HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 1997-09-25 DISPOSITION DATE
Public Works Committee Minutes
September 25, 1997
Present: David Klein, Chairperson; Cathy Valentino; Ed Conley; Fred
Noteboom; Dan Walker; and Rich Schoch
Guests: Jonathan Kanter
The meeting began at 8:05 a.m.
Budget Discussion
Fred Noteboom asked the Committee if they had any questions regarding the Highway
Department's budgets. He indicated that there were few changes from last year.
David asked if capital improvements (to the Highway facility) will be put in the budget this
year again. Fred said yes, and that there is a separate line item for the RFP.
David asked if there should be some type of provision for the unused portion of the 1997
capital improvement's budget. Cathy Valentino indicated that there was not but that the
money would be available for use if needed.
Highway Facility RFP
Rich Schoch indicated that adequate lighting should be addressed in the RFP. David said that
it should be included in the electrical section. Rich also felt that security issues should be
addressed, along with fire alarms. David asked if this building should be classified under the
current Town Law regarding sprinkler systems. Dan Walker indicated that the Law refers to
multiple family dwellings, not commercial buildings. It was decided that security issues
should be added under 2a.
Rich indicated that there should be more than one point of exit and entry from the site. We
will add this in the RFP.
Rich also indicated that the name Highway Facility should be different since Water, Sewer,
Parks, and Highway materials and staff are housed there. There was a discussion on this and
it was decided that it should read "Highway/Parks Facility".
David indicated that the RFP's should be submitted in sealed bids and the costs should be
done separately. Fred thanked David on all his efforts on this document.
This should be added to the November Town Board Meeting for their final approval.
Public Works Committee Minutes Page 2
After that, a mail out for architectural firms will be started.
Discussion on Caldwell Road, Wildflower Drive, Strawberry Hill Road, and Warren Road
Caldwell Road. Fred said that the main points of fixing Caldwell Road are, better road base,
making it less hazardous, and not to encourage traffic.
Fred indicated that Bruce Brittian, Forest Home Association, prepared a proposal for the
changing of this road. Some of his proposed changes include moving the road over at the
intersection of Plantations, straightening the road out, and leaving the top section (towards
366) alone, citing that the road should be left "rural" so as to not encourage more traffic on it.
Cathy indicated that the Town of Ithaca/Cornell University Transportation Committee has
reviewed this road also. Jonathan Kanter indicated that a summary of the Committee's
discussions are as follows: Put turning lanes in and possible a stop sign at Caldwell Road and
Forest Home Drive, cutting and changing the alignment of the hill section, continued 10'
lanes, and 4' shoulders, subsurface drainage and realign the intersection at Plantations. The
Committee discussed parking issues also. Fred and Dan felt that underground drainage and
swales would be better for the shoulders of the road.
There was a discussion regarding Cornell University's plans to put a bike and pedestrian path
in, so they would not have to use Caldwell Road.
David asked if this project would be bid out or done in-house. Fred indicated that at this
point, he felt that we would be able to do the work in-house, although he will know better
after the design is drawn up.
There was a brief discussion regarding Cornell's enforcement of no parking in the area. Cathy
will look into this.
David asked how much construction is being considered. Fred indicate that the whole road--
between Forest Home Drive and Route 366.
Fred indicated that he as been, and will continue to discuss the project with the Forest Home
Association. Cathy indicated that we should summarize in writing all meeting with the FHA.
Fred would like to have a design for this road within the next few months. Dan indicated that
they have started on it. Dan said that he will bring base data and some designs to the next
Committee meeting.
Wildflower Drive and Strawberry Hill Road. Fred indicated that there has been drainage
problems there for a long time. The Eastwood Commons Neighborhood Association is
working with the Town (and TG Millers) to alleviate some of these problems. The
Association has already indicated that they are willing to purchase 865 feet of pipe and a catch
basin to work in conjunction with the Town's repaving and upgrading the drainage on those
Public Works Committee Minutes Page 3
two streets. Fred has a letter of commitment for this. This project is schedule for in-house in
Warren Road Sidewalk. It was decided that there was no great need for sidewalks, but that
wider paved shoulders and underground drainage is needed there. Cathy indicated that the
Town is concerned about the drainage in that area and the Town needs to communicate with
Tompkins County on this. Fred and Dan will continue to work with the County staff
members. It was discussed that the three Tompkins County Board of Representatives for the
Town need to be kept informed.
Again, it was decided that written summaries of each meeting need to be give to the County
staff members and the Board of Representatives for the Town of Ithaca.
Discussion on Winners Circle Trail
Rich explained that there are new owners at 5 Winners Circle and when the abstract was
done, it indicates that the Town trail is on their property. There has been much discussion
about how to proceed. We have decided that the best way is to move the trail. We will start
this in October. David felt that we should send a letter to the owners of 5 Winner's Circle
outlining the procedure. Rich will send the letter.
Discussion on Hallberg Proposal
Fred indicated that Ed Hallberg is proposing to give the Town the "Manos" property (by
Ridgecrest Road). This will allow the Town to relocate the proposed trail and have room for
basketball courts, etc. If this proposal is accepted, it would not disrupt the willow tree, would
allow us to form better drainage in the area, and make a more direct trail.
There was a discussion on possible need for a walkway on E. King Road to connect to the
proposed trail. Jonathan indicated that the Planning Board discussed this too.
Jonathan will continue working on this. Fred indicated that Mr. Hallberg would like to
complete the transaction before December.
Discussion on Deer Run Drainage
Fred indicated there is a diversion ditch which goes to a retention pond, although the
retention pond does not hold water. The Town Highway Department would like to rework
the pond so that it may alleviate some drainage problems in the Deer Run area. Fred
indicated that the Deer Run Association is willing to give the Town easements to the pond
and diversion ditch. It was indicated that if easements were obtained we would be able to
maintain this drainage system. This needs to be in writing.
Public Works Committee Minutes Page 4
Rich indicated that a security fence would be needed. Cathy indicated that this project may
be something that could be worked on with money from the Storm Water Management line
Discussion on Water Tank Paintings
Dan indicated that specifications have been put together to bid on water tank painting. We
have decided to include four tanks to be painted, prioritizing them. Dan indicated that we
will have eight separate bids (interior and exterior for all four tanks). He said that the work
would not be completed until 1998, but half the funds will come from 1997 funds.
The time line is as such: Bid specifications to the Town Board for approval in October, bid
opening in November, and Town Board approval of bids in December.
Storm Water Management Update
Dan indicated that they are still processing the field data. He also indicated that some field
work data needs to be recompiled. His preliminary findings are that culvert pipes need to be
He expressed some concerns over the changes in drainage at the BOCES site. They seem to
forget to talk to the Town about any drainage issues when building. Cornell seems to be
more cooperative. Cathy felt that we need to set up a meeting with BOCES representatives
and discuss this issue.
Fred indicated that he needs to know soon what type of workload will be required of the
Highway crews regarding Storm Water Management, so that we can better schedule for next
year. David asked if the work could be done in-house or should be bonded. Cathy indicated
that a list of priority needs to be established and then a meeting needs to be set up so that the
Northeast residents can be informed.
Jonathan asked if the Town will hire CIVITAS students again in the summer to continue
surveying the Town regarding storm water management. Dan said yes. There was a
discussion as to which section to do next. South Hill and Eastern Heights areas may be able
to be surveyed together next year. Fred indicated there seems to be problems developing on
West Hill since Eco-Village has been constructed.
There was a discussion on the building permit regulations and drainage.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
r -
Town of Ithaca Public Works Committee Meeting
September 25, 1997, 8:00 a.m.
Town of Ithaca Highway Facility
1. Discussion on Budget Proposal
2. Discussion on Highway RFP
3. Discussion on Caldwell Road, Wildflower Drive and Strawberry Hill Road and Warren
Road Sidewalk
4. Discussion on Winner Circle Trail
5. Discussion on the Hallberg Proposal
6. Discussion on Deer Run Drainage
7. Discussion on Water Tank Paintings
8. Update on Storm Water Management
pc: Mary Bryant, Administrative Secretary
Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk
Andrew Frost, Director of Zoning/Building
Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning
Request for Proposal __11���
Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study
I. Project Overview
The Town of Ithaca Town Board is soliciting proposals from architectural firms for a feasibility
study for the Town Highway Facility. The architectural consultant will also be asked to prepare
a feasibility study to evaluate the existing facility and future expansion.
The feasibility study will include:
1. Evaluation of space needs for administrative staff, operations staff; and
equipment/machinery with future projections included.
2. An analysis of the existing building and site conditions.
3. Schematic design for additions and alternations.
4. Construction cost estimates for renovations and additional space.
The Town Board has directed the Highway Superintendent and the Public Works Committee to
prepare this Request for Proposals because of the acute need for improved facilities to allow
Town staff to effectively serve Town residents and the operations equipment space needs.
II. Background
The Town of Ithaca Town Highway Facility has been located at 106 Seven Mile Drive since
1977. This structure is a pre-engineered building (blue prints available) of 10,800 square feet
with a 1,300 square foot area on the second floor. There is a salt storage shed with a storage area
on the back side for small equipment, road work signs, etc. On site there is a 400 square foot
trailer that houses three staff members, maps, and two computers. The Town recently purchased
a pole (storage) barn that was,converted into a wood workshop and equipment storage area. This
building is 2,400 square feet. Topographic and survey maps are available for these facilities and
the property.
During the 20-year period that the Town Highway facility has occupied 106 Seven Mile Drive,
the Town's population and service requirements have grown requiring an increase in staff and
III. Project Scope
The objective of this feasibility study is to prepare an optimal schematic design and cost
estimates for an expanded Town Highway Facility. This study shall include:
RFP for Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study Page 2
1. An evaluation of space needs based on current staffing and Town provided staff
projections. The consultant shall develop a recommendation of space
requirements based on current industry standards for a public works type
maintenance facility. The space requirement should be summarized and include
needs for existing and projected net square footage along with an estimate of
gross square footage. Special mechanical, electrical or equipment requirements
shall be noted.
a. Heated storage for equipment and supplies.
1. Dust control and air quality.
2. Insulation and heating system.
3. Electrical services.
4. Storage for equipment under cover.
b. Wash bay facility.
c. Cold storage for equipment and supplies.
1. Salt storage facilities.
2. Supplies and materials storage.
3. Covered equipment storage.
d. Office Space.
1. Adequate office space.
2. Break Room/Lunch Room/Meeting Room/Locker Room
3. Supplies and material storage(Records Management)
e. Work space in mechanical shop.
1. Fluid storage.
2. Parts storage.
3. Maintenance bays.
4. Fabrication shop.
2. Analysis of existing buildings and site conditions.
a. A review of the existing buildings and site conditions including
mechanical systems, site infrastructure, structural systems, electrical and
lighting system, and architectural elements. Of special interest is the
existing condition of the water and sewer service, electrical service,
plumbing systems,heating, cooling and ventilation, dust control, air
quality, insulation, energy efficiency, etc.
RFP for Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study Page 3
h_ b. The physical analysis shall also include a determination of the compliance
and/or noncompliance with New York State Building, Fire and Energy
Codes and how those compliance issues will affect the nature and cost of
additions to the building. An opinion as to ADA compliance and costs for
code issues compliance will also be addressed.
3. The objective of this element is to provide a schematic design for a Town
Highway Facility allowing for efficient and comfortable work space for
administrative and operations staff by allowing for effective communication,
streamlined access to shared, and to provide a safe, secure, and efficient delivery
of services to the public. The program should include issues of accessibility to the
buildings and parking requirements. The development of a schematic design for
remodeling of the building and site should include alternatives for modification of
the building to meet the program needs of the Town.
4. Construction cost estimates for an expanded and renovated facility shall be
provided by the consultant. Cost estimates shall be suitable for preliminary
budgeting purposes, include itemized building construction costs, site
construction costs, as well as a strategy for phased construction to be implemented
over several years. The consultant should also note work that might be performed
wJ by the Town's own forces.
IV. General Terms and Conditions
The Town of Ithaca intends to enter into a contract with the architect selected by the Town Board
as best qualified to act as a design consultant for the Town. The agreement will specify the terms
and conditions of the services to be provided and will be consistent with the items of work
specified in this request for proposals.
V. Project Reports and Presentations
The architect will work under the direction of the Town Highway Superintendent and the Public
Works Committee during the feasibility study.
The feasibility study will cover all of the requirements outlined in the scope of work, including a
space needs evaluation and program development, physical analysis, schematic design, and a
cost analysis.
Presentations will be made to the Public Works Committee upon completion of each phase of the
feasibility study. A final report (feasibility study) will be provided by the architect and presented
to the Public Works Committee and Town Board.
RFP for Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study Page 4
VI. Submission Requirements
All firms are requested to submit eight(8) copies of, at least,the following information:
1. Name of firm and principals in firm.
2. Names, positions in firm, resumes and project assignment of the personnel
expected to work on this project.
3. Names, resumes and references for consultants that the architect intends to retain
for this project.
4. Description of how the architect will approach each of the tasks listed in the scope
of project,including a description of how the project team will be organized.
5. Provide a brief description of similar projects the firm has completed, the names
and addresses of the clients, and the name and telephone number of a contact
person for each client.
6. Schedule to complete the work.
t i 7. Proposed fee(one copy, in separate, sealed envelope).
VII. Submission Schedule
All proposals must be received in the offices of the Town Clerk, 126 E. Seneca Street, Ithaca,
New York 14850 no later than 4:00 P.M. (DATE).
VIII. Evaluation Factors
Evaluation and selection of the consultant is based on the following factors: experience,
availability, technical expertise, accessibility, and fee. Up to three firms will be selected for an
1. Experience of the firm in the development of architectural plans and construction
cost estimates for facilities and rehabilitation/reuse projects that are similar to the
proposed project. The architect should provide detailed information on any
projects similar in scope that were completed successfully.
2. Availability and ability of the architect to complete the feasibility study. The
architect should include the earliest date available to begin work with a
description of other contracts and commitments that could limit architectural
(' ` ` services during the next three months.
RFP for Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study Page 5
3. Technical expertise in projects similar to the proposed project. The proposal
should highlight any special skills, techniques, equipment, etc. which will be
utilized in conjunction with the needs evaluation and feasibility study.
4. Accessibility of the architect and their staff so the Town of Ithaca staff have the
opportunity to confer either in person or by telephone on a regular basis regarding
any aspect of the project. The architect should indicate any limits on calls, hours
5. Proposed fee (a consideration, but not sole, determining factor).
Following the interviews, the Highway Superintendent and the Public Works Committee will
make a recommendation to the Town Board as to which firm most closing meet the requirements
of the RFP. Upon approval by the Town Board, contract negotiations will begin.
IX. General Information
Proposals are to be prepared on 8-1/2" x 11" paper. All pages are to be sequentially numbered.
Unnecessarily elaborate proposals are not desired. Consultants are urged to be concise in their
presentation, particularly with respect to past experience on other projects. Related experience is
, essential, with specific details describing the finn's involvement and responsibilities.
This request for proposals does not commit the Town of Ithaca to pay costs incurred in the
preparation of a response to this request or to procure professional services. The Town of Ithaca •
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to
negotiate with any qualified consultant, or to cancel in part or its entirety this RFP.
All proposals and supporting materials prepared under this request by the consultant will become
the property of the Town of Ithaca.
The proposal shall be considered valid for the period of time it takes to negotiate a contract with
the consultant.
The proposal submitted in response to this request may contain data which the consultant, or
his/her proposed subcontractors, do not want disclosed for any purpose other than the evaluation
of the proposal. The use and disclosure of any such data may be so restricted, provided the
consultant identifies the pages of the proposal that are to be confidential and such request is not
inconsistent with Town Law or General Municipal Law.
The consultant is required to have professional liability insurance in an amount not less than
RFP for Town Highway Facility Feasibility Study Page 6
X. Further Information
For further information about this project or to schedule a tour of the facility, contact either:
Fred Noteboom,Highway Superintendent, Town of Ithaca, or
Gail Kroll,Administrative Assistant,Town of Ithaca.
Both can be reached Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.at
106 Seven Mile Drive
Ithaca,New York 14850
PHONE: (607) 273-1656
FAX: (607) 272-6076
E-MAIL: highway®town.ithaca.ny.us