HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 1994-05-26 iTh TOWN OF ITHACA
TO: Public Works Committee:
David Klein, Chairman
John Whitcomb .
Edward Conley
Fred Noteboom
Rich Schoch
FROM: Dan Walker, Town Engineer
SUBJECT: Public Works Committee Agenda for 5/26/94
DATE: May 25, 1994
The Public Works Committee will meet 8:00 A.M. , May 26, 1994 at the
Town Highway Garage.
1 . Brush and Leaf Pick-up.
2 . Chase,. Lane -Access .Easement.
3. Sand Bank Road R.O.W. Status.
4. Coddington Road, Troy Road Water.
5 . West Haven Road Sewer.
6 . Town Hall Facilities .
If you are unable to attend this meeting, please notify mews soon
as possible.
xc: Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk
George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner
Andrew Frost, Code Enforcement Officer
Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes
May 25 , 1994
PRESENT : Dan Walker, Fred Noteboom, John Whitcomb , and David Klein
Meeting started at 8 : 10 a. m .
BRUSH AND WEEDS : Fred Noteboom opened the meeting by discussing
the current procedure for Town residents and contractors who bring
brush and leaves to the Town Barn and who take chips and composting
( end product of brush and leaves brought to the Barn) . John
Whitcomb expressed concern regarding where the chips and composting
are being taken, since it is supposed to be limited to Town
residents. David Klein asked if we limit the amount of material
being taken, and Fred answered no. John asked what hours residents
could pick up and drop off materials, and Fred indicated that only
during normal working hours . Dan Walker indicated that the Town, .
should not load vehicles (with chips or composting ) . Fred reminded
the Committee that Kathy Valentino had suggested that boxes be put
out in front of the Town Barn gates so that residents could get
materials after hours .
It was decided that the Town would put either piles out front or
boxes, people would have to load their own vehicles with materials ,
and we would try to limit the amount of materials taken to one
truck load ( signage would be provided with this information ) .
CHASE LANE : Dan discussed that presently there is a temporary
easement ( from 1990 ) which the Town can use as a turn around. The
property owner is anxious to put in a driveway. The development
ran into problems when it was discovered that the road for Phase II
of the project is on a designated wetlands. Consequently, an
easement on the project was changed and two property owners built
houses near the easement. This easement is an access road which
has not been finished. Another property owner wants the easement
removed so they can sell their property (which the easement runs
through) . John indicated that he was reluctant to give up the
temporary easement until the rest of Chase Lane is built, and David
agreed. David asked how long the cul-da-sac is, and Dan indicated
about 2000 feet ( subdivision regulations limit cul-de-sacs to 1 ,000
feet) .
There was no determination made regarding Chase Lane because it was
just put on the agenda for an overview in case it is brought before
the Town Board.
SANDBANK ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY: Dan updated the Committee on the
current right-of-way, indicating that it was unclear if the Town
had abandoned it or not. The property owner on the right-of-way
feels that the Town should be maintaining the right-of-way. There
is a water main on it. Dan indicated that the right-of-way could
C ) be used for a trail that the City, State , and Town are in the
process of developing. Fred indicated that the Town could put oil
and stone on the right-of-way to preserve it.
It was decided that more research on the right-of-way is needed and
that Dan will work on that.
CODDINGTON ROAD/TROY ROAD WATER: Dan informed the Committee that
surveys had been sent to the residents on Coddington Road and Troy
Road regarding their present water situation. We are hoping to get•
these surveys back in the mail, but the ones we don't we will call
on the phone .
Dan will draft the results of this survey.
WEST HAVEN SEWER: It was felt that a survey (of the people
involved) did not need to be completed since the people had already
signed a petition—indicating the willingness to participate , so Dan
authorized a design study to be started. A report will . be
available at the Town Board Meeting.
David Klein asked if all the various water and sewer projects were
creating staffing problems. Dan felt they were not since most of
the jobs are small. He did indicate that the Engineering
Department was in the process of working on Coddington Road and
Danby Road' s sewers replacing such things as pipes, etc.
Dan indicated that the Engineering Department is trying to move
toward the Town maintaining their own sewers in the future.
David asked about the infiltration in the Northeast and where it
was in the processing. Dan indicated that next week construction
should begin. Fred pointed out that 'one of the manholes on
Blackstone Avenue was in very, bad shape and that a contractor will
be fixing it in the near future. Dan demonstrated that the Town
staff could not handle this type of job with the current equipment
and lack of staff. It was discussed that if the Town moves toward
a department of public works, we will need more staff—possibly two
more people . Dan also indicated that the Town should be spending
around $150,000 to $200,000 a year for maintenance of the sewer and
water systems with the Town staff doing their own work. Fred
reminded the Committee that the Highway Superintendent will be
studying the possibility of a department of public works . It was
felt that the currently Assistant Engineer position should be
upgraded as his qualifications are very good.
Dan explained that the City of Ithaca has a Superintendent of
Public Works and two Assistant Superintendents—one for water and
sewer and one for streets and facilities.
TOWN HALL: Dan went to a meeting with the Post Office officials
and City of Ithaca personnel regarding the future of the Post
Office building in Downtown Ithaca. There are two options . One is
for the Post Office to figure out how much space they will need for
surplus and then sell the building with the option that the Post
Office can lease space . The other is to enter into a long term
lease , with the leasee leasing back space for the Post Office . Dan
indicated that governmental entities will have preference over the
private sector. David considered that leasing the building may
drive the Town of Ithaca' s operational costs up, plus the Town
would have to complete some renovations in the building. Dan
indicated that the Town is very interested in the Post Office
building. David had concerns about how fast the Post Office will
establish their space needs. Dan said within two weeks,
consequently David feels the Town should move ahead with hiring a
consultant and put together a study for the Town Board to consider.
Meeting adjourned at 9 : 20 a.m.
ghk •