HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 Zoning Ordinance and Ammendments ZONING ORDINANCE
Effective - October 25th, 1954
For the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, or the general
welfare of the community, and to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure
safety from fire, panic and other dangers, to provide adequate light and air,
to prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of popu-
lation, to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewer-
age, schools , parks and other public requirements, under and pursuant to
the Laws of the State of New York, the size of buildings and other structures,
the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, the density of
population, and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for
trade, industry, residence or other purposes, are hereby restricted and
regulated as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 1 . Definitions . For the purpose of this ordinance certain words
and terms shall have the following meaning unless the context otherwise re-
quires .
1 . Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number
includes the plural, and the plural the singular; the word "building" includes the
word "structure"; and the word "occupied" includes the words "designed or in-
tended to be occupied"; the word ' ised" includes the words "arranged, designed
or intended to be used"; and the word "he" includes "it" and "she" .
2 . A "lot" is a parcel. of land occupied by one or more principal buildings
and the accessory buildings for uses customarily incident to it, including such
open spaces as are used in connection with such buildings .
3. A "lot line" is property boundary line of a lot.
4. The "lot area" shall not include any portion of a public highway right-
of-way that may be included within deed description of the lot.
5. A "family" is any number of persons of recognized family relationship
maintaining a common household, including domestic help.
6. A "dwelling" is a building used for habitation by one or more families.
7. A "rooming house" is a building other than a motel or a hotel where
more than two (2) persons are lodged for hire or where rooms for more than two
(2) persons are offered for hire.
8. A "tourist house" is the same as a rooming house.
9. A "hospital" is an establishment for temporary occupation by the sick
or injured for the purpose of medical treatment, but does not include an es-
tablishment for permanent occupation by the poor, infirm, incurable or insane.
10. A "nursing or convalescent home" is a building other than a hospital
where persons, except insane, feeble-minded, drug or liquor patients, are
lodged, furnished with meals and nursing care, for hire.
11 . A "front yard" is the required open space between the street right-of-
way line and the front line of the principal building (exclusive of overhanging
eaves and other permissable projections) extended to the side lines of the lot.
12. A "rear yard" is the required open space between the rear lot line and
the rear line of the principal building (exclusive of overhanging eaves and other
permissable projections) extended to the side lines of the lot.
13. A "side yard" is the required open space between the principal building
(elusive of overhanging eaves and other permissable projections) and a side lot
line and extending through from the front yard to the rear yard.
14. An "accessory building" is a building subordinate and clearly incidental
to the principal building on the same lot and used for purposes customarily inci-
dental to those of the principal building.
15. A "non-conforming use" is a use of land existing at the time of enact-
ment of this ordinance which does not conform to the zoning regulations of the dis-
trict in which it is situated.
16. A "farm" is a plot of land that exceeds one acre and is used for:
a. Tillage of land to produce food or fiber to be consumed
directly or indirectly by humans or domestic animals
or fowl.
b. Grazing of land and its crops to feed domestic animals
or fowl,
c . Rearing of poultry in confinement for meat or eggs .
17 . A "Street Line" is the limit of the right of way of a street, road or
SECTION 2. Districts . For the purpose of this ordinance the Town of
Ithaca is hereby divided into five (5) types of districts as follows:
Residential Districts
Industrial Districts
Agricultural Districts
Light Industrial Districts
Said districts are set forth on the map accompanying this ordinance, en-
titled Zone Map, dated July 1, 1954, and signed by the Town Clerk. Said map and
all explanatory matter thereon is hereby made a part of this ordinance.
And that the article hereinafter set forth entitled Light Industrial District,
and designated Article 6-A be and the same is added to the Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of Ithaca.
SECTION 1 . Use and Development: Light Industrial Districts shall develop
only with the approval of the Planning Board. On application, supplementing an
application.to the Building Inspector for a building permit or certificate of
occupancy, the Planning Board may grant a permit for the use and development
of a Light Industrial District. In granting such a permit, the Board may specify
appropriate conditions and safeguards in harmony with the following rules and
a. The use shall be of such location, size, and character that it will be in
harmony with the appropriate and orderly development of the district in which it
is situated and will not be detrimental to the orderly development of adjacent dis-
tricts .
b. The location and size of the use, the nature and intensity of the operations
involved in or conducted in connection with it, its site: layout, and its relation to
streets giving access to it shall be such that traffic.to and from the use and the
assembly of persons in connection with it will not be hazardous or inconvenient to
the neighborhood or conflict with the normal traffic of the neighborhood. In apply-
ing this standard the Board shall consider, among other things, convenient routes
of pedestrian traffic, particularly of children, relation to main traffic thorough-
fares and to street and road intersections, and the general character and intensity
of development of the neighborhood.
c . The location and height of buildings, the location, nature, and height of
walls and fences, and the nature and extent of landscaping on the site shall be such
that the use will not hinder or disaoi rage the proper development and use of adjacent
land and buildings or impair the value thereof.
d. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on the application before
a permit is granted. The Board may deny such permit if the proposed use fails to
meet the specified standards .
SECTION 2 . Specific Standards and Procedures:
Plot and Landscaping Plans . Plot plans for placement and relation of build-
ings and for landscaping the area to be developed must be submitted to and ap-
proved by the Planning Board before a building permit may be issued; and the
developer shall be bound by these plans . The portion of the lot area occupied by
the principal building shall be no more than 30% of the lot area
Yard RegulatIons Buildings must be set back at least 150' from the road
right of way, and the intervening area must be graded and seeded and landscaped
with shrubs . The side yard must be at least 60' wide and the back yard at least
20' deep.
Parking Lots . Parking lots shall be located at the side or back of the building
or buildings, and shall have stone, black-top, or other surface which will not
produce dust. The area allowed for parking shall be one parking space for each
three employees.
Signs . No more than two identifying signs may be constructed; each shall be
limited to 50 square feet in area. They must be landscaped to harmonize with
the surroundings .
Buildings . Buildings shallnot exceed one story cr 25' in height.
Access to Highway. Placement, size, and arrangement of access to the
highway shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate highway authority.
The access road shall be of stone, black top or other surface which does not
produce dust.
Sidewalks . Where density of population makes it desirable, or where school-
bus routes adjoin such Light Industrial Districts, paved sidewalks shall be in-
stalled by the applicant, with the approval of the Planning Board and of the
appropriate highway authority.
Uses . Uses shall be restricted to light manufacturing, employing electricity
of other unobjectionable motive power, utilizing hand labor and/or unobjection-
able machinery and processes . No use shall be permitted which would be offen-
sive because of injurious or obnoxious noise, vibration, smoke, gas, fumes, odors,
dust, or other objectionable features, or be hazardous to the community on account
of fire or explosion or any other cause. When performance standards are de-
veloped, such performance standards may be substituted in accordance with the
laws of the Town Board, for the above-mentioned restrictions.
SECTION 3. District Boundaries . Where uncertainty exists with respect
to the exact boundaries of the various districts as shown on the Zone Map, the
following rules shall apply:
1 . The district boundaries are lot lines unless otherwise shown, and where
the designation on the Zone Map indicates a boundary approximately upon a lot
line, such lot line shall be construed to be the boundary.
2. Distances shown on the Zone Map are perpendicular or radial distances
from street lines measured back to the zone boundary line, which lines, in all
cases where distances are given, are parallel to the street line.
3. Where the boundary of a district follows a stream, lake, or other body
of water, said boundary line shall be deemed to be at the limit of the jurisdiction
of the Town of Ithaca, unless otherwise designated.
4. In other cases the boundary line shall be determined by use of the scale
on the Zone Map.
SECTION 4. Use Regulations. hi Residence Districts no building shall be
erected or extended and no land or building or part thereof shall be used for
other than any of the following purposes:
1 . Dwelling
2. Church or other place of worship; convent, parish house, Sunday School
3. Public library or public museum; public school, parochial school, nur-
sery school, school operated by a non-stock corporation under the education
laws of the State, any institution of higher learning including dormitory accom-
4. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and
improvements .
5. Fire station or other public building necessary to the protection of or
the servicing of a neighborhood.
6. Golf course, except a driving range or a miniature golf course operated
on a commercial basis, provided that no building shall be nearer than one
hundred (100) feet from any lot line.
7. Garden, nursery, or farm, except a hog farm where the principal food
is garbage Usual farm buildings are permitted„ provided that
a. Any building in wh,lch farm animals are kept shall be at
least one hundred (100) feet from any lot line or street
right of way.
b. No manure shall be stored within one hundred (100) feet
of any lot line or street right of way.
8. Any municipal or public utility purpose necessary to the maintenance
of Utility Services except that substations and similar structures shall be sub-
ject to the same set-back requirements as apply to residences in the District
in which the substations or similar structures are constructed.
9. Rooming houses, tourist houses, fraternity or sorority houses .
10. Hospital or sanitarium for the treatment of human beings, other than
the insane, feeble-minded, epileptic, drug or liquor patients, provided that no
building so used shall be within one hundred (100) feet of any street or within one
hundred and fifty (150) feet of the lot line of any adjoining owner . Nursing or con-
valescent homes, or medical clinics but only on special approval of the Board of
Appeals .
11 . Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto, but only on
special approval of the Board of Appeals .
12. A roadside stand for the display and sale of farm products . Any such
stand shall be set back from the highway a sufficient distance to permit off-the-
highway parking and in no case shall be nearer than fifteen (15) feet from the
right-of-way line.
13. Club or lodge operated by membership organizations for the benefit of
their members.
14. Not more than two signs in connection with each of the above uses, pro-
vided that such sign shall be on the lot and shall not exceed twelve (12) square
feet in area, and further provided thatany illumination thereof be so shielded
that it illuminates only said sign.
15. Such accessory uses as are customarily incidental to the above uses,
subject to the provisions of Section 5 and 6.
SECTION 5. Accessory Uses . Permitted accessory uses in Residence Dis-
tricts shall include the following:
1 . The office of"a resident doctor, , dentist, musician, engineer, teacher,
lawyer, artist, architect or member of other recognized profession, where such
office is a part of the residence building.
2. Customary home occupation, such as dressmaking, hairdressing, launder-
ing, homecooking, or a manual or mechanical trade, all conducted by a resident
in the building, provided that no goods or products are publicly displayed or offered
for sale, and further provided that no offensive noise, odor, or dust are created.
3. Off-street garage or parking space for the occupants, users, and em-
ployees in connection with uses specified under Section 4, but subject to provisions
of Section 36.
4. A temporary building for commerce or industry, where such building
is necessary or incidental to the development of a residential area, Stich building
may not be continued for more than one year except upon special approval of the
Board of Appeals .
5. Accessory buildings subject to provisions of Section 6.
6. The keeping of domestic animals or fowl in accessory buildings, pro-
vided that no such building shall be nearer than thirty (30) feet to any lot line of
any adjoining owner .
SECTION 6. Accessory Buildings . In Residence Districts, accessory build-
ings other than garages may not occupy any required open space other than a
rear yard. Any accessory building may occupy not more than forty (40) per cent
of any required rear yard and .shall be not less than three (3) feet from any side
or rear lot line, except that a private garage may be built across a common lot
line witha party wall by mutual agreement between adjoining property owners.
An accessory building on a corner lot shall not be less than five (5) feet from the
rear lot line. Accessory buildings shall in no case exceed fifteen (15) feet in
height. Where the natural slope of the ground exceeds eight (8) per cent rise or
fall directly from the street line, a private garage, not over one story in height
and housing not in excess of two cars, may be located in the front yard not less
than five (5) feet from said street line, On a corner lot no accessory building
may be nearer the side street line than the required front yard depth on the side
SECTION 7. Yard Regulations. In Residence Districts , yards of at least
the following dimensions are required.
Front Yard - Not less than the average depth of the
front yards of buildings on lots immediately adjacent,
Normally the front yard depth "Setback" shall not be less than
twenty-five (25) feet or need it be greater than fifty (50) feet,
Rear Yard - Not less than thirty (30) feet in depth.
Side Yards - Each not less than ten (10) feet in width,
except that in one of the side yards, a one-story
garage, either attached to the principal building, or
separate therefrom, may be 7 feet from a side line
which is not a street line.
Special yard requirements for specific uses as established by Section 4 are
SECTION 8. Building Coverage . No building or buildings on a lot, includ-
ing accessory buildings , shall be erected, altered, or extended to cover more
than 25% of the lot area.
Projections described in Section 33 are not to be included in computing the
percentage .
SECTION 9. Size of Lot. Lot sizes in residence districts shall meet the
following depths and widths at the front yard set back
1 . When no public water or sewer is available, the minimum width shall
be 100' and the minimum depth 150' .
2. When the public water or sewer is available, the minimum width shall
be 80' and the minimum depth 150' except that the depth may be reduced to a
minimum of 120' provided that the lot area shall be not less than 12 , 000 sq. ft.
3. When both public water and sewers are available, the minimum width
shall be 60' and the minimum depth shall be 150' except that the depth may be
reduced to a minimum of 120' provided that the lot area shall be not less than
9 , 000 sq ft.
SECTION 10. Special Properties . In the case of publicly owned properties,
properties of Universities , Colleges, cemeteries , or other private institutions ,
located in Residence Districts, and each such property comprising at least a
normal size city block in area and being traversed by interior roads or driveways,
the front and side yard requirements of Section 7 shall apply only along the
exterior public street frontages and there shall be no rear yard requirement.
SECTION 1 1 . Use Regulations . In Business Districts no building shall be
erected or extended and no land, or building or part thereof shall be used for
other than one or more of the following uses:
1 . Any use permitted by Section 4.
2. Retail store.
3. Auto sales agency.
4 Business or professional office.
5 . Restaurant or other place for the serving of food but only on special
approval of the To*n Board. In granting 'apprwal--the To in Board shall
determine that a need for such use exists for the c`o'fivenience of the
neighborhood and the general welfare of the community will be served.
6. Bank or other financial institution.
7 . Gasoline sales station, garage for light repairs , provided that no auto-
mobile repair work, except emergency work, be carried on out of doors .
8. Tourist cabins , motel, hotel.
9. Place of business of the following and similar business that may be con-
ducted without unreasonable noise, odors or disorder , provided that
any manufacture or processing of goods on the premises is clearly in-
cidental to a retail business conducted on the premises:
Baker Hand Laundry
Barber Manicurist
Caterer Milliner
Cleaner Optician
Confectioner Photographer
Decorator Printer
Dressmaker Shoe shiner. , shoemaker or repairer
Dyer Tailor
Florist Telegraph and telephone office
Furrier Undertaker
Hairdresser Upholsterer
10. Billboard, sign or advertising device.
SECTION 12. Yard Regulations . In Business Districts, yards of at least
the following dimensions must be provided:
Front Yard -- twenty-five (25) feet in depth, subject to pro-
visions of Section 39.
Rear Yard -- twenty (20) feet in depth.
Side Yards -- each ten (10) feet in width.
SECTION 13. Lot Area. In Business Districts no dwelling, building or
buildings, including accessory buildings, used in whole or in part for dwelling
purposes shall be erected, altered or extended to cover more than 25% of the
lot area.
SECTION 14. Building Coverage , In Business Districts non-dwelling
buildings shall not cover more than forty (40) per cent of the lot area
SECTION 15. Use Regulations , In Industrial Districts buildings and land
may be used for any lawful purposes except that the following trades and indus-
tries or uses may be permitted only upon special approval of the Board of
Acid Manufacture
Alcohol Manufacture
Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture
Ar s enal
Asphalt manufacture or refining
Automobile Wrecking
Bag Cleaning,
Blast Furnace
Boiler Works
Bottled Gas Storage
Brick, tile or terra cotta manufacture
Candle Manufacture
Celluloid Manufacture
Cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of paris manufacture
Central mixing plant for cement, mortar , plaster or paving materials .
Coke oven
Creosote treatment or manufacture
Disinfectants Manufacture
Explosives manufacture or commercial storage
Extermination and insect poison.. manufacture
Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture
Fat Rendering
Fertilizer Manufacture
Garbage , offal or dead animal reduction or dumping
Gas manufacture or storage
Glue Manufacture
Hog Farm
Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry
Lamp Black Manufacture
Match Manufacture
Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture
Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine, or varnish manufacture
Paper and pulp manufacture
Petroleum products refining or reclaiming
Planing mill (except a small wood-working plant
Potash works
Pyroxylin manufacture
Rolling Mill
Rubber or gutta percha manufacture or treatment
Sauerkraut Manufacture
Shoe polish manufacture
Smelting of metal ores
Soap Manufacture
Soda and compound manufacture
Stock feeding pen except on a farm
Stockyards or slaughter of animals
Stone crusher or quarry
Storage of gasoline, oil, or other inflammable liquids except for
purposes of immediate retail or private consumption
Storage or baling of rags, scrap paper, scrap metal or junk including
automobile parts or building materials salvage yards
Stove polish manufacture
Tanning, curing, or storage of raw hides or skins
Tar roofing, or waterproofing manufacture
Vinegar Manufacture
Wool Pulling
Yeast Production
Any trade, industry or use that is so noxious or offensive by reason of
emission of odor , dust, smoke, fumes, noise or vibration as to be
dangerous to public health and safety.
SECTION 16. Yard Regulations . In Industrial Districts no yards are
required except as provided in Sections 28 and 30.
SECTION 17 . Residence Prohibited. In Industrial Districts no building
or land shall be used for dwelling purposes.
SECTION 18. Use Regulations . In Agricultural Districts buildings and
land may be used for any lawful purpose except that any use listed in Section 15
may be carried on only by special approval of the Board of Appeals
SECTION 19 . Continuation of Existing Uses. Except as provided in Sections
20, 21 , 22, 23 and 41 , any use of land, or a building or part thereof, existing
at the time that this ordinance becomes effective,rraybe continued, although such
building or use does not conform to the provisions thereof.
SECTION 20. Abandonment of Use. When a non-conforming use has been
abandoned for a period of at least one year, it shall not thereafter be re-estab-
lished, and the future use shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordi-
nance, except that a non-conforming use that ceases to operate because of a
national emergency or because of government restrictions, may be resumed with-
in a period of one year from the time that such emergency terminates or such re-
strictions are removed.
SECTION 21 . Alterations . No non-conforming building shall be extended
except as authorized by the Board of Appeals .
SECTION 22 . Changes . A non-conforming use may be changed to another
non-conforming use of the same or more restrictive classification, and when so
changed to a more restrictive use, it shall not again be changed to a less restric-
tive use . The order in which the various districts are named in Section 2 shall
be taken as the order of the classification of restrictiveness from the most
restrictive to the least restrictive.
SECTION 23. Restoration. Nothing herein shall prevent the substantial
restoration within six (6) months and continued use of a non-conforming building
damaged less than seventy-five (75) per cent of the replacement cost of such
building immediately prior to such damage, by fire, flood, earthquake, act of
God, or act of the public enemy. The time limit may be extended by the Board
of Appeals in cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship.
SECTION 24. Existing Lots . Other provisions of this ordinance notwith-
standing, nothing shall prohibit the use for a single family dwelling of a lot of
deed record at the time of passage of this ordinance, of less than the required
size of lot in any district except an Industrial District, provided that all the other
provisions of this ordinance are complied with.
SECTION 25 . Farms . Regardless of the district in which a farm may be
located, compliance only with the provisions of Section 18 shall be required.
Farm property converted to other uses shall thereupon become subject to the
requirements of the district in which it is located.
- 11-
SECTION 26, Building Floor Area. No dwelling in any district shall be
erected or altered so as to provide for less than four hundred and fifty (450)
square feet of enclosed floor area. For the purpose of this ordinance, an auto-
mobile house trailer used for residential purposes, whether on wheels or other-
wise supported, shall be considered a dwelling provided, however, that in
Residence Districts the use of such trailer for dwelling purposes shall not con-
tinue for a period in excess of eighteen (18) months, unless such period be
extended by the Town Board, and further provided that if the Town. Board adopts
a separate ordinance regulating the licensing of trailer camps, trailers com-
plying with the provisions of such ordinance shall be excepted from the require-
ments of this section.
SECTION 27 . Junk Yards . Any area used for the storage of rags, scrap
paper, scrap metal, or junk, including automobile parts or building materials
salvage yards, shall be completely enclosed by a substantial and solid fence
with openings only for ingress and egress. Such fence shall be at least six (6)
feet high and shall be no nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from any public
highway right-of-way lie. . There shall be no storage outside the fence. Any
such junk yards existyng at the time of enactment of this ordinance shall comply
with these requirements within one (1) year of such date.
SECTION 28. Front Yard Transition. Where an Industrial District abuts
a Residence District on a street line, there shall be provided for a distance
of fifty (50) feet from the district boundary line into suchaidustrial District,
a front yard equal in depth to one-half the required front yard in the Residence
SECTION 29. Side Yard on Corner Lot. On a corner lot in a Residence
or Business District, the yard width on the side street shall be at least one-
half the required front yard for adjoining properties on the side street, but in
no event less than ten (101 feet.
SECTION 30, Side and Rear Yard Transition. On every lot ina Business
or Industrial District that abuts directly on a Residence District, there shall
be provided a yard of at least ten (10) feet in width on such lot along the line
or lines where it abuts such Residence District.
SECTION 31 . Porches and Carports . In determining the percentage of
building coverage or the size of yards for the purpose of this ordinance, porches
and carports, open at the sides but roofed, shall be considered a part of the
SECTION 32. Fences and Walls. The provisions of this ordinance shall
not apply to fences, or wars not over six (61 feet high above the natural grade,
nor to terraces, steps, unroofed pooches, or other similar features not over
three (3) feet high above the level of the floor of the ground story.
SECTION 33. Projections in Yards. Every part of a required yard shall
be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed, except for the ordinary
projections of sills, belt courses, pilasters, leaders, chimneys, cornices,
eaves and ornamental features, provided that no such projection may extend
more than two (2) feet into any required yard.
Bays, including their cornices and eaves, may extend not
more than two (2) feet into any required yard provided that the sum of such pro-
jections on any wall shall not exceed one third the length of such Wall.
An open fire balRony or fire escape may extend not more than
four (4) feet into any required yard.
SECTION 34 , Reduction of Lot Area. Whenever a lot upon which stands a
building is changed in size or shape so that the area and yard requirements of this
ordinance are no longer complied with, such building shall not thereafter be used
until it is altered, reconstructed or relocated so as to comply with these require-
ments . The provisions of this Section shall not apply when a portion of a lot is
taken for a public purpose .
SECTION 35„ More than one Building on a Lot. When there is more than
one principal building on a lot in any district the space between such buildings
must be at least equal to the sum of the side yards required by such buildings or
the sum of the rear and the front yards as the case may be.
SECTION 36. Parking Facilities . Every building housing or designed to
house more than two families shall provide in connection with it and on the same
lot garage space or offstreet parking space for automobiles equivalent to the
number of dwelling units provided in such dwellings. No automobile parking
area shall be included inany required front yard, except for a lot with a single
dwelling housing not more than two families .
Every use listed below shall provide in connection with it off-street parking
facilities as noted below:
1 . School or other educational institutions -- two spaces for each class room.
2. Hospital, sanitarium or nursing or convalescent home -- one space for
each two (2) beds .
3 . Theater -- one space for each eight (8) seats
4. Bowling Alley -- three (3) spaces for each alley.
5. Roller skating rink, dance hall, or similar places of amusement -- one
space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor space.
6. Rooming house or tourist house -- one space for each room offered
to rent.
7 . Fraternity or sorority house or membership club -- one space for each
four (4) beds, or one space for each five (5) members, whichever figure is larger .
SECTION 37 . Location of Certain Activities. Other provisions of this
ordinance notwithstanding, the following uses or activities shall not be permitted
nearer to any Residence District than the following specified distances:
1 . Garage or shop for the painting of automobiles or for the repairing of
automobile bodies or fenders involving hammering or other work causing loud or
unusual noise or fumes or odors -- two hundred (200) feet.
2 . Animal hospital, kennel, or place for the boarding of animals -- one
hundred (100) feet..
3. Theater, dance hall, bowling alley, skating rink -- two hundred (200)
4. Any use listed in Section 15 -- three hundred (300) feet.
SECTION 38. Extraction of Natural Products. In any but an Industrial or
Agricultural District, no sod, loam, sand, gravel, or quarried stone shall be re-
moved or offered for sale, except when incidental to, or in connection with, the
construction of improvements on the lot or of a public work, or when the material
is located in excess of 300 feet from the nearest public highway frontage.
SECTION 39. Public Garages and Gasoline Sales Stations .
1 . No part of any building used as a public garage or gasoline service station
and no filling pump, lift or other service appliance shall be erected within twenty
(20) feet of any Residence District.
2. No gasoline or oil pump, no oiling or greasing mechanism and no other
service appliance installed in connection with any gasoline sales station or public
garage shall be within fifteen (15) feet of any street line or highway right-of-way
line, and when so installed shall not be a violation of front yard requirements
specified elsewhere in this ordinance.
SECTION 40. Approval of County Health Department. No building permit
or certificate of occupancy issued under the terms of this ordinance shall become
or remain valid unless the holder thereof complies with rules and regulations of
the Tompkins County Health Department under the terms of the County Sanitary
SECTION 41 . Abandoned Cellar Holes and Buildings . Within one year after
work on any excavation for a building has begun, any excavation for a building
shall be covered over or refilled by the owner to the normal grade. Any building
substantially destroyed by any cause shall be rebuilt or demolished within one
year . Any excavation or cellar hole remaining after the demolition or destruction
of a building from any cause shall be covered over or filled by the owner within
one year .
SECTION 42. Enforcement. This ordinance shall be enforced by a person
designated by the Town Board who shall in no case, except under a written order
of the Board of Appeals, grant any building permit or certificate of occupancy
for any building or premises where the proposed construction, alteration or use
thereof would be in violation of any provision of this ordinance.
SECTION 43. Building Permit. No principal building in any district except
in an Agricultural District shall be begun or extended without a building permit
issued by the person designated by the Town Board. This waiver of the building
permit requirement in Agricultural Districts shall in no case relieve the
property owner from compliance with other provisions of this ordinance. No
such permit shall be issued, except on written order of the Board of Appeals,
where the proposed construction, alteration, or use would be in violation of any
provision of this ordinance.
Every application for a building permit shall state in writing the intended
use of the building and shall be accompanied by a plot plan with all dimensions
shown indicating the size and shape of the lot and buildings .
- i4-
Every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a fee
of two dollars and fifty cents ($2 . 50) for a principal building and one dollar ($1 . 00)
for an accessory building.
Unless there has been substantial progress in the work for which a
building permit was issued, said building permit shall expire one year from the
date of issue .
SECTION 44. Certificate of Occupancy. Each property owner shall be re-
sponsible for compliance with all terms of this ordinance affecting his property,
including restrictions on change of use. Upon application and inspection or ex-
planation satisfactory to the person designated by the Town Board, such property
owner shall be entitled to a Certificate of Occupancy certifying that the occupancy
or proposed occupancy complies with this ordinance.
SECTION 45, Board of Appeals . There is hereby established a Board of
Appeals which shall function in the manner prescribed by law.
The members of the Board of Appeals shall be residents of the Town
of Ithaca and shall be appointed by the Town Board to serve for terms as pre-
scribed by law. Vacancies occurring in said Board by expiration of term or
otherwise shall be filled in the same manner .
The Board of Appeals shall choose its own chairman and vice-chairman,
who shall preside in the absence of the chairman. In the absence of both the
chairman and vice-chairman, the Board of Appeals shall choose one of its num-
ber as acting chairman. Such chairman, or the party acting in his stead daring
his absence, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses .
The Board of Appeals may appoint a secretary who shall take minutes
of all its meetings and keep its records .
The Board of Appeals shall adopt from time to time such rules and re-
gulations as it may deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this
ordinance and all its resolutions and orders shall be in accordance therewith.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of any officer of the Town
charged with the enforcement of this ordinance may take an appeal to the Board
of Appeals .
The Board of Appeals shall, in accordance with the provisions herein-
after contained in this Section, hear and determine appeals from any refusal
of a building permit or certificate of occupancy by the person designated by
the Town Board, or review any order or decision of said person where such
order or decision is based upon the requirements of this ordinance .
Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in the way
of carrying out the strict letter of this ordinan^e, the Board of Appeals shall
have the power,in passing upon appeals, to vary or modify the application of any
of the regulations or provisions of this ordinance so that the spirit of the ordinance
shall be observed and public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice
done. The Board of Appeals shall also hear and decide all matters referred to
it or upon which it is required to pass by the terms of this ordinance.
- 15-
In deciding such matters referred to it by the Terms of this ordinance,
the Board of Appeals shall give consideration to the promotion of the health,
safety, morals or general welfare of the community in harmony with the general
purpose and intent of this ordinance. In granting special approval where
authorized in this ordinance, the Board of Appeals shall determine that a need
for the use in question exists and that the convenience and prosperity of the
community will be served and that neighboring persons and property will not be
adversely affected.
SECTION 46. Violations and Penalties, Any person, firm, corporation or
other violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine or to imprison-
ment as provided by law.
SECTION 47. Amendments . This ordinance may be amended as provided
by law. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Board of Appeals
and to the Town Planning Board for a report before being acted upon by the Town
SECTION 48. Validity. The invalidity of any section or provision of this
ordinance shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof.
SECTION 49 . When Effective. This ordinance shall be in. force and effect
immediately upon adoption and publication as provided by law.
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, pursuant
to the powers in it vested, at a meeting held on October 7th, , 1954,
duly ordained and enacted the above stated "Zpning Ordinance - Town of Ithaca,
New York, " in accordance with a well considered plan.
That the following described areas be rezoned from a residential to a
business district.
NE CORNER Intersection of Danby Road and King Road-East-
Frontage on Danby Road 300 feet: Depth 250 feet.
SE CORNER Intersection of Danby Road & King Road-East
Frontage on Danby Road 300 feet; Depth 250 feet.
SW CORNER Intersection of Danby Road & King Road-West
Frontage on Danby Road 300 feet; Depth 250 feet.
NW CORNER Intersection of Danby Road and King Road-West
Frontage on Danby Road 300 feet: Depth 250 feet.
That the following described areas be rezoned from a residential to a
business district.
Commencing at the center line of Meadow Street at a point extended in
a straight line from the north boundaries of the property of Lawrence Jordan,
and proceeding east to the southwest corner of the property of Edward Palmer,
thence north along the west boundaries of Palmer and Driscoll, and extending
approximately in a straight line north to the south boundary of the City of
Ithaca, parallel and at a distance of 125 feet from Spencer Road; thence -west
along the south boundary of the City of Ithaca to the east boundary of the com-
mercial zone of the commercial zone bounding Elmira Road on the east: thence
southerly along said boundary to the center of Meadow Street; thence back
along Meadow Street to the place of beginning.
In effect this designates all of the area bounded by Elmira Road, Meadow
Street and Spencer Road as a business district except that portion of Meadow
Street which includesithe property of Jordan and Terrill, and a strip approx-
imately 125 feet wide along the Spencer Road.
ADOPTED MAY 2nd 1957 - EFFECTIVE MAY 15th 1957
That the following described area be rezoned from an agricultural to a
residential district, and the official zone map be deemed amended accordingly.
The area on each side of Indian Creek Roa.d for a depth of 250 feet from the
DuBoice Road to the terminus of that portion of the Indian Creek Road owned by
the town.
Amendment to Map Sheet -2 -
That the following area be rezoned from a residential to a business district
to wit.
COMMENCING at the point of intersection in the southeast boundary of the
business district located along the southeast side of the Elmira Road, as shown
on the Zone Map dated July 1 , 1954, with the southwest line of the spur of the
Spencer Road which connects the old Spencer Road with the Elmira Road; thence,
southeasterly along the southwest line of said spur of the Spencer Road to the
northwest line of the old Spencer Road; thence , southwesterly along the north-
west line of an abandoned section of the old Spencer Road to its intersection
with the northerly boundary of the former•right-of-way of the D. L. & W.
Railroad (now Lehigh Valley Railroad); thence , westerly along the curve of
the northerly line of said right-of way to the southeast boundary of the business
district as heretofore established and shown on the Zone Map dated July 1 , 1954;
thence, northeasterly along said boundary to the place of beginning.
w '
TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca was amended.
by resolution of the Town Board duly adopted at a regular meeting of
said Board duly called and held on the 5th day of June 1958, to read
as follows:
"In agriculture district, buildings and :land may be used
only for any lawful farm purpose or for any use permitted in a resi-
d.ence district."
June 7th, 1958.