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Article I - Definitions
Article II tstablishment of Districts
Article III Residence District (R-lj—' j"
Article IV Multiple Residence District (R- 2)
Article V Mobile Home Park District R-T)D1--
Article VI Business District
Article VII Business District (B- 2)
.:isle VIII Light Industrial -WARKY . .1)
Artilcle IX , Heavy Industrial District (1 - 2-)
.Article-1 --hr-scul-Ituhal District (A)
Article XI Public Use District (P)
Article XII Site Plan Requirements Review Approval Procedures
Article XI II General Provisions and Non-Conforming Uses
Article XIV Administration
%Y 1.2 1973
For the purpose of promoting the health, safety,
and environmental quality of the community, to lessen
congestion in the streets, to secure safety from
fire, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent
the ovorcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration
of population, to facilitate the adequate provision
of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks
and 9ther public requirements, under and pursuant to
the Laws of the State of Ncw York, the size of buildings
and other structures, the percenta, of lot that may
be occupied, the size of yards, the density of popula-
tion and the location and use of buildings, structures
and land for trade, industry, residence or other
purposesi are hereby restricted and regulated as
hereinafter provided.
SECTION 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this
ordinance certain words and terms shall have the
following meaning unless the context otherwise requires.
Words used in the present tense include the future;
the singular number includes the plural, and the plural
the singular; the word "building" includes the word
"structure" ; and the word "occupied" includes the words
"designed or intended to be occupied" ; the word "used''
includes the words "arranged, designed or intended to
be used" ; and the word "he" includes "it" and "she".
1. ACCESSORY USE: A use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use of a building on
the 8ame lot or in the same development.
2. ACCESSORY BUILDING: A building subordinate
to the principal building on the same lot and used
for puyposes customarily incidental to those of the
principal building.
3. BA I\Tf: A portion of a building partly
underground which has more than one-half of its height
imeasured from finished floor to finished ceiling
b I ow the average grade of the adjoining ground.
4. BUILDIYG: Any man made structure or _p;qqq__
0f_..,p�qq,ipM;pt which is placed or fabricated on the
ground which has a height above ground of over s&( 1?VW
feet or a total volume in excess of 1,000 cubic feet.
5. CAMP: An area of land or water, including
any buildings thereon, which may include two or more
cabins, tents, trailers, shelters, houseboats, or
other accommodations designed for seasonal or
temporary living purposes, �ihether or not such
structures or accommodations are operated for profit.
6. CLINIC: A building or any part of a building
which is used for the ractice of medicinei.,
7, (31IJBHOUSE or IODGE: An orgpnization catering
exclusively to members and their guests and/or premises,
and buildins for recreational or athletic purposes,
Mich are not condicted primarily for gain, provided
there are not &AdVated any vending stands, merchan-
dising or commercial actIvities except as required gener-
ally -for the purposes and membership of such club.
8. COURT: An unoccupied open' space, other than a
"_ yard, on the same lot with a building, which is
bounded on -two or more sides by the walls of such
9. DWELLING: A building designed or used
as the living quarters for one or more
DWELLING: Atdi"Iding or group of buildings on one
lot containing separate dwelling units for three or
more families.
11. DWELLING, ON1, FA,',IILY: A detached building A,
SO, C' r
with at enclosed foundation designed for or occupied wa,
90Q%4YhN$KKy one family for residential purposes.
12. MTELLING UNIT: A dwe'11-Lig, or portion of a
dweLfing, providing complete living facilities for one
13. EDUCATIO:VLL ',rFACILITY: Any buildings or
equipment used for or necessary to the operations of
any primary or secondary school, vocational school,
college or university.
14. FAMILY: One or more persons related by
blood, marriage, or adoption.
15. FARM: A plot of land that exceeds ten (10)
acres and is used for one or more of the following
a. TillaSe of land to produce food to be
con$umed 'directly or indirectly by humans or domestic
animals or fowl.
b. Grazing of land and its crops to
feed domestic animals or fowl.
c. Rearing of poultry for meat or eggs,\
6. EtASHING\SIGN: A illubinated Jign on which
the wificial light is not maintained so- tionary �d/or
conslynt in intensity qyd COW"at all times.
17. FLOOD PLAIN: The relatively flat area or low
lands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, water
course, lake or other body of standing water, which has
4 r"', too 4 the r w"4 OIL AL
, been or may be covered by flood water, '�"j
18. - FRATERNITY or SOaORITY HOUSE: A building
occupied and maintained exclusively for a fraternity
or sorority composed of students affiliated with an
academic or professional college or university and
containing and providing domestic and social
facilities and services thereto.
19. GARAGE, PRIVATE: An enclosed space for the
storage of one or more motor vehicles, provided that
no business, occupation, or service is conducted
therein ,nor space therein for more than one car is
leased to a nonresident of the premises.
. 20. GARAGE , PUBLIC: Any garage not a private
garage, available to the public, and which is used
for parkin q #p#qge",A
pmdbl 1/d't-r"-6,A
211SX01 FACILITY: Any building used
for the treatment, long term care and/or rehabilitation
of persons who are sick or injured,
22. HUM OCCUPATION: or profession
a. Is customarily carried out in a
dwelling 40# or in a building or other structure
accessory to a dwelling *1#4 and
b. Is carried out by members of the
family residing in the dwelling 4JAY, and
c. Is clearly incidental and secondary
to the use of the dwelling molt for residential
A home occupation includes the following: office
of a physician, dentist, lawyer, engineer, architect,
accountant, teacher, tailor or psychologist within a
dwelling occupied by same;or teaching, with musical
instruction limited to aQjp;j;_student at a
Other home occupation may be permitted in accordance
with the provisions of Article III, Section 4(7) .
23. HOSPITAL: An establishment for temporary
occupation by the sick or injured for the purpose of
medical diagnosis and treatment to
nent or other carn of humans.
24, HDIEL or TOTEL: A building containing roams
or living units designed to be or in fact rented for
transient occupancy and �,�nich may also include a.
restaurant andibar. The word hotel or motel shall
include "motor lodge" , "motor hotel", "motor court'',
flinn", "tourist court", or similar names.
25. IMI12 HOME: 'My
structure or vehicle designed to be transported after
f abrication on its m,ni wheels, or on flatbed or
otear 1railers, or detachable wheels, which is used
or intended to be used for long term occupancy for
purposes. It
does notinclude and considered different from a
sectional house which is prefabricated in sections,
transported to the building site, then fastened
together and placed on a permanent and totally
enclosed qpeOdQ\foundatioa and �ehich has a minii-kium
width of 13 feet for its entire length and contains a
minimum of 720 square feet of usable living space.
26. JUM YARD: The use of more than 200 square
feet of the area of any lot, whether inside or outside
for the storage, keepin3, or abandonment of, junk or
scrap materials. It includes, but is not limited to,
an area used for the dismantling, demolition, or
abando:nient of automobiles or other vehicles, machinery,
equipment, appliances , or any other t3,e of materials
or parts thereof.
2 7. LOT: A C'" Nf!Aplot of land
accu pied or to be occupied by a principal building
and its aclessory building or buildings and including
the yards and other open spaces required by this
28. LOT AREA: The total area within the
vb lines encluding external streets or any
,par; of a public hiShway right of way that may be
included within deed description of the lot.
30. MOBILT], 110:1E, PARE.: k�,rvaap* tand used or
intended to,, be used by two or more occupied mobile
homes. a14 ,
31. NONCOMF012,1,1I 14TG USE: A use of land or a
building eristing at the time of enactment of this
ordinance and its amendments which does not confoirm
to the zoning it
32. NUMERY SCHOOL: A 6yPopl, building, or part
of a building used to pravide dytime are or instruc-
tion for two or more childr
other than as hospital where sick or infirm persons
are lodged, furnished with meals and nursing care for
hirea except persons �Aio are mentally ill,
KfQjgg, drug MUM or alcoholic patients.
34. P&RKING SPACE: An ared-for the temporary
parking K an automobi 84180 squRve-feet (IMPANE, with
a minimum width of 10 fen, eNclusive of the parking,
lot culation area,.
350 110011111C 110U1,,],.E- A, building used as a dwelling
other than a hotel or motel in which 3 or more persons
are housed for compensation.
An area used for the dumping or permanent filling
withAoil, stone, gravel, and, refuse, or any miNture
thereof for the purpose of refuse disposal and which
extends, fills, or builds up the area' s natural
qet k,
37. STORAGE: The indoor or outdoor accumulation
or aging up of manuEactured products or raw materials,
or the keeping of one or more pieces of movable
equipment. K
5 T
STPITT LINE- The limit of the right of way
of Zl�'Areqt, road, or highway. Where the word street
appears thjs also mecy-101.6-May or road.
39, THEATRE,/ 1=06a DIVE IN: An open lot with
accessary facilitiesw1iich is primarily used for the
showing of moving pictures or theatrical productions,
on a paid admission basis, to patrons seated in
automobiles or on outdoor seats,
40. TOITRIST HOUSE: A building used as a dwelling
other than a hotel or motel in which accomodations
for transients are offered for compensation.
41. ' USE: The specific purpose for which land or
a building is designed, intended, arrainged, or for
Wich it is or may be occupi& or maintained. The
tero "permitted use" or its equivalent does not include
any nonconforming use.
42. UTILITY EQUIP:17,112n : Transformer substations,
pm7er generating plants, pumping stations or other
,structures used for the production or transmission of
gas, electricity, it tam or other power source,
43. YARD, FRONT: The open space between the
street right of way line and the front line of the
principal building, eNclusive of overhanging eaves
and rather permissible projections, extended to the
side lines of the lot.
44. YARD, REAR: The open space between the rear
lot , lirye and the rear line of the principal building,
ex clusive of overhan3ing eaves and other permissible
pr oj6ctions, entended to the side lines of the lot.
45. NARD, SIDE: The open space between the
principal building, enclusive of overhanging eaves and
other permissible projections, and a side lot line and
extending through from the front yard to the rear yard.
SECTION 2. Districts, For the purpose of this
ordinance the Town of Ithaca is hereby divided into
nine districts as follows:
Residence Districts (R-1)
Multiple Residence Districts (R-2)
Mobile Home Park District (R-3)
Agricultural Districts (A)
Business Districts (B-1)
Business Districts (B-2)
Light Industrial Districts (I-1)
Heavy Industrial Districts (1-2)
nablic Use Districts (P)
New districts iiay be added or boundary can
made to eXisting districts by amending this ordinance
in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV,
The location of said. districts are set forth
on the map acco crap anying-thi-q.-ordinance, entitled
Zone Map, datedJuly 1, 1954, as , amended, and signed
by the To Clerk. Said map and all explanatory
matter than and amendments thereto are hereby made
a part of this ordinance.
Regardless of the existence of purported copies
of the Official Zone '14ap which may from time to time
be made or published, the Official Zone Map which
shall be located in the Offl.ce of the Tow,n Clerk shall
be the final authorit,.y as t.he current zoning status of
Nand and water areas, buildings., and other st'ructures
in the T ti'7n'
SECTION 3. District Boundaries. Where uncer.-
tainty exists with respect to the exact boundaries
of the various districts as shown on the Zone Map.,
the followin- rules shall apply.
1. - Boundaries indicated as approximately
followina the center line of streets, highways or
alleys shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately
follming plotted lot lines shall be construed as
following such lot lines.
3. Boundaries indicated as approximately
following Town limits shall be construed as following
Town limits.
4. Boundaries indicated as following shore lines
shall be construed to follow such shore lines, and in
the event of chan-e in the shore line shall be con-
strued as moving, with the actual shore line- boundaries
indicated as approximately follmqing the center lines
of streams, rivers, canals, lakes, or other bodies of
water shall be construed to follmq such center lines.
5. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or
extensions of features indicated in subsections 1
4 above shall be so construed. Distances
not specifically indicated oa the Official Zone Map
shall be determined by the scale of the map.
6. Any lands existing in the ToTni of Ithaca whicl:i
are unzoned at the time of the adoption of this amend-
ment, and any lands hereafter added to the Town of
Ithaca by annexation or otherwise, are hereby zoned
to the same zone or a more highly restrictive zone
than thelydjacent zone, Any such after-acquired and
Wall be automatically zoned Residence District RQ
upon such acquisition, except that such lands may be
thereafter rezoned to any other zone by action of the
Town Board of the Towa of Ithaca.
Rl",,SID:�:N'SE' DIS172LICT (R-1)
SECTION 4. Use Regulations. In Residence
Districts R-1 no building shall be erected or exten-
ded and no land or building or part thereof shall be
used for other than any of the following purposes:
one or two family dwelling. In addition
to a single family, a one family dwelling may be
occupied by not more than two boarders, roomers,
lodgers or other occupants. A two family dwelling
is permitted provided that the second dwelling unit
shall not exceed 50% of the floor area of the primary
dwelling unit. A two family dwelling shall be
occupied by not more than two families, except that
thd following occupancies may also be permitted:
(1) If each of the two dwelling units in a two family
house is occupied by a family, then—each such unit may
also be occupied by not more than one boarder, roomer,
lodger or other occupant; (2) If one of such two
units is occupied solely by a family, then the other
unit may be occupied by not more than two boarders,
roomers, lodgers or other occupants; (3) If neither
of such units is occupied by a family then the to
number of such occupants in such two family dwellings
shall be no more than three. One or two family dwel-
lings may be occupied by more than the occupants
permitted above by0pecial Permit of the Board of
Appeals upon application to such Board The minimum
size lot on which a one or two family dwelling may
be constructed is given in Section 6.
2. Publicly awned buildings or other facilities
and public or private recreational facilities, health
related facilities, religious institutions, educational
facilities or major utility equipment. Prior to the
constructik of any buildings or facilities for the
above mentioned uses, as site plan must be reviewed by
the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions
of A rticle XII, Section 37.
3. Standard residential subdivision.
a. A parcel of land in an R-I residential
district may be subdivided in up to three standard n. 0.m .
residential lots provided that each lot meets the
reqyirements of Section 6.
b. A parcel or parcels of land may be
subdivided into more than three standard residential
lots if the site an for the subdivision is reviewed
and approved by the Planning Board in accordance with
the requirements and procedures of Article XII, Sec-
tion 3L
4. Cluster residential development. On a parcel
or parcels of land in an R-1 district having a total
area greater than ten acres the dwelling units may be
clustered an smaller than thecMARA -stakda-rd-We' s"'IT- cl�klr
o dential I ts in accordance with the provisions of
section 231 of New York State Tmni lz-w.
Prior to the issuance of building permit the
plan for a cluster residential development must comply
with the requircrYients f ections fkVe and six and
'be review(,�wd and appl,'CYVed by, the Planning Board
ac4�,.=dinc, to the provisions of Article 1tII., Section
5. Planned Residential Development. On a parcel
or parcels of land iii an R-1 district having as total
area greater than 100,�cres the land may be used for
a combination of 'Lwo or more of the follcniing resi-
dential land uses: one and two family dwellings,
clustered dwellings, multiple residences or mobile
homes. A plan for such as residential. development
must be reviewed and approved by the Tcnni Board and
meet all other provisions of Article XII, Section 34.
6. Planned Unit Development. ()n as parcel or
parcels of land in an R-1 district having as total
area greater than (�5 acres the land may be used for
a combination of standard residential subdivision,
cluster development, planned residential development,
business, or industrial. The plan for such a
development must meet the requirements of each section
pertaining to the t es yp of land uses to be included
In, the proposed development. Further, the plan for
such as development must be reviewed and approved by
talks Town Board and meet all of requirements of
Article XII, Section 35.
7. Accessory residential uses. In residence
districts R-1 the follmiinl- accessory uses are
a. Off-street ,arage or parking space.
This accesso:ry use is required by Section five para-
graph Is
b. Art acccssory building the than a
garage Which may be used for storage or other v
accessary uses. An accessary building may not be N"
Used as a dwelling unit or for bi.'isiness,, industrial 'ear,,'
or agricultural activity.
c. A customary home occupation subject
to the following conditions:
1. The occupation or profession shall
be carried out wholly within the principal building
or within an accessory building.
2. Not more than two persons outside
the members of the family shall be employed in the
homle occupation.
S. There shall be no exterior dis-
play, no exterior sign an apt as permitted in the
Town of Ithaca Sign Ordinance no exterior storage
of materials, and no other exterior indication of the
home occupation or variation from the residential
character of the principal building. Further, no
motor vehicle evidencing a sign or other advertise-
ment of the home occupation may be parked on or near
the residential premises of the home occupation when
such parking violates any other aforementioned regard- `,,,
ing exterior display.
4. No goods or products way be
publicly displayed or advertised for sale.
5. No offensive noise, vibration,
smoke, dust, odors, are or glare shall be produced.
A, home occupation her than those listed in
Article I Section 1 may be considered on an individual
basis by the Board of Zoning Appeals N 'hen in the
Board' s opinion (1) the proposed use is similar to
those listed, (2) the proposed use will not adversely
affect the ,established character or value of the
surrqunding property, and (3) the proposed use is in
harmaay, with the spirit and intention of the ordin alce,
d. The keeping of household pits: the
raising or keeping of animals for sale or the boarding
of animals is permitted only in agricultural districts.
Up W three horses may be kept provided that the lot
size exceeds two acres for each horse.
e. A temporary roadside stand or other
st,ructure for the display and sale of farm or nursery
products incidental to farming and as a seasonal
OnVenience to the owner or owners of the land. Any
such stand shall be removed at the end of each season,
shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the street
pavepeAt and located in such a manner as to permit
safe access and egress for automobiles and parking off
the street pavement, A roadside stand may be prohibited
in certain locations if it is determined by the zoning
enforcement officer that such a use may cause traffic
congestion or otherwise be incompatible with the
surrounding land use.
f. Signs. A residential sign or a sign
in connection with an accessory use or any other per-
mitted use may be erected in an R-1 district provided
that it meets the requirements of the Town of Ithaca
sign ordinance.
SECTION 5. Building and other structural regula-
tions. In residence districts (R-1) all buildings
shall conform to the Naw York State Building Code and
to the following regulations:
The minimum enclosed floor area for a one
family house is 720 square feet. In the case of a
two family dwelling the primary dwelling must have
a minimum enclosed floor area of 720 square feet and
the pecondary dwelling unit a minimum of 360 square
2. No building or buildings on a of including
accessory buildings, shall be erected, altered or
extended to cover more than twenty per cent of the
lot area. In determining the percentage of building
coverage porches or carports, or any other roofed
structure whether open at the sides or completely
enclosed shall be considered part of the building or
3. In a standard residential subdivision there
may not be more than one building per lot used for
dwelling purposes.
4. In cluster residential development there may
be up to four dwelling units per building but no more
than 3.5 duelling units per gross acre.
5. Accessory buildings in standard residential
subdivisions caay not occupy any open space other than
the rear yard.
. An accessory buildLr,�,,:I; om,.iy occupy not: more than
5 per cent of the lot area and shall be not less than
10 feet from any side or rear lot line, except that
a private glaraVie. may be. built across a common lot
line with a party wall by mutual agreement bet7,7een
adjoining property o�,rners. Accessory buildings
shall, in no case exceed 15 feet in height.
6. No buildings may be constructed or altered
so as to have more than three(1 stor ie or be higher
than ,30 feet as measured, from the ground surface to
thd,,,roof line.. at,,.Iany. j� nt.
7. FuG_Iid buildings, or other structures or
equipment constructed for non-residential purposes,
shall be constructed so as to minimize any adverse
impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Where possible
these buildings should conform in height and lot
coverage to other buildings in the immediate vicinity.
Where it is determined by the planning board that a
structure or activity will adversely affect the
character of the neighborhood, plantings or other
screenin- materials may be required in accordance with
the provisions of Article X.II,, Sec Lion
8. Fences, walls and landscaping. The provisions
of this ordinance do not apply to fences or walls not
over six feet hi above the natural grade, except that
no fence or wall shall be constructed or trees or
shrubbery planted so as to abstruct the view at street
The driveryf an g6bomobile
intersections. 11��Aen rifooped
reh inlersection should hade an ytpbstructedk
(viefoft& cross street for � s ida'/ 400 feet
in both A rections.
9. Parking requirements. ;very building used
for dwelling purposes shall have aai on the
same lot garage p aaw e or off-street rkspace for
t Wo equivalent to the number f divelling units
in said building. The off-street parking spacefor
each dwelling unit in a chaster residential development
shall hin 200 feat of the dwelling its is a n-
dd to serve.
Automobileparking areas shall be located so
that no part of any parked vehicle extends into the
right of way f any public street. The off-street
parking requirements for non-residential land uses
permitted in R are set forty in Article
SECTION cats and Opens Space Requirements.
1. Lot Dimensions. In standard residential,
subdivisionsh a araimum lot area permitted is 15,000
square feet. ears public water and sewer are not
availableh minimum lot sizesare determined by the
Tompkins un Health Department.
The minimum width of residential lots is 100
feet. The lotwidth shall be measured at a distance
from the streetedge equal to the front yard r quir•
men . In standard residential ubdivisio as approved
by the Planning Boand certain lots on street intersec-
tions or cul-de-sacs may at the discretion of the
Planning Board be less than 100 feet wide. In cluster
residential lot sizes may be smaller than in standard
subdivisions but an equivalent amount of open space
must be set aside and provisions made for the pe mane nt
maintenance of that open space.
1 :2, Yard Requirements. In standard residential
subdivisions at least the following yard dimensions
are required:
a. Front Yard: No building shall be less
than 30 feet from the street edge of a Town Road, 40
feet from the street edge of a County Higdiway, and
feet from the street edge of a State Highway.
b. Rear Yard: No building shall be less
than 30 feet from any rear lot line.
c. Side Yard: No building shall be less
than 15 feet from any side lot line except that a one
stoxT garage may be 10 feet of a side lot ling .
on irregularly shaped lots the yard requirements
will be' determined b the Planning Boar "LANWo tow" CIA"-f
In cluster subdivisions buildings musle at
least 25 feet apart and at least 25 feet from lot
lines of the edge of the development. Front yard
requirements are determined by the Planning Board
after reviewing the site plan according to the
provisions of Article XII, Section 33.
Public buildings constructed for non-residential
purposes shall, where possible, have the same yard and
open space requirements as residcntial buil6ings.
SECTION7. Use Regulations. In Residence
Districts R-2 no building shall be erected or
altered or extended' and no land or building or part
thereof shall be used for other than any of the
following purposes:
1. Any use perlitted in an R-1 district.
2. Nbltiple family dwelling units .111,ppylso Ile "r
as to provide living quarters for aenimimum of four ''
families. No building permit all be issuea-rot"
a building within Residence District R-2 unless the
proposed structure is in accordance with the require-
ments and procedures of Article XI I, Section 36.
SECTION S. Building and other structural
regulations. In Residence Districts R-2 all buildings
shall conform to the New York State Building Code and
to the following regulations:
1. The minimum enclosed floor area for
each type of dwelling unit shall be as follows :
Welling Type Minimum Floor
a. Dwelling with no
separate bedroom
(Effic'.- .. o.r studio
apartment 360 square feet
b. Dwelling with one
bedroom 460 square feet
c. Dwelling with two
bedrooms 600 square feet
d. IX,7ellin- with three
or mola bedrooms 20 square feec
2. No 'buildinp,�, or buildings including
accessory buildin-,s, shall be erected, altered or exten-
ded to caver morc-: than thirty per cent of the multiple
residence area. In determining the percentage of
building coverage porches or carports or any other
roofed structure whether open at the sides or complet-ely
enclosed shall be considered part of the building or
3. No buildings may be constructed or
alt6red so as to have more than three stories or be
higher than 30 feet as measured from the ground surface
to the roof line at any point.
4. Accessory buildings which may be
constructed for laundry or recreation purposes shall
have their use limited to the residents of the
multiple residence district within which they are
located. V) ,.
5. In a multiple residence district there
may be up to�'24 exalts per building but no more than 12
&qelling units per gross acre,
6. Parking Requirements. Every building
used for &e1ling purposes shall have available garage
space or off-street parking space for automobiles
equivalent to 1.5 times the number of dwelling units
in the multiple residence district. If more than twenty-
five per cent of the dwelling units have three or more
bedrooms each )then the number of parking spaces shall
be two times the number of unit No parking shall be
located farther than 200 Met from the dwelling unit
it is intended to serve nor shall any parking be
located any closer than thirty feet from any lot
line. Parking lots shall be surfaced with bituminous
asphalt or concrete and must be graded so as to drain
7. No waste or refuse shall be placed
out of any building in a MAItiple Residence
District except in enclosed areas specifically
designated for the collection of solid waste which,
contain receptacles adequate to prevent the scattering
of waste and shall be planted or otherwise screened
from public view.
SECTION 9. Open Space Requirements.
1. The minimum size area for the development of
a multiple residence A distAct is ten acres, kw�- t�j__A_
. 1 2. Each I-1ultiple Residence District shall
provide recreation areas for the use of its residents.
The space reserved for such recreational use shall
not be less than 400 square feet per dwelling unit.
3. No buildings shall be closer than 30 feet
from any lot line. The distance between any two struc-
tures shall be no less than the average height of
All"CIC1.1: V
MOBILE 11011U`�" 1'�2SIDE11"CE DISTIUCT (R-3)
SECTION 10. Use Pegulations. In Mobile Home
Residence Districts F',--3 no building shall be erected
or extended ,and no la-nd or "building or part thereof
shall be used for other than any of the following
1. Any use permitted in an. R-1 district.
2. Mobile homes, either grouped in mobile home
parks or individually placed on lots. The minimum
size of lot on which a mobile home may be constructed 4
is given in Section 12. Before a mobile home park
is constructed or a group of more than three mobile
homes are placed on lots the site plan for the park
or the group of mobile homes must be reviewed and
approved by the To�m Board in accordance with the
requirements and procedures of Article dXII, Section 37.
SECTION 11. Building and other structural
requirements. In Residence Districts(,-3 11 buildings
or mobile homes shall conform to the New York State
Building Construction Code. In addition all mobile
homes and other dwellings must comply wit1i the follow-
ing regulations:
1. Dwelling units other than mobile homes
or mobile homes which are placed on lots of 15,,000
square feet or more must con-form to the building and
structural regulations of Article III, Section 5.
2. The minimuzi enclosed floox- area f o.t
a mobile home -is 720 squ,,.ir,e feet.
3. No mobile h,ome all be placed or
altered or ex,tended to over more than twenty per cent
of the mobile home lot. This regulation shall, apply
to mobile hori)es on lots or in mobile home parks. In
determining the percentage of lot coverage porches
, or carpOrts or any other roofed sttucture whether open
at the sides or completely enclosed shall be con-
sidered part of the mobile home.
4. In mobile home parks or on individual
lots there may not be more than one mobile home placed
on a lot.
5. Accessory buildings may be constructed
in, mobile ho me park for the storage of equipment or
the provision of recreational or other services to the
residents of the mobile home park. One accessory
building way be constructed per fifty mobile homes.
An accessory building in a mobile home park may not
be larger than 1.1,000 square feet and may not be closer
than 30 feet to any lot line or mobile he
6. No buildings may be constructed or
altered so as to have more than three stories or be
higher than 30 feet as measured from the ground surface
to the roof line at any point.
7. Each mobile home to in a mobile home
park or separately shall have a mobile h--mle stand
which will provide for the practical placement on and
removal from the lot of a. mobile home and the
retention of the hone on LIB.(! 10L in a stable con-
dition. The star-id shall be o.-[" sufficient size to f it
the dimensions of the anticipated mobile home and
be constructed of an appropriate material which is
durable and adequate for the support of the maximum
anticipated loads. Tile stand shall be suitably
graded to permit rapid surface drainage and shall be
provided with anchors, tie-downs, or other devices
capable of assuring the stability of the mobile
homey Anchors or tie-downs shall be placed at least
at each corner of the mobile home stand and the
mobile home shall be securely fastened to such
8. Parking requirements: Each mobile
home in a mobile home park shall be provided with
one off-street parking space located on the same lot
as the mobile home. In mobile home parks additional
off-street parking spaces shall be provided in the
amount of one space for every two dwelling units.
This additional off-street parking may be grouped in
convenient locations for the use of park residents.
Automobile parking areas shall be located so that no
part of any parked vehicle extends into the ri-ht of
way of any public street.
9. Each mobile home park shall have
improved streets to provide for the conveiiient access
to all mobile home lots and other important facilities
within the park. The street system shall be so
designed to permit the safe and convenient vehicular
circulation within the park. Streets shall be adapted
to the topography and shall have suitable alignment
and gradient for traffic safety and shall be of
slufficieate Vidth to permit the safe passage of 00�
vehicles with mobile homes attached. All one-way 30
.streets Shall have a minimum width of 12 feet. All
two-way streets shall have a minimum width of 20 feet.
10. No waste or refuse shall be placed
outside of any mobile home or any other building
except in enclosed areas specifically designated
for the collection of solid waste which contain
receptacles adequate to prevent the scattering of
waste and shall be planted or otherwise :are from
public view.
SECTION 12. Open Space Requirements.
1. The mijmum; size area for development of a.
1N�; le,, 11'1111
mobile hom 'V en acr jjkis tA, o
i b Mbile home parks
%t cmst e loca ad withi eet of a primary road
and have at least one entrance on a primary road. 4?er,
2. Each mobile home park shall include open P j
space areas for the use of its residents. Such open
space need not be in a single parcel but should be
conveniently located in the park and shall have a
total area equal to at least ten per cent of the gross
land of the park. 0
3. Mobile homes which are not located in
mobile home parks but are individually placed on 0, (V
lots are subject t,o the R-I standard residential
subdivision open space requirements set forth in
Article KI, Section 6.
4. Mobile homes in mobile home parks must comply
with the following yard requirements:
a. Each mobile home shall be placed
on a 1pt having a total area of not less than 5,000
square feet with a minimum dimension of 50 feet.
b. The total number of mobile homes
in a mobile home park shall not exceed eight per
gross acre.
c. No mobile home in a mobile home
park shall be situated within 100 feet of a district
boundary or any existing or planned public highway
or street.
d. Mobile homes in mobile home parks
must be placed so that they are at least thirty feet
apart and at least twenty feet from the nearest edge
of any interior park road.
J, 'V
SECTION 13. Use R.egulatsans. In Business districts
1 -1 no buildin- shall be erected or extended and Tio
land or buildings or part 'thereof shall. be used for
other than any of the following purposes:
1. Retail. stores necessary to serve the needs
of a single "Aeighbo. rhood. Permitted establishments
include a food market
".),)drug store, bank, liquor store,
office, liar wa—rie store, clothing store, laundry,
barber shop, florist shop or greenhouse. Additional
retail uses may, be considered on an individual 'basis
by the-,Town Boar d ,bnder the provisions of Article
X11, Section 37, when, in the opinion of the Town
Board,, the proposed use is essentially similar to
those listed and will not adversely affect the
established character or value of the surrounding
property. , No building pen-ift shall be issued for a
building in a Business B-1 district unless a site
plan showing the proposed building has been approved
by the Town Board in accordance with the requirements
and procedures of Article XII, Section 33.
2. Accessory business uses: In Business districts
B-1 the following accessory uses are permitted:
a. Off-street parking spaces. This
accessory use is required by Section 14, paragraph
b. Accessory storage buildings. Storage
of materials or equipment is not permitted outside of
c. S,1.gns. Si,,,Iis may be erected in a
Business B-1 district provided that the signs meet the
requirements of t1ie Ta,,.,7n of Ithaca Sign Ordinance.
SECTION 14. Building and Other Structural
1. No build in g s may be constructed or altered
so as to have more than three stories or be hi-her than
30 feet as measured from the ground surfacr to the
roof line at any point. No building or buildings may
be constructed or altered to cover more than 40 per
cent of the lot area.
2. Parking requirements: For each 250 square
feet of retail space or space used for other business
purposes there shall be one off-street parking space
provided. There shall be no parking in any required
front side or rear yard. Parking lots shall be
surfaced with asphalt or concrete and be graded so
as to drain properly. In addition to parking at
least two paved access drives shall be provided. All
parkin g areas and access drives to be used at night
shall be adequately lighted.
3. Off-street loading requirements: Adequate
off-street space shall be provided for trucks to
unload materials. No vehicles shall. be parked on any
street for the purpose of unloading materials or
4. Buffer areas: Between a Business B-1 district
and any other district a planted buffer screen shall
be erected. , The natural buffer shall be designed
to be at least ten feet high in three years. Additional
fencing or screenin.g shall be pravided in any area
where the proposed business facility would create a
hazardous condition or would detract from the value
of neighboring property if such fencing or screening
Are -not provided.
SECTION 15. Lot and Open Space Requirements,
1. The minimum area required for the location
of a Business 1 1 district is five acres.
2. Buildings in a Business B-1 district must
be set back at least 50 feet from any public street
right of way or any district boundary. Buildings
within a business district must be at least 30 feet
apart, unless they are connected by a party wall or
a covered walkway.
SECTION 16. Use R lat ions. In Business
districts B-2 no buildinc, shall 'be erected or extended
and no land or buildin.-s or part thereof shall be
used for other than any of the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in Business District B-1.
. 2. Retail stores necessary to serve the needs
of a re-icanal area. Permitted uses include a depart-
Men,t store, appliance store,, clothing store, auto--
mobile sales and service,, (�obile hoc� iia'le S and
service, boat sales and set-vice.
3. Places of public assembly such as a restaurant,
theatre, skatin,- rink bowling alley or dance hall,
where .the activity is conducted entirely within a
4. Places of public accommodation such as a
hotel, motel or marina.
5. Warehousing operations. In a Business B-2
district the in building storage of equipment or
materials is permitted. No storage of any kind is
permitted outside of buildings. ve% p�zllk
6. Service or repair facilities: In the event
that any of the uses permitted in Business District
B-2 involve small scale assembly, repair, processing
or fabrication,, such activity shall ta,'Ce place only
in connection with products or services offered for
immediate sale or direct service to customers(o'n"111-11
Qie premise�,",� and furtl-icr, that no objectionable
noise, smoke, odor (-,)r vibration created the
shall be experienced beyond the buildings of said
7. Additional bi:isiness uses may 4 considered
on an individual basis by the Town Board under the
'>--'-377 hen provisions of Article XII, Section 2 w in the
opinion of the ToIT11 Board, ' he proposed use is
essentially similar to those listed and will not
adversely affect the established character or value
of the surrounding property. No building permit
shall be issued for a buildin,, in a Business B-2
District unless a site plan showing the proposed
building has 'been approved by the Town Board in
accordance with the requirements and procedures
of Article XII, Section 38.
. SECTION 17. Building and Other Structural
1. No building may be constructed or altered
so as to have more than three stories or be higher
than 30 feet as measured from the ground surface to
the roof line at any point. No building or buildings
may be constructed or altered to cover more than
50 per cent of the lot area.
2. Parking requirements. One parking space
shall be provided for each of the following:
a. 250 square feet of retail space.
'b. 1,000 square feet of warehotLsing.
C 10 three seats , or one-third of the
maximum expected occupancy, in a place of public
d. each room in a, hotel or motel, each
berth in a marina.
e. 250 square feet of service facility.
LIC�111' I.!IDULITRI M., 1)
Section 1-9. D.e�,'ulations. In a LIJ-1-1t, Lndustritl
District (I-1) no 1)uild.I.n-, s,hall be erected or extended,
no equipment operauad and no and or buildings or part
thereof shall be used for othe? than any of the following
1. Industrial uses employing hand labor for
fabrication or assembly. Permitted industrial uses
include an electronics, or electrical supply fabrication
plant, or a facility for manufacture or assembly of
finished goods which do not require heavy stamping
machinery or lifting equipment. Additional light
industrial uses may be considered on an individual
basis by the Town Board tinder the Provisions of Article
CH, Section 40, when, in the opinion of the To Board
the proposed use is similar to those listed above and
will not adversely affect the established character or
value of the surrounding property.
No building permit shall be issued for a
building in a light industrial district unless a site
plan showing the proposed building has been approved
by the Town Board in accordance with the requirements
and procedures of Article XII, Section 40.
2. Storace and loadin,, facilities for the
C) 0
warehousin- and distribution of products which may or
may not be fabricated or otherwise produced at the
samc locations.
3. Accessory 1i3ht industrial uses. In
li3ht industrial districts Q-1) the follawing,
accessory uses are permitted:
a. Retail stores where the items being
sold were either manufactured on the premises or were
part of a warehousing or distribution operation con-
ducted on the premises.
Via. Pollution control equipment. Any
equipment necessary to control air, water or noise
pollution so as to meet the further requirements of this
ordinance or any county, state or federal regulations.
c. Off-street parking spaces. This
acqessory use is required by Section 20, paragraph
d. Accessory storage buildings or areas.
Storage of equipment or materials is a permitted use
either i0ide of buildings or in outside areas specifically
designated for that purpose. Garbage or other waste
product* may not be stored outside of buildings except
in closed containers. No waste may be burned on the
e. Signs. Si;ns may be erected in light
industrial districts provided that the signs meet the
requirements of the Town of Ithaca Sign Ordinance.
Section 20. Buildings and other Structural
Pa3c 27
1. No may 1)c constructed or altered
so is to have more than throe stories or be higher than
as feet as measured from the ground surface to the roof
line at any point. No building or buildings may be
constructed or altered to as ea more than 30 per cent
of the lot area.
2. Parking requirements: There shall be at
least one off-street parking space provided for every,
WO emp loyees. in addition, if there is as retail store
in connection with a permitted industrial use there
shall be provided at least one additional space for
each 250 square feet of retail space.
The shall be no parking in any required
front, side or rear yard. Parking lots shall be
surfaced with Usphalt or concrete and be graded so as
to drain properly. All parking areas and access drives
to. be used at night shall be adequately lighted.
3. Off-street loading requirements: Adequate
off-street space shall be provided for trucks to load
or unload materials. No vehicles shall be parked on
any street for the purpose of unloading materials or
4. Buffer areas: No structure in a light
industrial district may be placed nearer than 100 feet
from any residence district. � A continuous strip at
least ten feet wide al=3 the border between as li3ht
Page 33
injustrial and as =Wcntlul district shall be planted
or sujuably fcaccd so as to screen the light industrial
use froD prcsont or future rcsidenccs. Any planted
b0for shall be desi3ned to be at least ten feet high
in three years. Additional fencing or screening shall
bc prqyided in any area where the proposed industrial.
facility would create a hazardous condition or would
dIctract from the value of neighboring property if such
fencing or screening were not provided.
5. Pollution control: Any li3ht industrial
use shall be so operated as to comply with any county,
state or federal pollution control regulations and the
a. Noise. At no point on the boundary
of are nesidence., Multiple Residence or Business District
shall the sound pressure level of any individual
..............- I"---",""---)
ope ration or plant, Ccr than the operation of mot95-
thicles or other transportation facilities"$((-ncced the
decibel levels in the desi3ned octave bands sho,.7n
below for the districts indicated.
Alon3 Dusiness
AlonS acsiclence, I,Iultiple District Boun-
Octave Dand Residence District Boundaries- day--ies
Cycles Per I,Iaximum Permitted Sound Level Peroitted SoL,-in,c.
Second in Decibels Level in Decibels
1 to 75 72 79
75 to 150 67 74
150 to 300 59 66
303 to 600 52 59
600 to 1200 4 1*5 53
1203 to 2400 40 47
2400 to 4000 34 41.
above 4000 32 39
Me 30,
Eau& lovAs shall be measurod with
oounC levol nown nnV w2sociated octave band filter manufac-
tured according Lo standards prescribed by tho American
MuMaKs Association.
b. Smoke. The emission of any smoke
From any source to a density greater than the
dencity described as T2 on the Ringelmann Chart is pro-
hibited. The RinScloann Chart as published and used by the
Burcau of Knes, U.S. Department of Interior, is hereby
zdopt& and made part of these regulations.
c. Odors. No use shall emit norious,
toyi& or corrosive fumes, spa seS2 or matter2 in Such
quantities as to be readily 6eteciable at any point ail =3
the boun6aries of the lot wherein it is located.
d. Water. No use shall be permitted to
al = the composition of any natural streambcd or under-
Sro4nd aquefer so that the quality of the water is
reduced Nom; its natural state prior to the construction
of the light industrial use.
Section 21. Lot and Open Space nequirements.
1. The minimum area required for the location
of a light industrial district is seven acres.
2. A li3ht industrial district may be
divided into lots so that more than one type of indus-
trial activity may tale place. The yard requirements
for interior lots and roads are as follows:
No building shall be placed closer than
25 feet from any interior road or interior lot line.
Page 40
L"I the abscace K specific lot lines, b11ildin3s must
be a: least 25 fcct- apart unless they are connected by
a party wall or covered walk-uay.
3. , The yard requirements at the boundaries of
the light industrial district are as follows: No building
,may be erected a-ad no equipment or materials stored
within: (i) 100 feet of the boundary of a li3ht indus-
trial and any residential or public use district or any
public street or hi3hway.
(ii) 50 feet of the boundary of a li3ht indus-
trial district with a business or agricultural district.
(iii) 25 feet of the boundary of as USA
indistrial district and a heavy industrial district.
In the case where there is a retail store
accessory to a permitted industrial use the and require-
meat between the retail space area any public street or
highway may be reduced to 50 feet.
Pase 41
Section 22. Use Rcgulations. In a he industrial
district Q-2) no building shall be erected or eNtended,,
no equipment operated and no land or buildings or part
thernof shall be used for the than any of the following
1)Urp9ses: d .i
1. Any use permitted in a light industrial
district encept retail stores.
2. The manufacturing or refining of any food,
wood, Mctal' plastics, chemical or stone products. Such
products may include paving products, Construction
materials, explosives, petroleum products or products
derived from animals.
3. The wrecking of automobiles, and the
storage of auto parts, scrap metal, junk or other
Additional heavy industrial use may bc
considered on an individual basis by the Tow-n Board
un6er the Provisions of Article XII, Section 41, when,
in the opinion of the, Town D oard the proposed use is
similar to those listed abavi and will not adversely
affect the establishcd character or value of the
surrounding property.
No buildin3 permit shall be issued for a
buildinS in a heavy industrial district unless a site
plan showing the proposed building has been approved by
the Town Board in uccoManco uith the requirements and
Droccduras of Article KII, Section 41.
4. Accessary heavy industrial uses. Mop
faz retail stores all accessary uses permitted in light
in6ustrial d istricts are permitted in heavy industrial
6istricts. Additional permitted accessory uses are
as follabs:
a. installatiog, Qjg"sjq;, th.e
construction of a guard house and the keeping of guard
did for the purposes of plant security.
b. The installation of equipment or
construction of buildin3s for the purpose of movin,'',
materials or products by rail, truck conveyor belt or
any other method.
Section 23. Wilding and other structural re3ulations.
1 1. No buiWM3 may be constructed or altered
or equipment raised so as to be higher than 100 feet as
measured from the ground surface to the roof line at any
point No building or buildinSs may be constructed or
altered to cover more than 50 per cent of the lot area.
2. Pawkin3 2equirements: There shall be at
least one off-street paraing space provOcd for every two
i z t 1161 0 is, a,,,,4 C,-a 0 1-Z' i n employees. (13/Addit"dw
C01,11"I tioi'l w*th a petmitted I.,ndustrial use , Cr , shal"I b
nA! lea ?t one additional, spac �Ior caph 250 sqvhre
oetail ,pace.)
Thcrc shall he ao parRQ3 in any required
side or rcar yard. ParkinS lots shall be sur-
faccd with asphalL on concrete a A be graded so as to
drain properly. All park%3 areas and access drives
to be used at night shall be adequately UShted.
3. Off-street loading requirements: Adequate
off-stren space shall be provided for trucks to load or
unload materials. No vehicles shall be parked on any
strcet for the purpose of unloading materials or equip-
4. BUffCr allCaS w NCB ortrllCtUrC C)r CCIUIT,�mCnt
in a, 11.7.Ca.Ivy industrial district may be placed acarer than
200 Rn from any rcoldcnce district. A continuous strip
at -least ton feet wMe al=3 the border bnween a heavy
induotrial and a rcsidential district shall be plantV or
suitably fenceC so as to screen the heavy industrial usc
Zza'm pres ent or future rosidences. Any ?Iantcd buffe-,,.-
shall be desi3ned to be at least ton feet hiSh in three
years. Additional fencQ3 or screenino shall be provided
in any area t:I-,,.c p=oposed industrial facility would
create a hazardous condition or would detract from the
value of neighborinS property if such fencing or scrcenin,,;
were not provi&d.
5. Pollution control: Any heavy industrial
use shall be so operated as to comply with any county,
state or federal pollution control re3ulations and the
pa se 44