NEAR HYD E-8 0. 96 7'39. 00 7156 7111 1 CITY DEMAND 0. 49 665. 00 7157 7158 7112 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 650. 00 7158 7113 1 NEAR HYD E-7 1. 07 710. 00 7159 7160 7114 1 NEAR HYD E-7 1. 16 715. 00 7160 7115-1 CITY DEMAND 0.91 737.00 7161 7162 7164 7116-1 CITY DEMAND 0. 31 744 .00 7162 7163 7117 1 NEAR HYD E-6 0. 47 746. 00 7163 7118-1. NEAR 'HYD E-7 0. 19 730.00 7164 71.65 711.9-1 CITY DEMAND 0.24 720. 00 7165 7166 7120 -1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 657.00 7166 7167 7121-1 0. 00 645.00 7167 7168 7122 1 0. 00 666. 00 7168 7169 7123-1 NEAR HYD E-6 0. 00 666. 00 7169 7170 7124-1 NEAR HYD E-6 2. 76 701. 00 7170 7171 7125-1 0. 00 758. 00 7171 7172 7174 7126-1 NEAR HYD E-6 0. 00 760. 00 7172 7173 7127-1 CITY DEMAND 2 . 02 733 .00 7174 7175 7176 7128-1 FS-SIGMA PHI 0.00 702.00 7175 7129 1 0. 00 722 . 00 7176 7177 7130-1 0. 00 713 .00 7177 7183 7184 7131° 1 0. 00 765. 00 7178 7179 7192 7132 1 CITY DEMAND 0.42 735. 00 7179 7180 7181 731 D3STHETA DEL 0. 00 740. 00 7180 7134 0.00 719. 00 7181 7182 7183 71351 HYDRANT E-65 0. 00 719. 00 7182 713 -1 0. 00 710.00 7184 7185 7186 71.37-1 [DSS1C (474 0.42 71.2 . 00 7185 7138-1 CITY DEMAND 1.20 682. 00 7186 7187 7188 7139--1 DS 4703) :C1 0. 27 683 .00 7187 71401 ;ANT HCONNE:CT 0. 00 673 . 00 7188 7141-1 IMMED CDOWNST 0. 00 776. 00 7189 7190 7193 7142-1 0. 00 771. 00 7190 7191 7192 7143 1 HYDRANT L-99 0, 00 769. 00 7191 7144-1 0.00 708. 00 7193 7194 71451 0.00 706.. 00 7194 7195 7209 7146-1 0.00 704 .00 7195 7196 7197 7147 1 FS FOUN DEHS 0. 00 702.00 7196 7148-1 0.00 714 .00 7197 7198 7199 7149 1 FS-FOUNDERS 0.00 702.00 7198 7150-1 0. 00 703.00 7199 7200 7201 7151-1 DS-MENNEN HA 0.00 702.00 7200 7152-1 0. 00 702.00 7201 7202 7203 7153-1 HYDRANT L--39 0.00 702.00 7202 7154 1 INTERCONNECT 0«00 701. 00 7203 7204 7205 71551 LSLYON HALL 0. 00 700. 00 7204 71561 0. 00 698. 00 7205 7206 7207 7157 1 HYDRANT L-40 0. 00 699. 00 7206 7158-1 0. 00 69 . 00 7207 7208 7263 71591 0. 00 692. 00 7209 7210 7211 7160-1 FS-BOLDT HAL 0. 00 692. 00 7210 7161-1 0. 00 686. 00 7211 7212 7219 7162-1 0. 00 692. 00 7212 7213 7214 7163-1 DS°-NAN;SN CO d 0. 00 692. 00 7213 7164 1 0. 00 693. 00 7214 7215 7216 7165-1 CDS 3A. ER HAL 0. 00 693. 00 7215 7166-1 0. 00 693. 00 7216 7217 7218 71.67-1 CS-BAKER HAL 0. 00 693 . 00 7217 71681 0. 00 669. 00 7218 7225 7226 71691 0. 00 679. 00 7219 7220 7221 7222 7170-1 S BOLT HAL 0. 00 676. 00 7220 7171 1 FDS BOLFDT HAL 23 . 38 676. 00 7221 7172-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 673 . 00 7222 7223 7173-1 0. 00 673. 00 7223 7224 7225 7174-1 HYDRANT L-57 0. 00 673. 00 7224 7175-1 NEAR CLA S''2 5. 35 667. 00 7226 7227 7228 71.76 1 HYDRANT L-49 0. 00 670. 00 7227' 7177-1 0. 00 668. 00 7228 7229 7230 71.78-1 HYDRANT L-71 0. 00 670. 00 7229 71791 0. 00 668. 00 7230 7231 7234 71.80-1 0. 00 658. 00 7231 7232 7233 7181-1 HYDRANT L70 0. 00 659. 00 7232 7182--1 tDS-CLASS 122 2.84 656. 00 7233 7183--1 0. 00 666. 00 7234 7235 7236 7237 7184-1 FSNDYEpS CE.N 0.00 661 . 00 7235 7185-1 ADS-NOYE;S CE:N 9. 15 661. 00 7236 7186-1 0. 00 665. 00 7237 7238 7241 71.87-1 0. 00 659. 00 7238 7239 7240 7188-1 OS-CLASS 118 5.21 656. 00 7239 7189-1 HYDRANT L-69 0. 00 659. 00 7240 71901 0. 00 670. 00 7241 7242 7247' 7248 71911 0. 00 668 . 00 7242 7243 7244 71.92-1 DS-C SS ' 26 5.82 666. 00 7243 7193-1 0. 00 661. 00 7244 7245 7246 7194°-1 US PHI KAPPA 0..91 656. 00 7245 195-1 DS-DE,LTA 'TAU 11. 58 654 . 00 7246 7196--1 HYDRANT L 64 0. 00 672.00 7247 7197-1 0. 00 677. 00 7248 7249 7255 71981 0. 00 684. 00 7249 7250 7251 7252 7199-1 CS-SPERRY HA 6.53 682. 00 7250 7200 1 HYDRANT L-68 0. 00 684. 00 7251 7201-1 0. 00 684. 00 7252 7253 7254 72021 DS-CLASS 117 6. 17 684 . 00 7253 7203 1 HYDRANT L-67 0. 00 685. 00 7254 7204-1 0.00 676. 00 7255 7256 1263 7205-1 0.00 676. 00 7256 7257 7258 7206-1 DS-PSI EPSIL 1.30 676.00 7257 7207-1 0.00 676.00 7258 7259 7260 7208-1 HYDRANT L-41 0.00 676.00 7259 7209-1 0.00 676.00 7260 7261 7262 7210-1 DS-SIGMA PHI 0.99 676.00 7261 7211-1 FS-SIGMA PHI 0.00 676.00 7262 7212-1 0.00 822.00 .6743 6744 7265 7213-1 FS-URIS HALL 0.00 822.00 7264 7214-1 ACTUALLY CON 0.00 970.00 7266 7215-1 ACTUALLY CON 0.00 970.00 7267 f I I i APPENDIX, 8 U STAT .D G` INPUT DATA I I i P Cy . Version 2. 18 Copyright 1991, 92 Haestad Methods Inc. Run Description: Basi� Network Drawing: CU-STATE STATUS CODE: XX -CLOSED PIP' ; B -BOUNDARY NODE PU -PUMP LINE CV -CHECK VALVE RV -REGULATING VALVE PIPE NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MI14OR LOSS BND-HGL NUMBER 11 #2 "' ) (in) C OEFF. C OEFF. ( ) 1-8 74CJCD 013 . C 12 . 0 �.�.CwC1d1C��,� .�,� C�� C1C�.._ 983 . 00 7404 BN 7402 0 51. 0 14 . 0 60. 00 0.00 1052.00 7405 7402 7403 14 . 0 14 . 0 60. 00 0.00 7406 7403 7404 50. 0 8 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7407 7404 7405 964 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7408 7404 7406 68. 0 8 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7409 7406 7407 22 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7410 7401 7406 424 . 0 . Cps 100. 00 0. 00 7411 7403 7409 892. 0 14. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7412 7409 7410 10. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7413 7411 7410 19. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7415 7411 7412 15. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7415 7411 7413 153 . 0 5.0 100. 00 0. 00 7417 7413 7414 119. 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 7420 7415 7417 89. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 7421 7409 7418 251. 0 14 . 0 60. 00 0. 00 7422 7418 7419 152 . 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 7423 7418 7420 105. 0 14 . 0 60. 00 0.. 0 7424 7420 7421 289. 0 .0 100. 00 0. 00 7425 7421 7422 213 .0 6.0 100. 00 0.0 7426 7421 7423 100. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 7427 7423 7424 83 . 0 2.0 100. 00 0. 00 7428 7423 7425 81. 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7429 7423 7426 49. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 7430 7426 7427 18 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7431 7427 7428 132 . 0 5. 9 100. 00 0.00 7432 7427 7429 10. 0 8 . 0 100. 00 0 . 00 7433 7429 7430 13 . 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7434 7429 7431 15. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7435 7426 7432 157. 0 9. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7435 7432 7433 8. 0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 7437 7432 7434 85. 0 8 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7438 7434 7435 248. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7439 7434 7436 51. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7440 7436 7437 93 .0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7441 7438 7436 54 . 0 4. 100.00 0. 0 7442 7435 7439 53 .0 2. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7443 7439 7440 4 .0 2 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7444 7439 7441 41.0 2. 0 100.00 0. 00 7445 7441 7442 10. 0 2 . 0 100. 00 0.00 7446 7441 7443 694 . 0 2. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7447 7420 7443 60. 0 14 .0 60. 00 0. 00 7448 7443 7444 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7449 7443 7445 300. 0 14 . 0 60. 00 0. 00 7521 7 515 7 516 6. C0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 7522 7515 7517 307 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7523 7517 7518 8 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.000 7524 7517 7519 17. 0 8 . 0 50. 00 00.000 7525 7519 7520 300. 0 8.0 100.00 0. 00 7526 7520 7521 171.0 4. 0 100.00 0.00 7527 7520 7522 47. 00 8. 0 100. 00 00. 0000 7528 7522 7523 13. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.000 7529 7522 7524 42 . 0 8. 0 100., 00 00.0000 75300 7524 7525 73. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 7531 7524 7526 279. 0 6.00 10000. 0000 00.000 7532 7527 7526 17.00 6. 0 100. 00 00.00 7533 7528 7526 66. 0 6.0 100.00 0. 00 7534 7529 7528 85. 0 2. 00 100.100 0. 00 7535 7529 7530 28.0 1.00 100. 00 0.00 7536 7531 7529 295.00 1.0 100. 00 00.000 7537 7532 7512 212. 0 14 . 00 60.00 0.00 7538 7532 7533 193. 0 4 .00 100. 00 0. 00 7539 7534 7532 52.00 14. 00 60.030 03.00 75400 7535 75034 47. 00 8. 0 10300. 0000 0.0107 7541 7535 7536 6. 0 6.0 100., 00 01.0001 7542 7537 7535 163 . 00 6. 0 1000.0 0. 00 7543 7537 7'538 24 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 01.0300 7544 7539 7537 68 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7545 7534 75400 40. 0 14 . 0 600. 0000 00. 000 7546 75400 7541 91. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7547 7542 75400 482 . 00 14 . 0 50. 0000 0.000 7548 7542 7543 1 . 00 8. 0 50. 000 00. 000 7549 7544 7543 268. 00 6.0 500. 000 00.00 75500 7545 7544 143 . 0 6.0 50.00 00.000 7551 7546 7545 317 .00 1. 00 1003. 0 .0000 7552 7545 7547 688. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7553 7548 7547 8.00 6.03 100. 00 0.000 7554 7549 7547 5 . 00 1.3 10000. 0001 00.0 7555 7547 7550 32. 00 2 .5 100. 00 0.00 7556 7551 7550 27 . 0 2.5 100. 0000 0.00 7557 75500 7552 15. 0 2 .5 100. 00 0. 00 7558 7553 7545 62. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 7559 7554 7553 310. 00 4. 00 1000. 0000 00. 0000 75600 7555 7554 267. 00 2. 0 1000. 00 0 . 00 7561 7553 7556 263. 0 4 .0 100. 00 0. 00 7562 7543 7557 1200.00 8. 0 50. 00 . 00 7563 7557 7558 66. 0 4 . 0 1000. 0000 0.00 7564 7557 7559 83 . 0 8 . 0 50. 00 00.000 7565 7559 75600 14. 00 6. 0 1000. 0 0.00 7566 7559 7561 85. 0 8.00 50. 00 0. 00 7567 7561 7562 140.0 6. 0 50. 00 0.00 7568 7562 7563 98.00 6. 0 100. 00 03.000 7569 7562 7564 130. 0 6.00 50. 00 00.00 75700 7564 7565 33. 0 4. 00 10000. 0003 0 . 000 7571 7564 7566 54 . 0 6. 0 50. 00 00.00 7572 7567 7566 300. 00 6. 00 10000. 0000 00.000 757'3 7566 7568 2003 .00 6.0 500. 0000 00.0000 7574 7568 7569 8.0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7575 7568 75700 321. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7576 7519 7'570 1900. 0 8. 00 50. 00 0.00 7577 7570 7571 39. 00 8.0 50 .00 0.000 7578 7571 7572 20. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7579 7571 7573 62.0 8.00 50. 00 0. 0000 7580 7573 7574 14.00 6.0 100. 00 0. 0000 7581 7575 7573 217.00 8. 0 50. 00 0.00 7582 7575 7576 76. 0 8.00 500.0000 00.0000 7583 7576 7577 13 .0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7584 7576 7578 423 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7585 7578 7'579 119.0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 0000 7586 7579 75800 77. 00 6.00 1000. 0000 0.0000 7587 7579 7581 1600. 00 8.00 50. 0000 0.0000 7588 7581 7582 12. 00 6. 0 10000.. 000 0. 0000 7589 7581 7583 179 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0.0000 75900 7584 7583 93. 0 4 .0 100. 00 0. 00 7591 7584 7585 6.00 4. 00 1000. 000 00. 000 92 7583 7561 1 .. 0 8. 0 510. 00 0.00 7593 7586 7542 41.5. 0 14. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7594 7586 7587 9. 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 0 7'595 7588 7586 26.0 14 . 0 50. 00 0. 00 7596 7588 7589 48. 0 2 . 0 100.00 0.00 7597 7590 7588 86. 0 14.0 50. 00 0.00 7598 7590 7591 31. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7599 7592 7590 122 .0 14. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7600 7592 7593 39. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7601 7594 7592 60. 0 14 .0 50.00 0.00 7602 7594 7595 143 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7603 7595 7596 85. 0 1.3 100. 00 . 0 7604 7595 7597 16. 0 1.3 100. 00 0.00 7605 7598 7595 7.0 6. 0 100.00 0. 0 7606 7598 7599 20. 0 6.0 100.00 0. 00 7607 7600 7598 79.0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7608 7601 7600 221. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7609 7602 7600 34 .0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7610 7602 7603 29. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7611 7603 7604 19. 0 3.0 100.00 0.00 7612 7603 7605 42 .0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7613 7606 7602 213 . 0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7614 7600 7607 102 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7615 7607 7608 9. 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 00 761.6 7607 7609 56. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 761.7 7609 7610 37 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7618 7609 7611 30. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7619 7612 7611 21. 0 2 .0 100. 00 0. 00 7620 761.3 7594 107 . 0 14 . 0 50.00 0. 00 7621 7613 7614 8. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 0 7622 7615 7613 283 .0 14. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7623 7616 7615 24 . 0 8. 0 100. 00 0.00 7624 7617 7616 1138. 0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7625 7617 7618 5. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7626 7619 7617 35.0 8. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7627 7620 7619 35. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7626 7619 7621 49. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7629 7622 7615 52. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 7630 7622 7623 17 .0 6. 0 100. 00 . 0 7631 7622 7624 20. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7632 7625 7622 97 . 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 7633 7625 7626 66. 0 4. 0 120. 00 . 3 7634 7627 7625 20.0 12.0 120. 00 0.00 7635 7'628 7627 22. 0 6.0 120. 00 0.00 7636 7629 7627 171. 0 12. 0 120. 00 0.,00 7637 7630 7629 52 . 0 6. 0 120. 0.00 7638 7631 7629 48 .0 6.0 120. 00 0.00 7639 7629 7632 107.0 10. 0 40. . 0 7640 7632 7633 61. 0 8. 0 120. 00 0. 00 7641 7633 7634 20. 0 6.0 120.00 0.00 7642 7633 7635 23 . 0 4 .0 120.00 0. 00 7643 7633 7636 370.0 8.0 120.00 0.00 7644 7637 7636 322. 0 8 . 0 40. 00 0.00 7645 7637 7638 42 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7646 7639 7637 212 . 0 6.0 40. 00 0. 0 7647 7639 7640 66. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7648 7641 7639 53 .0 6.0 40. 00 0.00 7649 7641 7642 11. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7650 7643 7641 15.0 6. 0 40. 00 0. 00 7651 7615 7644 42.0 12. 0 120. 00 0. 00 7652 7644 7645 13 . 0 6. 0 120. 00 0. 0 7653 7644 7646 546.0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 7654 7647 7646 27.0 12. 0 120. 00 0.00 7655 7647 7648 6. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7656 7649 7647 315.0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 7657 7649 7650 117 .0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7658 7650 7651 16 .0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7659 7650 7652 197 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 0 7660 7649 7653 161. 0 12 . 0 120. 00 0. 00 7661 7654 7653 5.0 6. 0 120. 00 0. 00 7662 7653 7655 165.0 12 . 0 120. 00 0.00 7663 7656 7655 8. 0 6. 0 120. 00 0.00 7664 7655 7657 37.0 12. 0 120.00 0.00 7665 7657 7658 111. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7666 7659 7657 113 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0.00 7667 7660 7649 144. 0 12.0 120. 00 0.00 7668 7661 7660 6. 0 6. 0 120. 00 0.00 7669 7660 7662 22. 0 12.0 120. 00 0.00 7670 7663 7662 303 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7671 7663 7664 13. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7672 7664 7665 214 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7673 7666 7664 248.0 6. 0 40. 00 0.00 7674 7666 7667 146.0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7675 7668 7666 21.8. 0 6. 0 40. 00 0. 00 7676 7668 7669 31.0 6. 0 100.00 0.00 7677 7670 7668 10 . 0 6.0 40. 00 0.00 7678 7670 7671 2 .0 1. 0 1.00.00 0.00 7679 7672 7670 24 . 0 6. 0 40. 00 0. 00 7680 7672 7673 12 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7681 7674 7672 176.0 6.0 100.00 0.00 7682 7675 7663 4 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7683 7675 7657 153.0 12. 0 40.00 0.00 7684 7676 7675 58 . 0 8.0 50.00 0.00 7685 7677 7676 18 . 0 6.0 50. 00 0.00 7686 7677 7678 1 . 0 6.0 40.00 0. 00 7687 7678 7679 27 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7688 7678 7680 173 . 0 6. 0 40. 00 0.00 7689 7680 7681 7 . 0 6. 0 1.00. 00 0.00 760 7680 7682 154 . 0 6. 0 40. 00 0. 00 7691 7682 7'683 53 .0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 762 7682 7684 21. 0 6.0 40. 00 0. 00 7683 7684 7685 39. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 764 7684 7643 37 . 0 6.0 40. 00 0.00 765 7686 7643 77 .0 12.0 120. 00 0. 00 7656 7687 7686 68. 0 6.0 100.00 0. 00 767 7660 7686 117 . 0 12.0 120. 00 0. 00 7658 7643 7688 83 .0 6.0 40. 00 0. 00 7699 7688 7689 18. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7700 7688 7690 255. 0 6. 0 40. 00 0. 00 7701 760 7601 13 .0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7702 760 7682 215. 0 6.0 40.00 0. 00 7703 762 7683 23 . 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7704 7653 764 7. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7705 763 765 10. 0 4.0 100.00 0.00 7706 7652 7686 99. 0 6. 0 40. 00 0.00 7707 766 7687 28. 0 6. 0 40. 00 0.00 7708 767' 768 27. 0 6.0 100. 00 0. 00 7709 7697 7677 258 . 0 6.0 40. 00 0.00 7710 7541 7699 838. 0 10.0 50.00 7. 00 7711 7700 7699 198. 0 2.0 100.00 0.00 7712 7699 7701 62. 0 10.0 50. 00 0. 00 7713 7701 7702 22 . 0 10.0 50.00 0.00 7714 7703 7702 1 . 0 6..0 100. 00 0.00 7715 7702 7'704 232 .0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 7716 7705 7704 156. 0 6.0 50. 00 0.00 7717 7705 7706 107 . 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7718 7706 7707 10. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7719 7706 7708 21.7.0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7720 7704 7709 556. 0 8. 0 50.00 0. 00 7721 7710 7709 9.0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7722 7709 7711 14 . 0 8 .0 50. 00 0. 00 7723 7711 7705 70 .0 6. 0 50. 00 0.00 7724 7711 7712 311. 0 10.0 50.00 0.00 7725 7712 7713 321.0 6.0 50.00 0.00 7726 7713 7714 16. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0.00 7727 7715 7712 76. 0 8. 0 50.00 0.00 7728 7716 7715 16. 0 6.0 100.00 0. 00 7729 7717 7715 127 . 0 8. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7730 7713 7'717 416. 0 6. 0 50. 00 0. 00 7731 771.8 7717 302. 0 10. 0 50. 00 0.00 7732 7715 7718 518. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0.00 7733 7719 7720 3 . 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7734 7721 7720 306. 0 6. 0 100. 00 . 00 7735 7722 7721 21. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7736 7722 7723 224 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7737 7722 7724 189. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7738 7725 7721 139. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7739 7725 7726 5. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7740 7727 7725 14. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7741 7727 7728 220. 0 2. 0 120. 00 0.00 7742 7729 7728 33 . 0 0.8 120. 00 0. 00 7743 7728 7730 15. 0 2. 0 120. 00 0. 00 7744 7720 7731 43 . 0 10. 0 60. 00 0.00 7745 7732 7731 15. 0 8.0 60.00 0. 0 7746 7731 7733 1.1.3. 0 10.0 60. 00 0. 00 7747 7734 771.9 132 . 0 6.0 60. 00 0.00 7748 7733 7734 42. 0 8. 0 120.00 0. 00 7749 7735 7734 87. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7750 7735 7736 27 . 0 4.0 60. 00 0.00 7751 7736 7737 180. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7752 7735 7738 11. 0 6. 0 60.00 0.00 7763 7738 7739 27.0 6. 0 60.00 60.00 7754 7739 7736 10. 0 4. 0 60. 00 0.00 7755 7740 7738 508. 0 6.0 60. 00 0.00 7756 7740 7741 18. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7757 7742 7740 29. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0.0 7758 7742 7743 24 . 0 4 . 0 60. 00 0. 00 7759 7744 7742 31 . 0 6. 0 60. 00 60. 00 7760 7744 7743 8. 0 4. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7761 7743 7745 240. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7762 7745 7746 123 . 0 0.8 100. 00 0. 00 7763 7745 7747 70.0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7764 7748 7744 85. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7765 7749 7748 210. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7766 7750 7748 179.0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7767 7750 7751 390.0 6.0 60. 00 0. 00 7768 7752 7751 191. 0 4.0 100. 00 0. 00, 7769-- X 7751 7753 101. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7770 7754 7750 168. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0.00 7771 7755 7754 7. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7772 7756 7754 110. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7773 7757 7756 53 . 0 4 . 0 100. 00 . p 7774 7756 7758 282 . 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7775 7759 7758 18. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7776 7758 7761 167. 4 6. 0 60. 00 0.00 7777 XX 7760 7761 100. 0 6.0 60. 00 0. 010 7778-XX 7762 7756 105. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7779 7763 7762 158. 0 6.0 60. 00 0.00 7780 7763 7764 224. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7781 7763 7765 616. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7782 7765 7766 229. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 7783 7767 7766 29. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0.00 7784 7766 7768 332. 0 0.8 100. 00 0. 00 7785 7765 7769 212. 0 6.0 60. 00 0.00 7786 7769 7770 226. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 0 7787 7770 7771 17. 0 4 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7788 7772 7770 39. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7789 7761 7769 13 .,0 6.0 60. 00 0. 00 7790 7761 7773 61. 0 6.0 60. 00 0. 00 7791 7774 7773 61. 0 1. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7792 7773 7775 36. 0 6.0 60. 00 0. 00 7793 7775 7776 9. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7794 7775 7777 21 . 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7795 7778 7777 61. 0 1 . 0 100. 00 0.00 7796 7777 7779 49.0 6.0 60. 00 0. 0 7797 7780 7779 62. 0 1.0 100. 00 0. 00 7798 7779 7753 49. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7799 7753 7781 248. 0 4. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7800 7753 7739 289. 0 6. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7801 7733 7782 39„ 0 10. 0 60. €0 0. 00 802 7782 7783 7.0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7803 7784 7782 228 . 0 1. 5 100. 00 0. 00 7804 7782 7785 76. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 0 00 09 O*CST 'Z9'T 998L V98L 9L8L 00 *0 00,09 O *CST 0 *6f T V98L Z98L CLOL 00 *0 CSC*OOT 0 *9 0*8 ZSBL CSSL ZL8L 00 *0 00*OOT o * 0 *89 Q BL T98L 0L8L . 00* 9 t `CST O*L.L 0 8L ML 698L 00 * 0*OOT "9 0"8 8 8L 6 8L 898L 00*0 *09 O*OT O*LZZ 8b8L 9VSL L98L 00*0 00*OOT 0 *9 O* V6 9VSL LVSL 998L 0 « 0 `09 O *OT O`TL 9VSL VV8L 998L 0 *0 0 "CHIT " 9 VVSL SVOL IP98L 0010 00 ,09 O`OT O . LZT V 8L Z BL Cw984 00 *0 CSC) `OOT 019 O *9TZ ZV8L CV8L Z984 C 0*0 CSC *09 O*OT O *T'T Zb8L OV8L T984 C 0*0 C)C) `OOT 0 *9 O* T OV8L T 8L C 98L 00*0 00*09 O *OT O* ZVT 988L 6 8L 898L 0010 00*OOT 0*9 0*99 8 8L 9C8L L 8L 0010 00*O }T 0*9 C)" Z 9 8L. 9C8L 998L 00 ` CCU*OOT o ` Ztr CC8L VC8L C98L C 0 *0 00 *09 O*OT *96 C) 8L ZC:8L T98L 00*0 CSC '00T 0*9 0*8 T88L OC8L 0984 0* C 0*09 C "CST O* L6T 8Z8L o 8L 6 8L 00* C 0*OZT * 8 0*69T SUL 6Z8L 8' 8L 00* 00* 9 O*CST 0 *66 9Z8L 8Z8L L' BL 0010 00 *OOT 0 *9 O "ZT LZBL 9Z8L 9 8L 00 `0 00 `OOT 0*9 o* z8c 9Z8L VZ8L VVSL CSC *0 00 , 09,09 O*OT O*TT9 ZZBL VZ84 CV8L C 0*0 CSC. *OOT 0*9 0*6 ZZBL CZSL Z68L C 0*0 C 0*09 O*OT 0 *96T TZBL ZZ8L T BL 0*0 CCU "LICIT Olt O "T6 6TBL OZBL 6 BL C 0 *06 C 0*09 o*oT 0 *9T 8T8L 6T 8L ML 0010 00 ,09 C. *OT O ' TZ 9T8L 8T8L L88L 0010 00 ,09 09 0*8 0 *8 T 9T8L LT8L 9 8L 00 *0 00 ,09,09 0 *8 O*OLZ VTSL 9T8L GC8L CSC * C)C 'OOT 0 *9 0 *8 VTBL 9T8L VC8L 00 * C 0*09 0*8 O* CT TT8L VT8L CC8L 00*0 00 `09 Ole O `T Z T'T8L Z'T8L T BL 00*C 00*OOT 0 *9 O `L 808L 608L 8Z8L C 0*0 CSC*09 *OT O*t,9 808L 9084 LZBL 0*C 00*OOT 0*9 O 'ZZT 908L LOOL 9Z8L 00*0 CSC *09 O*OT O*coz 908L 908L SZBL CSC)" 00 `OOT 0*9 0*8 COSL V08L cZBL 00* CSC*09 O*OT 0*66 8C18L TOOL ZZ8L C 0*0 CSC *OOT O*Z 0 *8 8 TOBL Z08L TZBL 00* C 0*09 O* T 0 "8t, T08L 86LL OZBL 00*0 CCU`OOT o" Z Olocz 86LL 66LL 8T8L 0010 10 CSC*09 O*OT O*L9 86LL 96LL LTBL 0010 00 *OOT 0 *9 O*OL L6LL 96LL 9T8L 00* CSC*09 `OT O*T9 96LL C6LL 9T8L CSC * t 0*OOT O*Z 0 *89T 96LL C6LL VTBL. 001 CSC*OOT o*Z 0 * 6ZZ C6LL V6LL CTSL 00* 00 *09 O *CST O * ZT C6LL 06LL ZT8L t 0*0 CSC*OOT O* Z 0*89T Z6LL 06LL TT BL 00* CSC *OOT Q'Z o*OT?Z 06LL 16LL OT8L C 0 *0 C 0 *09 O *OT C!'98 06LL 88LL 608L C 0*0 00 *OOT 0 *9 101V 68LL 88L L 808L CSC). CSC)`09 O 'OT 0 *6L 88LL 98LL L08L CSC) ' 00 *OOT o ` Z O "L9T 98LL L8LL 908L 876 7857 7856 31. 0 6. 0 100. 00 0. 00 7877 7856 7858 276. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7878 7859 7858 97. 0 6.0 100. 00 0.00 7879 7860 7859 58. 0 3 . 0 100. 00 0. 00 7880 7861 7859 37. 0 3. 0 100. 00 CD.OO 7881 7862 7861 19.0 6. 0 100.00 0. 00 7882 7863 7861 67.0 3. 0 100. 00 0.00 7883 7863 7864 21 . 0 3 .0 100. 00 CD.00 7884 7865 7863 35. 0 3 . 0 100. 00 CD. CDC) 7885 7858 7810 172.0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7886 7810 7839 66. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7887 7866 7839 147 . 0 10. 0 60. 00 CD. 0 7888 7866 7867 20. 0 6. 0 100. 00 CD. CDC) 7889 7821 7866 1.72. 0 10. 0 60. 00 0. 00 7890 7868 7665 33. 0 4. 0 100. 00 CD. O 7891 7805 7869 79.0 10. 0 60.00 0. 00 PHNP DA '' A FH8 I8 A PUMP IN LINE 7400 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOW TB ( ' ) (gP ) 121. 00 0. 00 90. 00 700. 00 57. 00 900.00 THERE IS A PUMP IN LINE 7401 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA.- HEAD FLO TDB ( t) (gP ) 121. 00 0.00 90. 00 700. 00 57 . 00 900. 00 THERE I8 A PUMP IN LINE: 7402 DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING DATA: HEAD FLOW RATE ( t) (gp ) 121. 00 0. 80 90. 00 700. 00 57. 00 900. 00 J U N C T I O N N O DJ F D9 A T A JUNCTION JUNCTION EXTERNAL JUNCTION NUMBER TITLE DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES ( P ) ( ) 7400-1 FP~UCTION CD. 00 968. 00 1� 7400 7401 7402 � 7401-1 EPS-D ISC ARG 0. 00 968. 00 7400 7401 7402 7403 7402-1 0. 00 966.00 7403 7404 7405 7403-1 0.00 966.00 7405 7406 7411 7404-1 0. 00 967 . 00 7406 7407 7408 7405-1 HYD1 H~103 (N 1. 54 886. 00 7407 7406-1 CD. CDC► 968.00 7408 7'409 7410 7407-1 HYDRANT H-51 0. 00 968. 00 7409 7408-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 954. 00 7410 7409-1 0. 00 948. 00 7411 7412 7421 7410-1 0.00 949. 00 7412 7413 7414 7411 1 CD. 00 948. 00 7413 7414 741.5 7416 7412-1 HYDRANT H-21 0. 00 948.00 7415 7413-1 0. 00 942.00 7416 7417 7418 741.4-1 DS-GUTERMAN 12.23 942 . 00 7417 7415 1 0. 00 942.00 7418 7419 742 7416-1 DS~GUTERMAN CD.OO 942 . 00 7419 7417-1 DS-GUTERMAN 0. 00 945.00 7420 7418 1 0. 00 947 . 0 7421 7422 7423 7419-1 D�S-PLANT HHH 0. 00 951. 00 7422 7420-1 0. 00 941. 00 7423 7424 7447 7421-1 0. 00 946. 00 7424 7425 7426 7422 1 HYDRANT H 66 0. 00 946. 00 7425 7423-1 0. 00 943 .00 7426 7427 7428 7429 7424 1 TES LOVE LAB 0. 00 945.00 7427 7425 1 FS..L VE LAB 0. 00 943 . 00 7428 7426-1 0. 00 942. 00 7429 7430 7435 7427-1 0.00 941. 00 7430 7431 7432 7428 1 HYDRANT H 67 0. 00 943.00 7431. 7429 1 0. 00 941. 00 7432 7433 7434 7430 -1 DS LLLAHI3 LA 0. 00 940.00 7433 7431-1 FS-LELAND LA 0. 00 940. 00 7434 7432° 1 0. 00 941. 00 7435 7436 7437' 7433 1 HYDRANT H-69 0. 00 940. 00 7436 7434 1 0. 00 940. 00 7437 7438 7439 7435 1 HYDRANT H 68 0. 00 940. 00 7438 7436 1 0. 00 941. 0 7439 7440 7441 7442 7437 1 HYDRANT H-71 0. 00 940..00 7440 7438-1 FS-MUENSCHER 0. 00 936. 00 7441 7439 1 0.00 936.00 7442 7443 7444 7440^ 1 DS-MUENSCHER 0. 00 936. 00 7443 7441° 1 0. 00 936. 00 7444 7445 7445 7442-1 DS-MUENSCHER 0. 00 936. 00 7445 7443 1 0. 00 940. 00 7446 7447 7445 7449 7444-1 HYDRANT H 11 0. 00 940. 00 7448 7445 1 0. 00 931. 00 7449 7450 7459 744 -1 0. 00 931. 00 7450 7451 745 7447-1 0.00 934 . 00 7451 7452 7453 7448-1 dS POULTRY" L 0. 00 936. 00 7452 7449 1 0. 00 936. 00 7453 7454 7455 7450-1 DS-POULTRY L 0. 00 936. 00 7454 7451-1 HYDRANT H 24 0. 00 938. 00 7455 7452 1 0. 00 931. 00 7456 7457 7458 7453-1 DS-COMMUNITY 0.00 931. 00 7457 7454 1 HYDRANT H-28 0. 00 931 . 00 7458 7455 1 0. 00 930. 00 7459 7460 7490 7456 1 0. 00 929. 00 7460 7461 7464 7457 1 0. 00 930.00 7461 7462 7463 7458 1 FS-CTR FOR H 0. 00 929. 00 7462 7459 1 S C TR FOR H 0. 00 929. 00 7463 7460-1 0. 00 928..00 7464 7465 7466 7461-1 DS °HA H: A 0. 00 928.00 7465 7462 1 0. 00 928 . 00 7466 7457 7468 7463 1 HYDRANT H 34 0. 00 927 .00 7467 7464-1 0.00 928. 00 7468 7469 7470 7465-1 i S-H ' 0. 00 928. 00 7469 7466 1 0. 00 926. 00 7470 7471 7472 7467 1 DS°-B O*L . C3C) 926.007471 7468 1 0.00 926. 00 7472 7473 7474 7469 1 dS BA N:PA 0. 00 926.00 7473 7470 1 0. 00 926. 00 7474 7475 7479 7471 1 0.00 926.00 7475 7476 7477 7478 7472-1 S-LC1 ANIMAL 0.00 926. 00 7'47 7473 1 DS-LG ANIMAL 0. 00 926. 00 7477 7474-1 HYDRANT H-71 0.00 924. 00 7478 7475-1 0. 00 924 . 00 7479 7480 7481. 7476-1 HYDRANT H-36 0.00 924.00 7480 7477 1 NE SIDE S H"C 0. 00 917. 00 7481 7482 7483 7484 7478-1 S-BASIC SCI 0. 00 916.00 7482 7479 1 dS BAS1:Cw S T 0.00 916. 00 7483 7480 1 SW SIDE S HU 0.00 914 .00 7484 7485 7486 7487 7481 1 DS-SCHURMAN 0. 00 915.00 7485 7482 1 FS-SCHURMAN 0. 00 915. 00 7486 7483-1 0.00 91.4 .00 7487 7488 7489 7484-1 HYDRANT H-37 0. 00 914. 00 7488 7485-1 NEAR VET PL'S 49.31 912 .00 7489 7497 7498 7486-1 0. 00 932. 00 7490 7491 7492 7487 1 HYDRANT H 11 0. 00 932. 00 7491 7498 1 0.00 924 . 00 7492 7493 7494 7 9_1 DS-LG ANIMAL 0. 00 924 . 00 7493 7490-1 0. 00 922. 00 7494 7495 7496 7491-1 HYDRANT H 11 0.00 922. 00 7495 7492-1 INTERCONNECT ONNEC:' 0. 00 919. 00 7496 7497 7493-1 0. 00 918 . 00 7495 7499 7500 7494 1. HYDRANT r 0. 00 920. 00 7499 7495 1 0. 00 916. 00 7500 7501 7502 7496 1 HYDRANT H-36 0. 00 916.00 75 1 7497 1 0. 00 914. 00 7502 7503 7504 7505 7500 1 0.00 914. 00 7505 7506 7507 7 01 1 DS-FED NUTRI 0. 00 913 .00 7506 7502 1 0. 00 909.00 7507 7508 7509 75 3-1 CAS-TOXIC CH « 1.. 11 909. 00 750 75 5 1 0.00 913 . 00 7510 7511 7512 7510 1 0. 00 906. 00 7515 7516 7517 7511 1 D5- EN POST 4.38 907 .00 7516 7512-1 0. 00 905. 00 7517 7518 7537 7513-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 906. 00 7518 7519 7520 7515 1 0. 00 909.00 7520 7521 7522 7517-1 0. 00 900. 00 7522 7523 7524 7519--1 0. 00 899. 00 7524 7525 7576 7520-1 0. 00 906.00 7525 7526 7527 7521 1 DS -RUMIN NT 0. 00 916.00 7526 7522 1 0. 00 905. 00 7527 7528 7529 7523-1 HYDRANT H 76 0.00 905. 00 752 7524-1 0. 00 905. 00 7529 7530 7531 7525 1 5° CW 11 (5 1.2.44 912.00 753 7526-1 0. 00 914. 00 7531 7532 7533 7527 1 HYDRANT H 10 0.00 913.00 7532 752 -1 0.00 915.00 7533 7534 7529 1 0. 00 917.00 7534 7535 7536 7530-1 CMS-TEACH & H 0.00 920.00 7535 7532 1 0.00 900. 00 7537 7538 7539 7533 1 D5-INSECTARY 9.26 906.00 753 7534 1 0. 00 899. 00 7539 7540 7545 7535-1 0. 00 900. 00 7540 7541 7542 7537-1 0. 00 897 . 00 7542 7543 7544 7540 1 0.00 898. 00 7545 7546 7547 7541-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 900. 00 7546 7710 7542-1 0. 00 889 . 00 7547 7548 7593 7543-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 889. 00 7548 7549 7562 7544-1 0.00 933 . 00 7'549 7550 7547-1 0. 00 911. 00 7552 7553 7554 7555 7548-1 HYDRANT H 30 0. 00 912 . 0 7'553 7549-1 5P5- `LCYHICULT" 0.00 914. 00 7'5�54 7550-1 0. 00 912 . 00 7555 7556 7557 7555-1 DS-FIELDHOUS 0.00 842.00 7560 7556-1 NEAR PLANT 5 0.21 936. 00 7561 7557 1 0.00 888. 00 7562 7563 7564 7559 1 0. 00 90. 00 7564 7565 7566 7560 1 HYDRANT H-26 0. 00 890. 00 7565 7561 1 0. 00 890. 00 7566 7567 7592 7562 1 0. 00 892 . 00 7567 7568 7569 7563 1 DS WINC3 HALL 4 .73 893. 00 7568 7564 1 0. 00 893 . 00 7569 757'0 7571 7565-1 aS-LIVESTOCK 0. 00 893. 00 7570 7566 1 0. 00 893. 00 7571 7572 7573 7567 1 FS-STOCKING 0. 00 893 . 00 7572 7568-1 0.00 900. 00 7573 7574 7575 7569 1 HYDRANT H 29 0.00 900. 00 7574 7570 1 0.. 00 896. 00 7575 7576 7577 7571 1 0.00 893 .00 7577 7578 7579 7572-1 S-STATUTORY 0. 00 890. 00 7578 7573-1 0. 00 890. 00 7579 7580 7581 7574 1 HYDRANT H 11 0. 00 890. 00 7580 7575-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 888.00 7581 7582 7576-1 0..00 884 . 00 7582 7583 7584 7577-1 HYDRANT H-46 0.00 884 . 00 7583 7578 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 884 . 00 7584 7585 7579 1 0. 00 889. 00 7585 7586 7587 7580 1 DS RILRY ROB 3.50 890. 00 7586 7581-1 0.00 890. 00 7587 7588 7589 7582 1 HYDRANT H-27 0.00 890. 00 7588 7583-1 0. 00 890. 00 7589 7590 7592 7584 1 0. 00 893 . 00 7590 7591 7585^-1 DS-WINCE HALL 0. 00 893 . 00 7591 7586-1 0. 00 886. 00 7593 7594 7595 7587-1 HYDRANT H 39 0. 00 886. 00 7594 7588-1 0. 00 886.00 7595 7596 7597 7589 1 DS-RICE HALL 0. 00 887. 00 7596 7590-°1 0. 00 886.00 7597 7598 7599 7591_1 ; S-RICR HALL 0. 00 886.00 7598 7592-1 0. 00 885. 00 7599 7600 7601 7593-1 DS-RICE HALL 0. 00 886.00 7600 7594-1 0. 00 885.00 7601 7602 7620 7595-1 0. 00 886. 00 7602 7603 7604 7605 7597-1 DS RC3 "LTRY H 0. 00 886.00 7604 7598-1 0..00 886.00 7605 7606 7607 7599 1 FS POULTRY H 0. 00 885.00 7606 7600 1 0. 00 885.00 7607 7608 7609 7614 7601-1 DS-STATUTORY 0. 00 852.00 7608 7602 1 0. 00 885. 00 7609 7610 7613 7603 1 0. 00 885. 00 7610 7611 7612 7604-1 DS--HR "CKNER 0. 00 885. 00 7611 7605 1 HYDRANT H-43 0. 00 884 . 00 7612 76 6 1 HYDRANT H-44 0. 00„ 886. 00 7613 7607-1 0. 00 899.00 7614 7615 7616 7608 1 HYDRANT H-22 0. 00 899. 00 761.5 7609-1 0. 00 901 .00 7616 7617 7618 7610-1 FS-FERNOW HA 0. 00 901. 00 7617 7611-1 0. 00 901.00 7618 7619 7612-1 DS-FERNOW HA 0. 00 901.00 7619 7613--1 0. 00 885. 00 7620 7621 7622 7614-1 HYDRANT H 41 0.00 885. 00 7621 7615 1 0.00 884 .00 7622 7623 7629 7651 7616-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 884. 00 7623 7624 7617-1 0. 00 857. 00 7624 7625 7626 7618 1 HYDRANT H-10 0. 00 857.00 7625 7619-1 0. 00 857.00 7626 7627 7628 7620-1 FS-COMSTOCK 0. 00 857.00 7627 7621-1 AS COMSTOCK 2 .05 857. 00 7628 7622 1 0. 00 886. 00 7629 7630 7631 7632 7623-1 DS-BRADFIELD 14. 38 886. 00 763 7624-1 DS-BRADFIELD 0. 00 886. 00 7631 7625-1 0. 00 890. 00 7632 7633 7634 7626-1 IDS-PLANT SCI 12.70 890. 00 7633 7627 1 0. 00 890. 00 7634 7635 7636 7628-1 HYDRANT H-11 0. 00 890. 00 7635 7629-1 0. 00 889. 00 7636 7637 7638 7639 7'630 1 DS-PLANT SCI 0. 00 889. 00 7637 7631-1 FS-PLANT 5"CI 0. 00 889. 00 7638 7632 1 NEAR EMERSON0.44 890. 00 7639 7640 7633--1 0. 00 891 . 00 7640 7641 7642 7643 7634-1 FS-KANN LIDR 0. 00 890. 00 7641 7635-1 D35 R LID3R 5.54 890. 00 7642 76361 0. 00 873 .00 7643 7644 7637"`"1 0.00 873 . 00 7644 7645 7646 7638-1 HYDRANT H-6 0.00 878 .00 7645 76391 0.00 883 .00 7646 7647 7648 7640-1 FS-WARREN HA 0. 00 881 . 00 7647 7641-1 0. 00 876. 00 7648 7649 7650 7642-1 HYDRANT H-7 0.00 875. 00 7649 76431 0. 00 876.00 7650 7694 7695 7698 76441 0. 00 884 .00 7651 7652 7653 7646-1 HYDRANT G-40 0. 00 885.00 7652 7646-1 INTERCONNECT 0.00 874 . 00 7653 7654 7647 1 0. 00 874.00 7654 7655 7656 7648 1 HYDRANT H-19 0.00 874. 00 7655 7649-1 0. 00 884 .00 7656 7657 7660 7667 7650-1 0. 00 885.00 7657 7658 7659 76511 HYDRANT H13 0.00 885. 00 7658 765; -1 HYDRANT H9 0. 00 887.00 7659 7653' 1 0. 00 882. 00 7660 7661 7662 76541 HYDRANT H4 0. 00 882 . 00 7661 7655-1 0. 00 880. 00 7662 7663 7664 7656-1 HYDRANT H-11 0. 00 880. 00 7663 7657-1 0. 00 880.00 7664 7665 7666 7683 7658-1 FH° RRDk NEDY H 0. 00 878. 00 7665 7659-1 D S -RRHHRDJY H 3 .02 878. 00 7666 7660-1 0. 00 884 . 00 7667 7668 7669 7697 7661-1 HYDRANT ;H 11 0.00 884 . 00 7668 7662-1 0. 00 884 .00 7669 7670 7663-1 0.00 883 . 00 7670 7671 7682 7664-1 0.00 883 . 00 7671 7672 7673 7665-1 0. 00 884 . 00 7672 7890 7666-1 0.00 873 . 00 7673 7674 7675 7667-1 Da-ROBERTS H 1.28 874. 00 7674 7668-1 0.00 874 . 00 7675 7676 7677 7669-1 "5BAILEY HA 0. 00 874. 00 7676 7670-1 0.00 871.00 7677 7678 7679 7671-1 Da--BAILEY HA 0.82 874 .00 7678 7672-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 870. 00 7679 7680 7681 7673-1 HYDRANT' H1 0. 00 871.00 7680 7674 1 D36-SAVAGE HA 4 .90 873 .00 7681 76751 0. 00 881. 00 7682 7683 7684 7676 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00„ 876. 00 7684 7685 7677-1 0.00 875. 00 7685 7686 7709 7678-1 0. 00 875. 00 7686 7687 7688 76'79-1 HYDRANT H2 0. 00 876. 00 7687 7680-1 0. 00 876.00 7688 7689 7690 7681-1 HYDRANT H8 0. 00 876. 00 7689 7682-1 0. 00 876. 00 7690 7691 7692 7683 1 8-CALD WELL 0.00 883 . 00 7691 7684-1 0. 00 876. 00 7692 7693 7694 7685-1 D S- RFN«98Dw; 0. 00 874 . 00 7693 7686-1 0. 00 882. 00 7695 7696 7697 7687 1 DS-WARREN HA 1.71 881.00 7696 7688--1 0. 00 868. 00 7698 7699 7700 7689-1 D38 RRt BH 11 . 13 868. 00 7699 7690-1 0. 00 856. 00 7700 7701 7702 76911 HYDRANT H-5 0. 00 854 . 00 7701 7692-1 0. 00 852. 00 7702 7703 7706 7693-1 0. 00 853. 00 7703 7704 7705 7694-1 FS-MV RENSSE 0.00 853 . 00 7704 7695-1 Da-DS-MV RRH88R 10. 12 853 . 00 7705 7696-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 853 .00 7706 7707 7697-1 0.00 854. 00 7707 7708 7709 7698-1 HYDRANT H-3 0. 00 855. 00 7708 76991 0. 00 848. 00 7710 7711 7712 7700 1 D3S-FOREST HO 0. 24 831.00 7711 7701 °1 CU-TO RN BOUT 0. 00 846.00 7712 7713 7702 -1 t . 00 846. 00 771 7714 7715 7703-1 HYDRANT FH-1 0. 00 846. 00 7714 7704-1 TOWN DEMAND 1. 05 845. 00 7715 7716 7720 7705-1 0. 00 834 . 00 7716 7717 7723 7706-1 TOWN DEMAND 0. 71 827.00 7717 7718 7719 7707-1 HYDRANT FH-2 0. 00 827 . 00 7718 7708-1 TOWN DEMAND 0.48 815. 00 7719 7709-1 0. 00 851. 00 7720 7721 7722 7710-1 HYDRANT F"H-3 0. 00 851. 00 7721 7711-1 TOWN DEMAND 0.99 851.00 7722 7723 7724 7712-1 0. 00 835.00 7724 7725 7727 771.3-1 TOWN DEMAND 1. 38 828.00 7725 7726 7730 7714-1 HYDRANT FH-4 0. 00 826. 00 7726 7715-1 TOWN DEMAND 0.73 835.00 7727 7728 7729 7716 1 HYDRANT FH-5 0. 00 835.00 7728 7717-1 0. 00 828. 00 7729 7730 7731 7718-1 U-TOWN -- IN 0. 00 835. 00 7731 7732 77191 0. 00 91.1. 00 7732 7733 7747 7720-1 0.. 00 912 . 00 7733 7734 7744 7721-1 0. 00 901. 00 7734 7735 7738 7722-1 0. 00 901. 00 7735 7736 7737 7723 1 DS-PLEASANT 0.. 00 901 . 00 7736 7724-1 DS-PLEASANT 0. 00 900. 00 7737 7725-1 0. 00 900. 00 7738 7739 7740 726-1 HYDRANT H-56 0. 00 900. 00 7739 7727-1 0. 00 900. 00 7740 7741 7728-1 0. 00 901. 00 7741 7742 7743 7729-1 DS-FUERTES 0 0. 00 901. 00 7742 7730-1 0. 00 901. 00 7743 7731-1 0. 00 912 .00 7744 7745 7746 7732-1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 913 . 00 7745 7733-1 0. 00 914 . 00 7746 7748 7801 7734-1 0. 00 915. 00 7747 7748 7749 775-1 0. 00 91.5.00 7749 770 7752 7736-1 0. 00 916. 00 7750 7751 7754 77371 C SBROUCK 2 . 76 917.. 00 7751 738-1 0. 00 914 . 00 772 7753 7755 7739-1 0. 00 916. 00 7753 7754 7800 7740 1 0. 00 913 . 00 7755 7756 7757 7741-1 HYDRANT H-57 0. 00 914. 00 7756 7742-1 0. 00 913.00 7757 7758 7759 7743--1 0.. 00 914 . 00 7758 7760 7761 7744-1 0.. 00 913. 00 7759 7760 7764 7745 1 0. 00 915. 00 7761 7762 7763 7746-1 DS-1.28 PLEAS 0. 08 915. 00 7762 7747 1 DS-HASBROUCK 2.74 915. 00 7763 77481 0. 00, 914 . 00 7764 7765 7766 7749 1 TO CALF" COUR 0.00 910. 00 7765 7750-1 0. 00 916. 00 7766 7767 7770 7751-1 0. 00 915. 00 7'767 7768 7769 7752--1 DS-HASBROUCK 2 . 74 914. 00 7768 7753°-1 0. 00 915. 00 7769 7798 7799 7800 7754-1 0. 00 917. 00 7770 7771 7772 7755-1 HYDRANT H- 8 0. 00 917 . 00 7771 7756-1 0. 00 918. 00 7772 7773 7774 7778 7757-1 DS-HASBROUCK 2 .74 918 . 00 7773 7758-1 0. 00 919. 00 7774 7775 7776 7759-1 DS-LAUNDRY F 2 .74 920. 00 7775 7760--1 0. 00 918. 00 7776 7777 77611 0.00 917. 00 7777 7789 7790 7762-1 0.00 919. 00 7778 7779 776 -1 0. 00 918. 00 7779 7780 7781 7764-1 DS HASBROUCK 2.74 918. 00 7780 776 --1 0. 00 919. 00 7781 7782 7785 7766--1 0. 00 920. 00 7782 7783 7784 7767--1 DS-HASBROUCK 2.74 919. 00 7783 7768-1 OS-GOLF CRSE 1. 22 915. 00 7784 7769-1 0. 00 917. 00 7785 7786 7789 7770-1 0. 00 918. 00 7786 7787 7788 7771 1 DS SBROUCK 2 .74 918. 00 7787 7772 1 DS-HASBROUCK 2.74 920. 00 7788 7773-1 0.00 917' . 00 7790 7791 7792 7774°-1 DS-HASBROUCK 2.74 916.. 00 7791 7775-1. 0. 00 916. 00 7792 7793 7794 7776-1 HYDRANT D3-60 0. 00 916. 00 7793 7777 1 0.00 916. 00 7794 7795 7796 7778-1 DS-HASBROUCK 0. 00 916. 00 7795 7779-1 0. 00 915. 00 7796 7797 7798 7781-1 DS-HASBROUCK 2.74 919. 00 7799 7 83-1 HYDRANT H 55 0. 00 914 . 00 7802 7784 1 DS-PLEASANT 1.01 910. 00 7803 7786-1 DS-PLEASANT 1.01 905. 00 7805 7787-1 DS-PLEASANT 1.01 910. 00 7806 7788-1 0. 00 903 . 00 7807 7808 7809 7789 1 HYDRANT H-54 0.00 901. 00 7808 7791-1 D3S- "'LEASANT 1.01 897. 00 7810 7792 1 D'3S PLEASANT 1.01 900. 00 7811. 7793 1 0.00 892 . 00 7812 7813 7814 7815 7794--1 D)S-PLEASANT 1. 01 891. 00 7813 7795-1 D3S-PLEASANT 1.01 890. 00 7814 7796-1 0. 00 889. 00 7815 7816 7817 7797 1 HYDRANT D1-53 0.00 886. 00 7816 7798 1 0. 00 885. 00 7817 7818 7819 7820 7799 1 DS-PLEASANT 1. 01 890. 00 7818 7800-1 DS-PLEASANT 1. 01 885. 00 7819 7801-1 0. 00 883 . 00 7820 7821 7822 7803-1 0. 00 878. 00 7822 7823 7824 7804--1 HYDRANT H-52 0. 00 879. 00 7823 7805 1 0. 00 860. 00 7824 7825 7891 7806-1 0. 00 858. 00 7825 7826 7827 7807-1 D3S Y D ONL 16. 79 857. 00 7826 7808--1 0. 00 862. 00 7827 7828 7829 7809--1 HYDRANT H-78 0. 00 860. 00 7828 7810 1 0. 00 864 . 00 7829 7885 7886 7'812..1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 846. 00 7831 7832 7813 1 D3S-C D31C 15.43 848. 00 7832 7814 1 0. 00 855.00 7833 7834 7835 7815 1 HYDRANT NT H-79 0. 00 855. 00 7834 7816 1 0. 00 846.00 7835 7836 7837 7817 1 INTERCONNECT 0. 00 845.00 7836 7818-1 FLOW METER F 0. 00 854. 00 7837 7838 7819 1 0.00 854 . 00 7838 7839 7840 7820-1 D3S-N CAMPUS 5. 13 855. 00 7839 7821-1 0.00 854 . 00 7840 7841 7889 7822-1 0. 00 846. 00 7841 7842 7843 7823 1 HYDRANT H-96 0. 00 846. 00 7842 7824-1 0.00 857. 00 7843 7844 7845 7826 1 0. 00 863 . 00 7845 7846 7847 7827-1 HYDRANT NT H-94 0.00 864 . 00 7846 7828-1 0. 00 867. 00 7847 7848 7849 7829-1 D3S TO TOWNHO 8.49 872. 00 7848 7830 1 0. 00 875. 00 7849 7850 7851 7831-1 HYDRANT H-92 0.00 875.00 7850 7832 1 0. 00 882.00 7851 7852 7859 7833 1 0. 00 877. 60 7852 7853 7854 7834-1 D.3S-N CAMPUS 5. 12 878. 00 7853 7835-1 0.00 870. 00 7854 7855 7858 7836-1 0.00 860. 00 7855 7856 7857 7837 1 D3S R BERT PU 18.42 860. 00 7856 7838 1 S-R DBLRT PU 0. 00 860. 00 7857 7839 1 0. 00 860. 00 7858 7886 7887 7840-1 0. 00 887 . 00 7859 7860 7861 7841--1 HYDRANT H--91 0. 00 887 . 00 7860 7842-1 0. 00 888. 00 7861 7862 7863 784 -1 0. 00 8 3 . 00 7863 7864 7865 7845-1 D8 H CAMPUS 5. 12 892. 00 7854 7846 1 0. 00 894 . 00 7865 7866 7857 7847-1 HYDRANT H-10 0. 00 897 . 00 786E 7848-1 0.00 901.00 7867 7868 7869 7849-1 HYDRANT H-85 0.00 901. 00 7868 7850--1 0. 00 899.00 7859 7870 7871 7852-1 0. 00 895. 00 7871 7872 7873 785 -1 HYDRANT` " H-86 0. 00 895.00 7872 7854-1 0. 00 891. 00 7873 7874 7875 7855-1 UB-H CAMPUS 5. 12 885.00 7874 78 6 -1 0. 00 00 888. 00 7875 7875 7877 7857-1 HYDRANT H-87 0. 00 885.00 7876 7858-1 0. 00 874 . 00 7877 7878 7885 7859 1 0. 00 876. 00 7878 7879 7880 78 0 1 H8 N CAMPUS 5. 12 882. 00 7879 7851 1 0.00 876. 00 7880 7881 7882 7862° 1 HYDRANT H-89 0.00 879.00 7881. 78 a3 1 0. 00 877 .00 7882 7883 7884 78 4-1 UB UJAMAA (3 0. 00 879. 00 7883 7865-1 DS-H CAMPUS 5. 12 879.00 7884 786 --1 0. 00 858. 00 7887 7888 7889 78 7-1 HYDRANT H-93 0. 00 859. 00 7888 7858 1 DS-,CALDWELL 0. 18 884 . 00 789 78 9-1 0. 00 860. 00 7830 7891 i APPENDIX C CONSUMPTION ' DATA I � i Ct RNELL UNIVERSITY Y USERS � 00 aaMa V; (14 r. CL W O M a wn ww ONO — Mt, (14 ,z w xw < cr ow _ 0 w" tts9czscsa t enwrs c aacts c t c w w r w u c a wxsw�h P- � �K u� 07j 8F- � w� bCfi RaM— a �g c � D C Y NAD 1 p CCY aA CkD OR q V C y q C C*U CtiI N - v" NCN NO W! 0 V C 4 C3 � Cis C,'� C�"t 4��a55 N- CwJ 0 14Q f+ ra C P. C"b "" in t- 0 to co Cw9 o m tP � C:N -D rua aNa cw e N cN � ry uNz ; c •r r N ea ca « N a ra ,- t,4 6 C'C1 C"' CAP N^ C�7! Yam; 0N' ... -" ""r ca CQ Cp9 C""D v! C' �"! rw Nam; u�D 0MmN , .., acN �491102-1 - 1 - gv min Mm IWO C� C COD N D � r NkN N,N, 0 Scc � � ' -� g :� w OZ - � z c � m c � � � 0 � � 04 ,- + C4 c t C Ct Ca ¢ C Y 4CY (a9 ci o ay 00� � 60 04 40 OD 40kn sa Lu W� to ca , ° z co u� au, 4 � ' . a " craC4 Ica R: - ca Rau IN X Ct1 � 0 z Zo Po ca ca �- ' to - C p aa: t 0.CLC f� Ci .� ; cruc on to ry + awaaraaar�a ? rvrarav �` rc ' ` ' aw z q w W � c m ow- w co a " yr ' ZOO • m you- r- z � pp��pp ? � � � � CITY" OF IT HACA USERS W , CNI r c a caaxi3aCaaC � caC => a C 0 �' C\t cc rQ Cc <= CIO -,r C r`l cl"'A I w CSC 'r%l r D a ""c�' °"'�" ',,� �""'�. 4,n 4,G""b. COCM 104 to r11 � w..«w C= - R„N2 �+"m"..,.,,p 2 "' " "r C F$.E ' ' C:»,a Cie C C;,'.5 ci C> C-� Cz c) w"""" m-n C„=3 Ci 7. ci kn rnco CN2 cm C"i C„', CCU ^� S Cam' CCU C .J CAA „' co C"r C'^wi r G"+ C fi,' CCCa C, C * C'3�'a „a C\2 r;1 Ck'J +--+ �R w-. ,.,., r*a:d G:3 CAA C CC,'S C „ �,..-" C � C:4? C C t r"+�.2 r'" r'w� *,-.+ T" qC, C*".'S C°w.t C^a7 C'^"t CA"J a.C"„ry C""a,2 C» '^aa" ^..,* CQ V p r:- CD 'n r- ' an C�, ? cc C= ^^ co wn c-:3 C"\d I rw„t cn -. CM -Z ^-w C"M t 1'.0 cc m m C= r„:,prr = Cep m C a rt2 C'%l a lC� C 5 C„ as a"*,7 r- Cep C�1C'a a„' l C.:J C"C3 c) CNI �"�... C.¢"I! e�S� + w Ck:S C"'"� a F C.' C'"���7 ro QID C✓ C"& , .,. CQ +. C a rQ C"I ..w w.C:'a t - wt"'a C"`"J C a f"Y w.a"C C"9 ,�..» 'n »--* C,2 Cr':7 t"C.9 a a'�a Cei aa,~r' cm m 0 0 M3 r*C,7 0- c- i W U..r IV CS CJ' C.3 Cj CAA .«� CCro C7 C� C:b C Ca aaJ r? Ca' aCu a'� a'Cti �, R'; E E E E E E E CC3 a'C71 CC4 a"C3 ri fifi vra rrx era rra rsr va to w v) ari va a a t t s " C- : F G a Cat C7. Cw Ca Cwt' Cat t C9 Cu a'C3 a^C% aa CCx C-- E- - ,tea - - + :4 ;;4 "«»>C".. w15 C +,-^e r ad"a Ca C„C; r,„^,,t C"".1 at'" C3 "; �, yr,-•w.. rta a C'CCa r1l ("I ml CN2 CO ' tom- rca a M CM CM cca r are r'Q r~"r c"x rya rn c.� tom- ems- ram- r cep 4 k L a Cc M r»"a m r "rr cc m� CD r a raa r, ec kn r a wra r a CcIca ar CM cra ara t,.� � � r r � rr ra r �ac � C> c c mar c rara ra ~ rra r+"a "r rr r a� wrr ' ar a r � � r cq r rN2 r�r rya c'j C" r... cc r r r r r ro r r c - r a rwz arz a s r r r r r CM `tr rr rya raD r\z ~ C11 n c a r ra rza t ra a t t rota cx a are r:a rya r�vr �.ra r a c:ro � a'�r �—» Cc r+x r�„r ,a:w r1.z c1.r r r+wr c r r:� rya r Va rya ., Cam., �a ra rwa rra a rr rr r r,t r a n t rra rs t C r a c ¢w as r r rra err as " r.c s rr r7a w e'a a° err cra r^�- r"�r ra n i C�x Q r 5 r r u r r�.� tar a c CQ c.Q: "< rwn c a � cw CQ -'r r� aNI,c� r a � t�, u ..a ra� C n c a � x� � M cc r�~c � r �rr r��t �--� x.r� wry .-� r.�.r r^ r"r� r"�a cra w-.» r+a r u u .z a aw a ar a u W W, a.r aWQj ar et to a a ar r a� ct " r a a a a a a r ra r.w r.0 ;�, a,y as a.w car as a„r as ar rr G i aw W C'ys ar +,zs as rw a r„ar a) W car a) W as aw ;":rmr as a w as as row ark as ra as ra cr � rx rx rx r r c ra rr cl a;a.r rQ r-r m a r^5 nj I c �a r r r"I r.v2 "4k• . r\a c c^a 02 w c a c:,a ca ' » � c � cucacxca� cx� cr— cer �"� wrac,¢ � ca a s r'_ r e a �a aka a �w r as c wt a, a cw c - to 01% kIn r"�- c a Cl) r - c^a w L �_ aca c ac, "xC:' 'rc r e c ,r" aca aca a c c c cr a wavwesa a w ccz c�a rwa "ca [ 0'i 1— kn9 r"I Ca w.-.+. 'C ,.. a;i" G":7 c„ ,A ate' fsl c""7 en CN., 0 ""m"tl" r d��l r"'* .,C.Z ,i *,.CID ' � w.a1 i,"�- 71* g17-2 C/': 4 .r" a ¢:fib aC t"w^ r^M« ad"".k e.G'"�w a,a'",",8 0.R:i 'ww"'" �m'4 IX""�w"k -a k.2" ,""mV P C a'"., """ 'a,^C^^ r '"u C;✓ c' wr":" r»~�. o; p w ? i- r'j a„C"nx M c"wI Ln cli 'TrwL"� a^". L nri c'9 w 'u ""'i"Y "J ";�,r CQ Il-.) �9 02 "y" c A r r/3 W W q.e lu �CLX W a9 Y W 4'C,F W C3.Y M11; Ln,S fii.J % c„1 n3:F Gam» w 6». G, w 1'v w "ate' w C a R > > > 41,9 P,'C� 4L3 '�,k > > > P„y„h CSJ 43 +5„'+ > 41.E ""r ;:� '�" > °r .�*. ,�:.^ ;r :.� ;"+. '::� :.r '�" r ::a^ ;:+. �.. > > &�' .. �" �„.... ice• t✓ cM1 c7 K.: C5 a c1 Cb c7 a"CV ,'9 c'C,' 'CS a'CY cy c3 c? cA a"„, C", G c# 4J a fi1„P C,4.a 3 a'a',.e > C,J2� f�',,. ra"& ¢rs NJ'1 w,qg CCll G8'N', we"S &/'9 �„5 b KtA CP} �C✓1 M,N9', P,or`,� 4d1 P �«W'�. �� &,�, L. L.. R..., L» R.,. b M1'�4 CAf &".. 'L.�., C., &., C»»w �i,':� :,' ',' ""S„ "^may �d ' �w' �A «�.N ;',1 «9 � , Ems-" — Ems—+ Ems-* EE— ^^ E-- fi�-� :.� �^* a"a °f „ate "gip° wa.z .^..+ Cx> ol rn C'.'J ^.i" "^ '^ --p kn kn kn a M 0") "r2 CQ n12 a a s a cn- 4 wr+ww 4 ,e...y wwWw +x " 4 wpm '"n""m Q"""�I'„ " w..ycc %,n k I ""�""' �» w..�.r P."K�,$ 9;d" ,y � ,m+r 4� ,,.:,..„�. �."+,� "q�".k'" 4 "' '" cc wn k+L V', .'"""y. tn' .r""'"" "ry"' k.A" ( s� +.w+W u H w� X~C Cob �.— m C\ "" 4 Pw'^4 """""" ^"'" �""l c"D' l C II k1C".� wwW+u ro-.«N " '� ' '"n umcc r- ub u� tx -r " '" .0 co mr 4= r„„ 'C w 4".. �...�+ "�,.� a w,.w a,„"k k,! ^' ":bi3 P'.w. f`",'k °a o"'""A ^*., NAP" Cl".) w 4." ''"',.,pY v^°"r w+«r+e www.ry rIj.. r/ CD c -i1 P�„"'"„% w~d"� k&:�k 2"�" ..""w� 'w«4 LL'�' C,°„1 �' 'o 6w"4, ��« C;J "" ww~•w m, w ;�2 "r C11 Q C w w wS.P w co 4t� a?;' 44� 4K� r>" "Gq.'k � > >' 4"4A W w a7„w 4) 4"0.w ", atiS cj a 0 C. ' .... 4C4 hLw CU Q.w 4$✓ cg5 P q, C3 110 G'G3' m 4Cw w 4C5 ati~M a 4 .x0 +x) -0 .»'? w .. h kkA' ! h':."'uL d✓) C!3 4'F1 4Aw kJ'L q "41.w G$,k w wt 4." 1" C:' Q ,1 h„X ."""+ S;~v.7 L;"` w:'wC c^k..k C"w.'•:1 +n""w« k�4". ,"."b 4 ? Qll ze CID � xzz CD C> i^ c a a ram- ,r a c ° car ca ; r✓a � * Co- �. , lc� w. e " cn ,s c m co Co Cr— E- KK cox E,-, a W w c c r rn a °s" .. . tit z� ww w v a�a rs " I , I � i k L J TOWN OF ITHACA USERS fl .ti wow www z n 2 n.r, :t wiu 6 s s 6 z :t :2 =2 :2 c� .. . . . . . . . . . . —222 MON � 1 I � ,'4 r� � � ORR A I Zvi ;' s uaa uar rya aar rya� rya raa saa azs war rrea w�a aas raa war ¢au uv sas 'u uxa saa wx war war as uwa rax raa aar wwr wc: rya war aaa wup 11cz rrrra 00 rrJll Ill V I ' APPENDIX PUMP CURVES f cr Urr cr , w too CL c u L t UJ c�a cr a. ar t7 a � � 43 `;; mall- alg- Zf,U41 2.22 1:17%rgmdii� illig ii will ilifill .......... Aix IS IN MF Alt. ON ............. MEN .#rl�rw i#■i ■wrf###wi 7rii ii#w r�ri##It����rMlw Yi1tf.Y�hfr,l�rRawaOi.iF rrr�gYpy�txpafsslai42t.cicl••• ���#r��il�lf�x#�iw�RSK�#irFi Ki#tM..µi■w#. aF.. w�1 �i, ilf�•.ft7'Ii,�4e,.M�4clre.ratti.N,.t- i[#ilaMMl�illq i111rYa7rK�R�tf i � Mir111�1i1trY .�t� �x�i�Oit�rRltl Y4w�laRM pltMtr•+a/Mfll-ax"I aaahrA si! f iatswi aa■ra+�# • �*rt�,�rwwi� �ais■raa��f�iwwar.rya#iaai�s.rwrt��Mabrarr,flwis�.rsra#suuutaaai•►.ty r�axrrsKpryKa■i��r��.r,,�fl.�fawwwrwa_ ,;i ��,�■#ii iiwnw riffsto �r,r�/ # +rri aYr altip��aiiYp •. I =��rr■#�Y��1y� mgmiM `M aw# • lrffr.iM.rYiilsfwr rrsi r.Sr ir.W rY r1#�r�^j�rtfYa6g tlirlf�iY&N."����t =i« iiw#■ V I : .ww.wit�n,wr�al.i3rr �t�ra r: LW O�+sw��� wa:ii���i mpg ga.I :i r�ia4, 1� _ ww ��r�w���fa��l��Tarr w r. arrrr .■a�R}yiy ca on ♦♦ r/p�yr ■gifKrw r�Riii■• rNa Ni,rM■i#a.�lai CEi•V"94' Q a r`a • yrw•. ► #iiEr�p mg WHOM �ralV K#1rn���7�i+a•� 'iri l ►• cm CL EVA ui ORa�ir�ra'i'�r[�t�i!'.` _..(�/) IL ELM U. IRA EVE e � • � � �eC�� r iiar'ti���o "' PC ►►aa i • , hi�arMMM iiai� i �rM FYgfwixiirr7li. w,arfraImaim a ra�e- ,, }� � r��ya#awte.waaura:ai #i4MMMr • Ts"asiacraoiriINEWN MEN Mra�ai ' warrwr4 t #t acat,•"" aaae is i1 Z _0 ` Mw#� ���{wila iifr71r�I .h t •'••• oars.■: ,- mom rserr►ssri#is r •. alai###air 3" roil r: tllru • ai4r�• a.1fi l tsaar atia n•y. { , Mull oral #ai.�S'a{a•.. ;ate wrr atrrff Off 0 saja.�r ` `h R � ' �a ifAYll��hht'ii1#■■`Y!* �e!!w#l�r�Y�;r�#�rr�wr�rraar`�{, afiw■�a��tr�•/FialrarU■1114N►a Mal•tK■.r.Rl: M y r`R�l�r��ra,W.t ;X s iiatrti Y•ta�'it alKai aloll— sawwLx #ea i■id[►iaief rrs_. i ar■■a aaat•ararai.aa, �wlfar#aw M+F[7it■,w.Rsf#ar�rlruar♦.r► 'rY rlftplw�ra�Yili Htrirli.ai�nnf` �w rM■rirrr,� ar&6;—!�y a#aa#iin#ri uriii�iria`U a, ai #Mri6„riai atliR�faaC, • ��" n ! il rU., rf t� �• aia• to �YN _ "�� ; r a� �ab tYiRaia•* ■E _ wtr� r visas �Z�yri�E�� iMs,ptrs I71f11 t'ir i. HE; EPPEP on Will taia% tlip ll ar#ir�iipai�� Y Q�g� t Egg Sim"�� `#t# w i3i •W.�n tf ra iariwaa� t� s�isa■ra■ai = i • i aw■ia�!•llr1R•wlf� {ariilNr�R ` .At�airrra W•raa # •�irr+rr wr or■a r# iii Cr �#«easuirs� fa#arw# Rllt 3�'�� '�c iwa= •'tw � lrri � ai��sseess wr��rri rl 1 ♦ ♦ '"' ti R. � r M .r loop I.Off 4 RH RHIN ISO NEW OWN W"q "S. "..a a ME Mill I 13 101.1i ..Is SO R- Eugiti mum • P,ONE. its RAM" I Top I I EWE h On MR I I IL rieill H -n 1p.w Z. Elm up 40 Arm= CA 40"S SAN ANN; 1.12 - 006 M FUMM M"103 Will. ppm SMERS ,,03t A "M W."-M- Man 0* main we r, .16.11M®R ups N. - I■Wit-�--1 nlu.. JR., HIM-! amm R*K a om *AW -.91-got .114i"amallprf 4.0 ■ .SAJL4*-to a 42iffin"t as& KOH Npf town wag wum" A'40. ,W 0 1&* aftwot a ow: & AL 4 ones Pa avou" M 'Um map" ap, M ot Mt to Old iffi Mgt. O.W. • "43 !I.s FRIO:■­0 a EM ..of 8.1 au* 14tr liloi= i", 11 0 RA a NON W. I., 19-4 110 0.all-M IN, F,IRS M i � • • r .a M • Raw MAO 2 PERM: �A== go .__•�� �."'- � �a=��=".�.�=�s=arc=���_...:�..r---� .- --- .. �..._._... E mm .-ram--• r=M= o a� FINISHED WATER rIwt "C ° PUMP #5 SPLIT" CASWORT" E . ,"0 kxe`a"axxp"' 1x 6 w� aM EYE' A EA-N .6 ,lJN-,MAXx0IA. l0S- d' y MIP9X,rFYidM'",1 SHPAT !750 4"fPM* 0, 6150* 1 1 N B T B 7 N N N B r N + t k B A-7300 WCNI TN»NtNGT hN CORP,-xRATWC CUk E r LR—I4 "S" a���ta U. EYE AREA- t9.6 SDI.N_MAX,(XA,a0U *Ne,MAX.«SHAFT NSHP AT 17W50 RPM* 60, NI50* 31 .w t . _ LR-,14 " " 06 ac 0 as "� 0 roe r° "`m7rrms «rom MINIMUM RECOWENDED FLOW Sustained operation to the loft of the slanted broken «'uorely & printing llna could possibly result Inshaft breakagedusto fatigue. Wherenobroken line r" « i�)r, Harrison . Na shown. Ca4amo can b0000rated with only sufficient by-peastopre,vent ovorheeiting. «rr. list son M Ar- WA IrAfAM W.54 MMMWAWVWAfAR � PV r A �At _ + y M M i ...................... € [ . it v]i€ co E1`EE c� U 0 €EWi �ii cv m lk V a rEiiei?ii: tJ C;1 a Q rn 0 rn N • i'Jiw ii� OTO co OD Hiii EE:WE:�iEiii W w 47 'LfJ: :::::: Go C T co C r ........... ':`::`_![C •>•; �. '. Uri �� Obi E THE WEINMAN PUMP MFG. CO. Columbus 15,, Ohio The fivad-cnimcilyand efficiency only fol- li(Itlids having a visrosifN, less than10 qST 1. The brake linnepower viti-ve.s are Im,,ed on a -,p(wirw gravity of 1.00. To determine I Ile III If' foi-()liter lirlttids multittly thv,,evalties by the specific gravity. ONLY THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW ARE GUARANTEED. Capacity 760 GPM Liquid Total dynamic head fti feet Temperature F. Efficiency ) 10 % Specific gravity 8HP at rated gpm max. NPSH required by Pump feet Pump serial no. ju Impeller dia. Service /10 yv NPSH-FT. ........... 6 8 10 1214 ll I STATE I1 1 PUMPS #7, #87 #9 78 il 120 3 LU L" U_ z 100 o Uj 80 - POPI Z 60 0 0 --2 HP 401 5 HP 20 -- 1 H p 0 2 -4 6 8 10--- IMPELLER NO. GALLONS PER MINUTEA00 Pump 4 " L2 R.H. 4384 MAX. SPHERE RPM 1750 L.H. CURVE NO._4L 2- 181 PLANS i f� I — Nfflk L I UN I JI R11I.I Y LEGEND THICK INS COUNTY, NFW YORK ;. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM rva ru�om rr ,rvr c uo,r• it fi K D� ::: YN4ry HYDRAULIC MODEL { aqP 4,� pwuEcr w�u nnc. nwrir -.-... Aso o. 4 ........ .._ r� tlkkq°ry �k"uglry 4 1 li Ira 4 r r" n e I a n i ' 1 u u f of x 4 l 1 f � n a � V p rw Mw 4r „ " i a .K °r r " f 1'G, I Mfl; low UE N9' � aMA x �J1F , y r lJ� y f 4 q �. Iwo f / 1 4 Y Y f ,F o � � s f WARREN ROAD�I i— f m ram' ,•�- � � .�Z" "' � 5iF �notm C < •• 1 COH tie Rp4 � �d M1 S b M z Z E r mat 10