HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Zoning Ordinance Ithaca Journal Publication�Z-11 �,.. ..OF PUBLIC HEARING aa1�p1p r faro Ifau �^ 1,j pv fAml amain caaftf aM u, Poa Mnn�4��r a a, har G au rFanHy and pam, tt tiffanr;urcakroag aJ"Ijnv aavuwA004M �aQ�r aurau7rcai� a �r�l�awaumau� �rd�Vu �i maa��t� saVa�iou���� ura areuw ha�h°awr�,r TOWN 0F`I",rI,4ACA, NEW MIX I Legal Notices Legal Notices . height Of the building exceeds 30 feet ,ach side yard solleit be equal 10 the total I , , 1) ""'Petion 19 ,are — height. a c Continued from Page 12 Special yard requirements for ,.pe ifie Uses as establa; C� y ------- � ­-�3­,�� 'spare f r the occupylont�, users and employees by ""A" NO building or buildings On a lot, uel rating � )ff,.,,,,,,t garage ,,, liouking 0 RE(�'T&N 22, Building Coverage, to cover more than ill per ' connection ' with us�s specified Linder section 4, but subject to provisions of Section accessory buildings, shall be crected, aincred or exterided 45 mid Section fill, cent Of tile lot area. 4. A temporary budding for commerce Or industry,, where such building is necessary -rojections described in Section 66 art, not to be included in computing the per- , 'I or incidental to the developurion t of a residential area, Such building may riot be I continueld for more than one ,year rexcept upon special approval of the Board of I - shall m(q1t the foilowing � " N Size Of lot. 1,ot size., in residence districts I couxt�g TIO "" , he front yard set -nark. �E( socal w Appeals. , - of Seeholl & depths tifIllys at t I 5. Access;ory buildings subject ho provisions I of are - a annals Or fowl in accessory buildings, provided that , "'Ann.. , An 30,000 �quare feet, a minimum depth 201) feet, 6� The keephig of domestic djoining owner, 2, Minimum width offbasshallbe l5diect andth 'hall be nearer than 30 feet to any lot line Of any a ed properties, Properties ' no Such building s , O I rue. -bearing animals, keeping of si,;(.,.TION 24, Special Properties. In the rose Of Publicly ew". located in Residence , and further provided that there shall be, no raising (,a cemeteries, or Other private in.Mitution., I A, �ban �j rings over(') months (old. of universities, e0lieg— : traversed by interior horses it," has or lontrich," for mor, provided that Di nimporise at least 6 acres in area and Ali' ar" al connection Witt, kin accessory use 0 Stricts R 30, which c -Iont and side yard ,-requirements ill o�ertam 21 shall apply 7, Not t .,ie than one sign , and shall An t exceed one roads or driveways, the ir - and there shalt ta� no rear yard to suely sign , hall he (Ill the lot, hall not be illuminated, only along the, exterior public street frontages equare foot in area, Igs It, ftp,,, quirements. , idenes, Districts It 9 arcess6ry buildings other thani Sr�(-NON 6. Arvessoly hAUAILIn 'q . � LE VI , alre other than a real' yard. Any accessory building may , ARTIC gankge�, may it,)( occupy Orly opery, I I r ya�d kind sh'all be riot less than 3 feet occupy riot Marc than 40 per vent Of' any requirec rea as a common lot I roul any side Or rear lot line, except tron I, private garage may be built acrO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS ty, Owners. An accessory of the Towlk Board, a "WhIlliple hire with a A) arty wall b� rclutual ajn�crlacm pctween adjoining Proper cesliory buildings with the approval r building Oil a e,'irner rof shall not h�l less than �, feet frown the rear lot line. Ac SECTION 25, 1,occalun. � I of age noduralsIloPe of a kAt exceeds 8 per' Residence District may be established in any Residence or Ag cultural Dearivt ,� ,e except, 15 feet In height. Where the liver , story, in height and hall be , .dad, ol wool cas arage And over one s r fl�',[ dil,r,.tly frawn the street line, it private g, less than 5 feet the'rowm bUildhoof s cent Answ o front or side yard not SECTION 26. Use Regulations, In Multiple Residence Districts no -ed )t it, r,a.ess Of two cOn, may he located in tile - parl. thereof shall be us. (or othei housonox An appy,oval Of the Rciardof Appeals. rected Or extended arid no land or building or from saidstreet lure uPorn 'Pe��Ial �, , grouped so Le, to providu ...... In Ro?,sidence Districts It 9, You'ris Of at least the tehaniony of the following purposes: � ' sl�je'116�� 7, Yard RegUhAli , ,.,I'll ,I I ... r1h, IWO family and multiple family dwellings, I A �� , � "" ,A �2 rs following dimensionS are required: lax, depth of the front yards Of buildings (In. � far a .I injinum of 3 families, ry Cnes in Multiple Residen"(, jD1,111 aver' shall not be , Am,atory Uses, Permitted Accesso leyont yard -not 4�.qs , , -back, , "" ft ' yard depth, set "'O, . lots brarkedanlAy adjareld. Ilowevor, in(, front an rest frown the street line except further requirements (of tpN see- , , Districts shall include the following Jess than 2.5 feet nor need it be greater than 1. Automobile parking and garage$, subject ill in(? where "th"Miseslawificyl, tion. intended for residents of the Multiple lt,,ar Yards _raa fess; thark3O feel in depth. side Yards-Axach old less than to feet in width ' except that in one of the side 2. Structures or use of Open land for recreation, yarAN, a one-sturY garage either attached to the principal building, or separate Residence Dist rivts, -making activities, such as drying ' irnal a s hich is not a street line. WhAirr the ,I Such uses as, may, be necessary for home . lho-rcl�rual Arlay be 7 feet lots fine w� 'es in which laundry facilities are maintained but any such use must 'ole 'building exreVois :Ill feet, clock' s file yard must be equal to half the yard� or structul beignt Of � be limit ell to residents of the Mo UIPIQ Residence Districts, ioud headu of th(`huildias� ' I I Height Requirements shall be as follows: , cil,arervents for spe6liV uses as established by section 4 are re- SF;CTION28.Are Yard Coverageanall development Of a Multiple turn tract Or one aCre Spread y';Ard to 1. Area: a xydrunn' [,a required for the quired, Or building on a lot, including Itesidence District, Said tract ,,,list contain at least 2,500 square feet of gross jet area "'FrIPION K. llchjdjtl�g Coverage No) buildings, a(IC01,11sm., ­­­1­1 A he erected, attered, or extended to cover more titan 25 per fur each awaiting unit to he constructed, cent of I lit lot area. computing the 2, Yards and Cuurts:,s Projections, deserilbed In Section 112 are not to be included in FrcontYar&notle: than50fect- Side Yards: not less than the height afthe nearest structure. porecidage. I,ot sizes, bi Residence Districts R 9 shall meet the following Rear Yards: not less than twice tbelicight ofthe rieorreststfticture� I lot less than the sc',(!TION 9� Size Of lot, Cyiurts� shall be completely Open On one side, with a widt A A , their lo", tho' net , )AhK and widths at the front y awd �ci-baek, ble, the nflaimarn width .shall be 100 height, of the tallest opposite structure and a depth not Knott- J, When no public water Or sewer is ylvailow width. any two sirumeores ,shall be Ill) fect and the monalum depth 150 feet, buildings: The distance betwool 2. When public water Or sewer Is available, tire minimum width shall be So feet 3, Spaces between I ' 00 fa,et execra that depth may be reduced to a armadurn less than Alto average height of botir, rossory buildings, shall be elected arid tire cral"ITAU111 dePtIl U A ,,a sicari be not lestts"I'than 12,000 square feet. 4. Building coverage- No builifing, including awc. uf 120 for Provided that Ans out a ulaide, the minimum width shall be 01, altered ne than 30 per cent of the lot area. 3. wy,en both PONic watcr, still sewers art, av no . , to cover Alto tures shall conforal in height wink (other strUctur"' 'A' lit" "'� &c lem and the inioryoUru dewilly ,hakl be 150 feet c."JA that the depth may be reduced 5� ldeight� All .4ruc - on the road side 'A ' ' cirfity, provided however, that no structnre shall exceed 2 stories valed that tile lot are shall old be less thirty 9,000 square sp 11 irorrients shall be as follows: for early "Dwelling to a rairanutin lot Wit fee't per) A,�fiON 29� Special requ , led es� 11) tile case of publicly owned properties, U r lot parking space Shkill be provided SE'll"' i'P ) N ill. Special Propertl . I pawkjwux� Oria garage in parking shall be � ", colleges cenjejerres, Or other private arstRutions, located in Urh�U, plus one additional lot spacw� for every 3 dwelling Urals, T� - � , , properties ol, conversaltes � '� , ownprise at lea"Al 6 acres in area and are traversed . ban 200 feet from the dwelling that it is intended to ,serve, riot shall Hesidem" Districts 11 9, which ode yard requirements Or section 7 ' located further t I ad in any front yard or required side or rear vard Parkin a I by ilderror roads or drivVwav41 tile front royal sr.n any parking be allow I 'I I rages and there shall be no rear P,d with bloack-tol), compacted gravel, or other dugt�free Anaterial, %hall apply only ationg the exterior public 5trCc lots o4tall be surface I � yurAl requlreluerlts� 11 and must be graded Is() as to drain properly i , ves shall be Paved with blacktop, Cc)Dcr(',te, Or 2. Access and Sidewalks- Access dr ' other solid malorial. Driveways and walkways shall provide safe access, egress and I ARTICLE IV traffic., circulation within the site, The placement, size and arrangement of areas it) RESIDENCEDIST'RICTS R 15 public way , ,all inert to the apiprovai of tile appro priate highway authority SEVII ION A 1. Use Regulations 'In ResidenCe DIStrIvie' R I-5 Alto building shalf be crected 01" . s shall be bus retires make it, necessary, the applicant 1, out[ be used for other thair way Of tile Where deasity Of' POP�hdam or .school Ic" a extericled'and no ]arid or bililding Ov Pon'l thereo , shall install sidewalks, with the approval of tt ppropracite highway authority. e appireard shall provide recreation areas for children oil the Pro- follownig jlurposei,� at ( ti ry to protect tire health, safety and general 2, A two fatally dwelling, Provided that the second cv,efling unill shalt riot exceed 50 P ' �en Of Aho floor arewo excluding tile basenrent of the prollary dwelling caut except where the second trict. dwelling Ulat is CO-IstriArted clit irely within the basenye�t area, it lony exceed 50 por cent. waste or refuse shall be plas.-ed Lauside any ,t except under the following conditions: ary 3 Church or of horplace of% orship, convent a rid Polish house. I � _ all be reserved ) I aroclutil and private schOOls, nursery ,Life area fox, each building sh, 1. public torarv, priPfic oursolUrn, public, I Including dormitory accommodations, uses. This strea shall contain Ionic, or'lither school, an(,] any'hostitriwon Or Aligner learning . I for sued approval tiering of ,waste arid refuse, skid shall be uption special aPPrOvid of tile Board of Appeu6, The application A. ' ,ailing ) final action shall t niken until the c public view. Board arid no ec tia awd for a building, shall be reterred to the P1, - failed to submit a port within 30 adding town t ,shall be iss - submitted its report or has ",""I'll", ��� , , .................... fluniniing Syerrd ties - wi � thin a Multiple Resbene istrict uld �� I, ill(.', proposed structure is in accorchowee with day�, A Aga and impruve- I, site play, approved pu ­ an totheproviia , of Article Dr. 5. ill blicly owavd park at, playground Including accessory builifir rilents, ro, 5 necessary to the protection of or the ARTTC1XVTI or 6, A1 ,, atiom (or othei Public building I - 94va.ing are neignaurbood - BUSINESS DISTRICTS 7, Golf course, except a driving "uge or mentature golf cours'e, provided that no buddIng Business Dio�trk`ts "A", "K 1, shall As, nearcrillary.l(.00 feet front any 10 I t fiao?� theTOwAi hilalrd, � - , � � c necessary to the maintenance of utility SECTION 31. 1,0tiltion, With tire approval Of itriet of tire Town, except that Busine�s ' . 11 � & Any rounitApin Or Public. utility PurPO" bject to the same , ,� �'D' and "E" may be est�obljshed in tiny fill ke It ' that substations ,,arid similar structura% shall be sit ell :: 15� services rKVrPt I the district in which the substations )1siriets C" and,' Uo, ,shall not be peraid Led in a Residence [list r ,t " set -back requIretrierdS As a pply to residences it SFC'Ti0N 32. Business Districts "A'% Pernatted uses An a Business District "A" shall � ()�,,��rriil;ii,�irtActkjrc,N',ar(��,!o�istrucl��d� � I bethefollowing: � 9, Not 'martt, than 2 signs in connection with each of the above ula's provided that I fted(Uh folodst0re I � aa arid i4yad nOt exceed 4 square feet jo,area, arid further SUCh ims shall be un Irre s -said 2 Business . professio , ; " , Idelded that it, dhi narrates conly nal Offices I provideci that arly Wurwayc"tliccoc thereof he so I , Or sigm I - at Residence Districts It 15 3, Darok or other, financed institution SFX111'I'fA)N 12. Aceessort US(os� Poirclolo"d accessory uses 1 4� BookstInte 1 5. Drug store shodl Include tile fOHOwdL9 Arent doctor, dentait, Inuincian, engineer, teacher, lawyer, 6. 1,lardware store L Thu office Of Al, re" 7, Package billion, store artist, arctInt, ,ct (), trendier Of Laney, rocogniz�d Profession or quasi-professall where I Lidence building. 8. SmokeshoP such Office is a Part of dre rek - and employees in Utilities " ' 2. Off-streal garage. or P"'hing space far thle Occupants' users - Ars Of Seutical fl. Sri ss Insiriot fl, � ion Witt, Los , but subject to PrUvRSIO SECTION 33, Business Districts "B". Pernotted Us('-' Ill to I'll ' " c Inlne� t ws sperifica under Section I , g: i ciot . 'ry shall be thefoll � dustry where such building is nect-s-sa 11 Any oft Owlu ss District "A" 3� A lo-Anporilry boulding, for cornmerve Air An he ases permitted In Brisme. , Aiding may riot be , jo,praint Of a residential area. Such bu � year except upon s of, the Board of 2. Burner or Incidental to tile de"' 1pecial approval continued far more Itaul One 1 3, Dry clourydra; pick-up station 4. Florist I Appeals, n 5. Beauty litudor 4, Acce,;,,,orybuil(Ungmik)jec�ttoPt'Ovis'OyisOf�"ectiO 13, , 1 5. ,NcS more than 2 roonvers. li. I land I) , reAn operated laundry coupation, such as dressmaking', harr dres'strig, laundering, T Nursery, I 6. A customary h(raie 0 Araumal or rnechi- a. Milliner horoe cooklng� oenIentrY, electrical, kind Ph-flynbring, work or sinniar se dwelling provided that oil additional 9, Greenbaum ral trayle� orai.rated solely by a residVilt Of it it that no goo(k Or ill Ronailstores except ilotoloon lies sales agencies pers,oals not, restding on Arle prerecie,, alay be eff1played thereby ary i'� o� I r sale, that there be uO outside sPjrIi%,, 11. SpLaNhiner,,shoernakor and reiKarer jonodu , ale po�nbely displayed or advertised to ,disorder, or objexAconable odor is experienoed beyond i, ve 12. Taflow arid odun, no nuisf, dust, ell The above mechanival trades to be L3. Telegraph aid tolephone office lity purpose necessary to, the inuintemarr, � Of utility immedhav pn,perty where such law is Conduct I to exceed 200 square 14. Any rnunoCiPal Or public "n I conwh:�c,ted ill role I b4,emeno, ol, rho, dwelling Or it) a garage area no Services (ry feet I of, other jiubliC building neo�essrox`Y to (we in"Oteet'on Of Or "� a"ne 7, The 1,�eejiing lot hou,sellold pou; and finnily eardenS I 5. Fire station I & ,yuc �ccpaxrg ill' (in(, h I ,No if 2 acres of land are provided and one additional of a ne,ighborhood , ' I I c', lic louhlic library ,) "C" hurew foreaely additional acre, but hoot MOre thial " Iota' offlowe" on"' "' � provided fruit such a I)istrictx, ,le,". Permitted uses in a Business I istra't oy Not onore Ibarl one sign In connection Witt) an accessory use exceed one .square ' SECTION 34. Bustles shall be on tire lot, shall hot be illuminated, and shall riot i"halt Ale tile foflowmg� ' � sig,l) � nea�s Districts "A" and "B" fool in area, I Any of theu-ses PerIndold in Busy , , , automobiles and aC- sE(qION 13. Accessory Buildings, In Residence DistricAs, ,R 15 accessory buildings 2' Automobile saies age ocy , 1),ovaled that one display of 1,10 �, - is eonducted enthielywithin a building A Occupy any open splice other than a rear yard. Any cLesorion, other than v,arage May . � , skioung raily, bowdug allay, dnure hall, where the factivit,y Involved rieciossory on,oldong ImAy occuroy root inore tharl 40 per cent Of any Lecturied rear 1 Theatri, v, , X building pl,ovidelA ,�Lukt �jwlj ylia,v Of bushryl�� yard a d cb�olj 4c not less toan 3 feet from any line, except that a is conduct -I c,xx'hysLVeAy hn'llic, I I , to ,sale at, real, Jut , eaoll h9, lr�ju lo�,o,�o. i ,,,,Tnon,,nr lel pric wi"i Aj partv vall hv urinloW �,h­l �,� Iu��,, kAl Ili � fe tw� 200 U�0 �k,,����Ak'c,,�,,�,,,,��,i�l,,J�,��,�,A prh,alo varklo"O , ag,reelleo'M Prie,con' �,oljo,ining property owners; An coo-cessory buffifing oil ,a earner 4, tpaldIujo�wpp��y I I JoW,�:lrozdl lea be jmK dinn 5 fe�,q lioo�o 11jo r(tor lot LOW, &,Cessoary it ' uildings MlMi 5 1)A,,g elliancr in do ease exceed 13 froet In heighl� Whole tile , ovc�ragc natural slope of a lot exceeds (') � Dryer I 9 per cent riou to' rail alrectIc' f'Ole the street title � ' a private garage riot over one 7. He(ld0d snail ,,,,,, story wit beight anti housing rall in excess of 2 care may be k)6ydc?c1 in the front or . s ' I side yard riot less that) 5 feet frorn said street lincool aptatival ofthe Board Of Appeals. S� = ro',",l Oil , " 'its Of at least the I d. Mraleaw , turd works Sj,,(:,rr nee Districts R I5 Yon , V')N 1.4, Yard Reguladools, In fto`�ide I - . I I jl� Phlinkang shot) frolpaving dimensions are recparos( � I , Front yard-, -not less than the average depth ul the front yards Of buildings 12 Priatel' a � for 01c ,,,ercing ej foact, If yor-011oliv beverages are 'On lays orlynerfirrely adjacent frowever,' the, front yard depth shall not be less 13" Restaurant or Other Pla s ,�(Au feet frorn art IldJaCcon /than 21,15 feet or need it be greal ee lhan 50 feet except toS otberwiss specified, �wrved,uj,he place Of, froshress shall be locroled at least ,lot 1,� I c ce distrwA I 's that, 15 reet In width, except thia in one o� 11) whorol r(,hijr(.,h(�1,1,)Ofopifroni�tt'e,���dc'n I Sjoh, Yard., � eoch "I cair�rgo, either kutacln�d t O Ole princifla, building or separacc 14. Hotel Or trial 0I no building s6 U.,ed solid L)c within NO feet side yinols, a oric'SION C I Yards, a onc-slox'N" g3lr�ag,r, eirber iottachert to the principal building or separat 15� Clubhouse or jcxjgx�, firOvided that A I , I theri4loln, Allay bo, 10 feet' from a side title which is ,lot ,,, stceet fine, When the Of arly street or within 150 feel of he (it 41�,, Of an adjoirfine owner and only on acight, of 4 binklow cxreeds 30 feel ener ,side yard inust be l"Itial In VWxy-thirds 'I the approval or the Board of Appeals tire total height of it',? building, ' K rioat harborand marina special yard requiroenOuts for SP(Tole "ses as esiablishorl lj� Section 11 are. re- 1 7� Appliance oadeand selvier, ; quired, u- 18 Ambulance service SIA TION U5, fluddif , I .� d; Covera4c, NIL building Or aluldtfles 441 a lot, including I� ' 14 Arts and craft studio eo,sscry brmdfag�s, shall be covered, offered, of eXteraled io euvin� Anore than 20 per 20 � Bicycle stlb� and repair cent, ofAbe lot AU'Va 21. Caterer Projec,-tions, described in Section 66 are net to be included ill computing the per. 22, Confectioner tentage, 1 23, Decorator SECTION 16, Size of IOL Got .sizes in resictence districts shall meet the following 24 Dreslanaker depths andwidills at the front yard set-hacL , 2,�� Furrier 1. Minjoiturn width Of lots shall be 101) feet and tile mountain depth 1,50 feet, ' I SECTION 17� Special Properties, fit the ease of publicly owned properties, properties Of '2'7�' '�',fn_i�`Ii,'gar'aph, universities, celleges, cemeteries, Or, (other privixte inifituleats, located in Residence Districts 28 Refrigerator sale unit repair 11 I R 1,5, which cLimprim, at least 6 neces in area laid are traversed by Interior roads or driveways, 2il Undertaker the front and side yard requirements of Se6fiom 14 shall appiv Only rd,ryg �bc exterior public., :it). A 1pholsterer "D" street fronitaces arid there shall be it(- rear yard requirenierds SEl7l'ION 35, Busaam�,s Eastrio-ts ,,f)" 11crtiolled a.ses in a Bu.�Ln­,,, UIL10601 I 0all be tile following: I Ovided thal all ScrOcaig of I I � rja� �ojrs I for reparre, fly , ARTICLE V I ,olore so , slatioar or gaiage rico repall, work, exmpll sllmrt- ' RESIDENCE DISTRICTS R 34 veluoic', shalA take place On fil'o, I Ate property, and that SEC,plc�)N I�i� Use Regulations. In ResideOco, Districts R 30 no building shall be terin emergency ropaIrs, Ise L,, tried On cout-ol-cloors. Suvro iisx,� are subject hcroyVI, 10 S it I)e used for other Section 71 arid Section 511 Bolsawss Di�,Irivt "E" erected or extended and no land or,budding Or part thereof ,be ST,:(A`ION 35A. Bus:lnv�ss District 1p,'", Permitted y,cs ill I I than any of the following PurPOsiso, shall be the following: ta,lic beverages art, served, I I a I Onefafflily dweAlings, -ecand dwelling unit shall riot exceed ,50 per cent 1 Restaurant or other place lOr.scxv`ug Of foad- It Iu"� Arom , " 1141j,"O'ent �choot Or 2' 'k two family dwelling fly Lovided that the s tell at least .500 felt I ' ' arsernent of the prionary dwelling unit except where tile second I he place of boldness shall be toc of �fcxx from, area excluding the 1, ,,hureh or 150 feet from a residence district. / � red 50 per cent, 2. [lot el Or inowel. dw ,fling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area, it may exc. L led that no buildings so used .shall �i. (',h'tiy,chor�)tlwerl)l�ic-(,,�ofw0t'stliP,corlve'll.iiiflparistihA)tas(�, I ,1� Clot) 1-fouse or [,,edge, provk , bve, within lot) 1 4. Public library or public nurseurn, public parochial arid private ,schools, nursery feet of any street or within 150 fact of the lot line of an adjoining own r sold ,only , and' tiny inantrition, of higher learning including durrintory accommodations on the approval o -it of Appeals, school J ' f [be Boal by Uppraval (If the Board of Appeals, The appliestjorl for such approval shall be to,- 11, BoatHnrbor and lyporina� � , fit the, Planning ,EcTION 36. Permitted Accessory Uses in Business DiStrictS, "A", "B", "C", Hall ul ,ell to the Planning Board and no ranct action shall be taken un s � Roard has submitted its report ow has failed tosubmit, a report within 30 days,, ,,E" shall he the following - 5 Publicly owned park or Playground including accessory buildings arid improve- , 1, Automobile parking and off-street loading areas, subject ill tire further rpquire- ranots. I' IT10"ho'ofthis article. 6. Fire I.,station or Other public building necessary to the protection Of Or the se - 2, A(�e(.,ssory,,-,I()ra�,,(,,t),jildings, but not joincludeoutside sIONAge, I riving of atreighhorrlircjd� a driving range, or a miniature golf course, provided that 3. ','ran" "' bject to the full hey, reqUirernents of thisseul Ion � ,a) t more thair one dwelling 7. l!;olf course, except 4. The dwelling of a guard, caretaker or custudiani fail n4:)i)U!141ir�gs)ialibeneare�-tharI 1011fret f"OnlawylOtlone unit Per building. I Asursery, onr farm, except a hog form where the principal food is ga I- - 8� Garden, prootWons of SeCtun 'SECTION37 Area Vard, and I (eight Requirements shall be the following bage, Sale ill farm kind nursery products slaid be subject to the A 1. �Arexy: a minimQui tract or'2 acres is required for the development Of a f�LASADCSS . lif, ,, I Itafivisam 1�i, Usual Jarin buildings fire Pernatted, provided flint: ,, . t 100 feet front District, I a� Any building in which farm animals are kept shall be at leas 2� yards- front ilards--not less thary,30feet b� an� lot title or street right of way. line ()A- street right of way, Side yards-:-norw required where at PHytY wall is constructed bill not less' ft'll No manure shall be s6red within too feet of any lot coadnAeriance of utilit 20 feet front any strocoqu re to I% side property fill(,. � 9. Anyerriurneiplil Or Public U01dY Purl'"e necessary to the y Rear Yard .... not less (olan 30 feet. orm dructures An tile vicialtY; scevices xcept that subsiations, and similar structures shall be subject to the same in height to other s trict in which the substations or 3. hlelght;sad structures ,,,hall cant � set -back requirenicrits as apply to re:.00dences in the dis no,tructurr, hall exceed 2 stories in helght� similar structures, are collar rucred, SECTION 38. special �eqmremvxds shall be tile fl)lkcwias� i p, Hasronal, provided that ao building so used shall be within pro, feel front any streel. a ininformary Of' 300 square feet of Igirking area, Including lanes and and only Upon special approval 1. Parking, I floor area, excluding riveways, shalt be provided for each 100 aquare feet Of or within pir) feet of tile, lot title of any adjoining Owner it t in tile Case of tire following tyscr,j, for mmich cyff� of Alyyo� floord of Appeals, I basements A,Ised for storage, exect) , 11, NuNmy; Of (etoon lesc,o, Ly t fornoss, or Arnediciol ObliCs, blow Ont,v Upon `Pecbd a rest, pHwk has qhtab be provided ill accordance with the I oflowing sChed1rd0 0 n�pe%rnj,yrtb(� Hoard of A,��rcofl, I 0,11,'j,�,ei of "'aatk bofld��Ig: mvo spee�, lw, rarh "Oloo s,o,1,lw',e i", ,,of ,,fotro or hov,,o; 01 , I but oroy upon specian I , 12, Cenconery arid the nuAirfing slid structuroq inewdert, thereto, floor area. I other place Of flonfic astoernbly; ruiroortil agroval oftba�'Board Of APPeak Auditorium, stadjurn, thearce, Or I � the, 41L "day and Scle Of facral Or "An'sery I hunle unalw one space fur eacit 5 twats, � ,I, , A roadside stiond or Other structure for ,,, . - or rnortuary� orreLaR proomels na.,idecorial ill forming load as a seles lilt convenience to ill(' Owl"' Or Owne I, S hiawking cdley� three splices fotr each lone. of tho, koid Any ,such scaun �bafl be located a conannyorn Or 15 feet, from the stre RvionA siore� onc I"pace for each 200 square f(H4 'if gruMad Hr`)r Plut "c has, oil ,uen a can s for automobiles, and I winer ll,� to period Arfe access and egres sales � , spare for each,500 fee t for � arect On all Othel, flourv, � uro binvol, o't be avail, pa rking off1ba" i"graVOy tight Of wo - V� , et Howl , LAI otel� one f,loao�,e for oneb guest r(LOO), Which 91`r"' 'I'll, 14, ChOlhouso, Or looctgc� provided fl,"A no Nioldiag SO umsl shall be Wnwan fill fe �Ib�e at nljohii, '0 W,r CIA any strevo� Or annul I�Iiji feet of the lot iniv of an adjoining oviner and wdy upon slX` ; skalarg , we haW parsobr��,� �otrav,tl� oqUai in lam4wr to 2 , wink end din , � vi�jj �,1,1�1),�o�,i,tt��f�i�cl,3o�A�,(Iq)fApp��al4, $pcsgo�,IA ce provided, 15� Nov inon, Man 2 oapre�� or, cones"roon witn each Of Itte above us",, priivided cent of ale capolefty in Pero ., , � not Apartnienv orit,��ai�kiiig"'.4pac'c'i�ii,t��i�l,hdw,c�iling unit, I thall such sitin shall b Ld shall not exell,ed I m.juarc feet ill area, a H be no parking i I n I any required front, sido, or rear yard Parking, lots ' ' e (,T� the lol ill i- only There sha -lot thal d(:)e,,,,,, riot prodrive clusl furthw,r pycOkjod that only illounnation thereof be so shielded that it illurvinatel; shall be surfaced with black -UP, �toyxe at, other rollout , slowlt4g o, and shall be graded socosto drain property. � Sec,','1'r0N 10, Accessory fj�,L'S' Permitted accessory uses in Residence Districts 2, off-street loading: no less than One Off-street. loading space shall I)c� requit,ed � _,a H,Vshall include the followhis: ' for each 20,0()o square feet of fluor are , Including haserrocrit L. Office Of a resident doctor, dentist, musician, engineer, teacher, lawyer, artist, ed with ,black -top, concrete, ch 3. Access arid Sidewalks: Access drives shall be line architect Or member of other rcelignized profession and quasi-prolession where sly, Or other solid material anti, if business I, to be carried on in the on�eniug, shall be office is a part or the residence building provided that, not more than 3 additional adequately lighted, No' lights shall be placed so as to reflect in On Objectionable persyyh� not ret'j(hing On Ort, premises may be eciployed. pecties or public street,, Driveways and walkways 2. A custurnary home occupation, such as dressmaking, hair dressing, laundering, manner of adjoining residential Pro fthin the site, The placentent, I Oar manual or ureeball- shall provide safe access, egress arid traffic circulation w houre copking; carpentry, electrical, and phymbing Ourk or sim ,, at Are subject to (Ile approval ef !eel tradv� operated solely by It resident of tile dwelling, provided that no adolitiornall gizer kind arrangement wit' access to public streets sin the appropriate highway LAnthority, Where density of Population or school ill"', riaAll", av be employed therein and that no goods of, At I file u I rii,te persons net reSillhig On the Prelynave It' , there, no, no outside ranks it desirable, 5ithlWalks shall be inskalled with the aPPr0vy 0 , PPN P Products are pdblJ&lY diAsirlayed or adve,ifised for sale, that . � lughway aodhorfty� I ,,tonrage, arid that no rlou�e, dust, direder, in,(objectionable odor is exPe6eneed heyand or signs djurlyinated so as to reflect On adjurabig lv'i� , 4. Sigrll.,'� TAO hashing signs, I " , Lop hffla(fflate properly wh0ro SOIC UK' Is ,onducted Tae above rnechardond trades dentialproperties-k ptiblic.street,silial�o��je(.�tionablern�i�iy�c,r�,,,tta�ibc�at�o%,ed, t�) top, conducted in the nasernent of the dwelling or in a garage area not to exceed 5, Buffer areas"vand scrcscmng� no structure shall ill, placed healer thfoR 5a fi' et 200square feet ,go Or parking space for the Occupants, us,ers and employees flown an resaltnee district and 25 feet frown win aLoriculturlO district. A strip at 1 Off-sarvlo,�t sl,al-14, A least lo feet wrote qhall be sultabi , y planfed to lq!reelt a Bilsoici;s I)igtriet frown present �, ill connec000 wah Uses specified under 'Seq,tiall IS, but ,gubject o provisions of Section Low future residences, at- a suitable screening fence shall be erected. No waste (or vefit(Ke i , 5 and,Swetioto 64, ing in a Business I-niAlict vxcept under the following 4, 'I, A Aernpomu bolilding for c(anxiclerCe or Industry, where such building Is accessory shalt be Placed outside any build . sea, or a separate artia for, each business Or winciolenial to the development of a residential* area. Such buildings May riot be conditiAoris: an area common to all bushres onitharied for Allare than one year except upon special approval of the Board of shall be reserved at the rear of the structure Or structure,.,,, These areas shall contain I bills, or other receptacles adequate to prevent the scattering of waste and refuse, I Appears, I and shall be planted Of ,fenced so as to be ,screened from the public view. No refuse 5 Accessory buddinoxssur,ject to provisions of Section 20 .shall be burned oil the premises. 6. Not more than 2 rouaneryi. creening shall be provided Or arty area Wharf,, the 7, The keeping of dorrarstic arumPAS Or fOwl in accessory ,buildings, provided that 6. Landscaping, fencing and Ai ' would create a hazardaus, condition or would delta A , )f any adjoining owner Proposed structure 01' use , o! Do such balloting shall be nearer than ,'it) feet to any lot line I frown the tunds(Naping, fancing or screening 4 1 anti further provided dua there A,led be ric, raising of fux�bearkng animals, keep 119 0 loirtesiorture, or kennels for more than 3dogs over 6 months, old. 8, &of more than one sign in efainecticar Witt) an avevie4ory use provided that such saar shall be Oil the lot, shall riot be illuninated anti shall not (exceed one square foot � ill ' area. ' I ' blin 8 0 Is SECTION 20, Acce-z,ory Buddhou.,, fit Residence Districts If 30 accessory Al"i 9 in r then garners may not orcupy any npansporo,v other than a rear yard. Any xl�,cexlsory building ancy, occupy riot, notice than io ;wr cent of any required rear yard and shark he not less than 3 feei from any sabc or rear lot title, except thal �j private garage truly too built across a common )(it title with a Party wall by noutual carreersent between adjoining property owners. An accesoamy building art a etwiter lotgficill riot be less then 5 feet from therear y)t line. Accessory buildings shall in I no case c �oteed I5 feet in freight. Wherc the, average natural slope of d lot exceeds 8 per cent rhie or fall directly frown thestreet Rne, a private garage riot over One story in height arid hellootior riot in excess of 2 carly inow be tovaied to the front of side yard not less , tharA5 feel front said street fine- upon,,peciat approval Of the Board of Appeals. I Sky"I'JON 21. Yard Hegulafion�- fit Iteskience DsstriCts R 30 yonds of at least the fallOw jug (that?" sions at(, required. I Front Yard --riol Ir,o,.,, thour the ,everalre depth of the front yards of buddi Aga on lots hilawyerhately adjacent, llowever, the froont yard depth shall not ice less than 30fosAorneediA wo-4squer then 60 feel, itetirY�tr(�--i�(,t](�,,stilari5Oft,etiri(t�'f�tt)- Sich, Yard, e,lien rr(,�j legs, aian 40 feet Ali wid0l, except that in oils at' tile ,side r pal b yards, a ove-sh, y garage, either attached to tile princi a 'ItAkfing or separate thi'lelloul "my iw, I"l i�,,ct fra&n 'a slde iino, WhACh IS O"I wee� li;Ae When the / and safety orn no row'ded, I t 0 , u a ' Par .... 1 7, In th w ' I- 've " "U'd a n 0 fly a a An Business Districts "( ... , involVe, A .11 as .c , auxiliary, six a , Aly,' , a � 9 or fabrication, sucit activity all' - .1 An a I c ep yw`6 J','�`aba � � � shall take filace only _ ary"y"'teary _At Ad or servi(TiA offered for JAninediatO ' sale or dirts", se, can An criAnome 's I'. in " es, and furthew provided that no o jectkanf�bl, ,A') s ok _, . tc,� ,A A� fIcia or rder created thereby shall Ile eX, c 11Z ,if' O it J, or , 'tard A., he 's .1 wo "A, brv's�_ an , Uo� . " wity 'cox p derroxod as s , , A , , ,ij C" and "E" no Outside displays I, ry, A ,-�� I � � , it. Dis lk , 1. "A, in shallb be liffert, SE ,­ 10 .yq, site plan Approvals. No building permit .shall be Issued for a buil(HO9 or structure within a Business DistriCt'licleSS ffie PrOposed building is ill accOrdonee plan approved pursuant to the provAsiorys of Article IX I ARTICLE VIII . LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRIC'rs I SECTION 40, Location, With the approval (if the Town Board, a lAght Industrial District way he established fit any district of the Town exePpi a Residence DuLtrict R 15, SE'li"I'TON 41. Permitted Principat Uses, The prineiriaJ uses permitted in a l,igPt Industrial District shall be� industrial Uses employing electric power or other motor power, or utilizing hand laborfor fabrication or assembly , SECTION 42. Any use shcoli be so olootioned as to e0inply with ow performance ,i�iticlar(t,ip(,)veri-iir��4r,��is��,siTi(�ke.ern�ntssi�)"�;,,)t�(j�)tlt�rh��reir��tfte�'�,etf�)rt�, I ( , I 11 Legal Notices L Noep� At 'it, radin (in the boundary of an. ltesiahrwe, Multiple Residence OF Busi- YICSS District shall the sound, pressure level of any individual operation or plant, (' firer than the operation Of rioter vehicles of other transportation facilities, exceed thed e. vibel levels in the de sagned octave haralsshown twlow for the districts indicated, Octave Band Cycles Pro. Second I to 75 11 1, 115 150 :0": 30() to 6 600 to 121�0)0 1200 to 2400 2400 to 4800 above 4800 Along Residonco, Mouiple Residence District 1301Andaric.s-M,ixJrAum Permitted Soured Lover in Oc(-ibers 72 67 59 52 4r; fill 34 32 Along Business District Boundaries Maximum Permilled sound Level in Decibel's 79 71 66 :e) f13 17 41 39 Sound rovous shall he measured with a sound level irm(r, and assoehiled octave band Filter manufactured according to etandar(N prescribed by the American btandrArds Aasovuetion, 2. Smoke, The ornission of any smoke from any source whatever to it density greater than the density de scrilred is No. 2 on the Ringelinionk Chart is prohibited. The, Ringehilarin Chart as published and used by the Bureau of Mince, ll.s. Hobart - tricot of Interior, is hereby adopted and made part of Inc- regulation,,. 3 06ors. No rise shall craft noxious, toxic, or corrosive fumes, gases, or mattur, in such oftiantifies as to he readily detectable at any point along the boundaries Of the tot , herein it is located. SECTION 43, Accessory Use% Accessory uses permitted in it Light Industrial District shall he the following: L Automobile parking and olf-street loading area:; subject to llve further require - incurs of this article. 2. Accessory iaw age buildings, but not to include outside storage.. 4,. The dwelling of an owner, Operator, or manager, or of a guard, caretaker, Or custodian, hrovided that oar inote, than (me dwelfing unit par industry shall be established: SECTION 44. Area, Yard, Coverage and, Height Requirements shall be its follows: 1. Aretc a uAmmurn tract of 10 acres is required for the development of;o Light Industrial District, 2, Yards: Front Yard -:..skirt 1"9 than 150 feet. Side Yawns - -not less 11sixt 60 feet from any structure to aside property fine. Rear Yards -not [use thilit5t) feel, 3. Coverage: no prinem"t building shall be urected or altered fix cover more than 30 per cont of [lie lot area 4. SECTION 45speenn be as follows: 1. Parklng: a ndrumum Of one parking space shall be provided for each 3 entilloyees. Parking shall not be located in any front yard. Parking lots shall be Surfaced with black4op, concrete, or other solid material and shall be graded so as to drain properly. 2. Off Silver loadbrg� off-street loading areas fit such amount as may he necessary for the sizes and types of proposed industrial operations shall be provided. 3, Ato,ess and Sidewalks: across drives shall low paved with black -top, concrete, or other' Solid material, and if business is to tic, carried oil in the evening, shall be adequately lighted No lights shall lie placed SO its to reflect it) an iii,jectionable manner on adjoining residential properties or public streets. Driveways and walk ways sconi provide safe access, caress to public streets shall be subject to the approval of the, appropriate highway authority. Where density of population or school bus roupes, looks it desirable, the applicant Shall install sidewalks with the approval of the appropriate highway. authority 4. Signs, no inure than 2 identifying signs may be constructed and cacti shall be limited to 50 square feet in area. No flashing signs, or signs illuminated So as to reflect on adjoining residential properties or Public streets shall be allowed. All signs be designed and kivarod so as to avoid the creation of traffic hazards and Shall cotiforn-itothe tArrtenitiesoftier. �neighborhood. 5. Buffer areas and screening: no Structure shall be Placed nearer than 50 feet Front any residence or 25 feet from an adjoining Agricultural District. A strip at [cast 20 Feet wide shall be planted or Suitably fenced so as to screen the Light Industrial Digtrivt I rout present or fut tire residences & Landscaping, fent'ing and screening shall be provided in any area where in(' proposed stroohne or use would ervide o hazardous condition for would detract from the value of neighboring property it such larickearong, fenoun, or screening, were not provident. ARTICLEX INLETS I'RIAl, PRODUCTS SECTION 47. se Regulations. In Indus",k,'Districts build ings and liond may tic, used for any lawful Purreee-s Qxco.pt for dwelling proposes and except that all asses of land and buildings, still industrial prorossing that may be oroilAIS or In - furious by reason Of the orifisaoxi of door, smoke, refuse matter, wafer carried waste, odor, gas, frolics, noise, vibration, or Sialflar substances; Or conditions MY he permitted Only upon speeral approved of the Iplaid of Appeals. Such industries as the fildowing shall require such approval: I Thi- manufaelure or refining of acid, alcohol, artiruralra, asphalt, far and watet - pr"ofing, inaterials, bleacir, ehlortne, Celluloid, ddsmiectant, exierininants and poisons, ivrtilizou-, glue, boop black, matches, oil cloth and Irrational, Point oil, shellac, tur- pentine and Varnish, paper and pulp, potash, pyroxylin, rubber and gotta peroria, sauvilsratil, shot, polishe ,,end creosote irvatment or manufacture, slovl, polish, and lgarbatle, Offal, or dead animal reduction, bog farms and the tanning, curing and storage of hides and skinq, 2. Any of the following factories or works. arsenal, blast lio'nace, hoilon, works, iron, ,feel, brass or copper foundry, trivial ore, smelting, planning mill, , iolfine, mill and stockyards or slaughter house. 3. The manUfa('tUrP or refining a I bores, We and terra calla, ceelval, lime, gyraturn and plaster; emery cloth and sandpaper; paving materials; and the use of a coke overt or stone vinishcr s The wreckme, (if aulont0bres, and lhe storage of used auto parts, 'scrap metal, or junk, rugs and Paper, and used buildins materials 5, 'rhe n"alufacturer or storage, (,f explosives and gas, oil, and other kiflaUfflo'bles or petroletan products. SECTION 48. Performance Standards. Any use established in an Industrial Dr arill shall tie so operated as to comply with the performance standards governing gOiRv, Smoke, eaussiork and color heinbefore set forth in Article Vill, Section 42. No us, - already established on the effective date of this ordinance shall be so altered or � inodifled as, to conflict, with the performance standards governing noise established herein. SECTION 49. Yard Regulations, In industrial Districts no yards arc, required, except as provided in Sections 61 and 63. SFCT [ON all. Special Requirements shall be its Follows: 1. Parking: a minimum of one parlihig, space shall be provided for each 3 emplity- ees, Parking shall not be located in any front yard. Parking lots shrill he Surfaced with blacktop, concrete, or other Spite material and shall be started so as to drain properly. 2. Off-street loading: off-strect loading areas in such amount as may be necessary for the sizes and lyrics of proposed ridtistoral operations shall be provided- 1 Access and Skkwalks. axlevs,., drives shall he paved with blaek-tOP, concrete ow other solid mattrial, unit if business is to be carried on in the evening, shan bf roifequ,00,) oghtv& No lathre, A"Al be placed so as I,, reflect in art objectionable manlwl 1`11 *(homing or pubir, foil ,ave �waytf anti walk , to 0i , ........ oM-o wWon the t, ar"Cess to romme Kkro!Qj�, 1,f,�ttl be subject to fit apProvai, to the appropiraft! highway tituriorky, Where density of population or schia FAIN rvmie�, nedle 11 desirable, the lIPPlicant shall install Sidewalks with the oopprova �4, Sipris ni, inork, than 2 ndcatifying sigir; may Fri! loosiroeted ,,it each shall b irsitqsd to W equins, fevi bi ulml , No flashing Signs, Ok Signs ilonno"ated SO as to reflect ov) adjoirorig, rc.ddei)44d Plulsonfies Or pubitc streels e�htxfl be aflowed All sign shall be designed and rovaled �4- Vs o) acqlid itte ereation of traffe, hazarih, kint shall "Ofifia , net to lhe and cqJhes of aw 1wohiii" hot.at 11: Buffet areas and screaiarw no Mruckiry eh�iA tact placed la'arry than 'a) tear Iron' hrxy, Acildeacr or 25 feel ficaul an adjoining Agoicodcurar District. A strap a least If) feet widr, Amu be, planted or Suitably fenced so its to screen the Industria & Landscaping, fencing, and screening Shall be provided in any area where tha proposed structure or use would create a hazardous condition or would detract firory the value of neighboring property if such landscaping, fencing Or screening were not provided. ARTICLE XT AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS SEV'rk-W 51. Use Regulations. in Agricultural Districts buildings and land may Iw used only for ally lawful farm puriHlse, for a riding academy ot'wior any use perroined in a Residenee District It 30 Other provisions , of this ordinte, not withstandint., the following uses of activities Strait not is, perainoull nearer to any, lid sidencerhstrwi than iheftflowinigspecified mstattrcs� 1. Lylablishine rd for the rarung of lur-boAringankrials -1,060foei 2. ARTKIY X11 NON-C',ONFORMIN(3 USES SECTION 52, Confirmation of Existing Lawftil Uses. Except as provided in Section 53, 54, 55, 56, and 73, any lawful use of land, or a building or part thereof, existing at the time of this ordinance as amended, may be continued, althougf; so ch building or use (loss not conform to the provisions thereof. SECTION 53. Abandonment of Use, When a non -conforming use has been aban- doned for a period of at least one year, it shall not these -after be re-established and the future use shall be in conformity with the Provisions of this ordinance except that a non-conforating use that ceases to operate because of a national emergency or because Df l!overtrynerit restrictions, aray be resumed within a period of one Year front the tine that such entergertey ternfinatesorsuch restrictions are removed. SECTION 54. Alterations, Edo noo conforming building Or use shall be extended except as authorited by the, Board of Appeals, SECTION 55, Changes, A non-k- informing ose may fit, changed to another rlon- COTIfOrfulng use of the sayne or tuore IT-srrictive classification and when so changed to a italre restrictive use, it shall not again be changed to a less restrictive, use The order of the classification (,it restrictiveness front the Most restrictive to the least restrictive shall be as falb)ws: ri Resklenve District It 15 Residence District it aft Residepee District R 9 Multiple Residence DkIrlet Agricultural Drtr-kn Business Distriel "A" Business District "B" Business District "C" Business District "D" Boshves!a District "E" Light forkhtstrial Obariet Industrial Distract SECTION 56 Respiration, Nothing hQrcrn shall prevent the continued use and sub" slantial restoration of it building diunniced by fire, flood, earthquake, act of (;ad act of ri", public eawrixror catiostri0re woran G mokuhs pa ovided such dainalsv con' Friday, January 5, 1968 ITHACA JOURNAL 18 Legal Notices .mutes an anicallit less than 75 per of the ri,plavenneril cost of such building. The huse hour may he entendril by the Berard of Appeals in kaks" of practical ififficifily orun-nuvessary hardship. A RTICLE X111 GENERAI, PROVISIONS SECTION 5T Existing Loge. Other provistons of this ordinance not with- standing, nothing shall Prohibit the use for a single family dwelling of to lot of deed record ar the tune of the passage of this ordinance, as arnerided, of less than tire reWared size of lot in any dharict except an industrial District, Provided that all 0 her Pro wkilon' of this ordinance are complied with. Spy, MON 58, Building floor Area, No dwelling in any district %hall be erected or allered soas of net enclosed floor area. SECTION 50, Trailers Trailer clanilts or purro; and trailers or mobile hkorv,s foro",upioney shall be prohibited in ill] districts excepr its Follows: a, r me outride home rally be Placed on o vavanl lifl in a resid(iuw or agricultural district star use Its temporary housing ducring ife, vonsirriefion of a pernsaylent dwelling on sald of for a period not to exceed 18 months, milers such period tie oxwended by permission of the Town Board, provided that said trailer shall be iseelpled by the owner Of record of said lot. Said trailer most be rernoved upon the conspletion of construction allhough the 18 month time limit aay not bass rally i^xldred. th, flurn special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals It) be reviewed each Year, one mobile home for each profs'rty owner Shall tic permitted in all agrivulturill anti R-M districts, ritovided that one of the Occupants of lood mobile home ,,fish be a full time agricultural employee (if the property owner or a boraefide agrienhural SECTION 60 Junk or Salvage. Y"rdri, Any artsk xisoA for the imwessing, storage, or ale of raas', scrap paper, scrap rnival, ox, junk, pocluding atHomobile salvage yards Or used autornoible parts or building manertak salvage yards shall he ewn- Plelel v enclosed by it substantial and si4fil fonv(, wiih olli,nings, Only for, ingress', arid (ant's' Such lericc shall ra, ill ]cost 6 feet high and shall be no trourvr than 21) Feet front any public high.ay nglal Of away hie 1h,-re shall Is- no storage outside tile lence. Any such pink yards oxiMing at tire fink of ,nal-1rruq0 if this orifirvince shall comply with theses rcgeadrernerreswithin ono yeas of such a9aatc. S ECTI ON (A. P'ront Yard Transition. Where all I ral usural 1) is t ri ex huts a Residence District on a street line, there shall be provided for a distance of At feet from the district boundary hit,, into such Industriai DhitrVei, a fronr. yard e airs iI m depth to on c^-harlp file rslarira it Prone yeinV gar the Ira^wadanra e :firsts ict. SECTION 62. Side )'.tot in ton 1.0, On a canner air ni a itegiderwe or Busiryess District, the yard mrith on lliv si(W stik"i't shall iri� ill iqisl onv4iarf tho required front yard For adjoining pjoleaifaf,, on li", li-I, but in i", evvet tess than to feet SECTION 63, Side and Re'ai Yard 'I'l"Ansftiore On evvvy lot in a Business on, hithistrial District that abuo; dirowily On it iti,salenee Disirtut, lbere gnifl W provided it yard it ;it least 25 test in width on such pit aheng the Hire or Hnes where if abuls suoh Resideror, District. 64. Porches in)(] Carports. 10 delornflning the percentilge of brolding Coverage or the size of Yards tar the purpose of this ordinance, porches and var. Ports, open at ifi"sides but roofed, shall hevon sidered it filwir of the brolding. SECTION 65, P'cnces and Wallis, Too, foovision,, Of this, ordinance shall tiol spirly to fences, or ivalls, nw over 6 feel high uooV(, lit, nafVraF fnIa&', rtot' rv, t4'rines, steps, onroofed porches, or other t'vatures not cwcr :i rest high above the lvo,0 of that" siory. S SECTION 65A Our, sign, r0siing o the idtottifironion of new conitire1ion may be erected in any distrittl fit Me Town for it period not to exceed orre yeal, Provided it Sbial roof he flootousten oer !xr,�ed 32 "clear fevi it, area, xato shall conform to set back rellunonnents in thedisir4l, Upon approval of the Town of lihaelt Planning Board, stivir period rnay thereafter tie aeste•ord,trtlseml•awmeiaalty. Si,X7V)N K. llrojs,i,fioo� hi Yarrfs� Ever,a part of it requirool yard shAl be open frIaTo its kAVesi point to dic sky unoystrucied, exceilt for the ordtrawy projections or sills, itch course ;, Pilasters, fvadcrs, 00ok"ey's, cormees, c'"ve Rial ornarar'ntal features, provided that no inch projection onay extend ,"xry Hiiux 2 feet into any required yard. Bays including their cornices and rivers, may extend nott nutre ftux 2 feel into' any required yard provided lhat the suin of such projections On any wait shall not exceed nine Yiiird than letrigtRa of w;ach w ,ill. An open, fire balcony or fire escape may extend cof more than I real into Anyr N?(pllFNJ yard, SECTION 67, Reduction of Lot An whenever a lot ufaon which stands a building is changed in Size (it, shape so flmf the arva, and yard requwernefole eon..this Oroinkince are no longer compiled with, so,,l) intilding shidl not thorexilter" be tLeed until It is altered, reconstructed or relovated so as to ron-oply wills these reiiifireirienis. The provisions of this Sectimn shall not apply when a portion of a bit K� taken rot, a priblic purpose. SECTION 68 More than one building oil a lot'. When there. is more rotor One Principal building on a lot, in any district the space between such buildings must be at least equal to the surn of the side yards required by such buildings or the suni of for rear and thel'rorrt y tie is as tits casan rrray fit. SECTION (k) Parking Yacifities. Every bidding housing or designed to house more than 2 fanulb,�, bell provide in cmin-tion with it loaf on the surne lot garage space or off-street parking Space fix, rquivalold to the number or dwelling units provided in such dwellings. No itutoonobili, parking area shall be included in any front yard, except Felt a let with a Single dwelling, ho-nNrrlg,riot more than 2 families. 2, hunle- 1spPwefor r,aeh2twdq. 3. Medical, efinfe 4 spaces fox eac,lu dw-tor, or for each office in which a 4. 5. Praterrifty or Sorority beiteir Or membership chdh I space for eiloh I beds, SEC, ION 70 Extraction of Natural Products In any district no suffi, Fwark, sand, gravel or stone shall be , renalsod or offered for safe except in conneirkin with a public work or) the property or file removal of silt or other recently accurnidated material that blacks a norinat flow of a "otcr courser witfaso the ^4pvchd approval of the Board of Appeak. Ili applying for such aroilloltd, the applicant shelf subink to) the Board a plan of the proposed projecl, showing priiporfy kn-, and adjacevil public ways, grades said depths of proposed removal, �,ffl lypi's to be and pro- posed regrading and replanting Of the err-Operty Lipari complefion of the operation, Ili ( irselering the proposed ties [lie Roard shall take into account fit(, efistanc-c of ill(' (mel"atral fusion neighboring property and public ways, the possibte detriment of such rise to file future de,cloranent of' the dated in quesfion, slid the possible nuisance ill, derintent of the operiflion to neighboring and to file community rat a whole. The Board inay milsisi, such ror"blions upon tta, lippIrcant as it doserns necessary to protect the general welfare of the ownrinkruty, which "ray include it time limit upon orivialions, and the rvquim-ments that a porfornitmec bond be posted to bisure conrifflaneL with the riopurernenbi of this orthroinee and with any further reasonable conditions imposed b.� the Board. Any normal building orknation !it conixectiorl with a legal building pernift, such as excavation, filling, Or grading, Shall be exceplcd from the rrrtwrsions of lhoi Seellon, SECTION 71. Pulifle Q.orages slid Gasoline Sales Stations, 1. No part of itroy, building, usod as a pithfir gar or gasoline service station and no hifing ptonp, lift or otlwr svrv8ee applocree shalt lie erected within 25 feet of any Residence DaA rul or ill any rtilifirud sure yard. 2. No gasolim, or oil Pump, no offing at- grea,sing uiech,soisk-n kind no other service appliance instrined in connechon with any gatolme sales station or Public garage shall be within 15 feet of any street fine or highway right Of way line, and when so installed Shall not tic a violation of front yard requirements spec.1fied elsewhere fit SEC r PION 72. Approval (if, Cowity ffertith Department, No building Pertaft, trailer permit, or r,rxcivxt,, of occupluiv), !,,,sued under the terms of fins ordinance shall bectinip or Ternarn valid unless file holder thereof complied with rules and regulartions; of the Tonalikins County Ifealth M-parfirient under the turtria of ille crtunty Sanitary Orkhnance, T", Abandare,d t,�ctrxr "Id P1014trvq Witbhk o"o, visit, Brick, work ()It any oxeavation for a It " xidlilig lov, bvgirfi, for a building shalt is, covered over or refflFod by the, dmncr if) the normal grade. Any buflibrig substantially destroyed by arty elastic shall be regiolt or demolished within one year. Any excavation or cellar holes remaining after the demolition or destruction of a building From any cause Strad be covered ever or filled by the own (it within one year, ARTI.CEE 'ICJ ADMIN ISTRATION SP�( TKON 74. Earn rcerni ot i . This ordinwivi, shall be enlorved by a person designated by file 1,OWO Bos for who shop ill no vas, except itursuarit to written order of lho Booted (if Appeals, proof lary building permit (it (Ti1ifiVatV of Occupancy foe any padding or premises where fire proposed constructimi, alteration Or use thereof sECTION 75. Permit to Build, No prineipal building or awcessoxy building, not, any allies structure, including but not firilited to, tanks, power gnarl pump stations, swims parts, and !signs (except as permitted elsewhere ill ilris 4)rmnnnce), in any district, except an ac(T.9sory building in an agri(ifflural deorict, shiflk tic, rivagul or enlarged without a Pernfli, to Bond issued by the person desi4�natecr ky the Town Board. This wiov,r of the budding perroll requirement fit Agricultural Dis4iu-ta tilotell in no close leth-wi the property owner front coniphance with other provisions 4 this ordinance. NO such permit shall oi.� issued, except pursuant to written order OF the Board of Appeals, where lho� pnopoged alteration or use would tic ill violation Of OuV provision of Every allpfleation for it fruildhig perath shall state in writing the inlended use Of the building and shall be accoobtanied by it plot plan with all dinivnerons shown indicating the and shape ofthe lot and buildings, i-j"ok-,rs there has been suh,'taritial progress in the work for which a building permit was isruol, said ledidpagPerrinitshah extexeckne year frorn trip. dale of ism w. SECTION 76. Certificav, of Occuplincy. Each property owner strall he respontikde fox, coallarauve wall all terms of hiN ordinallet tiffecling Ills property, including rostra-fiolo; on i-hange Of ke", Upo'll aptil,vatiorvi "anti inspi,toon or extilaniinon satisfaetary to the person ift,slanatpil ha 01", Toi,n Board, ksch properly owner shall be vmirHed to a Certructre of 10ccuriant , y v,erflfying I al the nmirpimoy or proposed oettipancy compiled with tries lordirrance. 1A,V'rfON 77. Board of Appear, There is hereby established a Board of Appeals 'bich-01"Al fine-iton in fry law. i The ineinhers sat Me Board apt Appeals shall he residents of the Town of Ithaca and shall tic alabAnoyl by the Town Board to orrove for• terms as prescribed by 41o, Vacancies mourring ter sald Board toy expiration (if term or cilherwise Shall be fitiori at in,, same mrinrar, 'L 'fhe Board of Appear,, shall uhtopse its own chairmaik and vice-chairman. wit(> shat! preside in the absence of the chairman. In file illzoenvv of both the eledirmall and vice-chairman, the Board of Appeals shall choose one of its rairopier as acting chairman. Such chairman, or the party acting fit his stead (hiring his absence, rorly aninkiLster oaths and colorist the attendance of wunesties. The Board of Appeals knao, appoim a secretary who shall take minutes of all its meetings and keep its records. 1 The Board of Appeals shall adopt front Wile to time ,,fish rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to exirry into effect the provisions of this ordinance and all its re.solunionsand orders shall be ina(TGribincetherewithr 4. A'ay person aggrieved by any dcuisdon, of any officer of the Town charged with the enforcement or this ordinance may take art appeal to in(,, Board of Appeals. The ,applicant shall pay $5Jr0 for the pubbeatron of notices .if [tic hearing required by law. 1. the, Board of' Appeals shad, in oCe(lodance with the provisions be a I ned if than sectlon, hear and ovin F, er con- pernat or ."llificate of o( aNerfoulO "JifPcHIS from any refusals of a gaubling, or review arty uedsv Pay do �"" PoriCV by the wrsurr destratakeit 1;y rht' Town Board ersi" `i slid PCistohl wlivre Such ottler'or decision is base apon div requh,errients of this ordinaxwe, a to Wirere there are pratiisd der"'Ooi,., uI . ..... VSStkry hardship ill the Way of f'WiTtflg oast the gieb't letter of rhis ithB"ard of Appeals hall have the lKI-el ill fass4ii, upon appeads, to) vary (o, in,alliv toi, a legul�'siions or provisions of this uidainyee so jfa;ikt 1 1 �4xflvadoo of any of the laarldlvelfare�,ocury tre, sport of the Offintance shaft ,f 'I's Board of Appeals shrill also hear ',I and StAbstantial justice done. ,rel by the terns of ilds, ordinance. In deciding such Upon which it is reouired to p, and k1ccide Oil matters referred to it or ratter's referred to it by at,= terms of this ordinance and in gl71ntitig special approval the Board of Appeals shall deternifini, Livia rk. The health, safety, nxo,Ofs k,od with the general pUrpreie sop this w�,�,Plkr�' of the e0lyantgui(Y in hararony all pub be prolittriud tNeopt that as I� tic, buildings and educational fxurdbogv wherein the prbricipte use in research ( ad rninist ration, or Fast ruction, the sarne si udi be Presurned to ex hit b. I'lle Promises are reasonably adapted to the propre,ed low, and that sue, I n Ise, except as to Public, and educatioxnal buth . need wiif Fill a neighborhood in, coulnumay ,kc, The proposed use and the location arm] design of anyFlroo,turoi .basil be con'st"sent iiiitiestod d. The Proposed use ,,hall not he deirinlLolor t'� the it"i-so,ral iuraelfty or a hood character in amoords am c0boor l"re"t to d"'o"WO oeighhOlrng prollerly or scrioa,, inconvoldert r, ocighboong knhabrtakivs. I y '. The proposed a(vess and egress for signed all st"laril"es al"I uses sh;di Ciesf.ly ct- fThe general effect (if the proposed upon ill(' Voloolanil Y eS a whole, joebbling Such item s; its traffic load "ji,ir pulifir streets and load upon water and sewerage SYsteras is not'defirkmental It) the health, sailexy and general fit(, conarnaby m 8, The Board may impose upon the applicant such reasonable conditions as it deems necessary to Protect the general welfare of the cornmorlity. SFXTION 78, In making Y-ectomilenciations to file Ti)wti Board and the Board of Apperfix, the Planning Board shall determine that: 1. There is a need for the proposed use in theproposed locabron 2. The existing and probtallie future character of the neighborhood in which the use is to be located will not be adversely affected. 3, Tire proposed change is in accordance with it comprehensive plan of develop - merit of tile Town. SECHON 79. Vitt otions said Penithies- Pursuant to Section 268 oI, f' the Town Lawan y person, ftrill, corporation or other` ViOlathig any provision Of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty (if ,to offe it se and "bull coovkAboot thereof shall be sonjosat to a fine or to imprisomneril as providtA torrent l,;iv- - SeParale offense ell wedx's (oty2try"K'd vi(Asition shall conshtuto a 0 Spa ,"I lf)& W Afrienrinlexas fries o"finakwe kney be Amended as provided by law. SEC'TION 81. Validity The invalidity of ally section or Provision of this ordinance shall net biviritriale tiny Other e(,thro or 1),'Oviscal the r k I SECTHYN 82. Whe11 i1rllctfvThis ordoiarxr,r a, amended and re-ornileted Shall be an fora c am➢ r ffonerF irtrmealr ttl.eeVy upon ardr.,alrtdon sill piabl'leaet nisi as pir•nv#deal by law. - SFVTION 8,3. Exisfing Zoning Ordinance Amended, Re -Adopted and Re-Eriarred. The existing Zoning, OrArmince of File TOWn Of lifuwa, New York It me, Ided adopted October 25, I!fiil, !K' hereby gc�caacted, re -adopted and oime�aletl. 'Thrit re' adoption arm rc inaclotucnt and the adoption of any amendment: Shall nor, affect ally pending, or Prevent any future prot,�ccorjon of or action to rdorr� a 0' existing ill the time this tj Y violation rdroxii"Ce as re -adopted, re-enacted and amended, if the use is in violation of the provisions of this ordipance as re it defiled re-enarted and amended. Nothing herein .b ad be deemed fit change the sirains 'of' non conforming uses creaked bye Artois of Ow Zoning Ordinaince Or if such list's renroxin tion,coof, . lOrred October 25, 1954, as intrended , i Ix'"Mig under tinge provisions Of this Ordinance, its re-' rdopled, re-enaeled and innerided ,Ran. 5. 1968