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Chapter 270
72 Hinchey Road
Rochester, New York 14624
May 2004
Chapter 270
ARTICLE I § 270-15. Accessory buildings and uses
Title authorized by special approval
§ 270-1. Title. § 270-16. Height limitations.
ARTICLE II § 270-17. Yard regulations.
Purpose § 270-1.8. Lot coverage.
§ 270-19. Size and area of lot.
§ 270-2. Purpose. § 270-20. Clustering.
ARTICLE III § 270-21. Parking.
Terminology § 270-22. Additional requirements and
§ 270-3. Word usage. § 270-23. Park and recreation setasides
§ 270-4. Controlling regulation. and fees in lieu thereof.
§ 270-5. Definitions. § 270-24. Site plan approval.
Establishment of Zones Agricultural Zones
270-6. Enumeration of zones.
§ 270-25. Purpose.
§ 270-7. Continuation of special land § 270-26. Permitted principal uses.
use districts. § 270-27. Principal uses authorized by
§ 270-8. Zone boundaries. special permit only.
§ 270-28. Principal uses authorized by
§ 270-9. Prohibition of uses. special approval only.
ARTICLE V § 270-29• Permitted accessory buildings
Conservation Zones and uses.
§ 270-30. Accessory buildings and uses
§ 270-10. Purpose. authorized by special approval
§ 270-11. Permitted principal uses. only.
§ 270-12. Principal uses authorized by § 270-31. Height limitations.
special permit only. § 270-32. Yard regulations.
§ 270-13. Additional requirements for § 270-33. Building area.
special permit. § 270-34. Size and area of lot.
§ 270-14. Permitted accessory buildings § 270-35. Density limitations and
or uses. limitations on subdivision of
parent tracts.
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§ 270-36. Parking. § 270-58. Accessory buildings and uses
§ 270-37. Additional special authorized by special permit
requirements. only.
§ 270-38. Site plan approval. § 270-59. Height limitations.
§ 270-39. Right to farm. § 270-60. Yard regulations.
§ 270-61. Building area.
ARTICLE VII § 270-62. Size and area of lot.
Lakefront Residential Zones § 270-63. Special properties.
§ 270-40. Purpose. § 270-64. Parking.
§ 270-41. Permitted principal uses. ARTICLE IX
§ 270-42. Principal uses authorized by Medium Density Residential Zones
special permit only.
§ 270-43. Permitted accessory structures § 270-65. Purpose.
and uses. § 270-66. Permitted principal uses.
§ 270-44. Accessory buildings and uses § 270-67. Principal uses authorized by
authorized by special approval special permit only.
§ 270-68. Permitted accessory buildings
§ 270-45. Accessary structures and uses
and uses.
authorized by special permit
only. § 270-69. Accessory buildings and uses
authorized by special approval
§ 27()-46. Height limitations. only.
§ 270-47. Yard regulations. § 270-70. Height limitations.
§ 270-48. Building area. § 270-71. Yard regulations.
§ 270-49. Size and area of lot. § 270-72. Building area.
§ 270-50. Special properties. § 270-73. Size and area of lot.
§ 270-51. Parking. § 270-74. Special properties.
§ 270-52. Special requirements. § 270-75. Parking.
Low Density Residential Zones High Density Residential Zones
§ 270-53. Purpose. § 270-76. Purpose.
§ 270-54. Permitted principal uses. § 270-77. Permitted principal uses.
§ 270-55. Principal uses authorized by § 270-78. Principal uses authorized by
special permit only. special permit only.
§ 270-56. Permitted accessory buildings § 270-79. Permitted accessory buildings
and uses. and uses.
§ 270-57. Accessory buildings and uses
authorized by special approval
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§ 270-80. Accessory buildings and uses § 270-104.Minimum area for multiple
authorized by special approval residence zone.
only. § 270-105.Height limitations.
§ 270-81. Height limitations. § 270-106.Yard regulations.
§ 270-82. Yard regulations. § 270-107.Building area.
§ 270-83. Building area. § 270-108.Minimum usable open space.
§ 270-84. Size and area of lot. § 270-109.Size and area of lot.
§ 270-85. Special properties. § 270-110.Parking.
§ 270-86. Parking. § 270-111.Additional special
ARTICLE XI Mobile Home Park Zones § 270-112.Site plan approval.
§ 270-87. Purpose. ARTICLE X111
Commercial Zones Generally
§ 270-88. Minimum area.
§ 270-89. Permitted principal uses. § 270-113.Purpose.
§ 270-90. Principal uses authorized by § 270-114.Permitted accessory uses.
special permit only. § 270-115.Minimum area for commercial
§ 270-91. Permitted accessory uses. zone.
§ 270-92. Accessory buildings and uses § 270-116.Height limitations.
authorized by special approval § 270-117.Yard regulations.
only. § 270-118.Building area.
§ 270-93. Height limitations. § 270-119.Minimum usable open space.
§ 270-94. Yard regulations. § 270-120.Size and area of lot.
as § 270-95. Building area. § 270-121.Parking.
§ 270-%. Lot area. § 270-122.Additional special
§ 270-97. Special requirements. requirements.
§ 270-98. Site plan approvals. § 270-123.Drive-through operations.
ARTICLE X11 § 270-124.Site plan approval.
Multiple Residence Zones ARTICLE XIV
§ 270-99. Purpose. Neighborhood Commercial Zones
§ 270-100.Permitted principal uses. § 270-125.Purpose.
§ 270-10.1.Permitted accessory buildings § 270-126.Permitted principal uses.
and uses. § 270-127.Principal uses authorized by
§ 270-102.Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
special permit only. § 270-128.Maximum building size.
§ 270-103.Accessory buildings and uses
authorized by special approval
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ARTICLE XV § 270-145.Adult entertainment uses
Office Park Commercial Zones authorized by special approval
§ 270-129.Purpose. § 270-146.Permitted accessory buildings
§ 270-130.Permitted principal uses. and uses.
§ 270-131.Principal uses authorized by § 270-147.Minimum area for a light
special permit only. industrial zone.
§ 270-132.Additional permitted accessory § 270-148.Height limitations.
uses. § 270-149.Yard regulations.
ARTICLE XVI § 270-150. Building area.
Community Commercial Zones § 270-151.Minimum usable open space.
§ 270-152.Size and area of lot.
§ 270-133.Purpose. § 270-153.Parking.
§ 270-134.Permitted principal uses. § 270-154.Additional special
§ 270-135.Principal uses authorized by requirements.
special permit only. § 270-155.Performance standards.
ARTICLE XVII § 270-156.Site plan approval.
Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial ARTICLE XX
Zones Industrial Zones
§ 270-136. Purpose.
§ 270-137.Permitted principal uses.
§ 270-158.Permitted principal uses.
§ 270-138.Principal use authorized by § 270-159.Prohibited uses.
special permit only.
§ 270-160.Permitted accessory buildings
Lakefront Commercial Zones § 270-161.Placement of accessory
§ 270-139. Purpose. § 270-162.Minimum area for an
§ 270-140.Permitted principal uses. industrial zone.
§ 270-141.Principal uses authorized by § 270-163.Height limitations.
special permit only. § 270-164.Yard regulations.
§ 270-142.Accessory uses authorized by § 270-165.Building area.
special permit only. § 270-166.Minimum usable open space.
ARTICLE XIX § 270-167.Size and area of lot.
Light Industrial Zones § 270-168. Parking.
§ 270-169.Additional special
§ 270-143.Purpose. requirements.
§ 270-144.Permitted principal uses. § 270-170.Performance standards.
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§ 270-171.Site plan approval. § 270-192.Letter of credit.
§ 270-193.Completion of improvements.
Planned Development Zones § 270-194.Expiration of site plan
§ 270-1.72.Purpose. ARTICLE XXIV
§ 270-173.Establishment and location. Special Permits and Special Approvals
§ 270-174.Permitted principal and
accessory uses. § 270-195.Purpose.
§ 270-175.Additional requirements. § 270-196. Requirement preceding
§ 270-176.Minimum area for Planned issuance of building permit or
Development Zone. certificate of occupancy.
§ 270-177.Yard and other regulations. § 270-197.Applicability.
§ 270-178.Site plan approval. § 270-198.Procedure.
§ 270-199.Waiver of requirements.
ARTICLE XXII § 270-200.Considerations for approval.
Procedures for Creation of New Zones § 270-201.Modifications of special
§ 270-179.Zones to which applicable. permits or special approvals.
§ 270-202.Expiration of special permit or
§ 270-180.General provisions. special approval.
§ 270-181.Procedures for creation of a
Nonconforming Uses
Site Plan Review and Approval § 270-203.Nonconforming lots of record.
Procedures § 270-204.Nonconforming uses of land.
§ 270-182. Purpose. § 270-205.Nonconforming structures.
§ 270-183.Site plan required prior to § 270-206.Nonconforming uses of
building permit or certificate structures.
of occupancy. § 270-207.Interruption of nonconforming
§ 270-184.Applicability. use.
§ 270-185.Procedure. § 270-208.Dwellings on nonconforming
§ 270-186.Site plan requirements.
§ 27()-209. Continuation of construction.
§ 270-187.Waiver of requirements.
§ 270-210.Alterations in use.
§ 270-188.Considerations for approval.
§ 270-211.Restoration.
§ 270-189.Limitations on construction. § 270-212.Board of Appeals
§ 270-190.Reservation of parkland on determination.
site plans containing
residential units. § 270-213.Variance criteria.
§ 270-191.Modifications of site plans.
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§ 270-214.Amortization of certain § 270-228.Approval of County Health
nonconforming uses relating to Department.
pre-1991 residential § 270-229.Abandoned cellar holes and
occupancies. buildings.
ARTICLE XXVI § 270-230.Agricultural lands in County
Special Regulations Agricultural Districts.
§ 270-215.Mobile homes and trailers. ARTICLE XXVIII
§ 270-216.Elder cottages.
§ 270-217.Extraction or deposit of fill § 270-231.Enforcement.
and related products. § 270-232.Applications for approvals,
§ 270-218.Limitations on vehicle repair remedies or relief.
garages and gasoline sales § 270-233.Permit to build.
§ 270-234.Certificate of occupancy.
§ 270-219.Telecommunications facilities.
§ 270-235.Zoning Board of Appeals.
ARTICLE XXVII § 270-236.Planning Board.
General Provisions § 270-237. Posting of notices.
§ 270-238.Entry and inspection.
§ 270-220.Building floor area.
§ 270-239.Violations and penalties.
§ 270-221.Side yard on corner lot.
§ 270-240.Amendments.
§ 270-222.Porches and carports.
§ 270-241.Validity.
§ 270-223.Fences and walls.
§ 270-242.Existing Zoning Ordinance
§ 270-224.Projections in yards. amended, readopted and
§ 270-225.Reduction of lot area. reenacted.
§ 270-226.More than one building on a § 270-243.Fees.
lot- § 270-244.Effective date.
§ 270-227.Parking facilities. § 270-245.Transition provisions.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 12-8-2003 by L.L. No.
7-2003.Amendments noted where applicable.]
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§ 270-1 ZONING § 270-3
Appearance tickets—See Ch.9. Fees—See Ch.153.
Conservation Board—See Ch.23. Flood darnage prevention—See Ch.157.
Adult uses—See Ch. 100. Freshwater wetlands—See Ch. 161.
Agricultural assessments—See Ch. 104. Property maintenance—See Ch.205.
Building construction and fire prevention—See Ch.125. Signs—See Ch.221.
Unsafe buildings—See Ch. 129. Subdivision of land-See Ch.234.
Environmental quality review—See Ch. 148. Special land use districts—See Ch.271.
§ 270-1. Title.
This chapter shall be known as the "Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance" whether adopted as an
ordinance or local law. Hereinafter, this law is sometimes referred to as "this chapter."
§ 270-2. Purpose.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the laws of the State of New York in order to protect and
promote the health, safety and welfare of the community. Among other purposes this chapter
is intended to prevent the overcrowding of lands, to avoid undue concentration of population,
to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewage disposal, schools, parks,
and other public requirements, to consider the value of property, and to establish zones in
which regulations concerning the use of lands and structures, the density of development, the
amount of open space that must be maintained, size of yards, the provision of parking and
control of signs, and other provisions will be set forth to encourage the most appropriate
development of the Town in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Town
of Ithaca as the same may be amended and updated by the Town.
§ 270-3. Word usage.
For the purposes of this chapter certain terms and words shall be interpreted as follows:
A. Unless otherwise specifically defined herein or otherwise indicated, all words used in this
chapter shall carry their customary meanings.
B. Words used in the present tense include the future.
C. The plural usage includes the singular.
D. The word "shall" is mandatory.
E. The word "may" is permissive.
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§ 270-3 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
F. The word "lot" includes the word "plot" or "parcel."
G. The words "occupied" or "used" shall be considered as though followed by the words "or
intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied.""
H. The words "he," or "she" includes the opposite gender and in both instances includes the
word "it."
§ 270-4. Controlling regulation.
Where provisions of this chapter impose greater restrictions than those of any statute, other
ordinance, law, or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling. When the
provisions of any statute, other ordinance, law, or regulation impose greater restrictions than
this chapter, the provisions of such other statute, ordinance, law, or regulation shall be
controlling. r
§ 270-5. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter certain words and terms shall have the following meanings
unless the context otherwise requires:
ADULT CARE FACILITY — An establishment for adults which provides for hire
residential care and services to adults who, by reason of choice, physical or other limitations
associated with age, physical or mental disabilities or other factors, are unable or substantially
unable to live independently or choose not to live independently. Such establishment includes
an adult care facility as defined in the New York Social Services Law which has received and
continues to maintain a validly issued operating pennit as an adult care facility from New
York State Department of Social Services or a County Department of Social Services. Such
definition also includes retirement homes and communities which provide residences for the
elderly with some supportive services.
ADULT DAY-CARE FACILITY — An establishment for adults which provides for hire
day-care services to adults who, by reason of physical or other limitations associated with age,
physical or mental disabilities or other factors, are unable or substantially unable to live
independently without supervision.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS — A business involving one or more of the
A. Adult arcades where, for any form of consideration, one or more motion-picture
projectors, slide projectors, video cassette players, computers, or similar machines, for
viewing by five or fewer persons each are used to show films, motion pictures, video
cassettes, slides, computer generated images, or other photographic reproductions, which
are characterized by emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas.
B. Adult bookstores which have as a substantial (50% or more) portion of its stock-in-trade
and offers for sale, for any consideration, any one or more of the following:
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§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-5
(1) Books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter or photographs, films,
motion pictures, video cassettes, slides or other visual representations, which are
characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas, or
(2) Instruments, devices or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection
with specified sexual activities.
C. Adult cabarets meaning any nightclub, bar (including establishments which do not serve
alcoholic beverages), restaurant, or similar establishment, which regularly features live
performances characterized by exposure of specified anatomical areas or by specified
sexual activities or films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides or other photographic
reproductions characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified
sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
D. Adult motion-picture theater where, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures,
video cassettes, slides or other photographic reproductions are regularly shown, and in
which a substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of
material characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified
sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
E. Adult theater meaning a theater, concert hall, auditorium or similar establishment which,
for any form of consideration, regularly features live performances in which a substantial
portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the exposure of specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas.
F. Massage parlor where, for any form of consideration, massage, alcohol rub, fomentation,
electric or magnetic treatment or manipulation of the human body is administered, unless
by a medical practitioner, chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist, licensed
massage therapist, or similar professional person licensed by the state. This definition
shall not be deemed to include an athletic club, health club, school, gymnasium, reducing
salon, spa or similar establishment where massage or similar manipulation of the human
!� body is offered as an incidental accessory service.
G. Peep show where, for any form of consideration, persons may observe from individual
enclosures shows which regularly feature live performances characterized by exposure of
specified anatomical areas or by specified sexual activities or films, motion pictures,
video cassettes, slides, computer generated images, or other photographic reproductions
characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified sexual
activities or specified anatomical areas.
A. As applied to a building or structure:
(1) An enlargement by increasing in height or by extending on a side, front, or back;
(2) Moving from one location or position to another;
(3) Any change, addition, or removal of the structural parts; or
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§ 270-5 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
(4) Any change, addition, or removal of partitions, or any change in walls, ceiling,
windows, or doors.
B. The term "ALTER," in its various modes and tenses and its participial form, refers to the
making of an alteration.
BASEMENT — That space of a building that is partly below grade which has half, or more
than half, of its height, measured from floor to ceiling, above the average finished grade of the
ground adjoining the building.
BED-AND-BREAKFAST — A building originally built and used as a dwelling other than a
hotel or motel in which accorrimodations for transients are regularly offered for compensation
and which accommodations include provision of at least one meal, and in which building no
more than four bedrooms are utilized for such accommodations.
BUILDING — A structure having a roof supported by columns or by walls and intended for
shelter, housing, protection or enclosure of persons, animals or property.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY — A detached building subordinate and clearly incidental to the
principal building on the same lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the
principal building.
BUILDING AREA — The total areas taken on a horizontal plane at the main grade level of
the principal building and all accessory buildings exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces and
BUILDING CODE — The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (9
NYCRR Part 600 et seq.) as the same may be arnended frorn time to time, and any successor
regulations, laws or codes.
BUILDING LINE — The line formed by the intersection of the vertical plane that coincides
with the most projected exterior point of a building on any side and the ground. Front, side,
and rear building lines are respectively the building lines closest to the highway right-of-way,
side property line and rear property line.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL — A building within which is conducted the primary uses of the
lot on which the building is located.
CATERER — A person or enterprise that prepares food for hire for consumption
predominantly off premises.
CELLAR— That space of a building that is partly or entirely below grade, which has more
than half of its height, measured from floor to ceiling, below the average finished grade of the
ground adjoining the building.
CHILD DAY-CARE CENTER — A facility, home, or other establishment defined as a child
day-care center in § 390 of the Social Services Law providing child care for seven or more
children for hire licensed by the New York State Department of Social Services at which day
care is provided for hire, and which is not a school, day-care home, family day-care home, or
group family day-care home. (See also "day-care home," "family day-care home," "group
family day-care home.")
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§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-5
CLINIC — A building or any part of a building which is used for the group practice of
medicine by several physicians in which certain facilities other than reception are shared by
the occupants and in which patients are diagnosed or treated by physicians practicing as a
CLUBHOUSE or LODGE — A building or premises used exclusively by members of an
organization and their guests which premises or buildings are devoted to recreational or
athletic purposes, not primarily conducted for gain. It excludes commercial and merchandising
activities for other than its own membership.
COMMUNITY RESIDENCE — A facility for adult residents operated by or subject to
licensure by the Office of Mental Health or the Office of Mental Retardation and
Developmental Disabilities of the State of New York defined as a Community Residence in
the Mental Hygiene Law.
DAY-CARE HOME — A facility, home, or other establishment at which day care is
provided for hire for more than three hours per day per child for no more than two children.
DOMESTIC ANIMALS — Domesticated horses, ponies, donkeys, sheep, cattle, llamas,
goats, pigs, ducks, geese, chickens, swans, turkeys, rabbits, cats, dogs, or other domesticated
animals found to be of a sinular nature by the Zoning Board of Appeals, kept and maintained
for personal use rather than for commercial uses, and not generally available for sale.
DRIVE-THROUGH OR DRIVE-IN FACILITY — An establishment or facility that by
design of physical facilities perinits custoYners to receive a service or obtain a product
(including food) while remaining in a motor vehicle on the premises.
DWELLING — A building designed-or.used primarily as the living quarters for one or more
DWELLING UNIT — A dwelling, or portion of a dwelling, providing complete living
facilities for one family.
ELDER COTTAGE — A separate, detached, temporary one-fanuly dwelling, accessory to a
one- or two-family dwelling on a lot erected and occupied in accordance with the provisions
of§ 270-216 of this chapter.
A. A facility available to the public providing one or more of the following services for
(1) Horse-riding lessons.
(2) Horse training.
(3) Leasing of horses.
(4) Boarding of horses.
(5) Sale of horses other than an occasional sale of a horse owned and used solely for
personal purposes by the owner of noncommercial facility.
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§ 270-5 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
B. For the purpose of this definition, a pony or donkey shall be included in the term
A. An individual, or
B. Two or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, related by blood, marriage, or
legal adoption, living and cooking together as a single housekeeping unit, or
C. Two unrelated persons, occupying a single dwelling unit, living and cooking together as
a single housekeeping unit.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection C, of this definition, a group of unrelated
persons numbering more than two shall be considered a family upon a determination by
the Zoning Board of Appeals that the group is a functional equivalent of a family
pursuant to the standards enumerated in Subsection F herein.
E. Before making a determination whether a group of more than two unrelated persons
constitutes a family for the purpose of occupying a dwelling unit, as provided for in
Subsection D of this definition, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing,
after public notice, as is normally required for the obtaining of a variance. The fee for
such an application shall be the same as is required for an application for a variance. Said
application shall be on a form provided by the Zoning Board of Appeals or Zoning
Enforcement Officer.
F. In making a determination under Subsection D the Board of Appeals shall find:
(1) The group is one which in theory, size, appearance and structure resembles a OL
traditional family unit.
(2) The group is one which will live and cook together as a single housekeeping unit.
(3) The group is of a permanent nature and is neither merely a framework for transient
or seasonal (including as "seasonal" a period of an academic year or less) living,
nor merely an association or relationship which is transient or seasonal in nature.
In making this finding, the Zoning Board of Appeals may consider, among other
factors, the following:
(a) Whether expenses for preparing of food, rent or ownership costs, utilities,
and other household expenses are shared and whether the preparation, storage
and consumption of food is shared.
(b) Whether or not different members of the household have the same address
for the purposes of:
[1] Voter registration.
[2] Driver's license.
[3] Motor vehicle registration.
[4] Summer or other residences.
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§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-5
[5] Filing of taxes.
(c) Whether or not furniture and appliances are owned in common by all
members of the household.
(d) Whether or not any children are enrolled in local schools.
(e) Whether or not householders are employed in the local area.
(f) Whether or not the group has been living together as a unit for an extended
period of time, whether in the current dwelling unit or other dwelling units.
(g) Any other factor reasonably related to whether or not the group of persons is
the functional equivalent of a traditional family.
(4) In making determinations under this definition, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall
not be required to consider the matters set forth in § 270-200 of this chapter.
G. Lesser permitted number.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions elsewhere provided herein, if the following
limitations result in a lesser permitted number of occupants than would be
permitted under the definition of family set forth above and the regulations of each
zone set forth later in this chapter, the number of occupants, related or otherwise,
shall not exceed the maximum numbers determined on the basis of habitable space
of each dwelling unit as follows:
(a) A minimum of 150 square feet of habitable space for the first occupant; and
(b) 80 square feet of habitable space for each additional person in each dwelling
(2) In no case shall the enclosed floor area be less than required by § 270-220 of this
(3) Areas utilized for kitchenettes, bath, toilet, storage, utility space, closets, and other
service or maintenance space shall be excluded in determining "habitable space."
FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME — A facility, home, or other establishment, defined as a
family day-care home in § 390 of the Social Services Law, at which day care is provided for
hire for generally three to six children and which is registered with the Tompkins County
Department of Social Services and is operated in accordance with the state and county
regulations governing operations of a family day-care center.
FAMILY-TYPE HOME FOR ADULTS — An adult care facility providing services to four
or fewer adult persons unrelated to the operator, all as defined as a family-type home for
adults in the New York Social Services Law § 2.
FARM — Any parcel of land containing at least three acres which is used in the raising of
agricultural products, such as crops, livestock, poultry, and dairy goods. It includes structures
necessary to the production and storage of agricultural products and equipment and on-farm
buildings used for preparation or marketing of products produced, or derived from products
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§ 270-5 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
produced, on the farm property on which the building is located subject to the limitations
regarding roadside stands set forth in this chapter.
FARM RETREAT — A farm which includes facilities for room and/or board for up to three
people unrelated to the owner or operator of the farm, which people temporarily occupy farm
premises and participate in the farming activities for the purposes of learning about farm life.
FLASHING SIGN — Any illuminated sign on which the artificial light is not maintained
stationary and/or constant in intensity and color at all times.
GARAGE— A covered building used primarily for storage of automobiles and other similar
motor vehicles.
GROUP FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME — A facility, home, or other establishment defined
as a group family day-care home in § 390 of the Social Services Law, licensed by the New
York State Department of Social Services or by the Tompkins County Department of Social
Services, at which day care is provided for hire for generally seven to 14 children and is
operated in accordance with the state and county regulations governing operations of a group
family day-care home.
HEIGHT— As it relates to a structure other than a building, the distance measured from the
lowest level or portion of the structure (slab or base) in contact with the ground surface to the
highest point at the top of the structure.
HEIGHT FROM LOWEST INTERIOR GRADE — As it relates to a building, the vertical
distance measured from the surface of the lowest level (floor of a crawl space, basement floor,
slab, or other floor, even if below exterior grade level) in contact with the ground surface to
the highest point of the roof, excluding chimneys, antennae, and other similar protuberances.
When the measurement of height from the lowest interior grade is made from the floor of a
cellar the maximum permissible height from lowest interior grade shall be increased by four
feet. This permitted increase shall not apply when the measurement is from any other floor,
including a basement floor, slab or other floor.
HEIGHT FROM LOWEST EXTERIOR GRADE — As it relates to a building, the vertical
distance fr<xn the lowest point of the exterior finished grade adjacent to the wall of the
building to the highest point of the roof, excluding chimneys, antennae and other similar
A. A business customarily conducted wholly within a dwelling, or building accessory
thereto, by an owner and resident of the dwelling, which is clearly incidental and
secondary to the use of the property for residential purposes and which meets the
following additional conditions:
(1) An area of no more than 25% of the floor space of the dwelling (whether in the
dwelling or in an accessory building) or 500 square feet (whichever is less) is used
for such business;
270:14 06-0t -2004
§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-5
(2) No more than two persons (full- or part-time) outside the resident household, and
no more than four persons (full- or part-time) including the resident household, are
employed in conducting the business;
(3) The owner and chief operating officer of the business is an owner and full-time
resident of the property on which the business is conducted;
(4) No goods are offered for sale excepting those created, assembled, or reconditioned
completely on the property;
(5;) There is no exterior display or sign except as permitted by this chapter or Chapter
221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca, no exterior storage of materials,
equipment (including commercial vehicles), or other items of commerce, and no
other exterior indication of the home occupation or variation from the residential
character of the lot, district or surrounding neighborhood;
(6) No offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare or electronic
disturbance is produced beyond the boundary line of the property occupied by the
(7) The business does not generate traffic in any greater volume than would normally
be expected in a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by
the use is rnet off the street and in accordance with any other regulation of this
(8) The business or use is not detrimental to the residential character of the lot on
which the business is located nor of the surrounding neighborhood; and
(9) The lot on which the business is operated is large enough to allow such business to
be conducted with minimal impact on the neighbors.
B. Home occupations typically include, but are not limited to, architects, attorneys,
carpenters, caterers, dentists, doctors, dressmakers, electricians, engineers, hairdressers,
insurance brokers, plumbers, realtors, and teachers.
HOSPICE — A building other than a hospital or nursing home where more than two
terminally ill persons are regularly lodged and furnished with meals and nursing care and
which has been granted a certificate of approval to operate as a hospice pursuant to the Public
Health Law or any successor regulating state law.
HOSPITAL — An establishment for temporary occupation by the sick or injured for the
purpose of medical treatment licensed by the State of New York for such purposes.
HOTEL or MOTEL — A building containing rooms designed and originally planned to be
rented or hired out for living or sleeping accommodations for transient occupancy.
HOUSEHOLD PETS — Domesticated dogs, cats, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mice,
ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, and other domesticated small animals ordinarily kept as pets
which eat and sleep within a dwelling unit occupied by a family.
LOT — Any area of land bounded by property lines which is not divided into parts by a
public road, railroad, or public utility right-of-way. Each part of an area so divided is
270:15 06-01 -2004
§ 270-5 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
considered an individual lot for zoning purposes but is not exempt from applicable regulations
of Chapter 234, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
LOT AREA — The area of a lot, excluding any portion of a public highway right-of-way
that may be included within deed description of the lot.
LOT DEPTH — The distance between a point on a public highway right-of-way line and the
rear of the lot measured perpendicularly from the street line. A lot need meet the minimum
depth requirements set forth in this chapter at only one point and not uniformly throughout the
lot's entire width.
LOT LINE — A property boundary of a lot, except where the property boundary is the
center line or other portion of a public highway, in which event the property line is the
highway right-of-way line.
MARINA — A facility providing docking or together mooring for boats with ancillary uses
Z� 11.� I
such as sale of fuels, boats and boating parts and accessories.
MINING — The extraction of overburden and minerals from the earth; the preparation and
processing of minerals, including any activities or processes or parts thereof for the extraction
or removal of minerals from their original location and the preparation, washing, cleaning,
crushing, sorting, stockpiling or other processing of minerals at the mine location so as to
make them suitable for commercial, industrial, or construction use; the removal of such
materials through sale or exchange, or for commercial, industrial or municipal use; and the
disposition of overburden, tailings and waste at the mine location; or any one of the above
activities. Mining shall not include the excavation, removal and disposition of minerals from
the site of, and incidental to, a construction project, or excavations incidental to bona fide
agricultural activities provided, however, such excavations, removal or disposition are subject
to obtaining fill permits if required as set forth in this chapter. For the purpose of this
A. MINERALS - Mean any naturally formed, usually inorganic, solid material located on or
below the surface of the earth. "Minerals" include, but are not limited to, peat, topsoil,
gravel, and stone.
B. OVERBURDEN - Means all of the earth, vegetation and other materials which lie above
or alongside a mineral deposit.
C. SPOIL and TAILINGS - Have the meanings given to them by Article 23 of the New
York State Environmental Conservation Law or any similar or successor statute.
MIXED USE — A commercial facility with accessory residential facilities, the floor area
(inclusive of all floors on all stories dedicated to the residential use) of which residential
facilities is less than the floor area (inclusive of all floors on all stories dedicated to
commercial use) of the commercial use, and which residential facilities are located elsewhere
in the building than on the street frontage of the ground floor.
MOBILE HOME — A transportable dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy. A
mobile home is designed and built to be towed on its own chassis, comprised of frame and
wheels, and connected to either public or private utilities. The unit may contain parts which
may be folded, collapsed, or telescoped when being towed and expanded later to provide
270:16 06-01 -2004
§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-5
additional cubic capacity. A mobile home may also be designed as two or more separately
towable components designed to be joined into one integral unit capable of again being
separated into the components for repeated towing. This definition excludes travel or camping
trailers towed by a motor vehicle and neither wider than eight feet nor longer than 32 feet.
Self-propelled motor homes, or modular housing which is not built with an integral chassis
and which must be transported on a separate vehicle from factory to housing site are also
excluded from this definition. A mobile home shall be considered a one-family dwelling only
for purposes of determining the number of occupants permitted.
MOBILE HOME LOT — A parcel of land used for the placement of a single mobile home
and the exclusive use of its occupants. A mobile home lot shall be located in a mobile home
park as defined by this chapter.
MOBILE HOME PARK — A parcel of land owned by an individual, partnership, or
corporation which has been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes.
MOBILE HOME STAND — That part of an individual mobile home lot which has been
reserved and improved for the placement of the mobile home, appurtenant structures and
MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING — A building or group of buildings on one lot
containing three or more dwelling units.
NATURAL AREA — An area of land designated as a Critical Environmental Area, Unique
Natural Area, or other similar environmental designation in accordance with regulations
promulgated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation or any
similar successor state agency, or by any other federal, state, or local governmental unit, and
any area specifically designated as a Significant Natural Area by the Town Board of the Town
of Ithaca after notice to the owner or owners of the area and a public hearing on such
NONCONFORMING USE— A use of land existing at the time of enactment of this chapter
and its amendments which does not conform to the zoning regulations of the district in which
it is situated.
NURSERY — A lot or structure where trees, shrubs, flowering and other plants are
cultivated, grown or stored and sold.
NURSING OR CONVALESCENT HOME— A building other than a hospital where sick or
infirmed persons are lodged, furnished with meals and nursing care for hire and licensed by
the State of New York.
ONE-FAMILY DWELLING — A detached building containing a single dwelling unit.
PARKING SPACE — An area for the temporary parking of a motor vehicle 180 square feet
in size exclusive of the parking lot circulation areas.
PUBLIC PARKING GARAGE — A garage or other structure used for the parking of
automobiles for the public for a fee on an itinerant basis.
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§ 270-5 ITHACA CODE § 270-5
SEQR — Article eight of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, or any
similar successor statute, together with any state regulations (presently six NYCRR Part 617)
and local regulations promulgated thereunder.
SHORELINE — The mean high-water elevation of Cayuga Lake along the shore.
SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS — The following areas of the human body:
A. Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock, and
female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and
B. Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state even if completely and opaquely
SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES— The following activities:
A. Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; or
B. Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; or
C. Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female
STREET LINE or HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE— The limit of the right-of-way of a
street, road or highway. Where the word "street appears this also means highway or road.
STORAGE — The outdoor accumulation or laying-up of manufactured products or raw
materials, or the keeping of one or more pieces of movable equipment other than pleasure
STRUCTURE — Anything that is constructed or erected on the ground or upon another
structure or building. "Structure" also includes anything that is constructed or erected
underground and projects up to the ground surface or above, or anything that is constructed or
erected wholly underground other than utility lines, septic and water systems, or other similar
types of underground construction wholly ancillary to a principal building or structure on the
premises. "Structure" also includes constructed parking spaces. The term "structure" includes a
building. There is excluded from the term "structure," however, underground graves, vaults or
other underground facilities for the interment of bodies.
A. Any equipment, other than:
(1) Equipment used by amateur radio licensees regulated by the Federal
Communications Commission; or
(2) Equipment that is used by a governmental unit or agency that is statutorily
expressly exempt from regulation by the Town of Ithaca; or
(:3) Mobile equipment that is contained in a car or other motor vehicle or is completely
portable and not affixed in any manner to realty [the exception for mobile
equipment does not extend to any antenna(s) attached, directly or indirectly such as
270:18 06-of -2004
§ 270-5 ZONING § 270-6
on a tower or other structure, to realty or to other facilities used in connection with
such mobile equipment);
B. Used in connection with the provision of two-way communication services of which at
least one of the directions of communications is wireless, including cellular telephone
services, personal communications services, private radio communications services, fire
and emergency communications, and any other private or public radio communications
transmissions regulated by the Federal Communications Commission in accordance with
the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other federal laws. Such uses shall include
private commercial uses as well as public uses. A telecommunications facility shall
include monopole, guyed, or latticework tower(s), as well as antenna(s), switching
stations, principal and accessory telecommunications equipment and supporting masts,
wires, structures, and buildings.
TWO-FAMILY DWELLING — A detached building containing two dwelling units.
VEHICLE REPAIR GARAGE— A facility at which the principal activity is the servicing or
repairing of motor vehicles for hire. Such facilities include but are not limited to mechanic's
shops, speedy-type oil and lubrication facilities, and muffler and brake repair facilities.
YARD— An open space on the same lot with a building, unoccupied and unobstructed from
the ground upward except as otherwise permitted herein.
YARD, FRONT — The yard between the street right-of-way line and the front line of the
principal building, exclusive of eaves which overhang by no more than four feet, extended to
the side lines of the lot. The depth of the front yard shall be measured between the front line
of the building and the highway right-of-way line. Covered porches, or uncovered porches
more than three feet off of the ground, shall be considered as part of the building and shall not
project into a required front yard.
YARD, REAR — The yard between the rear lot line and the rear line of the principal
building, exclusive of overhanging eaves, extended to the side lines of the lot.
YARD, SIDE — The yard between the principal building, exclusive of overhanging eaves,
and a side lot line and extending through from the front yard to the rear yard.
Establishment of Zones
§ 270-6. Enumeration of zones.
A. For the purpose of this chapter the Town of Ithaca is hereby divided into the following
types of zones (also sometimes hereinafter referred to as "districts"):
Conservation Zones
Agricultural Zones
Lakefront Residential Zones
Low Density Residential Zones
270:19 iw-of -2004
§ 270-6 ITHACA CODE § 270-6
Medium Density Residential Zones
High Density Residential Zones
Mobile Home Park Zones
Multiple Residence Zones
Neighborhood Commercial Zones
Office Park Commercial Zones
Conununity Commercial Zones
Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zones
Lakefront Commercial Zones
Light Industrial Zones
Industrial Zones
Planned Development Zones
Areas of Special Flood Hazard
Special Land Use Districts (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant to
Local Law No. 2-1984
Special Land Use District No. 1 - In accordance with and pursuant to Local Law No.
3-1984 [Wiggins]
Special Land Use District No. 2 - In accordance with and pursuant to Local Law No.
4-1984 [Sapsucker Woods]
Special Land Use District No. 3 (Lirnited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 4-1986 [Biggs Complex]
Special Land Use District No. 4 (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 1-1987 as amended by Local Law No. 2-2002 [Statler West]
Special Land Use District No. 5 (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 2-1988 [Chamber of Commerce]
Special Land Use District No. 7 (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 1-1994 [Ithacare]
Special Land Use District No. 8 (Limited Mixed Use) -In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 1-1.995 as amended by Local Law No. 4-2001 [Ecovillage]
Special Land Use District No. 9 (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and pursuant
to Local Law No. 14-1995 [Cornell Precinct 71
Special Land Use District No. 10 (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and
pursuant to Local Law No. 6-1998 [Sterling House/Sterling Cottage]
Special Land Use District No. I (Limited Mixed Use) - In accordance with and
pursuant to Local Law No. 7-1998 [Cornell Chilled Water Plant]
B. Said districts are set forth on the map accompanying this chapter, Town of Ithaca Zoning
Map (the "Zoning Map"), dated August 25, 2003, and signed by the Town Clerk. Said
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§ 270-6 ZONING § 270-8
map and all explanatory matter thereon and amendments thereto are hereby made a part
of this chapter.'
§ 270-7. Continuation of special land use districts. 2
The provisions of any prior zoning ordinance or local law creating, implementing, amending,
or in any other manner dealing with any special land use district as in effect on the effective
date of the adoption of this provision shall continue in full force and effect unless expressly
modified by the terms of this chapter or any other local law or ordinance adopted subsequent
to the adoption of this provision. Henceforth, such special land use districts shall be
considered planned development zones for the purposes of this chapter. Without limiting the
foregoing, the adoption of this revised chapter shall not alter the permitted uses nor the
conditions or limitations relating to properties within an existing special land use district.
§270-8. Zone boundaries.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the exact boundaries of the various districts as shown
on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
A. Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines of
streets or highways, street lines, or highway right-of-way lines, such center lines, street
lines, or highway right-of-way lines shall be construed to be said boundaries.
B. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the lot lines as
shown on plats of record at the time this chapter becomes effective, or lot lines on plots
of record at the time of any amendment rezoning an area, then such lot lines shall be
construed to be said boundaries.
C. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to the center
lines of street lines or streets, or the center lines or right-of-way lines of highways, such
zone boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance
therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map. If no such distance is given, such dimension
shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on said Zoning Map.
D. Where the boundary of a zone follows a railroad line, such boundary shall be deemed to
be located in the muddle of the main tracks of said railroad line.
E. Where the boundary of a zone follows a stream, lake or other body of water, unless
otherwise indicated said boundary line shall be deemed to be at the center line of said
stream, lake, or other body of water, unless said center line is outside the jurisdiction of
the Town of Ithaca, in which event said boundary line shall be deemed to be at the limit
of the jurisdiction of the Town of Ithaca.
1. Editor's Note:A copy of the Zoning Map may he included in the pocket at the end of this volume.The current and
official Zoning Map is on file in the Town offices.
2. Editor's Note:See also Ch.271,Zoning:Special Land Use Districts.
270:21 06-01 -2004
§ 270-8 ITHACA CODE § 270-10
F. Distances shown on the Zoning Map are perpendicular or radial distances from street
lines measured back to the zone boundary line, which lines, in all cases where distances
are given, are parallel to the street line.
G. In all other cases the boundary line shall be determined by use of the scale on the Zoning
H. Any lands existing in the Town of Ithaca which are unzoned at the time of the adoption
of this amendment, and any lands hereafter added to the Town of Ithaca by annexation or
otherwise, are hereby zoned Low Density Residential Zone. Any such after-acquired
lands shall be automatically zoned Low Density Residential Zone upon such acquisition,
except that such lands may be thereafter rezoned to any other zone as determined by the
Town Board.
§ 270-9. Prohibition of uses.
All uses not specifically set forth as permitted uses in a zone are expressly prohibited as uses
in that zone. A use specifically permitted in one zone is not perntted in any other zone, less
restrictive or otherwise, unless specifically enumerated as a permitted use in such other zone.
Conservation Zones
§ 270-1.0. Purpose.
A. It is the purpose of the Conservation Zone to preserve the outstanding natural features in
certain areas of the Town, as described in the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan
(September 21, 1993), and to provide a regulatory framework through which
development can occur with minimal environmental impact in these areas. Among the
natural values and ecological importance of these areas are their diversity as a plant and
wildlife habitat, their existence as biological corridors, their scenic views and rural
character, and their importance as an educational and recreational resource. In addition,
certain lands in the Conservation Zones contain large areas of steep slopes, wetlands,
highly erodible soils and, in one instance, the City of Ithaca water supply, which must be
taken into consideration in planning for future development.
B. It is a further purpose of the Conservation Zone to preserve existing areas of contiguous
open space, prevent unnecessary destruction of woodland areas, preserve existing and
potential agricultural land and promote appropriate development densities and flexibility
of design and development of land. Developers should be encouraged to use mechanisms
to accomplish these objectives. Such mechanisms could include enlarged buffer areas,
conservation easements, deed restrictions, and public or semipublic land dedications.
C. Certain of the areas included in Conservation Zones, in recognition of their natural and
ecological significance, have been designated by the Tompkins County Environmental
Management Council as Unique Natural Areas. It is a further purpose of this
Conservation Zone to preserve the natural resources and scenic beauty of the areas to
promote tourism as an important economic benefit to the Town of Ithaca.
270:22 06-of-2004
§ 270-11 ZONING § 270-12
§ 270-11. Permitted principal uses.
In a Conservation Zone, no building shall be erected or extended and no land or building or
part thereof shall be used for other than any of the following purposes:
A. A one-family dwelling, except a mobile home, to be occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger or other occupant.
B. A two-family dwelling provided that:
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 50% of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
C. Garden, nursery or farm.
D. Roadside stand or other structure, not exceeding 500 square feet of enclosed space, for
the display and sale of farm or nursery products related to farming and as a seasonal
convenience to the owner or owners of the land. Any such stand shall be located a
minimum of 30 feet from the street line, in such a manner as to permit safe access and
egress for automobiles, and parking off the highway right-of-way.
E. Forest management and other forest resource uses, including the harvesting of timber in
conformance with environmentally sound forestry practices, provided that logging of
more than one acre of contiguous land shall require the submission of a forest
management plan to and approval by the Planning Board. Such a plan shall include, but
not be limited to, a description of the area to be logged, what percentage of trees will be
cut, the method of cutting and removing trees, and how the land will be restored (e.g.,
through reforestation, agriculture or otherwise).
F. Public water supply.
§ 270-12. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Conservation Zone, but only upon receipt of a special
permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in this
A. Church or other places of worship.
B. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, day-care center,
nursery school, and any institution of higher learning including dormitory
C. Publicly owned park or playground, including accessory buildings and improvements.
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§ 270-12 ITHACA CODE § 270-14
D. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
E. Roadside stand or other structure, exceeding 500 square feet but not more than 2,500
square feet of enclosed space, for the display and sale of farm or nursery products related
to farming and as a seasonal convenience to the owner or owners of the land. The
majority of the products sold at such stand shall be, or be derived from, products
produced on the farm on which the roadside stand is located. Any such stand shall be
located a minimum of 30 feet from the street line, in such a manner as to permit safe
access and egress for automobiles, and parking off the highway right-of-way.
F. Bed-and-breakfast.
§ 270-13. Additional requirements for special permit.
The application for a special permit for any of the uses set forth in the immediately preceding
section shall be made to the Planning Board. Any required site plan shall conform to the
requirements of, and be subject to the procedures contained in Article XXIH. No building
permit shall be issued unless the proposed structure is in accordance with the final site plan
approved by the Planning Board. In determining whether to grant a special permit, the
Planning Board shall consider the matters set forth elsewhere in this chapter and in addition
shall grant a special permit for any of the above uses only if it can be demonstrated that:
A. The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Conservation Zone, as
enumerated in the purpose section relating to this zone;
B. The proposal provides adequate measures to control stormwater runoff and minimize as
erosion and sedimentation;
C. The project includes adequate measures to protect surface and groundwaters from direct
or indirect pollution; and
D. Off-street parking facilities are adequately buffered to niinimize visual and noise impacts
on surrounding areas, and are designed to minimize the increase in impervious surfaces
on the site.
§ 270-14. Permitted accessory buildings or uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a Conservation Zone:
A. Accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above permitted uses.
B. Home occupations to the extent permitted and subject to the same requirements set forth
in the provisions related to home occupations in the sections governing Low Density
Residential Zones.
C. Wildlife rehabilitation operation as defined and regulated under six NYCRR Part 184,
provided that no noise, dust, disorder, or objectionable oclor is experienced (as a result of
that use) beyond the boundary lines of the property where such use is conducted, and that
no more than three additional persons not residing on the premises may be employed.
270:24 06-01 -2004
§ 270-14 ZONING § 270-1.6
D. Day-care homes, family day-care homes, and group family day-care homes.
E. Adult day-care facilities serving no more than four clients at any one time.
F. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
§ 270-15. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Conservation Zone, but only
upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Elder cottages.
B. A second dwelling unit in a building other than the principal building, provided that:
(1) All of the general criteria set forth elsewhere in this chapter for the issuance of a
special approval have been satisfied;
(2) The location of the second dwelling, and the building in which it is located, does
not adversely impact in any significant manner the adjoining neighbors;
(3) The building containing such second dwelling is located at least 50 feet from any
side boundary of the lot, and is not constructed in any required front yard;
(4) There is adequate off-street parking for the proposed number of occupants,
including occupants of both the principal building and the dwelling unit for which
special approval is sought;
(5) The floor area of the second dwelling (inclusive of floor area on all floors
dedicated to such dwelling) does not exceed 50% of the floor area of the primary
dwelling on the lot;
(6) The second dwelling is located in a building that is accessory to the principal
(7) The building containing the primary dwelling does not contain more than one
dwelling; and
(8) There are no elder cottages or other buildings on the lot containing dwellings other
than the building containing the primary dwelling and the building for which
special approval is sought.
§270-16. Height limitations.
Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Conservation Zones no
nonagricultural building shall exceed 38 feet in height from lowest interior grade nor 36 feet
in height from lowest exterior grade, and no nonagricultural structure other than a building
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§ 270-16 ITHACA CODE § 270-19
shall exceed 30 feet in height. Nonagricultural accessory buildings shall in no case exceed 15
feet in height.
§ 270-17. Yard regulations.
Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Conservation Zones
yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of building immediately
adjacent. However, except for roadside stands authorized by § 270-11, the front yard
shall not be less than 50 feet nor need it be greater than 75 feet in depth.
B. Rear yard: Not less than 200 feet in depth.
C. Side yards: Each not less than 50 feet.
D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific
uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede
the above yard provisions.
E. Buffer areas: The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall
not be in addition to any required buffer areas.
F. Accessory buildings: In Conservation Zones accessory buildings other than garages may
not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. The total lot area covered by
nonagricultural accessory buildings may not occupy more than 1,000 square feet of any
required rear yard and shall be not less than 50 feet from any side or rear lot line.
§ 270-18. Lot coverage.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 1.0% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage. For the purposes of this zone,
roads, driveways, parking areas, and other paved areas shall be considered buildings in
computing the percentage of lot coverage.
§ 270-19. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Conservation Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least seven acres; and
B. Minimum lot width at the street line shall be 300 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (75 feet from the street
line) shall be 300 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the street line shall be 450 feet.
270:26 06-01 -2004
§ 270-20 ZONING § 270-22
§ 270-20. Clustering.
The Planning Board is hereby authorized to require clustering of residential units as outlined
in Chapter 234, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca, where clustering will
further the purposes of the Conservation Zone, subject to the requirement with respect to the
Conservation Zone along Six Mile Creek, that where feasible, on the southwestern side of Six
Mile Creek (i.e., on the Coddington Road side of the Conservation Zone), dwelling units shall
be clustered between the former railroad grade and Coddington Road, in order to preserve the
natural characteristics and scenic views of the lands adjacent to Six Mile Creek and the city
watershed properties. In such cases, the same number of dwelling units that could have been
built on that portion of the parcel between the former railroad grade and Six Mile Creek under
the above density requirements when feasible shall be transferred to the portion of the parcel
between the former railroad grade and Coddington Road. This provision shall not apply to
parcels which are situated entirely between the former railroad grade and Six Mile Creek.
§ 270-21. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in § 270-227.
§ 270-22. Additional requirements and restrictions.
A. The following activities are specifically prohibited in Conservation Zones:
(1) The importation for dumping or disposal of snow or ice collected from roadways
or parking lots into or within 200 feet linear distance of any wetland or
watercourse carrying water six months out of the year.
(2) The location of buildings or structures on slopes of 25% or greater, with a
minimum horizontal slope length of 25 feet.
B. No buildings, structures, paved areas, or storage of construction equipment or machinery
shall be located within 50 feet of the center line of any watercourse carrying water six
months out of the year, or within 200 feet of the one-hundred-year-flood boundary of any
body of water or watercourse identified as "Zone A" on any Flood Insurance Rate Map
for the Town of Ithaca, New York, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, (or any other generally recognized map of one-hundred-year-flood zones) within
any Conservation Zones.
(1) In the case of residential subdivisions, whether conventional or cluster, the no
disturbance zone as defined above shall be increased by up to 50% if the Planning
Board determines that such an increase is necessary to protect water quality or to
minimize the impacts of erosion and sedimentation.
(2) Unless otherwise authorized by the Planning Board, no disturbance as listed above
shall be located within 100 feet linear distance of any wetland. During the
subdivision or site plan approval process, where there is evidence of a wetland, the
Planning Board may require a wetland delineation study to determine the potential
impacts of development or disturbance on said wetland. For the purposes of this
section, wetlands shall mean all wetlands, as defined in either state or federal
270:27 06-0t -2004
§ 270-22 ITHACA CODE § 270-22
legislation (whichever is more restrictive) governing regulation of wetlands, of an
area of more than 1/10 of an acre.
C. With respect to the Conservation Zone along Six Mile Creek, no buildings, structures, or
storage of construction equipment or machinery shall be located within 100 feet of the
center line of the South Hill Recreation Way.
D. The storage and land application of manure for agricultural purposes shall follow
reasonable agricultural practices. Minimum conditions for storage of solid manure are a
pad of concrete and a leachate collecting system or other system reasonably equivalent in
its protection of the surrounding environment. The manure storage system should be
designed to prevent animal waste from entering any stream or water body.
E. The following apply to vegetation and landscaping:
(1) Existing native vegetation shall be maintained to the extent practicable.
(2) When landscaping is required by the Planning Board to enhance buffer areas, to
replace existing vegetation, or otherwise, native plant materials should be used to
the extent practicable.
F. Scenic views, in particular those with viewing points from adjacent roads (and, in the
case of the Conservation Zone along Six Mile Creek, from Six Mile Creek and the
gorge) should be preserved using practices such as the following:
(1) Avoid the siting of buildings or structures on ridgelines or hilltops. Buildings
should be sited below the crest or ridgeline of hills to preserve a natural
topographic and vegetative profile.
(2) Retain existing vegetation to the extent practicable.
(3) Retain existing stone walls, fences and other features in open meadows.
(4) Regrading should blend in with the natural contours and undulations of the land.
(5) Buildings proposed to be located within significant viewing areas should be
screened and landscaped to rrinimize their intrusion on the character of the area.
Building materials and color schemes should harmonize with their setting and be
compatible with neighboring land uses.
(6) Where possible, buildings and structures should he located on the edges of open
fields and in wooded areas to minimize visual impacts.
(7) Visibility of proposed buildings or structures from public trails within
Conservation Zones should be considered so as to rninimuze visual intrusion on
views from the public trails.
G. Wildlife habitats and biological corridors should be preserved. Open space linkages
should be encouraged to accomplish the above. Open space and conservation easement
areas shall be designed with massing and linking as guiding principles. Open space and
conservation areas both on and off site should be as contiguous as reasonably possible.
270:28 06-01-2004
§ 270-22 ZONING § 270-24
H. Roads and driveways should follow existing contours to the extent practicable to
minimize the impact of cuts and fills. The number of driveways accessing public streets
shall be kept to a minimum. The appropriate use of common driveways is encouraged.
I. The following shall apply to drainage:
(1) The Planning Board may require the preparation and submittal of a stormwater
management plan, to he approved by the Town Engineer, for proposed special
approval uses and for proposed subdivisions.
(2) Existing natural drainageways should be retained where possible.
(3) In cases where a retention basin will be required, a landscaping plan shall be
prepared and subrxutted for the Planning Board's approval. Basin landscaping
materials that enhance wildlife habitat shall be used to the extent practicable.
J. The following shall apply to lighting:
(1) Street lighting shall be provided only where site-specific safety conditions warrant.
(2) Where street lighting is required, its location, type, and intensity shall be subject to
the Planning Board's review and recommendation to the Town Board for approval.
K. Whenever a subdivision of land is proposed in a Conservation Zone, the Planning Board
may require that the nonbuildable areas listed above, including wetlands, slopes 25% or
greater, and streams/watercourses and setbacks, be shown on the preliminary and final
subdivision plats.
§ 270-23. Park and recreation setasides and fees in lieu thereof.
Because of the reduced density in the Conservation Zones, the requirements for maintaining
open space, existing public trails, and the existing and expected additional opportunities for
passive recreational activities in the areas included in the Conservation Zones, it is anticipated
that in Conservation Zones normally there will be no need for mandated parkland reservations
or fees in lieu thereof pursuant to applicable Town Law and Town of Ithaca Code Chapter
234, Subdivision of Land, and this Chapter 270, Zoning, including § 234-22 of Chapter 234,
Subdivision of Land, and any successor or related provisions.
§ 270-24. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within a Conservation Zone
requiring a special permit unless the proposed building or structure is in accordance with a
site plan approved pursuant to the provisions of Article XXIII.
270:29 06-01 -2004
§ 270-25 ITHACA CODE § 270-26
Agricultural Zones
§ 270-25. Purpose.
The purpose of the Agricultural Zone is to assure a proper economic and physical
environment for continued agricultural use of land and other nonextractive natural resource
land uses; to maintain an open rural character to viable agricultural areas; to assure compatible
types and densities of development on lands that are usable for agricultural pursuits; and to
minimize other land uses incompatible with farming. Persons and entities not engaged in
agricultural pursuits in the Agricultural Zone should be aware that the primary intention of the
zone is to permit usual acceptable farming and farming practices which may generate dust,
odor, smoke, noise, and vibration; during growing seasons machinery may be operated at
other than daylight hours; certain generally acceptable farming operations may involve the use
and spraying of herbicides or pesticides; and acceptable practices in keeping animals may
involve odors or noises. Accordingly, any person or entity residing or working in an
Agricultural Zone should anticipate these types of concerns and recognize that such are the
by-product of zoning an area in the Town where agricultural endeavors are encouraged to
thrive. To the extent buffer areas may be required, the intention of such buffers is to reduce
the potential for conflicts between farming and nonfarming uses. Agricultural Zones are also
areas of the Town where it is unlikely public water or sewer will be made available, so as to
reduce the economic pressures for development that often flow from the introduction of such
facilities. Accordingly, persons acquiring property in Agricultural Zones should not expect
such public facilities to be provided.
§ 270-26. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in an Agricultural Zone:
A. Any lawful farm purpose, including usual farm buildings and structures, but excluding
rendering plants.
B. Plant nursery.
C. Equestrian facility.
D. Kennel, coop, or other facility for the housing or caring for animals, birds, or fish,
whether for hire or otherwise, including an animal shelter, wildlife refuge and fish farms.
E. A roadside stand or other structure, not exceeding 500 square feet of enclosed space, for
the display and sale of farm or nursery products related to farming and as a seasonal
convenience to the owner or owners of the land. The majority of the products sold at
such stand shall be, or be derived from, products produced on the farm on which the
roadside stand is located. Any such stand shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from the
street line, in such a manner as to permit safe access and egress for automobiles, and
parking off the highway right-of-way.
F. A one-family dwelling to be occupied by no more than:
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§ 270-26 ZONING § 270-27
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant.
G. A two-family dwelling provided that:
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 50% of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
H. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
1. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
J. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
K. Community residence.
L. Forest management and other forest resource uses, including the harvesting of timber in
conformance with environmentally sound forestry practices.
§ 270-27. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in an Agricultural Zone, but only upon receipt of a special
permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in this
A. Retail sales related to agricultural operations.
(1) Except as permitted as of right in the preceding section retail sales of machinery,
products, supplies, or produce primarily related to, or derived from, agricultural
operations subject to the following limitations:
(a) Any building devoted to such activity may be no larger than 4,000 square
(b) No more than six persons may be engaged in or employed by the activity;
(c) No more than three acres, inclusive of building, parking, driveways, well,
septic system and other ancillary facilities, be dedicated to the use;
(d) No outside storage other than temporary day-time only display of products,
unless otherwise authorized by the Planning Board.
(2) In determining whether to grant such authorization, the Planning Board shall
consider, in addition to other criteria set forth in this chapter, that:
270:31 06-0I -2004
§ 270-27 ITHACA CODE § 270-27
(a) The nature of the business generally requires outside storage;
(b) There is adequate space on the lot for the proposed storage;
(c) The prernises are screened or otherwise buffered so that the outside storage
does not adversely impact the neighboring properties and property owners;
(d) The proposed outside storage will not adversely affect the character of the
surrounding neighborhood.
B. Veterinary offices or hospitals.
C. Church or other places of worship, convent and parish house.
D. Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto.
E. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, nursery school, and
any institution of higher learning relating to agricultural pursuits.
F. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
G. Golf course or driving range with related facilities such as clubhouse, restaurant, and pro
H. Cross-country ski center with related facilities such as lodge, ski shop and restaurant.
I. Commercial composting facility where composting occurs for sale, utilizing more than
400 square feet of land in which event the following additional requirements shall apply:
(1) The lot on which the facility is located shall be at least two acres in size;
(2) The composting facility shall be located at least 100 feet from any roadway and
any lot line, except for lot lines adjacent to Residential Zones, in which event the
setback from the Residential Zone line shall be increased to 250 feet and shall
have a buffer of vegetation or fencing to screen the facility from the Residential
(3) The facility shall be operated in a clean and orderly manner so that it does not
create a nuisance to any neighboring property.
J. Hunting preserves, lodges,or clubhouses.
K. Bed-and-breakfast.
L. Radio, television, telecommunication, microwave, satellite or other electronic
transmission facility operated pursuant to a license from the Federal Communications
Commission or any successor federal or state agency.
M. Research facilities dedicated to research in agriculture or animal husbandry.
N. Farm retreat.
270:31 06-01 -2W4
§ 270-27 ZONING § 270-29
O. Adult day-care facilities serving no more than four clients at any one time.
§ 270-28. Principal uses authorized by special approval only.
The following uses are permitted in an Agricultural Zone, but only upon receipt of a special
approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance with the procedures set forth in
this chapter:
A. Mining, subject to the following requirements in addition to the normal requirements for
a special approval:
(1) No special approval shall be granted until:
(a) The Planning Board approves a site plan for the proposed mining operations;
(b) The appropriate New York State authorities (DEC or other regulatory body)
has approved a reclamation plan and the plan and any required security for
the performance of the plan has been provided to the State of New York.
(2) There shall be a buffer area of at least 100 feet around the perimeter of the mined
area between the mined area and any surrounding property, such buffer to consist
of natural vegetation, plantings, berms, fences, or other screening as deemed
reasonable by the Board of Appeals to minimize the auditory and visual impacts of
the mining operations on surrounding properties.
(3) A fill permit shall be obtained in accordance with the fill permit requirements of
this chapter before commencement of any mining operations.
(4) Hours of operation shall be limited to business days (days other than weekends and
holidays) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time unless the applicant, for good
cause shown, demonstrates to the Zoning Board of Appeals that special
circumstances exist which compel that the times be extended.
(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the material to be mined is soil, gravel, or other
similar types of fill, up to 50 cubic yards of such product may be mined in any one
calendar year without special approval. If more than 50 cubic yards but not more
than 250 cubic yards in any one year are being mined, the special approval may be
issued by the Director of Engineering of the Town. In all other cases, the special
approval shall be obtained as set forth above.
§270-29. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in an Agricultural Zone:
A. Any farm-related structure not otherwise expressly referred to or limited by any provision
in this chapter.
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§ 270-29 ITHACA CODE § 270-30
B. If the principal use is as a farm, one or more one- or two-family dwellings, subject to the
occupancy limitations set forth above for one- and two-fanuly dwellings and subject to
the overall density limitations set forth below in § 270-35.
C. If the principal use is as one- or two-family dwelling or as a farm with dwellings; a
private swimming pool, tennis court, or other similar recreational facility for the principal
private use of the occupants of the dwelling.
D. If the principal use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, up to three accessory buildings,
all such accessory buildings in the aggregate not to exceed a total of 1,500 square feet in
E. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users and employees in connection
with uses permitted in this article, but subject to provisions of § 270-227.
F. A temporary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or
incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued
for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of
G. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
H. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
§ 270-30. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in an Agricultural Zone, but only
upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Elder cottages.
B. If the property is not used for agricultural purposes,a second dwelling unit in a building
other than the principal building on the lot, provided that:
(1) All of the general criteria set forth elsewhere in this chapter for the issuance of a
special approval have been satisfied;
(2) The location of the second dwelling, and the building in which it is located, does
not adversely impact in any significant manner the adjoining neighbors;
(3) The building containing such second dwelling is located at least 40 feet from any
side boundary of the lot, and is not constructed in any required front yard;
(4) There is adequate off-street parking for the proposed number of occupants,
including occupants of both the principal building and the dwelling unit for which
special approval is sought;
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§ 270-30 ZONING § 270-31
(5) The floor area of the second dwelling (inclusive of floor area on all floors
dedicated to such dwelling) does not exceed 50% of the floor area of the primary
dwelling on the lot;
(6) The second dwelling is located in a building that is accessory to the principal
(7) The building containing the primary dwelling does not contain more than one
dwelling; and
(8) There are no buildings on the lot containing dwellings other than the building
containing the primary dwelling and the building for which special approval is
C. Home occupation, other than farming or a fame related enterprise for which no special
approval shall be required.
§ 270-31. Height limitations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Agricultural Zones
no nonagricultural building shall exceed 38 feet in height from lowest interior grade nor
36 feet in height from lowest exterior grade, and no nonagricultural structure other than a
building shall exceed 36 feet in height. Agricultural structures, such as silos or windmills,
whether on a farm parcel or not, shall he set back a distance at least equal to their height
from all property lines.
B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board may, by special permit, allow a
tower, other than a telecommunications tower or facility, operated pursuant to a license
issued by the Federal Communications Commission for the transmission or reception of
radio, television, microwave, satellite, or other electrical transmissions to be up to 80 feet
in height from lowest exterior grade upon making the findings set forth below for special
permits generally and in addition finding that:
(1) The proposed tower is designed in accordance with generally accepted engineering
standards so that its construction and operation will not pose a hazard to persons or
property on the ground or in the vicinity of the tower,
(2) The topography and location of the proposed site are reasonably adapted for the
proposed use;
(3) The size of the site is adequate in that the tower is located on an unoccupied parcel
having an area of sufficient size that no part of the tower could fall on neighboring
property should the structure collapse; and
(4) The plans for the site (and the vegetation, screens, fencing or other devices when
completed) provide adequate buffering of the site and towers from adjoining land.
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§ 270-32 ITHACA CODE § 270-34
§ 270-32. Yard regulations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Agricultural Zones
yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
(1) Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of buildings on lots
immediately adjacent. However, the front yard depth shall not be less than 30 nor
need it be greater than 60 feet. A roadside stand authorized in § 270-26 may be
located in a front yard.
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: None required with respect to buildings all on the same lot, but not less
than 40 feet from any structure to a side property line except that in one of the side
yards a one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate
therefrom, may be 15 feet from a side line which is not a street line.
(4) Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for
specific uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more
restrictive, supersede the above yard requirements.
B. The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall not be in
addition to any required buffer areas. For purposes of calculating yards, and
notwithstanding the yard definitions, yards shall be measured in Agricultural Zones to
any building (other than a roadside stand), instead of to the principal building.
§ 270-33. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 10% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-34. Size and area of lot.
Subject to the density provisions regarding subdivision of parcels of land set forth below, lots
in Agricultural Zones shall meet the following minimurn requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least two acres, subject to the following conditions and
(1) A nonfarm lot subdivided for residential purposes from a parent tract as set forth
below in § 270-35 shall have a minimum area of one acre and a maximum of two
acres unless:
(a) A larger area is required by the Tompkins County Health Department to
provide on-site water and septic systems, in which event the permitted
maximum area shall be increased to the minimum area required by the Health
Department for such installations; or
(b) The applicant for approval of a subdivision requests larger lots and fewer
dwellings than would be normally permitted pursuant to § 270-35 below and
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§ 270-34 ZONING § 270-35
the Planning Board determines in considering subdivision approval that the
amount of land dedicated to such larger lots does not exceed the amount of
land that would have been dedicated to residential purposes had the number
of dwellings and sizes of lots been in full compliance with § 270-35.
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 60 feet.
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (60 feet from the street
line) shall be 100 feet.
D. Minimum depth from the street Iine shall be 200 feet.
§ 270-35. Density limitations and limitations on subdivision of parent tracts.
In order to protect agricultural uses, to preserve the agricultural value of land, to provide for
the retention of tracts of sufficient size to be used reasonably for agricultural purposes, and to
preserve the open space qualities of the Town, creation of nonfarm lots and the subdivision of
farm parcels from parent tracts shall be limited in the Agricultural Zone. Accordingly, and
notwithstanding the minimum lot sizes set forth above, the following additional requirements
shall apply to land within an Agricultural Zone:
A. Any tract or parcel of land in common contiguous ownership at the time of the adoption
of this provision of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to other normally applicable
subdivision laws and regulations, hereafter may be subdivided into no more lots than
equals the total number of acres of the tract divided by seven and rounded down to the
nearest whole number. (For example, a tract of 20 acres may be subdivided into no more
than two Lots - 20 divided by seven equals 2 6/7 rounded to two.) Some of the lots,
subject to other applicable requirements, may be as small as one acre but the total
number may not exceed the above limitation.
B. Clustering of the lots may be required by the Planning Board as a condition to granting
any subdivision approval. In determining the design of the subdivision the following
criteria should be applied:
(1) Clustered lots should avoid prime agricultural soils, defined as Class I and Class H
by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service or similar or successor
(2) Clustered lots should not interfere with natural drainage patterns; and
(3) To the extent reasonably possible, subdivisions shall be approved in a manner that
maintains the largest amount of contiguous acreage for open space or agricultural
use. (For example, if reasonably possible, a seventeen-acre parcel would be divided
into one one-acre lot and one sixteen-acre lot, and a twenty-four-acre lot would be
divided into two one-acre lots and one twenty-two-acre lot.)
C. The Planning Board, as a condition of granting subdivision approval, shall require, unless
good cause is shown for omission of same, the developer to encumber the larger tracts
(the noncluster lots) by deed restrictions, conservation or agricultural easements, or other
mechanism satisfactory to the Planning Board, to ensure that such parcels shall remain
270:37 06-01-20M
§ 270-35 ITHACA CODE § 270-39
permanently as open space or agricultural land. For this purpose, land shall still be
considered open space or agricultural land if used for the purposes set forth in § 270-26,
Subsections A, B, C, D, E, H (provided the same are passive recreational areas), I and L.
D. Notwithstanding the density limitations set forth above, any parcel of 50 acres or larger
remaining after subdividing off the clustered lots and which has been encumbered in the
manner set forth in the immediately preceding subsection, may be further subdivided into
separate ownership provided that all parcels so further subdivided are at least 25 acres in
size, and all such parcels continue to be subject to the open space and/or agricultural
§ 270-36. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVIL
§ 270-37. Additional special requirements.
Additional special requirements include the following:
A. Screening. In addition to the landscaping, screening, fencing and buffer requirements set
forth elsewhere in this chapter, additional landscaping, fencing, screening, or earth berm
may be required to be provided by the Planning Board in the site plan review process in
any area where the proposed structure or use would, in the reasonable opinion of the
Planning Board, create a hazardous condition or would detract from the value of
neighboring property if such landscaping, fencing, screening, or berm were not provided.
§ 270-38. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within an Agricultural Zone
requiring a special permit unless the proposed building or structure is in accordance with a
site plan approved pursuant to the provisions of Article XXIII.
§ 270-39. Right to farm.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, it being the intention of this section to supersede
to the extent legally possible any prior statutory or court developed rule of law regarding
nuisances or similar types of actions, on any land in an Agricultural Zone an agricultural.
practice shall not constitute a private nuisance when an action is brought by a person,
provided such agricultural practice constitutes a sound agricultural practice pursuant to an
opinion issued upon request by the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture and
Markets. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an aggrieved party from
recovering damages for personal injury or wrongful death.
270:38 06-of -uroa
§ 270-40 ZONING § 270-42
Lakefront Residential Zones
§ 270-40. Purpose.
The purposes of the Lakefront Residential Zone are to minimize excessive and undesirable
development in fragile lakefront areas, to protect the natural beauty and ambiance of the
lakeshore in the Town of Ithaca for all of the citizens of the community to enjoy, and to
enhance the experience provided to those living near, and those who use, the resource
provided by Cayuga Lake.
§ 270-41. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matter of right in a Lakefront
Residential Zone:
A. A one-family dwelling to be occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant.
B. A two-family dwelling provided that:
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 5017o of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
C. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
D. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
E. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
F. Community residence.
§270-42. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Lakefront Residential Zone, but only upon receipt of a
special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter:
A. Church or other places of worship, convent and parish house.
B. Public library, public museum, and public schools.
270:39 06-01 -2M
§ 270-42 ITHACA CODE § 270-44
C. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
D. Clubhouse or lodge, provided that no building so used shall be within 100 feet from any
street or within 150 feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner or within 200 feet of any
E. Bed-and-breakfast.
§270-43. Permitted accessory structures and uses.
The following accessory structures or uses are permitted as of right in a Lakefront Residential
A. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users and employees in connection
with uses permitted in this article, but subject to provisions of § 270-227 and further
subject to the requirement that no vehicle parking shall occur within 100 feet of any
B. Where the principal use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, private swimming pool,
tennis courts, and other similar recreational facilities for the principal private use of the
occupants of the dwelling.
C. Up to two accessory storage buildings other than a garage, all such accessory buildings
in the aggregate not to exceed a total of 600 square feet in size.
D. A temporary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or
incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued
for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of
E. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
F. Adult day-care facilities serving no more than four clients at any one time.
G. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
§ 270-44. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Lakefront Residential Zone, but
only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Elder cottages pursuant to, and subject to, the provisions of § 270-216 of this chapter.
B. Home occupation.
270:40 06-of-2004
§ 270-44 ZONING § 270-45
C. The keeping of domestic animals in accessory buildings, provided that no such building
shall be nearer than 30 feet to any lot line of any adjoining owner or to the Lake shore,
and further provided that there shall be no raising of fur-bearing animals, or kennels for
more than three dogs over six months old.
§ 270-45. Accessory structures and uses authorized by special permit only.
A. The following accessory structures or uses are pernutted in a Lakefront Residential Zane,
but only upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
(1) Fishing piers, docks, wharves, boat houses, cabanas, sea walls, and similar
waterfront structures and facilities when such uses are clearly accessory or
incidental to the primary, principal use on the property subject to all applicable
state and federal regulations and approvals.
(a) All such structures shall require a building permit. All such structures shall
additionally be subject of site plan review in accordance with the provisions
set forth elsewhere in this chapter.
(b) The following additional requirements shall apply to all such structures and
facilities including those subject to site plan review and those that are not
subject to such review:
[1] The construction of such structures and facilities shall be undertaken in
such a way so as not to impact water quality, cause harm to fish
spawning grounds, destroy the natural beauty of the shoreline, reduce
the stability of steep slope areas, cause erosion or sedimentation
problems along the shoreline, create hazards for navigation, interfere
with the public use and enjoyment of the water surface or shoreline,
infringe on the riparian rights of other littoral parcels, or otherwise
threaten the public health and safety.
[2] Piers, docks and wharves shall be designed in accordance with good
engineering practice. At the discretion of the Building and Zoning
Enforcement Officer, plans approved by a licensed engineer or architect
may be required before issuance of a building permit.
[31 Such structures and facilities shall only be constructed of materials
which are stable, chemically inert and insoluble and which will have no
adverse effects on water quality.
[41 The amount of grading, dredging, earthmoving and disturbance of land
above and below water during the construction of such structures and
facilities shall be minimized as much as possible and shall be consistent
with the permit requirements of the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation and United States Army Corps of
Engineers regulating such activities.
270:41 06-of -2004
§ 270-45 ITHACA CODE § 270-45
[5] To permit the free circulation of water, reduce the effects of fluctuating
water levels, and prevent adverse modifications of the shoreline, piers,
docks and wharves shall be of floating construction wherever feasible
and shall not be of rock-filled cribbing, sheet piling, closely spaced
piling, or such other construction technique or materials which would
significantly impair water circulation.
[6] The width of any pier, dock or wharf shall be a minimum of three feet
and shall not exceed eight feet.
[7] The length of any pier, dock or wharf shall extend offshore from the
mean low water line to a distance no greater than 30 feet (or such lesser
distance as may be stipulated in any permit obtained for such
construction from the New York State Department of Conservation or
the United States Army Corps of Engineers) for each lot used for
single-family residential purposes. Longer dock lengths may be
approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter, when necessary to reach adequate water depths for
proposed boat docking, while complying with all other standards
contained in this section.
[8] The maximum surface area of all piers, docks, and wharves permitted
on a waterfront lot that is vacant or used for one- or two-family
residential purposes shall not, in the aggregate, exceed 300 square feet.
[9] The number of piers, docks or wharves permitted on nonresidential
properties shall not exceed three such structures per lot. Such docks
shall not exceed a length, or be developed or configured on the site in a
manner that adversely affects existing environmental conditions or
natural features, including views, or negatively impacts navigation or
riparian rights of adjacent littoral parcels. The construction of more than
three such structures per nonresidential lot shall be subject to a
determination by the Town Planning Board as part of the permit
process, that such additional structures are needed to accommodate
anticipated boat traffic and can be developed on the site without
adversely affecting existing environmental conditions or natural
features, or negatively impact navigation or riparian rights of adjacent
littoral parcels.
[10] Every pier, dock or wharf that is constructed shall have a minimum
clearance or setback of 20 feet from adjacent property lines, as extended
from the shoreline, to allow adequate vessel access to neighboring
waterfront parcels. In the case of parcels bounding a substantially
straight shoreline, docks and piers shall be located in the area fixed by
projection of parcel lines lakeward at right angles from the shoreline. In
the case of parcels bounding a concave or convex shoreline, docks and
piers shall be located in the area fixed by projection of the parcel lines
lakeward along the line bisecting the angle formed by the shoreline at
its intersection with the parcel lines. Where such projections do not
270:42 06-01 -2004
§ 270-45 ZONING § 270-45
allow access to the line of navigability - that line marking the minimum
depth for navigation - the converging lines shall instead run to the line
of navigability. The line of navigability shall be divided among such
parcels in proportion to their respective shares of the shoreline and
Permit all shoreline parcels practicable access to navigable water.
[11] Piers, docks or wharves that extend 100 feet or more from the shore line
must be lighted during the hours of darkness in such a manner so as to
not constitute a hazard to navigation.
[12] Lighting of the surface of any pier, dock or wharf shall be provided in
such a manner so as not to produce any offensive glare when viewed
from the water or the land. The use of low-mast lighting fixtures and
deflector shields to direct the light downward shall be required to
reduce or eliminate glare.
[13] Commercial renting, leasing or operation of fishing piers, docks,
wharves, boat launching ramps or similar waterfront structures and
facilities shall be expressly prohibited in Lakefront Residential Districts.
(2) Mooring buoys or facilities subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Mooring buoys shall only be placed in connection with littoral parcels. Such
buoys shall be placed only within an area parallel to and 30 feet inward of
the parcel lines extended lakeward at right angles from the shoreline, and to a
depth necessary for safe mooring of a boat.
(b) Moorings shall be placed so that objects moored to them, at full swing of
their mooring or anchor line, will be no closer than 10 feet to the projection
of the adjacent property lines from the shoreline.
(c) The number of private moorings permitted per each waterfront lot shall not
exceed the following:
[1] 100 feet or less of water frontage: A total of one such mooring.
[2] More than 100 feet up to 250 feet of water frontage: A total of two such
[3] More than 250 up to 500 feet of water frontage: A total of three such
[4] One additional mooring is allowed for each 150 feet of water frontage
in excess of 500 feet.
B. Nothing in this section is intended to require or permit activities which contravene any
laws, rules, or regulations or permits of the United States or New York State, or any
agency thereof, nor are any of the foregoing provisions intended to supercede any
requirements for the obtaining of any permits or approvals required by the United States
or New York State, or any agency thereof.
270:43 06-01-2004
§ 270-46 ITHACA CODE § 270-47
§ 270-46. Height limitations.
In Lakefront Residential Zones, no building shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 38
feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest exterior
grade, whichever is lower. No structure other than a building shall be erected, altered, or
extended to exceed 30 feet in height. Accessory buildings shall in no case exceed 20 feet in
§ 270-47. Yard regulations.
In Lakefront Residential Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of buildings on lots
immediately adjacent. However, the front yard depth shall not be less than 30 feet or
need it be greater than 60 feet.
B. Rear yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth unless the rear yard is adjacent to the shoreline,
in which event the rear yard shall be not less than 25 feet in depth.
C. Side yards: Each not less than 20 feet in width, except that in one of the side yards a
one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate therefrom, may be
1.5 feet from a side line which is not a street line.
D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific
uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede
the above yard provisions.
E. Accessory buildings: In Lakefront Residential Zones accessory buildings other than No
garages may not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. Accessory buildings, in
the aggregate, may occupy not more than 15% of any required rear yard and, if other
than a garage, shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a private garage that serves dwellings on two separate
lots may be built across a common lot line with a party wall by mutual agreement
between adjoining property owners provided that there is at least one garage bay on each
lot. Any accessory building on a corner lot shall not be less than five feet from the rear
lot line. Where the average natural slope of a lot exceeds 8% rise or fall directly from the
street line, either a private garage not over one story in height and housing not in excess
of two cars or a small accessory building not exceeding 20 square feet in floor area and
not exceeding 12 feet in height, may be located in the front or side yard not less than five
feet from said street line upon receiving a special approval from the Board of Appeals.
F. Minimum setback from shoreline: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any principal building,
parking area or accessory structure, excluding such facilities as docks, piers, wharves,
boat ramps, and boathouses, shall be located at least 25 feet inland from the shoreline in
order to maintain adequate access to the shoreline. The Planning Board, during site plan
review, may establish a minimum setback of greater than 25 feet based on due
consideration by the Board of the preservation and protection of sensitive environmental
features, and the maintenance of the wooded character of the shoreline area, as well as
scenic views and vistas.
270:44 06-of -2004
§ 270-48 ZONING § 270-52
§ 270-48. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 10% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§270-49. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Lakefront Residential Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 15,000 square feet; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 60 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (60 feet from the street
line) shall be 100 feet; and
D. Minimum width at the shoreline, as measured in a straight line that is 90' from a sideline
at its point of intersection with the high water line of the lake to the other side line, shall
be I feet; and
E. Minimum depth from the highway right-of-way shall be 150 feet.
§270-50. Special properties.
In the case of publicly owned properties located in Lakefront Residential Zones, which
comprise at least six acres in area and are traversed by interior roads or driveways, the front
and side yard requirements set forth above shall apply only along the exterior public street
frontages and there shall be no rear yard requirements. The shoreline setback requirements
shall remain.
§ 270-51. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVH.
§ Prequirements.270-52. Special
The following additional special requirements shall apply to Lakefront Residential Zones:
A. Filling, grading, lagooning, dredging, earthmoving activities, and other land use activities
shall be conducted in such manner as to prevent to the maximum extent possible, erosion
and sedimentation of surface waters. On slopes greater than 25%, there shall be no
grading or filling within 100 feet of the shoreline unless:
(1) A permit for same is obtained pursuant to the fill permit provisions of this chapter
or is issued by the Town of Ithaca Director of Engineering upon his determination
that such grading or filling is necessary to protect the shoreline and to prevent
erosion, or
270:45 ob-of -2004
§ 270-52 ITHACA CODE § 270-54
(2) Such grading and tilling is in conjunction with construction pursuant to a building
permit legally issued by the Towle of Ithaca Director of Building and Zoning after
the Town of Ithaca Director of Engineering has reviewed the proposed
construction and any required or necessary erosion control measures and has
determined that the conduct of such work will not adversely affect the shoreline.
B. In addition to the requirements of this article, any construction, grading, or other
activities shall be conducted only in accordance with any federal, state, or other local law
or requirement pertaining to such activity, including any requirements of the New York
State Department of Conservation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Low Density Residential Zones
§ 270-53. Purpose.
The purpose of the Low Density Residential Zone is to provide an area of limited
development where it is deemed most desirable in the Town to maintain larger lots for
development and permit the possibility of continued agricultural use of the areas without
limiting the areas to solely agricultural uses.
§ 270-54. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matter of right in a Low Density
Residential Zone:
A. A one-family dwelling to be occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant.
B. A two-family dwelling provided that:
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 50% of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
C. Nursery or farin, except a hog farm. On-site retail sales of farm and nursery products
shall be subject to the provisions of § 270-56H below. Usual farm buildings are
permitted, provided that:
(1) Any building in which farm animals are kept shall be at least 100 feet from any lot
line or street right-of-way.
(2) No manure shall be stored within 100 feet of any lot line or street right-of-way.
D. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
270:46 06-0t -2004
§ 270-54 ZONING § 270-55
E. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
F. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
G. Community residence.
§ 270-55. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Low Density Residential Zone, but only upon receipt of
a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter:
A. Church or other places of worship, convent and parish house.
B. Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto.
C. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, day-care center,
nursery school, and any institution of higher learning including dormitory
D. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
E. Golf course, driving range or miniature golf course.
F. Clinic and nursing or convalescent home, provided that no building so used shall be
within 100 feet from any street or within 150 feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner.
G. Clubhouse or lodge, provided that no building so used shall be within 100 feet from any
street or within 150 feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner.
H. Bed-and-breakfast.
I. Equestrian facility, provided that adequate provision is made to prevent nuisance to
adjoining residences and provided:
(1) The lot size is at least two acres (three acres if public sewers are not available);
(2) There is a nonoccupied and nonused buffer of at least 50 feet around the perimeter
of the lot;
(3) Any building in which farm animals are kept shall be at least 100 feet from any lot
line or street line; and
(4) No manure shall be stored within 100 feet of any lot line or street line.
270:47 06-of -2004
§ 270-56 ITHACA CODE § 270-57
§ 270-56. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a Low Density
Residential Zone:
A. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users and employees in connection
with uses permitted in this article, but subject to provisions of § 270-227.
B. Where the principal use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, private swimming pool,
tennis courts, and other similar recreational facilities for the principal private use of the
occupants of the dwelling.
C. Up to three accessory buildings other than a garage, all such accessory buildings in the
aggregate not to exceed a total of 600 square feet in size unless the lot is three acres or
larger, in which event the aggregate area of the accessory building may not exceed 2,000
square feet.
D. A temporary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or
incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued
for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of
E. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
F. The keeping of domestic animals in accessory buildings, provided that no such building
shall be nearer than 30 feet to any lot line of any adjoining owner, and further provided 98
that there shall be no raising of fur-bearing animals, or kennels for more than three dogs
over six months old.
G. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
H. A roadside stand or other structure, not exceeding 500 square feet of enclosed space, for
the display and sale of farm or nursery products related to farming and as a seasonal
convenience to the owner or owners of the land. The majority of the products sold at
such stand shall be, or be derived from, products produced on the farm on which the
roadside stand is located. Any such stand shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from the
street line, in such a manner as to permit safe access and egress for automobiles, and
parking off the highway right-of-way.
1. Adult day-care facilities serving no more than four clients at any one time.
§ 270-57. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Low Density Residential Zone,
but only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
270:48 06-of -2004
§ 270-57 ZONING § 270-59
A. Elder cottages pursuant to, and subject to, the provisions of § 270-216 of this chapter.
B. A second dwelling unit in a building other than the principal building, provided that:
(1) All of the general criteria set forth elsewhere in this chapter for the issuance of a
special approval have been satisfied;
(2) The location of the second dwelling, and the building in which it is located, does
not adversely impact in any significant manner the adjoining neighbors;
(3) The building containing such second dwelling is located at Ieast 40 feet from any
side boundary of the lot, and is not constructed in any required front yard;
(4) There is adequate off-street parking for the proposed number of occupants,
including occupants of both the principal building and the dwelling unit for which
special approval is sought;
(5) The floor area of the second dwelling (inclusive of floor area on all floors
dedicated to such dwelling) does not exceed 50% of the floor area of the primary
dwelling on the lot;
(6) The second dwelling is located in a building that is accessory to the principal
(7) The building containing the primary dwelling does not contain more than one
dwelling; and
(8) There are no elder cottages or other buildings on the lot containing dwellings other
than the building containing the primary dwelling and the building for which
special approval is sought.
C. Home occupation.
§ 270-58. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special permit only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Low Density Residential Zone,
but only upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter;
A. Equestrian facility, provided that adequate provision is made to prevent nuisance to
adjoining residences and provided the lot size is at least two acres and there is a
nonoccupied and nonused buffer of at least 50 feet around the perimeter of the lot.
§ 270-59. Height limitations.
In Low Density Residential Zones, no building shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed
38 feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest exterior
grade, whichever is lower. No structure other than a building shall be erected, altered, or
extended to exceed 30 feet in height. Accessory buildings, other than a barn, shall in no case
exceed 15 feet in height.
270:49 06-01 -2M
§ 270-60 ITHACA CODE § 270-62
§ 270.60. Yard regulations.
In Low Density Residential Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of buildings on lots
immediately adjacent. However, the front yard depth shall not be less than 30 feet or
need it be greater than 60 feet.
B. Rear yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth.
C. Side yards: Each not less than 40 feet in width, except that in one of the side yards a
one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate therefrom, may be
15 feet from a side line which is not a street line.
D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific
uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede
the above yard provisions.
E. Accessory buildings: In Low Density Residential Zones accessory buildings other than
garages may not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. Accessory buildings, in
the aggregate, may occupy not more than 15% of any required rear yard and, if other
than a garage, shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a private garage that serves dwellings on two separate
lots may be built across a common lot line with a party wall by mutual agreement
between adjoining property owners provided that there is at least one garage bay on each
lot. Any accessory building on a corner lot shall not be less than five feet from the rear
lot line. Where the average natural slope of a lot exceeds 8% rise or fall directly from the
street line, a private garage not over one story in height and housing not in excess of two
cars may be located in the front or side yard not less than five feet from said street line
upon receiving a special approval from the Board of Appeals.
§ 270-61. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 10% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-62. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Low Density Residential Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 30,000 square feet; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 1.00 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (60 feet from the street
line) shall be 150 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the highway right-of-way shall be 200 feet.
270:50 06-01 -2W
§ 270-63 ZONING § 270-66
§270-63. Special properties.
In the case of publicly owned properties, properties of universities, colleges, cemeteries, or
other private institutions, Located in Low Density Residential Zones, which comprise at least
six acres in area and are traversed by interior roads or driveways, the front, side, and rear yard
requirements set forth above shall apply only along the exterior public street frontages and
boundaries with adjacent properties.
§270-64. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVII.
Medium Density Residential Zones
§270-65. Purpose.
The purpose of the Medium Density Residential Zone is to create areas that are almost
exclusively residential in nature where there is minimal intrusion of commercial, farming, or
other activities that could be detrimental to residential development and occupancy.
§270-66. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matter of right in a Medium Density
Residential Zone:
A. A one-family dwelling to be occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant.
B. A two-family dwelling provided that:
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 50% of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
C. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
D. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
E. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
F. Community residence.
270:51 06-01 -2M
§ 270-67 ITHACA CODE § 270-68
§ 270-67. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Medium Density Residential Zone, but only upon
receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Church or other places of worship, convent and parish house.
B. Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto.
C. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, day-care center,
nursery school, and any institution of higher learning including dormitory
acconunodati ons.
D. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
E. Golf course, driving range or miniature golf course.
F. Bed-and-breakfast facilities providing no more than two bedrooms for transients, unless
the size of the lot on which the facility is located is at least 30,000 square feet, in which
event up to four bedrooms may be used for transients.
§ 270-68. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a Medium Density
Residential Zone:
A. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users and employees in connection
with uses permitted in this article, but subject to provisions of§ 270-227.
B. Where the principal use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, private swimming pool,
tennis courts, and other similar recreational facilities for the principal private use of the
occupants of the dwelling.
C. Up to three accessory buildings other than a garage, all such accessory buildings in the
aggregate not to exceed a total of 600 square feet in size unless the lot is three acres or
larger, in which event the aggregate area of the accessory building may not exceed 2,000
square feet.
D. A temporary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or
incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued
for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of
E. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
F. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
270:52 06-01 -2W
§ 270-68 ZONING § 270-69
G. Adult day-care facilities serving no more than four clients at any one time.
§ 270-69. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Medium Density Residential
Zone, but only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Elder cottages pursuant to, and subject to, the provisions of § 270-216 of this chapter.
B. Home occupation.
C. A second dwelling unit in a building other than the principal building, provided that:
(1) All of the general criteria set forth elsewhere in this chapter for the issuance of a
special approval have been satisfied;
(2) The location of the second dwelling, and the building in which it is located, does
not adversely impact in any significant manner the adjoining neighbors;
(3) The building containing such second dwelling is located at least 15 feet from any
side boundary of the lot, and is not constructed in any required front yard;
(4) There is adequate off-street parking for the proposed number of occupants,
including occupants of both the principal building and the dwelling unit for which
special approval is sought;
(5) The floor area of the second dwelling (inclusive of floor area on all floors
to such
dwelling) does not exceed 50% of the floor area of the primary
(6) The second dwelling is located in a building that is accessory to the principal
(7) The building containing the primary dwelling does not contain more than one
dwelling; and
(8) There are no elder cottages or other buildings on the lot containing dwellings other
than the building containing the primary dwelling and the building for which
special approval is sought.
as D. The keeping of domestic animals in accessory buildings, provided that:
(1) The lot on which such accessory building is located is at least two acres in size
unless the Zoning Board of Appeals requires a larger lot in order to prevent
adverse effects on the adjacent or surrounding neighbors, in which event the lot
size shall be the minimum reasonably established by such Board; and
(2) No such accessory building shall be nearer than 30 feet to any lot line of any
adjoining owner; and
270:53 06-01 -zoos
§ 270-69 ITHACA CODE § 270-72
(3) There shall be no raising of fur-bearing animals, or kennels for more than three
dogs over six months old.
§ 270-70. Height limitations.
In Medium Density Residential Zones, no building shall be erected, altered, or extended to
exceed 38 feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest
exterior grade, whichever is lower. No structure other than a building shall be erected, altered,
or extended to exceed 30 feet in height. Accessory buildings shall in no case exceed 15 feet in
§ 270-71. Yard regulations.
In Medium Density Residential Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of buildings on lots
innnediately adjacent. However, the front yard depth shall not be less than 25 feet or
need it be greater than 50 feet.
B. Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet in depth.
C. Side yards: Each not less than 15 feet in width, except that in one of the side yards a
one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate therefrom, may be
10 feet from a side line which is not a street line.
D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific
uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede
the above yard provisions.
E. Accessory buildings: In Medium Density Residential Zones accessory buildings other
than garages may not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. Accessory buildings,
in the aggregate, may occupy not more than 40% of any required rear yard and, if other
than a garage, shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a private garage that serves dwellings on two separate
lots may be built across a common lot line with a party wall by mutual agreement
between adjoining property owners provided that there is at least one garage bay on each
lot. Any accessory building on a corner lot shall not be less than five feet from the rear
lot line. Where the average natural slope of a lot exceeds 8% rise or fall directly from the
street line, a private garage not over one story in height and housing not in excess of two
cars may be located in the front or side yard not less than five feet from said street line
upon receiving a special approval from the Board of Appeals.
§ 270-72. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 20% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
270:54 06-01 -2W
§ 270-73 ZONING § 270-77
§ 270-73. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Medium Density Residential Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 15,000 square feet; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 60 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (50 feet from the street
line) shall be 100 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the highway right-of-way shall be 150 feet.
§270-74. Special properties.
In the case of publicly owned properties, properties of universities, colleges, cemeteries, or
other private institutions, located in Medium Density Residential Zones, which comprise at
least six acres in area and are traversed by interior roads or driveways, the front, side, and rear
yard requirements set forth above shall apply only along the exterior public street frontages
and boundaries with adjacent properties.
§270-75. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVII.
High Density Residential Zones
§270-76. Purpose.
The purpose of the High Density Residential Zone is to maintain the residential character of
certain areas of the Town, to provide a buffer or transition from the less dense residential
areas of the Town to areas where multiple residences or commercial activities may be
permitted, to provide for more affordable housing, and to encourage more intense
development where there is infrastructure already in place to support such development.
§270-77. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matter of right in a High Density
Residential Zone:
A. A one-family dwelling to he occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant.
B. A two-family dwelling provided that:
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270-77 ITHACA CODE § 270-78
(1) Each dwelling unit is occupied by no more than one family; and
(2) The floor area of the second dwelling unit is not more than 50% of the floor area
excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit except where the second
dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exceed 50%.
C. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
D. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
E. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
F. Conimunity residence.
§ 270-78. Principal uses authorized by special pemi t only.
The following uses are permitted in a High Density Residential Zone, but only upon receipt of
a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter:
A. Church or other places of worship, convent and parish house.
B. Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto.
C. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, day-care center,
nursery school, and any institution of higher learning including dormitory
D. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a
E. Golf course, driving range or miniature golf course.
F. Clinic and nursing or convalescent home, provided that no building so used shall be
within 100 feet from any street or within 150 feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner.
G. Clubhouse or lodge, provided that no building so used shall be within 100 feet from any
street or within 150 feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner.
H. Bed-and-breakfast facilities providing no more than two bedrooms for transients, unless
the size of the lot on which the facility is located is at least 30,000 square feet, in which
event up to four bedrooms may be used for transients.
I. Adult care facility.
J. Child day-care center.
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§ 270-79 ZONING § 270-82
§ 270-79. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a High Density
Residential Zone:
A. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users and employees in connection
with uses pennitted in this article, but subject to provisions of § 270-227 of this chapter.
B. Where the principal use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, private swimming pool,
tennis courts, and other similar recreational facilities for the principal private use of the
occupants of the dwelling.
C. Up to three accessory buildings other than a garage, all such accessory buildings in the
aggregate not to exceed a total of 600 square feet in size unless the lot is three acres or
larger, in which event the aggregate area of the accessory building may not exceed 2,000
square feet.
D. A ternporary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or
incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued
for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of
E. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
F. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
§ 270-80. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a High Density Residential Zone,
but only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Elder cottages pursuant to, and subject to, the provisions of§ 270-216 of this chapter,
B. Home occupation.
§ 270-81. Height limitations.
In High Density Residential Zones, no building shall be erected, altered, or extended to
exceed 38 feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest
exterior grade, whichever is lower. No structure other than a building shall be erected, altered,
or extended to exceed 30 feet in height. Accessory buildings shall in no case exceed 15 feet in
§ 270-82. Yard regulations.
In High Density Residential Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
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§ 270-82 ITHACA CODE § 270-85
A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the front yards of buildings on lots
immediately adjacent. However, the front yard depth shall not be less than 25 feet or
need it be greater than 50 feet.
B. Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet in depth.
C. Side yards: Each not less than 1.0 feet in width, except that in one of the side yards a
one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate therefrom, may be
seven feet from a side line which is not a street line.
D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific
uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede
the above and provisions.
E. Accessory buildings: In High Density Residential Zones accessory buildings other than
garages may not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. Accessory buildings, in
the aggregate, may occupy not more than 40% of any required rear yard and, if other
than a garage, shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a private garage that serves dwellings on two separate
lots may be built across a common lot line with a party wall by mutual agreement
between adjoining property owners provided that there is at least one garage bay on each
lot. Any accessory building on a corner lot shall not be less than five feet from the rear
lot line. Where the average natural slope of a lot exceeds 8% rise or fall directly from the
street line, a private garage not over one story in height and housing not in excess of two
cars may be located in the front or side yard not less than five feet from said street line
upon receiving a special approval from the Board of Appeals.
§ 270-83. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 25% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§270-84. Size and area of lot.
Lots in High Density Residential Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 9,000 square feet; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 60 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (50 feet from the street
line) shall be 75 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the highway right-of-way shall be 120 feet.
§270-85. Special properties.
I.n the case of publicly owned properties, properties of universities, colleges, cemeteries, or
other private institutions, located in High Density Residential Zones, which comprise at least
270:58 06-0t -20oa
§ 270-85 ZONING § 270-89
six acres in area and are traversed by interior roads or driveways, the front, side, and rear yard
requirements set forth above shall apply only along the exterior public street frontages and
boundaries with adjacent properties.
§ 270-86. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVII.
Mobile Horne Park Zones
§270-87. Purpose.
The purpose of the Mobile Home Park Zone is to provide an area in which concentrated
development utilizing mobile homes may occur to encourage alternative and less costly
housing accommodations in the Town.
§ 270-88. Minimum area.
A minimum tract of at least five acres is required for a mobile home park.
§ 270-89. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matter of right in a Mobile Home Park
A. Mobile homes, each to be occupied by not more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than two boarders, roomers, lodgers, or other occupants.
B. Not more than one one-family dwelling (other than a mobile home) to be occupied by no
more than one family.
C. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements.
D. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to residences in the zone in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
E. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
F. Community residence.
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§ 270-90 ITHACA CODE § 270-93
§ 270-90. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Mobile Home Park Zone, but only upon receipt of a
special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter:
A. Child day-care center.
§ 270-91. Permitted accessory uses.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a Mobile Home Park
A. Automobile parking and garages, subject to the further requirements of this article.
B. Structures and open land for recreation, intended for use by the residents of the mobile
home park.
C. Such areas and structures as may be necessary for housekeeping activities, such as a
common laundry or garden plots. The use of any such area or structure may be limited to
residents of the mobile home park.
D. Storage buildings for storage of belongings of the residents of the mobile home park.
E. Maintenance buildings, storage buildings, and one central office building, all of which
must be utilized solely in connection with the operation of the mobile home park.
F. Community building for use by the residents of the mobile home park and their guests.
G. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
§ 270-92. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Mobile Home Park Zone, but
only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Home occupation.
§ 270-93. Height limitations.
In Mobile Home Park Zones the following height restrictions shall apply:
A. No mobile home or one-family dwelling shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed
38 feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest
exterior grade, whichever is lower.
270:60 06-of -2004
§ 270-93 ZONING § 270-97
B. No other building shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 15 feet in height from
the lowest exterior grade.
C. No structure other than a building shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 30 feet
in height from the lowest exterior grade.
W1 § 270-94. Yard regulations.
gIn Mobile Home Park Zones the following yard regulations shall apply:t,
A. Mobile homes shall have the following minimum yard sizes:
(1) Front yard: If on a public road, not less 20 feet in depth from the highway
right-of-way line; if on an interior private road at least 20 feet in depth from the
edge of such road if paved, and if not paved, at least 25 feet from the edge of the
traveled way.
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 10 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: Each not less than 1.0 feet in width.
B. A one-family dwelling and accessory buildings related to the one-family dwelling, shall
he subject to the minimum yard sizes set forth in the High Density Residential Zone
unless adjacent to a mobile home, in which event the size of the yard adjacent to the
mobile home shall be reduced to the minimum yard size required for a mobile home
C. In Mobile Home Park Zones accessory buildings may occupy any open space beyond the
minimum yards set forth above.
D. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for specific uses or
buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restrictive, supersede the above
yard provisions.
§ 270-95. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 40% of the gross area of the mobile home park.
Projections described in § 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-96. Lot area.
Each mobile home lot shall have a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet The arrangement of
lots in the park shall facilitate the efficient development of land and permit the convenient
access of emergency vehicles.
§ 270-97. Special requirements.
Mobile home parks shall be subject to the following special requirements:
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§ 270-97 ITHACA CODE § 270-97
A. Stand location. The location of the mobile home stand on each lot shall be identified on
the site plan.
B. Anchors. The mobile home stand shall be provided with anchors and other fixtures
capable of securing and stabilizing the mobile home. These anchors shall be placed at
least at each corner of the mobile home stand.
C. Skirting. Each mobile home owner, within 30 days after the arrival of the mobile home
in the park, shall be required to enclose the bottom space between the edge of the mobile
home and the mobile home stand with a skirt of metal, wood or other suitable material.
This skirt shall be properly ventilated and securely attached to the mobile home.
D. Parking. Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVU.
E. Buffer yards. A buffer yard at least 50 feet wide shall be provided around the perimeter
of the mobile home park. No structures are permitted in the buffer yard and the Planning
Board may require that suitable landscaping be provided in order to effectively screen the
mobile home park from adjacent properties. Parking spaces are not permitted in the
buffer yards.
F. Access drives and walkways. Access drives shall be paved with blacktop, concrete, or
other solid material. Driveways and walkways shall provide safe access, egress, and
traffic circulation within the site. The placement, size, and arrangement of access to
public ways shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate highway authority. Where
the density of population or school bus routes make it necessary, sidewalks and bus
shelters may be required.
G. Open space and recreation areas. The mobile home park owner shall provide recreation
areas on the premises, including but not limited to, play areas. The Planning Board shall
review and approve all such areas. Ten percent (10%) of the gross lot area of the mobile
home park, exclusive of the area reserved for buffer yards, shall be permanently
maintained as open space.
H. Storage space. The mobile home park owner shall provide storage space in convenient
locations for each mobile home lot. This storage space shall be contained in an enclosed
and secure structure. Several storage structures may be located in a common building.
The minimum dimensions of storage space per lot shall be eight feet high, eight feet
deep, and four feet wide.
1. Screening of waste and refuse. One or more common areas shall be provided for the
disposal of waste, refuse and recyclables. These areas shall contain secure bins of a
suitable size. These areas shall be screened from public view by shrubbery or a fence.
J. Signs. A single sign for the mobile home park is permitted. The size and other
characteristics shall be regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of
K. Operating permits. An operating permit shall be required for all mobile home parks. This
permit shall be renewable annually. The Building Inspector shall make periodic
inspections of the mobile home park to determine whether such park is in compliance
with the terms and conditions of the permit, the Zoning Ordinance and the site plan
270:62 06-of -moa
§ 270-97 ZONING § 270-99
approval_ The fee for the operating permit shall be in accordance with the following
schedule based on the number of mobile homes then located in the mobile home park:
Number of Units Operating Permit Fee
1 to 4 $25.00
5 to 9 $50.00
10 to 24 $100.00
25 to 49 $200.00
50 to 100 $400.00
Over 100 (No. of Units) times ($4)
L. Building permits. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter of the Building
Code, a building permit shall Ne required for each mobile home and/or structure to be
sited or constructed.
§270-98. Site plan approvals.
No building permit shall be issued for a structure in a Mobile Home Park Zone unless the
proposed structure is in accordance with a site plan approved by the Planning Board and, if
required, by the Tompkins County Health Department. No subdivision of a mobile home park
site plan is permitted without approval of the Town Board, following Planning Board review.
No alteration, amendment or change in a mobile home park site plan is permitted without
approval of the Planning Board.
Multiple Residence Zones
§270-99. Purpose.
The purpose of the Multiple Residence Zone is to permit, where appropriate, the construction
and development of multiple-family residences in the Town. At the same time, the Town does
not desire the large-scale development of these units to the extent that large areas of the Town
would be devoted to such use and single-family residences would be incompatible.
Accordingly, additional areas may be zoned as a Multiple Residence Zone upon application
for a specific proposal in accordance with the normal rezoning procedures. Generally, such
rezoning will be permitted only in areas where public water and sanitary facilities are
available, where public transportation may be readily available, and where other resources and
facilities that complement multiple.residence occupancy are found. In reaching its decisions on
whether to rezone to a Multiple Residence Zone, the Town Board shall consider the general
criteria set forth in this chapter, the most current Comprehensive or Master Plan for the Town,
and this statement of purpose.
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§ 270-100 ITHACA CODE § 270-102
§ 270-100. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Multiple Residence Zone:
A. One-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and multiple-family dwellings. Each
dwelling unit in a Multiple Residence Zone shall be occupied by no more than:
(1) One family, or
(2) One family plus no more than two boarders, roomers, lodgers or other occupants.
B. Day-care homes, fanuly day-care homes and group family day-care homes.
§ 270-101. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
Only the following accessory buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Multiple Residence
A. Automobile parking and garages, subject to the further requirements of this article.
B. Structures or use of open land for recreation, intended for residents of the Multiple
Residence Zone, including swimming pools, tennis courts, and other similar recreational
C. Such uses as may be necessary for housekeeping activities, such as drying yards or
structures in which laundry facilities are maintained but any such use must be limited to
residents of multiple dwellings.
D. Storage buildings for storage of belongings of the residents of the Multiple Residence
E. Maintenance buildings and one central office building, all of which must be utilized
solely in connection with the operation of multiple-family dwellings in the Multiple
Residence Zone.
F. Community building for use by the residents of multiple-family dwellings in the Multiple
Residence Zone and their guests.
G. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or
accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than
three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is
authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
§ 270-102. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a :Multiple Residence Zone, but only upon receipt of a
special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter:
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§ 270-102 ZONING § 270-106
A. Bed-and-breakfast.
B. Adult care facility.
C. Child day-care center.
§ 270-103. Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in a Multiple Residence Zone, but
only upon receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Home occupation.
§ 270-104. Minimum area for multiple residence zone.
A minimum tract of two acres is required for the development of a Multiple Residence Zone.
Such tract shall contain a minimum of 3,500 square feet of gross lot area for each dwelling
unit to be constructed.
§ 270-105. Height limitations.
In Multiple Residence Zones, no building shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 38
feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 36 feet in height from the lowest exterior
grade, whichever is lower.
§ 270-106. Yard regulations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Multiple Residence
Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
(1) Front yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth.
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: None required with respect to buildings all on the same lot, but not less
than 50 feet from any structure to a side property line.
(4) Courts shall he completely open on one side, with a width not less than the height
of the tallest opposite structure and a depth not more than one and one-half the
(5) Spaces between buildings: the distance between any two structures shall be no less
than 20 feet.
B. The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall not be in
addition to any required buffer areas.
270:65 06-of -woo
§ 270-107 ITHACA CODE § 270-111
§ 270-107. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 30% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-108. Minimum usable open space.
Minimum usable open space shall be not Less than 30% of the lot area. For this purpose
"usable open space" shall mcan that portion of the lot area not covered by any structure (as
defined in Article III) or driveway, and generally intended to be occupied by suitable
vegetation or landscaping.
§ 270-109. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Multiple Residence Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 30,000 square feet if public sewer facilities are
available, otherwise the minimum lot area shall be at least two acres; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 100 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (50 feet from the street
line) shall be 150 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the street line shall be 200 feet.
§ 270-110. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article X.XVII.
§ 270-111. Additional special requirements.
Additional special requirements include the following:
A. Access and sidewalks. Access drives shall be paved with blacktop, concrete, or other
solid material. Driveways and walkways shall provide safe access, egress and traffic
circulation within the site. The placement, size and arrangement of access to public
streets shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate highway authority. Where
density of population, traffic, bus routes, or other safety issues make it desirable, the
developer or applicant for rezoning shall install sidewalks with the approval of the
appropriate highway authority.
B. Recreation. The developer or applicant shall provide recreation areas for children on the
premises, such as playgrounds, parks, or other recreational facilities, in such amount as
may be necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the children and
residents in the district.
C. Screening of waste and refuse. No waste or refuse shall be placed outside any building in
a Multiple Residence Zone except that an area common to all buildings, or a separate
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§ 270-11.1 ZONING § 270-112
area for each building shall be reserved at the rear of the structure or structures. This area
shall contain bins, or other receptacles adequate to prevent the scattering of waste and
refuse, and shall be planted or fenced so as to be screened from the public view. Such
area and receptacles shall not be located in the buffer area set forth above. No refuse
shall be burned on the premises.
D. Buffer areas. No structure shall be placed nearer to any other Residence Zone,
Agricultural Zone, Commercial Zone or Industrial Zone than double the maximum
distance of the side yard requirement of the adjoining zone (e.g., if the Multiple
Residence Zone adjoins a Low Density Residence Zone, and if the maximum side yard
requirement in such Low Density Zone is 40 feet (excluding the fifteen-foot side yard
applicable to garages, as such fifteen-foot distance is not the maximum side yard
requirement), no structure in the Multiple Residence Zone shall be closer than 80 feet to
such Low Density Zone). A strip at least 10 feet wide within such buffer area shall be
suitably planted to screen a Multiple Residence Zone from other present or future
residences outside the zone, or a suitable screening fence shall be erected. The Planning
Board, in reviewing the site plan, may alter or waive the vegetative requirement along
the public street side.
E. Additional screening. In addition to the landscaping, screening, fencing and buffer
requirements set forth above, the Planning Board in the site plan review process may
require additional landscaping, fencing, screening, or earth berm to be provided in any
area where the proposed structure or use would, in the opinion of the Planning Board,
create a hazardous condition or would detract from the value of neighboring property if
such additional landscaping, fencing, screening, or berm were not provided.
§ 270-112. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within a Multiple Residence
Zone unless the proposed building is in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to the
provisions of Article XXHI. In addition to the site plan requirements set forth such provisions,
the site plan shall be subject to the following additional requirements as authorized by Town
Law § 274-a:
A. Such site plan shall show, when required by the Planning Board, a park or parks suitably
located for playground or other recreational purposes.
B. Land for park, playground or other recreational purposes shall not be required until the
Planning Board has made a finding that a proper case exists for requiring that a park or
parks be suitably located for playgrounds or other recreational purposes within the Town.
Such finding shall include an evaluation of the present and anticipated future needs for
park and recreational facilities in the Town based on projected population growth to
which the particular site plan will contribute. Such evaluation may also include reference
to any current Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan existing in the Town.
C. In the event the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to Subsection B of this section
that the proposed site plan presents a proper case for requiring a park or parks suitably
located for playgrounds or other recreational purposes, but that a suitable park or parks
of adequate size to meet the requirement cannot be properly located on such site plan, the
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§ 270-112 ITHACA CODE § 270-114
Planning Board may require a sum of money in lieu thereof in an amount to be
established by the Town Board. In making such determination of suitability, the Planning
Board shall assess the sire and suitability of lands shown on the site plan which could be
possible locations for park or recreational facilities, as well as practical factors including
whether there is a need for additional facilities in the immediate neighborhood. Any
monies required by the Planning Board in lieu of land for park, playground or other
recreational purposes, pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall. be deposited into a
trust fund to be used by the Town exclusively for park, playground or other recreational
purposes, including the acquisition of property.
D. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the land included in a site plan under review is a
portion of a subdivision plat which has been reviewed and approved pursuant to § 276 of
the Town Law or pursuant to Chapter 234, Subdivision,of Land, of the Code of the
Town of Ithaca (as either may be amended from time to time), the Planning Board shall
credit the applicant for any land set aside or money donated in lieu thereof under such
subdivision plat approval. In the event of resubdivision of such plat, nothing shall
preclude the requiring the reservation of additional parkland or additional money to be
donated in lieu thereof.
E. If the Town Board, by resolution or local law, has established the amounts, or a formula
by which amounts payable in lieu of land reservation may be determined, the amounts
payable pursuant to this section shall be as set forth in, or determined by, such local law.
Commercial Zones Generally
§ 270-113. Purpose.
The purpose of the establishing Commercial Zones and the following regulations is to
establish certain areas where retail businesses and other commercial uses of land will be
encouraged and to establish standards by which development in these areas shall occur.
§ 270-114. Permitted accessory uses.
Permitted accessory uses in all Commercial Zones shall be the following:
A. Automobile parking and off-street loading areas, subject to the further requirements of
this chapter.
B. Accessory storage buildings, but not to include outside storage.
C. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
D. The dwelling of a guard, caretaker or custodian but not more than one dwelling unit per
E. Child day-care centers upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board
in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter.
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§ 270-1.15 ZONING § 270-120
§ 270-115. Minimum area for commercial zone.
A minimum tract of two acres is required for the development of a Commercial Zone except
for a Neighborhood Commercial Zone for which the minimum tract required is one acre and
except for a Vehicle Fueling and Repair Zone for which the minimum tract required is 30,000
square feet.
§ 270-116. Height limitations.
Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Commercial Zones no
building shall exceed 38 feet in height from lowest interior grade nor 36 feet in height from
lowest exterior grade, and no structure other than a building shall exceed 30 feet in height.
§ 270-117. Yard regulations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Commercial Zones
yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
(1) Front yard: Not less than 50 feet in depth.
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: None required with respect to buildings all on the same lot, but not Less
than 30 feet from any structure to a side property line.
(4) Greater yards. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for
specific uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more
restrictive, supersede the above yard requirements.
B. The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall not be in
addition to any required buffer areas.
§270-118. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 30% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-119. Minimum usable open space.
Minimum usable open space shall be not less than 30% of the lot area. For this purpose
"usable open space" shall mean that portion of the lot area not covered by any structure (as
defined in Article III) or driveway, and generally intended to be occupied by suitable
vegctation or landscaping.
§ 270-120. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Commercial Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
270:69 06-01-2004
§ 270-120 ITHACA CODE § 270-122
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least 30,000 square feet if public sewer facilities are
available, otherwise the minimum lot area shall be at least two acres; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 100 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (50 feet from the street
line) shall be 150 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the street line shall be 200 feet.
§ 270-121. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article AAVH.
§270-122. Additional special requirements.
Additional special requirements include the following:
A. Off-street loading. At least one off-street loading space shall be required for each 20,000
square feet of floor area, including basement.
B. Access and sidewalks. Access drives shall be paved with blacktop, concrete, or other
solid material, and, if business is to be carried on in the evening, shall be adequately
lighted. No lights shall be placed so as to reflect in an objectionable manner on adjoining
residential properties or public streets. Driveways and walkways shall provide safe
access, egress and traffic circulation within the site. The placement, size and arrangement
of access to public streets shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate highway
authority. Unless waived by the Town Board or Planning Board for good cause shown,
sidewalks shall be installed by the developer of any commercial zone (except Lakefront
Commercial Zones) simultaneously with construction of any commercial buildings on
any site.
C. Buffer areas and screening. No structure shall be placed closer than 50 feet to any
residence zone and thirty feet to any other zone. A strip at least 10 feet wide within such
buffer area shall be suitably planted to screen a Commercial Zone from present or future
residences, or a suitable screening fence shall be erected. No waste or refuse shall be
placed outside any building in a Commercial Zone except that an area common to all
businesses, or a separate area for each business may be reserved at the rear of the
structure or structures. These areas shall contain bins, or other receptacles adequate to
prevent the scattering of waste and refuse, and shall be planted or fenced so as to be
screened from the public view. Such area and receptacles shall not be located in the
buffer area set forth above. No refuse shall be burned on the premises.
D. Additional screening. In addition to the landscaping, screening, fencing and buffer
requirements set forth above, additional landscaping, fencing, screening, or earth berm
may be required to be provided by the Planning Board in the site review process in any
area where the proposed structure or use would, in the reasonable opinion of the
Planning Board, create a hazardous condition or would detract from the value of
neighboring property if such landscaping, fencing, screening, or berm were not provided.
270:70 06-01 -2M
§ 270-122 ZONING § 270-126
E. Supplemental limitations. In the event that any of the uses permitted in any of the
Commercial Zones involve auxiliary, small-scale assembly, repair, processing,
fabrication, or cooking, such activity shall take place only in connection with products or
services offered for immediate sale or direct service to customers on the premises, and no
objectionable noise, smoke, odor, vibration or disorder created thereby shall be
experienced beyond the lot lines of said businesses.
F. Displays. In all Commercial Zones except Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial
Zones, no outside displays shall be permitted unless otherwise specifically authorized by
this chapter.
§ 270-123. Drive-through operations.
The inclusion in any zone of a use, such as a restaurant, bank, or pharmacy, that can be
operated without a drive-up or drive-through facility, does not permit a drive-up or
drive-through facility associated with such use unless the provisions applicable to such zone
specifically state otherwise.
§ 270-124. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within a Commercial Zone
unless the proposed building is in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to the
provisions of Article XXIH of this chapter.
Neighborhood Commercial Zones
§ 270-125. Purpose.
The purpose of the Neighborhood Commercial Zone is to provide areas or centers for
shopping and service-oriented uses that are easily accessible to the neighborhoods which they
serve, which are not intended to draw customers from considerable distances, or which have
low-volume traffic and no significant impacts so as to be minimally intrusive upon residential
neighborhoods. These zones shall be located so as to be generally distributed throughout the
Town in proportion to the population and shall be limited both in size and in proximity to one
§ 270-126. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a .Neighborhood Commercial
A. The following retail uses provided that the interior floor area is 5,000 square feet or less:
(1) Retail food store/grocery.
(2) Retail sales of candy, ice cream, gifts, flowers and similar small items.
270:71 06-0t -2004
§ 270-1.26 ITHACA CODE § 270-126
(3) Retail store (other than a retail store expressly referred to elsewhere in this
chapter) where goods are sold from inside the store and rental of goods is not a
significant portion of the revenues.
(4) Arts and crafts gallery/studio.
(5) Photography store:/studio.
(6) Drugstore/pharmacy.
(7) Florist.
(8) Bicycle sales/repairs which may include outside displays.
(9) Bakery.
(10) Plant nursery which may include outside displays.
(11) Hardware store.
(12) Painting and decorating boutique.
(13) Bookstore or newsstand.
B. The following personal service retail uses provided that the interior floor area is 5,000
square feet or less:
(1) Bank or other financial institution.
(2) Laundromat, dry cleaning (self-service or pickup).
(3) Barbershop or beauty parlor.
(4) Milliner/dressmaker/tailor.
(5) Shoe maker/repair.
(6) Restaurant or coffee shop.
('7) Caterer.
(8) Photocopying/related printing.
(9) Optician.
(10) Decorator.
C. Business, professional,administrative, or governmental office, but excluding a medical or
dental clinic.
D. Fire station and emergency medical services.
E. The following uses provided that the area on which construction occurs on the .land is
5,000 square feet or less (excluding underground utilities):
270:72 06-01 -2ooa
§ 270-126 ZONING § 270-127
(1) Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility
40 services except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same
setback requirements as apply to other buildings in the district in which the
substations or similar structures are constructed.
§ 270-127. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Neighborhood Commercial Zone, but only upon receipt
of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this chapter:
A. Any of the uses, except caterer, set forth above as being permitted as of right where the
interior floor area for such use exceeds 5,000 square feet.
B. The following uses where the construction on the lot exceeds 5,000 square feet of land
area but does not exceed 10,000 square feet of land area (excluding underground
(1) Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility
services except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same
setback requirements as apply to other buildings in the district in which the
substations or similar structures are constructed.
C. Bank or other financial institution with a drive-through with a maximum of two
drive-through lanes served by tellers or automatic teller machines.
D. Furniture and appliance sales and service.
E. Packaging/mailing service.
F. Hotel or motel provided the facility fronts on a state highway.
G. Child day-care center and elder care center.
H. Clubhouse, lodge, community center.
1. Mixed use commercial and residential provided the commercial use is a use that would
be permitted in a Neighborhood Commercial Zone if it were not in a mixed use facility.
J. Health or fitness center.
K. Any other lawful use, not otherwise specifically referred to in this chapter, that both the
Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals find is substantially similar to a use
permitted as of right in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone and does not have greater
adverse effects upon traffic, noise, air quality, parking, or any other attribute reasonably
relevant, than a use permitted as of right.
270:73 06-01 -2W
§ 270-128 ITHACA CODE § 270-131,
§ 270-128. Maximum building size.
No building in a Neighborhood Commercial Zone shall exceed 7,500 square feet in size
(inclusive of all floors except a basement used solely for storage) unless the Planning Board,
by special permit, authorizes the size to be increased up to 10,000 square feet. In no event
shall a building exceed 10,000 square feet in size (inclusive of all floors except a basement
used solely for storage).
Office Park Commercial Zones
§ 270-129. Purpose.
The purpose of the Office Park Commercial Zone is to provide areas in the Town where
office parks involving business offices but not retail sales nor industrial products might be
located in a manner that is not totally inconsistent with residential areas but which may serve
as transition zones from lower density residential to higher intensity residential and
commercial uses and may involve traffic and other impacts that would begin to degrade the
residential environment.
§ 270-130. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in an Office Park Commercial
A. Bank or other financial institution with or without a drive-through facility, provided any
drive-through facility shall be limited to no more than two drive-through lanes.
B. Business, administrative or professional offices.
C. Medical and dental clinics not involving any overnight occupancy.
D. Optician and related facilities.
E. Municipal or other governmental offices.
§ 270-131. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in an Office Park Commercial Zone, but only upon receipt
of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this chapter:
A. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
involving construction on more than 10,000 square feet of land.
B. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or servicing of a
C. Arts and crafts gallery or studio.
270:74 06-01-2004
§ 270-131 ZONING § 270-134
D. Restaurant.
E. Packaging/mailing service.
F. Research and development facility which contains laboratories or other areas that are not
G. Clubhouse, lodge, community center.
H. Hospital, medical or dental clinic that involves overnight occupancy.
§ 270-132. Additional permitted accessory uses.
In addition to accessory uses authorized in all Commercial Zones, the following accessory
uses are permitted in an Office Park Commercial Zone:
A. Cafeteria or lunchroom.
B. Retail sales of candy, ice cream, baked goods, flowers, and other small items.
C. Child or elder day-care center.
D. Health or fitness center.
Community Commercial Zones
§ 270-133. Purpose.
The purpose of the Community Commercial Zone is to provide areas in the Town for a
broader range of economic activities which include activities that may draw clientele from all
areas in the Town and from outside the Town. It is the intention to locate such areas where
there is minimal impact on established residential neighborhoods, where the necessary
infrastructure is available, and where transportation facilities can be provided. The uses in this
zone will typically involve more traffic and related noises than in the Neighborhood and
Office Park Commercial Zones.
§270-134. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Community Commercial
A. Any of the uses permitted in a Neighborhood Commercial Zone or the Office Park
Commercial Zone that do not require a special permit or approval other than for the size
of the facility. Such uses are permitted as of right if the interior floor area is not more
than 10,000 square feet.
B. Any of the following uses provided that the interior floor area is 10,000 square feet or
270:75 06-01 -taw
§ 270-l 34 ITHACA CODE § 270-1,35
(1) Bank or other fines __._ricial institution with drive-through with a maximum of two
drive-through lanes served by tellers or automatic teller machines.
(2) Building supply wl _. . --ach may include outside displays.
(3) Drugstore with a dr:iu--_ --tee-through with no more than one driving lane passing through
the drive-through wii�_ _ widow area.
(4) Electrical shop.
(5) Furniture and appliaimr7 ice sales and service.
(6) Glass shop.
(7) Greenhouse which rY-_-mmw_ -may include outside displays.
(8) Heating shop.
(9) Monument works wl-=i- _-Joich may include outside displays.
(10) Optician.
('l 1) Package liquor storms_
(12) Pet shop, provided sum- -own--h shop does not have any outside pens or runs.
(1.3) Plumbing shop.
(14) Printer.
(15) Video store.
(16) Packaging/mailing sew �'�►ice.
C. Hotel or motel of 30 sleep.im rooms or less.
§ 270-135. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted min a.Community Commercial Zone, but only upon receipt of
a special permit for same from th-a=� Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this chapter and provided the terior floor area for each store (or if the use is other than as
a store, the space occupied by ear entity) is no greater than 25,000 square feet unless limited
below to a lesser amount:
A. Any of the uses permute— in Neighborhood Commercial Zone or Office Park
Commercial Zone upon recc-_i -mot of a special permit.
B. Any of the uses set forth in � -nil 270-126, 270-127, 270-130 and 270-134 above where the
interior floor area for such use exceeds the maximum permitted allowable in said
sections, usually 10,000 squ am�--=—feet.
C. Public library.
270:76 06-0t -2004
§ 270-1.35 ZONING § 270-135
D. Theater, skating rink, bowling alley, dance hall, where the activity involved is conducted
I exclusively inside a building provided that such place of business shall be located at least
200 feet from any residence district.
E. Restaurant or other place for the serving of food, with or without a drive-through facility
provided, however, that no new restaurant with a drive-through facility shall be permitted
within 1,500 feet of the property boundary line of an existing restaurant with a
drive-through facility. If alcoholic beverages are served, the place of business shall be
located at least 200 feet from a school or church and at least 150 feet from any residence
zone. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no such facility with a
drive-through shall exceed .10,000 square feet of interior space.
F. Bar or tavern, provided the place of business is located at least 200 feet from a school or
church and at least 150 feet from any residence zone.
G. Bank or other financial institution with drive-through with not more than three
drive-through lanes served by tellers or automatic teller machines.
H. Drugstore or pharmacy with a drive-through with not more than three driving lanes
passing through the drive-through window(s) area.
I. Clubhouse or lodge, provided that no building so used shall be within 100 feet of any
street or within 150 feet of the lot line of an adjoining owner.
J. Undertaker.
K. Hotel or motel with more than 30 sleeping rooms.
L. Public parking garage or lot such as a park-n-ride parking lot.
M. Mixed use commercial and residential provided the commercial use is a use that would
be permitted in a Community Commercial Zone if it were not in a mixed use facility.
N. Veterinary office or clinic. No veterinary office or clinic shall exceed 10,000 square feet
of interior space.
O. Medical and dental clinics not involving any overnight occupancy.
P. Upholsterer.
Q. Car wash, including a car wash drive-through facility, provided the footprint of the car
wash building does not exceed 10,000 square feet.
R. Any other lawful use, not otherwise specifically referred to in this chapter, that both the
Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals find is substantially similar to a use
permitted as of right in the Community Commercial Zone and does not have greater
adverse effects upon traffic, noise, air quality, parking, or any other attribute reasonably
relevant, than a use permitted as of right.
270:77 06-of -2044
§ 270-136 ITHACA CODE § 270-140
Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zones
§ 270-136. Purpose.
The purpose of the Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zone is to provide areas where
retail sales of automotive gasoline and related products might occur as well as the sale and
tl C,
repair of automobiles, all in an environment that minimizes the impact of such activities on
residential and Neighborhood Commercial Zones.
§ 270-137. Permitted principal aces.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Vehicle Fueling and Repair
Commercial Zone:
A. Vehicle fuel sales station and vehicle repair garage provided that all servicing of vehicles
shall take place on private property, and that no repair work, except short-term
emergency repairs, be carried on out-of-doors.
B. Car wash, including a car wash that is a drive-through facility.
§ 270-138. Principal use authorized by special permit only.
The following use is permitted in a Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zone, but only
upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with'the
procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Convenience store with gasoline sales.
B. Public parking garage or parking lot.
Z� t>
C. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setback
requirements as apply to other buildings in the district in which the substations or similar
structures are constructed.
Lakefront Commercial Zones
§ 270-139. Purpose.
The purpose of the Lakefront Commercial Zone is to provide areas in the Town for coherent
development of commercial facilities that are uniquely related to the shore front of Cayuga
Lake and are not inherently incompatible with adjacent residential zones.
§ 270-140. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Lakefront Commercial Zone:
270:78 06-01 -2004
§ 270-140 ZONING § 270-143
A. Boat harbor and marina.
§ 270-141. Principal uses authorized by special permit only.
The following uses are permitted in a Lakefront Commercial Zone upon receipt of a special
permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in this
A. Restaurant or other place for the serving of food. If alcoholic beverages are served, the
place of business shall be located at least 200 feet from a school or church or 150 feet
from a residence district.
B. Hotel or motel, provided that the principal building is set back at least 100 feet from the
C. Clubhouse or lodge, provided that no buildings so used shall be within 1.00 feet of any
street, or within 150 feet of the lot line of an adjoining owner.
D. Mixed use commercial and residential, provided the commercial use is a use that would
be permitted in a Lakefront Commercial Zone if it were not in a mixed use facility and
provided that any residential component of any building is set back at least 100 feet from
the shoreline.
E. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services
involving construction on not more than 5,000 square feet of land.
§270-142. Accessary uses authorized by special permit only.
In addition to accessory uses authorized in all Commercial Zones, the following accessory use
is permitted in a Lakefront Commercial Zone but only upon receipt of a special permit for
same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter:
A. Retail sales of candy, ice cream, baked goods, flowers, and other small items.
Light Industrial Tones
§270-143. Purpose,
The purpose of the Light Industrial Zone is to permit, where appropriate, the construction of
research and development oriented industries, high technology enterprises, light manufacturing
facilities, and other moderately intensive industrial activities which would not generally be
appropriate in residential areas but which may not require the same level of separation from
residential areas as more intensive industrial uses. Areas may be zoned as a Light Industrial
Zone by the Town Board or upon application for a specific proposal, all in accordance with
the normal rezoning procedures. Generally, such rezoning will be permitted only in areas
where public water and sanitary facilities are available, where public transportation may he
readily available, and where other resources and facilities that complement multiple light
industrial uses are found. In reaching its decision on whether to rezone to a Light Industrial
270:79 06-01-2004
§ 270-143 ITHACA CODE § 270-145
Zone, the Town Board shall consider the general criteria set forth in this chapter, the most
current Comprehensive or Master Plan for the Town, and this statement of purpose.
§ 270-144. Permitted principal uses.
Only the following buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Light Industrial Zone:
A. Business, administrative or professional offices.
B. Industrial uses employing electric power or other motor power, or utilizing hand labor for
fabrication or assembly.
C. Indoor warehousing and indoor storage including self-service storage facilities.
D. Printing, publishing and bookbinding.
E. Research and development facilities utilizing office spaces, indoor scientific laboratories,
and other similar indoor spaces.
§ 270-145. Adult entertainment uses authorized by special approval only.
Adult entertainment businesses are permitted in certain Light Industrial Zones, but only upon
receipt of a special approval for same from the Board of Appeals in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this chapter after receipt of a favorable recommendation for same from
the Planning Board, and only upon the conditions set forth below:
A. Adult entertainment businesses are permitted only in those Light Industrial Districts
which adjoin a State Highway (e.g., New York. State Route 1.3).
B. The Board of Appeals, after favorable recommendation of the Planning Board, grants a
special approval for same in accordance with the provisions of Article XXIV, Special
Permits and Special Approvals, of this chapter utilizing the criteria set forth or referred to
in said article for the granting of a special approval.
C. The building in which the business is conducted, and the related parking areas, are
located at least 150 feet from any highway right-of-way line, at least 280 feet from the
boundary of any other zoning district, and at least 280 feet from any public park, school,
or church. For this purpose, the Finger Lakes Trail is considered a public park, and the
boundaries of such trail are deemed to be the lines on each side of the center line that are
parallel to, and 20 feet from, the center line of the trail.
D. The building and lot upon which it is located comply in all other respects with the
requirements set forth in the provisions of this article governing Light Industrial Zones,
except as modified by this section and with the following further exceptions:
(1) If the type of adult entertainment business is one specified in § 270-227 the
minimum parking requirements shall be those set forth in such section for that type
of structure (e.g., if the adult entertainment business is a theater, there shall be one
parking space for each five seats).
270:80 06-0t -2004
§ 270-145 ZONING § 270-148
(2) If the type of adult entertainment business is not one specified in § 270-227 the
minimum parking requirement shall be 300 square feet of parking area, including
lanes and driveways, for each 1.00 feet of floor area, exclusive of basements used
for storage (e.g., if the adult entertainment business is a massage parlor, the
minimum parking area shall be 300 square feet for each 100 feet of floor area).
(3) The minimum parking requirements may be reduced in accordance with the criteria
and procedures referred to § 270-227.
§ 270-146. Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
Only the following accessory buildings or uses are permitted of right in a Light Industrial
A. Automobile parking and off-street loading areas subject to the further requirements of
this article.
B. Accessory storage buildings, but not to include outside storage.
C. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
D. The dwelling of an owner, operator, or manager, or of a guard, caretaker, or custodian,
provided that no more than one dwelling unit per industry shall be established.
E. Guardhouse.
F. Child day-care centers upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board
in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter.
G. Cafeteria or lunchroom.
H. Recreational facilities including playfields, ballfields, tennis and volleyball courts,
swimming pools and fitness centers.
I. Fences up to eight feet in height if approved by the Planning Board as appropriate and
necessary for the proposed use.
§270-147. Minimum area for a light industrial zone.
A minimum tract of 1.0 acres is required for the development of a Light Industrial Zone.
§ 270-148. Height limitations.
Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Light Industrial Zones
no building shall exceed 38 feet in height from lowest interior grade nor 36 feet in height
from lowest exterior grade, and no structure other than a building shall exceed 36 feet in
270:81 06-01 -2004
§ 270-149 ITHACA CODE § 270-153
§ 270-149. Yard regulations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Light Industrial
Zones yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
(1) Front yard: Not less than 150 feet in depth.
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 60 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: None required with respect to buildings all on the same lot, but not less
than 60 feet from any structure to a side property line.
(4) Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for
specific uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more
restrictive, supersede the above yard requirements.
B. The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall not be in
addition to any required buffer areas.
§ 270-150. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 30% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
§ 270-151. Minimum usable open space.
Minimum usable open space shall be not less than 301110 of the lot area. For this purpose
"usable open space" shall mean that portion of the lot area not covered by any structure (as
defined in Article III) or driveway, and generally intended to he occupied by suitable
vegetation or landscaping.
§ 270-152. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Light Industrial Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least two acres; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 150 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (150 feet from the
street line) shall be 200 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the street line shall be 300 feet.
§ 270-153. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVU.
270:82 06-01 -2004
§ 270-154 ZONING § 270-155
§270-154. Additional special requirements.
Additional special requirements include the following:
A. Off-street loading: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122A).
B. Access and sidewalks: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122.B).
C. Buffer areas and screening: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122C) except no
structure shall be placed closer than 60 feet to any residence zone and 30 feet to any
other zone.
D. Additional screening: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122D).
E. Displays: In all Light Industrial Zones no outside displays shall be permitted unless
otherwise specifically authorized by this chapter.
§270-155. Performance standards.
Any use in a Light Industrial Zone shall be so operated as to be in conformity with the
following additional standards:
A. Noise.
(1) No use shall operate or cause to be operated any source of sound in such a manner
as to create a sound level which exceeds the limits set forth for the land use
category stated below when measured at the boundary of the property nearest the
receiving land use.
Receiving Land Sound Level Limit
Use Category Time (dBa)
Residential use 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 65
7:00 p.m, to 7:00 a.m. 55
Natural areas 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 60
7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 50
All other 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 68
7:00 p,m. to 7:00 a.m. 58
(2) For any source of sound which emits a pure tone, a discrete tone or impulsive
sound, the maximum sound limits set forth above shall be reduced by five dBa.
B. Vibration. No activity shall cause or create a discernible steady state or impact vibration
at or beyond the boundary of the property.
C. Atmospheric emissions. There shall be no emission of dust, dirt, smoke, fly ash, or
noxious gases or other noxious substances which could cause damage to the health of
persons, animals, or plant life.
270:83 06-01 -2004
§ 270-155 ITHACA CODE § 270-1.58
D. Odor. There shall be no emission of any offensive odor discernible at the boundary of the
E. Glare and heat. No glare or heat shall be produced that is perceptible beyond the
boundaries of the property. Exterior illumination shall be shaded and directed to prevent
glare or traffic hazard on surrounding properties and streets.
F. Radioactivity and electromagnetic interference. No activities shall be permitted which
emit dangerous radioactivity. No activities shall be permitted which produce any
electromagnetic disturbance adversely affecting the operation of any equipment outside
the boundary of the property.
G. Fire and explosion hazards. All activities involving, and all storage of flammable and
explosive materials, shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of
fire and explosion and with adequate fire-fighting and fire suppression equipment and
devices standard in the industry and as may be required by any applicable codes, laws, or
regulations. All burning of such waste materials in open fires is prohibited.
H. Vermin. There shall be no storage of material, either indoors or out, in such a manner
that it attracts or facilitates the breeding of vermin or endangers public health or the
environment in any way.
§ 270-156. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within a Light Industrial Zone
unless the proposed building is in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to the
provisions of Article XXIII.
Industrial Zones
§ 270-157. Purpose.
The purpose of the Industrial Zone is to permit, where appropriate, manufacturing and other
industrial facilities. Areas may be zoned as an Industrial Zone by the Town Board or upon
application for a specific proposal, all in accordance with the normal rezoning procedures.
Generally, such rezoning will be permitted only in areas where public water and sanitary
facilities are available, where public transportation may be readily available, and where other
resources and facilities that complement industrial uses are found. In reaching its decision on
whether to rezone to an Industrial Zone, the Town Board shall consider the general criteria set
forth in this chapter, the most current Comprehensive or Master Plan for the Town, and this
statement of purpose.
§ 270-158. Permitted principal uses.
In an Industrial Zone buildings and land may be used for any lawful manufacturing activity
and any lawful activity permitted as of right in a Light Industrial Zone, except for the uses
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§ 270-158 ZONING § 270-160
expressly enumerated below. Certain uses or facilities, set forth below, are permitted only
upon receipt of a special permit from the Planning Board as set forth below.
§ 270-159. Prohibited uses.
The following uses are prohibited in an Industrial Zone:
A. Dwelling units, except as an accessory use as set forth below.
B. Sales of any products at retail to the general public except as the same may be related to
and an incidental by-product of a permitted principal use such as manufacturing.
C. Restaurants of any nature except for cafeterias or other similar facilities that are
incidental to and related specifically to a permitted principal use such as manufacturing.
D. Motel.
E. Hotel.
F. Adult entertainment business.
G. Any of the following factories or works: arsenal, blast furnace, boiler works, iron, steel,
brass or copper foundry, metal ore, smelting, planing mill, rolling mill and stockyards or
H. The manufacturing or storage of explosives and gas, oil and other flammables or
petroleum products.
§ 270-160. Permitted accessary buildings and uses.
Only the following accessory buildings or uses are permitted of right in an Industrial Zone:
A. Automobile parking and off-street loading areas subject to the further requirements of
this article.
B. Accessory storage buildings.
C. Signs, as regulated by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca.
D. The dwelling of an owner, operator, or manager, or of a guard, caretaker, or custodian,
provided that no more than one dwelling unit per industry shall be established.
E. Guardhouse.
F. Child day-care centers upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board
in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter.
G. Cafeteria or lunchroom incidental to and related specifically to a permitted use.
H. Recreational facilities including playfields, ballfields, tennis and volleyball courts,
swimming pools and fitness centers.
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§ 270-160 ITHACA CODE § 270-1.65
1. Fences up to eight feet in height if approved by the Planning Board as appropriate and
necessary for the proposed use.
§ 270-161. Placement of accessory structures.
Accessory structures or buildings may be placed in any required side or rear yard but no
closer than five feet to the boundary of the property. Except as herein otherwise provided, no
structures shall be placed in any required buffer zone. Parking, signs, guardhouses, and fences
may be placed in a front yard provided the Planning Board finds the location of such
structures is in accordance with the criteria for approval of the site plan and the location is
shown on an approved site plan. Signs, guardhouses and fences if placed in a required front
yard may also be placed in any required buffer zone that is in the front of the property.
§ 270-162. Minimum area for an industrial zone.
A minimum tract of 10 acres is required for the development of an Industrial Zone.
§ 270-163. Height limitations.
Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Industrial Zones no
building shall exceed 38 feet in height from lowest interior grade nor 36 feet in height from
lowest exterior grade, and no structure other than a building shall exceed 36 feet in height.
§ 270-1.64. Yard regulations.
A. Except as may be specifically otherwise authorized in this chapter, in Industrial Zones
yards of at least the following dimensions are required:
(1) Front yard: Not less than 150 feet in depth. '
(2) Rear yard: Not less than 60 feet in depth.
(3) Side yards: None required with respect to buildings all on the same lot, but .not less
than 60 feet from any structure to a side property line.
(4) Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirements for
specific uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more
restrictive, supersede the above yard requirements.
B. The foregoing requirements may include any required buffer areas and shall not be in
addition to any required buffer areas.
§ 270-165. Building area.
The maximum building area shall not exceed 30% of the lot area. Projections described in
§ 270-224 are not to be included in computing the percentage.
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§ 270-1.66 ZONING § 270-170
§ 270-166. Minimum usable open space.
Minimum usable open space shall be not less than 30% of the lot area. For this purpose
"usable open space" shall mean that portion of the lot area not covered by any structure (as
defined in Article I11) or driveway, and generally intended to be occupied by suitable
vegetation or landscaping.
§ 270-167. Size and area of lot.
Lots in Industrial Zones shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Minimum lot area shall be at least two acres; and
B. Minimum width at the street line shall be 150 feet; and
C. Minimum width at the maximum required front yard setback line (150 feet from the
street line) shall be 200 feet; and
D. Minimum depth from the street line shall be 300 feet.
§270-168. Parking.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVII.
§ 270-169. Additional special requirements.
Additional special requirements include the following:
A. Off-street loading: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122A).
B. Access and sidewalks: Same as in Commercial. Zones (§ 270-1.22B).
C. Buffer areas and screening: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122C) except no
structure shall be placed closer than 100 feet to any residence zone and 50 feet to any
other zone.
D. Additional screening: Same as in Commercial Zones (§ 270-122AD).
E. Displays. In all Industrial Zones no outside displays shall be permitted unless otherwise
specifically authorized by this chapter.
§ 270-170. Performance standards.
Any use in an Industrial Zone shall be so operated as to he in conformity with the
performance standards set forth with respect to Light Industrial Zones above.
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§ 270-171 ITHACA CODE § 270-173
§ 270-171. Site plan approval.
No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure within an Industrial. Zone nor
shall any existing building, structure or use in an Industrial Zone be changed unless the
proposed building and/or use is in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to the
provisions of Article XXIIL
Planned Development Zones
§ 270-172. Purpose.
The purpose of the Planned Development Zone is to permit, where appropriate, a degree of
flexibility in conventional land use and design regulations which will encourage development
in an irnabginative and innovative way while through the process of review, discussion and law
change, insuring efficient investment in public improvements, a more suitable environment,
and protection of community interest. This article is intended to relate to both residential and
nonresidential development,as well as mixed forms of development. There may be uses, now
or in the future, which are not expressly permitted by the other terms of this chapter but
which uses would not contravene the long range Comprehensive Plan objectives if they
adhere to certain predetermined performance and design conditions. The Planned
Development Zone is intended to be used to enable these developments to occur even though
they may not be specifically authorized by this chapter. Areas may be zoned as a Planned
Development Zone by the Town Board or upon application for a specific proposal, all in
accordance with the normal rezoning procedures. Because the intention is to create
self-contained, architecturally consistent and compatible buildings, many times with diverse
but related uses, and because the creation of a Planned Development Zone will entail
sufficient review to assure the uses within the zone will have negligible or no adverse effects
upon properties surrounding the zone, a Planned Development Zone may be created in any
zone within the Town. In reaching its decision on whether to rezone to a Planned
Development Zone, the Town Board shall consider the general criteria set forth in this
chapter, the most current Comprehensive or Master Plan for the Town, and this statement of
§ 270-173. Establishment and location.
With the approval of the Town Board, a Planned Development Zone may be established in
any zone in the Town. The establishment of any such zone shall lie in the sole discretion of
the Town Board, as a legislative body. It shall be established by amending the Zoning
Ordinance to permit such establishment. The enactment and establishment of such a zone shall
be a legislative act. No owner of land or other person having an interest in land shall be
entitled as a matter of right to the enactment or establishment of any such zone.
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§ 270-174 ZONING § 270-1.79
§ 270-174. Permitted principal and accessory uses.
In a Planned Development Zone buildings and land may be used for any lawful purpose
permitted in the zone where it is located, plus any other uses which the Town Board may
authorize upon findings that such additional uses:
A. Further the health and welfare of the community; and
B. Are in accordance with the Comprehensive or General Plan for the Town.
in § 270-175. Additional requirements.
In any rezoning to a Planned Development Zone the Town Board may impose such conditions
or limitations that the Town Board, in its legislative discretion, may determine to be necessary
or desirable to insure the development conforms with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town,
including limiting the permitted uses, location and size of buildings and structures, providing
for open space and recreational areas, and requiring bonds or other assurances of completion
of any infrastructure to be built as part of the development.
§ 270-176. Minimum area for Planned Development Zone.
A minimum tract of two acres is required for the development of a Planned Development
§ 270-177. Yard and other regulations.
Yard, height, building coverage, lot size, and any performance standards shall be as set forth
in the legislation rezoning the area to a Planned Development Zone. Unless otherwise stated
in such legislation, if no such regulations are set forth, the regulations applicable to the zone
in which the Planned Development Zone is located shall govern.
§ 270-178. Site plan approval.
No structure shall be erected or placed within a Planned Development Zone, no building
permit shall be issued for a building or structure within a Planned Development Zone, and no
existing building, structure or use in a Planned Development Zone be changed, unless the
proposed building and/or use is in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to the
provisions of Article XXIII.
Procedures for Creation of New Zones
§ 270-179. Zones to which applicable.
The procedures set forth in this article shall govern applications for establishment of a Mobile
Home Park Zone, a Multiple Residence Zone, a Commercial Zone of any nature, a Light
Industrial Zone, an Industrial Zone, or a Planned Development Zone, all hereinafter referred
270:89 06-of -woo
§ 270-179 ITHACA CODE § 270-181.
to as "zones," and shall be in addition to any requirements specified in any of the articles
governing any of such zones.
§ 270-180. General provisions.
The provisions set forth below shall govern establishment of zones when application for same
is made by any person or entity other than the Town of Ithaca. Should the establishment of a
zone be initiated by the Town Board, the procedures to be followed are those set forth in New
York State Town Law and this chapter governing amendments of a zoning ordinance.
§ 270-181. Procedures for creation of a zone.
Any person or entity requesting the establishment of a zone shall proceed as follows:
A. The applicant shall have the option to make an informal presubinission presentation to
the appropriate Board or to the Town planning staff at which time rezoning application
requirements and procedures may be reviewed. A sketch plan or other general description
should be prepared by the applicant for use at the presubmission meeting, to indicate the
general nature of the proposal. A purpose of this nonmandatory meeting would be to give
the applicant, before incurring substantial expense to comply with the formal application
process, an opportunity to discuss the applicant's plans informally to determine if there
are substantial reasons known to the Town staff that would suggest the proposal would
not be acceptable to the applicable Town Boards and to provide an opportunity for
achievement of a project and rezoning that would be acceptable in the public interest.
B. The applicant shall submit an application to the Town Planner on forms supplied by the
Town which shall include such information as the Town Planner may reasonably require
to evaluate the proposal. Such application shall be accompanied by any required fees.
C. The applicant shall submit with the application a general site plan which shall be
transmitted to the Town Board and which shall show (unless one or more items are
waived by the Town Board) property lines, including metes and bounds, adjacent public
streets, topography, size and location of existing or proposed structures, and such other
plans and information deemed reasonably necessary by the Town Board for adequate
study of the proposed plan.
D. The Town Board shall preliminarily determine whether it will consider the application
for the rezoning, or deny same. If the Town Board determines that it will entertain the
application the Town Board shall refer the matter to the Planning Board for review and
E. The applicant shall be notified of the referral and shall be required to provide such
additional materials, including any required environmental assessment forms, drawings,
elevations, or other documents as the Town Planner may reasonably require to allow a
full and complete study of the proposal. Such materials shall be supplied at least 10
working days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the matter will be
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§ 270-1.81 ZONING § 270-182
F. Upon review of the matter by the Planning Board after such referral, the Planning Board
may require such changes in the general site plan as are necessary to meet the
requirements of' this chapter and may make any other recommendations which it deems
necessary to promote the general health, safety, morals, and welfare of the community.
The Planning Board shall then adopt a resolution recommending a) a finding regarding
environmental significance of the proposal, and b) either approval, approval with
modifications, or disapproval of the proposed plan. Before any such resolution is
rR adopted, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing which shall be heard by the
Planning Board within 45 days of the filing of the general site plan and all related
materials with the Planning Board, and such hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper
of general circulation in the Town of Ithaca at least five days before such hearing. The
Planning Board shall make its recommendation within the 45 days after the hearing and
forward the same to the Town Clerk.
G. The Town Board shall comply with applicable provisions of SEAR.
H. The Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed zone with the same notice
required by law in the case of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which public
hearing may include any public hearings required by SEAR. If the Town Board
establishes such zone after such hearing, it shall define the boundaries thereof, approve
the general site plan and impose any modifications and additional requirements as it may
determine. Before finally establishing any such zone, the Town Board may refer the
application to the Town Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals for such further
consideration as the Town Board may require. No building permit shall, in any case, be
issued on the basis of a general site plan.
1. Whenever a zone other than a Planned Development Zone is created pursuant to the
provisions of this article, the owner shall be bound by the general site plan as approved
and adopted by the Town Board, except that the Planning Board shall have authority to
authorize minor changes or additions to the general site plan provided the same do not
materially alter the intensity of use or other significant characteristics of the general site
plan, and provided the same do not violate any express conditions imposed by the Town
Board in creating the zone. In the case of zones other than Planned Development Zones,
the Planning Board may authorize changes or additions provided the same do not violate
any express conditions imposed by the Town Board in creating the zone.
J. Upon the creation of the zone, unless the general site plan was of sufficient detail and
contained sufficient information as to constitute, in the Town Board's discretion, a final
site plan, the matter shall be referred to the Planning Board for final site plan approval in
accordance with the site plan approval process set forth below.
Site Plan Review and Approval Procedures
§270-182. Purpose.
The purpose of site plan review is to provide for the review and approval of development
plans to ensure that land development occurs in harmony with surrounding uses, without
270:41 06-0i -2004
§ 270-182 ITHACA CODE § 270-184
adversely impacting neighboring parcels, property values, public facilities, infrastructure or
the natural environment.
§ 270-183. Site plan required prior to building permit or certificate of occupancy.
Before a building permit or certificate of occupancy can be issued for any of the activities for
which site plan approval is required, a site plan must be approved by the Planning Board in
accordance with these and other applicable provisions.
§ 270-184. Applicability.
The requirements set forth in this article shall apply to all activities or developments that are
referred to elsewhere in this chapter as requiring a site plan approval. In addition, and
supplementing such provisions, the requirements of this article shall also apply to the
following actions except as to those actions specifically exempted, or for which alternative
specific site plan review and approval requirements are established, elsewhere in this chapter:
A. All new commercial, industrial or institutional development.
B. All new multifamily housing.
C. Any modification of existing commercial, industrial, institutional or multifamily
buildings, for which no previous site plan exists.
D. Any expansion of existing commercial, industrial, institutional or multifamily buildings
which involve an increase in the gross floor area of an existing building by more than
10% in the aggregate since any previous site plan approval.
E. Any conversion of an existing residential structure to a nonresidential use (except as may
have occurred in connection with a home occupation established in conformity with the
provisions of this chapter).
F. Any conversion of an existing nonresidential structure into a residential structure
containing three or more dwelling units.
G. Any modification to an existing residential structure which increases the number of
dwelling units in the building to three or more dwelling units.
H. Any change of an existing nonresidential building from one type of use specified in this
chapter to another (e.g., conversion of a commercial structure to an industrial facility or
conversion from a warehouse to a restaurant).
1. Any other modification to any facility or structure not set forth in the preceding
subsections, for which final site plan approval was or is presently required by the terms
of this chapter or any modification to any previously approved site plan, except as
otherwise authorized below.
270:92 06-of-2004
§ 270-1.85 ZONING § 270-185
§ 270-185. Procedure.
A. The site plan process incorporates three successive stages: a) sketch plan review, b)
preliminary site plan approval, and c) final site plan approval. Final site plan approval is
required in all cases prior to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy.
The sketch plan review is at the option of the applicant except as may be required by the
Director of Planning if the proposed project is complex, has significant potential effects
on the environment, or ifs other conditions exist such that a sketch review would be
beneficial to the applicant or the Town.
B. Sketch plan review. The sole purpose of sketch plan review is to review generally and
informally the proposed project, advise the applicant as to whether it is reasonable to
anticipate a positive response to a formal application, and to highlight any concerns that
may be readily apparent to the Planning Board. No vote of approval or disapproval shall
be taken with respect to a sketch plan.
C. Preliminary site plan review. An applicant may, at his or her discretion, apply for
preliminary site plan approval. Further, if the Planning Board determines that an
application for final site plan approval is insufficient for an affirmative decision, the
Board may grant preliminary site plan approval with such conditions and restrictions as
are permitted by § 274-a of the Town Law or any similar or successor statute.
D. Formal application.
(1) Unless other requirements of this chapter govern (e.g., the procedures for creation
of Planned Development Zone) the applicant shall make formal application for site
plan approval by submitting, at a minimum:
(a) One completed and signed development review application.
(b) Applicable application fees.
(c) Deposit of review fees.
(d) One fully completed and signed short environmental assessment form, Part I
(SERF), or long environmental assessment form, Part I (LEAF), whichever is
(e) Estimate of costs of site improvements (excluding cost of land acquisition
and professional fees) to be prepared (preferably) by a licensed professional
(f) Four full-size dark-line prints of the site plan and 25 reduced copies of all
sheets of the plan (the reduced copies to be no larger than 1 I inches by 17
inches) with all required information.
(g) All other information required by this chapter or other laws, rules or
regulations for site plan approval.
(2) The application for site plan approval shall not be deemed complete until all of the
above items are received by the Town Planner and the requirements of SEQR have
been met.
270:93 06-01 -2004
§ 270-1.85 ITHACA CODE § 270-186
E. Upon receipt of a complete application, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing in
accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 274-a or any similar or successor
applicable statutes and shall render a decision approving, approving with conditions, or
disapproving the site plan.
F. In making its decision, the Planning Board shall have the power to impose conditions
and restrictions as authorized by§ 274-a of the Town Law or any sittlilar or successor
G. If preliminary site plan approval is granted, when the developer applies for final site plan
approval the same procedures shall again be utilized, except that if the final site plan is in
substantial agreement with the site plan that received prelimmnary site plan approval, no
further action under SEQR shall be required. If the final site plan differs significantly
from the preliminary site plan, it shall be treated as a new application, including
compliance with applicable SEQR requirements.
H. In reviewing the final site plan application following preliminary site plan approval, the
Planning Board shall, in the absence of significant new information, confine its review to
determining whether the final plan a) conforms to the preliminary plan, b) complies with
any conditions imposed by the Board in granting preliminary approval, and c) complies
in all other respects with the provisions of the Town Law and this chapter.
1. The owner and applicant shall be bound by the final site plan as approved by the
Planning Board, and all construction and development shall occur only in accordance
with the finally approved site plan, unless specifically otherwise authorized by the
provisions of this chapter.
§ 274-186. Site plan requirements.
The site plan shall include the following items, and such additional items as may be
reasonably requested by the Planning Board in order to fully and adequately review the
application for approval of the site plan or other permit or authorization being sought, which
requirements may be articulated on one or more checklists supplied to applicants for site plan
approval or modification. Without limiting the authority of the Planning Board or other
reviewing board of the Town with respect to additional items, the minimum items to be
included are set forth below with respect to each type of site plan being reviewed.
A. Sketch plan requirements. The sketch plan shall include:
(1) General location in the Town of the proposed development.
(2) Approximate boundaries of parcel(s) involved.
(3) Existing land use and proposed land use.
(4) Approximate location of existing and proposed buildings or other significant
(5) Approximate location of adjacent or nearby highways.
(6) General topography of project area.
270:94 06-of -2004
§ 270-186 ZONING § 270-186
(7) General indication of potentially significant natural or cultural features on or
adjacent to the site (e.g., wetlands, creeks, steep slopes or historic structures).
(8) Existing land uses of immediately adjacent properties.
Ell (9) Written explanation of the character and purpose of the proposed development
including the type and density of development, water and sewer systems proposed,
and general timetable for the development.
B. Preliminary site plan requirements. The preliminary site plan shall include:
(1) Name and address of all owners of the property and name and address of all
persons who have an interest in the property, such as easements or rights-of-way.
(2) Key map, when more than one sheet is required to present site plan.
(3) Vicinity map showing the general location of the property, one inch = 1,000 feet or
one inch = 2,000 feet.
(4) Name of project, which shall not duplicate the name of any other project or
subdivision in the county.
(5) Name and seal of each registered land surveyor(s), engineer(s), architect(s) or
landscape architect(s) who prepared any of the site plan materials, including the
topographic and boundary survey, drainage plans, etc.
(6) Date of site plan and any related documentation, and dates of any applicable
(7) Map scale (one inch = 50 feet or one inch = 100 feet) in bar form and North point.
(8) Name of Town, county and state.
(9) Exact boundary lines of the tract, indicated by a heavy line, showing location and
description of all monuments, giving property metes and bounds to the nearest
1/10 foot, angles to the nearest minute, and at least one bearing.
(10) Location of any natural and cultural features within and immediately adjacent to
the site including but not limited to streams, lakes, floodplains, ponds, wetlands,
structures or sites listed, or eligible for listing, on the state or national registers of
historic places, woodlands, brushlands, significant natural habitats, rare plants,
viewsheds and unique natural areas, or other features pertinent to review of the
proposed project.
(1 1) Location, size, and use of all existing structures, parking areas, access drives,
off-street loading areas, signs, lighting, pedestrian or bicycle facilities, landscaping,
and other existing features pertinent to plan review.
(12) Location, size, proposed use, design, and construction materials of all proposed
structures, including floor plans, elevations from all four sides of all significant
structures showing exterior configuration, dimensions, finishes, fenestrations,
colors and other usual building details.
270:95 os-nl -2004
270-186 ITHACA CODE § 270-186
(13) Location, design, dimensions and construction materials of all proposed roads,
sidewalks, bike paths, parking areas, fences, retaining walls, and screening.
(14) Size, location, height, design, and construction materials of all proposed signs and
exterior lighting, including type of lighting fixtures and amount and area of
illumination of any proposed lighting.
(15) Location, design, and construction materials of all proposed pedestrian and bicycle
(16) Landscaping plan and planting schedule showing locations, species, and size of
proposed plantings, and existing landscaping to be retained, including also location
and proposed design of any buffers.
(17) Location, design, and construction materials of all proposed water and sewage
(18) Locations of any existing or proposed fire and other emergency zones, including
the location of fire hydrants.
(19) Location, name, and dimensions of each existing highway and alley and each
utility, drainage, or similar easement within, abutting, or in the immediate vicinity
of the proposed project site.
(20) Existing and proposed site topography represented by contour lines with intervals
as required by the Planning Board, but not to exceed five feet, including a grading
plan describing the volumes of cut and fill materials and their composition, and
including elevations of proposed buildings, signage, lighting, and other features.
(21) Drainage plan, showing of existing and proposed drainage patterns, including a
description of method used for analysis, the calculation of drainage area above
point of entry for each watercourse entering or abutting the site, and proposed
method of on-site retention if required, and details of any drainage improvements
to be made. Generally the method of analysis shall be approved by the Director of
Engineering and shall assume that, unless the Planning Board determines otherwise
for good cause shown, that the rate of surface and subsurface run-off from the
project site will not increase during or after construction of the project.
(22) Border lines bounding the sheet, one inch from the left edge and 1/2 inch from
each of the other edges. All required information, including signatures, seals, dates
and other information shall be within the border lilies.
(23) Accurate outlines and descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for
public use or acquisition, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any areas to
be reserved by deed covenant for common uses of all property owners, tenants, or
other users of the property in the project.
(24) The plan and profile of each proposed highway in the development, with grade
indicated, drawn to a scale of one inch = 50 feet horizontal, and one inch = five
feet vertical, on standard plan and profile sheets. Profiles shall show accurately the
270:96 06-0t -2004
§ 270-186 ZONING § 270-186
profile of the highway or alley along the highway center line and location of the
sidewalks, if any.
(25) Reference on the site plan to any separate instruments, including restrictive
covenants, which directly affect the land in the project.
(26) Names and addresses of all property owners of all parcels abutting the site, or
within 500 feet of the perimeter boundary of the site, including owners of
easements or rights-of-way, together with tax parcel numbers for all such owners.
(27) Estimate of the cost of improvements (excluding the purchase cost of land) to be
prepared by a licensed professional engineer or other qualified professional
satisfactory to the Planning Board.
(28) Three dark-line prints of the proposed site plan and 25 copies of all sheets of the
proposed site plan in reduced format (no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches) and
copy of all other items required above (except development review application).
(29) A certificate signed by the owner and, if applicable, any contract vendee to the
effect that i) the owner owns the land, ii) the owner or contract vendee caused the
land to be surveyed and the site plan to be prepared, iii) the owner (or, if
applicable, the contract vendee) agrees to construct the project in the manner
represented by the finally approved site plan and all related approved application
documents, and iv) the owner (or, if applicable, the contract vendee) makes any
dedications indicated in any of the site plan documentation and agrees and
guarantees to construct any required infrastructure elements set forth on the finally
approved site plan.
C. Final site plan requirements. The final site plan shall include:
(1) All of the items set forth above for preliminary site plan approval, modified if
necessary to comply with any conditions imposed as part of the preliminary site
plan approval process.
(2) One original set of the final site plan drawings on Mylar, vellum or paper, signed
and sealed by the registered land surveyor(s), engineer(s), architect(s) or landscape
architect(s) who prepared the site plan materials, to be retained by the Town, and
two sets of paper copies of the final site plan drawings.
(3) Record of application for and approval status of all necessary permits from county,
state, and/or federal agencies with copies of all necessary permits or approvals to
be provided prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy.
(4) Design development drawings for all buildings and construction details of all other
proposed structures, roads, water/sewer facilities, and other improvements,
including, but not limited to, specifications for water lines, including locations and
descriptions of mains, valves, hydrants, appurtenances, etc., and profiles and
specifications for sanitary sewers and storm drainage facilities, including locations
and descriptions of pipes, manholes, lift stations, and other facilities.
270:97 06-01 -2W
§ 270-1.86 ITHACA CODE § 270-188
(5) A certificate signed and sealed by the mortgagee(s), if any, to the effect that the
mortgagee consents to the site plan, the construction of the project as shown, and
the dedications and restrictions, if any, shown on or referred to on the site plan.
§ 270-187. Waiver of requirements.
The Town Board in those circumstances where a site plan is required for Town Board review, LU
and the Planning Board in those circumstances where a site plan is provided for Planning
Board review, may waive one or more items (e.g., topography) otherwise normally required to
be shown on the site plan when the applicable board determines that the circumstances of the
application do not require a full site plan for adequate consideration of the applicant's
§ 270-188. Considerations for approval.
The Planning Board's review of a site plan shall include as appropriate, but shall not be
limited to, the following considerations:
A. Adequacy, arrangement, and location of vehicular access and circulation, including
intersections, road widths, pavement surfaces, off-street parking and loading areas, and
traffic controls.
B. Adequacy, arrangement, and location of pedestrian and bicycle traffic access and
circulation, control of intersections with vehicular traffic, and appropriate provisions for
handicapped persons.
C. Adequacy, location, arrangement, size, design, and general site compatibility of
buildings, lighting, signs, open spaces, paved areas, outdoor waste disposal facilities, and
contiguity of open spaces.
D. Adequacy, type, and arrangement of trees, shrubs, and other landscaping, including those
on site and those constituting a visual and/or noise-deterring buffer between the
applicant's and adjoining lands, including the retention of existing vegetation of value to
the maximum extent possible.
E. In the case of a residential property, and in the case of other properties where
appropriate, the adequacy and utility of open space for playgrounds and for informal
F. Compatibility of the project with the surrounding neighborhood, including protection of
adjacent properties and the general public against noise, glare, unsightliness, or other
objectionable features.
G. Adequacy of stormwater drainage, water supply, sewage disposal facilities and other
community infrastructures and services.
H. Adequacy of fire lanes and other emergency provisions.
I. The effect of the proposed development on environmentally sensitive areas including but
not limited to wetlands, floodplains, woodlands, steep slopes, watercourses or bodies,
270:98 06-0t-2004
§ 270-1 88 ZONING § 270-191
viewsheds, unique natural habitats, and on other open space areas of importance to the
neighborhood or community.
J. The effect of the proposed development on any historic structures listed or eligible for
listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
K. The need for, and the adequacy of, any natural or man-made buffers.
L. Whether the design of the project minimizes the increase of impervious surfaces on the
A Compliance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision
Regulations, Water Resources Ordinances, if applicable, and any other applicable laws,
rules, requirements, or policies.
§ 270-189. Limitations on construction.
No site plan shall be approved which provides for construction or other disturbance of land in
environmentally sensitive areas, including but not limited to, wetlands, watercourses, steep
slopes, unique natural areas, or rare plant or animal habitats, unless the applicant demonstrates
with professional evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Planning Board that such
construction may occur without adverse environmental effects upon such areas. Nothing in
this subsection is intended to permit construction or other activities in areas where the same
are prohibited or regulated by other laws or regulations of the federal, state, county, or local
§ 270-190. Reservation of parkland on site plans containing residential units.
If the proposed project includes dwelling units, the Planning Board may, in accordance with
the provisions and requirements of Town Law § 274-a or any similar or successor law, require
a park or parks to be shown on the site plan, or, to the extent permitted by § 274-a, monies in
lieu of parkland.
§ 270-191. Modifications of site plans.
A site plan that has received final site plan approval may be modified upon the application of
the owner for such modification. Such application shall be in accordance with the provisions
of this article and the procedures applicable to such application shall be the same as are
applicable to an initial application for site plan approval. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Planning Board approval of a modification shall not be required:
A. If the modification does not involve:
(1) Construction of an addition of more than 1,000 square feet of enclosed space
whether on one or more stories; nor
(2) Constriction or relocation of more than three parking spaces nor construction or
relocation of any parking spaces to an area that is not adjacent to the original
planned parking area; nor
270:99 06-of -2004
270-191 ITHACA CODE § 270-191
(3) Construction, alterations, or renovations affecting the exterior of a building or the
site anticipated to cost more than $20,000; nor
(4) Construction, alteration, or renovation of the interior of a building involving a
change in occupancy or use; nor
(5) Enlargement of an existing or previously approved building that involves an
increase of square footage of more than 1.5%v of the existing square footage of the
existing or previously approved building; nor
(6) Reduction of an existing or previously approved building that involves a decrease
of square footage of more than 15% of the exiting or previously approved
building; nor
(7) Alteration of traffic flows and access nor a significant increase in the volume of
traffic; nor
(8) A significant (in the judgment of the Director of Planning) change in the aesthetic
appearance of any structure or site plan element including landscape and lighting
details from that presented at the time of the prior approval; nor
(9) A change in the impacts of the project on surrounding properties, such as an
increase in noise, water run-off, light illumination, or obstructions to views; nor
(10) Violation of any express conditions (including, without limitation, buffer zones,
setbacks, and similar restrictions) imposed by the Planning Board in granting prior
site plan approval, or
B. If the modification does not involve a movement or shift of a location of one or more
buildings more than two feet laterally or six inches vertically from the location or
elevation shown on the final site plan where:
(1) Such shift does not alter proposed traffic flows or access; and
(2) Such shift does not directly violate any express conditions (including, without
limitation, buffer zones, setbacks, etc.) imposed by the Planning Board in granting
prior site plan approval.
C. The numerical criteria for the exceptions from the requirement of obtaining Planning
Board approval are an. aggregate maximum [i.e., if a seven-hundred-square-foot addition
is constructed without obtaining Planning Board approval pursuant to Subsection A(l)
above, construction of a second addition larger than 300 square feet would require
Planning Board approval of a modified site plan].
D. This waiver of the requirement of Planning Board approval is not intended to permit
construction in violation of any other provision of this chapter including setback, side
yard, and similar regulations, nor the requirement to obtain a building permit in those
circumstances when otherwise required by the terms of this chapter or by the Building
270:100 06-of-?.two
§ 270491 ZONING § 270-194
E. A demolition, or a proposed demolition, of an existing building, or of a previously
approved building on a previously approved site plan, is a modification of a site plan
subject to the terms of this section.
§ 270-192. Letter of credit.
If the Planning Board determines it is necessary to ensure that all items on the site plan that
are needed to provide for adequate traffic flow, utilities, and other similar infrastructure items,
are constructed in accordance with the approved final site plan and any other pertinent
specifications and requirements, no building permit shall be issued for a project with an
approved final site plan until the applicant has furnished to the Town Engineer an irrevocable
letter of credit in an amount to be recommended by the Town Engineer and approved by the
Planning Board to ensure such construction. In determining whether to require such a letter,
the Planning Board shall find that such infrastructure is so integral to the project that its
construction must occur in order to provide for a safe and useful environment for the
community and the occupants and users of the project. The Planning Board may, in its
discretion, accept in lieu of a letter of credit other evidence or promise of completion of
required facilities for the site if it determines that such other evidence adequately ensures such
completion. Nothing in this section shall alter any other requirement for letters of credit
related to construction of facilities intended to be dedicated to the Town.
§ 270-193. Completion of improvements.
No final certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance shall be issued until all
improvements shown on the final site plan as approved by the Planning Board, reasonably
necessary to the proper and safe operation and occupancy of any completed facilities, are
installed or until a sufficient performance guarantee, such as a letter of credit, has been
provided to the Town for improvements not yet completed. The need for, and sufficiency of,
such performance guarantee shall be determined by the Town Engineer after consultation with
the Building Inspector or other persons designated by the Planning Board. The Planning
Board may waive the requirement for such performance guarantee if, in its discretion, it
determines that the guarantee is not needed.
§ 270-194. Expiration of site plan approval.
A. Except when a rezoning has occurred based upon a preliminary or general site plan any
approval of a preliminary site plan may be revoked by the Planning Board, after a public
hearing and upon written notice in person or by mail to the applicant:
(1) If a fully complete application for final site plan approval has not been submitted
to the Planning Board within 18 months of the date preliminary approval was
granted, or
(2) If an application is submitted within such eighteen-month period, such application
is not diligently prosecuted by the owner to enable the Planning Board to grant
final site plan approval within 24 months of the date preliminary approval was
270:101 06-01 -2M
§ 270-194 ITHACA CODE § 270-196
B. The Planning Board may, when compliance with the foregoing time periods would create
a significant hardship for the owner, extend the time periods for such periods and upon
such conditions as the Planning Board may reasonably determine.
C. Unless work has materially commenced in accordance with the final site plan within one
year from the issuance of the building permit authorizing such work, or within 36 months
of the date the Planning Board gave final site plan approval, whichever is earlier, not
only the building permit but the site plan approval (both final and preliminary) shall
expire and the permissible uses and construction on the property shall revert to those in
effect prior to the granting of any site plan approval. The Planning Board, upon request
of the applicant, after a public hearing, and upon a finding that the imposition of the time
limits set forth above would create an undue hardship on the applicant, may extend the
time limits for such additional periods as the Planning Board may reasonably determine.
An application for such extension may be made at the time of filing of the original
application or at any time thereafter up to, but no later than, six months after the
expiration of the time limits set forth above.
(1) For the purposes of this section, work will not have "materially commenced"
unless, at a minimum:
(a) A building permit, if required, has been obtained;
(b) Construction equipment and tools consistent with the size of the proposed
work have been brought to and been used on the site; and
(c) Substantial excavation (where excavation is required) or significant framing,
erection, or construction (where excavation is not required) has been started
and is being diligently pursued.
Special Permits and Special Approvals
§ 270-195. Purpose.
The purpose of this article is to set forth regulations, procedures, and conditions that apply to
certain permitted uses which, because of size, intensity, or other special factors, warrant
special evaluation of each individual case by either the Planning Board or the Zoning Board
of Appeals.
§ 270-196. Requirement preceding issuance of building permit or certificate of
Before a building permit or certificate of occupancy can be issued for any of the structures or
activities for which either a special permit or a special approval is required, such a permit or
approval shall be obtained in accordance with these and other applicable provisions.
270:102 06-0t -2004
§ 270-197 ZONING; § 270-1.98
§ 270-197. Applicability.
The requirements set forth in this article shall apply to all construction, activities, uses or
developments that are referred to elsewhere in this chapter as being allowed only upon receipt
of a special permit or special approval. Special permits shall be issued by the Planning Board.
Special approvals shall be issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any change of use of an
existing structure to a use that requires a special permit or special approval shall be subject to
the requirements of tlris article.
§ 270-198. Procedure.
A. The applicant shall have the option to make an informal presubnvssion presentation to
the appropriate Board at which time special permit or special approval (hereafter
collectively referred to as "special authorization") application requirements may be
reviewed. A sketch plan or other general description should be prepared by the applicant
for use at the presubmission meeting, to indicate the general nature of the proposal.
B. Formal application.
(1) Unless other requirements of this chapter govern the applicant shall make formal
application for special authorization to the appropriate Board by submitting, at a
(a) One completed and signed application form prescribed by the Board hearing
the matter. If a development review application is submitted for a site plan
review and special permit, no additional application shall be required.
(b) Applicable application.
(c) Deposit of review fees to the extent required by this chapter or any other
Town law or resolution.
(d) One fully completed and signed short environmental assessment form, Part I
(SEAF), or long environmental assessment form, Part I(LEAF), whichever is
(e) Such other information or documentation as may be deemed reasonably
necessary or appropriate by the reviewing staff person or Board to adequately
consider the application.
('2) The application for special authorization shall not be deemed complete until all of
the above items are received by the Town Planner (for special permits) or Town
Building Code and Zoning Enforcement Officer (for special approvals) and the
requirements of SEQR have been met.
C. Upon receipt of a complete application, the appropriate Board shall hold a public hearing
in accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 274-b or any similar or successor
applicable statutes and shall render a decision approving, approving with conditions, or
denying the special authorization. Such hearing may be combined with any other hearing
relating to the same proposal (e.g., site plan approval and special permit hearings may be
270:103 06-01 -w04
§ 270-198 1THACA CODE § 270-200
D. In making its decision, the reviewing Board shall have the power to impose conditions
and restrictions as authorized by § 274-b of the Town Law or any similar or successor
§ 270-199. Waiver of requirements.
The reviewing Board may waive one or more of the normal application requirements when it
determines that the particular circumstances do not require all of the full application materials
for adequate consideration of the request for special authorization.
§ 270-200. Considerations for approval.
The reviewing Board's determination of an application for special authorization shall include
findings consistent with any special criteria set forth in this chapter relating to the specific use
or activity for which approval is being sought, and shall also include as appropriate, but shall
not be limited to, findings that the following standards have been met:
A. The health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community in harmony with the
general purpose of this chapter (including the specific purposes related to the zone in
which the premises are located) are being promoted, except that as to all public buildings
and educational buildings wherein the principal use is research, administration, or
instruction, the same shall be presumed to exist.
B. The premises are reasonably adapted to the proposed use, and such use will fill a
neighborhood or community need, except that all publicly owned or educational
buildings are deemed to be adapted to the proposed use and are deemed to fill a
neighborhood or community need.
C. The proposed use and the location and design of any structure will be consistent with the
character of the district in which it is located.
D. Phe proposed use will not be detrimental to the general amenity or neighborhood
character in amounts sufficient to devalue neighboring property or seriously
inconvenience neighboring inhabitants.
E. Operations in connection with the proposed use will not be more objectionable to nearby
properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, illumination, or other potential nuisance,
than the operation of any permitted use in the particular zone, except that as to all public
buildings, churches, and educational institutions the determination shall be whether the
presumed benefit of such a use is outweighed by the objectionable impacts of such use
on nearby properties.
F. Community infrastructure and services, including but not limited to protective services,
roadways, garbage collection, schools, and water and sewer facilities are currently, or
will be, of adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use.
G. The proposed use, building design, and site layout comply with all the provisions of this
chapter and, to the extent considered by the reviewing Board, with other regulations and
270:104 06-0t -2004
§ 270-2(X) ZONING § 270-202
ordinances of the Town, with the Building Code and all other state and federal laws,
rules and regulations, and with the Town's Comprehensive Plan.
H. The proposed access and egress for all structures and uses are safely designed and the
site layout provides adequate access for emergency vehicles.
1. The general effect of the proposed use upon the community as a whole, including such
items as traffic load upon public streets and load upon water and sewerage systems is not
detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community, except that as to
all public, religious and educational uses, the determination shall be whether the
presumed benefit of such a use is outweighed by the detrimental effect of the proposed
use upon the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.
J. The lot area, access, parking, and loading facilities are sufficient for the proposed use
and access, parking and loading facilities are adequately buffered to minimize their visual
K. Natural surface water drainage is adequately managed in accordance with good
engineering practices and in accordance with any applicable Town local law or
ordinance, and existing drainageways are not altered in a manner that adversely affects
other properties.
L. To the extent reasonably deemed relevant by the reviewing Board, the proposed use or
structure complies with all the criteria applicable to site plan review set forth in this
§270-201. Modifications of special permits or special approvals.
A special authorization that has been issued may be modified upon the application of the
owner for such modification. Such application shall be in accordance with the provisions of
this article and the procedures applicable to such application shall be the same as are
applicable to an initial application for a special authorization. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
no approval shall be required if the change is a modification set forth in § 270-191 as not
requiring approval of a modification to a site plan. The waiver of the requirement for approval
of a modification to a special permit or special approval is subject to the same conditions, and
subject to the same limitations as pertain to modifications to approved site plans.
§ 270-202. Expiration of special permit or special approval.
Unless work has materially commenced (as defined in § 270-194C) in accordance with the
special authorization within one year from the issuance of the building permit authorizing
such work, or within 36 months of the date the reviewing Board approved the special
authorization, whichever is earlier, not only the building permit but the special authorization
shall expire and the permissible uses and construction on the property shall revert to those in
effect prior to the approval of any special authorization. The reviewing Board, upon request of
the applicant, after a public hearing, and upon a finding that the imposition of the time limits
270:105 06-of -2004
§ 270-202 ITHACA CODE § 270-204
set forth above would create an undue hardship on the applicant, may extend the time limits
for such additional periods as the reviewing Board may reasonably determine. An application
for such extension may be made at the time of filing of the original application or at any time
y ::I
thereafter up to, but no later than, six months after the expiration of the time limits set forth
Nonconforming Uses
§ 270-203. Nonconforming lots of record.
A. In any zone in which a one-family dwelling is permitted, a one-family dwelling and
customary accessory buildings may be erected on any single lot of record at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this chapter creating the nonconformity, provided:
(1) Such lot was a valid, lawfully existing lot prior to the adoption or amendment of
this chapter which created the nonconformity; and
(2) The nonconformity of the lot relates to size or area; and
(3) All other provisions of this chapter, including yard requirements, are complied
with, or a variance from such compliance has been obtained from the Board of
B. In addition, upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of Appeals, a two-family
dwelling may be constructed on such a lot if permitted by the regulations of the zone,
subject to the conditions set forth above, and subject to any conditions (such as
occupancy or dwelling unit size) that govern two-family dwellings in the zone in which
the dwelling is located.
§ 270-204. Nonconforming uses of land.
Where, at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this chapter, a lawful use of land
exists that is made no longer permissible under the terms of this chapter as enacted or
amended, such use may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the
following provisions:
A. Such nonconforming use must not be enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a
greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of
this chapter;
B. Such nonconforming use must not be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of
the lot or parcel occupied by such use at the effective date of adoption or amendment of
this chapter; and
C. If any such nonconforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period of more than
one year, any subsequent use of such land must conform to the regulations specified by
this chapter for the zone in which such land is located.
270:106 06-01 -2004
§ 270-205 ZONING § 270-206
§ 270-205. Nonconforming structures.
Where a lawful structure exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this chapter
that could not be built under the terms of this chapter by reason of restrictions on area, lot
coverage, height, yards, or other characteristics of the structure or its location on the lot, such
structure may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following
A. No such structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its
B. Should such structure be destroyed by any means, in whole or in part, it may be
reconstructed in accordance with the provisions of§ 270-211 below.
C. Should such structure be moved for any reason for any distance whatever, it must
thereafter conform to the regulations for the zone in which it is located after it is moved.
§ 270-206. Nonconforming uses of structures.
If a lawful use of a structure, or of structure and land in combination, exists at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this chapter, that would not be allowed in the zone under
in the terms of this chapter as amended, the lawful use may be continued as long as it remains
otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
A. No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this chapter in the zone in which
it is located may be enlarged, extended, constructed, moved, or structurally altered except
in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the zone in which it is located
or to a use permitted pursuant to § 270-21.0 below;
B. Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any parts of a building which were
manifestly arranged or designed for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of
this chapter, but such use must not be extended to occupy any land outside such building;
C. Any structure, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a nonconforming use
is superseded by a permitted use must thereafter conform to the regulations for the zone
in which such structure is located, and the nonconforming use may not thereafter be
D. When a nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and land in combination, ceases
for a period of one year, the structure or structure and land in combination must not
thereafter be used except in conformance with the regulations of the zone in which it is
E. Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and land in combination, removal
or destruction of the structure eliminates the nonconforming status of the land;
F. Where a nonconforming use exists in an area that has been or now requires site plan
approval for any change of use, the nonconforming use may not be changed to any other
use permitted in the zone until site plan approval has been obtained pursuant to the terms
of this chapter.
270:107 06-01 -20M
§ 270-207 ITHACA CODE § 270-210
§ 270-207. Interruption of nonconforming use.
Notwithstanding the provisions above regarding cessation of nonconforming uses, for
purposes of determining whether a nonconforming use has ceased for a period of one year
there shall be excluded from the calculation of the year period any period of time during
which a nonconforming use was suspended solely because of a national emergency or
temporary government restrictions (other than zoning restrictions). Upon termination of the
national emergency or the temporary government,restriction, the calculation of the year period
shall resume.
§ 270-208. Dwellings on nonconforming lots.
Notwithstanding the provisions above prohibiting enlargement of nonconforming uses, if only
a one-family dwelling or a legally existing two-family dwelling and related accessory
buildings are present on a lot that is of a size or area less than that otherwise permitted in the
zone in which the lot is located, and such lot is a valid nonconforming lot, such dwelling may
be enlarged or altered provided:
A. The existing dwelling is in conformance with all requirements of this chapter except for
the fact that it is located on a lot that is less than the required size or area which lot was
of record at the time of the adoption or amendment of this chapter creating the
B. Such alteration or enlargement does not violate any other provisions of this chapter (e.g.,
yard, height, or other restrictions); and
C. If such dwelling is a single-family dwelling, upon completion of such enlargement or
alteration the building and lot continue to be used only as a single-family dwelling,
provided, however, that upon receipt of a special approval from the Board of Appeals, a
single-family dwelling may be enlarged to a two-family dwelling, subject to the
conditions set forth above, and subject to any conditions (such as occupancy or dwelling
unit size) that govern two-family dwellings in the zone in which the dwelling is located.
§ 270-209. Continuation of construction.
Nothing in this chapter is deemed to require a change in the plans, construction, or designated
use of any building on which actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this chapter and upon which actual building construction
has been diligently prosecuted and completed within two years after the effective date of the
adoption or amendment making the use nonconforming.
§ 270-210. Alterations in use.
Except as prohibited above, and subject to the requirement of obtaining site plan approval if
required, a nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same or
more restrictive classification and when so changed to a more restrictive use, it shall not again
be changed to a less restrictive use. The order of the classification of restrictiveness from the
most restrictive to the least restrictive shall be as follows:
270:108 06-of -2004
§ 270-210 ZONING § 270-212
Conservation Zones
Agricultural Zones
Low Density Residential Zones
Lakefront Residential Zones
Medium Density Residential Zones
High Density Residential Zones
Mobile Home Park Zones
Multiple Residence Zones
Neighborhood Commercial Zones
Lakefront Commercial Zones
Office Park Commercial Zones
Community Commercial Zones
Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zones
Light Industrial Zones
Industrial Zones
§ 270-211. Restoration.
A. Nothing herein shall prevent the continued use and substantial restoration and continued
use of a nonconforming building damaged by fire, flood, earthquake, act of God, or act
of the public enemy, provided that:
(1) Such restoration is located on, and no larger than, the footprint of the structure
prior to its destruction; and
(2) Such restoration is completed within one year of the damage; and
(3) The use of the building and the manner in which it was used prior to the loss is
recommenced within one year of the damage.
B. The time limits set forth above may be extended by the Board of Appeals in cases of
practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship using the same criteria as are applied in
determining applications for an area variance. An application for an extension shall be
brought no later than six months after the expiration of the year period, or six months
after the expiration of any previously granted extension.
§ 270-212. Board of Appeals determination.
The Board of Appeals shall have the jurisdiction to hear and determine any claims as to
whether a particular use is a valid nonconforming use, or whether a nonconforming use has
been improperly extended or enlarged, or any other matter relating to the nonconforming uses.
Such jurisdiction may be exercised by an appeal from a decision of the Code Enforcement
Officer as hereinafter provided, or by direct application to the Board in those instances where
there is no application for a permit or certificate before the Code Enforcement Officer. Any
such direct application to the Board of Appeals shall be made on such forms and contain such
270:109 06-of -2004
§ 270-212 ITHACA CODE § 270-214
information as the Board and/or the Code Enforcement Officer may determine and shall be
delivered to the Code Enforcement Officer for submission to the Board.
§ 270-213. Variance criteria.
In the event an application is made to the Board of Appeals for a variance to enlarge or alter a
nonconforming use, the Board shall apply the same criteria in determining the matter as
would be applicable if the application had been made for property that was otherwise
conforming. For example, if the application is to enlarge a building that already encroaches on
a required side yard, the Board shall use the criteria applicable to considering an area
variance. If the application is to change the use to another nonconforming use (which is not
permitted pursuant to § 270-210 above), the Board shall use the criteria applicable to
considering a use variance.
§ 270-214. Amortization of certain nonconforming uses relating to pre-1991 residential
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter and in an effort to provide for
generally uniform limitations regarding residential occupancy throughout the residential
zones of the Town, the nonconforming occupancies referred to in this section shall be
terminated as set forth below.
B. This section shall apply to residential occupancies in all zones in which residential
occupancies are permitted or occur including any special land use zones which include
occupancy of dwellings as a permitted use.
C. On and after March 1, 2006, notwithstanding whether a valid nonconforming use or
occupancy existed at the time of the enactment of this Chapter 270, Zoning, or at the
time of any amendment to this chapter limiting occupancy (including the amendment of
1991 to an earlier version of this chapter lin-titing occupancy), no dwelling unit shall be
occupied except in the manner specifically permitted by the applicable provisions of this
chapter and any nonconforming occupancy in a dwelling unit which may have existed
prior to the date of the enactment of this section shall be terminated.
D. The limitations imposed by this section shall not apply to buildings for which variances
from the occupancy requirements of this chapter have been granted by the Board of
Appeals, either before or after the enactment of this section, or to buildings for which
different occupancy requirements were established by local laws or resolutions creating
or regulating multiple residence zones adopted either before or after the enactment of this
E. A nonconforming use due to be terminated pursuant to this section may be extended
upon application for a special approval for such extension from the Board of Appeals.
Such approval shall not be granted unless the applicant establishes and the Board of
Appeals finds that, notwithstanding the fifteen year period for amortizing a
nonconforming use created by the 1991 amendment referred to above, termination of the
nonconforming use would cause serious financial harm to the property owner not
balanced or justified by the advantage to the public in terms of more complete and
270:110 06-01 -20oa
i NEW/� r
r' § 270-214 ZONING § 270-215
� effective zoning accruing from the cessation of such use. In making this deternnation
the Board shall consider, among other factors (including the factors set forth elsewhere in.
f y this chapter relating to the issuance of special permits or approvals), i) the nature of the
j nonconforming use; ii) the cost of converting to a conforming use; iii) the amount of
investment that existed in the property on March 1, 1991, or if the zoning change
creating the nonconformity was adopted after March 1, 1991, the amount of such
investment on the date of such later zoning change; iv) the detriment caused by the
nonconforming use; v) the character of the neighborhood; vi) the ability of the landowner
to have amortized the cost of the landowner's investment over the period between March
1, 1991 (or such later zoning change date) and the required termination of such use; and
vii) whether an additional reasonable amount of time is needed by the owner to amortize
the owner's investment. In making its determination the Board shall disregard, as
irrelevant, any costs for purchase of a nonconforming building or property or costs to
repair, maintain, improve or enlarge a nonconforming property, incurred after March 1,
1991, or, if the nonconformity was created by a subsequent zoning change, any such
costs incurred after such change. If the extension is granted, the Board of Appeals shall
set a fixed additional period for the extension of time before the nonconforming use must
be terminated.
Special Regulations
§ 270-215. Mobile homes and trailers.
Trailer camps or parks and trailers or mobile homes for occupancy shall be prohibited in all
zones except Mobile Home Park Zones and except as follows:
A. One mobile home may be placed on a vacant lot in a residence or agricultural zone for
use as temporary housing during the construction of a permanent dwelling on said lot for
a period not to exceed 18 months, provided that said mobile home shall be occupied by
the owner of record of said lot.
(1) Such eighteen-month period may be extended by permission of the Board of
Appeals, upon goad cause shown by the owner of the land on which the mobile
home is located, and after a public hearing on same.
(2) Said mobile home must be removed upon the completion of construction although.
the eighteen-month time lint may not have fully expired.
B. Upon special approval of the Board of Appeals to be reviewed each year, one mobile
home for each property owner shall be permitted in all Agricultural and Low Density
Zones, provided that one of the occupants of said mobile home shall be a full-time
agricultural employee of the property owner or a bona fide agricultural student doing
agricultural work for the property owner.
270:111 06-of -2004
§ 270-216 1THACA CODE § 270-216
(1) The application for original issuance of a special approval and renewal shall
contain such information as the Board of Appeals or Building and Zoning
Enforcement Officer may require to adequately review the qualification for
granting the approval, but, for an original application shall contain at a minimum:
(a) Name of owner of the lot.
(b) Name of occupants of principal building.
(c) Name of proposed occupants of the elder cottage.
(d) Age of proposed occupants of the elder cottage.
(e) Relationship of elder cottage occupants to owners and occupants of the
principal building.
(1) Sketch plan or survey, which shall be drawn to scale, showing:
[1] Location of all existing buildings, structures, drives, walkways and the
layout of utility services,
[2] Proposed location and size of the elder cottage,
[3] Proposed water, septic, and other utility connections,
[4] Proposed landscaping and screening if any is contemplated.
(g) Sketches, drawings, pictures or other materials which adequately describe the
layout and appearance of the proposed elder cottage.
(h) Agreement to remove the elder cottage when it no longer qualifies as such.
(i) Consent for the Town to enter on the property and to remove the elder
cottage if the owner fails to timely remove it, as set forth below.
(2) By applying for a special approval for the erection of an elder cottage, the owner
of the lot on which the elder cottage is to be located, for himself or herself, his or
her heirs, successors and assigns, irrevocably consents to the entry of the Town
and its authorized officials and agents upon the property, after notice and an
opportunity to be heard before the Board of Appeals, for the purpose of removing
the elder cottage in the event the requirements for maintenance of same are no
longer met, and further agrees that any costs incurred by the Town in so removing
the cottage shall become a lien upon the property on which the cottage was located
subject to collection in the manner set forth above.
(3) The granting of a special approval shall be governed, in addition to the provisions
set forth in this section, to the general provisions relating to granting of special
approvals and approval of site plans. The Board of Appeals shall have the
authority, in determining whether to grant the special approval, to review the site
plan and apply the criteria relating to site plan approvals that the Planning Board
uses in granting site plan approvals pursuant to Sections 46 et seq. The Board of
Appeals shall have the further authority when granting special approval, to impose
270:114 06-Of -2004
§ 270-216 ZONING § 270-217
such reasonable conditions as the Board may deem necessary to minimize the
impact of the addition of an elder cottage upon the lot on which it is being located
as well .is the neighborhood in which it is being located.
G. Limitation on variances: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter there shall
be no variances granted for extension of time for removal of an elder cottage except that
the Board of Appeals may, upon making the same findings that would normally be
required for the granting of a use variance, extend the time for removal of the elder
cottage for one additional six-month period.
H. Definition of "owner:" For the purposes of this section, the term "owner" as applied to
ownership of a principal building shall mean a natural person:
(1) Who owns at Ieast a 50% interest in the real property and related buildings,
whether individually or as a tenant in common; or
(2) Who owns the real property and related buildings with no more than one other
individual or entity as co joint tenants or tenants by the entirety, in either event
each of the co-joint tenants or tenants by the entirety having identical interests.
§270-217. Extraction or deposit of fill and related products.
A. In any zone no more than 50 cubic yards of fill, sod, loam, sand, gravel, stone or similar
materials (hereinafter referred to collectively as "fill") shall be deposited or removed or
offered for sale in any one year, except in connection with a public work on the property
or the removal of silt or other recently accumulated material that blocks a normal flow of
a watercourse, without obtaining an approval pursuant to this section.
B. For the purposes of this section, movement of fill from one area on a site to another
location on the site shall be considered a deposit and removal and shall be subject to the
fill permit requirements of this section if the requisite volume of fill is being moved,
unless such activity is an activity specifically excepted from the requirements of this
section by the provisions set forth below.
C. If the application is for deposit or extraction of more than 50 but less than 250 cubic
yards of fill, the approval may be given by the Town Engineer. If the application is for
deposit or extraction of 250 cubic yards or more, special approval shall be obtained from
the Board of Appeals.
D. In applying for such approval, the applicant shall subrnit to the Town Engineer a plan of
the proposed project, showing property lines, and adjacent public ways, grades and
depths of proposed deposit or removal, soil types or fill types to be deposited or
removed, watercourses, erosion control during and after construction, projected duration
of project, proposed regrading and replanting of the property upon completion of the
operation, and such other items as the Board of Appeals or Town Engineer may require
to adequately review the proposed project.
E. In those cases requiring a special approval from the Board of Appeals, the Board shall
not act until the Town Engineer has reviewed such plan and advised the Board that in his
professional opinion the plan adequately protects the property and surrounding properties
270:115 oG-of -2004
§ 270-217 ITHACA CODE § 270-217
from significant adverse consequences of such deposit or removal, including, when
completed, adverse drainage, erosion, visual or other adverse impacts. Before issuing a
special approval, the Board shall make the same findings as are required for the
Engineer's opinion. In considering the proposed use the Board shall take into account the
distance of the operation from neighboring property and public ways, the possible
detriment of such use to the future development of the land in question, and significant
nuisance or detriment of the operation to neighboring landowners and to the community
as a whole.
F. The Board may impose such conditions upon the applicant as it deems necessary to
protect the general welfare of the community, which may include a time limit upon
operations, standards for performance, and the requirement that a performance bond be
posted to insure compliance with the requirements of this chapter and with any further
reasonable conditions imposed by the Board.
G. In the event that the proposed movement of material involves the deposit or extraction of
more than 2,500 cubic yards, the matter shall first be referred to the Planning Board for
its recommendation before the Board of Appeals makes its final decision.
H. Proposed movement of fill involving the deposit or extraction of less than 250 cubic
(1) In the event that the proposed movement of fill involves the deposit or extraction
of less than 250 cubic yards, the Town Engineer may grant written approval
provided that the Engineer determines, before issuing the approval, that the
proposed plan:
(a) Provides for appropriate erosion control during and after construction;
(b) Protects against adverse drainage on the subject property and surrounding
(c) Provides for appropriate revegetation when necessary;
(d) Provides for appropriate slope controls; and
(e) Does not adversely affect properties surrounding the designated site both
during and after removal or deposit of the fill.
(2) The Town Engineer may impose such reasonable conditions upon the applicant as
the Engineer deems necessary to protect the general welfare of the community,
which may include a reasonable time limit upon operations, reasonable standards
for performance, and the requirement that a performance bond or other security in
a reasonable amount be posted to insure compliance with the requirements of this
chapter and with any further reasonable conditions imposed by the Engineer.
I. The following are excepted from the requirements set forth above:
(1) Any normal building operation in connection with a legal building permit, such as
excavation, filling, or grading, shall be excepted from the provisions of this section
provided, however, that this exception shall apply only where the total amount of
270:116 06-01 -2004
§ 2.70-217 ZONING § 270-217
material moved from one place to another place on the construction site is less
than 700 cubic yards and where the total amount of material removed from the
construction site to an off-site location (or brought to the construction site from an
off-site location) is less than 500 cubic yards. For the purpose of this section a
"construction site" consists of the larger of the following areas:
(a) An area of 30,000 square feet in which the proposed construction is to be
located; or
(b) The area contained within the footprint of the proposed structure plus an
additional 50 feet adjacent to the perimeter of the proposed structure.
(2) Removal or deposit of till in connection with the construction of a septic field or
septic system on an individual lot pursuant to a permit obtained from the
Tompkins County Health Department.
(3) Removal or deposit of 'fill in connection with construction in accordance with a
site plan approved by the appropriate Town authority (e.g., Town Board, Town
Planning Board or Board of Appeals) provided that such construction occurs
within three years of the final approval of such authority. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, if fill is being removed to or from another site in the Town, and if the
plans for the removal from, or deposit on, such other site were reviewed by the
Town Engineer and the Board granting such approval was advised of the results of
such review and specifically included the proposed disposition of such fill in its
approval, no further approval under this Section shall be required provided the
construction occurs within the time limits set forth above. If the disposition of fill
was not specifically approved by the applicable Board in connection with any such
approvals, this exception shall not apply and the applicant shall be required to
obtain special approval for the deposit or removal of fill relative to such other site
in accordance with the terms of this section.
(4) Removal, movement, or deposit of not more than 500 cubic yards of fill in an
Agricultural Zone in any three-year period in conjunction with one or more bona
fide agricultural uses.
(5) Removal or deposit of fill in connection with construction of roads and other
facilities in a subdivision approved in accordance with the requirements of the
Town of Ithaca Planning Board provided, however, that:
(a) Plans for such construction showing in sufficient detail the proposed removal
and/or deposit of fill (including, when removal from or deposit on to an
off-site location is contemplated, adequate plans of such off-site location
showing the required information relative to the disposition or removal of fill
to or from same) were submitted to the Planning Board and approved by the
Town Engineer in conjunction with the subdivision approval; or
(b) The Planning Board expressly waived the requirement of submission of such
drawings and the total amount of fill to be either deposited or removed is less
than 500 cubic yards.
270:117 06-0t-2004
§ 270-218 ITHACA CODE § 270-219
li §270-218. Limitations on vehicle repair garages and gasoline sales stations.
I No part of any building used as a vehicle repair garage or gasoline service station and no
filling pump, lift or other service appliance shall be erected within 25 feet of any residence
zone or in any required side yard.
§270-219. Telecommunications facilities.
A. Purpose. The purpose of these supplemental regulations is to promote health, safety, and
the general welfare of the residents of the Town of Ithaca; to provide standards for the
safe provision of telecommunications consistent with applicable federal and state
regulations; to minimize the total number of telecommunications towers in the
community by encouraging shared use of existing and future towers and the use of
existing tall buildings and other high structures and by encouraging alternative
technologies that would minimize the need for multiple-towers; and to minimize adverse
visual effects from telecommunications towers by requiring careful siting, visual impact
assessment, and appropriate landscaping.
B. Special permit, site plan approval and variance. So long as telecommunications facilities
are deemed, under New York law, to be a utility, telecommunications facilities may be
constructed anywhere in the Town of Ithaca but only if the person seeking to erect same
shall have obtained a special permit and site plan approval from the Planning Board in
accordance with this section and the other provisions of this chapter governing issuance
of special permits and site plan approvals prior to any construction. If the proposed
height of the telecommunications facility exceeds the permitted height of structures in the
zoning district in which the facility is proposed to be located, notwithstanding any other
provisions of this chapter, a height variance from the Board of Appeals shall also be
C. General criteria. No special permit or renewal thereof or modification of a current special
permit relating to a telecommunications facility shall be authorized by the Planning
Board unless it finds that such telecommunications facility:
(1) Is necessary to meet current or reasonably expected demands for services;
(2) Conforms with all federal and state laws and all applicable rules or regulations
promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission (the FCC), Federal
Aviation Administration (the FAA), or any other federal agencies having
(3) Is considered a public utility in the State of New York;
(4) Is sited, designed and constructed in a manner which minimizes i) visual impact to
the extent practical and ii) adverse impacts upon migratory and other birds and
other wildlife;
(5) Complies with all other requirements of this chapter, unless expressly superseded
270:118 06-0t -2004
§ 270-21.9 ZONING § 270-219
(6) Is the most appropriate site among those available within the technically feasible
area for the location of a telecommunications facility;
(7) When including the construction of a tower, such tower is designed to
accommodate future shared use by at least two other telecommunication service
providers. Any subsequent location of telecommunication equipment by other
service providers on existing towers specifically designed for shared use shall not
require a new or modified special pernrit if there would be no increase in the
height of the tower and if the tower's original design was adequate to
accommodate the proposed additional equipment. However, the additional
equipment will require site plan review and issuance of a building permit before
construction occurs. At the option of the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer
there may be required, before issuance of a building permit, an engineer's
certificate or report to the effect that with the proposed additional equipment the
existing tower continues to be safe and meets all then currently applicable design
and construction criteria in accordance with generally accepted good engineering
practices and generally accepted industry standards.
D. Go-location.
(1) The shared use of existing telecommunications facilities or other structures shall be
preferred to the construction of new facilities. Any special permit application,
renewal or modification thereof shall include proof that reasonable efforts have
been made to co-locate within an existing telecommunications facility or upon an
existing structure. The application shall include an adequate inventory report
specifying existing telecommunications facility sites and structures exceeding 75%
of the height of the proposed tower within the search range of the cell grid. The
inventory report shall contain an evaluation of opportunities for shared use as an
alternative to the proposed location.
(2) The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed telecommunications facility
cannot be accommodated on existing telecommunications facility sites in the
inventory due to one or more of the following reasons:
(a) The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of existing and
approved telecommunications facilities or other structures, considering
existing and reasonably anticipated future use for those facilities;
(b) The planned equipment would cause radio frequency interference with other
existing or planned equipment, which cannot be reasonably prevented;
(c) Existing or approved telecommunications facilities or other structures do not
have space and cannot be modified to provide space on which proposed
equipment can he placed so it can function effectively and reasonably;
(d) Other technical reasons make it impracticable to place the equipment
proposed by the applicant on existing facilities or structures;
(e) The property owner or owner of the existing telecommunications facility or
other structure refuses to allow such co-location.
270:119 Os-of -2,004
§ 270-219 ITHACA CODE § 270-219
E. Priority of siting locations. In determining whether a site is appropriate, and if it is
determined a need exists for the telecommunications facility, the preferential order of
location, to the extent the same may be, or may be made, technically feasible, is as
(1) Co-located on existing telecommunications towers;
(2) Co-located on any other existing radio or other tower that would not require any
increase in height nor significant noticeable structural additions to accommodate
the telecommunications facility;
(3) Within any industrial zones or existing planned development zones that permit
industrial activities;
(4) Within any light industrial zones or existing planned development zones that
permit light industrial activities;
(5) Within any existing community commercial zones or existing planned development
zones which permits all of the activities permitted in a community commercial
(6) On any other property in the Town.
F. Dimensional standards.
(1) A fall zone around any tower constructed as part of a telecommunications facility
must have a radius at least equal to the height of the tower and any attached
antennae. The entire fall zone may not include public roads and must be located on
property either owned or leased by the applicant or for which the applicant has
obtained an easement, and may not, except as set forth below, contain any
structure other than those associated with the telecommunications facility. If the
facility is attached to an existing structure, relief may be granted by specific
permission of the Planning Board on a case-by-case basis if it is determined by
such Board after submission of competent evidence, that the waiver of this
requirement will not endanger the life, health, welfare or property of any person. In
granting any such waiver, the Board may impose any conditions reasonably
necessary to protect the public or other property from potential injury.
(2) All telecommunication facilities shall be located on a single parcel.
(3) All telecommunication facilities shall comply with the setback, frontage, minimum
lot size, and yard standards of the underlying zoning district and the fall zone
requirements of this article. To the extent there is a conflict, the more restrictive
provision shall govern. The size of the leased or owned lot, together with any land
over which the applicant has obtained an easement, shall be, at a minimum,
sufficiently large to include the entire fall zone. All lots leased or owned for the
purpose of construction of a tower as part of telecommunications facility shall
conform, at a minimum, to the lot size requirements of the underlying zoning
district or the size of lot necessary to encompass the entire fall zone (to the extent
easements for any part of the fall zone that extends outside the minimum lot size
270:120 06-01-2004
§ 270-21.9 ZONING § 270-219
permitted in the zoning district have not been obtained), whichever requirement
results in a larger lot.
(4) Notwithstanding provisions to the contrary of any other article of this chapter, the
front, side, and rear yard requirements of the underlying zoning district in which a
telecommunications facility is erected shall apply not only to a tower, but also to
all tower parts including guy wires and anchors, and to any accessory buildings.
G. Lighting and marking.
(1) Towers shall not be artificially lighted and marked beyond the requirements of the
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding subsection, an applicant may be compelled to add
FAA-style lighting and marking, if in the judgment of the Planning Board, such a
requirement would be of direct benefit to public safety and would not unduly
adversely affect residents of any surrounding property.
H. Appearance and buffering.
(1) The use of any portion of a telecomnnunications facility for signs, promotional or
advertising purposes, including but not limited to company name, phone numbers,
banners, streamers, and balloons is prohibited.
(2) The facility shall have the least practical visual effect on the environment, as
determined by the Planning Board. Any tower that is not subject to FAA marking
as set forth above shall otherwise:
(a) Have a galvanized finish, or shall be painted gray above the surrounding tree
line and gray or green below the tree line, as deemed appropriate by the
Planning Board, or
(b) Be disguised or camouflaged to blend in with the surroundings, to the extent
that such alteration does not impair the ability of the facility to perform its
designed function.
(3) Accessory structures shall maximize the use of building materials, colors, and
textures designed to blend in with the natural surroundings.
(4) Each application for a proposed facility shall be accompanied by a SEAR full
environmental assessment form ("full EAF"). A visual environmental assessment
form ("visual EAF") shall be required as an addendum to the full EAF. The
Planning Board may require submittal of a more detailed visual analysis based on
the contents of the visual EAF.
(5) The facility shall have appropriate vegetative buffering, reasonably satisfactory to
the Planning Board, around the fences of the tower base area, accessory structures
and the anchor points of guyed towers to buffer their view from neighboring
residences, recreation areas, or public roads. The Planning Board may similarly
require screening adjacent to waterways, landmarks, refuges, community facilities,
or conservation or historic areas within common view of the public.
270:121 06-of -2M
§ 270-219 ITHACA CODE § 270-21.9
(6) Without limiting the requirements of the preceding subsection, existing on-site
vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible, and no cutting of
trees exceeding four inches in diameter (measured at a height of four feet off the
ground) shall occur in connection with the telecommunications facility prior to the
granting of special permit and site plan approval. Clear cutting of all trees in a
single contiguous area exceeding 20,000 square feet shall be prohibited.
(7) The Planning Board may require additional information, such as line-of-sight
drawings, detailed elevation maps, visual simulations, before and after renderings,
and alternate tower designs to more clearly identify adverse impacts for the
purpose of their mitigation.
(8) Equipment or vehicles not used in direct support, renovations, additions or repair
of any telecommunications facility shall not be stored or parked on the facility site.
I. Access and parking,
(1) Accessways shall make maximum use of existing public or private roads to the
extent practicable. New accessways constructed solely for telecommunication
facilities must be at least 12, but no more than 24 feet wide, and closely follow
natural contours to assure minimal visual disturbance and reduce soil erosion
(2) The road surface (driveways) shall be centered within accessways and shall not
comprise more than 60% of the width of the accessway.
(3) Parking areas shall be sufficient to accommodate the usual number of service
vehicles expected on the premises at any one time. Space off of public highways
shall be provided (not necessarily in parking areas) to accommodate the greatest
number of service vehicles expected on the premises at any one time.
(4) Driveways or parking areas shall provide adequate interior turnaround, such that
service vehicles will not have to back out onto a public thoroughfare.
J. Security.
(1) Towers, anchor points of guyed towers, and accessory structures shall each be
surrounded by fencing at least eight feet in height, the top foot of which may, at
the discretion of the Planning Board in deference to the character of the
neighborhood, be comprised of three-strands of barbed wire to discourage
unauthorized access to the site. The Planning Board may waive the requirement of
fencing if, in its discretion, it determines that other forms of security are adequate,
or that, by reason of location or occupancy, security will not be significantly
compromised by the omission, or reduction in size, of the otherwise required
(2) Motion-activated or staff-activated security lighting around the base of a tower or
accessory structure entrance may be provided if such lighting does not project off
the site. Such lighting should only occur when the area within the fenced
perimeters has been entered.
270:122 06-0l -2004
§ 270-219 ZONING § 270-2,19
(3) There shall be no permanent climbing pegs within 15 feet of the ground of any
(4) A locked gate at the junction of the accessway and a public thoroughfare may be
required to obstruct entry by unauthorized vehicles. Such gate must not protrude
into the public right-of-way.
K. Engineering and maintenance.
(1) Site plans for all telecommunication facilities must bear the seal of a professional
engineer licensed to practice in the State of New York. Every facility shall be
built, operated and maintained to acceptable industry standards, including but not
limited to the most recent, applicable standards of the Institute of Electric and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the American National Standards Institute
(2) Every facility shall be inspected at least every second year for structural integrity
by a New York State licensed engineer. A copy of the inspection report shall be
submitted to the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer. Any unsafe condition
revealed by such report shall be corrected within 10 days of notification of same to
the record landowner on which the facility is constructed. The time period for
correction may, on application of the landowner or owner of the facility, be
extended by the Planning Board if it is impracticable to complete the correction
within said 10 days and if there is no imminent danger to life, limb, or other
person's property. If the unsafe condition is not corrected within the applicable
time period, or if the required inspection is not provided to the Town the special
permit for construction of the facility may, after a hearing by the Planning Board
on at least 10 days' prior notice to the landowner of record given by certified mail,
return receipt requested, or other equally effective manner of providing notice, be
revoked by such Board. Revocation may occur only if the Board finds either a)
that the required inspection has not been provided or b) that there is an unsafe
condition which poses a risk of bodily injury or significant property damage. Upon
such revocation, the facility shall be removed or dismantled to the point of
removing all unsafe conditions.
(3) A safety analysis by a qualified professional must accompany any special permit or
site plan application, renewal thereof or modification, for the purpose of certifying
that general public electromagnetic radiation exposure does not exceed standards
set by the FCC or any permit granted by FCC.
(4) The municipality, at the expense of the applicant, may employ its own consultants
to examine the application and related documentation. In addition, the applicant
shall reimburse the Town for the costs of the Town, including the time of the
Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer, in reviewing the application. The
consultants that the Town may retain include, but are not limited to, professional
structural and/or electrical engineers, attorneys, and other experts reasonably
required by the Town to competently and fully evaluate any application and the
resulting construction. Such consultants may be requested, among other matters, to
make recommendations as to whether the criteria for granting the special permit
270:123 06-01 -2M
§ 270-219 ITHACA CODE § 270-21.9
have been met, including whether the applicant's conclusions regarding need,
co-location, safety analysis, visual analysis, and structural inspection, are valid and
supported by generally accepted and reliable engineering and technical data and
standards, and whether the telecommunications facility as constructed is in
compliance with the approved plans and in accordance with generally accepted
good engineering practices and industry standards.
(5) To assure sufficient funds are available to the Town to pay for the consultants
referred to in the preceding subsection, any applicant shall be required to deposit
review fees in escrow, in accordance with the terms of any Town of Ithaca law,
ordinance or resolution, as the same may be amended from time to time.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any such law, ordinance or resolution, the
minimum initial escrow deposit for any telecommunication facility application
which anticipates construction of any type of tower shall be $5,000 or the
minimum prescribed by such law, ordinance or resolution as in effect at the date of
the application, whichever is greater.
L. Removal.
(1) At the time of submittal of the application for a special permit for a
telecommunications facility, the applicant shall submit an agreement to remove all
antennas, driveways, structures, buildings, equipment sheds, lighting, utilities,
fencing, gates, accessory equipment or structures, as well as any tower(s) dedicated
solely for use within a telecommunications facility if such facility becomes
technologically obsolete or ceases to perform its originally intended function for
more than 12 consecutive months. Upon removal of said facility, the land shall be
restored to its previous condition, including but not limited to the seeding of
exposed soils.
(2) At the time of obtaining a building permit, the applicant must provide a financial
security bond for removal of the telecommunications facility and property
restoration, with the municipality as the assignee, in an amount approved by the
Planning Board, but not less than $50,000.
(3) At times of modification of the special permit, the Planning Board may adjust the
required amount of the financial security bond to adequately cover increases in the
cost of removal of the telecommunications facility and property restoration.
M. Application. The application for a special permit for the construction of a
telecommunications facility shall include, without altering any other application
requirements set forth in this article or elsewhere in this chapter:
(1) A completed project application form in such detail and containing such
information as the Town Planning Board may require.
(2) Completed full EAF and visual EAF.
(3) Site plan in accordance with the requirements for site plans generally, and if more
detailed, in accordance with the site plan requirements of this section including,
without limitation:
270:124 06-0t-2004
270-21.9 ZONING § 270-219
(a) The exact location including geographic coordinates of the proposed
telecommunications facility including any towers, guy wires and anchors, if
(b) The maximum height of the proposed facility, including all appurtenances;
(c) A detail of tower type, if any, including engineering drawings from the tower
manufacturer (monopole, guyed, freestanding, or other);
(d) The location, type and intensity of any lighting on the tower;
(e) Property boundaries and names of all adjacent landowners;
(f) Proof of the landowner's consent to the erection of the facility and agreement
to abide by the ordinance if the applicant is not the landowner;
(g) The location of all other structures on the property and all structures on any
adjacent property within 100 feet of the property lines, together with the
distance of these structures from any proposed tower;
(h) The location, nature and extent of any proposed fencing, landscaping and
(i) The location and nature of any proposed utility easements and access roads
or drives; and
(j) Engineer's certification that the telecommunication facility and all related
components have been designed in accordance with generally accepted good
engineering practices and in accordance with generally accepted industry
standards, and if constructed in accordance with the plans the entire facility
(including the soils of the site itself) will be safe, will be in accordance with
all applicable governmental building codes, laws and regulations and in
accordance with generally accepted good engineering practices and industry
standards, including without limitation, acceptable standards as to stability,
wind and ice loads, and bird protection.
(4) Agreement that the applicant will negotiate in good faith with any subsequent
applicant seeking to co-locate a telecommunications facility on the initial
applicant's structures. This agreement shall commit the initial applicant and
landowner and their respective successors in interest to:
(a) Respond in a timely, comprehensive manner to a request for information
from a potential shared-use applicant.
(b) Negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties.
(c) Allow shared use if an applicant agrees in writing to pay reasonable charges
for same.
(d) Make no more than a reasonable charge for shared use, based upon generally
accepted accounting principles. The charge may include but is not limited to
a pro rata share of the cost of site selection, planning, project administration,
270:125 06-01 -2M
§ 270-219 ITHACA CODE § 270-221
land costs, site design, construction and maintenance, financing, return on
equity, and depreciation, and all of the costs of adapting the tower or
equipment to accommodate a shared user without causing electromagnetic
interference or causing uses on the site to emit electromagnetic radiation in
excess of levels permitted by the FCC.
(5) The agreement for removal of the facility referred to above.
(6) Copies of all documents submitted to the FCC or any other governmental agency
having jurisdiction.
(7) Any applicable application or other fees, including any deposits required by the
Town for application to the costs of any consultants retained by the Town as
provided above.
N. Miscellaneous.
(1) Any special permit or site plan permit granted hereunder shall be valid only for the
dimensions and number of structures for the telecommunications facility contained
in original application as so approved. Any subsequent changes or modifications
shall require a new application for same following the procedures set forth in this
(2) In considering the application the Planning Board may, if the application is
granted, impose such reasonable conditions as either body may deem necessary to
minimize any adverse impacts of the facility or its construction, or to assure
continued compliance with the terms of this chapter.
(3) Whenever reference is made to an engineer's certificate or report in this section,
the same shall be provided by a professional engineer licensed in the State of New
York who is reasonably satisfactory to the Planning Board.
General Provisions
§ 270-220. Building floor area.
No dwelling in any zone shall be erected or altered so as to provide for less than 600 square
feet of net enclosed floor area.
§ 270-221. Side yard on corner lot.
On a corner lot in a residence zone the yard width on the side street shall be at least 1/2 the
required front yard for adjoining properties on the side street, but in no event less than 10 feet
On a corner lot in any other zone, the yard depth on both streets shall be equal to the required
front yard for adjoining properties on both streets.
270:126 06-0t-2004
§ 270-222 ZONING § 270-226
§ 270-222. Porches and carports.
In determining the percentage of building coverage or the size of yards for the purpose of this
chapter, porches and carports, open at the sides but roofed, shall be considered a part of the
§ 270-223. Fences and walls.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to fences or walls, not over six feet high above
the natural grade, nor to terraces, steps, unroofed porches, or other similar features not over
three feet above the level of the floor of the ground story or three feet above grade, whichever
is lower.
§ 270-224. Projections in yards.
A. Every part of a required yard shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed,
except for the ordinary projection of sills, belt courses, pilasters, leaders, chimneys,
cornices, eaves and ornamental features, provided that no such projection may extend
more than four feet into any required yard.
B. Bays including their cornices and eaves, may extend not more than four feet into any
required yard provided that the sum of such projections on any wall shall not exceed 1/3
the length of such wall.
C. An open fire balcony or fire escape may extend not more than four feet into any required
270-225. Reduction of lot area.
No lot shall hereafter be reduced or altered so as to result in a lot or structure that does not
meet the minimum area and yard requirements of this chapter. In the event a lot upon which
stands a building is changed in size or shape, without an appropriate approval or variance, so
I that the area and yard .requirements of this chapter are no longer complied with, such building
shall not thereafter be occupied or used until it is altered, reconstructed or relocated so as to
comply with these requirements. The provisions of this Section shall not apply when a portion
of a lot is taken for a public purpose.
§ 270-226. More than one building on a lot.
Other than in a Multiple Residence Zone, there shall not be more than one principal building
on any lot in any residential zone (the term "residential zone" for the purposes of this section
means Low Density, Lakefront, Medium Density, High Density, and Multiple Residential
Zones and Conservation Zones). When there is more than one principal building on a lot in
any nonresidential zone or in a Multiple Residence Zone, the space between such buildings
must be at least equal to the sum of the side yards, or the sum of the rear and the front yards,
as the case may be, calculated as if each building was located on its own individual lot in
such zone.
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§ 270-227 ITHACA CODE § 270-227
§270-227. Parking facilities.
A. All zones. The following provisions apply to all zones unless there are express provisions
applicable to a specific zone set forth below or elsewhere in this chapter, in which event
the express provision shall govern.
(1) If permitted or existing in a zone, the following uses shall be provided with the
following off-street parking facilities:
(a) School or other educational institutions: Two spaces for each class room.
(b) Hospital, sanitarium or nursing or convalescent home: One space for each In
two beds.
(c) Medical clinic: Four spaces for each doctor, or for each office in which a
medically-trained person is regularly in attendance, whichever figure is
(d) Rooming house, tourist house or bed-and-breakfast: One space for each room
offered to rent.
(e) Fraternity or sorority house or membership club: One space for each four
beds, or one space for each five members, whichever figure is larger.
(f) Churches or other houses of worship: One space for each four seats or one
space for each five members, whichever figure is larger.
(g) Research and development facilities: One space for each 300 square feet of
gross floor area or one space per employee, whichever yields the higher
number of spaces.
(h) Multifamily dwellings: Every building in any zone housing or designed to
house more than two families shall provide in connection with it and on the
same lot garage space or off-street parking space for automobiles equivalent
to the number of dwelling units provided in such dwellings, plus one space
for every three dwelling units.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, if an existing or proposed
project permitted in any zone (including the uses set forth in Subsection A(1)
above as well as the uses referred to in various zones referenced below) meets the
following criteria, the Planning Board may authorize the required minimum
number of parking spaces to be reduced by no more than 20%. The criteria are:
that the reduction in the number of parking spaces will not adversely affect traffic
flow on the project site, will leave adequate parking for all of the reasonably
anticipated uses or occupancies in the project, and will not otherwise adversely
affect the general welfare of the community.
(3) If the Planning Board permits a reduction in the required number of parking
spaces, the Planning Board may impose such reasonable conditions as may, in the
judgment of the Planning Board, be necessary to assure that such reduction will
meet the criteria set forth above. In any event, unless expressly waived by the
270:128 06-01-2004
§ 270-227 ZONING § 270-227
Planning Board, such reduction shall be subject to the following additional
(a) Any space that is made available by the reduction in the required number of
parking spaces may not be used for construction of any structures.
(b) Any land made available by virtue of such reduction be landscaped with
grass or other vegetation approved by the Planning Board.
(c) If, any time within five years after construction of the project is completed
(completion of construction to be the date a permanent certificate of
occupancy has been issued by the Town for the entire project), the parking is
found to be inadequate because:
[1] The demand for parking spaces on the project site exceeds on more than
two occasions annually the number of parking spaces available; or
[2] The traffic flow through the parking area creates an undesirable or
hazardous condition by reason of the reduction of parking spaces; or
[3] There is repeatedly undue congestion in the parking areas by reason of
the reduction of parking spaces;
Then the developer or subsequent owner of the project will install
additional parking spaces up to the minimum number that would have
been otherwise required by the terms of this chapter without granting
any reduction. Unless waived by the Planning Board, the granting of
the requested reduction in parking shall be conditioned on the
developer or applicant executing an agreement in form acceptable to
the Planning Board and acceptable for recording in the Tompkins
County Clerk's office agreeing to install the additional parking spaces
as may be required by the above conditions.
(d) In the event there is (whether before or after the five-year period set forth
above) any significant change in use, or a subdivision of the project site, or a
sale of a portion of the site, with respect to which a reduction in the required
number of parking spaces has been granted, such change, subdivision, or sale
may be conditioned upon a requirement that additional parking spaces be
required up to the minimum that would have otherwise been required but for
the reduction granted pursuant to these provisions.
(e) Parking spaces shall be surfaced with blacktop, compacted gravel, or other
dust-free material, and must be graded so as to drain properly.
(4) The Planning Board, in conducting site plan reviews, is authorized, for good cause
shown and providing there is no adverse effects on the project, on the surrounding
properties, or on the neighborhood, to allow a reduction of the standard size of a
parking space to less than the otherwise required 1.80 square feet, exclusive of
circulation and turning areas.
270:129 06-01 -taw
270-227 ITHACA CODE § 270-227
B. All zones except Mobile Home Park Zones:
(1) If pennitted or existing in a zone, the following uses shall be provided with the
following off-street parking facilities:
�! (a) One- and two-family dwellings: Two garage or off-street parking spaces for
each dwelling unit. No parking shall be located more than 200 feet from the
dwelling unit it is intended to serve. Notwithstanding any other provision
herein, off-street parking spaces outside of garages may be located in any
required front yard provided that no more than 15% of any required front
yard is so occupied.
(b) Buildings with more than two dwelling units: One garage or lot parking
space shall be provided for each dwelling unit, plus one additional lot space
for every three dwelling units. No parking shall be located farther than 200
feet from the dwelling unit it is intended to serve.
(c) Any of the uses specifically enumerated below in Commercial Zones: The
same number of spaces as are required in a Commercial Zone.
(2) Unless authorized by the Planning Board during site plan review processes, or by
the Board of Appeals as a variance, no parking is permitted in any required front,
side or rear yard.
(3) The Planning Board is authorized to permit parking in a required front, side or rear
yard in course of considering site plan approval, provided the Planning Board
(a) That the particular use, nature, or location of the proposed project or
building, requires that parking be in one of such yards;
(b) It is not practicable to limit parking to areas outside the required yards;
(c) Parking in such yards does not significantly adversely affect adjacent
properties or the character of the neighborhood; and
(d) No such parking will occur in any buffer areas.
(4) In conducting any required site plan review, if the Planning Board finds, utilizing
the site plan criteria set forth elsewhere in this chapter, that the particular use,
nature, or location of the project under review, or other circumstances, require that
parking be to the rear of the principal building on the site to mitigate or avoid
adverse effects on the project, on adjacent properties, or on the neighborhood
generally, the Planning Board shall have the authority to require the parking to be
so located.
C. Agricultural Zones:
(1) Agricultural activities other than set forth below: A minimum of one parking space
shall be provided for every two employees or, in the case of uses authorized by
special permit only, one space for each 2,500 square feet of interior floor area,
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§ 270-227 ZONING § 270-227
excluding basements used for storage, whichever results in the larger number of
required spaces.
(2) Dwelling units: As set forth above in Subsection B entitled "All zones except
Mobile Home Park Zones."
(3) Retail sales or roadside stands: one space for each 200 square feet of enclosed
floor area.
D. Mobile Home Park Zones.
(1) Dwelling units: One garage or lot parking space shall be provided for each mobile
home, plus one additional lot space for each three mobile homes. No parking lot
shall be located farther than 100 feet from the dwelling unit it is intended to serve.
Parking spaces and access to same shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other
solid material.
(2) Any of the uses referred to above in Subsection A entitled "All zones": The
number of spaces required by the terms of Subsection A entitled "All zones."
(3) Any of the uses specifically enumerated below in Subsection E entitled
"Commercial Zones": The same number of spaces as are required by the terms of
Subsection E entitled "Commercial Zones."
E. Commmercial Zones. Parking requirements shall be as follows:
(1) Commercial buildings: A minimum of 300 square feet of parking area, including
lanes and driveways, shall be provided for each 100 square feet of floor area,
excluding basements used for storage, except in the case of the following uses, for
which off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the following
® (a) Office or bank building: One space for each 200 square feet of office or bank
■ floor area.
(b) Auditorium, stadium, theater, or other place of public assembly; funeral home
or mortuary; or restaurant: One space for each five seats.
(c) Bowling alley: Three spaces for each lane.
(d) Retail store: One space for each 200 square feet of ground floor plus one
space for each 500 feet of sales area on all other floors combined.
(e) Hotel, motel: One space for each guest room, which space must be available
at night.
(f) Skating rink and dance hall: Parking spaces equal in number to 20% of the
maximum capacity of the facility (maximum number of persons) authorized
for fire protection purposes.
F. Light Industrial Zones. Light industrial buildings: A minimum of one parking space shall
be provided for every two employees or one space for each 1,200 square feet of interior
270:131 06-01 -2M
§ 270-227 ITHACA CODE § 270-230
floor area, excluding basements used for storage, whichever results in the larger number
of required spaces, except in the case of the following uses for which off-street parking
shall be provided as follows:
(1) Office building: One space for each 200 square feet of office floor area.
(2) Warehouse: One space for each two employees or one space for each 2,500 square
feet of interior space, whichever is greater.
G. Industrial Zones. Industrial Buildings: A minimum of one parking space shall be
provided for every two employees or one space for each 1,200 square feet of interior
floor area, excluding basements used for storage, whichever results in the larger number
of required spaces, except in the case of the following use for which off-street parking
shall be provided as follows:
(1) Office building: One space for each 200 square feet of office floor area.
(2) Warehouse: One space for each two employees or one space for each 2,500 square
feet of interior space, whichever requires the greater number of parking spaces.
§ 270-228. Approval of County Health Department.
No building permit, special permit, special approval, or certificate of occupancy issued under
the terms of this chapter shall become or remain valid unless the holder thereof complied with
rules and regulations of the Tompkins County Health Department under the terms of the
Tompkins County Sanitary Code. Where minimum lot sizes are specified in this chapter, the
same shall be subject to the approval of the Tompkins County Health Department or any
successor agency, and if such Department or successor requires larger lots to comply with the
County Sanitary Code or any other local, county, state or federal law, rule or regulation, the
requirements of such Department or successor shall govern.
§270-229. Abandoned cellar holes and buildings.
Within one year after work on any excavation for a building has begun, any excavation for a
building shall be covered over or refilled by the owner to the normal grade. Any building
substantially destroyed by any cause shall be rebuilt or demolished within one year. Any
excavation or cellar holes remaining after the demolition or destruction of a building from any
cause shall be covered over or filled by the owner within one year.
§ 270-230. Agricultural lands in County Agricultural Districts.
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, mobile homes may be located in
any zone on or adjacent to lands used in agricultural production located in an
Agricultural District created pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law § 303 or any
replacement or successor statute (such homes being sometimes hereafter referred to as
"farm labor homes" and such districts sometimes being referred to as a "County
Agricultural District") subject to the following:
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§ 270-230 ZONING § 270-231
(1) Such mobile home shall be physically located within a County Agricultural
(2) If more than one mobile home is to be located on a farm, no building permit shall
be issued for such second or additional mobile home unless the proposed mobile
home is shown on, and located in accordance with, a site plan approved pursuant
to the provisions of Article XXIII.
(3) Such mobile home shall only be used in connection with the operation of a farm
and shall be leased to, or occupied by, only persons who are, or families at least
one member of which is, employed by the farm operator operating the lands on
which the mobile home is located.
(4) In conducting the site plan review, in addition to any other authority granted the
Planning Board by this chapter, the Board is authorized to reduce the minimum lot
size from that otherwise required by the terms of this chapter to the minimum
permitted by the Tompkins County Health Department, if on-site septic systems
are to be used, or 15,000 square feet, whichever is larger.
(5) The farm labor home shall be subject to the same residential setback and other
yard requirements of the zone in which the same is located.
(6) The provisions prohibiting more than one principal building on a lot are waived for
farm labor homes in a County Agricultural District.
(7) Such mobile home shall be removed if not utilized for housing farm laborers for
three or more successive years, or if the property on which the mobile home is
located ceases to be a farm operation for a period of three or more years.
(8) Any site plan approval granted under this section shall be for a period requested by
the applicant, but in no event longer than five years, provided that the same shall
be renewed for additional periods of up to five years each upon application of the
farm operator if the conditions relating to the granting of the initial site plan
approval still exist.
B. For the purpose of this section, the term "land used in agricultural production" shall have
the same meaning as set forth in Agriculture and Markets Law § 301 (4) or any
replacement or successor statute.
§ 270-231. Enforcement.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Director of Building and Zoning or any other person
designated by the Town Board, and duly appointed deputies, all herein collectively referred to
from time to time as the Code Enforcement Officer.
270:133 os-of -2004
§ 270-232 ITHACA CODE § 270-233
§ 270-232. Applications for approvals, remedies or relief.
Every applicant for any approval, remedy or any other relief under this article or any other
article of this Zoning Chapter shall disclose the information required by § 809 of the General
Municipal Law.
§ 270-233. Permit to build.
A. No principal building or accessory building, nor any other structure, including but not
limited to, tanks, power and pump stations, swimming pools, and signs (except as
permitted by Chapter 221, Signs, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca), in any district,
shall be begun, erected, constructed, enlarged, improved, renovated, repaired, or altered,
without a permit to build, issued by the Code Enforcement Officer, except that no
building permit shall be required for:
(1) Repairs, alterations, or renovations to existing buildings provided that the repairs,
alterations, or renovations:
(a) Cost less than $10,000;
(b) Do not materially affect structural features of the building;
(c) Do not affect fire safety features such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, required
fire separations and exits;
(d) Do not involve the installation or extension of electrical, plumbing, or
heating systems;
(e) Do not include the installation of solid fuel burning heating appliances and
associated chimneys and flues; and
(f) In the case of buildings that are subject to site plan approval procedures, do
not materially alter the exterior appearance of the building.
(2) An accessory building in an agricultural or residential district, provided that such
(a) Costs less than $3,000;
(b) Is less than 12 feet in height;
(c) Does not involve the installation or extension of electrical, plumbing, or
heating systems; and
(d) Does not include the installation of solid fuel burning heating appliances and
associated chimneys and flues.
(3) Parking spaces in Lakefront Residential Zones, Low, Medium, and High Density
Residential Zones, Mobile Home Park Zones, Conservation Zones and Agricultural
Zones provided that such parking spaces cost less than $10,000.
270:134 06-0t -2004
§ 270-233 ZONING § 270-234
B. This waiver of the permit to build requirement for alterations, accessory buildings, and
parking spaces shall in no case relieve the property owner from compliance with other
provisions of this chapter or of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and
Building Code, or any successor ordinances or statutes.
C. No permit to build shall be issued except pursuant to written order of the Board of
Appeals, where the proposed construction, alteration, or use would be in violation of any
provision of this chapter. No such permit shall be issued, except pursuant to written order
of the appropriate authority granting variances where the proposed construction,
alteration, or use would be in violation of any provision of the New York State Uniform
Fire Prevention and Building Code or any successor statute.
D. Every application for a building permit shall state in writing the intended use of the
building and shall be accompanied by a plot plan with all dimensions shown indicating
the size and shape of the lot and buildings.
E. Every such application for a building permit shall also contain additional information
such as the intended number of occupants, the number of rooms, statement as to whether
any portion will be occupied by the owner or will be leased, and such application shall
be accompanied by an interior plan showing number and layout of rooms, and such
application and such plan shall contain such additional information as may be reasonably
required by the Code Enforcement Officer or as may be required from time to time by
the Town Board.
F. Every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a fee computed in
accordance with the most recent local law, ordinance, or resolution adopted by the Town
Board establishing such fees, including, without limitation, Chapter 1.53, Fees, of the
Code of the Town of Ithaca (i.e., the local law regarding same adopted on or about
December 12, 1994, to be effective January 1, 1995), as the same may have been
subsequently amended.
G. Unless there has been substantial progress in the work for which a building permit was
issued, said building permit shall expire one year from the date of issue.
§270-234. Certificate of occupancy.
A certificate of occupancy shall be required for all work for which a building permit is
required to be issued under this chapter or under any other ordinance or Local law of the Town
of Ithaca or under the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or any
successor statute. Further, a certificate of occupancy shall be required for all buildings which
are converted from one general occupancy classification to another and such classifications
are defined in Part 701 of Title 9 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations
of the State of New York, or any successor rules or regulations. The issuance of building
permits and certificates of occupancy shall be governed, in addition to the requirements of this
chapter, by the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building
Code, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and any similar or successor statutes,
and in accordance with the requirements of any laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the
Town of Ithaca including, without limitation, Local Law No. 1 of the year 1981 (Chapter 125,
Building Construction and Fire Prevention, of the Code of the Town of Ithaca) as the same
270:135 oa-of -2004
§ 270-234 ITHACA CODE § 270-235
has been subsequently amended. The fee for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall
be the fee established in the most recent local law, ordinance, or resolution adopted by the
Town Board establishing such fee, including, without limitation, the local law regarding same
adopted on or about December 12, 1994, to be effective January 1, 1995, as the same may
have been subsequently amended.
§ 270-235. Zoning Board of Appeals.
There is hereby established a Zoning Board of Appeals which shall function in the manner
prescribed by law (except as the same may be superseded by the terms of this chapter as set
forth below).
A. Membership.
(1) There shall be five members of the "Zoning Board of Appeals. The members of the
Zoning Board of Appeals shall be residents of the Town of Ithaca and shall be
appointed by the Town Board to serve for terms as prescribed by law. Vacancies
occurring in said Board by expiration of tern or otherwise shall be filled in the
same manner. No person who is a member of the Town Board shall be eligible for
membership on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
(2) There may be appointed additionally up to two alternate members of the Zoning
Board of Appeals, either of which alternate may substitute for a regular member of
the Board in the event such regular member is unable to serve because of a conflict
of interest, illness, extended (longer than one month) absence from the Town, or is
otherwise disqualified. Alternate members shall be appointed by resolution of the
Town Board for terms established by the Town Board. The Chairperson of the
Zoning Board of Appeals may designate an alternate member to substitute for a
regular member in the event a regular member is unable to participate because of
any reason enumerated above. To the extent this provision is inconsistent with
Town Law § 267 (11) it is intended to supersede such section, in accordance with
Municipal Home Rule Law § 10 1 (ii) d (3). All other rights, responsibilities and
procedures related to alternate members set forth in said § 267 shall apply.
B. The Town Board shall designate the Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The
Zoning Board of Appeals shall choose its own Vice Chairperson who shall preside in the
absence of the Chairperson. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice
Chairperson, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall choose one of its number as Acting
Chairperson. Such Chairperson, or the party acting as Chairperson in the Chairperson's
absence, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. The Zoning
Board of Appeals may appoint a secretary who shall take minutes of all its meetings and
keep its records.
C. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall adopt from time to time such rules and regulations as
it may deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter and all its
resolutions and orders shall be in accordance therewith.
D. Any person aggrieved by any decision of any officer of the Town charged with the
enforcement of this chapter may take an appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
270:136 06-of -2004
§ 270-235 ZONING § 270-236
E. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and
in accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 267 et seq. hear and determine appeals
from any refusals of a building permit or certificate of occupancy by the person
designated by the Town Board, or review any order or decision of said person where
such order or decision is based upon the requirements of this chapter.
F. The Zoning Board of Appeals, on appeal from the decision or determination of the Code
Enforcement Officer, shall have the power to grant use and area variances (as the same
are defined in Town Law§ 267). In doing so, in addition to any other requirements set
forth in this chapter, the Zoning Board of Appeals, in determining whether to grant a use
or an area variance shall consider all of the matters set forth in Town. Law § 267-b
including specifically the considerations set forth in § 267-b, 2 and 3, or any successor
G. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall also hear and decide all matters referred to it or upon
which it is required to pass by the terms of this chapter. In deciding such matters referred
to it by the terms of this chapter and in granting special approval the Zoning Board of
Appeals shall follow the procedures and apply the criteria set forth in Article XXIV,
Special Permits and Special Approvals, of this chapter.
H. At the option of the Zoning Board of Appeals, it may refer a matter to the Planning
Board for a recommendation before taking action. Such referral shall not extend the time
within which the Zoning Board of Appeals, by law, must act. Failure of the Planning
Board to timely respond to such a referral shall not preclude action by the Zoning Board
of Appeals nor otherwise affect the validity of any actions taken by the Zoning Board of
1. In granting variances or special approvals the Board may impose upon the applicant such
reasonable conditions as are directly related to and incidental to the proposed use of the
property or the period of time such variance or special approval shall be in effect. Such
conditions shall be consistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance or Local
Law, and shall be imposed for the purpose of minimizing any adverse impact such
variance or approval may have on the neighborhood or community.
J. Unless work has commenced in accordance with the variance or special approval given
by the Zoning Board of Appeals within one year from the issuance of the building permit
authorizing such work, or within 18 months of the granting of such variance or special
approval, whichever is earlier, not only the building permit but the variance or special
approval shall expire and the permissible uses and construction on the property shall
revert to those in effect prior to the issuance of such special approval or variance.
§ 270-236. Planning Board.
There is hereby established a Planning Board which shall function in the manner prescribed
by law (except as the same may be superseded by the terms of this chapter as set forth
270:137 06.of -2004
§ 270-236 ITHACA CODE § 270-236
A. Membership.
(1) There shall be seven members of the Planning Board. The members of the
Planning Board shall be residents of the Town of Ithaca and shall be appointed by
the Town Board to serve for terms as prescribed by law. Vacancies occurring in
said Board by expiration of term or otherwise shall be filled in the same manner.
No person who is a member of the Town Board shall be eligible for membership
on the Planning Board. To the extent reasonably possible, and in the sole
discretion of the Town Board, one or more of the members may be an agricultural
member as defined in § 271 of the Town Law.
(2) There may be appointed additionally up to two alternate members of the Planning
Board, either of which alternate may substitute for a regular member of the Board
in the event such regular member is unable to serve because of a conflict of
interest, illness, extended (longer than one month) absence from the Town, or is
otherwise disqualified. Alternate members shall be appointed by resolution of the
Town Board for terms established by the Town Board. The Chairperson of the
Planning Board may designate an alternate member to substitute for a regular
member in the event a regular member is unable to participate because of any
reason enumerated above. To the extent this provision is inconsistent with Town
Law § 271 (15) it is intended to supersede such section, in accordance with
Municipal Home Rule Law § 10 1 (ii) d (3). All other rights, responsibilities and
procedures related to alternate members set forth in said § 271 shall apply.
B. The Town Board shall designate the Chairperson of the Planning Board. The Planning
Board shall choose its own Vice Chairperson who shall preside in the absence of the
Chairperson. In the absence of both the.Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the Planning
Board shall choose one of its number as Acting Chairperson. Such Chairperson, or the
party acting as Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence, may administer oaths and
compel the attendance of witnesses. The Planning Board may appoint a Secretary who
shall take minutes of all its meetings and keep its records.
C. The Planning Board shall adopt from time to time such rules and regulations as it may
deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter and all its resolutions
and orders shall be in accordance therewith.
D. The Planning Board shall, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and in
accordance with the provisions of Town Law § 271 et seq. hear and determine site plan
approval requests, special permit requests, subdivision applications, and such other
matters as may be referred to such Board under this chapter or otherwise.
E. The Planning Board, in making any determination shall have the powers granted to
Planning Boards by, and shall apply the procedures and criteria set forth in, this chapter,
the laws of the State of New York, and any other law, ordinance, or resolution duly
adopted at any time by the Town Board or Planning Board.
F. In granting site plan approvals, special permits, subdivision approvals, or in taking any
other actions in response to any application, the Board may impose upon the applicant
such reasonable conditions as are directly related to and incidental to the proposed use of
the property or the period of time such special permit or other approval shall be in effect.
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§ 270-236 ZONING § 270-237
Such conditions shall be consistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance or
Local Law, and shall be imposed for the purpose of minimizing any adverse impact such
pennit or approval may have on the neighborhood or community.
G. Unless work has commenced in accordance with the site plan approval or special permit
given by the Planning Board within one year from the issuance of the building permit
authorizing such work, or within 18 months of the granting of such approval or special
permit, whichever is earlier, not only the building permit but the approval or special
permit shall expire and the permissible uses and construction on the property shall revert
to those in effect prior to the issuance of such approval or special permit.
H. In making recommendations to the Town Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals, the
Planning Board shall determine that:
(1) There is a need for the proposed use in the proposed location.
(2) The existing and probable future character of the neighborhood in which the use is
to be located will not be adversely affected.
(3) The proposed change or use is in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan of
development of the Town.
§ 270-237. Posting of notices.
In addition to any other notice required by law, a public notice shall be posted by the
applicant on the property that is the subject of certain applications as set forth in this section.
A. The sign shall be so posted in the following circumstances:
(1) If a variance, special approval, or determination is being sought from the Zoning
Board of Appeals, the notice shall be posted before the initial Zoning Board of
Appeals public hearing on the matter.
(2) If a subdivision approval, a site plan approval, or special permit is being sought
from the Planning Board, the notice shall be posted before the first Planning Board
public hearing on the application.
(3) I.f a determination is being sought which requires affirmative action by both the
Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board, the notice shall be posted before
the first public hearing before either Board occurs.
(4) If the application is for rezoning of a parcel or parcels of land in conjunction with
a proposed development on same a notice shall be posted and it shall be posted
prior to the initial Planning Board hearing on the proposed rezoning. If the
rezoning is a rezoning generally of the neighborhood independent of a particular
application for a particular project, or is a rezoning of an area of more than 300
acres, there shall be no posting requirement unless the Town Board directs such
posting. In such event the Town Board may designate the location and frequency
of such posting, which may be different than otherwise required hereunder.
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§ 270,237 ITHACA CODE § 270-239
B. The posting shall occur at least 14 and not more than 30 days before the first meeting of
the Board at which the matter is to be heard as set forth above.
C. The sign shall be posted in a location clearly visible from the roadway at or near the
center of each of the property lines of the property under consideration which property
line fronts on an existing public or private roadway. If the road frontage exceeds 1,000
feet, signs shall be posted at five-hundred-foot intervals along the frontage. When the
Town Planner or Town Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement Officer finds that the
particular circumstances of an application warrants more signs than required by this
provision, the applicant shall post such additional signs as may be directed by either of
such officers.
D. Such signs shall be continuously maintained by the applicant and displayed facing the
roadway until final action has been taken by the Board involved approving or denying
the application or appeal, or until the application is withdrawn. Signs shall be removed
within 15 days of the final action or withdrawal of the application.
E. The required signs shall be obtained from the Town Planner, Town Building Inspector
and Zoning Enforcement Officer, or Town Clerk and shall contain the information set
forth on the form of sign supplied by the Town. There shall be no fee for the first sign. If
additional signs are required the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee for each
subsequent sign or replacements thereof. The fee shall be $3 per sign.
F. Failure to post or maintain the signs as provided in this section shall not be a
jurisdictional defect and any action taken by any Board in connection with the
application shall not be nullified or voidable by reason of the failure to comply with this
section. However, the failure to post or maintain the sign may be grounds, should the
Board involved in its discretion so determine, to deny the application sought or to decline
to hear the matter at the scheduled meeting date by reason of the failure to have the
appropriate signs installed and/or maintained. The appropriate Board may, on good cause
shown, waive the requirement of the posting of signs as called for by this section.
§ 270-238. Entry and inspection.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the right to enter upon, examine and inspect, or
cause to be entered, examined and inspected, any building or property, for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this chapter after reasonable written notice of intent to examine
or inspect has been provided to a property owner, and permission of the owner has been
granted. If such permission is denied, access shall be pursued by the Attorney for the Town,
who shall be notified by the Code Enforcement Officer of such denial. Pending the granting
of such access or inspection, no further permits, certificates of occupancy or other approvals
shall be granted by the Code Enforcement Officer or any other agency or board of the Town.
270-239. Violations and penalties.
A. Pursuant to § 268 of the Town Law any person, firm, corporation or other entity
violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon
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§ 270-239 ZONING § 270-243
conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine or to imprisonment as provided in § 268.
Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate offense.
B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the Planning Board or the Zoning
Board of Appeals may refuse a special permit, special approval, preliminary or final site
plan approval to an applicant as long as the applicant, or any person or entity under the
control of or controlled by the applicant, is in default in the perfonnance of any actions
required of them pursuant to law or pursuant to conditions imposed in connection with a
previously granted special permit, special approval, or final site plan approval in the
Town of Ithaca.
§ 270-240. Amendments.
This chapter may be amended as provided by law.
§270-241. Validity.
The invalidity of any section or provision of this chapter shall not invalidate any other section
or provision thereof.
270-242. Existing Zoning Ordinance amended readopted and reenacted.
§ � � a P
The existing Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca, New York, as amended, adopted
October 25, 1954, is hereby reenacted, readopted and amended to read as set forth in this
chapter, except as expressly provided otherwise in this chapter. This readoption and
reenactment and the adoption of any amendment shall not affect any pending, or prevent any
future prosecution of any, action to abate any violation existing at the time this chapter is
readopted, reenacted and amended, if the use is in violation of the provisions of this chapter
as readopted, reenacted and amended. Nothing herein shall be deemed to change the status of
nonconforming uses created by virtue of the Zoning Ordinance adopted October 25, 1954, as
amended, if such uses remain nonconforming under the provisions of this chapter, as
readopted, reenacted and amended.
§270-243. Fees.
The fees, escrow deposits, review costs, public hearing fees and inspection fees for
subdivision, variance, site plan and other similar applications and approvals, and for building
permits, Use Permits, Operating Permits and any other similar permit, shall be as set forth in
the most recent local law, ordinance, or resolution adopted by the Town Board establishing
such fees, deposits and costs including, without limitation, Chapter 1.53, Fees, of the Code of
the Town of Ithaca (i.e., the local law regarding same adopted on or about December 12,
1994, to be effective January 1, 1995), as the same may have been subsequently amended,
together with the related schedule of application and review fees contained therein.
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§ 270-244 ITHACA CODE § 270-245
§ 270-244. Effective date.
This revised and restated ordinance shall become effective April 1, 2004, herein referred to as
the "effective date."
§ 270-245. Transition provisions.
A. This revised, restated and amended chapter shall apply to all applications for building
pen-nits, site plan approvals, subdivision approvals, special approvals, special permits, or
any other approval or authorization hereunder, submitted on or after the effective date.
B. If a completed application is submitted prior to the effective date and if such application
is diligently prosecuted to conclusion, the application shall be governed by the provisions
of the Zoning Ordinance in effect immediately prior to the effective date, unless the
applicant elects by written notice accompanying the application or delivered within a
reasonable time after submission of the application to be governed by the provisions of
this revised, restated and amended ordinance as in effect on and after the effective date.
For the purposes of this section only, an application shall be deemed "completed" if it
contains all required information, materials, and fees normally and reasonably required
by the appropriate Town official(s) (e.g., Director of Planning with respect to
subdivision, special permit, rezoning, planned development area, and site plan approval
applications, the Director of Building and Zoning with respect to building permit,
variance, and special approval applications, and the Director of Engineering with respect
to fill permit applications) including initial SEQR forms, to commence the review
process by the appropriate Town official or board. An application shall be deemed
"diligently prosecuted to conclusion" if the applicant promptly responds to any inquiries
and promptly supplies any additional information reasonably required by the reviewing
Town officials and/or boards, appears at all required scheduled public hearings, and
otherwise cooperates so as to permit and enable the appropriate Town officials and/or
boards to adequately and completely review the application and render a decision on
same within a reasonable period of time of its submission, and in any event within nine
months of its submission.
C. The Town Board may, with respect to a specific application, if an applicant demonstrates
I) severe, adverse economic impact will result to the applicant if this revised, restated
chapter is applied to the applicant's application because of a substantial expenditure of
funds by the applicant prior to the adoption of this revised, restated chapter and in
reliance upon the provisions of the ordinance in effect prior to the effective date; or 2') I
delay in rendering a decision by the applicable official or board is due to the failure of
such official or board to act within a reasonable period of time and not due to any failure
or default by the applicant; extend by no more than four additional months the privilege
of having the application be governed by the provisions of the zoning ordinance in effect
prior to the effective date, or extend by no more than four additional months the
nine-month period within which diligent prosecution of the application must be
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§ 270-245 ZONING § 270-245
completed to obtain the benefit of utilizing the pre-effective-date ordinance provisions.
An application for extension under this subsection must be made prior to, or within 30
days after, the end of any applicable period by written request to the Town Clerk or
Town Supervisor setting forth the requested relief and the grounds for same.
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